Indiana is a likely location of the Narrow Neck, [Not the Narrow Neck of Land which is the Niagara Peninsula in Ether 10:20], spoken of in Alma 63:5, near the southern end of Lake Michigan, and in upper Indiana is also the possible location of Lachoneus (see 3 Nephi 3:11–13, 22–25) when he gathered his armies to prepare for a fight in the center of the land with the Lamanites. “And he caused that fortifications should be built round about them, and the strength thereof should be exceedingly great.” 3 Nephi 3:14 See map below.
An 1818 Palmyra newspaper said, “The author of this interesting and valuable work, in speaking of the antiquities of the state of Indiana that now exist near Vincennes, County of Knox, says that “On the hills, two miles east of the town, are three large mounds; and others are frequently met with on the prairies, and upland, from White River to the head of the Wabash. They are in every respect similar to those in Franklin County, already described.
The French have a tradition, that an exterminating battle was fought in the beginning of the last century, on the ground where Fort Harrison now stands, between the Indians living on the Mississippi, and those of the Wabash.[This area in present day Indiana seems to fit nicely the area of the Land Zarahemla and the Land Bountiful in the Book of Mormon]
The bone of contention was the lands lying between those rivers, which both parties claimed. There were about 1000 warriors on each side. The condition of the fight was, that the victors should possess the lands in dispute. The grandeur of the prize was peculiarly calculated to inflame the ardor of savage minds. The contest commenced about sunrise. Both parties fought desperately. The Wabash warriors came off conquerors, having seven men left alive at sunset, and their adversaries but five. The mounds are still to be seen where it is said the slain were buried.” Palmyra Register, 21 January 1818 Extract from the Western Gazeteer.
Narrow Neck Alma 63:5. The neck of land between the Great blck Swamp and the Grand Kankakee Marsh.The Wabash River is ideal as the barrier between the Land Zarahemla and the Land Bountiful in present day Indiana. Number 1 one green above is the Narrow Neck of Land and number 2 in greed is the Narrow Neck.
Top Ten Native American Indian Burial Mounds & Earthworks in Indiana
“These are the top ten Indian mounds and earthworks that can still be visited in Indiana that were constructed by the Allegewi (Adena) and Hopewell (a confederation of Sioux, Iroquois Cherokee and Allegewi). Some of the mound sites in Northern Indiana could date as early as 1500 B.C. The mounds and earthworks in the central and southern part of Indiana were constructed from 500 B.C. – 500 A.D. There are close to 100 burial mound and earthworks sites that can still survive in Indiana, of these only 2 are recognized as “Historic Sites.” One of which is, Mounds State Park that continues to be excavated and destroyed by university archaeologist. If you’re a tourist in Indiana, all of these sites are in jeopardy of being destroyed.
1. Number One Ancient Tourist Attraction in Indiana. Mounds State Park, Henge Complex in Anderson Indian
The burial mound in the center platform of the large henge marked the solstices for 2000 years before being destroyed by Indiana University archaeologists. A charge of a few dollars is required to enter Mounds State Park, but the tour of the mounds and earthworks is worth the price. Mounds State Park, despite the destruction by Indiana University archaeologists is one of the best preserved henge sites in the Ohio Valley. Mounds State Park, does not have all of the mounds and earthworks sites listed on their map. Discover the “lost” earthworks with “The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley.”
Largest Henge of the southern group at Mounds State Park. The undulations in the outer wall are symbolic of the serpent wrapped around the central circle that was symbolic of the sun. The earthwork complex was a combination of solar and Earth Mother worship. Before touring Mounds State Park, learning of the symbolism of the ancient earthworks and how they were dedicated to the Sun god and the Earth Mother will enhance your visit.
Find out the directions to Mounds State Parks “Lost Henge” This is the site, park officials don’t want you to know about.
2. Serpent Mound near Holton, Indiana
Many people have toured to the famous serpent mound in Ohio, but did you know that Indiana has a serpent mound just as large? Above, an identical serpent mound as that in Indiana was mapped in Warren County, Ohio. If you are touring southeast Indiana, the serpent mound located near Holton, Indiana is a must see!
Indiana’s Serpent Mound undulated back and forth like the previous diagram. Despite the tens of thousands of people that visit Ohio Serpent mound, Indiana does not even recognize this ancient treasure as an historic spot.
3. Henge Complex near New Castle, Indiana
Traveling to Indianapolis? This historic site is an hour’s drive. This ancient tourist treasure is not recognized as a historic site in Indiana, despite being constructed over 2000 years ago.
The photo is a burial mound (#1 on map) in the distance and a the outer wall of thesmall henge ( #2 on map). This historic treasure has had a lot of damage done by Ball State University archaeologists, who have obliterated mound Number “1. A solar alignment of the mounds occurs every equinox. City officials have moved to not allow University archaeologist to continue to destroy this potential, popular tourist attraction.
4. Iroquois, Horseshoe Shaped Fort, Near Fort Wayne
The wall of the Iroquois Fort can still be seen near Fort Wayne, Indiana. If you are a tourist in Fort Wayne, this site has not been opened to the public, yet.
Three of these horseshoe shaped fort were constructed by the early Iroquois along the Maumee from Fort Wayne to Toledo. One of Indiana’s few Native American historic sites is not recognized, nor deemed worth saving.
5. An Iroquois Circular fort near Ashley, Indiana
A circular Iroquois fortification is located near Ashley, Indiana. This potential tourist attraction is also not recognized by the State. This ancient site is on private property but could be opened as a tourist attraction in the future.
6. Henge Complex near Cambridge City, Indiana
Henge complex at Cambridge City, Indiana. The northern Henge was aligned to the summer solstice sunrise with the lower aligned to the equinox sunrise. One of Indiana’s best historical sites. If you are looking for things to do Indianapolis, this site is only an hour away, but has not been opened to the public, yet.
This Adena Henge constructed in 200 B.C. is the same size as the one in Anderson, Indiana. It is currently being plowed and slowly over time, destroyed.
7. Large Henge in Strawtown, Indiana
HengeHenge, near Strawtown was constructed by the ancient Hopewell Confederacy. This henge was constructed by the Oto Sioux Indians about 2000 year ago.
8. HengeHenge, near Yorktown, Indiana
Henge near Yorktown, Indiana on private land. The Henge site at Yorktown, Mounds State Park, New Castle and Cambridge City are all about 20 miles apart.
9. Subterranean Oval Stone enclosure near LaFountain, Indiana
The purpose of this stone subterranean enclosure remains a mystery. It is located near the 1812 Mississenewa Battle Ground, but is much older than the short Miami Indian occupation of northern Indiana.
A sacred stone bowl with a natural spring that flows into it along the Mississenwa River. This site is on public land near the subterranean stone work.
10. Winchester, Indiana Earthwork
Winchester, Indiana work that measured 1320 X 1080 feet. Only a few remnants still exist of this possible tourist attraction.
There is an extraordinary amount of evidence of ancient mounds and earthworks all over the Heartland of North America. It makes sense that the Book of Mormon indeed began in this sacred land. Elder Perry said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012.
Early Native American Indian Mound Builders in Hamilton County, Indiana
Historic map left showing the locations of burial mounds and Earthworks in Hamilton County, Indiana
Indiana Department of Geology and Natural History (Fourteenth Annual Report), 1884But Strawtown has an antiquity evidently higher than the days of the Delaware Indians. The mound builders have left their footprints in this vicinity by the numerous relics of the Stone Age that have been picked up by the present inhabitants. A little west of the present village there is a burial mound about six feet high; it has been plowed over for a number of years, so that not only its height has been reduced, but its base rendered so indistinct that its diameter can not be accurately measures; it is, however, between seventy and eighty feet. It was opened in 1882 by Judge Overman, of Tipton, and four skeletons were found lying on the original surface of the ground, with their heads together and their feet directed to the cardinal points of the compass.
This type of burial was symbolic of the mound builders Sun god. This type of burial occurs frequently with the Adena and proto Iroquois and Sioux of the Ohio Valley, whom archaeologists call the Hopewell. This is consistent with reports from the excavations of this site by IPFW archaeologists who assigned this work to the Oto Sioux. At a distance of 150 yards southeast of this mound is a circular embankment, now about three feet high, and twelve feet on the base. It has a ditch on the outside, which evidently furnished a portion of the earth for the embankment. The diameter of the circle, measured from the bottom of the ditch on each side, is 315 feet. There is a doubt as to what period this work should be referred. A tradition among the “old settlers” claims that the remains of palisades that once formed a stockade, were standing on the embankment when the early immigrants settled here. This tradition is strengthened by the fact that in 1810 a stockade was built by the Delaware Indians somewhere near this spot, as a protection against their Miami neighbors north of White River. Moreover, it was not the custom of the mound builders to make a ditch on the outside of their embankments. On the other hand, the regularity of the work, and the perfect form of the circle, is hardly compatible with the idea that this is the work of modern savages. It is possible that the circle dates back to the period of the mound builders, and that the Delawares took advantage of it to build their stockade on, and made the ditch to strengthen their palisades. The ditch was been filled, and the embankment reduced much by cultivation.
Map showing the location of the henge at Strawtown. IPFW university determined that this site was constructed by the Early Native American Oto Sioux who psrt of the Hopewell Indian mound builders.” History of Hamilton County Indiana, 1915 The Fort and Mound
“The work of the Mound Builders found in Hamilton county is not as extensive or varied in character as in other counties in our state, but nevertheless the Strawtown Mound is very interesting tot he residents of Hamilton county and in some ways is distinctive and different from mounds in general. The Strawtown Mound is situated on the Roy Castor farm in White River township in the southeast part of the northwest quarter of section 3, township 19 north, range 5 east, near the center of the section.
In 1875 the state geologist, Professor E.T. Cox, made a visit to the mounds and gave the following description of his trip: “Through the kindness of General Moss and William M. Locke, I obtained the skull and ornaments for the state collection. I was taken by General Moss and Mr. Locke to Strawtown, seven miles from Noblesville, to see some prehistoric earth works. They are now in a cultivated field owned by J.R. Parker. The corn and weeds were so thick it was impossible to make an accurate or even satisfactory examination of the works. The main work is a circle about three hundred feet in diameter, thrown up in the center, but apparently level and surrounded by a ditch that Mr. Parker says was about six feet deep when he first saw it. Fifty yards to the south of the large circle is a lesser circle about fifty feet in diameter and now almost obliterated. The site of these works is on the second bottom of White River about a quarter of a mile from the bank and thirty feet above the overflow. Between the earth enclosures and the river there is a mound which commands an extensive view up and down White River. The large enclosure is one of the very few in the Mississippi Valley that has the ditch on the outside, and it therefore is worthy of more careful study.”
Editors Note: Many mounds of the Hopewell have a moat on the inside of the large earthern walls such as the Newark Earthworks in Newark, Ohio. This Newark site seems to not be defensive in nature but built as a ceremonial earthwork with the symbolic water on the inside as you see below.
The Newark Earthworks above built between 100 A.D. to 500 A.D.,* originally encompassed more than four square miles. Taken as a whole, the earthworks appear to symbolize elements of the Plan of Salvation and Redemption: 1. Pre-Mortal Life as spirits being born with a… 2. Veil of Forgetfulness to begin mortal… 3. Earth life: “the four corners of the earth” 4. Direct path after death to a higher kingdom 5. Spirit Prison (holding area for the wicked) 6. Paradise (Gospel preached to the dead) 7. Vicarious Path with multiple check points 8. Lake of Filthy Water (worldly temptations) 9. Terrestrial Kingdom (cf. 1 Cor. 15:40) The Seal of Melchizedek consists of two interlocked (or overlapping) squares, making what appears to be an eight-pointed star within the octagon. 10. Celestial Kingdom (narrow path entered only through the realm of the Melchizedek Priesthood)
History of Hamilton County Indiana Continued, “The earthwork at Strawtown is best described as a ‘Henge’ that is defined as a circular earthwork with a outer wall and interior ditch with a gateway that is aligned to a solar event. The gateway is slightly visible on the southeast side that may have aligned to the winter solstice sunrise. Later, accurate measurements were made of the mound. It was found that the principle enclosure is situated about seven hundred feet west of the river on an elevated point of land extending in a northwesterly direction into the bend of White River. This elevated point of land overlooks a strip of low bottom land varying in width from four hundred feet on the east to three thousand feet on the west, with a similar view north and south. The principal mound is a circle with a diameter measuring two hundred eighty feet from side to side.
From this point the outer slope to the middle of the ditch surrounding it is about twenty feet, the ditch originally having been about thirty feet wide and nine feet deep, the earth and gravel therefrom forming the mound in the center. Inside the enclosure the middle area was originally, no doubt, of equal elevation with the surface outside.
There is very little doubt that the purpose of this mound was for defense, the ditch outside being designed to resist assault. From time to time various specimens of bones, pottery, flint, arrowheads, etc., have been found, though no thorough and systematic search has ever been made of the contents of the mound. In the spring of 1914 some men were plowing over that part of the field included in the ancient mound and they unearthed about two bushel baskets full of human bones. At various times in the past such discoveries had been made but this was the first disclosure of this sort for several years. The ditch surrounding the fort is becoming less and less distinct as the years go by, and though it still be plainly seen, in the course of a few more years the hand of Father Time probably will completely obliterate it.
Additional embankments can still be seen to the south of the earthwork that were not reported in the previous histories, nor found by university archaeologists.” History of Hamilton County Indiana, 1915 The Fort and Mound
By faith, Nephi obtained the plates of brass, brought Ishmael’s family from Jerusalem, subdued his brothers time and again, obtained food for his family, received revelation from the Lord, taught the Law of Moses, and following the Lord’s instructions said, “I, Nephi, did build a Temple.” 2 Nephi 5:16. Nephi is the ultimate example of faith and one who we all look to as a righteous representative of our Savior Jesus Christ. Nephi also said, “And upon the wings of His Spirit hath my body been carried away upon exceedingly high mountains. And mine eyes have beheld great things, yea, even too great for man; therefore, I was bidden that I should not write them.” 2 Nephi 4:25.
The Title “Nephi”
In Nephi’s words we feel the magnitude of the sacred relationship that Nephi shared with Jehovah, the Great I Am, whose name is vital in our understanding of Him. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “To the Lord’s covenant people, names—particularly proper names—have always been very important. Adam and Eve themselves bore names that suggested their roles here in mortality (see Moses 1:34; 4:26) and, when important covenants were made, men like Abram and Jacob took on new names that signaled a new life as well as a new identity. (See Gen. 17:5; 32:28). Because of this reverence for titles and the meanings they conveyed, the name Jehovah, sometimes transliterated as Yahweh, was virtually unspoken among that people. This was the unutterable name of Deity, that power by which oaths were sealed, battles won, miracles witnessed. Traditionally, he was identified only through a tetragrammaton, four Hebrew letters variously represented in our alphabet as IHVH, JHVH, JHWH, YHVH, YHWH.” Whom Say Ye That I Am? Jeffrey R. Holland Ensign Sept. 1974.
Written in Paleo-Hebrew and used from 1000 BC – 400 AD,represents the name “Jehovah”, or the tetragrammaton. All throughout the Old Testament, the word ‘LORD’ (all small caps), replaced the sacred name “Yahweh” as described above. “I Am” in Hebrew is “Yahweh” and “Adonai” is the Hebrew word for LORD.
“Here is an interesting note about the name Nephi. “Nephi; This is also an Egyptian name, usually given as Knephi, and transliterated into Hebrew as Nebi. It means “prophet” or one who speaks with God. The great Osiris, one of the Egyptian gods, was called Nephi or Knephi and the city in his honor was n-ph (vowels always had to be supplied). It is the city we know today as Memphis, located across the Nile from Cairo, but it is referred to by its original name of Noph (a variant of Nephi) in the writings of Hosea, Isaiah, and Jeremiah.” Treasures from the Book of Mormon by W. Cleon Skousen. See “Noph” in LDS Bible Dictionary.
“In speaking about the 13th Atotarho (or Sachem or Chief ) in the Iroquois tradition, we read also in the Book of Mormon. “And whoso should reign in [Nephi’s] stead were called by the people, ‘Second Nephi,’ ‘Third Nephi,’ and so forth…” (Jacob 1:11)
This name, Atotarho was used like a title such as King, or Sachem, or Prince, etc. Just as the name Nephi may have been used as a title. We know there are many names of Nephi in the Book of Mormon, but they may have also meant titles of Nephi 1, Nephi 2, Nephi 3, etc. Just as you see in history of the Iroquois naming many various Atotarho’s. It seems there were variations of the name of their leader or king. See the many titles below one only one page as King Tah-to-tah #1-6, on records of the St George Temple. King Tah-to-tah names #7-15 were on the next page of the temple records.
The St. George Temple record, pages 196-201 Copy by Rod Meldrum
Complete Story-Page 554 Annotated Book of Mormon
“Tadodaho was said to be a warrior and primary chief of the Onondaga people. Depending on the speaker’s dialect and the writer’s orthography, other versions of the name include Adodarhoh, Atartaho, Atotarho, Tatotarho, Thatotarho, and Watatohtahro. In the 1883 work The Iroquois Book of Rites, edited by Horatio Hale, the term Atartaho is said to signify “entangled”. Wikipedia
Delores Kahkonen-85 Cheifs Baptized
“The St. George Temple record, pages 196-201, shows proxy baptisms and confirmations for 85 Native American Chiefs that were performed on August 29th, 1877. These records were initially found by Robert Goodwin and Rod Meldrum. Then I, Delores Kahkonen of the Six Nations-Upper Cayuga, saw the records at Rod Meldrum’s conference. I recognized that they were my people and afterwards began the first additional temple work and the completion for these 85 Chieftains. I saved an endowment for Rod, Chief Canessetego, not aware of how special it was to him. Then later Rod and his wife were able to perform the proxy sealing for Chief Canessetego and his spouse in the St. George Temple. Furthermore, from 2014 to June 2024 about 11,000 [Updated today in Jan 2025 to 13,000] Native American Indian names have been submitted and with the assistance of numerous, wonderful volunteers their proxy temple work has been completed. The sacred effort of gathering the house of Israel on the other side of the veil has resulted in these Lamanites becoming a People of Zion for Heavenly Father. This incredible holy work for them continues today!” Delores Kahkonen
What was Nephi’s Path as he Escaped his Brothers?
See Nephite’s escape from his brothers in #2 above.
The Nephites loved and followed Nephi as he taught them about faith in the Lord. 2 Nephi 5 says, “And we did take our tents and whatsoever things were possible for us, and did journey in the wilderness for the space of many days. And after we had journeyed for the space of many days we did pitch our tents. [See Unicoi Gap I call Nephi’s Valley, in the map above]. And we did observe to keep the judgments, and the statutes, and the commandments of the Lord in all things, according to the law of Moses. And the Lord was with us; and we did prosper exceedingly; for we did sow seed, and we did reap again in abundance…” 2 Nephi 5
The Tools of Nephi
2 Nephi 5 continued, “And we began to raise flocks, and herds, and animals of every kind. And I, Nephi, had also brought the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass; and also the ball, or compass, [See art above]which was prepared for my father by the hand of the Lord, according to that which is written. And I, Nephi, did take the sword of Laban, and after the manner of it did make many swords, lest by any means the people who were now called Lamanites should come upon us and destroy us; for I knew their hatred towards me and my children and those who were called my people.” 2 Nephi 5:7,10-12,14. [See Nephi’s Tools picture above]. The Lord speaks of the importance of earthly tools or sacred relics when he said, “And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual.” Moses 6:63.
The tools of faith shown in this painting above by Ken Corbett, were utilized by Nephi and subsequent Prophets, and delivered to Joseph Smith in our day. The Lord said through Joseph Smith, “Behold, I say unto you, that you must rely upon my word, which if you do with full purpose of heart, you shall have a view of the plates, and also of the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim, which were given to the brother of Jared upon the mount, when he talked with the Lord face to face, and the miraculous directors which were given to Lehi while in the wilderness, on the borders of the Red Sea. And it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them, even by that faith which was had by the prophets of old.”D&C 17:1-2.
Nephi’s breastplate in this painting represents Nephi’s readiness for the protection of his people and was not necessarily the one that Joseph Smith found at Cumorah, but it may have been. The breastplate at Cumorah was possibly one of those mentioned in Mosiah 8:10, given to Mosiah by Limhi’s explorers. This Jaredite breastplate was handed down to Alma (Mosiah 28:20), and eventually to Moroni to be buried with the other tools of faith at Cumorah.
Mosiah the Second used seer stones or interpreters, to translate the twenty-four Jaredite plates (Mosiah 28:13), as his grandfather Mosiah the First interpreted the Jaredite stone record (Omni 1:20). These seer stones are represented in the painting and may have been handed down from Lehi or Nephi.
Moses and the Israelites were also blessed with similar tools of faith that physically represented spiritual things. “…The ark of the covenant overlaid roundabout with gold, wherein was the golden pot [ie liahona] that had manna, and Aaron’s rod [ie Sword] that budded, and the tables of the covenant;[Plates] And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.” Hebrews 9:4-5.
After Nephi and his people were driven into the wilderness and found a place to settle, Nephi continued to instruct and serve his people. “And I did teach my people to build buildings, and to work in all manner of wood, and of iron, and of copper, and of brass, and of steel, and of gold, and of silver, and of precious ores, which were in great abundance.And I, Nephi, did build a temple;and I did construct it after the manner of the temple of Solomon save it were not built of many precious things; for they were not to be found upon the land, wherefore, it could not be built like unto Solomon’s temple. But the manner of the construction was like unto the temple of Solomon; and the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine.” 2 Nephi 5:15-16 italics added.
Nephi wanted his temple to be like Solomon’s, not in size, but in functionality. To perform the rituals prescribed by the Law of Moses his people would need a temple parallel to Solomon’s in rooms and relics. The workmanship of the temple as Nephi stated was “exceedingly fine”, and likely required organized building plans, [See art above] using measuring rods, a line of flax, and other mathematical tools.Ezekiel 40:2-3. Nephi may have written these plans on parchment. 2 Tim. 4:13. Over 85% of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written on calf skin parchment known as vellum, so it’s easy to imagine that the Nephite culture used similar material.
Nephi may have used black inks like those found on the Dead Sea Scrolls that are made up of carbon soot mixed with olive oil, honey, or water, to thin the ink to a proper consistency for writing. In order to apply the ink to scrolls or parchment, its writers used “reed pens” by sharpening a reed straw, piece of bamboo or other wood. “In the oldest book in the Bible, in Job 19:24, there’s a reference to inscribing with an iron pin on lead. “Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book. That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever” Job 19:23-24
One of Lehi’s contemporaries was Jeremiah. “Some of Jeremiah’s prophecies were contained in the brass plates [See art above] of Laban secured by Nephi.” LDS Bible Dictionary; Jeremiah. Another contemporary of Lehi’s was the Prophet Ezekiel who prophesied from c.608-570 BC, about a messenger showing him the specific steps in building a temple. It seems possible those instructions to Ezekiel, may have been on the plates of brass or shared with Lehi. [Ezek. 47–48, the description of the latter-day temple in Jerusalem, the river running from the temple into the Dead Sea to heal it, and the building of a city “foursquare.”]. Notice in the art above that the plates have 4 rings not 3 as Jospeh Smith described the Gold Plates. We don’t know what the Brass Plates looked like but the art distinguished the various sets of plates.
The Nephites surely had tabernacles in the wilderness as Moses did to offer sacrifices, so why did the Nephites need temples? The brief account in Alma 10 about Aminadi, who interpreted the writing on the wall of the temple, which was written by the finger of God, may help us understand. It wasn’t about sacrifice, but about the revelation of higher knowledge and how to come into the presence of God, accessing knowledge from Him and becoming more like Him. The temple then was a place for the revelation of higher truths that could only be understood through wisdom given by God’s Spirit.
Lehi Builds Altar by Clark Kelley Price
The temple would be built on the highest point of the Nephite settlement. (Painting represents Lookout Mountain, TN above Moccasin Bend on the Tennessee River). It would be facing directly east symbolic of The Savior’s coming. It was to be built like Solomon’s. The altars of the temple were made of stacked stone, not hewn stone. “The word in Exodus 20:25 which is translated as ‘tool’ is the Hebrew חרב which most literally means ‘sword’. There explains that a sword is designed to shorten life, while an altar is designed to lengthen life by being used to achieve atonement. It makes sense, therefore, that one should not be used in the formation of the other.” Rashi, Medieval French Rabbi.
Angel Mound Indiana. Mortar applied to the wood structure for strength.In reference to Solomon’s Temple, the LDS Bible Dictionary says; “The temple walls were composed of hewn stone made ready at the quarry. The roof was of cedar and the walls were paneled with it. The cedar was carved with figures (cherubim, palm trees, and flowers) and was overlaid with gold fitted to the carving. All the materials for the house were prepared before they were brought to the site… There were two temple courts. The inner court was surrounded by a wall consisting of three rows of hewn stone and a row of cedar beams.” 1 Kgs. 6:36. “And Solomon’s builders and Hiram’s builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house.” 1 Kings 5:18. “Pillars of Solomon’s temple (1 Kgs. 7:21; 2 Chr. 3:17); the names denote “He will establish” [Jachin] and “In Him is strength” [Boaz]. The pillars, which stood on the south and north sides of the porch, were probably ornamental and not intended to support any part of the weight of the building.” LDS Bible Dictionary.
Angel Mounds, Indiana. Wood structures covered in mortar for strength.
The outside of the temple may have been finished with a mortar cement made out of limestone [See above] which was prevalent in the Promised Land. We also find mention of cement houses in the Book of Mormon. Heleman 3:7. “Lime mortar is a type of mortar composed of lime and an aggregate such as sand, mixed with water. It is one of the oldest known types of mortar, dating back to the 4th century BC and widely used in Ancient Rome and Greece.” Lucas, A. 2003 Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. After processing, products derived from limestone have the unique ability to return fairly quickly to their original chemical form. We use mortar today on LDS temples as you see below.
President Gordon B. Hinckley applies mortar to the coverstone at the Nauvoo LDS Temple June 27th, 2002. Allred/photo (Submission date: 06/27/2002)
Nephi’s building of the temple was to bless the lives of his people. Elder Maxwell explained the significance of temple worship in our day when he said, “The real act of personal sacrifice is not now nor ever has been placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal that is in us upon the altar—then willingly watching it be consumed! Such is the ‘sacrifice unto [the Lord of] a broken heart and a contrite spirit.’ (3 Nephi 9:20).” Neal A Maxwell, Meek and Lowly 1987.
Joseph Smith during Zion’s Camp, stopped some men from killing rattlesnakes and then said, “…Let man first get rid of his destructive propensities and then we may look for a change in the serpents’ disposition.” The Prophet Joseph Smith also taught us about faith and sacrifice saying, “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation; for, from the first existence of man, the faith necessary unto the enjoyment of life and salvation never could be obtained without the sacrifice of all earthly things.” Joseph Smith Jr. Lectures on Faith.
President Ezra Taft Benson succinctly restated the message of Abraham 3:25 when he said: “The great test of life is obedience to God… We are not here to test or “prove” God, but to be tested and proved ourselves. We are on trial, not God.” Ensign, May 1988.
Nephi ordained his brother Jacob and others to teach in the temple. Jacob 1:17. Nephi knew his people needed the greater light that a temple would provide. Nephi’s faith is a great example to us all of passing this important test of life, and the building of the first Nephite temple was a sign to all, of his devotion to the Great Jehovah.
Banner Upon the High Mountain
2 Nephi 23:11-2 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. See also Isaiah 13
Elder Oaks said, “What if the day of His coming were tomorrow? If we knew that we would meet the Lord tomorrow—through our premature death or through His unexpected coming—what would we do today? What confessions would we make? What practices would we discontinue? What accounts would we settle? What forgivenesses would we extend? What testimonies would we bear?
If we would do those things then, why not now? Why not seek peace while peace can be obtained?
Evil that used to be localized and covered like a boil is now legalized and paraded like a banner.The most fundamental roots and bulwarks (protective walls) of civilization are questioned or attacked. Nations disavow their religious heritage. Marriage and family responsibilities are discarded as impediments to personal indulgence. The movies and magazines and television that shape our attitudes are filled with stories or images that portray the children of God as predatory beasts or, at best, as trivial creations pursuing little more than personal pleasure. And too many of us accept this as entertainment.
The good, the true, and the beautiful are being replaced by the no-good, the “whatever,” and the valueless fodder of personal whim. Not surprisingly, many are caught up in pornography, pagan piercing of body parts, self-serving pleasure pursuits, dishonest behavior, revealing attire, foul language, and degrading sexual indulgence.
All of this is grievous in the sight of our Heavenly Father, who loves all of His children and forbids every practice that keeps any from returning to His presence.
What is the state of our personal preparation for eternal life? The people of God have always been people of covenant, including the sacred promises we made in the waters of baptism, in receiving the holy priesthood, and in the temples of God. Are we promisers who do not fulfill and believers who do not perform?
Are we following the Lord’s command, “Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly”? (D&C 87:8).” How to Prepare for the Second Coming By Elder Dallin H. Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles April 2004
Nephi’s Temple was needed then and we need the signs, symbols and strength moreso today. Lehi likely built an altar in Florida when the Nephites landed, and we have spoken about the first Nephite temple likely near Chattanooga, TN. In the Book of Mormon the second temple was bult likely near Montrose Iowa or Nauvoo Illinois and the third temple most likely was in Ohio near Newark or Kirtland. Yes the Nephtes had temples in the Promised Land of the Unites States area.
“Now is the time for each of us to arise and unfurl a banner to the world calling for a return to virtue. May we so live that we can be instruments in preparing the earth for His Second Coming, “that when he shall appear we shall be like him, … purified even as he is pure.” In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” A Return to Virtue Elaine S. Dalton 2008 Young Women General President
“As you remember, almost one year ago our presidency climbed a mountain and unfurled a gold banner calling for “a return to virtue.” We called for young women and women across the world to arise and shine forth as a standard to the nations (see D&C 115:5). As a result, the value of virtue has been added to the Young Women theme and to Personal Progress so that it may be “written in [your] hearts” (Romans 2:15).” Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord Elaine S. Dalton 2009 Young Women General President
A Banner on the Hill Cumorah in 1923
“Because the Church was still several years away from purchasing the entire Hill Cumorah, conference organizers secured special permission from non–Latter-day Saint Pliny T. Sexton, owner and proprietor of the hill and surrounding farmland, to hold ceremonies on his property.87 The missionaries and members made their way, flags in hand, to the top of the hill while the sun peeked over the eastern horizon. When everyone summited, the appointed “Flag Sergeants” erected America’s national banner. They also raised a unique “Cumorah—Ramah” [See picture below] flag specially designed for the occasion—bisected into two colors, the blue “Cumorah” side bore the hill’s name “as it was known by the Nephites” in bright gold letters. The purple “Ramah” side similarly bore the ancient name of the hill in gold, as it “was known to the Jaredites—the people who first possessed the land.88″ Pilgrimage to Palmyra: President B. H. Roberts and the Eastern States Mission’s 1923 Commemoration of Cumorah Author Reid L. Neilson and Carson V. Teuscher
87. See David F. Boone, “‘A Man Raised Up’: The Role of Willard W. Bean in the Acquisition of the Hill Cumorah,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 13, nos. 1–2 (2004): 24–37, 168–69.
(88. Smith, “Minutes—the First General Conference of the Eastern States Mission,” 3; and “Palmyra Scene Re-Enacted,” 1. 89)
This example of a Nephite Temple built in North America seems very realistic as you each study and ponder about these things. Knowing the exact location of Nephi’s first Temple will not matter in the big picture, but didn’t Moroni say we may know the truth of all things?. I strongly believe the tools and symbols of thie Nephite Temple are the saime today in our faith and symbolic worship practice in today’s Temples as they dot the earth. In conclusion, may we sacrifice as Elder Mazwell said, “The real act of personal sacrifice is not now nor ever has been placing an animal on the altar. Instead, it is a willingness to put the animal that is in us upon the altar—then willingly watching it be consumed!
The Deseret Book embroidery kit (Main Picture) shows the sun behind Sugarloaf Mountain and the word Christ situated directly above Mount Logan! It is a symbolic second-leg chiasmus of this site and it invites the youth to be introduced to the imagery in preparation of even greater things!” Anthony George Researcher and Long-Time Resident of Ohio
Chillicothe, OH
The State of Ohio contains a larger number of prehistoric remnants than any other equivalent area in the Mississippi valley. Some have estimated the number of mounds at 10,000 and the enclosures, villages, and caches at around 1,500, making the total number of earthworks in Ohio more than 11,000. Ohio is likely the place the Savior visited the Nephites, spoken of in the Book of Mormon.
“The Great Seal of the State of Ohio, a vision impressed on the founding fathers of Ohio as they were gathered at an all night celebration regarding the newly acquired statehood. The story tells of the excitement at the event as being feverish. The women were gathered on the frontier for the social event of the decade at Adena (Hebraic for Eden or paradise. Also the namesake of the large mound just below the hill which was the namesake of the Adena people) estate, the manor house of of our first senator, Thomas Worthington. The men were giddy and engaged in planning the tasks ahead of them regarding the new government.
Mound City Group, Ohio
Ohio was the first state carved out of the Northwest Territory. Worthington’s estate was significant. The home (designed by Latrobe, the same architect who planned the central portion of the US capitol building) overlooked the Scioto Valley with a backdrop of 7 noteworthy hills to the east and Chillicothe immediately to the south. The land in that valley was part of Worthington’s holdings and included Dunlap Earthworks, Mound City, Shriver Circle, several other circles and mounds. The opposite side of the river included the Ginther mound and ancient village site, the Gartner site, Cedar Bank which is of the exact dimensions of Solomon’s temple, Hopeton Earthworks, and dozens of other mounds. Anyway, back to the celebration…. as the night continued, the attendees were invited to step-out for fresh air. As they did, they walked to the edge of the hill where the house was at and beheld the valley with all I described before them.
The timing was perfect. The sun was just rising in the east over those seven hills. The gathering sensed the moment and realized the spiritual symbolism. The dawning of a new era was being heralded. The Shawnee (who were still allowed at that time in the area for passage, hunting and salt gathering) were asked to leave the area in 1795 and move to Indian(a) Territory. The new stewards of the land were represented by that gathering who witnessed the sunrise. The scene was so impressive that the visage ultimately became the seal for all official state documents for Ohio.
The sun rising in the east, proclaiming a new era, and providing a clue to what was about to happen in Ohio some thirty years later is noteworthy.
The hills depicted on the Great Seal (interesting that we call it a ‘great’ seal) include Sugarloaf to the north and Mount Logan to the south. To these hills many of the ancient earthworks align, even from very far distances. Mound 7 in Mound City is an exact replication of Sugarloaf. Mound 3 is an exact replication of Mount Logan.
The many other details are left out here for the interest of time. Suffice it to say something extremely significant happened here 2000 years ago with these hills and valley being the centerpiece of great attention.
We have spoken a lot about DNA Haplogroup X found in the Great Lakes of North America among the Algonquian and Iroquois nations which matches the Hebrew DNA found in Turkey and Israel. For the past 14 years or more Rod Meldrum has discussed this North American DNA at length.
After many years of study and research I was just made aware of this exciting information on April 17th, 2024 from Betty Red Ant, my wonderful Navajo friend, who had received the link from a heartlander named Thomas Mitchell.
This research was done in 1998 about additional evidence of Haplogroup X among many other Native American Tribes. I asked Rod about this and he said he had already read about it many years ago. I said, “This is HUGE, why haven’t you told me about this before?” He said, “I don’t know” Well I am going to explain how significant this new awareness is about the Hebrew connections between many Native Americans in North America and the anciien Hebrews of the Old World.
The Book of Mormon is an Historical Record.
Rod Meldrum said, “Having a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and knowing it is true, leaves little doubt that the Book of Mormon is an historical record. Its words are a foundational pillar upon which much of the gospel rests. Its truths are fundamental to our belief in the prophet Joseph Smith and the commencement of the restoration of the gospel. It is not possible that the Book of Mormon could be spiritually true and historically false.
Knowing the book to be spiritually true, its historical account must also be true. Since it is an historical record, then naturally there should be evidences that support it. How are such evidences found? There must be a starting point: a method that begins from a solid foundation of truth upon which to build further understanding that will withstand the tempests and storms of challenge. This DNA section is only one of the many areas of exploration and research that is beginning to unfold the strength of the claims of the Book of Mormon as an historical text.” Rod Meldrum Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA (Download his complete 180 page book in PDF here)
President Hinckley 2002 Olympics DNA Question
Rod continues, “In Winter of 2002, prior to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, a German television reporter had a chance to interview LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley. Previous to this interview, as DNA research was in its infancy, it was shown by DNA results that the people of South and Central America had Asian DNA, not Hebrew. Because of this many in the world were pointing fingers at the Church for lack of evidence of DNA that was Hebrew in Mesoamerica.
Well off course, if the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica, then there would not be any DNA evidence for Hebrew DNA. But the events of the Book of Mormon did happen in North America and there is evidence that Hebrew DNA is present in the Great Lakes area, that is consistent with DNA found in Israel, Turkey and other parts of west Eurasia.
I quote from this interview by the German reporter:
“German Reporter: Now, Mr. President, one of…one question which is a little bit complicated for me to understand, but I heard it and one colleague asked me to ask it. What will be your position when DNA analysis will show that in the history never have been an immigration from Israel to the north…to north America? It could be that the scientists will find out…
President Hinckley: Well, it hasn’t happened. That hasn’t been determined yet. All I can say is that’s speculated. No one really knows the answer to that, not at this point.”
Well, in 2002 DNA had not been determined yet, as the Prophet said. But shortly later we found and continue to find remarkable evidence of Hebrew DNA in North America. The Lord is sharing this wonderful news.”
We have spoken with some Dine’ (Navajo), who share oral traditions speaking of their Hebrew ancestors or Lamanites migrating from Alabama, and Tennesse west to New Mexico and other parts of the western United States as a distinct probability.
Navajo, Sioux, Yakima Haplogroup X- Wow!
On April 18, 2024 I gave a presentation at our Firm Foundation Conference called, “Jaredites Land in America from the Pacific-Ether 2 Explained.” I spoke about the Jaredites landing near Seattle, Washington. I believe there is strong evidence about this you can view my 60 slides and a complete podcast HERE
As I study and now read about the Navajo, Yakima and Nuu-Chah-Nulth and Sioux tribes of Northwest North America I get excited. Could the Hebrew Haplogroup X be found among the Jaredites as well as from the Lehites?
Remember the Brother of Jared had the lineage of Noah and his three sons, Ham, Shem and Japeth. Those Jaredites who arrived as I surmise in Seattle, WA area, likely came from a large descendanccy of Shem (the Priesthood Lineage after the flood), who descended from Peleg, and then Eber (Hebrew), who were the fathers of Abraham in the Old World. Abraham of course was a Hebrew through Eber, as was Joseph of Egypt and Judah through the lineage of Israel. Lehi was a direct descendant of Manasseh through Joseph. This lineage of both the Jaredites and the Lehites would likely be found many places in the Promised Land of North America. The Nephites and Lamanites beginning in Florida, and the Jaredites beginning in Washington State. See Map Above.
I am confident that our father Adam’s original DNA should be found with Noah, Shem, Abraham, and the Tribes of Israel. It would be obvious then, that Hebrew (Eber) blood would have the same markers as the Jaredites Moses, David, and Christ We are just now exploring this information. If this is shown to be true, we could find Haplogroup X in those people from Shem and Eber, and Abraham who may be all over the American Continent, from Alaska, Canada, USA, Messoamerica, and South America. This is fascinating.
