I feel the quotes below in this blog speak better than I can relate to you. It is my belief that we should continually seek for truth, but we can also learn from the untruths of this world by prayer and study as we get closer to our Father in Heaven. I believe it is easy to be swayed by any easy solution, but the truths of God must be gained through effort and diligence. Be not deceived, there is far more truth found in the Scriptures than in any text book written by man. Learning truth is not easy but it is definitely worth the effort.
Secular Teachings
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer“When we seek the truth about religion, we should use spiritual methods appropriate for that search: prayer, the witness of the Holy Ghost, and study of the scriptures and the words of modern prophets. I am always sad when I hear of one who reports a loss of religious faith because of secular teachings. Those who once had spiritual vision can suffer from self-inflicted spiritual blindness. As President Henry B. Eyring said, “Their problem does not lie in what they think they see; it lies in what they cannot yet see.” Dallin H. Oaks Truth and the Plan Oct 2018“The unique commission of the Brigham Young University has always been and now is threefold. First, to help you recognize that there are two sources of learning—one divine, the other human; second, to urge and inspire you students to drink deeply from both sources; and third, to teach and train you to correctly distinguish between the learning of the world and revealed truth, that you may not be deceived in your search.” Baccalaureate Services, 30 May 1957] God’s Hand in Our Nation’s History EZRA TAFT BENSONWe Are Called to Do Good
By Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles April 2024
Stand for Religious Freedom
“Today’s priestcraft, with increasingly secular societies bearing down against people of faith, is not so different from that of Book of Mormon times. The voice of those who oppose religion’s vital role in public and political arenas is growing louder. Secularists and governments, including many schools and universities, are coercing conduct and proselytizing immorality, atheism, and moral relativism.
Attacks on religious freedom will be successful if we do not stand up for our religious rights. “As a church,” I recently taught, “we join with other religions protecting people of all faiths and persuasions and their right to speak their convictions.”
A war in heaven was fought over moral agency—our freedom to choose. To preserve our agency requires that we be diligent in protecting our religious freedom.
Vibrant religious faith strengthens and protects families, communities, and nations. It engenders obedience to law, instills respect for life and property, and teaches charity, honesty, and morality—virtues needed to perpetuate a just, free, and civil society. We need never apologize for our faith.
Our missionary efforts, our vicarious work in the temples, our efforts to build the kingdom of God, and our very happiness require that we stand up for religious faith and freedom. We cannot lose that freedom without losing other freedoms.
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “It is a love of liberty which inspires my soul—civil and religious liberty to the whole of the human race.” Religious liberty will also inspire our souls as we follow counsel from Church leaders:
“Stay informed about issues of public importance, and then speak out with courage and civility.”
“Recognize that the erosion of religious freedom will significantly impact our opportunities to grow in strength and gospel knowledge, to be blessed by sacred ordinances, and to rely on the Lord to direct His Church.”
“Stand up and speak up to affirm that God exists and that there are absolute truths His commandments establish.”
“Challenge laws that would impair our freedom to practice our faiths.”
“Go into the world to do good, to build faith in Almighty God, and to help bring others to a happier place.”
David O. McKay said, “Unless the spirit of Christianity permeate the deliberations of the United Nations, dire tragedies await humanity.” (Source: David O. McKay. General Conference, October 1947)
“Elder Woodruff assisted in setting apart seventy-five missionaries. At that time eleven Lamanites were ordained to the priesthood. Closing his journal for that year, he said : “The future is before us and great events await us in this generation. The redemption and establishment of Zion, the fall of Babylon, the gathering of Judea and all the tribes of Israel, and the second coming of Christ, are all near at hand.
This is the commencement of the Centennial year of the American Independence. One hundred years ago the nation was composed of an honest, industrious, Christian people, and the chief men of the nation were poor, honest statesmen, who lived to promote the welfare of the whole people. They established a constitution and laws, which were a glorious legacy to their descendants. By January 1st, 1876, a great change has come over the American government. To a great extent, virtue has departed from the land, and honesty has been driven from the various departments of government. Men seek office to aggrandize themselves rather than to serve the interests of the people. Death and destruction are sown in the land which is ripening for the harvest.” Wilford Woodruff: History of His Life and Labors by Matthias F. Cowley page 489-505.
Nearly 150 years has gone by since Pres Woodruff made that statement. Are we much worse off today in 2024? Absolutely. We ARE hanging by a thread.
This statement may have been a key precursor of the problems that lay ahead for the Lord’s “kingdom on Earth.” We know this is Satan’s world until our Savior reign’s again in righteousness.
“Heavenly Father allows Satan and Satan’s followers to tempt us as part of our experience in mortality (see 2 Nephi 2:11–14; Doctrine and Covenants 29:39). Because Satan “seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself” (2 Nephi 2:27), he and his followers try to lead us away from righteousness. He directs his most strenuous opposition at the most important aspects of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. For example, he seeks to discredit the Savior and the priesthood, to cast doubt on the power of the Atonement, to counterfeit revelation, to distract us from the truth, and to contradict individual accountability. He attempts to undermine the family by confusing gender, promoting sexual relations outside of marriage, ridiculing marriage, and discouraging childbearing by married adults who would otherwise raise children in righteousness.
Individuals do not have to give in to Satan’s temptations. Each person has the power to choose good over evil, and the Lord has promised to help all who seek Him through sincere prayer and faithfulness.” LDS Study Manual
In December of 2024 our United States of America is a brief shadow of itself. A huge Deep State Government has replaced our true Republic. Nealy every three letter agency is corrupt at the head of each. Not all people in each organization, but the top 10% of leadership that are in charge are part of this unrighteous rule. Places like the FBI, CIA, WHO, UN, DARPA, and even our Congress and Judiciary are on the large side of wrong. What can we do? The only answer is look for the wrong and become actively engaged in good, and through prayer and staying close to the Lord we can make a difference and survive. Below we state what our Utah Senator has done.
Senator Lee’s Bill says, “Since 1945, the U.S. has ceded incrementally greater sovereignty to the United Nations system under the auspices of the altogether illusory “customary international law.” As one nation out of 193, the U.S. finances one-fifth of the UN system. Even more egregious is that the vast majority of U.S. contributions are voluntary – which we have no obligation or agreement to provide. Despite the internationalists’ appeal to “soft power,” U.S. dollars are used to make a mockery of our values and interests and those of our allies.” Read full bill at the links below.
Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act Senator Mike Lee Nov 28, 2023 https://www.lee.senate.gov/2023/12/senator-lee-introduces-act-to-defund-and-depart-un
Again Pres McKay said in 1947, “Unless the spirit of Christianity permeate the deliberations of the United Nations, dire tragedies await humanity.” The UN is not better, it is more corrupt as I share some additional information below.
Ezra Taft Benson said, “…the United Nations, it seems, has largely failed in its purpose…” “Meantime let us have no further blind devotion to the communist-dominated United Nations.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson December 10 1963. A Race Against Time))
As the LDS Study Manual above says, “Each person has the power to choose good over evil.” I sincerely believe, the great majority of our Utah State Government and the Federal government has chosen mostly evil. This is a great sign of the world-wide Deep State our governments are in. The current US Federal, Utah State, City, and County of Salt Lake are far afield of the conservative values of the US Constitution that was laid down by the Lord Himself.
Take a good look who is greatly controlling our Universities and schools (NEA), Hospitals and medicine, (Big Pharma and the AMA), our immigration policy, (NSA), our FBI and CIA and the many commercial businesses of the world. The Deep State Cabal. It is a very trying time in 2023.We must learn to discern truth from error.
Utah Valley University an associate member of the UN-Department for Global Communications
Since November 2017, Utah Valley University has been an associate member of the UN-Department for Global Communications (formally Department of Public Information). On April 4, 2020, Utah Valley University was officially recognized as a member of United Nations Academic Impact. The Office for Global Engagement continues to be at the forefront of UVU’s education and promotion of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. We also collaborate with local Utah Non-Profits.
UVU President Tuminez
“In 2018, following a rich and storied career in business, philanthropy, and academia, Dr. Astrid S. Tuminez became the seventh president of Utah Valley University. She is the first woman to serve on a full-time basis as UVU president. Raised in the slums of the Philippines, Tuminez rose to become a world leader in the fields of technology and political science, most recently serving as an executive at Microsoft. She is also the former vice dean of research and assistant dean of executive education at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.” Source
The United Nations Spread of Tyranny in Salt Lake City, Utah
by Susan Price | Nov 1, 2019 and Oct 24, 2019 “This year, the intergovernmental organization known as the United Nations celebrates its 71st Anniversary.
This entity was created in 1945 and made official in 1948, by the 1% of the world’s global socialist elite, just after World War II, due to the threat and induced fear of future wars, sovereignty remained uncertain, it was also the time frame when thousands of Nazi Scientists were transported by our government of the United States of America under the guise of Operation Paperclip.
The socialist Nazi agenda went underground and disguised itself with the emergence of many groups and organizations, among them, was the birth of the UN.
The left is pushing hard, and trying to redefine their version of the US Constitution through the narratives of the UN.”Source
The United Nations Spread of Tyranny in Salt Lake City, Utah (2)
In the video below, “United Nations police admit they took over part of an American city (Salt Lake) and that journalists right to record public officers was denied because it was a “UN Compound” and the journalist had no right to record public servants as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Let your elected officials know you don’t approve of the UN taking away Americans rights by signing the petition here http://unitednationsutah.com/”
“As Americans, we will not yield to Communism, Socialism or any Social Progressive, Marxist-Leninist set of ideologies, especially, the Trojan horses antics of the modern-day domestic terrorists that work within the U.S. government from both sides of the aisle, and conspire against American citizens.
Very recently, the U.N. violated United States sovereignty, while occupying a Salt Lake City Convention Center, calling it a U.N. Compound, and claiming it as International Territory.
The United Nations police had the audacity to openly admit the U.N. took over part of an American city (Salt Lake) and that journalists right to record public officers were denied because it was deemed a “UN Compound” and the journalist had no right to record public servants as guaranteed by the US Constitution.” continued.
Editors note:How could this have happened, unless we the citizens gave up our right to be bullies and chose to abandon our free will. It is OUR fault. Why don’t we wake up and “stand for something” as president Hinckley said.
“How convenient for the globalist that this isolated and medium-sized Salt Lake City has little national or international media presence, creating the perfect political climate for the UN conference.
Giddy up you modern-day Paul Revere cyber keyboard riders, the United Nations recently hijacked the minds of thousands of people including the Salt Lake City Convention center and renamed it their “UN Compound” during what began in August 2019, as a conference, turned into a progressive take over, did you really think you would hear about this in the local Media? This is the agenda of the Communist, Socialist, Globalist movement.
This past August 26-28, 2019 the newly progressive Salt Lake City, hosted the 2019 United Nations Civil Society Conference under the theme of “Building Inclusive and Sustainable Communities.” with the agenda of outlining a global vision by 2030.
According to Defending Utah co-founder, Ben McClintock, (A previous speaker at Firm Foundation), he noted that “During the conference, they were pushing the UN’s anti-family/anti-property rights/anti-American Agenda 2030, journalists covering the event were confronted by UN officers.” he said in addition to the $650,000 the state legislature provided, Salt Lake City chipped in another $100,000 or so for the event off the backs of the American taxpayer, including the money used to build and maintain Salt Palace.
With no compelling action data or meaningful outcome presented by those by the left who created an opportunity to spew their global rhetoric strongly suggesting there is a global climate disruption on this planet right now in this moment in time and painting it as the greatest humanitarian crisis we have ever witnessed, once again, they are trying to rewrite history, desperately thinking of creative ways to entrap the young fresh minds, ripe for the picking with no knowledge of the past global catastrophes and tragedy’s of world wars, and issues surrounding Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, the Black Plague, smallpox, AIDS, and the threat of nuclear war.
This conference attracted more than 5,000 representatives from over 130 countries around the globe, more than 40% of them were young adults between 18 and 32 years of age.
This was not the first attempt made by American politicians to sell their citizens out to the military-political United Nations, history shows they tried to test the will of the people in 1951, by their domestic and foreign forces flying their UN flag over government buildings in cities and small towns throughout the US.
This soft coup failed miserably as Americans grew out of the concern and rose to the occasion against the revolution in the making by the Council on Foreign Relations and the U.N. Like today the Media was silent, especially in the invaded cities, and local police on a national level refused to be captured.
This was definitely some kind of Na Na Na Na Na moment, in the faces of Americans by runaway rogue politicians and their global agendas, an “unchallenged gotcha statement” and what are you going to do now, to the rest of the country and the world?
Because Americans are born free people, we don’t speak or understand the Orwellian dialogue, however, we do understand the ramifications of tyranny, and guess what, we don’t want any, there’s no room in our Americana lifestyle to entertain or allow for the ambushing of our rights, we will defend ourselves at all cost.
Americans from coast to coast have become enraged over the rogue politics of the domestic globalist working in the people’s U.S. government, who are conspiring with those of the corrupt enterprise of the U.N.
People are speaking out and voicing their opinions over the recent UN soft coup, saying ” As an American who loves our national and state independence, I’m horrified to see such Utah leaders as Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski, a Utah state legislator, even a representative from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on the stage to announce that Salt Lake City hosted the UN NGO conference in the USA for the first time…
Why the UN wanted to hold a conference in Salt Lake City and what their partnership means to the Church
Another key reason, as Sister Eubank explained, is the reputation that Utah has for being welcoming — and both the history and recognition of the Church play a big role in that.
“This is a place where everybody is welcome,” Sister Eubank said.
And there is certainly a sense of belonging with more than 5,000 people from 138 different countries meeting together in downtown Salt Lake City to discuss problems and solutions on a global scale.
Supportive partners
The U.N. and the Church have worked together in an official capacity since 2011, when the U.N. recognized Latter-day Saint Charities, the humanitarian arm of the Church, as an accredited nongovernmental organization.
“It’s important for the Church to have these relationships because we’re a multilateral organization, we work in multiple countries, multiple political systems, multiple cultures, and the United Nations does as well,” she said. “When multiple countries are involved, you have to work with the United Nations. So it’s good for us and a sign of the maturity of the organization that Latter-day Saint Charities and the United Nations have this relationship.”
The would-be world government, the United Nations, is a global organization that was created by globalists, global communists, communist traitors such as Alger Hiss, and has as its members some of the worst terrorist-sponsoring countries on earth. Whistleblower, Peter Gallo spoke in Sandy on October 23, 2018, about his experience of corruption at the UN when he worked for the UN.
Under the guise of Mayor Jackie Biskupski, who hosted the UN’s conference, UN Founders were aiming to merge the counties of the earth together under their NWO, a planned world government.
Salt Lake City Utah’s first gay Mayor, and huge LGBT supporter, Jackie Biskupski, invited and hosted the United Nations Convention, August 26-28, 2019.
According to the Salt Lake City website, the U.N. General Society Conference attracted between 2,000 and 4,000 representatives from over 300 nongovernmental organizations, this is the first time the U.N has allowed any American state to host a conference outside of New York City.
Perhaps this gutsy LGBT Mayor got her shot of infused encouragement from the egregious former #44 administration, who promoted the globalist United Nations through an Executive Order dated July 1, 2016, by Barack Obama, giving power to the United Nations the use of force to protect civilians in conflict under what is known as the “Kigali Principles” which were designed to make sure civilians are not abandoned by the “international community and giving the green light for the UN peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.”
Did you know it was during the Obama administration, many Americans flooded the internet with videos, documenting the United Nations military-like vehicles, moving across America.
This is not a “Peace Organization,” it’s a War organization, as J. Reuben Clark warned in 1945, after reading the United Nations Charter, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, is loved and agreed to by every political leader, that’s hopefully a terrific exaggeration. “Building safe, resilient and sustainable cities” as the UN speaker says is the goal they want to work on and they don’t want to leave anybody behind.”
The New World Order wants to rule every person on earth and build it from the ground up, cities to counties to countries to the UN.
The 1992 version of the UN Agenda 21, is a global governance document. The UN hoax about global man-caused warming has been brought to the Salt Lake City convention and was used as an excuse to integrate the world.”
Say what? Not so fast, there is no way on God’s green earth that American patriots, militia, Veterans, and our active military would ever allow the likes of this Treasonous narrative to usurp the U.S. Constitutional rights of Americans that were instilled within All American citizens on sovereign soil.
Mayor Jackie Biskupski stated during the opening of this global entrapment that “As a city committed to being inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, it is an honor to be the first U.S. host city of the UN-DPI NGO Conference outside of New York,” “I can think of no better time and no better place than Salt Lake City, for the UN and the world’s NGOs to expand awareness in this country of sustainable development goals and the value of global unity.” Supposedly, there are 85 other cities and counties in America that have resolved to achieve the same goals of affirming clean energy goals from 2016.
The Mayor also highlighted Salt Lake City’s Climate Positive Plan, a path to transition to 100% clean energy by 2032 and reduce carbon output 80% by 2024,
I seriously wonder if anyone reminded all in attendance who flew across the world that they are in contradiction of the very issues they are defending. Apparently, the Mayor encouraged the UN to make Sustainability Goal 11 the focus of the conference.
2030 is the target goal to access so-called safe and affordable transportation, housing, green, and public spaces, Goal 11 also indoctrinates cities to implement and adopt plans to reduce the so-called reduction of environmental impact of cities air quality.
You ask how this global effort was brought to the religious area of Salt Lake City Utah? It was through the consorted efforts of the Office for Global Engagement at Utah Valley University.
As of Nov 2017, UVU was granted an affiliate membership status with the UN Department of Public Information and works to educate the campus and community on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, of course, it was through Education, surprised? Congratulations Salt Lake City, you are now considered a “Global City.”
Any government representative or lawmaker that tries to violate these laws in a treasonous or terroristic manner against “We the People” should be arrested and held accountable.
We almost lost our country to the last few administrations there is no way the American people will allow for the likes of the UN and their back door politics to make room for a socialist takeover.
All eyes will be watching the politics of Salt Lake City and their progressive cronies, let us remind those rogue forces that be, you know who you are you domestic terrorists working in the people’s government, sabotaging us every chance you get, this is exactly why the silent majority elected Donald J Trump as the 45th President of the United States and exactly why the not so silent majority will re-elect him for another four years.
Susan Price is a National Gold Star Mother and resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick, a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years. The tragic loss of Susan’s son and his Marine Embedded Training Team raised more questions than answers. It was through a Mother’s undying love that Susan transformed into an Investigative Researcher. Through her countless hours, days, weeks, and years connecting the dots, factual documentation, eyewitness accounts, and more, emerged a back story to the crimes that took place on the battlefield that fateful day of September 8th, 2009.
Susan is also known as a Veterans Advocate and a National voice. She has appeared on 60 Minutes and other national media as well as and Patriot radio. Having worked with various Congressmen concerning our Military and Veterans, she has been sought out by many as the “the Gold Star Mother with a voice” – and “go-to person.”
It’s time for America’s fighting chance
Jason Preston is a native Utahn, successful entrepreneur, husband, father of two, and a patriot. (Jason has also been a speaker at our Firm foundation Conference). He’s never had it easy and doesn’t shy away from a challenge. Now he’s standing up to do his part because he knows the Constitution needs protecting.
Jason’s fighting for the people of Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. Join him today because WE THE PEOPLE are ready to stand up. We need you to be part of this movement and fight alongside us. We all deserve second chances, and now it’s time for America’s fighting chance.
“I believe the Constitution will be saved, not by politicians, but by everyday people like me and you!”
Why is the state of Utah embracing the United Nations?
Latter-day Saints and the United Nations
“There has been much controversy and debate over the existence of the United Nations. Many see the United States involvement in the UN as unconstitutional, anti-freedom, and anti-sovereignty…
Most are not aware of the Marxist origins of the UN. Communists, such as Alger Hiss, were involved in the establishment of the UN. The communists even promoted it in their publications:
“Great popular support and enthusiasm for the United Nations’ policies should be built up, well organized and fully articulate. But it is necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow.” (Source: Political Affairs (April 1945), the official publication of the American Communist Party (CPUSA))
“Alger Hiss, a well-educated and well-connected former government lawyer and State Department official who helped create the United Nations in the aftermath of World War II, was headed to prison in Atlanta for lying to a federal grand jury. The central issue of the trial was espionage.” FBI.gov
In a 1971 speech on the Senate floor, Senator Barry Goldwater (Arizona), stated:
“The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.” Barry Goldwater
“As Latter-day Saints, we can turn to the scriptures to further enlighten us on the topic of government, laws, and the Constitution. “We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man..” and should “..secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” (D&C 134: 1-2) We also believe that the Lord “established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men .. raised up unto this very purpose..” (D&C 101: 77-80)
Furthermore, let us consider what the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have said specifically regarding the United Nations.
Statements from LDS Church Leaders on the United Nations
Harold B. Lee said, “Except the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and principles contained within the Constitution of the United States are inherent in world plans now being formulated, they are but building on sand and the Lord is not in that building.” [Comment: This was said in 1945 when the United Nations was being established.] (Source: Youth and the Church by Harold B. Lee, Deseret Book Company, 1970, p. 220)
J. Reuben Clark said, “In furtherance of the general plan in contemplation of a world-state, we have made treaties of alliance containing obligations that infringed upon our sovereignty. We have made multipartite treaties – the League of Nations (which, when it was understood, the people rejected), the United Nations Charter, to which the Senate gave its advice and consent just one month and two days after its signature, the people having no time to examine its merits before it became operative. All of these surrendered some of our sovereignty. Not infrequently they involve commitments for the Chief Executive which he cannot fulfill, as also for the nation which the Chief Executive cannot guarantee shall be carried out.
These circumstances have brought into high places an expressed feeling that our treaty powers are uncontrolled, even unlimited; that we may by treaty do what our Chief Executive may wish, with the Senate’s prescribed approval.” (Source: An Address Delivered by J. Reuben Clark, Jr. to the 67th Annual Congress of The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, July 1957)
Ezra Taft Benson said,“We are in the midst of continuing international crises. The outlook for world peace and security is dark indeed. The gravity of the world situation, it appears, is increasing almost daily. The United Nations seems unable to settle the troubles of the world. In truth we are faced with the hard fact that the United Nations, it seems, has largely failed in its purpose. Yes, the days ahead are sobering and challenging ones. We might well ask, America–what of the future? (Source: Ezra Taft Benson: April 1952. General Conference Talk. America – What of the Future?)
“We should pay no attention to the recommendations of men who call the Constitution an eighteenth-century agrarian document — who apologize for capitalism and free enterprise. We should refuse to follow their siren song of concentrating, increasingly, the powers of government in the Chief Executive, of delegating American sovereign authority to non-American institutions in the United Nations, and pretending that it will bring peace to the world by turning our armed forces over to a U.N. world-wide police force.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson, Title of Liberty 176; from an address given at Los Angeles, CA, 11 Dec 1961)
“Never forget that history is filled with examples of men who mean to be good rulers but who nevertheless mean to rule.
With reference to the United Nations and spurious appendages, I would like to quote the Internal Security Annual Report for 1956, p. 213, as made by the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee, as follows: ‘What appears, on the surface at least, to be by far the worst danger spot, from the standpoint of disloyalty and subversive activity among Americans employed by international organizations, is UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Among less than ninety Americans employed by UNESCO the International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board found fourteen cases of doubtful loyalty.’ Then, in the footnote, we see this: “Information in the possession of the sub-committee, indicating a great deal of evidence not yet publicly adduced, points to the possibility that the parent body, the U.N., may be the worst ‘spot’ of all.” There is no indication that there has been the slightest improvement in the United Nations or its satellites since that time.
Commenting on the United Nations Charter and the “travesty on exhaustive consideration” as the charter was hastily approved by the Congress, under urging from the State Department, [J. Reuben Clark, Jr.] continues with a devastating analysis and a sober warning to the American people that there will be a day of reckoning. I believe that day is near at hand. The hopes and the aspirations of the people have been betrayed… I urge all to read the solid volume, Stand Fast by the Constitution, which embodies much of J. Reuben Clark’s timely instruction.
Meantime let us have no further blind devotion to the communist-dominated United Nations.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson December 10 1963. A Race Against Time))
“Should we disarm? And does it really make any difference whether we disarm unilaterally or collaterally? Either course of action would surrender our military independence. Should we pool our economic resources or our monetary system with those of other nations to create some kind of regional common market? It would constitute the surrender of our economic independence. Should we enter into treaties such as the U.N. Covenants which would obligate our citizens to conform their social behavior, their educational practices to rules and regulations set down by international agencies? Such treaty obligations amount to the voluntary and piece-meal surrender of our political independence. The answer to all such questions is a resounding “no,” for the simple reason that the only way America can survive in this basically hostile and topsy-turvy world is to remain militarily, economically and politically strong and independent.
“We must put off our rose-colored glasses, quit repeating those soothing but entirely false statements about world unity and brotherhood, and look to the world as it is, not as we would like it to become. Such an objective, and perhaps painful, survey leads to but one conclusion. We would be committing national suicide to surrender any of our independence, and chain ourselves to other nations in such a sick and turbulent world. President George Washington, in his immortal Farewell Address, explained our true policy in this regard:
‘The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible…’Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments on a respectably defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.’” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson. Address delivered on June 21, 1968, at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho)
“Among the nations of the world today, there are precious few common bonds that could help overcome the clash of cross-purposes that inevitably must arise between groups with such divergent ethnic, linguistic, legal, religious, cultural, and political environments. To add fuel to the fire, the concept woven into all of the present-day proposals for world government (The U.N. foremost among these) is one of unlimited governmental power to impose by force a monolithic set of values and conduct on all groups and individuals whether they like it or not. Far from ensuring peace, such conditions can only enhance the chances of war.
“In this connection it is interesting to point out that the late J. Reuben Clark, who was recently described as ‘probably the greatest authority on [the Constitution] during the past fifty years’ (American Opinion, April 1966, p. 113), in 1945 – the year the United Nations charter was adopted – made this prediction in his devastating and prophetic ‘cursory analysis’ of the United Nations Charter:
‘There seems no reason to doubt that such real approval as the Charter has among the people is based upon the belief that if the Charter is put into effect, wars will end… The Charter will not certainly end war. Some will ask – why not? In the first place, there is no provision in the Charter itself that contemplates ending war. It is true the Charter provides for force to bring peace, but such use of force is itself war… It is true the Charter is built to prepare for war, not to promote peace… The Charter is a war document, not a peace document.
‘Not only does the Charter Organization not prevent future wars, but it makes it practically certain that we will have future wars, and as to such wars it takes from us the power to declare them, to choose the side on which we shall fight, to determine what forces and military equipment we shall use in the war, and to control and command our sons who do the fighting.” (Source: Ezra Taft Benson. Address delivered on June 21, 1968, at the Farm Bureau Banquet in Preston, Idaho)
In conclusion, let us again consider the statement of Ezra Taft Benson; “let us have no further blind devotion to the communist-dominated United Nations.”
This blog has been updated from June 12, 2022. WE are even closer to the possible fulfillment of this “Second Harvest” which I speak about below.
A Great Mission
“To me the United States is not just another nation. It is not just one of a family of nations. The United States is a nation with a great mission to perform for the benefit and blessing of liberty-loving people everywhere.”The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson pp. 587-88
Freemen or Slaves?
Who are the “Freemen? “Nephite group vowing to defend freedom [c. 67 B.C.]” Triple Combination Index
Many of the “We the People of these United States”, are enslaved by our government. There are very few of these “Freeman” spoken of in the Book of Mormon anymore. The majority of societies have become slaves to a corruption in government world wide. If fact, many in the entire world have become enslaved and lulled to sleep by the “god of this world”, even Satan.
Let us look to someone today who may become as Moroni. How great was Moroni? One of the greatest men in the eyes of the Lord. At the heading of Alma 60 it says, Moroni complains to Pahoran of the government’s neglect of the armies—The Lord suffers the righteous to be slain—The Nephites must use all of their power and means to deliver themselves from their enemies—Moroni threatens to fight against the government unless help is supplied to his armies. About 62 B.C.
Moroni said to his government in an epistle to Pahoran, “And except ye grant mine epistle, and come out and show unto me a true spirit of freedom, and strive to strengthen and fortify our armies, and grant unto them food for their support, behold I will leave a part of my freemen to maintain this part of our land, and I will leave the strength and the blessings of God upon them, that none other power can operate against them.” Alma 60:25
This is the faith of Moroni in his regard, to the “Freemen” who would save the people from their own government. That is what is happening in our world today. Who may step-up and become the Lord’s Moroni for our day, or is it a collection of “We the People”?
Save Our Constitution
“Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” 19 July 1840, as recorded by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray; ms. in Church Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City; Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844 Also: D. Michael Stewart, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, June 1976, 64-65
Orson Hyde recalled that the Prophet predicted that “the time would come that the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow and said he, if the constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language as nearly as I can recollect it.” (JD, 6:150.)In a Pioneer Day celebration in Ogden in 1871, Eliza R. Snow said, “I heard the prophet say, ‘The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints—the Elders of Israel—will step forward to its rescue and save it.”(Journal History, MSF 143 #28, July 24, 1871.)
Satan’s World. Know it and Avoid it
I am fascinated at the many constant warnings and varying degrees of council and leadership given us by Apostles and Prophets about this blessed country we call America, and to the entire world as a whole. To me this world can be a “Kingdom of God” on the earth, yet it is still Satan’s world until the Lord comes.
Continuity of Government/Second Harvest?
I believe the world may be blessed with what I call a “Second Harvest“, which may be a time where we as members of Christ’s True Church may share the gospel in Israel, Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and China, and all other lands that have not received the gospel. First however, we need destroyed for the most part, the sources of evil that are preventing us from entering those countries who sit at the lead of governments and countries all over the world, including our great nation of the United States.Our US Government seems to be under the legal term of Continuity of Government (COG). That simply means we are under a National Emergency Threat and our County is likely now governed by the DOD (Department of Defense) Law of War Manual, and not our US Constitution. The Constitution will return when our righteous military exerts its Constitutional authority to bring us back into our legal framework of a Constitutional form or Government. See Executive Order 13961 by Trump and Executive Order 14102 by BidenFrom Encyclopedia.com here is what we read about COG. “President John F. Kennedy created the Continuity of Government program on February 12, 1962. The stated purpose of COG was to shield the essential infrastructure of the United States government from destruction, permitting its continued operation and authority in a time of crisis. Intended to preserve the American form of representative government, continuity of federal authority aided law enforcement, ensured general safety, and protected the government from the illegal assumption of power by rival foreign powers or anti-government organizations. The government acknowledged plans to construct secret facilities and implement a COG strategy, but the details and locations of COG operations were meant to remain secret.” https://www.encyclopedia.com/politics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/continuity-government-united-state
This Second Harvest I speak about, may be a preparatory time before the Second Coming or great Millennial Reign. The Lord Jesu Christ may allow us more time to gather Israel with the Book of Mormon to share with more of His wonderful people of the world. I do pray we may be blessed with such a movement as a “Second Harvest.”
We are in a battle in June 2022 (Updated 7/2024) of good vs. evil. Never before has Satan been so deceptive. He is hiding in the world, sometimes in PLAIN Site, taking on many roles many names and is the leader of most earthly, and physical ideals, and companies and entertainment factions of this world. He has no body of flesh and bones, so he wants us to be unhappy as he is by trying to take over the entire physical realm. The sad thing is, many on earth who do have a body, are more evil than Satan himself. Is that possible?
What do we know about Mahan?
“And Satan swore unto Cain that he would do according to his commands. And all these things were done in secret. And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness…For Lamech having entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he became Master Mahan, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan; and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal it unto the sons of Adam.” Moses 5:30-31,49
Satan is the head evil force behind many Governments all over the World. It seems like Satan is everywhere, and HE IS! Good is Evil, Evil is Good, as his purpose is to deceive and destroy all mankind. Here is the good thing. His strength is now at near capacity and he knows it. His end is very close, but we can’t rest for a minute. No surprise the world is in such turmoil. We must choose Liberty to avoid slavery.
Elder Erastus Snow Defies Anarchy
“When they had reduced the country and themselves to anarchy, they would look upon their condition as the acme of freedom and human liberty. The world today is drifting in this direction, including our own liberal America.” Erastus Snow 1881
President Nelson Implores Us
“It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Russell M. Nelson
Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are everywhere, eternally speaking. Satan has limits, God does not. We can choose Liberty or Slavery. I choose Liberty as our Prophets have admonished us.“When the Constitution is on the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation will lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction”. Joseph Smith, 416, July 19, 1840. J.S. Collection, LDS Historical Dept. (Now is that time).
