Category: Conferences

  • Florida Timucua Tribe- Adena to Mississippian Culture

    Florida Timucua Tribe- Adena to Mississippian Culture

    Many archaeologists have long determined that the Poverty Point site in Louisiana was possibly the oldest Native American Mound Site. Below is information about the Bilbo Mound that is lesser known near Savannah Georgia that may be even older than Poverty Point. Along with the additional article below about the ancient use of copper in Georgia, this makes me consider the possible voyage of the Jaredites with an additional possibility.
    Timucuan Indians
    Timucuan Indians

    “They be all naked and of goodly stature, mighty, faire and as well shapen…as any people in all the worlde, very gentill, curtious and of good nature… the men be of tawny color, hawke nosed and of a pleasant countenance…the women be well favored and modest…” — French explorer Jean Ribault

    The Timucua were the Native American people living in the Northeast and North Central portions of Florida. Their name may derive from the Spanish pronunciation of the Timucuan word atimoqua, which means “lord” or “chief.” The Timucua probably numbered between 200,000 and 300,000 people organized into various chiefdoms speaking a common language. The earliest evidence of their presence dates from around 3000 BC.

    Semi-nomadic, during the mild Fall and Winter months, the Timucua lived in the inland forests. They planted maize, beans, squash, melons, and various root vegetables as part of their diet employing “slash and burn” technology. Large growth would be cut, and then the fields would be cleared with fire. The soil would be turned and broken utilizing the nitrates in the ash as an effective fertilizer. They would also collect wild fruits and berries and bake bread made from the root starch of the koonti plant. They cultivated tobacco and utilized a communal food storage system suggesting crop surpluses.

    Timucua Harvest Ceremony
    Timucua Harvest Ceremony

    Timucuans also hunted game, including deer, alligator, bear, turkey, and possibly eastern bison. They would migrate to the cooler seashores during the hot summers, where they would fish and collect oysters and shellfish. The evidence of their culture still exists in the many shell middens, essentially Indian trash piles, still found in Florida’s coastal areas.

    The Spanish sent several expeditions through the Central Florida area during the first half of the 16th century, primarily looking for gold and other exploitable natural resources. Most of their impact fell on the Timucua. Juan Ponce de Leon landed near present St. Augustine in 1513, claiming Eastern North America for the Spanish crown and giving it the name La Florida. Later, in 1528, the Panfilo de Narvaez expedition landed at Tampa Bay and explored the western fringes of the Timucua territory. In 1539, Hernando de Soto led more than 500 men in a devastating entrada through central and north Florida. His army seized food, took women for consorts, and forced men to serve as guides and bearers. The army fought two battles with the Timucua, killing hundreds. De Soto also released hogs into the forests to breed a food supply for later expeditions; these preyed on traditional Timucuan food sources and were in turn hunted by them, further changing their habitat and lifestyle.

    Timucua Indians prepare for war. Photo: State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory

    Spanish explorers were shocked at the size of the Timucua, well built and standing four to six inches or more above them. Perhaps adding to their perceived height was that Timucuan men would wear their hair in a bun on top of their heads. All were heavily tattooed, and such tattoos were gained by deeds, usually in hunting or war. These elaborate decorations were created by poking holes in the skin and rubbing ashes into the holes. The Timucua were dark-skinned with black hair. They wore minimal clothing woven from moss or crafted from various animal skins.

    Much of what we know about early Timucuan culture comes not from the Spanish but from the French. In 1564, French Huguenots seeking refuge from persecution in France founded Fort Caroline along the St. Johns River in present-day Jacksonville. After the initial conflict, the Huguenots established friendly relations with the local natives in the area. Sketches and notes of the Timucua by Jaques le Moyne, one of the French settlers, are one of the few primary resources about these people.

    The Timucua’s history changed even more dramatically after the establishment of St. Augustine in 1565 as a Spanish Presidio. Having eliminated the French settlements, the Spanish began to establish missions among the Timucuan chiefdoms. The Franciscan missionaries Christianized and Hispanized the Indians. Fortunately, through their scholarship, the friars preserved the Timucuan language, one of the few eastern tribal languages to have survived.