From Seattle WA, I am proposing the main group of Jaredites (Called Shem before the flood and Hebrew found after the flood) could likely travel East along the Columbia, Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio Rivers, to end up in upstate New York. It seems the Jaredites who also had the blood of Japeth, this group may have gone north into Canada and some may have traveled south into the western USA as well. The Jaredites who a portion were descendants of Ham possibly traveled south from Seattle into Mexico and South America. Remeber the Olmecs of Central America resemble the race of Ham as described in Wikepedia.“The Olmecs (/ˈɒlmɛks, ˈoʊl-/) or Olmec were the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilization, flourishing in the modern-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco from roughly 1200 to 400 BCE during Mesoamerica’s formative period.”
Both civilizations of the Jaredites and Nephites ended at the exact same place, called Ramah by the Jaredites and Cumorah by the Nephites.(Ether 15:11)This DNA evidence of the Navajo and Sioux, has huge possibilities which I am just now exploring.
We are finding the Lamanites or Haplogroup X blood which scientifically is found in the Great Lakes (and in Israel) can be linked to Haplogroup X also found on the west coast of North America with the Ojibway, Navajo and Yakima, and with Kennewick man from Kennewick Washington. An admixture of all these tribes is intriguing and a totally new focus for us.
As you read the condensed version of the article below, just ponder about this exciting new information that is being shared today as the Lord says, “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.” D&C 121:33. This is exciting.
mtDNA Haplogroup X: An Ancient Link between Europe/Western Asia and North America?
“Our analysis confirmed that haplogroup X is present in both modern Native American and European populations. For the Native Americans, this haplogroupencompasses ∼25% of the Ojibwa, 15% of the Sioux, 11%–13% of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, 7% of the Navajo, and 5% of the Yakima . Thus, with the exception (see below) of the Na-Dene–speaking Navajo, the distribution of this haplogroup among the Native Americans appears to be restricted to northern Amerindian populations… Since haplogroup X appears to be a pre-Columbian, founding Native American mtDNA lineage, the question remains: Where did this haplogroup originate? Thus far, haplogroup X has not been detected in numerous Asian/Siberian populations…
Its presence in the Navajo but not in other Na-Dene populations suggests that, in a manner similar to that characterizing some nuclear-gene markers (Schell and Blumberg 1988), the Navajo have acquired haplogroup X through admixture with northern Amerindian populations. This could have occurred during or after the recent migration (1,000 years ago) that brought the ancestors of the Navajo from the Athapaskan homeland (Alaska and western Canada) to the southwestern United States (Haskell 1987). An Amerindian origin of the Navajo haplogroup X mtDNAs is also supported by the fact that the Navajo sequences are very similar, if not identical, to those observed in some Ojibwa (fig. 1). Also, the homogeneity of the Navajo sequences (table 1 and fig. 1) suggests that the Navajo acquired haplogroup X very recently…
Then it is possible that this mtDNA was brought to Beringia/America by the eastward migration of an ancestral Caucasian population, of which no trace has so far been found in the mtDNA gene pool of modern Siberian/eastern Asian populations… Haplogroup X is remarkable in that it has not been found in Asians, including Siberians, suggesting that it may have come to the Americas via a Eurasian migration. ..”
[Editors Note: National Geographic also has a very good article about West Eurasians (Israel) with the same Haplogroup X DNA as the Native Americans near the Great Lakes HERE!
The Christmas season is such a wondrous time for reflection, giving thanks, and counting the many blessings we have enjoyed throughout the year. May we remember, especially during this Christmas season, the significance of the Son of God coming to earth to redeem mankind from our mistakes and sin.
Here is a wonderful story you may not have heard before. From Firm Foundation we pray the Spirit of the Lord is with you and your family, during this wonderful Christmas Season.
Who Were the Shepherds in the Christmas Story?
by Rod L. Meldrum
“As we approach this sacred season of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, may we reflect on the miracle and blessing He was and is. As I’ve pondered on His holy birth, and the circumstances around it, I am reminded again of how the Lord goes about His mighty works.
The Holy Son of the most glorified and powerful eternal being, our Father in Heaven, was not provided with a wondrous palace, security, wealth and privilege befitting his status as God’s first born Son, but rather He showed his everlasting power through the simple, the meek, the lowly and the weak things of this world. His sacred Son wasn’t born amid the tumult and praise of the political, secular or religious superiors of his day, but in obscurity, vulnerability and to parents who were powerless because of their circumstances to provide much more than the most basic necessities of life at His birth.
I am reminded of how the Jews were anticipating a mighty king who was prophesied to deliver them. They presumed that God’s Son would enter this world provided with what men supposed would be needed to carry out this deliverance. Why would they not expect their deliverer to be born to parents who could provide a world-class education, money sufficient to procure status, authority and prestige so that other men would know of His leadership and knowledge and thus follow Him?
Instead His Holy Child was born in a stable and lovingly laid in a manger of hay by honest, hard-working parents of common status among the Jewish throngs. Indeed, His pre-mortal status was hidden and utterly concealed from the world. How ashamed many Jews must have felt when they realized they had been looking for the wrong identifying features of this humble Son of God sent to deliver them.
In like manner some have supposed that the Nephite civilization of the Book of Mormon should be identified by grand features and majestic ruins, signs of an overpowering and influential people that the world can look to because of their triumphant accomplishments. Yet the Book of Mormon speaks of a humble people who obeyed the Laws of Moses, dressed in inconspicuous clothing, and built homes and temples and cities of wood. It was the unrighteous that built large and spacious palaces to demonstrate their own greatness. In contrast to impressive structures, the righteous Nephites seemed to follow the Lord’s ways in putting people as a higher priority than power; of salvation over worldly possessions.
May we, as followers of Christ, strive to emulate and understand the true power of God’s example of His Son by humbly submitting ourselves and meekly seeking His will, realizing our weaknesses and asking for his grace to attend us. This is, I believe, a most wonderful way to celebrate His birth.
WHO WERE THE SHEPHERDS IN THE CHRISTMAS STORY? The Christmas story as taken from Luke 2:8-20:
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.”
Most of us are very familiar with this passage, as reading it is a Christmas Eve tradition for many families. But who were the shepherds? Why were these men privileged to have angels appear to them? Was there any significance to these shepherds other than being humble keepers of sheep? Did the angels announce the birth of the Savior throughout the land, but this was the only account that was recorded in scripture? Or was there a greater purpose to the angelic revelation specific to these shepherds?
The Christmas story takes on added meaning when we consider that the shepherds who were abiding by their flocks in the fields were perhaps watching over temple sheep, sheep that were being bred and protected to be sacrificed at the temple in Jerusalem. The noted information relies heavily on the research of Cooper P. Abrams III in his article Where was the Birth Place of the Lord Jesus?
These shepherds may have been men who were accustomed to preparing lambs which symbolically represented the Messiah in their cleanliness, perfection, and their sacrifice on the altar of the temple. This gives added depth of meaning, if true, to these scriptures which tell of the angels who came to these shepherds to proclaim the birth of the Lamb of God, the Savior of mankind, who would offer the last and ultimate sacrifice.
A tower similar to what Migdal Eder might have looked like
But there are more interesting details. The place where the angels appeared to the shepherds is traditionally known as the Tower of the Flock, or Migdal Edar, which is very near Bethlehem. One commentator notes: “This watch tower from ancient times was used by the shepherds for protection from their enemies and wild beasts. It was the place ewes were brought to give birth to the lambs. In this sheltered building/cave the priests would bring in the ewes which were about to lamb for protection. These special lambs came from a unique flock which were designated for sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem.”
According to Edersheim in The Life And Times Of Jesus The Messiah, in Book 2, Chapter 6, it states, “This Migdal Edar was not the watchtower for the ordinary flocks that pastured on the barren sheep ground beyond Bethlehem, but it lay close to the town, on the road to Jerusalem. A passage from the Mishnah (Shekelim 7:4) leads to the conclusion that the flocks which pastured there were destined for Temple sacrifices.“
What are we to make of all of this information from the writings of the rabbis? First, we know that Migdal Edar was the watchtower that guarded the Temple flocks that were being raised to serve as sacrificial animals in the Temple. These were not just any flock. The shepherds who kept them were men who were specifically trained for this royal task. They were educated in what an animal, that was to be sacrificed, had to be and it was their job to make sure that none of the animals were hurt, damaged, or blemished.These lambs were apparently wrapped in swaddling cloths to protect them from injury which, of course, was also used to wrap the Christ Child.
Thus, with the establishment of Temple worship in Jerusalem, the fields outside of Bethlehem became the place where a special group of shepherds raised the lambs that were sacrificed in the Temple. Being themselves under special Rabbinical care, they would strictly maintain a ceremonially clean stable for a birthing place. The Tower of the Flock was used for birthing ewes, and the surrounding fields were where these shepherds grazed their flocks. These shepherds customarily kept their flocks outdoors twenty-four hours a day every day of the year, but brought the ewes in to deliver their lambs where they could be gently cared for. It was to this place that Joseph took Mary. It was in this special stable at “Migdal Edar” that Christ may have been born!
TOWER OF THE FLOCK There’s an obscure prophecy about the birth of Jesus that’s not just about the town of Bethlehem, it nails down Messiah’s birth to the square foot. You might not have heard this before, but it’s in the book of Micah. “And you, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, even the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.” – Micah 4:8 It’s a prophecy that the Messiah would be born not only in Bethlehem, but in the “Tower of the Flock.” So, what is that?More information here:
Luke 2:8-18 records that there were shepherds in the fields keeping watch over their sheep by night. Who then were these shepherds? Without question these were shepherds who resided near Bethlehem. They were none other than the shepherds from “Migdal Edar” who were well aware that the Targum (translations of the Hebrew Bible or portions of it into the Aramaic language. Thus the Targums were designed to meet the needs of unlearned Jews to whom the Hebrew of the Old Testament was unintelligible), hinted and many of the rabbis taught, that the Messiah might well be announced from “Migdal Edar” at Bethlehem. The angels only told the shepherds that they would find the Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. There was no need for the angels to give these shepherds directions to the birth place because they already knew. These were the men who raised sacrificial lambs that were sacrificed in the Temple. When the angelic announcement came, they knew exactly where to go, as Luke 2 indicates, for the sign of a manger could only mean their manger at the tower of the flock! You cannot explain the meaning or direction of the sign they were given or their response unless you have the right manger and the right shepherds!
Prophetically, Migdal Edar is the exact place in Bethlehem for Christ to be born. Micah was God’s prophet who was warning Israel of the coming captivity. He used the authenticating prophecy of the Assyrian captivity of the Northern Kingdom (soon to occur when he foretold it), to serve as a reminder to Israel of God’s promised Kingdom. God wanted them to know that even though they would be taken from their land because of their disobedience that He would restore them in time. Micah 4:7 establishes the context of the passage and clearly is a Messianic prophecy of the coming of the Millennial Kingdom when Jesus Christ will reign over Jerusalem forever. The… LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. In other words God was assuring Israel that He would fulfill His promises to them of the Kingdom. In Micah 4:8 the word is rendered “tower of the flock” (marg., “Edar”), and is used as a designation of Bethlehem, which figuratively represents the royal line of David as sprung from Bethlehem.
In this setting, Micah (Micah 4:8) uses the prophecy of the Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom as a pledge to guarantee (authenticating prophecy) of the birth of Christ at Migdal Edar at Bethlehem, which is exactly where it took place! Micah prophesied that as surely as Assyrians would soon carry away Israel in the North, so the Messiah would come and establish His kingdom, the “first dominion, the kingdom shall come to Jerusalem.” The verse states that as surely as Babylon would carry away the Judah, in the South, into captivity, so the Messiah would arrive at the Tower of the Flock. This prophecy was but one other evidence that later proved that Jesus was the Messiah, but one that Israel ignored in rejecting Him as their Messiah.
Typically, “Migdal Edar”, (the tower of the flock) at Bethlehem is the perfect place for Christ to be born. He was born in the very birthplace where tens of thousands of lambs, which had been sacrificed to prefigure Him. God promised it, pictured it and performed it at “Migdal Edar”. It all fits together, for that’s the place where sacrificial lambs were born! Jesus may not have been born, as has often been assumed, behind an inn, in a smelly stable, where the donkeys of travelers and other animals were kept. He was most likely born in Bethlehem, at the birthing place of the sacrificial lambs that were offered in the Temple in Jerusalem which Micah 4:8calls the tower of the flock.
John the Baptist in John 1:29 proclaimed of Jesus, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Jesus is presented in the Bible as being likened to a sacrificial lamb. It was not by chance but by choice that Christ identified His death with the time of the observance of the Passover. Peter spoke of our redemption as wrought by the “precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” ( 1 Pet. 1:19); and Paul told us that “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us” ( 1 Cor. 5:7). Even the first fulfilled type by which Christ is to be revealed in Heaven is as the Lamb (Rev. 5:6-13) Over 33 references in the Book of Mormon speak of Christ as the “Lamb of God” and as such the significance of this sacred prophesied birthplace on the outskirts of Bethlehem takes on new meaning.”
Enjoy the Christmas Holiday!
Rod L. Meldrum President, The FIRM Foundation
Tower of the Flock
“Jesus was not born behind an inn, in a smelly stable where the donkeys of travelers and other animals were kept. He was born in Bethlehem, at the birthing place of the sacrificial lambs that were offered in the Temple in Jerusalem which Micah 4:8 calls the “tower of the flock.” Where was the Birth Place of the Lord Jesus? by Cooper P Abrams III
The Tower of the Flock or Migdal Eder, Bethlehem — an early twentieth-century photograph
Natural limestone cave (above and below ground) where shepherds take shelter with their flocks at night.
The Polynesian Saints are characterized by a tremendous faith. Why do they have this great faith? It is because these people are of the blood of Israel. They are heirs to the promises of the Book of Mormon. God is now awakening them to their great destiny. As Latter-day Saints we have always believed that the Polynesians are descendants of Lehi and blood relatives of the American Indians, despite the contrary theories of other men.” Peterson, Mark E., General Conference, April 1962.
Depiction of the Maori arriving in their waka
“I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is no perhaps about it!” Joseph F. Smit.h As written in Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,”
Pres. Bromley Mission to the Maori’s 1881
I have done previsous blogs about the Polynesians and the people of Hagoth A few weeks ago my sister Lori was reading the article and she noticed something familiar in my article. She saw the name W.M. Bromley as a missionary among the Maori’s and she knew our grandfather’s name was Clyde Bromley Nelson. She put two and two together and found out that my sister and I are related to William Bromley as he is our 2nd Great Grandfather. I’m sure many of you have felt a leap of joy when you find something new about one of your ansestors and my heart also leaped a little.
This blog is about the first Maori members and about William Michael Bromley as he served as the first Mission President in New Zealand sent by Pres Joseph F. Smith in 1881. I served a mission in Fiji and Kirabati and because of my great love for the Polynesians this story was even more interesting. I think you will all enjoy it as well.
You will also read of the miracles that happened for the Maori’s as they knew without a doubt that our Church was the only true one as they had visions from their Kings.
1882–84 • New Zealand Missionaries focused their efforts on preaching among the Māori, resulting in hundreds of converts, many of whom saw Latter-day Saint missionaries as the fulfillment of Māori prophecies.Maori Traditions and the Mormon Church
by R. Lanier Britsch
Latter-day Saint missionary work did not begin in New Zealand until 1854, and even then progress was slow. Because of difficult conditions for the Church in Utah, the mission in New Zealand was an on-again, off-again operation until the late 1870s. By that time several branches of the Church had been established among the European part of the population. But little had been done by our missionaries to attract the native people, the Maoris, to the Church.
Most Maoris had been converted to Protestant and Roman Catholic Christianity by the 1850s; but because they believed they had been cheated in land deals by the whites, whom they called pakehas, the Maoris made war on the pakehas. These wars lasted from the late 1850s until the 1870s. When the wars ended, the time seemed to be right to take the restored gospel to this outstanding part of the Polynesian race.
When William Bromley was called as New Zealand mission president in 1881, President Joseph F. Smith told him that the time was right to take the gospel to the Maoris. The first successes among them came in 1883, but once the Maoris and the Mormons got together, Maori converts flocked into the Church.
William Michael Bromley
By the end of 1884 the missionaries had firmly established the restored gospel among the Maori people. The next several years were very satisfying to most of the elders and sister missionaries (several couples were sent to New Zealand beginning in 1885). In August 1885, there were 16 Maori and 4 pakeha branches of the Church, and this number continued to grow steadily for the next 15 years. At the close of 1887, there were 2,573 Latter-day Saints, and by the turn of the century there were nearly four thousand members of the Church in New Zealand. Most of the Maori tribes, including large numbers in the north, around Whangarei and the Bay of Islands, had been introduced to the gospel. In 1901 there were 79 branches. Clearly, since the early years in Hawaii, the Church had not enjoyed so much success with a Polynesian people.
Why did the LDS Church appeal to the Maoris?On the surface the Maoris seem very little different from their Polynesian brothers and sisters elsewhere in the Pacific. But even though Polynesians of all island groups have taken well to the restored gospel, the Maoris appear to have been prepared in special ways for the coming of the Mormon missionaries.
In pre-Christian times the Maoris had a well-developed form of religion. Tohungas, or priests, supervised worship and all else that was involved in this primitive religious system. Sometimes these men took roles similar to the shamans of northeast Asia. They became mediums for the atua, gods, whom they served. In these roles, according to Eric Schwimmer, the tohungas would give oracles, cure diseases, and admonish their people.1 After the establishment of Christianity, however, some old tohungas continued to carry on their former practices but now claimed to receive their revelations from a different source. In other instances family patriarchs, village elders, and chiefs acted as prophets and were “regarded with feelings of reverence and were credited with possessing supernatural powers.”2No fewer than five such men made prophecies concerning the coming to New Zealand of the true church. As a result of such prophetic utterances, a number of Maoris ultimately joined the Church.
Each instance of prophecy is of great interest to Latter-day Saints. Two of these can serve as examples. In 1830, the year the Church was organized, an aged patriarch named Arama Toiroa, who lived in the area of Mahia, gathered his children, grandchildren, and relatives together and gave them some advice. (At that time most of his descendants had joined the Church of England.) His people, who considered him a seer, listened carefully to what he said:
LDS Maori visits
“‘My dear friends, you must leave that church, for it is not the true church of the God of heaven. The church you have joined is from the earth and not from heaven.’
“Upon hearing this his people asked, ‘Where then can we find a church where we can worship the true God?’
“Arama Toiroa answered, ‘There will come to you a true form of worship; it will be brought from the east, even from beyond the heavens. It will be brought across the great ocean and you will hear of it coming to Poneke (Wellington) and afterwards its representatives will come to Te Mahia.
“‘They will then go northward to Waiapu but will return to Te Mahia.
“‘When this “Karakia,” form of worship, is introduced amongst you, you will know it, for one shall stand and raise both hands to heaven.
“‘When you see this sign, enter into that church. Many of you will join the church and afterwards one will go from amongst you the same way that the ministers came even unto the land from afar off.’”
Fifty-four years passed before Arama’s words were fulfilled. In 1884 Elders Alma Greenwood and Ira Hinckley brought the gospel to the Wellington area and then made their way to Hawkes Bay. There they were joined by President William E. Stewart, and together they traversed the path Arama had predicted. It was at Korongata, however, and not at Mahia, that Arama’s descendants first accepted the gospel. Brother Whaanga described the day when the gospel was first preached to Arama’s people:
“In journeying northward they reached … Korongata, where many of us were assembled on the Sabbath day.
“Amongst the people who were there was a grandson of Arama Toiroa whose name was Te Teira Marutu.
“The meeting was conducted by Elder Stewart and his friends. The services were opened with singing and prayer, and a Gospel address was delivered, after which they sang again, and Brother Stewart arose to dismiss with prayer. In doing so he raised both hands and invoked God’s blessing upon the people.
“As soon as the grandson of Arama Toiroa saw this he arose and declared that this was the church of which his forefather prophesied which would surely be firmly established amongst the Maori people.
“He and his wife applied for baptism, and they and their children were thus initiated into the Church by Elder Stewart.”3
Matthew Cowley
Subsequently the missionaries returned to Mahia and held meetings with other descendants of Arama Toiroa. After seeing the sign, these people said, “This is indeed the church for us, for did not our revered forefather, Arama Toiroa, prophesy about it?”
Largely as a result of this prophecy, every person in Korongata joined the Church, and a large number of Maoris in Mahia entered the waters of baptism.
In 1845 a second prophet, Toaroa Pakahia, spoke words similar to those of Arama.4 And again in 1877. Apiata Kuikainga, an ancestor of Stuart Meha who was a faithful leader of the Church in New Zealand for many years, predicted that when the true church came, its ministers would teach salvation for the dead. In 1885, when this doctrine was preached to the Meha family by Elders George S. Taylor and Edward Newby, they all desired baptism.5 In 1881 Elder John Ferris wrote that Maoris had told him that “more than a year ago the king [Tawhiao] said a white man would come across the sea and preach to them the true gospel, and they affirm that they believe he [Ferris] is the man.”6 Elder Ferris wrote to the Deseret News in Salt Lake City that three Maori chiefs considered him to be the man spoken of by the king two years before. He had come from “a far country and would give them the good church.”7 The complete text of King Tawhiao’s prophecy was later quoted in the Improvement Era in 1932:
“Our church is coming from the east—not a church paid with money. Its ministers go two by two; when they pray they raise their hands. They will not come to go among the Pakeha (Europeans) but will dine, live, talk, and sleep with you. The sign will be the writing of the names of males, females and children. … Those churches that have already come are nothing, but when these come that I speak about, do not disturb them—that will be your church!”8The Latter-day Saints interpreted the “sign of writing names” to be a reference to genealogical work and work for the dead. During 1885–86, 7 branches, having 537 souls, were raised up in the Waikato.
After considerable debate and discussion, the chiefs decided to place the questions—specifically “Which of the churches is the church for the Maori race? Which of them should we join?”—before the most respected and wisest chief among them. This was Potangaroa, who, when asked the questions, answered with one word, “Taihoa,” which means “wait.” He retired to his own home and meditated, fasted, and prayed about the problem for three days. When he returned to the convention, he addressed his people, saying:
The Pacific Church History Centre at Temple View, Hamilton, New Zealand, is named for Matthew Cowley, a beloved Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who served as a missionary and mission president in New Zealand and then as president of the Pacific missions of the Church during his service as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
“My friends, the church for the Maori people has not yet come among us. You will recognize it when it comes. Its missionaries will travel in pairs. They will come from the rising sun. They will visit with us in our homes. They will learn our language and teach us the gospel in our own tongue. When they pray they will raise their right hands.”9
Pres William Bromley
Potangaroa then asked Ranginui Kingi to write his words as he continued to answer the questions which had been put to him. He called the transcription of his words “A covenant for remembering the hidden words which were revealed by the Spirit of Jehovah to Paora Potangaroa.” We again quote from Elder Cowley, who translated the document: “First, this is the day of the fulness (1881).” Brother Cowley points out that later that year the fulness of the gospel was taken to the Maoris. Actually, President Bromley and his colleagues first visited a Maori village, Orakei, on March 6, 1881, ten days before the “covenant” was given to the Maoris at Te Ore Ore. “Second, the year 1882 would be the year of the ‘sealing’ (or the year they would learn the sealing ordinances). Third, the year 1883 will be the year of ‘the honoring’—of ‘great faith’—as it is written: ‘render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.’ (Rom. 13:7)” In that year the Maoris began to honor the true God by rendering their dues to him and entering The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the Ngatikahungunu tribe, especially, began to enter the Church in large numbers. The Te Ore Ore Branch was organized on December 16, 1883.
The document concludes in these words:
“This covenant is to be remembered by the generations which follow after us. And the fruits of that which is set forth above [in the covenants] are—we are the lost sheep of the House of Israel. [We will learn of] the scepter of Judah; of Shilo; of the king of peace; of the day of judgment; of the kingdom of heaven; of the sacred church with a large wall surrounding; of the increase of the race; of faith, love, peace, patience, judgment, unity. All this plan will be fulfilled by the people of Ngatikahungunu Tribe during the next forty years.
Elder Cowley identified the “sacred church with a large wall surrounding” with the Salt Lake Temple. He also pointed out that the only Maoris to participate in all the ordinances of the gospel during the next 40 years (until 1921), including the temple rites, were members of the Ngatikahungunu tribe. Later many members of other tribes participated in all blessings of the gospel.11
There is no question as to the authenticity of the prophecies of Potangaroa or of the document that Elder Cowley used. Potangaroa was well known in his time. In fact the Anglican hierarchy in New Zealand was aware of his activities as we have described them above, but concluded that he had not accomplished his ends.12
Shortly after leaving New Zealand in 1884, Elder Alma Greenwood wrote about Potangaroa’s influence. “Many of the natives were led to investigate the new and somewhat strange religion, which had come in their midst. This, too, was in accordance with some predictions previously made by a Maori prophet: that in 1883, a new religion would come [at this time the restored gospel was unknown among the Maoris of the Wairarapa], and all other religions would be inferior to the new one. The prophecy and its literal fulfillment gave the gospel prestige and influence among that people.”13
There were a number of other reasons for the Mormon-Maori connection. The Maori prophets identified some of the characteristics of the Mormon missionaries: In addition to traveling in pairs, eating, sleeping, and visiting with the Maoris in their homes, the elders also learned the Maori language so that they could understand the Maoris and their thinking. The elders willingly endured various privations and discomforts in order to remain among the Maori people. All this touched the Maoris with the sincerity of the new gospel messengers. Some elders sweated beside Maoris building chapels, schools, and halls, and almost all elders traveled through storms from time to time to reach isolated destinations. As Barker states it, “The habitual enthusiasm, friendliness, devotion and sincerity of most of the elders impressed the Maoris. Both Mormons and Maoris placed high premiums on hospitality and friendliness.”14
But the foregoing were but surface reasons for the Mormon impact on the Maoris. Ian Barker captures the essence of the Mormon-Maori connection in these words:
“Important features of Mormonism appeared to have deep roots in Maori tradition. Conversion to Mormonism did not involve a sharp break with the past that conversion to Christianity had. To the Maori, the adoption of Mormonism implied a restoration of traditional sacramentals in a modified form. Historical, social, mythological and religious similarities enabled the elders and the Maoris to establish bonds of sympathy and understanding, which in no small part contributed to Mormon successes.”15
The whare at Te Ore Ore, where Paora Potongaroa told his people to “taihoa”—wait, because the true messengers of God had not yet come to their village
Mormonism had a familiar ring to the Maoris. It must be remembered that by the time LDS doctrine was introduced to the Maoris, they were but one or two generations removed from their pre-Christian religion. Although most Maoris had given up the past, they still remembered many of their old traditions and practices. Even before Mormonism, the Maoris had turned to millennial faiths and various adjustment cults in an effort, generally a conscious one, to bridge the gap from the past to the present. Mormonism, too, emphasized the coming time of peace which would be ushered in by the Savior. Of great importance to the Maoris, as they discovered Mormonism and used it to make the adjustment to the pakeha world, was that the elders did not reject Maoritanga, Maori cultural traditions, in their entirety. The missionaries, too, believed that the Maoris were being brought again into a fold from which they had strayed, but from which they had not wandered too far.
Before 1865 the typical Maori probably would not have made any connection between the Maori God Io and the Mormon God Jehovah. Before that date Io was a secret deity who was known only to a few high-ranking tohungas. Io was the one god, the creator, omniscient, omnipotent, and uncreated. Although non-Mormon scholars have doubted that the idea of a supreme god in Polynesia antedated Christianity, LDS missionaries and members have always believed and even expected that the Polynesians would have a remnant of the truth as they knew it. It did not surprise the LDS to hear that Io reigned supreme over many other gods who carried out various functions in heaven and on earth. Nor did the concept of the hereafter, wherein the dead were ushered through one of four doors, rather than through the Pearly Gates or into hell, surprise the Mormons. They had always believed that men would be sent to many mansions, some to glory but most to one or another degree of happiness in accordance with their works and disposition. The atua or lower gods were generally identified with elements of nature, but there was a latent belief in anthropomorphism within the Maori religion. While sectarians struggled to remove all vestiges of such belief, the Latter-day Saints not only condoned but strongly affirmed that God the Father and Jesus Christ were immortal men, who looked like men, even though they were gods. All this seemed to make more sense to many Maoris than did the doctrines of mainline Christianity.16
A wooden panel carved by Taka Panere in 1969 hangs in the museum. It depicts the story of the Maori Saints, from their ancestors’ migration to New Zealand, through the prophecy of Paora Potangaroa and the arrival of the LDS missionaries, and culminating with a temple.
The Maoris had intense interest in and love for their families. The Mormon concept of eternal families immediately appealed to many Maoris. They had long revered their dead, and when Christianity was brought to them, the Maoris feared for the pagan spirits of their ancestors. But unlike the orthodox missionaries, who could suggest no alternative to eternal burnings, the elders taught a message of hope and salvation.
Not only did the Mormon missionaries teach about salvation for the dead, but they also taught the Maoris the doctrine of eternal increase. The resurrection was to be a literal physical rebirth. Men would be men and women would be women; and husbands and wives, if they had been faithful in living the gospel and keeping the commandments, were promised the blessing of eternally producing offspring similar to whom the eternal parents had created.
Tuati Whaanga and Elder Rulon Craven with a carving representing Hagoth, made for the Kahungunu Marae in Nuhaka, c. 1949
The Maori tohungas had sought and received revelations from God. They considered it their responsibility to be seers and lived so that they could carry out this function. The tohungas also performed healings and exorcised evil spirits. These functions were also performed by village elders and patriarchs after the introduction of Christianity. Continuous revelation, healing, and exorcism were generally discounted by the Protestant and Catholic missionaries as being superstitions from a bygone era, or as parts of the gospel that were no longer in vogue. The Mormon elders, however, taught the necessity of contemporary revelation as well as of all other gifts of the Spirit as taught in the New Testament. A main tenet of the restored gospel was that the priesthood had been given again to man. Maoris accepted this idea, and as has been illustrated several times before (and could be shown by numerous examples even by 1887), many miracles—mostly healings—were performed by the elders.
Some Latter-day Saints suggested even before LDS missionary work was started among them that the Maoris were of the house of Israel. This may be explained by the fact that following the introduction of Christianity, the Maoris soon identified themselves with Judah. Then, as the competition for land became more intense between them and the pakehas, and particularly as the Maoris began to realize that they were coming out on the short end in most transactions, the persecutions of Judah became all the more real to them. When the Mormon elders began teaching about the history of the Church, it became evident that the Mormons, too, were a persecuted people. This helped to establish a bond between Mormons and Maoris—they understood each other.
But there was much more to the idea that the Maoris were of Israel than merely shared persecutions. Far more important was the Mormon belief that the Maoris, like their Polynesian brothers and sisters elsewhere, were literally of Abraham through his posterity who immigrated to the American continent, as is told in the Book of Mormon. Since the days of George Q. Cannon in Hawaii (1851–54), the Church leaders had more and more frequently alluded to the idea that the Polynesians were descendants of Lehi, the early Book Of Mormon prophet. Although the relationship between the Polynesian peoples and the adventurer Hagoth (see Alma 63:5–8) is not clear—he being a Nephite and the Polynesians appearing to be Lamanites—Church leaders have time and time again referred to the Polynesians as children of Lehi. In the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 4, father Lehi blessed the offspring of his evil sons Laman and Lemuel and promised them that their posterity would one day have all the blessings promised to Abraham. The Latter-day Saints believe this refers specifically to the blessing of membership in the Lord’s church and of holding the priesthood. Latter-day Saint missionaries believed and taught that the Maoris were chosen sons and daughters of Abraham. The elders expected the Maoris to accept easily the restored gospel and to assume their rightful place as leaders in the Church. There was almost no racial prejudice on the part of the Mormons toward the Maoris.
Although the first Maoris who were offered the priesthood were hesitant to accept it, it was not long before they assumed nearly all of the positions of leadership in the branches. Many Maoris were ordained to positions in the priesthood. In this way, the Mormon church became their own church. They led it, taught the members, blessed their own sick, and guided their own families through personal revelation.
After reading the foregoing, one might ask why the Lord would go to so much trouble for the Maoris. Why were they warned of the coming of the restored Church? Why did they find it so easy to accept the Church when it came? These are not easy questions to answer, and this writer does not wish to speculate. The only explanation I have found that answers these questions with authority is in a letter from the First Presidency, (Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and John Henry Smith), written to the Maori Saints on the occasion of their annual Hui Tau (conference) in 1911. In answer to the specific question as to why the Polynesians seemed to be more blessed and favored of the Lord than the Lamanites on the American continent, they answered:
“The Lord … directed their course away from this continent [America] to their [the Polynesian ancestors’] island homes, that they might not be left to be preyed upon and destroyed by the more wicked part of the House of Israel whose descendants still roam upon this continent in a fallen and degraded state. … This is the secret of the overruling hand of providence which has been over you all from that time until you received the gospel through the preaching of the elders, and until the present time. …
“And we repeat, the reason that few of the islands of the sea have been more highly favored and blessed in the Lord than those of your brethren of this continent is because of the worthiness of your forefathers who were led away and separated from their brethren of this continent, and because of the blessing of the Lord which has attended you, their children, from that time to the present.”17
September 1853 • Australia Missionaries William Cooke and Burr Frost taught Francis and Emma Evans. Although baptized in Australia, they were the first known New Zealanders to join the Church. October 27, 1854 • Auckland, New Zealand Augustus Farnham and William Cooke became the first missionaries to visit New Zealand, accompanied by recent convert Thomas Holder. December 31, 1854 • Karori, New Zealand (near Wellington) Martha Holder of Karori, mother of Thomas Holder, became the first known convert baptized in New Zealand. April 1855 • Karori The Karori Branch became the first branch organized in New Zealand. May 31, 1868 • Kaiapoi, New Zealand (near Christchurch) The Kaiapoi Branch became the first branch organized on the South Island. 1872 • Kaiapoi James Burnett became the first Latter-day Saint missionary to preach to the Māori people in New Zealand. He preached before a gathering of approximately 150 natives, some of whom responded favorably, but language and cultural barriers limited his success at that time. August–October 1878 • Papanui, New Zealand (near Christchurch) With the arrival of Thomas A. Shreeve, continuous missionary activity began with progress among Europeans. Working alone, Shreeve baptized more than 20 during his first three months in the Christchurch area. December 26, 1879 • Papanui Thomas A. Shreeve organized the first Relief Society in New Zealand for the Christchurch Branch, with Ann James as president. March 16, 1881 • Te Ore Ore, New Zealand (near Masterton) At a gathering of the Ngāti Kahungunu tribe, a Māori prophet named Pāora Te Potangaroa predicted a church would one day come from the east and that its missionaries would learn the Māori language and pray with their hands raised. Similar prophecies had been made by other Māori holy men. October 18, 1881 • Auckland Ngataki from Ngaruawahia became the first Māori baptized in New Zealand. February 25, 1883 • Waotu, New Zealand The first Māori branch was organized, with Hare Te Katera as president. 1889 • New Zealand The Book of Mormon was published in Māori. January 1, 1898 • Australia and New Zealand The Australasian Mission was discontinued and replaced by the Australian Mission and the New Zealand Mission. Church members in New Zealand numbered 4,000, 90 percent of whom were Māori.
Ngāti Kahungunu is the third largest tribal group in New Zealand. Although it is generally referred to as an iwi (tribe), like a number of other iwi it is perhaps more correct to consider Ngāti Kahungunu a grouping of tribes and hapū (sub tribes), all of whom are descendants of Kahungunu.
The three main tribal divisions are:
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa (traditional northern boundary the Wharerata Ranges south of Poverty Bay)
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga (traditional eastern boundary Hawke Bay)
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa (traditional southern boundary the Remutaka Ranges in southern Wairarapa). Source:
Handsome and hard-working, the influential leader Kahungunu supervised building, irrigation, carving and canoe-making. During his life he married nine women, and his courtship of the beautiful Rongomaiwahine at Māhia Peninsula is legendary. Kahungunu’s many descendants – the people of Ngāti Kahungunu – also formed strategic marriages, creating a network of alliances from Gisborne to the Wairarapa.
Pipes Formed as Representative of what the Great Spirit Creates
The ancient Adena and Hopewell cultures created pipes in the images that they saw and experienced. Ancient cultures respected all that the Great Spirit created, animals, birds, people, and nature. The Adena culture represents the same time frame as the Jaredites (1500 BC – 200 AD) and the Hopewell culture (200 BC – 400 AD) parallels the time frame of the Nephites.
“There is a bowl for the tobacco in their pipes in the top, and there is a small hole at one end to breathe in the smoke. The pipe was made by Native Americans living in what is today the US state of Ohio. These Native Americans were small-scale farmers who built large burial and ceremonial mounds. There were over 200 pipes buried in a collection of mounds known as the ‘Mound City Group’. The pipe was not simply smoked for pleasure but probably had a religious function. A shaman may have smoked it to evoke the otter as a representative of his clan, or as a spirit guide who would then accompany the shaman on a spiritual journey. Tobacco has been smoked in North America for at least 2300 years and pipe smoking still remains an integral part of modern Native American culture. Tobacco was first brought to Europe in the early 1500s, where it quickly spread across Europe, Africa and Asia.” A History of the World BBC
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society
Below read more about the reason for the various shapes of the pipes and how they were used. Why were these pipes so important to the Native Americans?
Henry C. Shetrone, archaeologist for the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society (now the Ohio History Connection) uncovering effigy pipes during the excavation of Seip Mound in Ross County, Ohio, ca. 1925-1928
Great Spirit Appears to the Onondagas
“On the authority of some older inhabitants of Onondaga, New York, it is stated that on a ledge of rocks, about a mile south of Jamesville, (Near Syracuse and Oneida Castle) is a place which used to be pointed out by the Indians as a spot where the Great Spirit once came down and sat and gave good advice to the chiefs of Onondagas. That there are the prints of his hands and his feet, left in the rocks, still to be seen. In the former years the Onondagas used annually to offer, at this place, tobacco and pipes, and to burn tobacco and herbs as a sacrifice to the Great Spirit, to conciliate his favor and which was a means of preventing diseases.” Author L. Taylor Hansen He Walked the Americas
“Native accounts tell of his arrival [Christ] from the direction of the rising sun, after which he set up his priesthood among his followers known as the “Wau-pa-nu” (the spelling phonetic). They were said to have healed the sick and instituted new laws. Blood sacrifice was forbidden and replaced by the use of tobacco, today an important element in all traditional Native American ceremonies. Among many eastern tribes, East Star Man is regarded as the son of Great Spirit, the Creator.” Wayne May, Christ in North America.