“If the Book of Mormon is true, then America is a choice land, but if it is to remain such the inhabitants of the land must worship the God of the land, the Lord Jesus Christ. The histories of two great nations, told with warning in this sacred volume, indicate that while we must have science, while we must have education, while we must have arms, we also must have righteousness if we are to merit the protection of God.” Gordon B. Hinckley The Power of the Book of Mormon Ensign June 1988
1942 First Presidency Sees Us Vividly
“These days through which we are now passing present many problems which are new to all of us but are particularly strange to the younger generation — those who have little background of experience and whose knowledge is limited and immature. Infidelity, atheism, unchastity, intemperance, civil corruption, greed, avarice, ambition — personal, political, national — are more powerful today than at any other time in the lives of us now living. They are pulling and thrusting us almost at will into new fields of action, new lines of thought. They are shaking the faith, undermining the morals, polluting the lives of the people. They have thrown many so far off balance in all of their activities, economic, social, political, and religious, that they stand in real danger of falling. Satan is making war against all the wisdom that has come to men through their ages of experience. He is seeking to overturn and destroy the very foundations upon which society, government, and religion rest. He aims to have men adopt theories and practices which he induced their forefathers, over the ages, to adopt and try, only to be discarded by them when found unsound, impractical, and ruinous. He plans to destroy liberty and freedom — economic, political, and religious, and to set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread, and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men.
He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Without their knowing it, the people are being urged down paths that lead only to destruction.Satan never before had so firm a grip on this generation as he has now.”Oct 1942 General Conference address from the First Presidency. It was read by J. Reuben Clark. President Heber J. Grant was present and presided at the Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday morning sessions. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, and President David O. McKay, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, were present at all the sessions. President McKay conducted the services at all the sessions.
“The multipurpose use of the word liberty and its synonym freedom has not changed.”
Mormon Knows Our Doing
“Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing. And I know that ye do walk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not lift themselves up in the pride of their hearts” Mormon 8:35-36
Elder Benson Sees Our History in Reverse
This Church and kingdom is on course in fulfilling its prophetic destiny. I testify that this is the Lord’s church. He presides over it and is close to His servants. He is not an absentee master; of that you can be assured. Yes, you young people are privileged to live in this choice land—a land of Zion—a land reserved for the second coming of our Lord and Savior, and the Lord’s base of operations today. When all these events are finished and written, we will look back and not be astonished to see that the prophecies, ancient and modern, about this land and these events were but our history in reverse. For that is what prophecy is. May God bless us all to be faithful and true to this vision and to uphold, sustain, and defend this nation, its founders, and the kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson
Elder Marion G. Romney Knows Us
In the timely article given in 1982 by Elder Romney, it rings very true for me today as I have read it many times but again just recently. I want it to be read by everyone. It confirms exactly what we as a world are going through today. We must listen as our time is very short.
The Perfect Law of Liberty
By President Marion G. Romney Second Counselor in the First Presidency
“I have titled these remarks “The Perfect Law of Liberty.”
As a youth, I was stirred by Patrick Henry’s famous battle cry, “Give me liberty or give me death!”
The meaning of the word liberty is difficult to circumscribe. Abraham Lincoln was of the opinion that “the world has never had a good definition of [the term]. We all declare for liberty,” he said; “but in using the same word we do not mean the same thing. With some, the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself and the product of his labor; while with others [liberty]may mean for some men to do as they please with other men and the product of other men’s labor.”
Again he said, “The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act.” (Address, 18 Apr. 1864; quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, 15th ed., Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1980, p. 523.)
Political Independence, Economic Freedom, Free Agency.
The issues have changed since the time of Lincoln, but the multipurpose use of the word liberty and its synonym freedom has not changed. The sweets of liberty about which we usually speak may be classified as (1) political independence, (2) economic freedom, and (3) free agency.
I would have us strive for that liberty which comprehends all three of these freedoms, and more. I would have us strive for a freedom of the soul to which they all contribute. I would have us attain that blessed state foreshadowed by the Prophet Joseph Smith when he said, “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God.” (D&C 121:45.) One who enjoys such liberty is, in the words of Jesus, “free indeed.” (John 8:36.) He is possessed of perfect liberty.
I invite your attention to a few illustrations in support of the thesis that, while political independence, economic freedom, and free agency may contribute to liberty of the soul, they do not guarantee it.
First, as to political independence and power:
In this field, perhaps the exploits of Alexander the Great are among the most widely known. With high physical courage, impulsive energy, and fervid imagination, he, at the unripe age of thirty-two years, became to all intents and purposes master of the then-known world. But he was far from enjoying liberty, for of himself he was not master. In his thirty-third year he died, a victim of his own excesses, a total stranger to freedom of the soul.
Cardinal Wolsey learned, to his sorrow, how little political independence and even political power can contribute to true liberty. You may recall that he gave a long life in the service of two English sovereigns, enjoying all the while great freedom and political power. Finally, however, he was shorn of all his greatness by an impatient king. As he stood, disillusioned, among the ruins of his life, he lamented to his friend,
O Cromwell, Cromwell!
Had I but served my God with half the zeal
I served my king, he would not in mine age
Have left me naked to mine enemies.
(William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, act 3, sc. 2.)
Several years ago an article appeared in a magazine concerning some of the financial wizards of this century. It recorded how some of these men had died broke and in disgrace; others had committed suicide, and some had spent time in prison. All of the men had obtained, temporarily at least, economic freedom, but to none of them did their economic abundance bring freedom of the soul.
While perhaps it is seldom, if ever, contended that either political independence or economic freedom alone brings perfect liberty, it is not, however, uncommon for free agency to be considered as synonymous with freedom of the soul. And it is true that the God-given right to choose one’s course of action is an indispensable prerequisite to such freedom.Without it we can scarcely enjoy any type of liberty—political, economic, or personal. It is one of our greatest heritages. For it we are deeply indebted to our Father in Heaven, to the Founding Fathers, and to the pioneers. God gave it to man in the Garden of Eden. (See Moses 7:32.) The Founding Fathers, under the Lord’s inspiration, wrote a guarantee of it into the fundamental law of the land. And the pioneers, led by the inspiration of heaven, gave their all to perpetuate it. Surely we ought always to be alert in its defense and willing, if necessary, to give our lives for its preservation.
Free Agency
Free agency, however, precious as it is, is not of itself the perfect liberty we seek, nor does it necessarily lead thereto. As a matter of fact, through the exercise of their agency more people have come to political, economic, and personal bondage than to liberty.
The Nephites, for example, at one time, by the exercise of their agency, brought themselves to such a state of affairs that their only course led to political bondage. This they did while living under a government providing for the freest exercise of agency. “Their laws and their governments,” says the record, “were established by the voice of the people, and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good.” Therefore, “they could not be governed by the law nor justice, save it were to their destruction.” (Hel. 5:2–3.) Under these circumstances, they chose as rulers wicked men, who would certainly destroy their political liberties, to replace righteous men who had in the past protected and preserved those liberties and would have continued to do so in the future.
The freewill choosing of a king by the Jaredites led directly to their captivity. (See Ether 6:21–7:5.)
This sequence was repeated in the days of Israel. The people—rejecting government by judges, which God had established—clamored for Samuel to give them a king. Notwithstanding Samuel’s warning that a king would make servants of their children, lay heavy taxes and services upon their backs, and send them to war, “the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel, [saying,] Nay; but we will have a king over us;
“That we also may be like all the nations.”(1 Sam. 8:19–20.)
Samuel therefore anointed Saul to be their king. In due time, just as Samuel had predicted, heavy burdens were laid upon them, their sons and daughters were made servants of the king, and war came. The nation was divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah, both of which were, in their turn, carried away into captivity. Not only did they lose their political freedom, but their very political existence as nations was terminated.
We have a classic example of the loss of economic freedom by the misuse of free agency in the book of Genesis. The Egyptians, instead of exercising their agency to provide for themselves against a day of need, depended upon the government. As a result, when the famine came they were forced to purchase food from the government. First they used their money. When that was gone, they gave their livestock, then their lands; and finally they were compelled to sell themselves into slavery, that they might eat. (See Gen. 41:54–56; Gen. 47:13–26.)
We ourselves have gone a long way down this road during the last century.My counsel is that we beware of the doctrine which encourages us to seek government-supported security rather than to put faith in our own industry. Remember Pope’s peasant who, having been served the rich man’s feast and finding the consequences, complained:
“An’t please Your Honour,” quoth the peasant,
“This same dessert is not so pleasant:
Give me again my hollow tree,
A crust of bread and Liberty.”
(Alexander Pope, “The Sixth Satire of the Second Book of Horace,” lines 218–21.)
With respect to the loss of personal liberty through the misuse of free agency, our daily lives are filled with tragic evidence. We see the alcoholic with his craving for drink, the dope fiend in his frenzy, and worse, the pervert with his irretrievable loss of manhood. Who will say that such persons enjoy liberty?
Notwithstanding the fact that through its misuse, political, economic, and personal liberty are lost, free agency will always endure because it is an eternal principle. However, the free agency possessed by any one person is increased or diminished by the use to which he puts it. Every wrong decision one makes restricts the area in which he can thereafter exercise his agency. The further one goes in the making of wrong decisions in the exercise of free agency, the more difficult it is for him to recover the lost ground. One can, by persisting long enough, reach the point of no return. He then becomes an abject slave. By the exercise of his free agency, he has decreased the area in which he can act, almost to the vanishing point.
Samuel, the Lamanite prophet, speaking to those who so persisted, said: “In the days of your poverty ye shall cry unto the Lord; and in vain shall ye cry, for your desolation is already come upon you, and your destruction is made sure; and then shall ye weep and howl in that day … and say: …
“O that we had repented in the day that the word of the Lord came unto us. …
“Behold, we are surrounded by demons, yea, we are encircled about by the angels of him who hath sought to destroy our souls. … O Lord, canst thou not turn away thine anger from us? And this shall be your language in those days.
“But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure.” (Hel. 13:32, 36–38.)
These poor souls have placed themselves in the power of Lucifer and his followers, who, as you remember, became Perdition. (See D&C 76:26.) Their final fate is to be cast out into outer darkness, such punishment being the natural consequence of the alternatives they elected in the exercise of their agency. The fact that they were originally endowed by their Creator with free agency does not save them from the most awful bondage, the bondage of sin.
Just as following wrong alternatives restricts free agency and leads to slavery, so pursuing correct alternatives widens the scope of one’s agency and leads to perfect liberty. As a matter of fact, one may, by this process, obtain freedom of the soul while at the same time being denied political, economic, and personal liberty.
For example, consider the Prophet Joseph Smith. Here was a man enjoying freedom of the soul while suffering the deprivation of almost every other liberty. The experiences of his life were in some respects comparable to those of the Apostle Paul, who in his labors suffered stripes often, imprisonment frequently, and repeatedly faced death. Reviewing some of his experiences for the Corinthians, he said:
“Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.
“Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;
“In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;
“In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.” (2 Cor. 11:24–27.)
Notwithstanding all this, he could write to his beloved Timothy from his prison cell in Rome shortly before his death: “I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
“Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:6–8.)
Surely Paul, in his soul, enjoyed perfect freedom.
The Apostle’s conclusion that the reward won by him is to be available to others suggests that there must be a pattern of living by which each of us may attain it, and I believe there is.
Many years ago, while riding through Cleveland, Ohio, on a train, I saw on a building the inscription “Obedience to Law is Liberty.” With the proper interpretation of the word law, we have in this inscription a statement of ultimate truth. By inserting three words, it is made to read, “Obedience to the law of Christ is liberty.” (See D&C 88:21.) This is not only a statement of the perfect law of liberty, but also a statement of the way to perfect liberty.
In the eighth chapter of John is recorded a controversy between Jesus and the rulers of the Jews. They, of course, rejected him. But some who heard believed, and to them he said, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31–32.)
Freedom thus obtained—that is, by obedience to the law of Christ—is freedom of the soul, the highest form of liberty. And the most glorious thing about it is that it is within the reach of every one of us, regardless of what people about us, or even nations, do. All we have to do is learn the law of Christ and obey it. To learn it and obey it is the primary purpose of every soul’s mortal life.
That God may attend and prosper each of us onour way to perfect liberty, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” Elder Romney. (Italics, Headings and Color are added)
I think there is importance when the Prophet and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Brethren, are being neutral on geography, evolution and other difficult issues. They want us to gain our own witness to secondary information. They have given us sound doctrine and that is what we should focus on. I know through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true. I also love to seek for other truth, such as secondary physical evidence, because as Moroni has said, “You may know the truth of all things”
I believe the Land of Promise spoken of in the Book of Mormon is the United States of America. The Constitution was created by the Lord, Adam and Eve were placed on this same land at Missouri, and the New Jerusalem will be on this same land. No need for me to check out Mesoamerica anymore as I did for 40 years.
Just like evolution. I don’t believe we came from an ape and I know that matter cannot come from nothing. I don’t have to look into science to figure this out, but by the witness of what the scriptures tell us.
I don’t expect President Nelson to come right out and tell me where the Book of Mormon events happened, or if we came from an ape, I know through sound reasoning the answer that makes most sense to me. Now if the Brethren say otherwise, I would always listen to them first, and then pray about it, but in my opinion the Church is neutral on secondary evidence that exists, to help each of us individually come to a knowledge of the “truth of all things” by personal revelation, as promised in the Book of Mormon. I don’t need to be commanded in all things!
See my blog here for more detail about an apologist. As I discuss things below I am not claiming to speak for any other member of M2C, (Mesoamerican Two Hill Cumorah theory or Heartlander, (Believers that events of the Book of Mormon began in the Heartland of North America), and I am definitely not speaking on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love the Lord and His Church and I am a lifelong member in good standing.
I define myself as a Traditional & Conservative Believer in Christ, as well as many of my Heartland Geography friends would. I am also Traditional on Social, Financial, Political and Constitutional values.
Traditional is an advocate of maintaining tradition, especially so as to resist change. A person who believes the old ways are best. Truth cannot be changed. God’s in charge not man as a generalization. Judgmental of unusual behavior. Conservative is a person who is averse to change and holds traditional values. A person favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas and an adherence to God and His principles. Apologist is a person who defends or supports something (such as a religion, cause, or organization) that is being criticized or attacked by other people.” A person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial. Both M2C and Heartlanders are Apologists.
A great many of believers about the Mesoamerican two Cumorah Theory (M2C) belief of geography, I would say are Liberal, & Progressive Apologists.
Liberal a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise. One who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways. Man’s more in charge not God, as a generalization. Less judgmental of norms. Progressive a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare. Favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas. Developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step until traditional values become more liberal or progressive.
Difficult Questions and Answers
Many Heartlanders are Conservative or believe in the Traditional history of the Church. Many in the M2C camp are more Liberal or Intellectual and believe in the Revisionist history of the Church. Many Traditional Mormons would answer questions about sensitive issues similar to me as follows:
Purchase here:Universal Model Volume II, The Living System
DNA- We believe there may be Hebrew DNA in many Native American Indians near the Great Lakes of the Algonquian and Iroquois tribes. Article Here: Only Asian DNA has been found amongst the people of South, and Central America and amongst other Western Native Americans of the United States and Alaska. We believe most of those living in the South Pacific Islands are of Israelite blood, but we haven’t found DNA yet. M2C believe the Asian DNA found in Central America is because the Asian population over took any Hebrew DNA that may have existed as during the time of Lehi.
Evolution: We do not believe a cat could evolve into a dog and we don’t believe an ape can evolve into Man. We do believe in Evolution defined as change or adaptation within a species. Most intellectuals believe we evolved from an ape and change can happen outside of a species.
Translation of the Gold Plates: We believe they were translated by the gift and power of God, with Joseph using the breastplate and two clear stones attached to a silver bow (Like spectacles) that were found in the same hill as the plates. Most M2C followers believe the stone in the hat method of translation (SITH). They believe Joseph Smith rarely looked at the gold plates during translation.
Seer Stones: We believe Joseph had several seer stones that were used for faithful things by Joseph, but Joseph did not use a seer stone in his hat to translate the Book of Mormon. If he did use this method, he would be just reading words from a seer stone that someone told him to be written down so he wouldn’t have “translated” the plates but just would have dictated the words he saw in the stone to Oliver. Joseph could have used any item if he never had to look at the plates and Nephi and Moroni would never of had to write and preserve the plates. Joseph also used the Urim and Thummim (Spectacle’s) to translate parts of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Bible and other books.
Politics- We believe the United States is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon as Elder Perry said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012. We are mostly very conservative, love the US Constitution and our Founding Fathers. We believe in the right to bear arms and freedom of speech. Most of us don’t agree with RINO Republican’s (Republican in Name only), and we believed John F. Kennedy had great visions on taxes and freedom, but we disagree with most Democratic platforms today. Most of us love the great freedoms that Reagan and Trump have given us, as they have kept their words, as few politicians do. We highly respect George Washington, and other great founding fathers, and we love Abraham Lincoln. We disagree strongly with Woodrow Wilson. We don’t approve of the socialized version of government. We don’t agree with Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Totalitarianism, or Progressivism. We believe rights can only come from God not from Government, “Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
Polygamy: We believe Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were following the commandments to practice polygamy just as Abraham and others were instructed. Satan just uses this highly controversial idea to get us to doubt things. As I understand, only about 3% of the entire church ever practiced polygamy. We believe when the Lord commands us, we should listen. Spiritual Celestial Marriage is a higher law of God and has nothing to do with a physical relationship.
Science: We believe the dinosaurs lived during the Old Testament with Adam and were killed during the great world wide flood. We also believe that most all rocks were created during the flood which was an event that happened at about 2345 BC. Most Intellectuals believe the dinosaurs are millions of years old. We believe Noah’s worldwide flood was real. Many M2C think it may have been a myth or a local flood. We have shown in a laboratory that wood can be fossilized in 2 days not in millions of years. (See Universal Model by Dean Sessions).
Creationism: We believe Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman placed on this earth around 4,000 BC and the earth’s is only about 13,000 years old, but the material of the earth used to organize the earth is billions of years old as matter cannot be created but has existed forever. Many intellectuals believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old as the consensus on google says. They also believe in cave men and men on earth before Adam. I do not.
Testimony: Most of the M2C theory are just as valiant as Heartlanders are in the Church and they are both trying to help others as good members of this Church. We just have different beliefs in some matters. Both sides should strive to love one another.
I realize I can’t put each of you into the box I have created with each definition above. We each have our own opinion on various issues and that is why it is important to listen to each other, study it out for ourselves, and then based on the spirit, develop our own witness of truth. I am thankful for free agency and I love listening to many differing opinions as it builds my knowledge base, and helps me make more accurate decisions. I base most initial findings as I ask, “Does it make sense” and then I study scripture an other good books and then take it to the Lord to understand His Spirit concerning the matter.
Personal Revelation
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is neutral when it comes to Book of Mormon Geography and many of the other subjects from my above list. We should learn and study the revelations and doctrine that the Prophet and Apostles teach us and the standard works. Remember we are told that we may know the truth of all things. We as members should gain our own personal revelation on the scriptures, and the doctrine and revelations of the Church, including the things that are not doctrinal, just as the Prophet says below:
“Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.”
You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
Different Apologists
M2C Apologists: They say they are neutral and open to hearing about other geographical theories of the Book of Mormon. I don’t believe they are neutral. The may vaguely listen to others, but they are staunch in the Mesoamerican belief. I believe they say they are neutral to stay in a supportive role with the Church.
John L. Sorenson a leader of the Mesoamerican Theory said, “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd. Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundreds of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.” John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex (Deseret Book, 2013), p. 688.
Heartland Apologists: We love and support The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we are mostly life long members in good standing. We are not neutral in our opinions about Book of Mormon Geography. We believe Book of Mormon events happened in the heartland of North America. The Book of Mormon is only a small percent of history and through marriage and migration we acknowledge there are other Lamanites that live outside of this Heartland, not spoken of in the Book of Mormon, including in the western United States, Canada and Central and South America.
Mesoamerica Two Cumorah Theory
M2C means, “Mesoamerica Two Cumorah Theory”, as defined by Jonathan Neville. In other words those who believe there are two Hill Cumorah’s, one in New York where Joseph deposited the plates, and a second Hill Cumorah somewhere in Mexico where the final battles of the Nephites and Lamanites took place. YES, they really believe this! Why? 1. They need to justify that their theory has to have happened in Mesoamerica. 2. They insist the area around NY Cumorah is too small to be a place for such disaster. 3. They claim no bones, arrowheads, iron, copper and other artifacts have ever been found near the NY Cumorah. My Evidence Here 4. They believe the Cave at Hill Cumorah that Joseph entered and saw wagon loads of plates, was just a dream or vision and didn’t really happen. Blog, Other Blog 5. They believe Moroni traveled over 3,500 miles to NY to bury the plates.
John L. Sorenson a Mesoamerican believer, begins his Preface to Mormon’s Codex: An Ancient American Book, with these observations:
“This book presents a wide array of evidence that the Book of Mormon is an ancient historical record that could only have been produced by a writer who lived in Mesoamerica (southern Mexico and northern Central America) many centuries before Spanish explorers reached that area…. Numerous theories have, of course, been proposed to correlate Book of Mormon geography with the modern map of the Americas. None of these theories have been considered definitive by authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In chapters 2 and 7, I explain why I consider only one of those theories–involving a particular area in Mesoamerica–to escape the fatal flaws exhibited by all the others.”
I suspect most readers glide right over this sleight-of-hand rhetoric. The truth, though, is that Church authorities have always made a clear distinction between fact and theory regarding Book of Mormon geography.
Fact: The Hill Cumorah is in New York. This was established as a fact in Letter VII, written by President Oliver Cowdery who was an eye-witness to the depository of Nephite records in that hill (Mormon 6:6). Joseph Smith helped write these letters, had them copied into his personal history, and endorsed their republication for the rest of his life. The fact that Cumorah is in New York has been repeated many times by Church leaders, including by members of the First Presidency speaking in General Conference. No member of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve has ever repudiated this teaching of his predecessors.
Theory: Church leaders have always said don’t know for sure the locations of other Book of Mormon events, so every proposed geography other than the New York Cumorah is necessarily a theory.
All of this means that, starting right from the outset, Mormon’s Codex is propaganda, not scholarship…
Brother Sorensen also says, “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd. Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundred of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.” Mormon’s Codex, p. 688…
The treatment of Cumorah in Mormon’s Codex or in the Book of Mormon Archaeology Forum, see to be an illusion of scholarship, as you’ll see if you read it carefully. Here are some examples:
“In the final stage of their retreat, all the identifiable Nephites assembled near the hill Cumorah, probably Cerro El Vigia in south-central Veracruz….
When all the remaining Nephites were ‘gathered in,’ the numerically superior Lamanite horde waged battle. In a single day they exterminated all 23 units of the defenders (each nominally of 10,000 men)….
Finally, the hill where the end came for the Jaredites, who called it Ramah, and the location of the last battle of the Nephites at the same hill (they called it Cumorah), have a highly likely correspondence to Cerro El Vigia (see fig. 7.2), an outlier on the northwest of the Tuxtla Mountains. In overall location and in a dozen other features, the textual information in the Book of Mormon agrees with the geographical situation. 72″
In classic M2C citation cartel fashion, Footnote 72 (page 142) cites David A. Palmer, In Search of Cumorah (Bountiful, UT: Horizon Publishers, 1992). Brother Palmer, of course, encouraged Brother Sorenson to write his books…
Jonathan Neville said, “Brother Palmer is the one who wrote the self-serving entry on Cumorah in the Encyclopedia of Mormonism that cites only his own book for authority, again in classic M2C citation cartel fashion. You can read my discussions of his book if you search for “David Palmer” on this blog. Brother Palmer cites the anonymous articles in the Times and Seasons for authority, while ignoring the teachings of the prophets entirely, except for a brief dismissal of Letter VII, which he doesn’t even quote. _____
As you go through the “criteria” for Cumorah set forth in Mormon’s Codex and In Search of Cumorah, you’ll see that the criteria are derived not from the text but from the assumed Mesoamerican setting. There must be volcanoes, for example, which Mormon and Moroni forgot to mention but which Brothers Sorenson and Palmer thoughtfully provide.
As I noted at the outset, once you recognize that Mormon’s Codex is a long-winded justification for repudiating the prophets, you see the logical fallacies and circular reasoning throughout.
To be clear, I do not reject the Mesoamerican setting and I won’t until it has not been rejected by the prophets. However, I think it is implausible, given the New York Cumorah. I think the evidence from ancient North America aligns far better with the text of the Book of Mormon than the evidence from Mesoamerica, Baja, Panama, etc.
For me, the distinction between fact and theory, between the New York Cumorah and everything else, is so well established by the prophets that it is inexcusable to censor, let alone repudiate, the teachings of the prophets…
It’s a side benefit that the fact of the New York Cumorah is so well supported by available archaeology, anthropology, geography, and geology. Mormon’s Codex is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.” Jonathan Neville Illusion of scholarship – Mormon’s Codex part 3
“Sorenson’s analysis of Alma 22 seems to be influenced by the Times and Seasons article published on 1 October 1842, which declares that the Nephite city of Zarahemla “stood upon” “Central America or Guatimala [sic].” Sorenson cites this passage from the Times and Seasons, although he recognizes the “fact that the geography question had not been settled authoritatively.”[1] In Mormon’s Codex, Sorenson relegates the Times and Seasons articles to a footnote in support of his unequivocal conclusion: “Joseph Smith became convinced in the last years of his life that the lands of the Nephites were in Mesoamerica.”[1]
Sorenson’s assumptions about Central America lead him to a preconceived concept of Book of Mormon geography; i.e., a narrow neck of land between two larger land masses. Perhaps he felt somewhat bound by the Times and Seasons articles and his inference that Joseph Smith agreed with them. As such, Sorenson’s work could be viewed as an effort to vindicate the Prophet’s words.” Moroni’s America by Jonathan Neville pages 26-28
You Choose- Fantasy Map? or Heartland Real-World Map?
We don’t have to be afraid to dissent about many secondary evidences of the Book of Mormon, as long as we are informed. In other words, when we explore and research and prayerfully decide about where the geography of the Book of Mormon began, or if there was one or two Hill Cumorah’s, as we are informed and feel a spirit of personal revelation, we should dissent against those who may disagree. Not argue or disparage others, but simply dissent based on our personal revelation. In fact, a testimony comes with the confirmation of the spirit after reading and praying about the truth of the Book of Mormon, which is all you need at the beginning, and then you must continue to read and pray all the days of your life to keep that strong testimony.
Be Unafraid to Dissent
We should as Harold B. Lee said, “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed.” I love learning and being informed, and with my quest for truth, I explore truth with fervor and confirm it with the Spirit of Christ.” I am not speaking about doctrine or about revelation of prophets, but only about secondary evidence or personal revelation.
As Elder Holland said, “Truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart… Truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling… but not to seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief when it is available is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a unique, persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation and sectarian debate.” The Greatness of the Evidence By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland August 16, 2017
Personal Revelation
Our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson said, “You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
President Russell M. Nelson
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
I agree with the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., along with our current Prophet, Russell M. Nelson. I love them both and I know this Church is true and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I realize that when the Prophet gives a revelation, it becomes doctrine, and I will always follow it as led by the Spirit. When the Leaders of the Church urge us or recommend something, they are doing their duty of warning, preaching, and trying to help us in this difficult world. Individual answers are all around each of us, and the Lord will guide us based on our faith, research, and study to know what is right. Personal revelation is most important as it comes from God. However, we must be hesitant to share personal revelation as if we are speaking for the Church or any other individual or Church leader. We are all accountable to Christ individually, not collectively.
Many quotes below feel true to me by personal revelation. Some of you may feel these are good quotes, but they are just opinions of good men. Some may feel there is no way these quotes could be true and especially not revelation. We are each free to choose what we believe of course. Please read, ponder, and pray about these quotes, whether they be true to you or not. As Moroni said, “we may know the truth of all things.”
Secondary Evidences
Knowing truth about secondary evidences of the Book of Mormon, such as it’s geography, the method of translation, the location of the final battles, or any other truth about this book, you can know the truth by personal revelation. Our Prophet and Apostles and other leaders may share with us personal information about secondary evidences, that we must validate by our own personal revelation. The Church is officially neutral on the location of Book of Mormon as I quote, “the Church’s only position is that the events the Book of Mormon describes took place in the ancient Americas. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/book-of-mormon-geography?lang=eng#p5
I love this quote by Hugh B. Brown: “I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression.
“And while all members should respect, support, and heed the teachings of the authorities of the church, no one should accept a statement and base his or her testimony upon it, no matter who makes it, until he or she has, under mature examination, found it to be true and worthwhile; then one’s logical deductions may be confirmed by the spirit of revelation to his or her spirit, because real conversion must come from within.” Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999
I will summarize in brevity the two main theories of the Book of Mormon. There are many other theories as well. You can know truth about non-doctrinal issues and difficult questions through diligence and confirmation of the Spirit. My faith is in the Lord and I know Pres Nelson is a prophet of God as was Joseph Smith, and I have found many secondary truths about the Book of Mormon through hard work and diligence and prayer. About 45 years ago I felt the Mesoamerican theory was correct, but in the past 14 years, I firmly believe in the Heartland Model for Book of Mormon Geography. It came from personal witnesses and experiences.
Does it matter where the Book of Mormon events happened? Yes in my opinion, as it has strengthened my testimony and added great impact to it. I don’t mind what others believe about geography, as this is my personal witness.
Two Theories Researched
1) Five Mesoamerican Theory Keys
1.The Hill in Ontario, New York by Palmyra, is the Hill the gold plates were found by Joseph Smith, but not necessarily “The hill Cumorah” . Similarly in the Church publication, “Saints” the name Cumorah is never used, but just referred to as, “hill”. 2. Buried with the Gold Plates in New York was the Urim and Thummim, Breastplate, Liahona, and Sword of Laban. Five Items. There was not a separate cave at the hill in New York, but probably was a dream Joseph had, of a repository of many plates somewhere in Mexico.
Video from the Church History Museum in Salt Lake. Did Moroni hide the Liahona and Sword with the Gold Plates? NO!
3. The final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites was fought on some hill in Mexico yet to be named.
4. Zarahemla is located in several possible Mesoamerican locations as shown on the map below.
5. The Narrow Neck of Land is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Central America, where the land divides the sea. It is about 140 miles wide.
1.The Hill in Ontario, New York by Palmyra, is the only Hill Cumorah. 2.Buried with the Gold Plates in New York was the Urim and Thummim, and Breastplate Three Items. The Liahona and Sword were found in a separate repository in the Hill Cumorah called the Cave at Cumorah. Orson Pratt said, “The hill Cumorah, with the surrounding vicinity, is distinguished as the great battlefield on which, and near which, two powerful nations were concentrated with all their forces. Men, women and children fought till hundreds of thousands on both sides were hewn down, and left to molder upon the ground. . . .These new plates were given to Moroni to finish the history. And all the ancient plates, Mormon deposited in Cumorah, about three hundred and eighty-four years after Christ. When Moroni, about thirty-six years after, made the deposit of the book entrusted to him, he was, without doubt, inspired to select a department of the hill separate from the great depository of the numerous volumes hid up by his father. The particular place in the hill where Moroni secreted the book, was revealed, by the angel, to the prophet Joseph Smith, to whom the volume was delivered in September, A.D. 1827. But the grand repository of all the numerous records of the ancient nations of the western continent, was located in another department of the hill, and it’s contents under the charge of holy angels, until the day should come for them to be transferred to the sacred temple of Zion.” 1866 Orson Pratt Millennial Star (28 (27): 417)
3. The final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites was fought on the same hill Cumorah in New York where Joseph found the Gold Plates, Urim and Thummim, and Breastplate.
4. City of Zarahemla is located at Montrose, Iowa as a revelation from Joseph Smith said, “Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.” D&C 125:3
5. The Narrow Neck of Land is the Niagara Peninsula between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, where the Seas divide the Land. It is between 3-24 miles wide from the north shore of Erie to the south shore of Ontario.
Basic Narrow Neck of Land 3 Miles wide from the Onondaga Formation to the south shore of ancient Lake Wainfleet. 24 miles wide from the north shore of Erie to the south shore of Lake Ontario.
Both the Mesoamerican Map and the Heartland Map are compared side by side below.
Compare side by side the United States map with what we call the Fantasy map of the Mesoamerican Theory. They both contain the same beginning points (South) to the ending points (North). However the Fantasy map of Mesoamerica has to be turned 90 degrees in order to have the North to South directions fit the text.
John Sorensen/Mesoamericanist
John Leon Sorenson (April 8, 1924 – December 8, 2021) was an American anthropologist, scholar and author. He was a professor of anthropology at Brigham Young University, and the author of An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon, as well as many other books and articles on the Book of Mormon and archaeology.
John Sorenson, seasoned Mormon scholar and early proponent of the Tehuantepec limited geography theory, has publicly bemoaned the overwhelming unlikeliness of locating Book of Mormon animals in the ancient New World without substantial reinterpretations of the text:
“What kind of animals did the Nephites have? The terms cattle, horses, sheep and so on are mentioned at several points in the Book of Mormon, in the Nephite record. And it is dismaying to some, some who wish to be dismayed, I believe, (and a few others who wish an answer could be provided) why there are not cows like we mean cows, horses like we mean horses, sheep like we mean sheep. The fact is, however, is that all the ancient studies say those animals simply were not present in the New World. Period. They were not here…
Well, 99.9% period. There is some little possibility of some horses as we know horses. The likelihood, however, is that we must go back to the text again, we see the internal having to articulate constantly with the external. We get some ideas from the internal, look outside, try to get enlightening, illuminating information, and then we may have to back into the text, and re-read it, and understand: “Let’s see now, when Mormon said this, what did really mean? Did he mean what I think he means? Or shall we read it the way he wrote it an meant it in his mind? We do not know that when he said ‘horse,’ he meant our kind of horse.” Sorenson, John L. “The Book of Mormon in Ancient America.” Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies Lecture Series. Provo. 1992.
