Many have collected dinosaur remains all over and they have no lingering doubt concerning their reality. Thousands of specimens have been found and excavated. However, simply because we acknowledge the existence of dinosaurs does not mean we must accept that it took millions of years for their appearance/disappearance. Many people see the dinosaur bones, but feel there is no direct Biblical supporting evidence for their creation. I think the existence of dinosaurs is very plausible and even supported in the Bible. The word “Dinosaur” does not even appear in the KJV of the Bible and that makes perfect sense. Because In 1842, the English naturalist Sir Richard Owen coined the term Dinosauria, derived from the Greek deinos, meaning “fearfully great,” and sauros, meaning “lizard.” I believe the Dinosaur lived during the time of Adam, as he named all animals.
“Gen 1:24-25 “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
Among the beasts of the Earth, there were animals of all sizes, great and small, including those we know today as dinosaurs. We know they were here because we see their remains, but where did they go? Intermittent extinction of animals is ongoing, but the greatest mass-extinction event to occur on the Earth, the global, Universal Flood, witnessed the sudden end of 75% of all land species, including plants and animals, and 95% of all marine species. When this transpired about 4,400 years ago, tens, even hundreds-of-millions of animals perished, most obliterated by the forces of the great Deluge, but some remains survived because of a very unique, perfectly balanced environment of heat, pressure, water, and ocean chemistry, known as a hypretherm. Those fossil remains show us that the continents were all once connected, that all dinosaurs died in a flood environment (worldwide, all dinosaur fossils are found in flood sediment), and that the extinction event happened in the springtime. In fact, fossilization of dead animals is not happening today; it only happened during the Great Flood.” Russ Barlow, editor of the Universal Model, New Millennial Science
“Sir Richard Owen, (born July 20, 1804, Lancaster, Lancashire, Eng.—died Dec. 18, 1892, London), British anatomist and paleontologist who is remembered for his contributions to the study of fossil animals, especially dinosaurs. He was the first to recognize them as different from today’s reptiles; in 1842 he classified them in a group he called Dinosauria. Owen was also noted for his strong opposition to the views of Charles Darwin.
Owen was educated at Lancaster Grammar School and was apprenticed in 1820 to a group of Lancaster surgeons. In 1824 he went to Edinburgh to continue medical training, but in 1825 he transferred to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. He was admitted to the Royal College of Surgeons of England, where he was engaged as curator of the Hunterian Collections (made by John Hunter, the renowned anatomist) and set up in medical practice. In 1830 he met Georges Cuvier, a celebrated French paleontologist, and the following year visited him in Paris, where he studied specimens in the National Museum of Natural History. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1834, in 1836 Owen became Hunterian professor at the Royal College of Surgeons and in 1837 its professor of anatomy and physiology, as well as Fullerian professor of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Royal Institution. Leaving medical practice and devoting himself to research, he was appointed superintendent of the natural history departments of the British Museum in 1856. From then until his retirement in 1884 he was largely occupied with the development of the British Museum (Natural History) in South Kensington, London. On retirement he was created a knight of the Order of the Bath.
Among Owen’s earliest publications were the Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London (1833), which enabled him to acquire a considerable knowledge of comparative anatomy. His Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (1832) was a classic, and he became a highly respected anatomist. By 1859, the year of the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, however, Owen’s judgment was muddied by his sense that his own preeminence in biology was about to be lost, and he set about to discredit Darwin, who had been a good friend and colleague for 20 years. Owen wrote a very long anonymous review of the book (The Edinburgh Review, 1860), on which Darwin commented:
“It is extremely malignant, clever, and I fear will be very damaging. . . . It requires much study to appreciate all the bitter spite of many of the remarks against me. . . . He misquotes some passages, altering words within inverted commas. . . .”
Owen is also said to have coached Bishop Wilberforce in his debate against Thomas Huxley, one of Darwin’s chief defenders. As Darwin’s thesis began to become more accepted in the scientific community, Owen shifted his position somewhat; although he denied Darwinian doctrine, he admitted the accuracy of its basis, claiming to have been the first to have pointed out the truth of the principle on which it was founded.”
Contributed By Jason Swensen, Church News associate editor
“That’s the beauty of the Church—it’s one of the reasons why I joined the Church,” he said. “The Church is looking for truth, and we don’t find truth only in the scriptures. There’s truth all around us; we just have to search for it.” Rod Scheetz
(Quote from article link above)”He [Scheetz] eventually enrolled at BYU, joined the Church, and continued his paleontology studies under Jensen. Some on campus were suspicious of science, prompting debates over, say, creationism and evolution. But Scheetz never picked sides between his scientific learning and his burgeoning gospel testimony. No need, he said—the Creator is also the supreme Scientist.”
“Did dinosaurs live and die on this earth long before man came along? There have been no revelations on this question, and the scientific evidence says yes. (You can learn more about it by studying paleontology if you like, even at Church-owned schools.)
The details of what happened on this planet before Adam and Eve aren’t a huge doctrinal concern of ours. The accounts of the Creation in the scriptures are not meant to provide a literal, scientific explanation of the specific processes, time periods, or events involved. What matters to us is that as part of His plan for us, God created the earth and then created Adam and Eve, who were our first parents and were instrumental in bringing about the Fall, which enabled us to be born on earth and participate in God’s plan.” (See Jeffrey R. Holland, “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet,” Ensign, May 2015, 105.)
How do dinosaurs fit into the creation? By Ask Gramps
“…a comment on carbon dating, which may be used for only rather recent geological time estimates. There is a radioactive isotope of carbon, called carbon 14, (14C). It has a half-life of 5100 years. That means that for any given amount of 14C, half of it will have dissipated in 5100 years, another half in another 5100, etc.. 14C is produced by neutron bombardment of nitrogen (14N) in the atmosphere, and unites with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, (CO2). Only an extremely small amount of the carbon in the atmosphere consists of the isotope 14. CO2 from the atmosphere is absorbed into the structure of plants through their leaves. Scientists can determine the ratio of the radioactive isotope, 14C, to the stable isotope, 12C, and from the known rate of decay of 14C, they can estimate how long ago the plant material was living and absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere.
The question is, how accurate are the estimates? In the first place, the cosmic ray flux into the earth’s atmosphere is known to vary. Over the last few thousand years it has fluctuated a number of times by at least ten percent. Secondly, the scientists assume that the relative concentrations of the atmospheric constituents have been constant over the geological time periods of interest. A number of factors can occur that would alter the atmospheric composition, such as atmospheric pollution from volcanic eruptions, which would in turn affect the accuracy of 14C dating. So, beyond 5000 years or so, I would not give much confidence to the time estimates based on carbon dating. Full Article Here
Woolly Mammoths Survived on Alaska Island Until Just 5,600 Years Ago, New Study Shows
They are perhaps the most iconic animals of the Ice Age. But woolly mammoths survived in North America an astonishing 6,000 years after the Ice Age ended, scientists say. Entire article Here:
Do the revelations teach a 7,000 year temporal existence of the earth? Can the scriptures and writings of the presidents of the church be harmonized with the scientific principle of Uniformitarianism?
“The scriptures are very clear that the earth has a temporal or mortal existence of 7000 years. John the Revelator saw by revelation the history of this earth. This history was divided into 1000 year increments or seven seals. The Prophet Joseph Smith was given a revelation explaining the teachings of John the Revelator concerning the seven seals spoken of in his work. Part of this explanation explains that the Lord created the earth in 6 days on His time, resting on the seventh, and that this earth will likewise continue for a 7000 year temporal existence.
“. . . as God made the world in six days, and on the seventh day he finished his work, and sanctified it, and also formed man out of the dust of the earth, even so, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years will the Lord God sanctify the earth, and complete the salvation of man . . .” D&C 77:12
Additionally, the Lord explained that the book, which John saw, which was sealed on the back with seven seals represents:
“. . . the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or it temporal existence.” D&C 77:6
The seven thousand years of this earth’s temporal existence? This scripture is very clear and definite as to the continuance of this earth. Some however, have suggested that it does not mean what it clearly says. What is the proper scriptural interpretation of this phrase? President Joseph Fielding Smith in explanation of Doctrine and Covenants 77 taught:
“Here is a definite statement by revelation to us that this earth will go through 7,000 years of temporal existence. Temporal, by all interpretations, means passing, temporary or mortal. This, then, has reference to the earth in its fallen state, for the earth was cursed when Adam . . . transgressed the law. Before that time this earth was not mortal any more than Adam was.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:79-80
Mortality, with death, blood and sin will only continue on this earth for a time of 7000 years. These teachings differ significantly from those suggested by most modern scientists. President Smith explained:
“. . . we can hardly be justified in trying to harmonize the days of creation with the extended periods of millions of years according to the reckoning of so-called scientists.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:80
There was no death, reproduction or sin prior to the Fall of Adam for man and all animal life. Therefore, as the scriptures teach, there was no change and all things existed in a state of peace until Adam brought death into the world. See 2 Nephi 2:22″ Read the rest at the Joseph Smith Foundation Here!
“The Bible begins with a statement that is so simple a child can understand it, yet so inexhaustibly profound: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” —Dr. Jeremy Lyon, “Genesis: Paradise Lost.”
It is the most dramatic and important opening of any chapter of any book. Given as a declaration of fact, the first verse of Genesis covers the creation of time, space, and matter in a single sentence; a solitary breath. Thus began the world and everything in it.
Genesis 1:24“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: And it was so.”
Today, we continue to discover physical evidence of many creatures that no longer exist, including reptiles known as dinosaurs. Their skeletal remains give us a glimpse into the structure and size of these remarkable animals. Yet the controversy rages: Did these creatures evolve into existence and eventually become extinct millions of years before humanity stepped onto the scene of world history? Or were humans and dinosaurs created by God; co-existing for centuries before saurian extinction?
Part of the Original Creation?
In the Book of Exodus, as God gives His perfect law to Moses on Mount Sinai, He reiterates the plain reading of the Creation Story from Genesis chapter one:
Exodus 20:11 “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” [Emphasis added]
If God created everything in six days, with land animals and humans both coming into existence on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-31), then humans and dinosaurs did occupy the same world at the same time. So what happened?
What Happened to the Perfect World?
Initially, God’s creation was perfect, with all animals and humans living in harmony, all feasting on plants, trees and their fruit. Everything was vegetarian in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:30). Sometime after the original creation, man sinned and this perfect world was corrupted in many ways. Eventually, God saw fit to punish the wickedness that had overtaken the world. But he spared Noah, “a just man, and perfect among his generations and Noah walked with God.” (Genesis 6:9)
Dinosaurs on the Ark?
The story of Noah saving the animals on the ark is not exclusive to those of Judeo-Christian descent. Over 277 cultures worldwide share a common story about a man who saved humanity and animals from extinction by building a vessel to survive a catastrophic deluge. Of course, scoffers reject the notion that anyone from ancient times could build a boat large enough and sturdy enough to hold all of the animals, especially the dinosaurs. However, it is logical to assume that the same God who created the world, and warned Noah of the upcoming disaster, could also provide him with the exact specifications he needed to build a seaworthy vessel. These specifications, recorded for us in Genesis 6:14-16, have been modeled, tested, and found to be sound by a number of scientific studies. Similar studies have shown that Noah needed to bring less than 8,000 animals on board the ark, in order to fulfill his mission. Some of them were dinosaurs; not the biggest and the meanest he could find, but smaller members of the saurian family who could preserve the population.
Why Aren’t Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?
If dinosaurs were part of the original creation and taken on board Noah’s ark with the rest of the land dwelling animals, why aren’t they mentioned in the Bible?
Since the word “dinosaur” wasn’t actually coined until 1841, the creatures we now refer to as dinosaurs were simply called dragons throughout most of history. Not only does the Bible use the word “dragon” repeatedly, 21 times in the Old Testament and 12 times in the Book of Revelations, the Book of Job describes creatures called Behemoth and Leviathan, which seem to indicate large, reptilian beasts, like dinosaurs. (See the Book of Job, chapters 40 and 41.)
Job 40:15-19 “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.”
In Hebrew, the word “Behemoth” translates as “gigantic beast.” For this animal to be described by God as “the chief,” it must surely have been a huge and magnificent sight!
What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Throughout history, dragons have been a huge part of folklore, each culture replete with legends of flying reptiles, as well as monsters of land and sea. Notable historians such as Herodotus, Strabo, Dio, and Josephus have documented accounts with enormous creatures called dragons. In the journals of Alexander the Great and Marco Polo, there have been found additional references to these creatures, some large enough and scary enough to terrify the most stalwart of soldiers. Ancient writings have been discovered containing recipes which call for dragon parts like their bones, blood, and saliva. It seems that ancient man did not believe dinosaurs were a thing of the past, but a veritable threat to their present and future.
By the Middle Ages, dragon sightings had become rare. Those who did show themselves were instantly hunted for sport, food, or medicine. Yet the sightings continued. Today we continue to discover and unearth drawings and artwork with depictions of these monsters. From pottery, stones, and statues, to detailed carvings on an 800 year old temple in Cambodia, archaeology is abounding with pictures of the creatures we now call dinosaurs. So why is there a concerted effort to deny the co-existence of these creatures with humanity?
Millions of Years Ago…
We’ve heard it before, in numerous ways. Dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. They died out before man came into existence and were not discovered until the early 1800’s. The proof for this is in the fossil evidence and extinction. In order for their bones to be fossilized, and then buried under miles of dirt, rock, and other bones, they must have been wiped out long before mankind existed. Whatever disaster destroyed the dinosaurs must have happened before our ancestors were crawling around on all fours, or they would have been destroyed too. Today, these assumptions are touted as fact, as indisputable as gravity.
Scientifically, we have discovered that fossilization does not take millions of years. It just requires the right conditions. And the burial of millions of animals, plants, and marine life is explained quite easily by the worldwide flood recorded in the Book of Genesis. This wasn’t just a bit of rain that fell from the sky, but a worldwide catastrophe of epic proportions!
Dinosaurs—Part of the Original Creation
Through God’s Word, historical records, and evidence uncovered, we can see that dinosaurs were part of the original creation. Adam and Eve saw them in the Garden of Eden; Noah took them on the Ark; and mankind has interacted with them and been fascinated by them for over 6,000 years. It is only in recent times that there has been a concerted effort to assert their extinction before the dawn of humanity. This error has led many to question the Word of God and thereby to deny the reality of Creation, the Flood, and the Coming Judgment. Yet, over the centuries, science has proven to be like shifting sand. Only God’s Word is steadfast.
Genesis 1: 31“And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.”
About the Author: Eric Hovind
Eric Hovind grew up immersed in the world of apologetics and following college graduation in 1999, he began full-time ministry. President and Founder of Pensacola-based organization, Creation Today, Eric’s passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel has driven him to speak in five foreign countries and all fifty states. He lives in Pensacola, Florida with his wife Tanya and three children and remains excited about the tremendous opportunity to lead an apologetics ministry in the war against evolution and humanism.
“Apparently the intensive plural of behemah, meaning “beast.” A large river animal (possibly the hippopotamus), described in Job 40:15–24.” LDS Bible Dictionary.
“(/bɪˈhiːməθ, ˈbiːə-/; Hebrew: בהמות, behemot) is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. Suggested identities range from a mythological creature to an elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or buffalo.[1] Metaphorically, the name has come to be used for any extremely large or powerful entity.”
Antichrist on Leviathan, Liber floridus, 1120
“Any great sea or land monster, such as the crocodile, either as an actual creature (Job 41:1) or as symbolic of a nation (Ps. 74:14); a large serpent (Isa. 27:1).” LDS Bible Dictionary
“(/lɪˈvaɪ.əθən/; Hebrew: לִוְיָתָן, Livyatan) is a creature with the form of a sea monster from Jewish belief, referenced in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos.
The Leviathan of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative mythology, as have been wider comparisons to dragon and world serpent narratives such as Indra slaying Vrtra or Thor slaying Jörmungandr,[1] but Leviathan already figures in the Hebrew Bible as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon (Isaiah 27:1), and some scholars have pragmatically interpreted it as referring to large aquatic creatures, such as the crocodile.[2] The word later came to be used as a term for “great whale” as well as of sea monsters in general.” Wikipedia Levianthan
“The Lord points to His power in the leviathan—All things under the whole heaven are the Lord’s.” Chapter 41 Job Heading.
“19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. 20 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. 21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. 22 In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him. 31 He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.” Job 41:19-22, 31-32
“Snakes marked with flamelike spots, or whose bite caused acute inflammation (Num. 21:6). The Lord sent these upon the children of Israel to “straiten them,” and He prepared a way that those who were bitten might be healed by looking at the serpent of brass that Moses raised up before them, which was a symbol of the Redeemer being lifted upon the cross (John 3:14–15). The event is confirmed in latter-day revelation (1 Ne. 17:41;2 Ne. 25:20). See also Serpent, brazen.” LDS Bible Dictionary
Cureloms and Cumoms
Moroni briefly mentions beasts called “cureloms and cumoms” in Ether 9:19, mentioning that they are “useful unto man.” While they only make a brief appearance in the Book of Mormon, these unknown beasts might as well be mythical creatures to most scholars. But to some these may also be the Mammoth or Mastodon or even a larger beast like a Dinosaur. Remember much about mythology is a copying of real depictions of things.
Beasts and wild beasts are mentioned many places in the scriptures. In the LDS Bible Dictionary it gives the following list of some of the terms titled as Beasts.
Manti Temple. 1886-87, Carl Christian Anton Christensen (usually CCA Christensen, 1831-1912) painted a 4.9-meter-high mural stretching completely around the Creation Room of the Manti Temple. The mural shows elements of creation up to, but not including, humans.
New York is one of the most archaeologically rich sites in America. Human bones, battles, artifacts, copper, steel, pearls, roads, forts, mounds, and a bloddy hill. The incredible amount of animal bones including Mastodons and Mammoths I discuss below,match up with the Book of Mormon timeline and are also very abundant as shown below in this map, taken from “Distribution of Pleistocene Mammals in New york State” Fisher 1955, and “The Archaeology of New York State” William A. Ritchie 1965.
“The battles in described as often having culminated in the destruction of previous, superior Native cultures which had taken final refuge in forts at the tops of hills, including the general region of the hill known to Mormons as Cumorah. In the town of Camillus, in the same county of Onondaga . . . there are two ancient forts . . . One is on a very high hill, and its area covers about three acres. . . . The ditch was deep and the eastern wall ten feet high. In the centre was a large lime stone of an irregular shape.” A Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New-York, Addressed to the Honourable Samuel L. Mitchill, a Vice-President of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York . . . by Dewitt Clinton . . . Read Before the Society November 13th, 1817 De Witt Clinton (1769-1828)
Bloody Hill NY
“Pompey in Onondaga County, a town covering upwards of five hundred acres must have contained a population greatly transcending all our ideas of credibility . . . This town was on elevated ground, . . . and was well calculated for defense. . . . There are three old forts distant about eight miles from each other, and forming a triangle which encloses the town; . . . and they were, in all probability, erected to cover the town and to protect the inhabitants from the attacks of an enemy. . . . On the line of the north side, the town was probably stormed. There are graves on each side close to the precipice; sometimes five or six persons were thrown promiscuously into the same grave. If the invaders had been repulsed, the inhabitants would have interred the killed in the usual places; but from the circumstance of there being graves near the ravine and in the village, I am induced to believe that the town was taken. (noting ‘gun barrels, axes, hoes and swords . . . all over these grounds’) The traditions of the Indians agree in some measure with the French relations. They represent that their forefathers had several bloody battles with the French . . . There is a hill in Pompey, which the Indians will not visit, and which they call Bloody Hill. . . . The old fortifications were erected previous to European intercourse. The Indians are ignorant by whom they were made; and in the wars which took place in this country, it is probable that they were occupied as strong holds by the belligerents; and it is likely that the ruins of European works of a different construction may be found… it is remarkable that our ancient forts resemble the old British and Danish. The Bloody Hill site dated by modern archaeology to ca. 1420 A.D. has been excavated carefully in modern times, yielding comparatively superior ceramic artifacts. Significantly more Native sites are now recognized in Pompey, beyond the few which [DeWitt] Clinton knew or was able to visit.” (James A. Tuck, 104-119) Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source 2014 Rick Grunder page 403. Map from “Onondaga Iroquois Pre History A Study in Settlement Archaeology” James A. Tuck 1971 page 20
Onondaga, Joseph Smith’s Indians?
“Onondaga was a name that Joseph would have heard frequently in the Indian lore which B. H. Roberts felt must have influenced Joseph during his early days in Palmyra… Indeed, in order to reach Palmyra in company with Lucy Mack Smith and his siblings when they emigrated from Vermont, Joseph had to traverse the important township of Onondaga, through which the original Genesee and Seneca Turnpikes still run today…” Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source 2014 Rick Grunder pg 1125
I share 5 mounds dated from 700 to 1100 AD called SACKETT, GENEVA, LAWSON, MORROW, & VINE VALLEY Mounds. These are a few of the mounds around the Cumorah area that show the Lamanites settlements were possible after the final battles could be all around this location. See above map.
Complete mastodon jaw unearthed in New York after homeowner spots teeth in backyard
By Emily Mae Czachor / CBS News
“A complete mastodon jaw was discovered in the backyard of a home in New York’s Hudson Valley, marking the state’s first such find in more than a decade, officials announced this week.
The Stockton, New York, homeowner initially spotted two teeth hidden in the fronds of a plant on their property and proceeded to uncover two more teeth buried inches underground, the New York State Museum said. Staff from the museum, which is based in Albany and has an archaeological research department, and SUNY Orange launched an investigation at the property.
A complete mastodon jaw was unearthed from the yard of a home in New York state.New York State Museum
Their excavation unearthed additional fossils, including a full, well-preserved adult jaw and fragments of rib and toe bones that once belonged to a mastodon — ancient giants that existed during the Ice Age and became extinct some 10,000 years ago. The term refers to a group of massive elephant-like species, like the mammoth.
“When I found the teeth and examined them in my hands, I knew they were something special and decided to call in the experts,” said the homeowner in a statement to the New York State Museum. “I’m thrilled that our property has yielded such an important find for the scientific community.”
Excavators discovered fragments of the mastodon’s toe and rib bones in addition to the jaw.New York State Museum
Remnants of mastodons have been discovered in New York before. According to the museum, more than 150 fossils of these prehistoric creatures have been documented to date statewide, with around one-third of them coming from Orange County, where the latest bones were found.
But experts said the findings offer an opportunity to learn something new.
“This discovery is a testament to the rich paleontological history of New York and the ongoing efforts to understand its past,” said Robert Feranec, a research director and curator at the New York State Museum whose work centers on ice age animals, in a statement. “Fossils are resources that provide remarkable snapshots of the past, allowing us to not only reconstruct ancient ecosystems but also provide us with better context and understanding of the current world around us.”
The mastodon fossils will undergo carbon dating and analysis to determine the creature’s age, diet and habitat while it was alive, the museum said. After that analysis and subsequent preservation work are complete, the bones will be featured on public display in 2025.”
Some Professors that teach at BYU trouble me big time. I know the Prophet and Apostles are men of God and they hire the many Professors, CES Teachers, Scientists, and Historians, but that does not mean that all of these educators that are hired, teach the full principles of the true gospel. Many of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing and we members of Christ’s true church must discern truth vs. error. It is part of our calling as Christians. We shouldn’t judge, but it is certainly righteous to call out evil when we see it. It is wrong to judge the Church based on intellectuals who don’t follow the doctrine of the Savior.
False Doctrine
“I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU
Troubled Secularism
I continue to be troubled by the amount of secular learning our children are learning at elementary, junior high, high school, and especially at college. The Critical Race Theory (CRT) is happening everywhere and it is not good. It teaches the Black race of people as always victims and the White race are always aggressors and guilty of racism. There cannot be a unity if there is always racism. This is wrong. The Savior said that we should become one just as He and His Father are one. I have no white guilt and I love all people regardless of their race or creed. Let’s come together in Christ, not become divided.
I do not have a degree in higher education, but I have been around the block a few times and have studied hard about life and politics and religion. I am a life long and in good standing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am thankful for a strong testimony of our Savior and His scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I have always loved BYU and especially their sports. My father graduated from BYU in 1954. I have become more and more critical of many of the secular doctrines that BYU teaches. It hasn’t affected my testimony or love of the Prophet and Apostles by any means, but my concern is, are children strong in spirit enough to withstand the many secular teachings at BYU?
I am not judging the school but I am worried there are so many Professors not just teaching theory such as evolution, but teaching it as doctrine. This is easily provable. BYU Provo and Idaho are certainly fantastic institutions, but don’t expect your children to be shielded by Church doctrine at these schools. There are many wonderful professors but I believe there are are also some professors that care more about their own intelligence than about sharing Christian values with our children.
The downfall of the Church will never be between those who tout the Mesoamerican Theory of geography, vs. the Heartlanders who witness of a North American geography, but between the truth of the gospel and the great and spacious building who think they are smarter than the Brethren. Some of the so-called smart intellectuals are leading us to the separation of the wheat and tares. Of course, I am not saying all intellectuals, but so many historians and professors are teaching the philosophies of men on purpose. For example. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say anything about Joseph using a single seer stone in a hat to translate the plates, and yet there are over 8 scriptures and the firsthand testimony of Joseph and Oliver that testify the spectacles and breastplate or Interpreters, were used to translate.
Click the link below to get my list of 16 quotes here and it will help you with that argument as you study and pray about it. See my free pdf of information about how the breastplate and spectacles were used for the complete translation. HERE:[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”6 page Proper Translation of the Book of Mormon”]
“I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful.” The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. PackerElder Packer also said, “This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons”. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
“..We have to be careful that love and empathy do not get interpreted as condoning and advocacy, or that orthodoxy and loyalty to principle not be interpreted as unkindness or disloyalty to people. As near as I can tell, Christ never once withheld His love from anyone, but He also never once said to anyone, “Because I love you, you are exempt from keeping my commandments.” We are tasked with trying to strike that same sensitive, demanding balance in our lives.” Source:
Honoring our Stewardships
“As members of the Church we have some close quarters to pass through if we are to save our souls. As the Church gets larger some men have increasing responsibility and more and more duties must be delegated. We all have stewardships for which we must account to the Lord.
Unfortunately some men who do not honor their stewardships may have an adverse affect on many people. Often the greater the man’s responsibility the more good or evil he can accomplish. The Lord usually gives a man a long enough rope and sufficient time to determine whether that man wants to pull himself into the presence of God or drop off somewhere below.
There are some regrettable things being said and done by some people in the Church today. As President Clark so well warned, “The ravening wolves are amongst us, from our own membership and they, more than any others, are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood…. We should be careful of them.”
Sometimes from behind the pulpit, in our classrooms, in our Council meetings and in our church publications we hear, read or witness things that do not square with the truth. This is especially true where freedom is involved. Now do not let this serve as an excuse for your own wrong-doing. The Lord is letting the wheat and the tares mature before he fully purges the Church. He is also testing you to see if you will be misled. The devil is trying to deceive the very elect.”
How a New Instagram Page is Exposing Apostate BYU Professors
I love BYU. My parents met at BYU. My older brother went to BYU, I grew up in Orem always dreaming about the day I would go to BYU and graduate, and if it was not for a crystal clear personal revelation I had to go to UVU, I would be a senior at BYU right now. Within that context, it breaks my heart to share with you the grave apostasy that is taking place among the faculty and staff at BYU. My wife goes to BYU and over the past year, she has shared with me the apostate teachings of her professors. One professor taught her that it is 100% okay to masturbate if you have the goal of trying to find out what pleasures you so that you can share that knowledge with your spouse. It broke my heart to hear that her professors were teaching this. But tonight one of my friends shared a new movement called “Keeping Faith at BYU” with me. ( and on twitter).
These social media pages are an anonymous place for BYU students to expose the apostate nature of their professors. At first, I figured it would be professors who were progressive/liberal pushing political ideology. But when I looked up the posts they were sharing, it is much worse than simply pushing politics, there is full-blown apostasy going on in Provo. These apostate BYU professors are teaching against the Family Proclamation, denouncing doctrines like personal responsibility, agency, or the law of chastity, and they are using their position within the church to speak out against the Church authorities. I want to share just a few of their posts.
Reading these posts made my stomach curl, what has happened to BYU? I don’t believe all the professors are apostate, but the house needs to be cleaned. We must demand that the gospel is the center and framework for all teaching at BYU. The gospel contains all truth of every field of study, no truth exists except it is embraced by the gospel. The purpose of BYU is to allow for the study of any given topic from the foundational understanding that restored gospel truth brings. Joseph F Smith taught, “There is no truth in any other religious society or organization, which is not included in the gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and after him by the leaders and elders of this Church; but it requires some effort on our part, some exertion, some devotion, to learn of and to enjoy these things.” Yet many times BYU students feel like they can’t mingle the gospel with their studies, for example:
This ought not to be at BYU! We must have teachers who embrace the gospel truths in their respective fields and teach the gospel perspective of their fields to their students. John Taylor addressed the need to have good teachers when he said: “Whatever you do, be choice in your selection of teachers. We do not want infidels to mold the minds of our children. They are a precious charge bestowed upon us by the Lord, and we cannot be too careful in rearing and training them. I would rather have my children taught the simple rudiments of a common education by men of God, and have them under their influence, than have them taught in the most abstruse [or complex] sciences by men who have not the fear of God in their hearts.” These professors are not just rogue professors at a state university, they are not even just members pushing their ideas as doctrine, these professors are practicing priestcraft, they are being paid with the tithing funds of the Church. Think about that, the widow’s mite is paying professional apostates who are actively teaching the philosophies of men, mingled with scripture! Prophetic are the words of Harold B. Lee that perfectly describe these professors: There are those in the Church who speak of themselves as liberals who, as one of our former presidents has said, “read by the lamp of their own conceit.” (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine [Deseret Book Co., 1939], p. 373.)
One time I asked one of our Church educational leaders how he would define a liberal in the Church. He answered in one sentence: “A liberal in the Church is merely one who does not have a testimony.” Dr. John A. Widtsoe, former member of the Quorum of the Twelve and an eminent educator, made a statement relative to this word liberal as it applied to those in the Church. This is what he said: “The self-called liberal [in the Church] is usually one who has broken with the fundamental principles or guiding philosophy of the group to which he belongs. … He claims membership in an organization but does not believe in its basic concepts; and sets out to reform it by changing its foundations.
As members of the Church, we need to speak up and speak out against the apostate faculty and staff at BYU. We need a cleansing of the inner vessel. Am I calling for these professors to be fired? Yes, I am 100% advocating that BYU fire any and all faculty and staff that are actively teaching against the very organization that they belong to! Not only do I believe those who teach against the gospel should be fired at BYU, when warranted I believe they should be excommunicated for using their position of authority within the church to destroy the testimony of the youth and lead them into apostasy. To quote President Benson, “Watchmen—what of the night? We must respond by saying that all is not well in Zion. As Moroni counseled, we must cleanse the inner vessel (see Alma 60:23), beginning first with ourselves, then with our families, and finally with the Church.” Cleansing the inner vessel, General Conference, April 1986.
So what can we do? We can stand up and make our voices heard. If you have stories of apostate professors share them, You can follow the social media accounts for Keeping Faith at BYU: Keeping Faith at BYU on Twitter Keeping Faith at BYU on Instagram Keeping Faith at BYU on Facebook You can sign the petition to have BYU retrench (return the roots of the gospel). The petition to retrench at BYU is on You can also share this blog post, and these pages with your friends and family and raise awareness about what is happening at BYU. If you are sending your children to BYU, you can encourage them to stand for truth and against professors. Teach them to think critically and value standing for truth more than a grade. There are things more important than GPA’s. Encourage them not to simply drop the class with rogue professors and let them preach their false doctrines unopposed, but to stand for truth and challenge the professor. You can pray for the brave students are standing against their professors, and also pray for the students who are not standing out of fear that they will find the courage to stand up for truth. I believe in BYU. I believe in its mission. Let us cleanse our personal vessels, family vessels, and then let us do our duty stand up and speak out to help cleanse and maintain the purity of the Church and BYU. If you liked this article, you might like these other articles about BYU and Brigham Young.
Dear Brigham Young haters: Leave my prophet alone!The three underlying issues behind the BYU honor code protests.
At a recent post over at BCC, a tenured BYU-X professor communicates some anxiety about CES’ new direction, which is certainly their right, but in doing so the author calls the people who made this decision (i.e. the brethren, if that wasn’t clear from Elder Holland’s talk) autocrats, and prominently displays the fasces at the top of the post. Now, I don’t know if this is a weird attempt at a “they who have ears to hear” thing, but the fasci is a well-established symbol of fascism. Implying that the people who actually have the power to do anything about this are autocratic fascists isn’t going to help their case. While as a matter of principle I think non-inflammatory rhetoric is generally best, for what it’s worth I’m on the other side of this. However, I’m actually skeptical that the new direction will achieve much, although I might be wrong. It doesn’t matter if all the deans are on board with the church’s “teachings on marriage, family, and gender” (which they aren’t, in at least one case I’m aware of); I suspect that the faculty who fundamentally disagree with the Church on hot button social topics and are in part at BYU to “reform” the Church through its institutions will just lay low and continue to hire the kind of people who also fundamentally disagree with the Church and are trying to reform it. I suspect that the concern over arbitrariness, while valid, is also in part simply masking a concern that the Church is putting their foot down on the expectation that faculty’s primary ideological loyalties lie with the Church when its teachings directly conflict with another ideology (usually the predominant ideology of the academic discipline). For example, a less “bishop roulette” and more “one size fits all” alternative that I suspect would cause even more gnashing of teeth is for the Church to ask more direct questions (e.g. do you support the Church’s theological position that only a man and woman married together can be exalted? Do you believe that President Nelson is God’s most authorized representative on earth? For non-members maybe replace “support” with “respect”) that don’t leave any wiggle room like the current wording does. Then, the Church is very public and open about asking these questions, so eventually word gets around the relevant academic professional organizations that every BYU professor has signed a faith statement to that effect, essentially forcing BYU professors to be more transparent about where they stand instead of being coy about where their primary loyalties lie when the Church’s position conflicts with the predominant ideology in the field. If that makes it so BYU can’t recruit enough to field a full department, then so be it.
There are a lot of other places the widow’s mite can be spent, because at the end of the day BYU is not the gospel or the Church, and the mission of the Church is less dependent on recruiting a theorist from a top ten school than some academics think. The implicit threat that the departments will be hollowed out if the Church presses these issues does not have much leverage, as I suspect the Board of Trustees would be fine if the English Department was operating at half strength. (Although I have no idea where the BYU English Department is on these issues, for all I know they’re all Molly Mormons who never skipped seminary). Of course, it’s not my place to tell the First Presidency what to do here, but I’m making the point that from some perspectives the new direction is less restrictive than it could, and possibly should be in order to get BYU faculty on-mission.
“I love being a part of the diversity committee in the College of Life Sciences. Helping students to become actively antiracist is one of the most important things I’ve done as a BYU faculty member. The affirmation Black Lives Matter has helped me see the importance of working towards a more inclusive BYU for all its students.” Steven Peck COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCES DIVERSITY COMMITEE BYU Impact Magazine page 27
This troublesome Newsweek article by Steven Peck still disturbs me after all these years. Read it below.
Also a very concerning article in LDS living is from an intelligent member of the church who affiliates with Bok of Mormon Central and other apologetic groups, here called 5 Answers to Difficult Questions About Noah and the Flood. Do not yield your faith in payment for an advanced degree or for the recognition and acclaim of the world. Do not turn away from the Lord nor from his Church nor from his servants. You are needed—oh, how you are needed! It may be that you will lay your scholarly reputation and the acclaim of your colleagues in the world as a sacrifice upon the altar of service. They may never understand the things of the Spirit as you have a right to do. They may not regard you as an authority or as a scholar. Just remember, when the test came to Abraham, he didn’t really have to sacrifice Isaac. He just had to be willing to. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer
The following information is from The Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum, pages 472-474. Order here.
“An interesting study on ‘Men and Elephants in America’ (Ludwell H. Johnson, “Men and Elephants in America,” The Scientific Monthly 75 (1952), 220-221] . . . concludes: ‘Archaeology has proved that the American Indian hunted and killed elephants; it has also strongly indicated that these elephants have been extinct for several thousand years. This means that the traditions of the Indians recalling these animals have retained their historical validity for great stretches of time. . . Probably the minimum is three thousand years,’ . . . which would place [the elephant’s] extinction about a thousand years B.C., when the Jaredite culture was already very old and Lehi’s people were not to appear on the scene for some centuries. . . Here, then, is a strong argument for Jaredite survivors among the Indians” – Hugh Nibley, “The Prophetic Book of Mormon,” Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Volume 8, Deseret Book Company [1989], 111.
Mastodons (Mammut) are a type of ancient elephant ancestor. They were similar in appearance to modern elephants. Like modern elephants, they had trunks. They also had tusks, although mastodons had shorter tusks than modern elephants or mammoths. Their front and back legs were similar in height (e.g., Haynes, 1993). A full-grown adult male mastodon, would have averaged 9.5 ft (2.9 m) at the shoulder, while male African elephants, average 10.5 ft (3.2 m) at the shoulder. Mastodons, however, were stockier (more robust) and heavier, than modern elephants (Larramendi, 2015).
Mastodons, Mound Builders, and Montroville Wilson Dickeson–Pioneering American Archaeologist
Figure 1. Section of panorama painted ca. 1850 by John Egan from Montroville Dickeson’s field notes depicting, somewhat fancifully, mounds at Cado Parish, Louisiana. From John Egan, Monumental Grandeur of the Mississippi Valley. Reproduced by permission of the St. Louis Museum of Art.
The history of archaeology is populated by a varied cast of scholars. showmen, adventurers. and charlatans. This article examines the career of a little-known pioneer of American archaeology. Montroville Wilson Dickeson (1810-1882). Dickeson, a Philadelphia physician, conducted extensive excavations of archaeological sites in Louisiana and Mississippi in the 1840s (Figs. 1. 2), amassing a collection of thousands of artifacts. He also acquired. through purchase or trade, material from seventeen other states or territories. More importantly, he contributed to the two great questions debated in 19th-century archaeology: When did the first people arrive in the New World? and, Who had constructed the enormous prehistoric earthworks found along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers?
In 1899 the newly formed Free Museum of Science and Art (now the University of Pennsylvania Museum) acquired Dickeson’s extensive artifact collections, as well as his notes and a massive panoramic painting documenting highlights of his fieldwork. Today. artifacts from these collections remain important components of the American Section’s holdings. They have the potential to inform us about both the prehistory of the southeastern United States and the history of American archaeology. Dickeson research, however, has received little recent attention.
The Early Years of American Archaeology
Figure 2. Montroville Wilson Dickeson. Lithograph portrait from his American Numismatic Manual (1859). Courtesy of Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
Dickeson was not alone in his interest in North American archaeology. Thomas Jefferson is generally credited with being the first American archaeologist. In 1784, the sage of Monticello conducted excavations at a small prehistoric burial mound or barrow near Charlottesville. Virginia. Jefferson was interested in determining the age of the mound. In his words, That they were repositories of the dead. has been obvious to all; but on what particular occasion constructed, was a matter of doubt” ( Jefferson 1787[1982]; 160).
Other researchers shared Jefferson’s interest. The 19th century saw a growing fascination with America’s prehistoric past. As settlers crossed the Appalachians and headed for the fertile bottomlands of the Midwest. they encountered spectacular earthworks of varied forms. Few of these pioneers were willing to attribute these structures to Native Americans, past or present. The tribes they were familiar with, particularly in the Northeast, were not known to build earthen mounds. Moreover, many Native American peoples were in social disarray, reeling from years of warfare, and their populations were much reduced by disease and poverty. To some observers, they seemed hardly capable of constructing the massive mounds.
Thus there was rampant speculation regarding the identities of the so-called Mound Builders. Phoenicians, Israelites, Vikings Irish Monks, Toltecs from Mexico, and even the conquistador Hernando De Soto were all put forward as possibilities (Silverberg 1968; Williams 1991). Some scholars were, however, more circumspect in their interpretations. Historian Roger Kennedy notes that “…Jefferson, Gallatin, and Washington simply assumed that the people they found in the [Ohio] Valley had been preceded by other Indians who had known more effulgent circumstances. ‘a more populous people’ but not a different one” (1994:236). One other researcher who was willing to attribute these monumental earthworks to indigenous peoples was Montroville Wilson Dickeson.
Young Dickeson
Montroville Wilson Dickeson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1810. He was raised in Gloucester County. New Jersey, where his family owned a farm in Woodbury (Veit 1997). Even as a youth he had a great interest in the natural sciences and was an inveterate collector, accumulating “rocks, insects, reptiles, and shells” (W. Dickeson 18g9:1). As a teenager he discovered several unique fossils in the Cretaceous marl beds of southern New Jersey. These finds brought him to the attention of the local scientific community. Philadelphia. at the time, was the intellectual center of the young United States. The scholarly institutions in the city included the American Philosophical Society, the Franklin Institute, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. the Academy of Natural Sciences, the University of Pennsylvania. and Peale’s Museum—America’s first commercially successful museum.
Dickeson studied medicine with Dr. Joseph Parrish in Philadelphia. Parrish was both a distinguished physician and, according to contemporary accounts, an “extraordinarily popular” lecturer on chemistry (Simpson 1859). After completing his studies, Dickeson practiced at the Philadelphia Dispensary. Although he was apparently a successful physician, he decided, after only one or two years of practice, to pursue his other interest—archaeology. His brother William, the author of a posthumous biographical sketch, wrote “[Medicine] was not the only object of his life, the passion for research in the new field of American Archaeology took him to the valleys of the Ohio and the Mississippi where for seven years or from 1837 to 1844 he was a constant traveler” (1899:2-3). Montroville’s own notes indicate that he might better have been described as a constant excavator! Moreover, he was apparently in Mississippi as late as July 1847, for in that year he was excavating on one of John A. Quitman’s plantations, Springfield. There he “found a large Indian mound which contained immense quantities of skulls and bones of natives who he estimated had inhabited the area a thousand years earl ier….News of the archaeological find… soon appeared in several newspapers, one as far away as Houston, Texas” (May 1985:130).
Figure 3. Map of the Mississippi River around Natchez, Mississippi, hand-drawn ca. 1837-44 by Dickeson showing mounds in the vicinity. UPM Archives, Dickeson Coll., Special Colls.; Oversize maps, plans, and drawings. UPM neg. 58-142136.
Despite the fact that he was active over 150 years ago. a variety of sources survive which can cast light on Dickeson’s research. One is the previously mentioned sketch written by his brother, who was also a physician and naturalist. Montroville himself penned a series of short articles for the Philadelphia literary magazine The Lotus (Veit 1997:112). In these he presented his conclusions to a public audience, something too few archaeologists find the time to do. However, the most important surviving sources are Dickeson’s original notebook (1848) and an accompanying artifact catalog (n.d.) curated in the University of Pennsylvania Museum Archives. A large and fairly detailed map of Natchez, Mississippi, showing many of the mound groups with which he was familiar, is also held by the Museum (Fig. 3).