The Name of Nephi
“JOSEPHUS SAYS the Egyptian called their Creator ‘Kneph,’ ‘Noub,’ or ‘Nour.’ Reynolds points out that ancient variants of the name of Nephi include Knephi, Kneph, Noub, Nouv, Knouphis, Nebo, Naba, Nechi, Necho and others. These variants are found in many of the American Indian languages.” George Reynolds, Commentary on the Book of Mormon
“NEPHI: This is also an Egyptian name, usually given as Knephi, and transliterated into Hebrew as Nebi. It means ‘prophet’ or one who speaks with God. The great Osiris, one of the Egyptian gods, was called Nephi or Knephi and the city in his honor was n-ph (vowels always had to be supplied). It is the city we know today as Memphis, located across the Nile from Cairo, but it is referred to by its original name of Noph (a variant of Nephi) in the writings of Hosea, Isaiah, and Jeremiah.” Treasures from the Book of Mormon, Volume One By W. Cleon Skousen
The Seat of the Iroquois
“Onondaga was, from the remotest times, the seat of the Iroquois government. Granting credence to the account of their own origin, on the high grounds or falls of the Oswego, (East of Fulton NY See map below) they had not proceeded far up the course of the widely gathered waters of this stream, when a portion of them planted their wigwams in this fertile region. Whatever was the cause of their migrating from their primary council fire, nothing was more natural than that, by pursuing this stream upward, they should separate into independent tribes, and by further tracing out its far spread forks, gradually expand themselves, as they were found by the discoverers and first settlers, over the entire area of western New-York. On reaching the grand junction of Three River Point (Phoenix, NY), a part went up the Seneca river, who subsequently dividing, formed the Senecas and Cayugas. The bands who took the eastern fork, or Oneida river, pushed forward over the Deowainsta, or Rome summit, into the first large stream, flowing east, and became the Mohawks. The central or Onondaga fork was chosen by the portion who, from the hill country (Onondaga) they first located in, took this name; and from them, the Oneidas, pursuing in fact the track of the Mohawks, were an off-shoot…”
Atotarho or Tah-totah or Chief or Sachem or King
“…The idea of a confederation was, it is believed, an old one with this people, for the very oldest traditions speak of something of this kind, among the lake and St. Lawrence tribes of older days. When the present league was formed, on the banks of the Onondaga lake, this central tribe had manifestly greatly increased in strength, and distinguished itself in arms, and feats of hunting and daring against giants and monsters… Most distinguished, however, above all others, east or west, was a leader of great courage, wisdom and address, called Atotarho…”
“A singular tradition may be here added. It is said that the XIIIth Atotarhoreigned at Onondaga when America was discovered” (1414 AD) Aboriginal History, Antiquities and General Ethnology of Western New-York by Henry R. Schoolcraft
In speaking about the 13th Atotarho (or Sachem or Chief ) in the Iroquois tradition, we read also in the Book of Mormon. “And whoso should reign in [Nephi’s] stead were called by the people, ‘Second Nephi,’ ‘Third Nephi,’ and so forth…” (Jacob 1:11)
Editors: Note: This name, Atotarho was used like a title such as King, or Sachem, or Prince, etc. Just as the name Nephi may have been used as a title. We know there are many names of Nephi in the Book of Mormon, but they may have also meant titles of Nephi 1, Nephi 2, Nephi 3, etc. Just as you see in history of the Iroquois naming many various Atotarho’s. It seems there were variations of the name of their leader or king as you see below.
Tadodaho was said to be a warrior and primary chief of the Onondaga people. Depending on the speaker’s dialect and the writer’s orthography, other versions of the name include Adodarhoh, Atartaho, Atotarho, Tatotarho, Thatotarho, and Watatohtahro. In the 1883 work The Iroquois Book of Rites, edited by Horatio Hale, the term Atartaho is said to signify “entangled“. Wikepedia
Atotarho, the first Iroquois Ruler (1851) by Seth Eastman
“The term Tadodaho later was used by the Iroquois to refer to their most influential spiritual leader in New York State; it has been used in this way for centuries. The Tadodaho in New York State is the spiritual leader of the Haudenosaunee, Six Nations that includes the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora people. The post is also called the “Head Chief of All the Six Nations”. He presides over the Grand Council of the Haudenosaunee (also called Iroquois). The Great Council Fire of the Iroquois League is still located within the Onondaga reservation in present-day New York. Many of the Iroquois live in Canada, where their ancestors moved after the American Revolutionary War, as they were allies of the defeated British. The Crown gave them some land in compensation for what they lost.”
Along with other Native American leaders, the Tadodaho is responsible for maintaining the history of the Haudenosaunee people.[21] The position of Tadodaho is a lifetime appointment.[22] According to tradition, when the previous Tadodaho dies, a council of chiefs from the Haudenosaunee chooses a leader from the Onondaga people.[22]
St George Temple Native American Chiefs Names
“The St. George Temple registry page shown below is remarkable in that an Onondaga Nation king was named King Tah-totah, then others that followed: King Tah to-tah 2, King Tah-to-tah 3…then on the next page, King Tah-to-tah 7 through …15, etc. This tradition of naming kings in respect and remembrance of a prior king follows the pattern of the early Nephite colony.” Annotated Book of Mormon David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page 101
Photo by Rod Meldrum of the St George Temple Record page 196
Just like Tah-to-tah means Chief or Prophet to the Iroquois, Nephi may have meant Chief or Prophet to the Nephites.On August 29, 1877, 85 American Indian chieftains had temple work performed for them in the St. George Temple, St. George, Utah (see Appendix, p. 554, for the full list). This picture above is from page 101 of the Annotated Book of Mormon.
Of this list of 85 names below, the temple records show the first 13 names are Algonquian. That is a mistake, as Joseph Brant and Red Jacket were definitely Iroquois. The other 11 Algonquian are correct. That means that 74 of the Chiefs are from the Iroquois Nation.
I personally believe there is great evidence pointing to the fact that the Iroquois or more specifically the Onondaga Tribe are the closest people to having Nephite and or Lamanite blood in them. Remember also the Cherokee are another good possibility who originally lived near Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Cherokee are also from the Iroquois Culture.
Burial Place of Mormon
“When serving as Mission President to the Seminole Indians in Central Florida, Murray J. Rawson was teaching a group of the tribe about the Book of Mormon when he was interrupted by their Chief, saying: “We had a war long ago with a light skinned people around the Great Lakes. We conquered them but we had so much respect for their warrior chief that we buried him at the mouth of the Oswego River that is in New York State. We don’t discuss this very much because it is an embarrassment to us. President Rawson then asked why this is an embarrassment, and the Chief replied, “ Our history is written on metal plates and buried in a hill in New York, but we don’t know which hill!” (Talk given to missionaries in training at the MTC, Provo, Utah 1979, by President Murray J. Rawson). This talk has a poor audio but you can find it here:(See Map Above for Mormon’s burial place)
Dating and Purpose of the Ancient Pipes
“In the first few years following the creation of the [Smithsonian] Bureau, the debate began to escalate regarding the interpretation of the many bird and animal carvings that were coming out of the mounds. Many artifacts being recovered from the Hopewell and Adena mounds appeared to be birds and mammals that only exist in the southern tropical regions of the world. M. C. Read in Archaeology of Ohio, pointed out: “Of the animal that is supposed to represent the seacow, seven carvings have been found. This inhabitant of tropical waters is not met in the higher latitudes of North America.”162 Many carvings of birds, and animals from tropical climates such as the manatee, large seal-like animals, elephants and tropical birds like the big-beaked toucan and parrot-like carvings were found, all of which were raising questions as to a possible connections with peoples from these tropical regions.
The Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, published in 1884, included for the first time a brief section entitled, Explorations in Mounds. It discusses work done in West Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida, …by 1883, Cyrus Thomas’s Division of Mound Explorations included three full-time assistants and five temporary helpers, and work was under way in Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Missouri. Some 4,100 artifacts had been collected for the National Museum in Washington. They included elegant pipes and pendants of polished stones and such humbler things as hoes, scrapers, diggers, axes, and hammers.Some of the mounds had yielded clear evidence of contact with European civilizations: bits of hammered iron in North Carolina; silver bracelets, brooches, and crosses in Wisconsin, and fragments of copper plate bearing the marks of machinery in Illinois. All this served to back Powell’s original belief that “a few, at least, of the important mounds of the valley of the Mississippi had been constructed and used subsequent to the occupation of the continent by Europeans, and that some at least, of the mound builders were therefore none other than known Indian tribes.163
In the early annual reports of the Bureau of Ethnology public documents, one finds that it is not what they included in their reports, but what they have obviously excluded. The discussions and findings that were explored and addressed in the Bureau’s publications followed a prescribed agenda, pointing out that Indian populations and America’s ancient cultures were never highly advanced, with little to no discussions as to their cultural achievements. Lost from these studies were acknowledgements that the Indians were at one time more advanced than first perceived. As evidence in the construction of their communities, fortifications, smelting of metals and their construction of watercrafts capable of navigating the many rivers and lakes of the northeast. Also distinctively missing were the findings that show that these ancient mound-building cultures possessed knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, written language and engineering, as shown in the building of earthwork structures, which were comparable to any achievements of any ancient culture in the world of their day.
So where did the Mound Builders’ knowledge of these skills come from and why was so much of this knowledge not celebrated or passed on to our day and to their descendants?
“The fourth Annual Report contains an essay by Garrick Mallery on the picture-writing of the Indians, in which he discusses the various inscribed tablets found in mounds. Most of these he dismisses as frauds.” Such was the case of the Holy Stones found by David Wyrick of Newark, Ohio,) “…discovered in 1860 a tablet bearing on one side a truculent likeness of Moses with his name in Hebrew.”164[Editors note: These so-called hoaxes are also pushed by the Scholars and Intellects that believe in the Mesoamerican setting for the Book of Mormon]. It is interesting to note that these early men of the Bureau of Ethnology described and defined these artifacts as picture-writings of the Indians or frauds without giving any real consideration to the potential of other visitors, to the America’s prior to Columbus.” Lost Civilizations of North America Steve Smoot Chapter 18, Learning from America’s Antiquities
The evidence for the existence of the Nephites and Lamanites in the Heartland of North America is overwhelming. It simply makes sense to me. If you will take the time to research and explore you may also see the connection of the two civilizations, Hopewell and the Nephites.
“When Joseph Smith made his claims and published the Book of Mormon as an ancient history of the American Indians, some scoffed at the idea that a major battle had anciently taken place in the local vicinity. However, evidence was soon produced that documented that this region of the country did indeed once possess a heavy Indian population, and that a terrible battle had taken place in that locality.
Writing in 1851, E. G. Squier says that in the region:
“Human bones of men, women, and children of both sexes were thrown together promiscuously by the thousands.” He notes large quantities of pottery, pipes, flint arrow-heads, stone hatchets and other implements were also found there. He further states that the ancient relics unearthed in the vicinity (which he estimates to be several hundred years old) showed considerable evidence of Hebrew origin.” (See E. G. Squier, Antiquities of New York, 1851, pp. 137-138.)
Antiquities of the State of New York. Being the results of extensive original surveys and explorations, with a supplement on the antiquities of the West..” Source
Ancient Work near Canandaigua.
ONE mile east of the town of Canandaigua, upon the slope of a hill overlooking Canandaigua Lake, is the work here figured. It is unsurpassed for the beauty of its position. A considerable portion of the embankment has been obliterated by cultivation, and another portion by the turnpike road, from Canandaigua to Geneva, which passes through it. The parts which may yet be traced are appropriately indicated in the plan, and enable us to make out the original form of the work with sufficient exactness. In constructing the road, human bones in considerable quantities were disclosed on the brow of the hill, accompanied by the usual rude relics of Indian art. It is mentioned by Mr. Schoolcraft, that the Senecas deduce their descent from the remarkable eminence upon which this work is situated.*
Between three and four miles west of Canandaigua, on the road to Victor, there is a long, narrow trench running nearly in a direction from N. E. to S. W. It may be traced, with occasional interruptions, for some miles, and has been erroneously, but very generally, believed to be a work of art. It marks the line of a long, narrow fissure in the limestone sub stratum, into which the earth has subsided. The water which accumulates in it sinks, to swell the volume of so*me subterraneous stream. The cause of this singular fissure is worthy of the inquiries of geologists.
Judge Porter, of Niagara, mentions another ancient inclosure, similar to that above described, in the vicinity of Canandaigua; but its locality could not be ascertained. It is probably now completely destroyed.
* Notes on the Iroquois, p. 196.
PLATE VII. No. 1. Ancient Work near the City of Geneva.
ONE and a half miles west of Geneva are the traces of the old Indian ” Castle ” of Ganundesdga, built by the Senecas, and destroyed by Sullivan in 1779. Near it is a mound thickly covered over with graves. A plan and description of this work will be given in another connection. About two miles beyond, in the same direction, in Seneca township, is another work of more ancient date, a plan of which is here presented. It is situated upon elevated grounds, and coincides generally with those already described. The position, upon the east side, is protected by a steep, natural bank, perhaps sixty feet in height, which subsides into low, marshy grounds. At the foot of the bank is a copious and perennial spring. Upon the west, south, and north, the ground falls off gently ; and here we find the artificial defences. Although the whole has been for some time under cultivation, the lines of entrenchment may be followed throughout nearly their entire extent, without difficulty. The usual evidences of ancient occupancy are found within the area.
Half a mile further to the westward, upon a corresponding site, are the traces of an ancient palisaded work, which will be described in its appropriate place.
PROBABLY no county in the State had originally a greater number of aboriginal monuments within its boundaries, than the county of Onondaga. It has, however, been so long settled, and so generally brought under cultivation, that nearly all vestiges of its ancient remains have disappeared. The sites of many are, however, still remembered ; but even these will soon be forgotten. It is a fortunate circumstance that the antiquities of this county were the first to attract the attention of observers, and our accounts relating to them are more complete than concerning those of the other parts of the State. Our principal source of information respecting their numbers, localities, and character, is the memoir of De Witt Clinton, already several times alluded to. Mr. Schoolcraft and Mr. J. V. H. Clark, of Manlius, have presented additional information ; and from these authorities we derive most of the facts, and illustrations which follow.
Ancient works occurred in the towns of Fabius, De Witt, Lafayette, Camillus, Onondaga, Manlius, Elbridge, and Pompey ; but of many of them we know nothing beyond the simple fact of their former existence. It should be mentioned that some of the townships here named have been erected within the last few years, and since the date of Mr. Clinton’s Memoir.
Those in Elbridge, according to Mr. Clinton, occurred near the village of that name, about four miles from Seneca River, upon lands then (1817) occupied by Judge Munro. They were two in number. ” One was on a very high hill, and covered three acres. It had a gateway opening toward the east ; and upon the west was another, communicating with a spring about ten rods from the fort. It was elliptical in shape : the ditch deep, and the eastern wall eight feet high. The stump of a black-oak tree, certainly one hundred years old, stood upon the embankment. The second work was about half a mile distant, upon lower grounds. It was constructed like the first, but was only half as large. * * * * The early settlers observed, in this vicinity, the shells of testaceous animals accumulated, in several places, in considerable masses, together with numerous fragments of pottery. Judge Munro found, in digging the cellar of his house, several pieces of burned clay ; and, in various places, large spots of deep black mould, demonstrating the former existence of buildings or erections of some kind. At one place he observed what appeared to be a well, viz., a hole ten feet deep, and the earth much caved in. Upon digging to the depth of three and a half feet, he came to a quantity of flints, below which he found a great number of human bones.” This disposition of the dead, Mr. Clinton conjectures, was made by an enemy ; but we shall soon see that it probably owed its existence to the practice of gathering the bones of the dead at stated intervals, and depositing them in pits — a practice common among the Hurons and other Indians around the great lakes.
Mr. Clark has described some aboriginal remains in this township, which are probably the same ones alluded to by Mr. Clinton. He says: “Upon lot 81, N. E. part, on lands now occupied by Mr. John Munro (previously the Judge Munro farm) was formerly a fort situated on high ground. In 1793 the ditch and embankment were easily to be traced. Large trees stood upon the wall and in the ditch. The work was square, except that the line of embankment toward the west curved slightly outward. The area was about an acre and a quarter. The walls were about two feet high ; the gateway opened toward the west, and was twelve feet wide. It was situated on a beautiful eminence, nearly surrounded by ravines.”
” About half a mile N. W. of this work,” continues Mr. Clark, ” on what is called the Purdy lot, was another work of larger dimensions, containing about four and a half acres of ground. It is situated upon one of the most considerable elevations of the town, and is nearly or quite square, with gateways opening to the east and west. The embankment was originally about three feet high, and an oak tree, two feet in diameter, was standing upon it. On the south side were numerous holes, about two feet deep and six feet apart. Large quantities of broken pottery and freshwater shells are still found here. An oaken chest was discovered here, somewhere about the year 1800, which contained a quantity of silk goods. The folds and colors were easily distinguishable, but the fabric crumbled on exposure. Some copper coins, it is said, were found with the silks.
It is situated on the shores of Onondaga Lake, between Brown’s pump-works and Liverpool. A fine spring of water rises near it, and quantities of relics, of various kinds, have been found within it.” Antiquities, Page 31-33
“By whom were the aboriginal monuments of Western New York erected, and to what era may they be ascribed? The consideration of these questions has given rise to a vast amount of speculation, generally not of the most philosophical, nor yet of the most profitable kind. If the results arrived at have been erroneous, unsatisfactory, or extravagant, it may be ascribed to the circumstance that the facts heretofore collected have been too few in number and too poorly authenticated to admit of correct conclusions, not less than to the influence of preconceived notions, and to that constant leaning toward the marvelous, which is a radical defect of many minds. Rigid criticism is especially indispensable in archaeological investigations ; yet there is no department of human research in which so wide a range has been given to conjecture. Men seem to have indulged the belief that here nothing is fixed, nothing certain, and have turned aside into this field as one where the severer rules which elsewhere regulate philosophical research are not enforced, and where every species of extravagance may be indulged in with impunity. I might adduce numberless illustrations of this remark. The Indian who wrought the rude outlines upon the rock at Dighton, little dreamed that his work would ultimately come to be regarded as affording indubitable evidence of Hebrew, Phoenician, and Scandinavian adventure and colonization in America; and the builders of the rude defences of Western New York, as little suspected that Celt and Tartar, and even the apocryphal Madoc with his ” ten ships,” would, in this the nineteenth century of our faith, be vigorously invoked to yield paternity to their labors!
The probable purposes to which these works were applied are, perhaps, sufficiently evident from what has already been presented. Their positions, general close proximity to water, and other circumstances not less conclusive, imply a defensive origin. The unequivocal traces of long occupancy found within many of them, would further imply that they were fortified towns and villages, and were permanently occupied. Some of the smaller ones, on the other hand, seem rather designed for temporary protection — the citadels in which the builders sought safety for their old men, women, and children, in case of alarm or attack.
In respect to date nothing positive can be affirmed. Many of them are now covered with heavy forests ; a circumstance upon which too much importance has been laid, and which in itself may not necessarily be regarded as indicative of great age, for we may plausibly suppose that it was not essential to the purposes of the builders that the forests should be removed. Still I have seen trees from one to three feet in diameter standing upon the embankments and in the trenches ; which would certainly carry back the date of their construction several hundred years, perhaps beyond the period of the discovery in the fifteenth century.There is nothing, however, in this circumstance, nor in any other bearing upon the subject, which would necessarily imply that they were built by tribes anterior to those found in occupation of the country by the whites. And this brings us at once to the most interesting point of our inquiry, viz. :By whom were these works erected?
I have already mentioned that within them are found many relics of art and many traces of occupancy. These, I had ample opportunities of ascertaining in the course of my investigations, are absolutely identical with those which mark the sites of towns and forts known to have been occupied by the Indians, within the historical period. The pottery taken from these sites and from within the supposed ancient inclosures, is alike in all respects ; the pipes and ornaments are undistinguishable ; and the indications of aboriginal dwellings are precisely similar, and, so far as can be discovered, have equal claim to antiquity. Near many of these works are found cemeteries, in which well-preserved skeletons are contained, and which, except in the absence of remains of European art, differ in no essential respect from the cemeteries found in connection with the abandoned modern towns and ” castles ” of the Indians. There are other not less important facts and coincidences, all of which go to establish that if the earth-works of Western New York are of a remote ancient date, they were not only secondarily but generally occupied by the Iroquois or neighboring and contemporary nations ; or else — and this hypothesis is most consistent and reasonable — they were erected by them.
It may be objected, that if the Indians constructed works of this kind, it could not have escaped the notice of the early explorers, and would have been made the subject of remark by them. The omission is singular, but not unaccountable. They all speak of the defences of the Indians as composed of palisades firmly set in the ground. The simple circumstance of the earth being heaped up around them, to lend them greater firmness, may have been regarded as so natural and simple an expedient, as not to be deserving of special mention, particularly as the embankment, in such a case, would be an entirely subordinate part of the structure. After the introduction of European implements, enabling the Indians to plant their pickets more firmly in the ground, and to lend them a security before unattainable, the necessity for an embankment was in a great degree obviated. We may thus account for its absence in their later structures, which also underwent some modification of form, suggested by the example or instructions of the whites, or by the new modes of warfare following the introduction of firearms. Thus in the plan of the old Seneca fort of Ganundasaga, we find distinct traces of the bastion — a feature observable in none of the more ancient defences.
I am aware that the remnants of the Indian stock which still exist in the State, generally profess total ignorance of these works. I do not, however, attach much importance to this circumstance. When we consider the extreme likelihood of the forgetfulness of ancient practices, in the lapse of three hundred years, the lack of knowledge upon this point is the weakest of all negative evidence. Cusick, the Indian, in his so-called ” His tory of the Six Nations,” has, no doubt, correctly described the manner in which they constructed their early defences. ” The manner of making a fort : First, they set fire against as many trees as it requires to make the enclosure, rubbing off the coals with their stone axes, so as to make them burn faster. When the tree falls, they put fires to it about three paces apart, and burn it into pieces. These pieces are then brought to the spot required, and set up around, according to the bigness of the fort. The earth is then heaped on both sides. The fort has generally two gates, one for passage and one to the water.” ” The people,” continues Cusick, ” had implements with which they made their bows and arrows. Their kettles were made of baked clay ; their awls and needles of sharpened bones ; their pipes of baked clay or soft stone ; a small turtle-shell was used to peel the bark, and a small dry stick to make fire by boring it against seasoned wood.”
Golden observes of their defences, as they were constructed in his time : ” Their castles are generally a square surrounded with palisades, without any bastions or outworks; for, since the general peace, their villages all lie open.”*
In full view of the facts before presented, I am driven to a conclusion little anticipated when I started upon my exploration of the monuments of the State, that the earth-works of Western New York were erected by the Iroquois or their western neighbors, and do not possess an antiquity going very far back of the discovery. Their general occurrence upon a line parallel to and not far distant from the lakes, favors the hypothesis that they were built by frontier tribes — a hypothesis entirely conformable to aboriginal traditions. Here, according to these traditions, every foot of ground was contested between the Iroquois and the Gahkwas and other western tribes ; and here, as a consequence, where most exposed to attack, were permanent defences most necessary. It was not until after the Confederation, that the Five Nations were able to check and finally expel the warlike people which disputed with them the possession of the beautiful and fertile regions bordering the lakes ; and it is not impossible that it was the pressure from this direction which led to that Confederation — an anomaly in the history of the aborigines. Common danger, rather than a far-seeing policy, may be regarded as the impelling cause of the consolidation.
In conclusion, I may be permitted to observe, that the ancient remains of Western New York, except so far as they throw light upon the system of defence practiced by the aboriginal inhabitants, and tend to show that they were to a degree fixed and agricultural in their habits, have slight bearing upon the grand ethnological and archaeological questions involved in the ante-Columbian history of the continent. The resemblances which they bear to the defensive structures of other rude nations, in various parts of the world, are the result of natural causes, and cannot be taken to indicate either a close or remote connection or dependence. All primitive defences, being designed to resist common modes of attack, are essentially the same in their principles, and seldom differ very much in their details. The aboriginal hunter and the semi-civilized Aztec selected precisely similar positions for their fortresses, and defended them upon the same general plan ; yet it would be palpably unsafe to found conclusions as to the relations of the respective builders, upon the narrow basis of these resemblances alone. * History of the Five Nations, vol.I p. 9.
The entire book link is below and called,
‘Nibley further notes the existence of a site known in Arabic as “Beit-Lahi,” which he suggests can be read as “House of LEHI,” in the vicinity of Gaza.[5] There is also a ḫirbet bêt lahi (spelled in English texts “Lei,” though the local inhabitants pronounce it lahi) near Mareshah which has been discussed by Joseph Ginat, who connected a cave in the area with that of 1 Nephi 3.[6] (JAT)… A commonly available etymology for LEHI takes the Semitic vocable לחי lḥy as the HEBREW word for “jaw, cheek bone” in the GN attested in Judges 15:9, 14, 19 (MWJ, JH). The vocable is also found in Arabic *( laḥiy), Ugaritic *(lḥ), and Akkadian *( laḫû).[10] If lḥy meaning “cheek bone” is behind LEHI, this PN could be a shortened form of a name that could mean something like, “(Incline thy) cheek, (O Jehovah).” This would make a suitable personal name for one of God’s prophets, and would be an analogous form to the Neo-Babylonian feminine PN Le-et-ka-i-di-i, which could mean approximately “(O God,) incline thine head,”[11] that is, “(O God,) please pay attention.” The Laura F. Willes Center for Book of Mormon Studies Book of Mormon Onomasticon
The House of Lehi near Jerusalem
Lehi and Sariah by Joseph Brickey
“The site [Biet Lehi] was first surveyed in 1899 by the Irish archaeologist R.A.S. Macalister, but was left untouched until 1961 when the Israeli Army, carrying out construction works on a patrol road, that at the time marked the border between Israel and Jordan, accidentally broke through the ceiling of an ancient burial cave. Subsequent investigation revealed a total of two such caves, both dating to the late Iron Age II (ca. 600 BC) – but the landmark discovery was to be the inscription found incised on one of the walls, comprising the earliest known Hebrew inscription mentioning the word “Jerusalem.” This discovery has come to be known as the “Jerusalem Cave,” and the original scholarly article about the findings, written by the late Prof. J. Naveh and published in a 1963 issue of the Israel Exploration Journal…
Dr. Gutfeld has several degrees in archaeology from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem including a Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology. The Gutfeld’s spent three years in Ann Arbor Michigan where Oren taught at the University of Michigan. It was while at the University of Michigan at the The Frankel Center for Judaic Studies that Dr. Gutfeld spent a considerable amount of time researching libraries of documents on ancient Israel. From these years of research, Dr. Gutfeld arrived at the conclusion that Beit Lehi was known as Beit Zedek more than 2000 years earlier…
Dr. Oren Gutfeld, the director of archaeology for the Beit Lehi project near Jerusalem, has been the backbone of the project, along with his team of archaeologists and officials from the Israel Antiquity Authority. Dr. Gutfeld’s more than 30 years of experience in conducting excavations throughout Israel has labeled him among the foremost authorities in archaeology in Israel. A search of the web will produce an abundance of accolades for Dr. Gutfeld… When the Foundation brings guests to Israel to tour the Holy Land and visit Beit Lehi, Dr. Gutfeld is a licensed guide and personally escorts the groups throughout Israel and Jordan. With his background as both a guide and renowned archaeologist he is able to open doors that most visitors are denied entrance. In a visit to Israel by Utah Valley University students and faculty, Dr. Gutfeld secured the rare opportunity for the group to enter the sealed vaults under the Israel Museum in Jerusalem to view the original Dead Sea Scrolls. His knowledge of ancient sites of Israel is remarkable.”
See Video below.
Lehi means literally “a jawbone”
“The first mention of the name Lehi refers to a place in the tribe of Judah where Samson achieved a victory over the Philistines (Judg. 15:9, 14, 16), slaying a thousand of them with the jawbone of an ass. The words in 15:19, “a hollow place that was in the jaw” (A.V.), should be, as in Revised Version, “the hollow place that is in Lehi.” (Source: Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary )
Promised Land by Clark Kelley Price
Lehi was a prophet living in Jerusalem around 600 BC. He is a contemporary of the biblical prophet Jeremiah. Lehi, as well as Jeremiah, both prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed if the people didn’t repent. As a result, his life was threatened.
Book of Mormon Lehi Account
According to the “First Book of Nephi”, Lehi received a revelation that he was to leave with his family to avoid the imminent destruction of Jerusalem around 600 BC. Being obedient, Lehi left with his wife, Sariah, and his sons, Laman, Lemuel, Nephi, and Sam. While in the wilderness, Jacob and Joseph were born. Lehi and his family eventually travelled to America by ship constructed by his son, Nephi.” lds sunday
“Manoah (Hebrew: מָנ֫וֹחַ Mānoaḥ) is a figure from the Book of Judges 13:1-23 and 14:2-4 of the Hebrew Bible. His name means “rest”. He is the father of the judge Samson.
According to the Bible, Manoah was of the tribe of Dan and lived in the city of Zorah. He married one woman, who was barren. Her name is not mentioned in the Bible, but according to tradition she was called Hazzelelponi or Zelelponith. She was a daughter of Etam and sister of Ishma.
Manoah and his wife were the parents of famous judge Samson. According to Rabbinic tradition, they also had a daughter called Nishyan or Nashyan.” Wikepedia
Story of Beit Lehi
“The story of Beit Lehi may begin as early as 1160 B.C. Manoah and his wife have no children. They travel often to a holy place near their home to make sacrifice and pray for a child. That prayer is answered when an angel appears to his wife and tells her that she will bare a son by God’s providence. Their child, perhaps the strongest man in biblical history, is Samson!
Samson’s impetuous nature causes havoc among the Philistines. He ties torches to the tails of foxes and releases them into the fields of the Philistines destroying all their crops. The Philistines sought revenge by sending an army of one thousand men to capture Samson. With Samson’s consent, the men of Judah bind him with rope and are about to hand him over to the Philistines when Samson breaks free. Using the jawbone of a donkey that lays at his feet, Samson slays the Philistines.
Samson’s Well in Biet Lehi
Exhausted and near death from thirst, Samson prays for water. Miraculously, a spring bursts forth from the ground to revive the champion. “And when he drunk, his spirit came again and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore (meaning fountain of the crier), which is in Lehi unto this day.” (Judges 15:19). In The Antiquities of the Jews, the Jewish historian Josephus (1st century A.D.) confirms this biblical account and notes that the spring remained vibrant in his day. Samson remained at Lehi for 20 years as a judge of the people of Israel.
The Hebrew word “Lehi” means jawbone. To many, the place of Lehi was named for the means used by Samson to kill the Philistines, a jawbone. And yet, The Book of Judges states that “the Philistines went up, and pitched in Judah, and spread themselves in Lehi (Judges 15:9). From this passage it would appear that the village of “Lehi” existed prior to Samson’s event.
The debate continues as to location of Lehi. But is it mere coincidence that the local Bedouins tell of an ancient place named “Lehi” where an ancient prophet sat in judgment of the people of Isaac & Ishmael? According to renowned archaeologist, Dr. Oren Gutfeld, Beit Lehi is the traditional site of ancient “Lehi.” If true, more than 3100 years later that same spring that gave life to Samson continues to this day at Beit Lehi.”
Does this Coin found near Jerusalem prove that Samson lived… and that he did fight the Lion?
By LEON WATSON UPDATED: 07:59 EDT, 1 August 2012
Clue: Scholars say the scene shown on the artifact recalls the story in Judges of Samson fighting a lion
A tiny seal has been uncovered that could be the first archaeological evidence of Samson, the Biblical slayer of Philistines.
Archaeologists discovered the ancient artifact while excavating the tell of Beit Shemesh in the Judaean Hills near Jerusalem, Israel.
It appears to depict the Old Testament story of Samson, whose might was undone by his lust for the temptress Delilah, and his fight with a lion.
The seal, which measures less than an inch in diameter, shows a large animal with a feline tail attacking a human figure.
The seal was discovered at a level of excavation that dates it to roughly the 11th century BC, when Israelite tribes had moved into the area after Joshua’s conquest of Canaan.
It was a time when the Jews were led by ad hoc leaders known as judges, one of whom was Samson.
The location of the find was close to the River Sorek that marked the boundary between the Israelites and their Philistine foes, The Daily Telegraph reported.
The location also indicates that the figure on the seal could represent Samson, according to Israeli archaeologists Professor Shlomo Bunimovitz and Dr Zvi Lederman.
Beit Shemesh is regularly mentioned in the Old Testament, most notably in chapter 6 of the book of Samuel I – the ruler of Israel immediately after Samson – as being the first city encountered by the ark of the covenant on its way back from Philistia after having been captured by the Philistines in battle.
Find: The ruins of the ancient biblical city in the tell of Beit Shemesh, located near the modern city
Bible stories: Samson discovered his strength by fighting a lion (left). Having been betrayed by Delilah and taken prisoner and blinded by the Philistines, he regains his strength and brings down the Temple of Dagon (right)
Alternatively, it suggests that tales of a hero strong enough to fight a lion circulated at the time of the judges, one that then morphed into the story of Samson.
One of the most compelling characters in the Old Testament, Samson was said to have been given supernatural strength by God to allow him to overcome his enemies
He discovered his strength when he was accosted by a lion on his way to propose to a Philistine woman, killing it with his bare hands.
The St. George Utah Temple, originally named the St. George Temple, and the only temple completed during Brigham Young’s 30-year tenure as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the oldest operating temple of the Church and the first built in Utah. It was privately dedicated on 1 January 1877 in a series of three dedicatory prayers: the baptistry by Wilford Woodruff, the main floor by Erastus Snow, and the sealing room by Brigham Young, Jr. The St. George Utah Temple is also the first temple where endowments for the dead were performed, and it is also there that temple ordinances were put into a written form for the first time.
Elder Bruce C. Hafen, former president of the St. George Utah Temple and emeritus General Authority, during a presentation titled “Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, and the St. George Temple” at the Church History Museum in 2014 noted that “the temples in Kirtland, Nauvoo and St. George were all necessary for bringing about the restoration of important priesthood keys and ordinances.” Wilford Woodruff and the Temple Work of the Founding Fathers by Keith L. Brown | May 25, 2015 | Early History
Christopher Columbus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective
Arnold K. Garr With a foreword by DeLamar Jensen Published by the Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
While many books have been written about the life of Christopher Columbus and his New World discoveries, this one has a different thrust—that Columbus was not just a skilled, courageous sailor but was also a chosen instrument in the hands of God. This book profiles the man from Genoa who apparently yearned from childhood for the seafaring life and who early began to acquire the nautical knowledge and experience that would make him the most widely traveled seaman of his day and would help him rise to the top ranks in that career.
Arnold K. Garr, Christopher Columbus A Latter-Day Saint Perspective, (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), 71–72.
For Latter-day Saints, the story of Christopher Columbus does not begin with his birth in 1451; nor does it end with his death in 1506. Because they believe that everyone associated with this earth lived as spirit children of our Heavenly Father in a premortal state before they came to earth, they believe that Columbus lived before he came here. And because they believe that life continues after death, they believe he is now in the Spirit World awaiting the resurrection with millions of other spirits who have passed from this life.
But Latter-day Saints are more involved in Columbus’ life than just believing that he lived in a premortal state and waiting for him to be resurrected. They believe that he was an instrument in the Lord’s hand to discover the Americas to the Europeans. That in turn brought the Founding fathers here to establish the United States of America. Its freedoms made it possible to restore the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth. And there is still more.
They have a tradition that President Wilford Woodruff, while he was serving as the President of the St. George Temple, was visited by the spirits of several great men who requested him to perform vicarious baptism for them in the temple. Speaking of that experience, President Woodruff said:
“The spirits of the dead gathered around me, wanting to know why we did not redeem them. Said they, “You have had the use of the Endowment House for a number of years, and yet nothing has ever been done for us. We laid the foundation of the government you now enjoy, and we never apostatized from it, but we remained true to it and were faithful to God.” These were the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and they waited on me for two days and two nights. I thought it very singular , that notwithstanding so much work had been done, and yet nothing had been done for them. The thought never entered my heart, from the fact, I suppose, that heretofore our minds were reaching after our more immediate friends and relatives. I straightway went into the baptismal font [in the temple] and called upon brother McCallister to baptize me for the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and fifty other eminent men, making one hundred in all, including John Wesley, Columbus, and others.” (JD 19:229)
On the same day these ordinances were performed, President Woodruff records in his journal that he baptized brother McCallister “for 21, including Gen Washington & his forefathers and all the Presidents of the United States that were on my list except Buchanan, Van Buren, & Grant.
Sister Lucy Bigelow Young went forth into the font and was Baptized for Martha Washington and her family and seventy (70) of the Eminent women of the world. . . . There were Baptized in all to day 682” (Woodruff, Journal 7:367–69). All these proxy ordinances are performed for the dead so they as spirits in the Spirit World may accept or reject them.
As President Ezra Taft Benson presided over the Church in 1992, the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ epic voyage, it seems appropriate to quote his appraisal of the man and the other “eminent men” whose temple ordinances were performed by President Woodruff:
The temple work for the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence and other founding fathers has been done. All these appeared to Wilford Woodruff when he was President of the St. George Temple. President George Washington was ordained a High Priest at that time. You will also be interested to know that according to Wilford Woodruff’s journal, John Wesley, Benjamin Franklin, and Christopher Columbus were also ordained High Priests at the time. When one casts doubt upon the character of these noble sons of God, I believe he or she will have to answer to the God of heaven for it. (Benson 604) [I have a friend named Oak Norton who has a copy of the St. George temple records and Lord Nelson from Britain was also ordained a High Priest. It’s written out to the side as Elder Benson must have missed it.] You can clearly see below how High Priest is written for Lord Nelson as with the other four.
Arnold K. Garr continues, “Notwithstanding the mistakes he made in his life and the human faults he had, Christopher Columbus was a man of notable spiritual sensitivity. Given the powers of repentance and forgiveness, it should come as no surprise that President Wilford Woodruff vicariously had his endowments done and ordained him a High Priest three days after he was baptized for him.” Arnold K. Garr
Question: According to Wilford Woodruff’s journal, President George Washington, John Wesley, Benjamin Franklin, and Christopher Columbus were ordained high priests when they appeared within the sacred walls of the St. George Temple. Why did these ordinations take place in our sphere by a mortal man?
Answer:These ordinations took place in our sphere, by a mortal man because these ordinances must be performed in this life. After the resurrection comes the judgment, when the books will be opened and it will be eternally too late to enter ordinance work into the ledger. The ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood, along with sealings, endowments, baptisms, and confirmations, all must happen in this life, and must be recorded in this life. Thus, the dead will “be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit” 1Peter 4:6.
Eminent Men and Women Baptized in the St. George Temple
Temple work was performed on behalf of the following well-known and respected men and women in the St. George Utah Temple in August 1877 Compiled By Glen W. Chapman- January 2002)
Founding Fathers: William Hooper(NC), Joseph Hewes (NC), John Penn(NC), Button Gwinnett(GA), Lyman Hall(GA), George Walton(GA), Edward Rutledge(SC), Thomas Heyward Jr.(SC), Thomas Lynch(SC), Arthur Middleton(SC), Samuel Chase(MD), William Paca(MD), Thomas Stone(MD), Charles Carrol(MD), George Wythe(VA), Richard Henry Lee(VA), Thomas Jefferson(VA), Benjamin Harrison(VA), Thomas Nelson Jr.(VA), Francis Lightfoot Lee(VA), Carter Braxton(VA), Robert Morris (PA), Benjamin Rush(PA), Benjamin Franklin(PA), John Morton(PA), George Clymer(PA), James Smith(PA), George Taylor(PA), James Wilson(PA), George Ross(PA), Caeser Rodney(DE), George Read(DE), Thomas McKean(DE), Philip Livingston(NY), Francis Lewis(NY), Lewis Morris(NY), Richard Stockton (NJ), John Witherspoon(NJ), Francis Hopkinson(NJ), John Hart(NJ), Abraham Clark(NJ), Josiah Bartlett(NH), William Whipple(NH), Matthew Thornton(NH), Samuel Adams(MA), John Adams(MA), Robert Treat Paine(MA), Elbridge Gerty(MA), Stephen Hopkins(RI), William Ellery(RI), Roger Sherman(CN), Samuel Huntington(CN), William Williams(CN), and Oliver Wolcott(CN).
Note: Temple work was not done for John Hancock or William Floyd as it had already been completed previously.
Presidents of the United States: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Johnson.
Note: Temple work was not done for James Buchanan, Martin Van Buren, and of course Ulysses S. Grant, who was still alive at this time so his work was not done.
