Some Professors that teach at BYU trouble me big time. I know the Prophet and Apostles are men of God and they hire the many Professors, CES Teachers, Scientists, and Historians, but that does not mean that all of these educators that are hired, teach the full principles of the true gospel. Many of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing and we members of Christ’s true church must discern truth vs. error. It is part of our calling as Christians. We shouldn’t judge, but it is certainly righteous to call out evil when we see it. It is wrong to judge the Church based on intellectuals who don’t follow the doctrine of the Savior.
False Doctrine
“I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
Troubled Secularism
I continue to be troubled by the amount of secular learning our children are learning at elementary, junior high, high school, and especially at college. The Critical Race Theory (CRT) is happening everywhere and it is not good. It teaches the Black race of people as always victims and the White race are always aggressors and guilty of racism. There cannot be a unity if there is always racism. This is wrong. The Savior said that we should become one just as He and His Father are one. I have no white guilt and I love all people regardless of their race or creed. Let’s come together in Christ, not become divided.
I do not have a degree in higher education, but I have been around the block a few times and have studied hard about life and politics and religion. I am a life long and in good standing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am thankful for a strong testimony of our Savior and His scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I have always loved BYU and especially their sports. My father graduated from BYU in 1954. I have become more and more critical of many of the secular doctrines that BYU teaches. It hasn’t affected my testimony or love of the Prophet and Apostles by any means, but my concern is, are children strong in spirit enough to withstand the many secular teachings at BYU?
I am not judging the school but I am worried there are so many Professors not just teaching theory such as evolution, but teaching it as doctrine. This is easily provable. BYU Provo and Idaho are certainly fantastic institutions, but don’t expect your children to be shielded by Church doctrine at these schools. There are many wonderful professors but I believe there are are also some professors that care more about their own intelligence than about sharing Christian values with our children.
The downfall of the Church will never be between those who tout the Mesoamerican Theory of geography, vs. the Heartlanders who witness of a North American geography, but between the truth of the gospel and the great and spacious building who think they are smarter than the Brethren. Some of the so-called smart intellectuals are leading us to the separation of the wheat and tares. Of course, I am not saying all intellectuals, but so many historians and professors are teaching the philosophies of men on purpose. For example. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say anything about Joseph using a single seer stone in a hat to translate the plates, and yet there are over 8 scriptures and the firsthand testimony of Joseph and Oliver that testify the spectacles and breastplate or Interpreters, were used to translate.
Click the link below to get my list of 16 quotes here and it will help you with that argument as you study and pray about it. See my free pdf of information about how the breastplate and spectacles were used for the complete translation. HERE:[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”6 page Proper Translation of the Book of Mormon”]
“I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. PackerElder Packer also said, “This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons”. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“..We have to be careful that love and empathy do not get interpreted as condoning and advocacy, or that orthodoxy and loyalty to principle not be interpreted as unkindness or disloyalty to people. As near as I can tell, Christ never once withheld His love from anyone, but He also never once said to anyone, “Because I love you, you are exempt from keeping my commandments.” We are tasked with trying to strike that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives.” Source:
Honoring our Stewardships
“As members of the Church we have some close quarters to pass through if we are to save our souls. As the Church gets larger some men have increasing responsibility and more and more duties must be delegated. We all have stewardships for which we must account to the Lord.
Unfortunately some men who do not honor their stewardships may have an adverse affect on many people. Often the greater the man’s responsibility the more good or evil he can accomplish. The Lord usually gives a man a long enough rope and sufficient time to determine whether that man wants to pull himself into the presence of God or drop off somewhere below.
There are some regrettable things being said and done by some people in the Church today. As President Clark so well warned, “The ravening wolves are amongst us, from our own membership and they, more than any others, are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood…. We should be careful of them.”
Sometimes from behind the pulpit, in our classrooms, in our Council meetings and in our church publications we hear, read or witness things that do not square with the truth. This is especially true where freedom is involved. Now do not let this serve as an excuse for your own wrong-doing. The Lord is letting the wheat and the tares mature before he fully purges the Church. He is also testing you to see if you will be misled. The devil is trying to deceive the very elect.”
How a New Instagram Page is Exposing Apostate BYU Professors
I love BYU. My parents met at BYU. My older brother went to BYU, I grew up in Orem always dreaming about the day I would go to BYU and graduate, and if it was not for a crystal clear personal revelation I had to go to UVU, I would be a senior at BYU right now. Within that context, it breaks my heart to share with you the grave apostasy that is taking place among the faculty and staff at BYU. My wife goes to BYU and over the past year, she has shared with me the apostate teachings of her professors. One professor taught her that it is 100% okay to masturbate if you have the goal of trying to find out what pleasures you so that you can share that knowledge with your spouse. It broke my heart to hear that her professors were teaching this. But tonight one of my friends shared a new movement called “Keeping Faith at BYU” with me. ( and on twitter).
These social media pages are an anonymous place for BYU students to expose the apostate nature of their professors. At first, I figured it would be professors who were progressive/liberal pushing political ideology. But when I looked up the posts they were sharing, it is much worse than simply pushing politics, there is full-blown apostasy going on in Provo. These apostate BYU professors are teaching against the Family Proclamation, denouncing doctrines like personal responsibility, agency, or the law of chastity, and they are using their position within the church to speak out against the Church authorities. I want to share just a few of their posts.
Reading these posts made my stomach curl, what has happened to BYU? I don’t believe all the professors are apostate, but the house needs to be cleaned. We must demand that the gospel is the center and framework for all teaching at BYU. The gospel contains all truth of every field of study, no truth exists except it is embraced by the gospel. The purpose of BYU is to allow for the study of any given topic from the foundational understanding that restored gospel truth brings. Joseph F Smith taught, “There is no truth in any other religious society or organization, which is not included in the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and after him by the leaders and elders of this Church; but it requires some effort on our part, some exertion, some devotion, to learn of and to enjoy these things.” Yet many times BYU students feel like they can’t mingle the gospel with their studies, for example:
This ought not to be at BYU! We must have teachers who embrace the gospel truths in their respective fields and teach the gospel perspective of their fields to their students. John Taylor addressed the need to have good teachers when he said: “Whatever you do, be choice in your selection of teachers. We do not want infidels to mold the minds of our children. They are a precious charge bestowed upon us by the Lord, and we cannot be too careful in rearing and training them. I would rather have my children taught the simple rudiments of a common education by men of God, and have them under their influence, than have them taught in the most abstruse [or complex] sciences by men who have not the fear of God in their hearts.” These professors are not just rogue professors at a state university, they are not even just members pushing their ideas as doctrine, these professors are practicing priestcraft, they are being paid with the tithing funds of the Church. Think about that, the widow’s mite is paying professional apostates who are actively teaching the philosophies of men, mingled with scripture! Prophetic are the words of Harold B. Lee that perfectly describe these professors: There are those in the Church who speak of themselves as liberals who, as one of our former presidents has said, “read by the lamp of their own conceit.” (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine [Deseret Book Co., 1939], p. 373.)
One time I asked one of our Church educational leaders how he would define a liberal in the Church. He answered in one sentence: “A liberal in the Church is merely one who does not have a testimony.” Dr. John A. Widtsoe, former member of the Quorum of the Twelve and an eminent educator, made a statement relative to this word liberal as it applied to those in the Church. This is what he said: “The self-called liberal [in the Church] is usually one who has broken with the fundamental principles or guiding philosophy of the group to which he belongs. … He claims membership in an organization but does not believe in its basic concepts; and sets out to reform it by changing its foundations.
As members of the Church, we need to speak up and speak out against the apostate faculty and staff at BYU. We need a cleansing of the inner vessel. Am I calling for these professors to be fired? Yes, I am 100% advocating that BYU fire any and all faculty and staff that are actively teaching against the very organization that they belong to! Not only do I believe those who teach against the gospel should be fired at BYU, when warranted I believe they should be excommunicated for using their position of authority within the church to destroy the testimony of the youth and lead them into apostasy. To quote President Benson, “Watchmen—what of the night? We must respond by saying that all is not well in Zion. As Moroni counseled, we must cleanse the inner vessel (see Alma 60:23), beginning first with ourselves, then with our families, and finally with the Church.” Cleansing the inner vessel, General Conference, April 1986.
So what can we do? We can stand up and make our voices heard. If you have stories of apostate professors share them, You can follow the social media accounts for Keeping Faith at BYU: Keeping Faith at BYU on Twitter Keeping Faith at BYU on Instagram Keeping Faith at BYU on Facebook You can sign the petition to have BYU retrench (return the roots of the gospel). The petition to retrench at BYU is on You can also share this blog post, and these pages with your friends and family and raise awareness about what is happening at BYU. If you are sending your children to BYU, you can encourage them to stand for truth and against professors. Teach them to think critically and value standing for truth more than a grade. There are things more important than GPA’s. Encourage them not to simply drop the class with rogue professors and let them preach their false doctrines unopposed, but to stand for truth and challenge the professor. You can pray for the brave students are standing against their professors, and also pray for the students who are not standing out of fear that they will find the courage to stand up for truth. I believe in BYU. I believe in its mission. Let us cleanse our personal vessels, family vessels, and then let us do our duty stand up and speak out to help cleanse and maintain the purity of the Church and BYU. If you liked this article, you might like these other articles about BYU and Brigham Young.
Dear Brigham Young haters: Leave my prophet alone!The three underlying issues behind the BYU honor code protests.
At a recent post over at BCC, a tenured BYU-X professor communicates some anxiety about CES’ new direction, which is certainly their right, but in doing so the author calls the people who made this decision (i.e. the brethren, if that wasn’t clear from Elder Holland’s talk) autocrats, and prominently displays the fasces at the top of the post. Now, I don’t know if this is a weird attempt at a “they who have ears to hear” thing, but the fasci is a well-established symbol of fascism. Implying that the people who actually have the power to do anything about this are autocratic fascists isn’t going to help their case. While as a matter of principle I think non-inflammatory rhetoric is generally best, for what it’s worth I’m on the other side of this. However, I’m actually skeptical that the new direction will achieve much, although I might be wrong. It doesn’t matter if all the deans are on board with the church’s “teachings on marriage, family, and gender” (which they aren’t, in at least one case I’m aware of); I suspect that the faculty who fundamentally disagree with the Church on hot button social topics and are in part at BYU to “reform” the Church through its institutions will just lay low and continue to hire the kind of people who also fundamentally disagree with the Church and are trying to reform it. I suspect that the concern over arbitrariness, while valid, is also in part simply masking a concern that the Church is putting their foot down on the expectation that faculty’s primary ideological loyalties lie with the Church when its teachings directly conflict with another ideology (usually the predominant ideology of the academic discipline). For example, a less “bishop roulette” and more “one size fits all” alternative that I suspect would cause even more gnashing of teeth is for the Church to ask more direct questions (e.g. do you support the Church’s theological position that only a man and woman married together can be exalted? Do you believe that President Nelson is God’s most authorized representative on earth? For non-members maybe replace “support” with “respect”) that don’t leave any wiggle room like the current wording does. Then, the Church is very public and open about asking these questions, so eventually word gets around the relevant academic professional organizations that every BYU professor has signed a faith statement to that effect, essentially forcing BYU professors to be more transparent about where they stand instead of being coy about where their primary loyalties lie when the Church’s position conflicts with the predominant ideology in the field. If that makes it so BYU can’t recruit enough to field a full department, then so be it.
There are a lot of other places the widow’s mite can be spent, because at the end of the day BYU is not the gospel or the Church, and the mission of the Church is less dependent on recruiting a theorist from a top ten school than some academics think. The implicit threat that the departments will be hollowed out if the Church presses these issues does not have much leverage, as I suspect the Board of Trustees would be fine if the English Department was operating at half strength. (Although I have no idea where the BYU English Department is on these issues, for all I know they’re all Molly Mormons who never skipped seminary). Of course, it’s not my place to tell the First Presidency what to do here, but I’m making the point that from some perspectives the new direction is less restrictive than it could, and possibly should be in order to get BYU faculty on-mission.
“I love being a part of the diversity committee in the College of Life Sciences. Helping students to become actively antiracist is one of the most important things I’ve done as a BYU faculty member. The affirmation Black Lives Matter has helped me see the importance of working towards a more inclusive BYU for all its students.” Steven Peck COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES DIVERSITY COMMITEE BYU Impact Magazine page 27
This troublesome Newsweek article by Steven Peck still disturbs me after all these years. Read it below.
Also a very concerning article in LDS living is from an intelligent member of the church who affiliates with Bok of Mormon Central and other apologetic groups, here called 5 Answers to Difficult Questions About Noah and the Flood. Do not yield your faith in payment for an advanced degree or for the recognition and acclaim of the world. Do not turn away from the Lord nor from his Church nor from his servants. You are needed—oh, how you are needed! It may be that you will lay your scholarly reputation and the acclaim of your colleagues in the world as a sacrifice upon the altar of service. They may never understand the things of the Spirit as you have a right to do. They may not regard you as an authority or as a scholar. Just remember, when the test came to Abraham, he didn’t really have to sacrifice Isaac. He just had to be willing to. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
The purpose this blog, is to share some information, that I would love our Church to consider in regard to the geography of the Book of Mormon.
I understand the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which says on their website, “Some believe that the history depicted in the Book of Mormon occurred in North America, while others believe that it occurred in Central America or South America. Although Church members continue to discuss such theories today, the Church takes no position on the geography of the Book of Mormon except that the events it describes took place in the Americas.” Gospel Topic Essays
I understand CES has approved and handed out many copies of these maps created by Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffin as I show below.
Here is what LDS Living Magazine said about these maps. “Creating a map or a virtual app for Book of Mormon geography has been a bit more challenging because there is no widely accepted location to pin on our modern maps.
While many individuals and groups forward various theories on Book of Mormon geography, the LDS Church officially holds a position of neutrality as to geographic locations.
Some members are either apathetic or confused by proposed Book of Mormon geography models. Tyler and Taylor sympathize with the challenge many learners experience and are motivated to bring some sense of clarity and meaning to learning Book of Mormon geography.
In this LDS Perspectives Podcast, Nick Galieti discusses the usefulness of mapping Book of Mormon geography with Tyler Griffin and Taylor Halverson.
Their efforts are not aimed at situating the Book of Mormon within Americabut rather within the text. They hope that their app will facilitate more in-depth study from youth who are often confused by the geographic references in the text.
The model may also help readers gain a respect for how geography plays a role in motivating characters in the Book of Mormon to make certain decisions.” Exploring the World of the Book of Mormon with Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griff[eth]in. LDS Living Aug 1, 2017
Unlike the effort of the CES map, the Heartland are aimed at the true setting for the Book of Mormon not just an effort to make the text match.
Two Manifestations
Elder Holland said, “But it should be noted that truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart…
Truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling…
I believe God intends us to find and use the evidence He has given—reasons, if you will—which affirm the truthfulness of His work…
Our testimonies aren’t dependent on evidence—we still need that spiritual confirmation in the heart of which we have spoken—but not to seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief when it is available is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a unique, persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation and sectarian debate…” Jeffrey R. Holland Greatness of the Evidences Brigham Young University August 16, 2017
New Scripture Central Video
In a new video by Scripture Central titled, “The Greatness of the Evidence | A Marvelous Work | Episode 1”, they are attempting to show the importance of two learning methods, as Elder Holland says, “two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling”
The information that the Heartland Group and Firm Foundation have been sharing now for over 20 years is attempting the same thing as Scripture Central has been, “The force of fact as well as the force of feeling.”
It seems to me that the Church has Scripture Central, and FairMormon maps and dialogue about Mesoamerica, yet Firm Foundation maps and information is not considered to be shown on our Church websites. Those Heartlanders like Rod Meldrum, Wayne May, Jonathan Neville, and Hannah Stoddard are mostly ignored by the Mesoamerican groups. I do acknowledge Kirk Magleby in the “Marvelous Work” new video, showed some possible evidence of the Book of Mormon in Tennessee, and I would appreciate the Church to show that same consideration.
Heartland Map vs Fantasy Map and RLDS Map
Here we compare the several maps presented by the RLDS Church in 1914 and the Fantasy Map of Scripture Central. The only difference between these two maps is the Fantasy map has been turned 90 degrees so the text of the Book of Mormon saying northward or southward matches better with the N-S position.
Now compare the Heartland map below with the Fantasy Map and notice they follow the same position of Nephite cities. The Land of Inheritance is at the bottom on the Fantasy map and it is Florida on the Heartland map, and Cumorah is at the top of the Fantasy map as a make believe place, and the Heartland map shows Cumorah in NY where is should be. Side by side notice Ether 10:20 and how the Heartland maps follows the text saying, “And they built a great city by the narrow neck of land, by the place where the sea divides the land“, [Sea is Erie and Ontario] and in the Meso map the opposite is shown that, the Land divides the sea.
Chosen Land, not Better Land
No land in the world is better than any other land, but the Lord Himself “chose” the area of America for the Garden of Eden, Adam-Ondi-Ahman, SLC, NY Cumorah and more. It is fine wherever you think the geography began. We are all entitled to our own opinions. Elder Perry said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012.
Also, Gordon B. Hinckley said, “I should like to say a few words about America…. No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America. I know that she has problems. We have heard so much of them for so long. But surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty….” Gordon B. Hinckley, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 1974.
President Monson said, “The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12). Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson 2011.
Lastly, Joseph Smith said while on Zions Camp in 1834 in Illinois on the banks of the Mississippi River, “The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity…” Joseph Smith Papers Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834 Page 56.
I love all people and all Lamanites, wherever they live, but in my opinion the Book of Mormon events began in the Heartland of America, and through war, marriage, migration, or other causes, many parts of South and Central America and the world in general, may possibly also have the blood of Father Lehi. But I believe the Book of Mormon events began in America. I know the Church is neutral on this subject, which I appreciate, but for me, the beginning was in this Promised Land of America. Thanks to Scripture Central for giving the Heartland Theory a say in their discoveries, as I pray the Church will consider as well.
Greatly Disturbed Faith
We know in this world today, that Satan is using every means necessary to deceive us, and I believe the world not thinking our Church knows where the Book of Mormon events began, just adds to that confusion. We even have Joseph Fielding Smith in about 1954, saying that including the Mesoamerican theory mingles with what Joseph Smith originally taught, will disturb the faith of our members, and it has.
Joseph Fielding Smith said, “This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case… It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all…
It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery. Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history.” Doctrines of Salvation Joseph Fielding Smith Chapter 12
“The world is becoming increasingly secular. It is essential for seminary and institute teachers to be ever more helpful and exemplary for young Latter-day Saints “who have to defend their faith while living in a culture that often denies it or, worse yet, demeans it.” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Seminaries and Institutes Annual Training Broadcast on June 12, 2019
I along with many others have heard asked, “Why does the geography matter?” Think of that question if we are speaking about Israel. Does it matter where the Savior was born, or where the Biblical events happened? Yes. At Mount Moriah where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac, the Lord made a special covenant with Abraham. The land around Mt Moriah was a covenant land and God’s people were given that covenant land as long as they are righteous. However, if they disobey the commandments, God’s people will be swept off that sacred land. The Hebrews, Muslims, and Christians fight over control over this one piece of land why? Because it is a beautiful piece of real estate? No, because it is a covenant land. All three religions say Mt Moriah is sacred to them and they are willing to die over it.
In the same token what is the Promised Land spoken of in the Book of Mormon? According to the Book of Mormon this Promised land must meet certain requirements to be the Promised Land. 1. No Kings upon the land 2. Land choice above all other lands 3. Land of Liberty 4. Land where sacred record is kept 5. Land kept from the knowledge of other nations. 6. Land of the New Jerusalem 7. Gentiles to scatter and afflict the Remnant. 8. The place where the Marvelous Work and Wonder happened. These are only 8 of 36 prophesies and promises in the Book of Mormon according to the book “Prophecies and Promises.” It makes sense to me that the USA is the Promised Land. Not Canada, Mexico, England, or South America.
As President Hinckley said, “I should like to say a few words about America…. No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America. I know that she has problems. We have heard so much of them for so long. But surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty….” Keep Faith with America, commencement address at Weber State University, Ogden, Utah on 6 May 1999 )
Israel and America
Just as Israel is a Promised Land forever, so the USA is a Promised Land forever and it does matter where this Promised Land is located. The Nephites practiced the Law of Moses. To do this they needed the following plants and animals to keep the Law. Sheep, Rams, Goats, Bullocks, Doves, Wheat, Barley, and Wine. None of these animals or items are found anywhere in Mesoamerica during the Nephites times, only in the Heartland of America. So, the land and where things happen is critical to us, and especially to the Lord.