According to Dickeson’s notes, he spent seven years in “investigation of the Southern Mound Builders relics in which upward of one thousand tumuli of that long lost and unhistorical people were opened” (1848 : 1). Although he was an archaeological pioneer and might even be described as an archaeological visionary, his reported numbers are often contradictory and may well be exaggerated. For instance, the number of mounds investigated is open to debate. As noted above, one source claims more than one thousand; his best-known publication, the American Numismatic Manual, claims “ten hundred and forty three” mounds (1859:44); and his artifact catalog lists closer to 40 mound groups. While these discrepancies are rather spectacular, there is no question that the hyperbole-prone doctor was actively excavating prehistoric earthworks.
Dickeson- Archaeologist or Antiquarian?
Figure 4. An unidentified mound in Louisiana or Mississippi cross-sectioned. From Dickeson’s notes, drawn ca. 1843. Each stratigraphic layer is individually described. UPM neg. S4-141982
Dickeson was active in an era when there was a resurgence of interest in the ancient past. In northern Europe, by the 18th century, the grand tour had become the capstone of many young gentlemen’s education. The ideas and musings on classical civilization and architecture they brought home from Greece and Rome, as well as the sculptures and other antiquities they decamped with, helped shape architectural design, clothing fashions, and political thought on both sides of the Atlantic. Archaeological excavations at Pompeii had begun in 1738 and have continued unabated to the present day. Goethe, who visited the site in 1787, stated, “Many a calamity has happened in the world, but never one that has caused so much entertainment to posterity” (quoted in Bahn 1996:59). The past was much on the minds of intellectuals in the early 19th century.
Although Dickeson was clearly influenced by the romantic movement, he differed from contemporary antiquarians: he hoped to address specific questions about the societal evolution and history of prehistoric people. The following passage highlights both his romantic sensibilities and his feelings on the importance of archaeology:
the beautiful frescoes of Herculaneum and Pompeii, around them time has indeed flung the silvery mantle of old while he has swept them with decay; but their years may be enumerated; and their circumstances, their authors and the purpose of their origins, together with the incidents of their ruin are chiseled on history’s pages for coming ages. But who shall tell the era of the origin of these venerable earth heaps!—the race of their builders, the purpose of their erection, the thousand circumstances attending their rise, history, and desertion—why now so lonely and desolate? (Dickeson 1848:4)
Dickeson clearly separates the earthen mounds of the Americas from classical ruins. The former, as he notes, are much more enigmatic and cannot be tied to historical records as can Greek and Roman ruins.
Figure 5. Section from Egan’s panorama showing the 1843 excavation of a mound on the plantation of william Feriday, Concordia Parish, Louisiana. Dickeson, always the showman, appears twice in the painting; once on the left sketching the mound, and again in the center taking notes.
Dickeson carried out extensive excavations in an effort to solve the questions he posed. His techniques were fairly sophisticated for the time. Like Jefferson before him, he advocated using trenches to section mounds, a technique that would remain popular well into the 20th century. More importantly, he took detailed notes on stratigraphy. At a time when many archaeologists saw soil as an impediment to be removed, Dickeson was aware of the importance of soil layers for interpreting the development of sites.
One of the most interesting documents found among his papers is a cross-section of an unidentified mound in Louisiana or Mississippi, with the various layers of soil carefully delineated and described, along with accompanying artifacts (Fig. 4.). A painting done from Dickeson field notes showing a mound with distinct soil strata (Fig. 5) is a common illustration in archaeological texts.
Although his notes are not detailed enough to let us know whether he excavated stratigraphically or simply recognized the importance of strata, his excavations nonetheless predate by some fifty years those of the recognized progenitors of American stratigraphic excavations—W.H. Dail, Max Uhle, and Alfred Kidder. In terms of artifacts, Dickeson had wide-ranging interests. He collected pottery, stone tools, historic artifacts, human skeletal remains, and fossils (Figs. 6 and 7; also see Fig. to). Unlike many of his contemporaries, he noted the waste flakes or debitage generated during the manufacture of stone tools.
Frequently we found a great pile of their chippings among which we find a number of similar pieces and not a single piece that has been finished. This fact led us to suppose that at this place they were chipped into this primitive form, and then by other parties advanced further to the secondary stage, and by more delicate hands finished. (Dickeson 1848 45)
This passage is also noteworthy because it details the stages of stone tool manufacture. Although Dickeson may have been incorrect in assigning the chippings to different workers, his idea that the tools went through several stages of manufacture is shared by modern scholars.
The Mound Builders
Figure 8. Discovery of Dinosaur Bones at Sulfur Springs, 1839. This frame from the panorama shows one of the instances in which Dickeson and his assistants excavated the bones of an extinct animal. From John Egan, Monumental Grandeur of the Mississippi Valley. Reproduced by permission of the St. Louis Museum of Art.
As previously noted, Dickeson was active at the height of the mound builder controversy. How did he participate? When describing artifacts, he made repeated references to the Egyptians. Greeks, and Romans. In most cases, he did not argue explicitly for transatlantic contact; he simply noted similarities between artifacts. If anything, his writings can be seen as highlighting the accomplishments of Native Americans. not belittling them. Furthermore, he used his observations of Native Americans to provide analogies for the prehistoric features he was uncovering. “The history of our American Aborigines we fear is a sealed book and all that we can judge from at present is analogy” (Dickeson 1848:191).
His writings do allude to one dubious aspect of the mound builder controversy. A facet of the myth that had grown up around these people concerned their supposedly gigantic stature (Silverberg 1968). On occasion Dickeson made reference to large skeletons in the mounds he excavated, statements which could be construed as reflecting the myth. He also referred to the people who constructed the mounds as a lost and forgotten race. This, however, does not necessarily mean that he perceived them as physically different from other Native Americans, just culturally different. Many English writers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries considered their Scottish, Irish, and Welsh neighbors a different “race.” Dickeson apparently did not subscribe to the idea that later “savage tribes” had decimated the mound builders, an idea that was popular with apologists for national expansion.
Figure 7. A large anthropomorphic tobacco pipe, carved of sandstone in the form of a warrior holding a pipe bowl. Dickeson excavated it at the Ferguson Mounds in Jefferson County, Mississippi. In 1905, a very similar pipe was excavated by Clarence B. Moore at the late Mississippian site of Moundville (ca. AD 1200-1500), near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Museum Object Number: 14328, Neg. S8-41147Figure 6. On one of his collecting expeditions Dickeson attempted to purchase a highly unusual Native American tobacco pipe carved out of fine-grained sandstone. The owner would not part with it, however, and Dickeson had this curious reproduction made in plaster. Museum Object Number: 14308 Neg. T35-2175
If this had been the case, then historic Native American populations were as much usurpers on these coveted lands as the colonists. Instead, Dickeson felt that war. disease, and famine had probably led to the demise of the prehistoric societies (1848).
Today, with better excavation and particularly more accurate dating techniques, archaeologists recognize that the mounds reflect not one, but several distinct prehistoric cultural traditions stretching from roughly 2000 BC to AD 1500. They include the Aden a and Hopewell mortuary complexes, as well as the widespread Mississippian culture. Some of the mounds served as burial sepulchers, while many supported temples and still others may have had astronomical functions.
One of Dickeson’s excavations clearly dealt with an occupation predating the mound builders. Excavating near Natchez, Dickeson uncovered a fossilized human pelvis in a stratum of clay underlying the bones of several extinct animals (Fig. 8). The find, which was subsequently known as the Natchez Pelvis, seemed to indicate the great antiquity of human occupation in the New World. Scientists from as far afield as Great Britain visited the site where it was found. Sir Charles Lyell, the father of modern geology, was not convinced by what he saw (Lyell 1873:108). However, later scholars who reexamined the bones concluded that the pelvis and the associated fossils were “substantially oft he same antiquity” (Wilson 1895:725).
In 1926 and 1927, excavations at Clovis, New Mexico, carried out under Jesse Figgens, director of the Colorado Museum of Natural History, recovered fluted spear points in association with extinct bison bones. These finds posthumously vindicated Dickeson belief in the contemporaneity of prehistoric people and the long-extinct animals of the Pleistocene.
Dickeson The Professor
By 1848 Dickeson was back in Philadelphia and seems to have stopped excavating archaeological sites. Perhaps he had generated such a backlog of artifacts that there was no point in excavating more. According to his brother William, “At the old home of his parents, No. 211 Lombard St., the upper story and garret was stuffed with the treasures from the mounds from time to time sent home from his explorations” (W. Dikeson 1899:4.).
Figure 9. Handbill advertisement for Dr. Dickeson’s lecture series, ca. 1850. On file at and reproduced courtesy of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia
During this time, Montroville returned to his work as a physician and gained a reputation for successful treatments during the cholera epidemics which swept the city in 1848 and 1850 (W. Dickeson 1899). Although no longer actively excavating, he remained deeply interested in archaeology. He commissioned an enormous painting, known as “The Mississippi [or Egan] Panorama,” depicting his excavations and some of the more spectacular sites he had visited. John Egan, an itinerant Irish artist, made the painting from Dickeson Field notes (Veit 1997). Some scenes, such as the opening of a mound on the Feriday Plantation in Louisiana, are quite detailed (see Fig. 5). At the time, panoramas were a popular form of entertainment; they provided a way of recording and sharing particularly interesting journeys or dramatic events. While a half dozen panoramas of the Mississippi were painted between 1845 and 1850, Dickeson’s “The Mississippi Panorama” is the only one which survives (collections of the St. Louis Museum of Art: see City Art Museum of St. Louis 1949).
Dickeson also wrote about and lectured on his excavations (Fig. 9). His collection was displayed at the City Museum in Philadelphia, where he was designated the “Professor of Natu rail Sciences.” Later the artifacts were displayed at the Swain Building, also in Philadelphia, and eventually at the Centennial Exposition in the same city (Fig. 10). They would remain on display in the Exposition’s Memorial Hall from 1876 to 1885 (Mason 1942).
In 1882, following a short illness, Montroville Dickeson died. No obituary notices from Philadelphia newspapers have been found. Two of his sisters inherited the collection, which was-sold in 1899 by his brother William to Stewart Cumin, Director of the University of Pennsylvania Museum. It was an important acquisition and Culin published a description of it in 1900. Since then it has seen only sporadic study and Dickeson himself has lapsed into archaeological obscurity. In 1953. the Mississippi Panorama was transferred to the St. Louis Museum of Art, but the rest of the collection remains at the University of Pennsylvania.
The Invisible Archaeologist
Figure 10. Part of Dickeson’s extensive collection on display in Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, at the 1876 Centennial Exposition. UPM neg. S4-142053.
Despite amassing an incredible collection of thousands of artifacts, providing above-average documentation on his excavations, and lecturing widely, Dickeson has been forgotten. Why? His contemporaries Ephraim Squire and Edwin Davis had summed up their research in Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, (Smithsonian Institution 1848), a well-illustrated monograph that remains widely read today. Dickeson, however, only published his findings locally in serialized form. His one well-known publication, The American Numismatic Manual, is full of conjectures and surmises, particularly regarding Native Americans’ use of stone, clay, and metal tokens as money. It stands in stark contrast with his thoughtful private notebook. He was fond of exaggeration; in fact, at times he seems more showman than scientist. Several of the items in his collection may be frauds, including a galena crystal inscribed with an ankh, the ancient Egyptian sign for life (Fig. II). One must recognize. however, that in the museum field Dickeson was competing with the likes of P.T. Barnum. then the theatrical proprietor of the American Museum in New York City. Dickeson exaggerations seem tame in comparison with Barnum’s famous hokum.
Figure 11. Plate IV from Dickeson’s American Numismatic Manual (1859). The artifacts shown here were described as coins and tokens of the NAtive Americans. Note particularly item no. 11, an ankh-inscribed galena crystal. In retrospect, it is unlikely that these artifacts were used as currency. In fact, several of them, including the crystal, may be frauds passed off on the unsuspecting Dickeson. Courtesy of Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania.
Montroville Dickeson was an innovative and skillful early archaeologist, who recognized and described stratigraphy, noted the stages of stone tool manufacture, and used ethnographic analogies to interpret his sites. His work contributed to the debates on when people initially arrived in the New World. their possible contemporaneity with extinct animals such as mastodons, and the origins and final fate of the mound builders. Many of his hypotheses were right: the first Native American pioneers did arrive in the New World at a time when it was populated by several species of large mammals (known collectively as Pleistocene megafauna), many of which would subsequently become extinct. And yes. later NativeAmericans were responsible for building the earthworks which dotted the central and southeastern portion of the country.
About his brother’s work William Dickeson wrote:
In forming [his] collection he was animated not by an eye for curios—he looked upon antique objects with the eyes of a scholar and the knowledge of a scientist, and in their aggregation deduced many lessons of value to himself and those who came after him, as illustrating the manners and customs of ancient peoples. (1899:5)
His collection and papers, as well as other collections acquired by the University of Pennsylvania Museum in its earlier days, still have much to offer researchers. In the case of Dickeson, they also illustrate the story of one of the more interesting characters in archaeology’s family tree.
The following information is from The Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum, pages 472-474. Order here.
“An interesting study on ‘Men and Elephants in America’ (Ludwell H. Johnson, “Men and Elephants in America,” The Scientific Monthly 75 (1952), 220-221] . . . concludes: ‘Archaeology has proved that the American Indian hunted and killed elephants; it has also strongly indicated that these elephants have been extinct for several thousand years. This means that the traditions of the Indians recalling these animals have retained their historical validity for great stretches of time. . . Probably the minimum is three thousand years,’ . . . which would place [the elephant’s] extinction about a thousand years B.C., when the Jaredite culture was already very old and Lehi’s people were not to appear on the scene for some centuries. . . Here, then, is a strong argument for Jaredite survivors among the Indians” – Hugh Nibley,“The Prophetic Book of Mormon,” Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Volume 8, Deseret Book Company [1989], 111.
Effigy pipes, as shown on above, have been excavated in controlled archaeology digs [Louisa County, Iowa], and reported in the Smithsonian Institution Bureau of Ethnology, Animal Carvings from Mounds of the Mississippi Valley, by Henry W. Henshaw, Government Printing Office, Washington [1883], 155-156. Note that these pipes show what looks like elephants but without tails and tusks. These animals could be similar to the cureloms and cumoms mentioned in Ether 9:19.
“It is a wonder, and has been since the mounds have been discovered, how such immense works could have been built by human hands. To me it is not difficult to believe that those people tamed that monster of the forest [the elephant] and made him a willing slave to their superior intellectual power. If such was the case, we can imagine that tremendous teams have been driven to and fro in the vicinity of their great works, tearing up trees by the roots, or marching with their armies into the field of battle amidst showers of poisoned arrows. In western New York, particularly within the borders of the great valley of the Conewango river, evidence is abundant that ancient man and the great American elephant trod the soil together. Large molar teeth have been found at East Randolph, Leon, Conewango, Ellington and various places near the tributaries of the Conewango.”
“In the year 1859, while exploring some tumuli in the vicinity of the Red House valley [Cattaraugus County, New York], we found numerous singular and interesting relics, among which were spear heads, six inches in length, with double barbs composed of masses of native copper; also several blocks of mica, which were in about the same condition as when chiseled from the granite of the [Allegheny] Mountains. It was near this valley where was found one of the most interesting relics ever discovered among the works of the ancient inhabitants. It was a flat piece of native copper, six inches in length by four in width, artistically wrought, with the form of an elephant represented in harness engraved upon it, and a sort of breast collar, with tugs on either side, which extended past the hips.” (Emphasis added)
A mastodon tusk discovered in a sinkhole in the Aucilla River shows clear signs of human contact, according to a new analysis.
“The fact that the mastodon was contemporary with the Mound Builders is admitted by all antiquarians. It is my opinion that in all probability they tamed and used that powerful beast to haul heavy burdens. I am confirmed in this opinion by the fact that in his organization he possessed a mild disposition, and that, like the African elephant, he could have been tamed when young and brought under subjection with as little trouble as is required for the ox or horse.” (Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus County, NY, edited by William Adams, Lyman, Horton & Co., Syracuse, NY [October 1893], 12, 16, and 23).
Fossil of the month: Mastodon teeth and jaw fragment
Mastodons (Mammut) are a type of ancient elephant ancestor. They were similar in appearance to modern elephants. Like modern elephants, they had trunks. They also had tusks, although mastodons had shorter tusks than modern elephants or mammoths. Their front and back legs were similar in height (e.g., Haynes, 1993). A full-grown adult male mastodon, would have averaged 9.5 ft (2.9 m) at the shoulder, while male African elephants, average 10.5 ft (3.2 m) at the shoulder. Mastodons, however, were stockier (more robust) and heavier, than modern elephants (Larramendi, 2015).
The Naskapi (Nascapi, Naskapee, Nascapee) First Nations people that live in Northeastern Labrador tell of “a large monster that once trampled them and left deep tracks in the snow, had large ears and a long nose with which he hit people. His tracks in the snow were described in their stories as large and round” – W. D. Strong, North American Traditions Suggesting a Knowledge of the Mammoth, American Anthropologist 36 (1934), 84.
“…there were elephants, and cureloms and cumoms, all of which were useful unto man…” (Ether 9:19).
Mammoths & Mastodons; Cureloms & Cumoms
“An article on pp. [23-24] reports a “Curious Discovery. The remains of an Elephant have been recently discovered on the shore of York River, a few yards within high water mark, near the seat of Mr. Gawin Corbin, about six miles below Williamsburg [Virginia].” This notice concludes that, “From a comparison of the bones [p. (23) ends] with the osteology of the Elephant, no doubt remains of their belonging to that animal. These demonstrations of the existence of the elephant in the lower part of this state, are new, and form a valuable accession to the College Museum.”
However, the elephant is not indigenous to this hemisphere, and the “remains” in question must have been those of a mastodon (or mammoth). In 1830, the Book of Mormon would also relate the existence of “elephants” in ancient America, and as late as historical pre-Columbian times (Ether 9:19).
Book of Mormon defender John L. Sorenson argues that mastodons and mammoths might have survived as late as the Jaredite period. “They are unquestionably elephants in the eyes of zoologists,” he suggests. Yet this approach presents difficulties, for we also have the very specific Book of Mormon terms, “cureloms and cumoms,” representing animals which – along with elephants – were the most “useful” in the Jaredite culture (same verse, Ether 9:19). Sorenson explains that those animals are unidentifiable today, unless one of them be the Pleistocene “giant sloth.” (Sorenson 1985, 297-98)
THE MAMMOTH ONLY RECENTLY EXTINCT MAMMOTH. This name has been given to an unknown animal, whose bones are found in the northern parts of both the old and new world. From the form of their teeth, they are supposed to have been carnivorous. Like the elephant they were armed with tusks of ivory; but they obviously differed from the elephant in size; their bones prove them to have been 5 or 6 times as large. These enormous bones are found in several parts of North-America, particularly about the salt licks or springs, near the Ohio river. These licks were formerly frequented by a vast number of graminivorous animals, on account of the salt, of which they are excessively fond. From the appearance of these bones, some of which are entirely above ground, others wholly buried, it is probable that the animals died at different periods; some perhaps as lately as the first settlement of this country by the Europeans. [p. I:237; for background, see MP 139, Farmer’s Almanack, 1812]
“THE MAMMOTH,” a curious article on the second page of this newspaper, describes a creature bizarre enough to fire the imagination. “A letter from a gentleman near Fort Wayne, to the Secretary of the Western Emigrant Society, lately published in the Western Spy, in describing that country, gives the following particulars concerning this animal.” The article is entirely quoted from the letter, and describes a decidedly non-mammoth which was supposedly known among Native Americans until recent times. It brings to mind issues of elephants and cureloms and cumoms in the Book of Mormon; for background
discussion see MP 139 (Farmer’s Almanack).
“Perhaps this country affords more recent remains of the mammoth than any other.—Such specimens as I have seen are less decayed. If any reliance can be placed upon the reports or tradition of the Indians, it is not more than seventy or eighty years since the last of them existed. Last fall an old Indian, in testimony of the account he had been giving me of the mammoth, and the skeletons he knew of, brought me a grinder [molar tooth] that from its appearance I would not suppose had been more than three of four years since it had been in the use of the original proprietor. It has some of the masticated food adhering to the recesses of the grinder, so fresh as to be perfectly distinguished as such. The Indian has engaged to conduct me next spring to the spot where he took the grinder, and where he believes the rest of the skeleton to be, principally covered with soft mud—and to one other that he says he thinks is as perfect as that. “The Indians give some account of the external appearance and habitude of this huge animal. They say that he was of a dark brown colour, of very long hair, formed something like a hog, large pendulous ears, small sharp eyes, resembling those of a hog, divided hoof, very long in proportion to the width, and no trunk like that of the elephant. I endeavored to learn the man-[ner] in which the tusks were inserted, whether the curl was up or down, but could not learn from them.
They say he did not lie down, but he rested leaning against a tree.—His food [was] soft wood, of which he ate the whole trees, of the largest size, as well as the smallest, and was very partial to the Lynd.—That he was not a great rambler—he rested at night, for a length of time at the same spot—removeing [sic] his nightly resting place only for scarcity of food.” [p. 2]
Were the Indians having fun at the expense of this “gentleman”? If I discover such a critter drowsing against my trees some evening, the press shall be called and the grounds quickly enclosed. All that matters for this bibliography is that newspapers could accept and copy such a story during the youth of Joseph Smith.
SEA SERPENT: A quick blurb appears near the bottom of the third page of the newspaper: “The Sea Serpent has again made his appearance in Sag Harbor.” Compare to Ether 6:10 (“. . . and no monster of the sea could break them . . .”). For other examples, see MP 324 (The Plough Boy) and MP 456 (The Washingtonian). “FOSSILS ought to be collected with particular care,” continues Mitchill. “. . . Let the Mastodons, Crocodiles, Encrinites, Pectinites, Ammonites, Belemnites, and other reliques of the extinct races, be assembled and classed; and then let the philosopher survey the whole and draw wise and pious conclusions.” Mitchill got his wish, indirectly, for the records of the New York Lyceum (see below) show that their first donation – a fossil – was presented to them on April 9, 1817, less than one month after the present flyer went out. (Herman LeRoy Fairchild, A History of the New York Academy of Sciences, Formerly the Lyceum of Natural History [New York: H. L. Fairchild, 1887], 12).
Mitchill’s reference to “Mastodons,” above, is of particular interest to Book of Mormon studies, because of the “elephants” which are mentioned in Ether 9:19 as having been “especially” useful to the Jaredites. For more than a year, a principal Book of Mormon defense site on the Internet volunteered an answer to a question, “Why has no evidence of elephants or horses been found in the Americas in Book of Mormon times?” The solution which was offered there concluded with the following assertion:
Some critics object that the Book of Mormon uses the term “elephant,” not “mammoth” or “mastodon.” Since these terms were invented after Joseph Smith’s time, the only term with which the prophet was familiar would have been “elephant. , accessed May 3, 2005, December 28, 2005 and June 17, 2006]
That statement was clearly in error, and could mislead students who might not have ready access to early nineteenth-century American sources. Beyond Dr. Mitchill’s use of “mastodon” in this entry, the reader of this Bibliographic Source will also find the other term, “mammoth,” in American use beginning well before 1820; see MP 193 (Hunt [a children’s textbook]), MP 256 (Morse, American Universal Geography, section headed, “The Mammoth Only Recently Extinct”), MP 402 (John Smith), and MP 450 (Vermont Intelligencer). For my comment on further difficulty with the use of “elephant” in the Book of Mormon, see MP 139 (Farmer’s Almanack, 1812)
A cavern beside the Ohio River, “twenty miles below the mouth of the Wabash” (now Cave-In-Rock, Hardin County, Illinois, southwest of Evansville, Indiana; used as backdrop for a scene in the movie, “How the West was Won”) displays on its smooth rock walls, “many hieroglyphics, and representations of such
delineations as would induce the belief that their authors were, indeed, comparatively refined and civilized.” (p. 138). These include a wide variety of images, among which are “representations of the larger animals,” including “The mammoth showing his greatness; . . . ,” p. 143.
“Remains of large prehistoric mammals, like the wooly mammoth, have been discovered in western Virginia, near present day Saltville, and in northern Virginia, near present day New Market. Photo courtesy of Ed Jackson
“Native Americans had lived in Virginia for at least 16,000 years before the English colonists arrived. Archeologists divide Native American history into three time periods. The Paleo-Indian, the Archaic, and the Woodland. These periods emphasize different features of Native American culture. The Paleo-Indian period occurred between 15,000 and 9,000 years ago. During this time early humans came to the New World across the Bering Strait. The Bering Strait is a land bridge that connected Asia and North America. Archeologists believe early humans were following large mammals like mammoths and bison. These groups moved often and left little traces of their existence. The Williamson site in Dinwiddie County is a Paleo-Indian workshop. It is one of only four Paleo-Indian workshops in the eastern half of the United States. Paleo-Indian workshops, or quarries, are areas where Native Americans made stone tools. The next period is the Archaic Period, which occurred between 9,000 and 1,000 years ago. By then large mammals like mammoths and bison were extinct. Early humans began hunting deer, elk, bear, and small game like rabbits. They were also gathering plants such as fruits and acorns. The Woodland Period began 1,000 years ago and lasted until European contact. By this time Native Americans were more sedentary. They were making fired clay pots for cooking and storage. They settled in large communities of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people. These communities relied on farming for their food. Vegetables like squash, beans, and corn were important to their diet. They continued hunting and using all parts of the animal for food, clothing, and tools. Native Americans lived and used the land without permanently destroying it. This is why it can be hard to find well preserved Native American sites. There are a few remaining sites in Virginia. The Conjurer’s Field Archaeological Site is an example of one of the few remaining Middle and Late Woodland period villages located along the Appomattox River.” National Park Service
“Saltville Valley is an important source of information about the environmental history of the Middle Appalachian region, especially for the past 15,000 years. The Saltville River coursed the valley until about 13,500-13,000 yrs BP, at which time it was diverted by headstream piracy and replaced in Saltville Valley, by Lake Totten. At site SV-2 (=44SM37), three horizons dating from 14,510 +/- 80 yr BP to about 13,500-13,000 yr BP document the presence of pre-Clovis people in Saltville Valley and provide insight into their lifeways. At 14,510 yr BP, pre-Clovis people appear to have butchered and processed hide, meat, bones, and tusks of a mastodon (Mammut americanum) and to have utilized parts of the skeleton of a musk ox (Bootherium bombifrons). Five hundred years later, at 13,950 +/- 70 yr BP, human presence is suggested by unlikely arrangements, associations, and modifications of lithics, including flakes of chert that resemble biface reduction flakes. A midden dating from about 13,500 to 13,000 yr BP constitutes the youngest of the three pre-Clovis horizons recognized to date at SV-2. SV-2 is one of the few and most complex pre-Clovis archeological sites in North America, and because it is a wet site, it contains a relatively extensive amount of organic information. Evidence suggests that the pre-Clovis people who visited Saltville Valley in 14,510 yr BP had a diversified ivory, bone, and lithic technology–possibly including a biface technology. These people appear to have been mobile hunters and gatherers who regularly visited and exploited the riparian and littoral zones in Saltville Valley where they utilized diverse faunal resources ranging from large mammals to small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mussels.” An Outline of the Pre-Clovis Archeology of SV-2, Saltville, Virginia – with Special Attention to a Bone Tool Dated 14,510 yr BP. Virginia Museum of Natural History’s Jeffersoniana Series, Number 9, November 30, 2000 by Jerry N. McDonald
“Mastodons would have roamed Virginia 12,000 to 16,000 years ago. This is the second set of Mastodon bones found in the state, and the Virginia Living Museum is now in the process of building a new display. Jerre Johnson is a geologist who led the excavation of the rare 16,000-year-old mastodon bones – found two miles west of Yorktown in Baptist Run.” Yorktown Discovered Mastodon Bones Newport News Daily Press 2018
Jerre Johnson (left) holds up a portion of a mastodon molar while at his home in Williamsburg on Friday, Jan. 26, 2018. Johnson is a geologist who led the excavation of rare 16,000-year-old mastodon bones found two miles west of Yorktown in Baptist Run. The bones will permanently be displayed at the Virginia Living Museum.
Virginia Living Museum’s Senior Director of Exhibitions Fred Farris (right) shows off a covered and protected full Mastodon tusk. Mastodons would have roamed Virginia 12,000 to 16,000 years ago. This is the second set of Mastodon bones found in the state. Jan. 25, 2018.
“Some of the articles above mention time frames that are different than what seem to be reasonable today, especially with the hard work of Dean Sessions and his book found at Instead of coming over the land bridge as is very popular with scientists who have no better theory, we believe it very likely that the Jaredites brought the appropriate mammoths, cureloms, or cumoms along with bees and other animals on the eight barges. In that token, Lehi may have brought similar baby mastodons or elephants from the Old World. The old story that almost everything came over the Bering Strait just doesn’t seem to be an option any more.
The more we learn about the Gospel and research about the Jaredites and Nephites, the more we understand the Lord is in control of “all things” and bringing the proper animals to the New World seems a very likely answer. We know Lehi must have brought the sheep, oxen, doves, goats, wheat, barley, and grapes to the United States to practice the Law of Moses. It is also another sign of the United States being the Land described in the Book of Mormon, as the previously listed animals, plants and fruits that were essential to practice the Law of Moses are no where to be found in Mesoamerica during the time of the Nephites. Every one of these necessary plants and animals are found in the United States during Nephite times.” Rian Nelson Editor
The Pleistocene Age is the geological epoch which lasted from about 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago, spanning the world’s most recent period of repeated glaciations. this is according to the so-called scientists whose dates are way off. We believe the Jaredites lived from about 2,000 BC to 500 BC and the Nephites from 600 BC to 421 AD. The Iroquois lived from about 1142 Ad until today. The chart above is a good reference to mammals that would have lived during the Jaredite and Nephite time periods.
Fairview Museum of History and Art
The museum is full of historical data, artifacts pictures and artwork. Part of the museum is the Natural History Building which houses a full scale replica of a nearly fully intact Columbian mammoth. The mammoth was unearthed on the nearby Wasatch Plateau in 1988 while excavating the Huntington Reservoir.
The quality of the find, plus the altitude at which it was found, make this mammoth unique. Besides being remarkably well preserved, other factors are adding scientific significance to the discovery. These are the bones of an animal that lived a relatively short 10,000 years ago and died at an unusually high elevation of 9600’ (Mammoths have always been regarded as lowland grazers).
The skeletal remains of this animal were preserved in a peat bog where he died some 10,000 years ago. The bones were not fossilized and were so well preserved that scientific testing has accurately fixed the date of the animal’s demise.
Amino acids and DNA have also been identified and it has been determined that the animal was 65 years old when he died. He had suffered from arthritis, as evidence by obvious deformities present on the bones and must have been in pain when he moved about.
Material found in the rib cage indicated that the animal’s last meal included pine trees. Perhaps of greatest interest to the public at large was the discovery of projectile points with the bones indicating possible interaction between humans and the animal.
The work of one of Utah’s most famous artists, Avard T. Fairbanks, is also on display at the Fairview Museum.
Intelligence, or the light of truth, is eternal and has always existed. What a wonderful pure truth this is. It has helped me all my life to understand my Divine Nature, to to seek to repent daily, and work to fulfill my full measure while on this earth.
“Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.” D&C 93:29
Intelligence is the light of truth.
Intelligence cannot be created.
Intelligence has always existed and will always exist.
“All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother, and are literally the sons and daughters of Deity. God created man in His own image.’ This is just as true of the spirit as it is of the body, which is only the clothing of the spirit, its complement; the two together constituting the soul. The spirit of man is in the form of man, and the spirits of all creatures are in the likeness of their bodies. This was plainly taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith (Doctrine and Covenants, 77:2)” (The First Presidency [Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund], in James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4:203).”
In the same link as above it says, “The Lord made it known to Moses (See Book of Moses Chap. 3.) and also to Abraham (Abraham Ch. 3) and it is expressed in several revelations, that man was in the beginning with God. In that day, however, man was a spirit unembodied. The beginning was when the councils met and the decision was made to create this earth that the spirits who were intended for this earth, should come here and partake of the mortal conditions and receive bodies of flesh and bones. The doctrine has prevailed that matter was created out of nothing, but the Lord declares that the elements are eternal. Matter always did and, therefore, always will exist, and the spirits of men as well as their bodies were created out of matter. We discover in this revelation that the intelligent part of man was not created, but always existed. There has been some speculation and articles have been written attempting to explain just what these ‘intelligences’ are, or this ‘intelligence’ is, but it is futile for us to speculate upon it. We do know that intelligence was not created or made and cannot be because the Lord has said it. There are some truths it is well to leave until the Lord sees fit to reveal the fulness” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:401).
I have been taught most recently, as I have studied and prayed what some very unusual words in the Scriptures more fully mean. I have known OF them, but I feel I now more fully UNDERSTAND THEM. That knowledge continues as I strive for more truth daily.
These new words below with one simple term that each means to me.
Gnolaum– My Father in Heaven Kokaubeam– My Savior Jesus Christ Kolob- My Heart and Soul with the Witness of the Holy Ghost Olea, or Olaha- Moon A reflection of Light from the Eternal Sun Shinehah- Sun An eternal ever giving source of Light and Truth
Now I can comprehend a scripture that I have always loved.
“Is there not room enough on the mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and on the plains of Olaha Shinehah,orthe land where Adam dwelt, that you should covet that which is but the drop, and neglect the more weighty matters? Therefore, come up hither unto the land of my people, even Zion.” D&C 117:8-9
I now understand the significance of the Plains of Olaha Shinehah. I believe these Plains of North America are the most Sacred of any place on earth. It is where Adam was first placed and the location where the New Jerusalem will be built.
This same area of Adam stretching all the way to Kirtland and Cumorah are the most sacred plains as I call them, and are the very same sacred locations and or plains, as the names below indicate.
1- PLAINS OF THE NEPHITES Joseph Letter to Emma Plains where the Nephites dwelt
2- PLAINS OF NEPHIHAH Alma 62:18 Teancum vs. Ammoron
3- PLAINS OF BOUNTIFUL/MULEK Alma 52:20 Moroni vs Jacob (Zoramite)
4- PLAINS OF OLAHA SHINEHAH D&C 117:8 Plains of the Garden of Eden
5- PLAINS OF HESHLON ETHER 13:28 Coriantumr vs Shared
6- PLAINS OF AGOSH ETHER 14:15-17 Coriantumr vs Lib and Shiz.
To learn more about these Sacred Plains of the Heartland visit my blog here:
These words I have recently understood, may mean even more to you as you will see in the article below. As I have simplified my definition of these complex words, it has assisted me in having a greater understanding of what each means to me. What eternal significance I have learned from studying these previously unknown terms.
Gnolaum- Eternal, Ancient One, Everlasting God
“15 And the Lord said unto me: Abraham, I show these things unto thee before ye go into Egypt, that ye may declare all these words.
16 If two things exist, and there be one above the other, there shall be greater things above them; therefore Kolob is the greatest of all the Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, because it is nearest unto me.
17 Now, if there be two things, one above the other, and the moon be above the earth, then it may be that a planet or a star may exist above it; and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it.
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.
19 And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.” Abraham 3:15-19
Hebrew עולם ˁÔlām; Aramaic ˁâl(a)mâ (*ˁawlăm, the augmentative original?)[1]; Hebrew עולם ˁOlam “The-Eternal” = Phoenician ˁUlom = Oulomos of Mochus) “the name of a Phoenician old god, ‘the ancient one’ literally.”[2]
Kokaubeam- Sons of God, Stars, Constellations, Elohim
“Truly He was the Son of God” by Clark Kelley Price
“11 Thus I, Abraham, talked with the Lord, face to face, as one man talketh with another; and he told me of the works which his hands had made;
12 And he said unto me: My son, my son (and his hand was stretched out), behold I will show you all these. And he put his hand upon mine eyes, and I saw those things which his hands had made, which were many; and they multiplied before mine eyes, and I could not see the end thereof.
13 And he said unto me: This is Shinehah, which is the sun. And he said unto me: Kokob, which is star. And he said unto me: Olea, which is the moon. And he said unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all the great lights, which were in the firmament of heaven.
14 And it was in the night time when the Lord spake these words unto me: I will multiply thee, and thy seed after thee, like unto these; and if thou canst count the number of sands, so shall be the number of thy seeds.” Abraham 3:11-14
Hebrew כוכבים kōkābîm “stars” Abraham 3:13, Akkadian kukkabū “star, planet, constellation”; in Job 38:7 the “sons of God “ are in synonymous parallel with כוכבי בקר kokebe boqer “morning stars” = בני אלהים bene ̕Elohim, “Sons of God.”
Hebrew קרב qereb, qarob “near, interior, heart,” as in theophoric Hebrew קרוב Qarob “The-Near-One” (Psalm 119:151 ∥152 קדם Qedem “The-Primeval-One”; cf. Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalms 69:19, 74:12, 145:18;
Olea- Moon, Sun and Moon, Month, Surround, Enclose, Reflected Solar Light
OLEA “the Moon” (BofAbraham 3:13), pronounced same as OLAHA (D&C 117:8). Variants: OLAHA (D&C 117:8 “Olaha Shinehah” July 8, 1838; var. “Olea Shinehah”)
This Afro-Asiatic word for “moon, month” seems to reflect Mehri and Jibbali (Shahri) warx, ͻrx, Berber ōyær (Ghadamsi), Wargla yur (Ayt Seghrouchen), and Shilḥa ay:ur, and Geˁez wrx, wärəḥ (cf. Akkadian warḫu, Ugaritic yrg, yrḫ, *wrḫ), more than Amorite Iariḫ, Hebrew yārēaḥ (Genesis 37:9; Greek selēnē); cf. the Greek transliteration Ιαρε (Ιεραχ), Egyptian iˁḥ(w) “moon” (∥inḥ “surround, enclose”), and Coptic ouwh, ioh.[1]
Egyptologist Val Sederholm says that “Olea suggests a common root for names of both sun and moon. Hebrew Ya-reah, O-lea speaks to reflected solar light, as it were,” and “The name of the sun god, Re, was originally (and variously) pronounced as liaw or lia.”[2]
Shinehah- Sun, Eternity, Forever, One Eternal Round, Celestial Waterway.
As Egyptian, SHINEHAH could certainly be the “sun,” since it apparently incorporates Egyptian šn(w), the name for the solar “circuit,” and for the old “cartouche” – “emblem of sun’s orbit, which symbolizes eternity”[1]; + Egyptian nḥḥ “eternity, forever” (with solar determinative ⊙) > Coptic eneḥ “eternity,” šaeneḥ “forever”; or Egyptian ḥḥ > Coptic ḥaḥ “million, large number,” which may be related. Egyptian nḥḥ is “dynamic eternity,” to be differentiated from dt “static eternity.”[2] Cf. also 1 Nephi 10:19, “the course of the Lord is one eternal round”; Alma 7:20, D&C 35:1, “course is one eternal round.”
Used also as a convenient code-word for Kirtland, Ohio, in 1835 D&C 82:12, 117:8, etc.[3]
John Gee has suggested another etymology for SHINEHAH, from ancient Egyptian š-n-ḫЗ , the prouniciation of which he reconstructs as *šī-ne-ḫaʼ,[4] which describes the sun’s ecliptic as a “celestial waterway” going across the sky from East to West.[5] Egyptologist Raymond Faulkner translated the alternative (earlier) reading, Mr nḫЗ, as the “Winding Waterway”[6] in the sky, ascending with Reˁ and the Imperishable Stars (see especially Pyramid Text 624).
I repeat: Gnolaum– My Father in Heaven Kokaubeam– My Savior Jesus Christ Kolob- My Heart and Soul with the Witness of the Holy Ghost Olea, or Olaha- Moon A reflection of Light from the Eternal Sun Shinehah- Sun An eternal ever giving source of Light and Truth
“Have you learned any new truth by reading this blog? I pray that you will or have. May the Lord bless each of you.” Rian Nelson
In this world, I believe it is imperative to know the Lord God and to understand and stay away from the direct opposite of the Lord, even Satan. Please understand that there is a real and devilish imposter to God, and he wants to deceive us.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, “President [Marion G.] Romney then described one of Satan’s methods: “Satan is a skillful imitator, and as genuine gospel truth is given the world in ever-increasing abundance, so he spreads the counterfeit coin of false doctrine.” Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall; Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
“Do we teach people to avoid alcohol and tobacco by pointing out its evil effects? Of course we do. Should we then avoid telling people about the evil nature and devious designs of communism – the greatest satanical threat to the spread of God’s work?
Just preach the gospel – that will stop communism,” is another neutralizing argument by some. Did teaching the truth stop the War in Heaven or convert Satan and his hosts? Satan himself through his earthly followers is directing the Communist conspiracy and as President Clark said, “You cannot mollify an unconvertible.” (J. Reuben Clark, Conference Report, October 1959, p. 46; quoted in Newquist, op. cit., p. 232.)
Heavenly Fathers Throne
We know our Father in Heaven has a throne nearest to the star Kolob. “And I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it; And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.” Abraham 3:2-3
About Kolob
1- Kolob is the star that governs all the others. Abraham sees Kolob in a vision through the Urim and Thummim
2- Kolob’s calculation of time is different than Earth’s.
“If you could hie to Kolob in the twinkling of an eye … ” We’ve all sung it in a sacrament meeting at some point, but have you ever stopped to think about what you’re singing? “Hie” is no longer a commonly used word, but it means “to go quickly.” And, in part, because time works differently on Kolob than it does on Earth, it is possible that we will one day travel across the vastness of space “in the twinkling of an eye.”
We learn in Abraham 3:4-7 that one day on Kolob is the same as 1,000 years on Earth because Kolob rotates more slowly on its axis (see also Facsimile 2:1). A little further on, verse 9 further clarifies that Kolob’s time is the same as the Lord’s time: “ … which Kolob is after the reckoning of the Lord’s time; which Kolob is set nigh unto the throne of God, to govern all those planets which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.”
3- Kolob is the source of light for other creations. The Guide to the Scriptures explains light this way: “Divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. It is the law by which all things are governed in heaven and on earth (Doctrine and Covenants 88:5-13).”
Our Father dwells on His throne in perfection and peace. To me it makes sense that His Beloved Son Jesus Christ lives very close to Him and together they manage this world in righteousness. When His children need His help and guidance He will send the Holy Ghost to the people of the earth, of for those of us blessed with the Gift of the Holy Ghost will have Him as a constant companion. For this earth, is our preparatory place where we can learn to be like all three of them again.
Of course there are those who serve the Lord in assisting us here on this earth. We know about the Apostle John who didn’t taste of death, and the 3 Nephites dwell here to lift and guide us as well. Let us not forget, the city of Enoch who’s people are here serving the Lord by their goodness among we His people. In other words we have an army of Translated Beings, Ressurrected and Perfected men and women, and we have Angels who dwell among us. We are not alone as our Father in Heaven has done so much for His people and we know His goal is to bring us back to Him once again.
Master Mahan/Satan
That leads me to an interesting question. Where does Satan Live? What part of the world is the so-called Seat of Satan? Where are those one third who were thrown out of God’s presence? What about Cain? He is even greater than Satan as he has a body of flesh and bones. So Lamech, Cain’s descendent is the Master Mahan? Where does Cain or Lamech live? Where is their evil throne? As we read in the Book of Moses, in chapter 5 below.
“49 For Lamech having entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he [Lamech] became Master Mahan, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan; and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal it unto the sons of Adam;
50 Wherefore Lamech, being angry, slew him, not like unto Cain, his brother Abel, for the sake of getting gain, but he slew him for the oath’s sake.
51 For, from the days of Cain, there was a secret combination, and their works were in the dark, and they knew every man his brother.