Why Van Buren was not baptized at that time? “The Prophet Joseph Smith went to Washington to meet with Congress and the president of the United States regarding the Saints’ plea for redress and restoration of their rights. After Joseph addressed President Martin Van Buren the president said, “What can I do? I can do nothing for you, -if I do anything, I shall come in contact with the whole State of Missouri.” (Library of Congress.) Ronald O. Barney
Why was Buchannan not baptized at this time? “Utah War. Armed conflict in Utah Territory, USA between 1857–1858. The Utah War, also known as the Utah Expedition, the Utah Campaign, Buchanan’s Blunder, the Mormon War, or the Mormon Rebellion, was an armed confrontation between Mormon settlers in the Utah Territory and the armed forces of the US government. The confrontation lasted from May 1857 to July 1858. The conflict primarily involved Mormon settlers and federal troops, escalating from tensions over governance and autonomy within the territory. There were several casualties, predominantly non-Mormon civilians. Although the war featured no significant military battles, it included the Mountain Meadows Massacre, where Mormon militia members disarmed and killed about 120 settlers traveling to California. The resolution of the Utah War came through negotiations that permitted federal troops to enter Utah Territory in exchange for a pardon granted to the Mormon settlers for any potential acts of rebellion.” Wikipedia
Other eminent men baptized by Wilford Woodruff in the St. George Utah Temple in August 1877 include: Sir Edward Gibbon, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Oliver Goldsmith, Henry Grattan, Humboldt, Alexander von Irving, Washington Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Johnson, Samuel Juarez, Benito Pablo Kemble, John Philip Liebig, Baron Justus von Livingstone, David Macaulay, Thomas Babington Nelson, Lord Horatio O’Connell, Daniel Peabody, George Powers, Hiram Reynolds, Sir Joshua Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von Scott, Sir Walter Seward, William Henry Stephenson, George Thackeray, William Makepeace, Vespucci, Amerigo Webster, Daniel Wesley, John Wordsworth, William Parepa, Count Dimitrius, Martha Washington and her family, John Washington(Great Grandfather of George Washington), Sir Henry Washington, Lawrence Washington (Brother of George Washington), Augustine Washington (Father of George Washington), Lawrence Washington (Father of Augustine), Lawrence Washington, Daniel Park Custis, John Park Custis (Son of Daniel and Martha Parke Custis), and Martin Luther.
Eminent Women baptized include: Jean Armour (1767—1834) of Scotland, Jean Armour Burns (Wife of Robert Burns) (1759—1796), Jane Austen (1775—1817) of England, novelist, Mary Ball (1708—1789) of America, Mary Ball Washington (Mother of George Washington) (1732—1799), Sarah Bernard (1800—1879) of England, Sarah Barnard Faraday (wife of Michael Faraday (1791—1867), Charlotte Bronte (1816—1855) of England, novelist, Felicia Dorothea Browne (1793—1835) of England, Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806—1861) of England, poet, (wife of Robert Browning) (1812—18?), Martha Caldwell Calhoun (d. 1802) of America (mother of John Caldwell Calhoun) (1782—1850), Martha Parke Custis (1755—1773) of America (Daughter of Martha Washington) (1732—1802), Martha Dandridge Washington (1732—1802) of America (wife of George Washington) (1732—1799), Rachel Donelson Jackson (1767—1828) of America (wife of Andrew Jackson (1767—1845), and Abigail Eastman Webster (1737—1816) of America (mother of Daniel Webster (1782—1852), to name but a few. Temple work was performed for a total of 70 eminent women.
A Salute to Michael Bedard -Artist of the Eminent Men and Women
Michael Bedard has created countless pieces of fine art, built three art studios, and raised a family of seven kids. He is a man who is confident in his abilities and always looking to improve them. He worked several jobs and served in the national guard while obtaining his BFA at Brigham Young University and MFA at Washington State University, all while raising a growing family. Michael is now living in Nauvoo, Illinois, with his wife and youngest son, establishing another gallery there. He has come a long way, developing his art over the years and through life’s challenges. The simple desire to create something greater popped into existence when a little Michael saw a mural made of tiny tiles at the public pool one summer. The flippant thought came to him, “I can do that!” This little boy looked at a simple piece of art and grew to create masterpieces that shape and are shaped by the world around him. With support from his young single mother, encouragement from schoolteachers eager to get the rebel to do something productive, and later many more people, the young man began to doodle, grow, draw, and paint. From that point he began his mission to change himself and the world. “When you create great art that literally frees people, it lifts them up and gives them wings.”
85 Indian Chiefs baptized Aug 29, 1877 at the St. George Temple, one week after the Founding Fathers. Read the Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page 554.
Photo copy of page 196 St George Temple Baptisms Aug 29, 1877. Picture taken by Rod Meldrum
There are many good books to read and learn from. There are many to stay away from. As the Lord said, And from time to time, as shall be manifested by the Comforter, receive revelations to unfold the mysteries of the kingdom; And set in order the churches, and study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues, and people. D&C 90:14-15
As I study Native Americans and there history side by side with the Book of Mormon, I have been drawn to this bibliographic source called, Mormon Parallels: by Rick Grunder. It makes historic reference to history, natives, and Book of Mormon parallels which I enjoy. As I read I am always thinking about the truth and doctrine I know in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and seeking out of good books and history, the things that will add to the many truths I already know by the Sprit and witness of the wonderful Book of Mormon.
Ethan Smith was a New England Congregationalist clergyman in the United States who wrote View of the Hebrews, a book that argued that Native Americans were descended from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. I believe Lehi was from the Tribe of Manesseh, The daughters of Ismael from the Tribe of Ephraim and the Mulekites were from the Tribe of Judah. This measn the tribes of Joseph and Judah from Prophet Jacob or Israel have now bee joined together in the New World of North America.
Ethan Smith Clergyman
Elder Snow said, “I am asked to occupy the few minutes yet remaining: If the Spirit gives me liberty I will pursue the train of thought that has passed through my mind while Brother Richards has been speaking upon the spirit that has gone abroad upon the remnants of the house of Israel who occupy this land, the American Indians whom we understand to be the descendants of the Nephites, the Lamanites, the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites who formerly possessed this land, whose fathers we have an account of in the Book of Mormon.” The Indians—The Influence of the Elders Among Them in the Interest of Peace, Etc. Discourse by Elder Erastus Snow, delivered at Logan, Sunday Afternoon, February 5th, 1882
ETHAN SMITH said, “Many things may be fancied, relative to the kind and degree of evidence which shall discover and identify the ten missing tribes, while Divine wisdom may take such a method as may baffle the prejudiced and inform only the sincere enquirer.
‘If,’ says the Rev. E. Smith, ‘these tribes are the children of Israel, a new field of evidence of the truth of the holy Scriptures is opened from a race of men ‘outcast from civilized society for three millenaries. For impressed on these tenants of the forest are striking characters of the truth of revelation. . . .’ [p. 300, citing “Smith’s View of the Hebrews.”] Page 1576 Mormon Parallels
Book of Mormon believes The Book of Mormon events in the New World occurred in North America. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is neutral on this subject. Our information is based on archaeology, anthropology, text of the Book of Mormon, distances, geology, and we believe the many rivers were the highways of the ancients including the Nephites.
Nephite Travel
We believe Lehi landed in Florida near Tallahassee about 589 BC. Later, after Lehi dies, Nephi escaped north possibly using the Chattahoochee River to Unicoi Gap, GA, and then traveling on the Hiawasee River which connects to the Tennessee River then, settling near Chattanooga, Tennessee which area became the land of Nephi and also called the Land Lehi-Nephi.
Mosiah was told by the Lord to leave Tennessee (about 323 BC) and he traveled the Tennessee River west, which veered north to the Ohio River, then traveling north on the Mississippi River, to the land of Zarahemla (modern Illinois, Iowa, Missouri). Eventually Mosiah made his way to the city of Zarahemla at Montrose Iowa (D&C 125:3), where the Mulekites already lived.
Shortly after Lehi left Jerusalem for the new World, in about 586 BC the Mulekites (Hebrew Descendants of King Zedekiah) came from Jerusalem by way of the Atlantic Ocean and ascended the lower and upper Mississippi Rivers until they stopped at the Des Moines River Rapids near Nauvoo, Illinois. They lived along the Mississippi river (the land of Zarahemla) until Mosiah arrived from the land of Nephi, likely up the Tennessee River. Mosiah meets the people of Zarahemla and translated Coriantumr’s stone. (Read Omni 1:17, 21).
Joseph Smith and Mosiah used the same Translation Items
This translation by Mosiah was done with the same instruments that Moroni deposited in Hill Cumorah that Joseph received.
“And now he translated them by the means of those two stones which were fastened into the two rims of a bow. Now these things were prepared from the beginning, and were handed down from generation to generation, for the purpose of interpreting languages; And they have been kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord, that he should discover to every creature who should possess the land the iniquities and abominations of his people; And whosoever has these things is called seer, after the manner of old times.” Mosiah 28:13-16
This proposed Book of Mormon timeline follows the pattern of the ancient historical people of the Hopewell Culture, which began about 600 BC near Tallahassee FL. and ended in New York around 400 AD, just at the Book of Mormon did.
With this background, we will now research some of the information in Rick Gunder’s book Mormon Parallels.
Now we read from Mormon Parallels by Rick Grunder
Marks of a People
“Suppose an extensive continent, a new world, should have been recently discovered, north-east of Media, and at the distance of a year and half’s journey from thence, inhabited by a people whose religion is pure Theism.
. . . suppose them divided into tribes . . . destitute of letters, . . . yet possessing all the marks of a people who had not only been civilized, but favoured by a revelation from God; [p. 27;]
Re-Possession of the Great Good BOOK
. . . suppose that . . . their return to their own land . . . is cherished with a fond faith, together with the re-possession of the great good BOOK which once belonged to their people [p. 28;]
. . . —suppose they have a tradition that they had prophets . . . that they are acquainted with the history of the deluge, the building of Babel [p. 29]
Lehi Builds Altar by Clark Kelley Price
. . . Suppose you find some of the tribes making an altar of twelve stones . . . whereon they offer sacrifice, with the custom of washing, anointing
. . . Suppose you find all these gleanings of revelation and many more amongst a newly discovered people of . . . Hebrew physiognomy, would you feel justified in refusing to acknowledge in this interesting people, the outcasts of Israel, who, when the times of the Gentiles are ending, must be brought to light, identified, and instructed . . . preparatory to their re-possession of their own land?[p. 30]
Worthiness of Columbus
For the significance of Christopher Columbus’ virtues as a Book of Mormon parallel, see MP 286 (North American Review):
God stirred up the mind of Columbus, for the discovery of this unknown region and people. . “He mentions this early determination of his mind as a secret impulse from DEITY, ..inspiring him . . .” [citing “Letter to the Castillian Sovereigns, 1501.”]
“. . . He never spoke in doubt or hesitation, but with as much certainty as if his eyes had beheld the promised land. . . . He looked upon himself as standing in the hand of Heaven, chosen from among men, for the accomplishment of its high purpose. [p. 31]
In resemblance to the ancient breast-plate, their archimagus wears a white conch shell, with two holes bored in the middle of it, through which he puts the ends of an otter-skin strap, and fastens a white button of buck’s horn to each, as if in imitation of the precious stones of the Urim. Instead of the golden plate which
the Levite wore on his forehead . . . the Indian wears around his temples a wreath of swan feathers . . . [p. 54]
. . . the Indian magi . . . have a transparent stone, of supposed great power . . . This stone, they assert, would suffer a great decay, were it even seen by their laity; but if by foreigners, it would be utterly despoiled of its divine communicative power. Does not this allude to the precious blazing stones of the Urim and Thummim? [p. 56] The Indian priests and prophets are initiated by anointing. The Chickasaws, some time ago, set apart some of their old men. They first obliged them to undergo a medicated vapour-bath . . . in a small green hut, constructed for the purpose . . . their priestly garments and ornaments are put on, bear’s oil being poured on their heads. If they could procure olive, or palm oil, they would prefer it . . . [pp. 83-84]
Sanctified Rod
The Indians have an old tradition, that when they left their own native land, they brought with them a sanctified rod, by order of an oracle, which they fixed every evening in the ground, and were to remove from place to place on the continent towards the sun rising, till it budded in one night’s time. . . . Instead of the miraculous direction, to which they limit it, in their western banishment, it appears more likely that they refer to the ancient circumstance of the rod of Aaron . . . [p. 92]
Brazen Copper Tablets
On the Tallapoose river, thirty miles above the Alabamah garrison, are two brazen tablets, and five of copper. They esteemed them so sacred as to keep them constantly in their holy of holies . . . Old Bracket, an Indian chief of a hundred years, . . . gave the following description of them. He said he was told by his grandfather that those plates were given to them by the chief we call God, that there had been many more of other shapes, some as long as he could stretch with his arms, and some had writing upon them, but these were buried with particular beloved men. [p. 94]
Moses seems to have been in the eye of the Mexicans, who they denominated Quetzalcoatl
We believe it is very likely that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to people in other parts of the world, such as South America or Japan or New Zealand. We just don’t have those records. I believe the Book of Mormon is the records of Ephraim from the Land of Joseph or the location of the United States today. Elder Perry said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012
Breastplate; Sacred Garments
Buried in the Stone box, the Interpreters, Spectacles & Breastplate, Not Brown Seer Stone and a Hat.
Mormon Parallels continued… “As the high-priest of old was inducted into office by various ceremonies and anointings, so is the Indian high priestby purification and by anointing. When the sacred garments are put on him, bear’s oil is poured on his head. The imitation of the ancient breast-plate is among the other priestly vestments. He appears in the rude temple, arrayed in white deer-skin garments.” [p. 127, citing “Dr. Beatty” (i.e. Charles Beatty, The Journal of a Two Months Tour . . . London: Printed for William Davenhill and George Pearch, 1768)]
A Good Book
It has frequently been stated, that these tribes have a tradition, that they were once, when in a far distant country, in possession of the good book which contains their old divine speech; which they hope to recover, and with which they hope to be happy at a future time. [p. 132]
“Both the theory and the product of this work continue to be appreciated by some people, and misunderstood by others. Some go into the modern parallels expecting too much, or leave seeing too little. This is a call for sustained historical inquiry. We will never find a Jesus autograph, for example, yet unremitting painstaking work continues to add to the world’s understanding of ancient Christianity. That same principle applies here. Vast bodies
of data are required to distill a little of Mormonism. We must return to the field again and again, never presuming to find it all.
This is a sourcebook, not a monograph. I have indulged in a few essays here and there, but my main purpose follows a lifetime commitment to assemble and share whatever potentially significant discoveries this occupation can provide. In response to my Preliminary Bibliography of parallels in 1987, author/bookseller Madeleine B. Stern suggested that I had seen things which others had not, but that was a duty, she hinted, not a boast. The trust remains sacred, and it must not be abused.
When I resigned my post in 1981 as Chairman of the Bibliographic Department of Brigham Young Universityʹs Harold B. Lee Library, it was to fulfill the long stipulated dream of running my own rare book business. My boss Dean Larsen, a nurturing friend and Associate University Librarian, suggested that I take a number of the Library’s duplicate books on consignment to sell for them, since I didn’t have much of my own. It was in a little storage room at the back of the top floor that he handed me something I had never seen before – and wouldn’t have noticed anyway, since Americana was hardly my field.
ʺWhat’s this?ʺ
ʺIt’s from the 1830s, about American Antiquities . . . by a man named Josiah Priest.ʺ
ʺAnd?ʺ ʺ–and it has something to do with Mormonism.ʺ
I probably hadn’t heard of “Mormon parallels” before, so no lights flashed. No music rose in the background. There was no voice to announce that something important had just happened, but maybe I needed a magnificent obsession, and apparently it had just begun. There’s enough about that in the general introduction that follows, further below. But first, some biblio name dropping:
While still in my twenties, I had to be the luckiest Mormon book geek in the universe, lunching constantly for years with A. Dean Larsen, and frequently with Chad Flake and Peter Crawley. I can never explain how well these masters of historical bibliography treated me. And among the sterling student employees who helped us in our work – and there were many – two were not only exceptionally able young bookmen and the best of all possible workers, but they continue in paths of information, and remain my friends and occasional advisers even now: Russ Clement (Art Collection, Deering Library, Northwestern
University) and Rick Turley (Assistant Church Historian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).” By Rick Grunder PREFACE to the SECOND EDITION, with continued ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS page 9-10, 2014
I pray that you will read this information and study it to know truth or error. I continue to believe that reading good books will add to our knowing of truth of all things as Moroni promised us.
Artifacts, History and Archaeology Provide Strong Evidence for the Book of Mormon Near Cumorah!
There is a belief that the Iroquois Nation played an important role in the life of Joseph Smith. He lived in an area with many Iroquois chiefs and may have even met many of these great men. Ganargua Creek (Mud Creek) was a primary stopover point for the Iroquois on their trade routes. Joseph Smith also had an interest in the creek after hearing a speech from Seneca Indian Chief Red Jacket at Palmyra in 1822.
Many historians believe that Iroquoian ideas of federalism, and balance of power directly influenced the US system of government. Benjamin Franklin admired native American government structures. In 1744, Canassatego advocated in Washington the federal union of the American colonies. See Here
The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse) are a historically powerful northeast Native American confederacy. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later as the Iroquois Confederacy, and to the English as the Five Nations, comprising the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca. After 1722, they accepted the Tuscarora people from the Southeast into their confederacy and became known as the Six Nations.
Handsome Lake
“The Onondagas: These have special interest… this warrior, Zelph, was an Onondaga, as well as a “white” Lamanite, and that the Onondagas (of New York), consequently must be of Lamanite lineage.” J.M. Sjodahl, An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon
“Contrary, then, to widespread assumptions during Joseph Smith’s lifetime that the Onondaga migrated to the New York region, it becomes clear that they originated here as a small, narrowly localized amalgamation of a few villages near Onondaga Lake, during the century before Columbus’ discovery of America” Beauchamp’s Aboriginal Place Names of New York;
County of Onondaga
DeWitt Clinton
PROBABLY no county in the State had originally a greater number of aboriginal monuments within its boundaries, than the county of Onondaga. It has, however, been so long settled, and so generally brought under cultivation, that nearly all vestiges of its ancient remains have disappeared. The sites of many are, however, still remembered ; but even these will soon be forgotten. It is a fortunate circumstance that the antiquities of this county were the first to attract the attention of observers, and our accounts relating to them are more complete than concerning those of the other parts of the State. Our principal source of information respecting their numbers, localities, and character, is the memoir of De Witt Clinton, already several times alluded to. Mr. Schoolcraft and Mr. J. V. H. Clark, of Manlius, have presented additional information; and from these authorities we derive most of the facts, and illustrations which follow.
Ancient works occurred in the towns of Fabius, De Witt, Lafayette, Camillus, Onondaga, Manlius, Elbridge, and Pompey ; but of many of them we know nothing beyond the simple No. 4), which has been very nearly obliterated by the plough. The sections indicated in the engraving are yet quite distinct ; nor can the parts supplied differ very materially from the original lines. Perhaps no work in the State has more decided evidences of aboriginal occupation. The entire area is covered with traces of ancient habitations, and with relics of art pottery, ornaments, and implements. Exterior to the walls, in all directions, but particularly on the level grounds between the two works, the same indications .are abundant. Indeed, the artificial accumulations are so great as materially to augment the fertility of the soil. Caches have been observed here, in some of which the present proprietor of the grounds has found a number of bushels of parched corn, carbonized by long exposure. It is scattered over the surface, and after rains may be collected in considerable quantities. Here, too, have been found skeletons buried according to the usual custom.
The aboriginal population must have been very large at this spot, which, both in respect of soil and the close proximity of springs and pure streams, affords a most beautiful site for an Indian village.
Mr. Schoolcraft states, on the authority of Le Fort, late chief of the Onondagas, that Ondiaka, the great chronicler of his tribe, informed him, on his last journey to Oneida, that in ancient times, before they had fixed their settlements at Onondaga, and before the Five Nations were confederated, the Onondagas lived below Jamesville and in Pompey ; that in consequence of continued warfare with other tribes, they removed their villages frequently; and that, after the confederation, their fortifications being no longer necessary, they were allowed to fall into decay. This, he believed, was the origin of the ancient works at these points. Notes on the Iroquois, p. 442. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York Onondagas County page 35
Source: Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times, Vol. II, by Joshua V. H. Clark, A.M., Stoddard and Babcock, Syracuse, NY, 1849, pp. 241-282
Pompey, Onondaga County, NY (Top Right) in clear blue circle
You Dig up no more Dead Indian
This [Pompey] was one of the original towns, formed at the first organization of the county, in 1794, and number ten of the Military Townships. At that period it comprised the townships of Pompey, Fabius and Tully, with that part of the Onondaga Reservation, lying south of the Great Genesee Road, and east of Onondaga Creek. The boundaries and area of this town, have been materially diminished since the period of its first organization; so that at the present time, it contains but sixty-eight lots of the one hundred, as laid out in the original township. This township obtained great celebrity abroad, at a very early period, and was principally settled by people from New-England, many of whom took up their residence here, while the township was a part of the town of Mexico, Herkimer County. Mr. John WILCOX was the first white settler on the Township, who came out in the spring of 1789, with an Indian chief from Oneida, for the purpose of exploring the country. He made selection of the lot on which he settled, known as the HASKINS farm, two miles north of La Fayette village. Here was an extensive Indian orchard, and with a view to its improvement, Abel OLCUTT came out the same spring, and made arrangements for pruning it. He spent his nights at the Onondaga Castle, three miles distant, there being no white people nearer than DANFORTH’s or MOREHOUSE’s. He lodged in the cabin of CAWHIEDOTA.
In the prosecution of his labors in pruning, he was surprised that in the center of each and every tree was a collection of small brush, about the size of a bushel basket. Wondering at the singularity of such a circumstance, he inquired of his Indian friend and host the cause, who explained after the following manner: He said, that after the war of the Revolution, the Indian settlement at that place was abandoned, in consequence of the destruction of the corn fields, and a part of the great orchard, by Col. Van SCHAICK, in 1779; that the Onondagas had become completely discouraged, in consequence of the severe losses they had sustained during the war; consequently the Indians, since the war, had not occupied or cultivated any of their lands in that quarter, and the brush he had found collected in the apple-trees, was the work of bears, who ascended the trees in autumn, gathering in the slender branches loaded with apples, with their paws leisurely devouring the fruit, at the same time depositing the branches under them, between the larger diverging limbs, for a more comfortable seat. Sometime after Mr. WILCOX had settled in his new place of abode, his harvests had been abundant, and his stacks of hay and wheat numerous; (for as yet, he had no barns,) every thing seemed to prosper in his hands, but lo, in a single night his cherished hopes were blasted, for some ruthless hand had lighted the torch, and applied it with complete fatality to the gathered treasures of the year. He awoke in the morning only to behold the desolation, and the smoking ruins of his labors, his sustenance and wealth.
The Indians were suspected as guilty of the outrage, and complaint was at once made to the principal chief at Onondaga, who upon investigation, remarked to Mr. WILCOX with the most perfect nonchalance without palliation or denial, “You dig up no more dead Indian, no more will your stacks be burned.”The admonition was sufficient, for although it had been a common practice to rob Indian graves, for the brass kettles and trinkets buried with the bodies; it was from this time discontinued, and the harvests of the farmers were henceforth unmolested.
The Onondaga at the great white pine tree in Syracuse NY on the shores of Onondaga Lake is where the message of peace was planted and the hatchets were buried. Similarly, the Lamanites , “…buried the weapons of war, for peace.” See Alma 24:19
Handsome Lake
“How America Was Discovered is a story told by Handsome Lake (Seneca Prophet), and documented by Arthur C. Parker, about a young minister who meets the one he perceives to be the Lord, who then asks him to go to a new land and bring with him cards, money, a fiddle, whiskey, and blood corruption. In return the young minister will become rich. The young minister sought out Christopher Columbus, and with the help of his crew, traveled to the Americas. They turned back to report what they had seen, which caused an immigration of people from Europe to the Americas. Along with the people came the five things that aided in destroying the natives. The end reveals that the “Lord” in the gold castle was actually the devil, and that even he knew what he had caused was wrong.” Rudes, B. Tuscarora English Dictionary Toronto
When serving as Mission President to the Seminole Indians in Central Florida, Murray J. Rawson was teaching a group of the tribe about the Book of Mormon when he was interrupted by their Chief, saying: “We had a war long ago with a light skinned people around the Great Lakes. We conquered them but we had so much respect for their warrior chief that we buried him at the mouth of the Oswego River that is in New York State. We don’t discuss this very much because it is an embarrassment to us. President Rawson then asked why this is an embarrassment, and the Chief replied, “ Our history is written on metal plates and buried in a hill in New York, but we don’t know which hill!” (Talk given to missionaries in training at the MTC, Provo, Utah 1979, by President Murray J. Rawson).
Many Iroquois Chiefs during Joseph Smith’s time in New York
1613 Two Row Wampum or Tawagonshi Agreement (Dutch and French) 1677 Covenant Chain Treaty (English) 1784 The Treaty of Fort Stanwix between the United States and Native Americans. Rome, New York 1788 Phelps & Gorham Purchase with the Iroquois for lands in New York State east of the Genesee River 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua affirming lands rights in New York State east of the Genesee River 1797 Treaty of Big Tree with the Iroquois for lands in New York State west of the Genesee River
“Contrary, then, to widespread assumptions during Joseph Smith’s lifetime that the Onondaga migrated to the New York region, it becomes clear that they originated here as a small, narrowly localized amalgamation of a few villages near Onondaga Lake, during the century before Columbus’ discovery of America” Beauchamp’s Aboriginal Place Names of New York;
Hills and Ruins of Pompey
Pompey NY
The first settlers in the present town of Pompey, were Ebenezer BUTLER, from Harrington, Connecticut, who located on lot number sixty-five, in 1792. His brother, Jesse BUTLER, and Jacob HOAR, came on in the spring of the same year. Sally HOAR was the first white child born in this town, and Orange, son of Jesse BUGLER, the first male child. Ebenezer BUTLER died in 1829; he has descendants still living in Ohio. Directly after these first, came James OLCOTT, True Worthy and Selah COOK, Noadiah and Epiphas OLCOTT, the HOLBROOKs, JEROMEs, HIBBARDs, HINSDALEs, MESSINGERs, WESTERNs, ALLENs, BURRs and others, so that neighborhoods began to be formed in many places, as early as 1793 and 1794…
On the west branch of the Limestone Creek, near the mills of the Messrs. PRATT, about two and a half miles north-east of Pompey Hill, is a remarkable waterfall, of about one hundred and sixty feet, which at high water, presents a very grand and imposing appearance. This fall is almost perpendicular, yet enough broken to add beauty to its general character. The chasm below the fall is narrow, deep, abrupt, and the sides much worn. The rock is brown shale…
There are several stone quarries in this town, used for building purposes, mostly dark shale, which are not considered of the most durable or desirable kind. Among these are found petrifactions of oyster, clam and scollup shells,and specimens of trilobite, and other extinct species of crustacea, found in the earliest fossiliferous strata…It may not be uninteresting to the rising generation to be informed, that less than fifty-five years ago, such a vehicle as a horse wagon, was not in existence in this town or county, and the visiting was done mostly in winter on ox sleds; and happy and rich indeed was he who could yoke a pair of oxen of his own, make his way through the woods with his wife and a child or two on the sled, on an evening’s visit to a neighbor’s, several miles distant… At length a beautiful village appears, and is called BUTLER’s Hill, afterwards, Pompey Hill; and there was a time within the memory of many still living, when this same village of Pompey Hill, was as prominent a place as any in the county. It gave more tone to the surrounding settlements, on account of its refinement and wealth, its intelligence and learning, than any place in its vicinity. People came here for legal advice, they came here for medical advice, to do their trading, and they came here for fashions, they came here for military parades, for political discussion, and for general consultations of a public nature; they came here to engage in all the amusements and duties incident to men of a public character…
As the country increased in population, and the forests were prostrated by the woodman’s ax, the beasts of prey yielding the right of possession, retreated into the more unbroken regions, where the dwellings of men were not as frequent. In the town of Fabius, the next town south, an old bear lingered, apparently disputing the right of occupancy, with more tenacity and boldness, than some of his more timorous associates. And not unfrequently did he sally forth in the night, and make forcible entry into the pig pens and carry off some of the younger branches of the swine family, much to the annoyance of the settlers… This occurrence took place in 1802 or ‘3, and is still a story of interest to the descendants of the participators in the scenes of that day….
This highly fertile and interesting valley, which borders on the east line of the county, is ten miles in length by about two in width, and contains near twelve thousand acres of land… The land of this valley, like much of that in other parts of the town of Pompey, had to be cleared of heavy timber, consisting of elm, oak, ash, maple, basswood, &c., interspersed with pine, cedar and hemlock. Like the pioneers of all new settlements, the first years of their sojourn were spent under exceedingly great discouragements. They relied, for the first year or two, entirely on provisions brought along with them from the east…
The first frame house of worship in the town of Pompey, was erected by this society in 1807 and ‘8, being the third house of worship erected in the county. The following Rev. gentlemen have occasionally or stately officiated here. Rev. Messers. Rawson, DAVENPORT and BALDWIN, were settled here; Rev. Messers. LEONARD and CHADWICK, and several Baptist and Methodist Clergymen, have occasionally officiated. The Universalist Society now hold and occasionally occupy the house, and furnish a large part of the congregation. The building is apparently fast going to decay.
Dr. Daniel DENNISON first commenced the practice of medicine at this place, in 1814, and is still at his post healing the sick and comforting the dying. Previously, Drs. WARD, WEED. and FISK, of Eagle Village, had officiated as physicians at this place. No lawyer has ever resided at Oran. Messrs. DELAMATER opened the first store of note here about the year 1810, and did a flourishing business…
A little cast of the village of Delphi, are two very beautiful waterfalls, on the Limestone Creek. They are separated by a deep rocky gorge, of some twenty rods in extent, about thirty yards broad at the top, and not more than eight or ten at bottom, through which the water rushes with great force. The upper fall may be about forty feet in height, and nearly perpendicular, very little broken, and situated as it is among this wild mountain scenery, conveys to the mind an idea of sublimity and grandeur, exciting both wonder and astonishment. The lower full is about fifty feet, and the water leaps over the abrupt and rocky precipice, with a charming mixture of the picturesque and sublime. The high banks of bare dark brown shale, with occasionally an evergreen shrub growing out of the perpendicular precipice, serves to vary the effect, and give life to the boldness and imagery of the scene.
Statistics of Pompey from census of 1845:—
Number of inhabitants, 4,112; subject to military duty, 257; voters, 977; aliens, 36; paupers, 6; children attending Common Schools, 1,029; acres of improved land, 30,951; grist mills, 3; saw mills, 11; oil mills, 2; fulling mills, 1; carding machines, 1; woolen factory, 1; trip hammer, 1; asheries. 1; tanneries, 5; Churches—Baptist, 3; Presbyterian, 3; Episcopal, 1; Methodist, 4; l Universalist, 1; Roman Catholic, private, 1; Academy, 1; Common Schools, 26; Select Schools, 1; taverns, 8; retail stores, 5; merchants, 9; manufacturers, 26; farmers, 775; mechanics, 88; clergymen, 9; physicians, 6; lawyers, 5.
The antiquities of the township of Pompey, consist mainly of earthern forts and defenses—mural remains, traces of villages, trading establishments, burying places and sundry articles found scattered among them. These things, it is our intention briefly to notice.
Indian Hill
One of the most noted localities of this kind, is the one on the farm of Isaac P. JOBS, usually called “Indian Hill.”Upon this spot have been found, perhaps a greater variety of articles, positively indicating the residence, at some early period, of Europeans, than on any other in the vicinity… To the north, is a beautiful slope, extending some thirty or forty rods, when it takes a rapid fall of fifty or more feet. Then a plain of some thirty or forty acres, spreads itself out in full view from the hill. Upon this level were several acres literally covered with graves.
A brass medal was found near this place, in 1821, by John WATSON. It was without date, on one side of it was a figure of Louis XIV, king of France and Navarre. On the reverse aide, was represented a field, with three flowers de luce, supporting a royal crown, surrounded by the name of Nale LANFAR & Co. It was about the size of a Spanish pistareen, had been compressed between dies—characters and letters distinct. It was given to the Hon. Samuel L. MITCHELL, to grace his collection of curious relics and coins.
Enclosure entitled “The Fort”
When the first settlers came here in 1791, ’92 ’93, this ground was covered with thorns, wild plumtrees and other shrubs, indicating that it had been cleared and cultivated at some previous time. When it was first cultivated in these latter times, gun barrels, sword blades, hatchets, knives, axes, clay pipes, copper kettles, brass chains, beads of glass, pewter plates, rings for the fingers, ear and nose jewels, lead balls, iron gate hangings, copper coins, tools for working wood and iron, and other articles used by civilized men and unknown to savages, together with human bones, were frequently found on or near the earth’s surface. Many of our early settlers, now living, distinctly recollect the appearance of the enclosure entitled “the fort,” upon and about which, trees had grown to a considerable size. Its earthen walls were then some four or five feet high, having evidently been considerably lessened by the ravages of time. It was circular, and from three hundred to three hundred and fifty feet in diameter. There was but one gateway, and that quite narrow. In 1801, Mr. John HATCH ploughed up three muskets and a blunderbuss. They were found near together, the stocks decayed, the barrels flattened as if with the head of an ax, plainly bearing the indentations of that instrument. There are traditionary notions prevailing with some of the inhabitants in this vicinity, that the mutilation of these arms in this manner was by the Indians who did it that the sound of the guns might not kill them. It is supposed that they were ignorant of the true cause of the weapon’s power of destructiveness. This conclusion is probably erroneous, as nearly all the gun barrels have been found flattened at their muzzles, and the more reasonable inference is, that it was the work of victorious parties who were unable to secure them by removal, and did it to prevent their again becoming useful in the hands of their enemies.
Guns, Copper Coins and Brass Found
The guns usually found, are of a heavy make, with large bell-shaped muzzles; those seen by the author were evidently of English manufacture. The copper coins were French, though so much corroded, that the marks and dates could not be deciphered. Several pits where corn had been stored were visible. In one of these pits a large quantity of charred corn was found. Probably on the breaking up of the establishment, the lodge which contained it was burned over it, and thus prepared the mass for the state of preservation in which it was found. At every plowing something new is brought to light. Not long since a curiously wrought brass chain, two and a half feet long and one inch and a half wide, was found. Its appearance was as if it had recently been subjected to fire, the most prominent parts newly polished. A curious brass image was recently found there, probably a part of some Romish priest’s collection. Many of these relics were found by Mr. JOBS or his workmen, and several are now in his possession. The soil upon this ridge, where undoubtedly once flourished an extensive Indian village, and European trading establishments, has the appearance of rich garden mold recently manured. Large spots of very dark mold may still be seen at regular intervals, a few yards apart, in which are mingled ashes and charcoal, and these, probably, mark the site of the cabins or houses once standing over them. De Witt CLINTON visited this place and others of a similar nature in 1815 or 1816, made many inquiries, and gathered a variety of relics, some of which were presented to the New-York Historical Society. Among them were a small bell without a clapper, piece of a large bell, a gold finger ring, sword blade, bayonet, &c.
There is an extensive burying place contiguous, where several acres were once covered with graves of men, women and children. The skeletons were universally found buried in sitting posture, facing the east, with some domestic utensil or weapon of war between the thigh bones. They are usually found two or three feet below the surface. The skull and bones of the body are uniformly sunk to a level with the legs. From appearances, the bodies, after being placed in their graves, were covered with brush previous to casting the earth upon them. Trees of two hundred years growth, once stood over some of these graves.
This and all the other burying places have been resorted to by antiquaries and others, more curious than considerate, for the purpose of obtaining Indian skeletons. To so great an extent has this rude practice been carried, that perhaps at this time it would be difficult to find one by seeking—as if it could be no harm to rob an Indian’s grave. These noble men have gone; their generations sleep in our cultivated fields; our harvests wave upon their hills; we have robbed them of all else, and we should at least spare their places of sepulcher. Many years ago, when the settlements were first made, a man, whose name deserves not to be remembered, made a regular business of disinterring the bones contained in the Indian graves, to taking whatever was found in them to himself. Hundreds of skeletons have been removed for anatomical purposes, and to enlarge the cabinets of the curious. In this unhallowed business he amassed several hundred dollars’ worth of property. The Indians, who are remarkable for their regard for the dead who, though Pagan in their worship, are shining examples for Christians to follow, in respect to the violation of these sacred deposit, mere at one time on the point of unceremoniously chastising him in a most summary manner. He eluded their vengeance and never dared visit the country afterwards.
Onondaga Castle
There is another place of considerable importance, called “the castle,” near David WILLIAMS’, Pompey, one mile from “Indian Hill.” In former years it was owned by Michael BOURSE, who collected a great variety of trinkets, consisting of beads, precious “stone ornaments,” &c. In 1815, a brass medal was found, on one side of which was an equestrian image with a drawn sword, and on the other, William, Prince of Orange, with a crest or coat of arms; the date was obliterated. William, Prince of Orange, flourished in 1689, and was quite conspicuous in the affairs of New-York for several years previous. This medal may have been a present by him to some distinguished chief. In that neighborhood, a bass wood tree was felled, and an ineffectual attempt made to split the first twelve feet into rails. It was found impossible to open it at all, when, upon farther examination, a large chain was found encircling it, over which one hundred and seventy-eight concentric circles had formed, representing as many years. A large hemlock tree was discovered with three distinct cuts of an ax, over which one hundred and seventy-nine of these granular circles had formed. Now subtract one hundred and seventy-eight from 1815, the time when these examinations were made, and we have the date 1637, as the time when these marks were supposed to have been made, at which time, it is reasonable to suppose, the neighborhood was inhabited by Europeans. A mortar dug out of solid rock may be seen at the brook near by, holding nearly a peck. In the steep banks of this brook are numerous evidences of its having been the scene of a hard fought battle. Articles of war, such as gunbarrels and bullets, have been found, and also knives, axes, &c., upon this particular spot. The regular appearance of four laid out streets for a considerable extent, was once very discernable, and small hillocks where corn had evidently been cultivated could be traced for a long distance. Weapons and implements anciently used by the Indians were frequently found by farmers in plowing their fields, consisting of arrowheads, axes, hatchets, gouges, pestles, &c., made of flint, granite and hornblend, nicely cut and finely polished. David WILLIAMS at one time plowed up the skeleton of a man, and found with it a small brass kettle filled with corn and beans, in a tolerable state of preservation. The kettle was used in his family for domestic purposes several years. A gun barrel was found leaning against a tree, with two-thirds of its top imbedded therein. Wood had made over it about twelve inches. Fragments of the lock were found with it. A box was discovered below the surface of the earth, supposed to have been buried in a hurried manner. It was so far preserved as to show plainly that it had been made of riven planks of ash, partially smoothed with an ax. It contained cloths of red and blue colors; the folds could plainly be seen, and parts were so sound as to admit of being raised without falling asunder. Lead clasps, bearing French marks upon them, were contained in the box.
Samuel HIBBARD and David HINSDALE at one time found a gun barrel on lot number six. They were then boys, and thought to have a little sport. For this purpose they placed the butt end of the gun barrel in the fire, for the purpose of burning off the rust; after a while the barrel exploded and forced a ball against the stone jambs, which completely flattened it. How long this weapon had been charged is unknown, but allowing it to be at the date of other evidences of French occupancy, it must have been near one hundred and forty years. The barrel when found was standing upright in a clump of basswood bushes, as if it had been leaned against a stump which had decayed, and the clump of shrubbery grown up in its stead. Over thirty ivory combs were found near the same place, many of them in a tolerable state of preservation. Wagon loads of old iron have been taken from these grounds.