If we in the Church cannot even decide among ourselves where the Book of Mormon happened, how confusing is that to our youth and adults? The Anti-Mormons love the idea that we don’t even know where our sacred scriptures happened. There are over 100 theories of where the Book of Mormon happened, including, Baja, Chile, Malaysia, Honduras, Peru, etc.
I pray that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will begin to make a clearer definition for where the events began in the Book of Mormon, or at least give equal time to the Heartland theory. There are great Lamanites and even Nephite descendants all over the world, but where did it all begin, that is an important question.
“Many an academic giant is at once a spiritual pygmy and, if so, he is usually a moral weakling as well. Such a man may easily become a self-appointed member of a wrecking crew determined to destroy the works of God.
“Beware of the testimony of one who is intemperate, or irreverent, or immoral, who tears down and has nothing to put in its place.” (In Conference Report, Apr. 1974, p. 138; or Ensign, May 1974, p. 95.)
Unbiased Definitions
Progressives tend to think of the world as a sort of blank slate that is meaningless in itself. On that view man becomes the creator of values, society becomes a system set up to bring about whatever goals people want it to serve, and it seems most sensible to design the system to help people attain whatever purposes they have, without playing favorites or interfering more than necessary with what they want to do…
Traditionalists view society and morality as natural rather than constructed. Since man is naturally social, society and morality are necessary to the world he inhabits and needed to make him what he truly is. That world is considered good in itself as well as productive of good, and to act socially and morally is to realize one’s own nature by participating in it. So the loyalty and authority that create a social world and make us part of it are natural to man and necessary for a good life.” Source
Is BYU getting too liberal? Here’s why some, amazingly, say it is.
By Peggy Fletcher Stack March 2021, SL Tribune
“There is “a wave of faculty” hired who “really do view the restored gospel as their secondary allegiance.” And that, he says, is a problem for a school trying to educate while building faith.
They come to BYU, where there are “quite a few faculty and students who do not believe in the principles in the proclamation on the family,” Ellsworth says. “Instead of having those views challenged and having the proclamation being articulated and explained and defended, they are having views contrary to the proclamation affirmed on campus…
Graduating senior Sam Crofts has definitely seen the school shift toward being “too liberal.”
In his major, political science, Crofts says, “I don’t know that I have had a single conservative professor, and that wasn’t my expectation coming to BYU.”
The Pleasant Grove resident wished there could be “a little more diversity of thought among the faculty. It is valuable for any educational experience to avoid the echo chamber.” Source
President Harold B. Lee,
Cautioned that some people may not follow the line of authority in the Church:
“We call upon you holders of the priesthood to stamp out any such [false doctrines] and to set to flight all such things as are creeping in, people rising up here and there who have had some ‘marvelous’ kind of a manifestation, as they claim, and who try to lead the people in a course that has not been dictated from the heads of the Church.
Joseph Smith wrote: “The great difficulty lies in the ignorance of the nature of spirits, of the laws by which they are governed, and the signs by which they may be known; if it requires the Spirit of God to know the things of God; and the spirit of the devil can only be unmasked through that medium, then it follows as a natural consequence that unless some person or persons have a communication, or revelation from God, unfolding to them the operation of the spirit, they must eternally remain ignorant of these principles. … Whatever we may think of revelation, … without it we can neither know nor understand anything of God, or the devil.” (History of the Church, 4:573–74.)
Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and Charles W. Penrose wrote in 1913 about those who make false claims or declare erroneous doctrines:
“When visions, dreams, tongues, prophecy, impressions or any extraordinary gift or inspiration conveys something out of harmony with the accepted revelations of the Church or contrary to the decisions of its constituted authorities, Latter-day Saints may know that it is not of God,no matter how plausible it may appear. Also they should understand that directions for the guidance of the Church will come, by revelation, through the head. All faithful members are entitled to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for themselves, their families, and for those over whom they are appointed and ordained to preside. But anything at discord with that which comes from God through the head of the Church is not to be received as authoritative or reliable. In secular as well as spiritual affairs, Saints may receive Divine guidance and revelation affecting themselves, but this does not convey authority to direct others, and is not to be accepted when contrary to Church covenants, doctrine or discipline, or to known facts, proven truths, or good common sense. No person has the right to induce his fellow members of the Church to engage in speculations or take stock in ventures of any kind on the specious claim of Divine revelation or vision or dream, especially when it is in opposition to the voice of recognized authority, local or general. The Lord’s Church ‘is a house of order.’ It is not governed by individual gifts or manifestations, but by the order and power of the Holy Priesthood as sustained by the voice and vote of the Church in its appointed conferences.
“The history of the Church records many pretended revelations claimed by imposters or zealots who believed in the manifestations they sought to lead other persons to accept, and in every instance, disappointment, sorrow and disaster have resulted therefrom. Financial loss and sometimes utter ruin have followed. …
“Be not led by any spirit or influence that discredits established authority, contradicts true scientific principles and discoveries, or leads away from the direct revelations of God for the government of the Church. The Holy Ghost does not contradict its own revealings. Truth is always harmonious with itself. Piety is often the cloak of error. The counsels of the Lord through the channel he has appointed will be followed with safety. Therefore, O! ye Latter-day Saints, profit by these words of warning.” (In Clark, Messages of the First Presidency, 4:285–86.) Source of most quotes here
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
“In 1971, Saul Alinsky wrote an entertaining classic on grassroots organizing titled Rules for Radicals. Those who prefer cooperative tactics describe the book as out-of-date. Nevertheless, it provides some of the best advice on confrontational tactics. Alinsky begins this way: What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away. His “rules” derive from many successful campaigns where he helped poor people fighting power and privilege…
According to Alinsky, the organizer, especially a paid organizer from outside, must first overcome suspicion and establish credibility. Next the organizer must begin the task of agitating: rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities, and searching out controversy. This is necessary to get people to participate. An organizer has to attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life where people have simply come to accept a bad situation. Alinsky would say, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization.” Source
Does this sound like a Traditionalist or a Progressive? This book by Saul Alinsky has been the guide book for years for political, influential, and progressive people on how to turn over a village, city, or county one step at a time into a radical and progressive place. It isn’t hard for you to google this book, to find out which prominent politicians acknowledge it is a wonderful influence in their lives.
In fact do you know who this evil book was written for and dedicated to by the author? Lucifer
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” — SAUL ALINSKY
As you read this manifesto above, does it sound like many countries of the world today including our own United States of America? In my opinion, yes. Unless we stick to the Traditions (Traditionalist) and values of the Lord Jesus Christ through His gospel, His scriptures, and His Prophets, we cannot achieve peace in this world and our goal to live with the Savior again will not be achieved.
Korihor is Alive
“And this Anti-Christ, whose name was Korihor, (and the law could have no hold upon him) began to preach unto the people that there should be no Christ. And after this manner did he preach, saying:
13 O ye that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, why do ye yoke yourselves with such foolish things? Why do ye look for a Christ? For no man can know of anything which is to come.
14 Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed down by holy prophets, behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers.
15 How do ye know of their surety? Behold, ye cannot know of things which ye do not see; therefore ye cannot know that there shall be a Christ.
16 Ye look forward and say that ye see a remission of your sins. But behold, it is the effect of a frenzied mind; and this derangement of your minds comes because of the traditions of your fathers, which lead you away into a belief of things which are not so.” Alma 30:12-16
“Korihor is alive and well at Mormon Stories Podcast. It seems that modern-day apostasy has found a new home at a well funded website dubbed “Mormon Stories Podcast.” As Hugh Nibley once said, if you want to write an anti-Mormon book, just get an old one, dust it off and take a bit of a different slant and republish it under a new name. Now hiding in plain site, the website pretends to be faith-affirming, but then all of the old charges that the Book of Abraham was a ruse or that Joseph Smith dabbled in the occult surface without even an effort to show both sides of an argument. Several of our guests on LATTER DAY RADIO answered all those phony charges as did our host, Martin Tanner, but the website ignores all that. Yes, Korihor is alive and well and now has a website. The ironic thing is that it is a fulfillment of prophecy that “calumny will defame…” But, we know how it ends. In the meantime, “Mormon Stories” continues its deception after the order of Korihor. And, it is well funded. Unfortunately, money talks.” Greg Jerrod
Mormon Stories is WRONG. They are selling you you a bill of goods. This gospel is true and you need to follow President Russell M. Nelson who speaks for the Lord Jesus Christ!
How do you answer the voice of critics? Are you a conservative or liberal? Are you a traditionalist or a progressive? Do you love the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you constantly seek to change it’s history? Is your testimony of the Lord growing or remaining neutral? Are you green and growing or ripe and rotten? Do you need to get a check up from the neck up to get rid of stinkin’ thinkin’? Remember, if you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got! I know if you read and pray to the Lord for help, He will answer you. don’t get caught up in all this negative revisionist history. Stick to the Lord’s word in scripture and prayer!
From the Book “FAITH CRISIS, VOLUME 1: WE WERE NOT BETRAYED!” by James and Hannah Stoddard
“The essential difference separating traditionalists and progressives—and dividing traditional history from New Mormon History—is revelation from God. For traditionalists, the revelations in the scriptures, and those received by Joseph Smith, represent pure revelation from God. The Book of Mormon is one such revelation, as are the Doctrine and Covenants, the Book of Moses, and the Book of Abraham. Furthermore, many of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s teachings constitute revelation from God.
The progressive places God’s revelations on a spectrum, assigning ‘weight’ or credibility based on particular academic fields of study, and built upon a framework of their particular discipline.
Traditionalists reject the notion that revelation and history should be interpreted through a particular discipline of worldly learning; they recognize that man’s ideas are in a fluid state—a whirlwind—of change, and subject to the influence of an enemy whose goal is man’s destruction. “Theories which once invoked great authority are abandoned and given the most derisive of treatment by a later generation only to be revived by a subsequent generation.”(20) Thus we can see the wisdom offered two thousand years ago, that when we accept the worldly approach, we are “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”(21)
After interpreting revelation based on the scholar’s academic training, the progressive categorizes the revelations under various interpretations: myth, allegory, folklore, and sometimes inspiration—or perhaps attributing them to the historical environment of the receiving prophet. However, the progressive worldview does not accept the revelations as literal revelation from God in a concrete sense. Leonard Arrington related his belief that faiths that take the scriptures as divine revelation are inconsistent and illogical:
A big mistake is always made when one attempts to interpret the Scriptures literally . . . The Scriptures are contradictory, and inconsistent and any theology based upon them cannot help but be inconsistent and illogical. . . . It comes back to the fact that people must use their reason as well as their faith.”(22)
The Prophet Joseph Smith, a true traditionalist—perhaps one could even say, the father of traditionalism—entertained angels and witnessed firsthand, God the Father and His Son. The Prophet described engaging in literal combat with the adversary and his dominion; he spoke of receiving the pure word and will of God—directly fromGod. For the Prophet Joseph, this was not mere inspiration—and it certainly was not mythological, allegorical, nor the subject of folklore; it constituted an actual, literal, personal experience. The Prophet warned:
. . . whatever we may think of revelation, that without it we can neither know, nor understand any thing of God, or the devil; and however unwilling the world may be to acknowledge this principle, it is evident from the multifarious creeds and notions concerning this matter, that they understand nothing of this principle, and it is equally as plain that without a divine communication they must remain in ignorance.
Traditionalists believe that progressives are destined to inherit ‘unenlightenment’ because they reject revelation. Progressives believe that traditionalists are mired in ignorance because they do not fully accept and embrace the philosophies and teachings of the ‘learned.’ Regardless of which position one takes, nearly all agree—an unbridgeable gulf separates the two.” FAITH CRISIS, VOLUME 1: WE WERE NOT BETRAYED! By James and Hannah Stoddard Page 9-10
Notes: 20- David E. Bohn, “No Higher Ground: Objective History is an Illusive Chimera,” Sunstone Magazine 8 (May-June 1983): 30. 21- 2 Timothy 3:7. 22- Gregory A. Prince, “Faith and Doubt as Partners in Mormon History,” Leonard J. Arrington Mormon History Lecture Series, no. 19, 3.:
Is Our Dominant Narrative True?
From the Book “FAITH CRISIS, VOLUME 1: WE WERE NOT BETRAYED!” by James and Hannah Stoddard
“On April 21, 2017, a Salt Lake Tribune headline announced, “’Trust gap’ hounds the Mormon church, research shows.” The article showcased a 2016 study completed by Dr. Jana Riess, a Latter-day Saint author and editor, who demonstrated that the unprecedented faith crisis among Latter-day Saint members was stemming not so much from history, politics, or unpopular doctrines—but from a trust gap:
Riess has been conducting a large-scale survey, called The Next Mormons, and has been “struck by the fact that among former Mormons, particular historical problems or doctrines don’t emerge as the primary reasons for leaving the church,” she writes. “. . . Book of Mormon historicity ranks ninth, and the other specific historical issues barely register at all.”
Instead, the “third most common reason overall (and tied for first among millennials),” Riess reports, was “I did not trust the church leadership to tell the truth surrounding controversial or historical issues.” (1)
Many have suspected seer stones, polygamy, the Book of Abraham, Mountain Meadows Massacre, and other sensitive issues as the driving force behind the growing exodus away from the Church; but surprisingly, this may not be the case. Peggy Fletcher Stack reported:
Some Latter-day Saints may leave the fold after finding out aspects of their history that don’t match the Sunday school version — like the fact founder Joseph Smith peered at a “seer stone” in a hat to help him produce the Book of Mormon — but such discoveries are not what drive away most former believers.
It’s the realization that they didn’t hear those stories first from their church.(2)
As one former Latter-day Saint lamented,
I was sold a “one true church” gospel, and it’s just not true so I can’t bring myself to support something so full of lies. . . . I was very faithful to the church for 43 years. My dad was a mission president in South America when I was 9. I have a son on a mission in Russia. I did not lose my faith lightly or because I wanted to sin. I felt completely betrayed, like I had been told lies my whole life. It hurt a lot. (Becky Berger, Richmond) (3)
Over the years, the authors have spoken with many hundreds of members who were either experiencing a crisis of faith of their own—or had a friend, relative, or family member who had abandoned the Church. The pain, the tears, the fear, and the doubt we have witnessed prompted us to address some of these issues, and to write this series, Faith Crisis.
Notes: 1- Peggy Fletcher Stack, “’Trust Gap’ Hounds the Mormon Church, Research Shows,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 2017, 2- Peggy Fletcher Stack, “’Trust Gap’ Hounds the Mormon Church, Research Shows,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 2017, 3- Peggy Fletcher Stack, “’Trust Gap’ Hounds the Mormon Church, Research Shows,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 2017,
Description By Joseph Smith Foundation During the 20th century, an organized objective to rewrite Latter-day Saint history from within, unbeknownst to the general Church membership, went head to head behind the scenes with traditional leaders of the Church. Meet the main players of this conflict: Leonard Arrington—progressive “Father of New Mormon History,” Ezra Taft Benson—traditionalist defender, and many other advocates of traditionalist and progressive Latter-day Saint history.
As traditionalists and progressives sparred during the 1970s-1980s, a covert cold war commenced in Salt Lake City, Utah, with the progressives spying on the traditionalists, and the traditionalists spying on the progressives. Secret informants, leaked documents, falsified reports, and even employed pseudonyms—all were part of this struggle to dominate Latter-day Saint history. But how did, and does, this secret conflict affect you? Progressives, working in the Church History Department and at Brigham Young University, claimed 40 years ago that it would take a generation to re-educate the Church. Where are we now in that re-education?
The USA, only Land where His Work could be Commenced
“…in culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest.No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26 Page 201
We know the Garden of Eden was in Missouri and the New Jerusalem will be in the same area. The Land of Adam in Missouri area was the original cradle of civilization, then Mesopotamia was the land of Abraham and Judah, and the now the Land of Joseph in back in America. Today is the gathering of Israel to be reunited (Joseph and Judah) at the New Jerusalem in Missouri once again. The first is the last and the last is first.
This statement above makes sense when we speak of a Nephitish Altar in the Missouri area, as we know the Nephites were a combination of Joseph and Judah, and the Lamanites (Hebrew and Manasseh) are the remnant today. ( See D&C 29:26-27; D&C 19:27; 2 Nephi 30:4)
Old Nephitish Altar at Lyman Wight’s Cabin
Who is Lyman Wight?
Lyman Wight, An Apostle
Born: 9 May 1796, Fairfield, New York Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: 8 April 1841 (age 44) Excommunicated: 3 December 1848 Died: 31 March 1858 (age 63), Dexter, Texas
“You will take Joseph Smith and the other prisoners into the public square of Far West, and shoot them at 9 o’clock to-morrow morning.”[1] Among the prisoners receiving this illegal sentence on 1 November 1838 was Lyman Wight, known by friend and foe alike as the “Wild Ram of the Mountains.”[2] Lyman was born in Fairfield, New York, during the final year of George Washington’s presidency.[3] He cast his lot with the Church in Kirtland only a few months after its organization. A year later he went as a missionary to Cincinnati, where he baptized nearly one hundred persons, many of whom traveled with him to Jackson County, Missouri. Brother Wight commanded the Saints in their defense against the mobs there, and after the Church was driven from that place, he volunteered to travel five hundred miles to Kirtland to report to Joseph Smith. When Presiding Bishop Edward Partridge asked him if his family’s unsettled condition would allow his going, he replied that “his wife lay by the side of a log in the woods, with a child three days old, and he had three days’ provisions on hand; so he thought he could go very well.”[4] His visit with the Prophet Joseph Smith resulted in the formation of Zion’s Camp, which he helped recruit. As a colonel in the Missouri Militia, Elder Wight was both respected and feared by many persecutors of the Saints…
Let my servant Lyman Wight beware, for Satan desireth to sift him as chaff” (D&C 52:12). In 1845 he led a small group of dissident members to Texas, where they settled in various locations. At a general conference in 1848, the “Wild Ram of the Mountains,” Lyman Wight, was excommunicated-
Tower Hill- Just SE of Adam-Ondi-Ahman
“[Regarding “Tower Hill” north of Far West, Missouri] We pursued our source up the river, mostly through timber, for about eighteen miles, when we arrived at Colonel Lyman Wight’s home. He lives at the foot of Tower Hill (a name I gave the place in consequence of the remains of an old Nephite altar or tower that stood there), where we camped for the Sabbath.
Tower Hill- Just SE of Adam-Ondi-Ahman
George W. Robinson, a scribe of Joseph Smith who was with him at the time, writes: “We next kept [traveling] up the river mostly in the timber for ten miles, until we came to Colonel Lyman Wright’s who lives at the foot of Tower Hill. A name appropriated by President Smith in consequence of the remains of an oldNephitish Altarand Tower where we camped for the Sabbath. (Scott H. Faulring ed., An American Prophet’s Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith, SLC: Signature Books, 1989, p. 184.) 1838 Joseph Smith, Jr. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3:34-35 Quoted in Step by Step through the Book of Mormon by Alan C. Miner
“Tower Hill, the was named by the prophet Joseph Smith when he was in the are staying with Lyman Wight. The prophet saw the hill and went to the top of the hill and found a pile of rocks. Joseph Smith said this pile of rocks were once an alter it looked as though it said “in consequence of the remains of an old Nephitish altar and Tower”.
Recordings say “Nephitish Altar or Tower” was on the “highest point of the bluff” “at the point of the hill that formed a curvature” and “on a high mountain”.
When the tower was first located by the Prophet Joseph Smith, it was composed of a loose pile of rocks on and in a mound of mixed dirt and rocks. The mound was about 36 feet in diameter and about 36 inches higher than the surrounding ground level. Some of the rocks appeared reddish as a result of burning and were scattered sometime in piles about two feet deep on top of the mound. The Saints also “supposed there had been an ancient city of the Niphites”.
There are two accounts one by Oliver B. Huntington and one by Orange Wight of Diahman, that specify that the Tower was separate from the “Alter Site“, but other than those two accounts no one else recorded that the Altar of Adam was different than that pile of stones. So, in addition to that pile of rocks being a Niphitish Altar or burial mound it is the site of Adams Altar. It was built after Adam was cast from the Garden of Eden.
B.H. Roberts said this about this altar:
“It was at this altar, according to the testimony of Joseph Smith, that the patriarchs associated with Adam and his company, assembled to worship their God. Here their evening and morning prayer ascended to heaven with the smoke of the burning sacrifice, prophetic and symbolic of the greater sacrifice yet to be, and here angels instructed them in heavenly truths.”