    Timucuans Near Extinction

    By 1595, contact with Europeans and the diseases they brought with them had decimated the majority of the Timucuans. By 1700, the Timucuan population had been reduced to a mere 1000. Spanish colonization, which relied on intermarriage with local populations, also absorbed many of the Timucuans into the mestizo, i.e., “mixed blood” colonial culture

    British incursions during the early 18th century further reduced the Timucua. The rival European nations relied on Indian allies to fight their colonial wars. The English allied tribes, the Creek, Catawba, and Yuchi, killed and enslaved the Timucua, who were associated with the Spanish. By the end of the French and Indian War and the acquisition of Florida by Britain in 1763, there were perhaps 125 remaining. This last remnant either migrated with the Spanish colonists to Cuba or were absorbed into the Seminole population. They are now considered an extinct tribe.
    More Information:

    Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve
    12713 Fort Caroline Road Jacksonville, Florida  32225 904-641-7155
    Source: National Park Service

    Timucuan Village
    Timucuan Village

    Compiled by Kathy Weiser/Legends of America, updated July 2021.

    Timucua Tribe – Lost Today

    Unique Archaeological Finds Point To The Lost Indigenous Town Of Sarabay In Florida

    The UNF team first found artifacts and building posts that confirmed their discovery in 2020. This summer, the team has identified four more building posts to add to the seven uncovered last year, indicating a large Indigenous structure approximately 50-60 feet in diameter, possibly the community council house. Another unique find this summer was a small, shell artifact made by Indigenous people that displays Catholic imagery.

    If it is a council house, it was the center of life for a significant village of about 100 people, UNF Archaeology Lab Director Keith Ashley told the Jacksonville. [Small number of Timucuan’s but all very important].

    “It’s really important,” Ashley said. “There has not been any council house or any large structure like this found in North Florida.

    We would have the first Timucuan council house if this is what it turns out to be, and it lets us know what it is like right here in the center of the community and the artifacts associated with council meetings.”

    This year the team has also uncovered large amounts of Indigenous pottery dating to ca 1580-1620 CE, a date range corroborated by a series of radiocarbon dates; 10 to 15 pieces of Spanish olive jar, a large type of storage vessel made in Spain, bringing the total found by the team to more than 100; about 10 pieces of Spanish majolica, a painted tableware form of pottery from Spain; parts of Colonoware pottery made by Indigenous women but the vessel forms are European (pitcher handles, mug handles, plate forms); and bone and shell tools.

    Students tell they have found bone and shell tools.  An estimated 10,000 small and big pieces of indigenous pottery have been found, some carbon-dated to around 1580 to 1620. Some can be traced to St. Augustine chiefdoms, indicating trade among those who lived here centuries ago.

    These discoveries offer evidence of Spanish contact in this region. As reported by Jacksonville, “the piece of majolica pottery, one side glazed blue and white, is Spanish and not Native American. Its discovery in this dig site means it may have been given or traded to a member of the Mocama tribe who flourished in this area from the 1400s to early 1600s. Even more important, it was unearthed in what appears to be a 50- to 60-foot-diameter community council house in what is believed to be the Mocama village of Sarabay.”

    In the late 1500s and early 1600s, French and Spanish settlers moved into Northeast Florida met members of the Mocama. That Timucua-speaking Native American chiefdom had prospered for centuries in an estimated 19,000-square-mile area, including what is now Big Talbot Island. Mocama translates to “sea,” researchers said.”

    Scientists think there was a large community on the island 1,000 years ago. However, the situation changed around 1250 when people started moving around the island and mainland. Around 1450 people started to settle down and the place eventually became the comminuty we see now.

    According to Jackosnville, “early French accounts in the late 1500s said the dominant chief in the Jacksonville area was Saturiwa, whose village may have been in the Mayport area. There is mention of the village of Sarabay on an island north of the St. Johns River from a Spanish priest living in San Juan del Puerto on Fort George Island in 1602. And a sea captain in 1609 mentions the islands of San Juan (Fort George Island), Santa Maria (Amelia Island) and Sarabay.