Mr. HINSDALE of Pompey, at one time had in his possession three vises, one of which was very large, and the jaws alone weighed forty one pounds. It was beautifully engraved all over, with representations of dogs, bears, deer, squirrels, fishes, birds, and was altogether a beautiful specimen of workmanship. Another, a hand vise of excellent quality, was sold to Mr. BOYLSTON, a silversmith of Manlius Village, who used it while he continued in the business. Mr. David HINSDALE found a nest of brass kettles, the largest of which would hold two pails full, and the smallest about three pints. They were all bailed, ready for use, and some of the smaller ones were used in Dr. WESTERN’s family, and Mr. HINSDALE’s family, for several years. The larger ones, being on the outside, were considerably corroded by time and exposure, and were unfit for use. When found, they were nearly buried under the roots of a large tree.
The bones of a man were found on the surface, partially covered, and with them part of a case of surgical instruments, much corroded by rust. On the late Dr. WESTERN’S farm, could be distinctly traced the remains of a small fortification, with a burying place. One grave was opened, in which were the remains of thirteen men. One of the skulls taken from it had been perforated by a bullet, which was found within it. Another skull found in this grave was very much larger than its fellows; the under jaw would fit completely outside of a common man’s, and it is said that the other bones were of corresponding gigantic dimensions A vise and other blacksmith’s tools were found here, as well as gate hinges and many trinkets like those already enumerated. Not far from this last, on the farm of the late John CLAPP, at an early day were plainly traceable, the lines of an earthen fortification. Sundry articles, such as musket balls, gun barrels, axes, &c., have been found upon this ground. The axes were usually made from a straight bar of iron, the eye formed by bending it over, welding it down and hammering out an edge; not at all resembling any tool now in common use. Near this place were plowed up, several years since, six large, very deep, heavy, and broad rimmed pewter platters. They were found several inches below the surface, one within another; they are in a very good state of preservation now and plainly bear the impression of the British coat of arms; probably were once the property of a party of English traders and may have been buried there as a place of safety.
In felling a large pine tree for shingles on Mr. HIBBARD’S farm, in 1820, after cutting in about a foot, the mark of an ax was found, and also a burned spot, the size of a man’s hand or larger. The probability is, that the tree had been “boxed” to obtain turpentine, and when the ancient settlement was broken up, the turpentine had been burned out. From appearances, about one hundred and seventy years must have passed away since the ax and fire had set their mark upon this tree. All had grown up solid, and there was no outward appearance of former work upon the tree. On Mr. David HINSDALE’s farm, under a large pine stump, was a heap of ashes and cinders, from which the boys in the neighborhood used to extricate almost every variety of Indian relic.
Tis the Field of Blood.
Near Mr. HINSDALE’s house, when the land was first occupied, and before the plow began its work, there were numerous circular elevations made of stones, some twelve or fourteen feet in diameter, and about eighteen inches high. They were arranged in regular rows, some two or three rods apart, and were probably the foundations of cabins, which had been once erected on this ground, which must from their numbers and extent formed a considerable village. Among the curious relics preserved by Mr. HINSDALE, is a pad-lock of triangular shape, about three inches on a side. It is almost destroyed by rust, but it is a singular piece of mechanism, and must in its day have been quite a formidable opponent to the progress of thieves. He has a knife which has withstood the rust and ravages of exposure and time better than any thing yet found. The steel must be of the finest quality, and high tempered, and might now be used as well as ever if it was provided with a handle. He has numerous beads, specimens of wampum, ornaments of red pipe-stone, medals, rings, crosses, &c. &c., which are well worth the attention of the curious. Several brass crescents have been found bearing the inscription, “Roi de France et Dieu.” These were probably used for nose and ear jewels. Corn hills were abundant near all the places bearing the marks of occupancy before the plow leveled them, and even now in the forests they are to be found, but not so frequently as in former times. The art of making maple sugar was undoubtedly known to the Indians, for the early settlers all agree that the maple trees in this region bore evident marks of having been tapped. Ax marks were often found six or eight inches from the bark, many of the trees being hollow, caused by frequent incisions. Even the marks made by the rude gouges of the natives were sometimes made visible in the operation of clearing off forests.
These places of defense and burial were very numerous in the township of Pompey. There are not less than fifteen which have been pointed out to us, and which we have visited. they are scattered through several of the neighboring towns. We might multiply accounts of these relics without end, but enough has already been said, we hope, to attract the attention of searchers after antiquarian truth, and to show that this interesting section was once partially peopled by Europeans, (probably French, long since the discovery of America by Columbus,) whose history is obscure, and can only be imperfectly unraveled by judicious comparisons and plausible conjecture.
Most of the grounds before noted, undoubtedly have been the scenes of hard fought battles, after which the country was probably deserted by the remnant (if any) of whites who once kept their trading establishments here. Villages to a considerable extent once covered these hills, and the fate of their inhabitants is, and probably for ever will be wrapped in mystery. When, or by what civilized men these fortifications were built, it were vain for us to inquire; obscurity draws her doubtful veil over the whole, and we dimly see in the faded traditions and chronicles of the past, that these were the works of architects not barbarian, at a period not exceedingly remote. Indian tradition still keeps alive the fact that these grounds have been the theatre of blood; and such is their abhorrence of scenes once enacted here, that except in a few very rare instances, they do not visit the regions near the ancient forts and burying grounds. “Ote queh-sa-he-eh” is their exclamation—“’Tis the field of blood.”
By comparing facts and circumstances as they have fallen under our observation with other historical data, and considering the importance the early French colonists of Canada always attached to the Indian trade, the readiness with which they adapted themselves to Indian manners and habits, and the earnest desire of the Jesuits to establish the Romish religion among them, it may not be unreasonable to suppose, that designing men pushed their way here, and made themselves familiar with the country and its resources, long before colonies were established, and individual enterprise may have erected defenses for security, long before they were considered of sufficient importance to claim protection from their government. It should also be borne in mind, that the French had always cherished the design of absolutely monopolizing and controlling all the trade of the Iroquois. Colonies and military posts were established at Quebec and Montreal, during the first twelve years of the seventeenth century, and these were considerably increased during the twenty-five years immediately succeeding.
The Dutch also had opened a channel of trade with the “Maquas,” during the period that they held possession of New-Netherlands; but it does not appear that during their ascendancy, their traders or people formed any permanent residences among the Indian nations west of the Mohawks’ country, although the trade was considered lucrative. And the New-England people it is presumed, had troubles enough to engage all of their attention at home, in the protracted and exhausting wars which occurred during the infancy of their settlements. So that it is but reasonable to infer, that the early French adventurers succeeded in so far winning the favor and affections of the Iroquois, as to be allowed to intrench themselves strongly within their territory, as early as 1640 or 1650, and that these ruins now so famous as antiquarian relics in our county, were the works of their hands.
The most interesting and important relic of by-gone days, and the one which has attracted the most attention, and elicited the most speculative opinions in this region, undoubtedly is the celebrated stone found by Mr. Philo CLEVELAND on his farm, since occupied by the late Mr. Anson SPRAGUE. It is about fourteen inches long by twelve inches broad and eight inches thick; a very heavy, hard, oval shaped stone, evidently a boulder, much worn, and from outward appearances, granitic, but perhaps approaching nearer to gneiss than granite; on it in the centre, is rather rudely engraved the figure of a tree with a serpent climbing it. (See the annexed out.)
Of course the interpretation would be materially different. It was probably designed as a sepulchral monument, and may have been executed on or near the place where it was found.
The following brief history of this singular relic may not be wholly uninteresting. Mr. CLEVELAND was picking stones in his field, preparatory to making a meadow, in the summer of 1820 or 1821. It was on a moist piece of ground and toward evening, at the close of his day’s labors, he raised the stone with his iron bar and turned it on its edge. Mr. C. being weary, leaned against a stump near by, with his hands resting on the top of the bar. While musing in that position, with his eyes fixed upon the stone, he observed something remarkable about it; and upon taking a nearer view, discovered some of the characters and letters above described. He removed it to a pile of stones not far distant, and at the time thought but little of it. Several days afterward he made another visit to the stone, when he found that the rain had washed the dirt clean from it, and the rude engraving was much more distinctly to be seen. This induced him to invite some of his neighbors to examine it, whereupon it was decided to remove it to a blacksmith’s shop at Watervale, a small settlement near by. It remained there six months or more, and became the subject of much talk and speculation at the time.
Every person who came to the shop, would of course examine the stone, take a horse nail or old file and scrape all the cracks, seams and carvings, giving it somewhat the appearance of new work. The stone was found with the inscription downward, about one-third buried. It is not at all probable that Mr. CLEVELAND or any of the persons who first saw the stone in the field or at the shop, could have designed or executed the carvings; besides, there are many persons now living who would bear testimony to its authenticity. It was subsequently removed to Manlius Village, and was visited by several distinguished gentlemen of science, most of whom were disposed to admit that it was genuine. It remained in this village nearly a year, and was finally deposited in the Museum of the Albany Institute, now under the care of Dr. T. Romeyn BECK, where it still remains an object both of speculation and curiosity; and so far as the writer of this is informed, it is admitted to be an authentic memorial of antiquity. The stone and inscription are subjects highly interesting to the lovers of antiquarian lore, and to the curious student.
An attempt to account for, decipher and satisfactorily explain so singular a relic, might seem arrogant in the extreme. A few words will suffice, when we reflect that Mexico had been fully explored and settled by Spaniards previous to 1521, and that those people always manifested an insatiable thirst for gold. Gaspar COTEREAL, a Portuguese, had explored nearly the whole coast of North America, in 1501. The fishing grounds of Newfoundland were well known and occupied by the French, as early as 1505. The French navigator, VERRAZZINI, faithfully examined the shores of the United States, in 1525. DE SOTO’S memorable campaign commenced in 1539 and ended in 1542. He penetrated as far north as the 36th degree of north latitude, and explored both sides of the Mississippi for several leagues. During his travels, it is said he fell in with a party of northern Indians, who had with them a Spaniard taken from the party of NARVAEZ, who had proceeded over much of Florida, ten years before. When these facts are taken into consideration, and the extreme interest then felt by all classes of men, in the development of the resources of the new world, the avidity with which daring adventurers sought the most distant and imaginary sources of wealth; and the avarice, cupidity and desperation of these men, it may not appear incredible, that a party of Spaniards, either stimulated by the spirit of adventure, or allured by the love of gold, or driven by some rude blast of misfortune, may have visited this region, lost one of their number by death, and erected this rude stone with its simple inscription as a tribute to his memory, as early as the year 1520.
On the hill, about one mile and a half south of Delphi, on lot number one hundred, Pompey, are the ruins of an old fort and burying place, occupying about eight acres of land. It is situated on an elevated piece of ground, surrounded by a deep ravine made by two small streams, which pass around it and unite on the north, making the form of the elevation triangular, or more in shape, like a flat-iron with its point to the north. The principal gateway and entrance was at the north point, and a smaller one on the south side.There was a mound or bastion in front of it. The area of this place of defense was enclosed with a ditch and pickets, which can now be traced throughout nearly the whole circumference, as plain and distinctly as if but recently abandoned. At every place where a picket had stood, a slight depression in the earth is distinctly visible. In one instance, a large tree had fallen, and beneath its roots a cavity was exposed, which had every appearance of having, at some previous time, been the receptacle of a post over which the tree had grown, perhaps one hundred and fifty or two hundred years, and left the artificial post to decay beneath its trunk. The timber within this enclosure was of smaller growth than that immediately contiguous, consisting of dwarf plumb trees, thorns, small maple and ash trees, bushes, &c. The ground was covered with grass. In one corner of the fort, were evident marks of a blacksmith’s shop having been once in full operation there, for various tools have been found belonging to the trade, and also a bed of cinders and a deposit of charcoal. Beneath one of these piles were found en cache, a quantity of corn, among which was a quantity of pumpkin or squash seeds, charred, which almost instantly crumbled to dust upon being exposed to the air. A short distance to the south of the fort is the main burying ground, which is quite extensive. One of the peculiarities of this ground, from all others in which we have had knowledge, is that the corpses are buried, one row with their heads to the west and the next row with their heads to the east, so that the feet of the two rows were towards each other, and very near together, with the arms folded across the breast.Many of these skeletons have at different times been removed, disentombed to illustrate science and adorn the cabinets of the curious. The skeletons taken from here, have usually been of a size averaging far above that of common men. Several have exceeded seven feet.Many curious trinkets have been disinterred with these bones, such as arrow-heads, axes, knives gun-barrels, beads, glass and earthen were, &c. &c., similar to like named articles found at other places of defense in this vicinity. Under the head of one of these skeletons, which had been removed from its resting place in 1814, was found a large flat stone, and upon that a plate of lead, which had become completely oxydized, and upon exposure to the air crumbled to dust. Near this head was found an ink horn and a curiously wrought pen, made of one of the small spurs of a buck’s horn, from which it was concluded at the time that the subject must have been a man of education, and his occupation that of a secretary or scribe. Within the fort was a large stone about four feet square, upon which were several furrows in regular lines, two or three inches apart, an inch deep, extending nearly across the stone, similar to those on a like kind of stone near the fortification on lot number thirty-three, on the east side of the Hollow. Whether these are significant of any thing, or only the work of fancy, we have not been able to determine. It is supposed by some to be a resort for sharpening tools, implements, &c., which would seem probable enough, were it not that the stones contain no grit, and the lines are perfectly regular and similar to each other. The indentations denoting the position of the posts or pickets in this work, are about four feet apart, and undoubtedly the interstices were filled with saplings interwoven, so as to make the whole a firm and substantial work of aboriginal defense. The palisades were set in the bottom of a ditch, which the early settlers say was in some places six feet deep, when they first saw it forty or forty-five years ago. This work is mainly now on land which has not been cleared. This work is represented by figure one in the cut. About a mile west from this is the remains of another work of similar character, and two miles north of Delphi, in the town of Cazenovia, on lands owned by Mr. William ATWELL, is another, which is represented in the cut figure two. So common are works of this description in this neighborhood, and so extensive are the depositories of the dead, that the most undoubted evidence exists that a numerous population must have, at some prior period, inhabited here.
There is another site of an ancient fortification on a farm owned by a Mr. SHELDON, lately owned by Mr. Elihu BARBER, about one mile north of Delphi, on the west side of the Hollow. The position, appurtenances, &c., of this locality, so nearly resemble the one just before mentioned, that a particular description of it is deemed unnecessary. It is said, how ever, that when the ground was first plowed a cart or carriage wheel was turned up nearly entire, a circumstance which has not occurred we believe in any other locality. Hills of corn were once distinctly traceable at intervals from one of these forts to the other, nearly the whole distance, which proves this neighborhood to have been cleared up at an early day, as the trees now occupying this ground are supposed to be at least two hundred years old, large and uniform in size, so close together as not to admit at all of cultivation between them.
Under a very large pine tree, which had been upturned by the wind, on the farm occupied by Mr. James SCOVILLE, was discovered a large bed of charcoal, which must have been deposited there, judging from the size of the tree, at least two hundred years before. On his farm, also, was an extensive burying ground, where human bones of extraordinary dimensions, have been exhumed.
Mr. William HASKINS, who was the fifth inhabitant in the township of Pompey, on lot number thirteen, in 1792, says that in first plowing the lands, almost every variety of implement used in agriculture and the common arts, was found in that neighborhood. They consisted of knives, supposed to be of French manufacture, axes, with the English stamp, gun barrels, some of them with a portion of the stock remaining, abundance of ship-spikes, pump-hooks, a spy-glass, trammel and chains, &c. In one instance a large quantity of musket balls were plowed up by the side of a rock. The remains of a wheel barrow, with the irons entire, also anvils and vises, unfinished gun-barrels and gun-locks, hand-saws and files fragments of church bells, &c. On this ground the graves were arranged with great regularity, side by side, in rows of ten or fifteen rods in extent; in the vicinity were other groups of graves, but not in regular order. Upon examination the body appears to have been enclosed in a wooden or bark box. In one grave was found two glass bottles. In plowing, fragments of glass bottles, earthen and china ware were found, and a stone, cut in imitation of a watch.
There is a locality in the town of Cazenovia, Madison County, near the line of Onondaga, on lot thirty-three, township of Pompey, called the “Indian Fort.” It is about four miles south-easterly from Manlius Village, situated on a slight eminence, which is nearly surrounded by a deep ravine, the banks of which are quite steep and rocky. The ravine is in shape like an ox-bow, made by two streams, which pass nearly around it and unite. Across this bow, at the opening, was an earthen wall running south-east and north-west, and when first noticed by the early settlers, was four or five feet high, straight, with something of a ditch in front, from two to three feet deep. Within the enclosure may be ten or twelve acres of land. A part of this ground, when first occupied in these latter times, was called “the Prairie,” and is noted now among the old men as the place where the first battalion training was held in the county of Onondaga. But that portion near the wall, and in front of it, has recently (some six years ago) been cleared of a heavy growth of black oak timber. Many of the trees were large, and were probably one hundred and fifty or two hundred years old. Some were standing in the ditch, and others on the top of the embankment. There is a burying place within the enclosure. The plow has already done much towards leveling the wall and ditch; still they can be easily traced the whole extent. A few more plowings and harrowings, and no vestige of it will remain. There are numerous specimens of dark brown pottery found upon this ground now, and almost every variety of Indian relic has been found about here, some of which are held in very high estimation by the owners. One fact will apply to this locality, that does not we believe to any other of a similar kind. Two cannon balls, of about three pounds weight, were found in this vicinity, showing that light cannon were used, either for defense, or in the reduction of this fortification.
There is a large rock, in the ravine on the south, on which are inscribed the following characters, thus, IIIIIX, cut three quarters of an inch broad, nine inches long, three-fourths of an inch deep, perfectly regular, and the lines straight. When it was a work of fancy or had significance, we have not been able to determine. On the site of the village of Cazenovia, we have been informed, there was a fort or embankment. Some persons say it was “roundish,” others that it was “angular with sides at right angles.” Recollections respecting it are very imperfect. Many relics have been found here, indicating an earlier occupancy than those usually found in this country. This was on the Oneidas’ territory. There is a singular coincidence in the location of the fortifications enumerated, which we have never observed until a recent visit. They are nearly all, if not quite all, situated on land rather elevated above that which is immediately contiguous, and surrounded or nearly so, by deep ravines, so that these form a part of the fortifications themselves. At one of these, (on the farm of David WILLIAMS, in Pompey,) the banks on either side are found to contain bullets of lead, as if shot across at opposing forces. The space between, may be about three or four rods, and the natural cutting twenty or twenty-five feet deep. This goes far to prove the care these architects had in selecting the most favorable situations for defense, and the fear and expectation they were in of attacks. We are of opinion that the fortifications in this neighborhood are not more ancient than the period of the French settlement of missionaries among the Onondagas, during the early part of the seventeenth century. But the more we investigate this subject, the more we are convinced that there were many more of the French established here among the Indians by far, than has been generally supposed, and their continuance with them longer, for it was a leading feature in the policy of the early French Governors of Canada, and of the French nation, not only to christianized the natives by the introduction of missionaries among them, but also to colonize their country. The nature of the articles found, utensils of farmers and mechanics, hoes, axes, horse-shoes, hammers, blacksmiths’ tools, &c., go to prove that agriculture and the mechanic arts, were practiced some that extensively during their sojourn. The Indian name by which the country in and about Pompey was anciently known, we think goes to substantiate this fact, Ote-ge-ga-ja-ke—an open place, with much grass, an opening, or prairie The timber in many places here, has a vigorous growth; and although large, there is a uniformity in the size and age, which shows that it has all grown up since the occupancy, because under the trees are not only found relics, but among them, in many instances, corn-hills can be traced at considerable distances. That the appearance of corn-hills in a wilderness, after a lapse of so many years may appear less strange, it may be well to remark, that the Indian mode of planting, formerly, varied materially from that of the whites. Their manner was to plant three hills near each other and raise quite a mound around them, and plant the same mound for a series of years, and these mounds are the corn-hills noticed at the present day.
Editor’s Note:
The purpose of my information here about Onondagus County NY and surrounding areas is to share with you significant archaeological evidence for the ancient Hopewell Culture nearby the Hill Cumorah which I also believe is the area where the Nephites lived.
Hopewell Mounds Ohio
There is evidence of fortifications, pottery, copper, weapons, palisades, forts, mass burials, mounds, tools and other artifacts all around this area. I believe the Hopewell culture matches up with the Nephite culture extraordinarily well.The Hopewell originated in 600 BC at the panhandle of Florida from Crystal River to Pensacola, Florida. History documents this. The Hopewell then traveled north into Georgia and Tennessee. There is evidence of a huge society of the Hopewell from Missouri to Illinois to Indiana and then to Ohio which was the dominant historical area of this people. History shows the end of the Hopewell civilization around the year 400 AD. Historians say the Hopewell just disappeared and historians have no idea what happened. I feel I have a good idea. The final battle at Cumorah was 385 AD. This is some of the best evidence of a possible link to the Hopewell and the Nephites.
My friend who is a very loving Christian and Preacher named Richard D. Moats is an Avocational Archaeologist, who has lived in Ohio his entire life and jokes with me and says, “I know the people of Ohio as Hebrews and you know them as Nephites. We have found the same people.” Doesn’t it really make sense that there has to be traces of Hebrew where Lehi and Nephi lived? Search for yourself. Many signs show Hebrew influence in North America and especially in Ohio. It’s sad that many professionals say all the artifacts are a hoax. They have to say that for over 20 various items that have been discovered.
Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times continued, “The presentation of medals to the Indians was undoubtedly a very common practice with the missionaries and traders. A valuable cross of gold was several years ago found in the west part of Pompey, and was sold for thirty dollars. The significant “I. H. S.” (“Hominum Salvator, or Jesus, the savior of men”) was upon it. Numbers of crucifixes and crosses have been found. Brass crosses are frequently found, with those letters, and the initials of the latin title put upon the cross at the crucifixion, “I. N. R. I.,” (“Jesuus Nazarenus, Rex Julesorum, or Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”) and so are medals of the same metal. One was recently found, on the farm of David HINSDALE, about the size of a shilling piece. The figure of a Roman Pontiff, in a standing position, in his hand a crosier, surrounded with this inscription: “B. virg. sin. P. origi. con.” which we have ventured to write out, “Beata virgo sine Peccato originali concepts,” or as we might say in English, “The blessed virgin conceived without original sin.” On the other side was a representation of a serpent, and two nearly naked figures, looking intently upon it. This one is very perfect in all its parts, and the letters as plain as if struck but yesterday. It was undoubtedly compressed between dies. It is oval in shape, and bored that it might be suspended from the neck.
A silver medal was found, near Eagle Village, about the size of a dollar, but a little thinner, with a ring or loop at one edge, to admit a cord by which it might be suspended. On one side appears in relief, a somewhat rude representation of a fortified town, with several tall steeples rising above its buildings, and a citadel from which the British flag is flying; a river broken by an island or two, occupies the foreground, and above, along the upper edge of the medal, is the name Montreal. The initials D. C. F., probably of the manufacturer, are stamped below. On the opposite side, which was originally made blank, are engraved the words CANECYA, Onondagoes, which are doubtless the name and nation of the red ruler on whose dusky breast this ornament was displayed, as a valuable token of friendship of some British Governor of. New York or Canada, to an influential ally among the Five Nations. There is no date on this or any other of the medals. But this must be at least older than the Revolution, and probably more than a hundred and fifty snows have whitened the field, where the plow disinterred it, since the chief, whose name it has preserved, was laid to rest with his fathers.
In July, 1840, was found, on the farm of Mr. William CAMPBELL, by his son, on lot number three, La Fayette, a silver medal, about the size of a dollar, and nearly as thick. On one aide is a device, surmounted by an angel on the wing, stretching forward with its left hand, looking down upon those below with a resolute, determined and commanding countenance. Far in the background, is a lofty ridge of mountains. Just beneath and away in the distance, is seen an Indian village or town, towards which the angel is steadily and earnestly pointing. Above this overhangs a slight curtain of cloud or smoke. Between the village and the mountain are scattering trees, as if an opening had just been made in the forest; nearer are seen various wild animals sporting gaily. In bolder relief are seen Europeans, in the costume of priests and pilgrims, with staves, exhibiting by their gestures and countenances, hilarity, gladness and joy, winding their way up the gentle ascent towards the mountain, decreasing in size from the place of departure, till lost from view. Among them are wheel carriages and domestic animals, intermixed. On the right is a fair representation of a cottage, and a spacious commercial ware-house, against which are leaning sheaves of grain. The whole is surrounded by the following inscription in Dutch: GEHE AUS DEINEM VATTER LAND, 1 b. M., XII., V. 1, and at the bottom across, LASST HIER DIEGVTER. On the opposite side there is a figure of the sun shining in meridian splendor, casting its noon-tide rays over a civilized town, represented by churches, stores, dwellings, &c., with various domestic animals, and numerous persons engaged in husbandry and other pursuits. In bolder relief stand Europeans in the costume of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, engaged as if in animated and joyful conversation and greetings, and by various attitudes, manifesting happiness and joy. On the right is represented a section of a church, at the door of which stands a venerable man, with head uncovered, with his hands extended, as if welcoming these persons to a new and happy habitation. This side is surrounded by the following inscription: VND DV SOLLT EIN SEEGEN SEYN, 1 b. Mos., XII., V. 2, and across the bottom as follows: GOTT GIBT SIEWIEDER.
The interpretation of the first side is—Get thee out from thy country and friends, thou shalt be truly a blessing. On the reverse side, which should be read in connection—Leaving thy goods behind thee, God will restore them to thee again.
Inscription on the Medal
The small letters and figures on the right, refer to the 1st Book of Genesis, XII chap., verses 1st and 2d, which inscription on the medal was taken from those verses in the Dutch Bibles. Our translation is very excellent, though perhaps not strictly literal, (which see.) It is in this chapter that God calleth Abram, and blesseth him with a promise of Christ; promiseth him the land of Canaan in a vision, to which he departed with his kindred and friends and servants, and there builded an altar unto the Lord. Abram’s first step was obedience. He left all and took possession, with his household, of the land of Canaan; and it is remarkable that the first instance of God’s favor towards him was to renew his promise to give him the whole land of Canaan, in place of the possessions he left behind him, and to make his posterity a mighty nation.
This medal must have been none other than one given by his countrymen in Father-land, to a devoted Missionary, with a party of followers intending to spend their days in America, the land of promise, the fruitful Canaan of modern times, who in the goodness of his heart, bent on doing the work of his divine master, at some early day wandered into the wilds of the Onondagas, set up the cross, (the Bethel of Abram,) and left this memento of his mission in the hand of some Neophyte, which by some unaccountable circumstance has been buried, we know not how long, but now comes to light to prove to us, that the aborigines of our country were a people whose spiritual welfare was regarded as sincerely by the Dutch as by their more ambitious and ostentatious neighbors, the French. It is much to be regretted, that on this and all the other medals, there is no date whereby to establish their particular period of antiquity. This is by far the most singular and interesting relic of the kind which has come under our notice, and goes positively to establish a hitherto doubtful point, to wit, the early establishment of missionaries by the Dutch among the Onondagas.*
* Quere. May not this medal be a relic of the Zeisberger mission of 1750.
The fragments of a bell have lately come under our notice found on the farm of Isaac JOBS, which when whole, would have weighed probably one hundred and fifty or two hundred pounds. The metal is very fine, and from appearance, this article must have been of considerable value. Time and exposure have not changed it in the least. When found, some twenty years since, it was broken up, and the pieces found are enough to make it nearly entire.
On the farm of Mr. Isaac KEELER, were the remains of an ancient fort and burying ground. When Mr. KEELER first settled here, the site of the old fort was an extensive opening of about fifty acres, bearing grass, with clumps of wild plumb trees, and a few scattering forest trees. Mr. KEELER has left some of these plumb trees standing, and has cultivated them, and they yield fruit inferior to none. On this opening it is said, was paraded the first regiment of militia that was organized the county of Onondaga, commanded by Major Moses DE WITT. This ancient remnant of a fort is on lot number three, township of Pompey, and was formerly owned by Moses DE WITT. At that time the outlines of this fort were distinctly traceable. It had been enclosed with palisades of cedar and contained some ten acres of land. The plan was a plain parallelogram, divided across the shortest way through the middle, by two rows of palisades running east and west. The space between the rows was about twelve feet. At the north west corner was an isolated bastion and an embrasure. When first brought under cultivation by a Mr. William BENDS, he plowed up many of the stumps of palisades of cedar which had been burned off level with the ground. Within the southern division of the fort were several mounds, the principal one of which was about four feet high, rising on a base of about fifteen feet diameter, composed chiefly of ashes, in which were found many beads of the size of bullets, and many other trinkets of various sizes and patterns, made of red pipe-stone.Several hundred pounds of old iron have been gleaned from this spot, consisting of axes, hatchets, gun-barrels and locks, coarse files, horse-shoes, large spikes, hammers and blacksmiths tools. The smaller mounds principally contained charred corn, many bushels of which have been plowed up. At a distance of about forty rods north of the north-west corner of the fort was a ditch perhaps forty rods long, running north by west; some parts of it three feet deep, others less; about six feet in breadth; undoubtedly it originally was much deeper. From present appearances, it was entirely disconnected with the fort; but time has made such alterations with it and the grounds around, that at this late day, it is impossible to conjecture for what purpose it was originally intended. The situation of this ancient fort was on an elevation of land, gradually rising for nearly a mile in every direction; and at the time of its occupancy, several hundreds of acres of land in the vicinity must have been cleared, giving to the garrison an extensive prospect. The grounds occupied by the fort are about fifty rods east of Mr. KEELER’s house, and are unsurpassed by any in the county for fertility and beauty of location. Here in ancient times, undoubtedly have been marshaled with nodding plume and rattling cuirass, the troops of the French side by side with the dusky Onondagas, singularly contrasting their polished European weapons with the hickory bows and flint arrows of their allies; and here too have they mingled the war-whoop of the savage, with the Vive le Roi de France; while the Black Robes with their trembling neophytes, chante in ecstacy, Venite Exultemus and Jubilate Deo. Seasons of joy and festivities, of worship and praise to God, passed for years over this land; the trader gathered riches from the wild forester, and the warrior fresh laurels wherewith to entwine his brow. At length a storm arises, the priest, the warrior and the chausseur foresee its portentous gloom, too late to flee the tempest, and too feeble to withstand the shock. They fell victims to its fury, and these few relics are the only evidences of their fate. Fragments of broken pottery, apparently used for culinary purposes, are abundantly found on this location. Pipes, flint arrow-heads, stone hatchets, mortars and pestles, gouges &c., are also found. In 1813, Mr. Isaac KEELER felled an oak tree near the site of the fort, measuring three feet in diameter. In preparing the tree for the fire, a leaden bullet was found covered by one hundred and forty-three cortical layers. It was about four inches from the heart of the tree, which must have been small when the bullet was fired. From calculation, the time which has elapsed since the bullet assumed its position, must be over one hundred and forty-five years, making the date of its lodgment, A.D. 1667.
Brass Compass-Box
Mr. KEELER had in his possession a portion of a brass dial plate, plowed up by him on the site of this fort; on it are engraved in fair Roman characters, I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII VIII.; also a brass compass-box, from which the needle had been removed, and its place supplied with vermilion, a pigment highly prized by the Indians; and another more perfect one beautifully wrought, having on one side a representation of our Saviour, and on the other, Mary the mother of Jesus as represented in the following cuts:
Also, an octagonal brass medal nearly an inch in diameter, having a figure with the name “St. Agatha,” and the Latin word “Ora,” a part of the Gregorian chant. Also a silver medal half an inch long, with a figure inscribed “St. Lucia” and the same fragment of a chant. Mr. KELLER has also an old balance beam eighteen inches long, which perhaps has often tested the weight of the foot of a Frenchman against the red man’s pound of beaver; for, like the ancient Dutch traders at Albany, it was said the French made a foot weigh a pound. Also a medal of lead, oval shaped, an inch and a half long, with the figure of a man suspended by outstretched hands, supposed to be a representation of our Savior on the cross, and a figure of a serpent. On the opposite side is a figure of a man in a sitting posture, resembling the characteristic position of the native prophets;or as some interpret it, the devil—an emblem that Christianity will destroy all evil. An iron horse shoe, steel corked, with three elongated nail holes on each side. The peculiar workmanship of this shoe, its clumsiness and spread, and the little skill which it evinces in the making, denotes it clearly to be the workmanship of a Canadian blacksmith, precisely like those witnessed at the present day in that country, and intended only for the unferriered hoofs of the Canadian horse. It is the roughest specimen of the craft that can be imagined. This is a specimen of several which have been exhumed in this country, all of which are of the rudest workmanship. Several years ago a curious brass plate probably used for a shield, was plowed up; it was oval shaped, and about eighteen inches in diameter the longest way. Here are also found sword guards, fragments of the blades, gun locks, surgeons’ instruments, saws, bracelets for the wrists three inches broad, of brass highly wrought, and many other curious articles.
In many places within this fort and in its vicinity, were found numerous pits for hiding en cache, corn and other articles by the occupants from their enemies, or as a temporary place of deposit during their hunting excursions. Skeletons have been found in these places of deposit, some of them of extraordinary size. The jaws of some of them would fit easily over that of any common man.Mr. KEELER has a portion of a jaw in which are double teeth at least one-third larger than those of an ordinary man.
Indian Relics
On Mr. Samuel A. KEENE’s land, are mounds containing human bones; also burying grounds all along on the west side of the creek, on Mr. Jeremiah GOULD’s land, upon which are found almost every variety of Indian relic. On the grounds of Mr. KEENE have been found several strings of very fine glass beads’ of red, blue and white colors, and others striped and variegated; also numerous little bells, such as are sometimes used by the Romish priesthood. Fish hooks have also been picked up in the vicinity of the old fort, and steels for producing fire with tinder. Mr. Keene has a brass compass box, screw top, and a little brass kettle which holds about a pint, all plowed up on his land. Brass crosses have frequently been plowed up, and some of the most perfect and highest finished ones, have over the head of the Saviour, the letters I, N. R. I. Most of the crosses found in other places have the letters I. H. S.
But the most rare and singular relic which has come to our observation, is an iron bombshell, about the size of a six pound ball, weighing two and three-fourths pounds. This was plowed up on the land of Mr. KEENE, and is believed to be the only article of the kind which has been found. Cannon balls of small size have been found in the eastern part of Pompey.
These relics certainly prove that light cannon were in use at these places of fortification. From the great number of gun barrels, crosses, axes, &c., found about here, it is certain that armed bodies of men in considerable numbers, have occupied these grounds; and that from the mutilated condition of the-guns, the broken axes, jammed kettles, and injured state of every thing contributing to defense and-comfort, they must have been exterminated or forcibly driven away. That these are the remains of the French Jesuits and traders of the seventeenth century, there is not a doubt. Everything goes to substantiate the fact. Enough of their history has been related in the foregoing pages, to settle the question beyond dispute. The forts, relies, utensils, mounds, caches, burying grounds, &c., are similar in every direction, and bear marked evidence of former occupancy by man in a civilized state, and in a former age.Like evidences occur also in De Witt, Camillus and Manlius. Were all the records in Christendom totally destroyed, there still remains the most unquestionable evidences of the presence of civilization in this land, in the metallic arms, implements and utensils of the soldier, the artisan, the mechanic and farmer, succeeding a more rude era, in which arts, agriculture and war were carried on with implements of wood, stone, clay and shells.” Submitted by Carl Hommel, October 2, 1998 Source: Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times, Vol. II, by Joshua V. H. Clark, A.M., Stoddard and Babcock, Syracuse, NY, 1849, pp. 241-282
What does Rahab (OT), Abish (BofM) and Woman Caught in Adultery (NT), have in common? They were all Heroines of the scriptures and sinners like ourselves.
Rahab of the Old Testament was the first recorded Gentile convert. There are many ways in which Rahab depicts many in the church today. (Picture of Abish right, is by Mandy Jane Williams here)
She was part of a pagan world system, and a harlot
She was saved because of her faith in God
Rahab and others are saved by an act of grace through faith, which requires action. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” James 2:17
To be spared she had to follow the directions given to her by Israelite Leaders
Like Rahab, once we come to Christ, our pasts no longer matter. (Repentance)
She was adopted into the line of Christ, and she has a place in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
There is so much to learn from the great women in the scriptures. Women like Mary Mother of Christ, Martha, Sariah, Ruth, Naomi, Mary Magdalene, and the heroines I mentioned above. I respect the women of my life, my wonderful Mother and Wife Stacy. They are my spiritual rocks of love and guidance.
In my heart I believe the role of women is to be honored and cherished. Who else can have the spiritual offspring of our Father in Heaven? What a power and blessing. I fell strongly that many women in the Scriptures may not be mentioned as often as men, to protect them and honor them, as not being like prey to the evil condemnation of this world. Where else is there such a strong group of stalwart women as in the possible 10 Million women in the Relief Society which began in 1842? No where.
All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose…
We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. We declare the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.
Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children… Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.
Joshua Chapter 2
“Joshua sends spies to Jericho—They are received and concealed by Rahab—They promise to preserve Rahab and her household.” Chapter Introduction
“And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot’s house, named Rahab, and lodged there.” Joshua 2:1
Who was Rahab in the Bible?
In the book of Joshua, we are introduced to one of the most thought-provoking and astonishing heroines of the Old Testament. Rahab, the prostitute of the Canaanite city of Jericho, ultimately is noteworthy for her great faith and for her place in the lineage of Jesus Christ. But a closer examination of the life of this remarkable Gentile woman can lead to deeper insights into God’s plan for His church and His dealing with individual believers in grace and mercy.
Rahab’s story is found in Joshua 2–6. This passage describes the conquest of the fortified city of Jericho by the Israelites. In its day, Jericho was the most important Canaanite fortress city in the Jordan Valley. It was a stronghold directly in the path of the advancing Israelites, who had just crossed the Jordan River (Joshua 3:1-17). Before entering the land west of the Jordan, Joshua sent two spies to look over the land. The king of Jericho heard that two Israelite spies were within his city and ordered them to be brought out to him. Rahab, the woman with whom the spies were staying, protected them by hiding them on her roof. She told them how the citizens of Jericho had been fearful of the Israelites ever since they defeated the Egyptians via the Red Sea miracle (some 40 years prior). She agreed to help them escape, provided that she and her family were spared in the upcoming battle. The spies agreed to her request, giving her three conditions to be met: 1) she must distinguish her house from the others by hanging a scarlet rope out of the window so the Israelites would know which home to spare; 2) her family must be inside the house during the battle; and 3) she must not later turn on the spies.
Safely escaping the city, the two spies returned to Joshua and reported that the “whole land was melting with fear.” The Israelites crossed the Jordan into Canaan where they laid siege to the city of Jericho. The city was completely destroyed, and every man, woman, and child in it was killed. Only Rahab and her family were spared. Ultimately, Rahab married Salmon, an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. Her son was Boaz, the husband of Ruth. Joseph, the legal father of Jesus, is her direct descendant.
Rahab was a young Canaanite prostitute and as such not a very likely candidate for a heroine of the faith. Jericho was one of the principal seats of idol worship, being especially devoted to Ashtaroth, the goddess of the moon. Here was centered all that was the vilest and most degrading in the religion of the Canaanites. Many Bible commentators, eager to remove the stigma of the designation “harlot” from one included in the genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:5), have described Rahab as a hostess or tavern keeper. But scriptural usage of the Hebrew word zanah (Leviticus 21:7-14; Deuteronomy 23:18; Judges 11:1; 1 Kings 3:16) and the authority of the apostles (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25), establish the credibility for use of the word “harlot.”
It is clear that Rahab was perceptive, intelligent and well informed. Rahab identified the spies for what they were, hid them, and had a plausible story ready with which to deceive the king’s agents. Rahab didn’t deny that she had entertained the men. She says that they left at dusk when it would be difficult for anyone to be sure of clearly seeing anything. The agents did not dare to risk stopping to search Rahab’s house because, if they did, the spies might get away. Finally, the Canaanite prostitute gives the two Israelites excellent advice. She tells them to hide in the hills for three days before attempting to cross the Jordan.