Quotes from Alexander Baugh
“While at the base of a large hill near Lyman Wight’s cabin, George W. Robinson recorded that they discovered “the remains of an old Nephitish Alter.” To commemorate the discovery, Joseph Smith called the place Tower Hill…
Alexander L. Baugh is a professor and former chair of the Department of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University, where he has been a full-time faculty member since 1995. He received his BS from Utah State University and his MA and PhD degrees from Brigham Young University. He specializes in researching and writing about the Missouri period of early Church history (1831–39).
So what did Robinson mean when he said they discovered the remains of a “Nephitish” structure? It is important to note that the early Latter-day Saints clearly believed that the native North American tribes were descendants of the earlier Nephite-Lamanite civilization. With this belief, Robinson probably used the word “Nephitish” to indicate that the structure or altar was built by, or originated with, the North American Indians. He may have also used “Nephitish” to mean that the altar was of ancient origin. Therefore, what Robinson was attempting to describe were the remains of what appeared to be a sacred altar structure erected by early Native Americans.” (Alexander L. Baugh, “Joseph Smith in Northern Missouri,” in Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer, ed. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2010), 291–346.)
Alexander Baugh also said, “I think it’s important to realize that the title page of the Book of Mormon says, “written to the Lamanites.” That’s one of the very first things it says. I think Latter-day Saints today think well, the Book of Mormon is written for us. Well it was, written for the entire world, but of course Mormon, Moroni in their understanding of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, they fully realized that this book, this record, would eventually come forth to their descendants to the descendants of Lehi, and his family. And, this is clear to Joseph Smith. There’s no question in my mind that Joseph Smith knows from the very beginning this record needs to be received and given to and accepted by Lamanite descendants. And in 1830, to Joseph Smith and the Church members, a Lamanite meant to them, a North American Indian. There’s just no question.” Alexander L. Baugh BYU Church History Department; transcribed from the documentary “History of the Saints” Mission to the Lamanites Part 1.
Brigham Young University Officials Search for Mormon ‘Roots’ 1979:
Brigham Young University conducted excavation work at the Mormon historical site of Adam-ondi-Ahman near Jameson, MO, during the summer of 1979. University personnel including archeologists, historians and graduate students spent over 8 weeks conducting a historical survey and minor excavations.
Picture Creator Baugh, Alexander L .D&C 116 A northeast view of Lyman Wight’s first cabin in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman. Section 116 of the Doctrine and Covenants was received in this cabin.
“We plan to take an inventory of what remains of historical importance at 18 separate sites across the country,” said Dr. Ray Matheny of BYU’s Department of Anthropology. “In Missouri this includes Adam-ondi-Ahman as well as Far West near Kingston and Haun’s Mill near Breckenridge.
“We will try to correlate archeological work with historical references to determine the physical location of the town that developed at Adam-ondi-Ahman later known as Cravensville.
This log building stood at Adam-ondi-Ahman from 1830-40. The site was the home of the Mormons, and a spot adjacent to the building was said to be Adam’s grave. This photo courtesy of T.C. Barlow, Jameson.
This log building stood at Adam-ondi-Ahman from 1830-40. The site was the home of the Mormons, and a spot adjacent to the building was said to be Adam’s grave. This photo courtesy of T.C. Barlow, Jameson.
“There were some 200 cabins here in 1838, and we’re using electronic equipment to map cultural features,” Matheny said. “This information will be put in archives and also will be used to plan the financing of major excavations should the work be continued.”
Infrared photography as well as an electrical resistance machine capable of charting anomalies at a depth of 18 feet were also in use.
A cartography who uses microwave and infrared power transmitting equipment to manipulate data through computers, produces results which either can be used for 3-dimensional mapping or color mapping showing only the information desired.
The old town site actually lay to the north of the historical marker identifying the Mormon shrine, and the grounds are at the crest of a bluff overlooking the Grand River. Most of the work was done at the site of the old Lyman Wight cabin, erected in 1837. Historically, Wight bought the land off a man named Black.
This sketch depicts the log cabin of pioneer Lyman Wight once standing at the foot of Tower Hill at Adam-ondi-Ahman near Jameson, MO, in the valley of the Grand River in Daviess County.
Lyman Wight was the only Mormon living here when Joseph Smith Jr. and his followers sought sanctuary from troubles with anti-Mormons at Independence, MO. Wight later moved on with the Mormons after violence erupted between the Mormons and the anti-Mormons, but his cabin was in use for approximately 100 years.
“We’ve come across some fine artifacts even though our excavations have been relatively minor,” said Dr. Methany. “We have square nails and recently uncovered an 1859 penny among other items. Oddly enough, privies are the main places we like to find. The Mormons often rock lined beneath their privies, helping to contain broken dishes and other discarded items.”
The work thus far has turned up three cabin sites and depressions believed to be old wells in the bottom ground northwest of Tower Hill.
While part of the group remains on the site, others scour local records for historical information. Dr. Lamar Berrett of BYU is the overall director of the 10-member university venture.
Dr. Leland Gentry, who holds a doctorate in history and philosophy of religion, is visiting with local historians seeing legitimate information about Adam-ondi-Ahman.
“In talking with various local people during the past weeks, we’ve come to realize that many people have misconceptions about the historical significance of Adam-ondi-Ahman and the role it plays in the Mormon faith,” said Gentry.
“There are only two things about Adam-ondi-Ahman that are significant as it relates to the Mormon faith.First, Mormons believe that three years before Adam’s death, he gathered his posterity, which numbered in the thousands, at the valley of the Grand River in order to give his blessing and, second, Adam will return at a future time and that various keys of authority will be delivered up to Adam to be delivered to Jesus Christ,” Gentry explained.
He notes that the Mormon Church owns 1,415 acres in Daviess County which is all the church wants in order to preserve the historical significance of the area according to their faith.
— written by Darryl Wilkinson, Gallatin, for the Aug. 17, 1979, edition of the St. Joseph Gazette. Also from the Gallatin North Missourian, Aug. 1, 1979
Researchers from Brigham Young University took measurements while surveying the remains of the Lyman Wight log cabin site at Adam-ondi-Ahman near Jameson, MO. University personnel including archeologists, historians and graduate students spent over 8 weeks conducting a historical survey and minor excavations during the summer of 1979.
Why have some historians, intellects or professors been changing, altering or editing LDS manuals and books on their own? Or, have they actually done that or did they make mistakes unknowingly?
Is it possible to have a book or manual endorsed with the Church trademark that may have mistakes or errors? Yes. I DO NOT believe for a minute that our Prophet nor our Apostles have ever lead us purposely astray. It is very rare that such edits are purposely done, but see for yourself as you decide yourself under the headings in red below called, Altered Manual, and Church Historians Censor Other Information.
Elder Packer said, “Historians seem to take great pride in publishing something new, particularly if it illustrates a weakness or mistake of a prominent historical figure. For some reason, historians and novelists seem to savor such things. If it related to a living person, it would come under the heading of gossip. History can be as misleading as gossip and much more difficult—often impossible—to verify. The writer or the teacher who has an exaggerated loyalty to the theory that everything must be told is laying a foundation for his own judgment. He should not complain if one day he himself receives as he has given. Perhaps that is what is contemplated in having one’s sins preached from the housetops.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“I feel this is a very important blog to help us not make the mistake of judging the Church nor its leaders, by helping us understand that mistakes do happen, but so do purposeful edits occasionally happen, to allow our faith to be tested. Stick with the Church and the Prophet and Quorum of the 12 in following the prescribed doctrine. Above all use your gift of personal revelation between you and the Lord. My personal website is for more information. In this blog like all others I edit, I do not represent the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor Firm Foundation.” Rian Nelson
Secular Historians
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“Even our Latter-day Saint intellectuals are convinced that the way to impress the Gentiles is not to acquire a mastery of their critical tools, (how few even know Latin!), but simply to defer in all things to their opinions.” The WORLD Of The JAREDITES Improvement Era 1951-52 PART II The Tower By Hugh Nibley
Sound Doctrine
This is the last days and I have been trying hard to hear and obey sound doctrine. That means first I trust the Spirit of Revelation, next I read and ponder and pray about the scriptures, third I listen to our Church leaders especially with conference talks. Our Prophet said, “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Nelson
Our Biases
I feel it is significant to show some of the deeply held biases of some of our good members of the church. We should all be open minded to listen to differences in our opinions about the geography of the Book of Mormon. I believed in two Cumorah’s for over 40 years and I believe there is only one Hill Cumorah, and others are welcomed to keep their belief that there are two Cumorah’s. I’ve listened to Prophets and Joseph Smith carefully, and I have a personal witness that Joseph has it right. Prophets Quotes Here:
I Believe Joseph Smith
“Do you who trust and believe Joseph Smith, believe his words when he said to Emma that he was “wandering over the Plains of the Nephites?” Do you trust the fact that Joseph was camped on the Mississippi River near a small landing near the town of Atlas, Illinois? Do you indeed believe Joseph wrote said letter of June 4, 1834 as shown in the Joseph Smith papers? Was Joseph telling Emma the truth? Did he have any reason to be making something up here? Do you really think that Joseph was traveling on the very plains that the Nephites had once walked on, some 2,000 years ago? If he wasn’t why would Joseph say he was walking on those very plains of the Nephites? Was he really roving over the Nephite mounds and was it indeed a proof of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon? Yes, Yes and Yes.
I believe events of the Book of Mormon happened in the USA and others who contribute to some of our Church publications such as “Saints”, believe events happened in Central America. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is officially neutral about where the events took place. Since the Church is neutral, why do many intellectuals who correlate and edit Church History, promote a specific geography in Central America? It’s a subject worth learning more about. I believe Joseph Smith taught a North American setting for the Book of Mormon and never hinted at a Central American setting. You can decide what you believe.
One hill Cumorah!
Our great friend Jonathan Neville has been sharing information for years about the importance of the one and only Hill Cumorah being located in New York. I agree with him. For 40 years I had believed a second Cumorah in Mexico, but now it just doesn’t make sense.
Mesoamerican Neck
Jonathan as a previous believer of the Mesoamerican theory, has amazing insight as he has studied Church History to show the importance of Cumorah in New York. Many of the friends of his who have stayed with their feelings about a second Cumorah have been upset with Jonathan as he continues to explain his position. Many of these historians claim Jonathan calls them offensive names. But I believe they are just concerned because of Jonathan’s solid information against the Meso theory. (Below you will see that Jonathan has a very favorable opinion of his friends on the other side. Jonathan’s opinion continues to show amazing information that supports his belief that Hill Cumorah indeed was the place that Joseph received the plates, and it was also the place where the final battles of the Jaredites (Ramah) and the Nephites, (Cumorah) occurred.
I have compiled below some of Jonathan’s research on how many of the Church Historians have edited, changed, or omitted important parts of historical documents in order to accommodate their version that there were two Cumorah’s; one hill where Joseph received the plates, and a different hill Cumorah in Mexico where the final battles of the Book of Mormon supposedly happened.
I share this information of course from the point of view of my own bias, as I believe the majority of prophets, apostles, and leaders of the church believe there is simply one Cumorah, which makes sense to me. For additional information about my views you can visit my website at and read my list of Prophet and Apostle quotes here. Jonathan Neville’s website is www.moronisamerica.comHis blog site is here.
Altered Manual
“For my first post in 2019, I’m showing another instance of M2C* censorship. This one is from the Brigham Young lesson manual (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church – Brigham Young).
This is part of a well-established pattern of censorship by Church employees who follow the M2C (Mesoamerican 2 Cumorah Theory) intellectuals. Although these materials are approved by Church leaders, the materials are prepared by staff who are trusted to be accurate and truthful when they write these manuals.
I don’t believe any Church leaders would knowingly approve of the deliberate censorship of teachings of the prophets who preceded them, especially when the censorship is driven by the desire to promote M2C.
Look at the comparison below to see how the employees who wrote this manual changed Brigham Young’s clear teachings to accommodate M2C. The blue in the right column is the original. The red in the left column is the work of the censors.
Lesson manual
Original talk in Journal of Discourses
When Joseph first received the knowledge of the plates that were in the hill Cumorah, he did not then receive the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood, he merely received the knowledge that the plates were there, and that the Lord would bring them forth. … He received the knowledge that [early inhabitants of the Americas]were once in possession of the Gospel, and from that time he went on, step by step, until he obtained the plates, and the Urim and Thummim and had power to translate them.
When Joseph first received the knowledge of the plates that were in the hill Cumorah, he did not then receive the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood, he merely received the knowledge that the plates were there, and that the Lord would bring them forth, and that they contained the history of the aborigines of this country. He received the knowledge that they were once in possession of the Gospel, and from that time he went on, step by step, until he obtained the plates, and the Urim and Thummim and had power to translate them.
Notice: the original phrase “aborigines of this country” was censored and replaced with “early inhabitants of the Americas.” Jonathan Neville post from Moroni’s America Jan 2, 2019 Jonathan Neville’s Above Post Continued Here!
Respect for Historians
“I again emphasize that I have great respect for Brother Sorenson; I acknowledged him in Moroni’s America as a major–and positive–contributor to the study of the Book of Mormon. Although I disagree with his premises and arguments in many respects, his practical, real-world approach to understanding the text has been highly influential on me and thousands of other Latter-day Saints.” Jonathan Neville
“For thousands of members of the Church, the censorship of Cumorah has become a serious enough issue that the editors of Saints responded publicly (although they haven’t yet responded to the other revisionist problems in Saints). Their response confirmed that they’ve been revising Church history to accommodate M2C. They now characterized their editorial policy as their effort to “uphold” what they perceive to be “neutrality” regarding Book of Mormon geography, a euphemism for accommodating 20th century theories about two-Cumorah’s. All along, I’ve emphasized that the censorship of Cumorah is an issue of accuracy in Church history, not a question of Book of Mormon geography.
The New York Cumorah says nothing about where the other events took place. In fact, for decades, Church leaders have consistently taught two things:
1. The hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is in New York. 2. We don’t know where the other events took place (i.e., neutrality).
M2C intellectuals (including the historians) confuse members of the Church by conflating these two teachings. What they now characterize as “neutrality” is actually an explicit repudiation of the prophets and apostles, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
Because M2C contradicts the plain teachings of the prophets and apostles, M2C intellectuals don’t want Church members to know what the prophets and apostles have taught. Saints is just the latest iteration of this effort.” Jonathan Neville
Church Historians Censor Other Information Below
Wentworth Letter Omission Here! “The Prophet Joseph Smith shared with us important information regarding the Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon and how they were the Native Americans of this land of North America.” Jonathan Neville
Church historians concede they censored Cumorah in Saints “I’ve asserted that the editors of Saints censored Cumorah not to “suppress” or “speak against” a “heartland” model, but to accommodate (make room for) M2C. As you’ll see in a moment, they admit that’s exactly what they did.”Jonathan Neville
Cumorah – 8b, M2C in the Ensign
Few Church members realize the Ensign itself published the foundations for M2C (the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory). This brought M2C into the mainstream and gave cover for M2C intellectuals to openly defy the prophets and apostles. It helps explain why BYU/CES and other Church employees are so deeply invested in M2C, and why they refuse to look at the evidence that supports the teachings of the prophets and apostles regarding the New York Cumorah.
No-Wise #489 Where is the Hill Cumorah? No-Wise #489 is a definite keeper. It exposes the paucity of evidence to support M2C’s repudiation of the prophets. Let’s take a look. Here’s the link. Here’s the opening image: They chose an image that makes the Hill Cumorah in New York appear insignificant, which supports their M2C narrative. Notice how Book of Mormon Central Censor (BOMCC) superimposes their Mayan logo. This is the logo that conveys their corporate mission to “to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex.”
“…there is no historical evidence that Moroni called the hill “Cumorah” in 1823.” Editors of “Saints”
“This is a very carefully written sentence. It’s both another straw man fallacy and a deflection. The straw man is whether or not Moroni called the hill “Cumorah” in 1823. It’s an irrelevant point. Joseph could have learned the term from Moroni at any point between 1823 and 1827. What is important is that there is historical evidence that in 1827, before he got the plates, Joseph referred to the hill as “Cumorah.” These historians know this, but they word their statement here to deflect from that evidence, without overtly denying it exists. Joseph’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, quoted Joseph referring to the hill Cumorah in 1827, in a passage these editors deliberately avoided when they wrote Saints, as I showed here.“ Jonathan Neville
Chapter 4 – Be Watchful“Chapter 4 of Saints, titled “Be Watchful,” covers the events leading up to the time when Joseph obtained the plates. You can read Chapter 4 here: At one point, the chapter relates an account of Joseph being chastised.” Jonathan Neville [Color headings and bold added]
I encourage everyone to read/watch his talk. Critics such as the CES Letter are having a tremendous impact on members of the Church (and investigators), and Elder Corbridge gives some great advice.
Here, I want to discuss why the critics are so successful. I think their success is largely attributable to the teachings of certain LDS intellectuals that are being promulgated by CES and BYU.
IOW, the CES Letter is persuasive to people because of the teachings of LDS intellectuals who teach the youth that the prophets are wrong. This includes not only M2C advocates but also the revisionist Church historians who support them.
For now, I’ll give just two examples.
M2C-approved BYU Fantasy map that teaches students
to think of the Book of Mormon in a fictional setting –
because the prophets are wrong
The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. The critics know that, so naturally that’s where they focus.
But their job is made easy because both CES and BYU teach their students that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ignorant speculators who misled the Church about the New York Cumorah.
To make sure students grasp the point, CES and BYU use fantasy maps in their Book of Mormon classes.
Really, when CES and BYU students are being indoctrinated to think of the Book of Mormon in terms of a computer-generated fantasy map that has no relevance to the actual planet Earth, the critics are redundant.
The critics claim that the Book of Mormon is fiction, but every student going through CES and BYU is learning that already.
By contrast, how did Joseph and Oliver respond to the early anti-Mormon claim that the Book of Mormon was fiction? Did they draw a fantasy map and publish it in Church literature?
Eight Letters
Of course not.
Instead, they wrote the first Gospel Topics Essays, published as letters, explaining the facts regarding the restoration of the Priesthood, the visit of Moroni, and the location of the Hill Cumorah in western New York.
They declared it was a fact that this is the very Hill Cumorah where (i) Joseph found the plates, (ii) Mormon concealed the repository of Nephite records, and (iii) both the Jaredite and Nephite nation waged their final battles. (See Mormon 6:6 and Letters IV and VII).
How do our intellectuals respond? Do they support and corroborate what Joseph and Oliver taught?
No. Instead, they side with the anti-Mormon critics and insist Joseph and Oliver were wrong. They teach people to disbelieve these declarations by Joseph and Oliver that were republished multiple times during Joseph’s lifetime. For example, Joseph’s brother William, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, republished Letter VII in New York City just two days after Joseph’s martyrdom in Carthage. These LDS intellectuals proceed to teach their students to disbelieve the teachings of all the prophets who have reaffirmed the New York Cumorah, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
Joseph Smith Papers, M2C-approved
According to the M2C intellectuals, Joseph changed his mind about the setting of the Book of Mormon when he read a travel book in 1841-1842.
Look at this comment in the Joseph Smith Papers, for example. This is in the Historical Introduction to Orson Pratt’s 1840 missionary pamphlet titled “Interesting Account.”
Pratt’s association of Book of Mormon peoples with the history of all of North and South America matched common understanding of early Latter-day Saints. Shortly thereafter, when John Lloyd Stephens’s Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan became available in Nauvoo in about 1842, JS greeted it enthusiastically and church members used it to map Book of Mormon sites in a Central American setting.
In my view, this is an outrageously deceptive comment because Joseph Smith actually rejected Orson Pratt’s speculations.
If you’re a faithful member of the Church who reads the commentary in the Joseph Smith Papers, the Saints book, or even the Joseph Smith lesson manual, you will never know what Joseph actually taught.
Because the M2C intellectuals and their followers don’t want you to know what Joseph actually taught.
When he wrote the Wentworth Letter, Joseph Smith adapted parts of Pratt’s 1840 pamphlet. The Joseph Smith Papers comment explains it this way (same reference as above):
Interesting Account is not a JS document, because JS did not write it, assign it, or supervise its creation. However, two JS documents in this volume, “Church History” and “Latter Day Saints” (a later version of “Church History”), quote extensively from Pratt’s pamphlet. These documents made use of Pratt’s language to describe JS’s early visionary experiences and built on Pratt’s summary of the church’s “faith and doctrine” for the thirteen-point statement of church beliefs that came to be known as the Articles of Faith… Interesting Account is therefore included as an appendix to allow convenient comparison with JS’s histories.
“Church History” here refers to the 1842 Wentworth letter. While Joseph quoted from part of Pratt’s pamphlet when he wrote the Wentworth letter, he deleted all of Pratt’s speculation about the remnant of the Lamanites living in Central and South America and replaced it with this statement:
The remnant are the Indians that now inhabit this country.
