Ancient DNA Validates Nephites in North America?


Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA

From the earliest days of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints there has been tremendous interest in where the events described in the Book of Mormon actually took place. On what land did this epic saga transpire, and who are the actual descendants of the peoples identified in the Book of Mormon?

There have been books, papers, news statements and internet sites claiming that DNA findings refute the historicity of the Book of Mormon, negating it as an actual historical record. What is the background of these statements? Can the evidence support the claim that DNA proves the Book of Mormon false?

Over the past ten years much has been speculated about these questions, especially in light of scientific findings involving human DNA testing. Recent research has been conducted on Native American DNA studies potentially related to the Book of Mormon that may lend support to its claims. The research herein refutes the claim that DNA analysis proves the Book of Mormon false, and it explores genetic (DNA) evidence that may actually support the claims of the Book of Mormon.

Scriptures will always be Demonstrated True

My position as the author of this work is that when there is an inferred conflict between scientific theories and scriptural truths, the scriptures will always be demonstrated true, and the theories of men, put forward through science, will eventually conform to the truths of the gospel, not the other way around.

Of course error can be made in the interpretation of scripture; however when they (the Scriptures) are clear and supported by prophetic or revelatory understanding, and if they cannot be reconciled with the current theories of science, then it should be understood that eventually the scientific theories will be altered to comply with God’s truth, even if that means waiting until the next life. The theories (beliefs) of men that don’t harmonize with the truths (facts) of God are in error and are subject to alteration. Theories should be altered by facts, which should also be a foundational understanding of science. God’s facts are not subject to alteration by the theories of men in order to reconcile them. As Latter-day Saints, we believe in all truth from whatever source it springs. Therefore, it is important not to simply brush aside scientific findings of truth. Empirical, experiment based scientific findings of truth are occasionally at odds with proposed theories that attempt to explain them. It is important to differentiate between scientific observation, which is data derived by experiment or empirical work, and theories which are philosophies and beliefs that attempt to explain the observations. Theories that have reached a certain level of consensus have too often resulted in scientific paradigms and dogma that obscure and eclipse the empirical facts.

Truth is Truth in Whatever Sphere it is Found

Truth is truth in whatever sphere it is found, whether in science, religion, politics, or life in general. So, if something is true in one sphere, it MUST be true in all others. If pure gold does not tarnish naturally in geology, then it will not be found to tarnish in archaeology either. If the Old Testament is true, then archaeological findings will eventually bear it out, which to a large extent it has, and therefore if the Book of Mormon is true, then genetic truths and evidence will eventually bear out those truths as well. One must simply have the faith, and the patience, to wait until the Lord’s time for the truth to be made known. Sometimes that will happen rather quickly, but most times there is a waiting period, possibly to try our faith, and possibly to fit into the Lord’s timeframe. In this case, it may often be longer than one’s lifespan. Nevertheless, should we be vigilant and ready at all times for new truths, in the event that the Lord’s time frame matches our lifetime Absolutely.

This gives confidence that no matter what is being researched, it will always bear out the fact that the scriptures are true; if not, then that research is not based on truth. So what have we to fear? Nothing. There is never a reason or a time to fear finding the truth! One must only be absolutely sure to adhere to the truths established by God as the foundation, and glean more truth through building on that base. We should do our best to be truth‐seekers in everything we do and in every aspect of our lives.

The Book of Mormon is an Historical Record.

Having a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and knowing it is true, leaves little doubt that the Book of Mormon is an historical record. Its words are a foundational pillar upon which much of the gospel rests. Its truths are fundamental to our belief in the prophet Joseph Smith and the commencement of the restoration of the gospel. It is not possible that the Book of Mormon could be spiritually true and historically false.

