Home Special Offers Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch by David Hocking NEW! Complete your Annotated Set

Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch by David Hocking NEW! Complete your Annotated Set

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $59.95.Current price is: $49.95.

NEW! Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch is now available
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The Old Testament will be the Gospel Doctrine course for 2022.  The Annotated Books of Jasher, Isaiah and Enoch should be helpful in those studies.


NEW! Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch is now available!

From November 1830 to February 1831 the Prophet Joseph Smith received revelations that would later be canonized as scripture titled, “The Writings of Moses”, and are included in The Pearl of Great Price of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The preface to the chapters referring to Enoch states: “It may be well to observe here, that the Lord greatly encouraged and strengthened the faith of His little flock, which had embraced the fulness of the everlasting Gospel, as revealed to them in the Book of Mormon, by giving some more extended information upon the Scriptures, a translation of which had already commenced. Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the Saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to, in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now nowhere to be found.  The common remark was, ‘They are lost books’; but it seems the Apostolic Church had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the Prophecy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. To the joy of the little flock, which in all, from Colesville to Canandaigua, New York, numbered about seventy members, did the Lord reveal the following doings of olden times, from the prophecy of Enoch.”

Later, in about April 1835, Joseph Smith received a revelation regarding the Book of Enoch: “And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These things were all written in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified of in due time.” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:56-57)
The Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch includes these Enoch texts:
  • The Ethiopic text (1 Enoch)
  • The Slavonic text (2 Enoch)
  • The Hebrew Sefer Hekhalot (3 Enoch)
  • The Joseph Smith Enoch {The Book of Moses 6-8)
  • The Book of Jasher (Sefer haYashar) Enoch, Chapters 3-4
  • The Aramaic Dead Sea Scroll Enoch
  • The Legend of the Jews Vo;1:3 Enoch section
The 268-page Annotated Edition uses the same formatting of the text as seen in my other Annotated books. Insights, charts, tables and a comprehensive Appendix and Index are included. One highlight is how the Ethiopic, Slavonic and Hebrew books of Enoch show a mark of authenticity as each repeat similar themes. The Book of Jasher, likewise, establishes itself as an authentic ancient record as it also repeats many of those same themes. The repetition of similar themes reinforces the idea that apocalyptic literature is authentic as even secular history follows recurring events within all societies and throughout all history: coronation and conquest, marriage and burial, war and peace, etc.
Included are 15 pages of side-by-side comparisons of selected parallel passages taken from the 1, 2 and 3 Books of Enoch and the Book of Jasher compared to passages in the Book of Moses. The many passages shown are from sources far removed from each other in time and place. These passages demonstrate that ancient texts have been preserved throughout thousands of years and substantiates consistency of the stories told.  Importantly, they validate the revelations Joseph Smith received and solidify his credentials as a “Prophet, Seer and Revelator.”
The Old Testament will be the Gospel Doctrine course for 2022.  The Annotated Books of Jasher, Isaiah and Enoch should be helpful in those studies.
The Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch
List price: $49.95 each;

2 reviews for Annotated Edition of the Book of Enoch by David Hocking NEW! Complete your Annotated Set

  1. Jeff Downs

    Note: My review will specifically focus on Hocking’s Annotated Book of Enoch but could just as easily apply to his Annotated Book of Jasher (which I thoroughly enjoyed as well).

    Traditionally The Book of Enoch and The Book of Jasher are avoided since these books are not considered “canon”. But, after reading David Hocking’s treatment of the texts, THAT would be a tragic mistake! When it comes to apocryphal writing, the Lord himself advised that “there are many things contained therein that are true . . . for the Spirit manifesteth truth; and whoso is enlightened by the Spirit shall obtain benefit therefrom.” (D&C 91:2-5)

    In fact, 1 Enoch 104:12-13 states; ” . . . books will be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom. And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them.”

    Hocking’s two apocryphal volumes, without question, accomplish this!

    To anyone with reservations, please know that Hocking gently guides the reader through the texts adding insight pages to help enlighten and instruct. Sources come from many different backgrounds, though Hocking is faithfully mindful of how a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints might benefit, draw meaning, and learn from the text. Hocking is never heavy-handed but allows the reformatted structure of the text to GUIDE you in your exploration and allow you to reach your own meaning and conclusions. I can’t say enough regarding his formatting of the material. Often HOW a section has been presented gives amazing insight and clarity that words cannot. His insight notes and pages are just as powerful. I had a question that bothered me all throughout the text of The Book of Enoch but FINALLY found my answer on the second to last page. It was well worth the struggle! Talk about a payoff!

    Hocking doesn’t spoonfeed. He enlightens and highlights aspects of the text and then allows you to put forth the effort to learn and grow from the experience. Some of the original text has been corrupted and can seem a bit “out there.” Hocking acknowledges this. Such is the case with any book of scripture. Not all difficult to interpret passages will be resolved until further light and knowledge are given. But, I am grateful for what Hocking’s books have to offer and how they support and corroborate what scripture we DO have. We have been promised more scripture in the future. This gives me a taste of what reading such scripture will be like. And, who knows if the bringing to light of such material isn’t already the beginning of the fulfillment of that very promise. Will we value it? Will we appreciate it?

    As I read these books, I kept in the back of my mind a thought I have always valued from gospel scholar David J. Ridges: “Whenever we see something which appears on the surface to be a contradiction, we know that it is our understanding which is flawed, rather than the word of God. Therefore, whenever we come to a word or phrase we may not understand there is wisdom in looking at other possible meanings for it, especially paying attention to the context in which it is set.”

    Hocking helps provide the context and bring clarity to the intended message. You must still sift through much of the parable/symbolic/metaphorical material for meaning, but the increase in your learning, understanding, and appreciation of scripture, in general, is worth the effort!

  2. Brendan Saffron

    The most terrifying and most beautiful book I’ve read besides the Book of Mormon which is a must for anyone wanting to truly know what life is about. My love and respectful fear for God and all His works of righteousness have strengthened my testimony significantly with the book of Enoch. I hope it’s is all true 🙏🏻

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