52 Wherefore the Lord cursed Lamech, and his house, and all them that had covenanted with Satan; for they kept not the commandments of God, and it displeased God, and he ministered not unto them, and their works were abominations, and began to spread among all the sons of men. And it was among the sons of men.
53 And among the daughters of men these things were not spoken, because that Lamech had spoken the secret unto his wives, and they rebelled against him, and declared these things abroad, and had not compassion;
54 Wherefore Lamech was despised, and cast out, and came not among the sons of men, lest he should die.
55 And thus the works of darkness began to prevail among all the sons of men. Moses 5:49-55
He Lull’s us to Sleep
If this is when the works of darkness BEGAN to prevail, can you imagine how much worse it is today? Back in Cain’s day, he was just beginning his evil rampage. Today it must be worse, wouldn’t that make sense? Aren’t we worse off than even Sodom and Gomorrah today? I think we are. As you look around today, and as I sit here in Utah and look around, life seems ok and it seems all is well. But what is happening in Utah and around the world that I am very unfamiliar with? What about the Satanism, the human trafficking, the unholy alliances, the murder and incest, rape and torture, transhumanism, and sacrificing of children to Satan? We rarely see any of it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t all around us, does it?
Satan does a great job of taking our eye off of his evil. Have you seen the movies and listened to many songs lately? What about all of the heavy programming of commercials, and beautiful women, fast cars, and seemingly harmless video games, that take us all away from our purpose in life? We are ourselves God’s in embryo, and Satan and his minions are not. Satan has forfeited his ability to be a God, and that is why he wants us so badly. He can bruise our heal, but we can easily crush his head, with the light of Christ inside each of us.
The Lord has shared with us some very important warnings in 2 Nephi 28 we read,
20 For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good.
21 And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devilcheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
Christ will crush Satan’s head.
22 And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.
23 Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.
24 Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!
25 Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!
We crieth “all is well” in a small sense, when we may say things like, I don’t want to go to church today or, I’m not worthy to pray, or I would rather go to this movie and not Stake Conference, or when we yell at a family member, or continually cry, all is well. Don’t let complacency get you. The little things will add up if not held in check.
Are We Good or Bad?
“Who is righteous? Anyone who is repenting. No matter how bad he has been, if he is repenting, he is a righteous man. There is hope for him. And no matter how good he has been all his life, if he is not repenting, he is a wicked man. The difference is which way you are facing. The man on the top of the stair’s facing down is much worse off than the man on the bottom step who is facing up. The direction we are facing, that is repentance; and this is what determines whether we are good or bad.” Hugh Nibley Approaching Zion, pg. 301-302
For the Sake of the Oath
We see the secret signs and evil work’s for simply the sake of the OATH, that Cain utilizes, just like the evil Gadianton’s devised in the Book of Mormon. If these secret societies existed then, as the most evil things that Satan could do, doesn’t it make sense that current host of secret societies are also among us today?. I think these evil Cabals are here in droves and evil manages this earth as secret societies as we know, this is Satan’s world for right now.
How is Satan god of this World?
“One primary issue in the conflict between God and Satan is agency. Agency is a precious gift from God; it is essential to His plan for His children. In Satan’s rebellion against God, Satan “sought to destroy the agency of man” (Moses 4:3). He said: “I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor” (Moses 4:1)…
He attempts to undermine the family by confusing gender, promoting sexual relations outside of marriage, ridiculing marriage, and discouraging childbearing by married adults who would otherwise raise children in righteousness…
Individuals do not have to give in to Satan’s temptations. Each person has the power to choose good over evil, and the Lord has promised to help all who seek Himthrough sincere prayer and faithfulness.” LDS Source
Righteous Numbers are Few
It has been said that about 800 people in this current world, own about 90% of its wealth and organizations. Whatever the true number is, it is a lot. In my opinion that is the reason I believe this is Satan’s world. It doesn’t mean that only 10% of this world are good people. It means that very few people control the masses. I believe that Master Mahan, Gadianton Robbers, Satanists, Cabals, and Illuminatti are those 800 people at the very top of this fallen world. Think about this. This could mean the top 1 or 2% of all governments, sports teams, TV and film, education, religion, mafia’s, businesses, big Pharma, Doctors, and Hospitals, colleges, restaurants, etc. have evil at the lead of their organization. Sure there are some who have not been co-opted by Satan, but as the scripture says,
“And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.” 1 Nephi 14:12 The Great Whore, are all of these Deep State and Cabal Satanists in the world today. The list below is a random article and I don’t claim that all the people below are evil. Just consider the information and make your own decision and consider with me a possible location for the Seat of Satan.
D&C 117:11. What Is the Nicolaitane Band and Why Did the Lord Associate Newel K. Whitney with It?
Many scholars believe that the Nicolaitans in New Testament times were followers of Nicolas (see Acts 6:5). He was one of the seven appointed by the Church at Jerusalem to supervise the distribution of food and goods. Nicolas was believed by some of the early Church fathers to have apostatized from the true gospel and then to have established a sect of his own—the Nicolaitans (see Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 3:548).
One Bible scholar wrote the following about the beliefs of the Nicolaitans: “They seem to have held that it was lawful to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication, in opposition to the decree of the Church rendered in Acts 15:20, 29. … In a time of persecution, when the eating or not eating of things sacrificed to idols was more than ever a crucial test of faithfulness, they persuaded men more than ever that it was a thing indifferent. Rev. 2:13, 14. This was bad enough, but there was a yet worse evil. Mingling themselves in the orgies of idolatrous feasts, they brought the impurities of those feasts into the meetings of the Christian Church. And all this was done, it must be remembered, not simply as an indulgence of appetite, but as a part of a system, supported by a ‘doctrine,’ accompanied by the boast of a prophetic illumination.” (Smith, Dictionary of the Bible, p. 447.)
Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote that Nicolaitans today are “members of the Church who [are] trying to maintain their church standing while continuing to live after the manner of the world. … The designation has come to be used to identify those who want their names on the records of the Church, but do not want to devote themselves to the gospel cause with full purpose of heart.” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:446.)
As Bishop, Newel K. Whitney presided over the distribution of food and common goods in Kirtland. If Nicolas in ancient times turned from a similar sacred calling to a life of worldliness, the reference implies that Newel K. Whitney was in danger of doing the same.
They hold the equivalent of the wealth of 3.6 billion people. Can you guess who they are?
Inc. Magazine, BY MELANIE CURTIN Jan 2017
Getty Images
In capitalist nations, it can feel like there is no greater measure of success than financial wealth. While the mystics and common sense tell us otherwise (love and spiritual wealth are ultimately far greater), the fact remains that material wealth is still a major yardstick in terms of measuring who is getting ahead in the modern world.
It is therefore concerning when that wealth is as concentrated as it has become.
A year ago, poverty-fighting organization Oxfam [is a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty. That means they tackle the inequality that keeps people poor.], came out with a report stating that 62 individuals controlled half the world’s wealth.
This year, that number dropped to eight.
Oxfam presented its findings on the eve of the World Economic Forum, the famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) gathering in Davos, Switzerland, of the most powerful political and business minds from around the world. Oxfam executive director Winnie Byanyima had this to say about the findings:
“It is obscene for so much wealth to be held in the hands of so few when one in 10 people survive on less than $2 a day…. Inequality is trapping hundreds of millions in poverty; it is fracturing our societies and undermining democracy.”
According to Oxfam, the wealthiest individuals in the world are:
Bill Gates
Amancio Ortega (Spanish founder of Inditex)
Warren Buffett
Carlos Slim (Mexican businessman)
Jeff Bezos
Mark Zuckerberg
Larry Ellison
Michael Bloomberg
It doesn’t necessarily correlate that the people listed above are all evil, but they do have a ton of money and could possibly control and manipulate the world. I believe the vast majority (probably over 70%) of people in every country of the world are good hard working people who love God, including most people who may work with many of the evil company heads, but as employees they are not themselves necessarily evil, but most are unaware of the evil at the top of their various companies. The sad thing is a vast majority, of that vast majority, may not even know the Living Christ, as the only way we can return to God. That is the duty of each member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and those who love Christ, to spread the gospel far and wide.
god’s of the World
“The phrase “god of this world” (or “god of this age”) indicates that Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the majority of people. His influence also encompasses the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce. The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.
Satan is also called the “prince of the power of the air” in Ephesians 2:2. He is the “ruler of this world” in John 12:31. These titles and many more signify Satan’s capabilities. To say, for example, that Satan is the “prince of the power of the air” is to signify that in some way he rules over the world and the people in it.
This is not to say that he rules the world completely; God is still sovereign. But it does mean that God, in His infinite wisdom, has allowed Satan to operate in this world within the boundaries God has set for him. When the Bible says Satan has power over the world, we must remember that God has given him domain over unbelievers only. Believers are no longer under the rule of Satan (Colossians 1:13). Unbelievers, on the other hand, are caught “in the snare of the devil” (2 Timothy 2:26), lie in the “power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19), and are in bondage to Satan (Ephesians 2:2).
So, when the Bible says that Satan is the “god of this world,” it is not saying that he has ultimate authority. It is conveying the idea that Satan rules over the unbelieving world in a specific way. In 2 Corinthians 4:4, the unbeliever follows Satan’s agenda: “The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” Satan’s scheme includes promoting false philosophies in the world—philosophies that blind the unbeliever to the truth of the Gospel. Satan’s philosophies are the fortresses in which people are imprisoned, and they must be set free by Christ.” Source
Devil Appeared as an Angel of Light
“The voice of Michael on the banks of the Susquehanna, detecting the devil when he appeared as an angel of light!” D&C 128:20
“For such arefalse apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Joseph’s Child Made Sick by the Devil
“I will relate one circumstance that took place at Far West, in a house that Joseph had purchased, which had been formerly occupied as a public house by some wicked people. A short time after he got into it, one of his children was taken very sick; he laid his hands upon the child, when it got better; as soon as he went out of doors, the child was taken sick again; he again laid his hands upon it, so that it again recovered. This occurred several times, when Joseph inquired of the Lord what it all meant; then he had an open vision, and saw the devil in person, who contended with Joseph, face to face, for some time. He said it was his house, it belonged to him, and Joseph had no right there. Then Joseph rebuked Satan in the name of the Lord, and he departed and touched the child no more.” Life of Heber C. Kimball Pg. 270
It Must Needs be that the Devil Tempts
The devil is the enemy of righteousness and of those who seek to do the will of God. He is literally a spirit son of God and was at one time an angel in authority in the presence of God (Isa. 14:12; 2 Ne. 2:17). However, he rebelled in the premortal life and persuaded a third part of the spirit children of the Father to rebel with him (D&C 29:36; Moses 4:1–4; Abr. 3:27–28). They were cast out of heaven, were denied the opportunity of obtaining mortal bodies and experiencing mortal life, and will be eternally damned. Since the time the devil was cast out of heaven, he has sought constantly to deceive all men and women and lead them away from the work of God in order to make all mankind as miserable as he is (Rev. 12:9; 2 Ne. 2:27; 9:8–9). The devil is the author of all sin, Hel. 6:26–31. The devil sought to lay a cunning plan, D&C 10:12. It must needs be that the devil tempt the children of men, or they could not be agents,D&C 29:39.” LDSBible Dictionary “Satan”
Book of Revelation second chapter says, “12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, evenwhere Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a whitestone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.Revelation 2:11-17
This leads me again to try and figure out where Satan and Cain and the evil of this world dwell. Yes they dwell wherever they want and are allowed to go, but is there a place on this earth that could be what they call their earthly residence? A place where all the evil ones get together and plan and connive, and plan their evil take-over of we dumb useless eaters as they call us. According to many who pretend they are from the Tribe of Judah, (Rev 2:2-9; 3:9), people who don’t believe in their form of Judaism are called Goyim. (Goyim is “usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension. Usually the context, such as the use of a qualifying adjective, will show the intent of the speaker.” Source
I speak a little about Christian Martyrs below. One of these Martyrs, Antipas is critical to know about, to help us each understand this “Seat of Satan” on this earth we are living on.
Martyrdom of Polycarp
MartyrdomofPolycarp is a manuscript written in the form of a letter that relates the religious martyrdomofPolycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (the site of the modern city of Izmir, Turkey) and disciple of John the Apostle in the 2nd century AD. It forms the earliest account of Christian martyrdomoutside of the New Testament.
“The author of Martyrdom of Polycarp is unknown, but it has been attributed to members of the group of early Christian theologians known as the Church Fathers. The letter, sent from the church in Smyrna to another church in Asia Minor at Philomelium, is partly written from the point of view of an eye-witness, recounting the arrest of the elderly Polycarp, the Romans’ attempt to execute him by fire, and subsequent miraculous events.
The letter takes influence from both Jewish martyrdom texts in the Old Testament and the Gospels. Furthermore, the Martyrdom of Polycarp promotes an ideology of martyrdom, by delineating the proper conduct of a martyr.” Wikipedia
Foxes Book of Martyrs/Translated by Joseph Smith
Engraved Title page from Fox’s Book of Martyrs, pub by Thomas Kelly in 1814 (folio)
During the fall of 1834, the Prophet Joseph Smith paid a visit to the home of Edward Stevenson, a faithful member of the Church who would later become a prominent missionary and one of the seven presidents of the Seventy. While there he noticed a copy of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by the sixteenth-century English cleric John Foxe. Brother Stevenson recorded the Prophet’s remarks in reference to Christian martyrs massacred during the Dark Ages:
“While looking over our copy of a large English Book of Martyrs, he expressed sympathy for the Christian martyrs and a hope for their salvation. He asked to borrow the book, promising to return it when he should meet us again in Missouri.
On returning it he said, ‘I have, by the aid of the Urim and Thummim, seen those martyrs. They were honest, devoted followers of Christ, according to the light they possessed. They will be saved.’” 1
Only Two in the New Testament were Martyred!
A martyr is one who is killed for his faith. Only two individuals are specifically named as martyrs in scripture: Stephen (Acts 22:20) and Antipas (Revelation 2:13). The word itself appears only three times, twice in the singular form and once in the plural form, but each time, the writer associates the martyr (s) with the Saviour (“thy martyr”—Acts 22:20; “my . . . martyr”—Revelation 2:13; “the martyrs of Jesus”—Revelation 17:6). Scripture provides very few details concerning the life of Antipas. Yet, that which is mentioned conveys volumes. According to scripture, Antipas was a faithful man slain for his faith. He was a man who, like the believers at Pergamos mentioned in Revelation, held fast the Lord’s name refusing to deny the faith.
Steven, One of Seven Good Men
The first Christian martyr was Stephen who was stoned to death about the year33 AD. The exact date is not known.
In the Liahona we read, “Missionary work kept the Apostles so busy that they could not do all that was necessary to direct the Church, so they chose and ordained seven good men to take care of the poor and the widows. One of the seven men chosen was Stephen. His calling was very special to him. His duties were similar to those of Aaronic Priesthood holders. Stephen also preached the gospel, performed miracles, and did other wondrous things through the power of the priesthood.
Unfortunately, many people were angered by Stephen’s preaching. They did not believe that Jesus was the Savior, and they accused Stephen of blasphemy. Some of these non-believers brought Stephen before the Sanhedrin, a court of Jewish leaders. An unlawful and unfair trial was held, and some of the people lied about Stephen, hoping to get him into trouble. But even though Stephen was falsely accused, he remained strong, faithful, and forgiving. He knew that God was with him.
During the trial Stephen’s face began to glow. It was like the face of an angel, for the power of God was upon him. In answering the charges of the council, Stephen did not try to defend himself, but instead told the people that they were not obeying God’s commandments.
The people were furious. They hated Stephen for telling them the truth. They acted like wild animals and wanted to attack Stephen. But Stephen, full of the Holy Ghost, looked toward heaven and joyously exclaimed, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56.)
Of course, the wicked people could not see this glorious vision, so they did not believe Stephen. In their terrible anger they cast him outside the walls of the city. Leaving their coats at the feet of a young Jewish leader named Saul, they gathered rocks and stoned Stephen.
The stones painfully cut and bruised Stephen’s body, and he knew he was going to die. But he was not afraid, for he knew he would be with Jesus again. Courageously Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” (Acts 7:59.)
Feeling no anger toward his murderers, he humbly cried out, “Lord, forgive these people.” And then he died. (This story is found in Acts 6, Acts 7:51–60; Acts 8:1–2.)” Liahona 1987
Antipas of Pergamum- A Martyr
Herod Antipas, (born 21 bce—died after 39 ce ), son of Herod I the Great who became tetrarch (ruler of a minor principality in the Roman Empire) of Galilee, in northern Palestine, and Peraea, east of the Jordan River and Dead Sea, and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth’s ministry. Herod Antipas.” Source
Pergamon, Asia Minor (modern-day Bergama, İzmir, Turkey) Venerated in Roman Catholic Church.
Antipas being martyred
According to Eastern Orthodox traditions, according to the Commentary on the Apocalypse of Andreas of Caesarea, it is believed that Saint Antipas was the Antipas referred to in the Book of Revelation 2:13, as the verse says: “I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”
According to Christian tradition, John the Apostle ordained Antipas as bishop of Pergamon during the reign of the Roman emperor Nero. The traditional account goes on to say Antipas was martyred during the reign of Nero (54-68), by burning in a brazen bull-shaped altar for casting out demons worshiped by the local population.
There is a tradition of oil (“manna of the saints”) being secreted from the relics of Saint Antipas.
Saint Antipas is invoked for relief from toothache, and diseases of the teeth. On the calendars of Eastern Christianity, the feast day of Antipas is April 11.Source
Reconstructed view of the Pergamon Acropolis, Friedrich Thierch, 1882
Where was Antipas martyred? The Very Seat of Satan
The Witness Antipas died at the Apollyon Temple of Lyon / Geneva Switzerland, where the throne of Satan was at 39 A.D.
Apollyon is the Draco-Mardukian Abbadon, former captain of the sons of the Horus legions. Apollyon tried to killed Horus, son of Osiris, and subordinate of Set.
The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum,” with the Latin suffix “iacum” denoting possession. The town and a temple were dedicated to Apollyon, the destroyer. CERN is built on and deep below an ancient temple dedicated to the Titan fallen angel Apollyon, in Hebrew called Abaddon, which means the Destroyer, bringer of Pestilence.” Source
“During the course of my research I have found another interesting connection with which I want to bring to your attention. That is the connection with Abaddon and the bottomless pit and a possible otherwise unseen connection with the Large Hadron Collider.
I know this has been mentioned many times on many forums, and has been discussed in depth, but I decided to dig a little deeper to see what other connections I could find.
What I found kind of startled me. I found that the town that the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) complex is situated-Saint Genis Pouilly-was in Roman times called Apolliacum, the town and a temple being dedicated to Apollyon.
APOLLYON. The Greek name, meaning “Destroyer,” given in Revelation 9:11 for “the angel of the bottomless pit” (in Hebrew called Abaddon), also identified as the king of the demonic “locusts” described in Revelation 9:3-10…In one manuscript, instead of Apollyon the text reads “Apollo,” the Greek god of death and pestilence as well as of the sun, music, poetry, crops and herds, and medicine. Apollyon is no doubt the correct reading. But the name Apollo (Gk Apollon) was often linked in ancient Greek writings with the verb apollymi or apollyo, “destroy.” From this time of Grotius, “Apollyon” has often been taken here to be a play on the name Apollo. The locust was an emblem of this god, who poisoned his victims, and the name “Apollyon” may be used allusively in Revelation to attack the pagan god and so indirectly the Roman emperor Domitian, who liked to be regarded as Apollo incarnate.” Source
Lyon/Geneva Switzerland
I think there is an earthly location that many evil ones congregate, and I will discuss it now. This proposed place is Lyon/Geneva Switzerland, or less likely Pergamum in Izmir, Turkey where Antipas spent much of his time.
I have relatives from Bern, Switzerland. My Grandfather is Alvin C. Tueller and my 12th great grandfather was Willey Tueller born in 1492 in Bern, Switzerland. I obviously love that land where my ancestors are from. I am just saddened to think it may be a possible place where so many evil influences seem to also be.
So, I am not saying being from Switzerland is any better nor worse than anywhere else. I am simply stating, that there is much evil in my opinion in Geneva Switzerland today, as I will show you below. I don’t want to paint with a broad brush, but there are so many questions I have about so many of today’s organizations in Switzerland.
There are 33 International Organizations in Geneva Switzerland
Switzerland is host to 33 international organizations which have signed headquarters (26) or fiscal agreements (7) with the Swiss Federal Council. 23 international organizations with headquarters agreements are based in Geneva, including for example the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Among these 23 organizations, 8 are United Nations agencies, for example: the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Meteorolgical Organization (WMO) and others. Seven international organizations that have signed a fiscal agreement are located in Geneva or in the Geneva area; for example, the International Air Transport Association (IATA, Geneva), the Airports Council International (ACI, Geneva) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, European Office, Lausanne).
About 250 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have their seat in Geneva. These include the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and many others.
165 foreign States (166 including Switzerland) are represented in Geneva by a permanent mission or representation (to the United Nations Office at Geneva and to other international organizations, to the World Trade Organization and/or the Conference on Disarmament). Source
International Organizations and Secretariats
Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI)
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)
Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
International Bureau of Education (IBE) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – based in Gland, Canton of Vaud
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
UNITAID United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) World Health Organization (WHO)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Trade Organization(WTO)
UN Programs and Funds:
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Other Organizations and NGOs:
Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
Airports Council International (ACI)
Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF)
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med Monitor)
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
Geneva Call
IC Volunteers (ICV)
International AIDS Society
International Baccalaureate (IB)
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World)
International Road Transport Union (IRU) International Union Against Cancer (UICC)
Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
Mandat International (MI)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) UN Watch World Council of Churches (WCC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) World Economic Forum (WEF)
World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)
World Heart Federation (WHF) World Jewish Congress (WJC)
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
World Student Christian Federation (WSCF)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
YMCA, the World Alliance of YMCAs
Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
Obviously I am not claiming all of these organizations are evil. Many are great businesses with purely humanitarian intentions. I also feel only the top 10 to 15% of management of some organizations I marked in red, have very evil intentions at the head that I have heard about. You may of course have a very different opinion than I do, which is just fine. The vast majority of businesses (probably 75% or more), have good workers who are just ordinarily good people. Others of the workers may be unaware of any evil intentions whatsoever with their leaders. I simply believe if you have an evil company, it is usually the leaders on top, not everyone.
In my opinion it is like our FBI and CIA today. I believe the top 10-15% of each organization have been infiltrated and are doing great wrong. I believe the vast majority of each agency are good agents who are doing their job to protect us.
I have highlighted in red the organizations I have studied and looked into their top organizational leaders, or their efforts or business models, that I disagree greatly with, and I have personally found may of these as possible corrupt organizations that we need to be careful about. It certainly seems too much of a coincidence that so many of these organizations I have problems with, are in the same general location.
My greatest concern is what the bible says, “Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.”Rev. 2. Antipas was slain in the Switzerland or Turkey area, and today seems like so many bad organizations are there. Money is power and I ask you where did these 33 organizations get all of their money? Taxpayers, Theft, Donations, Control, or just evil? It seems very reasonable to me.
Additional Information on the Nicolaitans Band and others.
Nicolaitans (followers of Nicolas ), a sect mentioned in ( Revelation 2:6 Revelation 2:15 ) whose deeds were strongly condemned. They may have been identical with those who held the doctrine of Balaam. They seem to have held that it was lawful to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication, in opposition to the decree of the Church rendered in (Acts 15:20 Acts 15:29 )
The teachers of the Church branded them with a name which expressed their true character. The men who did and taught such things were followers of Balaam. ( 2 Peter 2:15 ; Jude 1:11 ) They, like the false prophet of Pethor, united brave words with evil deeds. In a time of persecution, when the eating or not eating of things sacrificed to idols was more than ever a crucial test of faithfulness, they persuaded men more than ever that was a thing indifferent. ( Revelation 2:13 Revelation 2:14 )
This was bad enough, but there was a yet worse evil. Mingling themselves in the orgies of idolatrous feasts, they brought the impurities of those feasts into the meetings of the Christian Church. And all this was done, it must be remembered not simply as an indulgence of appetite: but as a part of a system, supported by a “doctrine,” accompanied by the boast of a prophetic illumination, ( 2 Peter 2:1 )
It confirms the view which has been taken of their character to find that stress is laid in the first instance on the “deeds” of the Nicolaitans. To hate those deeds is a sign of life in a Church that otherwise is weak and faithless. ( Revelation 2:6 ) To tolerate them is well nigh to forfeit the glory of having been faithful under persecution. ( Revelation 2:14Revelation 2:15 )
D&C Warning
D&C 117:10 “Let my servant William Marks be faithful over a few things, and he shall be a ruler over many. Let him preside in the midst of my people in the city of Far West, and let him be blessed with the blessings of my people.
11 Let my servant Newel K. Whitney be ashamed of the Nicolaitane band and of all their secret abominations, and of all his littleness of soul before me, saith the Lord, and come up to the land of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and be a bishop unto my people, saith the Lord, not in name but in deed, saith the Lord.”
Far West was the spot where Cain killed Abel.
Elder Dyer, whom President McKay subsequently ordained an apostle and later set apart as a counselor in the church presidency, offered some interesting after-thoughts on Far West:
“In connection with President McKay’s visit at Far West, it is to be noted that while there the President appeared somewhat overwhelmed. The place made a deep impression upon him; so much so that he referred to Far West a number of times in the ensuing days as a place of deep impression.
“The feeling that President McKay had at Far West registered upon me once again, but now with greater impact. The events that transpired there are significant: (a) The Lord proclaimed Far West a holy and consecrated land unto him, declaring to Joseph Smith that the very ground he stood on there was holy. (b) The Prophet Joseph Smith contended with the devil face to face for some time, upon the occasion of the power of evil menacing one of his children in the Prophet’s home just west of the temple site. Lucifer declared that Joseph had no right to be there, that this was his place. Whereupon the Prophet rebuked Satan in the name of the Lord, and he departed and did not touch the child again. (c) The overwhelming feeling that President McKay had when he visited this sacred place.
“The Answer: I have often pondered the holy significance of Far West, and even more so since President McKay’s visit. The sacredness of Far West, Missouri, is no doubt due to the understanding that the Prophet Joseph Smith conveyed to the brethren, at these early times, that Adam-ondi-Ahman, the place to which Adam and Eve fled when cast out of the Garden of Eden, is where Adam erected an altar unto God, and offered sacrifices, and that Far West was the spot where Cain killed Abel.
“This information tends to explain why the Lord declared Far West to be a holy consecrated place; and no doubt explains why Satan claimed that place as his own, as it was here that he entered into a covenant with Cain, resulting in the death of Abel, the first of mortal existence [to die] upon this earth.
“It would appear that President McKay while there felt the spirit and significance of this holy place.” 2
Doctrine and Covenants 118:4–5
The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith, p.340
7 Churches of Revelation
“It was in 95 A.D. that the elderly apostle John experienced persecution from the mighty Roman Empire. This persecution would ultimately lead to his writing of the Bible’s last book. The prophetic visions God would give him would become the book of Revelation. The first of these visions concerned seven churches located in Asia Minor. The Romans exiled John to a tiny island due to his belief in Jesus Christ and his preaching of the word of God (Revelation 1:9). The island, named Patmos, is located in the Aegean Sea. Its total area is only thirteen square miles (34 square kilometers).” Source
I had never heard of the Nicolaitans until recently. The above scripture was a mystery for me, however, any student of the book of Revelations, should know who the Nicolaitans are.
Persecutors of the 7 Churches
One of the chief concerns in the seven letters is with deceivers working within the congregations. While several groups and one individual are named, the net effect of their efforts is to cause believers to “commit fornication and eat food offered to idols.” In short, to induce idolatry and accommodation to the surrounding pagan society –
While persecution by outsiders is a problem, strikingly, the criticisms of these deceivers are far harsher than the Risen Christ’s comments about persecutors, suggesting that internal threats pose a far greater danger to the churches than hostility from outsiders.
Three groups are active in the churches: the “false apostles,” the “Nicolaitans, and those who “have the teaching of Balaam.” Additionally, the church at Thyatira tolerates the “prophetess Jezebel.” Pantheon by Daniel Klaffke
In Revelation Chapter 2 we read,
“1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars…
6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate…
8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I knowthe blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr,who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a whitestone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;
19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.
20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, (Evil Phoenician Queen married to Ahab, an evil Israelite King) which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things unto idols.
21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” Rev Chapter 2:
Editors note: i have researched and found a definite possibility that the Great Prophet Isaiah, may be descended through the line of Jezebel and Ahab. Email me with Questions. Evil can become good and good can become evil.
Herod Antipas
Foundations of the Pergamon altar.
The only Antipas known outside Revelation 2:13 is Herod Antipas, a first century ruler of Galilee and Perea, and son of Herod the Great. Following from his father, Herod Antipas was probably at least nominally a Jew and thus could be described as a faithful witness (‘martyr’) by a Jewish author who may have written material later incorporated into Revelation. Against this is that Herod Antipas could not have died in Pergamos.
The LDS bible dictionary defines the Nicolaitans: An Antinomian sect in Asia Minor that claimed license for sensual sin. So, what do the Nicolaitans have to do with Far West, Missouri and with Newel K. Whitney?
nik-o-la’-i-tanz Nikolaitai):
1. The Sect:
A sect or party of evil influence in early Christianity, especially in the 7 churches of Asia. Their doctrine was similar to that of Balaam, “who taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication” (Revelation 2:14,15). Their practices were strongly condemned by John, who praised the church in Ephesus for “hating their works” (Revelation 2:6), and blamed the church in Pergamum for accepting in some measure their teaching (Revelation 2:15). Except that reference is probably made to their influence in the church at Thyatira also, where their leader was “the woman Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess” (Revelation 2:20; compare Revelation 2:14), no further direct information regarding them is given in Scripture.
2. References:
Reference to them is frequent in post-apostolic literature. According to Irenaeus (Adv. Haer., i.26,3; iii.10,7), followed by Hippolytus (Philos., vii.36), they were founded by Nicolaus, the proselyte of Antioch, who was one of the seven chosen to serve at the tables (Acts 6:5). Irenaeus, as also Clement of Alexandria (Strom., ii.20), Tertullian and others, unite in condemning their practices in terms similar to those of John; and reference is also made to their Gnostic tendencies. In explanation of the apparent incongruity of such an immoral sect being founded by one of “good report, full of the Spirit and of wisdom” (compare Acts 6:3), Simcox argues that their lapse may have been due to reaction from original principles of a too rigid asceticism. A theory, started in comparatively modern times, and based in part on the similarity of meaning of the Greek “Nikolaus,” and the Hebrew “Balaam,” puts forward the view that the two sects referred to under these names were in reality identical. Yet if this were so, it would not have been necessary for John to designate them separately.
3. Nicolaitan Controversy:
The problem underlying the Nicolaitan controversy, though so little direct mention is made of it in Scripture, was in reality most important, and concerned the whole relation of Christianity to paganism and its usages. The Nicolaitans disobeyed the command issued to the Gentile churches, by the apostolic council held at Jerusalem in 49-50 AD, that they should refrain from the eating of “things sacrificed to idols” (Acts 15:29). Such a restriction, though seemingly hard, in that it prevented the Christian communities from joining in public festivals, and so brought upon them suspicion and dislike, was yet necessary to prevent a return to a pagan laxity of morals. To this danger the Nicolaitans were themselves a glaring witness, and therefore John was justified in condemning them. In writing to the Corinthians, Paul gives warning against the same evil practices, basing his arguments on consideration for the weaker brethren (compare 1Co 8).
Simcox, “Revelation” in the Cambridge Bible; H. Cowan in Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes), article “Nicolaitans”; H.B. Swete, The Apocalypse of John, lxx, 27, 28, 37.
C. M. Kerr
Who Were the Nicolaitans, And What Was Their Doctrine and Deeds?
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. — Revelation 2:6
“Have you ever wondered who the “Nicolaitans” were, mentioned in the book of Revelation? Whoever they were, Jesus loathed their doctrine and hated their deeds. Let’s delve into this subject today to see if we can ascertain the identity of this group. What was their damnable doctrine? What deeds were they committing that elicited such a strong reaction from Jesus?
Let’s begin in Revelation 2:6, where Jesus told the church of Ephesus, “But this thou hast [in your favor], that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.”
Jesus was proud of the church of Ephesus for their “hatred” of the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which He also “hated.” The word “hate” is a strong word, so let’s see exactly what it means. It comes from the Greek word miseo, which means to hate, to abhor, or to find utterly repulsive. It describes a person who has a deep-seated animosity, who is antagonistic to something he finds to be completely objectionable. He not only loathes that object, but rejects it entirely. This is not just a case of dislike; it is a case of actual hatred.
The thing Jesus hated about them was their “deeds.” The word “deeds” is the Greek word erga, which means works. However, this word is so all-encompassing that it pictures all the deeds and behavior of the Nicolaitans — including their actions,beliefs, conduct, and everything else connected to them.
The name “Nicolaitans” is derived from the Greek word nikolaos, a compound of the words nikos and laos. The word nikos is the Greek word that means to conquer or to subdue. The word laos is the Greek word for the people. It is also where we get the word laity. When these two words are compounded into one, they form the name Nicolas, which literally means one who conquers and subdues the people. It seems to suggest that the Nicolaitans were somehow conquering and subduing the people.
Ireneus and Hippolytus, two leaders in the Early Church who recorded many of the events that occurred in the earliest recorded days of Church history, said the Nicolaitans were the spiritual descendants of Nicolas of Antioch, who had been ordained as a deacon in Acts 6:5. That verse says, “And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch.”
We know quite a lot of information about some of these men who were chosen to be the first deacons, whereas little is known of others. For instance, we know that the chief criteria for their selection was that they were men “…of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom…”(v. 3). Once they had been chosen, they were presented by the people to the apostles, who laid hands on them, installing and officially ordaining them into the deaconate.
Like the other men, Stephen was of good report, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom. However, Acts 6:5 makes a remark about Stephen that is unique only to him. It says that he was “…a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost….” This stronger level of faith may have been a contributing factor to the development recorded in Acts 6:8: “And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.”
Stephen was a God-called evangelist, and he was later privileged to be the first martyr in the history of the Church — killed at the order of Saul of Tarsus, who later became known as the apostle Paul (see Acts 7:58-8:1). The deaconate ministry was vital proving ground to prepare Stephen for the fivefold office of the evangelist. The name Stephen is from the Greek word stephanos, and it means crown. This is worth noting, for he was the first to receive a martyr’s crown.
Philip was ordained with the other six original deacons. However, Acts 21:8 informs us that Philip later stepped in the ministry of the evangelist. He had four daughters who prophesied (v. 9). Just as the deaconate was training and proving ground for Stephen to step into the office of the evangelist, it was also Philip’s school of ministry to prepare him for evangelistic ministry. The name Philip means lover of horses. This name often symbolized a person who ran with swiftness, as does a horse — a fitting name for a New Testament evangelist who ran swiftly to carry the Gospel message.
Very little is known about this member of the original deaconate. His name, Prochorus, is a compound of the Greek words pro and chorus. The word pro means before or in front of, as with the position of a leader. The word “chorus” is the old Greek word for the dance and is where we get the word choreography. There is a strong implication that this was a nickname, given to this man because he had been the foremost leader of dance in some school, theater, or musical performance. There is no substantiation for this idea, but his name seems to give credence to the possibility.
This unknown brother was found to be of good report, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Other than this, nothing is known of him. He is never mentioned again in the New Testament after Acts chapter 6. His name, Nicanor, means conqueror.
Like Nicanor mentioned above, Timon was known to be of good report, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Nothing more is known of him outside of Acts chapter 6. His name means honorable or of great value.
We know nothing more of Parmenas other than what is mentioned here in Acts chapter 6. His name is a compound of the words para and meno — the word para meaning alongside and meno meaning to remain or to abide. Compounded together, his name came to mean one who sticks alongside and conveyed the idea of one who is devoted, loyal,and faithful.
Acts 6:5 tells us that this Nicolas was “a proselyte of Antioch.” The fact that he was a proselyte tells us that he was not born a Jew but had converted from paganism to Judaism. Then he experienced a second conversion, this time turning from Judaism to Christianity. From this information, we know these facts about Nicolas of Antioch:
He came from paganism and had deep pagan roots, very much unlike the other six deacons who came from a pure Hebrew line. Nicolas’ pagan background meant that he had previously been immersed in the activities of the occult.
He was not afraid of taking an opposing position, evidenced by his ability to change religions twice. Converting to Judaism would have estranged him from his pagan family and friends. It would seem to indicate that he was not impressed or concerned about the opinions of other people.
He was a free thinker and very open to embracing new ideas and concepts. Judaism was very different from the pagan and occult world in which he had been raised. For him to shift from paganism to Judaism reveals that he was very liberal in his thinking, for most pagans were offended by Judaism. He was obviously not afraid to entertain or embrace new ways of thinking.
When he converted to Christ, it was at least the second time he had converted from one religion to another. We don’t know if, or how many times, he shifted from one form of paganism to another before he became a Jewish proselyte. His ability to easily change religious “hats” implies that he was not afraid to switch direction in midstream and go a totally different direction.
According to the writings of the Early Church leaders, Nicolas taught a doctrine of compromise, implying that total separation between Christianity and the practice of occult paganism was not essential. From Early Church records, it seems apparent that this Nicolas of Antioch was so immersed in occultism, Judaism, and Christianity that he had a stomach for all of it. He had no problem intermingling these belief systems in various concoctions and saw no reason why believers couldn’t continue to fellowship with those still immersed in the black magic of the Roman empire and its countless mystery cults.
Occultism was a major force that warred against the Early Church. In Ephesus, the primary pagan religion was the worship of Diana (Artemis). There were many other forms of idolatry in Ephesus, but this was the primary object of occult worship in that city. In the city of Pergamos, there were numerous dark and sinister forms of occultism, causing Pergamos to be one of the most wicked cities in the history of the ancient world. In both of these cities, believers were lambasted and persecuted fiercely by adherents of pagan religions, forced to contend with paganism on a level far beyond all other cities.
It was very hard for believers to live separately from all the activities of paganism because paganism and its religions were the center of life in these cities. Slipping in and out of paganism would have been very easy for young or weak believers to do since most of their families and friends were still pagans. A converted Gentile would have found it very difficult to stay away from all pagan influence.
It is significant that the “deeds” and “doctrines” of the Nicolaitans are only mentioned in connection with the churches in these two occultic and pagan cities. It seems that the “doctrine” of the Nicolaitans was that it was all right to have one foot in both worlds and that one needn’t be so strict about separation from the world in order to be a Christian. This, in fact, was the “doctrine” of the Nicolaitans that Jesus “hated.” It led to a weak version of Christianity that was without power and without conviction — a defeated, worldly type of Christianity.
Nicolas’ deep roots in paganism may have produced in him a tolerance for occultism and paganism. Growing up in this perverted spiritual environment may have caused him to view these belief systems as not so damaging or dangerous. This wrong perception would have resulted in a very liberal viewpoint that encouraged people to stay connected to the world. This is what numerous Bible scholars believe about the Nicolaitans.
This kind of teaching would result in nothing but total defeat for its followers. When believers allow sin and compromise to be in their lives, it drains away the power in the work of the Cross and the power of the Spirit that is resident in a believer’s life. This is the reason the name Nicolas is so vital to this discussion. The evil fruit of Nicolas’ “doctrine” encouraged worldly participation, leading people to indulge in sin and a lowered godly standard. In this way he literally conquered the people.
God wants to make sure we understand the doctrine the Nicolaitans taught, so Balaam’s actions are given as an example of their doctrine and actions. Revelation 2:14,15 says, “But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.”
When Balaam could not successfully curse the people of God, he used another method to destroy them. He seduced them into unbridled, sensual living by dangling the prostitutes of Moab before the men of Israel. Numbers 25:1-3 tells us, “And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they [the daughters of Moab] called the people [the men of Israel] unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people [the men of Israel] did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor….”
Just as the men of Israel compromised themselves with the world and false religions, now the “doctrine” of the Nicolaitans was encouraging compromise. As you are well aware, compromise with the world always results in a weakened and powerless form of Christianity. This wasthe reason Jesus “hated” the “doctrine” and the “deeds” of the Nicolaitans.” Source
Through Previous Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and from Scripture, we as members of this true and wonderful Church, have been warned! The Lord said, “Vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation.” D&C 84:55. (Read all here: D&C 84:49-58)“There is nothing that would so soon weaken my hope and discourage me as to see this people in full fellowship with the world and receive no more persecution from thembecause they are one with them. In such an event, we might bid farewell to the Holy Priesthood with all its blessings, privileges, and aids to exaltations, principalities and powers in the eternities of the Gods. (JD 10:32)” Brigham Young
Elder Boyd K. Packer, 30 Mar.1990, warned the Church against:
1- Fast growth, in the Church. 2- A Desire to be accepted by the world 3- To be popular amongst our world 4- Warned about Prosperity.
So, by Revelation from the Lord, in 1832, which is 192 years ago, and by Elder Packer in 1990, 34 years ago, they have warned us. What about today? Have we been warned? Yes!
“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost,” and Pres Nelson said, “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation.” May 23, 2018 Pres Russell M. Nelson
“As President of His Church, I plead with you who have distanced yourselves from the Church and with you who have not yet really sought to know that the Savior’s Church has been restored. Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out.” Russell M. Nelson April 10, 2019
Artificial Intelligence
Microsoft wants to build artificial general intelligence: an AI better than humans at everything. Microsoft is investing $1 billion in a partnership with OpenAI. The mission? Building an AI smarter than any of us. Do some want to replace God?
Can we be influenced by evil through Artificial Intelligence? I’m not an AI skeptic nor an AI alarmist. However, I don’t look forward to hearing the latest tech information about AI. I also don’t consider myself a non-informed person. I represent many of the average Joe and Janes’ in the Gospel, who have been wondering about the fervor and recent excitement about artificial intelligence, or AI.
“It makes no difference what is written or what anyone has said, if what has been said is in conflict with what the Lord has revealed, we can set it aside.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation
“Both Alma and Helaman told of the church in their day. They warned about fast growth, the desire to be accepted by the world, to be popular, and particularly they warned about prosperity. Each time those conditions existed in combination, the Church drifted off course. All of those conditions are present in the Church today. Helaman repeatedly warned, I think four times he used these words, that the fatal drift of the church could occur ‘in the space of not many years.’ In one instance it took only six years. (See Helaman 6:32, 7:6, 11:26.)” (Boyd K. Packer- Transcript of an address given at a Regional Representatives Seminar, 30 March 1990, entitled “Let Them Govern Themselves.”)
Can AI influence the Church and its Members to drift and develop a faith crisis?
How Does the Church Compare today vs. 1942, that is 80 plus years? An amazing quote from our Brethren. This quote reminds tells me today (2024), that we are worse as a nation and Church than 1942.
