Utah Law- American Founders and Constitution Month

“[Ezra Taft] Benson was an outspoken opponent of communism and socialism, and a strong supporter, but not an official member, of the JBS [John Birch Society], which he praised as “the most effective non-church organization in our fight against creeping socialism and Godless Communism.” Sean Wilentz. “Confounding Fathers: The Tea Party’s Cold War Roots”

Ezra Taft Benson Quotes

-“I testify that wickedness is rapidly expanding in every segment of our society. It is more highly organized, more cleverly disguised, and more powerfully promoted than ever before. Secret combinations ***** for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world.” Ezra Taft Benson
(Original Caption) Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson is shown as he stated yesterday his reluctance to set an official price support level for 1955 wheat. Benson’s remarks were in reply to a letter from Sen. Milton R. Young (R-ND) urging the Secretary to postpone this week’s National Wheat Referendum and to defer setting the price support level.

-“Our families may be corrupted by worldly trends and teachings unless we know how to use the [Book of Mormon] to expose and combat the falsehoods in socialism, organic evolution, rationalism, humanism, and so forth. And our nation will continue to degenerate unless we read and heed the words of the God of this land, Jesus Christ, and quit building up and upholding the secret combinations which the Book of Mormon tells us proved the downfall of both previous American civilizations.” Ezra Taft Benson

-“Could many of our ills today have resulted from our failure to train a strong citizenry from the only source we have – the boys and girls of each community? Have they grown up to believe in politics without principle, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without effort, wealth without work, business without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice?” Ezra Taft Benson

-“The so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist program for revolution in America.” Ezra Taft Benson

-“God loves us; the devil hates us. God wants us to have a fulness of joy as He has. The devil wants us to be miserable as he is. God gives us commandments to bless us. The devil would have us break these commandments to curse us.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers – normally good Americans, but Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free, Americans who have been lulled away into a false security.” Ezra Taft Benson
-“Rights are either God-given as part of the divine plan, or they are granted by government as part of the political plan. If we accept the premise that human rights are granted by government, then we must be willing to accept the corollary that they can be denied by government.” Ezra Taft Benson

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Presidential Proclamation

“On this inaugural National American History and Founders Month, I encourage all citizens to reflect upon the defining tenets that have always united us as Americans, while also taking time to honor those who have contributed to the great story of our country.  As Americans, may we forever strive to preserve their legacy for generations to come.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as National American History and Founders Month.  I call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.” Presidential Proclamation on National American History and Founders Month, 2019

John Birch Society

Eldon Stahl and friends at the John Birch Society, sent the following email that the Firm Foundation feels is very appropriate about the State of Utah designating September as American Founders and Constitution Month. This new Utah law is supportive of the White House proclamation above, on National American History and Founders Month in 2019. We thank Eldon for sending this information and we ask you to consider the John Birch Society, as they will share their appropriate conservative principles at the Firm Foundation Seminar, Sept 15-16 at the Hilton Hotel in SLC, UT.

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American Founders and Constitution Month

The Utah Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent out a Memo (Attached Below) saying,
“The Utah State Legislature has designated the month of September each year as
American Founders and Constitution Month (Constitution Day is celebrated on
September 17th). The State Legislature has requested that civic, fraternal, and religious organizations “recognize and observe this occasion through appropriate programs, teaching, meetings, services, or celebrations.” In the spirit of that request, we encourage your stake to sponsor one patriotic event during the month of September.”
Eldon Stahl wrote the following to his constituents, which I think has a lot of great information we may all benefit from.
Dear JBS Members in Utah:
In the Utah Legislature’s 2023 session, a bill was passed (HB 179)which designates:
“Constitution Day, on September 17, to invite all Utah adults and Utah school children to read directly from the United States Constitution and other primary sources, and for students to be taught principles from the United States Constitution that include federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, limited government, and the necessary and proper, commerce, and supremacy clauses;”
and goes on to specify that:
The month of September shall be commemorated annually as American Founders and Constitution Month to:
 (a) encourage all civic, fraternal, and religious organizations, and public and private
 educational institutions, to recognize and observe this occasion through appropriate programs, teaching, meetings, services, or celebrations in which state, county, and local governmental officials are invited to participate; and
 (b) invite all Utah school children to read directly from the United States Constitution

 and other primary sources, and to be taught principles from the United States Constitution that include federalism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, limited government, and the necessary and proper, commerce, and supremacy clauses.


In the spirit of this language, the Utah Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sent out a memo to all Stake Presidents, Bishops, and Branch Presidents in the Area to encourage each LDS stake, ward, and branch to support the observance of “American Founders and Constitution Month” in Utah. (See attached memo).

They “encourage your stake to sponsor one patriotic event during the month of September that would (1) rekindle a spirit of patriotism by educating our Saints on the inspired principles of the Constitution (D&C 98:5-6; D&C 109:54) and/or (2) build a spirit of appreciation for our Founding Fathers who were raised up by the Lord (DC 101:78-80). In addition, it would be a timely opportunity to encourage individual families and members to study and gain a greater appreciation for the Founding Fathers and our inspired Constitution.”

For those of you who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and those who are not, here are some ideas:
  1. Read, view, and become familiar with JBS and FreedomProject resources that can help educate people on the American Founders and the Constitution.
Here are some I would suggest:
      a.) The 56 Signers Video Series (Produced by FreedomProject)–these are all 1-minute biographies of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence and can be used for many different occasions and ages
      b.) “The Constitution is the Solution” video series—probably something to invite people to at a separate location, but could be completed in 6 weeks if done weekly and advertised as a way to celebrate “American Founders and Constitution Month,” as well as a good opportunity to recruit new members
      c.) JBS “Bill of Rights” video series (3-part series, can easily be done during Sept.)
      d.) “Overview of America” video (Also available in Spanish)–good to show in a meeting (30 mins) and have copies to hand out later. I would recommend playing it in parts so you can use it for more occasions.
      e.) “Constitutional Principles” booklet set
      f.) Declaration of Independence and Constitution (booklet)
      g.) “Back to Basics” trifold brochure—excellent for handing out, basis for talks; summarizes key points of “Overview…” video.
      h.) “A Republic if you can Keep it” booklet
      i.) “A More Perfect Union” video showing (Note: this video was produced by BYU and could be a very simple thing to show at a special devotional and is just under 2 hrs long)
      j.) “A Humbling Lesson” booklet (a good story to read to a group meeting, which doesn’t take very long)
      k.) Miracle At Philadelphia (book—could provide basis for talks at Sac. Mtg. or devotional
      l.) “Republics and Democracies” booklet –for teaching constitutional principles
      m.) “Principles of the Constitution” video series (9 videos, about 72 minutes total run time—produced by FreedomProject Media)–at about the 7th grade level; great for many groups, starting at very basics, which is where many people are.
  1. (If LDS) Approach your Stake President, Bishop, or Branch President with ideas of how you might, with JBS resources, help them follow this recent guidance from the Utah Area Presidency. Making a list available for members and who to contact to get the resources can be helpful for members who want to use something for Family Home Evening, individual study, etc. 
  2. Approach leaders of other churches, civic groups, fraternities, and educational institutions and discuss how you might help them celebrate both “Constitution Day” (Sept 17) and “American Founders and Constitution Month”
Let’s help make September in Utah a great one for learning about and appreciating the Founders and the Constitution!
Yours in Liberty,
Eldon Stahl
Regional Field Director
The John Birch Society