This is the very passage that the Correlation/Curriculum Departments censored from the Joseph Smith Manual, as we’ve discussed before, such as here.
Why do the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers (JSP) claim Joseph “enthusiastically” “greeted” a travel book about Central America?
Because they continue to teach that Joseph Smith was the acting editor of the Times and Seasons, as opposed to merely the nominal editor. That teaching contradicts the historical evidence, as I’ve explained in detail in my three books about Nauvoo history. (This teaching causes other problems that I don’t have time to cover here.)
If you look at the footnote 6 to the JSP comment I linked to above, it references Terryl Givens for authority. Brother Givens also wrote the Foreword to John Sorenson’s Mormon’s Codex, in which he claims “So influential has Sorenson’s work on Book of Mormon Geography been that there is widespread consensus among believing scholars in support of what is now called the “Sorenson model,” which identifies the scripture’s setting with a Mesoamerican locale.”
Do you see how the M2C citation cartel works? Brother Sorenson writes M2C material, including Mormon’s Codex, which was published by Deseret Book and the Maxwell Institute. Brother Givens writes the Foreword. Then the Joseph Smith Papers cites Brother Givens to support the proposition that Joseph Smith enthusiastically greeted the very travel book that is the premise for Mormon’s Codex. It’s all circular reasoning, but it’s effective because most Church members rely on these intellectuals and historians to relate history accurately. They don’t realize this is all driven by the M2C agenda.
Recall, Mormon’s Codex is the book that teaches this: “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd. Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundreds of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.”
Among these Latter-day Saints whose teachings are “manifestly absurd” according to the M2C intellectuals are these: Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith, Anthony Ivins, Joseph Fielding Smith, Marion G. Romney, James E. Talmage, LeGrand Richards, and many others who have declared, in their writings and in General Conference, that Cumorah is in New York.
These influential LDS scholars, who all believe in M2C, have infiltrated every department of the Church, and their work is found throughout the Joseph Smith Papers, as well as Saints, the lesson manuals, and the ubiquitous artwork and media productions.
They successfully indoctrinate people into believing M2C because the M2C citation cartel continues to censor the teachings of the prophets.
This all makes is much easier for CES Letter and other critics to undermine the faith of the Latter-day Saints.
This is the tip of the iceberg, but today’s students don’t have to read CES Letter or other critical literature to lose their faith in the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
All they have to do is attend class at CES/BYU and learn how the prophets are wrong about so basic a fundamental as the location of the Hill Cumorah.
Be Encouraged to Find New Truth about the Book of Mormon
“Let me here say a word in relation to new discoveries in our knowledge of the Book of Mormon, and for matter of that in relation to all subjects connected with the work of the Lord in the earth. We need not follow our researches in any spirit of fear and trembling. We desire only to ascertain the truth; nothing but the truth will endure; and the ascertainment of the truth and the proclamation of the truth in any given case, or upon any subject, will do no harm to the work of the Lord which is itself truth. Nor need we be surprised if now and then we find our predecessors, many of whom bear honored names and deserve our respect and gratitude for what they achieved in making clear the truth, as they conceived it to be–we need not be surprised if we sometimes find them mistaken in their conceptions and deductions; just as the generation who succeed us in unfolding in a larger way some of the yet unlearned truths of the Gospel, will find that we have had some misconceptions and made some wrong deductions in our day and time. . . . All which is submitted, especially to the membership of the Church, that they may be prepared to find and receive new truths both in the Book of Mormon itself and about it.” (B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, Vol. II. (3 Volumes), Deseret News: Salt Lake City, 1909, pp. 503-504)
In all things follow the Spirit of Personal Revelation about additional truth, as no one can receive new revelation for the Church except the Prophet who holds all keys.
Why is it that so much of our history is distorted or downright incorrect? There is a constant battle between who is right and who is wrong. That is why this world is truly Satan’s until the Lord comes and establishes His perfect government. Like the Bible says, men today are, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Tim. 3:7
“I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
Elder Boyd K. Packer
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
President Harold B. Lee,
Cautioned that some people may not follow the line of authority in the Church:
“We call upon you holders of the priesthood to stamp out any such [false doctrines] and to set to flight all such things as are creeping in, people rising up here and there who have had some ‘marvelous’ kind of a manifestation, as they claim, and who try to lead the people in a course that has not been dictated from the heads of the Church.
“The great difficulty lies in the ignorance of the nature of spirits, of the laws by which they are governed, and the signs by which they may be known; if it requires the Spirit of God to know the things of God; and the spirit of the devil can only be unmasked through that medium, then it follows as a natural consequence that unless some person or persons have a communication, or revelation from God, unfolding to them the operation of the spirit, they must eternally remain ignorant of these principles. … Whatever we may think of revelation, … without it we can neither know nor understand anything of God, or the devil.” (History of the Church, 4:573–74.)
False Doctrine
“I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
BYU’s 2017 Department of Geological Sciences Hates New Science *(See Below)
When I was a college student there were many discussions on the question of organic evolution. I took classes in geology and biology and heard the whole story of Darwinism as it was then taught. I wondered about it. I thought much about it. But I did not let it sway me, for I read what the scriptures said about our origins and our relationship to God.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, Faith: The Essence of True Religion, p. 18.)
Our Church is Neutral on Evolution
“The Church has no official position on the theory of evolution. Organic evolution, or changes to species’ inherited traits over time, is a matter for scientific study. Nothing has been revealed concerning evolution. Though the details of what happened on earth before Adam and Eve, including how their bodies were created, have not been revealed, our teachings regarding man’s origin are clear and come from revelation.”
Why? Editors Opinion
Many intellectuals and scientists love sharing the quote above which says, “The Church has no official position on the theory of evolution.” The Church has also said they are neutral on the Geography of the Book of Mormon. These statements by the Church however don’t say that we have to be neutral about these things. I believe the Church is telling us to search and pray for ourselves. The Church can’t teach us everything as we are accountable for our own spiritual growth as we learn in this life. We should read, study and search for evidences about all things, and by the Spirit we may know ALL THINGS!Moroni 10:5
When the Prophet and others received the “shot”, I didn’t immediately say, “oh wow that means I need to do the same.” Taking the shot was not a commandment, but highly encouraged. The Prophet and others said to be a good global citizen and they had listened to competent Doctors. The problem was, I personally had heard from competent Doctors as well that said the shot could be deadly and not to take it. I felt I was being a good global citizen by warning others to not take the shot, and look, in March 2023, I was correct. I received personal revelation and I was blessed. It doesn’t mean the Prophet was wrong, he was just stressing the fact that we all need to consider things that may benefit us.
Personal Revelation
The Prophet also said, “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that!” Hope of Israel Russell M. Nelson
“You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
Supposedly those writers at FAIR Mormon use Elder Holland’s statement below as he says, “I do not know the details of what happened on this planet before that”, to feel they can tell us all about evolution as they are smarter than the Prophets. This secular society needs to have the faith of the Brethren and end this tremendous amount of time spent in promoting evolution of ape to man and from nothing comes something.
Why is it no surprise that a vast number of those who believe in the Mesoamerican Theory of the Book of Mormon also believe man came from nothing, Noah’s flood is a myth, the Earth is billions of years in creation, and believe in Pre-Adamites?
“One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Joseph Fielding Smith Man, His Origin and Destiny
Could a Single Experiment Change Much of Science? Could Modern Science Have Some Things Wrong? Are All the Creation Accounts Actual or Myths? Is Evolution Being Taught as Fact at BYU? Can We Trust the Scriptures & Prophets? Are Our Youth Being Taught the Truth? Was There a Real World-Wide Flood? Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?
Join scientific researcher, author and international lecturer Rod Meldrum as he introduces a paradigm-altering experiment that may forever change the very foundations of science as we know it. Learn about a new millennial science, called the Universal Model, that provides the hard scientific evidences of the processes by which:
1- This magnificent Earth may have actually formed out of water. 2. How, and how long it took, for dinosaurs and trees to fossilize. 3. How a world-wide catastrophic flood at the time of Biblical Noah happened. 4. How mankind’s place in the Universe came through Adam and Eve.
Yes, We Really Can Trust the Scriptures and Prophets!
For 7 years Rod Meldrum was the head scientific researcher for Dean Sessions, author of The Universal Model. Rod gives many presentations about how science and the scriptures go hand in hand including the one above called, DNA and Dating Dinosaurs.
What Is The Universal Model? “The purpose of science is to describe and explain Nature so that we can understand and comprehend it, but where do we learn these things simply, in a way that makes sense? For many decades, a number of incorrect theories and misleading philosophies have formed the foundation of ‘modern’ science. Now, newly discovered scientific truths in the Universal Model have revealed long-hidden natural laws that explain Nature’s workings in an easily comprehensible format. We invite all to explore and experience the adventure of learning by investigating new discoveries about the Earth and our Universe found in the UM. These scientific truths establish a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to heights of knowledge and discovery never before imagined.” The Universal Model Home Page
“We must keep in mind that He [Christ] is allowing the wheat and tares to grow up together for a season, and by and by the tares will be gathered together and be burned up. Before the burning though, there will be a judgement, and the Lord is allowing us each right now to work out our salvation or damnation. Those that have the facts before them and reject them (see below) will pay the ultimate price, but there also must be a Great Divide that is taking place right now (talked about in the BoM and in the last chapter of Vol II of UM [Universal Model] – the Human Model) to clearly mark each of us to which side we are on. Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny
This is the purpose of the UM, to take this maze (the modern science puzzle that makes no sense – everything from nothing) and replace it with Nature’s Puzzle – they way things really are.
Melvin A. Cook in the Intro of: Man, His Origin and Destiny also said: “Unfortunately, owing to the strong desire of scientists to display their brilliance and ingenuity, there is a tendency for theory to become the objective instead of a means to the end. Theory then not only loses its real value, but actually becomes a stumbling block to progress. Its inventor and disciples become so engrossed in the theory that they lose sight of its fundamental purpose, the quest for truth. This condition was shockingly illustrated in my presence at a meeting of scientists when one of great renown met a factual objection with the statement, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny
Therefore, the Lord will judge these so-called intellectuals to whether they want to follow and learn of the Truth (which is literally Christ) or not. The sad thing is that most do not realize following Christ means following and seeking out for the Truth.
The UM has already produced experiments for the first time that are “more than words” (for example it has created sandstone and petrified wood which are identical to how Nature produced it in only a few days). The UM does not just have “alternative explanations” to how things are done in Nature, it has the ONLY explanation in hundreds of instances where modern science admits their theories cannot explain such and such natural phenomena. So ‘producing’ more ‘things’ is not the solution. Science is about demonstrating the true nature of Nature, it is not technology, which is only a tool that helps us understand it better.
Therefore, we cannot expect the leaders of science today to ever change their religion of atheism and accept the truth. It’s just not going to happen. For the UM to gain a much wider acceptance, it will have to be promoted full time to a much greater degree and I will personally have to be involved with this with others. This means I will be involved in debates and interviews and making many more recordings for the Web with influencers.
Although each Volume of the UM stands alone and has more new natural law than produced by modern science over the last century, Vol III does have double the amount of natural law as the other two volumes and many more experiments seen for the first time. Being able to demonstrate the true models of both matter and energy is more than any physicist or chemist or cosmologist has ever dreamed of, as this alone changes all their fields of study – and the UM does this. It also shows the errors in the physics of the Big Bang and proves the Universe is not expanding, but rotating in a Revolutionary Universe. It really is beyond what any scientist could dream about – yet it is all real and empirically demonstrated.” Dean Sessions-Founder and Author of the “Universal Model, A New Millennial Science“
None of us . . . knows enough. The learning process is an endless process. We must read, we must observe, we must assimilate, and we must ponder that to which we expose our minds. I believe in evolution, not organic evolution, as it is called, but in the evolution of the mind, the heart, and the soul of man. I believe in improvement. I believe in growth.‖ (Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 298.)
The UM Is For All Lovers Of Truthby Chauncey Riddle
I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my favorite topics and concerns. To specifics:
Sessions is right on in pointing out that much of present day science is theory oriented rather than being fact oriented as it should be. For many scientists, theory is more important than law. Scientific laws are demonstrated by facts, but theories cannot be demonstrated by facts. There are always an infinite number of possible theoretical explanations for any finite set of facts. Theories can be eliminated by facts, but only if the persons involved in evaluating them will make the correct application: face the facts. When a theory is an article of faith, many people refuse to apply the pertinent facts which should cause them to abandon a particular theory. Sessions has called attention to specific facts and laws which should cause any honest person to reject the theories of organic evolution, the great age of fossils, the magma theory of the history of the earth, etc. How refreshing to see such candor in scientific thinking!
Sessions is also correct in showing that technology is as important as scientific theorizing. Technology enabled the work of Galileo to establish the helio-centric theory of the solar system, much to the consternation of the self-appointed scientists of his day. Sessions has shown by technology how granite rock is actually formed, as well as other minerals. He has shown how fossils are formed, such as petrified wood. Diamonds are now produced by technology. All of these technical achievements create facts and laws which every honest scientist must recognize and apply to theories affected by them. Technology trumps scientific theory because technology demonstrates what is (facts), whereas scientific theory only muses on what might be. Theory in science is actually metaphysics, not physics. Only when substantiated by facts and laws do theories become acceptable, and are always subject to elimination if new facts and laws come forth to negate them. Sessions has done an admirable job of showing how some present theoretical darlings of some scientists must be rejected.
Session’s discussions of hydrofountains, hypretherms, the Universal Flood, organic evolution, fossils, climate, history, anthropology, etc., are all refreshing and challenging. Reading this book is having one’s imagination stretched at every turn. Every serious reader who has an interest in knowing the truth will be delighted with the challenging ideas found here.
Will there be criticisms of this work? Most certainly. What form will they take?
One will be ignoring this work and discouraging others from reading it. Just as the politicians in charge try to marginalize everyone who is not “politically correct,” so will influential members of the science community try to ignore and belittle this work. But every honest seeker after truth will relish the opportunity to think freshly about important scientific matters, in a refined paradigm of science, and with new facts and laws to ponder.
Some critics will say that this work should be ignored or discounted because the author, Dean Sessions, is not a professional scientist and does not have the “necessary” academic background to propound such a work. This attitude is rubbish, of course. That is like saying someone cannot run fast because they are not part of an official Olympic Team. The proof of science is not in who says it but in the physical evidence brought to bear in evaluating our ideas about this physical world we live in. Sessions is right in pointing out that theory (which cannot be proved, but can be falsified) has become more important to many current scientists than are facts. The great example of this is the theory of organic evolution which is the darling of much of academia right now and which is completely unsupported by the facts, specifically the fact that there is no observable speciation in nature. That plus the inability to prove the immense time frame necessary for the theory spell the death-knell for the theory of organic evolution for every honest person. But evolution is a religion, a matter of faith for many persons, and they would rather give up their honesty than give up their favorite irrational article of faith.
Some will say that Sessions has picked and chosen very carefully the quotations of other writers which he cites to support his case. But that is not a fault. Every person picks and chooses among potential citations, a necessity in the flood of writings about every topic. What is most remarkable and commendable is the breadth and depth of the scholarship which Sessions exhibits in his writing. He has searched the literature of many fields of endeavor with exciting and telling results. Most people know the literature only in their own field. Sessions has no primary field and delves into what others have said from all the fields he deals with to help his readers realize what is being said and not said in the areas of his interest. Be grateful he has been selective and brings to you a summary of what others are saying.
Sessions will possibly be proved wrong about some assertions he has made in his work. This is almost inevitable for anyone doing serious thinking and writing. But the finding of such errors will not be an embarrassment for Sessions. He will laud such finding, because that will mean that the cause of truth will be advanced. His purpose is to bring truth and light to important matters, and if his work stimulates others to produce more truth and light, even unto showing his work needs to be amended, he will be grateful. He will be grateful because he writes not to give the final word but to further the ongoing human inquiry into the powerful ideas about the true nature of the universe that give us all more understanding and power.
I commend this work for all serious thinkers and lovers of truth. You will be challenged in reading the material. It is not “light” reading. But any effort will be well worth it.
Chauncey C. Riddle, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Brigham Young University, USA 10/22/2016
BYU’s student newspaper, The Universe, printed a full-page advertisement on behalf of the “Firm Foundation Expo,” a 3-day expo that bills itself as “faithfully exploring LDS topics of our time.” In the advertisement, all of the 70+ speakers are portrayed as distinguished and as experts in some area or another.
One of those speakers is Dean W. Sessions, the author of the “Universal Model.” Mr. Sessions claims to have disproved several straightforward tenets of modern science, including the basic interior structure of the Earth (which he argues has a core of ice and liquid water) and the mass of the Earth (which he recalculates at about a third of what is known in order to fit this model). He will be speaking about his model on each day of the event.
We, members of BYU’s Department of Geological Sciences, cannot accept Mr. Sessions “Universal Model” as it runs contrary to multiple lines of empirical evidence and generations of scientific query. It would not pass expert peer review.
Students and the BYU community are reminded that organic evolution, anthropogenic climate change, radiometric dating and a 4.56 billion-year-old age of the Earth are all seriously taught on campus by professors, who are in good standing with the church, in fields directly relating to these subjects. Students may learn more about these subjects through a variety of courses offered by the Department of Geological Sciences as well as from other departments.
We, the undersigned, support the honest development of knowledge by way of the scientific method and as vetted through expert peer review. We are concerned that the presence of the aforementioned advertisement in The Universe may legitimize Dean Sessions’ “Universal Model” in the eyes of some within the community.
—Bart Kowallis, PhD, Associate Dean of CPMS; Ron Harris, PhD; Jeffrey Keith, PhD;Jani Radebaugh, PhD; Eric Christiansen, PhD; Carl Hoiland, PhD; Thomas Morris, PhD; Sam Hudson, PhD; Stephen Nelson, PhD; Geology master’s degree students:Kimberly Sowards, Colin Hale, Michael Jensen, William Meservy, TJ Slezak, Collin Jensen, Matthew Randall, Aaron Holmes, Braxton Spilker, Danielle Spencer, Rebecca Esplin, Hannah Checketts, Brian Packer, David Tomlinson, Kevin Stuart, Hanif Sulaeman, Han Deng, Joel Barker; Geology bachelor’s degree students: Torri Duncan, Jason Klimek, Brett Young, Austin Eells, Hanna Howell, Chelsea Samuelson”
It’s sad how many scholars feel they know more than most of us who are uneducated people. I feel the great and spacious building is having fun right now at our expense. May the Lord help them become humble and at least consider some of this incredible research.
The Ezra Taft Benson talk from 25 Oct 1966 at a BYU Devotional is a sobering reminder of evil people in the church with an agenda (revising church history by quoting the intellectuals and apostates and ignoring the prophets). Ezra Taft Benson said to avoid being deceived, look to the Prophet. Listen to his entire talk at
At the 32:07-33:02 mark, just before the above quote, President Ezra Taft Benson states the following.
“We all have stewardships for which we must account to the Lord. Unfortunately, some men who do not honor their stewardships may have an adverse effect on many people. Often the greater the man’s responsibility, the more good or evil he can accomplish. The Lord usually gives a man a long enough rope and sufficient time to determine whether that man wants to pull himself into the presence of God or drop off somewhere below. There are some regrettable things being said and done by some people in the church today. As President Clark so well warned, the ravening wolves are amongst us. From our own membership and they more than any others are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood. We should be careful of them.”
Shock: BYU linked, Dragshow, Exposing Children, Enough! Take Action
This article is disturbing. Defending Utah has been a great vendor and speaker at our Firm Foundation events and does a lot of great work. This evil at the doorsteps of BYU needs to be known. I feel I need to let people know what’s happening. I have a moral obligation. This event by the “RaYnbow Collective” as they call themselves, is beyond disturbing, it is evil smut and even though they are not doing this on BYU campus, its right next door.
I fully understand they have a right to express and have a freedom to the first amendment, but I also know by the report from Defending Utah there were little children present and that is illegal. The police just sit around it seems and allow this evil to be displayed around children. I can’t imagine what parent or pervert would want a child to see this behavior. We are truly living is Satan’s world.
Our wonderful Church is doing what it can to address the problems, but we must remeber that people have their free agency. We can’t stop people, nor should we from expressing free speech. We just need to figure out how to combat and attack evil when we see it. I am sad that the people who promote radical sex and abhorrent behavior, will need to explain at the bar of God.
Elder McConkie said, “I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
Here’s what a good friend told me after seeing this article:
“BYU needs to be exposed and the administration fired for even having a club on campus that contradicts the values of the church. They have crossed so many lines preaching evolution, and gender neutrality and all the crap that’s of the adversary. They accept students that desecrate the church’s values and spit upon the founders of the church and Brigham Young. They should NEVER be allowed to attend our supposed religious institution.
