Just Released DVD’s by Rod Meldrum


Watch 5 Minute Trailer Below

Visualizing Book of Mormon Chronology PROMO – Rod Meldrum 5.5 Min from Color My Media on Vimeo.

Visualizing the Book of Mormon Chronology

You’ll have, for the first time ever, an eagle’s eye view of the Mississippian ceremonial complexes of Georgia, the enigmatic Serpent Mound in Ohio, visually stunning photographs and video of sacred temples and Church History sites as you discover the hidden beauty of this sacred Promised Land of America – the stunningly beautiful lands of the Book of Mormon!

Heartland Hinterland Hypothesis

Join Book of Mormon scholar and best-selling author Rod Meldrum as he lays out a deeper understanding of not only where the Book of Mormon took place, but how the Mesoamerican peoples fit into what happened on in North America between the end of the Nephite civilization and the arrival of the European colonists.  The story is absolutely fascinating!

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