The First Presidency in 1942 said, “These days through which we are now passing present many problems which are new to all of us but are particularly strange to the younger generation — those who have little background of experience and whose knowledge is limited and immature. Infidelity, atheism, unchastity, intemperance, civil corruption, greed, avarice, ambition — personal, political, national — are more powerful today than at any other time in the lives of us now living. They are pulling and thrusting us almost at will into new fields of action, new lines of thought. They are shaking the faith, undermining the morals, polluting the lives of the people. They have thrown many so far off balance in all of their activities, economic, social, political, and religious, that they stand in real danger of falling. Satan is making war against all the wisdom that has come to men through their ages of experience. He is seeking to overturn and destroy the very foundations upon which society, government, and religion rest. He aims to have men adopt theories and practices which he induced their forefathers, over the ages, to adopt and try, only to be discarded by them when found unsound, impractical, and ruinous. He plans to destroy liberty and freedom — economic, political, and religious, and to set up in place thereof the greatest, most widespread, and most complete tyranny that has ever oppressed men. He is working under such perfect disguisethat many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Without their knowing it, the people are being urged down paths that lead only to destruction. Satan never before had so firm a grip on this generation as he has now.” President Heber J. Grant was present and presided at the Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday morning sessions. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, and President David O. McKay, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, were present at all the sessions. President McKay conducted the services at all the sessions.
J. Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 29 Sept. 1950 also said, “In the early church the Saints were extremely anxious for two things: First, to be well thought of by the pagans. Their ears itched for praise. Do any of you brethren know anything about such a tendency as that?” (In “Remarks at Bishop’s Meeting,” J. Reuben Clark Papers, box 151, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)
AI vs Personal Revelation. God vs. Satan. It is our choice.I believe AI and CGI are only good in the hands of a MORAL people just like our Constitution. But, as we know our Constitution has bee usurped by evil men and women today, and it is hanging by a thread. As long as AI and CGI promote the truth of Christ, it is fine. The problem I feel is that is not totally possible in this world today. I believe the scripture that says, “We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen.” D&C 121:39-40.
ALMOST ALL, nearly every human on this earth past and present have been deceived as various times. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23I don’t trust what man may do with AI. I only trust the Lord. I do think however there are many good uses for AI, but we must be careful just as we are with TV, Internet, and Smart Phones.BEWARE! Have you heard from recent people that say they have found new records from God? Have you heard some, who have claimed to be a Prophet, and to teach the word of God among us in 2024? Yes. We MUST be careful and utilize the Spirt. No “itching” ears.AI evil has created a video of our Prophet as if he is speaking lies to we the people. It is the image of our Prophet and it is his words, but an AI Robot has put in his mouth the words they have programmed him to say. This particular fake video is obvious, but it is getting more real every day. The Deep State has been using this invention of evil for over 20 years and it has raised its ugly head now. Beware! This is evil above my comprehension. See my other blog titled, Artificial Intelligence- Man vs God?
Even the inventor of AI, Elon Musk said, “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential — however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial — it has the potential of civilization destruction,” Musk said in his interview with Tucker Carlson…” Source
Artificial Intelligence vs. Light and Truth!
“The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple. The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth. Light and truth forsake that evil one. Every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning; and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again, in their infant state, innocent before God. And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers. But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.” D&C 93:35-40
An Intelligence & Intelligence from God
“He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things. Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence.: D&C 93:28-30
“And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.” Abraham 3:19
“Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year, and at each time I found the same messenger there, and received instruction and intelligence from him at each of our interviews, respecting what the Lord was going to do, and how and in what manner his kingdom was to be conducted in the last days.” JSH 1:54
In a meeting with employees worldwide, Elder Gong urges reliance on the Spirit, wisdom, and trusted sources while using AI
“Emergent technologies including in construction, communication, and transportation have allowed the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to reach out to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest tool to help the message of Christ spread throughout the earth.Knowing that the proper use of AI will help the Church accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation, the Church has issued the following guiding principles for using AI. These were introduced to employees of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (co-chair of the Church Communication Committee) and Elder John C. Pingree of the Seventy (executive director of the Correlation Department)
“We can create appropriate balances in our perceptions, plans, and implementation of generative AI that are realistic both of opportunity and challenge — put another way, that are neither giddy nor alarmist,” Elder Gong said of these principles.
Spiritual Connection
The Church will use artificial intelligence to support and not supplant connection between God and His children.
The Church will use artificial intelligence in positive, helpful, and uplifting ways that maintain the honesty, integrity, ethics, values, and standards of the Church.
People interacting with the Church will understand when they are interfacing with artificial intelligence.
The Church will provide attribution for content created with artificial intelligence when the authenticity, accuracy, or authorship of the content could be misunderstood or misleading.
Privacy and Security
The Church’s use of artificial intelligence will safeguard sacred and personal information.
The Church will use artificial intelligence in a manner consistent with the policies of the Church and all applicable laws.
The Church will be measured and deliberate in its use of artificial intelligence by regularly testing and reviewing outputs to help ensure accuracy, truthfulness, and compliance.
“The guiding principles are intended to support the responsible use of AI by the Church workforce,” Elder Pingree said. “These principles may also be helpful for members and friends of the Church as they navigate a world changing due to AI.”
The Church of Jesus Christ sees several opportunities with AI including in family history work, accelerating and automating processes, and great potential for language translation and interpretation. Generative AI may also offer natural language queries and prompts to help Latter-day Saints find current, accurate information from designated, grounded, and approved Church sources, such as
“Overall, I am optimistic about our ability to use these AI technologies wisely and effectively, and to protect Church members and friends from the deceitful spread of falsehoods or untruth,” Elder Gong said.
Elder Gong acknowledged that some people will weaponize AI tools. Of particular concern are deepfakes, the fictitious or malicious use of someone’s name, image, and likeness. These are most likely to happen to people — such as Church leaders — who have a recognizable face and voice, a significant amount of video and audio in the public domain, and known and motivated antagonists.
Elder Gong said reliance on the Holy Spirit, wisdom and trusted sources can help inoculate against deepfakes.
The Holy Spirit
“‘Light and truth’ are a scriptural definition of intelligence,” Elder Gong said, speaking of Doctrine and Covenants 93:36. “While generative artificial intelligence may be quick to offer information, it can never replace revelation or generate truth. If something does not feel right or is inconsistent with what you know is true, seek to discern before believing.”
“Wisdom,” the Apostle said, “helps us use knowledge, experience, and judgment to make good decisions. The scriptures remind us: ‘blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom’ (2 Nephi 28:30). Draw from your experiences and apply wisdom to know what is true.”
Trusted Sources
Because so many voices vie for our attention, it is critical we “anchor ourselves with trusted sources of truth,” Elder Gong said. These include “the Holy Ghost, scriptures, words of the prophets, and the Church’s authoritative website,”
Joseph Fielding Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 Dec. 1938 said, “It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the primitive church of Christ. Are we not traveling the same road?” (Joseph Fielding Smith Journal, entry for 28 Dec. 1938.)
Remember what Elder Packer said from above.
1- Fast growth, in the Church. 2- A desire to be accepted by the world 3- To be popular amongst our world 4- Warned about prosperity.
“Since the coming forth of the Book of Mormon there has never been more profound evidence of its authenticity than today. Arguably among the two greatest linguistic discoveries relating to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon are two ancient stones bearing Hebrew inscriptions that can now finally take their rightful place in the history of the world! Many, if not hundreds of stones inscribed with ancient characters and symbols have been summarily dismissed as fakes and forgeries because it was against the official policy of the scientific community under the Smithsonian Institution, and because linguistic evidence cannot be supported by one or two random arifacts. Recent scientific verifications of several sites and artifacts – numbering eight as of this writing – now establish that people with a knowledge of ancient Hebrew written language and culture were in America during Book of Mormon time frames! Read on for the entire history making story…the case for Book of Mormon written language in America’s Heartland!” Rod Meldrum
Dr. Huston McCullough of Ohio State University has an article all about the authenticity of these many Hebrew artifacts we will speak about below and found in North America. Article Here.
“There has been a lot of talk from some intellectuals about various hoaxes purported to be associated with ancient Hebrew stones and script found in North America. It makes sense that when Lehi landed in North America he and his culture would have left behind evidence of his Jewish and Israelite heritage. Since nothing has been found in South and Central America, these intellectuals want to condemn anything that may have been found in North America. Of the 8-10 evidences found in North America related to Hebrew, the scholars refute ALL OF THEM as hoaxes!. That seems way to easy to just out of hand condemn any evidence. That’s what people do when they can’t explain things. Much of today’s science is not engaged in finding new truths, but in finding new pet theories. Since no new “Scientific Law” has been discovered and proven in over 100 years, the scientists are now propping up their new “theories” as if they are true.
Take for example the theory of evolution. Last time I heard it is still a theory and has never been proven to be a law. What about the theory of magma in the center of the earth? It has been shown in Dean Sessions book that it is more likely that water is at the center of the earth? I’m not a scientist but just an ordinary man who likes to have science and history just “make sense”. What about the intellectuals (some at BYU) that say Noah’s flood was not universal and was probably a myth? What about those who say Adam was not the first man created on this earth? I would rather ask the simple question of, “does it make common sense” rather than listen to many intellectuals who claim to know the unknown or have a good theory for it. I don’t know the unknown either, but I study and pray about all things and it has to make sense as well. For example, something cannot be created out of nothing. We know this by the scriptures (D&C 93:29) and yet the vast majority of these intellectuals don’t believe in scripture either.
I offer this information below as wonderful information to take to heart. Learn and listen, search and pray and things will make sense to you. By all means I don’t want you to believe me as I like you am only one who loves the Lord and tries daily to learn His truths that He is sharing with us. Stay close to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and follow the Prophet and Apostles in all you do. I have a witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and I also know as Moroni promised that I. “may know the truth of all things.” Rian Nelson
Evidence of Authenticity? by Rod Meldrum
The Book of Mormon claims to be a history of several groups of people from the Old World who were lead to the America’s by the Lord and came by ship. At least one of these groups, known as the Nephites, kept a written history of their people on metal plates which were passed down through their prophets for nearly a thousand years. According to the Book of Mormon account, these plates were written in a language they called “reformed Egyptian,” a departure from their more familiar Hebrew language.
“And now, behold, we have written this record according to our knowledge, in the characters which are called among us the reformed Egyptian, being handed down and altered by us, according to our manner of speech.
“And if our plates had been sufficiently large we should have written in Hebrew; but the Hebrew hath been altered by us also; and if we could have written in Hebrew, behold, ye would have had no imperfection in our record.” Mormon 9:32-33
From the text we learn that if there would have been more space on the plates, they would have preferred writing in their native Hebrew language and had they been able to do so there would have been “no imperfection” in their record.
Many of those critical of the Church have pointed to the lack of written Hebrew language in the America’s as evidence against the historicity of the Book of Mormon. Some LDS students of the Book of Mormon contend that the rather sophisticated glyph language system of the Maya civilization in Mesoamerica is evidence that the Book of Mormon history occurred there. However, the written language of the Maya is neither Hebrew or Egyptian – the only two languages mentioned in the text.
Mayan is as unrelated to Hebrew or Egyptian as Chinese is to Latin. Still some tenaciously hold that at least there was a written language. While true, that language was emphatically neither of the languages specified in the Book of Mormon, which does not help in validating any Book of Mormon claims and in fact may rule out the Maya of Mesoamerica as candidates to be those people or lands. There has never been found any evidence for ancient Hebrew or Egyptian written language in Mesoamerica or South America and this archaeologically well established fact has been used to dismiss and reject the Book of Mormon. (Click image below for Previewof the America Unearthed Series!)
In the opening episode of the second season of the History Channels America Unearthed TV series, aired Nov. 30th, 2013, forensic geologist Scott Wolter (pictured above) traveled to Newark, Ohio to meet with Ohio State University professor J. Huston McCulloch to conduct an analysis of the famed Newark Holy Stones held in the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum. Their scientific investigations and findings using scanning electron and 3D microscopy of several stones with ancient Hebrew are now validating linguistic claims of the Book of Mormon. See clips from this episode by watching in our Video Gallery or directly on YouTube HERE.
Only Two Written Language Forms
Only two written languages are mentioned as in use during the Nephite period of the Book of Mormon; Reformed Egyptian and Hebrew (Mormon 9:32-33). Yet, entire Book of Mormon geography theories have been proposed based on the erroneous assumption that no written language existed in ancient North American civilizations. It was mistakenly thought that the only literate culture in the Americas were the Maya of Mesoamerica, but scholars know that the Mayan glyph system originated from Asiatic writing systems, which have nothing to do with either of the languages specified by the Book of Mormon – thus eliminating any linguistic connection between the Maya and the Nephites.
Today, non-LDS scientists have verified two stones having Hebrew inscriptions in America’s Heartland, thereby validating the January 1st, 1842 issue of theTimes and Seasons (Vol. 3, No. 5) article, Evidences In Proof of the Book of Mormon, which records descriptions of the ancient fortifications “Near Newark in the county of Licking, Ohio” which are “but a few of the corresponding accounts of fortifications and works of defense there are to be found in the Book of Mormon and American Antiquities, but these are sufficient to show the public that the people whose history is contained in the Book of Mormon, are the authors of these works.”
In contrast to the lack of evidence for Hebrew or Egyptian language in Mesoamerica, many artifacts have been found in North America bearing Hebrew and other Old World inscriptions. These have been met with skepticism, overwhelming bias and even contempt by archaeological and scientific communities. They hold that no written language was had by the aboriginal inhabitants of North America until after European exploration. John Wesley Powell while at the Smithsonian even went so far as to claim it was “illegitimate” to even consider any written language before Columbus (see The Lost Civilizations of North America documentary clips on the Video Gallery.Thus the vast majority of these artifacts, numbering in the tens of thousands by some estimates, were summarily dismissed and pronounced as hoaxes or fraudulent efforts to uphold theories of the day. Many people of the late 1700’s believed that the evidence from the artifacts being dug from the ground supported an occupation of North America by one or more of the lost tribes of Israel.
Until now, such artifacts have been relegated to the realm of forgeries and fakes, most often by individuals and organizations having an agenda to maintain the status quo against any evidence suggesting advanced civilization or capabilities of the ancient Native American peoples. This has been well documented in the film, The Lost Civilizations of North America (clickon the image below), which won best of show at the International Cherokee Film Festival in 2010, and the book by S. Edgar Smoot, Lost American Antiquities; A Hidden History (see bookstore). Until now there has been no verification or acceptance of any of these artifacts bearing Hebrew inscriptions as being ancient, authentic or linguistically accurate.
Now, a second independent scientific analysis of a stone having ancient Hebrew inscribed into its surface has been completed in the America’s. And where was this stone recovered? In a Hopewell burial mound in Ohio in 1860.
The Newark Holy Stones – The Decalogue Stone
A Second Validation of Ancient Hebrew, Confirming its Use in America’s Heartland
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In June and November of 1860 respected Licking County, (Newark), Ohio surveyor, David Wyrick, unearthed two stones bearing Hebrew inscriptions. The first was a triangular shaped “keystone” (#2 in photo above) and the second was called the “Decalogue” stone (#1) – encased in a sandstone “sarcophagus” (#3-4) and accompanied by a small stone bowl (#5) nearly the size and shape of Hebrew temple ritual bowls.
The Keystone & Decalogue Stone
Photo’s from Exploring the Book of Mormon in America’s Heartland, page 167
Click to Enlarge
The Keystone inscription translates as “The Holy of Holies, The Law of God, The King of the Earth, The Word of the Lord”
The black Decalogue stone depicts a man in full length robes, a sash and Jewish temple ceremonial hat along with the name of Moses above the image. The inscribed writing has been determined to be an ancient script now called “Block Hebrew,” or “Monumental Hebrew” because of its being found in Jerusalem near the 4th century, A.D. (Biblical Archaeology Review Nov./Dec. 1986, p. 33). Upon translation it was found to be a complete rendition of the 10 commandments. The robed figure on the front is identified by three characters above the head, identifying the figure as “Moses.” To learn more visit the Holy Stones pageon professor J. Huston McCulloch’s website HERE. See correlations between the Hebrew characters on the Decalogue stone, Monumental Hebrew found in Israel, and Roman characters with their Hebrew letter names in photo below. Photo from Exploring the Book of Mormon in America’s Heartland, page 168
Click to Enlarge
In Sept. 2013, following his examination of the Decalogue stone at the Johnson Humrickhouse Museum in Coshocton, Ohio as aired on America Unearthed, Scott Wolter declared, “Geologically, I don’t see any problems here that would make these things obvious hoaxes. The evidence seems clear, there’s no reason not to accept these as genuine, legitimate artifacts.” – Scott Wolter, American Petrographic Services, St. Paul, MN
The Bat Creek Stone
Click to Enlarge
The Bat Creek Stone was recovered during a professional archaeological dig by John W. Emmert of the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology in 1889, during its Mound Survey Project. The inscribed stone was found in an undisturbed Hopewell burial mound along the Little Tennessee River near the mouth of Bat Creek. Additional Hopewell diagnostic artifacts recovered with the stone include bone and wood pieces and two brass bracelets whose metallurgical properties nearly match those of ancient Jews in the Levant (Israel) portions of the Mediterranean (see video of Dr. Wolter’s presentation and analysis HERE or under Petrographic Analysis below at 8:30 timestamp). The inscription on the stone was assumed to be “Paleo-Cherokee,” and was subsequently published by the Smithsonian in their Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-1891 on page 392.
In 1964, Chicago patent attorney Henriette Mertz and Hebrew linguistics expert Dr. Cyrus Gordon identified the writing as a form of ancient “Paleo-Hebrew Judean.” They discovered that the stone had been published by the Smithsonian upside down and that it was legible Hebrew, once the stone was rotated 180 degrees.
The Inscription’s Translation
The stone’s inscription was translated into English by several Hebrew language scholars. What was the translation?; ”For the Judeans,” or “For Judea,” a clear reference to ancient Israel.
History of the Bat Creek Stone by non-Mormon Historian for BTN-TV
For a concise, well researched history of the Bat Creek Stone, click on the image of forensic geologist Scott Wolter below.
History Channel Documentary, A Historical Account of the Bat Creek Stone
The History Channel began showing a new documentary in 2010 titled Who Really Discovered America in which they explore the many possible excursions to ancient America before Columbus, including a segment on Lehi’s voyage of the Book of Mormon. Unfortunately, because of incorrect assumptions by Mesoamerica Book of Mormon geography theorists, they dismiss the Book of Mormon and the Church… (more on this in an upcoming presentation by Rod L. Meldrum on Lehi’s voyage). This documentary is now available on DVD. In it the narrator states, “Another stone with a mysterious seemingly Hebrew inscription was found here, along the Bat Creek in eastern Tennessee. Some say the inscription translates to ‘For Judea,’ a reference to ancient Israel. It was found in 1889 along with wood fragments that were carbon 14 dated to sometime between the first and eighth century AD. It was found in a Cherokee burial mound.”
To watch this clip simply click on the image below to see the Cherokee DNA information from the History Channel. The Bat Creek Stone information in the video is at 2:34 if you want to skip to it. You might also want to watch Hereregarding the Los Lunas Stone in New Mexico, which also has ancient Hebrew writing.
Glenn Beck “Blown Away” by Bat Creek Stone & Lost Civilizations of North America
Former Fox News commentator Glenn Beck, after having his research team conduct a thorough review of the materials and quotations in the new documentary, The Lost Civilizations of North America, claimed he was “blown away” by what had been found by the experts in the film regarding the highly advanced ancient Hopewell Mound Builder civilization with special emphasis on the Bat Creek stone. Watch the video segment of Glenn talking about the stone and its significance.
Dating the Inscription
Because of the style of writing, Dr. Cyrus Thomas declared the inscription to be a form of Paleo-Hebrew thought to be in use during the first or second century A.D. Hebrew scholar Robert Stieglitz confirmed Gordon’s translation. Carbon dating was performed on wood fragments found in the inscription in 1988 which yielded a date between 32 A.D. and 769 A.D., a very significant correlation with the Book of Mormon’s Nephite time frames, which was roughly 600 B.C. to 400 AD.
What Happened to the Stone and Where is it Now?
The Smithsonian held the stone for many years until recently when it was moved from the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. to the McClung Museum of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. The stone was then submitted for examination by American Petrographic Services of Saint Paul, Minnesota who, upon completion of their analysis, returned the stone for prominent display at the McClung Museum where it is located currently.
Comprehensive information about the excavation, the find, the publication and the controversy, can be obtained from the fully referenced article by Professor J. Huston McCulloch at Ohio State University. Click HERE to read this important article.
The Petrographic Analysis
In June 2010 the stone underwent Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) examination by Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter of American Petrographic Services at the McClung Museum on the campus of the University of Tennessee. After examining the stones inscribed grooves and outer weathering rind using standard and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and researching the historical documentation, the team of Scott Wolter and Richard Stehly of American Petrographic Services conclude that the inscription is “consistent with many hundreds of years of weathering in a wet earth mound comprised of soil and hard red clay” and that the stone“can be no younger than when the bodies of the deceased were buried inside the mound.” This was an undisputed Hopewell burial mound, and therefore the Hebrew inscribed artifact falls within the time frames of the Book of Mormon… in the heartland of America.
Watch Scott Wolter explain the petrographic analysis performed at the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee HERE.
Such findings may finally provide precedent to re-examine the Newark Holy Stones which also bear ancient Hebrew inscriptions and were recovered from a Hopewell burial mound near Newark Ohio. One of the arguments against the authenticity of these stones is the supposed lack of corroborating evidence for Hebrew language. Together, these stones may work in concert to verify the presence of ancient Hebrew civilizations in the heartland of America. Many previously declared “hoaxes” may be reanalyzed using more objective observations and scientific analysis and less simple blind bias and dogma. An excellent example of this is the Kensington Rune Stone of Minnesota which was almost immediately declared by “experts” as a fake or forgery prior to any actual examination of the stone.
Such reversals of previous unsubstantiated and bias claims is especially exciting when considered in the context of the DNA evidence, Joseph Smith’s statements, and all the other archaeological evidence for highly advanced civilizations in the heartland of America during the Book of Mormon epic.
8 Locations in North America Having Evidence of Hebrews
In two America Unearthed episodes several other sites having either actual Hebrew inscriptions or indications of Hebrews in North America are mentioned. These include:
1. Newark Decalogue Stone (discussed above) with inscription having an ancient form of Hebrew characters that, when translated, were found to be a complete rendition of the Ten Commandments.
2. Bat Creek Stone (discussed above) with its ancient Hebrew Inscription that translates to “For the Judeans” and has been scientifically verified as ancient and thus authentic.
3. Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, an 80 ton boulder southwest of Los Lunas, NM with inscribed ancient Hebrew characters again translated to the Ten Commandments. Watch the first few minutes of this non-Mormon video HERE for amazing details about the antiquity of the stone, its inscription and its importance. Another interesting video about the stone by non-Mormon’s is HERE.
4. Hebrew Petroglyph Panel at Conchas Lake, New Mexico, which was found by Ron Rigoni on his 10,000 acre ranch and examined by Scott Wolter in an episode of America Unearthed.
5. Tucson Lead Artifacts with Hebrew inscriptions which were found in Tucson, Arizona in the late 1800’s and were declared as authentic following a scientific investigation by Wolter in another episode of America Unearthed.
6. Hanukkia Earthworks, a massive earthen mound structure erected by the ancient Hopewell civilization in central Ohio which was surveyed by Squier and Davis and published in the very first book by the Smithsonian Institution, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi River Valley, in 1848. The earthworks include such Hebrew symbols as a Hanukkia, an oil lamp, a compass and a square as well as outer ditches in the form of the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the “Shin” (pronounced sheen).
7. Newark Keystone, one of the Newark Holy Stone collection found around 1860 at the Great Octagon/Great Circle complex of Newark, Ohio. The shape of the stone is reminicent of the keystone used at the top of stone arches anciently and it is inscribed on all four sides with ancient Hebrew characters translated to such ritual phrases as “The Holy of Holies, The Law of God, The King of the Earth, The Word of the Lord.”
8. Newark Stone Bowl, another artifact discovered along with the Newark Holy Stone collection now displayed in the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum of Coshocton, Ohio. Bowls of this shape and size were used in temple rituals in Israel prior to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD and because of purity laws had to be made of stone rather than pottery which was believed to harbor impurities and could not be used to hold sacred oils used in temple ceremonies.
Mesoamerica Bias Withholding Facts from Church Membership
Why has information of this magnitude not been featured on the front page headlines of LDS related new articles, magazines and websites? While this new evidence should certainly be exciting news for all LDS faithful, there are likely a few in the LDS scholarly community who will, like anti-Mormon critics, try to find some way to discredit or dismiss this evidence that so powerfully corroborates the claims of the Book of Mormon, because it does not support their preferred Mesoamerican geography paradigm.
One might ask, if an archaeological finding was made in Mesoamerica of a stone inscribed with ancient Hebrew and then verified scientifically to be authentic and within Book of Mormon times, what would be their reaction? Wouldn’t they be broadcasting such wonderful news to show forth this marvelous evidence on the front pages of their websites and publications, or would their response be to attempt to dismiss the finding?
While no one knows what the reaction the Mesoamerican leaning portions of the LDS scholarly community will have to this news, it will be interesting to watch their reaction and by it we will be able to know of their proclaimed neutrality on this subject. It is expected that rather than seeing the plausibility of the Book of Mormon occurring in America’s heartland, and being excited about having new evidence supporting it, those entrenched in their Mesoamerican theories will try to discredit the only known archaeological finding verified through scientific rigor to confirm the existence of ancient Hebrew written language in the Americas during Book of Mormon time frames. There has never before been such profound evidence with such powerful implications in support of the Book of Mormon. The position they take will tell volumes of their openness to alternative theories for Book of Mormon lands.
What would be the effect on the world if efforts, similar to those that have been amassed in looking for evidences for the Book of Mormon in Mesoamerica by LDS scholars, were now applied toward America’s heartland? Is it possible that far more evidence in support of its historicity and truthfulness could be found with their help, combined knowledge and resources? There is an ongoing hope that those in the Mesoamerican leaning LDS scholarly community may determine to subjectively reexamine the possibilities and join with us in helping to show forth the evidence for the Book of Mormon where Joseph Smith indicated by his words, writings and actions for it to have been… in the Heartland of North America. The evidences continue to build for the Heartland geography model.
I believe Joseph Smith, who speaking Near Atlas, Illinois on the Mississippi River on Jun 2, 1834 said,
“The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity… During our travels we visited several of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of this country-Nephites, Lamanites, etc.” Joseph Smith Papers Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834 Page 56
Copy from the Joseph Smith Papers boxes added.
There ARE Hopewell Mounds that date to Book of Mormon Times in Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, and Iowa as Joseph Smith described while on Zion’s Camp march. This should not be denied if we believe the Prophet Joseph. He wrote this letter to his dear wife Emma saying, “picking up their [Nephite] skulls & their bones, as a proof of its [Book of Mormon’s] divine authenticity”
Joseph Smith and Family Buried among the Nephites
“The connections between Mormonism and the mounds of North America have yet to be fully explored. …The increasing awareness of the numerous Hopewell mounds in the Nauvoo area may give renewed attention to the connection between Mormons and the mounds. When workers dug a utility trench between the Red Brick Store and the Joseph Smith Homestead, the equipment churned up Hopewell bones and artifacts. This area is adjacent to the Smith Family Cemetery, leading to the possibility that Joseph Smith, his wife Emma, his brother Hyrum and his parents are buried in a Hopewell burial site.” The Mormons and the Mounds – Jonathan Neville Mormon History Association June 2017.
“Nauvoo appears to have been a destination for the living and the dead for centuries. According to Community of Christ Historic Sites Coordinator Lachlan Mackay, workmen digging a power wiring trench between the Smith Cemetery and Red Brick Store during the 1970s uncovered bones and artifacts, including a cardinal platform pipe from the Hopewell era (ca. 200 BC to 500 AD). This means that the Smith Family Cemetery was most likely built over an ancient Nephite graveyard.
Nauvoo Map with Tumuli (Mounds)
Lachlan Mackay referred to Gustavus Hills 1840 map above of Nauvoo which revealed ancient tumuli, or burial mounds, including some on Partridge Street below the temple hill. In 1844, Henry Brown quoted John C. Bennett’s 1842 description of Nauvoo: “The surface of the ground upon which Nauvoo is built, is very uneven. . . A number of tumuli, or ancient mounds, are found within the limits of the city, proving it to have been a place of some importance with the extinct inhabitants of this Continent” (History of Illinois, 1844, p. 490). Settlers, however, leveled the land for houses and gardens.” Laid to Rest in Nauvoo By Rosemary G. Palmer · July 17, 2014 Meridian Magazine
The Nauvoo Hopewell Mounds
Hopewell Mound on Curlee Property
“Beginning in 1998, Wilson [Curlee] and I had felt a gravitational pull to Nauvoo from our home in Helena, Montana, and began making yearly trips there, usually in conjunction to see family in other states. Without having a concrete plan, we decided in 2005 to buy a small second home in Nauvoo for retirement in a few years, and in the meantime, a place to spend our summers. And so it came to be that in 2009 when we retired and semi-relocated to Nauvoo that we were introduced to Heartland Model of the Book of Mormon geography. We were invited to a small gathering of people to hear a presentation about the possibility of the ancient city of Zarahemla having been located across the Mississippi from Nauvoo, near Montrose, Iowa, with the Mississippi River being the River Sidon. It was as if that night I began wearing a new pair of glasses. My view was broadened, clarified and in focus. I felt the hand of the Lord was in this, much like when I learned about the True Gospel taught by the Missionaries when I was 19 years old in Billings, Montana. At that time it was less than 12 hours later that I gained a testimony that the Gospel had been restored to the earth in these last days.
The Curlee’s on their Hopewell Mound
After hearing the presentation that summer night, I went home with my head spinning. As I was getting ready for bed, I had many thoughts about the years I had spent reading about Mesoamerica supposedly being where the Book of Mormon happened, although I never doubted that there was just one Hill Cumorah. I was sort of muttering to myself and to God at the same time, saying that I didn’t like this feeling of my “head being messed with”. Then very quickly and emphatically a voice came into my mind saying “You were always into archaeology and history, and wanted to go to Central America, but I put you in the MIDDLE of it here!!”. From the bathroom I called out to Wilson, “It’s True”! Once the Spirit answers, the discussion is over. It was the same voice that spoke when I knew the Restored Gospel was true. Was this the main reason we felt pulled to move to Nauvoo after all? Since that night it has been one roller-coaster ride after another. I have been writing significant things down as they happened, and then at the end of each fall I have typed them up to make a ruining log of the year’s events. If I had not actually lived it, I would think I was writing a novel made up out of my own imagination. That eventful summer ended with sharing this new information with like-minded friends and family; buying books and videos on the subject, and looking forward to the next summer when we would once again immerse ourselves in the spirit of Nauvoo, and see more of what the Midwest and the Nauvoo area would reveal regarding Book of Mormon evidence…” Jennice Curlee [The complete story blog at the end]
Heartland Research Update
Here is an update from the FIRM Foundation about the work moving forward by the Heartland Research Group. Some of you may have received this information from Dr. John Lefgren, or Mike or Betty LaFontaine, and their Heartland Research Group. This is research being done to discover physical evidence of the City or Land of Zarahemla spoken of in the Book of Mormon and also clearly spoken about in D&C 125:3, as being across the river from Nauvoo, Illinois.
The Heartland Research Group also own the replica 600 BC ship which is being restored. There are many working and volunteering on this project and if you visit their site, you can read more information and donate to their cause.
The ‘Phoenicia’ has sailed over 30,000 nautical miles captained by British Sailor Philip Beale.
The Phoenicia Voyages by Captain Philip Beale and Team are an ideal test of the veracity of the Book of Mormon account. It shows not only that the materials and technology of 600 B.C. allowed construction of ocean-going vessels for both Lehi’s group and the Mulekites, but that both groups could have crossed the Atlantic and landed in North America, coming from the east.
As you see in the maps below “The Phoenicia Expedition 2009-2010 and 2020, you will see the Phoenicia Ship Expedition has now demonstrated unequivocally that Lehi’s voyage could have left the Arabian Peninsula and sailed around Africa to Florida, rather than attempting to cross the earth’s largest ocean the Pacific at its widest point, as proposed by many Mesoamerican theorists. In 2009, the Phoenicia Expedition supports our vision, that Lehi’s Voyage to America was very possible. In the Phoenicia Voyage of 2020 seen below, is also evidence of a plausible voyage from Israel to North America, possibly traveling up the Mississippi River and having forced to stop just south of Nauvoo, Ill, by the presence of the Des Moines River Rapids. (See Omni 1:16)
Heartland Research would love to have guests, visitors, volunteers, speakers, and other experts that may want to help find Zarahemla and rebuild the Phoenicia.
Nov. 6th 2021, a historic flyover near (article below) Nauvoo, Illinois of 34,000 acres that was completed, obtaining LiDAR Data to continue searching for more evidence about the Montrose, IA, or the Zarahemla area. In Nauvoo, Heartland Research has found ancient fire pits and artifacts, and they continue core hole drilling, magnetometry, LiDAR, archaeological digging, drone exploring, and many other new world scientific studies from experts all over the world. You will be fascinated with their work below.
Here are some resent partial results of the Nov 6, 2021 LiDAR scanning completed. It shows you the obvious Hopewell Mounds found today on the Wilson and Jenny Curlee property near Nauvoo, Illinois. This is fantastic and more will come. Without a doubt previous Historians, Scientists and Archaeologists have verified ancient Hopewell mounds all over the Nauvoo, IL and Montrose, IA areas. Once again the Heartland Research Group continues to find details about the time period of the Nephites all over the Heartland of the United States.
Report from Landowners on High-Definition LiDAR
“High on a river bluff overlooking the Mississippi (Sidon) River near Nauvoo, Illinois, lay a group of ancient burial mounds known by archaeologists as the “Hopewell” culture, or Middle Woodland time period of 2000 years ago. The 10 larger mounds are known of and protected by the State of Illinois, but due to the technology known as LiDAR, we know there are many dozens of smaller mounds. As the owners for the past 12 years of the 20 hilltop acres that these mounds are located on, we had benefited greatly from an earlier version of LiDar of Hancock County provided to us.
“Things have been moving fast for the past two years. We are privileged to be a part of the Heartland Research Group that partnered with Air Data Solutions who recently flew their airplane over 34,000 acres on both sides of the Mississippi, producing high-resolution images of the ground that was previously unavailable to us. The 34,000 acres flown over also focused on the Iowa side of the river across from our bluff, where we believe the ancient capital city named Zarahemla existed for over 1,000 years, as written about in the Book of Mormon. This area includes the town of Montrose, Iowa today. We believe that the ancient mounds and fortification on our property are one and the same civilization that lived in Zarahemla. The excitement is building as this higher quality of LiDAR is now available for us to go to the next level of archaeological research, as we look forward to using the new LiDAR maps to identify even more previously hidden information. We are thankful for the many qualified people who are involved and dedicated to bringing “truth out of the ground.”
– Jennice and Wilson Curlee
Note from Heartland Research
The new LiDAR scans show dozens of features that are associated with the ancient mounds of Zarahemla on an area of 20 acres. We have scanned 34,000 acres. The data files are very large. We are only at the very earliest stages of the analysis of the data. In this case, we looked for a high density of ancient habitation and these first readings certainly confirmed our expectations.
This map (was produced by Cyrus Thomas in 1894 in a Bureau of Ethnology book. “I am fairly certain that over 1,000,000 mounds once existed” – Gregory L. Little, Ed.D.
By the Nephites fruits, we shall know them. In other words, by the millions and millions of mounds and artifacts of life in North America from 600 BC to 400 AD, has been left the fruits or artifacts of the labors of the great Lamanite and Nephite people. To say evidence doesn’t exist is to deny the artifacts found in many museums. To be shown the evidence of the Nephites path, you could simply follow the path of the Hopewell Culture. This article will focus on artifacts in Tennessee, Ohio and several other states, and any one item on it’s own could help the honest in heart find physical and spiritual proof of the Book of Mormon. Of course one would have to find room in their heart to believe the Book of Mormon did happen in North America, which I do. (Your contrary opinions are welcome).
If the Book of Mormon is true, then this world is full of evidence of it’s existence both temporally and spiritually. If the Nephites were a real people in a real time and place, there is found evidence of their existence. If Zarahemla was a city near Nauvoo, we will find evidence of its existence. If metal and copper are mentioned in the Book of Mormon, we will find its evidence in the ground. If Joseph Smith is a Prophet born and raised in the United States and he talks of “this country” or “this land” he is speaking of the USA. If the Land of Tennessee is the place of the Nephites, proof of habitation will exist.
If you haven’t found physical evidence of the Book of Mormon in North America, you haven’t researched hard enough. If you haven’t found evidence of God and Christ, you just aren’t looking and praying hard enough in my opinion. The Book of Mormon is true and you can know through personal revelation. I believe the Lord is always available and He lives and He loves us.
“For it came to pass that they did deceive many with their flattering words, who were in the church, and did cause them to commit many sins” Mosiah 26:6
The Old Stone Fort was built during the Middle Woodland Period, 1,500-2,000 years ago. Native Americans used this area continuously for about 500 years, eventually leaving it abandoned. By the time European settlers arrived, it was unclear of what the area had been used for which resulted in it being misnamed as a fort. In 1966, the state of Tennessee purchased 400 acres of the Chumbley estate as the core of what is now Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park. Source
Old Stone Fort Franklin TN
“Almost 2000 years ago, the native peoples who lived along the Harpeth River in Williamson County created a sacred site, akin to what we would call a cathedral today,” said Dr. Kevin Smith, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University. “It remains the only known major sacred site of its type from the Cumberland River drainage – and much have involved peoples from throughout the region. For modern peoples, this site is important not only as the remnants of an ancient shrine, but also as a site that was recognized nationally in the 1870’s by early archaeologists and antiquarians. While only these two remnants of this sacred complex survive for us to preserve, remember and honor today, they are an important reminder that our history as Tennesseans extends much deeper into the past than we might usually think.”
A diagram of placement of mounds, works and stone box burials at the Old Town Archaeological Site in Williamson, Tennessee. Based on a map found in “The antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent states, and the state of aboriginal society in the scale of civilization represented by them” by Thruston, Gates Phillips
Editors note: These Tennesseans need to know that their land is very possibly the land of the Nephites after Lehi’s escape from his brothers Laman and Lemuel. It is the Land where Alma was converted by Abinadi and the land near the Waters of Mormon. With Chattanooga as the City Nephi it is very likely the city of Amulon is where Franklin Tennessee is today and the city of Helam near the Pinson Mounds Park just south of Jackson, Tennessee. Both of these places show some amazing archaeology dating from 100 BC to 200 AD which is the appropriate time for of the exitance of these Book of Mormon People.
Purchase over 200 Book of Mormon Maps in North America Maps here
In early 1875, Joseph Henry, the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, wrote to a number of Tennessee citizens asking for assistance in collecting specimens for the United States National Museum. A fire in January of 1865 had destroyed significant portions of the museum’s early collections (DesRochers 2012), and the approach of the United States Centennial — to be celebrated in concert with the first major world fair and exposition held in the country — required acquisition of new materials. Among those individuals Henry contacted was Dr. William Martin Clark, a physician and resident of Franklin, Tennessee and later the editor-in-chief of the Nashville Banner (Clayton 1880).
Clark began his efforts on behalf of the Smithsonian in May of 1875 with the excavation of an earthen mound on the farm of Dr. William Reid, near Franklin. From there, Clark shifted his efforts to the nearby Glass property, of which he wrote: There is a fine group here, and four of them are in a line from north to south, a large one in the centre [sic], flanked on the south by two small ones, and on the north by another, evidently intended to have been a large one, but from some interruption was never finished. This last was not more than three feet high, though seventy-five feet in diameter. It had been cultivated a great number of years, but distinctly showed its proportions. Being in cultivation at the time of my visit, I did not examine it. The two smaller ones were about six feet high and twenty in diameter, while the largest was twenty feet high and four hundred feet in circumference. They did not stand in a perfect circle, the largest mound forming the lowest part of the concavity (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 10).
In his account, Clark mentions four mounds (identified herein for reference as Clark-A, Clark-B, Clark-C, and Clark-D): Clark-A stood ca. 6 m in height and 40 m in diameter and most closely matches Mound 2 at the Glass Mounds; Clark-B and C were located to the south and each measured ca. 2 m in height and 6 m in diameter; and Clark-D, situated to the north, measured ca. 1 m in height and 23 m in diameter. The surviving Glass Mounds Mound 1 may be either Clark-B or Clark-C, although the information provided by Clark is insufficient to determine which. Neither of the two surviving mounds at the Glass Mounds site match the dimensions of Clark-D. Clark excavated two trenches into the largest mound at the site (Clark-A; Glass Mounds 2), beginning on opposite faces and meeting in the center.
Copper Face Plate
Within the mound he encountered a layer of ashes and burned earth five feet below the summit, with similar sequences recurring every five feet until the base of the mound. Clark records that the mound was constructed on top of a four-foot deep deposit of burned earth, ashes, and charcoal, from which he recovered “the only relics” from the excavation (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 11). See Below
Those materials consisted of a copper earspool and hammered copper face plate (Figure 2) (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution [NMNH] A19987-0 and A19986).
No skeletal remains were present within the basal mound deposit, suggesting that these artifacts represent either a cache of ritual objects, or perhaps were associated with a cremation or completely degraded grave.
The mask in particular fired Clark’s imagination, leaving him to ponder: Could it speak, what tales it could tell of the red men. [Lamanites & Nephites] No doubt it has witnessed many a torture of captives and heard them shriek, as their hearts were torn from their living bodies and thrown upon the fire to appease the vengeance of their captors. Now how low it has fallen! A small fragment of copper handed down from an antiquity far beyond our conceptions, only a slight token of the mythical nations (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 12). TENNESSEE ARCHAEOLOGY Volume 10 Fall 2020 Number 2 The Tennessee Division of Archaeology and Middle Tennessee State University
The natural and aboriginal history of Tennessee: up to the first settlements therein by the white people, in the year 1768
First we will speak of the coins of the aborigines found in the neighboring countries, and then of metallic instruments and utensils also found there.
First. On the farm of Mr. Edward Payne, near Lexington [KY], were found two ancient coins ; one was of gold, and sold for hundreds of dollars : the other was of brass. Each had a head reversed, and both were inscribed with characters not understood, but said to resemble Hebrew. The date of the gold coin was probably 1214, and the date of the brass piece 1009. A few miles below Mr. Payne, a gold piece “Was found, on the plantation of Mr. Chambers, who says it was sold at Lexington for 13 dollars. It was inscribed in unknown characters; and, as Mr. Chambers thinks, was unlike any coin he had ever seen. He says, that a small piece of copper was found on his farm at the same time. The date 1214 could not relate to the “hegira.” [Muhammad’s departure from Mecca to Medina in AD 622]. If it related to the Christian era, it must have come from some of the modern kingdoms of Europe, which had adopted the use of the Arabic numerals. It is not known that the Persians ever used them. The most that can be made of the fact, is, a probability that these coins came to the country before the discovery of America by Columbus; for between 1214 and 1492, the time of his discovery, were 178 years, and before the Spaniards could have circulated it, many more years intervened prior to their intercourse with the nations on the continent. So that it must have circulated nearly 300 years, before it could have come hither from them, and by that time would have been worn out.
At Circleville [Ohio] a copper coin was taken from the central mound, from beneath the roots of a hickory growing on the mound, seven or eight inches in circumference. It has no resemblance in its devices to any British or other coins to which it hath been compared. A hickory six to eight inches in circumference, might have grown up long since the French settlements were on the Ohio and its waters.