It’s not a religious institution anymore and the church needs to take back control or stop financially supporting it! And to call this family friendly is total evil! Yes, PLEASE share my concerns. I’m so sick of the people who attend BYU looking down their noses at those who choose not to go there as if they are holier than thou. And this is what they are learning there now. Its got to STOP!! My kids growing up in BYUs shadows learned early on they did NOT want to go there with all the self righteous people they were once friends with. It destroys people with the double standard and the hypocritical manner and doctrine they learn both in the classroom and on campus! Ok there’s my soap box!” Anonymous
“It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Nelson
Defending Utah
September 6, 2022 by Defending Utah
“Did you see this teaser below on social media? Then you’ve come to the right place.
On Sep 3rd, 2022 – We covered a drag show event targeting children in the name of BYU through various BYU affiliated groups. The public event happened at Kiwanis park in Provo, just barely off campus.
Too many wouldn’t believe it if someone didn’t document it. So here’s the full story with tons of details. Sign and share the petition to BYU at the bottom of this article.
Defending Utah, exercising our first amendment right to freedom of the press, assigned three journalists to the crowd working together at this public event. The group putting on the drag show, the “RaYnbow Collective” (The Y is to claim their representation of BYU homosexuals) claimed this would be a “family friendly” drag show. That’s difficult to do, since the nature of cross-dressing itself is not family friendly (the reason why the LDS church hasn’t even allowed it for employees at Halloween parties). Sexual fetishes have never been considered family friendly anywhere and as one protestor from Utah County put it, “Drag is a sexual fetish”.
But still, our intent was to give the benefit of the doubt and neutrally observe as journalists and report facts. If the show was truly benign, we would report it as such. But instead, the evidence shows the “family friend” intention is a complete lie. Instead, the evidence points strongly to suggest it’s intended to expose children to sexual content at inappropriate age levels.
New Section: BYU Connections
UPDATE: We’ve added this section for clarity based on feedback. This article already explains the various connections to BYU, but this summary paragraph is to put it into one place, because some people need to see it in one place, not everyone reads the whole article.
1. The drag queens themselves were both BYU students and BYU alumni doing the child grooming on stage, according to students and alumni that Defending Utah interviewed.
2. The Official Sponsoring Group was the “RaYnbow Collective” (it’s their screenshot above).
3. The group was raising money at the event, which they labeled for six different purposes. Some of those purposes are activities known to happen as part of the BYU experience.
4. The group uses the BYU “Y” logo, transformed into a rainbow. BYU does
not stop these unofficial groups from using their branding and implying
some level of endorsement from the university.
5. They’re supposedly an “unofficial” BYU group, as if that’s an excuse to distance this behavior from the university, however this is not a real excuse:
a. The same group is reported to hold other events on campus, even if this one was slightly outside campus. Students see them as a part of the university and the university culture.
b. Faculty do attend the meetings for this group, so they have faculty organizational help in their activities.
6. BYU professors have openly declared their opposition to the proclamation on the family, and they teach this to students. Read that article here.
7. BYU has a dozen or more groups that fall into the gender dysphoria category, some are official and some are not (listed below, and on the petition), and the same circles of students, alumni and staff may rotate between the groups. BYU provides money and resources to some, but not others. So picking and choosing which groups do the controversial things is only a dishonest way to hide that the university is supportive of the agenda as a whole.
8. Color the Campus – A related group is one of the most famous for “coloring” the BYU campus, they do events on campus, as their name even suggests. The only difference is there is no child grooming on campus (yet).
9. See the video linked below of a walk through of BYU’s sociology department, to see how widespread this is at parts of the school.
10. Some other examples we’ve exposed about BYU professors engaging in anti-family behavior:
– BYU: Princess Culture Helps Boys Overcome Toxic Masculinity
– BYU Professor Pushing Removal of Family Proclamation
– BYU Professor Attacks Teachings of the Church” by Defending Utah Complete Article Here
100 protesters yelled slurs in Provo as LGBTQ students at BYU celebrated coming back to school
by Salt Lake Tribune
“Clubs for queer students who attend BYU are not allowed to meet on campus; the school operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints forbids it, as well as any same-sex romantic partnerships or displays of affection among LGBTQ students.
So the RaYnbow Collective, a nonprofit that supports the BYU queer community, holds an annual gathering at a park at the start of every school year. This year, they went bigger than ever before, planning what they billed as a family-friendly drag show — which included current and former BYU students as performers.”
Elder Holland asks BYU faculty to defend the university’s unique mission; offer love, hope to LGBTQ while upholding God’s commandments
“PROVO, Utah — After loving Brigham Young University for nearly three-fourths of a century, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland pleaded with BYU faculty and staff on Monday, Aug. 23, to do their part to ensure the university “stands unquestionably committed to its unique academic mission and to the Church that sponsors it.”
“From one who owes so much to this school and has loved her so deeply for so long, keep her not only standing but standing for what she uniquely and prophetically was meant to be,” he said…
Elder Holland also shared a few lines from another memo. “ ‘You should know,’ the writer says, ‘that some people in the extended community are feeling abandoned and betrayed by BYU. It seems that some professors (at least the vocal ones in the media) are supporting ideas that many of us feel are contradictory to gospel principles, making it appear to be about like any other university our sons and daughters could have attended. Several parents have said they no longer want to send their children here or donate to the school…
“Elder Holland said Church leaders “are not deaf or blind to the feelings that swirl around marriage and the whole same-sex topic on campus.”
“I and many of my Brethren have spent more time and shed more tears on this subject than we could ever adequately convey to you this morning, or any morning. We have spent hours discussing what the doctrine of the Church can and cannot provide the individuals and families struggling over this difficult issue. So, it is with scar tissue of our own that we are trying to avoid — and hope all will try to avoid — language, symbols and situations that are more divisive than unifying at the very time we want to show love for all of God’s children.” Read Entire Article Here
The gospel and its preaching can prosper only in an atmosphere of freedom. And now in this critical period, when many pulpits are being turned into pipelines of collectivist propaganda – preaching the social gospel and denying basic principles of salvation – is the time for action Ezra Taft Benson Our Immediate ResponsibilityBYU Devotional, October 25, 1966. This was a warning over 55 years ago, when I was only 10 years old. That is hard to wrap my head around. Our dear Prophets of old have been warning and warning us about as Pres Benson says, “collectivist propaganda.’ What is the social gospel Pres Benson speaks of? Is it happening today?
How do you answer the voice of critics? Are you conservative, independent, or liberal? Are you a traditionalist or a progressive? Do you love the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you constantly seek to change it’s history? Is your testimony of the Lord growing or remaining neutral? Are you green and growing or ripe and rotten? Do you need to get a check up from the neck up to get rid of stinkin’ thinkin’? Remember, if you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got! I know if you read and pray to the Lord for help, He will answer you. don’t get caught up in all this negative revisionist history. Stick to the Lord’s word in scripture and prayer!
The USA, is the only Land where His Work could be Commenced
“In culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest. No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26 Page 201
False Doctrine is Permitted
“I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
“With a trained mind and a skillful manner of presentation, a teacher can become unusually popular and effective in teaching. But Satan will try to use that strength to corrupt the teacher by encouraging him or her to gather a following of disciples. A Church or Church education teacher or LDS university professor who gathers such a following and does this “for the sake of riches and honor” (Alma 1:16) is guilty of priestcraft.” Dallin H. Oaks
“A desire to follow a prophet is surely a great and appropriate strength, but even this has its potentially dangerous manifestations. I have heard of more than one group who are so intent on following the words of a dead prophet that they have rejected the teachings and counsel of the living ones. Satan has used that corruption from the beginning of the Restoration…
Following the prophet is a great strength, but it needs to be consistent and current lest it lead to the spiritual downfall that comes from rejecting continuous revelation. Under that principle, the most important difference between dead prophets and living ones is that those who are dead are not here to receive and declare the Lord’s latest words to his people. If they were, there would be no differences among the messages of the prophets.” Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall DALLIN H. OAKS Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“A person who engages in self-congratulation over a supposed strength has lost the protection of humility and is vulnerable to Satan’s using that strength to produce his or her downfall.” DALLIN H. OAKS
Brigham Young said: “Some may say, “I have faith the Lord will turn them away.” What ground have we to hope this? Have I any good reason to say to my Father in heaven, “fight my battles,” when he has given me the sword to wield, the arm and the brain that I can fight for myself? Can I ask Him to fight my battles and sit quietly down waiting for Him to do so? I cannot. I can pray the people to harken to wisdom, to listen to counsel; but to ask God to do for me that which I can do for myself is preposterous to my mind.” (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 12:241.) “Don’t you have faith in America?” say others. But America is made up of people – and only righteous patriotic people work to preserve their freedom. The American people’s blessings are conditioned on righteousness and nothing else. We have faith in a faithful citizenry.
Decipher Truth and Error
Can we listen to the teachings of the world and decipher on our own whether it is true or not? Should we never listen to a person who has an opposite view as our own, or should we wait for the Lord to step in and tell us truth? Why is Critical Race Theory taught at the “Lord’s” Universities? What about evolution and pre-Adamites? Can we safely study, read scriptures and go in prayer to determine truth through the Spirit? Yes!
Why would we expect the Lord to only allow righteous things be taught in Higher Education? I fully understand stricter allowance of information with our children and youth, but when our children become adults they must be more adequately tested on their own. Wouldn’t that take away our freedom to choose if we only taught Sunday School lessons in College? I complain a lot about things taught at BYU including Book of Mormon Geography and translation methods, but I know we need to be willing to hear all sides and pray for our own personal revelation.
Do the Things we can Before the Lord Helps
Editors Note: I think of the many stories about prophets of God. Joseph Smith was certainly capable of keeping the plates hidden, which he did without the Lord hiding them for him. Good men like Martin Harris found a way to earn the money to print the first Book of Mormon as he didn’t need the Lord to give him money with out personal effort. Joseph studied Hebrew, and read the Bible and listened to the angels that appeared to him, so the Lord didn’t need to step in and write the words for Joseph on a rock in a hat. The Lord certainly could have destroyed Laman as Nephi needed the brass plates, but because Nephi could draw his sword, he didn’t need the Lord to fight his battles. When Brigham Young says, “to ask God to do for me that which I can do for myself is preposterous to my mind”, Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 12:24, makes tremendous sense to me.
Joseph Hid the Sacred Translation Instruments
The Lord commanded Joseph Smith that “I should not show them to any person; neither the breastplate with the Urim and Thummim; only to those to whom I should be commanded to show them.” JSH 1:42 Joseph translated the Book of Mormon and said, “there were two stones in silver bows—and these stones, fastened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thummim—deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these stones were what constituted “seers” in ancient or former times; and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book.” JSH 1:35
The Lord entrusted Joseph to find a way to hide these articles while he translated. The Lord didn’t do it for him, as Joseph was very resourceful. How did Joseph hide these things during translation?
I have written an entire new book about what makes sense to me. After much study and prayer, I don’t believe Joseph used a seer stone in a hat to translate. Joseph was commanded in many scriptures to use the two stones in a silver bow, FASTENED to the breastplate. I have decided a great option is that Joseph hid the breastplate under his shirt and the Interpreters fastened to the breastplate waere likely hidden from view by Joseph’s large brim farmers hat, as you see below.
“Mother I have got the Key” by Anne Marie Oborn[Glasses not “in” the hat, but being blocked from view by the hat]
Emma Smith said, “I know Mormonism to be the truth; and believe the Church to have been established by divine direction. I have complete faith in it. In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by him, he sitting with his face buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and dictating hour after hour with nothing between us.” Last Testimony of Sister Emma. (“Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” Saint’s Herald, Vol. 26, No 19. p. 289. (1 October 1879)
Remember Emma never saw the breastplate nor the Interpreters and she never had a curtain or, “nothing between us”, as Emma said. Emma and many others knew Joseph had a brown and probably a white single seer stone he had found at a younger age in life. Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Emma and many others in my opinion assumed Joseph used his seer stone, but they never claim to have seen Joseph’s translating instruments. They are at best second or third person witnesses. Only Joseph and Oliver were first hand witnesses and we know Oliver in scripture said, “Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon.’” JSH 1:75n
Proper View of the Translation
If you look at the picture below as I see it, Emma’s view would have been blocked somehow so Joseph could keep his promise of not showing the articles to anyone. This view shows why I believe Emma said she saw Joseph’s head buried in his hat, as that is what is looks like. But, with the breastplate under his shirt and the large brim farmer’s hat blocking Emma’s view, this is how it may have happened. I also believe many who talk about the stone in the hat saw this same view. Only 3 people ever saw all three items; the plates, glasses, and breastplate. They were Joseph, Oliver and Lucy Mack Smith saw and felt them under a linen.
Constantly Upon His Person
I believe Lucy Mack Smith’s history which was written shortly after the martyrdom. She said, “That of which I spoke, which Joseph termed a key, [Interpreters] was indeed nothing more nor less than a Urim and Thummim by which the angel manifested those things to him that were shown him in, vision; by which also he could at any timeascertain the approach of danger, either to himself or the record, and for this cause he kept these things constantly about his person.” (History of Joseph Smith, Revised and Enhanced, p. 139, 145)
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“Joseph kept the urim and thumim constantly about his person an[d] he could by this means ascertain at any moment whether <if> the plates were in danger or having just looked into them before Emma got there he perceived her coming and came up out of the well and met her. When she informed him of the situ what had occurred he told her that the record was perfectly safe for the pre[s]ent. [Spelling not corrected] See Joseph Smith Papers hereto see how quickly Joseph utilized the breastplate and glasses while digging a ditch, to see if the plates were safe at a moments notice. The word constantly upon his person is very accurate.
Always Consider the Prophets Council
Did you follow the prophet’s council many years ago when he asked the wife or the husband if desired, to remain at home and raise the children? The importance was to have at least one person home for our children to be brought up properly. What about when we were told that Coca-Cola was not good to drink, or we shouldn’t go to “R” rated movies, did we follow the prophet’s council then? Do we have to be commanded in all things? The Lord said, “For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward. D&C 58:26. Do you allow your kids to play on Sunday or visit the store or enjoy recreation on the Sabbath? That’s up to you not the Prophet or myself.
Our special witness of Christ is critical in our day-to-day decisions. Revelation flows at every level. During a prolonged health scare is included. May we follow the Lord. “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Russell M. Nelson [Color and italics added]
“Belief in prophets and apostles at the head of the Church does not mean that members blindly follow their leaders. While the prophet of God receives revelation and inspiration to guide the Church as a whole, revelation flows at every level, including to the leaders of congregations and to individual families and members. In fact, individual members are expected to seek that kind of divine guidance to help them in their own lives, in their responsibilities in the Church and even in temporal pursuits, including their occupations. Members are also expected to prayerfully seek their own “testimony” or conviction of the principles their leaders teach them.” LDS Newsroom Accessed June 23, 2022
Speaking about the method of Translation President Russell M. Nelson said, in a video titled, “The Book of Mormon Is Tangible Evidence of the Restoration, at the 3:30 mark the following: “Quite miraculous really, we have through the gift and power of God, we have a lot of suggestions about how it was done…” The method of Translation is not a question about doctrine but about belief or opinion just like with evolution or geography. We must receive council and where there is no doctrine, study it out and be very prayerful.
Moderation in All Things?
It makes sense to be moderate when all the choices are relatively good ones, but when some of the choices cause death and disease, it does not make sense to include these choices, even in moderate amounts. What if we smoked or drank or did drugs in moderate amounts? How well would that work? “Moderation in all things” is not found anywhere in the scriptures, for good reason.
“Mormonism, as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a Prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false…” – PRESIDENT JOSEPH FIELDING SMITH, DOCTRINES OF SALVATION, P. 188
“Watchman, what of the night?” (Isaiah 21:11) is the cry of the faithful. I have tried to warn you of the darkness that is moving over us and what we can do about it if we will only follow the Prophet. “Watchman, what of the night?” (Isaiah 21:11) is the cry of the faithful. I have tried to warn you of the darkness that is moving over us and what we can do about it if we will only follow the Prophet. Have you counted the cost if our countrymen and especially the body of the Priesthood continue to remain complacent, misled through some of our news media, deceived by some of our officials, and perverted by some of our educators? Are you prepared to see some of your loved ones murdered, your remaining liberties abridged, the Church persecuted, and your eternal reward jeopardized? Ezra Taft Benson Our Immediate Responsibility
Art by Ken Corbett
When we don’t stay focused and moving forward, it is easy to become complacent. If our church meetings and Sunday School become too ordinary, maybe we are taking the wrong approach. Do you attend meetings to see what you can get out of them, or do we come prepared to share our testimony with others? What have we learned by recent changes by President Nelson? Reduced to 2-hour meetings. He replaced Home Teaching reports with true Christian Ministering. Missionaries are doing a much greater amount of service projects, rather than knocking on doors. How many referrals have we given the Missionaries lately? I can personally do much better here. Are we on fire with the Book of Mormon?
President Nelson said, “Whenever I hear anyone, including myself, say, “I know the Book of Mormon is true,” I want to exclaim, “That’s nice, but it is not enough!” We need to feel, deep in “the inmost part” of our hearts, that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the word of God. We must feel it so deeply that we would never want to live even one day without it. I might paraphrase President Brigham Young in saying, “I wish I had the voice of seven thunders to wake up the people” to the truth and power of the Book of Mormon “ President Russell M. Nelson The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?
Yes, the Lord allows false doctrine, tragedy, pedophilia, murder, earthquakes, racism, and every other good and evil in the world. It is because we have been given our freedom to chose liberty or to chose death as the scriptures say. What is the worst thing in life? Death? No! I feel it is Spiritual Death. If we have faith, we will never fear physical death, unless we are not living righteously to believe in a life with God after death.
Don’t blame the Lord, but turn to Him and say, “What can I learn from this event. How can I be more humble?”
“President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
I haven’t ever believed the customary title of, “BYU is the Lord’s University.” Actually it is not. It is a Wonderful University with the mission to do teach correct principles that has a great mission and great intentions, but when a leader, teacher, professor, or intellect teaches incorrect principles, it becomes “Satan’s University.” I am a long standing active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I know it is the Lord’s Church on the earth. I also know it is made up of people who make mistakes, and also some who purposely teach false doctrine. It is our personal responsibility to determine which is which. It is not the job of our dear Prophet and Apostles to tell us what decisions to make, as they are to direct us in maintaining the pure doctrine of Christ. Always seek personal revelation, which I feel I have done when discussing several teachings below that I abhor.
False Doctrine
I believe Critical Race Theory (CRT), the 1619 Project, Woke-ism, Equity, are all being taught at nearly all Universities including BYU. If Professors could teach what ideology is being utilized in the world that is fine. We should know there is Religion and its values and we should know there is CRT and what it teaches as well. BUT, professors have no right to persuade or to cram down students throats their personal ideology. Teach and let the student decide. Sadly that does not exist in our Great and Spacious Universities any more. It is the Progressive ideology that is told to our students to believe. That is evil.
In my opinion (CRT) is an evil theory and so is the term “Equity.” (Yes Evil!) We are fighting Satan and CRT and Equity is from Satan. CRT states that every white person is an oppressor and every black person is a victim. That is racist in and of itself. The Progressives in the world today and the “Woke” society want race to divide us like it did in our early history. “Equity to me means, we should all have the same amount of stuff or privledge, who cares if it is fair.
Equity not Equality?
The Progressives also speak about “Equity”, but to them it has an evil meaning in my opinion. Equity is defined as: “The term “equity” refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances. The process is ongoing, requiring us to identify and overcome intentional and unintentional barriers arising from bias or systemic structures.” Source
Critical Race Theory
Dictionaries define, “critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color. Critical race theorists hold that racism is inherent in the law and legal institutions of the United States insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. Critical race theorists are generally dedicated to applying their understanding of the institutional or structural nature of racism to the concrete (if distant) goal of eliminating all race-based and other unjust hierarchies.”
I say we re all created equal as far as opportunity has it. We don’t all have equal outcomes, but we were never promised that. What someone does with an opportunity that is available to all and does something great with that opportunity, and another does something perhaps less great with the same opportunity, it is a matter of this one fact. We were all created by God and He loves us equally. We were all blessed with the “Light of Christ” and we know good from evil. Whether we make wise choices using this Light or whether we work hard and take advantage of any opportunity is our personal responsibility. As part of our responsibility we should love one another, and help the downtrodden and those who have less than us, but we should not and cannot force an equal outcome on others. That takes away Free Agency which is a blessing to each of us. Should we give all the good and productive jobs to the lazy and give all the low paying jobs to those who need to show their empathy for others? How many of you ever worked for another person who didn’t have money? If someone offers us a job and we take it, what is stopping us from eventually starting our own competing business and hire people just like our boss did? It’s called Equality, not “Equity.”
