Artifacts of Christ in North America Part 3

Mark of the Michigan Mound Builders
Yod-Hey-Vau (Ojibwa Tongue)
The Creator’s Son
Deity or God
Son of the Right Hand
Egyptian Discovery of America
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The special LDS editions of the Ancient American contain approx. 39 pages each, covering a wide variety of topics from Native American Traditions, Archeological evidence of the Book of Mormon in North America, and writings from Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon leaving no doubt that America is the “The Promise Land” of the scriptures.


Annals of the Cakchiquels. Title of the Lords of Totonicapan, published by University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. OK. 1953, Translated by Della Goetz

Book of Mormon, published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1987

Christ in North America, published by Resource Communications Inc., Tigard, OR, 1963, Delbert W. Curtis

Fair Gods and Feathered Serpents, published by Horizon Publishers, Bountiful, UT, 1997, Professor Terry O’Brien

Gospel of the Great Spirit, published by Morning Star Pub, Zion. USA. 1990. Joshua M. Bennett

He Walked the Americas, published by Legend Press, Amherst, WI, 1963. L. Taylor Hansen

History of the Ojibwa People, published by Minnesota Historical Society Press, St.Paul, MN. 1984, William W. Warren

Holy BibleKing James Version, Old and New Testament, published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1987

Ancient American Volume l, Issue #5, Stone, Clay, Copper, Archives of the Past, March/April 1994, The Mystic Symbol Demystified, David A. Deal

Ancient American Volume 2, Issue #9, Inca Stone, March/April 1995, The Mystic Symbol Demystified, Kenneth Moore.

 Courtesy: Ancient American Magazine