Knowing the book to be spiritually true, its historical account must also be true. Since it is an historical record, then naturally there should be evidences that support it. How are such evidences found? There must be a starting point: a method that begins from a solid foundation of truth upon which to build further understanding that will withstand the tempests and storms of challenge. This DNA section is only one of the many areas of exploration and research that is beginning to unfold the strength of the claims of the Book of Mormon as an historical text.Rod Meldrum Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA

President Hinckley 2002 Olympics DNA Question

In Winter of 2002, prior to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, a German television reporter had a chance to interview LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley. Previous to this interview, as DNA research was in its infancy, it was shown by DNA results that the people of South and Central America had Asian DNA, not Hebrew. Because of this many in the world were pointing fingers at the Church for lack of evidence of DNA that was Hebrew in Mesoamerica. 

Well off course, if the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica, then there would not be any DNA evidence for Hebrew DNA. But the events of the Book of Mormon did happen in North America and there is evidence that Hebrew DNA is present in the Great Lakes area, that is consistent with DNA found in Israel, Turkey and other parts of west Eurasia.

I quote from this interview by the German reporter:

“German Reporter: Now, Mr. President, one of…one question which is a little bit complicated for me to understand, but I heard it and one colleague asked me to ask it. What will be your position when DNA analysis will show that in the history never have been an immigration from Israel to the north…to north America? It could be that the scientists will find out…

President Hinckley: Well, it hasn’t happened. That hasn’t been determined yet. All I can say is that’s speculated. No one really knows the answer to that, not at this point.”

Well, in 2002 DNA had not been determined yet, as the Prophet said. But shortly later we found and continue to find remarkable evidence of Hebrew DNA in North America. The Lord is sharing this wonderful news.

Book of Mormon Central View on DNA

An Apologetic group named Book of Mormon Central (BOMC) says, “To date, genetic studies indicate that Native Americans are most closely related to East Asians,4 while no clear genetic relationship with the Middle East has been established.5 

[Editors Note: Yes, National Geographic has a very good article about West Eurasians with the same DNA as the Native Americans near the Great Lakes has been made here]

BOMC continued, “However, the best available DNA data has several limitations,6 making it likely that the migrations mentioned in the Book of Mormon would go unnoticed genetically.7 A key factor is that the Americas were already populated when Book of Mormon peoples first arrived. There is strong evidence that Book of Mormon peoples likely interacted with indigenous peoples almost immediately,8 forever complicating efforts to trace the DNA lineages of Jared, Lehi, Mulek, and their co-travelers.

Editors note. BOMC is suggesting here that the DNA of Lehi was absorbed or lost due to the factor that the existing population in Mesoamerica was too great compared to the few Lehites who were present when landed. I have a great blog here that disputes this.

Ancient DNA from the Ohio Hopewell 2006

Amazing results of a study of ancient DNA from the Hopewell site! Lisa A. Mills conducted a study of ancient DNA recovered from human remains from mounds at the Hopewell site, Ross County, Ohio. The results of her work are presented in her doctoral dissertation: Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Ohio Hopewell of the Hopewell Mound Group. PhD Dissertation by Lisa A. Mills, Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University, 2003.

The Hopewell Mound Group is located in Ross County along the North Fork of Paint Creek, about four miles northwest of Chillicothe. It is part of the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park here: The Hopewell culture here: The Hopewell Culture extended across much of eastern North America, but its heartland was here in central and southern Ohio. Hopewell culture sites range in age from 100 BC to around AD 500. 

Mills successfully extracted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the teeth of 34 individuals originally excavated by H. C. Shetrone who was, at the time, Curator of Archaeology for the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society (now called the Ohio Historical Society). These human remains were excavated from mounds of the Hopewell Mound Group between 1922 and 1925 and subsequently have been curated by the Ohio Historical Society. Mills sampled a total of 49 individuals so her success rate at recovering DNA was 69%. This rate of success indicates excellent preservation of DNA. Although based on a relatively small sample of individuals, the results are promising and provocative.

First, Mills noted that the people she studied from the Hopewell site represented a very diverse group. The sample included 4 out of the 5 documented Native American lineages (haplotypes) [see and for more information about Native American DNA]. This apparent diversity might suggest that individuals from different groups were buried together in these mounds.