Another Mesoamerican Theorist
“I would say in evaluating the Book of Mormon, it had no place in the New World whatsoever. And we’d have to look for the place of the Book of Mormon events to have taken place in the Old World. It just doesn’t seem to fit anything that he [John Carlson] has been taught in his discipline, nor I in my discipline in anthropology, history; there seems to be no place for it. It seems misplaced. It seems like these are anachronisms. It seems like the items are out of time and place, and trying to put them into the New World. And I think there’s a great difficulty here for we Mormons in understanding what this book is all about.” Matheny, Raymond T. “Book of Mormon Archaeology: What Does the Evidence Really show?” Sunstone Symposium. 25 Aug. 1984.Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 1993
Leaders Quotes about the Heartland Model
Letter VII
“At about one mile west rises another ridge of less height, running parallel with the former, leaving a beautiful vale between. The soil is of the first quality for the country, and under a state of cultivation, which gives a prospect at once imposing, when one reflects on the fact, that here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed…
…Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah. In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VIIJoseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159
“…Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah. In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII Joseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159 .
I believe this quote above, written by Oliver Cowdrey who at the time was the Assistant President of the Church with Joseph Smith. It is clear as Oliver states, “when one reflects on the fact”, that this is a declaration of truth from Oliver. If you think this was just Oliver’s opinion, read below what Joseph Fielding Smith says about these 8 Letters that Oliver Cowdery wrote to W.W. Phelps.
I also believe that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim and Breastplate to translate and he never used a single stone in a hat to translate. As in “Letter I” there is a canonized quote from the scriptures saying, “Oliver Cowdery describes these events thus: “These were days never to be forgotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon.’” JSH 1:75*
“PROPHET APPROVES OLIVER COWDERY’S VIEWS. The quibbler might say that this statement from Oliver Cowdery is merely the opinion of Oliver Cowdery and not the expression of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It should be remembered that these letters in which these statements are made were written at the Prophet’s request and under his personal supervision. Surely, under these circumstances, he would not have permitted an error of this kind to creep into the record without correction.
At the commencement of these historical letters is found the following: “That our narrative may be correct, and particularly the introduction, it is proper to inform our patrons, that our Brother J. Smith Jr., has offered to assist us. Indeed, there are many items connected with the fore part of this subject that render his labor indispensable. With his labor and with authentic documents now in our possession, we hope to render this a pleasing and agreeable narrative, well worth the examination and perusal of the saints. “236. 24
Later, during the Nauvoo period of the Church, and again under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these same letters by Oliver Cowdery, were published in the Times and Seasons, without any thought of correction had this description of the Hill Cumorah been an error.” 236. 25 Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation Volume 3 Chapter 12 A VOICE FROM CUMORAH
Below are quotes about some theories [Mainly Mesoamerican and Heartland] of where the Book of Mormon events began. In my opinion I agree with Elder Perry and Pres Monson as stated below and in other quotes as well, who I think leaned towards a Heartland theory.
L. Tom Perry
“The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012
Thomas S. Monson
“The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
“Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008)
Editors Opinion
It is my strong opinion that President Monson believes the United States is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. Why do Mesoamericanists believe the entire continent of the Americas is the Promised land? To fit their narrative I guess. You mean Greenland, Guatemala, and the Northwest Territories are the Promised Land spoken of in the book of Mormon? I love all of God’s children in the entire world and God loves us all the same, but seriously? If a person from Greenland comes to the United States legally as a citizen that person can also live in the Promised Land, correct? I’m sure Greenland has much beauty on its own, but it is not the Promised Land, is it? I am not belittling other lands. I’m just making a legitimate statement. Why is the United States and Israel the two Promised Lands? Because Christ said so. See 3 Nephi 20:22,29
Gordon B. Hinckley
“I should like to say a few words about America…No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America…surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty.” Gordon B. Hinckley Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”, BYU Speeches of the Year, October 29, 1974, pp. 267-68
Joseph Smith Jr./ Emma’s Letter and Wentworth Letter
“The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity… During our travels we visited several of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of this country-Nephites, Lamanites, etc.” Joseph Smith Papers Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834 Page 56
The witness of Joseph Smith in his letter to Emma [above] on June 4, 1834 along with the following quote from the Wentworth Letter are two of the most convincing witnesses of the Book of Mormon events beginning in North America.
“In this important and interesting book the history of ancient America is unfolded, from its first settlement by a colony that came from the Tower of Babel at the confusion of languages to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era. We are informed by these records that America in ancient times has been inhabited by two distinct races of people. The first were called Jaredites and came directly from the Tower of Babel. The second race came directly from the city of Jerusalem about six hundred years before Christ. They were principally Israelites of the descendants of Joseph. The Jaredites were destroyed about the time that the Israelites came from Jerusalem, who succeeded them in the inheritance of the country. The principal nation of the second race fell in battle towards the close of the fourth century. The remnant are the Indians that now inhabit this country...” Wentworth Letter reprinted in Ensign July 2002
Mark E. Petersen
“I do not believe that the classrooms or the pulpits of our Church are for laboratory purposes in which to experiment with new doctrines and speculative notions. They are exclusively for the use of those who are willing to convert men and women and boys and girls to the truth. . . . I do not believe we should give credence to the highly speculative theories about Book of Mormon geography. I do not believe that there were two Hill Cumorahs, one in Central America and the other one up in New York, for the convenience of the Prophet Joseph Smith, so that the poor boy would not have to walk clear to Central America to get the gold plates. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the integrity of Joseph Smith. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the testimony of the eleven witnesses of the Book of Mormon. I do not believe you have a testimony of the truth if you question the accuracy of the translation of the Book of Mormon.” Mark E. Petersen LDS Conference Reports, Sunday afternoon, April 5, 1953
Joseph Fielding Smith
“This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case… It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all…
It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery. Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history.” Doctrines of Salvation Joseph Fielding Smith Chapter 12
James E. Talmage
“The final struggles between Nephites and Lamanites were waged in the vicinity of the Hill Cumorah, in what is now the State of New York, resulting in the destruction of the Nephites as a nation, about 400 A.D. The last Nephite representative was Moroni, who, wandering for safety from place to place, daily expecting death from the victorious Lamanites, wrote the concluding parts of the Book of Mormon, and hid the record in Cumorah. It was this same Moroni who, as a resurrected being, gave the records into the hands of Joseph Smith in the present dispensation.” James Talmage Articles of Faith
Ezra Taft Benson
“When this nation was established, the Church was restored and from here the message of the restored gospel has gone forth-all according to divine plan. This then becomes the Lord’s base of operations in these latter days. And this base-the land of America—will not be shifted out of its place. This nation will, in a measure at least, fulfill its mission even though it may face serious and troublesome days. The degree to which it achieves its full mission depends upon the righteousness of its people. God, through His power, has established a free people in this land as a means of helping to carry forward His purposes. It was His latter-day purpose to bring forth His gospel in America, not in any other place. It was in America where the Book of Mormon plates were deposited. That was no accident. It was His design. It was in this same America where they were brought to light by angelic ministry. [1]. It was here where He organized His modern Church, where He, Himself, made a modern personal appearance [2]; [3]. It was here under a free government and a strong nation that protection was provided for His restored Church. Now God will not permit America, His base of operations, to be destroyed. He has promised protection to this land if we will but serve the God of the land [4]. He has also promised protection to the righteous even, if necessary, to send fire from heaven to destroy their enemies [5]. No, God’s base of operations will not be destroyed.”
Heartland Theorists
“After reading a paper by a Latter-day Saint author who had “come to the conclusion that there was nothing to be found in the Central American setting that convinced him that the Book of Mormon belonged there,” Duane Aston asked himself, “what if the Book of Mormon did not belong in Central America? [and] if Book of Mormon lands were not located in Central America, then where might they belong?” Aston then describes what followed: “The only reasonable possible solution that came to my mind was New York. What if the setting for the Book of Mormon was anciently located in the lands that we know as New York? . . . Might this location serve as a starting point to begin a search for the geography of the Book of Mormon? The more I studied and researched upon the matter, the more I became convinced that indeed the Book of Mormon itself contained sufficient clues that could resolve the issue of the geography of the Book of Mormon. The Lord showed Nephi that “many multitudes of Gentiles” would come “upon the land of promise.” (1 Nephi 13:14-16). What other people could this refer to, other than those Gentiles, pilgrims, who had come to occupy eastern United States and Canada in colonial times?” 1998 Duane R. Aston Return to Cumorah: Piecing Together the Puzzle Where the Nephites Lived, Sacramento: American River Publications [pp. 2-3]
“The Book of Mormon records that due to the wickedness of the Nephite civilization they were destroyed by their brothers the Lamanites. The final battles of this unholy war took place near a hill that was called Cumorah. At Cumorah, hundreds of thousands of Nephites were slain, and the prophet/historian Moroni buried the history of his people in that hill (Mormon 6:2-15; 8:1-5). Hundreds of years later, that same history was unearthed in upstate New York, by the boy prophet Joseph Smith and translated to become the Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith–History 1:51-52).
Non-Mormon Theorists
“When Joseph Smith made his “fantastic” claims and published the Book of Mormon as an ancient history of the American Indians, some scoffed at the idea that a major battle had anciently taken place in the local vicinity. However, evidence was soon produced that documented that this region of the country did indeed once possess a heavy Indian population, and that a terrible battle had taken place in that locality.
Writing in 1851, E. G. Squier says that in the region: “Human bones of men, women, and children of both sexes were thrown together promiscuously by the thousands.” He notes large quantities of pottery, pipes, flint arrow-heads, stone hatchets and other implements were also found there. He further states that the ancient relics unearthed in the vicinity (which he estimates to be several hundred years old) showed considerable evidence of Hebrew origin.” (See E. G. Squier, Antiquities of New York, 1851, pp. 137-138.)
In New York State Bulletin #2 it is documented that several miles south of “Mormon Hill,” as it was then called, a site was found where flint arrowheads and spear points and many unfinished weapons were found in great abundance. All of the above sources are cited in Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 1989, p. 10.
Heber J. Grant
“While listening to the remarks of Brother Ivins, referring to a book that was written by one of our enemies, in which the statement is made that there is not a particle of evidence to show that there is any trace of the Hebrew among the people who anciently inhabited this country, and that there is no evidence that would go to prove that the Book of Mormon is true. I was reminded of a little item of evidence that came under my observation while I was in the City of London. A gentleman there, to whom a very dear friend of mine, Col. Alex. G. Hawes, had given me a letter, kindly invited a number of newspaper men to his home to meet me. I am very sorry that the newspaper men declined the honor; but I had the privilege of meeting with this man and his family, and a few friends, and conversing with them. One of his friends had been a member of the British legation at Constantinople, and had spent a considerable portion of his life there. He had traveled all over the holy land, and was familiar with the people and their customs. Among other things, he said: “Mr. Grant, I was astonished beyond measure, when I visited Canada, to find there oriental patterns woven in beads, by the American Indians. They were the same patterns that were woven in rugs, in the oriental countries. I have traveled extensively, and I had never seen those oriental patterns in any part of the world except in the holy land, until I found them among the North American Indians. Those patterns have been handed down for hundreds of years, from generation to generation ; they are kept in families, and can be found nowhere else; and how under the heavens those Indians, who have no connection with the people of the holy land, should have the same patterns is a mystery to me.” “Well, mv friend,” I said, “if I were to inform you that the forefathers of these American Indians came from the city of Jerusalem, that would explain it, wouldn’t it?” He replied, “Well, of course, it would.” I asked him if he had ever read the Book of Mormon. He said, “No.” “Well, it will be my pleasure to send you a copy, and from it you will learn that the forefathers of the American Indians came from Jerusalem.” “Well,” he said, “that explains the mystery; I am much obliged for the book.” Now, the one thing for us to do, as Latter-day Saints, is to be loyal, to be true, to be patriotic, to be honest with God; then we need have no fear of what the world may say about us. We have the truth, and we know it, thank God; we know it, though the world may not know it. Let us follow the admonition of the Savior, and let our light so shine that other men seeing our good deeds shall glorify God.”
“…Cumorah, the artificial hill of north America, is well calculated to stand in this generation, as a monument of marvelous works and wonders. Around that mount died millions of the Jaredites; yea, there ended one of the greatest nations of this earth. In that day, her inhabitants spread from sea to sea, and enjoyed national greatness and glory, nearly fifteen hundred years. — That people forsook the Lord and died in wickedness. There, too, fell the Nephites, after they had forgotten the Lord that bought them. There slept the records of age after age, for hundreds of years, even until the time of the Lord: —
“An angel came down from the regions of glory
“And told that a record was hid in Cumorah,
“Containing the fulness of Jesus’s gospel,
“And also the cov’nant to gather his people.”
“There began the church of Christ in 1830; yea, there the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, as foretold by Daniel, commenced rolling to fill the earth, and may it continue, in a moral sense, in dreadful splendor, till it fills the whole, and wickedness is ended. So much for the Hill Cumorah…”
As ever,
N. Eldon Tanner
“Nephi saw in vision also the coming of the Pilgrims, who came to escape religious persecution. He foresaw the coming to America of peoples from many nations, their wars and contentions. As Nephi said, they did humble themselves before the Lord. Thus the American colonies attained their independence and set up the government of the United States, all under the divine intervention of God in preparing this land for its divine destiny. We believe that both freedom and the continuing reformation that flourished here occurred in preparation for the restoration from heaven of the full gospel of Jesus Christ. That restoration began in the United States of America in the 1820s, through the [assistance] of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who was chosen by the Lord and who, through [visits] from heavenly messengers, received … records that contained the authentic record of early American peoples and God’s dealings with them. He received the priesthood and authority to reestablish the church of Jesus Christ in these latter days. At the time of this restoration, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ actually appeared to Joseph Smith, as they had appeared to leaders of previous dispensations. They announced to him that Christ’s church would be reestablished upon the earth. … This restoration was the greatest event in the history of mankind since the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” A Choice Land President N. Eldon Tanner, First Counselor in the First Presidency
Evening and Morning Star
In the forepart of the last month, about three hundred and sixty Indian, of the Kickapoos and Pattowattamies, pitched their tents on the east before this town, and tarried one night. They were on their way to the place assigned them for the land of their inheritance, being gathered by the government of the United States… They have a prophet, in whom they place great confidence, and he instructs them that the day is nigh, when the Great Father will send his Son on the earth; then (as he says) white man and red man be one. Their idea of what is to come to pass in the last days, the resurrection of the righteous, and their living on earth with the Lord while wickedness ceases to trouble the saints, seem to be correct as far as we could ascertain. They are very devout apparently and pray night and morning; even children and all. They have two flat sticks about one foot long, tied together, on which are several characters, which, they say, the Great Father gave to their prophet, and mean as much as a large book. They say one of these sticks, is for the old book that white man has, (the Bible) the other for the new book, (Book of Mormon) white man has it written on paper, Great Father writes it in red man’s heart. They seem to Pray from these sticks– and worship on the Sabbath with great solemnity, commencing with a salutation from the greatest or oldest to the least that can walk, and ending with the same token of friendship. Should we have time to make them a visit, we may be more particular hereafter. *From Arkansas to the Missouri, the remnants are gathering together in rapid succession, and all, as far as we have been able to ascertain, have an idea that the Great Spirit is about to do something great and good for the red man. Evening and Morning Star (Kirtland 1835-1836 page 201 ISRAEL WILL BE GATHERED.
“The Book of Mormon reveals the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, who was not forgotten when land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. This was promised in the Abrahamic covenant… Josephs inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. Choice because it was chosen to be the repository of sacred writings on golden plates from which the Book of Mormon would one day come. Choice because it would eventually host the world headquarters of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. And it was choice because it was a land of liberty for those who worship the Lord and keep His commandments.” Russell M Nelson President, Quorum of 12 June, 2016 Provo Missionary Training Center
So as Harold B. Lee said, “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed.” I love learning and being informed, and with my quest for truth, I explore truth with fervor and confirm it with the Spirit of Christ.” I am not speaking about doctrine or about revelation of prophets, but only about secondary evidence or personal revelation.
How you feel about geography or other non doctrinal issues is totally up to you, after much prayer and research. May the Lord bless us all.
I believe Critical Race Theory (CRT), the 1619 Project, Woke-ism, Equity, are all being taught at nearly all Universities including BYU. If Professors could teach ideology and show all sides in the world, and allow us our freedom to choose, that would be fine. We should know there is Religion and its values and we should know there is CRT and what it teaches as well. BUT, professors have no right to persuade or to cram down students throats their personal ideology. Teach and let the student decide. Sadly that does not exist in our Great and Spacious Universities any more. It is the Progressive ideology that is tells our students what to believe. That is wrong.
In my opinion (CRT) is a deceptive theory and so is the term “Equity.” We are fighting Satan and CRT and Equity is from Satan. CRT states that every white person is an oppressor and every black person is a victim. That is racist in and of itself. The Progressives in the world today and the “Woke” society want race to divide us like it did in our early history. “Equity to me means, we should all have the same amount of stuff or privledge, but who cares if it is fair? We all have freedom of opportunity, but because of this wonderful gift of Free Agency, we can’t have equal outcomes. The Savior will judge each of us individually and appropriately based on righteous principles. Remember Alma 40-41, “For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil. Therefore, if a man bringeth forth good works he hearkeneth unto the voice of the good shepherd, and he doth follow him; but whosoever bringeth forth evil works, the same becometh a child of the devil, for he hearkeneth unto his voice, and doth follow him.”
This article below from good friend’s, will help you understand better how the Lord works in our lives and how Satan continues to deceive.
“What are the values, beliefs, goals and ideals parents want their children to embrace? Almost all parents want their children to be happy, successful, productive and in that desire, hope that supportive institutions like schools would have similar goals. Consider the following-what do you think about these situations for your children?
In Cupertino, CA, an elementary school forced first graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities to rank themselves according to their level of “power and privilege.”
In Springfield, MO, a middle school forced teachers to identify themselves on an “oppression matrix” based on the belief that straight, white, English speaking Christian males are members of the oppressor class and must atone for their sins by denouncing practices of white supremacy.
In Philadelphia, PA, an elementary school forced fifth graders to celebrate “Black Communism” and simulated a Black Power rally to free the 1960s radical Angela Davis from prison, where she was incarcerated.
In Seattle, WA, the school district told white teachers they were guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and must bankrupt their privilege status by acknowledging their thieved wealthy inheritance. There are more than 1000 stories of similar nature in America today. And the less parents know the better.
Indoctrination into schools about Critical Race Theory (CRT) conditions the thinking of our youth. Consider a high school senior, William Clark, whose mother, Gabrielle, is black and deceased father is white, filed a lawsuit against the State of Nevada Public Charter School Authority on Dec. 22, 2020, claiming “coercive, ideological indoctrination” included in the CRT curriculum.
Gabrielle Clark filed a lawsuit through Schoolhouse Rights, which supports “civil rights litigation in defense of students’ freedom of conscience in public education and the rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children.”
William claimed the classroom was a hostile environment and felt discriminated against in the mandatory, year-long “Sociology of Change” course required for graduation. In another required class, “Change the World,” students were required to carry out an activist political or social work project for credit.
These courses were under the old name of civics curriculum, but parents were not aware of the Critical Race Theory shift to coercive ideological indoctrination until students complained about the content, their experience and course requirements. “The new curriculum inserted consciousness raising and conditioning exercises under the banner of intersectionality and Critical Race Theory.” Teachers greeted their students with “Hello, my wonderful social justice warriors!”
These classes required pupils to unlearn and fight back against oppressive structures allegedly implicit in their family, and religious beliefs about racial, sexual and gender identities. William was directed in class to “unlearn the basic Judeo-Christian principles taught at home. But he refused, and the school retaliated against him. “
The school principal told Mrs. Clark, “That the theoretical basis of the new curriculum was “intersectionality” or life at a crossroads, but the definition used was not to stop, look, listen and proceed, rather, reverse course, reframe history, shift family values to activism and turn from an intended course to a new direction imposed by Critical Race Theory indoctrination. This false theoretical Marxist indoctrination deceived parents and students. Teaching by demanding obedience to Marxist theory is deception, indoctrination and propaganda.
Two families were close friends, one was black the other white. Their pre-adolescent boys were best friends and played sports together, were in each other’s homes and felt like brothers. Then the black parents were called to a meeting at the school and CRT was explained that they, as black people, were victims of “white supremacy” and should not associate with white people. The black boy was not allowed to play with his white friend again. The white parents were stunned as they looked at people through a color-blind lens and loved this little boy being with their son. This is an example of the divisiveness caused by CRT.
CRT claims there is no such thing as ‘absolute truth’ but rather a social construct of Godless Marxist socialism which homogenizes humanity and says everyone is equal. But beware of the ruling oligarchs because they rule and everyone below them is equal. In other words, in a world where truth does not exist, all that is left is power and control. Critical Race Theory builds contention, distrust, hate and envy and false reasoning of Marxist oppressor-oppressed binary thinking. Welcome to the theory of life imposed on public education.
If truth does not exist, it does not matter what else we believe. We resort to tribalism or collectivism for preservation, and we lose individualism and the uniqueness of being human. Welcome to the hierarchy of controlled life in China, where 80 million Chinese Communist Party members control 1.4 billion people and there are 600 million peasants. Ever see anyone step out of order in North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, or other countries where varying degrees of authoritarianism rules and truth is what you are told in their schools and over their propaganda infused media.
The Heritage Foundation discovered 79% of school districts with 100,000 students have hired a “Chief Diversity Officer” and implemented university style “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” programming. Seattle Public Schools which have 52, 000 students and a $1Billion budget has created departments of Racial Equity Advancement, Division of Equity, Partnerships and Engagement, a Department of Ethnic Studies an Office of African American Male Achievement and an Equity and Race Advisory Committee whose role is to “actively dismantle the systems of oppression, implementing Critical Race Theory and building leadership for racial capacity in every school.
Teachers are taught that the United States is a “race based white supremist society and schools are guilty of ‘spirit murder’ against minorities and that white teachers must confront their ‘thieved inheritance’ in order to rectify these injustices School employees must embrace ‘anti-racist pedagogy’, support current social justice movements and work toward the ‘abolition of whiteness’.
The history of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality evolved from the creation of Critical Race Theory by Marxist activists, Herbert Marcuse and his followers and Derrick Bell, who as a Harvard law professor, ‘loved to harass white people’, and wanted to kill the Harvard President, formed the theory based on hate, envy, and white atonement for past slavery sins. The unproven theory has masqueraded as truth by the infusion into our government, businesses, schools and higher education. Truth be known, this is an American Marxism replay of the bourgeois vs proletariat social revolt of every communist country since 1900. Where this has evolved, you don’t see people trying to cross the borders into China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela or other countries in various forms of dictatorships around the world! Nor is there a mass exodus to return home to Africa.
For those who believe in absolute truth, it superimposes a different perspective to the interaction of man, God and society to the conversation of Marxism’s social egalitarianism. Can the quest for righteous living, principle-based thinking, and the reality of decisions based on who we are be compromised with non-God-fearing socialism? For those of this persuasion CTR effectively says “Choose The Right.”
The question for parents is, what do you want your children to believe and live? Is there such a thing as ultimate truth, or are humans just an advanced evolution of protoplasm seeking meaning to life? Is collective good the ultimate egalitarian society, where the only god is conformity, equality, inclusion and self-indulgence for hedonic pleasure. The question cannot be left to chance because the indoctrination bandwagon will not let that happen. Always present, are the powerful lobbies to discount and supplant family values and the desire to indoctrinate every public school and university. Consider USU’s sustainability program manager, “The time is now to change the world and we’re here to help you do it.” If you understand the double meaning for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity you realize it is not the common definition but rather to advance American Marxism. Be careful what you think this means.
Can oil and water be mixed? Can the social justice revolution shake up society to see what chaos creates? Will window dressing of revolutionary fervor cover the failures and hollowness and lack real inner personal change because discussion about who we really are is avoided? Can the principles of freedom, democratic self-governance, faith, self-reliance, equality of opportunity based on merit, and the conflict between human dignity and slavery to government handouts, poverty of thinking about who am I, and can external dependence emancipate the soul from its handlers?
We cannot allow our American heritage birthright which starts with self-identity, obedience to laws upon which all growth is predicated and the quest to be one’s best be sold for a pot of rotten porridge proliferated by the government. Five states have said, enough is enough and stood up and refused the federal government infusion of Marxist philosophy into their schools. Parents, this is a war to indoctrinate your children and to captivate their thinking, values, morals, and future into social order conformity.
Marxism wants to enslave individuals so they cannot think, reason or determine their future. It is your time to be the voice for your children. Don’t leave this to society. Do you believe in principles that uplift, encourage goodness, honesty, obedience to laws and the courage to live them or do you want infiltration, indoctrination of Marxist anti-Christ, anti-God propaganda to saturate your child’s impressive mind?
D. Todd Christofferson delivered a conference address in October, 2020 entitled, Sustainable Societies from which this is quoted.
Sustainable societies identified and lived the fundamentals that sustain a flourishing society, one that promotes happiness, progress, peace and well-being among its members…However, sustainability is not guaranteed, and a thriving society can fail if it abandons the cardinal virtues that uphold its peace and prosperity…I think it safe to say that when people turn from a sense of accountability to God and begin to trust in the ‘arm of flesh’ disaster lurks. Trusting in the arm of flesh is to ignore the divine Aurhor of human rights and human dignity and to give highest priority to riches, power, and the praise of the world.
The institutions of family and religion have been crucial for endowing both individuals and communities with the virtues that sustain an enduring society. These virtues, rooted in scripture, include integrity, responsibility and accountability, compassion, marriage and fidelity in marriage, respect for others and the property of others, service, and the necessity and dignity of work, among others.
As secularism divides personal and civic virtue from accountability to God, it cuts the plant from its roots. Reliance on culture and tradition alone will not be sufficient to sustain virtue in society. When one has no higher god than himself and seeks no greater good than satisfying his own appetites and preferences, the effects will be manifest in due course.
A society, for example, in which individual consent is the only constraint of sexual activity is a society in decay. Adultery, promiscuity, out-of-wedlock births, and elective abortions are but some of the bitter fruits that grow out of the ongoing sexual revolution and produce consequences that work against sustainability of a healthy society…include children raised in poverty without the positive influence of fathers…and women bearing alone what should be shared responsibilities, and serious deficient education as schools…are tasked to compensate for failure in the home. Added to these social pathologies are the incalculable instances of individual heartbreak and despair—mental and emotional destruction visited upon both the guilt and innocent.
Previously life was defined primarily by duty, not by entitlement, by social responsibilities, not personal privileges. The primary animating principle throughout this century has been the sense of obligation-to family, God and country.
The contrast between a sustainable and unsustainable society. Our country was created by the sustainable foundation beliefs in God, universally applicable commandments, moral ethics, a collaborative union solidified by the principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the determination to remove the prior control imposed by government aristocracy.”
This year, 2024, will chart the course for your family and our republic. Rise up to voice your opinion for freedom to learn, think, reason, for your children and the nation’s children to become all they are capable of becoming without the indoctrination of godless Marxist false beliefs. Be certain about what you want your children to know, be able to do, and to believe what is truth about life on Earth and its purposes. Richard and RuthEllen Wood- Celebrate America, the birthright of freedom, independence and individuality to become all we are capable of becoming.” Richard and RuthEllen Wood
Richard Wood- Psychologist, Administrator, Professor
RuthEllen Wood- MS Genetics, Musician, Autistic Educator
They will speak at our Firm Foundation Conference with 80 others. April 18th, 19th, and 20th of April 2024 Early-Bird Tickets here:
The Wood’s served under President Patrick Kearon in Frankfurt, Germany as directors of Family Services in Western Europe. Richard served in the Central Office of the Veterans Administration in Washington, DC. Character Counts was designed and implemented in local schools and communities. We taught doctoral students at Beijing University in China for two years, served ecclesiastically in a county jail and a member leadership training mission in Blowing Green, KY. We now serve in the Pathway Connect program with students from eight African countries.
Today, your children are subjected to indoctrination from ideologies that challenge and contradict your proven family beliefs and values. Wanted is the heart, mind, and soul of your children. Social collectivism, group identity, and social egalitarianism create an homogenized society where everyone is equal, where power and control by oligarchs rule with impunity. Countries with these philosophies include China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and others where engineered political systems act as quasi dictatorships.
Your child’s identity, an eternal noble birthright to freedom and agency, and light and truth are being undermined and transformed. Individual identity defers to collective social unity led by social justice warriors who want to rewrite history and define the American future. The quest for academic excellence is not as important as social activism. Our American heritage is under attack.
Today parents are considered old-fashioned, out of touch, unaware of contemporary issues and sidelined by the professionals who know how to teach and control your children. American Marxist is in our schools.” Bio from Richard and RuthEllen Wood
Like most of you reading this, I have a firm and strong witness from Christ that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Today after watching one simple video, my witness has been strengthened.
How? The things of this world have no power over the things of God.
We have read, “And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. For I, the Lord God, had not caused it to rain upon the face of the earth. And I, the Lord God, had created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them; and there was not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air” Moses 3:5
This means that Lord’s work in our world is far greater than man’s work in this life. Now this seems obvious, but by watching this video, it is again confirmed by understanding that even AI and ChatGPT are not even close to Gods ability.
I do fear AI and the place it is going. Yes, AI can be a great thing just like TV, Computers, and smart phones, but they can also be misused in the hands of everyday people who trust and rely on AI too much. It can be a breeding ground for deception. Use it cautiously.
Counterfeits & Comfortable gods
In the LDS scripture guide it says under “antichrist”, says, “Anyone or anything thatcounterfeits the true gospel plan of salvation and that openly or secretly opposes Christ. John the Revelator described the antichrist as a deceiver (1 Jn. 2:18–22; 4:3–6; 2 Jn. 1:7). The great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants, both spirit beings and mortals. The son of perdition opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, 2 Thes. 2:1–12.”
Elder Holland said, “Sadly enough, my young friends, it is a characteristic of our age that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much, comfortable gods, smooth gods who not only don’t rock the boat but don’t even row it, gods who pat us on the head, make us giggle, then tell us to run along and pick marigolds.
Talk about man creating God in his own image! Sometimes—and this seems the greatest irony of all—these folks invoke the name of Jesus as one who was this kind of “comfortable” God. Really? He who said not only should we not break commandments, but we should not even think about breaking them. And if we do think about breaking them, we have already broken them in our heart. Does that sound like “comfortable” doctrine, easy on the ear and popular down at the village love-in?” The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 2014
Don’t make God a comfortable god, by relying on the easy path and being fooled by AI and the creations of man.
What is ChatGBT?
ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot. The language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code.
It’s currently open to use by the public for free. A paid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus launched at the beginning of February.
Who made ChatGPT?
ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI and research company. The company launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022.
OpenAI is also responsible for creating DALL-E 2, a popular AI art generator, and Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system. Source
Our great Heartland friend and educator, Jeff Downs has a very impressive son named Mike. Both Jeff and Mike have written blogs for me on several occasions. They alerted me to the following video which will strengthen your love of the Gospel.
AI (artificial intelligence) ChatGPT was told to write the Book of Mormon and was given the same stipulations that Joseph Smith would have had to follow- the result is a rather fascinating testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. See the amazing result in this video.
Here are the additional articles that Jeff and Mike Downs have written for our blog. They are such great friends and spiritual giants.
Why Book of Mormon Location Matters, Tremendously! It Happened Somewhere, Right?
In my strong opinion, it matters tremendously where events of the Book of Mormon began. The land which was given to the Jaredites and Nephites is critical, as it is a Covenant Land. That Covenant had to be with a certain “People” on a “Certain land.”
Is it the Promised Land of Mexico, or Russia, or the Heartland of the US, etc? Wherever that land is, when the Book of Mormon was first published, it was speaking to those people first (Tribe of Joseph, and/or Lamanites). Then it became obvious that certain people (USA) were to be the instruments of sharing the Book of Mormon with the entire world. That is a covenant we in the USA made with the Lord, as He chose the Land to set aside.
The Lord did not chose Mesoamerica, or Canada, or Europe so they did not make the covenant to spread the word. Choosing America does not mean the Lord discriminates. It was American’s stewardship to covenant and be held accountable to spread the initial word, and we continue to be under that same covenant. If we Americans don’t share the gospel, we will be sorely punished by the Lord. We have a greater responsibility to initiate and continue our covenant. The Lord said, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” John 4:17
Those immigrants who come into this land of America legally, in my opinion, are under the same covenant as others, as they are under covenant to obey the law established by the United States Constitution, which was written by God. (D&C 101:80)
Why America was chosen?Quotes by leaders. “No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand” (Whitney)
“It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen” (Nelson)
“by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” (Monson) Full quotes below.