    “So everything leads us to believe that Sarabay is Big Talbot Island, and we think the community of Sarabay is also on Big Talbot Island,” Ashley said.”

    This dig is part of the UNF Archaeology Lab’s ongoing Mocama Archaeological Project that focuses on the Timucua-speaking Mocama people who lived along the Atlantic coast of northern Florida at the time of European arrival in 1562. The Mocama were among the first indigenous populations encountered by European explorers in the 1560s.” Written by Jan Bartek

    Mounds all over Florida show Nephite Civilizations.

  • Latter-day Saint Traditional Value Groups, (LDSTVG)

    Latter-day Saint Traditional Value Groups, (LDSTVG)

    Conference Sponsors and Supporters: LDS-Traditional Value Groups
    Firm Foundation- Rodney and Tonya Meldrum
    Joseph Smith Foundation- Hannah, Leah Stoddard and Family and Kimberly Smith
    The Universal Model- Dean and Danette Sessions
    Truth Seekers- Russ and Heidi Barlow
    The Spear Fund- Tim Ballard and Ken Krogue
    LDS Archaeology/Ancient American Magazine- Wayne May
    Heartland Research Group- Mike and Betty LaFontaine and John Lefgren
    Moroni’s America- Jonathan and Beverly Neville
    David W. Allan- It’s About Time
    Digital Legend Press- Boyd Tuttle
    Lighthouse Books- David Hocking
    Lost Civilizations of North America- Steven Smoot
    Promises of the Constitution- Pamela and Bob Openshaw
    Prophetic Appointments- Farrell & Rhonda Pickering
    Plus Many More…..

    A special thanks to our key-note speakers, Ken Krogue, Greg Matsen, Kate Dalley, Eric Moutsos, Don Bradley, Cindy Biggs, Charles Castleberry, and Michael Bedard

    LDS-Traditional Value Groups

    I sincerely believe the Lord today is “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints… there are many called, but few are chosen.” D&C 121:33.

    The title of this blog, Latter-day Saint Traditional Value Groups, (LDSTVG) includes the many groups who are at the forefront of bringing this new, lost, or forgotten knowledge of the Lord’s Truth, to the world. In other words, on “the heads of the Latter-day Saints”, truth and knowledge is being poured out to the LDSVG, as they to share with other Latter-day Saints and thus to the world to many important truths. These Traditional Value Groups, (LDSTVG) are on the cutting edge of reliable, traditional, and truth based research about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    “33 How long can rolling waters remain impure? What power shall stay the heavens? As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.
    34 Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?
    35 Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world” D&C 121:33-35

    My Email to the Universal Model, and LDSTVG

    I recently sent the following email to the many Universal Model collaborators.

    “I am an 11 year UM-er and love Dean and Danette and Russ and Heidi Barlow who own I also sent this Heartland Research information to Hannah Stoddard proprietor of Joseph Smith Foundation. I work with Rod Meldrum at Firm Foundation as Rod was a 7-year leading scientific research specialist with Dean Sessions.

    Robert Mehl 2019

    My wife Stacy’s dad and my Father-in-law, Robert Mehl has been a Geologist for over 60 years, and he is 92 years old and has been to all our our past 7 Firm Foundation Conference’s. He drives himself from Colorado to Utah and is in great health.

    I sent this current article from Heartland Reseach titled, “Stone Analysis” (9/19/2023) to Mr. Mehl, and I share with each of you his phone number, as he has read the Universal Model Volume I, 8 times and Universal Model II, 5 times and can’t get enough of it. He has been called on stage many times by Dean Sessions to share his abundant confirmation of the UM and clearly states that Kansas University has taught him many lies as many Universities have. He is a wonderful expert witness and I would encourage you to call him and keep him in your loop.
    Robert Mehl 970-729-1987 Ridgway, Colorado
    To my readers and friends, please use this information to contact me about using Bob Mehl in any correspondence you would like. He is best on the phone, not by text or email.” Thanks, Rian Nelson
    FIRM Foundation
    Phone: 801-931-9031

    The following blog is from our friends at the Heartland Research Group, where Mike and Betty LaFontaine, and John Lefgren are the owners of this Group

    Heartland Research are at the forefront of new research about the Heartland of the United States. As John Lefgren says, “The Truth will come out of the Ground” and as Mike and Betty are proving, “the truth is also on the ground of the Nephites

    [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Heartland Research Inc”]Stone Analysis (9/19/2023)


    Conference at Lehigh University.