Second, comparisons between the mtDNA from individuals from the Hopewell site and a database of mtDNA from groups from all over the world, demonstrated that these ancient Native Americans shared close ties with Asia especially, China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia. This offers strong support for the already well-supported conclusion that Native Americans originated in Asia and migrated to the Americas in the past 15,000 years.

Third, comparisons between the mtDNA from these individuals from the Hopewell site and a database of mtDNA samples from 50 ancient and modern Native American groups provided evidence of some biological relationships. There were clear links between these people and individuals from two Adena culture [] sites as well as individuals from the even earlier Glacial Kame culture []. This confirms the inference that the people of the Hopewell culture were the descendants of people of the Adena culture (circa 800 BC to AD 1) who were, in turn, descended from the local Archaic cultures (circa 3000-500 BC).

Interestingly, however, the Hopewell site individuals did not show a close relationship to the Fort Ancient culture samples []. Perhaps, as some scholars have suggested, some Fort Ancient-era groups (circa AD 1000-1650) moved into Ohio from elsewhere. The most closely related ancient groups outside of Ohio included individuals buried at the 700-year-old Norris Farm mound in central Illinois. Also, Mills found that one particular female buried at Mound 25 at the Hopewell site had a rare mutation that she shared with several elite individuals buried at the 1000-year-old Cahokia site [].

Modern groups with whom the individuals at the Hopewell site shared some degree of relatedness include the Chippewa/Ojibwa [] and Kickapoo of the Great Lakes region. Some genetic links also are indicated between one or more of the individuals from the Hopewell site and tribes as diverse and widespread as the Apache, Iowa, Micmac, Pawnee, Pima, Seri, Southwest Sioux, and Yakima. Mills looked, in particular, for evidence of ancestral ties between the individuals at the Hopewell site and Cherokee Indians, since some oral traditions have suggested a relationship between them. She found that Cherokee mtDNA samples do not cluster close to the Ohio Hopewell.

Finally, Mills found that multiple burials at the Hopewell site included individuals with different mtDNA profiles, indicating they did not share a recent female ancestor (since mtDNA is passed from mother to child). This further indicates that the people at this Hopewell culture site did not base their burial practices on principles of matrilineal descent. Due to the small sample size, the conclusions are tentative.

Mills work, however, confirms that DNA is recoverable from 2,000-year-old bones and that it can be used to make inferences about biological relationships between and among ancient populations and their descendants. It also demonstrates the importance of museum collections, including ancient human remains.” Posted June 22, 2006 Ohio History Connection

What is the Controversy Surrounding DNA and the Book of Mormon? 

Rod Meldrum has said, “If The Book of Mormon is true (and I believe it is) then it is a literal historical record of real people in addition to its primary purpose of testifying of Jesus Christ.  Lehi and his family, who came from the Holy Land area, where descendants of Joseph that was sold into Egypt. (1 Nephi 5:14).  The three primary races of the earth, Asian (Oriental), African (Negroid) and European (Caucasian) are quite easily distinguished from each other through specific DNA markers or ‘signatures’ that delineate their ancestry.

The Book of Mormon tells us that the descendants of Lehi, (including his wife Sariah, Ishmael and his wife, and Zoram) lived and multiplied to a great extent somewhere in the America’s. Since it is highly probable that Sariah, Ishmael, and Zoram were also of the same genetic stock (not Asian or African), their genetic signatures today would most certainly be classified by present day geneticists as ‘European’ rather than Asian or African. We do not know the exact makeup of Lehi’s DNA, but that does not preclude us from being able to make a direct connection to his ‘European/Caucasian’ heritage.

Preliminary DNA studies, performed on thousands of individual Native Americans from the Aleuts in Alaska, through North, Central, and South America, were completed.  They were tested, studied and classified into one of 4 primary genetic groups called haplogroups. These four founding groups, designated Haplogroups A, B, C and D are all Asian-based groups found in modern populations of Siberia and Asia today, which supports the dominant theory of the peopling of the New World (the America’s) by an overland migration across the Bering Strait during an ice age epoch. Initial studies indicated that there were no European type genetic DNA markers, which would lead to the conclusion that no migration or population expansion of an ‘Israelite’ group occurred anywhere in the America’s as is indicated by the Book of Mormon. This led to some LDS scientists viewing this as the ‘final straw’ for their belief and some were subsequently excommunicated from the church after writing books contrary to the teachings and doctrine of the gospel, but based on these initial scientific findings.” Rod Meldrum Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA. Free 180 page download here!