Today, there are governments in China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel and many more, where the “climate” is not right for teaching, and there are countries who won’t allow us to share the Book of Mormon. These countries leaders will be held responsible for not allowing us in to teach them, but we will be held responsible if we don’t continue to try and pray for a path to share it with them. We in America (The Land of Joseph) are held to a higher standard (Not a more blessed standard), and as such we will receive a greater punishment if we don’t keep our covenant. This makes sense as those in Mesoamerica and other countries are just as great of a people as those who live in any other part of the world, they just were not asked initially by the Lord (Covenanted) to spread the word of the Book of Mormon, as they did not first receive it. America received it from Joseph Smith and he was told to first share the message with the actual Lamanites, for which the Book of Mormon was written. Where did those Lamanites live? (NY, OH, MO). Does it matter? Of course it does. All who are baptized into our church, like us make a “New Covenant” to participate in all sacred oaths and covenants the Lord has to offer them as well.
Written to the Lamanites
A very adept LDS historian, Alexander Baugh said, “I think it’s important to realize that the title page of the Book of Mormon says, “written to the Lamanites.” That’s one of the very first things it says. I think Latter-day Saints today think well, the Book of Mormon is written for us. Well it was, written for the entire world, but of course Mormon, Moroni in their understanding of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, they fully realized that this book, this record, would eventually come forth to their descendants to the descendants of Lehi, and his family. And, this is clear to Joseph Smith. There’s no question in my mind that Joseph Smith knows from the very beginning this record needs to be received and given to and accepted by Lamanite descendants. And in 1830, to Joseph Smith and the Church members, a Lamanite meant to them, a North American Indian. There’s just no question.” Alexander L. Baugh BYU Church History Department; transcribed from the documentary “History of the Saints” Mission to the Lamanites Part 1.
Judah and Joseph (Manasseh and Ephraim)
“There were also doctrinal reasons for the pioneers to view Indians in a favorable light. Indeed, Indians held a distinctive place in Latter-day Saint theology. The Church was barely six months old when the first missionaries to labor with Indians were called to serve. According to the Book of Mormon, Indians were a branch of the House of Israel, and the Lord had made significant promises to them through ancient prophets. These prophecies encouraged a mutually respectful relationship between Saints and Indians. According to Latter-day Saint teachings, neither group would be able to completely fulfill their destiny without the other.” Elder Marlin K. Jensen delivering his remarks“The Rest of the Story: Latter-day Saint Relations with Utah’s Native Americans” at the Son’s of Utah Pioneers Sunrise Service in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, July 24, 2010.
First Mission to the Lamanites
In D&C 28, 30, and 32 You will find that the Lord was personally involved in the first mission to the Lamanites, which was in New York, Ohio, and Missouri. The Lord knows where the original Lamanites lived, in the United States of America.
“Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer had been called to go on a mission to the Lamanites (Sec. 28:8; 30:5). There was great interest among the Saints in this mission, for it was hoped that the time had come for the redemption of the scattered Remnant, according to the promises in the Book of Mormon ([1 Nephi] 15:13–18, and many other places). The Prophet laid the matter before the Lord in prayer and received this Revelation, in which Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson were called to join Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, Jr., on that important mission.” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, p. 169.)
Some idea of the commitment of these early brethren can be found in the formal covenants they made at the time of their call. For example, Oliver Cowdery wrote: “I, Oliver, being commanded by the Lord God, to go forth unto the Lamanites, to proclaim glad tidings of great joy unto them, by presenting unto them the fullness of the Gospel, of the only begotten Son of God; and also, to rear up a pillar as a witness where the temple of God shall be built, in the glorious New Jerusalem; and having certain brothers with me, who are called of God to assist me, whose names are Parley, and Peter and Ziba, do therefore most solemnly covenant with God that I will walk humbly before him, and do this business, and this glorious work according as he shall direct me by the Holy Ghost; ever praying for mine and their prosperity, and deliverance from bonds, from imprisonment, and whatsoever may befall us, with all patience and faith. Amen. [Signed] Oliver Cowdery.” (Journal History, 17 Oct. 1830).
Almost as soon as the Church was organized and the Book of Mormon was printed at the Grandin Press, the Lord, through the Prophet Joseph, instructed Oliver Cowdery (D&C 28:8), Peter Whitmer Jr. (D&C 30:5-6), Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson (D&C 32:1-3), to go and preach the gospel unto the “Lamanites.” The multiple references in these sections makes it clear that the Lord knows who the “Lamanite” remnant of the Book of Mormon are and tells these missionaries that He himself will “go with them and be in their midst” as they go to the “borders of the Lamanites”, where the New Jerusalem will be built.
“Thus ended our first Indian Mission, in which we had preached the gospel in its fulness, and distributed the record of their forefathers among three tribes, viz. : the Catteraugus Indians, near Buffalo, N. Y., the Wyandots of Ohio, and the Delawares west of Missouri.” Quote by Parley P. Pratt
Reunion of the Tribe of Judah and Tribe of Joseph in America
This is why the Pilgrims were led by God to the land of America as it was a Covenant Land. Lamanites and Nephites had lived in the American Heartland previously. In essence a reunion was made between the Puritans and Pilgrims (Former Nephites and some lost tribes on Israel, and seed of Joseph through Ephraim), who joined the Native Americans such as Samoset and Massasoit, who were Lamanites (Wampanoag Indians, Algonquians from the seed of Joseph through Manasseh) and the House of Judah (Tribe of Judah and Hebrews from the Mulekites. All restored upon this American Promised Land. What a reunion! See the picture below.
“Great Grandmother saw them Come” By Nathan Olney Original 7/50 1973
President Grant said, “It was not by chance that the Puritans left their native land and sailed away to the shores of New England, and others later followed. They were the advance guard of the army of the Lord, predestined to establish the God-given system of government under which we live and to make America, which is the land of Joseph, the gathering place of Ephraim, an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel of Christ and the establishment of his church upon the earth” – Heber J. Grant, Conference Report, April 1930.
Two Sticks Reunited.
The Lord made covenants with Adam on the covenant land of the original Garden of Eden, (North America), Noah, Brother of Jared, Abraham in the Old World, Moses, David, Isaiah, Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Limhi (Mosiah 21:32), Mormon, Moroni, Washington, Joseph Smith, and many others. Only on two Covenant Lands, the Old World and America. (America was really the original first Covenant land with Adam near Missouri, The land of Cainan in America and Canaan in Jerusalem area was really the second Covenant land and New Jerusalem near Missouri will again become the Covenant Land as it was originally with Adam. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Two Promised Lands
In other words the two covenant lands are: (1 Judah (Judea or Palestine-Canaan) and 2) covenant land of Joseph (America-Cainan Moses 17:7).
“Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.” Ezekiel 37:16-17
Why did the Lord choose America? Here is what spiritual leaders have said, which I won’t, and cannot disagree with.
“The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles JULY 1993 Adapted from an address given 25 June 1992 at a seminar for new mission presidents, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah.
“…in culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest. No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26 Page 201
The United States without question to me, is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. It is a solid part of my witness to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I agree with this quote, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012
4-hours of amazing information from Rod Meldrum. Just $4.95 here
It is difficult for me to understand how many professors and scholars think the Promised Land is from Greenland to Canada, to Mesoamerica, to South America. Sure, those are beautiful lands with beautiful and righteous people, but the specific land the Lord Himself chose to be the land that had the “climate”, [See Monson quote below], necessary to have Joseph Smith achieve his calling was the United States of America.
“Our Heavenly Father inspired Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America. Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of the renaissance period. Our Heavenly Father inspired men and caused that they would dream dreams and see visions and discover marvelous instruments and inventions which would enable them to set forth upon the oceans and to be led to the place where our Father in Heaven would have them led. Our Heavenly Father inspired the man who invented movable type, that His holy word, as found in the Bible, could be printed and disseminated widely to the people. Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of . . . the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and . . . Bill of Rights, that . . . by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr. His life’s mission would alter the course of all future events. Thus, came Joseph into the world.” Teachings of Thomas S Monson 2011 (Twenty-First Annual Joseph Smith Memorial Sermon, December 11, 1963)
Being called a Promised Land does not mean the USA is any better than anywhere else, it just means this is the specific land the Lord chose to do His Latter-day work. Pres. Hinckley said, “I should like to say a few words about America…. No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America. I know that she has problems. We have heard so much of them for so long. But surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty….” Gordon B. Hinckley
Two Covenant Lands
In his epic article, “The Scriptural Basis for Book of Mormon Geography” Rod Meldrum said, “The Book of Mormon is Consistent With Recorded Old Testament History. Nephi knew of the Promised Land Covenant made and claimed by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Old World (1 Nephi 17:40). According to Christ’s recorded words to the Nephites in the Book of Mormon, there are only two mentioned covenant lands of promise for the house of Israel; Jerusalem (3 Nephi 20:29) and New Jerusalem (3 Nephi 20:22). Through modern revelation the location where the New Jerusalem will be built is today known as the state of Missouri, USA (D&C 84:1-4). This is also the revealed location of the Garden of Eden. Therefore, following the expulsion of Adam and Eve, this is where they began their family, built an altar later located by Joseph Smith, and blessed his righteous posterity (D&C 107:53) in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, making the region the most likely location of the ancient land of Cainan, the original “land of promise.” (Moses 6:17). The scriptures have been consistent throughout time because these covenant lands of promise were established before the foundations of the world.
Breaching of the Covenant,
Judgments of God and Subsequent Re-Invoking of the Covenant
Each time that the singular requirement – obeying the commandments – is ignored by the people under the covenant, the Lord allows judgments to come upon them (see listing of judgments, Deut. 28:15-68). These covenant blessings are generally revoked sequentially in reverse order of how they were given in a merciful effort by the Lord to turn His children’s hearts and minds back to Him; to cause the covenant people to repent and ask for His protection and guidance. Their blessings are revoked in reverse order.
Security is breached; helping them realize their lack of security without God’s protection.
Prosperity removed; humbling them into the realization that prosperity is a blessing from God, not man.
Posterity is taken away, usually through internal conflict and war; helping them realize God’s blessing of having children.
Swept from the sacred land; God’s final consequence for disobedience – for God will not suffer unrighteous people to occupy His Promised Lands.” Rod Meldrum
Judgement for Breaking the Covenant
“Each time the covenant is ignored and the judgments of God fall upon the people, in order for the covenant to be reinstated, the people and their leaders must humble themselves, repent, vow to obey the commandments of God, and re-invoke the covenant. Such has been the case with prophets throughout Old Testament history as well as those who were directed to the American promised land. The Book of Mormon provides multiple examples of such re-invocations such as Limhi (Mosiah 21:32) Lachoneus (3 Nephi 3:12-25) and Captain Moroni (Alma 46:10-13).” Rod Meldrum
They Live Somewhere!
There are at least 36 promises in the Book of Mormon written to a people who live somewhere. I believe that somewhere is the United States of America and Elder Perry said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012
You can read about the 36 Prophesies in the Book, “Prophecies & Promises: The Book of Mormon & The United States of America” by Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum. It’s a book about the setting of The Book of Mormon. The geographic theory explained in Porter and Meldrum’s book has been called, “The Heartland Model.”
I am totally convinced that the ancient setting for the Book of Mormon was not Central America, as many LDS scholars claim, but was in fact North America. This goes against the grain of what a lot of Latter-day Saints think, but you will have to read it yourself and decide.
Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, Mormon, Moroni and other prophets of the Book of Mormon talk about the prophecies of “this land,” “this Promised Land”, etc. The demonstrative “this” makes it seem likely that the ancient prophets are referring to the land underneath their feet, not a land far distant. Nephi sees in prophetic vision the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the colonization of the Puritans and other pilgrims, the Revolutionary War, the founding of the United States, the establishment of the government, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the LDS Church… all on “this land.” Sooo… “this land” = North America, where the USA is. (1 Nephi 13)
Obviously new inventions can be great, however, I trust very little of what man does with AI and ChatGPT. This is Satan’s World and he is in control today on this earth. I only trust the Lord. I will explain.
“CGI stands for computer generated imagery, which is the use of computer graphics in art and media. These can be 2D or 3D animations, objects, or renderings; the type of art or media can be a film, television program, video game, or simulation. CGI can be used in films ranging from science fiction epics to quiet intimate dramas. How the CGI is used varies, from animating entire locations to subtle work on characters and environments. In recent years, CGI has been the go-to visual effect for most major movies, whether its use is subtle or obvious.” Source
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI. It was trained on a massive dataset of text to generate human-like responses to prompts. ChatGPT was released in November 2022. ChatGPT is all the rage these days. AI tools like DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and other AI art generators have been receiving a lot of attention but ChatGPT is different.
ChatGPT, AI, and CGI are amazing inventions in which the Lord has shared with man amazing abilities to create, and very likely Satan is right in the middle of good things and destroying faith by utilizing these inventions for wrong reasons. The comment and article below titled, ChatGPT Writes a Blog Post for Latter-day Commentary is from Tim Malone a former member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I believe you can learn much about the incredible dangers of ChatGBT, AI, CGI and other man made inventions in which Satan has highjacked and created evil from it, as Satan usually has done with computers, TV, cell phones etc. There is always a God vs Satan element in all we have available today.
From the Lord’s point of view below and from Prophets and leaders we learn how deeply troublesome the arm of flesh can be. We live in dangerous times if we succumb, but we also live in times of great joy and awakening if we have “Person Revelation” in our lives. My summary statement today is “AI vs Personal Revelation.” God vs. Satan. It is our choice. I believe AI and CGI are only good in the hands of a MORAL people just like our Constitution. But, as we know our Constitution has bee usurped by evil men and women today, and it is hanging by a thread. As long as AI and CGI promote the truth of Christ, it is fine. The problem I feel is that is not totally possible. I believe the scripture that says, “We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen.” D&C 121:39-40. ALMOST ALL is nearly every human on this earth today. I don’t trust what man does with AI at all. I only trust the Lord.Even the inventor of AI, Elon Musk said, “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential — however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial — it has the potential of civilization destruction,” Musk said in his interview with Tucker Carlson…” CNN.com Sourcehttps://www.cnn.com/2023/04/17/tech/elon-musk-ai-warning-tucker-carlson/index.html
Introducing an additional inspirational speaker to our 32nd Book of Mormon Conference! To a trafficked child all that matters is rescue and healing. The SPEAR Fund collaborates with and funds anti-trafficking organizations to provide quick and effective action when it matters most. Ken Krogue
You have heard Ken before, but never like this. Ken has been asked to be the President of Tim Ballard’s new venture called The SPEAR Fundto unify the efforts of anti-trafficking organizations and concerned patriots and citizens who want to end this scourge of trafficking.
BEWARE! Like child trafficking has been exposed by Tim Ballard and friends like Ken Krogue, you can also witness for yourself how AI evil has already created a video of our Prophet as if he is speaking lies to we the people. It is the image of our Prophet and it is his words, but an AI Robot has put in his mouth the words they have programmed him to say. This particular fake video is obvious, but it is getting more real every day. The Cabal has been using this invention of evil for over 20 years and it has raised its ugly head now. Beware! This is evil above my comprehension. See my other blog titled, Artificial Intelligence- Man vs God?
The Latter-day Saint is drifting further afield from fundamental things, so what will be left of the foundation of the Gospel laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith?
“I attended sessions of meetings for the institute teachers, held in the assembly room on the fourth floor of the Church Office Building. I cannot say that I was very greatly edified. Too much philosophy of a worldly nature does not seem to mix well with the fundamentals of the gospel. In my opinion many of our teachers employed in the church school system have absorbed too much of the paganism of the world and have accepted too readily the views of uninspired educators without regard for the revealed word of the Lord. What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ.Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.” Joseph Fielding Smith The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith 212. Deseret Book Co., 1972“It makes no difference what is written or what anyone has said, if what has been said is in conflict with what the Lord has revealed, we can set it aside. My words, and the teaching of any other member of the Church, high or low, if they do not square with the revelations, we need not accept them. Let us have this matter clear. We have accepted the four standard works as the measuring yardsticks, or balances, by which we measure every man’s doctrine. You cannot accept the books written by the authorities of the Church as standards in doctrine, only in so far as they accord with the revealed word in the standard works. If Joseph Fielding Smith writes something which is out of harmony with the revelations, then every member of the Church is duty bound to reject it. If he writes that which is in perfect harmony with the revealed word of the Lord, then it should be accepted.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols., edited by Bruce R. McConkie [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954-1956], 3: 203.)
ChatGPT Writes a Blog Post for Latter-day Commentary
“Elon Musk has been in the news lately (when has he not been in the news lately?) roundly warning of the dangers of ChatGPT from OpenAI, a company he co-founded, but from which he distanced himself in 2018 (resigned from the Board of Directors).
Microsoft is the driving financial force behind OpenAI now. I have mixed feelings about this since I have made a comfortable living managing Microsoft products in the small business market for most of my career. I am intrigued by OpenAI.
My last two posts have been conversations with ChatGPT on various subjects, mostly related to how Denver Snuffer is perceived by OpenAI. Today, just for diversion from my daily work load, I logged in to ChatGPT and asked it to write a blog post in my style.
The response: “As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to imitate a person’s writing style perfectly, but I will attempt to write a blog post in the style of latterdaycommentary.com by Tim Malone. And it did so as follows:”
“Dear readers,
I hope this post finds you well, and that the Lord is blessing you and your families abundantly. Today, I want to discuss a topic that has been on my mind for some time: the importance of personal revelation in our lives as Latter-day Saints.
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift allows us to receive personal revelation from God, which can guide us in all aspects of our lives. However, it is not enough to simply have the gift of the Holy Ghost; we must learn to recognize and act upon the promptings we receive.
Personal revelation is not reserved for prophets and apostles. It is available to all of us, and it is essential for our spiritual growth and progression. President Russell M. Nelson has taught that “the privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children.” We must seek after this gift and strive to cultivate a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
One of the most important ways we can receive personal revelation is through daily scripture study and prayer. As we read the scriptures and ponder their meaning, we can receive insights and guidance from the Holy Ghost. Similarly, as we pray with faith and sincerity, we can receive answers to our questions and direction for our lives.
In addition to scripture study and prayer, we can also receive personal revelation through the counsel of Church leaders, the experiences of others, and even through our own experiences and observations. However, it is important to remember that personal revelation will always be in harmony with the teachings of the Church and will never contradict the commandments of God.
As we seek to receive personal revelation and act upon the promptings we receive, we will be blessed with increased spiritual strength and understanding. We will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and trials of life, and we will be able to more fully realize our divine potential.
In conclusion, let us remember the importance of personal revelation in our lives as Latter-day Saints. Let us strive to cultivate a relationship with our Heavenly Father and seek after the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we do so, we will be blessed with increased spiritual insight and understanding, and we will be able to more fully fulfill our divine mission on earth.
May God bless each of us in our efforts to seek after personal revelation, and may we always strive to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.”
Editors Note: The above person named Tim Malone is a former member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his own words he is following the Denver Snuffer group. I am sure there are many good people in this group, but most of them are excommunicated from our church. Don’t judge them unrighteously, but let their works be their judge.
Tim Malone continues here: A Few Thoughts About the Result
“I thought it did pretty well until it got to the fifth paragraph. I didn’t mind that it quoted President Nelson, but the statement that “revelations will always be in harmony with the teachings of the Church” is not something I currently believe or advocate.
That may have been true when I started my blog in 2007 and for the first five years after that, but not since 2014, when I resigned. That statement is really the crux of the matter for me when it comes to the subject of my favorite topic of personal revelation.
So, yes, it nailed my focus. It knows what I read about, study and write about more than anything else, but it wasn’t perceptive enough to pick up the fact that I am not a member of the LDS Church anymore and thus would not endorse the orthodox narrative.
Artificial Intelligence tools such as ChatGPT seem like a novelty today, which is why they have been so popular (over 100 million accounts opened in the last two months) but they are limited by the incompleteness of content and the rules of inference.
One last point: The gift of the Holy Ghost is not limited to members of the LDS Church. The Lord blesses all who come unto Christ and covenant to follow Him. Those who are baptized and seek to bless the lives of others will have the help of the Holy Ghost.
Tim Malone seems like a good sincere man, especially as he interacts with his own wife who is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am however confident that his belief system is wrong and the Denver Snuffer group has been on the deep fringes of our Church for quite a while. They have their own scriptures and don’t claim to be members of a church, but are just people who believe as they do.
Apostasy within the Church
Joseph Fielding Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 Dec. 1938:
“It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the primitive church of Christ. Are we not traveling the same road?” (Joseph Fielding Smith Journal, entry for 28 Dec. 1938.)
Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 7 Oct. 1944:
“I tell you we are beginning to follow along the course of the early Christian church. So long as that church was persecuted from without, it prospered, but when it began to be polluted from within, the church began to wither. There is creeping into our midst, and I warn you brethren about it, and I urge you to meet it, a great host of sectarian doctrines that have no place amongst us. The gospel in its simplicity, is to be found in the revelations, the teachings of the Prophet and the early leaders of the Church.” (In One Hundred Fifteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[Conference Report, October 1944] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], pp. 117–18; paragraphing omitted.)
Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 7 Oct. 1945:
“Even during the time of the apostles there began to be a falling away, as is clear from the Epistles of Paul, of Peter, John, James, and Jude. People began to wander off, and that wandering was increased in the succeeding centuries, accumulating speed, it seems, as it went on. They began to gather into church teachings things to make Christianity a little more palatable to the philosophers of the time. . . . They were trying to satisfy the thought and the philosophy and the reasoning of men, in order that they might have their support and probably their praise. . . . There is a deep lesson in all of that for us today. Already there are coming in amongst us doctrines that have no part or place in the pure doctrines of the restored gospel. These heresies are creeping in insidiously. They come to us from the philosophies of the Christian scholars of the day. They make our doctrines, as they made the early Christian beliefs, more palatable to our philosophers, but so surely as they destroyed the Christian church in the early days, just so surely will they destroy us if we do not stop them where they are.” (In One Hundred Sixteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, October 1945] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], pp. 165, 166; paragraphing omitted.)
Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 29 Sept. 1950:
“In the early church the Saints were extremely anxious for two things: First, to be well thought of by the pagans. Their ears itched for praise. Do any of you brethren know anything about such a tendency as that?” (In “Remarks at Bishop’s Meeting,” J. Reuben Clark Papers, box 151, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)
Reuben Clark Jr., Second Counselor in the First Presidency, 5 April 1952:
“Read your books. There is a startling parallel between the course that is coming in to us today and the course that was in the early Church, so startling that one becomes fearful.” (In One Hundred Twenty-second Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, April 1952] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], p. 81.)
Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 30 Mar. 1990: “In recent years I have felt, and I think I am not alone, that we were losing the ability to correct the course of the Church. You can not appreciate how deeply I feel about the importance of this present opportunity unless you know the regard, the reverence, I have for the Book of Mormon and how seriously I have taken the warnings of the prophets, particularly Alma and Helaman. Both Alma and Helaman told of the church in their day. They warned about fast growth, the desire to be accepted by the world, to be popular, and particularly they warned about prosperity. Each time those conditions existed in combination, the Church drifted off course. All of those conditions are present in the Church today. Helaman repeatedly warned, I think four times he used these words, that the fatal drift of the church could occur ‘in the space of not many years.’ In one instance it took only six years. (See Helaman 6:32, 7:6, 11:26.)” (Transcript of an address given at a Regional Representatives Seminar, 30 March 1990, entitled “Let Them Govern Themselves.”)https://ldsapostasy.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/history-repeating-itself-2/
I want to now share with you a very frightening tendency in the world of 2023. Progress and innovation are fantastic, but not at the expense of thwarting God’s plan by making humans worthless or substitution of humans with robots for nefarious purposes. The main evil in this World of Satan’s plan is successfully imitating the very source of God’s plan for us. “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:39. The Lords goal is not to have His children of His creation meddle with, destroy, or challenge His position as Divine Creator. We are truly living in the “Days of Noah”, not the last days. I mean by that, we are ripe for complete destruction if we don’t stay on the covenant path. As our dear Prophet said, “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
“Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that! Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that”Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel
“ In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” Russell M. Nelson 2022
What strength I get from the above quotes. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s Church on earth. We are not perfect but the doctrines are sound and true. It reminds me of a scripture that says, “And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.
And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.” 1 Nephi 14:12-13
In other words, the Lord said the Saints of God are all over the world but their numbers are FEW. That by no means only members of the LDS Church are righteous, but all who love and follow Christ are the Saints of God. We are just very outnumbered. We will prevail as our faith strengthens. I feel today’s government of the USA has been infiltratred by much evil, as has the majority of the world, but it is all in preparation for the Second Coming of the Savior which I am excited for. God will win!
Harrison Ford sends terrifying warning about Hollywood’s creepy tactics
Hollywood is full of secrets, and they are slowly coming to light. And now, Harrison Ford has decided to come out and talk about a tactic that is quite creepy. If you were asked, do you think everyone you see on screen is real? Well, according to Harrison Ford, Hollywood is using a new tactic to portray actors. With the development of AI, Hollywood has started using AI to generate various actors. And what’s even scarier is that it is so perfect that you can’t even tell unless you are told.
But what did Harrison Ford warn about these tactics? What did he have to say about it? Let’s find out, shall we? The legendary Harrison Ford has revealed Hollywood’s tactics that have shocked many people. He has exposed some tactics that have been lurking in the movie industry.
In addition to the controversies about the movie Sound of Freedom, more controversies are coming to light. And what’s even worse is that all these secrets come from Hollywood’s members.” Source
‘Sound of Freedom’ film: ‘God’s children not for sale’
I hope you made your 4th of July an amazing “Sound of Freedom” for the world to hear. See the amazing movie “Sound of Freedom” with Jim Caviezel. It is a true story about our good LDS friend Tim Ballard who speaks at Firm Foundation at many of our conferences, who worked undercover for years with NSA to rescue children from slavery. He’s been doing it on his own for many years now. He is amazing. World human trafficking is $150 billion a year industry surpassing the drug trade as they can sell the drug once and sell the child 4 times per day, the movie states.
Tim has mentioned that what you see at the movie is very true and it is more evil than can be shown on the screen. This movie has taken 5 years to come to the movie screen as government, and corrupt corporations have tried to stop it. There are 3-4 million children per year world wide that are stolen for sex, money and power. When I was young this news was on the side of milk cartons and today it is ignored by most of the world.
In the Sound of Freedom, it shows people using container ships as a means to traffic children all over the world. The film follows Ballard as he leaves his government job to start Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing children from sex trafficking. OUR works with law enforcement agencies around the world to identify and rescue children who have been forced into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.
This movie is now in theaters world wide. I just sawI have seen it three times and would recommend each of you to see it. It is a tear jerker and really shares the importance of the words, “God’s Children are not for Sale.”
This is one of the reasons the Harrison Ford comments above, are more important today than ever. What’s up with Hollywood. Who is leading them? What evils are likely to be happening today? How are they using or misusing AI, (Artificial Intelligence), CGI (computer-generated imagery), and other new inventions? I don’t think it is “Seeing is Believing” anymore. I believe personal revelation as our prophet says above, is the only way to know good from evil today. Heed the Lord and our Prophets warnings, is my prayer for us all.
“[Ezra Taft] Benson was an outspoken opponent of communism and socialism, and a strong supporter, but not an official member, of the JBS [John Birch Society], which he praised as “the most effective non-church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and Godless Communism.” Sean Wilentz. “Confounding Fathers: The Tea Party’s Cold War Roots”
Ezra Taft Benson Quotes
-“I testify that wickedness is rapidly expanding in every segment of our society. It is more highly organized, more cleverly disguised, and more powerfully promoted than ever before. Secret combinations ***** for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world.” Ezra Taft Benson
(Original Caption) Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson is shown as he stated yesterday his reluctance to set an official price support level for 1955 wheat. Benson’s remarks were in reply to a letter from Sen. Milton R. Young (R-ND) urging the Secretary to postpone this week’s National Wheat Referendum and to defer setting the price support level.
-“Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the [Book of Mormon] to expose and combat the falsehoods in socialism, organic evolution, rationalism, humanism, and so forth. And our nation will continue to degenerate unless we read and heed the words of the God of this land, Jesus Christ, and quit building up and upholding the secret combinations which the Book of Mormon tells us proved the downfall of both previous American civilizations.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“Could many of our ills today have resulted from our failure to train a strong citizenry from the only source we have – the boys and girls of each community? Have they grown up to believe in politics without principle, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without effort, wealth without work, business without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice?” Ezra Taft Benson
-“The so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist program for revolution in America.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“God loves us; the devil hates us. God wants us to have a fulness of joy as He has. The devil wants us to be miserable as he is. God gives us commandments to bless us. The devil would have us break these commandments to curse us.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers – normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free, Americans who have been lulled away into a false security.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“Rights are either God-given as part of the divine plan, or they are granted by government as part of the political plan. If we accept the premise that human rights are granted by government, then we must be willing to accept the corollary that they can be denied by government.” Ezra Taft Benson
“On this inaugural National American History and Founders Month, I encourage all citizens to reflect upon the defining tenets that have always united us as Americans, while also taking time to honor those who have contributed to the great story of our country. As Americans, may we forever strive to preserve their legacy for generations to come.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as National American History and Founders Month. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.” Presidential Proclamation on National American History and Founders Month, 2019
John Birch Society
Eldon Stahl and friends at the John Birch Society, sent the following email that the Firm Foundation feels is very appropriate about the State of Utah designating September as American Founders and Constitution Month. This new Utah law is supportive of the White House proclamation above, on National American History and Founders Month in 2019. We thank Eldon for sending this information and we ask you to consider the John Birch Society, as they will share their appropriate conservative principles at the Firm Foundation Seminar, Sept 15-16 at the Hilton Hotel in SLC, UT.
The Utah Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent out a Memo (Attached Below) saying,
“The Utah State Legislature has designated the month of September each year as American Founders and Constitution Month (Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17th). The State Legislature has requested that civic, fraternal, and religious organizations “recognize and observe this occasion through appropriate programs, teaching, meetings, services, or celebrations.” In the spirit of that request, we encourage your stake to sponsor one patriotic event during the month of September.”
Eldon Stahl wrote the following to his constituents, which I think has a lot of great information we may all benefit from.
Dear JBS Members in Utah:
In the Utah Legislature’s 2023 session, a bill was passed(HB 179)which designates:
“Constitution Day, on September 17, to invite all Utah adults and Utah school children to read directly from the United States Constitution and other primary sources, and for students to be taught principles from the United States Constitution that include federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, limited government, and the necessary and proper, commerce, and supremacy clauses;”
and goes on to specify that:
“The month of September shall be commemorated annually as American Founders and Constitution Month to:
(a) encourage all civic, fraternal, and religious organizations, and public and private
educational institutions, to recognize and observe this occasion through appropriate programs, teaching, meetings, services, or celebrations in which state, county, and local governmental officials are invited to participate; and
(b) invite all Utah school children to read directly from the United States Constitution
and other primary sources, and to be taught principles from the United States Constitution that include federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, limited government, and the necessary and proper, commerce, and supremacy clauses.
In the spirit of this language, the Utah Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent out a memo to all Stake Presidents, Bishops, and Branch Presidents in the Area to encourage each LDS stake, ward, and branch to support the observance of “American Founders and Constitution Month” in Utah. (See attached memo).
They “encourage your stake to sponsor one patriotic event during the month of September that would (1) rekindle a spirit of patriotism by educating our Saints on the inspired principles of the Constitution (D&C 98:5-6; D&C 109:54) and/or (2) build a spirit of appreciation for our Founding Fathers who were raised up by the Lord (DC 101:78-80). In addition, it would be a timely opportunity to encourage individual families and members to study and gain a greater appreciation for the Founding Fathers and our inspired Constitution.”
For those of you who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and those who are not, here are some ideas:
Read, view, and become familiar with JBS and FreedomProject resources that can help educate people on the American Founders and the Constitution.
Here are some I would suggest:
a.) The 56 Signers Video Series (Produced by FreedomProject)–these are all 1-minute biographies of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence and can be used for many different occasions and ages
b.) “The Constitution is the Solution” video series—probably something to invite people to at a separate location, but could be completed in 6 weeks if done weekly and advertised as a way to celebrate “American Founders and Constitution Month,” as well as a good opportunity to recruit new members
c.) JBS “Bill of Rights” video series (3-part series, can easily be done during Sept.)
d.) “Overview of America” video (Also available in Spanish)–good to show in a meeting (30 mins) and have copies to hand out later. I would recommend playing it in parts so you can use it for more occasions.
i.) “A More Perfect Union” video showing (Note: this video was produced by BYU and could be a very simple thing to show at a special devotional and is just under 2 hrs long)
j.) “A Humbling Lesson” booklet (a good story to read to a group meeting, which doesn’t take very long)
m.) “Principles of the Constitution” video series (9 videos, about 72 minutes total run time—produced by FreedomProject Media)–at about the 7th grade level; great for many groups, starting at very basics, which is where many people are.