    Dr. Himanshu Jain and Dr. Masashi Watanabe, in a conference room at Lehigh Microcopy School in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on Monday, September 18th, met for one and a half hours with John Lefgren, Boyd Tuttle, and Blaise Colasante to discuss the focus of research for engraved stones that come from the Mississippi River Valley. The scientists are recognized as among the foremost experts in the field of microscopy. Over the last fifty years, Lehigh University has had 7,000 graduates from its research programs. No other school has had such an impact on the ability of modern science to see all kinds of materials under ultra-high magnification. Professors and students from Lehigh have seen more materials under high magnification than any other group of people. With power as high as twenty million times, they view objects at the atomic level.

    We gave a slide presentation showing our efforts to restore the world’s oldest ship replica that sailed 33,000 miles around Africa and from Tunisia to Florida.

    Connection of Ancient Ship to Engraved Stones.

    The first question was how a 2,600-year-old ship replica connects to the stones from the middle of America. We told the scientists that we believed that Phoenician technology made it possible for ancient seamen to come to America 2,000 years before Columbus. We also explained that the Phoenicians came to America with their language and culture. After all, they invented a system of writing that is the origin of our alphabet. We said that the evidence of their presence in America is in these stones.

    Dr. Watanabe was quick and direct in his thinking. He asked why we needed the electron microscope to determine the methods and tools for engraving the stones. Dr. Watanabe reminded us that the field of view decreases as we increase the power of magnification. He suggested that our research should start with optical magnification. He said that he has little experience looking at rocks and that we should bring a geologist who knows the crystal structure of the stones into the project. Viruses, molecules, and atoms are beyond the capabilities of compound microscopes and can be viewed only with an electron microscope. But with the power of 2000x, we can see what we seek. At that level of magnification, we will know the fracture mechanics of the engraved portions of the stones. At that level of investigation, we can determine the tools and methods of cutting the stones.

    Framework for Moving Forward.

    Having received directions from these leading scientists, we suggested a framework for analyzing the engraved stones. We will make a comparative analysis of three objects. The first object is the original stone. The second is a similar stone cut by a jeweler with modern tools. Blaise Colasante would engrave the third stone with tools available in ancient times.

    Fortunately, Blaise has twenty-five years of experience working with a large group interested in ancient tools. Blaise explained how he and his colleagues could use a burin of handheld lithic flake with a chisel-like edge to engrave the characters and drawings found in the original stone. Blaise offered to carve the stone with this ancient method of cutting.

    On a large screen, we looked at a close-up picture of characters found on Stone 32 from the John White Collection. Blaise identified the fracture mechanics of the stone from the attached photo. He also noted that the cutting of the “O” shows the manufacture of the cut has straight lines from the hand working of the burin. See the photo for details.

    Buril diedro

    In the field of lithic reduction, a burin /ˈbjuːrɪn/ (from the French burin, meaning “cold chisel” or modern engraving burin) is a type of handheld lithic flake with a chisel-like edge which prehistoric humans used for engraving or for carving wood or bone.

    Burin carene

    In archaeology, burin use is often associated with “burin spalls”, which are a form of debitage created when toolmakers strike a small flake obliquely from the edge of the burin flake in order to form the graving edge.

    330px-Burin 213 5 Global


    On a large screen, we looked at a close-up picture of characters found on Stone 32 from the John White Collection. Blaise Colasate identified the fracture mechanics of the stone from the attached photo. He also noted that the cutting of the “O” shows the manufacture of the cut has straight lines from the hand working of the burin.


    Cutting Point

    Date Line: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, September 20, 2023

    In honor of the 200th year since the appearance of Moroni to Joseph Smith, we thought it would be appropriate for us to try to replicate the ancient inscriptions cut in stones from the Mississippi River Valley.