LDS Lawyer says, “Nephites in North America: New DNA Evidence” 

Despite popular belief, the currently available DNA evidence supports the Book of Mormon. Critics who attempt to rely on DNA evidence to attack the truth of the Book of Mormon misinterpret or misconstrue what the DNA evidence actually shows.

David Read- Patent Attorney;  JD; Judge

Mr. Read recorded his April 2020 presentation for the FIRM Foundation Expo, “Nephites in North America: New DNA Evidence”, (you can sign up and see it here). Mr. Read presents more DNA evidence that has recently come to light supporting Book of Mormon claims. As one example, Mr. Read will discuss further scientific studies which again confirm that mitochondrial DNA haplogroup X (previously publicized by Rod Meldrum) is found among Native Americans and originated in the Middle East. Indeed, one recent study found a variety of haplogroup X in Egypt that is just one mutation away from the type found in Native Americans, which undermines the critics’ previous claims that Native American haplotype X2a has “too many mutations” from the haplogroup X haplotypes found in the Middle East to fit a Book of Mormon time frame for a migration from the Middle East to the Americas.

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Mr. Read will also present new DNA evidence regarding Y DNA haplogroup R, which is a second non-Asian DNA type found in large numbers among some Native American groups. Mr. Read will present evidence showing that this non-Asian DNA type also predates Columbus and has a distribution pattern in common with haplogroup X. This means that there is now a second and separate line of DNA evidence that corroborates the haplogroup X information and is again consistent with the Book of Mormon. Finally, Mr. Read will explain the significance of recent findings about an ancient Native American skeleton known as Kennewick Man, whose DNA is haplogroup X, but whose carbon dating has been commonly reported as being over 8,000 years old. Because of the reported carbon dating, Kennewick Man is now often used by critics to argue that haplogroup X in the Americas predates Book of Mormon timeframes. However, this again misconstrues the evidence. Mr. Read will demonstrate that a more complete analysis of the carbon dating for Kennewick Man shows that his correct age is within Book of Mormon time frames and once again supports the DNA evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.

David possesses many intellectual interests. Before finishing his Juris Doctorate in law and becoming a patent attorney and later a judge, he earned undergraduate degrees in chemistry and philosophy. Over the past 10 years, he has completed a considerable amount of research into the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon with a particular emphasis on DNA evidence related to the Book of Mormon. Through this research, he has recently uncovered additional DNA evidence that corroborates and supports the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

David is an accomplished researcher. Over his career as a patent attorney, he has collaborated with inventors in numerous scientific fields. These include pharmaceuticals, medical devices, firearms, computer software, hybrid vehicles, battery technologies, pollution control technologies, textile manufacturing equipment, diesel and gasoline engines, chemical testing equipment, agricultural chemicals, turbocharging systems, fuels, coal gasification, and power plant technologies. In each of these areas, he researched and came up to speed on the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field to thoroughly understand the new invention and the scientific consensus, interacted with experts in that field, and assessed and argued whether an invention was new or would be obvious to other experts in that scientific field. His work required him to reliably evaluate the state of established scientific knowledge in various scientific fields. He has taken that experience and applied it here to the DNA evidence related to Native Americans.

David lives in Michigan. He and his wife Barbara have five children: Amy, Charlotte, Sarah, Seth, and Matthew. David currently serves as the Sunday School President in his ward.

David along with over 74 other influential speakers will be at the 31st Book of Mormon Conference. Join us there.

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Haplogroup R (Y-DNA)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia and South Asia. Others have long been present, at lower levels, in parts of West Asia and Africa. Some authorities have also suggested, more controversially, that R-M207 has long been present among Native Americans in North America – a theory that has not yet been widely accepted.