We are all blessed with the God given ability to take what we have been given and expand on it. What about the Parable of Talents? Should God give us all an equal amount of talents without earning them? No!. To some He gives 1 to another 5 and to another 20. What we do with what we have is our freedom to act and choose. Remember Christ has given us all a free gift, His Life and Resurrection. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22.
Christ is not going to give us all equal worldly things, as that removes freedom, hard work, motivation, and teaches us nothing. Nothing is free, but we all have rights from God in Life Liberty and Property. Those cannot be taken away by God. Only Man who creates unjust and evil laws can take them away from us. Put your trust not in the arm of flesh.
The Lord said, “And there are many churches built up which cause envyings, and strifes, and malice. And there are also secret combinations, even as in times of old, according to the combinations of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness; yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever. For behold, my beloved brethren, I say unto you that the Lord God worketh not in darkness… For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.” 2 Nephi 26:21-23, 33
“The mission of Brigham Young University — founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life. That assistance should provide a period of intensive learning in a stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is pursued.”
Brigham Young University Undergraduate
“The mission of Brigham Young University — founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life… A BYU education should be spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, and character building, leading to lifelong learning and service… General Information BYU has established a committee on Race, Equity, and Belonging. The committee aims to “understand both the subtle and overt ways that racism may impact individual thought and interactions, organizational units, processes, policies, practices, procedures, and operations.” The committee is now submitting its recommendation to the university president to promote equity. No mandatory Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. However, see developments below.” is a resource for parents and students concerned about how Critical Race Theory, and implementation of Critical Race Training, impacts education. We have compiled the most comprehensive database to empower parents and students. Source
“Given the full embrace of CRT-related concepts by BYU and USHE, as well as BYU’s recent professor hires, it seems inevitable that more divisive lessons about whiteness will appear on campus. Will BYU be more apt to rein in activist professors, or activist students?” Source Here is the crux of the CRT issue. To teach our children or students that CRT exists and is part of day to day conversation. We should teach what is says, and then allow children and students to access for them selves whether they believe it or not. Freedom of choice and thought. BYU teaches evolution as a theory, but more and more Professors teach it at truth today and make students believe their so called truth or they alter their grade. BYU and most all other universities teach that Einstein’s Theory is truth. It is not, it is simply a theory, just like the age of dinosaurs being millions of years old, and many other things.
Sad State of Affairs at BYU
Students Who Blew Whistle On BYU ‘Revealing Whiteness’ Assignment Threatened With Discipline. Surprise! Utah is a hotbed of CRT activism and mandates in higher education.
“A professor at Brigham Young University (BYU), in Provo, Utah, recently assigned a Revealing Whiteness assignment to a 100-level Sociology course. The resulting controversy has pitted conservative students against activist academic staff. One professor has threatened the students that posted the lesson to social media with severe punishment under BYU’s student conduct rules.
While this type of controversy over wokeness in reliably red Utah may come as a surprise to some, the state’s higher education system has begun to mandate lessons based in Critical Race Theory (CRT) for all colleges and universities operating in the state.
A professor at Brigham Young University (BYU) allegedly assigned a classroom exercise titled “Revealing Whiteness Activity.”
Professor Jane Lopez assigned the activity as homework and instructed students to photograph three representations of “Whiteness” on campus.
According to the assignment instructions, “Whiteness is defined as:
“(1) a location of structural advantage or ‘race privilege'[;] (2) a ‘standpoint’ or place from which White people look at themselves, at others, and at society, and (3) a set of cultural practices that are usually unmarked and unnamed.” Continued at the full article here;
Will You Allow Satan to Deceive the Very Elect?
“If the Book of Mormon is true, then America is a choice land, but if it is to remain such the inhabitants of the land must worship the God of the land, the Lord Jesus Christ. The histories of two great nations, told with warning in this sacred volume, indicate that while we must have science, while we must have education, while we must have arms, we also must have righteousness if we are to merit the protection of God.” Gordon B. Hinckley The Power of the Book of Mormon Ensign June 1988
To the Academics, Intellectuals, Scholars and Students
Several years ago President Ezra Taft Benson spoke to you and said: “It has come to our attention that some of our teachers, particularly in our university programs, are purchasing writings from known apostates … in an effort to become informed about certain points of view or to glean from their research. You must realize that when you purchase their writings or subscribe to their periodicals, you help sustain their cause. We would hope that their writings not be on your seminary or institute or personal bookshelves. We are entrusting you to represent the Lord and the First Presidency to your students, not the views of the detractors of the Church” (The Gospel Teacher and His Message [address delivered to Church Educational System personnel, 17 Sept. 1976], p. 12.) The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
Do not yield your faith in payment for an advanced degree or for the recognition and acclaim of the world. Do not turn away from the Lord nor from his Church nor from his servants. You are needed—oh, how you are needed! It may be that you will lay your scholarly reputation and the acclaim of your colleagues in the world as a sacrifice upon the altar of service. They may never understand the things of the Spirit as you have a right to do. They may not regard you as an authority or as a scholar. Just remember, when the test came to Abraham, he didn’t really have to sacrifice Isaac. He just had to be willing to. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“There is no need to learn about communism [CRT, Equity, etc.] in order to avoid it,” Some argue. But this counsel can help keep our people in ignorance and apparently flies in the face of the inspired counsel of President McKay who said,
“I believe that only through a truly educated citizenry can the ideals that inspired the Founding Fathers of our nation be preserved and perpetuated.” (“Church News,” March 13, 1954; quoted in Newquist, op. cit., p. 178.)
And then President McKay said that one of the “four fundamental elements in such an education” was the “open and forcible teaching of the facts regarding communism as an enemy to God and to individual freedom.” (“Church News,” March 13, 1954; quoted in Newquist, op. cit., p. 181.)
Do we teach people to avoid alcohol and tobacco by pointing out its evil effects? Of course we do. Should we then avoid telling people about the evil nature and devious designs of communism – the greatest satanical threat to the spread of God’s work?
When Communism is used in the past there are other words that mean the same thing. Do a search online for each word and your mind will be open to all the evil of Satan. Of course Satan is in all things good and he makes all things bad look good. There is much evil in our CIA, FBI, UN, NATO, CFR, Justice Dept., NASA, DC Govt, etc.
Cultural and Theological Content from a Latter-day Saint Perspective
I have enjoy watching these CWIC Podcasts. He has a lot of great information. I share below his video that speaks about this BYU Professor Bybee problem, about the Whiteness topic I have discussed above.
“Our Cwic Study Group is a global group made up mostly of Latter-day Saints. They range from the ‘garden variety’ to more scholarly participants. We focus on the Come Follow Me program and its assigned chapters, along with a review of one Cwic Interpreter each week. Subscribers (Members) can just sit and watch/listen or can comment, ask questions and raise their hands in an interactive environment. The longer you are in the group, the more you will feel a part of a community with specific, shared knowledge of the gospel.” Qwic Media
I continue to be troubled by the amount of secular learning our children are learning at elementary, junior high, high school, and especially at college. The Critical Race Theory (CRT) is happening everywhere and it is not good. It teaches the Black race of people as always victims and the White race are always aggressors and guilty of racism. There cannot be a unity if there is always racism. This is wrong. The Savior said that we should become one just as He and His Father are one. I have no white guilt and I love all people regardless of their race or creed. Let’s come together in Christ, not become divided.
I do not have a degree in higher education but I have been around the block a few times and have studied hard about life and politics and religion. I am a life long and in good standing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am thankful for a strong testimony in our Savior and His scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I have always loved BYU and especially their sports. My father graduated from BYU in 1954.
I have become more and more critical of many of the secular doctrines that BYU teaches. It hasn’t affected my testimony or love of the Prophet and Apostles by any means, but my concern is, are children strong in spirit enough to withstand the many secular teachings at BYU? I am not judging the school but I am worried there are so many Professors not just teaching theory such as evolution, but teaching it as doctrine. This is easily provable. BYU Provo and Idaho are certainly fantastic institutions, but don’t expect your children to be shielded by Church doctrine at these schools. There are many wonderful professors but I believe there are are nearly an equal amount of professors that care more about their own intelligence than about sharing Christian values with our children.
“I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. PackerElder Packer also said, “This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons”. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
Church Leaders Gather at BYU’s Life Sciences Building for Dedication
By Marianne Holman Prescott, Church News staff writer2015“There is no conflict between science and religion. Conflict only arises from an incomplete knowledge of either science or religion, or both,” Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said during the dedication of the new Life Sciences Building at Brigham Young University on April 9.
“This university is committed to search for truth and teach the truth,” said Elder Nelson. “All truth is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether truth comes from a scientific laboratory or by revelation from the Lord, it is compatible…”
“Now I will confess a personal prejudice,” he said. “I think that a person can learn more by studying God’s creations than by studying the works of people, even by the most erudite and educated scholars.”
“If the Book of Mormon is true, then America is a choice land, but if it is to remain such the inhabitants of the land must worship the God of the land, the Lord Jesus Christ. The histories of two great nations, told with warning in this sacred volume, indicate that while we must have science, while we must have education, while we must have arms, we also must have righteousness if we are to merit the protection of God.” Gordon B. Hinckley The Power of the Book of Mormon Ensign June 1988
BYU Graduate Receives Diploma Then Opens Her Robe To Show Pride Flag
“Was Elder Holland Prophetic in his BYU talk last summer? “Commandeering the graduation”. Is protesting the LGBTQ policies at BYU protesting the doctrine of the Church? What does the Pride Flag mean to you?” CWIC Media
No Judgement
Personally I don’t feel any special calling to judge any person or any ideology. I simply feel a need to make my readers aware of many challenges that we face personally and many of these challenges are also felt at the Lord’s Universities. I feel very similar to what Elder Packer said. “President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer. I share bits and pieces of Elder Holland’s inspired talk from August of 2021 below.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Urges BYU to Embrace Its Uniqueness, Stay True to the Savior
Apostle speaks at BYU’s 2021 University Conference
“The Lord’s call [to those of us who serve at BYU] is a . . . call to create learning experiences of unprecedented depth, quality and impact. . . . As good as BYU is and has been, this is a call to do [better]. It is . . . a call to educate many more students, to more . . . effectively help them become true disciples of Jesus Christ, to prepare them to . . . lead in their families, in the Church, in their [professions, and] in a world filled with commotion. . . . But [answering this call] . . . cannot be [done successfully] without His . . . help…” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland BYU’s 2021 University Conference (This quote above is from nearly the end of Elder Holland’s talk that I am quoting from below, but I put it at the beginning as it sets the stage for me as I discuss Elder Holland’s words).Elder Holland continues, “…Imagine the pain that comes with a memo like this one I recently received. These are just a half-dozen lines from a two-page document:
“You should know,” the writer says, “that some people in the extended community are feeling abandoned and betrayed by BYU. It seems that some professors (at least the vocal ones in the media) are supporting ideas that many of us feel are contradictory to gospel principles, making it appear to be about like any other university our sons and daughters could have attended. Several parents have said they no longer want to send their children here or donate to the school…”
“Please don’t think I’m opposed to people thinking differently about policies and ideas,” the writer continues. “I’m not. But I would hope that BYU professors would be bridging those gaps between faith and intellect and would be sending out students that are ready to do the same in loving, intelligent and articulate ways. Yet, I fear that some faculty are not supportive of the Church’s doctrines and policies and choose to criticize them publicly. There are consequences to this. After having served a full-time mission and marrying her husband in the temple, a friend of mine recently left the church. In her graduation statement on a social media post, she credited [such and such a BYU program and its faculty] with the radicalizing of her attitudes and the destruction of her faith.”[6]
“But it will assist everyone in providing such help if things can be kept in some proportion and balance in the process. For example, we have to be careful that love and empathy do not get interpreted as condoning and advocacy, or that orthodoxy and loyalty to principle not be interpreted as unkindness or disloyalty to people. As near as I can tell, Christ never once withheld His love from anyone, but He also never once said to anyone, ‘Because I love you, you are exempt from keeping my commandments.’ We are tasked with trying to strike that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives…
Elder Holland says, “My beloved brothers and sisters, “a house divided against itself . . . cannot stand,”[12] and I will go to my grave pleading that this institution not only stands but stands unquestionably committed to its unique academic mission and to the Church that sponsors it. We hope it isn’t a surprise to you that your Trustees are not deaf or blind to the feelings that swirl around marriage and the whole same-sex topic on campus. I and many of my Brethren have spent more time and shed more tears on this subject than we could ever adequately convey to you this morning, or any morning. We have spent hours discussing what the doctrine of the Church can and cannot provide the individuals and families struggling over this difficult issue. So, it is with scar tissue of our own that we are trying to avoid — and hope all will try to avoid — language, symbols, and situations that are more divisive than unifying at the very time we want to show love for all of God’s children…
I conclude Elder Holland’s talk with this quote by him. “..We have to be careful that love and empathy do not get interpreted as condoning and advocacy, or that orthodoxy and loyalty to principle not be interpreted as unkindness or disloyalty to people. As near as I can tell, Christ never once withheld His love from anyone, but He also never once said to anyone, “Because I love you, you are exempt from keeping my commandments.” We are tasked with trying to strike that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives.” Source: Open Letter to Faculty, Students, & Parents on Radicalization & CRT
Cwic Media
On It’s Way To Becoming Rampant, BYU Has Some Bad Apples Visit our Website here:
To the Academics, Intellectuals, Scholars and Students
Several years ago President Ezra Taft Benson spoke to you and said: “It has come to our attention that some of our teachers, particularly in our university programs, are purchasing writings from known apostates … in an effort to become informed about certain points of view or to glean from their research. You must realize that when you purchase their writings or subscribe to their periodicals, you help sustain their cause. We would hope that their writings not be on your seminary or institute or personal bookshelves. We are entrusting you to represent the Lord and the First Presidency to your students, not the views of the detractors of the Church” (The Gospel Teacher and His Message [address delivered to Church Educational System personnel, 17 Sept. 1976], p. 12.) The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. PackerDo not yield your faith in payment for an advanced degree or for the recognition and acclaim of the world. Do not turn away from the Lord nor from his Church nor from his servants. You are needed—oh, how you are needed! It may be that you will lay your scholarly reputation and the acclaim of your colleagues in the world as a sacrifice upon the altar of service. They may never understand the things of the Spirit as you have a right to do. They may not regard you as an authority or as a scholar. Just remember, when the test came to Abraham, he didn’t really have to sacrifice Isaac. He just had to be willing to. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“There is no need to learn about communism in order to avoid it,” Some argue. But this counsel can help keep our people in ignorance and apparently flies in the face of the inspired counsel of President McKay who said,
“I believe that only through a truly educated citizenry can the ideals that inspired the Founding Fathers of our nation be preserved and perpetuated.” (“Church News,” March 13, 1954; quoted in Newquist, op. cit., p. 178.)
And then President McKay said that one of the “four fundamental elements in such an education” was the “open and forcible teaching of the facts regarding communism as an enemy to God and to individual freedom.” (“Church News,” March 13, 1954; quoted in Newquist, op. cit., p. 181.)
“I love being a part of the diversity committee in the College of Life Sciences. Helping students to become actively antiracist is one of the most important things I’ve done as a BYU faculty member. The affirmation Black Lives Matter has helped me see the importance of working towards a more inclusive BYU for all its students.” Steven Peck COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES DIVERSITY COMMITEE BYU Impact Magazine page 27
This troublesome Newsweek article by Steven Peck still disturbs me after all these years. Read it below.
Is Evolution Real? Christians Should Embrace Darwin’s Theories, Mormon College Professor Says
Also a very concerning article in LDS living is from an intelligent member of the church who affiliates with Bok of Mormon Central and other apologetic groups, here called 5 Answers to Difficult Questions About Noah and the Flood.
Back to the article at COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES DIVERSITY COMMITEE BYU Impact Magazine page 27
“An evolutionary biologist who teaches at a college owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said that Mormons should feel comfortable accepting the theory of evolution, the Salt Lake City Tribune reported.
Brigham Young University biologist Steven Peck gave the Eugene England Memorial Lecture at Utah Valley University, a publicly-funded school, on Thursday. At the address, he delved into the rift between science and religion.” Read the entire article here:
“The data shown here reveal a shift toward acceptance by LDS youth of evolutionary theory as a valid explanation for current life on earth. While human evolution is still something of an issue, there has been a dramatic decrease in conflict in comparison with the views of college students of two to three decades ago. As explanations, the data support the influence of an improved K-12 educational experience, a reduction in negative messaging from people in authority within the religious organization, and the positive effects of a strong BYU science education in a faith-friendly manner, which we suggest can be transmitted as a generational legacy. Students both previous and current have responded with approval of both the theoretical framework and empirical evidence for evolution when presented in an instructional strategy that clarifies the authoritative position of their church and encourages reconciliation of faith and science. These data are specific to those of the LDS faith, some aspects of which may be unique (i.e. close adherence of the membership to authoritative pronouncements of any current church leadership, a unity of belief and standardized religious practice in congregations world-wide, and highly effective programs of religious education for youth at both the family and ecclesiastical levels). On the other hand, a case can be made for generalization. The BYU population represents students of a Christian faith whose teachings are informed by Biblical scripture (including the precept of divine creation), with notorious cultural (but not doctrinal) barriers to evolution, a case similar to many other conservative religions. As a result, we believe our findings can be applied more broadly, used as an “ecological case study,” whose results can be replicated with students of other religious affiliations. As “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” [78], the fact that trends are changing among one of the most resistant populations in America should serve as a point of encouragement for life science educators from all institutions.” Bold added The Church and BYU: An evolution — of evolution
“Historians seem to take great pride in publishing something new, particularly if it illustrates a weakness or mistake of a prominent historical figure. For some reason, historians and novelists seem to savor such things. If it related to a living person, it would come under the heading of gossip. History can be as misleading as gossip and much more difficult—often impossible—to verify. The writer or the teacher who has an exaggerated loyalty to the theory that everything must be told is laying a foundation for his own judgment. He should not complain if one day he himself receives as he has given. Perhaps that is what is contemplated in having one’s sins preached from the housetops.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. PackerI would simply say, be aware of evil being taught as good and good being taught as evil. Do your due-diligence and seek for that which is true by study and prayer.
“Do you who trust and believe Joseph Smith, believe his words when he said to Emma that he was “wandering over the Plains of the Nephites?” Do you trust the fact that Joseph was camped on the Mississippi River near a small landing near the town of Atlas, Illinois? Do you indeed believe Joseph wrote said letter of June 4, 1834 as shown in the Joseph Smith papers?Was Joseph telling Emma the truth? Did he have any reason to be making something up here? Do you really think that Joseph was traveling on the very plains that the Nephites had once walked on, some 2,000 years ago? If he wasn’t why would Joseph say he was walking on those very plains of the Nephites? Was he really roving over the Nephite mounds and was it indeed a proof of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon?
Actual Letter in the JSP from Joseph to Emma. Handwriting of James p. Mulholland
Joseph Near the Mississippi at Atlas, Illinois wrote this letter to Emma.. Joseph said, roving over the mounds and picking up Nephite bones in this area, is PROOF of the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon. Only a Mesoamerican in a bubble could think differently. Why deny it, embrace it my intellectual friends.
Mark Wright a Mesoamerican friend once wrote while trying to downplay Joseph’s letter spoken of above saying, “in a letter to his wife Emma dated June 4, 1834, he gave a general account of what they encountered on their excursion:” That’s about all he said. Does Mark mean generally true or generally false, or he doesn’t know? What did they encounter on their excursion? Bones of real Nephites? Did they really see physical mounds? Did Joseph really say this, “proof of [the Book of Mormon’s] divine authenticity?” Yes, and Yes. So, Joseph spoke a FACT, not a FEELING. Joseph spoke the truth and I believe Joseph, and I know that Joseph knows that the plains of the Nephites in the Book of Mormon are in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834 Joseph Smith Papers
You can either believe Joseph or believe historians of BYU or intellectual professors who are more interested in staying a member of thier own group think, than they are of researching truth. If BYU and the leading LDS scientists had spent millions and millinos of dollars of research in the heartland, as they have in Mexico, we may know the truth by now.
With the help of the Heartland Group, Wayne May, Dr. John Lefgren, Mike and Betty Lafontaine, Dr. Kevin Price and many others, we ARE finally spending some independent money from donors in search of the true Zarahemla near Montrose Iowa. We are also researching the Phoenicia Replica Ship’s voyage, which proves a possible route from the Old World to Florida that very likely says it’s possible for Lehi to land in Florida in about 589 BC. in a 600 BC sailing ship. See their efforts here.