(If LDS) Approach your Stake President, Bishop, or Branch President with ideas of how you might, with JBS resources, help them follow this recent guidance from the Utah Area Presidency. Making a list available for members and who to contact to get the resources can be helpful for members who want to use something for Family Home Evening, individual study, etc.
Approach leaders of other churches, civic groups, fraternities, and educational institutions and discuss how you might help them celebrate both “Constitution Day” (Sept 17) and “American Founders and Constitution Month”
Let’s help make September in Utah a great one for learning about and appreciating the Founders and the Constitution!
Yours in Liberty,
Eldon Stahl
Regional Field Director
The John Birch Society
[pdf-embedder url=”https://bookofmormonevidence.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/LDS-Memo-American-Founders-and-Constitution-Month.pdf” title=”LDS Memo–American Founders and Constitution Month”]
-having a desire to be accepted by the world
-trying to be popular
-overly warned about prosperity
I believe the pride cycle of the Book of Mormon has been a life challenge.
See Alma 4:2 (failure), 3 (humility), 4 (invite Holy Ghost), 5 (success), 6 (pride), 9 (offend Holy Ghost), 11 (failure).
It seems to be human nature to desire to become accepted, popular, and prosperous in the world. Obviously that is what the Book of Mormon teaches us to overcome. There is an incredible amount of divisiveness in the world now. We pit brother against brother and black against white, and bond vs free. That is Satan’s plan: Division!
Heresies are Creeping into the Church Insidiously.
The Lord’s plan is and always has been: Oneness with God and fellow man. Today when you see a government, a business, a friend, an education system, doctors, or any other person or program trying to divide people, you will know it is of the devil. The popular trends and supporting of a woke agenda, or creating victimhood, is all very rampant today. Why is is so hard to resist and just be content with being a Child of God, and be our own best self? I believe that it is a constant fight of God vs. Satan, not Democrat vs Republican nor Liberal vs Conservative.
“Wo unto them that callevil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” 2 Nephi 15:20
“The spirit of contention is of the devil—Christ’s doctrine is that men should believe and be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost.” 3 Nephi 11 Heading
Prophets and Apostles have told us
“Cycle of human folly… the only thing which will cause the destruction of his Church is the wickedness of its members… persecution has largely vanished, and instead of ostracism, members are, for the most part accepted and respected.” H. Verlan Anderson
“Alma and Helaman… warned about fast growth, the desire to be accepted by the world, to be popular, and particularly they warned about prosperity. Each time those conditions existed in combination, the Church drifted off course.” Boyd K. Packer 30 Mar. 1990
“So long as that church was persecuted from without, it prospered, but when it began to be polluted from within, the church began to wither.” First Presidency 1944
Chinese Fable
“[There is] an old Chinese fable: A man traveling through the country came to a large city, very rich and splendid; he looked at it and said to his guide, ‘This must be a very righteous people, for I can only see but one little devil in this great city.’ The guide replied, ‘You do not understand, sir. This city is so perfectly given up to wickedness, corruption, degradation, and abomination of every kind, that it requires but one devil to keep them all in subjection.’” (George A. Smith, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1854-1886], 5: 363.) (https://jod.mrm.org/5/359)
We must clean up our own house before pointing a finger:
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (ABC4) – “Utah’s capital city, Salt Lake City, has been recently revealed as the Beehive state’s most sinful city thanks to a recent study published by WalletHub.
The study examined the top 150 most populated cities in the United States, with at least the two most populated cities in each state. Salt Lake City and West Valley City made the list.
Even as Utah’s “most sinful city,” Salt Lake City was still average on the list, ranking 93 out of 182 overall in the nation. West Valley City was the fourth lowest on the list, ranking 179.
The study was conducted by analyzing each of the “Seven Deadly Sins.” 38 metrics were used across the seven categories of anger and hatred, jealousy, excesses and vices, greed, lust, vanity, and laziness. These metrics included bullying rates, violent crimes, thefts, obesity, DUIs, gambling options, adult entertainment, number of tanning salons, exercise rate, volunteer rate, and high school dropout rate.” ABC
“I do not say but that you are just as good men and women in this place as in any other place in the mountains; yea, I admit that the people are better in the country towns than in Great Salt Lake City, for the froth and scum of hell seem to concentrate there, and those who live in the City have to come in contact with it; and with persons who mingle with robbers, and liars, and thieves, and with whores and whore-masters, etc. Such wicked men will also introduce themselves into Davis County, and among all the settlements throughout these mountains; but where the people are truly righteous and just, wicked men can do them no harm; were the people all righteous who profess to be Latter-day Saints, they would constantly be on their watch against the encroachment of a wicked power.” Heber C. Kimball 1885
“Instead of raising themselves to the standard of the Gospel, they are content to descend to the level of the wicked and corrupt. Many of the Elders of Israel who have responsibilities resting upon them, with which they will find they cannot trifle with impunity, are taking this course all the time. What wonder, then, that the Spirit of the Lord is grieved? What wonder that the Latter-day Saints need to be preached to continually? It is no wonder to me when I contemplate the condition of the people of these valleys, and especially Salt Lake City, Ogden, and our cities contiguous to the railways.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol.13, p.339 – p.340 Joseph F. Smith 1870).
Host of Sectarian Doctrines
“I tell you we are beginning to follow along the course of the early Christian church. So long as that church was persecuted from without, it prospered, but when it began to be polluted from within, the church began to wither. There is creeping into our midst, and I warn you brethren about it, and I urge you to meet it, a great host of sectarian doctrines that have no place amongst us. The gospel in its simplicity, is to be found in the revelations, the teachings of the Prophet and the early leaders of the Church.” It was read by J. Reuben Clark. It states, Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, and President David O. McKay, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, were present at all the sessions. President McKay conducted the services at all the sessions. (In One Hundred Fifteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[Conference Report, October 1944] [Salt Lake City, Utah
Shaking the Faith
In the Oct 1942 General Conference address from the First Presidency, the below quote was read by J. Reuben Clark. “These days through which we are now passing present many problems which are new to all of us but are particularly strange to the younger generation — those who have little background of experience and whose knowledge is limited and immature. Infidelity, atheism, unchastity, intemperance, civil corruption, greed, avarice, ambition — personal, political, national — are more powerful today than at any other time in the lives of us now living. They are pulling and thrusting us almost at will into new fields of action, new lines of thought. They are shaking the faith, undermining the morals, polluting the lives of the people. They have thrown many so far off balance in all of their activities, economic, social, political, and religious, that they stand in real danger of falling. Satan is making war against all the wisdom that has come to men through their ages of experience. He is seeking to overturn and destroy the very foundations upon which society, government, and religion rest. He aims to have men adopt theories and practices which he induced their forefathers, over the ages, to adopt and try, only to be discarded by them when found unsound, impractical, and ruinous. He plans to destroy liberty and freedom — economic, political, and religious, and to set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread, and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men. He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Without their knowing it, the people are being urged down paths that lead only to destruction. Satan never before had so firm a grip on this generation as he has now.” President Heber J. Grant was present and presided at the Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday morning sessions. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, and President David O. McKay, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, were present at all the sessions. President McKay conducted the services at all the sessions.
Apostasy within the Church
Joseph Fielding Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 Dec. 1938: “It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the primitive church of Christ. Are we not traveling the same road?” (Joseph Fielding Smith Journal, entry for 28 Dec. 1938.)
Heresies are Creeping in Insidiously.
Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 7 Oct. 1945: “Even during the time of the apostles there began to be a falling away, as is clear from the Epistles of Paul, of Peter, John, James, and Jude. People began to wander off, and that wandering was increased in the succeeding centuries, accumulating speed, it seems, as it went on. They began to gather into church teachings things to make Christianity a little more palatable to the philosophers of the time. . . . They were trying to satisfy the thought and the philosophy and the reasoning of men, in order that they might have their support and probably their praise. . . . There is a deep lesson in all of that for us today. Already there are coming in amongst us doctrines that have no part or place in the pure doctrines of the restored gospel. These heresies are creeping in insidiously. They come to us from the philosophies of the Christian scholars of the day. They make our doctrines, as they made the early Christian beliefs, more palatable to our philosophers, but so surely as they destroyed the Christian church in the early days, just so surely will they destroy us if we do not stop them where they are.” (In One Hundred Sixteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, October 1945] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], pp. 165, 166; paragraphing omitted.)
Christ will crush Satan’s head.
“In the early church the Saints were extremely anxious for two things: First, to be well thought of by the pagans. Their ears itched for praise. Do any of you brethren know anything about such a tendency as that?” (In “Remarks at Bishop’s Meeting,” J. Reuben Clark Papers, box 151, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)
“There is a startling parallel between the course that is coming in to us today and the course that was in the early Church, so startling that one becomes fearful.” (Reuben Clark Jr. In One Hundred Twenty-second Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, April 1952] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], p. 81.)
Lived His Commandments for a Few Years and then Fallen Away
Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 30 Mar. 1990: “In recent years I have felt, and I think I am not alone, that we were losing the ability to correct the course of the Church. You can not appreciate how deeply I feel about the importance of this present opportunity unless you know the regard, the reverence, I have for the Book of Mormon and how seriously I have taken the warnings of the prophets, particularly Alma and Helaman. Both Alma and Helaman told of the church in their day. They warned about fast growth, the desire to be accepted by the world, to be popular, and particularly they warned about prosperity. Each time those conditions existed in combination, the Church drifted off course. All of those conditions are present in the Church today. Helaman repeatedly warned, I think four times he used these words, that the fatal drift of the church could occur ‘in the space of not many years.’ In one instance it took only six years. (See Helaman 6:32, 7:6, 11:26.)” (Transcript of an address given at a Regional Representatives Seminar, 30 March 1990, entitled “Let Them Govern Themselves.”) https://ldsapostasy.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/history-repeating-itself-2/
Question to myself and each of you:
We Have Been Warned in the Past, Present, and Future.
May we rekindle the Love of the Lord and our Humility.
Once again, each time the conditions below exist in combination, the Church drifts off course.
-the desire to be accepted by the world,
-to be popular,
-were warned about prosperity. –Boyd K. Packer
In the Pre-Existence we had choices which we freely made, and it is many of those choices which most likely allowed us to be born into the situations, family, and country we were.
Harold B. Lee, LeGrand Richards, and Alvin R. Dyer speak about this idea below. I don’t believe this idea is necessarily “Doctrine” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but it makes sense to me. We are always free to choose but we are not free to choose the consequences of that choice. It makes sense that God did not place us where He wanted us, but rather we choose through our free will and actions, where we would be placed on earth, in order to have the most fair chance of getting back to our Father in Heaven. God is no respecter of persons and loves us all the same.
Harold B. Lee said, “You are now born into a family to which you have come, into the nations through which you have come, as a reward for the kind of lives you lived before you came here”, and in LeGrand Richards book on a chapter page said, “Jacob’s Sons Not to Share Equally in the Lord’s Blessings.” (Full quotes below)
Live Above the Law to be Free
“The story of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was called Israel, is a vivid representation of the great truth that ‘all things work together for good to [those] who loved God.’ (See Rom. 8:28.) Joseph always seemed to do the right thing; but still, more importantly, he did it for the right reason. And how very, very significant that is! Joseph was sold by his own brothers as a slave and was purchased by Potiphar, a captain of the guard of Pharaoh. But even as an indentured servant, Joseph turned every experience and all circumstances, no matter how trying, into something good.
“This ability to turn everything into something good appears to be a godly characteristic. Our Heavenly Father always seems able to do this. Everything, no matter how dire, becomes a victory to the Lord. Joseph, although a slave and wholly undeserving of this fate, nevertheless remained faithful to the Lord and continued to live the commandments and made something very good of his degrading circumstances. People like this cannot be defeated, because they will not give up. They have the correct, positive attitude, and Dale Carnegie’s expression seems to apply: If you feel you have a lemon, you can either complain about how sour it is, or you can make a lemonade. It is all up to you.” (Hartman Rector, Jr., “Live above the Law to Be Free,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 130.)
What Criterion Was Used in Determining Which Tribes Would Have Prominence? Genesis 49:1–33.
LeGrand Richards, Israel Do You Know
Elder Legrand Richards said, “Through a careful study and consideration of the blessings of the Lord pronounced through Jacob, upon his twelve sons, it is evident that they were not to share equally in the promises of the Lord.
“It is evident that the blessings given to Judah and Joseph were choice above the blessings pronounced upon their brothers.” (Richards, Israel! Do You Know? pp. 9–10.) Source
“Jacob’s Sons Not to Share Equally in the Lord’s Blessings… Through a careful study and consideration of the blessings of the Lord pronounced through Jacob, upon his twelve sons, it is evident that they were not to share equally in the promises of the Lord…” Page 9
“It is evident that the blessings given to Judah and Joseph were choice above the blessings pronounced upon their brothers…” Page 10
“Isaiah saw downfall of, Asher, son of Jacob not to share equally… Benjamin, son of Jacob, not to share equally… Dan, son of Jacob, not to share equally…” Page 245
“Gad, son of Jacob, not to share equally…” Issachar, son of Jacob, not to share equally…” Page 246
“Jacob’s sons not to share equally…” Page 248
“Levi, son of Jacob, not to share equally…” Page 249
“Naphtali, son of Jacob, not to share equally…” Page 250
LeGrand Richards, Israel Do You Know pages 9,10,245, 248, 249, and 250
One’s activities in his premortal life had an influence on his being born into a particular situation on this earth. President Harold B. Lee made this observation:
“‘When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.’ (Deut. 32:8.)
“Now, mind you, this was said to the children of Israel before they had arrived in the ‘Promised Land,’ which was to be the land of their inheritance.
“Then note this next verse: ‘For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.’ (Deut. 32:9.)
“It would seem very clear, then, that those born to the lineage of Jacob, who was later to be called Israel, and his posterity, who were known as the children of Israel, were born into the most illustrious lineage of any of those who came upon the earth as mortal beings.
Understanding Who We Are Brings Self-Respect
President Harold B. Lee Address delivered at the Friday morning session, October 5, 1973
“All these rewards were seemingly promised, or foreordained, before the world was. Surely these matters must have been determined by the kind of lives we had lived in that premortal spirit world. Some may question these assumptions, but at the same time they will accept without any question the belief that each one of us will be judged when we leave this earth according to his or her deeds during our lives here in mortality. Isn’t it just as reasonable to believe that what we have received here in this earth life was given to each of us according to the merits of our conduct before we came here?” (“Understanding Who We Are Brings Self-Respect,” Ensign, Jan. 1974, p. 5.)
In Deuteronomy 33:6–29, Moses recounted again the blessings given to each tribe. This passage should be studied and compared to Jacob’s original blessings recorded in Genesis 49.
“When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.” (Deut. 32:8.)
Now, mind you, this was said to the children of Israel before they had arrived in the “Promised Land,” which was to be the land of their inheritance.
Then note this next verse: “For the Lord’s portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.” (Deut. 32:9.)
It would seem very clear, then, that those born to the lineage of Jacob, who was later to be called Israel, and his posterity, who were known as the children of Israel, were born into the most illustrious lineage of any of those who came upon the earth as mortal beings.
All these rewards were seemingly promised, or foreordained, before the world was. Surely these matters must have been determined by the kind of lives we had lived in that premortal spirit world.Some may question these assumptions, but at the same time they will accept without any question the belief that each one of us will be judged when we leave this earth according to his or her deeds during our lives here in mortality. Isn’t it just as reasonable to believe that what we have received here in this earth life was given to each of us according to the merits of our conduct before we came here?
Now there is another important understanding that we have from the scriptures. We are all free agents, which means to some people who manifest a spirit of rebellion that they are free to do anything they please, but that is not the correct meaning of free agency as the prophets have declared in the scriptures where free agency has been defined. I quote:
“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great mediation of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.” (2 Ne. 2:27.)
“So the Old Testament prophets declared with respect to death: “Then shall the dust [meaning our mortal bodies] return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” (Eccl. 12:7.)
Obviously we could not return to a place where we had never been, so we are talking about death as a process as miraculous as birth, by which we return to “our Father who art in heaven,” as the Master taught his disciples to pray.
A further truth is clearly set forth in that scripture [Abr. 3:22–23], that many were chosen, as was Abraham, before they were born, as the Lord told Moses and also Jeremiah. This was made still more meaningful by the Latter-day prophet, Joseph Smith, who declared, “I believe that every person who is called to do an important work in the kingdom of God, was called to that work and foreordained to that work before the world was.” Then he added this, “I believe that I was foreordained to the work that I am called to do.” (See Documentary History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 364.)
But now there is a warning: Despite that calling which is spoken of in the scriptures as “foreordination,” we have another inspired declaration: “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. …” (D&C 121:34.)
This suggests that even though we have our free agency here, there are many who were foreordained before the world was, to a greater state than they have prepared themselves for here. Even though they might have been among the noble and great, from among whom the Father declared he would make his chosen leaders, they may fail of that calling here in mortality. Then the Lord poses this question: “… and why are they not chosen?” (D&C 121:34.)
Now then, to make a summary of what I have just read, may I ask each of you again the question, “Who are you?” You are all the sons and daughters of God. Your spirits were created and lived as organized intelligences before the world was. You have been blessed to have a physical body because of your obedience to certain commandments in that premortal state. You are now born into a family to which you have come, into the nations through which you have come, as a reward for the kind of lives you lived before you came hereand at a time in the world’s history, as the apostle Paul taught the men of Athens and as the Lord revealed to Moses, determined by the faithfulness of each of those who lived before this world was created.” Harold B. Lee 1974
For What Purpose? Alvin R. Dyer
“Why is it that you are born today instead of 2,000 years ago? Why is it that you are sitting in this room today and were for some reason, not born in the day of Moses or in the day when Christ was upon the earth? Or do you think that is just something haphazard – that it just happened that way – that nobody had anything to do with it?…
Why is it that you were kept in the Spirit World until the last dispensation to come forth among the children of men? Was there any reason for that, and who decided it?…
I will read to your from the Book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price, “And the Lord said unto me,” speaking to Abraham, “These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they,” indicating that in the pre-existence there are three divisions of spirits. “These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.”
This statement of Abraham’s is directly connected with the degrees of glory because we taught that when people die, all shall be resurrected who are born in this life – sons of perdition and all. They are then, after the Spirit World, assigned into one of these three degrees of glory – the Celestial, the Terrestrial, and the Telestial…
The suggestion here by Abraham is that they were born into this life with the same degree of division. There were three divisions of mankind in the pre-existence, and when you are born into this life, you are born into one of three divisions of people. There is an imposed judgment placed upon everyone who leaves the Spirit World, just as there will be when they leave this life and go into one of the three places. When they left the Spirit World, they had already been judged by what they had done in the Spirit World and in their previous life…
This is not like any other day in the history of the world. The Lord now is preparing to establish His Kingdom – the kingdom that will govern the earth for 1000 years before we go into the judgment period that leads into the establishment of the degrees of glory. In consequence of that, He has wisely chosen the ones that are to come into the world in this day and age. It is a battle. He fought the power of Lucifer, in the pre-existence. He had to use His best spirits to defend Him, and here again He will have to do the same thing and He knows that. Now what does that mean in a probation?…” For what Purpose by Alvin R. Dyer Talk given: March 18, 1961 Oslo, Norway Missionary Conference
The Millennial Star said, “We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them even if they knew it was wrong; but such obedience is worse than folly to us;it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself, should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God would despise the idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told to do by their presidents, they should do it without any questions. When Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves.” The Millennial Star, Vol 14, # 38, pages 593-595 Editor Samuel W. Richards)
A Favorite Quote
“I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression.”
“And while all members should respect, support, and heed the teachings of the authorities of the church, no one should accept a statement and base his or her testimony upon it, no matter who makes it, until he or she has, under mature examination, found it to be true and worthwhile; then one’s logical deductions may be confirmed by the spirit of revelation to his or her spirit, because real conversion must come from within.” Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999
Read the faith promoting book called,
“The Prophet Who Teacheth Lies” Kindle Edition by Alexander Tibekizis
This fantastic book is all about listening to personal revelation and relying on the Savior, not man, nor even prophets on occasional issues. Prophets have spoken about this very issue, as in the quotes above. It is important to listen to and follow the doctrine of the Church through the sustained Prophet and Apostles. For matters that are not doctrinal according to the Church, and yet are difficult questions to answer, we should consider the Prophets and Scriptures, but our reliance on personal revelation from the Lord is crucial.
“During COVID-19, many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were shocked to have their church leaders encouraging them to take the COVID-19 Vaccine. Some questioned the faith of those who would not take the Vaccine; others accused any who spoke against the Vaccine of promoting apostasy. Some questioned their own faith when confronted with their prophet promoting what they saw as a lie. Still, others took the Vaccine even against their better judgment, believing that God would not hold them responsible for the damage it caused if they followed the prophet’s counsel.
By teaching lies, the president of the Church fulfilled the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy in the Old Testament, accompanied by many other leaders worldwide. Avoiding the Vaccine was not only the right and privilege of every member but standing for truth is precisely what the Lord has called those loyal to Him to do, both in and outside the Church. The Book of Mormon records that more part of the people came to believe in the Gadianton’s and thus took part with them in their spoils. This book documents how that same process occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also witnesses that none need question their faith in God, the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the Church, or their own membership, but it rather invigorates all to remain faithful to the purposes of the Lord and stand for truth at all times and all places. “The Prophet Who Teacheth Lies Kindle Edition by Alexander Tibekizis
“I absolutely love the premise of your book. It is the message the Saints need to hear. Often, I think how the Word of Wisdom was not given as a commandment, as it was written for the WEAKEST of the Saints, which is very similar to what you are speaking about.
Over 70% of my family took the jab, which I didn’t, as I was blessed with a calming spirit that told me not to take it. My family didn’t listen, as they were deceived by the craftiness of man. Now, I know the Lord forgives and He will bless my family as they show faith in Him.
Our dear Prophet was not wrong, as he was speaking to the entire world. Many countries would have ostracized or rejected the Church in many countries, like they did in Utah and our own USA. President Nelson knows the Lord will bless those who truly understand or repent. It was a huge trial of our faith and we will go through much more as the Prophet said,
“Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.
You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
Netflix has made the old Mark Hoffman forgeries a part of it’s dialogue lately. I wanted to share some information with you that may help you navigate the critical importance of Church Leaders and how they help us learn how to receive personal revelation.
Honesty and trust in others is a big part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We as members feel it is critical to be honest in our dealings with everyone and in return we sometimes falsely believe others. In other words we are gullible and sometimes naïve. From our own personal experiences we feel most people are trustworthy. The sad thing today is it’s getting harder to believe that. When I was in my teens I believed the Government was 90% honest. Today, it may be 5%. Evil has darkened our door in a huge way. That doesn’t mean government was 90% honest, that was just my perception.
An Act of Faith
“Sustaining is a sacred action that connects membership of the Church to Church leaders, says Elder Gary E. Stevenson. With more than 16 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, relatively few Church members will ever speak face to face with an Apostle or shake an Apostle’s hand. But every member has the opportunity to make a personal connection with these and other Church leaders through his or her formal sustaining vote and daily sustaining actions, says President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve…
“I love the imagery of arms to the square and the meaning behind that,” says Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. For the Apostles, being sustained by the members of the Church is spiritually akin to receiving life-giving food, he adds. “Every voice counts and every helping hand looked to. No one has to serve alone in the Church, whatever our calling.”
A Long-Standing Practice
Sustaining the Apostles is a latter-day practice that dates back to Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. From the first day, early Saints were invited to consent to the calling of Church leaders and to sustain them in that calling.
On April 6, 1830, Joseph Smith and his newly baptized followers gathered in a small log farm home belonging to Peter Whitmer Sr. in Fayette, Seneca County, New York.
Joseph stood and asked those participating if they desired the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Exercising the principle of common consent, the new members raised their hands and consented by unanimous vote. Next they consented to accept Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as their teachers and spiritual advisers.
“Membership in the Church is a very personal matter,” notes Elder Holland. “Every individual counts. That is why we function on the principle of common consent. We want everyone to have an opinion, to express him or herself, and to be united in going forward.” How Can We Sustain Our Leaders? By Sarah Jane Weaver and Jason Swensen Church News
Ezra Taft Benson
“Suppose a leader of the Church were to tell you that you were supporting the wrong side of a particular issue. Some might immediately resist this leader and his counsel or ignore it, but I would suggest that you first apply the fourth great civic standard for the faithful Saints. That standard is to live for, to get, and then to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.“
Said Brigham Young: “I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by Him. … Let every man and woman know, by the whisperings of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.” (JD, vol. 9, p. 150.)”
The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have not received revelation on every item of knowledge and truth, else what would our purpose be in life, than to just do what the Leaders say and that’s it?
Remember free agency is vital. We have to be able to choose good or evil as it is our choice. The Brethren make a few mistakes but not many. We can’t expect them to know everything, nor do they desire for us to learn only from them.
The Brethren have no say in whether they allow false doctrine in the church, some wrong ideas have to be part of the Church because of free agency. I believe in these last days the Brethren want us to listen to them of course and maybe even more personally to the scriptures and prayer than to just them. We will receive hundreds of answers for our personal edification this way. Don’t depend on the source of man but of God. Follow our leaders, sustain our leaders and accept their council after personal prayer and study on your own. Truth will match what the Brethren say in the great majority of issues.
“I think the Brethren are weaning us and guiding us to the source of all truth. Like a child, there comes a time when the parents have to allow their kids to make mistakes and seek guidance from God.
“I like the saying that the Catholic church teaches that the Pope is infallible, and few Catholics believe it. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the general authorities teach us that the prophet is fallible and few of the LDS members believe it.” Kevin Price PhD
I think there is importance in the Brethren being neutral on Geography, Evolution and other difficult issues. They want us to gain our own witness to secondary information. They have given us sound doctrine and that is what we should focus on. I know through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true. However, I love to seek for other truth and as Moroni has said “I may know the truth of all things”.
I believe the Land of Promise spoken of in the Book of Mormon is the United States of America. The Constitution was created by the Lord, that Adam and Eve were placed on this same land and the New Jerusalem will be on this same land. No need for me to check out Mesoamerica anymore as I did for 40 years.
Just like Evolution. I don’t believe we came from an ape and I know that matter cannot come from nothing. I don’t have to look into science to figure this out, but by the witness of what the scriptures tell us.
I don’t expect Pres Nelson to come right out and tell me where the Book of Mormon events happened or if we came from an ape, I know through sound reasoning the answer that makes most sense to me. Now if the Brethren say otherwise I would always listen to them first, but in my opinion the Church is neutral on difficult issues that exist to help each of us individually come to a knowledge of the “truth of all things” as promised in the Book of Mormon. I don’t need to be commanded in all things!
All the teachings from current Brethren and those before them and from the Prophet Joseph Smith are to be taken as given. They are guides to the answers I seek. I leave one example on believing that the United Sates is the Choice and Promised land, I quote Pres Nelson when he was President of the Quorum of the Twelve who said, “The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jesse, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
I leave you with true words of a prophet, “Whenever I hear anyone, including myself, say, “I know the Book of Mormon is true,” I want to exclaim, “That’s nice, but it is not enough!” We need to feel, deep in “the inmost part” of our hearts, that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the word of God. We must feel it so deeply that we would never want to live even one day without it. I might paraphrase President Brigham Young in saying, “I wish I had the voice of seven thunders to wake up the people” to the truth and power of the Book of Mormon.” President Russell M. Nelson The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It? By Rian Nelson
“The Mark Hoffman saga is in the news because of the Netflix documentary. Let’s look at some parallels between the Hoffman problem with fake documents and the ongoing suppression of Church history designed to promote M2C and SITH. In response to the Hoffman events, President Oaks delivered a detailed, masterful address, which you can read here: Recent Events Involving Church History and Forged Documents (churchofjesuschrist.org) Here are excerpts from that talk (in blue), along with my commentary (in red). What interested me most was the fact that these forgeries and their associated lies grew out of their author’s deliberate attempt to rewrite the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that so many persons and organizations seized on this episode to attempt to discredit the Church and its leaders. [emphasis added]
Deliberate attempts to rewrite the early history continue, but now it’s the Church History Department doing the re-writing. For many years, certain LDS historians have sought to rewrite the early history of the Church.
Now the problem has reversed. Correlated Church history, such as the Saints books, is “out of kilter” with authentic historical documents and events. Why? So far as I can tell, the only reason is to promote modern narratives, including M2C and SITH.
Yesterday I showed specific examples regarding Cumorah. The Saints book, volume 1, quotes Lucy Mack Smith’s histories 127 times, but it deliberately omits every one of her references to Cumorah because the M2C citation cartel rejects the New York Cumorah. We see the same careful re-writing of Church history in the Gospel Topics Essays. There is a revolving door between the Church History Department and the M2C citation cartel (including BYU Studies and Book of Mormon Central), so naturally they work together and reinforce these narratives. That’s what makes it a cartel. Consequently, well-meaning but uninformed Latter-day Saints don’t know that when Moroni first visited Joseph Smith, he identified the hill where the plates were concealed as Cumorah, even though this was widely known during Joseph’s lifetime and informed everyone’s writing and understanding at the time. By omitting Cumorah from the historical record, our LDS historians have distorted Church history and created a new version that (i) accommodates M2C but (ii) contradicts the historical record. This leads to preventable confusion among new, former, and prospective members.
The same thing has happened with the discrepancies between the Urim and Thummim and seer (or “peep”) stone accounts. (SITH=stone-in-the-hat.) Like the Gospel Topics Essays, the Saints book deliberately omitted Lucy Mack Smith’s accounts of Joseph using the Urim and Thummim. Instead, it cites much later accounts from David Whitmer and Emma Smith, both of whom had ulterior motives for promoting SITH (i.e, refuting the Solomon Spalding theory).
For example, Saints merely says “Another letter informed David that it was God’s will for him to bring his team and wagon to Harmony to help Joseph, Emma and Oliver move to the Whitmer home in Fayette, where they would finish the translation. “However, Lucy explains that they made the request because Joseph received a commandment through the Urim and Thummim to do it. “an intimation that was given through the urim and thumim for as he one morning applied them to his eyes to look upon the record instead of the words of the book being given him he was commanded to write a letter to one David Whitmore [Whitmer] this man Joseph had never seen but he was instructed to say [to] him that he must come with his team immediately in order to convey Joseph and Oliver [Cowdery] back to his house which was 135 miles that they might remain with him there until the translation should be completed for that an evil designing people were seeking to take away Joseph’s life in order to prevent the work of God from going forth among the world” https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/lucy-mack-smith-history-1844-1845/100
“Not far from this time, as Joseph was translating by means of the Urim and Thummim, he received instead of the words of the Book, a commandment to write a letter to a man by the name of David Whitmer, who lived in Waterloo; requesting him to come immediately with his team, and convey them [3 words illegible] (Joseph & Oliver) to Waterloo; as an evil designing people were seeking to take away his (Joseph’s life), in order to prevent the work of God from going forth to the world.” https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/lucy-mack-smith-history-1845/156
Saints omits these and related passages because they contradict the currently fashionable narrative that (i) Joseph merely dictated words that appeared on the seer stone in the hat (SITH); (ii) Joseph didn’t even use the plates, which remained concealed under a cloth the entire time; and (iii) Joseph didn’t really translate anything anyway. And, of course, Saints completely omits the account of David, Joseph and Oliver meeting the messenger on the road to Fayette. In his knapsack, the messenger had the abridged plates that Joseph had given him in Harmony. He declined a ride to Fayette, explaining he was taking the plates to Cumorah. Joseph identified him as one of the Nephites. But instead of relating these detailed historical accounts, Saints elaborated on the sketchy account of the same messenger showing the plates to David’s mother Mary. To make it worse, Saints concocted a fake quotation! “My name is Moroni,” he said. Except that is a fictional quotation and contradicts what Mary Whitmer herself said, that the messenger identified himself as “Brother Nephi.” It also contradicts Joseph Smith’s identification of the messenger as “one of the Nephites,” an identification he made more than once. David Whitmer, who actually conversed with both this messenger and Moroni on separate occasions, clearly differentiated between the two individuals, but Saints changes Church history to portray the resurrected Moroni as capable of changing his appearance, age, and physical size for unknown reasons. Obviously, that raises important questions about the doctrine of the resurrection. In a sardonic sense, it’s funny to see how the historians manipulated the history to reach this result. For example, in note 16 (page 595), they cite David Whitmer Interviews, 26-27. That book is long out of print and difficult to obtain, but I have a copy. On page 182 of the same book, which Saints does not reference, David says “Joseph looked pale almost transparent & said that was one of the Nephites and he had the plates of the Book of Mormon in his knapsac.” Why deprive Church members of this interesting and relevant information? Recall, this was the messenger who said he was going to Cumorah before going to Fayette.