    Cutting these inscriptions would not have been possible without the twenty-five years of stone tool manufacturing that Blaise Colasante brought to the project.


    Cutting Point 3

    Burins exhibit a feature called a burin spall—a sharp, angled point formed when a small flake is struck obliquely from the edge of a larger stone flake. These tools could have been used with or without a wooden handle.

    Cutting Point 1

    Primarily an engraving tool, this was the tool that could have been used to produce the beautiful works of art carved on Mammoth tusk ivory, antler and some of the softer carveable stone types.

    Cutting Point 2

    Limestone is a relatively soft stone, rated between a 3 and 4 on the Mohs scale of harness. Flint (hardness 7 on the Mohs scale) typically has a glassy lustre and can be flaked with limited effort.

    Cutting Point 4

    First srcatches made with flint burin into limestone. We are only at the first grade level and we are still leaning.

    Cutting Point 5

    First character cut in limestone with flint burin tool.

    Cutting Point 6

    Ancient tools for making flint burin. Note that we used a hard round stone, copper tipped stick, and the base of a moose antler.


  • Anti-Nephi-Lehis in North America

    Anti-Nephi-Lehis in North America

    Land of Zarahemla

    From the Ohio River north, to the Missouri River, and from Iowa west to central Indiana east.

    Land of Bountiful

    From the Ohio river north, to the Great Lakes, and from central Indiana to near Hill Cumorah.

    Land Bountiful and Zarahemla. Home of the Nephites

    “For those who have thought of the Book of Mormon geography in terms of an hourglass shape (map left), here is a paradigm shift. Alma 22:27 says the border between the Nephites and Lamanites was a narrow strip of wilderness. Conceptually, think of it as a fence. (As I’ll show, it was a water barrier that acted as a border—effectively, a fence.)

    Now, picture the small neck of land between the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla as a gate in the fence. Like many gates, the small neck of land required attention. It had to be defended. But it wasn’t the defining feature of the landscape, and it was not the narrow neck of the Jaredites… I propose that the narrow strip of wilderness is a major river—or system of rivers—that serves as an effective border. Continued Below

    Introducing an additional inspirational speaker to our 32nd Book of Mormon Conference! To a trafficked child all that matters is rescue and healing. The SPEAR Fund collaborates with and funds anti-trafficking organizations to provide quick and effective action when it matters most. Ken Krogue
    You have heard Ken before, but never like this. Ken has been asked to be the President of Tim Ballard’s new venture called The SPEAR Fund to unify the efforts of anti-trafficking organizations and concerned patriots and citizens who want to end this scourge of trafficking. Conference Tickets Here

    Continued: Here is my rationale. First, Moroni tells us it is a border. The “narrow strip” element suggests a feature that is visible and obvious to people on the ground; i.e., narrow enough that observers can see how wide it is, and long and thin enough that it is not mistakable. It is a definite border, not a vague region. Second, the definitions of the terms offer similar connotations. Narrow suggests a vale, valley, or river bed. Strip suggests something that is long and thin—like a river… In the past, however—in Book of Mormon times—the Ohio River often dried up in late summer. This left the riverbed as an expanse of silt and mud. In that state, it could not be called a river. But it could still be a border, and it could still be called a narrow strip of wilderness.”  Moroni’s America page 23, 51-5

    Alma 22 Geography

    As you read below, follow the map as you read Alma 22:29-31 This will enable you to understand the principle areas of the Heartland of the Unites States in relation to the text description of the geography from the Book of Mormon. “And also there were many Lamanites on the east by the seashore, whither the Nephites had driven them. And thus the Nephites were nearly surrounded by the Lamanites; nevertheless the Nephites had taken possession of all the northern parts of the land bordering on the wilderness, at the head of the river Sidon, from the east to the west, round about on the wilderness side; on the north, even until they came to the land which they called Bountiful. 30 And it bordered upon the land which they called Desolation, it being so far northward that it came into the land which had been peopled and been destroyed, of whose bones we have spoken, which was discovered by the people of Zarahemla, it being the place of their first landing. 31 And they came from there up into the south wilderness. Thus the land on the northward was called Desolation, and the land on the southward was called Bountiful, it being the wilderness which is filled with all manner of wild animals of every kind, a part of which had come from the land northward for food.” Alma 22:29-31