Spiritually, Rahab was not in an ideal circumstance to come to faith in the one true God, the God of Israel. She was a citizen of a wicked city that was under God’s condemnation. Rahab was part of a corrupt, depraved, pagan culture. She had not benefited from the godly leadership of Moses or Joshua. However, Rahab had one asset—she had heard from the many men she came into contact with that the Israelites were to be feared. She heard the stories of their escape from Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, the wanderings in the wilderness, and their recent victory over the Amorites. She learned enough to reach the correct, saving conclusion: “For the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Joshua 2:11). It is this change of heart, this faith—coupled with the actions prompted by faith—that saved her and her family.
It is often said that Rahab, while being a true historical person, also serves as a symbolic foreshadowing or “type” of the church and Gentile believers. She was, in fact, the first recorded Gentile convert. There are many ways in which Rahab depicts the church. First, she was part of a pagan world system, a prostitute, who by her conversion was enabled to become a legitimate bride. In like fashion, Israel was the first chosen people of God, but they were set aside temporarily so the Gentiles could be brought into the kingdom of God, and the church is now considered the bride of Christ (Romans 11; Ephesians 5:25-27). Second, Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was saved because of her faith in “God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Hebrews 11:31). Likewise, Christians are saved through faith in Jesus Christ. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
Third, although Rahab and Christians are saved by an act of grace through faith, true faith requires and is exemplified by action (James 2). Rahab had to put the scarlet cord out of the window. Christians must accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and then go on to live in a manner that verifies that our faith is real. Fourth, Rahab could have indicated the location of her home in any number of ways. But the only way that she could be spared was to follow the directions given to her by the Israelite spies. The world tells us that there are many ways to God and salvation, all equally valid. But the Bible tells us, concerning Jesus Christ, that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Fifth, Rahab’s faith enabled her to turn away from her culture, her people, and her religion and to the Lord. Commitment to a true faith in God may necessitate setting priorities that are contrary to those of the world, as we are exhorted to do in Romans 12:2.
Finally, once we come to Christ, our pasts no longer matter. The slate is wiped clean for all who believe and accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross on our behalf. Rahab was no longer viewed as an unclean prostitute, but as one worthy by grace to be part of the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as she was grafted into the line of Christ, so we become children of God and partakers in His inheritance (Romans 11). We find in the life of Rahab the inspiring story of all sinners who have been saved by grace. In her story, we learn of the amazing grace of God that can save even the worst of sinners and bring them into an abundant life in Christ Jesus.”
He was the son of Nahshon, married “Rachab” of Matthew 1:5 (possibly Rahab, of Jericho), and Boaz (or Booz) was their son. Thus, according to the biblical genealogies, Salmon is the patrilineal great-great-grandfather of David. Salmon is mentioned in 1 Chronicles (1 Chronicles 2:10–11), the Book of Ruth (Ruth 4:20,21), Matthew 1:4-5, and Luke 3:32. Nahshon was one of the Israelite leaders present with Moses. During the exodus from Egypt who undertook a “census of all the congregation of the children of Israel” and therefore Salmon would probably have been a contemporary of Joshua and part of the generation of Israelites who entered the promised land.
Rahab’s marriage to Salmon is not mentioned in the account of her hiding Joshua’s messengers sent out to spy out Jericho, although the narrative regarding her role concludes that “she dwells in Israel to this day“.
The son of Salmon and his wife Rahab, Boaz was a wealthy landowner of Bethlehem in Judea, and relative of Elimelech, Naomi’s late husband. He notices Ruth, the widowed Moabite daughter-in-law of Naomi, a relative of his (see family tree), gleaning grain in his fields. He soon learns of the difficult circumstances her family is in and Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi. In response, Boaz invites her to eat with him and his workers, as well as deliberately leaving grain for her to claim while keeping a protective eye on her.
In the bible he functions as the power center for the entire further development. For example he brings about the acceptance of Ruth and the reacceptance of Naomi as well.
Ruth approaches Boaz and asks him to exercise his right of kinship and marry her. Boaz accepts, provided that another with a superior claim declines. Since the first son of Ruth and a kinsman of her late husband would be deemed the legal offspring of the decedent and heir to Elimelech, the other kinsman defers to Boaz.
In marrying Ruth, Boaz revives Elimelech’s lineage, and the patrimony is secured to Naomi’s family. Their son was Obed, father of Jesse, and grandfather of David. According to Josephus, he lived at the time of Eli.
“Elimelech is a biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Ruth.
Elimelech is a descendant of the Tribe of Judah, and was the husband of Naomi and the father of Machalon and Chilyon. The family lived in Bethlehem in Judea. Due to famine, Elimelech and his family left the Land of Israel and settled in Moab, where he died.
His children, Machalon and Chilyon, married two Moabite women, Ruth and Arpah. When Elimelech’s two sons later died, Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethelehem. Ruth later married Boaz, a relative of Elimelech.
Mahlon and Chilion
Mahlon (Hebrew: מַחְלוֹן Maḥlōn) and Chilion or Kilion (כִּלְיוֹן Ḵilyōn) were two brothers mentioned in the Book of Ruth. They were the sons of Elimelech of the tribe of Judah and his wife Naomi. Together with their parents, they settled in the land of Moab during the period of the Israelite Judges. On foreign soil, Mahlon married the Moabite convert Ruth (Ruth 4:10), while Chilion married the Moabite convert Orpah.
Biography The test of childless Ruth and Orpah
Elimelech and his sons all died in Moab, leaving Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah widowed. Ruth and Orpah did not bear Jewish children, too. The story in the book tells that Naomi plans to return to Israel, and that she tests her daughters-in-law. She gives them the advice to return to their mother’s home: which would mean drastically violating Jewish Law and reverting to Moabite culture and idol worship.
Ruth in Israel
While Orpah returns and leaves Judaism, Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi, thus proving her former conversion to be a real one. In Israel, Ruth then takes part in a levirate marriage, according to Jewish law. By marrying a relative of Mahlon’s, she is doing an act which will ensure that Mahlon’s paternal lineage is not forgotten. Any child she bears in the levirate marriage will be considered as if it were Mahlon’s child. Actually, she marries a relative of Elimelech, Boaz. Her child, Obed (biologically Boaz’s but counted as if Mahlon’s), becomes the paternal grandfather of David ha-Melech (King David).”
Ruth (/ruːθ/; Hebrew: רוּת, Modern: Rūt, Tiberian: Rūṯ) is the person after whom the Book of Ruth is named. She was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite, Mahlon. After the death of all the male members of her family (her husband, her father-in-law, and her brother-in-law), she stays with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and moves to Judah with her, where Ruth wins the love and protection of a wealthy relative, Boaz, through her kindness. She is the great-grandmother of David.”
“Naomi is married to a man named Elimelech. A famine causes them to move with their two sons, from their home in Judea to Moab. While there Elimelech dies, as well as his sons who had gotten married in the meantime. Near destitute, Naomi returns to Bethlehem with one daughter-in-law, Ruth, whom she could not dissuade from accompanying her.[4] Her other daughter-in-law, Orpah, remains in Moab…
The arrival of Naomi and Ruth in Bethlehem coincides with the barley harvest. Naomi gives Ruth permission to glean those fields where she is allowed. Ruth is working in the field of Boaz, when a servant identifies her to him as Naomi’s daughter-in-law. It happens that Boaz is a kinsman of Naomi’s late husband. He tells her to work with female servants, warns the young men not to bother her, and at mealtime invites her to share his food.
When Naomi learns that Ruth has the attention and kindness of Boaz, she counsels Ruth to approach him directly: “… put on your best attire and go down to the threshing floor. Do not make yourself known to the man before he has finished eating and drinking. But when he lies down, take note of the place where he does so. Then go, uncover a place at his feet, and lie down. He will tell you what to do.” (Ruth 3:3–4)
To me what is amazing about the story of Rahab, is her love of Christ and through her seed the Savior himself was born. What a blessed woman Rahab was. Repentance is for all including each one of us. We can all be Sons and Daughters of God through the four steps of, Faith, Repentance, Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We can live with God and Christ after we have exercised our Free Agency wisely.
This map (was produced by Cyrus Thomas in 1894 in a Bureau of Ethnology book. “I am fairly certain that over 1,000,000 mounds once existed” – Gregory L. Little, Ed.D.
By the Nephites fruits, we shall know them. In other words, by the millions and millions of mounds and artifacts of life in North America from 600 BC to 400 AD, has been left the fruits or artifacts of the labors of the great Lamanite and Nephite people. To say evidence doesn’t exist is to deny the artifacts found in many museums. To be shown the evidence of the Nephites path, you could simply follow the path of the Hopewell Culture. This article will focus on artifacts in Tennessee, Ohio and several other states, and any one item on it’s own could help the honest in heart find physical and spiritual proof of the Book of Mormon. Of course one would have to find room in their heart to believe the Book of Mormon did happen in North America, which I do. (Your contrary opinions are welcome).
If the Book of Mormon is true, then this world is full of evidence of it’s existence both temporally and spiritually. If the Nephites were a real people in a real time and place, there is found evidence of their existence. If Zarahemla was a city near Nauvoo, we will find evidence of its existence. If metal and copper are mentioned in the Book of Mormon, we will find its evidence in the ground. If Joseph Smith is a Prophet born and raised in the United States and he talks of “this country” or “this land” he is speaking of the USA. If the Land of Tennessee is the place of the Nephites, proof of habitation will exist.
If you haven’t found physical evidence of the Book of Mormon in North America, you haven’t researched hard enough. If you haven’t found evidence of God and Christ, you just aren’t looking and praying hard enough in my opinion. The Book of Mormon is true and you can know through personal revelation. I believe the Lord is always available and He lives and He loves us.
“For it came to pass that they did deceive many with their flattering words, who were in the church, and did cause them to commit many sins” Mosiah 26:6
The Old Stone Fort was built during the Middle Woodland Period, 1,500-2,000 years ago. Native Americans used this area continuously for about 500 years, eventually leaving it abandoned. By the time European settlers arrived, it was unclear of what the area had been used for which resulted in it being misnamed as a fort. In 1966, the state of Tennessee purchased 400 acres of the Chumbley estate as the core of what is now Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park. Source
Old Stone Fort Franklin TN
“Almost 2000 years ago, the native peoples who lived along the Harpeth River in Williamson County created a sacred site, akin to what we would call a cathedral today,” said Dr. Kevin Smith, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University. “It remains the only known major sacred site of its type from the Cumberland River drainage – and much have involved peoples from throughout the region. For modern peoples, this site is important not only as the remnants of an ancient shrine, but also as a site that was recognized nationally in the 1870’s by early archaeologists and antiquarians. While only these two remnants of this sacred complex survive for us to preserve, remember and honor today, they are an important reminder that our history as Tennesseans extends much deeper into the past than we might usually think.”
A diagram of placement of mounds, works and stone box burials at the Old Town Archaeological Site in Williamson, Tennessee. Based on a map found in “The antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent states, and the state of aboriginal society in the scale of civilization represented by them” by Thruston, Gates Phillips
Editors note: These Tennesseans need to know that their land is very possibly the land of the Nephites after Lehi’s escape from his brothers Laman and Lemuel. It is the Land where Alma was converted by Abinadi and the land near the Waters of Mormon. With Chattanooga as the City Nephi it is very likely the city of Amulon is where Franklin Tennessee is today and the city of Helam near the Pinson Mounds Park just south of Jackson, Tennessee. Both of these places show some amazing archaeology dating from 100 BC to 200 AD which is the appropriate time for of the exitance of these Book of Mormon People.
Purchase over 200 Book of Mormon Maps in North America Maps here
In early 1875, Joseph Henry, the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, wrote to a number of Tennessee citizens asking for assistance in collecting specimens for the United States National Museum. A fire in January of 1865 had destroyed significant portions of the museum’s early collections (DesRochers 2012), and the approach of the United States Centennial — to be celebrated in concert with the first major world fair and exposition held in the country — required acquisition of new materials. Among those individuals Henry contacted was Dr. William Martin Clark, a physician and resident of Franklin, Tennessee and later the editor-in-chief of the Nashville Banner (Clayton 1880).
Clark began his efforts on behalf of the Smithsonian in May of 1875 with the excavation of an earthen mound on the farm of Dr. William Reid, near Franklin. From there, Clark shifted his efforts to the nearby Glass property, of which he wrote: There is a fine group here, and four of them are in a line from north to south, a large one in the centre [sic], flanked on the south by two small ones, and on the north by another, evidently intended to have been a large one, but from some interruption was never finished. This last was not more than three feet high, though seventy-five feet in diameter. It had been cultivated a great number of years, but distinctly showed its proportions. Being in cultivation at the time of my visit, I did not examine it. The two smaller ones were about six feet high and twenty in diameter, while the largest was twenty feet high and four hundred feet in circumference. They did not stand in a perfect circle, the largest mound forming the lowest part of the concavity (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 10).
In his account, Clark mentions four mounds (identified herein for reference as Clark-A, Clark-B, Clark-C, and Clark-D): Clark-A stood ca. 6 m in height and 40 m in diameter and most closely matches Mound 2 at the Glass Mounds; Clark-B and C were located to the south and each measured ca. 2 m in height and 6 m in diameter; and Clark-D, situated to the north, measured ca. 1 m in height and 23 m in diameter. The surviving Glass Mounds Mound 1 may be either Clark-B or Clark-C, although the information provided by Clark is insufficient to determine which. Neither of the two surviving mounds at the Glass Mounds site match the dimensions of Clark-D. Clark excavated two trenches into the largest mound at the site (Clark-A; Glass Mounds 2), beginning on opposite faces and meeting in the center.
Copper Face Plate
Within the mound he encountered a layer of ashes and burned earth five feet below the summit, with similar sequences recurring every five feet until the base of the mound. Clark records that the mound was constructed on top of a four-foot deep deposit of burned earth, ashes, and charcoal, from which he recovered “the only relics” from the excavation (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 11). See Below
Those materials consisted of a copper earspool and hammered copper face plate (Figure 2) (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution [NMNH] A19987-0 and A19986).
No skeletal remains were present within the basal mound deposit, suggesting that these artifacts represent either a cache of ritual objects, or perhaps were associated with a cremation or completely degraded grave.
The mask in particular fired Clark’s imagination, leaving him to ponder: Could it speak, what tales it could tell of the red men. [Lamanites & Nephites] No doubt it has witnessed many a torture of captives and heard them shriek, as their hearts were torn from their living bodies and thrown upon the fire to appease the vengeance of their captors. Now how low it has fallen! A small fragment of copper handed down from an antiquity far beyond our conceptions, only a slight token of the mythical nations (W.M. Clark, “Antiquities of Tennessee,” MS 2407, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution, Page 12). TENNESSEE ARCHAEOLOGY Volume 10 Fall 2020 Number 2 The Tennessee Division of Archaeology and Middle Tennessee State University
The natural and aboriginal history of Tennessee: up to the first settlements therein by the white people, in the year 1768
First we will speak of the coins of the aborigines found in the neighboring countries, and then of metallic instruments and utensils also found there.
First. On the farm of Mr. Edward Payne, near Lexington [KY], were found two ancient coins ; one was of gold, and sold for hundreds of dollars : the other was of brass. Each had a head reversed, and both were inscribed with characters not understood, but said to resemble Hebrew. The date of the gold coin was probably 1214, and the date of the brass piece 1009. A few miles below Mr. Payne, a gold piece “Was found, on the plantation of Mr. Chambers, who says it was sold at Lexington for 13 dollars. It was inscribed in unknown characters; and, as Mr. Chambers thinks, was unlike any coin he had ever seen. He says, that a small piece of copper was found on his farm at the same time. The date 1214 could not relate to the “hegira.” [Muhammad’s departure from Mecca to Medina in AD 622]. If it related to the Christian era, it must have come from some of the modern kingdoms of Europe, which had adopted the use of the Arabic numerals. It is not known that the Persians ever used them. The most that can be made of the fact, is, a probability that these coins came to the country before the discovery of America by Columbus; for between 1214 and 1492, the time of his discovery, were 178 years, and before the Spaniards could have circulated it, many more years intervened prior to their intercourse with the nations on the continent. So that it must have circulated nearly 300 years, before it could have come hither from them, and by that time would have been worn out.
At Circleville [Ohio] a copper coin was taken from the central mound, from beneath the roots of a hickory growing on the mound, seven or eight inches in circumference. It has no resemblance in its devices to any British or other coins to which it hath been compared. A hickory six to eight inches in circumference, might have grown up long since the French settlements were on the Ohio and its waters.
On the plantation of Colonel William Sheppard, in the county of Orange, on the river Enoe; 6 miles above Hillsborough in North Carolina, and near the remains of a town which had been deserted in very remote times, was picked up, about the year 1803 or 1804, a round piece of copper about the size of an American eagle. On both sides was a short line of letters, with parallel lines increasing in length till past the center, whence they decreased in length to the bottom, accommodating themselves to the rounded shape of the copper. It was neatly executed. The letters were of some unknown alphabet. This copper was dropped again on the same plantation, where probably it now is. It was about the thickness of the coins called coppers. Similar pieces were sometimes given by the Spanish friars to their proselyted Indians.
Gold and silver ornaments have been found in many of the tumuli in Ohio. Silver very well plated, has been found in several of the mounds : copper in many: pipe bowls of copper, hammered, and not welded together, but lapped over, have been found in them. A bracelet of copper was found in a stone mound at Chillicothe. It resembles the links of a common chain, the ends passed by each other, but were not welded together. Ornaments of silver and copper have not been found north of Newark [OH The location of the Newark Earthworks of 100 BC to 100 AD]. Below that place, vast numbers have been found. North of that place are no wells perforated in the rocks. Arrow heads of copper, some of them five or six inches in length, circular medals of copper, several inches in diameter, very thin, and much injured by time, have been found in the tumuli of Ohio. Iron has been found in some instances oxidized.
Sword, Skeletons and Mirrors
Out of a mound near the circle of the large fort at Circleville [OH], was found the elk- horn handle of a small sword or long knife. Around the end where the blade had been inserted, was a ferule of silver; no iron was found, but an oxide remained. Also, charcoal and wood ashes in which those articles lay, which were surrounded by several bricks very well burnt.A skeleton appeared to have been burnt in a large and very hot fire, which had almost consumed the bones of the deceased. The skeleton was deposited a little to the south of the centre of the tumulus. And 20 feet to the north of it, was another. There was also a large mirror, three feet in length, one and a half in breadth, and one inch and a half thick. It was of “isinglass.” [mica or a similar material in thin transparent sheets]. Also a plate of iron, which had become an oxyde ; but before it was disturbed by the spade, resembled a plate of iron. This skeleton had been burned like the former and lay in charcoal and a considerable quantity of wood ashes.
Gold and Silver
An ornament of very pure gold was discovered, a few years since, in Ross County Ohio, near Chillicothe, lying in the palm of a skeleton’s hand, in a small mound. [Arch. Am. 176].
Not long since, a silver cup was taken from a mound at Marietta, on the Ohio. It is in the possession of Mr. Hill, of St. Clair county, Illinois. It is in the form of an inverted cone, measuring three and a half inches across at top, two and a half at bottom, and four inches in height. It is of pure silver, and so skillfully wrought, that no traces of the plating hammer are discernible. The bottom, which is circular, has been separately forged, accurately fitted to the sides, or barrel, and soldered on.
The line of attachment is plainly discernible. Its interior surface has been gilt, or washed, with a bright, yellow, untarnishable metal, which is undoubtedly gold ; but that gilding is impaired in some places. It was found in a mound at Marietta, half a mile east of those remarkable fortifications on the Muskingum. The mound is situated in woody plane, with a gentle declivity towards the river, and a small stream washes its base. During the autumnal rains, or the melting of the snow in the spring, it runs with the velocity of a current. Thus it has gradually washed away the earth, and laid open the mound for a considerable space, and in this situation the cup was discovered. It was then in a bruised or shapeless mass, and foul from adhering clay ; but being taken to a silversmith, was put into the shape it now presents, which was probably the shape it originally had. Its value by weight is about fifteen dollars. It bears no device or ornamental work of any kind, being a perfectly plain and heavy piece of workmanship. If it be not of European fabrication, the inference is inevitable, that some nation preceding the savages was formerly here, of far greater advancement in the arts of civilization than they ever possessed. But for fear of mistake, let us bear in mind that the French settled in Canada as early as the year 1608, and soon afterwards carried on trade extensively with all the Indians who lived on the waters of the Ohio.
Copper, Marble and Amulets
Copper instruments and ornaments have also been found. In 1813 was found in a mound a piece of copper incrusted with “erugo” [mildew, plant rust], half an inch thick It consists of thin plates of copper rolled up, encircling each other. It was about three inches in length, and one fourth of an inch in thickness. The plates were remarkably pure and fine. In the same mound a beautiful piece of marble was taken up in the year 1814. It was undoubtedly made and used for an ornament, being perforated with loopholes for fastening, which must have been bored by some hard instrument. The marble piece is about five or six inches in length, flat on one side, oval on the other, having an increasing width in the middle, the ends are apparently cut, and with some hard implement used for the purpose. The marble is of a dark dun colour, but the veins of the stones are very distinct. The magicians of India are provided with many articles against witchcraft, which they distribute amongst those who consult them. There are certain enchanted beads, very thin plates of copper, on which extraordinary figures are engraved, with inexplicable words and unknown characters. Amulets also, of various kinds, all which are worn by the Hindoos to serve as talismans, and to preserve them from every species of incantation. No other circum-stance at present recollected, can account in the least degree for the plates of copper above mentioned.
Verdigrease (patina), Helmet, Scull bone which lay under the plate of copper
In one of the tumuli on Grave Creek [WV], below Wheeling, near to the Ohio, were found, about 20 years since, sixty copper beads, made of a coarse “wire, hammered out, and not drawn and cut off at unequal lengths. They were soldered together in an awkward manner, the centre of some of them uniting with the edges of others. They were incrusted with “verdigrease” [A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time], but the inside of them was pure copper.
Grave Creek Mound, West Virginia by Ken Corbett
Some copper pieces have been found in a mound near the Little Muskingum, four miles from Marietta, which appear to have been the front of a helmet, was originally eight inches long and four broad, and has marks of having been attached to leather. It is much decayed and is now a thin plate, and appears to have been attached to the centre of it by a rivet, the hole for which appears both in the plate and ornament. At this place the remains of a skeleton were found. No part retained its form but a portion of the forehead or scull, which lay under the plate of copper. These bones are deeply tinged with green, and appear to have been preserved by the salts in the copper.
Shield Boss, Belts, Buckler, Scabbard, Sword, Iron and 500 year old trees.
In an ancient mound of the streets of Marietta, in the margin of the plane near the fortifications, amongst other things, in 1819 were discovered three large circular bosses [A shield boss, or umbo, is a round, convex or conical piece of material at the centre of a shield], or ornaments, for sword belts, or a buckler composed of copper, oval, and with a thick plate of silver. The front is slightly convex with a depression like a cap in the centre. The measure, two inches and a quarter across the face of each. On the back side, opposite the depressed portion, is a copper rivet or nail, around which are two separate plates, by which they were fastened to the leather. Two small pieces of the leather were found lying between the holes of one of the bosses. They resemble the skin of an old mummy. The plates of copper are nearly reduced to rust. Around the rivet of one of them is a quantity of flax or hemp in a tolerable state of preservation. Near the side of the human body was a plate of silver, the upper part of a sword scabbard, six inches long, two wide, weighing one ounce. Three longitudinal ridges were on it, which perhaps corresponded with the edges or ridges of the sword. It had been fastened to the scabbard by three or four rivets, the holes of which yet remain in the silver.
HERE IS A VIKING SWORD found with the Viking ship outside of Memphis Tennessee. This ship was dated to 793 to 1066 AD.
Two or three pieces of a copper tube were also found, filled with rust. These compose the lower end of the scabbard, near the point of the sword. There is no sign of the sword itself, except this appearance of rust. Near the feet was a piece of copper weighing three ounces. It seemed by the shape to have been used for a plumb or for ornament. Near one of the ends is a circular crease or groove for lying a thread. It is round, two inches and a half in length, one in diameter at the centre, and half an inch at each end. It is composed of small pieces of native copper pounded together; and in the cracks between the pieces, are several pieces of silver, one nearly of the size of a fourpenny piece or half a “disme” [ an American silver coin with a face value of five cents.] This copper ornament was covered with a coat of green rust, and is considerably corroded. A piece of red ochre or paint, and a piece of iron ore, which has the appearance of having been partly vitrified or melted, were also found. The trees upon the mound, as evidenced by the annulars, were between 400 and 500 years of age, and on the ground beside them were other trees, in a state of decay that appeared to have fallen from dotage.
Bear Teeth, Mica, Copper Beads, Human Bones
From the ancient works where Circleville [OH] now stands, and from the mound there, were taken a few scattered human bones, a branch of a deer’s horn and a piece of earthenware containing muscle shells. At the distance of 500 feet from this pyramid, in the direction of north eight east, there is another. Nine feet high, of a circular figure, nearly flat on the top. In it were found some human skeletons, and a hand full of copper beads, which had been strung on a cravat of lint. There is another mound at the intersection of Third and Main streets; whatever it contained was deposited a small distance below a stratum of loam which is common to the town. The first artificial layer was gravel, considerably raised in the middle; the next, composed of large pebbles, was convex and of a uniform thickness ; the last consisted of loam and soil. The strata were entire, and must have been formed after the deposits in the tumulus were completed. Amongst other articles were these : A bone ornamented with several carved lines ; the sculpture representation of the head or beak of a rapacious bird, perhaps an eagle ; a quantity of isinglass ; a small oval piece of sheet copper with two perforations ; a large oval piece of some metal with longitudinal grooves or ridges ; a number of beads of bone or shell; the teeth of a carnivorous animal, probably those of a bear; seven large marine shells, belonging perhaps to the genus buccinum, cut in such a manner as to serve for domestic utensils, and nearly converted into a state of chalk; several copper articles, each consisting of two sets of circular concave and convex plates. The. interior one of each sort connected with the other by a hollow axis, around which had been wound some lint. Other articles have been found there, consisting of pure copper, human bones of different sizes, sometimes enclosed in rude stone coffins, but oftener lying blended with the earth, surrounded by a portion of ashes and charcoal.
Mica Artifacts
Iron and steel utensils and ornaments have also been found. There was dug up from the central mound at Circleville, a fragment of some culinary vessel. It was evidently of cast iron, and showed the marks of the mould. It was covered on the lower side with the black, smut contracted over the fire. It was found among ashes, and large pieces of charcoal.
Iron and Ivory Bracelets
In the large cemetery of Augusta were found four iron bracelets on the left arm of a female skeleton. They are formed with a loop at one extremity, and extend in an oval shape to a knob at the other end, “which hitches into the loop. The elongated central part of the oval is the thickest, from which it gradually tapers to the clasp. These bracelets are much corroded, and the loops destroyed; but even their present state of preservation can only be accounted for by the fortunate circumstance, that the alluvial soil of the burying ground was free from mineral acids. There are in this state some ancient ivory bracelets from Indostan, which exactly resemble in shape those iron ones. It is a well-known fact, that the dress and ornaments of the Hindoos have continued unchanged from the earliest periods of history.
Copper Bracelet
Iron Knives and Swords
The aborigines had some very well manufactured swords and knives of iron, and possibly of steel. A few years ago, near Blacksburg in Virginia, 80 miles from Marietta, was found about the half of a steel bow, which when entire would have measured five or six feet.
Stone Wall and Furnaces
On the main branch of Paint creek in Ohio, near some very ancient works, and on the inside of a wall on the side of an elevated hill 300 feet high, which wall is of stone, around the brow of the hill there appears to have been a row of furnaces or smiths’ shops, where the cinders now lie many feet in depth. The remains are four or five feet in depth even now in many places.” Source
Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site consists of a restored town from the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as ruins of an ancient blast furnace.
I have shared with you many signs of ancient life in the Heartland of the United States. There is so much more if you want more. I absolutely know the Book of Mormon is true by the spiritual witness I have received often. Knowing this gives me tremendous personal knowledge and when I find secondary evidences of truth, it sure feels good. None of us know the exact facts of specific artifacts or dating methods, but I do know it is very likely many of these artifacts help me to understand the importance of the records of the Nephites and Lamanites. The events of the Book of Mormon beginning in the Heartland of America is a special part of my overall testimony of the truthfulness of this sacred book. I leave you with several quotes of our Prophets who seem to indicate my feelings:
“The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
“Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson 2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008)
“I marvel at the miracle of America, the land which the God of Heaven long ago declared to be a land choice above all other lands and concerning which He has made a promise and given a warning in these remarkable words: ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ’(Ether 2:12.) “God bless America, for she is His creation.” (Hinckley, Gordon B., National Advisory Council of BYU College of Business [November 2, 1973]).
“The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles JULY 1993
Where are the Lost 10 Tribes? Are they really lost?
What DNA do the following have: European Gentiles, Lost 10 Tribes, Mormon, Lehi, Nephi, Mulek, Lamanites, Nephites, Pilgrims and Puritans?
The Mayflower landed and could the people have been some of the Lost 10 Tribes?
Why are the two Tribes of Israel, Judah and Joseph, so blessed? Judah was the fourth son (Leah 1st wife) and Joseph was the eleventh son, (Rachel 4th wife)?
Which 10 Tribes of Israel received a land inheritance in Canaan?
Why did those two tribes not receive an inheritance in Canaan?
What Land and where was Joseph of Egypt’s land inheritance?
Could there be Nephite blood in Europe and other nations besides North America?
Will America’s Constitution be saved in the last days?
Why is the Gathering of Israel so important today?
The Land of Joseph (America) Gathering Place of Ephraim, Manasseh & Judah
“It was not by chance that the Puritans left their native land and sailed away to the shores of New England, and others later followed. They were the advance guard of the army of the Lord, predestined to establish the God-given system of government under which we live and to make America,which is the land of Joseph, the gathering place of Ephraim, an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel of Christ and the establishment of his church upon the earth”– Heber J. Grant, Conference Report, April 1930.
“I am Mormon, and a pure descendant of Lehi”. 3 Mormon 5:20.
So Mormon was a literal descendant of Lehi, who was a literal descendant of Manasseh. Nephi married one of the daughters of Ishmael who was from Ephraim. Zedikiah and Mulek were literal descendants of Judah. The Nephites, Lamanites and Mulekites were a mixed race near Zarahemla, and at the final destruction at Cumorah. All reunited in the Land of Joseph in 1620 AD at Plymouth Rock. What an amazing time. This in essence was the beginning of the Gathering of the Lost 10 tribes of Israel. Read more at the heading below titled,Tribes of Israel Migrate from Jerusalem to North America.
Joseph Smith was a pure Ephraimite
“It is the house of Israel we are after, and we care not whether they come from the east, the west, the north, or the south; from China, Russia, England, California, North or South America, or some other locality. … The Book of Mormon came to Ephraim, for Joseph Smith was a pure Ephraimite, and the Book of Mormon was revealed to him.” (Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 2:268–69.)
“In this Dispensation of the Fulness of Times, the gospel came first to the Gentiles and then is to go to the Jews. However, the Gentiles who receive the gospel are, in the greater part, Gentiles who have the blood of Israel in their veins. There is a very significant statement in the words of Moroni as recorded on the title page of the Book of Mormon that it was ” … ‘To come forth … by way of the Gentile. …’ Joseph Fielding Smith
So many immigrants from Europe are as Elder Smith said above, “Gentiles who have the blood of Israel in their veins.”
“Mormon prophet Joseph Smith Jr., was definitely descended from Niall of the Nine Hostages, an Irish chieftain of the fifth century, Ugo Perego, a senior DNA researcher at Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation has discovered… Perego identified a part of Joseph Smith’s DNA that had a very rare marker called M222. With this “higher resolution” he found that the same marker was found in Northwest Ireland — with a little bit in Lowland Scotland.” Source
“Speaking about Lehi’s people, “Joseph wrote, “They were principally Israelites, of the descendants of Joseph.” It is possible that Joseph Smith was referring to Zoram after all, clarifying he was not a Jew. He may have been referring to those who accompanied the Mulekites (presumably Phoenicians). But it is also possible that he was referring to others who accompanied Lehi… To summarize: I think Lehi brought servants and landed in a mostly uninhabited area in Florida, among a small population of hunter/gatherers who lacked a well-organized society.” Jonathan Neville Moroni’s America page 84-86
Lehi= Manasseh; Ishmael= Ephraim; Mulek= Judah;
“Whoever has read the Book of Mormon carefully will have learned that the remnants of the house of Joseph dwelt upon the American continent; and that Lehi learned by searching the records of his fathers that were written upon the plates of brass, that he was of the lineage of Manasseh. The Prophet Joseph informed us that the record of Lehi, was contained on the 116 pages that were first translated and subsequently stolen, and of which an abridgement is given us in the first Book of Nephi, which is the record of Nephi individually, he himself being of the lineage of Manasseh; but that Ishmael was of the lineage of Ephraim, and that his sons married into Lehi’s family, and Lehi’s sons married Ishmael’s daughters, thus fulfilling the words of Jacob upon Ephraim and Manasseh in the 48th chapter of Genesis, which says: “And let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the land.” Thus these descendants of Manasseh and Ephraim grew together upon this American continent, with a sprinkling from the house of Judah, from Mulek descended, who left Jerusalem eleven years after Lehi, and founded the colony afterwards known as Zarahemla and found by Mosiah—thus making a combination, an intermixture of Ephraim and Manasseh with the remnants of Judah; and for aught we know, the remnants of some other tribes that might have accompanied Mulek…Nephi, which is the record of Nephi individually, he himself being of the lineage of Manasseh; but that Ishmael was of the lineage of Ephraim, and that his sons married into Lehi’s family, and Lehi’s sons married Ishmael’s daughters, thus fulfilling the words of Jacob upon Ephraim and Manasseh in the 48th chapter of Genesis.” (Erastus Snow, JD 23:184) Also see page 9 of the Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum Purchase Here
America is the Land of the Book of Mormon
“What if the setting for the Book of Mormon was anciently located in the lands that we know as New York? . . . Might this location serve as a starting point to begin a search for the geography of the Book of Mormon? The more I studied and researched upon the matter, the more I became convinced that indeed the Book of Mormon itself contained sufficient clues that could resolve the issue of the geography of the Book of Mormon. The Lord showed Nephi that “many multitudes of Gentiles” would come “upon the land of promise.” (1 Nephi 13:14-16). What other people could this refer to, other than those Gentiles, pilgrims, who had come to occupy eastern United States and Canada in colonial times?” 1998 Duane R. Aston Return to Cumorah: Piecing Together the Puzzle Where the Nephites Lived, Sacramento: American River Publications [pp. 2-3]
“Nephi saw in vision also the coming of the Pilgrims, who came to escape religious persecution. He foresaw the coming to America of peoples from many nations, their wars and contentions. As Nephi said, they did humble themselves before the Lord. Thus the American colonies attained their independence and set up the government of the United States, all under the divine intervention of God in preparing this land for its divine destiny. We believe that both freedom and the continuing reformation that flourished here occurred in preparation for the restoration from heaven of the full gospel of Jesus Christ. That restoration began in the United States of America in the 1820s, through the [assistance] of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who was chosen by the Lord and who, through [visits] from heavenly messengers, received … records that contained the authentic record of early American peoples and God’s dealings with them. He received the priesthood and authority to reestablish the church of Jesus Christ in these latter days. At the time of this restoration, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ actually appeared to Joseph Smith, as they had appeared to leaders of previous dispensations. They announced to him that Christ’s church would be reestablished upon the earth. … This restoration was the greatest event in the history of mankind since the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” A Choice Land President N. Eldon Tanner, First Counselor in the First Presidency
America will not be Destroyed!
“When this nation was established, the Church was restored and from here the message of the restored gospel has gone forth-all according to divine plan. This then becomes the Lord’s base of operations in these latter days. And this base-the land of America—will not be shifted out of its place. This nation will, in a measure at least, fulfill its mission even though it may face serious and troublesome days. The degree to which it achieves its full mission depends upon the righteousness of its people. God, through His power, has established a free people in this land as a means of helping to carry forward His purposes. It was His latter-day purpose to bring forth His gospel in America, not in any other place. It was in America where the Book of Mormon plates were deposited. That was no accident. It was His design. It was in this same America where they were brought to light by angelic ministry. It was here where He organized His modern Church, where He, Himself, made a modern personal appearance. It was here under a free government and a strong nation that protection was provided for His restored Church.
Now God will not permit America, His base of operations, to be destroyed. He has promised protection to this land if we will but serve the God of the land. He has also promised protection to the righteous even, if necessary, to send fire from heaven to destroy their enemies. No, God’s base of operations will not be destroyed.” Ezra Taft Benson, This Nation Shall Endure Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson; “I Testify”, General Conference, October 1988
Will the Constitution be destroyed? No: it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, “The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.” It will be so. (JD 7:15; quoted by Brigham Young)
John Witherspoon 1776
“It is proper here to observe, that at the time of the reformation, when religion began to revive, nothing contributed more to facilitate its reception and increase its progress than the violence of its persecutors... There is not a greater evidence either of the reality or the power of religion, than a firm belief of God’s universal presence, and a constant attention to the influence and operation of his providence. It is by this means that the Christian may be said, in the emphatical scripture language, “to walk with God, and to endure as seeing him who is invisible.” John Witherspoon 1776 “Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men (Sermon)”
John Witherspoon was a delegate from New Jersey to the Second Continental Congress and a signatory to the July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence. He was the only active clergyman and the only college president to sign the Declaration. Later, he signed the Articles of Confederation and supported ratification of the Constitution. In 1789 he was convening moderator of the First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America.
This quote above lets us know that evil persecutors facilitate reformation. Today’s Deep State world wide governments are not sustaining our moral character. We are rallying as Christians all over the world. We reject tyranny. In the midst of all this government turmoil, illegal immigration, riots, child trafficking, mandating unconstitutional laws, reducing free speech, tampering with our voting system, our mission as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not changed. We must serve the Lord our God with all our heart. Christ’s mission hasn’t changed which says, “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:39
Glenn’s PLEA for America, 10 years in the making Renewing the Covenant Part 1
We make a covenant with the Lord to obey His commandments and in return we receive Freedom, Protection, a Posterity, and a blessed country called the United States of America. The Book of Mormon Covenant Land is the United States of AmericaRead Rod Meldrum’s The Scriptural Basis for Book of Mormon Geography
John Howland’s Life
“President [Russell M.] Ballard said he sees the hand of the Lord in John Howland’s life. He recalled viewing earlier this year John Howland’s headstone in Plymouth.
John Howland’s headstone memorializes him as a “godly man” and “ancient professor in the ways of Christ.”
But President Ballard saw something much greater in the life of John Howland. It is something we can all see in our own lives as well.
“Brothers and sisters, please look for the Lord’s hand in your lives and in the lives of your family, as I do in the lives of my ancestors and family,” said President Ballard. “Expect it. Do not dismiss it.” Source Here
Elder Ballard Continues:
“A Pilgrim named John Howland, who landed at Plymouth Rock as a young unmarried man. His story is fascinating and it affects every member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Lord is definitely involved in our lives, each and every one of us individually. What a blessing.
During that historic voyage, the crew and passengers of the Mayflower encountered many turbulent storms, which kept the passengers below deck. In the middle of one storm, John emerged and was swept overboard.