Because the M2C citation cartel insists Cumorah cannot be in New York, our historians decided we should not be informed about this event. They must accommodate M2C at all costs. I’ve shown before how the book Opening the Heavens went so far as to deliberately falsify this same history. Which brings us back to President Oaks’ talk.
The Church operates under a divine mandate to acquire and preserve the documents and artifacts that show its history…
We are deeply indebted to the Joseph Smith Papers project to preserve our history. Despite the notes and annotations that, in some cases as I’ve discussed, seek to promote M2C and SITH, at least we have the actual documents that the historians cannot change.
The historians can and do omit relevant documents from correlated materials such as the Gospel Topics Essays, Saints, and lesson manuals, but anyone can go to the original documents and see for themselves what Joseph Smith and his contemporaries said, did and thought, as much as the historical record can reveal.
It seems to me that the mandate is not only to acquire and preserve the documents, but also to accurately convey them to Church members and the world as a whole. When it comes to M2C and SITH, though, that does not seem to be the case.
“In order to perform their personal ministries, Church leaders cannot be suspicious and questioning of each of the hundreds of people they meet each year. Ministers of the gospel function best in an atmosphere of trust and love. In that kind of atmosphere, they fail to detect a few deceivers, but that is the price they pay to increase their effectiveness in counseling, comforting, and blessing the hundreds of honest and sincere people they see. It is better for a Church leader to be occasionally disappointed than to be constantly suspicious.“
Here, President Oaks gives us an exceptionally important insight. I agree that Church leaders should be able to trust the Church historians and scholars to be open and honest in their portrayal of Church history. But when we see the type of omissions we see in Saints, and no effort to correct those omissions when pointed out, it is difficult to continue to trust those historians who are promoting an agenda instead of accurately reporting history.
It’s even worse with the Gospel Topics Essays, as we’ve discussed many times. Fortunately, some of those have been edited (albeit without notification) from time to time to correct mistakes, but they still reflect specific agendas of the scholars who wrote them. There is a long way to go to making those essays reliable and credible.
I observed that “historical and biographical facts can only contribute to understanding when they are communicated in context.” This is the work of the scholar. We would all be better informed about history if historical impressions came from the articles and books of mature and objective scholars rather than through the often sensational and always incomplete “stories” of journalists. Sound historical work takes time, but patience is rewarded.
This is another important point. My basic life philosophy is that eventually, the right thing happens. A lot of Latter-day Saints are impatient with the revisionist Church history we are expected to believe, even though it contradicts the historical record and the teachings of the prophets.
Nevertheless, we remain hopeful that these things will be corrected and revised over time. In the meantime, we can read the original sources ourselves and see how the writings of both critics and correlated materials vary. Fortunately, the actual history is the most faith-affirming of all.
When it comes to naivete in the face of malevolence, there is blame enough to go around. We all need to be more cautious. In terms of our long-run interests in Church history, we now have the basis, and I hope we have the will, to clear away the Hofmann residue of lies and innuendo. With that done, we should all pursue our search for truth with the tools of honest and objective scholarship and sincere and respectful religious faith, in the mixture dictated by the personal choice each of us is privileged to make in this blessed and free land.
I bolded that last sentence because it epitomizes my approach to all of this. I strongly favor and encourage people making informed decisions. That’s why I don’t accept the revisionist history designed to accommodate M2C and SITH. That’s also why I disagree with the censorship-based editorial policies of the M2C citation cartel. I don’t expect LDS scholars to vary from their dogmatic enforcement of M2C and SITH. Book of Mormon Central, for example, has M2C embedded in its logo. After decades of promoting M2C, it is probably impossible, psychologically, for the scholars to become open to alternatives to M2C, let alone change their minds.
But their intellectual rigidity doesn’t matter to those who, as President Oaks says, “pursue our search for truth.” Source: About Central America Jonathan Neville | March 5, 2021 URL: https://wp.me/p741A5-YW
No Blind Faith
“We don’t know everything, so we have to have faith in many areas of life. But to rely solely on emotion or blind faith isn’t a good approach, in my view. Instead, to we should gather all available data to make the most-informed decision possible.
I’ve noticed that many LDS critics fall into this category — partisan, uniformed zealots — on many topics. They rush to judgment when an LDS official is accused of wrongdoing, for example (this has occurred recently online). Indeed, in my experience zealous LDS critics often assume the worst when the topic involves Joseph Smith or current leaders. More data or context isn’t needed. No way! They “know” the truth, and their mind’s made up.
This tendency — to assume the worst without evidence — is indicative of a problem. A lack of balance and sense of proportion. A willingness to be ignorant. Perhaps lacking understanding that they’re, in fact, ignorant. But being ignorant, nevertheless.
This tendency — to assume the worst without evidence— is indicative of a problem. A lack of balance and sense of proportion. A willingness to be ignorant. Perhaps lacking understanding that they’re, in fact, ignorant. But being ignorant, nevertheless.
If you’re too quick at either activity — to defend or to accuse — rather than gather the evidence fully, you might fall into the zealot camp. An overzealous and uninformed fan with lacks proportion, balance, and all the context…
And when questions arise relative to items in LDS history, please take the time to do the research. You shouldn’t immediately trust LDS critics, nor should you exclusively trust what your Uncle Bob might say about our own history (even if he’s an active member). Study things on your own. Weigh the evidence. And strive for balance and prudent understanding.
Below is one of by blogs that will help you receive your own answers and learn to not just rely on the Prophet, other than for doctrine which we have revelation for.
There are many complicated issues and the Church tells you about these things on their Gospel Topic Essays Here: Since the Church is neutral on some of these issues, you will have to study and pray about answers yourself.
Remember we humans including Bishops, Leaders and members make mistakes. Most of your answers should come from the scriptures and from the spirit of the Lord. You may not always feel you get answers that way, so at times we rely on the church websites or Ensign talks or quotes from the Prophets and Apostles, but then always take it to the Lord for confirmation. The quote I love is “you may know the truth of all things.”
Why is it that so much of our history is distorted or downright incorrect? There is a constant battle between who is right and who is wrong. That is why this world is truly Satan’s until the Lord comes and establishes His perfect government. Like the Bible says, men today are, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Tim. 3:7
“I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
Elder Boyd K. Packer
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
President Harold B. Lee,
Cautioned that some people may not follow the line of authority in the Church:
“We call upon you holders of the priesthood to stamp out any such [false doctrines] and to set to flight all such things as are creeping in, people rising up here and there who have had some ‘marvelous’ kind of a manifestation, as they claim, and who try to lead the people in a course that has not been dictated from the heads of the Church.
“The great difficulty lies in the ignorance of the nature of spirits, of the laws by which they are governed, and the signs by which they may be known; if it requires the Spirit of God to know the things of God; and the spirit of the devil can only be unmasked through that medium, then it follows as a natural consequence that unless some person or persons have a communication, or revelation from God, unfolding to them the operation of the spirit, they must eternally remain ignorant of these principles. … Whatever we may think of revelation, … without it we can neither know nor understand anything of God, or the devil.” (History of the Church, 4:573–74.)
False Doctrine
“I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
BYU’s 2017 Department of Geological Sciences Hates New Science *(See Below)
When I was a college student there were many discussions on the question of organic evolution. I took classes in geology and biology and heard the whole story of Darwinism as it was then taught. I wondered about it. I thought much about it. But I did not let it sway me, for I read what the scriptures said about our origins and our relationship to God.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, Faith: The Essence of True Religion, p. 18.)
Our Church is Neutral on Evolution
“The Church has no official position on the theory of evolution. Organic evolution, or changes to species’ inherited traits over time, is a matter for scientific study. Nothing has been revealed concerning evolution. Though the details of what happened on earth before Adam and Eve, including how their bodies were created, have not been revealed, our teachings regarding man’s origin are clear and come from revelation.” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/2016/10/to-the-point/what-does-the-church-believe-about-evolution.html?lang=eng
Why? Editors Opinion
Many intellectuals and scientists love sharing the quote above which says, “The Church has no official position on the theory of evolution.” The Church has also said they are neutral on the Geography of the Book of Mormon. These statements by the Church however don’t say that we have to be neutral about these things. I believe the Church is telling us to search and pray for ourselves. The Church can’t teach us everything as we are accountable for our own spiritual growth as we learn in this life. We should read, study and search for evidences about all things, and by the Spirit we may know ALL THINGS!Moroni 10:5
When the Prophet and others received the “shot”, I didn’t immediately say, “oh wow that means I need to do the same.” Taking the shot was not a commandment, but highly encouraged. The Prophet and others said to be a good global citizen and they had listened to competent Doctors. The problem was, I personally had heard from competent Doctors as well that said the shot could be deadly and not to take it. I felt I was being a good global citizen by warning others to not take the shot, and look, in March 2023, I was correct. I received personal revelation and I was blessed. It doesn’t mean the Prophet was wrong, he was just stressing the fact that we all need to consider things that may benefit us.
Personal Revelation
The Prophet also said, “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that!” Hope of Israel Russell M. Nelson
“You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.
I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson
Supposedly those writers at FAIR Mormon use Elder Holland’s statement below as he says, “I do not know the details of what happened on this planet before that”, to feel they can tell us all about evolution as they are smarter than the Prophets. This secular society needs to have the faith of the Brethren and end this tremendous amount of time spent in promoting evolution of ape to man and from nothing comes something.
Why is it no surprise that a vast number of those who believe in the Mesoamerican Theory of the Book of Mormon also believe man came from nothing, Noah’s flood is a myth, the Earth is billions of years in creation, and believe in Pre-Adamites?
“One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Joseph Fielding Smith Man, His Origin and Destiny
Could a Single Experiment Change Much of Science? Could Modern Science Have Some Things Wrong? Are All the Creation Accounts Actual or Myths? Is Evolution Being Taught as Fact at BYU? Can We Trust the Scriptures & Prophets? Are Our Youth Being Taught the Truth? Was There a Real World-Wide Flood? Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?
Join scientific researcher, author and international lecturer Rod Meldrum as he introduces a paradigm-altering experiment that may forever change the very foundations of science as we know it. Learn about a new millennial science, called the Universal Model, that provides the hard scientific evidences of the processes by which:
1- This magnificent Earth may have actually formed out of water. 2. How, and how long it took, for dinosaurs and trees to fossilize. 3. How a world-wide catastrophic flood at the time of Biblical Noah happened. 4. How mankind’s place in the Universe came through Adam and Eve.
Yes, We Really Can Trust the Scriptures and Prophets!
For 7 years Rod Meldrum was the head scientific researcher for Dean Sessions, author of The Universal Model. Rod gives many presentations about how science and the scriptures go hand in hand including the one above called, DNA and Dating Dinosaurs.
What Is The Universal Model? “The purpose of science is to describe and explain Nature so that we can understand and comprehend it, but where do we learn these things simply, in a way that makes sense? For many decades, a number of incorrect theories and misleading philosophies have formed the foundation of ‘modern’ science. Now, newly discovered scientific truths in the Universal Model have revealed long-hidden natural laws that explain Nature’s workings in an easily comprehensible format. We invite all to explore and experience the adventure of learning by investigating new discoveries about the Earth and our Universe found in the UM. These scientific truths establish a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to heights of knowledge and discovery never before imagined.” The Universal Model Home Page
“We must keep in mind that He [Christ] is allowing the wheat and tares to grow up together for a season, and by and by the tares will be gathered together and be burned up. Before the burning though, there will be a judgement, and the Lord is allowing us each right now to work out our salvation or damnation. Those that have the facts before them and reject them (see below) will pay the ultimate price, but there also must be a Great Divide that is taking place right now (talked about in the BoM and in the last chapter of Vol II of UM [Universal Model] – the Human Model) to clearly mark each of us to which side we are on. Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny
This is the purpose of the UM, to take this maze (the modern science puzzle that makes no sense – everything from nothing) and replace it with Nature’s Puzzle – they way things really are.
Melvin A. Cook in the Intro of: Man, His Origin and Destiny also said: “Unfortunately, owing to the strong desire of scientists to display their brilliance and ingenuity, there is a tendency for theory to become the objective instead of a means to the end. Theory then not only loses its real value, but actually becomes a stumbling block to progress. Its inventor and disciples become so engrossed in the theory that they lose sight of its fundamental purpose, the quest for truth. This condition was shockingly illustrated in my presence at a meeting of scientists when one of great renown met a factual objection with the statement, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny
Therefore, the Lord will judge these so-called intellectuals to whether they want to follow and learn of the Truth (which is literally Christ) or not. The sad thing is that most do not realize following Christ means following and seeking out for the Truth.
The UM has already produced experiments for the first time that are “more than words” (for example it has created sandstone and petrified wood which are identical to how Nature produced it in only a few days). The UM does not just have “alternative explanations” to how things are done in Nature, it has the ONLY explanation in hundreds of instances where modern science admits their theories cannot explain such and such natural phenomena. So ‘producing’ more ‘things’ is not the solution. Science is about demonstrating the true nature of Nature, it is not technology, which is only a tool that helps us understand it better.
Therefore, we cannot expect the leaders of science today to ever change their religion of atheism and accept the truth. It’s just not going to happen. For the UM to gain a much wider acceptance, it will have to be promoted full time to a much greater degree and I will personally have to be involved with this with others. This means I will be involved in debates and interviews and making many more recordings for the Web with influencers.
Although each Volume of the UM stands alone and has more new natural law than produced by modern science over the last century, Vol III does have double the amount of natural law as the other two volumes and many more experiments seen for the first time. Being able to demonstrate the true models of both matter and energy is more than any physicist or chemist or cosmologist has ever dreamed of, as this alone changes all their fields of study – and the UM does this. It also shows the errors in the physics of the Big Bang and proves the Universe is not expanding, but rotating in a Revolutionary Universe. It really is beyond what any scientist could dream about – yet it is all real and empirically demonstrated.” Dean Sessions-Founder and Author of the “Universal Model, A New Millennial Science“
None of us . . . knows enough. The learning process is an endless process. We must read, we must observe, we must assimilate, and we must ponder that to which we expose our minds. I believe in evolution, not organic evolution, as it is called, but in the evolution of the mind, the heart, and the soul of man. I believe in improvement. I believe in growth.‖ (Gordon B. Hinckley, Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 298.)
The UM Is For All Lovers Of Truthby Chauncey Riddle
I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my favorite topics and concerns. To specifics:
Sessions is right on in pointing out that much of present day science is theory oriented rather than being fact oriented as it should be. For many scientists, theory is more important than law. Scientific laws are demonstrated by facts, but theories cannot be demonstrated by facts. There are always an infinite number of possible theoretical explanations for any finite set of facts. Theories can be eliminated by facts, but only if the persons involved in evaluating them will make the correct application: face the facts. When a theory is an article of faith, many people refuse to apply the pertinent facts which should cause them to abandon a particular theory. Sessions has called attention to specific facts and laws which should cause any honest person to reject the theories of organic evolution, the great age of fossils, the magma theory of the history of the earth, etc. How refreshing to see such candor in scientific thinking!
Sessions is also correct in showing that technology is as important as scientific theorizing. Technology enabled the work of Galileo to establish the helio-centric theory of the solar system, much to the consternation of the self-appointed scientists of his day. Sessions has shown by technology how granite rock is actually formed, as well as other minerals. He has shown how fossils are formed, such as petrified wood. Diamonds are now produced by technology. All of these technical achievements create facts and laws which every honest scientist must recognize and apply to theories affected by them. Technology trumps scientific theory because technology demonstrates what is (facts), whereas scientific theory only muses on what might be. Theory in science is actually metaphysics, not physics. Only when substantiated by facts and laws do theories become acceptable, and are always subject to elimination if new facts and laws come forth to negate them. Sessions has done an admirable job of showing how some present theoretical darlings of some scientists must be rejected.
Session’s discussions of hydrofountains, hypretherms, the Universal Flood, organic evolution, fossils, climate, history, anthropology, etc., are all refreshing and challenging. Reading this book is having one’s imagination stretched at every turn. Every serious reader who has an interest in knowing the truth will be delighted with the challenging ideas found here.
Will there be criticisms of this work? Most certainly. What form will they take?
One will be ignoring this work and discouraging others from reading it. Just as the politicians in charge try to marginalize everyone who is not “politically correct,” so will influential members of the science community try to ignore and belittle this work. But every honest seeker after truth will relish the opportunity to think freshly about important scientific matters, in a refined paradigm of science, and with new facts and laws to ponder.
Some critics will say that this work should be ignored or discounted because the author, Dean Sessions, is not a professional scientist and does not have the “necessary” academic background to propound such a work. This attitude is rubbish, of course. That is like saying someone cannot run fast because they are not part of an official Olympic Team. The proof of science is not in who says it but in the physical evidence brought to bear in evaluating our ideas about this physical world we live in. Sessions is right in pointing out that theory (which cannot be proved, but can be falsified) has become more important to many current scientists than are facts. The great example of this is the theory of organic evolution which is the darling of much of academia right now and which is completely unsupported by the facts, specifically the fact that there is no observable speciation in nature. That plus the inability to prove the immense time frame necessary for the theory spell the death-knell for the theory of organic evolution for every honest person. But evolution is a religion, a matter of faith for many persons, and they would rather give up their honesty than give up their favorite irrational article of faith.
Some will say that Sessions has picked and chosen very carefully the quotations of other writers which he cites to support his case. But that is not a fault. Every person picks and chooses among potential citations, a necessity in the flood of writings about every topic. What is most remarkable and commendable is the breadth and depth of the scholarship which Sessions exhibits in his writing. He has searched the literature of many fields of endeavor with exciting and telling results. Most people know the literature only in their own field. Sessions has no primary field and delves into what others have said from all the fields he deals with to help his readers realize what is being said and not said in the areas of his interest. Be grateful he has been selective and brings to you a summary of what others are saying.
Sessions will possibly be proved wrong about some assertions he has made in his work. This is almost inevitable for anyone doing serious thinking and writing. But the finding of such errors will not be an embarrassment for Sessions. He will laud such finding, because that will mean that the cause of truth will be advanced. His purpose is to bring truth and light to important matters, and if his work stimulates others to produce more truth and light, even unto showing his work needs to be amended, he will be grateful. He will be grateful because he writes not to give the final word but to further the ongoing human inquiry into the powerful ideas about the true nature of the universe that give us all more understanding and power.
I commend this work for all serious thinkers and lovers of truth. You will be challenged in reading the material. It is not “light” reading. But any effort will be well worth it.
Chauncey C. Riddle, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Brigham Young University, USA 10/22/2016
BYU’s student newspaper, The Universe, printed a full-page advertisement on behalf of the “Firm Foundation Expo,” a 3-day expo that bills itself as “faithfully exploring LDS topics of our time.” In the advertisement, all of the 70+ speakers are portrayed as distinguished and as experts in some area or another.
One of those speakers is Dean W. Sessions, the author of the “Universal Model.” Mr. Sessions claims to have disproved several straightforward tenets of modern science, including the basic interior structure of the Earth (which he argues has a core of ice and liquid water) and the mass of the Earth (which he recalculates at about a third of what is known in order to fit this model). He will be speaking about his model on each day of the event.
We, members of BYU’s Department of Geological Sciences, cannot accept Mr. Sessions “Universal Model” as it runs contrary to multiple lines of empirical evidence and generations of scientific query. It would not pass expert peer review.
Students and the BYU community are reminded that organic evolution, anthropogenic climate change, radiometric dating and a 4.56 billion-year-old age of the Earth are all seriously taught on campus by professors, who are in good standing with the church, in fields directly relating to these subjects. Students may learn more about these subjects through a variety of courses offered by the Department of Geological Sciences as well as from other departments.
We, the undersigned, support the honest development of knowledge by way of the scientific method and as vetted through expert peer review. We are concerned that the presence of the aforementioned advertisement in The Universe may legitimize Dean Sessions’ “Universal Model” in the eyes of some within the community.
—Bart Kowallis, PhD, Associate Dean of CPMS; Ron Harris, PhD; Jeffrey Keith, PhD;Jani Radebaugh, PhD; Eric Christiansen, PhD; Carl Hoiland, PhD; Thomas Morris, PhD; Sam Hudson, PhD; Stephen Nelson, PhD; Geology master’s degree students:Kimberly Sowards, Colin Hale, Michael Jensen, William Meservy, TJ Slezak, Collin Jensen, Matthew Randall, Aaron Holmes, Braxton Spilker, Danielle Spencer, Rebecca Esplin, Hannah Checketts, Brian Packer, David Tomlinson, Kevin Stuart, Hanif Sulaeman, Han Deng, Joel Barker; Geology bachelor’s degree students: Torri Duncan, Jason Klimek, Brett Young, Austin Eells, Hanna Howell, Chelsea Samuelson”
It’s sad how many scholars feel they know more than most of us who are uneducated people. I feel the great and spacious building is having fun right now at our expense. May the Lord help them become humble and at least consider some of this incredible research.
The Ezra Taft Benson talk from 25 Oct 1966 at a BYU Devotional is a sobering reminder of evil people in the church with an agenda (revising church history by quoting the intellectuals and apostates and ignoring the prophets). Ezra Taft Benson said to avoid being deceived, look to the Prophet. Listen to his entire talk at https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/ezra-taft-benson/immediate-responsibility/
At the 32:07-33:02 mark, just before the above quote, President Ezra Taft Benson states the following.
“We all have stewardships for which we must account to the Lord. Unfortunately, some men who do not honor their stewardships may have an adverse effect on many people. Often the greater the man’s responsibility, the more good or evil he can accomplish. The Lord usually gives a man a long enough rope and sufficient time to determine whether that man wants to pull himself into the presence of God or drop off somewhere below. There are some regrettable things being said and done by some people in the church today. As President Clark so well warned, the ravening wolves are amongst us. From our own membership and they more than any others are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood. We should be careful of them.”
“I should like to say a few words about America…No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America…surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty.” Gordon B. Hinckley Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
The Lord reserved this sacred land of America for His people who would honor and obey Him. Who are his people? Anyone, black or white, free or in bondage, man or woman. America had been kept unknown from most of the world and hidden in the hallow of His hand. He did this to allow the land to not be overrun, so the people who follow Him would have a place to worship, with freedom from oppression.
The Lord has done this before. He set Adam on earth at the cradle of civilization which is Missouri area, and eventually they became unrighteous and were destroyed by the flood. Noah was allowed to begin new life in the area of Turkey. The Brother of Jared was righteous and thus sent away to be led to the land of America, where Adam once dwelt. The Jaredites became wicked and were destroyed and were replaced with the Nephites wo lived in America. They also became wicked and were destroyed. [Destroyed does not mean total annihilation, as some Jaredites and some Nephites remained in America]. We do know the Lamanites did remain and are amongst us today.
The gentiles we speak about today from Europe and elsewhere, were also given the land of America, and what have we done with it? It is as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah today. In my opinion the “Day of the Gentile” is coming to an end. Can we save it? Yes, but we need the Lords forgiveness and some statesmen and righteous women to help. In this blog I want to remind us all of the choice blessings we were given when the USA became free. In our glory days as early Founding Fathers and later Pilgrims and Pioneers, have we ruined our chances today to be saved? We are close, as this is definitely Satan’s world, but those who remain righteous by repenting daily will be saved.
Sometimes I feel as the prophet Mormon as he looked over his people and was in anguish with all the evil he saw. But sometimes I feel so wonderfully blessed as I see my wonderful family and church and people also that love the Lord, all over the world. God will win, we must just choose which side we are on.
Pres. Monson said, “The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
“Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson2011
Those who live in America are not better people than others of other countries, they have just been given a different stewardship to share the gospel with the world. If we Americans don’t do that, and don’t remain righteous, we will be far greater punished than any other person in any other country. God loves us all and we should be one. Satan wants us divided.
As you can see below, we are nearly sold out of vendor spaces. Please let us know right away if you would like to sell your products at our Conference, or would like an opportunity to speak at our event. Reserve a Booth Here Buy Tickets Here: More Information Here:
Set up as a Free People
Christ teaches during his visit to the Nephites in the Land Bountiful that His words will come to the remnant of Lehi through Gentiles that will be brought out of captivity to “this land.” He also taught that this same Promised Land will be established for these Gentiles, and that they will “be set up as a free people” in “this land.”
“And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, and concerning this my people who shall be scattered by them; Verily, verily, I say unto you, when these things shall be made known unto them of the Father, and shall come forth of the Father, from them unto you; For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth from them unto a remnant of your seed, that the covenant of the Father may be fulfilled which he hath covenanted with his people, O house of Israel;
Therefore, when these works and the works which shall be wrought among you hereafter shall come forth from the Gentiles, unto your seed which shall dwindle in unbelief because of iniquity; For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel;” 3 Nephi 21:2-6
These Gentiles will be “set up as a free people” in a nation founded on religious freedom that the Gospel might be restored and the Church established as seen in D&C 10:45-53. The phrase “set up” in Hebrew means to “raise up, confirm or organize.” As it relates to a “free people,” such an entity must be the formation of a new organization or government that secures freedom for its people. It cannot mean a pre-existing organization, but a new one. Almost every nation and kingdom of the world had a “state”-based religion. The Gentiles come out of religious captivity to establish a place and nation based on religious freedom. This constitutional right to worship according to the dictates of will was “set up” by inspired men in this new nation. The Lord continues teaching the saints in Bountiful that the Holy Ghost will come upon these Gentiles making them “mighty above all” and that they will inhabit the land where the “remnant” remains.
“And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed— unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel”. 3 Nephi 20:27
Gentiles Come out of Captivity
Further clarifying the revelation concerning the land of promise, the Prophet Nephi describes in detail the Gentiles that go Prophecies & Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States 62 “forth out of captivity” by the “power of God.” While seeking to understand his father’s vision of the Tree of Life, Nephi sees that the Holy Ghost “wrought” upon the Gentiles as foretold by Christ generations later.
“And it came to pass that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles; and they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters. And it came to pass that I beheld many multitudes of the Gentiles upon the land of promise; and I beheld the wrath of God, that it was upon the seed of my brethren; and they were scattered before the Gentiles and were smitten. And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, and they did prosper and obtain the land for their inheritance; and I beheld that they were white, and exceedingly fair and beautiful, like unto my people before they were slain. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity did humble themselves before the Lord; and the power of the Lord was with them. And I beheld that their mother Gentiles were gathered together upon the waters, and upon the land also, to battle against them. And I beheld that the power of God was with them, and also that the wrath of God was upon all those that were gathered together against them to battle. And I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles that had gone out of captivity were delivered by the power of God out of the hands of all other nations. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld that they did prosper in the land; and I beheld a book, and it was carried forth among them.” 1 Nephi 13:13-20
Readers of the Book of Mormon quickly recognize these verses as a brief history of the pilgrims and puritans, the founding fathers and the Revolutionary War. All these events led to the establishment of a new Gentile nation—the United States. The Revolutionary War is the only war that can fulfill this prophecy as the Gentiles battle against their “mother Gentiles” on the “waters” and on the Promised Land.
Verses 13, 16, and 19 previously cited record that the Gentiles will “come out of captivity” to this Promised Land for freedoms they did not have. Both the freedom to worship as their conscience dictates, as well as out of literal jail cells in Europe. The Doctrine and Covenants and modern prophets reveal important correlations between these Gentiles who were to be led out of captivity and those who played a part in the establishment of the United States and the restoration of the gospel.
President Ezra Taft Benson discussed some of these prophecies and promises recorded in the Book of Mormon and the relationship of the Promised Land to the United States of America. This discussion by President Benson is worth quoting below:
“For centuries the Lord kept America hidden in the hollow of His hand until the time was right to unveil her for her destiny in the last days. “It is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nations,” said Lehi, “for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance” (2 Nephi 1:8). In the Lord’s due time His Spirit “wrought upon” Columbus, the pilgrims, the Puritans, and others to come to America. They testified of God’s intervention in their behalf (see 1 Nephi 13:12–13). The Book of Mormon records that they humbled “themselves before the Lord; and the power of the Lord was with them” (1 Nephi 13:16).
Our Father in Heaven planned the coming forth of the Founding Fathers and their form of government as the necessary great prologue leading to the restoration of the gospel. Recall what our Savior Jesus Christ said nearly two thousand years ago when He visited this promised land: “For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth” (3 Nephi 21:4). America, the land of liberty, was to be the Lord’s latter-day base of operations for His restored church. Nephi recorded that the Founders “were delivered by the power of God out of the hands of all other nations” (1 Nephi 13:19).
The years immediately preceding the Constitutional Convention were filled with disappointments and threats Prophecies & Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States 64 to the newly won peace. Washington was offered a kingship, which he adamantly refused. Nephi had prophesied hundreds of years before that “this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land” (2 Nephi 10:11; italics added).
The Book of Mormon warns us relative to our living in this free land: “Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever” (2 Nephi 1:7).
“And now,” warned Moroni, “we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept offwhen the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity” (Ether 2:9). Two great American Christian civilizations—the Jaredites and the Nephites—were swept off this land because they did not “serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12). We, the blessed beneficiaries of the Constitution, face difficult days in America, “a land which is choice above all other lands” (Ether 2:10). (Note 1)
These prophetic statements made by President Benson in General Conference clearly teach that the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon can only be the United States of America. President Benson’s words agree with Moroni, the angelic messenger from the presence of God, as he revealed and declared to young Joseph that the record on the plates of gold contained a history of the ancient inhabitants that lived on “this continent.”
The “Gentiles” of this land spoken of in these prophecies are also addressed by President Marion G. Romney of the First Presidency in a portion of his talk:
“The tragic fate of the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations is proof positive that the Lord meant it when he said that this “is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be Chapter 7 – The Gentiles 65 swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity” (Ether 2:9).
This information, wrote Moroni, addressing himself to us who today occupy this land, “cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles” (now, Gentiles is the term used by the Book of Mormon prophets to refer to the present inhabitants of America and to the peoples of the old world from which they came), “[this] cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.”
God gave us victory in the Revolutionary War. We are indebted to him for our nation’s independence. He has prospered us in every righteous endeavor. He established the Constitution of the United States “by the hands of wise men whom [He] raised up unto this very purpose” (D&C 101:80).
He himself with his Beloved Son appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith to open a new dispensation of the gospel of Jesus Christ here in this land. He has established his Church here and has sent and is sending representatives thereof into every nook and corner of the land—and as far as possible to all the earth—to declare and teach the laws of Jesus Christ, the God of this land.
He has revealed anew and repeated over and over again the ancient decree: “This is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God” concerning this land (Ether 2:10).” (Note 2)
(Note 1) Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Divine Constitution,” Ensign, Nov 1987, 4. See also Marion G. Romney, “America’s Destiny,” Ensign, Nov 1975, 35.President Romney, like President Benson, makes it clear that the United States of America is the land of promise prophesied about in the Book of Mormon. He adds testimony to the Prophecies and Promises listed that they refer to the land of the United States of America. President Romney states: “Millennia ago he declared: ‘There shall none come into this land [he was speaking of America] save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord’.”
(Note 2) Marion G. Romney, “America’s Destiny,” Ensign, Nov 1975, 35. See also an explanation of the Promised Land in N. Eldon Tanner, “If They Will But Serve the God of the Land,” New Era, Jul 1977, 36.
Prophecies and Promises by Bruce H. Porter and Rod Meldrum Chapter Seven The Gentiles Bold and italics added.
What are the Prophesies and Promises of the Lord that effect our lives?
We blessed people of this nation of the United States, owe a great debt to God and the world. We have been blessed with an incredible amount of freedom and have made a covenant with God that He will help us prosper and be protected, as long as we are righteous. How are we doing today? We are definitely not better than anyone else, but we have made a covenant with God that many have not, therefore, we are held to a higher standard in may regards.
Carnal Security?
Will we take advantage of being brought out of captivity? or, “will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devilcheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance. Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment. Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!2 Nephi 28 21-25
Just think. Map out your time spent each week. how many hours do you spend? Take a minute and “Judge yourself”
Sleeping Reading Pleasure Reading Scripture Studying With Family Teaching Children Procrastinating Working Praying Pleasure Hobby Fighting Doing Nothing Learning Overcoming Physical Training Yelling Attending Church
Which one of these items is most important to you, and is that the item you spend most time doing, during the week? What is the least important item to you and how much time do you spend doing that item each week? What part is Satan in that process, and how can we allow the Savior to become the majority of our focus?
Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge
In the bible we read from Hosea 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
If we are mentally weak and uninformed we will suffer. Lack of knowledge and sin, removes our personal choice options. This means we should not wait around a find a friend or a leader or a guru for knowledge. We MUST seek out personal revelation as the only truth comes from our Father in Heaven. Waiting to be told or listening only to some human we respect is not enough. We must reach our to God.
Our dear Prophet said, “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that!
“Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that” (Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel,
With God all things are Planned as He is in control and they must occur. All of our choices must contain a blessing or a curse, a good result or a not so good result. That is the Law of nature and of decisions. Satan who controls nothing, all things are made to look like he planned them as a god. Do not trust the arm of flesh of any man.