On the plantation of Colonel William Sheppard, in the county of Orange, on the river Enoe; 6 miles above Hillsborough in North Carolina, and near the remains of a town which had been deserted in very remote times, was picked up, about the year 1803 or 1804, a round piece of copper about the size of an American eagle. On both sides was a short line of letters, with parallel lines increasing in length till past the center, whence they decreased in length to the bottom, accommodating themselves to the rounded shape of the copper. It was neatly executed. The letters were of some unknown alphabet. This copper was dropped again on the same plantation, where probably it now is. It was about the thickness of the coins called coppers. Similar pieces were sometimes given by the Spanish friars to their proselyted Indians.
Gold and silver ornaments have been found in many of the tumuli in Ohio. Silver very well plated, has been found in several of the mounds : copper in many: pipe bowls of copper, hammered, and not welded together, but lapped over, have been found in them. A bracelet of copper was found in a stone mound at Chillicothe. It resembles the links of a common chain, the ends passed by each other, but were not welded together. Ornaments of silver and copper have not been found north of Newark [OH The location of the Newark Earthworks of 100 BC to 100 AD]. Below that place, vast numbers have been found. North of that place are no wells perforated in the rocks. Arrow heads of copper, some of them five or six inches in length, circular medals of copper, several inches in diameter, very thin, and much injured by time, have been found in the tumuli of Ohio. Iron has been found in some instances oxidized.
Sword, Skeletons and Mirrors
Out of a mound near the circle of the large fort at Circleville [OH], was found the elk- horn handle of a small sword or long knife. Around the end where the blade had been inserted, was a ferule of silver; no iron was found, but an oxide remained. Also, charcoal and wood ashes in which those articles lay, which were surrounded by several bricks very well burnt.A skeleton appeared to have been burnt in a large and very hot fire, which had almost consumed the bones of the deceased. The skeleton was deposited a little to the south of the centre of the tumulus. And 20 feet to the north of it, was another. There was also a large mirror, three feet in length, one and a half in breadth, and one inch and a half thick. It was of “isinglass.” [mica or a similar material in thin transparent sheets]. Also a plate of iron, which had become an oxyde ; but before it was disturbed by the spade, resembled a plate of iron. This skeleton had been burned like the former and lay in charcoal and a considerable quantity of wood ashes.
Gold and Silver
An ornament of very pure gold was discovered, a few years since, in Ross County Ohio, near Chillicothe, lying in the palm of a skeleton’s hand, in a small mound. [Arch. Am. 176].
Not long since, a silver cup was taken from a mound at Marietta, on the Ohio. It is in the possession of Mr. Hill, of St. Clair county, Illinois. It is in the form of an inverted cone, measuring three and a half inches across at top, two and a half at bottom, and four inches in height. It is of pure silver, and so skillfully wrought, that no traces of the plating hammer are discernible. The bottom, which is circular, has been separately forged, accurately fitted to the sides, or barrel, and soldered on.
The line of attachment is plainly discernible. Its interior surface has been gilt, or washed, with a bright, yellow, untarnishable metal, which is undoubtedly gold ; but that gilding is impaired in some places. It was found in a mound at Marietta, half a mile east of those remarkable fortifications on the Muskingum. The mound is situated in woody plane, with a gentle declivity towards the river, and a small stream washes its base. During the autumnal rains, or the melting of the snow in the spring, it runs with the velocity of a current. Thus it has gradually washed away the earth, and laid open the mound for a considerable space, and in this situation the cup was discovered. It was then in a bruised or shapeless mass, and foul from adhering clay ; but being taken to a silversmith, was put into the shape it now presents, which was probably the shape it originally had. Its value by weight is about fifteen dollars. It bears no device or ornamental work of any kind, being a perfectly plain and heavy piece of workmanship. If it be not of European fabrication, the inference is inevitable, that some nation preceding the savages was formerly here, of far greater advancement in the arts of civilization than they ever possessed. But for fear of mistake, let us bear in mind that the French settled in Canada as early as the year 1608, and soon afterwards carried on trade extensively with all the Indians who lived on the waters of the Ohio.
Copper, Marble and Amulets
Copper instruments and ornaments have also been found. In 1813 was found in a mound a piece of copper incrusted with “erugo” [mildew, plant rust], half an inch thick It consists of thin plates of copper rolled up, encircling each other. It was about three inches in length, and one fourth of an inch in thickness. The plates were remarkably pure and fine. In the same mound a beautiful piece of marble was taken up in the year 1814. It was undoubtedly made and used for an ornament, being perforated with loopholes for fastening, which must have been bored by some hard instrument. The marble piece is about five or six inches in length, flat on one side, oval on the other, having an increasing width in the middle, the ends are apparently cut, and with some hard implement used for the purpose. The marble is of a dark dun colour, but the veins of the stones are very distinct. The magicians of India are provided with many articles against witchcraft, which they distribute amongst those who consult them. There are certain enchanted beads, very thin plates of copper, on which extraordinary figures are engraved, with inexplicable words and unknown characters. Amulets also, of various kinds, all which are worn by the Hindoos to serve as talismans, and to preserve them from every species of incantation. No other circum-stance at present recollected, can account in the least degree for the plates of copper above mentioned.
Verdigrease (patina), Helmet, Scull bone which lay under the plate of copper
In one of the tumuli on Grave Creek [WV], below Wheeling, near to the Ohio, were found, about 20 years since, sixty copper beads, made of a coarse “wire, hammered out, and not drawn and cut off at unequal lengths. They were soldered together in an awkward manner, the centre of some of them uniting with the edges of others. They were incrusted with “verdigrease” [A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time], but the inside of them was pure copper.
Grave Creek Mound, West Virginia by Ken Corbett
Some copper pieces have been found in a mound near the Little Muskingum, four miles from Marietta, which appear to have been the front of a helmet, was originally eight inches long and four broad, and has marks of having been attached to leather. It is much decayed and is now a thin plate, and appears to have been attached to the centre of it by a rivet, the hole for which appears both in the plate and ornament. At this place the remains of a skeleton were found. No part retained its form but a portion of the forehead or scull, which lay under the plate of copper. These bones are deeply tinged with green, and appear to have been preserved by the salts in the copper.
Shield Boss, Belts, Buckler, Scabbard, Sword, Iron and 500 year old trees.
In an ancient mound of the streets of Marietta, in the margin of the plane near the fortifications, amongst other things, in 1819 were discovered three large circular bosses [A shield boss, or umbo, is a round, convex or conical piece of material at the centre of a shield], or ornaments, for sword belts, or a buckler composed of copper, oval, and with a thick plate of silver. The front is slightly convex with a depression like a cap in the centre. The measure, two inches and a quarter across the face of each. On the back side, opposite the depressed portion, is a copper rivet or nail, around which are two separate plates, by which they were fastened to the leather. Two small pieces of the leather were found lying between the holes of one of the bosses. They resemble the skin of an old mummy. The plates of copper are nearly reduced to rust. Around the rivet of one of them is a quantity of flax or hemp in a tolerable state of preservation. Near the side of the human body was a plate of silver, the upper part of a sword scabbard, six inches long, two wide, weighing one ounce. Three longitudinal ridges were on it, which perhaps corresponded with the edges or ridges of the sword. It had been fastened to the scabbard by three or four rivets, the holes of which yet remain in the silver.
HERE IS A VIKING SWORD found with the Viking ship outside of Memphis Tennessee. This ship was dated to 793 to 1066 AD.
Two or three pieces of a copper tube were also found, filled with rust. These compose the lower end of the scabbard, near the point of the sword. There is no sign of the sword itself, except this appearance of rust. Near the feet was a piece of copper weighing three ounces. It seemed by the shape to have been used for a plumb or for ornament. Near one of the ends is a circular crease or groove for lying a thread. It is round, two inches and a half in length, one in diameter at the centre, and half an inch at each end. It is composed of small pieces of native copper pounded together; and in the cracks between the pieces, are several pieces of silver, one nearly of the size of a fourpenny piece or half a “disme” [ an American silver coin with a face value of five cents.] This copper ornament was covered with a coat of green rust, and is considerably corroded. A piece of red ochre or paint, and a piece of iron ore, which has the appearance of having been partly vitrified or melted, were also found. The trees upon the mound, as evidenced by the annulars, were between 400 and 500 years of age, and on the ground beside them were other trees, in a state of decay that appeared to have fallen from dotage.
Bear Teeth, Mica, Copper Beads, Human Bones
From the ancient works where Circleville [OH] now stands, and from the mound there, were taken a few scattered human bones, a branch of a deer’s horn and a piece of earthenware containing muscle shells. At the distance of 500 feet from this pyramid, in the direction of north eight east, there is another. Nine feet high, of a circular figure, nearly flat on the top. In it were found some human skeletons, and a hand full of copper beads, which had been strung on a cravat of lint. There is another mound at the intersection of Third and Main streets; whatever it contained was deposited a small distance below a stratum of loam which is common to the town. The first artificial layer was gravel, considerably raised in the middle; the next, composed of large pebbles, was convex and of a uniform thickness ; the last consisted of loam and soil. The strata were entire, and must have been formed after the deposits in the tumulus were completed. Amongst other articles were these : A bone ornamented with several carved lines ; the sculpture representation of the head or beak of a rapacious bird, perhaps an eagle ; a quantity of isinglass ; a small oval piece of sheet copper with two perforations ; a large oval piece of some metal with longitudinal grooves or ridges ; a number of beads of bone or shell; the teeth of a carnivorous animal, probably those of a bear; seven large marine shells, belonging perhaps to the genus buccinum, cut in such a manner as to serve for domestic utensils, and nearly converted into a state of chalk; several copper articles, each consisting of two sets of circular concave and convex plates. The. interior one of each sort connected with the other by a hollow axis, around which had been wound some lint. Other articles have been found there, consisting of pure copper, human bones of different sizes, sometimes enclosed in rude stone coffins, but oftener lying blended with the earth, surrounded by a portion of ashes and charcoal.
Mica Artifacts
Iron and steel utensils and ornaments have also been found. There was dug up from the central mound at Circleville, a fragment of some culinary vessel. It was evidently of cast iron, and showed the marks of the mould. It was covered on the lower side with the black, smut contracted over the fire. It was found among ashes, and large pieces of charcoal.
Iron and Ivory Bracelets
In the large cemetery of Augusta were found four iron bracelets on the left arm of a female skeleton. They are formed with a loop at one extremity, and extend in an oval shape to a knob at the other end, “which hitches into the loop. The elongated central part of the oval is the thickest, from which it gradually tapers to the clasp. These bracelets are much corroded, and the loops destroyed; but even their present state of preservation can only be accounted for by the fortunate circumstance, that the alluvial soil of the burying ground was free from mineral acids. There are in this state some ancient ivory bracelets from Indostan, which exactly resemble in shape those iron ones. It is a well-known fact, that the dress and ornaments of the Hindoos have continued unchanged from the earliest periods of history.
Copper Bracelet
Iron Knives and Swords
The aborigines had some very well manufactured swords and knives of iron, and possibly of steel. A few years ago, near Blacksburg in Virginia, 80 miles from Marietta, was found about the half of a steel bow, which when entire would have measured five or six feet.
Stone Wall and Furnaces
On the main branch of Paint creek in Ohio, near some very ancient works, and on the inside of a wall on the side of an elevated hill 300 feet high, which wall is of stone, around the brow of the hill there appears to have been a row of furnaces or smiths’ shops, where the cinders now lie many feet in depth. The remains are four or five feet in depth even now in many places.” Source
Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site consists of a restored town from the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as ruins of an ancient blast furnace.
I have shared with you many signs of ancient life in the Heartland of the United States. There is so much more if you want more. I absolutely know the Book of Mormon is true by the spiritual witness I have received often. Knowing this gives me tremendous personal knowledge and when I find secondary evidences of truth, it sure feels good. None of us know the exact facts of specific artifacts or dating methods, but I do know it is very likely many of these artifacts help me to understand the importance of the records of the Nephites and Lamanites. The events of the Book of Mormon beginning in the Heartland of America is a special part of my overall testimony of the truthfulness of this sacred book. I leave you with several quotes of our Prophets who seem to indicate my feelings:
“The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
“Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson 2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008)
“I marvel at the miracle of America, the land which the God of Heaven long ago declared to be a land choice above all other lands and concerning which He has made a promise and given a warning in these remarkable words: ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ’(Ether 2:12.) “God bless America, for she is His creation.” (Hinckley, Gordon B., National Advisory Council of BYU College of Business [November 2, 1973]).
“The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles JULY 1993
“Beit Lehi is a buried city just a few miles southwest of Jerusalem, and is currently under excavation. It received its name from the Bedouin Arabs who reside in the area. There are some very interesting possible correlations with this site and the home of Lehi in the Book of Mormon.” Read more about the place called Biet Lehi is where Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, and likely it was the same location where Lehi and his family lived. This area is sacred to the Jews, Arabs, and Christians.” By Book of Mormon Evidence
Origins of the Name “Beit Lehi”
“Almost every town or city is named for something—a person, an event, or a nearby geographical wonder. Beit Lehi is no different. “Beit” in Hebrew means “house or dwelling of,” while “lehi” means “jawbone.” The name “Lehi” seems to have originated in biblical times, apparently referring to the traditional resting place of Samson after he slew one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. “But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof En Hakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day” (Judges 15:19). Thus, Beit Lehi means “dwelling place of Lehi.”
We suggest identifying the site of Beit Lehi with “Beit Tzedek”, or the “House of Righteousness” mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius in the 1st century A.D. Josephus recounts how, during the time of the Great Revolt against Rome (66–70 AD), a group of Jewish rebels escaped to a village by this name.”
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“The caravans of Egypt and Israel pass each other, guided through the sands by those men of the desert (Arabs) who were the immemorial go-between of the two civilizations.
Arab: Arab designates a way of life, and was applied by the Jews to their own relatives who remained behind in the wilderness. , Manessah lived furthest out of Jerusalem and had contact with Arabs the most
Israeli: Of Manasseh through Joseph and the 12 tribes of Israel
Egyptian: Language of Lehi consists of learning of Jews and language of Egyptians: Heritage, culture. Ammon was Manassah’s nearest neighbor and is an Egyptian name.
Hebrew: Lehi means Jaw Bone in Hebrew. From Eber, Jewish because they live near and around Jerusalem. Learning of the Jews.” Hugh Nibley.
The Man Lehi has ties with all 4 names below:
Christian: Through Christ, and lived the law of Moses
Arabic Names: Laman, Lemuel
Egyptian Names: Nephi, Sam
Israeli Names: Jacob, Joseph
Biet Lehi Foundation Mission Statement:
“The Beit Lehi Foundation was organized to support the excavation of the Beit Lehi archaeological site, located 22 miles south of Jerusalem, for the benefit of the general public and to advance the understanding and awareness of the general public of ancient religious history associated with this site through scientific research and education. Additional objectives include protection and preservation of the archaeological site, education for visitors and to facilitate the opportunity for families and young people to work at the excavation site under the guidance of a qualified archaeologist and his staff.
Cave of Dove Nesting Places to utilize as a Sacrifice.
In 1961 Israeli soldiers unearthed a cave that had inscriptions and drawings including the oldest known Hebrew writing of the word “Jerusalem” dated to approximately 600 B.C. by Dr. Frank Cross Moore, Jr. of Harvard University.
“I am Jehovah thy Lord. I will accept the cities of Judah and I will redeem Jerusalem”
“Absolve us oh merciful God. Absolve us oh Jehovah”
The drawings depicted men who appeared to be fleeing and two ships.
While investigating the cave, Dr. Joseph Ginat of The University of Haifa met a Bedouin who told him about the remains of an ancient oak tree about 1/4 of a mile away where, according to Bedouin legends and tradition, a prophet named Lehi blessed and judged the people of both Ishmael and Judah. The Bedouin told Dr. Ginat that Lehi had lived many years before Muhammad and that Arab people had built a wall of large rocks around the remains of the tree to protect it as a sacred spot, long known by arab inhabitants as “Beit Lehi”, meaning “Home of Lehi.”
Dr. Ginat shared this information with W. Cleon Skousen whom he had met while studying anthropology at University of Utah and teaching at Brigham Young University from 1970 through 1975.
In 1983 Dr. Skousen and Dr. Glenn Kimber worked with Dr. Ginat and Dr. Yoram Tsafrir of Hebrew University to secure permission and funding to excavate the site. The first excavations began in December 1983. By noon of the first day, archaeologists found an ancient village and well-preserved mosaic floor of a Byzantine era chapel. Since that time, “hewn subterranean installations, including columbaria, olive presses, water cisterns, quarries, a stable, and hideaways,” have been discovered along with pottery and other items suggesting that the area had been populated from 600 B.C. until the Mameluke period of 1500 A.D. The discovery has been featured in the book Ancient Churches Revealed, published in 1993 by the Israel Exploration Society.
After 1986 the site was covered to protect it until additional funds could be raised and conditions were right to continue future excavations.
In 1994 Dr. Kimber and about 40 others, including a number of students, joined Dr. Ginat and Dr. Tsafrir to re-open the site. Since 1994, many groups have visited the site and participated in the excavation.
Dr. Tsafrir, has since retired and according to Israeli law, passed responsibility for archaeological exploration to Dr. Oren Gutfeld of Hebrew University who continues to manage the excavation.
Name History
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What’s in a name? Almost every town or city is named for something, a person, an event or a nearby geographical wonder. Beit Lehi is no different. Beit comes from the Arabic word meaning house or dwelling. Lehi means jawbone. Beit Lehi means the “house” or “dwelling” of the jawbone. An odd name without the rest of the story.
The story begins around 1160 B.C. As recorded in the Bible Judges chapters 13-15, Manoah and his wife have no children, but a man of Manoah’s means and stature in the community must have an heir. He and his wife traveled often to a holy place near their home to make sacrifice and pray for a child. That prayer is heard and answered when an angel appears to his wife and tells her that she will bare a son by God’s providence; that he should be a goodly child, of great strength; by whom the Israelites will be delivered from the hands of the Philistines. He was to be a Nazirite, one who takes a vow of dedication to God. At the time of Samson’s birth, the Israelites had been in bondage to the Philistines for more than 40 years.
Perhaps the strongest man in biblical history, Samson’s impetuous nature causes havoc among the Philistines. He ties torches to the tails of 300 foxes and releases them into the fields of the Philistines destroying all their crops. He kills 30 Philistines when they didn’t play fair in solving a riddle. The Philistines seek to remedy the situation by sending an army of one thousand men to capture Samson who is hiding in the cave of a rock at Etam. The army demands that 3,000 men of Judah capture Samson and deliver him into their hands. With Samson’s consent, the men of Judah bind him with rope and are about to hand him over to the Philistines when he breaks free. Using the jawbone of an donkey that lays at his feet, Samson slays 1,000 Philistines.
Exhausted and near death from thirst, Samson prays for water. Miraculously, a spring bursts forth from the ground to revive the champion. “And when he drunk, his spirit came again and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore (meaning fountain of the crier), which is in Lehi unto this day.” (Judges 15:19). In writing “The Antiquities of the Jews”, the great Jewish historian Josephus (1st century A.D.) confirms the biblical account and notes that the spring remained vibrant in his day. Samson remained at Lehi for 20 years as a judge of the people of Israel.
More than 3100 years later, Jewish tradition suggests that the spring that gave life to Samson continues to this day near Beit Lehi.”
Samson’s Well Jesus is Here, in Hebrew Lehi’s Tree at Samson’s Spring Ritual Bath at Biet Lehi
Jesus is Here Cave
In October 2005, at the beginning of the excavations in the site of Beit Lehi, one of the students from the Kimber Academy made a survey in the area and found a Hellenistic water cistern (Jesus is Here Cave) dating to the 3rd century BCE. When we entered this water system we couldn’t believe what we saw: a large ancient Greek inscription starting with a cross mentioning the name of Jesus “Yasoos Hodus” in ancient Greek, which means “Jesus is Here.” Below the inscription we found a graffiti of cross with the abbreviation of the two ancient Greek letters chi and rho for Cristos—Christ—and the above the inscription a graffiti of a boat with a person standing on the front of the boat holding the sail, probably Jesus, preaching in the Sea of Galilee. This was probably used as a hermit cell for one of the monks who lived in the site of Beit Lehi in the 5th century CE.
Biet Lehi, Israel
UVU Biet Lehi Project
LDS Scene
Book of Mormon Linked to Site in Yemen. A group of Latter-day Saint researchers recently found evidence linking a site in Yemen, on the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula, to a name associated with Lehi’s journey as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Warren Aston, Lynn Hilton, and Gregory Witt located a stone altar that professional archaeologists dated to at least 700 B.C. This altar contains an inscription confirming “Nahom” as an actual place that existed in the peninsula before the time of Lehi. The Book of Mormon mentions that “Ishmael died, and was buried in the place which was called Nahom” (1 Ne. 16:34).This is the first archaeological find that supports a Book of Mormon place-name other than Jerusalem or the Red Sea, says Brother Witt.
Just as the Book of Mormon tells the story of two main societies at war, Nephites vs. Lamanites, there are many instances historically of the same thing, as some are called the Iroquois vs. the Algonquian, or the Tallegwi (Iroquois) vs the Leni-Lape (Algonquian), or the Cherokee (Iroquois) vs the Delaware (Algonquian). These tribes seem to have always be at war with each other. Sometimes in history writers have used various names for the same group of people without understanding the differences. It seems possible that these historical tribes could be one in the same with ancient Book of Mormon Nephites and Lamanites.
Elder James E. Talmage had a conversation with Professor William C. Mills the Ohio State Archaeologist in 1917. They both seem to have believed the nature of the ancient people in Ohio, were very similar to the Nephite and Lamanite story of the Book of Mormon.
“I had a long and profitable consultation with Professor Wm. C. Mills, State Archaeologist of Ohio. He is continuing his splendid work of exploration in the Ohio mounds, and I went over with him again the remarkable agreement between his deductions and the Book of Mormon story. He has reached the following conclusions.” James E. Talmage 20 May 1917
“The area now included within the political boundaries defining the State of Ohio was once inhabited by two distinct peoples, representing two cultures, a higher and a lower… These two classes were contemporaries; in other words, the higher and the lower culture represented distinct phases of development existing at one time and in contiguous sections and furnish in no sense an instance of evolution by which the lower culture was developed into the higher… There (are) two peoples or cultures…the lower culture was most commonly the assailing party, while the people of the higher type defended as best they could but in general fled… From a careful collating of data it is demonstrated that the general course of migration through the area now defined as the State of Ohio was inward from the west and outward toward the east.” Professor Wm. C. Mills, State Archaeologist of Ohio
“Cherokee, North American Indians of Iroquoian lineage who constituted one of the largest politically integrated tribes at the time of European colonization of the Americas. Their name is derived from a Creek word meaning “people of different speech”; many prefer to be known as Keetoowah or Tsalagi. They are believed to have numbered some 22,500 individuals in 1650, and they controlled approximately 40,000 square miles (100,000 square km) of the Appalachian Mountains in parts of present-day Georgia, eastern Tennessee, and the western parts of what are now North Carolina and South Carolina.
Traditional Cherokee life and culture greatly resembled that of the Creek and other tribes of the Southeast. The Cherokee nation was composed of a confederacy of symbolically red (war) and white (peace) towns. The chiefs of individual red towns were subordinated to a supreme war chief, while the officials of individual white towns were under the supreme peace chief. The peace towns provided sanctuary for wrongdoers; war ceremonies were conducted in red towns.” Source
Great Spirit Appears to the Onondagas (Iroquois)
“On the authority of some older inhabitants of Onondaga, New York, it is stated that on a ledge of rocks, about a mile south of Jamesville, (Near Syracuse and Oneida Castle) is a place which used to be pointed out by the Indians as a spot where the Great Spirit once came down and sat and gave good advice to the chiefs of Onondagas. That there are the prints of his hands and his feet, left in the rocks, still to be seen. In the former years the Onondagas used annually to offer, at this place, tobacco and pipes, and to burn tobacco and herbs as a sacrifice to the Great Spirit, to conciliate his favor and which was a means of preventing diseases.” Author L. Taylor Hansen He Walked the Americas
The Great Law of Peace
“Centuries before the creation of the United States and its Constitution, democracy had already taken root in North America—among a handful of Indigenous nations. Known as the Iroquois Confederacy, or Haudenosaunee, this league of nations emerged among five northeast woodlands tribes that had been plagued by wars of retribution and violence for many generations. The Haudenosaunee (“people of the longhouse”) originally included the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca nations. In the 1700s, the Tuscarora became the sixth. Guided by the Great Law of Peace—their own constitution—this league came to jointly govern, while recognizing the sovereignty of each nation. The Great Law of Peace, credited largely to two visionary culture heroes, Hiawatha and Deganawida (a.k.a. “The Peacemaker”), established a model for federalism, separation of powers and participatory democracy that would inspire leaders like Benjamin Franklin and James Madison during the formation of the United States. It also conferred significant power and status to women in Iroquois culture…
The ‘Words of Condolence,’ in Wampum
Hiawatha then gathered shells for the wampum strings and composed the “words of condolence” that would one day be central to the Great Law of Peace. “If I should see anyone in deep grief, I would take these shell strings from the pole and console them,” he said. “These strings would become words that would lift away the darkness with which they are covered.”
These words and others would eventually become the Great Law, codified in wampum shell strings for communication to future generations.
Hiawatha soon encountered members of the Oneida Nation, who had heard of him and of the dream that he would one day meet The Peacemaker. After sitting with them in council for seven days, Hiawatha traveled with their chief until he came to the Mohawks, where he would first encounter Deganawida.”
Condolence Ceremony
The Cherokee Nation Lands in 1830 Georgia, before the Trail of Tears
“The condolence ceremony or condolence council is a part of the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace. It governs succession to political offices after a leader dies. The ceremony is held in the community whose leader has died. Attendees are divided into two moieties: the clear-minded and the downcast or bereaved. The ceremony progresses through several stages, including a recitation of the Great Law. Through the ceremony, new leaders are appointed to replace those who have died. It was typically the first item on the agenda when a Haudenosaunee council met. Among other things, the ceremony recalls the Great Peacemaker’s condolence of Hiawatha and the “transformation” of Tadodaho from a state of confusion and disorder to a state of peace.”
Great Law of Peace/Temple Ceremony
A great Native American friend of mine, indicated that he/she had not heard of the origin of the condolence ceremony, but “that today it is used by the Haudenosaunee in the official appointment of chief or clan representatives. Parts are also used to welcome guests.” On one occasion, my friend met one of the traditional Haudenosaunee chiefs in his office in Virginia. He informed my friend that were they in his territory, “he would take a piece of eagle down and clean my ears so that I could hear clearly, then he would wipe my forehead with soft doeskin so that I could think clearly and have the ‘Good Mind.’ Then he would use eagle down to clean my eyes so that I could see clearly. He would also use the doeskin to clean my lips and give me a drink of pure spring water to cleanse my mouth so that I would speak the truth. This was the traditional greeting before important meetings.” He then added: “The ‘Good Mind’ is more than just intelligence; it refers to a process of thinking that is highly moral and pure, all in accordance with the Great Law of Peace.” 2010 email from my Native friend.
Haudenosaunee CeremonyAs you see in this map, the parallels between the Hopewell Culture and the Trail of the Nephites is almost identical.
The symbolism is wonderful and seems to be a very important part of the Iroquois Nation of old, and the sacred Temple of today. It seems to me the Hopewell are the Nephites and the Adena are the Jaredites. It just makes sense.
A Fierce Battle
“At one time a fierce battle was fought near where Buffalo, N.Y., now stands, wherein two million were lying strewn upon the earth, slain in battle and no one to bury them, till the stench drove them southward to the Hill Ramah, which was called Cumorah by the Nephite race.” Reminiscences of Joseph the Prophet, by Edward Stevenson1893
Onidah, could it be the same as Oneida?
Onidah—gathering place for dissatisfied Lamanites. Amalickiah goes to place of Onidah, Alma 47:5.
Alma 47:5 And now he had got the command of those parts of the Lamanites who were in favor of the king; and he sought to gain favor of those who were not obedient; therefore he went forward to the place which was called Onidah, for thither had all the Lamanites fled; for they discovered the army coming, and, supposing that they were coming to destroy them, therefore they fled to Onidah, to the place of arms.
Alma 24:15 Oh, how merciful is our God! And now behold, since it has been as much as we could do to get our stains taken away from us, and our swords are made bright, let us hide them away that they may be kept bright, as a testimony to our God at the last day, or at the day that we shall be brought to stand before him to be judged, that we have not stained our swords in the blood of our brethren since he imparted his word unto us and has made us clean thereby.
16 And now, my brethren, if our brethren seek to destroy us, behold, we will hide away our swords, yea, even we will bury them deep in the earth, that they may be kept bright, as a testimony that we have never used them, at the last day; and if our brethren destroy us, behold, we shall go to our God and shall be saved.
17 And now it came to pass that when the king had made an end of these sayings, and all the people were assembled together, they took their swords, and all the weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood, and they did bury them up deep in the earth.
18 And this they did, it being in their view a testimony to God, and also to men, that they never would use weapons again for the shedding of man’s blood; and this they did, vouching and covenanting with God, that rather than shed the blood of their brethren they would give up their own lives; and rather than take away from a brother they would give unto him; and rather than spend their days in idleness they would labor abundantly with their hands.
19 And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.
Don’t let the title of this blog fool you. We discuss the ample evidence of copper in North America, and we discuss the possibility of finding Nephi’s steel bow in Jerusalem. Is it possible to also find a steel bow in North America? yes! The Lord provided copper, and many other ores to assist the Lehites near the Red Sea as well as helping the Nephites in Florida and Tennessee. See the map below of an abundance of copper, gold and silver found near Nephi in North America to make arrowheads, bows, breastplates and head plates.
You can also see in the map below, the abundance of copper and other ores in Michigan, the Land of Joseph in North America.
Michigan Copper
Jaredites and Nephites Utilized Copper and other Ores
“And they did work in all manner of ore, and they did make gold, and silver, and iron, and brass, and all manner of metals; and they did dig it out of the earth; wherefore, they did cast up mighty heaps of earth to get ore, of gold, and of silver, and of iron, and of copper. And they did work all manner of fine work. And they did have silks, and fine-twined linen; and they did work all manner of cloth, that they might clothe themselves from their nakedness. And they did make all manner of tools to till the earth, both to plow and to sow, to reap and to hoe, and also to thrash. And they did make all manner of tools with which they did work their beasts. And they did make all manner of weapons of war. And they did work all manner of work of exceedingly curious workmanship. And never could be a people more blessed than were they, and more prospered by the hand of the Lord. And they were in a land that was choice above all lands, for the Lord had spoken it. Ether 10:23-28
“And behold, also, they have brought breastplates, which are large, and they are of brass and of copper, and are perfectly sound. And again, they have brought swords, the hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered with rust…” Mosiah 8:10-11
“And we multiplied exceedingly, and spread upon the face of the land, and became exceedingly rich in gold, and in silver, and in precious things, and in fine workmanship of wood, in buildings, and in machinery, and also in iron and copper, and brass and steel, making all manner of tools of every kind to till the ground, and weapons of war—yea, the sharp pointed arrow, and the quiver, and the dart, and the javelin, and all preparations for war.” Jarom 1:8
Archaeologist Michelle Bebber of Kent State University, Kent, made these replicas of copper arrowheads and knives crafted by people of North America’s Old Copper Culture. MICHELLE BEBBER/KENT STATE UNIVERSITY EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY LAB
“…they did cast up mighty heaps of earth to get ore of gold, and of silver, and of iron, and of copper.” (Ether 10:23)
If you are looking for the ores mentioned in the Book of Mormon, they do exist in abundance, and they have been found in North America. Many iron and copper swords HAVE been discovered. When most scientists or archaeologists find an unexplained item in their research, they very often label it a fake, or too good to be true. Since very few experts are looking in North America for iron and steel, it is ignored when they do find it. We will list many pictures and articles about iron and copper swords and other items found in North America in this article.
25 June 1776–15 Dec. 1846. He was a Miller. Born at Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania. Lived at Livonia, Livingston Co., New York, 1792–1834. Stockholder in Kirtland Safety Society. Served as second counselor in Kirtland elders quorum, 1837. Ordained a high priest, 1844, at Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois.
“From the time Father Bosley* located near Avon [Livingston County, NY], he found and plowed up axes and irons, and had sufficient to make his mill irons, and had always abundance of iron on hand without purchasing. In the towns of Bloomfield, Victor, Manchester, and in the regions round about, there were hills upon the tops of which were entrenchments and fortifications, and in them were human bones, axes, tomahawks, points of arrows, beads and pipes, which were frequently found; and it was a common occurrence in the country to plow up axes, which I have done many times myself. “The hill Cumorah [the Jaredite hill Ramah] is a high hill for that country and had the appearance of a fortification or entrenchment around it. In the State of New York, probably there are hundreds of these fortifications which are now visible, and I have seen them in many other parts of the United States. “Readers of the Book of Mormon will remember that in this very region, according to that sacred record, the final battles were fought between the Nephites and Lamanites. At the hill Cumorah, the Nephites made their last stand prior to their utter extermination, A. D., 385.” – Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Orson F. Whitney, Salt Lake City, UT: Stevens & Wallis, Inc. [1888], 25. Quoted in Annotated Book of Mormon page 492 by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum Page 477
Nephi’s Steel Bow in North America?
Click picture to subscribe to Ancient American Magazine. This Ancient America LDS Special Edition covers a wide variety of topics from Native American Traditions, Archeological evidence of the Book of Mormon in North America, and writings from Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon leaving no doubt that America is the The Promised Land of the scriptures.
“It seems to be a well-established fact that the bodies of nearly all those buried in mounds were partially, if not entirely, consumed by fire, before the mounds were built. This is made to appear by quantities of charcoal being found at the centre and base of the mounds—stones burned and blackened— and marks of fire on the metallic substances buried with them. It is a matter of much regret that on not one of the articles yet found have been discovered any letters, characters, or hieroglyphics, which would point to what nation or age these people belonged. We have been told by an eyewitness that a few years ago, near Blacksburgh, in Virginia, eighty miles from Marietta, there was found about half of a steel bow, which, when entire, would measure five or six feet; the other part was corroded or broken. The father of the man who found it was a blacksmith, and worked up this curious article, we suppose, with as little remorse as he would an old gun-barrel. Mounds are very frequent in that neighborhood, and many curious articles of antiquity have been found there. It is related from good authority that an ornament composed of very pure gold, something similar to those found in Marietta, was discovered a few years since in Ross county, Ohio, near Chillicothe, lying in the palm of a skeleton’s hand, in a small mound. This curiosity, it is stated, is in the museum at Philadelphia.” North America’s Indian Traditions, Archaeology & Book of Mormon II Ohio’s Ancient City edited by Wayne May Reprinted from The Wonders of the World, Boston, Massachusetts: The John Adams Lee Publishing Company, circa 1850.
See in the video below a 1,000 year old steel bow from Israel
I realize the steel bow spoken of above, could not have been Nephi’s bow. Of course Nephi’s steel bow was broken before the Lehites reached the Land of North America in about, 600–592 B.C. 1 Nephi 16:14-18 However, it shows steel bows are very likely found in both Jerusalem and North America.
Nephi’s Steel Bow Looked Like This! (Jim Gee) | Archaeological Evidence of the Book of Mormon
“A controversial topic amongst psuedoscientific anti-mormons is the existence or non-existence of Nephi’s steel bow. “Steel didn’t exist until we, the modern suburban and college-educated man invented it!” they can be heard crying from the rooftops of their failed academic institutions, clutching their dogmatic degrees harder than a catholic priest clutches the apocrypha in seminary. Enter Jim Gee to put their arrogant self-importance and so-called ‘knowledge’ out of its misery. Lol. That description was pretty epic… don’t you think?” Midnight Mormons
Who Mined Copper in Ancient America?
Ghost hunting Theories June 25, 2020
He held the green, rectangular object in his hands, the first time in more than 5,000 years the copper ax had been in the sunlight.
A very ancient copper ax found along Munch Creek in Pennsylvania baffled many archaeologists.
You see, according to them –
LINK: “I believe this ax was made by the Old Copper Culture of Upper Michigan. Noninvasive testing shows the purity of the copper is consistent with the Keweenaw Peninsula, which extends into Lake Superior.”
Native Americans could not “smelt” copper so it had to be layered and how they bonded the layers remains a question.[According to Wayne May they did smelt Copper]
It would appear the Adena people (yet to be explained highly unusual and sophisticated culture of the Ohio Valley region) traded with Upper Michigan for copper.
Academia tries to be very precise about their dealings with ancient finds because no one wants to hear from our teachers that they have no clue. So, they tell us the ancient Native People didn’t smelt. We kind of knew that already. But they can’t explain how they came across copper items. Now they have a conundrum they must explain.
Anyone in science who follows the basic concept of Okkam’s Razor knows, the least extraordinary explanation is the most logical, yet archaeologists and anthropologists try to push this away by saying, “well, there must have been Europeans who came over and did the smelting for them.”
Apparently ancient copper industry was outsourced. Hmm….
This is doubly insulting to the Native People, as they are basically saying, smart Europeans must have come over and done the important work for them and in the same breath are saying “let’s ignore their legends that tell about these white people with magical rocks that make mines sound with ringing. It’s not real source of information,” (even though they are the people of the area telling you what they witnessed and valued it enough to pass through oral culture).
To further verify what the natives of Wisconsin were saying, Spanish explorers going along the Gulf Coast in Texas came across the Karankawa Indians in the 1500s. They asked them, “dudes where did you get these copper items?” (okay, maybe not verbatim, but that was the gist of it). And the Native People said they traded with the people of the north for them.Those people from the north would be up the Mississippi in the Great Lakes mining region. Now, another tribe verifies trading copper with the mining northerns.
Let’s assume some crazy miners from (off the top of my head) Wales, came here way before Columbus and were mining thousands of years ago in Upper Michigan and in Wisconsin. They must have left their culture, right? Shouldn’t we be seeing their kinds of shelter, their kinds of writing on the rocks, their kind of tools? Hmmm…..
As well, it’s been found that Michigan copper is in the bronze of Europe long ago. So, someone was mining, smelting, and even shipping the copper, yet there is no evidence of Bronze Age European culture in the Great Lakes region. So, who were these “white people” who were mining using rather large tools?
The Newberry Tablet (photograph 1896) was found in the Michigan Great Lakes Area. Some say the script resembles ancient languages like Minoan. But, it if it doesn’t match it completely, it isn’t. The more likely assumption would be that, around the world there was an advanced culture that taught by example the concept of writing. Men of different regions cobbled a language from the forms they saw and so they often times resemble each others.
Crete script was likely based on the language imitated from the Original People (some call them Atlantians, Ancient Giants, or Lumerians
Crete Script/Newberry Tablet
The truly interesting thing is that this Crete script was likely based on the language imitated from the Original People of the world (some call them Atlantians, Ancient Giants, or Lumerians), and if people from Crete came and mined in America, they would have used their own language, yet the Newberry tablet does not exactly resemble their acquired language form.
So, what we can assume about the Newberry Tablet (by logical deduction) is that it was written by a culture as of yet not known. In other words, that Original Culture – that is their language unadulterated, not imitated by earlier man. The Crete tablet would be their own take on the concept of writing after looking at the Original Culture’s way of communicating with figures. This is why them seem vaguely similar.
If we want to understand the Original Culture, we need to decipher the Newberry Tablet. That’s their not-yet-imitated form of writing.
LINK: In the State of Michigan, the largest mine was on Isle Royale, an island in Lake Superior, near the Canadian border. Here, there are thousands of prehistoric copper pits, dug thousands of years ago by ancient peoples unknown.[Known to me as Jaredites]. The Minong Belt on Isle Royale has a distance of one and three quarter miles in length and is nearly four hundred feet wide. The copper pits range ten to thirty feet deep with connecting tunnels; one archaeologist estimated that their digging would take the equivalent of 10,000 men working for 1000 years.
Ancient Native Americans were among the world’s first coppersmiths
By David Malakoff
About 8500 years ago, hunter-gatherers living beside Eagle Lake in Wisconsin hammered out a conical, 10-centimeter-long projectile point made of pure copper. The finely crafted point, used to hunt big game, highlights a New World technological triumph—and a puzzle. A new study of that artifact and other traces of prehistoric mining concludes that what is known as the Old Copper Culture emerged, then mysteriously faded, far earlier than once thought.
The dates show that early Native Americans were among the first people in the world to mine metal and fashion it into tools.[Jaredites?]They also suggest a regional climate shift might help explain why, after thousands of years, the pioneering metallurgists abruptly stopped making most copper tools and largely returned to stone and bone implements.
Purest Copper
Earth’s largest and purest copper deposits are found around North America’s Great Lakes. At some point, Native Americans learned to harvest the ore and heat, hammer, and grind it into tools. They left behind thousands of mines and countless copper artifacts, including lethal projectile points, hefty knives and axes, and petite fish hooks and awls. Today, it’s not uncommon to meet residents of the region “who have buckets of copper artifacts [that they’ve found] tucked away in their basements,” says David Pompeani, a geologist at Kansas State University, Manhattan, who studies ancient mining.
When researchers began to date the artifacts and mines, they saw a perplexing pattern: The dates suggested the people of the Old Copper Culture began to produce metal tools about 6000 years ago and then, for reasons that weren’t clear, mostly abandoned copper implements about 3000 years ago. After that, early Native Americans used copper mostly for smaller, less utilitarian items associated with adornment, such as beads and bracelets. “The history is just so peculiar,” in part because many other ancient cultures didn’t abandon metal tools once they learned how to make them, Pompeani says.
About 10 years ago, Pompeani began doctoral research that cast doubt on the Old Copper timeline. He extracted sediment cores from lakes adjacent to prehistoric mines on Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula and Isle Royale and measured trace metals in the cores, including lead and titanium, that had been released by processing the ore. The analyses showed copper mining began about 9500 years ago in some areas—some 3500 years earlier than once thought. It also ended earlier, about 5400 years ago, Pompeani reported in The Holocene in 2015.[I’m never swayed by specific dating times, as the dating process is full of holes].
Now, a team led by Pompeani presents new evidence for the revised timeline. The researchers used modern methods to reanalyze 53 radiocarbon dates—including eight newly collected dates—associated with the Old Copper Culture. Some came from wood or cordage still attached to spearpoints; others came from charcoal, wood, or bone found at mines and human burials. The oldest reliably dated artifact turned out to be the 8500-year-old projectile point found in Wisconsin.
In laboratory tests, replicas of Old Copper Culture arrowheads performed about the same as stone arrowheads. That might be why Old Copper Culture people ultimately abandoned copper points after using them for thousands of years. MICHELLE BEBBER/KENT STATE UNIVERSITY EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY LAB
This month in Radiocarbon, the team reports that the most reliable dates, combined with the sediment data, indicate the Old Copper Culture emerged at least 9500 years agoand peaked between 7000 and 5000 years ago.[Within a possible Adamite Culture or the Jaredites].That makes it at least as old, and perhaps older, than copper-working cultures documented in the Middle East, where archaeologists have documented a copper pendant believed to be 8700 years old.
The older window for Old Copper’s peak doesn’t surprise archaeologist Michelle Bebber of Kent State University, Kent, who has studied the culture. The dates confirm “that hunter-gatherers [were] highly innovative,” she says, and willing to “regularly experiment with novel materials.”