William Bradford, also a passenger on the Mayflower, reported:
“In these storms the winds were so fierce and the seas so high the Pilgrims were forced to remain below deck. And one of them John Howland came above and, with a roll of the ship, he was thrown into the sea;but it pleased God that he caught hold of a rope that was trailing in the water and held on though he was several fathoms under water till he was hauled up by the same rope to the brim of the water, and then with a boat-hook and other means got him into the ship again and his life was saved; and though he was something ill with it, yet he lived many years after, and became a profitable member both in church and commonwealth… “Later, a leader of one of the villages arrived in the struggling settlement to help the Pilgrims. They formed an alliance, and during the second fall after their arrival in the New World, 52 colonists and some 90 natives celebrated Plymouth’s first successful harvest — the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth.
“At the time, John Howland was not as famous as fellow passengers William Bradford, John Carver and Myles Standish. However, standing where we now stand, with nearly 400 years between us and these courageous Pilgrims, he may have had a greater impact on the history of the United States than any of them.”
President Ballard explained that four years after arriving in the New World, John married fellow Mayflower passenger Elizabeth Tilley. From that union came 10 children and nearly 90 grandchildren.
Today, an estimated 5 million Americans trace their roots to John and Elizabeth, according to President Ballard.
Their descendants include three U.S. presidents… American poets Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; and two influential 19th-century American religious leaders — the Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum Smith, explained President Ballard.” President Ballard pleads with Latter-day Saints to ‘pray for this country’ as United States is at ‘another crossroad’ By Sarah Jane Weaver 21 Oct 2019,
A Personal Thanksgiving Story
I realized a few years ago, that John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley are my 10th great grand parents through their oldest daughter Desire. That is unbelievable. I am so humbled to know who my ancestors are. This gives me a greater desire in this life to share the gospel with others. I was led to this information from a good friend named Vicki Darais who has a mother with the name Nelson. She gave me the information and I had my Sister Lori Nelson Merritt look up our genealogy. It is amazing what she found. What is interesting is that I am the 10th great grand son of John Howland through my Tueller and Dustin line, not through my Nelson line.
On Aug. 16, 2021 I was in the home of my dear friend Allen C. Christensen of American Fork, Utah. He was the author of “Joseph’s Remnant, Lamanites of the Latter Days”Purchase here. I was visiting with my good friend Paul Whippy from Fiji an Area Authority Seventy who I baptized 46 years ago. Paul had worked with Allen in Fiji on finding the first Temple site for the saints of Fiji, and I was reacquainting them. Allen had spent that week studying Paul Whippy’s Family History and Allen discovered that Paul Whippy’s father David Whippy was from Massachusetts and was a descendant of John Howland from his oldest daughter Desire, just as I was. Amazing. Even more incredible was that Allen Christensen found out he was also a direct descendant of John Howland’s second daughter Hope, who Emma Smith was also a direct relative of. We also know that the Prophet Joseph Smith was a direct descendant of John Howland’s oldest son named John Howland. What a beautiful reunion Paul and Allen and I had, knowing we are all direct descendants. What a beautiful world this is.
Elizabeth Tilley came on the Mayflower at age 7 with her parents John Tilley and Joan Hurst. John and Joan Tilley died shortly after arriving in America. Elizabeth was the only one of their 5 children to come with them on the Mayflower. At age 16 Elizabeth Tilley married John Howland who had been saved at sea. Their first daughter Desire Howland (1625-1683) married Captain John Gorham Sr. (1619-1676) who was later killed during King Philip’s War, which was also the First Indian War. They are my 9th great grand parents. This is a personal Thanksgiving day blessing.
Tribes of Israel Migrate from Jerusalem to North America (Joseph & Judah)
Think about this. Near Jerusalem around 722 B.C., the Assyrians invaded and conquered the northern kingdom of Israel.(Lost 10 Tribes scattered most likely north into Europe and beyond?), and in about 567 B.C., the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem (Judah and Benjamin) and destroyed the first temple, which was replaced by a second temple. The Second Temple, later known as Herod’s Temple, was the reconstructed Temple in Jerusalem between c. 516 BC and 70 AD. It is very likely the Northern Tribes of Israel that were driven north by the Assyrians in about 722 BC, (1 Chronicles 5:26), are many of the Europeans that existed at the time of the Mayflower. The Southern Tribes of Israel, (Judah and Benjamin mostly) were driven and scattered in about 567 BC by the Babylonians. Remember the Tribe of Manasseh (Lehi) and the Tribe of Ephraim, (Ishmael) were sent to the Promised land of North America (near Tallahassee, Florida) in about 600-589 BC, according to the Book of Mormon. Many of the Tribe of Judah (Mulek of Zedikiah) were sent to the Promised land of North America in about 586 BC. Together these Tribes of Israel were brought together in the Land of Joseph (USA) where they were all joined together near Zarahemla (Montrose, Iowa about 200-300 BC), when Mosiah left the Land of Nephi (Tennessee area) and met the Mulekites in Zarahemla). So in the Heartland of North America the Nephites, Lamanites and Mulekites joined, as the Tribe of Joseph and the Tribe of Judah in the United States.
Hastening His Work to Gather Israel
It is my opinion that the coming together of the Puritans and the Wampanoag Native Americans in 1620 was a pivotal point in the last days. Our living Prophet says, “These surely are the latter days, and the Lord is hastening His work to gather Israel. That gathering is the most important thing taking place on earth today.Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty. And if you choose to, if you want to, you can be a big part of it.” —President Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel,” Worldwide Youth Devotional, 3 June 2018.
Who were the Pilgrims & Puritans, (Some of the Lost 10 Tribes), the Wampanoag’s (Natives first met by Pilgrims) and the Abenaki’s (Samoset)? I believe the Puritans were made up of many of the Lot 10 Tribes of Israel, and the Wampanoag and Abenaki, (Algonquian) were many of the remaining Lamanites who were of mixed race (Lamanites, Nephites, and Mulekites), after the final battle at Cumorah in upstate New York. In essence they reunited of the Tribe of Joseph and the Tribe of Judah in North America as spoken of in Ezekiel 37. (Stick of Joseph and Stick of Judah)
Land of Joseph is North America
“The Book of Mormon tells us that America is a land of promise, a land choice above all other lands. Nephi said that whosoever should possess it must serve the God of the land or they would be swept off. And we have read in the Book of Mormon of the nations that have been swept off because they ceased to worship the God who had led them and their forefathers here to this land. We have a great responsibility as citizens in this land, for the Lord said that he would fight its battles and be its king, if we will just serve him. So it’s appropriate at this time that we express our appreciation for this great land. I like the words Moses used when he gave a blessing to the twelve tribes of Israel. When he blessed Joseph, he promised him a new land in the utmost bowels of the everlasting hills (see Deut. 33:15).
Now that isn’t in Jerusalem because they don’t have everlasting hills over there, and the prophets have never predicted a regathering of all nations to the land of Israel. But they have predicted the gathering of Israel to this land of America, which is the land of Joseph. And we are the only people in the world who know what that land is that Moses promised to Joseph. It was so great in his eyes as he received the revelations of the Holy Spirit that in describing the land, he used the word “precious” five times in just four verses…We have so much to be grateful for. We are not here by chance. We are here because of the sacrifices of our pioneer fathers who came to this choice land that the Lord, according to the Book of Mormon, had hidden away from the eyes of the world that it should not be overrun. [Remember the original place Adam was placed was in Missouri, which is the original New World]. He preserved it for us, for the day and time in which we now live here in these valleys of the mountains.”Thanksgiving,LEGRAND RICHARDS of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Nov. 18, 1980
In Elder McConkie’s book “Mormon Doctrine”, he states: “One of the greatest spiritual gatherings of all the ages took place in the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman [Missouri North America] some 5,000 years ago.… At that great gathering Adam offered sacrifices on an altar built for that purpose. A remnant of that very altar remained on the spot down through the ages. On May 19, 1838, Joseph Smith and a number of his associates stood on the remainder of the pile of stones at a place called Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri. There the Prophet taught them that Adam again would visit the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, holding a great council as a prelude to the great and dreadful day of the Lord…”
The World has Gathered From Asher to Zebulon
Sister Wendy Nelson said, “One of my favorite places is Moscow, Russia. Why? Because of what I experienced there within one 24-hour period of time, which commenced on Saturday, June 15, 2013. While my husband taught the priesthood leaders of the area, I had the privilege of being with some of the sisters. I love our Russian sisters. They are spectacular! That Saturday happened to be one of those rare spring planting days in Russia, so less than 100 of us gathered. When I went to the pulpit, I found myself saying something I’d never anticipated: “I’d like to get to know you by lineage. Please stand as the name of the tribe of Israel, as declared in your patriarchal blessing, is spoken.” These women knew each other, but they didn’t know each other’s lineage. As the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were announced, from Asher to Zebulon, and as the women stood, we were all thrilled with what we were feeling, witnessing, and being taught. We were being taught about the reality of the days in which we now live! Question: How many of the twelve tribes of Israel do you think were represented in that small gathering of less than 100 women on that Saturday in Moscow? Eleven! Eleven of the twelve tribes! All but the tribe of Levi! Now here’s another question: How fast does news travel where you live? Pretty fast? Well, it certainly travels quickly in Eastern Europe. I went directly from that unforgettable gathering to the airport to meet my husband. We then flew to Armenia, where he was to create the first stake of Zion in that country the next day. The first people we met as we got off the plane were the mission president and his wife. And the first thing she said to me was, “I’ve got Levi!” Just imagine—one of their missionaries, from Gilbert, Arizona, no less, was of the tribe of Levi!This address was given Thursday, April 30, 2015 at the BYU Women’s Conference
The Land of Joseph is the United States of America, and the Gathering Place again of Ephraim, Manasseh & Judah! We are to gather Israel in these last days.
“Beit Lehi is a buried city just a few miles southwest of Jerusalem, and is currently under excavation. It received its name from the Bedouin Arabs who reside in the area. There are some very interesting possible correlations with this site and the home of Lehi in the Book of Mormon.” Read more about the place called Biet Lehi is where Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, and likely it was the same location where Lehi and his family lived. This area is sacred to the Jews, Arabs, and Christians.” By Book of Mormon Evidence
Origins of the Name “Beit Lehi”
“Almost every town or city is named for something—a person, an event, or a nearby geographical wonder. Beit Lehi is no different. “Beit” in Hebrew means “house or dwelling of,” while “lehi” means “jawbone.” The name “Lehi” seems to have originated in biblical times, apparently referring to the traditional resting place of Samson after he slew one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. “But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof En Hakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day” (Judges 15:19). Thus, Beit Lehi means “dwelling place of Lehi.”
We suggest identifying the site of Beit Lehi with “Beit Tzedek”, or the “House of Righteousness” mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius in the 1st century A.D. Josephus recounts how, during the time of the Great Revolt against Rome (66–70 AD), a group of Jewish rebels escaped to a village by this name.”
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“The caravans of Egypt and Israel pass each other, guided through the sands by those men of the desert (Arabs) who were the immemorial go-between of the two civilizations.
Arab: Arab designates a way of life, and was applied by the Jews to their own relatives who remained behind in the wilderness. , Manessah lived furthest out of Jerusalem and had contact with Arabs the most
Israeli: Of Manasseh through Joseph and the 12 tribes of Israel
Egyptian: Language of Lehi consists of learning of Jews and language of Egyptians: Heritage, culture. Ammon was Manassah’s nearest neighbor and is an Egyptian name.
Hebrew: Lehi means Jaw Bone in Hebrew. From Eber, Jewish because they live near and around Jerusalem. Learning of the Jews.” Hugh Nibley.
The Man Lehi has ties with all 4 names below:
Christian: Through Christ, and lived the law of Moses
Arabic Names: Laman, Lemuel
Egyptian Names: Nephi, Sam
Israeli Names: Jacob, Joseph
Biet Lehi Foundation Mission Statement:
“The Beit Lehi Foundation was organized to support the excavation of the Beit Lehi archaeological site, located 22 miles south of Jerusalem, for the benefit of the general public and to advance the understanding and awareness of the general public of ancient religious history associated with this site through scientific research and education. Additional objectives include protection and preservation of the archaeological site, education for visitors and to facilitate the opportunity for families and young people to work at the excavation site under the guidance of a qualified archaeologist and his staff.
Cave of Dove Nesting Places to utilize as a Sacrifice.
In 1961 Israeli soldiers unearthed a cave that had inscriptions and drawings including the oldest known Hebrew writing of the word “Jerusalem” dated to approximately 600 B.C. by Dr. Frank Cross Moore, Jr. of Harvard University.
“I am Jehovah thy Lord. I will accept the cities of Judah and I will redeem Jerusalem”
“Absolve us oh merciful God. Absolve us oh Jehovah”
The drawings depicted men who appeared to be fleeing and two ships.
While investigating the cave, Dr. Joseph Ginat of The University of Haifa met a Bedouin who told him about the remains of an ancient oak tree about 1/4 of a mile away where, according to Bedouin legends and tradition, a prophet named Lehi blessed and judged the people of both Ishmael and Judah. The Bedouin told Dr. Ginat that Lehi had lived many years before Muhammad and that Arab people had built a wall of large rocks around the remains of the tree to protect it as a sacred spot, long known by arab inhabitants as “Beit Lehi”, meaning “Home of Lehi.”
Dr. Ginat shared this information with W. Cleon Skousen whom he had met while studying anthropology at University of Utah and teaching at Brigham Young University from 1970 through 1975.
In 1983 Dr. Skousen and Dr. Glenn Kimber worked with Dr. Ginat and Dr. Yoram Tsafrir of Hebrew University to secure permission and funding to excavate the site. The first excavations began in December 1983. By noon of the first day, archaeologists found an ancient village and well-preserved mosaic floor of a Byzantine era chapel. Since that time, “hewn subterranean installations, including columbaria, olive presses, water cisterns, quarries, a stable, and hideaways,” have been discovered along with pottery and other items suggesting that the area had been populated from 600 B.C. until the Mameluke period of 1500 A.D. The discovery has been featured in the book Ancient Churches Revealed, published in 1993 by the Israel Exploration Society.
After 1986 the site was covered to protect it until additional funds could be raised and conditions were right to continue future excavations.
In 1994 Dr. Kimber and about 40 others, including a number of students, joined Dr. Ginat and Dr. Tsafrir to re-open the site. Since 1994, many groups have visited the site and participated in the excavation.
Dr. Tsafrir, has since retired and according to Israeli law, passed responsibility for archaeological exploration to Dr. Oren Gutfeld of Hebrew University who continues to manage the excavation.
Name History
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What’s in a name? Almost every town or city is named for something, a person, an event or a nearby geographical wonder. Beit Lehi is no different. Beit comes from the Arabic word meaning house or dwelling. Lehi means jawbone. Beit Lehi means the “house” or “dwelling” of the jawbone. An odd name without the rest of the story.
The story begins around 1160 B.C. As recorded in the Bible Judges chapters 13-15, Manoah and his wife have no children, but a man of Manoah’s means and stature in the community must have an heir. He and his wife traveled often to a holy place near their home to make sacrifice and pray for a child. That prayer is heard and answered when an angel appears to his wife and tells her that she will bare a son by God’s providence; that he should be a goodly child, of great strength; by whom the Israelites will be delivered from the hands of the Philistines. He was to be a Nazirite, one who takes a vow of dedication to God. At the time of Samson’s birth, the Israelites had been in bondage to the Philistines for more than 40 years.
Perhaps the strongest man in biblical history, Samson’s impetuous nature causes havoc among the Philistines. He ties torches to the tails of 300 foxes and releases them into the fields of the Philistines destroying all their crops. He kills 30 Philistines when they didn’t play fair in solving a riddle. The Philistines seek to remedy the situation by sending an army of one thousand men to capture Samson who is hiding in the cave of a rock at Etam. The army demands that 3,000 men of Judah capture Samson and deliver him into their hands. With Samson’s consent, the men of Judah bind him with rope and are about to hand him over to the Philistines when he breaks free. Using the jawbone of an donkey that lays at his feet, Samson slays 1,000 Philistines.
Exhausted and near death from thirst, Samson prays for water. Miraculously, a spring bursts forth from the ground to revive the champion. “And when he drunk, his spirit came again and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore (meaning fountain of the crier), which is in Lehi unto this day.” (Judges 15:19). In writing “The Antiquities of the Jews”, the great Jewish historian Josephus (1st century A.D.) confirms the biblical account and notes that the spring remained vibrant in his day. Samson remained at Lehi for 20 years as a judge of the people of Israel.
More than 3100 years later, Jewish tradition suggests that the spring that gave life to Samson continues to this day near Beit Lehi.”
Samson’s Well Jesus is Here, in Hebrew Lehi’s Tree at Samson’s Spring Ritual Bath at Biet Lehi
Jesus is Here Cave
In October 2005, at the beginning of the excavations in the site of Beit Lehi, one of the students from the Kimber Academy made a survey in the area and found a Hellenistic water cistern (Jesus is Here Cave) dating to the 3rd century BCE. When we entered this water system we couldn’t believe what we saw: a large ancient Greek inscription starting with a cross mentioning the name of Jesus “Yasoos Hodus” in ancient Greek, which means “Jesus is Here.” Below the inscription we found a graffiti of cross with the abbreviation of the two ancient Greek letters chi and rho for Cristos—Christ—and the above the inscription a graffiti of a boat with a person standing on the front of the boat holding the sail, probably Jesus, preaching in the Sea of Galilee. This was probably used as a hermit cell for one of the monks who lived in the site of Beit Lehi in the 5th century CE.
Biet Lehi, Israel
UVU Biet Lehi Project
LDS Scene
Book of Mormon Linked to Site in Yemen. A group of Latter-day Saint researchers recently found evidence linking a site in Yemen, on the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula, to a name associated with Lehi’s journey as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Warren Aston, Lynn Hilton, and Gregory Witt located a stone altar that professional archaeologists dated to at least 700 B.C. This altar contains an inscription confirming “Nahom” as an actual place that existed in the peninsula before the time of Lehi. The Book of Mormon mentions that “Ishmael died, and was buried in the place which was called Nahom” (1 Ne. 16:34).This is the first archaeological find that supports a Book of Mormon place-name other than Jerusalem or the Red Sea, says Brother Witt.
“Polynesians are descendants of Lehi and blood relatives of the American Indians.” Peterson, Mark E., General Conference, April 1962.
No Doubt. Hagoth Sailed From North America to the South Pacific
“Although some scholars insist that the Polynesian ancestors came from the Orient and sailed east to settle Polynesia, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always taught that they sailed west from America. In 1818, Stuart Meha, a Māori Latter-day Saint from New Zealand, sent a telegram to the Church leaders. Reply, “I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is NO PERHAPS about it!” Continuing, Joseph F. Smith told how it had been given to him by the spirit, while laboring in Hawaii, that the Polynesians were descendants of Lehi.
The Lord … directed their course away from this continent [America] to their [the Polynesian ancestors’] island homes, that they might not be left to be preyed upon and destroyed by the more wicked part of the House of Israel whose descendants still roam upon this continent in a fallen and degraded state. … This is the secret of the overruling hand of providence which has been over you all from that time until you received the gospel through the preaching of the elders, and until the present time. And we repeat, the reason that few of the islands of the sea have been more highly favored and blessed in the Lord than those of your brethren of this continent is because of the worthiness of your forefathers who were led away and separated from their brethren of this continent, and because of the blessing of the Lord which has attended you, their children, from that time to the present.” A letter from the First Presidency, 1911
Many Children of Israel Upon the Isles of the Sea
There are many distinct cultures among the Children of Israel in the Islands of the sea. The Polynesians are generally a mixture with Europeans. The Melanesians are generally a mixture with Africans, and the Micronesians most likely are a mix with the Asians. Another important mixture of people are the Australasians and the New Zealanders or Maori’s. The isles of the sea are blessed with Israelites as it continues to speak about in the scriptures.
Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum Page 253
With the blood of Israel that will include the Tribe of Judah or Hebrews. Remember also, the Native American Lamanites are related to the Polynesians and to the Hebrews. “And then shall the remnant of our seed know concerning us, how that we came out from Jerusalem, and that they are descendants of the Jews.” 2 Nephi 30:4 (See also D&C 29:26-27; and D&C 19:27;)
Hagoth most likely was a mixture of the Nephites, Lamanites and the Hebrew as they once lived together in North America in the Heartland.
“Thus saith the Lord: In an acceptable time have I heard thee, O isles of the sea, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee; and I will preserve thee, and give thee my servant for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;” 1 Nephi 21:8
“But great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea; wherefore as it says isles, there must needs be more than this, and they are inhabited also by our brethren.” 2 Nephi 10:21
“And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.” 2 Nephi 2:21 and Isaiah 11″11
Moroni’s America- Alma 63
“In the 37th year, “there was a large company of men, even to the amount of five thousand and four hundred men, with their wives and their children, departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward.” This would make a group of 10-20,000, depending on family size. The text does not explain whether these people sailed north or traveled overland. It doesn’t even specify from where in the land of Zarahemla they left. All we know is that the land was “northward” from Zarahemla.
Whether they sailed or hiked, it seems unlikely that such a large group would veer far from a river. At a minimum, they would need a constant supply of water. The text says nothing about herds or grain; presumably the people would prefer fresh sources of food from fishing.
Two rivers they could follow north are the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers and their tributaries. Because the text does not say they left from the city of Zarahemla (on the west bank of the Mississippi), it seems more likely they would follow the Illinois River out of the land. This would have led them in proximity to the southern part of Lake Michigan and the Michigan peninsula. Anciently, much of northwestern Indiana was covered by the Kankakee marsh, through which the meandering Kankakee River flowed. That area has been called the “Everglades of the North.” It has since been drained and converted to farmland, but anciently it was an area of abundant wildlife and resources such as fresh water pearls. This would be a logical place for people to seek out. Although I don’t address archaeology in this book, archaeologists have suggested “a date of activity could logically be established as ranging from 100 B.C. to A.D. 200” in this area.[i]
The text suggests this northward migration piqued the curiosity of a man named Hagoth.
Alma 63:5-6 “And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward. And behold, there were many of the Nephites who did enter therein and did sail forth with much provisions, and also many women and children; and they took their course northward. And thus ended the thirty and seventh year.”
Hagoth by Brook Malia Mann
The story of Hagoth shows the Nephites were proficient in shipbuilding, as Mormon implies in Helaman 3:14. Mormon does not mention Hagoth because he built a ship; he mentioned Hagoth because he built an exceedingly large ship. Because the entire civilization was founded by seafarers, it would be more surprising if the Nephites did not use ships than if they did, and Hagoth demonstrates that they knew how to build ships.
One wonders why he built such a large ship and which Nephites became passengers. Given the sequence of events, it is possible that the “large company of men” sailed north on the Illinois River, reaching the source. They would continue overland to the “land which was northward” where they reached the west sea and sent word back to Hagoth. Then Hagoth came north and built an “exceedingly large ship” to accommodate “many of the Nephites” who had gone northward.
Why did all these people go northward? One reason could be natural expansion; i.e., the Nephite population was growing and the Lamanites occupied all the land south of Zarahemla. The east (Bountiful) was already populated. The west may have been less appealing. Another reason could be economic opportunity in the north, perhaps associated with the abundant copper on the Keweenaw Peninsula where hundreds of ancient mines have been found.[ii]
The text says Hagoth built his ship “on the borders of the land Bountiful by the land Desolation.” This implies he constructed it inland, presumably in a protected area that would be deep enough, like on a river or inlet. From the construction site, he “launched it forth into the west sea by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.
This passage is susceptible to more than one meaning. Of course, a “narrow neck” can be either water or land, and the text doesn’t explain which it is in this case (unlike Ether 10:20, which specifies a “narrow neck of land”).
I discussed the various “narrow” features in the geography in Chapter 6. The Oxford English Dictionary includes these definitions of neck:
a. A pass between hills or mountains; the narrow part of a mountain pass.
b. A narrow channel or inlet of water; the narrow part of a sound, etc.
c. A narrow piece of land with water on each side; an isthmus or narrow promontory
d. A narrow stretch of wood, pasture, ice, etc.
No mountains or woods are mentioned in Alma 63, so presumably we are dealing with 1) a narrow channel or inlet of water; 2) the narrow part of a sound; 3) an isthmus; 4) or a narrow promontory.
A common interpretation treats by as a synonym of near; i.e., Hagoth launched his ship into the west sea near the narrow neck, and the narrow neck leads into the land northward. This interpretation assumes the neck was a neck of land, but it’s not clear how a neck of land would lead into a larger land mass. A neck of land would lead to a larger land mass, but not into one. This interpretation also raises the question of why the narrow neck is associated with the launch, but not the construction, of the ship. That is, Hagoth built the ship by the land Desolation but launched it by the narrow neck that led into the land northward.
A second interpretation assumes that because Hagoth built the ship inland, the narrow neck could be the neck of a river that led into—meaning penetrated—the land northward.
A third possibility is that the narrow neck was a waterway—a narrow channel or inlet—by means of which he launched his ship into the sea. In this case, the relative pronoun which would refer back to the west sea; i.e., the west sea leads into the land northward.
Yet another interpretation would have the launching itself constitute what led into the land northward. A comma after neck would clarify this meaning; i.e., “launched it forth into the west sea by the narrow neck, which led into the land northward.”
This interpretation is somewhat corroborated by the sequence of events. Hagoth built the ship by the land Desolation, launched it into the west sea, then picked up his passengers and took their course northward. Clearly, the west sea led into the land northward; it’s only a question of whether, and how, the narrow neck did also.
The text distinguishes between the land northward and the land Desolation. Again, this reflects the relative nature of these terms. Often in the text, the land Desolation is northward. Here, the frame of reference is near the land Desolation where Hagoth built his ship. Consequently, the land northward in these passages is north of Desolation.
Verse 7 points out that the first ship returned “and set out again to the land northward.” That seems inconsistent with the idea that Hagoth’s departure point was close to the land northward, which would be the case if it was next to a narrow neck that led into that land. His passengers were boarding a ship in the west sea because that sea led into the land northward, not because the narrow neck did.
There are several places along Lake Michigan that would qualify as a “narrow neck” under the definitions given. The lake today is at around 577 feet above sea level. There are areas such as Benton Harbor where the land is only a few feet higher than the lake. In ancient times, when the lake was higher, the harbor would have been much bigger than it is today, surrounded by peninsulas—narrow necks.[iii] It would be a good place to build an exceedingly large ship, and then launch it into the west sea.
This all becomes clearer by referencing the map to the left.
Hagoth was not satisfied with only one ship.
7 And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward.
8 And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither she did go we know not.
The text does not say in what month of the thirty-seventh year Hagoth launched his first ship, or in what month it returned in the thirty-eighth year. The first ship could have been gone an entire year, only a few months, or nearly two years. I assume it returned after about a year, only because Hagoth built other ships before it returned.
At any rate, the first voyage was successful. Either the ship sailed for six months, discovered something worth exploring, and turned around for supplies for an even longer expedition, or it spent some period of time—a winter, perhaps—at its destination before returning. It may have dropped off passengers at various locations, such as the mining areas in northern Michigan, and then continued exploring. There was at least one permanent community in the land northward because Alma’s son Corianton went forth to deliver provisions to the people who had settled there (Alma 63:10).
One aspect of the Hagoth verses is the link that has been made between Hagoth and the Polynesian people. Although the text says the Nephites thought Hagoth’s people were drowned at sea, there are LDS traditions that Hagoth’s people went to Japan, Hawaii, and Polynesian Islands.[iv]
Without commenting on the merits of these traditions, is the North American setting consistent with them?
Although the common view regarding Hagoth is that he launched his boats directly into the Pacific Ocean (i.e., the west sea), his ships could have arrived in the Pacific from Lake Michigan also. The Black and White map above left, shows a northeast waterway that leads to the St. Lawrence Seaway. From there, a ship could navigate to the Pacific by going south around South America or north through the Northwest passage and down through the Bering Strait.
In a 1976 talk to the Samoans, President Kimball referred to the scattering of Israel in connection with the Polynesians. He said, “Some of them remained in America and went from Alaska to the southern point.”[v] That could be consistent with the Northwest Passage route.
Other traditions refer to the ancestors of the Maoris coming from “the joining of two waters.”[vi] Although Matthew Cowley and others interpreted that phrase to refer to the “narrow neck of land between two bodies of water,” meaning Central America, the two waters do not join there. Two waters join at the southern tip of South America: the Atlantic and the Pacific.
The North American setting doesn’t establish the Hagoth-Polynesia link, but it doesn’t contradict it, either. Moroni’s America by Jonathan Neville page 181-190
[ii] “The Native Americans used the copper from this area for the last 6800 years. The natives mined the copper from the bedrock as well as from glacial deposits. The entire peninsula from Keweenaw Point to the Ontonagon River area contain ancient mining pits. The deposits on Isle Royale were also mined by natives (a conservative estimate is that there were at least 1089 pits on the island).” Collector’s Corner, Mineralogical Society of America,
[iii] One “analysis of 115 geographic features English-speaking colonists called a ‘neck of land’” concluded that the Book of Mormon narrow neck of land would be a peninsula rather than an isthmus because 113 of the 115 features studied were peninsulas. “Necks of Land,” Book of Mormon Resources, Of course, if the narrow neck here was a water feature, it would not be a peninsula.
[iv] For a thorough overview of LDS teachings, see Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,” in The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr., (Religious Studies Center, BYU 1992), 249-62, online at Genetic data suggests the Polynesians came from Southeast Asia and Taiwan. See K. R. Howe, “Ideas of Maori Origins,” The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, available online at
4,000 Latter-day Saints in Fiji welcomed President Nelson on his fifth stop of Pacific Ministry Tour on May 22, 2019. Here is the article about his Fiji visit.
I remember that beautiful land and the wonderful saints of Fiji very well, as I served a mission from 1975 to 1977. I was privileged to meet President Spencer W. Kimball the prophet who called me on my mission to Fiji. There in 1976 he visited Fiji with Elder Russell M Nelson as his personal Doctor along with Elder David B. Haight as a newly called Apostle. The picture on the left is Pres Kimball in Fiji in 1976 with District President Yee on his left and Sister Yee on his right. Over his left shoulder is Mission President Kenneth M. Palmer from New Zealand and over his right shoulder is Elder Rian W. Nelson. What an honor it was to be there that day. At that time in Fiji we only had about 600 members and today (2021) we have over 22,154. As part of the Fiji Suva Mission we also opened the missionary work in the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati today). My companion Richard Evans and I were the first to baptize the Gilbertese people, and today there are over 15,000 members there. It is now called Kiribati where in 2021 there are 20,946 members. In the entire Oceania (Pacific) area there are over 572,895 membersof the Church. The Church growth among Hagoth’s blessed people is growing all the time.
I have lived with Fijians, served them and had hundreds of visits with them at my home They are pure wonderful people. They have the Spirit of Lamanites about them. It is very interesting to me that their dwellings (called a Bure, pronounced bur-ey), very closely resemble the Hopewell civilization in the United States. The Fijians also have the chiefs home built higher on a platform rather than a regular villager as seen below.
Nephite and Lamanite Link to Polynesia by Joseph Smith Foundation
In 1836, the keys to direct the work of gathering the House of Israel were given to Joseph Smith by Moses in the Kirtland Temple (see D&C 110:11). Seven years later, the first missionaries were sent to the Polynesian islands, and later to Japan.
The story of Hagoth in the Book of Mormon, a Nephite who built several ships and sailed away with a large group of Nephites (Alma 63:4–9), has sparked an interest in the origins of the Polynesian people. Many statements have been made by Presidents of the Church and members of the Twelve Apostles in regard to their belief that the Polynesian people originated from Lehi’s American colony.
Inspired Teachings Polynesia
Mark E. Petersen
The Polynesian Saints are characterized by a tremendous faith. Why do they have this great faith? It is because these people are of the blood of Israel. They are heirs to the promises of the Book of Mormon. God is now awakening them to their great destiny. As Latter-day Saints we have always believed that the Polynesians are descendants of Lehi and blood relatives of the American Indians, despite the contrary theories of other men. 1
George Q. Cannon
The doctrine that the Hawaiian people and all other Polynesians are heirs to the blessings promised to the posterity of Abraham had its origin through George Q. Cannon. While he was at Lahaina, he received a knowledge directly from the Lord that the Hawaiians were of the house of Israel. From this time on Elder Cannon and his associates began to teach that the Hawaiian people were an offshoot branch of Israel through the posterity of Lehi, the Book of Mormon prophet. 2
Patriarchal Blessings
Paul Cheesman notes in Early America and the Polynesians that Bruce G. Pitt, a graduate student, “viewed a portion of microfilm #34 in the BYU library” which contained the patriarchal blessings given to these people in regard to the lineage declared in the blessings. The following information was found: “Of 321 total Polynesian lineages viewed, 155 were declared to be of Manasseh, 2 of Manasseh and Ephraim, 68 of Joseph, 62 of Israel, 4 of Jacob, 28 of Ephraim, 1 of Lehi and 1 of Japeth. . . .
Another [graduate] researcher, Max Hirschi, recorded that out of 35 patriarchal blessings given to Polynesians, thirteen were from the tribe of Ephraim, fourteen were told they were from Manasseh, and the other eight were of the tribe of Joseph”.
During Dr. Paul Cheesman’s visits to the islands, he questioned patriarchs in the various places and found “that nearly three-fourths [of the declared lineages] were from Manasseh and one-fourth were from Ephraim, with some being designated as descendants of the tribe of Joseph”. Since Lehi was a descendant of Manasseh (Alma 10:3) and Ishmael was a descendant of Ephraim (Journal of Discourses 23:184), the common lineage of these two descendants of Joseph who was sold into Egypt and the Polynesian Saints gives support to the theory that the Polynesians came from the American Nephites. 3
Heber J. Grant
According to Alma Taylor’s reminiscences of the event [Elder Heber J. Grant’s prayer dedicating the land of Japan for missionary work in 1901], Elder Grant “spoke of those who, because of iniquity, had been cut off from among the Nephites . . . and said we felt that through the lineage of those rebellious Nephites who joined with the Lamanites, that the blood of Lehi and Nephi [and of all Israel] had been transmitted unto the people of this land, many of whom have the features and manners of the American Indians, [and he] asked the Lord that if this were true that He would not forget the integrity of His servants Lehi and Nephi and would verify the promises made unto them concerning their descendants in the last days upon this [the Japanese] people for we felt that they were a worthy nation”. 4
Matthew Cowley
Brothers and sisters, you are God’s children—you are Israel. You have in your veins the blood of Nephi. 5
New Zealand
David O. McKay
We express gratitude that to these fertile islands thou didst guide descendants of Father Lehi and hast enabled them to prosper. 6
Spencer W. Kimball
And so it seems to me rather clear that your ancestors moved northward and crossed a part of the South Pacific. You did not bring your records with you, but you brought much food and provisions. And so we have a great congregation of people in the South seas who came from the Nephites, and who came from the land southward and went to the land northward, which could have been Hawaii. And then the further settlement could have been a move southward again to all of these islands and even to New Zealand. The Lord knows what he is doing when he sends his people from one place to another. That was the scattering of Israel. Some of them remained in America and went from Alaska to the southern point. And others of you came this direction.
[President Spencer W. Kimball continued by quoting former President Joseph F. Smith as saying:]
“I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is No Perhaps about it!” He didn’t want any arguments about it. That was definite. So you are of Israel. You have been scattered. Now you are being gathered. 7
It might be of interest to you to know that when Elder Spencer W. Kimball set me apart for my mission to New Zealand in 1946, he said: “We bless you with power and the ‘gift of tongues’ to learn the language of the Maoris. . . . We set you apart among the Children of Lehi to do good.” 8
Gordon B. Hinckley
Again, there was something prophetic about it. Here were two great strains of the house of Israel the children of Ephraim from the isles of Britain, and the children of Lehi from the isles of the Pacific. 9
Hugh B. Brown
We thank Thee, O God, for revealing to us the Book of Mormon, the story of the ancient inhabitants of America. We thank Thee that from among those inhabitants, the ancestors of these whose heads are bowed before Thee here, came from the western shores of America into the South Seas pursuant to Thy plan and now their descendants humbly raise their voices in grateful acknowledgement of Thy kindness, Thy mercy, and Thy love for them and those who went before them.
We humbly thank Thee that this building is erected in this land, so that those faithful Maoris who came here in early days, descendants of Father Lehi, may be remembered by their descendants and saved through the ordinances that will, in this House, be performed in their behalf. 10
Matthew Cowley
Elder Matthew Cowley tells of a great convention held in 1881 that represented all of the native tribes of New Zealand. They were gathered at a native village near Mastertown, near Wellington. Many who attended that conference were old enough to have seen the first Christian missionaries arrive in New Zealand, and all who attended belonged to a Christian church. They were Catholics, Methodists, or Presbyterians. One of the dominant topics considered was why the Maoris were no longer religiously unified as they had been before Christianity came to them. If Christianity was the higher light—the true religion—why were they divided into many churches? So they began asking themselves which of these Christian churches was the right one for the Maori race and which one they should all belong to so that there would be only one church among them. Not knowing the answer and not being able to decide in their debate, they turned to their wisest sage, Paora Potangaroa, and asked him which church they should all join. He said he would have to think on it and then went to his own residence which was nearby.
After three days of fasting and prayer, asking Jehovah which was the right church for the Maori people, he returned to his people and said: “My friends, the church for the Maori people has not yet come among us. You will recognize it when it comes.Its missionaries will travel in pairs. They will come from the rising sun. They will visit with us in our homes. They will learn our language and teach us the gospel in our own tongue. When they pray they will raise their right hands.”
Paora Potangaroa then asked Ranginui Kingi to write down what he was going to say and his words were proclaimed to his people at the “eight-years house” on the 16th day of March 1881. Several things were said of interest to us: First, the year 1881 is the “day of fulness”; that is the year that the missionaries first taught the fulness of the gospel to the Maori people. It is also the year W. M. Bromley arrived to preside over the mission. He was told before leaving Utah “that the time had come to take the gospel to the Maori people.” Potangaroa said the next year, 1882, would be the year of the “sealing.” It was in 1882 when they were first taught about the sealing ordinances performed in the temple. He said the third year, 1883, would be the year of “the honoring,” when they would pay “tribute to whom tribute was due, custom to whom custom . . . honor to whom honor” (See Romans 13:7). Elder Cowley interpreted that as the year when Maoris joined the Church in great numbers and gave “tribute to whom tribute was due [and] custom to whom custom” was due as they began worshiping the Lord.
The prophecy went on to say that they were the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They would learn of the scepter of Judah, and of “Shiloh, the king of peace.” They would also learn of “the sacred church with a large wall surrounding it.” There would be an “increase of the[ir] race” and of their faith, love, and peace. That was at a time when the Maoris were beginning to be exterminated, much as the American Indian was in the United States.There was a great deal of apprehension among them, a fear they would disappear as a people.
This covenant was written down on a piece of paper, and at the top of the piece of paper they drew an “all-seeing eye.” This prophecy was then placed in a cement monument in the eight-years house where the convention was held. It remained there from 1881 until 1929, when a Maori sect known as the Ratana Church, in groping for substantiation that they were the true church of the Maoris as foretold by Potangaroa, broke open the cement monument to get at his prophecy, hoping to find something in it that would establish their claim to be the right church for the Maori. Unfortunately, the storage chamber which contained the prophecy had not been hermetically sealed and the paper had been so damaged by moisture that nothing was legible on it.
That was 1929. In 1944, Matthew Cowley was the New Zealand mission president. He was there during the war years, and the only American missionaries he had were himself, his wife, and their daughter. They held a convention for the Maoris in the same area where Paora Potangaroa gave his prophecy in 1881. Present at the 1944 convention was Eriata Nopera, another great Maori chief. When he rose to speak, he told his people that he had been a little boy there when Paora Potangaroa gave his prophecy and repeated what he remembered of the prophecy. At the end of that day’s convention, one of the women attending the convention had her husband go fetch parcel wrapped in brown paper from a trunk in their house. When he brought her the parcel, she called President Cowley and Eriata Nopera into an adjoining room and gave it to them. They opened the parcel and found a photograph of Potangaroa’s written prophecy wrapped up in it.
