BYU linked, Dragshow, Exposing Children, Enough!

Our Prophet loves us and prays for us.

Shock: BYU linked, Dragshow, Exposing Children, Enough! Take Action

This article is disturbing. Defending Utah has been a great vendor and speaker at our Firm Foundation events and does a lot of great work. This evil at the doorsteps of BYU needs to be known. I feel I need to let people know what’s happening. I have a moral obligation. This event by the “RaYnbow Collective” as they call themselves, is beyond disturbing, it is evil smut and even though they are not doing this on BYU campus, its right next door.

I fully understand they have a right to express and have a freedom to the first amendment, but I also know by the report from Defending Utah there were little children present and that is illegal. The police just sit around it seems and allow this evil to be displayed around children. I can’t imagine what parent or pervert would want a child to see this behavior. We are truly living is Satan’s world.

Our wonderful Church is doing what it can to address the problems, but we must remeber that people have their free agency. We can’t stop people, nor should we from expressing free speech. We just need to figure out how to combat and attack evil when we see it. I am sad that the people who promote radical sex and abhorrent behavior, will need to explain at the bar of God.

Elder McConkie said, “I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU

Here’s what a good friend told me after seeing this article:

“BYU needs to be exposed and the administration fired for even having a club on campus that contradicts the values of the church. They have crossed so many lines preaching evolution, and gender neutrality and all the crap that’s of the adversary. They accept students that desecrate the church’s values and spit upon the founders of the church and Brigham Young. They should NEVER be allowed to attend our supposed religious institution.

It’s not a religious institution anymore and the church needs to take back control or stop financially supporting it! And to call this family friendly is total evil! Yes, PLEASE share my concerns. I’m so sick of the people who attend BYU looking down their noses at those who choose not to go there as if they are holier than thou. And this is what they are learning there now. Its got to STOP!! My kids growing up in BYUs shadows learned early on they did NOT want to go there with all the self righteous people they were once friends with. It destroys people with the double standard and the hypocritical manner and doctrine they learn both in the classroom and on campus! Ok there’s my soap box!” Anonymous

“It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Nelson

Defending Utah

September 6, 2022 by Defending Utah

“Did you see this teaser below on social media?  Then you’ve come to the right place.

On Sep 3rd, 2022 – We covered a drag show event targeting children in the name of BYU through various BYU affiliated groups. The public event happened at Kiwanis park in Provo, just barely off campus.

Too many wouldn’t believe it if someone didn’t document it.  So here’s the full story with tons of details. Sign and share the petition to BYU at the bottom of this article.

Defending Utah, exercising our first amendment right to freedom of the press, assigned three journalists to the crowd working together at this public event.  The group putting on the drag show, the “RaYnbow Collective” (The Y is to claim their representation of BYU homosexuals) claimed this would be a “family friendly” drag show.  That’s difficult to do, since the nature of cross-dressing itself is not family friendly (the reason why the LDS church hasn’t even allowed it for employees at Halloween parties). Sexual fetishes have never been considered family friendly anywhere and as one protestor from Utah County put it, “Drag is a sexual fetish”.

But still, our intent was to give the benefit of the doubt and neutrally observe as journalists and report facts.  If the show was truly benign, we would report it as such.  But instead, the evidence shows the “family friend” intention is a complete lie. Instead, the evidence points strongly to suggest it’s intended to expose children to sexual content at inappropriate age levels.

New Section: BYU Connections

UPDATE: We’ve added this section for clarity based on feedback. This article already explains the various connections to BYU, but this summary paragraph is to put it into one place, because some people need to see it in one place, not everyone reads the whole article.

1. The drag queens themselves were both BYU students and BYU alumni doing the child grooming on stage, according to students and alumni that Defending Utah interviewed.
2. The Official Sponsoring Group was the “RaYnbow Collective” (it’s their screenshot above).
3. The group was raising money at the event, which they labeled for six different purposes. Some of those purposes are activities known to happen as part of the BYU experience.
4. The group uses the BYU “Y” logo, transformed into a rainbow. BYU does
not stop these unofficial groups from using their branding and implying
some level of endorsement from the university.
5. They’re supposedly an “unofficial” BYU group, as if that’s an excuse to distance this behavior from the university, however this is not a real excuse:
a. The same group is reported to hold other events on campus, even if this one was slightly outside campus. Students see them as a part of the university and the university culture.
b. Faculty do attend the meetings for this group, so they have faculty organizational help in their activities.
6. BYU professors have openly declared their opposition to the proclamation on the family, and they teach this to students. Read that article here.
7. BYU has a dozen or more groups that fall into the gender dysphoria category, some are official and some are not (listed below, and on the petition), and the same circles of students, alumni and staff may rotate between the groups. BYU provides money and resources to some, but not others. So picking and choosing which groups do the controversial things is only a dishonest way to hide that the university is supportive of the agenda as a whole.
8. Color the Campus – A related group is one of the most famous for “coloring” the BYU campus, they do events on campus, as their name even suggests.  The only difference is there is no child grooming on campus (yet).
9. See the video linked below of a walk through of BYU’s sociology department, to see how widespread this is at parts of the school.
10. Some other examples we’ve exposed about BYU professors engaging in anti-family behavior:
– BYU: Princess Culture Helps Boys Overcome Toxic Masculinity
– BYU Professor Pushing Removal of Family Proclamation
– BYU Professor Attacks Teachings of the Church”
by Defending Utah Complete Article Here

100 protesters yelled slurs in Provo as LGBTQ students at BYU celebrated coming back to school

by Salt Lake Tribune

“Clubs for queer students who attend BYU are not allowed to meet on campus; the school operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints forbids it, as well as any same-sex romantic partnerships or displays of affection among LGBTQ students.

So the RaYnbow Collective, a nonprofit that supports the BYU queer community, holds an annual gathering at a park at the start of every school year. This year, they went bigger than ever before, planning what they billed as a family-friendly drag show — which included current and former BYU students as performers.”

Elder Holland asks BYU faculty to defend the university’s unique mission; offer love, hope to LGBTQ while upholding God’s commandments

“PROVO, Utah — After loving Brigham Young University for nearly three-fourths of a century, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland pleaded with BYU faculty and staff on Monday, Aug. 23, to do their part to ensure the university “stands unquestionably committed to its unique academic mission and to the Church that sponsors it.”

“From one who owes so much to this school and has loved her so deeply for so long, keep her not only standing but standing for what she uniquely and prophetically was meant to be,” he said…

Elder Holland also shared a few lines from another memo. “ ‘You should know,’ the writer says, ‘that some people in the extended community are feeling abandoned and betrayed by BYU. It seems that some professors (at least the vocal ones in the media) are supporting ideas that many of us feel are contradictory to gospel principles, making it appear to be about like any other university our sons and daughters could have attended. Several parents have said they no longer want to send their children here or donate to the school…


“Elder Holland said Church leaders “are not deaf or blind to the feelings that swirl around marriage and the whole same-sex topic on campus.”

“I and many of my Brethren have spent more time and shed more tears on this subject than we could ever adequately convey to you this morning, or any morning. We have spent hours discussing what the doctrine of the Church can and cannot provide the individuals and families struggling over this difficult issue. So, it is with scar tissue of our own that we are trying to avoid — and hope all will try to avoid — language, symbols and situations that are more divisive than unifying at the very time we want to show love for all of God’s children.” Read Entire Article Here

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