Rod Meldrum Asks, “Why do Intellectuals conflate when Joseph Smith does or does not have a revelation? The Mission to the Lamanites as declared and described by the Lord in the Doctrine and Covenants clearly reflects that Joseph sent the missionaries to the areas revealed and directed by the Lord. The scriptures imply that not only were they to preach to the Native Americans on this North American continent, but that they are a remnant of the seed of Lehi and “Lamanites” as described in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants.” Rod Meldrum Prophecies and Promises page 94
Rod Meldrum Endorses, “These Stones, Fastened to a Breastplate”
“Foundational to the Restoration is the validity of the translation of the Book of Mormon. The primary editors, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey, maintained that the process was accomplished using an instrument provided centuries in advance by the Lord for the very purpose of sacred inspired translation. Some detractors claimed that Joseph abandoned the
Lord’s instrument, the Urim and Thummim, for a more convenient stone in a hat. The Lord Himself in several revelations validated Joseph’s use of this instrument. Yet modern historians point to hostile witnesses to bolster their stone in the hat (SITH) narrative. Rian explores important new insights into this critical aspect of Church History.” Rod Meldrum Endorsement page i, “These Stones Fastened to a Breastplate” by Rian Nelson.
Mr. Meldrum continues to say, “The writers of the articles at and Book of Mormon Central, have concluded that perhaps these revelations were not directly from the Lord but just Joseph’s choice of words and therefore cannot be taken at face value without secondary interpretation. FAIR writes: “Many readers assume that revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants in which Joseph Smith speaks in “God’s voice” are direct “quotations” from God. Joseph didn’t claim to be hearing a voice, and he didn’t claim to be quoting God or “taking dictation.” Rather, impressions would come to him, which he would put into words. Joseph clearly did not consider them “direct quotations” from God, since he was quite happy to revise them, edit them later, etc.…This means that “Lamanites” to describe the American Indians was Joseph’s word choice.” It would appear that there is a need by FAIR to maintain a legitimacy for the Limited Geography Theory (LGT) by also writing “The few personal statements he made on Book of Mormon geography indicate that he believed it took place on a hemispheric scale, so it would be natural for him to believe that all Native Americans were pure descendants of Laman, and hence were literal “Lamanites.” See also Lamanites in the Doctrine and Covenants” Note 54 by Rod Meldrum Prophecies and Promises
The Book of Mormon is- A REAL HISTORY!
Why are more and more people of the world claiming that Noah’s flood was fictional or just a good story? More people are saying that Adam wasn’t the first man on this earth. Why are more and more members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claiming that the Book of Mormon contains a lot of great parables that aren’t real stories, but just parables that can teach us good things? Is the Bible the Word of God? We answer yes as far as it is translated correctly. We do know however that the stories in the Bible are actual accounts of real people in real places, just as the Book of Mormon is.
Why would we believe anything else? Because Satan’s plan is in full force. Remember this is Satan’s world right now. It won’t be Christ’s until the second coming. The craftiness of man is constantly being mixed with scripture and folklore. The “Great and Spacious building” is truly coming from the halls of academia. Many intellectuals continue pointing their fingers at humble followers of God from the heights of those house’s of cards. “Who’s on the Lord’s side who?” There are “save two churches”, one that speaks the truth of the Savior and all others who teach of man and his so-called wisdom.
Educated Men
“The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.’” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., and John J. Stewart, The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1972], 210 – 211.)
How You Can Know the Truth of Book of Mormon Geography
“Individual members are encouraged to independently strive to receive their own spiritual confirmation of the truthfulness of Church doctrine. Moreover, the Church exhorts all people to approach the gospel not only intellectually but with the intellect and the spirit, a process in which reason and faith work together.” LDS Newsroom 4 MAY 2007
“You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
I’m Not Neutral
Click to enlarge a Heartland version of the Book of Mormon
As you read this recent blog of Jonathan’s, don’t be discouraged, be bold! Don’t allow fear to affect your faith! The truth shall be known and we must continue steadfastly in living and teaching the truth of the Book of Mormon to the world. The Book of Mormon is real and true and it speaks of one amazing hill Cumorah in upstate New York. The “Plains of the Nephites” as Joseph said to Emma are in Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, in the United States of America. I don’t speak for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but I do speak of common sense and truth as I understand it. I love this Church and the Brethren are true messengers of Christ. The Church remains neutral on geography, but they didn’t say I had to be. I know the land spoken of in the Book of Mormon, is the United States of America, and I am so blessed to live in this country. May we continue to share this true message of the Book of Mormon with the world.
Only 49% of LDS believe Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account? by Jonathan Neville
“Jana Reiss published a fascinating detail recently about the beliefs of Church members about whether the Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account:
More religiously orthodox. Utah Mormons were more devout on almost every testimony question. These differences were less pronounced on questions of basic Christian belief (God, Jesus, etc.) and more visible on specifically Mormon questions about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the role of apostles and prophets today. For example, there’s a twenty-point difference between the Utah Mormons who strongly agree that the Book of Mormon is a “literal, historical account” (69%) and the non-Utah Mormons who do (49%). In many cases on these testimony questions, non-Utah folks would choose the second option of “somewhat” agree rather than “strongly” agree. So it doesn’t mean they don’t believe in Mormon teachings, but they may hold them less tightly than Utah Mormons tend to.
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This indicates that 1/3 of devout Utah Mormons don’t strongly believe the Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account, and less than 1/2 of non-Utah Mormons believe that.
I suspect that the difference between the Utah and non-Utah Mormons is partly attributable to Utah Mormons having fewer interactions with people who challenge their faith in the Book of Mormon; i.e., they let bias confirmation guide them.
Those who make inquiries on the Internet quickly realize that outside of a handful of M2C intellectuals and their followers, no Mesoamerican scholars see any links between actual Mayan culture and the Book of Mormon. As I’ve shown many times, the so-called “correspondences” touted by the M2C intellectuals are illusory and unpersuasive to those who are outside the M2C bubble..
The difference could also be attributed to demographics; i.e., non-Utah Mormons are generally younger, and younger LDS are less likely to believe the Book of Mormon is a literal history because of what LDS youth are being taught in CES and at BYU.
As LDS youth go through CES and BYU and learn the Book of Mormon by referring to the fantasy map, even fewer will believe it is a literal, historical account.
BYU fantasy map that teaches the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah This map is the work of fine scholars at BYU who claim it is the best representation of the geography-related passages in the text. Of course, they really mean it’s the best representation of their M2C-driven interpretation; other interpretations of the text fully support the teachings of the prophets.
BYU fantasy map that teaches the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah
Church members must realize that these fine scholars also teach that the prophets are wrong about the New York Cumorah. That’s why, in their map, they place Cumorah at the upper part of this fantasy map, as far from the real-world New York as possible.
This BYU map has been taught for several years now. Every new student has to learn this map in their introductory Book of Mormon classes. CES uses a similar map.
My question is, how could any trusting youth in the Church believe the Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account when his/her CES/BYU teachers claim a fantasy map is the best fit for the geography?
Especially when these CES/BYU teachers are telling the youth that the prophets are wrong?
The M2C intellectuals, who claim to have been hired by the prophets to guide the Church, do, in fact, seem to be guiding the Church through their influence on the youth.
The inevitable result of this course will be rejection of the historicity of the Book of Mormon. What impact will that have? I’ll discuss that in an upcoming post.
Meanwhile, let’s consider what course we’re on.
The de-literalizing of the Book of Mormon became apparent to me when I took a closer look at the lesson manuals, the CES/BYU curriculum, the Saints book, the visitors centers, etc. These all repudiate the teachings of the prophets about the New York Cumorah. I attribute all of those to the M2C Church employees.
True, members of the Quorum of the Twelve do approve all of this, at some level. But they can only review what the employees show them, and the employees only show them M2C approved material.
So far, not one Apostle or President of the Church has repudiated or even questioned the teachings of prior prophets about the New York Cumorah.
Lately, has linked to the groups who are promoting the fictional fantasy maps of the Book of Mormon. At BYU Education Week, they offer courses in Lessons from the Book of Mormon and Lessons from the Chronicles of Narnia back-to-back.
And it has been 40 years since anyone speaking in General Conference declared the Book of Mormon is a real history.
When I go back and re-read the conference talks and other messages, they mostly emphasize the content of the book, not it’s historical reality. The parables in the Bible are discussed in the same way; i.e., stories that teach true principles.
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Of course we all stipulate that the message of the Book of Mormon is more important than its history, but it is the literal, divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon–its historicity–that makes it a miraculous manifestation of God’s involvement with the world. As an inspired parable, it may have power like the Biblical parables, but the power of the book is, in my view, greatly diminished.
The Church History Department is instructing their staff and volunteers to tell people that Joseph never actually used the plates; instead, he kept them covered with a cloth while he read the words on a stone in a hat. Now Skousen and Carmack are saying Joseph didn’t even translate the plates, an idea that is getting zero pushback from Church leaders and a warm welcome from the intellectuals, in part because it corroborates their view that Joseph Smith was merely an ignorant farm-boy speculator who misled the Church about the New York Cumorah.
People tell me that when they ask Church leaders about Book of Mormon geography, the standard response is “We don’t talk about that.” That’s also the response missionaries are instructed to give whenever the question arises.
I realize the historicity doesn’t matter to those who already want to believe; bias confirmation always conquers lack of evidence. I’m more interested in the people who want at least some touchstone with reality.
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During his lifetime, Joseph Smith emphasized the literal, historical reality of the Book of Mormon. He helped Oliver Cowdery write Letter VII, which teaches it was a fact that the final battles of the Nephites and Jaredites took place in the valley west of the hill Cumorah in western New York and that the repository of Nephite records (Mormon 6:6) was in the same hill. Joseph endorsed Letter VII and made sure it was widely distributed so all Church members could read it.
Today, few Church members have ever heard of Letter VII.
Instead, they’re learning that the Book of Mormon took place in a fictional fantasyland.
“The final struggles between Nephites and Lamanites were waged in the vicinity of the Hill Cumorah, in what is now the State of New York, resulting in the destruction of the Nephites as a nation, about 400 A.D. The last Nephite representative was Moroni, who, wandering for safety from place to place, daily expecting death from the victorious Lamanites, wrote the concluding parts of the Book of Mormon, and hid the record in Cumorah. It was this same Moroni who, as a resurrected being, gave the records into the hands of Joseph Smith in the present dispensation.” James Talmage Articles of Faith
“The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012
“The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008)
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“Even our Latter-day Saint intellectuals are convinced that the way to impress the Gentiles is not to acquire a mastery of their critical tools, (how few even know Latin!), but simply to defer in all things to their opinions.” The WORLD Of The JAREDITES Improvement Era 1951-52 PART II The Tower By Hugh Nibley
Sound Doctrine
This is the last days and I have been trying hard to hear and obey sound doctrine. That means first I trust the Spirit of Revelation, next I read and ponder and pray about the scriptures, third I listen to our Church leaders especially with conference talks. Our Prophet said, “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Nelson
Our Biases
I feel it is significant to show some of the deeply held biases of some of our good members of the church. We should all be open minded to listen to differences in our opinions about the geography of the Book of Mormon. I believed in two Cumorah’s for over 40 years and I believe there is only one Hill Cumorah, and others are welcomed to keep their belief that there are two Cumorah’s. I’ve listened to Prophets and Joseph Smith carefully, and I have a personal witness that Joseph has it right. Prophets Quotes Here:
I Believe Joseph Smith
“Do you who trust and believe Joseph Smith, believe his words when he said to Emma that he was “wandering over the Plains of the Nephites?” Do you trust the fact that Joseph was camped on the Mississippi River near a small landing near the town of Atlas, Illinois? Do you indeed believe Joseph wrote said letter of June 4, 1834 as shown in the Joseph Smith papers? Was Joseph telling Emma the truth? Did he have any reason to be making something up here? Do you really think that Joseph was traveling on the very plains that the Nephites had once walked on, some 2,000 years ago? If he wasn’t why would Joseph say he was walking on those very plains of the Nephites? Was he really roving over the Nephite mounds and was it indeed a proof of the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon? Yes, Yes and Yes.
I believe events of the Book of Mormon happened in the USA and others who contribute to some of our Church publications such as “Saints”, believe events happened in Central America. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is officially neutral about where the events took place. Since the Church is neutral, why do many intellectuals who correlate and edit Church History, promote a specific geography in Central America? It’s a subject worth learning more about. I believe Joseph Smith taught a North American setting for the Book of Mormon and never hinted at a Central American setting. You can decide what you believe.
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Our great friend Jonathan Neville has been sharing information for years about the importance of the one and only Hill Cumorah being located in New York. I agree with him. For 40 years I had believed a second Cumorah in Mexico, but now it just doesn’t make sense.
Click to Enlarge
Jonathan as a previous believer of the Mesoamerican theory, has amazing insight as he has studied Church History to show the importance of Cumorah in New York. Many of the friends of his who have stayed with their feelings about a second Cumorah have been upset with Jonathan as he continues to explain his position. Many of these historians claim Jonathan calls them offensive names. But I believe they are just concerned because of Jonathan’s solid information against the Meso theory. (Below you will see that Jonathan has a very favorable opinion of his friends on the other side. Jonathan’s opinion continues to show amazing information that supports his belief that Hill Cumorah indeed was the place that Joseph received the plates, and it was also the place where the final battles of the Jaredites (Ramah) and the Nephites, (Cumorah) occurred.
I have compiled below some of Jonathan’s research on how many of the Church Historians have edited, changed, or omitted important parts of historical documents in order to accommodate their version that there were two Cumorah’s; one hill where Joseph received the plates, and a different hill Cumorah in Mexico where the final battles of the Book of Mormon supposedly happened.
I share this information of course from the point of view of my own bias, as I believe the majority of prophets, apostles, and leaders of the church believe there is simply one Cumorah, which makes sense to me. For additional information about my views you can visit my website at and read my list of Prophet and Apostle quotes here. Jonathan Neville’s website is www.moronisamerica.comHis blog site is here.
Jonathan Neville’s First Blog of 2019
“For my first post in 2019, I’m showing another instance of M2C* censorship. This one is from the Brigham Young lesson manual (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church – Brigham Young).
This is part of a well-established pattern of censorship by Church employees who follow the M2C (Mesoamerican 2 Cumorah Theory) intellectuals. Although these materials are approved by Church leaders, the materials are prepared by staff who are trusted to be accurate and truthful when they write these manuals.
I don’t believe any Church leaders would knowingly approve of the deliberate censorship of teachings of the prophets who preceded them, especially when the censorship is driven by the desire to promote M2C.
Look at the comparison below to see how the employees who wrote this manual changed Brigham Young’s clear teachings to accommodate M2C. The blue in the right column is the original. The red in the left column is the work of the censors.
Lesson manual
Original talk in Journal of Discourses
When Joseph first received the knowledge of the plates that were in the hill Cumorah, he did not then receive the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood, he merely received the knowledge that the plates were there, and that the Lord would bring them forth. … He received the knowledge that [early inhabitants of the Americas]were once in possession of the Gospel, and from that time he went on, step by step, until he obtained the plates, and the Urim and Thummim and had power to translate them.
When Joseph first received the knowledge of the plates that were in the hill Cumorah, he did not then receive the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood, he merely received the knowledge that the plates were there, and that the Lord would bring them forth, and that they contained the history of the aborigines of this country. He received the knowledge that they were once in possession of the Gospel, and from that time he went on, step by step, until he obtained the plates, and the Urim and Thummim and had power to translate them.
Notice: the original phrase “aborigines of this country” was censored and replaced with “early inhabitants of the Americas.” Jonathan Neville post from Moroni’s America Jan 2, 2019
“I again emphasize that I have great respect for Brother Sorenson; I acknowledged him in Moroni’s America as a major–and positive–contributor to the study of the Book of Mormon. Although I disagree with his premises and arguments in many respects, his practical, real-world approach to understanding the text has been highly influential on me and thousands of other Latter-day Saints.” Jonathan Neville
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“For thousands of members of the Church, the censorship of Cumorah has become a serious enough issue that the editors of Saints responded publicly (although they haven’t yet responded to the other revisionist problems in Saints). Their response confirmed that they’ve been revising Church history to accommodate M2C. They now characterized their editorial policy as their effort to “uphold” what they perceive to be “neutrality” regarding Book of Mormon geography, a euphemism for accommodating 20th century theories about two-Cumorah’s. All along, I’ve emphasized that the censorship of Cumorah is an issue of accuracy in Church history, not a question of Book of Mormon geography.
The New York Cumorah says nothing about where the other events took place. In fact, for decades, Church leaders have consistently taught two things:
1. The hill Cumorah of Mormon 6:6 is in New York. 2. We don’t know where the other events took place (i.e., neutrality).
M2C intellectuals (including the historians) confuse members of the Church by conflating these two teachings. What they now characterize as “neutrality” is actually an explicit repudiation of the prophets and apostles, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
Because M2C contradicts the plain teachings of the prophets and apostles, M2C intellectuals don’t want Church members to know what the prophets and apostles have taught. Saints is just the latest iteration of this effort.” Jonathan Neville
Church Historians Censor Other Information Below
Wentworth Letter Omission Here! “The Prophet Joseph Smith shared with us important information regarding the Lamanites spoken of in the Book of Mormon and how they were the Native Americans of this land of North America.” Jonathan Neville
Church historians concede they censored Cumorah in Saints “I’ve asserted that the editors of Saints censored Cumorah not to “suppress” or “speak against” a “heartland” model, but to accommodate (make room for) M2C. As you’ll see in a moment, they admit that’s exactly what they did.”Jonathan Neville
Cumorah – 8b, M2C in the Ensign
Few Church members realize the Ensign itself published the foundations for M2C (the Mesoamerican/two-Cumorahs theory). This brought M2C into the mainstream and gave cover for M2C intellectuals to openly defy the prophets and apostles. It helps explain why BYU/CES and other Church employees are so deeply invested in M2C, and why they refuse to look at the evidence that supports the teachings of the prophets and apostles regarding the New York Cumorah.
No-Wise #489 Where is the Hill Cumorah? No-Wise #489 is a definite keeper. It exposes the paucity of evidence to support M2C’s repudiation of the prophets. Let’s take a look. Here’s the link. Here’s the opening image: They chose an image that makes the Hill Cumorah in New York appear insignificant, which supports their M2C narrative. Notice how Book of Mormon Central Censor (BOMCC) superimposes their Mayan logo. This is the logo that conveys their corporate mission to “to increase understanding of the Book of Mormon as an ancient Mesoamerican codex.”
“…there is no historical evidence that Moroni called the hill “Cumorah” in 1823.” Editors of “Saints”
“This is a very carefully written sentence. It’s both another straw man fallacy and a deflection. The straw man is whether or not Moroni called the hill “Cumorah” in 1823. It’s an irrelevant point. Joseph could have learned the term from Moroni at any point between 1823 and 1827. What is important is that there is historical evidence that in 1827, before he got the plates, Joseph referred to the hill as “Cumorah.” These historians know this, but they word their statement here to deflect from that evidence, without overtly denying it exists. Joseph’s mother, Lucy Mack Smith, quoted Joseph referring to the hill Cumorah in 1827, in a passage these editors deliberately avoided when they wrote Saints, as I showed here.“ Jonathan Neville
“Chapter 4 of Saints, titled “Be Watchful,” covers the events leading up to the time when Joseph obtained the plates. You can read Chapter 4 here: At one point, the chapter relates an account of Joseph being chastised.” Jonathan Neville
Highlighted text left out of the Church Manual called Teachings of the Prophets-Joseph Smith. Page 549 of the Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum- Purchase today
I encourage everyone to read/watch his talk. Critics such as the CES Letter are having a tremendous impact on members of the Church (and investigators), and Elder Corbridge gives some great advice.
Here, I want to discuss why the critics are so successful. I think their success is largely attributable to the teachings of certain LDS intellectuals that are being promulgated by CES and BYU.
IOW, the CES Letter is persuasive to people because of the teachings of LDS intellectuals who teach the youth that the prophets are wrong. This includes not only M2C advocates but also the revisionist Church historians who support them.
For now, I’ll give just two examples.
M2C-approved BYU Fantasy map that teaches students
to think of the Book of Mormon in a fictional setting –
because the prophets are wrong
The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. The critics know that, so naturally that’s where they focus.
But their job is made easy because both CES and BYU teach their students that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were ignorant speculators who misled the Church about the New York Cumorah.
To make sure students grasp the point, CES and BYU use fantasy maps in their Book of Mormon classes.
Really, when CES and BYU students are being indoctrinated to think of the Book of Mormon in terms of a computer-generated fantasy map that has no relevance to the actual planet Earth, the critics are redundant.