    Narrow Neck of Land

    “It may be surprising to realize that the term “narrow neck of land” is used only once in the entire Book of Mormon. (Ether 10:20). Many think this term is the same as found in Alma 22:32 that says, “a small neck of land”. (Narrow doesn’t mean small). Besides, the narrow neck in Mesoamerica is over 140 miles wide. No location in Central America is surrounded by water because at both ends there are enormous continents. In North America, both the land of Zarahemla and the land of Nephi are nearly surrounded by water, with a small neck of land between them.” Moroni’s America page 21-22

    The “Narrow Neck of Land” is a term from the Jaredite record. It makes sense to look for archaeology in Jaredite times.

    There are three “Necks” in the book of Mormon


    AMMON AND THE ANTI-NEPHI-LEHIS 90-77 B.C. Alma 27-28

    1.Ammon persuaded the Anti-Nephi-Lehis to follow him to the land of Zarahemla. (Probably using the Tennessee River which flows west to north. 2. When they reached the wilderness (Ohio River) that divided the land of Nephi from the land of Zarahemla, the people stayed near the borders. 3. Ammon went to the city of Zarahemla (Montrose, IA across the Mississippi from Nauvoo) to arrange for a land for his converts. On both sides of the Mississippi in that area, there are hills that provide natural defensive positions. 4. Ammon obtains the land Jershon for the refugees. A perfect refuse is on the north side of the Kaskaskia River and east of the Mississippi River to protect them on either side). Moroni’s America page 161

    THE LAND OF JERSHON 90-77 B.C. ALMA 27:22-24

    Anti-Nephi-Lehis going down (in elevation) to Jershon from high land on either side of the river. Today Lookout Mountain, TN is 1,802 ft, the City of Chattanooga elevation is 702 ft, Paducah, KY is 338 ft, St Louis MO is 489 ft, Montrose, Iowa is 552 ft. For reference the Mississippi river runs south, the Tennessee runs north and the Ohio river runs west and the Missouri River runs east.“The area where Ammon would have left the Anti-Nephi-Lehis is lower Illinois. The area is known today as “Little Egypt” because in 1831, northern Illinois suffered from an unusually long and cold winter, a late spring, and a killing frost on September 10. Southern Illinois was not affected, so the corn production from the area kept the north from starvation. People remembered the Biblical story of the sons of Jacob going to Egypt to buy corn, and made the comparison with southern Illinois. Perhaps similar situations arose in Nephite times. This would explain why the people of Zarahemla would use the adjective bountiful to describe the area that Jershon joins.” Moroni’s America page 164

    Rivers are the Highways of the Nephites


    “For they had a place built up in the center of their synagogue, a place for standing, which was high above the head; and the top thereof would only admit one person…

    18 And again we thank thee, O God, that we are a chosen and a holy people. Amen.

    19 Now it came to pass that after Alma and his brethren and his sons had heard these prayers, they were astonished beyond all measure.

    20 For behold, every man did go forth and offer up these same prayers.

    21 Now the place was called by them Rameumptom, which, being interpreted, is the holy stand. Alma 31:13, 18-20

    “And thus we see that when these Lamanites were led to believe and know the truth, they were steadfast and would suffer even death rather than commit sin; and so we see that they buried the weapons of peace, that is, they buried their weapons of war for peace.” Alma 24:19

    “Now, as Alma was teaching and speaking unto the people upon the hill Onidah, there came a great multitude unto him, who were those of whom we have been speaking, of whom were poor in heart, because of their poverty as to the things of the world.” Alma 32:4

    And now he had got the command of those parts of the Lamanites who were in favor of the king; and he sought to gain favor of those who were not obedient; therefore he went forward to the place which was called Onidah, for thither had all the Lamanites fled; for they discovered the army coming, and, supposing that they were coming to destroy them, therefore they fled to Onidah, to the place of arms. Alma 47:5-6

    This name Onidah is very similar to Oneida which is a nation of the Iroquois Confederacy with another tribe the Onondaga of New York. The “place of arms” could very well be the place the Anti-Nephi-Lehis buried their weapons.