But why did the ancient copper experiment abruptly end? Bebber’s work replicating Old Copper–style arrowheads, knives, and awls suggests they weren’t necessarily superior to the alternatives, especially after factoring in the time and effort required to produce metal implements. In controlled laboratory tests, such as shooting arrows into clay blocks that simulate meat, she found that stone and bone implements were mostly just as effective as copper. That might be because Great Lakes copper is unusually pure, which makes it soft, unlike harder natural copper alloys found elsewhere in the world, she says. Only copper awls proved superior to bone hole punchers.
Pompeani has identified another potential contributor to Old Copper’s fade about 5000 years ago. Sediment cores, tree ring data, and other evidence suggest a sustained dry period struck the region around that time, he says. That could have fueled social and ecological disruptions that made it hard to devote time and resources to making copper tools. Over time, copper may have become something of a luxury item, used to signal social status.[It may have had to do with the many battles and wars that could have uprooted the various cultures].
Copper awls, however, bucked this trend: They required relatively little ore to make, Bebber notes, and the people of the Great Lakes continued to use them for thousands of years. Posted in: Archaeology
I recently was sent this article written in 1973 by Elder Christensen from my good friend David Hocking, Editor of “The Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon” I had read it a few years ago, and it made me recall the research that David Hocking, Rod Meldrum, Jonathan Neville and I have done over the many years.
As many of you may know, the Heartland Reseach Group with John Lefgren, and Mike & Betty LaFontaine just completed a historic meeting in Washington DC. They and over 100 invited guests met with the Tunisian Ambassador, and her delegation. It was a fantastic meeting as I have heard from Rod Meldrum, Russ Barlow, Hayden and Jackson Paul, Boyd Tuttle, 3 representatives from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, A leading historian of the Smithsonian Museum, Philip Beal and Yuri Sanada a professional filmmaker and crew member of the Phoenicia.
Inspired by this long history of friendship between America and Tunisia, Association Didon de Carthage’s president, Eryj Ben Sassi Trimech, and Heartland Research Group’s president, John Lefgren and Board Member Betty “Red Ant” LaFontaine, have signed a cooperation document for their organizations in Washington, DC, on February 15th, 2024, an important step to solidifying their partnership and to promote cultural and social exchanges between their countries. Tunisia and America will mutually benefit from entrepreneurship to empower and provide a more sustainable way of life for communities in need. See PDF Brochure below for details.
This map shows the route of Philip Beale in 2009. As you can see the ‘Phoenicia’ came within 3-400 miles of Florida. Rod Meldrum encouraged Captain Beale to land in Florida as Rod followed very closely their voyage. Capt. Beale said, “No I set out to prove the trading route of Herodotus in 600 BC to circumnavigate Africa.” Rod feels this route from Oman is the route Lehi took in 589 BC and landed near Tallahassee, FL.
I created a 4-page brochure for the attendees that you can see a PDF here:
Article by Dr. and Sister Ross T. Christensen of Brigham Young University. Dr. Christensen is a professor of archaeology and anthropology; his wife is a graduate student in archaeology, 1973.
“Two possible routes of the voyage of Mulek and his followers to the New World “promised land” of the Book of Mormon have been proposed by Dr. and Sister Ross T. Christensen of Brigham Young University. Dr. Christensen is a professor of archaeology and anthropology; his wife is a graduate student in archaeology.
The Book of Mormon does not specify whether the Mulekites made their voyage to the Americas in the sixth century B.C. westward across the Atlantic Ocean or eastward across the Pacific. But since that history clearly indicates that they landed on the east coast of the “land northward,” the Christensen’s suggest that the Mulekites may have followed the Atlantic route.
While the Christensen’s believe Mulek traveled this more direct route across the Atlantic, they have also considered the route around Africa and across the South Atlantic as another possibility.
A study of Atlantic Ocean currents together with other substantive information supports the feasibility of two possible routes that these early voyagers might have taken, according to the Christensen’s. One is a Mediterranean and North Atlantic route; the other is around Africa, then across the South Atlantic.
The sixth century before Christ was a time of extraordinary activity in exploration, trade, and colonization in the Mediterranean world and beyond. And the destruction of Jerusalem and the flight of Mulek and his people and others who were oppressed only accelerated a disposition to emigrate. Israelite colonies are believed to have existed at Cyprus, Crete, Libya, Jerba, and Carthage at the time of Jerusalem’s fall, some of them having been established, according to tradition, during the reigns of David and Solomon. Also dating from the period of David and Solomon was a tradition of Israelite commerce with the Phoenicians.
One hypothesis suggests that at least part of the colony that settled in America with Mulek was Phoenician, because the river Sidon, mentioned in the Book of Mormon, bears the name of the principal city of ancient Phoenicia, Sidon. Aided by Phoenician mariners and Hebrew colonists across the Mediterranean, Mulek’s group could have reached the Atlantic Ocean by traveling the length of the Mediterranean Sea. Once out on the Atlantic, Mulek would have entered into a powerful ocean current that sweeps southwestward from Spain and Portugal along the west coast of Africa, then veers westward across the Atlantic, continuing in an arc through the West Indies.
While the Christensen’s believe Mulek traveled this more direct route across the Atlantic, they have also considered the route around Africa and across the South Atlantic as another possibility.
A powerful ocean stream originates in the Indian Ocean in the vicinity of Madagascar, sweeps southward around the Cape of Good Hope, veers westward across the South Atlantic to a point on the north of the eastern tip of Brazil, and continues northward off the coast of South America until it merges with the current flowing across the North Atlantic. Thus, if a vessel were to embark on the Red Sea and hold course close to the eastern shore of Africa until it reached the vicinity of Madagascar, it could follow the currents to the West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico.
Although twice as far as the Mediterranean route, this second possibility warrants consideration. It has been discovered that under orders of the Egyptian monarch Neccho II, Phoenician sailors in about 600 B.C. voyaged around the entire continent of Africa, and this was 2100 years before the same feat was accomplished by Vasco de Gama in 1498.
Another accomplishment about the time of the Mulekite voyage was an actual crossing of the Atlantic to America by Phoenician mariners who set sail in the Red Sea, taking the route around the Cape of Good Hope and across the South Atlantic to what is now Brazil. An ancient Phoenician inscription found at Paraiba, Brazil, sets the crossing between 534 and 531 B.C.”
Understanding the Mulek Route
The two routes from the Old World to America that Brother and Sister Christensen speak about above, are very similar to the two routes we believe line up very well, one with the route of Lehi from Oman to Florida, and one from Israel or Tunisia to Florida that Mulek may have taken. We believe it very likely that Mulek didn’t stop in the Gulf of Mexico, but tacked up the Mississippi River to the stopping point at the Des Moines river rapids near Keokuk, Iowa.
We believe this landing near Zarahemla spoken of in D&C 125, is across from Nauvoo, IL, as Joseph’s revelation stated, “Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.” The Book of Mormon says, [Mulekites] “were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters, into the land where Mosiah discovered them; and they had dwelt there from that time forth.” Omni 1:16,
This land of Zarahemla which is all along the Mississippi River from the Head of Sidon [Confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi River] to the Great Lakes is where the Mulekites lived and where Mosiah joined them in about 300 BC. The Mulekites had “dwelt there [near Nauvoo] from that time forth”.
Our good friend Wayne May believes the Mulekites came the St Lawrence Seaway Route, which is a possibility as well. However, going that route according to Capt Beale would be very unlikely as traveling north from Gibraltar he said is “a no go” as the map shows below that crossing through the Gulf Stream and other currents is not feasible.
St Lawrence Route to Zarahemla?
If you take the St Lawrence you would have to avoid or fight the Niagara Falls, and then the end of the water route would have to be near Detroit, MI where the Mulekites would have to travel by land to the next river, or travel all the way to Zarahemla by Land. The other option for the St Lawrence would be for the Mulekites to travel the great lakes up Lake Huron and back down the Lake Michigan to land only. They would then need to travel down the Illinois River which connects to the Mississippi River, and land near the Des Moines Rapids in Iowa from the north. These two scenarios make it unlikely that [Mulekites] “had dwelt there from that time forth.” Omni 1:16. The Mulekites may have had to dwell neat Detroit, or Indiana, etc as there were no connecting waterways.
Also we read in Heleman 6:10, “Now the land south was called Lehi, and the land north was called Mulek, which was after the son of Zedekiah; for the Lord did bring Mulek into the land north, and Lehi into the land south.” Whether the Mulekites came from the St Lawrence or from the Mississippi, both voyages they would be “north” of where Lehi landed in Florida. See map below.
Capt. Beale’s voyage from Tunisia to Florida in 2020. It could have easily continued up the Mississippi River to Zarahemla.
And it came to pass that in this year there was one Samuel, a Lamanite, came into the land of Zarahemla, and began to preach unto the people. And it came to pass that he did preach, many days, repentance unto the people, and they did cast him out, and he was about to return to his own land. (Helaman 13:2)And behold, he said unto them: Behold, I give unto you a sign; for five years more cometh, and behold, then cometh the Son of God to redeem all those who shall believe on his name.And behold, this will I give unto you for a sign at the time of his coming; for behold, there shall be great lights in heaven, insomuch that in the night before he cometh there shall be no darkness, insomuch that it shall appear unto man as if it was day.Therefore, there shall be one day and a night and a day, as if it were one day and there were no night; and this shall be unto you for a sign;for ye shall know of the rising of the sun and also of its setting; therefore they shall know of a surety that there shall be two days and a night; nevertheless the night shall not be darkened; and it shall be the night before he is born. (Helaman 14:2-4)
But behold, as I said unto you concerning another sign, a sign of his death, behold, in that day that he shall suffer death the sun shall be darkened and refuse to give his light unto you; and also the moon and the stars; and there shall be no light upon the face of this land, even from the time that he shall suffer death, for the space of three days, to the time that he shall rise again from the dead. (Helaman 14:20)
So, who was Helaman? And how did he know of the signs that accompanied the birth of Christ and of his death? Ponder these questions for now, we do not have time in this paper to answer all the questions about the Saviors birth. I will tell you it is one of the most wonderful stories that few people know. You can learn all about the star of Bethlehem by listening to an earlier Book of Mormon Conference where I included a movie [Watch Below] clip of what exactly happened in the night sky that could be seen in both the Americas and in the Middle East so many years ago. The Star of Bethlehem event at the meridian of time started near an important star by the name of Regulus.
Regulus is the bright star at the upper left paw of Leo the Lion, or if you believe as I do that the constellations were organized from the beginning of time; then Leo matches Old and New Testament scriptures pertaining to the Lion of the tribe of Judah. This star Regulus is an Arabic word where we in the English get the word “Regal” from. Or also known as the King star of Judah. If one goes to Jerusalem today, they will see the symbol of the lion almost everywhere including on every concrete trash bin. It represents the lion of Judah, the messiah on whom they wait for. As you can imagine this star is a sign in the heavens.
I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth. (Numbers 24:17)
The “star of Bethlehem” happened in this constellation of the zodiac sign Leo the Lion, (or as the scriptures testify ‘the Lion of the tribe of Judah’) which matches Judah a son of Jacob; but would take many pages to describe. For our purposes we only need to talk about this part (the star Regulus) to “see” the importance of the latter-day signs in the Heavens. We are going to talk about and compare the two solar eclipses and other signs of 2017 and the next one coming up in 2024. Recall back to where some of you were during that 2017 solar eclipse. Also before you do, realize scriptures speak of so much more. For instance: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terribleday of the Lord come. (Joel 2: 31)And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sunbecame black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; (Revelation 6:12)How does the moon turn to blood? When the earth passes between the Sun and the moon, the edge of the sun’s light wraps around the earth and projects itself onto the Moon and creates this red color. In 2014 and in 2015 there were four lunar signs that preceded the 2017 solar eclipse. The ancients used their imagination when they saw signs in the heavens that were not common. A lunar eclipse happens more frequently than a solar eclipse. It was believed that a reddish lunar moon portended war or bloodshed, even disease. It was frightening to observe. These four Lunar eclipses fell exactly on four Jewish holidays. Two years in a row they fell on the two Passovers. And of the other two, one fell on Rosh Hashanah and the other at Yom Kippur. We Latter-day Saints celebrate our Conferences nearly at the same time of year as the tribe of Judah (the Jews) keep theirs. If we consider ourselves of the House of Israel, we should pay attention to these four signs that, by the way are almost never clustered as these were then. These four signs were not seen over Israel, but over America. Let’s pay attention; are we not of the House of Israel? Our Christian friends of other faithful denominations looked at these “signs” and concluded that the Lord was returning. They had just forgot one important part of the scripture, the part about the sun turning to darkness. So, lets now talk about the August 21st, 2017, Solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes in front of the sun blocking the light of the sun plunging the earth in a sort of eerie twilight. My wife and daughter Jacqueline and I live in Beaverton Oregon and traveled down to Dallas Oregon to “see” the full eclipse. We were at a park in the middle of the town with our new t-shirts and solar glasses. It was a magical day! We went to “see” what most people saw, but the experience was stunning. At the onset, under the canopy of the trees as the sun was waning tiny rays of light came through the leaves of the trees and projected the light of the sun into thousands of crescents, as you can see on my friend Rick’s back. You may also see in the picture that even the lawn was covered with them. This area in which we live is in the flight path of commercial jets that fly from California cities north to Portland and Seattle. When the time of totality came, we saw two planes that turned from side to side so that their passengers could “see” the eclipse from their side of the plane. But that did not distract me from what I was “looking” for. There was something else happening up in that sky that nearly no one else was looking for that day. I had been “looking” forward to that day for about five years. I found on my astronomy program those years ago that a star might be seen with the naked eye. At totality I took off my solar glasses as my daughter did with me and we saw the Star next to the eclipse. The natural star Regulus could be seen at the brightest time of day with the naked eye because of the darkened sun. Regulus is a brighter magnitude star than those around it.Imagine that! The King Star! The royal star of the lion of Judah! And if you saw this eclipse wherever your viewing place across the United States in its path was then you might have seen it and not known what it was. Of all the places beyond the sun in the Heavens for the solar eclipse to happen; it happened here, like it showed up at the Saviors first arrival. And I testify of it because we saw it. But wait there’s more! If one follows the path of the shadow 2017 solar eclipse, they will notice that it started way out over the Pacific Ocean, and it reaches over the center of the country exiting well out into the Atlantic Ocean. The longest duration occurs in the NW end of Kentucky, with the closest large cities being St Lois Missouri which it just misses and later Nashville Tennessee. What is even more important is to see that the line of demarcation if followed westward crosses through the center between Independence Missouri and Adam-Ondi-Ahman to the North. Which means the area of the Latter-day Temple corner stone where the city of theNew Jerusalem is to be builtand the Land where our Father Adam blessed the residue of his posterity; the sign of the Lion of Judah and the King Star had nearly the longest duration over that blessed land!
[Editor’s Note: In my study and research this 2017 eclipse also went over the ancient City Lehi-Nephi at Chattanooga, TN and over the plausible ancient Waters of Mormon near Catoosa Springs, GA. Especially a significant crossing over the important Book of Mormon area at the Head of the River Sidon, which is where the Mississippi River is joined by the Ohio River, near Paducah, KY. You see that Lehi’s Landing was near Tallahassee, FL and Nephi’s escape from his brothers is Unicoi Gap GA that I call Nephi’s Valley. Nashville is near Hopewell’s Pinson Mounds which is a possible Helam in the Book of Mormon, just south east of Nashville is Book of Mormon City Amulon.]Tim continues, “If these are signs in the heavens, what could they mean? We do not know for certain; but we can speculate the return of the King is near at hand. When Jesus came the first time at his birth in the meridian of time; the Star of Bethlehem showed but almost nobody, or perhaps nobody in Jerusalem saw it. If you will recall King Herod hadn’t seen it, nor any of his wise-men according to the record. He had to ask the wise men when the star had made its appearance. And then after the sign no one knew that they had a great Rabbi/ Messiah in their midst until 33 years later when Jesus began his ministry. Just because a sign shows, does not mean the answer to it is immediate. Sometimes we people must wait until it gets there. When I was a boy, my family drove from St George Utah to Salt Lake City. We saw the signs way before arrival. And like the ten-year-old boy that I was way back then, still I had to ask: “Are we there yet?”. So, it is with signs of the times. I must mention Joseph who was sold into Egypt for twenty pieces of silver. I spent my longest chapter writing about him in my new book “Similitudes”, which can only be downloaded onto a reader device here: (“typology/ Similitudes/ Tim Adams). Joseph is in similitude asthe Savior, meaning the life of Jesus matches that of Joseph. When Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream you will recall there is a period of seven years of plenty and seven years of drought. The question I propose is there a context for two sets of sevens in the latter days? The answer is well, sort of. Daniel who prophecies of the last days, and John the revelator, both mention a period of two sets of three and ½ years for a total of one set of seven. Seven as a number representing perfection, or completion, as in the story of the creation where God labored seven days and rested on the sabbath. He did this twice, first the spiritual creation, and next the temporal creation, as is taught in the Pearl of Great Price, and alluded to in Genesis. In speaking of the Latter days, the Savior taught in Matthew: “unless those days are not shortened there will be no flesh left alive” (Matthew 24:22). In Joseph Smith Matthew 1:21 it says no Jews will be left alive. Regardless, if we shorten this type of Joseph in Egypt to the double times of plenty and famine, with the two sets of three ½ years we have a total of 7. See Book of Mormon Evidence Blog here. I took a long time to explain that from the time of the 2017 solar eclipse to the one in 2024 is 7 years. Actually, we our four months short of seven years, and the next eclipse is April 8th, 2024, at about 3:20 pm to be precise. We will mention the reasoning for this shortly. This 2024 eclipse happens in front of the constellation of Pisces where the center of the eclipse appears to be breaking the bands of death that hold the two fishes tied to Cetus the sea monster. This imagery of the Leviathan is a depiction of the adversary, and the two fishes of Pisces represent the Church. Born again Christians are right in identifying Christians as the fish symbol. It is God who breaks the bands of sin/death that tie us, the church, to the monster Cetus or Satan. This astronomy program depicts the 2024 solar eclipse and arranged my viewing area both at Cleveland Ohio (closest to Kirtland) and Rochester New York (closest to Hill Cumorah) at the very bands. This map view has Kirtland Ohio at the edge by the interstate 90 north of Cleveland, and the hill Cumorah very little east of Rochester, New York. Now the Kirtland Temple is the first Temple of this dispensation. Does the Temple not help break those bonds of death? The Hill Cumorah is where the Book of Mormon sprang from. Does the Book of Mormon help release our ties to the adversary? I think the answer to both questions are a definite yes!
Editors Note: In the maps below I have added additional points that may be important as we view this next Country wide eclipse. I think these two eclipse’s are very significant that they are criss-crossing the entire land of the United States of America which is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. It’s very hard to deny this to not be true. Along with Tim’s comments about the importance of Kirtland and Cumorah I make a few other observations. What happened at Fayette, NY with the completion of the Book of Mormon and the organization of the True Church of Christ? Are these important markers? I must also include the First Mission to the Lamanites. Read about them in D&C 28, 30, and 32. The first two tribes taught were from the Iroquois Nations, the Seneca’s or Cattaraugus of Buffalo, NY and the Wyandot’s of Sandusky, OH. The next mission to the Lamanites was in and near Independence, MO to the Algonquin Nations of the Delaware and the Shawnee Tribes.Also have you noticed the center point or the point the two eclipse’s meet? I believe there may be a significance here. The X point is near Cedar Lake, Illinois near Makanda.You can read more at a blog that Tim and I did earlier titled, 2017 & 2024 Solar Eclipses. I share below a small portion of that blog.
Anticipating the Aug 2024 Eclipse!Center of the Land. X marks the spot?
Notice that the eclipse of 2024 will be going directly over Kirtland, Ohio and the Hill Cumorah. The eclipse of 2017 went right over Adam-Ondi-Ahman and Independence, Missouri. These are probably not just coincidences.
Art by Wayne May
In year 16-18 AD, Lachoneus gathered all the people to the center of the land to fight a significant battle. 3 Nep 3:21-24. This significant battle we are facing today may be a parallel sign the Lord is sharing with us. We believe the center of the land to be at the southern tip of Illinois. There is perfect protection with the Mississippi River on the west and the Ohio River or the Wabash River on the East. In the tip of Illinois is an escarpment and remains of old fortifications and walls all the way across. The article below talks all about those stone walls and fortifications of southern Illinois.
Tim Continues, “What does it mean? Who knows for sure; but I think this would be good timing for a revelation to build the New Jerusalem on this the American continent? In the Book of Mormon, we also have this verse: That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people who were of his seed.Wherefore, he said that these plates of brass should never perish; neither should they be dimmed any more by time. And he prophesied many things concerning his seed. (Nephi 5:18-19) Would this not also be good timing if the Saints were ready enough to receive additional records that were promised the Saints to spring from that hill, or one west of there, so that the Brass Plates to come forth, so that their plates would never be dimmed by time? And would it not be another powerful witness to our Hebrew friends who may hear of things that only a Hebrew would know from the Genealogies of Joseph (father of Ephraim and Manasseh) and details that only these plates could show? Let’s go back a bit to the April 8th day, just a little over four 1/2 months short of making the 7 year spread between these two eclipses. Let’s also use the Biblical story of Joseph as the model. Joseph receives a new name from Pharaoh: “Zaphnath-paaneah”, which being interpreted means “The [God of the Hebrews] speaks, and he lives”, or simply “God speaks, and he lives”! You may also recall that Joseph revealed himself to his brethren before the end of the famine. Is there a famine in our day? Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: (Amos 8:11)If there is a famine in our day, who is facilitating the saving of the people by feeding them like Joseph did in his day? His sons Ephraim and Manasseh, our latter-day missionaries are going to the four corners of the earth to feed all nations, and to save their brethren by gathering in the House of Israel. President Nelson said in the October 2020 conference: “Anytime we do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—to make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.” Joseph’s sons are doing the same work that Joseph did in the Old Testament. It was Joseph who saved his brethren, indeed his whole family from the severe famine of his day. Likewise, it is the Joseph of the restoration that will save his brethren from today’s famine.
Not a famine of pestilence and dearth, but rather a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. This scripture sees its fulfilment in our day! Our Missionaries indeed go to the ends of the earth and are gathering.
Now let’s remember that Joseph of Old was a type of the savior, and as such, when Joseph reveals himself to his brethren it is a type of the Saviors return. When Joseph revealed himself, two years of the famine had gone by and there were yet five years remaining. If we think to follow this analogy, then we would guess the Savior would return before the end of the seven years between eclipses, or the three ½ latter day years. One more thing to mention about the timing of his coming. I think it is clear, that the timing of his coming will happen in the Fall of the Year, for several reasons.
It is safe to assume that Adam was created and given the breath of life at Passover time, the time of our April Conferences. The same time when our Savior was born, and when Moses took the children of Israel out of Egypt. Eve created shortly thereafter. They wandered the garden thru the temperate season of Summer, where the latest leaf to open, (fig leaf) which doesn’t mature until the Fall. Meaning it is not large enough to cover one’s nakedness until the fall.
Once again, the sign of falling leaves happens in the Fall when the Fall of Man most likely occurred. The sign of plants and flowers springing from the ground represent new beginning, but at the Springtime of Passover.
Rosh Hashanah, meaning “Head of Year” According to Jewish tradition commemorates the creation of the world. Also in the fall. Differences exist as to whether their belief is that it is the beginning, or end of creation. Yet Moses is instructed at Passover time that that month Nissan was the beginning month and year for them. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This Month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall bethe first month of the year to you. (Exodus 12:1-2)
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is 8 days after Rosh Hashanah. This was a day for God’s people to confess sins, repent, make atonement, and seek forgiveness.
Feast of Tabernacles five days later. A time from the past and in the future when Jehovah/ Christ will dwell among his people
So which is the true beginning of the year? It appears that the beginning of years corresponds to the creation of Adam, and birth of Jesus. And that the Fall of man corresponds to the Temporal man at the Fall of Adam, so that the beginning of years is measured from actual years of man’s probation that begins in the Fall season. Therefore, this time from April 8th, 2024, solar Eclipse allows time for us to at the last minute prepare. I do believe that this story of Joseph matches our latter-day scenario; but I am happy to wait and see. We are somewhere at the 7 years of famine, where Joseph’s brothers will come seeking nourishment and find that their younger brother with sacks of grain and corn, that will provide nourishment in a world of trouble. Perhaps that meeting will take place in Adam-Ondi-Ahman, what an astonishing meeting that will be as history once again repeats itself! In essence, Joseph is doing today what he did anciently, distributing food to the hungry and bringing them nourishment in a starving world. The most important thing we can do is repent and come unto Him with full purpose of heart and blessing ourselves with the Harvest of the House of Israel.” Signs of Our Times Tim Adams Red text was highlighted by editor for emphasis.
This initial information is important before I blog about my subject of “Peccaries & Swine in the Heartland no Mesoamerica”, because I want you to have some context of Book of Mormon Central’s [BOMC] subjects on anachronisms.[which means, The representation of someone or something as existing or something as happening in other than chronological, proper, or historical order]. I want you to see how BOMC especially speaks about animals that the Book of Mormon speaks of, but none of these animals are found in Mesoamerica. However, you will find most of the Book of Mormon animals not found in Mesoamerica are found in North America, where I believe the proper geography is for the Book of Mormon.
“The legal organization behind Book of Mormon Central is the Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum, [link below] Inc., a 501 (c) 3 non-profit public charity chartered in the state of Utah in 2004. Book of Mormon Central is not an official part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but rather an independent organization. BMC welcomes donations in support of this work. Book of Mormon Central is only possible through the diligent service of many volunteers. Book of Mormon Central began operating in May, 2015.”
Big Question: I have always wondered why BOMC and BOMAF get to put 4 Emeritus General Authorities on their website who support their organization, and we also have many Emeritus General Authorities who support the Heartland, but we are not allowed to tell you their names or put them on our website. This has nothing to do with the Prophet and Apostles, as I don’t question anything they do. I’m sure some historian or scholar got permission from someone in the hierarchy. See which Emeritus GA’s are on their Advisory board here:
“There are several theories held among Latter-day Saints for the location of Book of Mormon lands. Some place the geography of the book in upstate New York or near the Great Lakes. Others look to Peru and South America, or to the Baja Peninsula, or Texas, and some even propose the Malaysian Peninsula. BMAF supports a Mesoamerican context for the major Book of Mormon sites. Other locations may meet some of the following criteria, but only Mesoamerica meets all these elements required by the book itself. This list of criteria is not a cafeteria list. Any Book of Mormon lands proposal must be able to demonstrate all.” BOMC
A Narrow Neck of land and 4 seas (east, west, north, and south)
A major river running south to north from a narrow strip of wilderness
A high civilization with cities, kings, artisans, military, and priests
An agricultural base large enough to support several millions of people
A highly literate (written language) society with scribes as important officers
Functional calendar and dating systems
A merchant class using weights and measures
Engineers to build houses, temples, towers, and highways using cement
Highly skilled craftsmen working with precious metals and stonework
A warrior society involved in large battles using trained soldiers and sophisticated fortifications
Legends of a white, bearded God
See here their list of requirements to be a Mesoamerican Geography.
After their long list above, notice their next quote that says,
“These Criteria must be in the Western Hemisphere but where Joseph Smith could not have known about them in 1829.” BOMC
What a power-packed statement. This statement says that whatever Moroni (My blog here shows over 20 visits to Joseph by Moroni and many other past prophets), or other translated beings or prophets taught Joseph Smith before 1829 he would not have recognized about Book of Mormon geography, animals, cities, teachings, way of life, interpreters, battles, artifacts, buried bodies, mounds, spiritual instructions, narrow passes, and more. What a list of disclaimers. This is why I have trouble taking seriously anything BOMC says about geography, and translation. I will still look for their opinions of things that I may have not studied as their scholars know many great things that I agree with.
Our friends at Book of Mormon Central have many great articles and information, but when it comes to their Book of Mormon geography, some say that they are neutral like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is and believes. I know that is the church’s position and I am perfectly fine with that. I believe BOMC or BOMAF’s neutrality stand, makes it easier for researchers and members to feel more comfortable to read their their blog for answers, more than it says they really are neutral when it comes to geography however. In my opinion they are not neutral. You can’t find anything about the Heartland’s geography they say is true, except about when they speak of Barley in North America and Abinadi being tortured using faggots was something that happened in North and Mesoamerica, both. [See Blog Here]
Below is an article by two BOMC scholars about their position about animals in the Book of Mormon that they can’t explain why they are not found in Mesoamerica. This is why I speak about specifically “swine” as the Meso-scholars can’t explain it to my satisfaction.
Type: Journal Article Animals in the Book of Mormon: Challenges and Perspectives Author(s): Wade E. Miller and Matthew Roper Source: BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 56, No. 4 (2017) Published by: BYU Studies Page(s): 133–175
Abstract: When the Book of Mormon first appeared, skeptics said that references to horses, asses, elephants, and other animals (such as swine and cows) were out of place. During the first century after its publication, Book of Mormon critics argued that such animals never existed anywhere in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and western Europeans in the late fifteenth century. In time, however, scientific discoveries showed that species of horses, asses, elephants, and other animals had once been present in North America, although dating to an earlier period than that covered in the Book of Mormon.(1)
Encouraged by such discoveries, the present authors and some other specialists reasoned that future research and investigation would show that some of these species survived into historical times consistent with the account in the Book of Mormon. It can no longer be argued that there were no horses, asses, or elephants in the Americas. The issue has shifted to when such animals became extinct. As we approach the end of the second century since the publication of the Book of Mormon, the skeptical reader is more likely to claim that these animals disappeared before the advent of modern humans or long before the time covered by the Nephite record. Some Latter-day Saints are challenged by what they consider a lack of evidence supporting the historicity of the animals mentioned in the Book of Mormon. People of faith, however, are not alone in their challenges. Secular scholars have their own difficulties interpreting the past. An understanding of some of these challenges and the nature of the tools and evidence needed to address such questions can provide a helpful perspective to those who may be troubled by this issue.
In this article, we address factors that provide important perspectives on animals mentioned in the Book of Mormon.(2)For many Latter-day Saints, the subject may be of peripheral interest. For others, these matters may be a challenge. The truth of the scriptural text, whose primary purpose is to testify of God’s dealings with an ancient group of his covenant people, is first and foremost a matter of faith. However, this should not stop scholars from seeking all available truths that can be derived from this sacred text. B. H. Roberts wrote, “Secondary evidences in support of truth, like secondary causes in natural phenomena [science], may be of first rate importance and mighty factors in the achievement of God’s purposes.”(3)
Notes: 1. Fred James Pack, “Revelation Ante-dating Scientific Discovery: An Instance,” Improvement Era 10 (February 1907): 241–47; (June 1907): 595–97; B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1909), 3:534–43; Franklin S. Harris, The Book of Mormon: Message and Evidences (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1953), 70–94. 2. The authors have benefited greatly from the pioneering research and publications of John L. Sorenson on this subject, which represent the essential starting place for those who approach this subject. See John L. Sorenson, An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1985), 288–99; John L. Sorenson, Animals in the Book of Mormon: An Annotated Bibliography (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1992); and John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex: An Ancient American Book (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book; Provo, Utah: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2013), 309–21. 3. Roberts, New Witnesses for God, 2:viii.
Nephites and Jaredites had Swine?
The answer is, Yes!And they had sheep and other animals spoken of in the Book of Mormon. All of the rhetoric and vagueness of the above BOMC statements, to try and get pigs and sheep and cows and doves and goats and rams and horses and elephants into a Mesoamerican setting, it can’t be done according to history. North America has all of those animals before during and after the timeline of the Jaredites and the Nephites. Read on.
Ether 9:18 And also all manner of cattle, of oxen, and cows, and of sheep, and of swine, and of goats, and also many other kinds of animals which were useful for the food of man.
3 Nephi 14:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
The 1828 Webster’s dictionary defines “swine ” as; SWINE, noun sing. and plural A hog, a quadruped of the genus Sus, which furnishes man with a large portion of his most nourishing food. The fat or lard of this animal enters into various dishes in cookery. The swine is a heavy, stupid animal, and delights to wallow in the mire.
A collared peccary or Javelina or “Swine” are referred to twice in the Book of Mormon, and states that the swine were “useful for the food of man” among the Jaredites, and among the Nephites in a discussion to not mix pearls with swine.
There are a number of words and phrases in the Book of Mormon that are anachronistic—their existence in the text of the Book of Mormon is at odds with known linguistic patterns or archaeological findings.
Each of the anachronisms is a word, phrase, artifact, or other concept that critics, historians, archaeologists, or linguists believe did not exist in America during the time period in which the Book of Mormon claims to have been written.
Mormon scholars and apologists respond to the anachronisms in various ways. Since I believe the events of the Book of Mormon happened in North America, I look for archaeology that support that setting.
Peccaries in Tennessee
*Editors note: It is my opinion that when many archaeologists identify dating of artifacts at millions of years, as a young earth creationist I believe no animals lived on this earth until they were created about 3-4,000 BC just before Adam was placed on the earth.
Two species of peccary were present in North America north of Mexico *16,000 years ago, and remains of both are found in the midwestern U.S. The two species are the flat-headed peccary (Platygonus compressus) and the long-nosed peccary (Mylohyus nasutus).
Both the flat-headed peccary and the long-nosed-peccary stood about three-quarters of a meter (about 30 inches) tall at the shoulder and probably weighed around 50 kg (110 pounds). Both were probably fairly omnivorous, although the long-nosed peccary consumed more browse (trees and shrubs) than did the flat-headed peccary.
Peccaries are members of the artiodactyl family Tayassuidae. They are New World relatives of the Old World true pigs (family Suidae). Peccaries can easily be distinguished by the fact that their upper canines (tusks) point downward. In true pigs (suids) the tusks curve upward. In addition, peccaries have less complex cheek teeth, reduced side toes, and large, dorsal musk glands.
The flat-headed peccary apparently lived in herds. Sometimes these herds used caves as shelters. Large numbers of peccary bones have been foundin several caves in Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas. In some cases, such as Welsh Cave, Kentucky (specimen shown above), Bat Cave, Missouri, Zoo Cave, Missouri, and Laubach Cave, Texas, these finds probably represent long-term usage of a cave by herds of peccaries. Unlike the flat-headed peccary, Mylohyus was probably a solitary animal and did not frequent caves. In spite of the fact that they did not frequent caves, occasionally long-nosed peccary remains are found in caves.
To the left is a fragment of a long-nosed peccary jaw was recovered from a cave in Jefferson County, Missouri. The teeth are shorter and have more rounded cusps than do the teeth of the flat-headed peccary (on the right). These differences in the teeth are due to the fact that long-nosed peccaries lived in woodlands and ate mainly shrubs while flat-headed peccaries lived in open areas and ate coarser vegetation.
Bat Cave, Missouri contained the remains of at least 98 individual flat-headed peccaries. The material from this site is in the collections of the Illinois State Museum.
Both Platygonus and Mylohyus became extinct in North America approximately *11,500 years ago. The reason for their extinction is being studied by paleontologists.
Peccary Finds in the Midwestern U.S.
This map shows some of the sites at which the flat-headed peccary (red triangles) and long-nosed peccary (green dots) have been found in the midwestern United States. The sites on this map are all relatively well-dated and well-studied. These sites contain peccary remains that are between *40,000 and 11,500 years old. [Wow, old pigs wouldn’t you say? Of course this is rubbish to me. How can anyone date them with that great of a distance of time. Why not just say the pig is millions of years old like they do for dinosaurs? I strongly believe dinosaurs lived during the time of Adam. See my blog here and here
Long Fossil History.
Peccaries have a long fossil history. They first evolved around *33 million years ago in either North America or Eurasia. They are present in North America from that time right through to the present. Between about *5 and 33 million years ago they were also found in the Old World. Peccaries dispersed into South America approximately *2.5 million years ago and have been successful in that area since. Three species of peccary are alive today. The Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri), which is found in the Gran Chaco region of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, is a close relative of the extinct Platygonus. The collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) ranges from Arizona and Texas south to northern Argentina. The white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) ranges from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. Source:
So pigs were in North America 33 million years ago and it only took 31 million years or so to disperse to South America” Wow I am believing this aren’t you? [haha] The fact remains there are peccaries in North America as seen in other archaeological artifacts above and below.
Extinct Peccary NPS Photo/ Matternes Mural
Hagerman Horse Quarry
“The Hagerman Horse Quarry is a paleontological site containing the largest concentration of Hagerman horse (Equus simplicidens) fossils yet found. The quarry is within Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, located west of Hagerman, Idaho, USA, at the geographic division of the Snake River Plain. The Hagerman Horse Quarry is an integral part of the monument and is located on the northern flank of Fossil Gulch in the northern portion of the monument.
The Hagerman Horse Quarry resides near the top of the hillside of Smithsonian Hill. The hill was named from the early Smithsonian excavations of the Hagerman horse. The Hagerman horse is the first fossil representation of the genus Equus in North America.” Source
“In 1938, one of the scientists who excavated at the Hagerman Horse Quarry, Dr. C.L. Gazin, described a new species of peccary, Platygonus pearcei, from the Hagerman fossil beds. The name Platygonus means flat head and refers to the straight shape of the forehead. The species name pearcei is for the discoverer, George B. Pearce, a member of the 1934 Smithsonian field crew. Since its original discovery at Hagerman, Pearce’s peccary has been found near Grand View Idaho and at White Bluffs, Washington. People often confuse peccaries, which are found in the New World, with pigs which originated in the Old World, especially since some domestic pigs brought by european settlers have escaped over the years and now run wild in many parts of the United States. These feral pigs are popularly known as razor-back hogs.
Relatives of the Old World pigs include the wart hog of Africa. One of the ways to tell the two groups apart is the shape of the canine tooth or “tusk”. In the Old World pigs the tusk is long and curves around on itself, whereas in the New World peccaries the tusk is short and straight. Peccaries are plant eaters and use it for defense. By rubbing the tusks together they can make a chattering noise that warns potential predators to not get too close. Today there are three living species of peccary. They are found from the southwestern United States through Central America and into South America. The only peccary in the United States is the collared peccary (Dicotyles tajacu), also known by its spanish name, javelina. It is often found in dry arid habitats. A second species is the White-lipped peccary (Tyassu peccari) which is found in the rain forests of Central and South America. The last species, the Chacoan peccary (Catagonus wagneri) is the closest living relative to the extinct Platygonus pearcei found at Hagerman. It is found in the dry shrub habitat or Chaco of Paraguay, Bolivia and Southern Brazil. The Chacoan peccary has the unusual distinction of having been first been described based on fossils and was originally thought to be only an extinct species. In 1975 the animal was discovered to still be alive and well in the Chaco region of Paraguay. This third species of peccary was well known by the native Indians but it took awhile for scientists to discover its existence. Peccaries have a long history in North America.
They first appear in the Early Oligocene, about *32 million years ago and a variety of different species are present in faunas of different ages across the continent. Some of these extinct peccaries have been found at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Oregon and at Badlands National Monument in South Dakota. Although common in South America today, peccaries did not reach that continent until about 9 million years ago. Prior to that, there was no isthmus of Panama, and South America was an island continent. As the Panamanian isthmus formed, many North American animals entered South America. Along with peccaries, lames and tapirs also migrated south. Today people think these animals are South American, yet all come from North American ancestors. The exchange was a two-way street however, and some of the ancient South American species, like the ground sloth, migrated north and are found at Hagerman.”
Perhaps the best site for Pleistocene fossils in Arkansas is Peccary Cave located in Newton County. The site was first excavated in 1960s, and a follow-up expedition prospected for fossils again in the early 1990s. The fossil remains of at least 51 species of mammals have been found here. 4000 specimens of a minimum of 64 individual flat-headed peccaries (Platygonus compressus) were discovered in the cave, hence the name. The bones of other extinct species excavated from the cave include mammoth, mastodon, bison (Bison antiquus), stag-moose, helmeted musk-ox, tapir, beautiful armadillo, and dire wolf. There are also remains of extralimital species found here that no longer occur in the region–grizzly bear, pine marten, porcupine, heather vole, and numerous other rodents and insectivores of northern affinities. Plenty of species still found in the region are represented in the cave as well such as beaver, otter, muskrat, raccoon, coyote, gray fox, opossum, and either mule or white-tailed deer. Reptile and amphibian specimens have been excavated from the cave along with a few human-made artifacts of unknown cultural origin.
Newton County, location of Peccary Cave.
Illustration of the flat-headed peccary. Peccaries didn’t use Peccary Cave as a den. Instead, they either fell inside or their bones were washed into the cave when the nearby creek flooded. Birds of prey dropped or defecated smaller animals into the cave from overhanging trees.
The fossils represent several different climate phases. The lowest level contains fossils over *22,000 calendar years BP, a climate phase that includes a weak interstadial and the following early glacial maximum. Mixed Ice Age woodlands of spruce, pine, and hardwoods interspersed with prairies predominated. 7 different species of squirrels lived in the region then, showing how many diverse habitats occurred here. Red squirrels and least chipmunks, now absent from the region, preferred spruce forests; gray squirrels, fox squirrels, and southern flying squirrels occur in temperate hardwood forests; woodchucks like meadows; and 13-lined ground squirrels require tree-less plains. The author of the study discussed below thinks the following glacial maximum caused the entire Missouri Plateau to become inhospitable desert because there are few fossils from the site, dating to between *21,000 calendar years ago-15,000 calendar years BP. Undoubtedly, the region became more arid during this climate phase, and desert scrub grassland likely predominated, but I think there are alternative explanations for the lack of fossils during this time period here: a) the cave entrance may have become closed and/or b) the barren landscape allowed animals to see the trap entrance and avoid it whereas before it was hidden by thick vegetation and animals frequently fell inside. Without overhanging limbs there was no perch for birds of prey to drop of defecate the remains of their meals. Moreover, the nearby creek dried up, so there were no floods to wash fossils into the cave.
The upper level of sediment represents a warm dry interstadial post *15,000 calendar years BP when the region was dominated by grassland. Bison fossils appear during this phase, and toad fossils outnumber frog bones. Toads can survive better than frogs in more arid climates.
Kurt Wilson wrote his PHD thesis about the peccary and dire wolf bones found in Peccary Cave. His paper has interesting information, but it is incompletely researched, and his conclusions are logically flawed. He believes flat-headed peccaries were always an uncommon species. Part of his reason for this assertion is based on his incorrect observation that “the southeast is virtually devoid of records (of flat-headed peccaries), except for a dozen localities in Florida.” Wilson is unaware of 2 sites in north Georgia (Yarbrough Cave and Ladds) and 1 site in coastal South Carolina where fossil remains of flat-headed peccaries have been found. It is also illogical to assume a species was absent from a region based on its absence in the fossil record. Large areas of the southeast are devoid of fossils because the local geology is not conducive to fossil preservation, not because animals didn’t live there in the past.
Wilson concludes flat-headed peccaries became extinct due to climate change based on 4 lines of evidence that are easily debunked.
Collared Peccary
1. He dismisses overhunting by humans as a cause of flat-headed peccary extinction when he regurgitates the tired old claim of Meltzer and Grayson (an archaeologist and anthropologist…not paleoecologists) that there isn’t enough archaeological evidence of human interaction (kill sites) with this species. I consider this reasoning absurd in the extreme. 99.999…etc% of animals that ever lived on earth left no fossil evidence whatsoever. It has always seemed unreasonable to me to expect the remains of the final populations of a species that overlapped with man for less than 2000 years to be preserved in the fossil record. The chances of this happening are tiny. I’ve noticed Grayson’s recent book published in 2016 is frequently being cited in new papers about Pleistocene vertebrates. Grayson was blatantly dishonest in this book in the way he characterized a study that rules out climate change models of extinction. (See: ) Grayson lied and he knows he lied.