“Just look at us today. Everything seems backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”
As a matter of fact the word EVIL, if said backwards says LIVE. Satan has us twisted around. Why do you think the Lord has given us the Book of Mormon? Two great civilization brought down by Gadianton’s, Cabal’s, and Evil. What will happen to us?
Out of Captivity
Christ teaches during his visit to the Nephites in the Land Bountiful that His words will come to the remnant of Lehi through Gentiles that will be brought out of captivity to “this land.” He also taught that this same Promised Land will be established for these Gentiles, and that they will “be set up as a free people” in “this land.”
2 “And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that when these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, and concerning this my people who shall be scattered by them;
3 Verily, verily, I say unto you, when these things shall be made known unto them of the Father, and shall come forth of the Father, from them unto you;
4 For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth from them unto a remnant of your seed, that the covenant of the Father may be fulfilled which he hath covenanted with his people, O house of Israel;
5 Therefore, when these works and the works which shall be wrought among you hereafter shall come forth from the Gentiles, unto your seed which shall dwindle in unbelief because of iniquity;
6 For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel;” 3 Nephi 21:2-6
I don’t see this scripture above as referring to any other people than the Americans of the United States of America. Not just White, but Black, Asian, and all people who are citizens of this land. After all, this was the land Christ chose to be a chosen land. Not that he likes Americans better, but that this is simply the land He chose. Why did He choose it?
Elder Whitney says, “…in culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest. No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26 Page 201
These Gentiles will be “set up as a free people” in a nation founded on religious freedom that the Gospel might be restored and the Church established as seen in D&C 10:45-53.
The phrase “set up” in Hebrew means to “raise up, confirm or organize.” As it relates to a “free people,” such an entity must be the formation of a new organization or government that secures freedom for its people. It cannot mean a pre-existing organization, but a new one.Almost every nation and kingdom of the world had a “state”-based religion. The Gentiles come out of religious captivity to establish a place and nation based on religious freedom. This constitutional right to worship according to the dictates of will was “set up” by inspired men in this new nation. The Lord continues teaching the saints in Bountiful that the Holy Ghost will come upon these Gentiles making them “mighty above all” and that they will inhabit the land where the “remnant” remains.
“And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed— unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel”. 3 Nephi 20:27
Gentiles Come out of Captivity
Further clarifying the revelation concerning the land of promise, the Prophet Nephi describes in detail the Gentiles that go Prophecies & Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States come “forth out of captivity” by the “power of God.” While seeking to understand his father’s vision of the Tree of Life, Nephi sees that the Holy Ghost “wrought” upon the Gentiles as foretold by Christ generations later.
“And it came to pass that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles; and they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters. And it came to pass that I beheld many multitudes of the Gentiles upon the land of promise; and I beheld the wrath of God, that it was upon the seed of my brethren; and they were scattered before the Gentiles and were smitten. And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, and they did prosper and obtain the land for their inheritance; and I beheld that they were white, and exceedingly fair and beautiful, like unto my people before they were slain. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles who had gone forth out of captivity did humble themselves before the Lord; and the power of the Lord was with them. And I beheld that their mother Gentiles were gathered together upon the waters, and upon the land also, to battle against them. And I beheld that the power of God was with them, and also that the wrath of God was upon all those that were gathered together against them to battle. And I, Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles that had gone out of captivity were delivered by the power of God out of the hands of all other nations. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld that they did prosper in the land; and I beheld a book, and it was carried forth among them.” 1 Nephi 13:13-20
Readers of the Book of Mormon quickly recognize these verses as a brief history of the pilgrims and puritans, the founding fathers and the Revolutionary War. All these events led to the establishment of a new Gentile nation—the United States. The Revolutionary War is the only war that can fulfill this prophecy as the Gentiles battle against their “mother Gentiles” on the “waters” and on the Promised Land.
Verses 13, 16, and 19 previously cited record that the Gentiles will “come out of captivity” to this Promised Land for freedoms they did not have. Both the freedom to worship as their conscience dictates, as well as out of literal jail cells in Europe. The Doctrine and Covenants and modern prophets reveal important correlations between these Gentiles who were to be led out of captivity and those who played a part in the establishment of the United States and the restoration of the gospel.
No Doubt that America was Chosen
President Ezra Taft Benson discussed some of these prophecies and promises recorded in the Book of Mormon and the relationship of the Promised Land to the United States of America. This discussion by President Benson is worth quoting below:
“For centuries the Lord kept America hidden in the hollow of His hand until the time was right to unveil her for her destiny in the last days. “It is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nations,” said Lehi, “for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance” (2 Nephi 1:8).
In the Lord’s due time His Spirit “wrought upon” Columbus, the pilgrims, the Puritans, and others to come to America. They testified of God’s intervention in their behalf (see 1 Nephi 13:12–13). The Book of Mormon records that they humbled “themselves before the Lord; and the power of the Lord was with them” (1 Nephi 13:16). Our Father in Heaven planned the coming forth of the Founding Fathers and their form of government as the necessary great prologue leading to the restoration of the gospel. Recall what our Savior Jesus Christ said nearly two thousand years ago when He visited this promised land: “For it is wisdom in the Father that they should be established in this land, and be set up as a free people by the power of the Father, that these things might come forth” (3 Nephi 21:4). America, the land of liberty, was to be the Lord’s latter-day base of operations for His restored church. Nephi recorded that the Founders “were delivered by the power of God out of the hands of all other nations” (1 Nephi 13:19).
The years immediately preceding the Constitutional Convention were filled with disappointments and threats to the newly won peace. Washington was offered a kingship, which he adamantly refused. Nephi had prophesied hundreds of years before that “this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land” (2 Nephi 10:11; italics added). The Book of Mormon warns us relative to our living in this free land: “Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever” (2 Nephi 1:7). “And now,” warned Moroni, “we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity” (Ether 2:9).
Two great American Christian civilizations—the Jaredites and the Nephites—were swept off this land because they did not “serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12). We, the blessed beneficiaries of the Constitution, face difficult days in America, “a land which is choice above all other lands” (Ether 2:10). (Note 1)
These prophetic statements made by President Benson in General Conference clearly teach that the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon can only be the United States of America. President Benson’s words agree with Moroni, the angelic messenger from the presence of God, as he revealed and declared to young Joseph that the record on the plates of gold contained a history of the ancient inhabitants that lived on “this continent.”
The “Gentiles” of this land spoken of in these prophecies are also addressed by President Marion G. Romney of the First Presidency in a portion of his talk:
“The tragic fate of the Jaredite and the Nephite civilizations is proof positive that the Lord meant it when he said that this “is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity” (Ether 2:9).
This information, wrote Moroni, addressing himself to us who today occupy this land, “cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles” (now, Gentiles is the term used by the Book of Mormon prophets to refer to the present inhabitants of America and to the peoples of the old world from which they came), “[this] cometh unto you, O ye Gentiles, that ye may know the decrees of God—that ye may repent, and not continue in your iniquities until the fulness come, that ye may not bring down the fulness of the wrath of God upon you as the inhabitants of the land have hitherto done.”
God gave us victory in the Revolutionary War. We are indebted to him for our nation’s independence. He has prospered us in every righteous endeavor. He established the Constitution of the United States “by the hands of wise men whom [He] raised up unto this very purpose” (D&C 101:80).
He himself with his Beloved Son appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith to open a new dispensation of the gospel of Jesus Christ here in this land. He has established his Church here and has sent and is sending representatives thereof into every nook and corner of the land—and as far as possible to all the earth—to declare and teach the laws of Jesus Christ, the God of this land.
He has revealed anew and repeated over and over again the ancient decree: “This is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the everlasting decree of God” concerning this land (Ether 2:10).” (Note 2)
(Note 1) Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Divine Constitution,” Ensign, Nov 1987, 4. See also Marion G. Romney, “America’s Destiny,” Ensign, Nov 1975, 35. President Romney, like President Benson, makes it clear that the United States of America is the land of promise prophesied about in the Book of Mormon. He adds testimony to the Prophecies and Promises listed that they refer to the land of the United States of America. President Romney states: “Millennia ago he declared: ‘There shall none come into this land [he was speaking of America] save they shall be brought by the hand of the Lord’.”
(Note 2) Marion G. Romney, “America’s Destiny,” Ensign, Nov 1975, 35. See also an explanation of the Promised Land in N. Eldon Tanner, “If They Will But Serve the God of the Land,” New Era, Jul 1977, 36.
Prophecies and Promises by Bruce H. Porter and Rod Meldrum Chapter Seven The Gentiles Bold and italics added.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the true gospel of Christ which is my testimony. I am thankful for this testimony and strive each day to serve the Lord in a righteous manner. I feel it is imperative that I and all others understand that Satan has a strong desire to infiltrate and do evil to our Church and to Christians world wide, and his goal is to infiltrate, not attack us from the outside.
No General Apostasy
“We now live in a time when the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. But unlike the Church in times past, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be overcome by general apostasy. The scriptures teach that the Church will never again be destroyed (see Doctrine and Covenants 138:44; see also Daniel 2:44).
Although there will not be another general apostasy from the truth, we must each guard against personal apostasy by keeping covenants, obeying the commandments, following Church leaders, partaking of the sacrament, and constantly strengthening our testimonies through daily scripture study, prayer, and service. Gospel Topics Apostacy
Apostasy from Within
“It can be daunting to observe the proliferation of societal trends and worldly ideologies that conflict with the doctrines and beliefs that we embrace. Let us not lose faith. Rather, let us remember the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith penned in a letter to newspaper editor John Wentworth: “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 444). As in the days of the Nephites, the Church of Jesus Christ will never be overthrown by outside forces.Thus assured, we can confidently be about the business of strengthening the Church from within by means of personal righteousness and faithfulness, even as we reach out to share the gospel with others.” Viewpoint Church News 3/18/18
A Manifesto from Progressives?
I ask the question. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, do we need a new manifesto? Especially a “Radical Orthodox Manifesto“? Who is writing it and why do we need one? What does it say and how important is it to us? Why are we hearing more and more Liberal and Progressive thought with many church members and in the world today? What happened to Conservative principles and Traditional ideals and good old fashioned values?
“Traditionalists believe that progressives are destined to inherit ignorance because they reject revelation. Progressives believe that traditionalists are mired in ignorance because they do not fully accept and embrace the philosophies and teachings of the learned. Regardless of which position one takes, nearly all agree—an unbridgeable gulf separates the two.” FAITH CRISIS: Did the LDS Church Lie? (Part 1) We Were NOT Betrayed! By James and Hannah Stoddard
Understanding Apologetics
Apologetics cannot prove that the Church is true, but it can show you answers that may help you in knowing the Church is true, especially through personal revelation. Our group called FIRM [Foundation for Indigenous Research and Mormonism], along with FAIR, Book of Mormon Central, The Interpreter, Meridian Magazine, More Good Foundation etc., are similar organizations made up of great spiritual people who love the Lord and the Book of Mormon. All claim to have answers to many challenging or even difficult gospel questions that may encourage or assist people to better understand the truthfulness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.No Apologetic organization speaks in behalf of, or for the Church however. Doctrine in the Church only comes from the Prophet and Apostles who all organizations support. The purpose of LDS Apologetics is to provide solid or well-reasoned information that makes sense in answering supposed church related difficult questions, so that a conclusive decision of the truth of the Gospel and Church can be determined by study and prayer through the Spirit.
President Russell M. Nelson in a talk titled, Hope of Israel said, “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that!” “
There’s a new ‘Manifesto’ Circulating among Latter-day Saints, and it’s ‘Radical’
This article in the Salt Take tribune can be found here: The manifesto titled Radical Orthodoxy a Manifesto is here and you can see an interesting dialogue about it on an online chat called “StayLDS.com” here: I quote below from the SL Tribune on who some of the signers of the manifesto are. In my opinion many of these people are very Liberal and Progressive. I believe in their freedom of choice, but not their stance with much of their politics, but I am confidant they love the Book of Mormon as much as I do. I just want you to become informed on the opinion of some of the Intellects and/or Professors in our church and at BYU
Progressive Ideals?
“Terryl and Fiona Givens, are listed among the manifesto signers and share their son [Nathaniel’s] vision. The two are known for their popular books on Mormon beliefs and for creative thinking about Latter-day Saint theology. “The American church is bipolar,” says Fiona Givens, “with histrionics on both sides and nobody in the middle. ”Terryl Givens, a senior research fellow at BYU’s Maxwell Institute and author of more than a dozen books, recently wrote an essay on abortion for Public Square Magazine. It chided “pro-choice” Latter-day Saints and generated lots of heated debate among the church’s intelligentsia. Others signers include Daniel Peterson, who was ousted from the Maxwell Institute (formerly the Foundation for Ancient Research in Mormon Studies) in 2012 after 23 years as editor of the Mormon Studies Review; Ralph Hancock, who has argued that professors at church-owned BYU have become too secular in their approach; Jacob Hess, a leading contributor to Public Square Magazine who has written on LGBTQ issues; Jennifer Roach, a therapist who has defended the church’s one-on-one bishop interviews; and Hanna Seariac, a BYU student who led a petition drive urging the Provo school to “emphasize Christ-centered education. ”Valerie Hudson, another signee, was delighted to embrace the document. “That is exactly the space we’ve tried to carve out with SquareTwo [an online journal] all these years,” exults Hudson, who teaches at The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. “The statement sums up our mission, which is to build constructively and soundly off square one, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.” SL Tribune. Other signatories are: Spencer Kraus, Neal Rappleye, Jeff Round, Gregory L. Smith, Stephen O. Smoot [Not Steven E. Smoot of our Heartland group], and Ben Spackman
The “manifesto” titled, Radical Orthodoxy a Manifesto says, “This polarization is driving members of the Church to spiritually dangerous extremes, tempting some Latter-day Saints to reduce fidelity to knee-jerk traditionalism and others to abandon fidelity for worldly philosophies.” I think good old traditionalism should be adhered to far more (90-10) than worldly philosophies. I am afraid that a 50/50 split with both has a better chance of making you a worldly philosophizer than keeping you as a wonderful traditionalist. It reminds me of what Elder Packer said, “To you who may have lost your way, come back! We know how that can happen; we have walked that path of research and study. Come help us!—you with your scholarship and your training, you with your bright, intelligent minds, you with your experience and with your academic degrees.”The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
Editor’s Testimony
I testify Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of the living God. Do we need others to say he was simply a good man who made mistakes, maybe dealt in the occult, was not perfect and some of his ideas are old fashioned and don’t necessarily apply to life today? As I wrote about a few months ago on Bias Confirmation and Richard Bushman, how do you feel when Brother Bushman says the Book of Mormon is “right” vs. someone who tells you they know the Book of Mormon is “true” and the most correct book on earth?. I go with the later. How do you feel when some scholar tries to bring Joseph Smith down a notch, so the scholar can uplift himself? I follow what Wilford Woodruff says below.
“I look upon Joseph Smith as the greatest prophet that ever breathed the breath of life, excepting Jesus Christ. Father Adam, as I have said, stands at the head; but Joseph Smith was reserved to lay the foundation of this great kingdom and dispensation of salvation to the whole human family in these last days, to build up Zion, to establish God’s Kingdom, and to prepare it for the coming of the Son of Man.” Wilford Woodruff, The Deseret Weekly, vol. 38, (Deseret News Company, 1889), 389.
Have you heard friends and family members say the Book of Mormon is a good book that teaches some good parables. I cringe when I hear that! I think, “Is that all you think this wonderful book is“? I witness the Book of Mormon is absolutely the word of God, and as Mormon said “And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ.” Title Page
I believe many Intellectuals and Scholars are seeking to ‘stay in the middle’ on controversial issues. They don’t want to be like a small minded Conservative nor like an aggressive Liberal. They try to cut out a new path or new pet theory so they have something different to share with their inner group. They ask questions in a liberal or scholarly way that confuses those of us of that are not “learned” men and women. They seemingly side with intellect or theory on controversial issues, but most of them also try to stay true to core church teachings, which I know is crucial. I believe their straddling the fence allows people to believe less in spiritual matters and more in theory or unknown details.
This “Radical Orthodoxy a Manifesto” was written by many that are far more intelligent than I am, who have all the learning of higher education. That’s not wrong or bad it just is! As I read through the many signers of this manifesto, I see a large percentage of those I know or who have read about, who believe very differently about the Book of Mormon Geography, Evolution, Creationism, Politics and Nationalism. I am not judging them as I am sure they are all people of faith and they love the Gospel as I do. I just think in their eyes, I am probably as Leonard Arrington says, a “Holy Ghoster”, which means a far right conservative, or a religious zealot or something like that. They also claim David O. McKay, Joseph Fielding Smith, and other spiritual men are “Holy Ghoster’s”. (See the Stoddard’s Books on Faith Crisis 1 and Faith Crisis 2)
Below I have broken down their new, Radical Orthodoxy a Manifesto into the three key words and define them below. This will help give you a better understanding of how I feel about their Manifesto.
a: very different from the usual or traditional: EXTREME b: favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions c: associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change d: advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs the radical right
a: the traditional beliefs of a religious group or political party: b: authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice.
a: a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate. b: a written statement of a person or group’s beliefs, aims, and policies, especially their political beliefs: (All definitions come from Merriam Webster and Dictionaries online.)
Peggy Stack says, “These “radical orthodox” believers want to be defined “by what we are for, not what we are against,” [Nathaniel] Givens says. “We see ourselves as kind of ‘third way centrists’ — faithful to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while interested in theological exploration.”
In my opinion this interest in theological exploration has a great chance to lead us away from faith and into the teachings of the world. Before young people get involved in deep theological discussions they should have a firm witness of the Savior and the Gospel.
Givens also says, “Many young believers feel the only options they have are to be rigidly dogmatic to the point of being fundamentalist or to reject the Church’s teachings in favor of progressive political doctrines and intellectualism. This statement encourages intellectual engagement with the Church of Jesus Christ in ways that are faithful and flexible instead of either rigidly dogmatic or heretical and doubting.” Public Square Magazine
If you showed on a line a Traditionalist on the Right vs a Progressivists on the Left, I would say life on the “Center Right” would be just perfect. You can’t stay in the middle. The further Center and Left you go, the more you go against solid values and closer to intellectual theory. That is my opinion and I know all don’t agree. I am just saying I find no need for the Manifesto here given. The church already teaches values and doctrines to live by. I think reading our scriptures and more deep study and prayer bring us the best answers.
There’s a new ‘manifesto’ circulating among Latter-day Saints, and it’s ‘radical’ By Salt Lake Tribune
Scholars are seeking ‘middle ground’ on orthodoxy that allows questions but remains true to core church teachings.
(Rick Bowmer | AP file photo) Angel Moroni statue sits atop the Salt Lake Temple in 2014. By Peggy Fletcher Stack | Dec. 5, 2020
For many, the word “manifesto” calls to mind “The Communist Manifesto,” a political pamphlet penned by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848.Closer to home, Latter-day Saints have their own history with a momentous manifesto, the 1890 edict that marked the beginning of the end of polygamy in the faith. Now, three Latter-day Saint bloggers have declared a new manifesto, and it has nothing to do with Marxism or multiple wives. Indeed, “Radical Orthodoxy: A Manifesto” is about theology and is staking a claim to the middle ground in Mormon intellectualism — neither extreme right nor left.
Radical orthodoxy “is radical because it promotes bold exploration beyond what is familiar, and therefore rejects the obstinateness of fundamentalism,” the declaration says. “It is willing to revisit many facets of our received paradigm in order to apply the revealed doctrines and principles of the gospel to the unique challenges of today. That includes — under the tutelage of modern prophets — a revolutionary reconsideration of traditions, paradigms, and applications of the gospel inherited from prior generations.” There was no single catalyst for this effort, just the observation that the online discussion of Mormonism is “slanted heavily toward progressivism,” says Nathaniel Givens, one of the three writers, while the “growing right-wing response to that has seemed too reactionary and too negative.” Givens, a data scientist and entrepreneur in Virginia, worked for more than a year on the manifesto’s wording with co-authors Jeffrey Thayne, who teaches at Brigham Young University-Idaho, and J. Max Wilson, who runs the LDS-oriented blog, Sixteen Small Stones.
These “radical orthodox” believers want to be defined “by what we are for, not what we are against,” Givens says. “We see ourselves as kind of ‘third way centrists’ — faithful to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while interested in theological exploration.”
They reached out to others who shared their perspective and assembled a veritable who’s who among conservative Latter-day Saint intellectuals.
Theirs is not a movement per se, Givens says, but the organizers hope their manifesto might serve “as a rallying point to spur conversations, new friendships and maybe new projects.”
The key is not to “pick a fight with anybody, but to find new things to talk about, and to emphasize positivity,” he says. “We are not interested in labeling apostates,” but rather standing “for truth.”
When they feel compelled to speak up for church principles, practices and prophets, Givens says, they hope their style will be “kind,” not “contentious.”
‘Three tentpoles’
(Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) The Christus and the biblical apostles in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors’ Center. Supplemental materials are linked on the Radical Orthodoxy website, including an article by Thayne, spelling out what he sees as the “tentpoles” of belief in the Utah-based faith — namely, its three theological proclamations titled “The Family,” “The Living Christ” and “The Restoration.”
“Our argument is that once you dismiss, critique, or undermine the core teachings found in [these documents], you’ve left the tent of radical orthodoxy (as we understand it),” Thayne writes. “For example, if someone argues that the Book of Mormon is a modern midrash, argues that no unique divine authority was given to Joseph Smith, questions the historical Jesus as the sole anchor of our salvation, celebrates gender transitions as compatible with the gospel, or promotes the expectation that same-sex couples will someday be sealed in the temple, they are no longer operating within the paradigm laid out by radical orthodoxy.”
Being silent in the face of such statements, Thayne says, “can be as damaging as the critiques themselves. Radical orthodoxy, we argue, requires a willingness to speak out in defense of the divine truths in these documents, when the occasion calls for it.” Because the family proclamation addresses gender roles and the eternal importance of marriage between a man and a woman — and fails to mention never-married, divorced, childless or LGBTQ members — it often has been embroiled in controversy and overlapped with political debate. To J. Daniel Crawford, a blogger on the By Common Consent website, the manifesto amounts to little more than “question whatever you want, so long as you agree with the Brethren in the end.”
Thayne has an answer for that — a “steel man” approach to pronouncements from top church leaders.
“A straw man treatment finds and attacks the weakest interpretations of an argument. A steel man strives to find the strongest interpretations of an argument,” he writes. “It requires that we be generous with the prophets, not immediately dismissing them because we don’t agree or don’t understand. It means striving to step into a worldview (even if only provisionally) where we both understand and can embrace their warnings.”
That does not mean that those who embrace radical orthodoxy agree with everything church President Russell M. Nelson or his colleagues and predecessors have said, Thayne explains. “We have a duty to ‘steel man’ their teachings before rushing to conclusion — to strive to see the world through their eyes before dismissing what they have to say.” Kathleen Flake, who teaches Mormon studies at the University of Virginia, has no issue with what the manifesto says. She just questions why it even exists.
“No one needs more ‘-ites,’ or divisiveness,” she says. “You don’t need the Book of Mormon to tell you that anymore. The wisdom of it is manifest everywhere today.”
Besides, Flake says, it is always “a little spiritually dangerous to set oneself up as a public defender of the faith, any faith, and even for the best of reasons.”
Gathering the like-minded
(Chris Detrick | Tribune file photo Authors Fiona Givens and Terryl Givens in 2012.Givens’ parents, Terryl and Fiona Givens, are listed among the manifesto signers and share their son’s vision. The two are known for their popular books on Mormon beliefs and for creative thinking about Latter-day Saint theology. “The American church is bipolar,” says Fiona Givens, “with histrionics on both sides and nobody in the middle. ”Terryl Givens, a senior research fellow at BYU’s Maxwell Institute and author of more than a dozen books, recently wrote an essay on abortion for Public Square Magazine. It chided “pro-choice” Latter-day Saints and generated lots of heated debate among the church’s intelligentsia. Others signers include Daniel Peterson, who was ousted from the Maxwell Institute (formerly the Foundation for Ancient Research in Mormon Studies) in 2012 after 23 years as editor of the Mormon Studies Review; Ralph Hancock, who has argued that professors at church-owned BYU have become too secular in their approach; Jacob Hess, a leading contributor to Public Square Magazine who has written on LGBTQ issues; Jennifer Roach, a therapist who has defended the church’s one-on-one bishop interviews; and Hanna Seariac, a BYU student who led a petition drive urging the Provo school to “emphasize Christ-centered education.” Valerie Hudson, another signee, was delighted to embrace the document.“ That is exactly the space we’ve tried to carve out with SquareTwo [an online journal] all these years,” exults Hudson, who teaches at The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. “The statement sums up our mission, which is to build constructively and soundly off square one, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Hudson agrees that “those in the church who have intellectual or political or influence aspirations in our faith community too often feel that either 1) they must oppose certain core doctrines of the church, or 2) they must never, ever question anything about the church, including current teachings,” Hudson says. “Both of these standpoints are injurious.”
There is a path “between the Charybdis of nonorthodoxy and the Scylla of super-rigid, or Mosaic, orthodoxy,” she says, “and that others are successfully treading that path even now is helpful and hopeful for many members to know. ”Hudson eschews labels, noting only that she fully supports the the church’s positions on gender issues, including the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion and same-sex marriage, she says, “but I am coming from an explicitly, even ardently, feminist perspective when I do.”
A ‘pretty banal’ document
(Jeremy Harmon | Tribune file photo) Patrick Mason speaks while recording the 100th episode of the “Mormon Land” podcast on Oct. 4, 2019.In his 1981 satirical dictionary, “Saintspeak,” novelist Orson Scott Card used the term “radically orthodox Mormon” to describe a member who, among other values and behaviors, “believes without question only those doctrines that are clearly set forth in the standard works or that have been accepted as revelation by the uplifted hands of the Saints in General Conference.”
Givens and his manifesto co-authors found this usage after they had already adopted it. They say that Card’s take, though it was meant to be humorous, isn’t far off from what they are doing.
The term “radical orthodoxy” has been identified for more than a decade by a school of Protestant theology coined by John Milbank, an Anglican theologian in England.“ It doesn’t very neatly line up with the way [the Latter-day Saint authors] are using the words,” says Adam Miller, author of “Letters to a Young Mormon” and a philosophy professor at Collin College in McKinney, Texas.
In their manifesto, the drafters praise “fidelity to the leadership of the church,” he says, “rather than a set of philosophically worked-out ideas and creeds.”
There is nothing to disagree with in this manifesto, unless “you want to read specific ideas into it,” Miller says. “Overall, it’s pretty banal.” Patrick Mason, head of Mormon studies at Utah State University in Logan, agrees that “radical orthodoxy” is hardly unique to Latter-day Saint theology. It has been used by Catholic and Protestant writers.
Many religions feel “besieged on all sides,” Mason says. “And they all are open to new arguments and conversations, trying to balance tradition while retaining a sense of relevance for the 21st century.”
Like Miller, Mason says “radical orthodoxy looks different in these other traditions.”
Still, the USU scholar applauds the attempt to thread “a middle path between what they see as the errors of unbridled progressivism and recalcitrant fundamentalism.” It is a “goodwill effort to put a stake in the ground,” he says, and, could be especially beneficial “if they provide a hedge against the far right, including some websites and groups like #DezNat.” That’s short for Deseret Nation, a “very conservative subgroup of church members,” according to an article in The Daily Beast, who sometimes harass those they see as apostates.
The backers of the Radical Orthodoxy manifesto — who seem to have the ear of some church leaders — “care deeply about the Latter-day Saint community and fear any fracture,” Mason says. “They want to hold the center.”
The historian understands why others might be wary, given that some of the document’s devotees are well-known conservatives, he says. They worry that the manifesto might be “a Trojan horse for doubling down on traditionalist views on gender and sexuality.”
In the end, Mason is unsure what will come of the manifesto and the radical orthodoxy rhetoric.
“It might be a nothing-burger,” he says, “or the beginning of something big.” “There’s a new ‘manifesto’ circulating among Latter-day Saints, and it’s ‘radical’ By Salt Lake Tribune
Progressive Thought
“Some historians write and speak as though the only ones to read or listen are mature, experienced historians. They write and speak to a very narrow audience. Unfortunately, many of the things they tell one another are not uplifting, go far beyond the audience they may have intended, and destroy faith. What that historian did with the reputation of the President of the Church was not worth doing. He seemed determined to convince everyone that the prophet was a man. We knew that already. All of the prophets and all of the Apostles have been men. It would have been much more worthwhile for him to have convinced us that the man was a prophet, a fact quite as true as the fact that he was a man.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
I say to any member or intellect who tries to belittle the Church or Joseph Smith or who tries to intellectualize and promote Progressive thought, to remember the words of George Albert Smith. “There have been some who have belittled [Joseph Smith], but I would like to say that those who have done so will be forgotten and their remains will go back to mother earth, . . . and, the odor of their infamy will never die, while the glory and honor and majesty and courage and fidelity manifested by the Prophet Joseph Smith will attach to his name forever.” George Albert Smith, Conference Report, April 1946, p. 182
“As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to hold fast to the revealed truths of the Restored Gospel in a polarized and contentious world. This polarization is driving members of the Church to spiritually dangerous extremes, tempting some Latter-day Saints to reduce fidelity to knee-jerk traditionalism and others to abandon fidelity for worldly philosophies.
On the one hand, those who replace divine instruction with secular measures of progress risk relinquishing eternal truths for misguided worldly ideas. This can lead them to declare that the Church is behind the times on moral and social issues. On the other hand, those who focus solely on conserving what we have already received are prone to conflate human tradition with eternal truth. This can lead them to condemn any form of question-asking, faithful exploration, or subsequent revelation.
Like Odysseus sailing between Scylla and Charybdis, the path of discipleship takes us through a narrow course between two spiritual monsters: unbridled progressivism and obstinate fundamentalism. Navigating these perilous waters requires radical orthodoxy. Radical orthodoxy is an approach to the Restored Gospel that seeks to harmonize fidelity with exploration and cultural improvement.
Radical orthodoxy is orthodox because it promotes fierce fidelity to revealed truth, the institutional Church, and the Lord’s authorized representatives, and therefore rejects the excesses of progressivism. This includes meticulously heeding and unabashedly embracing the counsel and teachings of prophets and apostles regarding chastity and morality, the divinity of Christ, and the foundational claims of the Restoration—even when doing so runs contrary to popular, worldly views. Those who embrace radical orthodoxy strive to be valiant in their witness of restored truth.
Radical orthodoxy is radical because it promotes bold exploration beyond what is familiar, and therefore rejects the obstinateness of fundamentalism. It is willing to revisit many facets of our received paradigm in order to apply the revealed doctrines and principles of the Gospel to the unique challenges of today. That includes—under the tutelage of modern prophets—a revolutionary reconsideration of traditions, paradigms, and applications of the Gospel inherited from prior generations.
Radical orthodoxy cultivates humility and a recognition that far less is certain about many doctrinal matters than we often presume. Those who embrace radical orthodoxy are not afraid to ask questions, and they eschew dogmatism with regards to lesser controversies—even while they boldly defend faith, diligence, and conviction on matters of covenant living, revelation, doctrine, and authority. As we revisit the lines between tradition and revelation, we are careful not to dishonor the prophets of the past, undermine the projects and programs of the church, or ignore the moral witness and counsel of living prophets and apostles.
Radical Orthodoxy embraces the following virtues:
Truth. We love and defend the Truth. We reject philosophies that suggest that there is no truth. We recognize, however, that without divine assistance, truth is very difficult to discern.
Humility. We recognize our own limitations and we are willing to question our cultural and religious presumptions in light of both sound scholarship and ongoing revelation from God.
Integrity. We do not believe in compartmentalizing the Gospel from our professional pursuits, politics, scholarship, social interactions, or hobbies.
Fidelity. We are loyal to Jesus Christ and His Restored Church and submit to His divine authority by sustaining and following the local and general leaders of the Church.
Seeking. We consider curiosity a virtue and desire to plumb the depths of the Gospel as well as of God’s Creation. Like Abraham, we seek to become “greater follower[s] of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge” than we currently possess (Abraham 1:2).
Revelation. We affirm that the Church is guided by continuing revelation. We strive to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all aspects of our lives, including our professional or scholarly endeavours. We recognize, however, that only those with the proper authority and stewardship can declare revelation for the Church and the world.
Faith. We know that Christ has already won the essential victories. We trust the Lord and His power to save us from sin and death. We also trust His ability to guide His Church and communicate His will to His appointed spokesmen, even when they are fallible.
Hope. We are deliberately optimistic about the Church and its role in the world. We reject negative, cynical attitudes towards the Church, its leaders, and its teachings. We avoid nitpicking and murmuring.
Charity. We love all of God’s children and we cultivate a soft-hearted temperament that rejects the spirit of contention towards those with different views, even while we vigorously defend the truth.