What had happened was that in 1881, when the prophecy was written down by Ranginui, a photographer in Wellington had heard that a Maori had made a prophecy. He traveled out to that village and asked for permission to photograph it. This was granted and he photographed the prophecy before it was sealed in the cement monument. This woman’s family got a copy of that photograph and had kept it since. She then gave it to Brother Nopera, who in turn gave it to President Matthew Cowley. That is the way we know what was in Paora Potangaroa’s prophecy. 11
Spencer W. Kimball
I thought to read to you a sacred scripture which pertains especially to you the islanders of the Pacific. It is in the sixty-third chapter of Alma [He then read the account of Hagoth.]
And so it seems to me rather clear that your ancestors moved northward and crossed a part of the South Pacific. You did not bring your records with you, but you brought much food and provisions. And so we have a great congregation of people in the South seas who came from the Nephites, and who came from the land southward and went to the land northward, which could have been Hawaii. And then the further settlement could have been a move southward again to all of these islands and even to New Zealand. The Lord knows what he is doing when he sends his people from one place to another. That was the scattering of Israel. Some of them remained in America and went from Alaska to the southern point. And others of you came this direction. 12
Robert E. Parsons
I asked Elder John Groberg, who has spent years among the Tongans, if they had any traditions concerning their coming to the islands. He said they had nothing as detailed as the Maori, but that Church members among both Tongans and Samoans were adamant in their tradition that they came from the east, not the west as some modern scholars affirm. 13
Petersen, Mark E. “New Evidence for the Book of Mormon,” Improvement Era (June 1962) 65:456–59; also in Conference Report (Apr 1962) 111–15
George Q. Cannon, as quoted in Britsch, R. Lanier. Unto the Islands of the Sea: A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1986, pp. 97–98
Cheesman, Paul R. and Millie Foster Cheesman. Early America and the Polynesians. Provo, Utah: Promised Lands Publication, Inc., 1975, p. 15; as quoted in Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,” in The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), 249–62
Reminiscences by Alma Taylor of Elder Heber J. Grant’s 1901 prayer dedicating the land of Japan to receive the restored gospel, Palmer, Spencer J., and Roger R. Keller. Religions of the World: A Latter-day Saint View. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1989, p. 91
Elder Matthew Cowley, in an address to the Hawaiian people at Laie, as recorded in Cole, William A., and Edwin W. Jensen. Israel in the Pacific: A Genealogical Text For Polynesia. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1961, p. 384
Prayer offered by President David O. McKay the the dedicatory prayer of the New Zealand Temple, “Dedicatory Prayer Delivered By Pres. McKay at New Zealand Temple,” Church News, 10 May 1958, 2, 6
President Spencer W. Kimball in a talk to the Samoan people, as recorded in the “Official Report of the Samoa Area Conference Held in Pago Pago and Apia, Samoa,” February 15, 16, 17, 18, 1976
Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,” in The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), 249–62
President Gordon B. Hinckley’s comment at the dedication of the New Zealand temple upon observing Europeans assembling with the Maoris of the Pacific, “Temple in the Pacific.” Improvement Era (July 1958) 61:506–509, 538
Elder Hugh B. Brown’s closing prayer at the ceremony to lay the cornerstone for the New Zealand Temple, as told in Cummings, David W. Mighty Missionary of the Pacific. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1961, p. 63; and Cheesman, Paul R. and Millie Foster Cheesman. Early America and the Polynesians. Provo, Utah: Promised Lands Publication, Inc., 1975, p. 14
Cowley, Matthew. Matthew Cowley—Speaks. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1954, pp. 200-205, as quoted in Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,” in The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), pp. 249–262
President Spencer W. Kimball in a talk to the Samoan people, as recorded in the “Official Report of the Samoa Area Conference Held in Pago Pago and Apia, Samoa,” February 15, 16, 17, 18, 1976
Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,” in The Book of Mormon: Alma, the Testimony of the Word, ed. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992), 249–62
1937 Stuart Meha and “The Personal Testimony of Stuart Meha,” Waipawa, H. B., New Zealand. Elwin W. Jensen A signed manuscript, recorded May 20, 1937, in the Missionary Journal, (abt. Joseph F. Smith) First Mission, Elder Elwin W. Jensen, Salt Lake City.
Although some scholars insist that the Polynesian ancestors came from the Orient and sailed east to settle Polynesia, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has always taught that they sailed west from America. In 1818, Stuart Meha, a Maori Latter-day Saint from New Zealand, sent a telegram to the Church leaders thanking them for the privilege of allowing a group of Maori saints to travel to Salt Lake to go through the temple. In the telegram, Brother Meha added the words: “Who knows but that some of Hagoth’s people have returned–perhaps!”
Later, the First Presidency of the Church, and some of the General Authorities, gave a welcome, in Wandermere Park, in honor of this party of Maori Saints from New Zealand. In a speech delivered on that occasion, President [Joseph F.] Smith replied to the telegram: “I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is NO PERHAPS about it!” Continuing,
President Smith told how it had been given to him by the spirit, while laboring in Hawaii, that the Polynesians were descendants of Lehi. Brother Meha testifies that these statements touched his heart, and he had no more uncertainties as to whether the Polynesians were truly of the House of Israel. (From “The Personal Testimony of Stuart Meha,” Waipawa, H. B., New Zealand. A signed manuscript, recorded May 20, 1937, in the Missionary Journal, First Mission, Elder Elwin W. Jensen, Salt Lake City.
Source: Allen H. Richardson, David E. Richardson and Anthony E. Bentley. 1000 Evidences for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Part Two-A Voice from the Dust: 500 Evidences in Support of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Envision Press, 2001, p. 33.
*The expression that Hagoth was an “exceedingly curious man” meant that his skills and knowledge in ship building were extremely good and was beyond the ability of common men. To those who could not comprehend how he could have constructed the ship, they used the term “curious” to describe his skills, similar to Nephi’s skill referred to in 1 Nephi 18:1.341 Hagoth’s Travels Alma 63:6 (55 B.C.)
“The map below suggests a possible area where Hagoth built and launched his ship. In ancient America, the Grand Kankakee Marsh and the Great Black Swamp almost merged. The land between the two wetlands produced a narrow neck which provided an entrance into “the land northward.” As shown, “the borders of the land Bountiful” are next to “seas.” Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page 341
Oliver B. Huntington said, “My father was living in a good hewed log house in 1840 when one morning as the family all sat at breakfast old Father Joseph Smith, the first Patriarch of the Church and father of the Prophet Joseph, came in and sat down by the fire place, after declining to take breakfast with us, and there he sat some little time in silence looking steadily in the fire. At length he observed that we had been driven from Missouri to this place; with some passing comments, he then asked this question: “And how long, Brother Huntington, do you think we will stay here?” As he asked this question I noticed a strange, good-natured expression creep over his whole being-an air of mysterious joy.
Father answered, after just a moment’s hesitation, “Well, Father Smith, I can’t begin to imagine.”
“No,” said the old Patriarch, his whole being seeming to be alive with animation. “The Lord has told Joseph that when we leave here we will goin to the Rocky Mountains; right into the midst of the Lamanites.”
“We will just stay here seven years,” he answered. “The Lord has told Joseph so-just seven years,” he repeated. “Now this is not to be made public; I would not like to have this word go any further,” said the Patriarch, who leaned and relied upon his son Joseph in all spiritual matters as much as boys generally do upon their parents for temporalities. There were then two or three minutes of perfect silence. The old gentleman with more apparent secret joy and caution in his countenance said, “And where do you think we will go to when we leave here, Brother Huntington?” Father did not pretend to guess; unless we went back to Jackson County.
Editors Note:Into the midst to me would mean, “to the very heart”, or “the middle of” or “into the Heatland of the United States”. As I look at this today the area of the Heartland of America is where the Book of Mormon began, (the heart) and all around it are the remnants or outskirts, or the hinterlands as we call it. So there are Lamanites all around the heart of the land through marriage and inter mingling. Father Lehi would have distant relatives in South and Central America, but the heartland is where it all began.
Huntington continues, “This information filled our hearts with unspeakable joy, for we knew that the Book of Mormon and this gospel had been brought to light more for the remnants of Jacob upon this continent than for the Gentiles.
Father Smith again enjoined upon us profound secrecy in this matter and I don’t think it was ever uttered by one of Father Huntington’s family. The history of Nauvoo shows that we located in Nauvoo in 1839 and left it in 1846.
1875 Leslies illustrated June 5 – Mormons baptise Indians at St. George Utah The Church did move to the Rocky Mountains into the midst of the Indians or Lamanites -or more properly speaking the Jews-and here expect to live until we move to the spirit land or the Lord moves us somewhere else.” Oliver B. Huntington, “Prophecy,” Young Woman’s Journal 2, no. 7 (April 1891): 314-15
Descendancy of Shem
Lehi-Manasseh/Joseph Daughters of Ismael-Ephraim/Joseph Mulekites-Judah You can see how the Nephites, Lamanites, Jospeh, Manasseh, Ephraim and Judah (All from Shem) intermingles with each other.
“I am asked to occupy the few minutes yet remaining: If the Spirit gives me liberty I will pursue the train of thought that has passed through my mind while Brother Richards has been speaking upon the spirit that has gone abroad upon the remnants of the house of Israel who occupy this land, the American Indians whom we understand to be the descendants of the Nephites, the Lamanites, the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites who formerly possessed this land, whose fathers we have an account of in the Book of Mormon.” The Indians—The Influence of the Elders Among Them in the Interest of Peace, Etc. Discourse by Elder Erastus Snow, delivered at Logan, Sunday Afternoon, February 5th, 1882
Do you believe the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon are in fact of Jewish descent? I do! Why is this such an important idea? There are only 3 races of people on the earth today. We all come from Adam through the sons of Noah. Noah’s three sons are Ham, Shem and Japeth. (ONLY 3 RACES)
Children of Noah Offer Sacrifice
Japeth The eldest son of Noah, an Old Testament prophet (Moses 8:12). God shall enlarge Japheth, Gen. 9:27. Ham The government of Ham was patriarchal and was blessed as to things of the earth and wisdom but not as to the priesthood, Abr. 1:21–27. Ham’s wife, Egyptus, was a descendant of Cain; the sons of their daughter Egyptus settled in Egypt, Abr. 1:23, 25 (Ps. 105:23; 106:21–22). Shem In the Old Testament, a righteous son of Noah and, according to tradition, the forefather of the Shemite, or Semite, peoples, including the Arabs, Hebrews, Babylonians, Syrians, Phoenicians, and Assyrians (Gen. 5:29–32;6:10; 7:13; 9:26; 10:21–32; Moses 8:12). In latter-day revelation Shem is referred to as “the great high priest” (D&C 138:41).
We need to look no further than the scriptures to know the Lamanites ARE DESCENDANTS of the JEWS.
“And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God—Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 29:26-27
“Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 19:27 “And then shall the remnant of our seed know concerning us, how that we came out from Jerusalem, and that they are descendants of the Jews.” 2 Nephi 30:4
D&C 57:1 “Hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves together, according to my commandments, in this land, which is the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints.
2 Wherefore, this is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion.
3 And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called Independence is the center place; and a spot for the temple is lying westward, upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse.
4 Wherefore, it is wisdom that the land should be purchased by the saints, and also every tract lying westward, even unto the line running directly between Jew and Gentile;” D&C 57:1-4
At that time the Lamanites (or Jews) lived on the west and the Gentiles (or Whites) lived on the east. In this way you may interpret D&C 57:1-4 as separating the Jews and Gentiles or the Lamanites and Whites.
Dispersion of the Jews
“I would say to the Lamanites, if I could speak to them understandingly, that you are also a branch of the house of Israel, and chiefly of the house of Joseph, and your forefathers have fallen through the same examples of unbelief and sins, as have the Jews, and you, as their posterity, have wandered in sin and darkness for many generations; and you, like the Jews, have been driven and trampled under the foot of the Gentiles,[See chart below] and put to death through your wars with each other, and with the white man, until you are almost destroyed. But there is still a redemption and salvation for a remnant of you in the latter days. It is time for you to cease shedding each other’s blood or making war upon your fellow-man. Cease to destroy one another, learn to cultivate the earth, and raise your food therefrom; call upon the Great Spirit to protect you and deliver you from bondage and darkness, and the Great Spirit will hear you and deliver you, and a remnant of you will again become a delightsome people as your forefathers were when they kept the commandments of God.” Wilford Woodruff History of His Life and Labors AS RECORDED IN HIS DAILY JOURNALS PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY MATTHIAS F. COWLEY Salt Lake City, Utah 1909
“The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them. By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and that the land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come, with as many of the Gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant. TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH Page 17:
“You know there has been great discussion in relation to Zion–where it is, and where the gathering of the dispensation is, and which I am now going to tell you. The prophets have spoken and written upon it; but I will make a proclamation that will cover a broader ground. The whole of America is Zion itself from north to south, and is described by the Prophets, who declare that it is the Zion where the mountain of the Lord should be, and that it should be in the center of the land. When Elders shall take up and examine the old prophecies in the Bible, they will see it. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843–44, p.362)
“Imagine if a student had been expelled from 109 colleges. Would it not be reasonable to suggest that the common denominator in all these explosions is the character of the student, and not the arbitrary dislike of this student from 109 individual college headmasters(?)“
Apostate System of Religious Government.
For the record I want everyone to know that I love the Hebrews with all of my heart. The Tribes of Israel are all Hebrew with Joseph of Egypt and Judah the Lion are both brothers and important parts of the Hebrew lineage. Being a Hebrew is not the same as being a Jew. Today the world who say Jew, could be talking about the true Hebrews or a Fake Jew who has stolen a belief system to pretend they are Hebrew when actually they are an Asian lineage. See my map below which shows that today’s Khazarians and Askenazi descend from Japeth, not Shem.
“After the Jews came back to Jerusalem and their ancient land holdings in Palestine, through the good offices of Cyrus the Persian; (539 BC) after they no longer walked in that heavenly light which rests only upon those who listen to a prophet’s voice and hear the word of God; and feeling the need to apply their ancient law to new conditions—they developed gradually, over the centuries, a whole new (and apostate!) system of religious government. [Zionists. Editors Addition] Scribes, who once had been keepers of the records and copiers of the scrolls, became interpreters of the law and teachers of the people. And as uninspired men almost never agree on the meaning of scripture.’ Bruce R. McConkie Page -304-
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“I know your suffering and your poverty (but you are rich ) and the blasphemy of those who call themselves Jews of the Judeans, when they are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9. Aramaic Bible
“Rev 2: 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” King James Version
During the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, which began around 600 BCE, the language spoken by the Jews started to change from Hebrew to Aramaic, and Aramaic square script replaced the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.
“I stated the following delineation of “Real” Jews. Zionists or Khazarian “Jews”), Israeli Prime Minister (and virtually all of the leadership in modern Israel today are Zionists, not real Jews at least in an ancient Hebraic DNA sense of the word)— Real Jews vs. Babylonian Talmudic “Jews” Scientific FACT! Historically there were Real Jews [= Jesus and the Bible Prophets] vs. Fake Khazarian Mafia Jews [= Babylonian Money-Magick, Talmudic “Jews” of Slavic, Caucasian ethnicity].” Ellis Washington Report
Jews [Not Hebrews], Killed Christ:
1 Nephi 10:11 “And it came to pass after my father had spoken these words he spake unto my brethren concerning the gospel which should be preached among the Jews, and also concerning the dwindling of the Jews in unbelief. And after they (fake Jews, Editors addition) had slain the Messiah, who should come, and after he had been slain he should rise from the dead, and should make himself manifest, by the Holy Ghost, unto the Gentiles.”
19 For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.
Question? Have the Jews today, had the mysteries of God unfolded to them by the Spirit? Only converted Jews during the time of Christ who were baptized to Christianity. Those Jews [Non Hebrew] at the time of Chirst who killed Him were not from the Tribes of Judah, but likely from Asian tribes who pretended to be Hebrew.
Jews or Pharisees, or Khazarian Jews killed Jesus
1 Thess: 2:14 “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judæa are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:(Non Hebrews who pretended to be Jewish in their belief)
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
I also believe John 8:31-59 validates some of the other things Christ said to Fake Jews or people I call Deep State or Cabal, or Gadianton’s, or Khazarian Mafia.
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
33 ¶ They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?
52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.
57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
Think of it this way. The land of Palestine was owned by Britain, but was given to Fake Jews, not Hebrews who were led by Lord Rothchild. “A National hoe in Palestine for the Jewish people” was really a national home for the Cabal who were led by Rothchild. A Zionist is big name for Fake Jews. Now remember I love the hebrews and thos Jews who may really be Hebrews, I don’t like the fake Jews or those who are Asian and pretend like they are Hebrew. There is no antisemitic in my heart at all. I love the Hebrews with all of my heart. The Hebrews get their name from the Shemite Prophet Eber (Hebrew) who was a great grandfather of Abraham.
Christ’s mission was, “For he was baptized while he was yet in his childhood, and was ordained by the angel of God at the time he was eight days old unto this power, to overthrow the kingdom of the Jews, and to make straight the way of the Lord before the face of his people, to prepare them for the coming of the Lord, in whose hand is given all power.” D&C 84:28
Esther 10:
“The Mardocheus [Mordecai Tribe of Benjamin] said, God hath done these things. For I remember a dream which I saw concerning these matters, and nothing thereof hath failed. A little fountain became a river, and there was light, and the sun, and much water: this river is Esther, whom the king married, and made queen. And the two dragons are I and Aman.
And the nations were those that were assembled to destroy the name of the Jew: and my nation is this Israel, which cried to God, and were saved: for the Lord hath saved His people, and the Lord hath delivered us from all those evils, and God hath wrought signs and great wonders, which have not been done among the Gentiles.
Therefore hath he made two lots, one for the people of God, and another for all the Gentiles. And these two lots came at the hour, and time, and day of judgment, before God among all nations.” Apocrypha Esther 10:4-11
“In the original King James 1611 Version the word Judean, was used. In John 4:22, where Jesus spoke with the woman at the well of Samaria, the words in the present King James Version make little or no sense: “for salvation is of the Jews.” What intelligent Christian would believe that salvation came through any nation, or religion? We know this is untrue. But in the original 1611 Version of the King James Bible this verse reads: “But salvation cometh out of Judea” Brig. Gen. Jack Mohr
The world has mixed up the word “Jew” because those of Satan have co-opted that name to mean the chosen people of God, when in reality it means the Zionists or Cabal, or Deep State or Gaddiantons of today, who control the vast majority of today’s world wealth. Think of companies like Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard. They are owned by the Rockefellers and Rothchilds who are fake Jews and not Hebrew.
The two most evil countries in the world have been the United States and Israel. Not the people, but the top 20% of the governments. Under Biden and Netanyahu, these countries are controlled by Nazi’s and Communists and Zionists as are the majority of nations in the world. Trump will help all of this Nazism at the top of world governments to be broken apart so that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may begin to dake the Book of Mormon to Israel, Arabia, Iran, China, North Korea and other places that I call the “Secon Harvest” of the Book of Mormon to the rest of the world.
In about 592 BC near Khor Kharfout, Oman in the Old World, a Prophet named Nephi was commanded to build a ship to take his family to a New Promised Land, which was the New World in North America. The Lord said, “Thou shalt construct a ship, after the manner which I shall show thee, that I may carry thy people across these waters.” Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 17:8
Nephi said, “Now I, Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me; wherefore, it was not after the manner of men.” 1 Nephi 18:2 About 590 BC
How would this sailing vessel be built? How would it be different than other ships built around 600 BC, since the Lord said it should be “after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me?”
As I research I found the earliest known ships were built anciently as early as 5500 BC, as you will read below here: “Visual depictions of sailing boats have been dated as far back as 5500 BCE, discovered on painted discs from ancient Mesopotamia found in modern day Kuwait.” Jamey Bergman
Bering Strait?
Now I believe Adam was placed on the earth in about 4,000 BC and the Jaredites left the Old World to America in about 2200 BC, so the 5500 BC may be dated incorrectly, but we know ships were built near the beginning of this earths existence after Adam.
I don’t believe the old myth about the peopling of the New World over the Bering Strait. I believe the Lord gave all mankind the knowledge to build ships similar to those of today. Sure each ship progressed from century to century, with the inspiration of the Lord to man, but the Lord created us all and gave us knowledge and abilities that are powerful at different points of time, as we needed, or as we most importantly asked, and researched on our own.
Sailboat Inventions 100 BC to 1500 AD:
Could these items below have been shown by the Lord to Nephi, near 590 BC to build after the manner of the Lord? The following are ship improvements after 600 BC.
1- The Lateen (triangular) sail: 100 BC 2- Steering Oars and Rudders 100 AD 3- The Keel: 700 – 900 AD 4- Carrack Sail: 1500 AD
Now, if the above improvements that were man-made inventions for ships and sailing in these time periods, what makes us think that the Lord could not have inspired Nephi to add some of these things to ships in 600 BC, or that Nephi asked the Lord how to do things and received inspiration to help his family arrive in North America near Florida? Before discussing the above 4 items I want to explain a few other things about boats sailing from the Old to the New Worlds.
An example of “Working the Timbers”. “I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me.” 1 Nep 18:2
“A sewn boat is a type of wooden boat which is clinker built with its planks sewn, stitched, tied, or bound together with tendons or flexible wood, such as roots and willow branches. Sewn boat construction techniques were used in many parts of the world prior to the development of metal fasteners, and continued to be used long after that time for small boats to reduce construction costs where metal fasteners were too expensive.” Wikipedia
Working the Timbers?
“Most of the joinery among the timbers was accomplished through means that allowed the hull to be deconstructed without destruction, “a deliberate goal of pharaonic shipbuilders… Joggled scarf joint of Khufu I (author’s photo right); Inset: joggled strakes of Khufu I. (courtesy Paul Lipke Collection).” Ship Timber and the Reuse of Wood in Ancient Egypt Pearce Paul Creasman University of Arizona
Jerusalem Destroyed
“The siege of Jerusalem (circa 589–587 BC) was the final event of the Judahite revolts against Babylon, in which Nebuchadnezzar II, king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, besieged Jerusalem, the capital city of the Kingdom of Judah.” Wikipedia
Remember about this same time somewhere near Jerusalem after the Temple was destroyed, a the last Prophet of Judah, named Zedikiah lived.”
The Plates of Brass is a history of the Hebrew people which was brought by the people of Lehi and Nephi from Jerusalem in 600 BC to North America. These contained “the five books of Moses, as we read:
“And he beheld that they did contain the five books of Moses, which gave an account of the creation of the world, and also of Adam and Eve, who were our first parents; And also a record of the Jews from the beginning, even down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah; (1 Nephi 5:11–13).
Phoenicia Ship 600 BC
John Lefgren of Heartland Research said, “We believe the Phoenicia Ship Replica connects the Bible’s stories to the New World.
We read in Jeremiah 52:12 – 13. Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem, And burned the house of the Lord, and the king’s house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, burned he with fire:
The destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of the First Temple had a profound impact on the history of the Jews. This is a point in time from which we connect the ship replica on the west bank of the Mississippi River to the Bible.
About 300 years after the destruction of Jerusalem, we read in Omni 15 Behold, it came to pass that Mosiah discovered that the people of Zarahemla came out from Jerusalem at the time that Zedekiah, king of Judah, was carried away captive into Babylon.
The ship shows that Mulek, the Prince of Judah, could sail across the Atlantic after the burning of the Temple. This is why we are so determined to find sufficient funds to finish the restoration of what was less than two years ago in the mud of Florida. We are sure that as we continue to move forward, we will gain the support of many more people.
Mulek, a son of King Zedekiah, may have come to Djerba with his mother, the Jewish Queen. Jews from Tunisia are sure to be able to tell this story better than anyone else. He wants to hear what the Rabbi has to say. Doug believes that the power of the Carthaginian Empire protected a remnant of the Jewish royal family. I think that this meeting will have great meaning as we connect the ancient people of Tunisia to the ancient people of America.” John Lefgren PhD
Below, embark on an Epic Journey Through Time! Join us in reliving the 6th Century BC Phoenician Ship Expedition, sailing from Syria to America and back. Witness the incredible seafaring prowess of the Phoenicia, a 2600-year-old replica ship inspired by the Jules Verne 7 Shipwreck. Support the reconstruction of this historic vessel in Montrose, Iowa, and be a part of something truly special. Phoenicia.Rocks
Two Hebrew Voyages to North America
We read in the Book of Mormon there were two groups that left the Old World Jerusalem area, about the same time frame that Jerusalem was destroyed. The Mulekites and the Lehites. See their potential routes below.
“Now the land south was called Lehi, and the land north was called Mulek, which was after the son of Zedekiah; for the Lord did bring Mulek into the land north, and Lehi into the land south. Helaman 6:10
I believe that Lehi landed near Tallahassee, FL, and Mulek sailed up the Mississippi River and stopped at the Des Moines river rapids where as the scripture says, “And they journeyed in the wilderness, and were brought by the hand of the Lord across the great waters, into the land where Mosiah discovered them; and they had dwelt there from that time forth.” Omni 1:16
This means Mulek’s voyage was most likely a continuous voyage to the place they had been discovered by Mosiah. If Mulek had have gone up the St Lawrence seaway, if you look at a direct route to Montrose, Iowa where the Mulekites lived, would not be continuous. Sailing over the Great Lakes and the Niagara Falls would have been difficult, and they they would have had to stop near Detroit, and then find the Illinois river, then connect to the Mississippi river and then south to Montrose, Iowa. I feel up the Mississippi river from the south to the north makes more sense to me, but other people I love such as Wayne May believe the St Lawrence route. Either way is fine with me.
The First Sailing Boats: 5500 BC
“Visual depictions of sailing boats have been dated as far back as 5500 BCE, discovered on painted discs from ancient Mesopotamia found in modern day Kuwait.” Source
This quote above validates my personal belief that the Jaredites “did build [Their First Set of] barges, in which they did cross many waters, being directed continually by the hand of the Lord.” Ether 2:6. They crossed “many waters” (Not Great Sea, Ocean) but beginning near (Kuwait), or many waters like the Persian Gulf. After sailing through this Gulf, they continued eastward (possibly with sailing barges?), through the Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Laccadive Sea, Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. See my full blog here: They ended up in China or Japan to build their “2nd Set” of barges Ether 2: 16-17, before their 344 days on the Pacific, landing near Seattle, WA.
First Sail Boats More
“Sailing was invented more than 7000 years ago. The first presented model of a ship under sail appears on a painted disc found in ancient Mesopotamia between 5500 and 5000 BCE. In modern-day Iraq-Kuwait. Another record appears on an Egyptian vase about 3500 BC. These sailing ships sailed on the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates River.” Source
“4000 BC First Sailing Vessels: The ancient Egyptians develop the first sailing vessels. These vessels are probably only used for sailing in the eastern Mediterranean and near the mouth of the Nile river.” Source
Celestial Navigation by the Stars:
“The prospect of navigating through a featureless landscape – like the sea at night – is still a daunting one for the uninitiated, and the fact that ancient cultures were able to achieve it is a testament to human ingenuity…
The Lateen (triangular) Sail: 100 BC
One of the biggest jumps in the history of sailing technology was the invention of the lateen or latin-rig sail. The lateen is a triangular sail mounted at an angle and running in a fore-and-aft direction. With a maneuver called ‘tacking,’ the sail allows boats to make way to windward in a zig-zagging fashion. Though its exact origin is unknown, the lateen sail is the earliest-known fore-and-aft rigged sail and was in use in Greece in the first century BC. It is believed to have been introduced to the Mediterranean region by Arabic or Persian sailors. Polynesians also invented a mastless lateen-rigged sail that is very different in construction from that used in the Mediterranean…
Steering Oars and Rudders 100 AD
Art by Joseph Brickey
The invention of the stern-mounted rudder is credited to the Chinese, who came up with the idea of affixing a maneuverable steering apparatus to the back of a ship’s hull during or before the first century AD during the Han Dynasty. It took Western civilizations another thousand years to affix a stern-mounted rudder to ships…
The Keel: 700 – 900 AD
A structural beam that runs from a ship’s bow to its stern and sits lower than the rest of the hull, the keel was first invented by those intrepid Norse sailing men known as Vikings. Because their sailing ships were square-rigged, they were prone to making a lot of leeway when tacking close to the wind. The addition of a keel prevented this lateral movement, increased speed and made Viking ships more stable…
The carrack and the first circumnavigation of the earth: 1500 AD It was a carrack ship that completed the first full circumnavigation of the world. It took the Spanish expedition two captains and nearly four years to make the voyage. Portuguese captain Ferdinand Magellan, who initially led the expedition, set off from Spain in 1519 and died in the Philippines in 1521. Juan Sebastian Elcano brought the carrack ship Victoria – the only one of five ships that started the expedition to survive the trip – back to Spain in 1522. Carracks were three- to four-masted sailing ships developed by Genoan sailors in the 15th century for use in commerce. Their spacious cargo holds made them good for long-distance exploration and they were important in advancing European colonial expansion leading up to the Age of Discovery. Ocean-going ships that were large enough to be stable in heavy seas, carracks were square-rigged on the fore and main masts and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast. “
Lehi’s Voyage
Conclusion: After All We Can Do!
It is my opinion that the Lord may have given Nephi instructions to build his ship by utilizing some of the inventions I mention or with Nephi using some of his own reflections and ideas that he had prayed about. I don’t believe the Lord would just make Nephi’s trip easy by simply allowing the Lords miracles to happen. The Lord has told us time and time again that he will step in after all we can do. Just like Joseph Smith and the translation of the Gold Plates. Joseph did not simply read words off of a rock in a hat, but by the gift and Power of God, which allowed Joseph to use his own mind, his ability to learn translation and utilize the two stones attached to a breastplate. JSH 1:35. Like with the Brother of Jared, God did not just make the stones shine, but it was the Brother of Jared who asked the Lord to touch the stones, as he had done all he could do, by molting the stones and then the Lord made them shine.
Nephi built a ship not after the manner of men, but after the manner the Lord instructed him. When we exercise faith, we don’t usually know what will happen next, but it just happens as the Lord directs.
Are Written Records Found Among the Original Lamanites?
I have spoken with many Historians and Scholars who believe the Mesoamerican Theory. One of their main reasons they tell me that the Mesoamerica Theory makes sense, and Heartland Theory does not, is the written language of the Mayans and Olmecs and other ancient civilizations is so critically important to any theory of the Book of Mormon, and the Heartland clearly shows no ancient written records about ancient people in North America.
The traditions of Nephites was about writing things of God on plates of ore to keep records for their posterity and have shared later with their Lamanite brethren. In fact written records were so important to God’s people, Lehi had the Brass Plates retrieved from Jerusalem, and every prophet of God after, kept records as we know. Lamanites or people of the world who had fallen from the true gospel did not normally keep records but maintained oral traditions. It also is very significant that the language of the Nephites and Lamanites would have to be patterned after Hebrew, since Lehi was a Hebrew and descendant of Manasseh through Joseph. “And Aminadi was a descendant of Nephi, who was the son of Lehi, who came out of the land of Jerusalem, who was a descendant of Manasseh, who was the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by the hands of his brethren.” Alma 10:3
Joseph’s Remnant by Allen C. Christensen
“I have a 6th great-grandmother who was a member of the Iroquois Confederacy. It is probable she was a Mohawk. In the early 1700s, her tribe lived along the Mohawk River. Her tribal name was Josnorum Scoenonti—her English name, Running Deer.
Tod S. served a mission among the Navajo people in the later 1970s. He said one day that he and other missionaries saw their mission president, George P. Lee, come out of his office, looking as white as a ghost. President Lee informed them that he had been visited by Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull and a number of important Native American chiefs, and that he, George Lee, had been given their genealogy.
The written record never forgets. In a small way, Joseph’s Remnant is a personal attempt at helping correct that oversight. There are marvelous people, wonderful heroes among the greatgrandchildren of Father Lehi. They are those who have been asked to forgive and pray for those who have despitefully used and persecuted them.” Allen C. Christensen Author, Joseph’s Remnant
Are Nephites Mayan?
Below is what Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum defines as Records and Writings in their A to Z glossary.
“RECORDS- Nephites kept extensive records (Hel. 3:13). There were also a great many RECORDS kept by the Mesoamericans. [Editors note; No equivalence here]. The central Mexican cultures and the Maya to their east made picture books on animal skins known as codices. Codices have accordion-like pages that run many feet in length. These codices contained genealogies, history, mythology, and astronomical information. At the time of the Spanish Conquest, mounds of these codices were cast into bonfires by Catholic clergy.” BMAF[Editor: What were the dates these codices were written?]
“WRITING In 1 Ne. 1:2 we learn that the record of the Nephites was written in Reformed Egyptian, consisting “of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.” Maya hieroglyphs differ from Egyptian hieroglyphs, but[Editor, there should be no “but] the individual glyphs were pronounced in a similar way, in other words, they both used a phonetic system to pronounce syllables. The Mayan written language wasn’t the only one used in Mesoamerica, in fact, some scripts have not yet been deciphered.41″ BMAF
[Editor: The Gold Plates have been deciphered and they are Reformed Egyptian]
The Nature of Knowledge in Oral Traditions and Archaeology
As archaeologists begin once again to incorporate Native American oral traditions into archaeological research, it is important to recognize that oral traditions and archaeology represent two separate, but overlapping, way’s of knowing the past. Because they are qualitatively distinct, different standards apply in the way that information is collected, evaluated, and used to understand the past. These sources of knowledge converge in a broad sense on certain issues and themes, however, such as migrations, warfare, residential mobility, land use, and ethnic coresidence. Both sources can therefore be used productively to investigate these issues, among others.
There is no doubt that a real history is embedded in Native American oral traditions, and that this is the same history’ that archaeologists study. Oral traditions contain cultural information about the past carefully preserved and handed down from generation to generation within a tribe. The archaeological record contains material remains of past human behavior that provide physical evidence for many of the same events and processes referred to in oral traditions. Since oral traditions and archaeology’ have inherent limitations, combining them in research can create knowledge that goes beyond what is possible using either source by itself.” Working Together -— March/April Native American Oral Traditions ▼ Roger Any on, T. J. Ferguson, Loretta Jackson, and Lillie Lane
Oral Traditions of Native Americans
My mother and my father both served the Native Americans on the Southwest Indian Mission of 1949-51 under Pres. Golden Buchanan. They have told me wonderful stories and oral traditions about the Hopi, Navajo and Apache all my life. I came across this Improvement Era article just a few years ago and as a lover of Lamanite Tradition and one who desires to share the Gospel with our Native brothers and sisters, I wanted to share this with you.
Golden R. Buchanan was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He devoted 16 years to missionary service as president of the Southwest Indian Mission and Salt Lake Regional Mission. He was Indian coordinator for the church and was known for his work with the Indian people. He was known by some as the “father of the Indian Placement Program,” a program in the LDS Church in which thousands of Indian youngsters came to live for a time with LDS families. Pres Buchanan was the first one to invite these wonderful Native Americans to live in his home as the Placement Program began.
These many Native American Oral Histories, are consistent with the truths we find in the Book of Mormon, in Church History, and in our Sacred Temples today. You can read more about the Cherokee Temple Ordinance similarites here:
Pres. Buchanan said the following:
“The Hopis say that they came across the ocean. The Navajos believe they came up from the other side of the earth through a tube. The Papago’s believe they were guided to this land by divine means. Recently I was on the Papago Reservation. One of our new converts to the Church there told me this story: “I had never joined any church because the ministers and the priests did not teach the Bible as I read it. I couldn’t read it and make it say the same things the other churches said it did. I speak the Papago language. I have lived among them all my life. I know their story and their traditions. And as I read the Book of Mormon that was placed in my hands by missionaries, I recognized the stories of the Papagos, and I knew the book was true. Your missionaries read the Bible the same way I did. These are the reasons I joined the Church. The Papago’s believed they crossed the ocean and came to this land, that in the ships and on the trails, they were guided by a ball. In this ball was a needle that pointed the direction they were to go. In the Papago language yet today, the name of this ball is ‘Liahona.’ Navajo tradition tells that a man and his wife and four sons came to this land a long time ago. They have, in their native language, the names of these four sons, but I cannot write them. The oldest two of these sons rebelled against the youngest two who were the appointed leaders. The older sons and their children lived in the forest. They made their living by hunting and by the use of the weapons of warfare. They warred and preyed upon their two younger brothers. They covered their bodies with mud and thus became a dark people. The two younger sons became builders and built cities and houses of stone. They planted gardens and fields. They did not place mud upon themselves and thus remained white. For generations there were fighting, wars, and difficulties, the children of the older sons being the aggressors. Then came a night in which the sun didn’t go down, and it was light all night, and the people were much disturbed and’ distressed. But still there were troubles. Some years after this, came an extended period of darkness…Indian tribes have their own ceremonies. They have their own religions. This was particularly true before the advent of the so-called Christian churches among them. Even today the faithful still cling to their native tradition. Some of them profess Christianity and give token obedience to the so-called Christian churches, but deep in their hearts they still are waiting for the return of the Great White Spirit and the truth. In many dances, which are largely prayers, significant handclasps are sometimes given. Connected with some of these kiva ceremonies is the wearing of certain types of clothing, and in these clothing are certain marks sacred to the people. I have been told that only the faithful may wear these marks in their clothing, and that only the very good and true may receive these ordinances.Certain washings and anointings are common in many tribes. Usually these are done with water and corn pollen or corn meal, all of which are sacred to the Indian. If it were not for violating confidences, I could take you among the Utes and Paiutes, and tell of certain “ordinances for the dead.” Among many of the tribes there is a tradition that some day the people will lose their dark color and become white…It is interesting to note, in closing, that I know of no Indian language in which one can take the name of the Lord in vain. Indeed, I do not know of an Indian language in which they can even swear. They have to learn English or some white man’s language before they can defile the name of Deity.” Lamanite Tradition By Golden R. Buchanan President, Southwest Indian Mission. Improvement Era April 1955
The oral traditions of nearly all North American Natives, have been shared and kept for many years. These are not normally myths, but deeply held truths of earlier times.
Han Nei Oral Traditions
“The Navajo cosmology comes from the oral traditions of the creation and the emergences through previous worlds before coming to this place where the modern day Navajo live. Navajo children are taught that they are special because they come from a special people. It was a great undertaking for the Navajo people to be. The Navajo have oral traditions to tell them who they are.
According to Ella M. Ben of “Beauty Under the Pinon Trees” (Tsaile, Arizona), who is Will Tsosie’s grandmother, one late summer day in the mountain fields, she was sorting corn from the fall harvest. She piled corn by white, yellow, blue, red, black, striped, and finally, the ear of corn of many colors (called Indian corn by the non-Navajo). I asked about the ear of corn of many colors. Grandmother Ella said that this ear of corn of many colors was the most special corn of all. In the first world after A[tse H1stiin and A[tse Asdzaan were created, there is a story that all of the different colors of mist were mixed by Diyin7. Then another beautiful ear of corn appeared, and this was the ear of corn of many colors. This ear of corn of many colors was so beautiful that raven flew down from the sky and stole it.
As raven flew off with the ear of corn of many colors, corn kernels fell out of it. These kernels of corn became the “others.” The others were the other human beings of this world. Where white corn fell it became white people, yellow corn became yellow people, red corn became red people, and black corn became black people. All human beings of this world came from the beautiful ear of corn of many colors. Different languages, history, and lifeways make us beautiful human beings.”
Oral Traditions Validate Hard Science
McPherson Takes a Serious Look at the Oral Traditions of the Southwestern United States.