2. Wilson assumes flat-headed peccaries became extinct in this region about 22,000 calendar years BP because their remains don’t occur in cave sediment after this date. (When Wilson writes of extinction in his paper he means regional disappearance or extirpation because he’s aware terminal dates for this species in other regions are 11,000 calendar years ago. Nevertheless, he clumsily never makes this distinction in his paper.) He asserts peccaries became extinct here because the climate became too arid for them. Again, he is basing his assertion on the dubious assumption that the absence of evidence is evidence of absence. I think flat-headed peccaries were probably even more abundant during the arid climate phase because they were anatomically well-adapted to dry dusty environments. Flat-headed peccaries had extensive structures in their nasal passages that helped filter dust. Wilson must be unaware there are at least 9 fossil sites where herds of flat-headed peccaries were buried during sandstorms. (See: ) This suggests they were common in desert environments. Flat-headed peccaries may have avoided falling in Peccary Cave after 22,000 calendar years BP because the area around the entrance to the cave was barren and not hidden by vegetation. None happened to fall in the cave after this date, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t still occur in the region. Other fossil sites in the region yield the remains of horses, but not a single horse fossil has been found in Peccary Cave. Horses were likely another abundant species in the region that just happened to never fall in or enter Peccary Cave.
3. Wilson did a stable isotope analysis of 2 flat-headed peccary teeth and concluded they fed upon just a few leguminous plant species, so they became extinct when these limited number of plant species disappeared from the region. I don’t believe the entire dietary breadth of a species can be determined from such a small sample size. Moreover, 1 study suggests stable isotope analysis is not at all reliable. (See: Scientists compared the results of a stable isotope analysis of moa bones with actual fossil droppings. The stable isotope analysis was wrong. Flat-headed peccary teeth were built to eat grass and tough vegetation. A species that survived millions of years of climate change didn’t exclusively feed upon just a few species of leguminous plants.
4. Wilson asserts flat-headed peccaries were uncommon and thus vulnerable to extinction. However, a new genetic study of 12 flat-headed peccary individuals from Sheridan Cave, Ohio, dating to just before their extinction revealed populations of this species were diverse and expanding. This suggests flat-headed peccaries were common, adaptable, and had a wide geographical distribution until the species’ demise.
Peccary Cave has yielded a wealth of information for paleoecologists, and I’m shocked at how little research has been published about this site. I’ve been able to find about half a dozen research papers. There hasn’t been a scientific excavation of the site since 1993, though amateurs are currently pillaging it. Most of the specimens from this site have not yet been described in the scientific literature, and they are not listed on the paleobiology database. An early report of the site mentions the existence of peccary “droppings.” Yet, nobody has studied the coprolites (please email me if I’m wrong)–an outrageous oversight. We could actually find out what flat-headed peccaries ate, instead of guessing based on stable isotope analysis. I’m not sure the coprolites were even collected and stored in a museum. There should be hundreds of published papers about this site, not just a paltry 6. I’ve come across other understudied fossil sites and collections in my research, but this site might possible be the most underappreciated.
Bell, Kenneth; and Lee Davis
“Sinkhole Excavations in Peccary Cave, Newton County, Arkansas”
Arkansas Academy of Science 47(30) 1993
Davis, Lee
“Biostratigraphy of Peccary Cave, Newton, County, Arkansas”
Arkansas Academy of Science 1969
Perry, Tahlia; et. al.
“Ancient DNA Analysis of the Extinct North American Flat-headed Peccary (Platygonus compressus)”
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2017
Wilson, Kurt
“Late Pleistocene Extinction of the Flat-headed Peccary on the Ozark Plateau: Paleozoological Insights from Peccary Cave”
Iowa State Graduate Thesis 2017
Tennessee scientists unearth fossils of prehistoric pig-like creatures in stunning discovery
In a thrilling discovery, scientists with East Tennessee State University (ETSU) have recently confirmed the prehistoric fossils found in an area known as the Gray Fossil Site belonged to two different species of ancient peccaries, pig-like creatures.
The fossils, including part of a well-preserved skull, confirm that two species of peccaries — Mylohyus elmorei and Prosthennops serus — roamed this area in prehistoric times. In fact, the findings mark the first time the remains of either species have been found in the Appalachian region, the university said in a news release.
While one of the two species, Prosthennops serus, had previously been found in other fossil sites in the U.S., it has never before been found in the Appalachian region. And the other, Mylohyus elmorei, has “only been found in one region of central Florida, more than 900 kilometers to the south,” the university said.
Scientists were able to identify these prehistoric species thanks to the “well-preserved remains of their skulls,” which included the “nearly complete lower jaws of both species.
Both the Prosthennops serus and the Mylohyus elmorei would likely have been the size of a German shepherd, which scientists noted is larger than modern-day peccaries.
“Details of the peccaries’ teeth suggest they spent their lives browsing on the leaves and fruits of succulent plants, so they would have been right at home in the Gray Fossil Site ecosystem, which we know from plant fossils was rich with tasty vegetation,” Chris Widga, the head curator at the ETSU Museum of Natural History at the Gray Fossil Site — which was once “a large pond surrounded by a lush forest” — said in a statement.
Archaeology of New York
In the book “Archaeology of New York State” by William Ritchie in 1965 there have been found many ancient Peccary’s dated around the Jaredite and Nephite time periods. See their map below:
As you see you also find many of the migratory and domesticated animals mentioned in the Book of Mormon. The food source of these animals alone show the ability for millions to have been feed during Book of Mormon time frames. In south Mesoamerica there are only migratory butterflies and turkies and it seems a challenge to feed on Apes, Llamas, and Lizards for survival.
Mesoamerica also lacks the necessary animals needed to live the Law of Moses such as Sheep, Goats, Rams, Bullocks, and Doves.
For many years I have known about Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe. I learned in school how brave he was during his forced surrender to the US Government. I also had remembered about a square shaped stone that was found with him and that is was very ancient. I recently was reading about Chief Joseph and have found some amazing things that tie in with Book of Mormon Geography. It is well established there are no ancient sheep found in Mesoamerica at the time of the Book of Mormon, but artifacts about sheep have been found in North America. (See Hopewell Artifacts above, and my blog Here.) I found it very interesting that on this square shaped stone was found wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia called cuneiform. It spoke about the purchase of sheep and goats for a sacrifice. In total there are three artifacts found in the USA with the ancient cuneiform script that have been studied by reputable archaeologists and deemed authentic. They are sales receipts for sheep and goats. Amazing. Below are the details.
Native American Chiefs
Chief Joseph
From “In 1877 the respected leader of the Nez Perce tribe surrendered to the U. S. Government. At his surrender, Chief Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain (known by his Christian name Joseph), presented General Nelson Appleton Miles with a pendant, a 1 inch square clay tablet with writings unrecognizable to General Miles. The writing, which was translated by Dr. Robert D. Biggs, Assyriology Professor at the University of Chicago, turned out to be a sales receipt dating back to 2042 B.C. in Assyria. It read:
Chief Joseph Tablet
(Interpretation picture right)“Nalu received 1 lamb from Abbashaga on the 11th day of the month of the festival of An, in the year Enmahgalanna was installed as high priestess of Nanna.”
Chief Joseph said the tablet had been passed down in his family for many generations. How would his family come into possession of a nearly 4,000-year-old tablet? According to the Chief, they inherited it from their white ancestors.
Other tablets with an Assyrian connection have been found throughout North America. A tablet similar in size and appearance to The Chief Joseph tablet was found in 1963 in northwestern Georgia near the Chattahoochee River. (*Information below) Like the Chief Joseph tablet, this one was a receipt for the sale of sheep and goats that were to be used in a ceremonial sacrifice. From other information contained on the tablet, it appears to have been created in 2040 B.C. One difference is the Georgia tablet was made of lead.
When Chief Joseph surrendered to General Miles, he had the tablet in his medicine bag. That bag was itself an interesting connection to Ancient Assyria.
In an April, 2001 article published in Assyria Times, Benjamin Daniali points out a connection between an Assyrian symbol known as the Ashur Star and the design on Chief Joseph’s medicine bag.
In this photo of an ancient relief sculpture we can see the Assyrian god Ashur upon his throne. In front of him is a disc with the symbol known as the Assyrian Star or the Ashur Star. It is a four-pointed star with a circle in the center. Radiating out from between the four points of the star are rays of light.
In 1971 Assyria adopted a new flag depicting the Assyrian Star.
In photos of Chief Joseph we can see this same design on his medicine bag.
Assyrian Symbol on Bag
How could the Nez Perce and other tribes in North America have 4,000-year-old Assyrian artifacts handed down for generations? Why would Chief Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain have a Star of Ashur beaded on his medicine bag?
Sometime near the beginning of the Assyrian Empire — which ran from 2,500 B.C. to 605 B.C. — a tower was built in Assyria (modern day Iraq) to reach heaven. As a result, languages were confounded and families were scattered.
On October 5, 1877, his speech, as he surrendered to General Howard, immortalized him in American history forever:
In 1904 Chief Joseph died, according to his doctor, of a broken heart.
“The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world; a world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations; a world longing for the light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at the center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one.” Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux (1840-1877)
To understand the significance of Joseph’s Tablet we need to understand more about animal sacrifice.
Lehi Builds Altar by Clark Kelley Price
“Soon after Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, the Lord gave them the law of sacrifices, which included offering the firstlings of their flocks in a similitude of the sacrifice that would be made of the Only Begotten Son of God (Moses 5:4–8). Thereafter, whenever there were true believers on the earth, with priesthood authority, sacrifices were offered in that manner and for that purpose. This continued until the death of Jesus Christ, which ended the shedding of blood as a gospel ordinance. It is now replaced in the Church by the sacrament of the bread and the water, in remembrance of the offering of Jesus Christ.” LDS Bible Dictionary/Sacrifice
This would mean that the family of the Brother of Jared would be offering sacrifices as we know the Jaredites were one of the most righteous of God’s people. Some members of the church have said to me that the Jaredites did not hold the priesthood and they weren’t even Christian, which I don’t believe. Read this great article which supports my feelings about this: Jared and His Brother
“Animal sacrifice was general among the ancient Near Eastern civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia, as well as the Hebrews. Unlike the Greeks, who had worked out a justification for keeping the best edible parts of the sacrifice for the assembled humans to eat, in these cultures the whole animal was normally placed on the fire by the altar and burned, or sometimes it was buried.” Wikipedia here
Timeline/Date Adam Placed 4070 BC Fall of Adam 4004 BC City of Enoch taken 3313 BC Noah born 2943 BC Flood began 2343 BC Peleg born 2241 BC Abraham born 2052 Cuneiform tablets 2042 BC Noah dies 1993 BC Sodom & Gomorrah 1953 BC Isaac born 1952 BC Jacob born 1892 BC Jared 1830 BC Jacob/Rachel married 1808 BC Judah born 1804 BC Joseph born 1801 BC Tower destroyed 1780 BC Ephraim/Manasseh born 1767 BC Jaredites in N. America 1676 BC Moses born 1542 BC 10 Commandments 1462 BC Moses translated 1422 BC David born 1057 BC Daniel captive 605 BC Lehi departs 601 BC Jaredites destroyed 600 BC (Bold indicates North America) Source
About Assyrians: All Things Assyrian From Stews to Stars: the World’s Oldest Writing
CLAY TABLET. FOUND: Babylon, Iraq. CULTURE: Late Babylonian. DATE: A.D. 62. LANGUAGE: Akkadian. ( The Trustees of the British Museum)
In early 2016, hundreds of media outlets around the world reported that a set of recently deciphered ancient clay tablets revealed that Babylonian astronomers were more sophisticated than previously believed. The wedge-shaped writing on the tablets, known as cuneiform, demonstrated that these ancient stargazers used geometric calculations to predict the motion of Jupiter. Scholars had assumed it wasn’t until almost A.D. 1400 that these techniques were first employed–by English and French mathematicians. But here was proof that nearly 2,000 years earlier, ancient people were every bit as advanced as Renaissance-era scholars. Judging by the story’s enthusiastic reception on social media, this discovery captured the public imagination. It implicitly challenged the perception that cuneiform tablets were used merely for basic accounting, such as tallying grain, rather than for complex astronomical calculations. While most tablets were, in fact, used for mundane bookkeeping or scribal exercises, some of them bear inscriptions that offer unexpected insights into the minute details of and momentous events in the lives of ancient Mesopotamians.
First developed around 3200 B.C. by Sumerian scribes in the ancient city-state of Uruk, in present-day Iraq, as a means of recording transactions, cuneiform writing was created by using a reed stylus to make wedge-shaped indentations in clay tablets. Later scribes would chisel cuneiform into a variety of stone objects as well. Different combinations of these marks represented syllables, which could in turn be put together to form words. Cuneiform as a robust writing tradition endured 3,000 years. The script–not itself a language–was used by scribes of multiple cultures over that time to write a number of languages other than Sumerian, most notably Akkadian, a Semitic language that was the lingua franca of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.
Map showing the extent of Mesopotamia. Shown are Washukanni, Nineveh, Hatra, Assur, Nuzi, Palmyra, Mari, Sippar, Babylon, Kish, Nippur, Isin, Lagash, Uruk, Charax Spasinu and Ur, from north to south.
After cuneiform was replaced by alphabetic writing sometime after the first century A.D., the hundreds of thousands of clay tablets and other inscribed objects went unread for nearly 2,000 years. It wasn’t until the early nineteenth century, when archaeologists first began to excavate the tablets, that scholars could begin to attempt to understand these texts. One important early key to deciphering the script proved to be the discovery of a kind of cuneiform Rosetta Stone, a circa 500 B.C. trilingual inscription at the site of Bisitun Pass in Iran. Written in Persian, Akkadian, and an Iranian language known as Elamite, it recorded the feats of the Achaemenid king Darius the Great (r. 521–486 B.C.). By deciphering repetitive words such as “Darius” and “king” in Persian, scholars were able to slowly piece together how cuneiform worked. Called Assyriologists, these specialists were eventually able to translate different languages written in cuneiform across many eras, though some early versions of the script remain undeciphered.
Today, the ability to read cuneiform is the key to understanding all manner of cultural activities in the ancient Near East–from determining what was known of the cosmos and its workings, to the august lives of Assyrian kings, to the secrets of making a Babylonian stew. Of the estimated half-million cuneiform objects that have been excavated, many have yet to be catalogued and translated. Here, a few fine and varied examples of some of the most interesting ones that have been. Source here and here
Judging from the artifacts they left behind, the Assyrians and Sumerians made quite an extensive voyage to the Americas about 4000 years ago. This the first installment of a three entry blog that presents the evidence.
Chief Joseph’s Cuneiform Tablet
The most famous piece of evidence passed down among the Nez Perce tribe of Montana was a strange cuneiform tablet known to us as the Chief Joseph Tablet. Housed in the museum at West Point, this tablet was photographed by Warren C. Dexter in 1991, the tablet was taken from—some say gifted by—Chief Joseph when he was captured in 1877.
Chief Joseph, best known for his statement, “I will fight no more forever,” claimed he inherited it from his white ancestors and that it had been in his family for generations. He carried the inch square baked tablet in a medicine pouch with the Star of Ashur, an Assyrian symbol, on it. (That is the subject of my next blog.)
Translated by Professor Robert Biggs of the University of Chicago, the Chief Joseph tablet reads, “Nalu received 1 lamb from Abbashaga on the 11th day of the month of the festival of An, in the year Enmahgalanna was installed as high priestess of Nanna.” That would be 2042 BCE.
Now, some websites claim this tablet is a forgery, to which I would reply: Really? Chief Joseph knew the Assyrian language and wrote in cuneiform, you say. And he knew the history of the priestesses of Nanna, too. So tell me how Chief Joseph came by that knowledge in the 1880s? (That in itself is a good mystery—especially since cuneiform was first deciphered in 1857 in Britain.)
The Hearn Cuneiform Tablet
(*From above) The Hearn tablet was discovered in Georgia in 1963. It is a receipt for sheep and goats intended as sacrifice to the sun god Utu and the goddess Lama Lugal. The scribe, Enlila, states it was the 37th or 38th year of the reign of King Suigi of Ur, Sumeria. That dates this tablet to 2040 BCE, two years prior to the Chief Joseph tablet.
The Hearn tablet is made of lead, not clay. There are other lead pieces found on the Hearn property dated to the same time. So it would seem at least this tablet may have been created here in the Americas. Lead smelting and the need to create a receipt for goods exchanged, I would say, indicates a larger presence than just a handful of explorers.
The Shawnee Creek Stone of Oklahoma
The Shawnee Creek Stone is yet a third important discovery.
According to Gloria Farley who was one of the pioneers of the movement to discover and preserve evidence of pre-Columbian trans-Atlantic travel:
“Borrowing the [Shawnee Creek] stone, I made a latex mold and my son Mark Farley obtained a clear photograph, both of which were sent to Dr. Barry Fell. His returning telephone call told me that he believed the find to be of great importance, as the design resembles the seals from ancient Dilmun in the Arabian Gulf. (This is the name which the Arabs give to the Persian Gulf. Dilmun was located mainly on the island of Bahrain.) The inscription, said Dr. Fell, appears to employ the ideographs used by Dilmunian scribes, especially the ones for ‘Inanna, Goddess of Love and Queen of Heaven.’ He told me that Inanna also related to the Sumerians. Sumer is now modern Iraq.”
Molds of the inscription were sent to Ali Akbar H. Bushiri a scholar of ancient Bahrain who wrote about the Dilmun culture. He confirmed that four of the five symbols related to Inanna. We have the circle with 8 rays (the Venus star), the vertical line with semicircle (Inanna), the “U” shape (Nanna, Moon God and father to Inanna), and the vertical line with 2 of 3 bars–the third bar having been chipped off (symbol of fertility).
Who was Inanna?
The reign of Inanna (also spelled Innana) as the Goddess of Love seems to have begun in 5300 BCE (the date for the “founding” of Sumer) and lasted right through the period of Akkadain rule in both Sumer and Assyria (2334-2218). Dilmun is south of Sumer. This places the Shawnee Creek Stone in the same date and geographic range as the two cuneiform tablets, although the stone could also have been much earlier or even later.
So we have one tablet (2042 BCE) that is Assyrian, one tablet (2040 BCE) that is Sumerian and one that is carved stone related to either Sumer or Assyria. All three can be related to one single era—just before the Akkandian rule of both Sumer and Assyria.
The question below should be an easy one. It is for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because we know about the Jaredites, Mulekites and Lehites. We know how common it is to travel the ocean anciently. If we could only convince the archaeologists and historians who want to still believe the Bering Strait theory.
How did these artifacts get to America?
It is argued that neither the Sumerian nor the Assyrian people were navigators and could not have made it to America. So how did the tablets come to be found in America?
We need to remember that the Akkadian period began with the conquest of Assyria and Sumeria by Sargon of Akkad. His desire to expand and gain power may have extended to exploration, even across the Atlantic.
But the two cuneiform tablets are dated firmly to 2042 and 2040 BCE and Sargon’s conquest is dated to 2334 BCE. So either the tablets were made in Assyria and Sumeria before the conquest and then brought to America during a later Akkadian exploration, or they were made in America signifying Assyrian/Sumerian exploration before Akkadian rule. In which case, we need to re-examine the statement that the Assyrians and Sumerians were not navigators. Perhaps they did navigate far distances, even across the Atlantic.
And we must remember Chief Joseph claimed his “white ancestors” passed the stone down through the generations. Is it possible that Assyrians and/or Sumerians came to this country to escape Sargon of Akkad and his conquering armies? If so, this would not be the last time the Americas became a haven for those escaping harsh conditions in their motherlands.
Photos of the tablets and some basic information in this blog are from the much quoted articles by Benjamin Daniali of the Assyrian Times.
But for more detailed and substantiated information see: Farley, Gloria (1994). In Plain Sight: Old world records in ancient America. Muskogee, OK: Hoffman Printing Company (pp. 150-155). (There is a picture of the Shawnee Creek stone translation on p. 153.)Search
Additional Reading
The Lost Colonies of Ancient America: A Comprehensive Guide to the Pre Columbian Visitors who really Discovered America
By Frank Joseph
“After Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt of the Wal-lam-wat-kain, a band of Nez Perce Indians, surrendered to units of the U.S. Cavalry near Chinook Chinook in the north of what is now Montana on October 5, 1877, his “medicine bag” containing a 1-inch-square baked clay tablet was stolen. Better remembered as Chief Joseph, he explained that the tablet, engraved on both sides with then inscrutable texts, “had been passed down in his family for many generations, and that they had inherited it from their white ancestors. Chief Joseph said that white men had come among his ancestors long ago, and had taught his people many things.” 34 Today, his ancestral heirloom is still warehoused at New York’s West Point Museum.
In 2000, Robert D. Biggs, an Assyriology professor at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, with a PhD from Johns Hopkins University, and editor of the Journal of Near Eastern Studies , was able to translate the texts of Chief Joseph’s tablet, because they had been inscribed in cuneiform. They recorded the sale of a lamb for sacrifice on behalf of a person named Enmahgalanna to celebrate her promotion as a high priestess of Nanna, the same moon-god enshrined at Ur’s Great Ziggurat. Professor Biggs dated the Sumerian inscription to approximately 2042 BC . 35
Native American pouches such as the one Chief Joseph carried “contained items that would remind the warrior of home, of where he came from,” according to historical writer Mary Gindling. “The mundane nature of the contents of the tablet argues against forgery. Cuneiform had only been deciphered in 1846, and the process was far from complete even in 1877, so a would-be forger would had to have been an extremely well educated individual, familiar not only with the ancient language itself, but with the shape of the tablets created by the ancient scribes.” 36
Not long after the Cherokee artifact came to light, “a Sumerian tablet with cuneiform writing was found beside ancient stone projectile points near Lexington, Georgia,” writes Dr. Thompson. “The tablet is from Ur-Nammuk, Iraq, and dates to 2040 B.C.” 37
Cultural diffusionist researcher Gloria Farley tells of a similar discovery in the same state made by a Mrs. Joe Hearn:
In 1963, while digging a new flower bed on her property in northwestern Georgia, not far from the Chatahoochee River, her shovel had struck a small, pillow-shaped tablet made of lead.… The cuneiform script, according to Dr. Curtis Hoffman, describes how a scribe named Enlila was aware that it was the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth year of the reign of King Shulgi of Ur, which by our reckoning, would have been about 2040 B.C. It recorded the sale of sheep and goats, which apparently had been transported overseas to America, for sacrifice to Utu, the sun-god, and the goddess, Lama Lugal [a Sumerian deity of intercession and protection]. 38
Editors Note: (See Map Below) I have made a probable connection that after Lehi landed near Tallahassee, Fl., Nephi and his brothers may have used the Chattahoochee River to escape north up into the Unicoi Gap of Georgia. From there the Hiawassee River would take them directly to the Tennessee River andstraight into Chattanooga Tennessee, where I believe the City Nephi was located.
Although Shulgi actually ruled from 2029 to 1982 BC , Georgia’s Hearn object and Chief Joseph’s tablet both date to within 11 years of each other; their discoveries were separated by many hundreds of miles and two centuries, underscoring a common authenticity. LaGrange College, Georgia’s oldest private college, founded in 1831, today owns the Hearn Tablet.
Near Quaker City, Ohio, an amateur Indian arrowhead collector discovered a cuneiform tablet in 1978. Its ancient provenance was established by David Owen, professor of Near Eastern studies at Cornell University, in Ithaca, New York. He translated the Sumerian text, which had been composed “by a man named Ur-e’e in the month of Dumuzi [late June], in the year the ensi [ruler] of Karzida was elevated.” 39 Karzida was the second city of worship for Nanna, the same moon-god likewise referenced by the inscription on Chief Joseph’s tablet, suggesting a relationship between his family heirloom and the Quaker City find, which came to light years after his death. That relationship is remarkably cogent to our discussion, because they, together with the Lexington and Hearn tablets, were all inscribed within 12 years of each other, between 2042 and 2030 BC . They define the most appropriate segment of time for voyages to America, because it matches the dynamic outset of the Ur III Period, or “Sumerian Renaissance.”
It began in 2047 BC , just after the Sumerians liberated themselves from Akkadian domination and experienced their most energetic outward expansion, as exampled by the specimen of South African resin found in Queen Puabi’s tomb at Ur. “Many such Ur III tablets have been found in the U.S.,” states Professor Owen, “including some tablets dug up a few years ago from the ruins of an old apartment house in Auburn, New York.” 40
So many tablets spread over half a continent—from Montana to Georgia, Ohio, and New York—do not suggest some lone survivor of shipwreck, blown far off course during some otherwise-normal trading mission in the Middle East, but indicate rather the deliberate arrival of numerous Sumerian visitors, all from the same capital of Ur’s Third Dynasty.” The Lost Colonies of Ancient America, A Comprehensive Guide to the Pre-Columbian Visitors Who Really Discovered America Page 36-39
Notes: 34 Gindling, Mary. “History Mystery: Chief Joseph’s Cuneiform Tablet” ( , 2009). 35 Biggs, Robert D. “History Mystery.” 36 . Gindling. “History Mystery: Chief Joseph’s Cuneiform Tablet.” 37 . Thompson, American Discovery 38 . Farley, Gloria. “History Mystery.” 39 . Tiel, William. “Two Enigmatic Stones from Ohio,” Ancient American , vol. 9, no. 58 (August 2004). 40 . Although they agree that the four cuneiform tablets are authentically Sumerian, mainstream archaeologists dismiss them as insignificant. As described in Lost Civilizations , “Professor Owen ‘suggests that we are not to make too much of the (Quaker City) find,’ since ‘tablets of this type were sold throughout the U.S. in the early years of this (the 20th) Century, and have shown up in various places, including garbage dumps and garage sales.’ That does not explain Chief Joseph’s tablet, which became public knowledge in 1877, more than twenty years before the alleged importation of Sumerian relics, nor the Hearn Tablet, which was dug up on property consistently owned by the discoverer’s family since 1850. The Quaker City tablet itself was excavated from a depth of some two feet amid a cluster of Indian arrowheads—hardly the setting for a misplaced trinket from the early 20th Century. Moreover, a thorough Internet search by this author failed to turn up any suggestion that brisk sales in authentic cuneiform tablets occurred in the United States during the early 1900s, as Professor Owen stated without proof.” Source Here:
The Third Dynasty of Ur, also called the Neo-Sumerian Empire, refers to a 22nd to 21st century BC (middle chronology) Sumerian ruling dynasty based in the city of Ur and a short-lived territorial-political state which some historians consider to have been a nascent empire. The Third Dynasty of Ur is commonly abbreviated as Ur III by historians studying the period.
The Oklahoma Runestones If the tales told by the old-timers are correct, Oklahoma may once have contained dozens of runestones. Five of these have been found. This chapter discusses their discovery and possible meanings. Also, other possible runestones from Oklahoma and Arkansas are discussed.
The Lord will remember the Jew, the Lamanite, and the Native Americans
D&C 19:26-27 And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it feely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and works of God.
27: Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.
In Alma 24:19 And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin, and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.
“The converted Lamanite is devout. Few ever apostatize. Some lose their way as they partake of the worldliness about them, but generally the children of Lehi of the twentieth century have inherited that grace and ability to believe like their ancestors of the long ago. We read in Hel. 6:36: ‘And thus we see that the Lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the Lamanites, because of their easiness and willingness to believe in his words’” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982], p. 178; emphasis added).
“The Lamanites must rise again in dignity and strength to fully join their brethren and sisters of the household of God in carrying forth his work in preparation for that day when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to lead his people, when the millennium will be ushered in, when the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory and its lands be united and become one land. For the prophets have said, ‘The remnant of the house of Joseph shall be built upon this land; and it shall be a land of their inheritance; and they shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto the Jerusalem of old; and they shall no more be confounded, until the end come when the earth shall pass away.’ (Eth. 13:8.) “In this I have great faith.” Spencer W. Kimball (“Our Paths Have Met Again,” Ensign, Dec. 1975, p 5, 7.)
President Spencer W. Kimball
“Have you ever tried to recover something that you have lost in your memory all at once, as you strain and struggle, here it comes back? That is the way the Gospel is to the Lamanites. One good Navajo man said to me: “All our lives we knew that we were off line. We used to be with you folks in the long ago; then we came to a division in the road with a great stone in the middle. We went one way and you went the other, but now we are around it and we are all coming back together(Lamanite Conference April 24, 1971 President Kimball).
Ether 13:8 “Wherefore, the remnant of the house of Joseph shall be built upon this land; and it shall be a land of their inheritance; and they (Lamanites) shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto the Jerusalem of old;… (In parenthesis added)
Alma 9:16-17 16- For there are many promises which are extended to the Lamanites; for it because of the traditions of their fathers that caused them to remain in their state of ignorance; therefore the Lord will be merciful unto them and prolong their existence in the land. 17- And at some period of time they will be brought to believe in word, and to know of the incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers; and many of them will be saved, for the Lord will be merciful unto all who call on his name.
“And that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the Lord, and that they may believe the gospel and rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ, and be glorified through faith in his name, and that through their repentance they might be saved.” (D&C 3:18–20.)
“The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western Tribes of Indians, having been found through the ministration of an holy Angel translated into our own Language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years containing the word of God, which was delivered unto them, By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph that was sold into Egypt, and that the Land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come. with as many of the gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant. But the tribe of Judah will return to old Jerusalem.” ~Joseph Smith.
In July of 1866 Elder Wilford Woodruff said the following: “If the Elders of Israel had always treated the Lamanites as they should, I do not believe that we should have had any difficulty with them at all. This is my firm conviction, and my conclusion according to the light that is in me. I believe that the Lord permits them to chasten us at the present time to convince us that we have to overcome the vindictive feelings which we have harbored towards that poor, downtrodden branch of the House of Israel.”
The Book of Mormon talks about horses. “There were beasts in the forests of every kind, both the cow and the ox, and the ass and the horse, and the goat and the wild goat, and all manner of wild animals…”(1 Nephi 18:25).
Why haven’t archaeologists found ancient horse bones in the lands of the Book of Mormon?
They have! Archaeologists have found many ancient horse bones dated before Columbus in North America. Here are just a few:
Kentucky State Parks- Big Bone Lick History
“The first paleontological site in North America was probably at Big Bone Lick, which is now Big Bone Lick State Park near the Ohio River in Union, Kentucky. A French commander organized a dig there in 1739. Bones retrieved by him were sent to the Natural History Museum in Paris, France. In the 1960’s, the University of Nebraska conducted another dig and several mammal fossils were recovered including: possible wolf and black bear, modern bison, ancient bison, two types of musk ox, American moose, wapiti elk, common Virginia deer, extinct stag moose, caribou, flatheaded peccary, extinct North American horse, possible tapir, American mastodon, woolly mammoth, and two types of giant ground sloth. The most common fossil found at the Big Bone Lick dig was the modern bison.“
“The greater portion, both of the entire skeletons or extinct animals, and the separate bones, have been taken up from black mud [in Big Bone Lick, Kentucky], about twelve feet below the level of the creek. It is supposed that the bones of mastodons found here could not have belonged to less than one hundred distinct individuals, those of the fossil elephant (E. primigenius), to twenty, besides which, a few bones of a stag, horse, megalonyx, and bison, are stated to have been obtained….In regard to the horse, it may probably have differed from our Equus caballus as much as the zebra or wild ass, in the same manner as that found at Newberne in North Carolina appears to have done” – Charles Lyell, Travels inNorth America in the Years1841-1842, New York: Charles E. Merrill [1909], 139-144.Source Here
Were There Horses in the Americas before Columbus? by Dr. Steven E. Jones
This letter is in response to a request for information regarding my research on early horses (Equus) in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus. This interim material is shared in order to encourage a wider community to join in the task of gathering further evidence regarding pre-Columbian horses in the Americas, including a request for photos of pictographs, petroglyphs, and engravings which may represent pre-Columbian horses.
“The samples in this study can be divided into two categories according to their origins, Mexico and the United States. Forty-five Equus samples were obtained in Mexico. Based on AMS dating, there was one sample from the Ice Age period and six from the post-Columbus period. Other samples had insufficient collagen in the bone to permit dating; collagen protein locks in carbon- 14, permitting accurate C-14 dating. Thus, the laboratories require a certain minimum amount of collagen in order to proceed with the dating. There were no Equus samples found in this study in Mesoamerica for the time interval 14,700 BC to 1650 AD. By contrast, in North America there are found Equus samples which do indeed appear in the time frame between the last ice age and the arrival of Columbus. The first of these was found in Pratt Cave near El Paso, Texas, by Prof. Ernest Lundelius of Texas A&M University…”
“In conclusion, using state-of the- art dating methods, we along with other researchers have found radiometrically- dated evidence for the existence of horses in North America long after the last ice age and before the arrival of Columbus. These data challenge the existing paradigm. Further DNA analyses will provide additional data and insights.” Source Here
Professor Steven Jones was a full Professor of Physics at Brigham Young University, where he served for over 21 years before his early retirement in 2007. He conducted doctoral research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and received his Ph.D. in Physics from Vanderbilt University in 1978. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from Brigham Young University in 1973, where he held a David O. McKay Presidential Scholarship. His research interests include studies in archaeometry, fusion, and solar energy. He has published papers in Nature, Scientific American, and Physical Review Letters. He taught an advanced class on Archaeometry (Physics 513R) and published “Archaeometry Applied to Olmec Iron-ore Beads,” BYU Studies 37, no. 4 (Oct. 1998),pp.128-142.
“Yvette Running Horse Collin’s recent dissertation, historical documents and oral histories present a compelling new story of the horse in the Americas.
Yvette Running Horse Collin’s recent dissertation (Link below) may have rewritten every natural history book on the shelf. A Lakota/Nakota/Cheyenne scholar, Collin worked within the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Indigenous Studies program to synthesize fossil evidence, historical documents and oral history to present a compelling new story of the horse in the Americas.
The horse was here well before the settlers.
“We have calmly known we’ve always had the horse, way before the settlers came. The Spanish never came through our area, so there’s no way they could have introduced them to us,” reads one quote from a Blackfoot (Nitsitapi) study participant in Collin’s doctoral study.
Columbus didn’t introduce them
The original theory accepted by the Western World was that there were no horses in the Americas prior to Columbus’ arrival in 1492. The Western World concluded that all horses of Native American peoples were, therefore, descendants of horses brought from overseas…
“Columbus brought the first Spanish horse to the Caribbean in 1493,” remarks Collin. “The first documented arrival of horses on the mainland, near what we now call Mexico City, was in 1519. The Spanish took meticulous records of every mare and stallion. The first recorded sighting of Native people with horses, however, was in 1521 and that was in the Carolinas. No Spanish horses were recorded as ‘missing’ during this period. There’s no way Spanish horses could have made it through the dense forest and swampland to the Carolinas and repopulated in just two years.”…
“What they are trying to do is shorten the length of time that we were here to make us not as critical to this place. They say, ‘Native people came over the land bridge.’ Why? Why are they making us as having been from somewhere else? Why couldn’t we have been here? That’s number one. Number two is that Europeans are still credited for bringing the horses and introducing them to Native people. What does that mean? They are telling us over and over again that anything that they consider to be of value in our cultures is still ‘derivative’ of theirs.”…
Collin’s horse programs, ways to visit her museum on the Indigenous horse and the dissertation itself can be found at her website:
This theory was forced to change, however, after paleontology pioneer Joseph Leidy discovered horse skeletons embedded in American soil in the 1830s.They were dated to be the oldest of any found in the world. According to Collin’s dissertation, the American scientific community was outraged and questioned his findings. Ultimately, they were forced to accept the evidence he provided.
Collin finds a parallel between the reaction to these new Western findings and that of the fossil evidence showing horses were always in the Americas…
“The wonderful thing is that we now have Western technology that can provide very accurate dates,” said Collin in a recent interview. “Many studies show that these horses were present after the very same Ice Age that supposedly wiped out them all out. So, the most compelling data to support the Native narrative is actually from a lot of the western scientific measurements that are coming out.”
Collin didn’t stop there, however. She also drew from recorded observations in the diaries and maps created by explorers such as Sir Francis Drake, Sebastian Cabot, and other early Spanish conquistadors. Collin points to the first recorded sighting of horses with Native Peoples in the Carolinas…” Yes world, there were horses in Native culture before the settlers came by Lyla June Johnston
The Relationship Between the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and the Horse: Deconstructing a Eurocentric Myth
by Collin, Yvette Running Horse, Ph.D., University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017, 245; 10266897
Summary THE fact of the existence of fossil remains of the horse in America has been generally received with a good deal of incredulity, arising, perhaps, from the mere fact being stated of their having been found, often without even mentioning the associate fossils, and in all cases, previous to Mr. Owen, without describing the specimen.
At present their existence being fully confirmed, it is probably as much a wonder to naturalists as was the first sight of the horses of the Spaniards to the aboriginal inhabitants of the country, for it is very remarkable that the genus Equus should have so entirely passed away from the vast pastures of the western world, in after ages to be replace by a foreign species to which the country has proved so well adapted; and it is impossible, in the present state of our knowledge, to conceive what could have been the circumstances which have been so universally destructive to the genus upon one continent, and so partial in its influence upon the other.
The remains are by no means unfrequent, and according to William Cooper, the author of a paper entitled “Notices of Big-Bone Lick,” in Featherstonhaugh’s “Journal of Geology,” the first printed notice of them occurs in Mitchell’s “Catalogue of Organic Remains,” upon referring to which, I find mentioned pp. 7, 8, that a cervical vertebra and teeth of the horse were found associated with the Mastodon, &c., in a tract extending from the base of the Neversink Hills to Bordentown, New Jersey.
Hagerman “Horse” – Equus simplicidens
“What makes the Hagerman Horse so important? First, the discovery from Hagerman is the largest sample of this extinct species from one locality. Over two hundred individuals of both sexes and all ages were recovered by the Smithsonian. Included are complete skeletons as well as skulls, jaws and detached bones. They were about the size of the present day Arabian horse, and had a single toe (hoof). Vertebrate paleontologists must often work with single, isolated bones or teeth. So it is often difficult to assign them to an already described species when differences in sex or age of an individual are taken into consideration. The large number of individuals recovered at the Hagerman Horse Quarry simplifies this problem here.
Despite the popular use of the name, Hagerman Horse, it is actually more closely related to the zebras. Although we don’t have fossil evidence of stripes, the pattern of the chewing surfaces of the teeth and details of the skull and rest of the skeleton indicate that this animal was more closely related to the living Grevy’s Zebra of Africa than to horses. So the next time you’re at the zoo, take a good look at the zebras on display and you’ll have an opportunity to see a close relative of one of the earliest residents of the Hagerman area.
Many different scientific names have been applied to this horse. James W. Gidley, the Smithsonian paleontologist, who led the initial excavations at Hagerman in 1929, felt that the horse being uncovered was different enough in its skeleton that it represented a new species distinct from any other known fossil horse. He proposed the name Plesippus shoshonensis. By placing the Hagerman horse in the genus Plesippus, he considered it to be closely related to another fossil species, Plesippus simplicidens, from Texas. Although another horse, Equus idahoensis, had been described from elsewhere in this region, Dr. Gidley considered his new species to be more primitive. Since the early work of Gidley, many other studies on fossil horses have been made and the consensus is that the horse at Hagerman does belong in the modern genus Equus and that it is the same as the extinct species from Texas, simplicidens. So today most paleontologists refer to the Hagerman Horse by the scientific name of Equus simplicidens.
The Hagerman Horse also has the distinction of being the earliest record of Equus, the genus that includes all modern horses, donkeys, and zebras.
Even though the species found at Hagerman, Equus simplicidens, is known from elsewhere such as Nebraska, Florida, and Texas, all of the other records are much younger, making the sample from Hagerman the oldest.” This article originally appeared in The Fossil Record, March 1993Article Here
Identification of Horse Exploitation by Clovis Hunters Based on Protein Analysis Brian Kooyman, Margaret E. Newman, Christine Cluney, Murray Lobb, Shayne Tolman, Paul McNeil and L. V. Hills American Antiquity Vol. 66, No. 4 (Oct., 2001), pp. 686-691
Positive results were obtained from protein residue analysis on three Clovis points from Wally’s Beach, southwestern Alberta. Two tested positive for Equus, the third for a bovid, probably Bison or Bootherium. All genera are present in the site remains. This finding clearly demonstrates use of Equus by Clovis hunters. Four 14C dates indicate that the site was in use between 11,000 and 11,300 B.P. Article Here
New Research Rewrites the History of American Horses
Will Sullivan Daily Correspondent April 3, 2023
“Native Americans spread the animals across the West before Europeans arrived in the region, archaeological evidence and Indigenous knowledge show
The narrative about horses in North America told in several written histories is due for an update, according to a study published last week in the journal Science. After examining archaeological remains of horses, researchers suggest Indigenous peoples had spread the animals through the American West by the first half of the 1600s—before they encountered Europeans.
The findings align with oral histories from Indigenous groups, which tell of interactions with horses prior to colonizers arriving in their homelands. Meanwhile, written European texts from the 1700s and 1800s claimed that horses only spread through the area after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, a Native American uprising that temporarily expelled Spanish colonizers from much of modern New Mexico.
More than 80 scientists and scholars co-authored the paper, including experts from Pueblo, Pawnee, Comanche and Lakota nations, according to an article in the Conversationby two of the authors.
“We have always known and said that we came across horses before we came across the Spanish,” Jimmy Arterberry, a paper co-author and Comanche historian, tells Christina Larson of the Associated Press (AP).
Horses evolved in the Americas around four million years ago, but by about 10,000 years ago, they had mostly disappeared from the fossil record, per the Conversation. Spanish settlers likely first brought horses back to the Americas in 1519, when Hernán Cortés arrived on the continent in Mexico. Per the new paper, Indigenous peoples then transported horses north along trade networks.
To trace when the animals spread, researchers radiocarbon dated and analyzed the DNA of the remains of more than two dozen horses found across the Western U.S. The remains had been stored in archaeological collections countrywide, per Live Science’s Kristina Killgrove.
Three of the horses, with remains from Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico, date to before the Pueblo Revolt. And rather than simply roaming the countryside on their own, the horses appear to have been part of Native American culture. Dental damage on one horse and bony growths on the skull of another suggest people had put bridles on the animals, per Science News’ Bruce Bower. Certain chemical elements in the creatures’ teeth signaled they ate maize, an Indigenous crop. And another horse had a healed facial fracture, meaning it might have been given veterinary attention, per Live Science.”
Indian Horses BEFORE Columbus Sourced
“According to most leading scholars in history, anthropology and geography, none of the Native Tribes had horses until after Columbus. “On the contrary,” say elders of the Plains Indian Tribes, “our ancestors always had horses.”
“Indeed, the oldest surviving travel account of an overseas explorer in the American Southwest comes from the Afghani Buddhist Monk, Hui Shen. He sailed to the West Coast of Fu Sang during the 5th century AD. According to the monk, the Native People of Fu Sang (or ancient Mexico) had both horses and wagons. If we jump over to the East Coast, we find a similar account dating to the 13th century. According to Bjorn of Iceland, he fell overboard while landing his dory in the Atlantic surf. He was rescued by a party of Celtic Natives, or Welsh Colonists, “riding on horseback.”