Radical orthodoxy is not a faction, nor a label intended to set forth boundaries for any particular group or organization. It is rather a rallying point, and invitation to embrace conviction and fidelity. It is also an invitation to reject fundamentalism and embrace the possibility of change, innovation, and progress in how we understand the Gospel. It is an occasion to reinforce our loyalties to the Resurrected Christ and the Church that bears His name, and to strive to be “lower lights” burning as an example to others who are also navigating the treacherous waters of modern intellectual discourse”. View Signatories
The Lord’s Way of Running the Church
Elder Henry B Eyring of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discusses the remarkable candor and disagreement that accompany the eventual arriving at unanimity in Church councils.
“Every previous gospel dispensation has drifted into apostasy, but ours will not”
“The people are better in the country towns than in Great Salt Lake City”
“What wonder that the Latter-day Saints need to be preached to continually?”
“This will be among the wicked cities of the world”
“The blood would run in the gutters because of racial warfare”
“You are a marked generation”
“Now is the great day of the devil’s power, with the greatest mass murderers of all time living among us”
“The greatest number ever of priesthood holders on the earth. And the showdown is fast approaching”
“The final outcome is certain—the forces of righteousness will finally win. What Will we be true to our last-days, foreordained mission?”
I Love Utah
As a person who has lived in Davis County for over 60 years, and born in Salt Lake City. I love Utah, as my family was raised here after the pioneers from Europe and Nauvoo came here as my ancestors. My 10th great-grandfather on my mothers side (Tueller), was Jon Howland who nearly died as he tumbled overboard on the Mayflower. On my fathers side, (Nelson), through his mother, (Mayhew) I am related to Thomas Mayhew who first founded Martha’s Vineyard and was know to the Native Americans as “Patriarch to the Indians. His Father Thomas Mayhew was born in 1593. I love my heritage and love the Lord for blessing me so much.
I find no offence of the words by prophets below. I know I am a good person who loves the Lord and so it matters not what others say about me generally speaking. If you fit the criticism below, wake up and address it, if not, understand how right-on our leaders are. They know the tendency of big cities and how Satan would love more than ever to make Salt Lake the sinful laughing stock of the nation, if it already isn’t.
Salt Lake does have one of the largest Pride Parades in the world. We do have leaders who practice sexual deviance. We have many apostate members who find delight in making fun of Mormons even more so in Salt Lake than other cities of the world. Why? Because Satan loves it.
We do have witches covens, and underground tunnels of evil. We have supposed good Bishops who prey on children and many involved in ponzi schemes. We have many involved in drugs and abortion and the like. We have political leaders that love money more than people, and tout principles of evil.
I have no problem with admitting a very high level of evil in our fair towns, but I also know of the love and goodness of most people in Salt Lake and Davis County. I know the few evil, spoil it for the rest of us, but that to me says we must be even more diligent in doing what is right.
Please listen to the leaders below and take the criticism that is expressed as an opportunity to be better. I have also found that there are many so-called active members who do not like the church and preach against it. I can tell you of over 20 people I know personally that were once stalwarts in the church, and have now become anti-Mormons. It is sad, but evil is at work. The Gadianton’s are alive, but we can and will defeat them as we are humble and teachable and reach out to repent and love the Lord.
People are better in the Country Towns
“I do not say but that you are just as good men and women in this place as in any other place in the mountains; yea, I admit that the people are better in the country towns than in Great Salt Lake City, for the froth and scum of hell seem to concentrate there, and those who live in the City have to come in contact with it; and with persons who mingle with robbers, and liars, and thieves, and with whores and whore-masters, etc. Such wicked men will also introduce themselves into Davis County, and among all the settlements throughout these mountains; but where the people are truly righteous and just, wicked men can do them no harm; were the people all righteous who profess to be Latter-day Saints, they would constantly be on their watch against the encroachment of a wicked power.The wicked and corrupt who have settled in our community are taking a course to lead away those who are willing to be led away from the truth–those who have turned away from God; and it will be for our good, as a community, if such persons will leave and never again return to our Territory, unless they can do so with a determination to serve God and keep his commandments. I love those who love God; they are more precious to me than gold, and silver, or possessions.” Joseph F. Smith in 1870
Descend to the Level of the Wicked
“Instead of raising themselves to the standard of the Gospel, they are content to descend to the level of the wicked and corrupt. Many of the Elders of Israel who have responsibilities resting upon them, with which they will find they cannot trifle with impunity, are taking this course all the time. What wonder, then, that the Spirit of the Lord is grieved? What wonder that the Latter-day Saints need to be preached to continually? It is no wonder to me when I contemplate the condition of the people of these valleys, and especially Salt Lake City, Ogden, and our cities contiguous to the railways. (Journal of Discourses, Vol.13, p.339 – p.340).
Wicked City of the World
“I claim not to be a prophet, but I am a son of a prophet, and I expect to give you evidence-whether you question the truth of it or not-that shall be left with you-that Heber C. Kimball was a prophet of God. President Brigham Young on more than one occasion said: ‘Heber is my prophet, and I love to hear him prophesy.’ In May, 1868-that is sixty-two years ago–he said: ‘After a while the gentiles will gather in Salt Lake City by the thousands, and this will be among the wicked cities of the world.”J. Golden Kimball, conference address in 1930
“Another example of the shifting shape of folklore lies closer to home. Most of us will remember the turbulent period in late 1969 and early 1970 when BYU athletic teams and the marching Cougarettes met violent demonstrations in neighboring schools, when a spate of stories was circulating about bus loads of Black Panthers making their way to the state to blow up Mountain Dell Reservoir and to invade Temple Square, and when some people feared to travel beyond the state’s boundaries because they had heard gory stories of people with Utah license plates being stopped and beaten up by blacks. Emotions were intensified by the revival and rapid circulation of the apocryphal Horse Shoe Prophecy attributed to John Taylor. (This prophecy was first written down in 1951 by Edward Lunt, who said that in 1903 or 1904 he had learned it from his mother, who said that she had received it from President Taylor in 1885).
In Lunt’s account, President Taylor supposedly saw a day of great trouble and warfare striking the Saints, with ‘blood running down the gutters of Salt Lake City as though it were water.’ As versions of the Prophecy began to multiply during the violence of 1969 and 1970, a new motif was added to it-the notion that the blood would run in the gutters because of racial warfare. For example, an employee of Seminaries and Institutes stated that it was common knowledge among teachers in the Church educational system that a confrontation with Black Panthers was going to take place in the streets of Salt Lake City and that this would be a fulfillment of the prophecy that Blacks would wreak havoc in the streets of Zion. He said that this prophecy was given to President Taylor. It was common knowledge from reliable sources [he said] that Blacks and hippies were arming themselves in the canyons east of the city and that the FBI had uncovered plans by revolutionaries to hit Salt Lake City with a violence campaign.” William A. Wilson, BYU Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, p.44.
EZRA TAFT BENSON said, “Never before on the face of this earth have the forces of evil and the forces of good been as well organized.”
Below is one of the most powerful messages Elder Benson ever gave for our time. In 2022, over 40 years after his talk, we must heed his advise. Satan’s rule is here at it’s height, and we must be prepared with our own personal revelation. It’s imperative! We are a marked generation.
Elder Benson continued, “For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming of the Lord. Every previous gospel Elder dispensation has drifted into apostasy, but ours will not.True, there will be some individuals who will fall away; but the kingdom of God will remain intact to welcome the return of its head—even Jesus Christ. While our generation will be comparable in wickedness to the days of Noah, when the Lord cleansed the earth by flood, there is a major difference this time. It is that God has saved for the final inning some of his strongest children, who will help bear off the Kingdom triumphantly. And that is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet your God.
“For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming of the Lord. Every previous gospel Elder Benson continues, dispensation has drifted into apostasy, but ours will not.True, there will be some individuals who will fall away; but the kingdom of God will remain intact to welcome the return of its head—even Jesus Christ. While our generation will be comparable in wickedness to the days of Noah, when the Lord cleansed the earth by flood, there is a major difference this time. It is that God has saved for the final inning some of his strongest children, who will help bear off the Kingdom triumphantly. And that is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet your God.
All through the ages the prophets have looked down through the corridors of time to our day. Billions of the deceased and those yet to be born have their eyes on us. Make no mistake about it—you are a marked generation. There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time as there is of us. Never before on the face of this earth have the forces of evil and the forces of good been as well organized. Now is the great day of the devil’s power, with the greatest mass murderersof all time living among us. But now is also the great day of the Lord’s power, with the greatest number ever of priesthood holders on the earth. And the showdown is fast approaching.
Each day the forces of evil and the forces of good pick up new recruits. Each day we personally make many decisions that show where our support will go. The final outcome is certain—the forces of righteousness will finally win. What remains to be seen is where each of us personally, now and in the future, will stand in this fight—and how tall we will stand. Will we be true to our last-days, foreordained mission?
Great battles can make great heroes, but heroes will make great battle. You will never have a better opportunity to be a greater hero in a more crucial battle than in the battle you will face today and in the immediate future. Be warned that some of the greatest battles you will face will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.David’s battles in the field against the foe were not as critical as David’s battles in the palace against a lustful eye. We will each find our own battlefield. The tactics that the enemy will use against us will vary from time to time; he will feel after our weak spots. We must be alert to the devil’s devious designs, to the subtle sins and clever compromises as well as the obvious offenses.
Fortunately for us, we have the privilege of fighting under the Lord’s banner. While the devil hates us and seeks to make all men miserable like unto himself (see 2 Nephi 2:27), the Lord instead loves us and seeks for us the fullness of joy which He possesses.
Christ lived on the earth and was subject to all manner of temptation, but He won every battle. He is the most successful warrior that ever walked the earth, and He wants to help us win every battle, be it personal or public. When we fall short, His atonement will cover for us on certain conditions.
Jesus knows that His kingdom will triumph, and He wants you to triumph with it, too. He knows in advance every strategy the enemy will use against you and the Kingdom. He knows your weaknesses and He knows your strengths. By revelation, personal to you, you may discover some of these strengths and weaknesses through a careful and prayerful study of your patriarchal blessing. Through proper prayer you can ask him to reveal to you your weaknesses so that you can amend your life. In the Book of Mormon in Ether, chapter 12, verse 27, the Lord says the following:
If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. . . . If they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
God can reveal to you your talents and your strengths so that you will know upon what you can build. Be assured that in all your righteous endeavors you can say, as Paul said in Philippians, chapter 4, verse 13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” And also be assured, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians, chapter 10, verse 13, that no temptation will befall you but what is common to man and that God will, with each temptation, provide a way to escape.
We follow a perfect leader—not just one who tells us to do what he thinks we should do, but the only one who can say that we should be as He is in everything. In the Book of Mormon, in 3 Nephi, chapter 27, verse 27, the Lord asked the question, “What manner of men ought ye to be?” And then He answered by saying, “Verily I say unto you, even as I am.”
What manner of man was Jesus when He was your age—when He was growing into manhood, when He was personally preparing Himself during those thirty years for His three-year public ministry? Turning to the book of Luke in the New Testament, chapter 2, verse 52, we read these words: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
Here, then, are the four great areas where Jesus grew in personal preparation. Your first thirty years cover the time in your life when most of you will be serving missions, getting your education, dating, getting married, establishing homes, and finding and beginning a career. If we, then, are to follow in His footsteps, we should increase in those same four areas in which He increased. In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 93, verse 13, it states that Jesus “received not of the fullness at first, but continued from grace to grace [not from sin to grace, but from grace to grace] until he received a fullness.” We too should move “from grace to grace” “in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Let us consider these four areas.
“Jesus Increased in Wisdom”
Wisdom could be considered the proper application of true knowledge. Not all knowledge has the same worth, nor are all truths equally valuable. The truths upon which our eternal salvation rests are the most crucial truths that we must learn. No man is truly educated unless he knows where he came from, why he is here, and where he can expect to go in the next life; unless he can adequately answer the question which Jesus posed: “What think ye of Christ?” The world cannot teach us these things as the Kingdom can. Therefore, the most essential knowledge for you to obtain is the saving knowledge within the gospel and the knowledge of its author—even Jesus Christ. In fact, that eternal life for which we should all be striving—which is the greatest gift that God can give and which is God’s type of life, the life of the great Eternal One—that eternal life comes from knowing our Father in heaven and His Son, our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. As the scripture in John, chapter 17, verse 3, reads, “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” We cannot know about God and Jesus without studying about them and then doing their will. This in turn will lead to additional revealed knowledge which, if obeyed, will eventually lead us to further truths. If we keep following this pattern, we will receive further light and joy that will eventually lead us into God’s presence where we, with Him, will have a fullness.
In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 88, verse 118, we are admonished to “seek . . . out of the best books words of wisdom.” Surely these books must first include the scriptures. Next, and alongside them, must be the words of the Presidents of the Church. In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 21, verse 5, the Lord said of the President of the Church, “His word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth.” These books make up what has been referred to as “the Lord’s library”—namely the standard works and the various volumes that contain the words of the different Presidents of the Church. Of the latter volumes, that which would be of greatest importance to you would be the words of the current President of the Church, for his words are directed to our day and our needs.
The Lord has also given a special mantle to the apostles, and the significance of their words is pointed out in section 1, verse 14—the Lord’s preface to the Doctrine and Covenants— where he says that those who will not “give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles shall be cut off from among the people.” The writing of other General Authorities should be given consideration also.
While the gospel includes the more crucial saving truths contained within theology, it also includes truth in other branches of learning. The Lord encouraged the early missionaries in the 88th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, verse 79, to be instructed more perfectly in things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms.
Today, with the abundance of books available, it is the mark of a truly educated man to know what not to read. “Of making many books there is no end” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). Feed only on the best. As John Wesley’s mother counseled him: “Avoid whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, . . . increases the authority of the body over the mind.”
The fact that a book is old does not necessarily make it of value. The fact that an author wrote one good work does not necessarily mean that all his books are worthy of your time. Do not make your mind a dumping ground for other people’s garbage. It is harder to purge the mind of rotten reading than to purge the body of rotten food, and it is more damaging to the soul.
Most novels and pulp magazines are filled with a lot of rubbish, and most TV and a lot of radio programs are a waste of time, if not corruptors of morals or distorters of truth. The less newspapers have to say of value and of truth, the more pages they seem to take to say it. Usually a few minutes is more than sufficient to read a paper. One must select wisely a source of news; otherwise it would be better to be uninformed than misinformed. The subscribers of some mass magazines and newspapers are ever reading but seldom able to come to a knowledge of the truth in the areas of most vital concern.
As we approach the showdown, it will be increasingly valuable to have vocational skills—to be able to use our hands. The most essential temporal skills and knowledge are to be able to provide food, clothing, and shelter. Increasingly the Lord, through His servants, is trying to get us closer to the soil by raising our own produce.
Let us summarize. The most vital knowledge you can learn is the saving truths of the gospel—the truths that will make the difference in your eternal welfare. The most vital words that you can read are those of the Presidents of the Church—particularly the living prophet—and those of the apostles and prophets. God encourages learning in many areas, and vocational skills will have increasing importance. There is much reading material that is available that is either time-wasting or corrupting. The best yardstick to use in discerning the worth of true knowledge and learning is to go first and foremost to the words of the Lord’s prophets.
“Jesus Increased in . . . Stature”
There is no question that the health of the body affects the spirit, or the Lord would never have revealed the Word of Wisdom. God has never given any temporal commandments—that which affects our stature affects our soul. There are at least four basic areas which make the difference in your health—in your growing in stature.
First: righteousness. Sin debilitates; it affects not only the soul but the body. The scriptures are replete with examples of the physical power that can attend the righteous. On the other hand, unrepented sin can diffuse energy and lead to both mental and physical sickness. Disease, fevers, and unexpected deaths are some of the things that have been directly related to disobedience. Jesus healed a man of a physical malady and then told him in John, chapter 5, verse 14, to “sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” Galahad said that his strength was as the strength of ten because his heart was pure.
Second:food. To a great extent we are physically what we eat. Most of us are acquainted with some of the prohibitions, such as no tea, coffee, tobacco, or alcohol. What need additional emphasis are the positive aspects—the need for vegetables, fruits, and grains, particularly wheat. In most cases, the closer these can be, when eaten, to their natural state— without overrefinement and processing—the healthier we will be. To a significant degree, we are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth, and lacking the energy that could be ours because we overindulge in junk foods. I am grateful to know that on this campus you can get apples from vending machines, that you have in your student center a fine salad bar, and that you produce an excellent loaf of natural whole-grain bread. Keep it up and keep progressing in that direction. We need a generation of young people who, as Daniel, eat in a more healthy manner than to fare on the “king’s meat”—and whose countenances show it (see Daniel 1).
Third: exercise. The body needs the toning up that comes from exercise. Walking in the fresh air can be exhilarating and refreshing. Properly directed running can have some beneficial effects. Simple situps or sporting activity can be helpful.
Fourth: sleep.Adequate early rest is best. In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 88, verse 124, the Lord commands: “Cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.” There are too many enticements to late evening activities. Not only can this weary the body, but a wearied body may be more susceptible to improper activities in the darkness and lateness of the night. Early to bed and early to rise is still good counsel, and a brief nap during the day can be recuperative.
“Jesus Increased . . . in Favor with God”
What are some of the things that would increase our favor with God? There are many, of course. The book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price, chapter 3, verse 25, states that one of the purposes of life is to be proved to see if we “will do all things whatsoever the Lord [our] God shall command [us].” In short, we are to learn the will of the Lord and do it. We are to follow the model of Jesus Christ and be like Him. The essential question of life should be the same one that Paul asked in the book of Acts, chapter 9, verse 6, when he said, “Lord, what wilt thou have me do?” God’s will for you can be determined from three sources: (1) the scriptures—particularly the Book of Mormon, of which the Prophet Joseph said, “a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book” (Joseph Smith, History of the Church 4:461)—(2) inspired words from the Lord’s anointed—particularly the presidents of the Church and especially the living one, along with the words of the apostles and prophets (local Church leaders are also entitled to give inspired direction for those over whom they preside)—and (3) the spirit of the Lord.
The world has the light of Christ to help guide it, but we are entitled to that great gift, the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the Holy Ghost to be fully operative we have to keep our channels clear of sin. The clearer our channels, the easier it is to receive God’s message to us; and the more of His messages we receive and put into action, the greater will be our joy. If our channels are not clear of sin, then we may think we have gotten inspiration on a matter when it is really “sin-spiration”—that is, promptings from the devil.
To the end of clearing our channels and keeping them clear, I would admonish all of you to read President Kimball’s book The Miracle of Forgiveness; and the sooner you can read it the greater blessing it will be for you. Other practices that would increase our favor with God would include daily scripture study, along with personal prayers morning, midday, and night. We also need to render service to our Father’s children through the family, the Church, and the country.
God has a timetable—a sequence or season for good things. A mission, when its time has arrived, takes priority over marriage and education. And when one is mature enough and has found the right company, then marriage should not be delayed for education. While all three—mission, marriage, and education—are essential, there is a proper order to follow.
We need more men and women of Christ who will always remember Him, who will keep His commandments which He has given them. The greatest yardstick of success is to see how much your daily walk can be like Christ’s—how closely you can walk each moment in His steps.
“Jesus Increased . . . in Favor with . . . Man”
The greatest roles you can take to bless your fellowmen are to be strong missionaries and to be strong patriarchs and matriarchs—to raise a righteous posterity who will be part of the solutions to the world’s problems and not part of the problems. You have probably heard that the greatest Church work you can perform will be within the walls of your own home. It is also true that no nation is stronger than its homes. For a man, there is no calling as high as that of a righteous patriarch, married in the house of the Lord, presiding over his children. Even the very Elohim has us address Him as “our Father who art in heaven.” For a woman there is no calling as high as that of a righteous mother, married in the House of the Lord, rearing a posterity.
Someone has said that happy is the man who has found his worship, his wife, and his work, and loves all three. Do you realize that during your comparatively young years, you will probably be making three of the most momentous decisions of your life? You will be deciding on the role of the Church or worship in your life, selecting a wife or husband, and—particularly for you men—choosing your life’s work.
All of you can know, if you do not know already, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church. All you need to do to gain this knowledge is to carefully read the Book of Mormon and then do what is stated in Moroni, chapter 10, verse 4:
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
If the Book of Mormon is true—which I testify that it is—then Joseph Smith was a prophet. If Joseph Smith was a prophet, then the church he established, as an instrument in God’s hands, is true—even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If the Church is true, then there stands at the head of the Church today a prophet of God.
In addition to finding your worship, you will need to find your wife or husband. This will require careful and prayerful consideration. It would be well to mingle with many good people to have a better understanding of others. It you desire a fine companion, then you should be on a high and wholesome level. One of the best yardsticks for knowing whether a certain person may be best for you is to ask yourself what kind of an influence this person has on you. In their presence do you wish you were better than you are—do you think some of your noblest thoughts—are you encouraged to goodly deeds? If this is so, then that person could be worthy of greater consideration. But if being in their company makes you tend in the opposite direction, you had best leave them.
Young women, you are not required to lower your standards to get a husband. Keep yourselves attractive, maintain high standards, place yourselves in a position to meet worthy men, and be engaged in constructive work. Then, if you are married later than sooner—if you even have to wait until the next life to get a choice man—God will make up the difference to you. Time is numbered only to man. God has your eternal perspective in mind.
And now, so far as your work is concerned: It is divinely ordained what a woman should do, but a man must seek out his work. The divine work of women involves companionship, homemaking, and motherhood. It is well if skills in these three areas can first be learned in the parents’ home and then be supplemented at school if the need or desire presents itself. The first priority for a woman is to prepare herself for her divine and eternal mission, whether she is married soon or late. It is folly to neglect that preparation for education in unrelated fields just to prepare temporarily to earn money. Women, when you are married it is the husband’s role to provide, not yours. Do not sacrifice your preparation for an eternally ordained mission for the temporary expediency of money-making skills that you may or may not use. I do not think it needs to be an “either/or” choice; but if it does, then choose the divine mission preparation. Some women are well prepared for their mission and want to acquire additional skills in other areas; and that is fine, if they so desire. It is simply a case of putting first things first. To paraphrase the Lord, when He was speaking of those who obeyed the lesser law and neglected the weightier matters: these ye might do, but do not leave the other undone (see Matthew 23:23). Some women acquire money-making skills in areas closely related to their divine missions, and the advantages of that approach are plain.
Brethren, it is your role to be the leader in the home. While the wife may be considered the heart of the home, you are the head. You are the provider, and it takes the edge off your manliness when you have the mother of your children also be a provider. What will you choose for a career? What will your work be? It has been said that no one is born into this world whose work is not born with him or her. We bring from our preexistent state various talents and abilities. We strive to find the right wife, and it is our responsibility to strive to find where we can make a contribution to our fellowman—an area where we have some interest and abilities and where we can, at the same time, provide for our own.
I am glad Beethoven found his way into music, Rembrandt into art, Michelangelo into sculpturing, and President David O. McKay into teaching. To find your proper niche and do well at it can bless you, yours, and your fellowmen. If you need help finding your career, it is available: (1) Ponder and pray about it; (2) study closely your patriarchal blessing; (3) consider what you do well; (4) take some vocational and interest tests; and (5) get acquainted with various professions to see what is available.
I understand that you have a fine career counseling center here at BYU with a diversified program that offers help through classes, testing, seminars, a library, and so on. I hope that if you feel the need you will take advantage of these opportunities. How true it is—happy is the man who has found his worship, his wife, and his work, and loves them all.
The world is gradually beating a path to our door to see how we do things. Stick by your righteous guns and you will bless your fellowman. Be right, and then be easy to live with, if possible—but in that order.
My beloved brothers and sisters, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man,” and so can you. You are a royal generation. The heavenly grandstands are cheering you on. We are fast coming to the close of this game. The opposition is real and is scoring. But we have scored, we are scoring, and we will score in the future. The Lord is our coach and manager. His team will win, and we can be a valiant part of it if we so desire. Rise up, O youth of Zion! You hardly realize the great divine potential that lies within you. May you all follow your leader, Jesus Christ, and increase mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, I pray for all of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.” In His Steps EZRA TAFT BENSON of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles March 4, 1979
“Of those who shed innocent blood, a prophet declared: “The judgments which [God] shall exercise … in his wrath [shall] be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.” (Alma 14:11.)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has consistently opposed the practice of abortion. One hundred years ago the First Presidency wrote: “And we again take this opportunity of warning the Latter-day Saints against those … practices of foeticide and infanticide…
Now, is there hope for those who have so sinned without full understanding, who now suffer heartbreak? Yes. So far as is known, the Lord does not regard this transgression as murder. And “as far as has been revealed, a person may repent and be forgiven for the sin of abortion.”13 Gratefully, we know the Lord will help all who are truly repentant… Russell M Nelson April 1985
Abortions worldwide this year:
Definition: An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. (definition from Wikipedia)
Abortion as a term most commonly – and in the statistics presented here – refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages.
“This year” refers to the period from Jan 1 at 00:00 up to now.
The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometer’s counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.
In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.
[1] Finer LB and Henshaw SK, Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States, 1994 and 2001, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2006, 38(2):90–96.
[2] Jones RK et al., Abortion in the United States: incidence and access to services, 2005, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2008, 40(1):6–16
Unintended pregnancy and abortion are experiences shared by people around the world. These reproductive health outcomes occur irrespective of country income level, region or the legal status of abortion.
Roughly 121 million unintended pregnancies occurred each year between 2015 and 2019.*
“Around 56 million abortions are performed each year in the world, with about 45% done unsafely. Abortion rates changed little between 2003 and 2008, before which they decreased for at least two decades as access to family planning and birth control increased. As of 2018, 37% of the world’s women had access to legal abortions without limits as to reason. Countries that permit abortions have different limits on how late in pregnancy abortion is allowed.” Wikipedia
A vacuum aspiration abortion at eight weeks gestational age (six weeks after fertilization). 1: Amniotic sac 2: Embryo 3: Uterine lining 4: Speculum 5: Vacurette 6: Attached to a suction pump
With how I read it above, there are 120 million deaths world wide and 56 million of those are due to abortion! That is remarkably sad. Even many Democrats are against abortion as you read below.
Democrats for Life urge DNC to change party platform on abortion
More than 100 Democrats affiliated with the anti-abortion group Democrats for Life have signed a letter urging the party to change its abortion stance in this year’s platform.
Signatories include Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, Rep. Collin Peterson (Minn.) and Rep. Dan Lipinski (Ill.), who lost his March primary to a progressive. Fifty-six state legislators also signed the letter addressed to the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee.
The letter urges the Democratic Party to adopt the abortion language from its 2000 platform, which recognized differences of opinion on abortion as a “source of strength” and welcomed Americans of all abortion stances.https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
The letter argues that the party’s embrace of abortion rights will alienate voters, particularly in battleground states.
“We should not cede large swathes of the United States to the Republican Party,” the letter reads. “In the US, pro-life Democrats have been a critical part of the coalition to expand voting rights, improve health care, and pass criminal justice reform. These accomplishments would not have been possible if the Democratic Party had in place a litmus test on abortion.”
The 2020 Democratic platform, which was released last month and will be voted on and formally approved by Democratic National Committee (DNC) members at next week’s virtual convention, unequivocally supports abortion rights.
“Like the majority of Americans, Democrats believe that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion,” the draft platform reads.
In the draft, Democrats also commit to restoring federal funding for Planned Parenthood, opposing state laws that limit abortion rights, repealing the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion services, and codifying the Roe v. Wade court case that provides a legal defense of abortion. https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html
Friday’s letter, however, calls for the party to abandon language supporting the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and codification of Roe v. Wade.
“As Democrats, we are anti-Trump and enthusiastic supporters of Black Lives Matter,” Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, said in a statement Friday. “Why is dismembering preborn children the hill we want to die on when so much is at stake? We took this issue for granted in 2016, and Hillary Clinton lost. We cannot make this mistake again.”
The letter is unlikely to affect the party’s platform. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden last year said he supports repealing the Hyde Amendment, which prevents Medicaid coverage of abortion. Biden had previously supported Hyde for several decades.
His running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), has been a staunch defender of abortion rights. She has a 100 percent voting record according to NARAL Pro-Choice America, which scores members of Congress based on their votes on abortion rights issues.
A 2019 Pew Research study found that 70 percent of those who identify as or lean Democrat support the party’s position on abortion.
The Truth About Abortion
Reverence for Life
By Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“As sons and daughters of God, we cherish life as a gift from him.
A heavy toll on life is included among the evils of war. Data from all nations are appalling. For the United States of America, one hundred thousand were killed in World War I; over four hundred thousand died in World War II. In the first two hundred years as a nation, the lives of over one million Americans were lost due to war.
Regrettable as is the loss of loved ones from war, these figures are dwarfed by the toll of a new war that annually claims more casualties than the total number of fatalities from all the wars of this nation.
It is a war on the defenseless—and the voiceless. It is a war on the unborn.
This war, labeled “abortion,” is of epidemic proportion and is waged globally. Over fifty-five million abortions were reported worldwide in the year 1974 alone.1 Sixty-four percent of the world’s population now live in countries that legally sanction this practice.2 In the United States of America, over 1.5 million abortions are performed annually.3 About 25–30 percent of all pregnancies now end in abortion.4 In some metropolitan areas, there are more abortions performed than live births.5 Comparable data also come from other nations.
What sense of inconsistency can allow people to grieve for their dead, yet be calloused to this baleful war being waged on life at the time of its silent development? What logic would encourage efforts to preserve the life of a critically ill twelve-week-old infant, but countenance the termination of another life twelve weeks after inception? More attention is seemingly focused on the fate of a life at some penitentiary’s death row than on the millions totally deprived of life’s opportunity through such odious carnage before birth…
The Lord has repeatedly declared this divine imperative: “Thou shalt not kill.”6 Recently he added, “Nor do anything like unto it.” (D&C 59:6.) Even before the fulness of the gospel was restored, the enlightened understood the sanctity of life. John Calvin, the sixteenth-century reformer, wrote: “If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light.”7
But what impropriety could now legalize that which has been forbidden by the laws of God from the dawn of time? What twisted reasoning has transformed mythical concepts into contorted slogans assenting to a practice which is consummately wrong?
These slogans begin with proper concern for the health of the mother. Infrequently, instances may occur in which the continuation of pregnancy could be life-threatening to the mother. When deemed by competent medical authorities that the life of one must be terminated in order to save the life of the other, many agree that it is better to spare the mother. But these circumstances are rare, particularly where modern medical care is available.
Another sympathetic concern applies to pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. The tragedy of this despoilment is compounded because, in such relationships, freedom of choice is denied the woman who is innocently involved.
But less than 3 percent of all abortions are performed for these two reasons.The other 97 percent are performed for what may be termed “reasons of convenience.”
Some argue for abortion because a malformed child may result. The harmful effects of certain infectious or toxic agents in the first trimester of pregnancy are real…
The woman’s choice for her own body does not validate choice for the body of another. The expression “terminate the pregnancy” applies literally only to the woman. The consequence of terminating the fetus therein involves the body and very life of another. These two individuals have separate brains, separate hearts, and separate circulatory systems. To pretend that there is no child and no life there is to deny reality.
It is not a question of when “meaningful life” begins or when the spirit “quickens” the body. In the biological sciences, it is known that life begins when two germ cells unite to become one cell, bringing together twenty-three chromosomes from both the father and from the mother. These chromosomes contain thousands of genes. In a marvelous process involving a combination of genetic coding by which all the basic human characteristics of the unborn person are established, a new DNA complex is formed. A continuum of growth results in a new human being. The onset of life is not a debatable issue, but a fact of science…
Approximately twenty-two days after the two cells have united, a little heart begins to beat. At twenty-six days the circulation of blood begins.9
Scripture declares that the “life of the flesh is in the blood.” (Lev. 17:11.) Abortion sheds that innocent blood.
Now, as a servant of the Lord, I dutifully warn those who advocate and practice abortion that they incur the wrath of Almighty God, who declared, “If men … hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, … he shall be surely punished.” (Ex. 21:22.)
Of those who shed innocent blood, a prophet declared: “The judgments which [God] shall exercise … in his wrath [shall] be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.” (Alma 14:11.)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has consistently opposed the practice of abortion. One hundred years ago the First Presidency wrote: “And we again take this opportunity of warning the Latter-day Saints against those … practices of foeticide and infanticide…
Now, is there hope for those who have so sinned without full understanding, who now suffer heartbreak? Yes. So far as is known, the Lord does not regard this transgression as murder. And “as far as has been revealed, a person may repent and be forgiven for the sin of abortion.”13 Gratefully, we know the Lord will help all who are truly repentant… Russell M Nelson April 1985 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1985/04/reverence-for-life?lang=eng
May the world and especially the United Stated of America repent of this evil called abortion and may we respect all life. How can anyone who claims to be of the Lords side, be for taking the life of another. Scoffers may say about Biden, “Yea but he believes in other good things”, or “I can’t justify voting for Trump”, or “But Trump is a liar”, etc. If you vote for Biden it is my personal opinion that you are voting that abortion, even late-term abortion is ok by you. It is reprehensible.