The critics claim that the Book of Mormon is fiction, but every student going through CES and BYU is learning that already.
By contrast, how did Joseph and Oliver respond to the early anti-Mormon claim that the Book of Mormon was fiction? Did they draw a fantasy map and publish it in Church literature?
Eight Letters
Of course not.
Instead, they wrote the first Gospel Topics Essays, published as letters, explaining the facts regarding the restoration of the Priesthood, the visit of Moroni, and the location of the Hill Cumorah in western New York.
They declared it was a fact that this is the very Hill Cumorah where (i) Joseph found the plates, (ii) Mormon concealed the repository of Nephite records, and (iii) both the Jaredite and Nephite nation waged their final battles. (See Mormon 6:6 and Letters IV and VII).
How do our intellectuals respond? Do they support and corroborate what Joseph and Oliver taught?
No. Instead, they side with the anti-Mormon critics and insist Joseph and Oliver were wrong. They teach people to disbelieve these declarations by Joseph and Oliver that were republished multiple times during Joseph’s lifetime. For example, Joseph’s brother William, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, republished Letter VII in New York City just two days after Joseph’s martyrdom in Carthage. These LDS intellectuals proceed to teach their students to disbelieve the teachings of all the prophets who have reaffirmed the New York Cumorah, including members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference.
Joseph Smith Papers, M2C-approved
According to the M2C intellectuals, Joseph changed his mind about the setting of the Book of Mormon when he read a travel book in 1841-1842.
Look at this comment in the Joseph Smith Papers, for example. This is in the Historical Introduction to Orson Pratt’s 1840 missionary pamphlet titled “Interesting Account.”
Pratt’s association of Book of Mormon peoples with the history of all of North and South America matched common understanding of early Latter-day Saints. Shortly thereafter, when John Lloyd Stephens’s Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan became available in Nauvoo in about 1842, JS greeted it enthusiastically and church members used it to map Book of Mormon sites in a Central American setting.
In my view, this is an outrageously deceptive comment because Joseph Smith actually rejected Orson Pratt’s speculations.
If you’re a faithful member of the Church who reads the commentary in the Joseph Smith Papers, the Saints book, or even the Joseph Smith lesson manual, you will never know what Joseph actually taught.
Because the M2C intellectuals and their followers don’t want you to know what Joseph actually taught.
When he wrote the Wentworth Letter, Joseph Smith adapted parts of Pratt’s 1840 pamphlet. The Joseph Smith Papers comment explains it this way (same reference as above):
Interesting Account is not a JS document, because JS did not write it, assign it, or supervise its creation. However, two JS documents in this volume, “Church History” and “Latter Day Saints” (a later version of “Church History”), quote extensively from Pratt’s pamphlet. These documents made use of Pratt’s language to describe JS’s early visionary experiences and built on Pratt’s summary of the church’s “faith and doctrine” for the thirteen-point statement of church beliefs that came to be known as the Articles of Faith… Interesting Account is therefore included as an appendix to allow convenient comparison with JS’s histories.
“Church History” here refers to the 1842 Wentworth letter. While Joseph quoted from part of Pratt’s pamphlet when he wrote the Wentworth letter, he deleted all of Pratt’s speculation about the remnant of the Lamanites living in Central and South America and replaced it with this statement:
The remnant are the Indians that now inhabit this country.
This is the very passage that the Correlation/Curriculum Departments censored from the Joseph Smith Manual, as we’ve discussed before, such as here.
Why do the editors of the Joseph Smith Papers (JSP) claim Joseph “enthusiastically” “greeted” a travel book about Central America?
Because they continue to teach that Joseph Smith was the acting editor of the Times and Seasons, as opposed to merely the nominal editor. That teaching contradicts the historical evidence, as I’ve explained in detail in my three books about Nauvoo history. (This teaching causes other problems that I don’t have time to cover here.)
If you look at the footnote 6 to the JSP comment I linked to above, it references Terryl Givens for authority. Brother Givens also wrote the Foreword to John Sorenson’s Mormon’s Codex, in which he claims “So influential has Sorenson’s work on Book of Mormon Geography been that there is widespread consensus among believing scholars in support of what is now called the “Sorenson model,” which identifies the scripture’s setting with a Mesoamerican locale.”
Do you see how the M2C citation cartel works? Brother Sorenson writes M2C material, including Mormon’s Codex, which was published by Deseret Book and the Maxwell Institute. Brother Givens writes the Foreword. Then the Joseph Smith Papers cites Brother Givens to support the proposition that Joseph Smith enthusiastically greeted the very travel book that is the premise for Mormon’s Codex. It’s all circular reasoning, but it’s effective because most Church members rely on these intellectuals and historians to relate history accurately. They don’t realize this is all driven by the M2C agenda.
Recall, Mormon’s Codex is the book that teaches this: “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd. Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundreds of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.”
Among these Latter-day Saints whose teachings are “manifestly absurd” according to the M2C intellectuals are these: Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith, Anthony Ivins, Joseph Fielding Smith, Marion G. Romney, James E. Talmage, LeGrand Richards, and many others who have declared, in their writings and in General Conference, that Cumorah is in New York.
These influential LDS scholars, who all believe in M2C, have infiltrated every department of the Church, and their work is found throughout the Joseph Smith Papers, as well as Saints, the lesson manuals, and the ubiquitous artwork and media productions.
They successfully indoctrinate people into believing M2C because the M2C citation cartel continues to censor the teachings of the prophets.
This all makes is much easier for CES Letter and other critics to undermine the faith of the Latter-day Saints.
This is the tip of the iceberg, but today’s students don’t have to read CES Letter or other critical literature to lose their faith in the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
All they have to do is attend class at CES/BYU and learn how the prophets are wrong about so basic a fundamental as the location of the Hill Cumorah.
This title seems impossible, but it is true. No one at BYU has a PhD in Ancient Book of Mormon Studies! No One!
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“Historians seem to take great pride in publishing something new, particularly if it illustrates a weakness or mistake of a prominent historical figure. For some reason, historians and novelists seem to savor such things. If it related to a living person, it would come under the heading of gossip. History can be as misleading as gossip and much more difficult—often impossible—to verify. The writer or the teacher who has an exaggerated loyalty to the theory that everything must be told is laying a foundation for his own judgment. He should not complain if one day he himself receives as he has given. Perhaps that is what is contemplated in having one’s sins preached from the housetops. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer”
“Some historians write and speak as though the only ones to read or listen are mature, experienced historians. They write and speak to a very narrow audience. Unfortunately, many of the things they tell one another are not uplifting, go far beyond the audience they may have intended, and destroy faith. What that historian did with the reputation of the President of the Church was not worth doing. He seemed determined to convince everyone that the prophet was a man. We knew that already. All of the prophets and all of the Apostles have been men. It would have been much more worthwhile for him to have convinced us that the man was a prophet, a fact quite as true as the fact that he was a man.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
This article below by William Hamblin is a good article to review. This change at BYU discussed below was the precursor to the creation of the fantasy map BYU is now teaching all new students in the Book of Mormon classes. (See Below)
Editor’s Note: Why do Intellectuals, Scholars, Professors and Historians like to fiddle with and come up with net theories that make them feel good? The need the praise of those who peer review their books, and the more these intellectuals get others to support their pet theory, the more popular they become, just like the Great and Spacious Building. Judge Wisely.
BYU Fantasy Map of Book of Mormon Territory
This period of time (2015) could have been part of a shift toward reaffirming the the one Cumorah truth, but instead, it appears BYU was shifting away from the Book of Mormon as an actual history altogether.
Non Fantasy Map. Plausible GeographyI can now see how the historians desire, or maybe even mandate to be academic and secular has eroded the regular Church members testimony in many ways. With that need to share all sides without pushing true doctrine is simply a big problem. I never realized this until speaking with people over the previous few years. I am very sad that good worthy members of this church in high scholarly positions have seemingly led many astray. It’s heartbreaking to me. I would sure like you readers of this blog to team up with me or others to see how we can assist with this problem.
The tools of BYU historians in academia require that they be religion neutral, if not antagonistic to faith and religion, in order to be published. It has been unfortunate that members of the Church have supposed that these historians and their publications, podcasts, etc. were attempts to publish truth. It seems to me even more unfortunate that these publications to non-believing academics have, at times, become standard fare to teach the history of the Restoration as if now we have access to the real truth, which was carefully hidden from us previously.
The sad part for me is the judgments of earlier prophets and apostles as being wrong or “on the wrong side of history,” as the new historians might term it. I have noted that the fruits of the new interpretations and accepting of previously discounted sources have not been fruits of faith and strengthening testimony. Rather, the fruits have often been a loss of faith and testimony. That is a challenge for me to witness as it has had such a sad influence on individuals and families.
BYU Studies Submission Rules
“BYU Studies publishes academic articles, personal essays, poetry, art, and historical documents that are informed by the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Submissions are invited from all authors who seek truth “by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118), discern the harmony between revelation and research, value both academic and spiritual inquiry, and recognize that knowledge without charity is nothing (1 Cor. 13:2). Source:
Contributions from all disciplines are invited. To be considered for publication, a submission should be informed by the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It should declare a clear and consequential thesis and make a coherent and complete case for it. It should situate significant new knowledge in the context of what is already known. The writing should be praiseworthy and accessible to educated but non specialist readers.”
I was told by a BYU Professor that writing something NEW was critical. He told me many historians revisit issues of controversy and try and bring up new ideas just so they can get accetped or published. Sometimes little thought goes into what is true, but like scientisst today they make up a theory and then convince others to go along with them. Finding truth today os so “old school”.
How BYU Destroyed Ancient Book of Mormon Studies
I maintain that numerous policies adopted by a wide range of BYU administrators over the past thirty years have had the effect—intended or unintended—of destroying ancient Book of Mormon studies as a fledgling discipline. Here’s how.
College and Department Politics. Although many people might find it incredible, every single BYU administrator on every level of the administration has explicitly discouraged me from doing ancient Book of Mormon studies in my annual performance (“stewardship”) reviews. They have all explicitly told me to focus my research and publications on non-Book of Mormon topics, such as the crusades. In part this was good advice on their part; they were telling me if you want to be successful at BYU, don’t publish on the Book of Mormon or publish with FARMS or later Interpreter. More broadly, you must publish outside the “BYU Bubble”—that is, BYU or LDS sponsored publications. Only people hired to teach Mormon history should publish on Mormonism. Only publications in non-LDS-related venues are viewed as legitimate scholarship. Since non-LDS publications generally do not accept ancient Book of Mormon studies as a legitimate discipline, this essentially means that no publication on ancient Book of Mormon studies can be acceptable as authentic scholarship at BYU.
This policy is also reflected in two other phenomena moving beyond mere verbal discouragement. Over the past twenty-five years I submitted several research proposals to my college on Book of Mormon related topics; none was ever accepted. This is in clear contrast to many of my non-Book of Mormon research proposals, many of which were accepted. Merit pay raises, based largely on academic performance did not include ancient Book of Mormon publications as authentic scholarship. The policy was crystal clear. When I published non-Book of Mormon related books or articles, I received merit pay raises. When I published Book of Mormon-related books or articles, I received no merit pay raise. My promotion to full-professor a few years ago was rejected by my college dean precisely because my Book of Mormon publications were not viewed by him as legitimate scholarship. I was informed explicitly by the dean that I needed more non-LDS-related publications to be promoted—despite the fact that I had two books and numerous non-LDS articles in my vita. (The dean’s decision was overturned by the university.)
So, my experience throughout my 25 years at BYU was that ancient Book of Mormon studies were not considered an authentic discipline. Publications in that field were not legitimate scholarly work. Such research was not supported by the college. Publications in ancient Book of Mormon studies did not contribute to either merit pay raises, nor promotion. Such policies not only obviously discourage young scholars from publishing in ancient Book of Mormon studies, and even overtly punish those who do so against BYU policy and the universal advice of administrators.
Religious Education. One would expect that the College of Religious education would be the natural home for intensive ancient Book of Mormon studies. It is not. First, as I’ll note below, the curriculum on the Book of Mormon at BYU is both superficial and extremely limited. Second, many people teaching the Book of Mormon have no professional interest or training in ancient Book of Mormon studies—or ancient scriptural studies of any sort. Finally, Religious Education focuses on teaching what I call the “Three Ds”—doctrine, devotion, and daily application. Those three approaches to the Book of Mormon are certainly important and legitimate. But they do not provide the students much opportunity for intensive text-based academic study of the Book of Mormon. The whole academic culture of Religious Education is directed towards teaching the basic principles of the Gospel, which is fine, and indeed most important. The problem is that they also actively prevent any classes being taught at an advanced level, and essentially discourage the serious academic study of the Book of Mormon as an ancient text. As far as I can tell, this restriction represents an intentional policy by the BYU Religious Education administration. They don’t want the Book of Mormon studied contextually as an ancient historical document. They want it studied only as a theological and ethical document.
BYU Curriculum and the Book of Mormon. Currently, there are only two courses that BYU students can take on the Book of Mormon: REL A 121: The Book of Mormon (first half), and REL A 122 : The Book of Mormon (second half). Both are introductory courses, and are only two hours long, making a total of only four hours. Even if a student wants to do more in depth study of the Book of Mormon, it is impossible to do so anywhere at BYU or in the church. BYU classes on the Book of Mormon are perpetually stuck at the introductory level. Furthermore, the new Book of Mormon class offered by BYU—Rel A 275 “Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon”—is now a single two hour class approaching the Book of Mormon thematically. In other words, it’s a glorified Sunday School class. It’s getting more superficial.
What BYU actually needs is a robust curriculum in the Book of Mormon. Most simply, BYU could offer in depth courses on each of the major books of the Book of Mormon, combining some of the smaller books into one. Note that Religious Education offers a class on Isaiah, but no class on the book of Alma or Helaman or Nephi? Why? Beyond in depth classes on major books of the Book of Mormon, BYU should offer classes on Book of Mormon geography, history, archaeology, linguistics, literature, theology, culture, language (ancient Near East and Maya), textual criticism, religion, law, warfare, apocalyptic, reception history, the Bible in the Book of Mormon, etc. BYU could, if the administration wanted, have a program in Book of Mormon studies, and offer two dozen different advanced courses on the Book of Mormon, certainly enough for a major. But it doesn’t. This cannot be an oversight or random chance. This is obviously a conscious policy that implements curriculum decision which minimizes the opportunities of students to study the Book of Mormon as a serious academic discipline at BYU.Which, for all practical purposes, means students can’t do ancient Book of Mormon studies at all, anywhere.
Graduate Studies and the Book of Mormon. The only way that young LDS scholars can study the Book of Mormon in graduate school is to study it as a nineteenth century text in a secular religious studies program, or US history program. There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong with this. But what this means is that one cannot do graduate work anywhere in the world in ancient Book of Mormon Studies. Unremarkably, young scholars are not doing ancient Book of Mormon studies. Furthermore, no one teaching has at BYU has a PhD in ancient Book of Mormon Studies. BYU has completely failed in its mission to prepare young LDS scholars for ancient Book of Mormon studies.
BYU and the Destruction of FARMS. I’ve written extensively on the debacle of BYU’s destruction of FARMS. FARMS originated outside of BYU precisely because of the policies of BYU that I’ve outlined above, which prevented ancient Book of Mormon scholarship from thriving at BYU. Then, not satisfied with undermining ancient Book of Mormon studies on their own campus, BYU administrators decided they should undermine it outside of campus as well. Their goal in forcing FARMS to join was not because they wanted to support ancient Book of Mormon studies. Quite the contrary. BYU wanted to gain control of land that FARMS owned, and be able to manipulate potential donations to FARMS. BYU administrators made a number of promises to the FARMS board at the time of the hostile takeover—almost none of them have been fulfilled. Furthermore, in the past three years, BYU administrators have completely transformed the direction of the Maxwell Institute from ancient scriptural studies to modern Mormon Studies in its broadest sense. As I’ve detailed in blogs over the past few years, BYU has taken what was once the most productive center of research and publications on ancient Book of Mormon studies—which came into existence precisely because of the failure of BYU in this regard—and transformed it into Sunstone South. Conclusion. I don’t know what the goals or motives of the BYU administrators have been over the past thirty years in relationship to the Book of Mormon. I suspect they haven’t actually considered the implications of their policy decisions at all. Their focus is on other important aspects of running a university. However, the law of unintended (and perhaps even some intended) consequences has resulted in a series of administrative policy decisions over the past thirty years all of which have combined to result in undermining serious ancient Book of Mormon studies at BYU. Indeed, if their actual goal was to intentionally minimize the discipline of ancient Book of Mormons studies, they could have achieved that goal no better than by making precisely the decisions they have made.
Online Comments about this article below
Daron Fraley •
Just my opinion, but BYU has a serious pride problem. For example . . . BYU is a CHURCH school that wants to be the “Harvard of the West”, that refuses to accept many of the credits that come from BYU-Idaho, another church sponsored school, because their instruction is not good enough? Ridiculous. Great-and-Spacious-Building kind of ridiculousness.
Hugh Nibley
I was among the fortunate few to take the first of four Honors Book of Mormon semesters with Hugh Nibley in the basement TV studio, fall of 1988. Incredible class. A masterful teacher… he is the smartest person I have ever met. I am sure he is rolling over in his grave to see what these policies have done to Book of Mormon scholarship.
This post is another great reason why I despise universities. They all seem to be about back-scratching, agenda-pushing, exclusionary-policy-driving self-indulging-nonsense. NOT scholarship anchored in truth. It’s sad. Really sad.
Wonderboywonderings .
1000X yes! Bill, you hit this one WAY outta the park. Thank you so much for shedding light on this situation. For 20 years since i was a BYU student I’ve been lamenting the generally superficial and perennially-adolescent approach to the Book of Mormon CHURCH-WIDE.
What most of the commentators on here are missing–and what even you didn’t broach–is that the effects of this reverberate beyond the confines of BYU itself. Because of these anti-BOM attitudes at BYU, most students are NOT EVEN EXPOSED to a more critical/rigorous/in-depth approach to studying the BOM. Consequently, the most influential members (the so-called “cream” who go to BYU) carry this stunted paradigm with them throughout the world. As a result, the entire church is affected and its overall appreciation for, understanding of, and faith in, the BOM will only go so deep and NO DEEPER. EVER.
The decisions made at BYU also affect the Seminary and Institute programs, only multiplying the problem (Not to mention lesson manuals in Sunday school).
Flood the earth with the Book of Mormon, they say, just don’t flood it too seriously–or at the Church’s flagship university and school of higher learning.
Knowing now that it is internal politics, personal views of certain administrators, and no-doubt bureaucratic tyranny that is throttling progress in Book of Mormon study and scholarship, I openly question the use of my consecrated tithing funds and call for an open and transparent inquiry into these policies. I want to know if the Brethren explicitly endorse this dumbing down of religious education and inquiry.
As a historical consumer of FARMS output, I’ve been extremely disappointed by its demise. As a member of the church, I’m outraged at the real damage the BYU religious education department has done to faith in, study of, and championing of, the Book of Mormon.Many people have asked about the sealed portion of the plates and when they’ll be revealed, or why doesn’t the church get more revelation, etc. Invariably, most parrot the whole “we don’t have enough faith” explanation. Taking that at face value, perhaps a contributing factor to a lack of faith is that conscious decisions have been made by people in positions of leadership and influence to not take the Book of Mormon as seriously as what it purports to be would demand. After all, “I don’t think we should really take the Book of Mormon seriously, or study it for what it purports to be,” said Joseph Smith never.
StevenWS If BYU does not take the BoM seriously enough to have a detailed studies program, it seems reasonable to ask if they believe it to be true as purported. If they cannot answer in the affirmative, then as someone else asked, why is the church supporting the school with tithing funds? Certainly there is as much validity in studying the BoM as an ancient text as there is in gender studies, woman studies, male patriarchy discussions and other like available courses of study. These, too, are perceived by many (albeit not in acadamia) as frivolous, but are present at many institutions of higher learning. Catholics may study Catholicism at Catholic universities; Evangelicals study their Bible teachings at their universities. Why is BYU not studying the Book of Mormon in depth at an LDS university? Sounds like a reasonable question to me.
Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work, and the power to appreciate life.— Brigham Young
Brother Maeser, I want you to remember that you ought not to teach even the alphabet or the multiplication tables without the Spirit of God.—Brigham Young
I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I love their focus on intelligent education. I however don’t like that we allow far too many Liberal teachings enter our door without saying things are just theories or possibilities. Our students have a hard time deciding between a truth of Man and a truth of God. Many Professors are like the world and teach very liberal concepts without sharing the other conservative side. Both sides need equal representation.