“Everywhere that explorers traveled along the Eastern Seaboard of North America during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, they reported seeing Indians (or Welsh settlers) riding horses. When John Cabot landed along the East Coast in 1497, he reported seeing “the dung of draft animals” (such as horses and cattle). The Natives presumably kept their livestock “out of sight” due to quite reasonable fears that alien visitors who landed along their shores might take cattle for a festive evening meal. When Jacques Cartier explored the region of Quebec in 1535, his Native host informed him that there was a tribe in the Far West where the Indians rode on horses.”
“On the other hand, none of the Coastal Tribes in the Northeast that were known to French, English, and Dutch explorers in the 16th century raised horses or cattle. However, when Colonial Pioneers crossed the Appalachian Mountains on their way into Kentucky and Tennessee in the 17th century, they encountered Shawnee, Cherokee, and Chickasaw Tribes that had an exceptional breed of horses. Their smooth walking gait made them attractive for trade and theft. These smooth-gaited horses were called “Chickasaws.” Similar smooth-gaited horses in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida were called “Seminole ponies” or “prairie ponies.” One Colonial trader noted that the Eastern Forest Horse was “different” from European breeds. They were so-common along the Frontier that settlers said they were “pests,” because they wandered into farmyards and munched on garden vegetables…”
Horses of the Eastern Woodlands “American Indian Tribes that were situated along the Eastern Seaboard consisted mostly of Nordic, Germanic, Iberian, Mediterranean, and African refugees. Carthaginians fled mostly to South America when they left behind their cities in 146 BC in order to escape the Roman Legions. The withdrawal of Roman troops from Britain in the 5th century left the Welsh cities and farmlands at the mercy of invading Angles and Saxons. During this onslaught, King Arthur turned to the Western Land of Refuge as a sanctuary for his beleaguered kin. An account of the Arthurian Colony was known to Mercator who wrote a testimonial to John Dee in 1577 (Taylor, 1956, 56-68). According to Mercator, the expedition consisted of 1,800 men and 400 women. They were sent overseas in the Year 530. Of the twelve ships that comprised the colonial fleet, five were lost in a storm; but the rest of the vessels, their occupants, and many farm animals made it safely to port along the shores of Delaware. A Colony of New Albion (or “New England”) was established. During the Medieval Warm Period, the Colony prospered; and the population of Welsh immigrants grew to many thousands of individuals and many thousands of horses, cattle, and assorted pigs, goats, chickens, and sheep. This introduction of Celtic farm animals probably included the band of horseback riding Irish who rescued “Bjorn of Iceland” from the surf along the shores of Nova Scotia in about 1250 AD. The tale was recorded a century later by some Icelandic monks; but historians don’t like any stories about sailors who beat Columbus; so it is rarely mentioned.”
“In the Milwaukee Public Museum there is the skull of a mustangexcavated in 1936 by W.C. McKern from a mound on Spencer Lake in NW Wisconsin (47BT2), and vouched for by McKern in the _Wisconsin Archaeologist_, Vol. 45, #2 (June 1964), pp. 118-120. Says McKern , “there remains no reasonable question as to the legitimacy of the horse skull that we found as a burial association placed in the mound by its builders.”
C-14 dates on stuff from the mound are all pre-Columbian: AD 890 +/- 65 AD 760 +/- 60 AD 750 +/- 60 AD 900 +/- 50 (—U. Wis. in _RadioCarbon_ vol. 9 (1967), pp. 530, 538-9.)
AD 580 +/- 110 AD 530 +/- 150 AD 490 +/- 120 AD 1100 +/- 100 (—U. Mich. in _RadioCarbon_ Vol. 10 (1968), pp. 61, 72-73.)
(Stuff is a technical term including charcoal, charred wood, and charred bone. I think these dates are uncalibrated, but that would not qualitatively change them.)
So the record, such as it is, is that the skull was associated with the burial mound, and the mound was pre-Columbian. At present one can only conclude that the horse was pre-Columbian.” United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Big Bone Lick Archaeological District Union, KY Boone County 12,000 B.C. to A.D. 1950 Cultural Affiliation: Fort Ancient, Woodland, and Archaic Property Owner: Kentucky Department of Parks Download article here: chrome extension:
Introduction “Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) covers approximately 512 acres along Big Bone Creek, a tributary to the Ohio River, in Boone County, Kentucky. The district contains twenty-four archaeological sites and lies along a major prehistoric and historic travel route following buffalo trails to the mineral springs at Big Bone Lick. State Park, between the Bluegrass region and the Ohio River. Twenty one of the 24 sites discussed below are contributing (see Table 1). Three archaeological sites located within the district (Sites 15Be441, 15Be443 and 15Be446) are noncontributing. In addition, 4 of the 21 contributing sites fall within the previously listed NRHP Big Bone Lick State Park. Table 1 lists the documented archaeological sites within the Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) with information regarding site type, time/cultural period,\ integrity, and significance status. The sites within the Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) are Miller (15Bel), 15Bel8, 15Be265, 15Be266, 15Be267, 15Be268, 15Be269, 15Be270, 15Be271, Glacken (15Be272), 15Be273, Buffalo Rise (15Be440), 15Be441, Upson Downs (15Be442), 15Be443, 15Be444, Baker Cemetery (15Be445), Metcalf Flats (15Be446), Matchless Day (15Be447), Hot Letter (15Be448), 15Be449, 15Be450, 15Be451, and 15Be452. The archaeological district also contains one of the richest deposits of Pleistocene megafauna remains in the world. An area of 80 acres within the archaeological district is already listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This area includes sites 15Bel8, 15Be268, 15Be269, and 15Be270. The sites within the Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) contain components from the Early Archaic, Late Archaic, Early Woodland, Middle Woodland, Late Woodland, Late Prehistoric, and historic periods. In addition, Tankersley (1982) reports the presence of Paleoindian materials in the form of surface finds and states that there is a good probability that stratified Paleoindian deposits might be in the vicinity of Big Bone Lick State Park. With cultural material ranging from the Paleoindian to the historic period, the Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) contains evidence of human use of the saline springs at the site over the past 12,000 years…”
“Thomas Jefferson had taken an interest in Big Bone Lick after hearing of the large collections of huge bones taken from the site, and began corresponding with General George Rogers Clark, then stationed in Kentucky, concerning the lick (Jillson 1936). These correspondences appear to have caused confusion about who went to Big Bone Lick to collect specimens for Jefferson. Although George Rogers Clark knew the area and had been to Big Bone Lick, it was his younger brother, William Clark, recently returned from his exploration of the northwest, who visited Big Bone Lick to collect fossils for the President in 1807 (Jillson 1936, 1936; Stokes and Lowthert 1998).” Article Here
“Located at the junction of Big Bone Creek and Gum Branch, Site 15Be270 was identified by Ken Tankersley (1981). The remains of an elephant of the genus Mammut were identified at the site in 1981. The site is listed as containing Paleoindian and historic components and is part of the original Big Bone Lick State Park National Register District. From 1962 to 1966, teams from the University of Nebraska excavated an 24.2 x 97 m (80 by 130 ft) area designed KEN-1 in the southern end of what was later designated Site 15Be270. Faunal materials were documented in three zones (A, B, and C) between 2.1 and 4.5 m (7 and 15 ft) below the ground surface in KEN- 1 (Lowthert 1998; Schultz et al. 1967). Zone A (2.1 to 2.6 m – 7 to 8.5 ft) contained the remains of domesticated animals (dog, pig, cow, and horse), modern bison, and white-tail deer, along with “fragments of crockery and china, bricks, worked building stones, hand hewn wood, logs and branches of trees, seeds, and occasional reworked bones of extinct animals” (Schultz et al. 1967). Zone A was interpreted as dating to the nineteenth century. Zone B extended from 2.6 to 3.3 m (8.5 to 11 ft) and included the remains of American Elk and modern bison and deer. Prehistoric artifacts dating to the Middle Woodland were recovered from Zone B and are curated at the Behringer-Crawford Museum in Covington, Kentucky (Lowthert 1998). Schultz et al. (1967) observed that “the bones of the modern bison are very abundant at this level and are associated with wood, roots, nuts, leaves, broken shells of large mullosks, and pieces of flint.” The deepest stratigraphic layer documented in KEN-3 (Zone C), extended from 3.3 to 4.8 m (11 to over 16 ft) (Schultz et al. 1967). The remains of the following animals were recovered from Zone C: giant ground sloth, mastodon, large bison, musk ox, giant moose-like deer, caribou, and horse. Lowthert (1998) notes that artifacts recovered from the interface between Zones B and C in unit KEN-3 date to the Late Archaic while artifacts diagnostic of the Early Archaic were recovered from Zone C.”
Section 7 page 3 “Pleistocene mammal species recovered at Big Bone Lick State Park include Megolonyx jeffersoni, Mylodon harlani (giant ground sloth), Equus complicatus (horse), Tapirus haysii, Odocoileus virginianus, Cervus canadensis, Cervales scotti (giant moose-like deer), Alces americanus, Rangifer caribou, Bootherium bombiferons (musk ox), Symbon cavifrons, Bison antiquus (large bison), Bison bison (modern bison),Mammut americanus (mastadon), Elaphas primigenius, and Elaphas columbi (Jillson 1968). OnlyOdoco ileus virginianus, the whitetail deer, occurs naturally in this area today, and only Odocoileus virginianus, Cervus canadensis (the wapiti or American Elk), Rangifer caribou (the woodland caribou), and Bison bison (modern bison) survive anywhere.”
Section 7 page 9 “From 1962 to 1966, teams from the University of Nebraska excavated an 24.2 x 97 m (80 by 130 ft) area designed KEN-1 in the southern end of what was later designated Site 15Be270. Faunal materials were documented in three zones (A, B, and C) between 2.1 and 4.5 m (7 and 15 ft) below the ground surface in KEN-1 (Lowthert 1998; Schultz et al. 1967). Zone A (2.1 to 2.6 m – 7 to 8.5 ft) contained the remains of domesticated animals (dog, pig, cow, and horse), modern bison, and white-tail deer, along with “fragments of crockery and china, bricks, worked building stones, hand hewn wood, logs and branches of trees, seeds, and occasional reworked bones of extinct animals” (Schultz et al. 1967). Zone A was interpreted as dating to the nineteenth century. Zone B extended from 2.6 to 3.3 m (8.5 to 11 ft) and included the remains of American Elk and modern bison and deer. Prehistoric artifacts dating to the Middle Woodland were recovered from Zone B and are curated at the Behringer Crawford Museum in Covington, Kentucky (Lowthert 1998). Schultz et al. (1967) observed that “the bones of the modern bison are very abundant at this level and are associated with wood, roots, nuts, leaves, broken shells of large mullosks, and pieces of flint.” The deepest stratigraphic layer documented in KEN-3 (Zone C), extended from 3.3 to 4.8 m (11 to over 16 ft) (Schultz et al. 1967). The remains of the following animals were recovered from Zone C: giant ground sloth, mastodon, large bison, musk ox, giant moose-like deer, caribou, and horse. Lowthert (1998) notes that artifacts recovered from the interface between Zones B and C in unit KEN-3 date to the Late Archaic while artifacts diagnostic of the Early Archaic were recovered from Zone C.”
Section 8 page 2 “Big Bone Lick State Park (boundary expansion) falls within the Northern Bluegrass Section of the Bluegrass Management Area, and contains more than half of the Paleoindian sites reported for that management area (Pollack 1990). The possibility of in situ Paleoindian deposits at Big Bone Lick, particularly in association with Pleistocene megafaunal remains, provides a unique opportunity to address research questions essential to our understanding of Paleo-Indian culture. The Paleoindian period archaeological deposits at Big Bone Lick State Park have the potential to answer questions regarding which Late Pleistocene megafaunal species were contemporary with Paleoindian cultures in Kentucky. This may aid in determining the time of extirpation or extinction for Late Pleistocene large herbivores, especially mammoth, mastodon, bison, and horse.”
Milton R Hunter:
“According to Hunter and Ferguson, the claim made by the Book of Mormon that horses were on this continent and used in ancient America for purposes similar to the uses we make of them today finds strong support in the numerous fossil remains of horses that have been obtained from the asphalt deposits of Rancho La Brea in southern California. Of course, it is claimed that those fossil remains pre-date Book of Mormon times. However, there is no logical reason for believing, since horses were here prior to the arrival of the Jaredites and the Nephites, that horses could not have still been in America during the period in which those ancient civilizations flourished. . . . We could do no better at this point in dealing with this subject than to quote from an official publication of the Los Angeles County Museum on the subject of the existence of horses in early times in America:
“The presence of herds of horses in the vicinity of the asphalt deposits during the period of accumulation is clearly testified to by the numerous remains of these mammals found at Rancho La Brea. While many individuals are recorded in the collections, all of them belong to a single species, the extinct western horse (Equus occidentalis Leidy). In stage of evolution and in general body structure this type resembles the modern horse, although differing from it in a number of specific details. Standing on the average about 14 1/2 hands (4 feet, 10 inches) at the withers, this animal was of the height of a modern Arab horse. It was, however, of considerably heavier build . . .
Horses were among the more common types of hoofed mammals on the North American continent during Pleistocene time and several distinct species have been described from fossil remains. The abundance and widespread distribution of horses in North America make the apparent disappearance of the group in this region prior to the advent of the white man an added and an unusual feature of their long and eventful career.”
[Milton R. Hunter and Thomas Stuart Ferguson, Ancient America and The Book of Mormon, pp. 312-313] As quoted in The Ancient America Foundation (AAF)
As you research ancient horses in North America, you will find may sources that discuss their presence. Truth is out there somewhere as you continue to search. We believe when the Book of Mormon says horses, the prophets mean horses. We feel the Book of Mormon events happened in the Promised Land of the United States, and supporting truths will be found. The most important thing about the Book of Mormon is we know it is true by the Spirit. But, these secondary evidences speak to our head to add to that strong witness of the Spirit.
Visit the Annotated Book of Mormon page 37 seen below. Purchase here!
The Survival of Horses in Pre-Columbian America Many people believe that the horse completely disappeared from North America, where it evolved, prior to the arrival of Europeans. But what if it did not? Great Article here:
Why is it that so many artifacts found in North America over the years have been called a hoax by most of the so-called archaeologists and scientists? Why do the “smart ones” seem to lack so much knowledge? Why did the Smithsonian hide artifacts and claim that all Native Americans were Savages? Most scientists don’t like discussing things that go against their pet theories.
For example, I have an acquaintance who is a well known professor in Utah who is a wonderful man, a great member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has spent over 30 years of research to find evidences of the Book of Mormon in Mesoamerica. His donors have spent millions of dollars researching all over the land of Mexico and Central America looking for any little proof of a connection to the Book of Mormon. He refuses to even consider artifacts in North America.
Here is a quote from another LDS researcher friend of mine who said, “Mesoamerica fits because of things like populations, writing systems, warfare, city-state governments, kings, raised highways, and so much more. This is not saying that the Nephites were the Maya. Rather, it seems that the Nephites were a small group affected by Mesoamerican culture.” These serious archaeologists searching in Mesoamerica have found nothing of substance, but only suggestions of why the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica. Now understand, as a heartlander I don’t think I have all the answers either. I am just saying why not take all of this possible evidence of Nephites in North America and research it? Why not spend $1 million of the $8 million these LDS archaeologists just received, and search things in North America. They could still use the $7 million in Mesoamerica.
This is why almost all so-called evidence of the Book of Mormon in North America is called a hoax because it doesn’t fit their paradigm so they don’t want to explore it further, in case it goes against their belief. We have the same bias who believe in the heartland theory, but like me, most of us have studied the Mesoamerican theory for many years and found very little.
Recently this first acquaintance I mentioned earlier, spent a few days in Ohio with 4 non-Mormon PhD’s, scientists and archaeologists who were looking for evidence of ancient civilizations of Hebrew culture in Ohio. Combined they had over 90 years of archaeological experience of Ancient Hebrew existing in Ohio. We did find 7 ancient Adena roundhouses dated from about 400 to 200 BC, using magnetometry from Germany.* However not one of our non-Mormon friends could convince this acquaintance of mine to even consider looking in Ohio for Hebrew artifacts. See this picture? A wonderful LDS archaeologist who is so focused in Mesoamerica that he won’t even look at this Hebrew evidence in North America. He doesn’t even want to take the chance that it is a possibility. You would think with Lehi being from the tribe of Joseph, and Mulek from the tribe of Judah and possibly existing evidence in North America, why wouldn’t that be something he would want to at least take a look at? It’s called confirmation bias, and we all do it. *See my other blog here.
This is why I think it is important for my readers to view all the information that is out there. I believe we should be open minded to all theories. It shows strength when we are willing to look at the other side which just strengthens our own resolve as we learn and pray about truth. As Moroni said, “we may know the true of all things.”
Scholarship, Faith, and Revelation
Elder Oaks said, “I maintain that the issue of the historicity of the Book of Mormon is basically a difference between those who rely exclusively on scholarship [Mesoamecanist] and those who rely on a combination of scholarship, faith, and revelation [Heartlanders]. Those who rely exclusively on scholarship reject revelation and fulfill Nephi’s prophecy that in the last days men “shall teach with their learning, and deny the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance” (2 Ne. 28:4). — Dallin H. Oaks, 29 October 1993, Complete article here- The Historicity of the Book of Mormon (Parentheses, color, and emphasis added.)
Pouring Down Knowledge
As you read about all the archaeology found in the rest of this blog, you will be overwhelmed with information. How can an intellectual or Historical Professor just dismiss it all and say it isn’t true? Because it doesn’t fit their pet theories contained in their own “Great and Spacious Building.” I am amazed at what the Lord is doing, “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.” D&C 121:33
This painting by Ken Corbett, represents Mormon with his son, Mormon traveling south on the Ohio River heading towards the Land Zarahemla in Illinois and Missouri, near Grave Creek Mound in West Virginia. You can visualize in Mormon 1:6-7 Young Mormon saying, “And it came to pass that I, being eleven years old, was carried by my father into the land southward, even to the land of Zarahemla. The whole face of the land had become covered with buildings, and the people were as numerous almost, as it were the sand of the sea.” Young Mormon is pointing to the Grave Creek mound and all the buildings around.
Grave Creek Mound Archaeological Complex
The Mound
“The heart of the site is probably the most famous and certainly the largest of the Adena Burial mounds. A massive undertaking, the total effort required the movement of more than 60,000 tons of earth. Artifacts and exhibits interpreting the lifestyle of the Adena people are displayed in the Delf Norona Museum, adjacent to the 2,000 year old mound. The most impressive and largest Adena mound, Grave Creek Mound is the largest conical type of any of the mound builder structures. Construction of the mound took place in successive stages from about 250-150 B.C., as indicated by the multiple burials at different levels within the structures. In 1838, road engineers measured its height at 69 feet and its diameter at the base at 295 feet. Originally a moat of about 40 feet in width and five feet in depth with one causeway encircled it.
The first recorded excavation of the mound took place in 1838, conducted by local amateurs. To gain entrance to the mound, two horizontal tunnels and one vertical shaft were created. This led to the most significant discovery of two burial vaults.
In addition to the Adena ornaments and remains found in the interior, the upper vault contained a small flat sandstone tablet. Later, authenticity of the tablet and the meaning of its inscription became quite controversial. Though the stone has never been authenticated and has been disputed by most professionals, a replica of the original is on display in the museum.
Grave Creek Archaeological Complex also maintains a 136-seat theater with a small stage.
The Museum
The Delf Norona Museum opened in December 1978. The thoroughly modern facility, with its natural brick facade and pyramid-shaped skylights is an architectural tribute to a prehistoric era. Exhibits and displays on the upper level portray and clarify what is known about the cultural life of this prehistoric people and the construction of the Grave Creek Mound. We also have the archaeology exhibits that pertain to the early inhabitants of the area including the First Homes of West Virginia; the Grave Creek Tablet; The Building of the Mound; The Builders of the Mound and Who They Were.
Open year-round to visitors. An interpretive lecture is available to groups with advance reservation and group leaders can contact the museum for a list of hands-on programs
The Adena People
About 1000 B.C. marks the beginning of a new period in North America. Called the Woodland Period, this period lasted until about 700 A.D. During this time, a new culture emerged and made significant settlements in what is now known as West Virginia. These people are known to us today by the general term the Mound Builders, so called for their practice of creating earthen burial mounds and other earthworks. The Mound Builders lived over a wide range from the Atlantic, the Midwest and the Ohio Valley to the Mississippi Valley. The term “mound builders” refers to several cultures that span a period of about 20 centuries.
The first group of people to develop this unique way of life were the Adena, from about 1000 B.C. to about 1 A.D. They had well-organized societies and lived in a wide area including much of present day Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and parts of Pennsylvania and New York. A later group of Mound Builders, the Hopewell, lived from about 1 A.D. to 700 A.D. and represented a greater refinement over the earlier Adena culture. Other cultures extended Mound Builders to about 1300 A.D.
The labour of many people must have been required to build these mounds since they did not use the wheel and had no horses. The large amounts of earth had to be moved by the basket-load. Perhaps for this reason, the mounds were often used more than once. We find in many mounds there are multiple burials at different levels. Over time the mounds gradually increased in size.
Most of the people were cremated after death, placed in small log tombs and covered with earth. They often were buried in the flesh and more important people were laid to rest with a variety of artifacts such as flint tools, beads, pipes and mica and copper ornaments.
Grave Creek Mound is of the late Adena Period and was built in successive stages over a period of 100 years or more. We do not know why the Adena chose to build the particular mound on such a huge scale compared with other burial mounds in the area that generally range in size from 20 to 300 feet in diameter.
A typical Adena house was built in a circular form from 15 to 45 feet in diameter. The walls consisted of paired posts tilted outward, joined to other wood to form a conical-shaped roof. The roof was covered with bark and the walls may have been bark, wickerwork or some combination. They were extensive traders as evidenced by the types of ,material found in the mounds they constructed. Copper from the western Great Lakes region and shells from the Gulf of Mexico, all attest to the range of their economic activity. In addition, the culture also practiced agriculture, hunting and fishing.
About 500 B.C., the Adena culture began slowly to give way to a more sophisticated culture, the Hopewell. Although little remains of their villages, the Adena left great monuments to mark their passing, and one of the greatest of these in the Grave Creek Mound.” by The West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History See my blog about the Adena people here:
The Grave Creek Stone was discovered in 1838 during the excavation of the Grave Creek Mound, in Moundsville, West Virginia, on the Ohio River, about 10 miles south of Wheeling. The stone, an actual photograph of which appears in Figure 1 above, was a small inscribed sandstone disk, about 1 7/8″ (4.8 cm) wide, and 1 1/2″ (3.6 cm) high. The reverse side was uninscribed.
In 1838, the mound was reported to have been 69 feet high and 295 feet in diameter at the base, making it the largest of the Adena mounds. Today the mound is preserved in the Grave Creek Mound State Park. According to the Park website, the mound is currently believed to have been built between 250 BC and 150 BC. Figure 2 below shows the mound in its present condition. Note the relative size of the cars and house.
Fig. 2
The Grave Creek Mound today Lifted from Home in West Virginia website.It is not known where the stone itself is today. In 1868 it was in the collection of E.H. Davis, of Squier and Davis fame, before most of Davis’s collection was sold to the Blackmore Museum, now part of the British Museum. Fig. 1 above, the only known photograph of the actual stone, is cropped from a photograph of items 60 – 65 of the Davis collection taken shortly before the sale. Nevertheless, the British Museum’s North American Ethnographic Collection confirms that the Grave Creek Stone is not at present in the Museum’s Squier and Davis collections (personal communication, 12/4/89). According to Barnhart (1986, p. 124n), the stone was probably in the collection of Wills de Hass at the time of his death in 1910, and may have passed from there “to parts unknown.” De Hass’s papers are preserved in a library in West Virginia, and may provide some information, or even contain the stone itself, but I have not checked this out.
The Cast and Wax ImpressionIn 1868, however, Davis made a plaster cast of the stone and deposited it in the Smithsonian Institution. In 1990, Donal Buchanan and I visited the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in order to view the cast and to check out rumors that the Smithsonian had the original. The NMNH in fact has four casts of the stone, but no original.
(C) Smithsonian Institution Fig. 3.
Cast of the Grave Creek Stone. Smithsonian Institution Photograph No. 6768
(Catalogue No. 7252) Two of the casts have catalog number NMNH 7252, one NMNH 138470, and one NMNH 325934. The darker of the two 7252s, which I call 7252 #1, is painted realistically and signed at the bottom of the front in pale white ink, “E.H. Davis W. Va.” It is shown in Figure 3 above. The white marks under the figure at the bottom are just the remnants of Davis’s signature, upside down. The second, lighter colored NMNH 7252 #2 and the two higher numbered casts appear to be derivative casts made from the above NMNH 7252 #1.
The National Anthropological Archives (MS 3146, E.H. Davis Collection) also has a wax impression of the stone that Davis made at the same time. It is unprotected and badly cracked, but confirms some details that do not show well on the cast. In particular, it clearly shows an X-shaped letter at the left end of the second line, and a lozenge- or diamond-shaped letter at the left end of the third line, that only partially “took” on the cast.
Our inspection confirmed the view of Charles Whittlesey, (1876) that the drawing by Capt. Seth Eastman, which appeared in Henry R. Schoolcraft’s 1850 Indian Tribes of the United States, was the only reliable drawing of the stone, of the six depicted by Whittlesey. Unfortunately, many of the early scholars who made serious attempts to interpret the inscription, including Rafn, Jomard, and Bing-Lvy, worked from seriously inferior copies of the stone. This may at least in part account for the total divergence of the early interpretations, as to both language and content.
Fig. 4
Photocopy of Seth Eastman drawing of Grave Creek Stone
from Henry R. Schoolcraft Indian Tribes of the United States, 1850,
by way of Barnhart (1986). (added 2/08)It should be noted that although Whittlesey (1876, p. 2) presents what he calls a “Copy of Grave Creek Stone — No. 1. by Captain Eastman, United States Army,” what he shows is not actually Eastman’s copy of the stone, but rather a redrawing of Eastman’s copy. Furthermore, his redrawing differs in two important respects from Eastman’s — First, Eastman draws the leftmost letter in the first line with its two verticals meeting at the bottom to form a “V”, whereas Whittlesey has them more nearly parallel, and distinctly open at the bottom. And second, Eastman correctly draws the leftmost letter on the third line as a lozenge or diamond that closes at its top, whereas Whittlesey draws this letter to be distinctly open at the top. In a second, 1879 article, Whittlesey includes his redrawing of Eastman again, with the somewhat misleading explanation, “I insert again the only correct copy made by Captain Eastman, United States Army, from the original in 1850, for Schoolcraft’s Indian Tribes.” Williams (1991, p. 84) also reproduces Whittlesey’s 1876 illustration, giving an 1879 article by M.C. Read as his immediate source.
A New DrawingBelow is my own attempt to draw the inscription, based on a tracing of the above photograph of the cast, supplemented by our inspection of the actual cast and wax impression.
Fig. 5.
The Grave Creek InscriptionIt is not obvious from the inscription itself whether the lines are to be read from left to right or right to left, or perhaps even back and forth or “boustrophedon.” It is not even obvious which end of the stone is the top. Many of the letters are invertible top for bottom, and two actually appear along with their own inverse. I have merely followed the universal convention of placing the figure at the bottom.
The horizontal guide lines are more shallow than the letters themselves, and are not part of the inscription. In Figure 5 below, I have eliminated them and separated the lines for clarity.
Fig. 6.
The Letters of the Grave Creek InscriptionThe principal difference between my drawing and Eastman’s is that in the D-like second letter from the right in the last line, Eastman has drawn the crossbar as a faint wavering line, which one might interpret as a stray scratch, while in fact it is straight and bold, and definitely part of the letter. I have drawn the vertical of the “D” to extend down below the crossbar to meet the loop, as Eastman did, since this appears to be what was intended. However, this continuation in fact is not very clear on either the cast or the wax impression. It is therefore not inconceivable that the vertical only extends down to the crossbar, as it appears in Whittlesey’s Copy #2, from the American Pioneer, May 1843, and Copy #3, used by Jomard.
The Early ControversyHistorian Terry Barnhart has recently published an excellent overview (1986) of the 19th century controversy over the authenticity of the Grave Creek Stone. Schoolcraft, Wills de Hass, and J.P. MacLean supported its authenticity, while E.G. Squier, Davis, and M.C. Read regarded it as a forgery. Barnhart’s most interesting observation is that in 1847, Squier had made much of the “singular omission” of any mention of the stone in Dr. James W. Clemens’ first-hand, day-by day account of the excavation, which appeared in S.G. Morton’s 1839 Crania Americana. In 1858, however, de Hass managed to produce the manuscript original of Clemens’ account, and demonstrated that Morton had merely taken it upon himself to expurgate the stone’s discovery from the published version. Dr. Clemens in fact recorded the inscribed stone on the day of its discovery.
This painting by Ken Corbett, represents Mormon with his son, Mormon traveling south on the Ohio River heading towards the Land Zarahemla in Illinois and Missouri. Near Grave Creek Mound in West Virginia, you can visualize in Mormon 1:6-7 it saying, “And it came to pass that I, being eleven years old, was carried by my father into the land southward, even to the land of Zarahemla. The whole face of the land had become covered with buildings, and the people were as numerous almost, as it were the sand of the sea.” Young Mormon is pointing to the Grave Creek mound and all the buildings around.
In 1877, the Ohio State Archaeological Society appointed a committee to study the authenticity of the stone. Committee member M.C. Read published a strong denunciation, that included a widely cited experiment to determine if the inscription was alphabetic: He asked four persons who had no training in ancient inscriptions to fabricate twenty or more arbitrary “letters” composed of straight lines and combinations of straight lines. “The result, said Read, was that ‘In every case an inscription was produced presenting as many indications of being alphabetical’ as that on the Grave Creek stone. Accordingly, Read concluded that the Grave Creek inscription was ‘just such a medley of characters as anyone would produce who undertook to invent an inscription to puzzle the curious.’” (Barnhart 1986 p. 120)
Committee member Rev. J.B. MacLean, on the other hand, published his own article in which he “did not hesitate to pronounce its authenticity as incontestable…. Regardless of who found the stone or whether it was discovered inside or outside the mound, all professed witnesses agreed it had come from the mound. To MacLean, this was the unassailable preposition.” (Barnhart 1986 p. 122)
Barnhart’s discussion stops short of the two influential articles by Charles Whittlesey, already mentioned above. The first, entitled “Archaeological Frauds,” (1876) deals at length with the Grave Creek Stone. Whittlesey ominously cites Squier’s finding that “Dr. Clemens, in his first account of the opening of the mound, makes no mention of this stone” (p. 5), but himself makes no mention of de Hass’s correction of this misconception.
Whittlesey condemns the inscription itself on the very peculiar grounds that even “If the Grave Creek find was free from suspicion as to its integrity, it has undergone so many mutations from transcribers and translators that its value to ethnologists is gone.” (1876, p. 5) Whittlesey himself had already demonstrated that most of the copies that had been made of the stone were unreliable. However, even though these inaccurate copies created considerable unfortunate confusion among scholars, they in no way altered the inscription itself or in any way lessened any ultimate value it might have to ethnologists.
It was also true that the many attempts at translation differed completely as to substance and even purported language and alphabet. However, this does not demonstrate that none of the proposed translations could be of any merit, but merely that at most one could be of any merit. Even if they all proved erroneous (which Whittlesey did not even begin to attempt to demonstrate in either of his articles), it still would not follow that there could never be a valid translation. Nor would they in any way hamper any future valid translation. In any event, the disagreement among the translations may have been more the fault of the bad copies the translators had to work with than of the inscription or of the translators themselves.
Whittlesey concludes that “The best authorities in the United States have condemned it during many years. The preponderances of proof as well as of probabilities are decidedly against it.” (1876, p. 5) The very title of his article clearly classifies it as a fraud.
In his second, 1879 article, entitled “The Grave Creek Inscribed Stone,” Whittlesey intriguingly backs off his earlier position that the stone itself is a clearcut hoax. Instead, he now merely insists that the inscription is not alphabetic: “I agree with Prof. Read that the characters on the stone, by whomsoever they were cut, are not alphabetical or phonetic. If they have any meaning and are not a mere jumble of characters they must be symbolic or picture writing. It is therefore of small consequence whether the stone is antique or modern, whether it is genuine or a fraud.” (p. 66) He concludes, “If Professor Read and myself are right in our conclusions, that the figures are neither of the Runic, Phonician, Canaanite, Hebrew, Libyan, Celtic, or any other alphabet language, its importance has been greatly overrated.” (p. 68)
After Whittlesey’s two articles the Grave Creek Stone was generally dropped from serious consideration by archaeologists, except as a textbook example of an established hoax. It was so thoroughly discredited that they even lost track of its whereabouts.
Wills de Hass was appointed to head the Smithsonian Bureau of Ethnology’s Mound Survey project, but was quickly replaced in favor of Cyrus Thomas. It is not unlikely that this had something to do with his favorable position toward the Grave Creek Stone. Thomas, on the other hand, “took a very strong, almost sarcastic, stance toward the Grave Creek Stone and Schoolcraft’s support of it.” (Williams 1991, p. 86)
The Bil Stumps ReadingA 1930 article in Science News Letter reported in all seriousness that one Andrew Price had at last “cleared up one of the greatest hoaxes in the record of American science,” by translating the Grave Creek inscription into “good old West Virginian.” (Davis 1930) According to the article, “That hoax, perpetrated by some unknown practical jokesmith, has stood triumphantly undetected for ninety odd years.” The inscription, according to Price, reads, in plain English,
BIL STUMPS STONE OCT 14 1838Price claims that this hoax was inspired by Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers, published just the year before the Grave Creek mound was opened. In Dickens’ novel, Mr. Pickwick discovers a stone bearing the following cryptic inscription: X B I L S T U M P S H I S MA R K
After Pickwick announces that he has unearthed “a curious inscription of unquestionable antiquity,” the message is ignominiously deciphered as reading
X BIL STUMPS HIS MARKA diagram accompanying the Science News Letter article indicates that Price interprets the three lines on the Grave Creek Stone as follows:
O C T-1 4-1 8 3 8Over these letters is a transcription of the inscription that is bad beyond Whittlesey’s wildest imagination. Letters are pushed together or pulled apart and lines added or ignored wherever convenient. Letters from different lines are even joined together, and in several cases letter portions are used more than once in this manner. Even this mutilated transcription must be tortured beyond endurance before it will confess to Price’s reading.
The Bil Stumps reading is an amusing spoof that has no true relation to the inscription. Even Williams (1991, p. 87) concurs in this assessment. The only hoax here was that the likes of Science News Letter fell for Price’s “solution.”
The Hough Stone
Figure 7.
The Hough Stone Photo courtesy Robert B. Miller, Jr.
[Added 8/31/00]
In 1951, Philip R. Hough purchased for $1 an inscribed stone from an assemblage of unprovenienced Indian artifacts offered for sale by a gun dealer near Steubenville, Ohio. Hough sent a rubbing of the stone to the Smithsonian. He was informed that it closely resembled the Grave Creek stone, and might either be the original or a clever copy. Hough duly reported his find and its circumstances in a note in the Tennessee Archaeologist (1952).
In 1988, Hough’s grandson Robert B. Miller, Jr., then of Richmond Va., sent a photograph of the Hough stone to the late Victor Moseley, then president of the Midwestern Epigraphic Society. Moseley passed the photo on to me, which is displayed in Figure 6 above.
A close comparison of the Hough stone to the cast shown in Figure 3 above reveals, unfortunately, that it is not the original Grave Creek Stone. Its guide lines are too straight, too evenly spaced, and too parallel. Furthermore, the vertical alignment of the letters does not match that on the cast. It is, however, definitely a deliberate modern copy of the Grave Creek stone, and not, like the Braxton Creek and Ohio County stones, a possible corroborating inscription in the same script. There is no evidence that whoever made it was attempting to pass it off as the genuine article, and Hough is to be commended for his straightforward reporting of the matter.
FellModern interest in the stone has been revived, at least among amateurs like myself, by the late Barry Fell in his 1976 book America B.C. (1976a, p. 21, ch. 11). Fell offers yet another entirely different translation of the inscription, stating that the script is Iberian and the language Punic:
The mound raised-on-high for Tasach
This tile
(His) queen caused-to-be-made.He argues that although the Iberian script was already known in 1838, the phonetic values of the letters were not completely understood until the publication of Diringer’s The Alphabet in 1968, so that if the inscription yields an intelligible translation using these values, it must be genuine.
Fell provides the details of his translation in (1976b). In this article, he generally follows Eastman’s drawing of the stone. However, it should be noted that he adds a short foot to the third letter from the left in the second line, and then reads it, together with its two neighbors, as a single letter (a Semitic shin). I see no evidence of a foot or any connection at the base apart from the guideline, which should not be taken as part of the inscription, and believe this group should instead be read as three separate letters. I have no idea how this change would alter sense of his reading.
Fell’s translation is incorporated into an exhibit about the stone in the Delf Norona Museum at the Grave Creek Mound State Park. The replica of the stone on display there is not an actual cast of the original stone, but merely an artist’s reconstruction based on Eastman’s drawing.
Humbug?The Grave Creek Stone plays the lead role in Chapter 4 of Stephen Williams’ 1991 Fantastic Archaeology, entitled “The American Humbug: They’ll Believe Almost Anything!” Williams initially has the stone first noticed by Schoolcraft five years after the excavation among some artifacts taken from the mound by its owner, Abelard Tomlinson. In his next paragraph, however, Williams indicates that Tomlinson actually exhibited the stone about two years after the excavation (p. 82). Either way, he warns, following Samuel F. Haven, that the claim that the stone came from the mound was greatly “weakened by the time that purportedly elapsed between its discovery and the announcement of the find” (p. 84). He makes no mention of de Hass’s 1858 demonstration that Clemens in fact recorded it on the day it was found. Instead, he cautions the reader that “the problem of a time delay is a common thread running through a number of Fantastic Archaeology cases” (p. 85).
Williams places great weight on Read’s experiment to determine that the inscription is not alphabetical. “Read … says: ‘It [the inscription] is precisely of such character as would be the result of an ordinary attempt to manufacture an inscription’ and that any of the laborers could have made it. Read’s well-structured and careful testing should have laid the question of the Grave Creek inscription to rest.” (p. 86)
Williams’ overall assessment of the stone, echoed in the title of his chapter, is, “Bah, humbug, Mr. Tomlinson.” (p. 87)
KelleyIn a critical review of Williams’ book, philologist David H. Kelley deals at length with Williams’ treatment of the Grave Creek Stone. Kelly is the author of Deciphering the Mayan Script, a 1976 text that was instrumental in establishing the phonetic character of the Mayan glyphs. He considers as entirely appropriate Schoolcraft’s much-ridiculed, if inconclusive, attempt to identify the alphabet of the inscription.
Kelley writes, “I have a hard time criticizing the view that the inscription is non-alphabetic, for that seems to me an obvious fantasy. I think that anyone who could not recognize that obvious fact should, ipso facto, disbar himself from any serious discussion of the problem. Williams praises an ‘experiment’ by Read to determine what geometric forms would be produced by a teacher, a schoolgirl, a druggist, and a college professor asked ‘to write down twenty or more arbitrary symbols, not resembling any characters known to them and using only straight lines.’ This rubbish is utterly irrelevant to the question of alphabets. If one can match an inscription to a specific alphabet or even to a closely related group of alphabets, it is alphabetic; otherwise, it is not. Inventing imaginary systems (by people familiar with alphabets) seems to have been a useful propaganda device, but such systems do nothing to support Read’s conclusion that any of the labourers could have invented such an inscription. ‘Bah, humbug, Mr. Read.’” (1995, p. 12)
Kelly goes on to discuss the similar Braxton Creek and Ohio County inscriptions mentioned by Fell, and concludes, “My major point, however, is not to argue that the inscriptions are, indeed, genuine, but rather that I do not find it fantastic to think that they may be. Williams’s account makes the Grave Creek inscription look like obvious humbug, but he did not know many important facts which supported Tomlinson’s account of the find, and he completely misinterpreted Schoolcraft’s comparisons…. Williams’s book …. should not be used as a bludgeon against looking at important but unusual data and trying to put such data in a genuinely appropriate archaeological context.” (pp 13-14)
SmithMost recently, Rev. C. Edward Smith, Jr. (1998) has made a detailed study of Fell’s (1976b) translation of the Grave Creek inscription. Smith argues that Fell’s interpretation of the text as Punic does not work at all, even taking his letter values as given. Personally, I couldn’t tell Punic language from Arabic, but Smith cogently maintains that Fell doesn’t seem to see the difference either, using as he does Wehr’s Arabic dictionary to read Punic. Both are Semitic languages, but they belong to different branches of the family, and are evidently quite different in many pertinent respects.
Smith attempts no evaluation of Fell’s interpretation of the letters themselves as Iberian script, nor of the authenticity of the stone. He concludes, “we simply do not know — at this point in time and history — what the Grave Creek Stone says — only what it does not say.”
ConclusionThe Grave Creek Stone is long lost. It may turn up some day, but in the meanwhile, a surviving cast, a wax impression, Eastman’s drawing, and even a fuzzy photograph of the original give us an adequate indication of its appearance. The Hough Stone is a good copy, but regrettably is not the original.
Although it was amateurishly excavated, and years later there were numerous discrepancies about the details of its discovery, by all accounts it came out of the interior of the mound. Dr. Clemens documented the inscribed stone on the day of its discovery, even though Morton cut this account from the published version of Clemens’ report. There is no particular reason to think the stone is fraudulent.
Although David Kelley regards the inscription as obviously alphabetic, there is still no solid confirmation of Barry Fell’s identification of the script as Iberian. Fell’s translation of the language as Punic has been sharply criticized by Edward Smith. Perhaps future study will establish a consensus about the alphabet, the language, and/or the message.
Barnhart, Terry A. “Curious Antiquity? The Grave Creek Controversy Revisited.” West Virginia History 1986, pp. 103-124.
Davis, Emily C. “Printer’s Knowledge of Dickens Solves Scientific Hoax,” Science News Letter 17: 234-5, 1930.
Fell, Barry. America B.C. New York Times Books, 1976a.
Fell, Barry. “The Etymology of some Ancient American Inscriptions,” Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications Vol. 3, No. 76 part 2, Sept. 1976b.
Hough, Philip R. “My Part in the Story of the Grave Creek Tablet,” Tennessee Archaeologist Vol. 8 #2, Summer 1952, pp. 47-48.
Kelley, David H. “Epigraphy and Other Fantasies,” The Review of Archaeology, vol. 15, #2 (April 19, 1995), pp. 8-14.
Smith, C. Edward, Jr. “What the Grave Creek Stone Does not Say: An Epigraphic and Philological Analysis.” PO Box 96, Colerain, OH 43916. Revised Jan. 1998, June 2006.
Whittlesey, Charles. “Archaeological Frauds,” Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society Tract No. 33, Nov. 1876, pp. 1-7.
Whittlesey, Charles. “The Grave Creek Inscribed Stone,” Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society Tract No. 44, April 1879, pp. 65-68.
Williams, Stephen. Fantastic Archaeology: The Wild Side of North American Prehistory. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.
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