    “Now the Zoramites had gathered themselves together in a land which they called Antionum, which was east of the land of Zarahemla, which lay nearly bordering upon the seashore, which was south of the land of Jershon, which also bordered upon the wilderness south, which wilderness was full of the Lamanites.” Alma 31:3 (Near Paducah, KY)

    Look at area on the map called Antionum. As you read the 6 steps below, Antionum must meet these 6 geographical locations.

    1. East of the land of Zarahemla. (The Land Zarahemla includes Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, and some of Indiana). 2. Nearly bordering upon the seashore. (Mississippi) 3. South of the land of Jershon. (Yes) 4. Bordered upon the wilderness south. (South of the Ohio River) 5. “Now the place was called by them Rameumpton, which, being interpreted, is the holy stand.” Alma 31:21 (Near Chattanooga TN which we believe is the City Lehi-Nephi). Blog Here 6. “Now, as Alma was teaching and speaking unto the people upon the hill Onidah, there came a great multitude unto him, who were those of whom we have been speaking, of whom were poor in heart, because of their poverty as to the things of the world.”  Alma 32:4


    1. The setting at Antionum on the Ohio River-part of the narrow strip of wilderness separating the land of Zarahemla from the land of Nephi-also explains why “the Nephites greatly feared that the Zoramites would enter into a correspondence with the Lamanites. The Ohio River separated the Nephite Lands from the Lamanite Lands. (Alma 31:3) 2. Alma’s converts from the Zoramites exiled to Jershon (Alma 35:2) Traveled west on the Ohio and then north on the Mississippi. 3. People of Ammon cross over to Land of Melek, while Zoramite converts and Nephite armies stay in Jershon to fight. (Alma 35:13) Land Melek is near today’s St Charles, MO.” Moroni’s America page 169

    Hiawatha and Anti-Nephi-Lehites

    The poem was published on November 10, 1855, by Ticknor and Fields and was an immediate success. In 1857, Longfellow calculated that it had sold 50,000 copies.[6]

    Longfellow chose to set The Song of Hiawatha at the Pictured Rocks, one of the locations along the south shore of Lake Superior favored by narrators of the Manabozho stories. The Song presents a legend of Hiawatha and his lover Minnehaha in 22 chapters (and an Introduction). Hiawatha is not introduced until Chapter III.

     Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    In Chapter I, Hiawatha’s arrival is prophesied by a “mighty” peace-bringing leader named Gitche Manito.

    Chapter II tells a legend of how the warrior Mudjekeewis became Father of the Four Winds by slaying the Great Bear of the mountains, Mishe-Mokwa. His son Wabun, the East Wind, falls in love with a maiden whom he turns into the Morning Star, Wabun-Annung. Wabun’s brother, Kabibonokka, the North Wind, bringer of autumn and winter, attacks Shingebis, “the diver”. Shingebis repels him by burning firewood, and then in a wrestling match. A third brother, Shawondasee, the South Wind, falls in love with a dandelion, mistaking it for a golden-haired maiden.

    In Chapter III, in “unremembered ages”, a woman named Nokomis falls from the Moon. Nokomis gives birth to Wenonah, who grows to be a beautiful young woman. Nokomis warns her not to be seduced by the West Wind (Mudjekeewis) but she does not heed her mother, becomes pregnant and bears Hiawatha.

    In the ensuing chapters, Hiawatha has childhood adventures, falls in love with Minnehaha, slays the evil magician Pearl-Feather, invents written language, discovers corn and other episodes. Minnehaha dies in a severe winter.

    The poem closes with the approach of a birch canoe to Hiawatha’s village, containing “the Priest of Prayer, the Pale-face.” Hiawatha welcomes him joyously; and the “Black-Robe chief” brings word of Jesus Christ. Hiawatha and the chiefs accept the Christian message. Hiawatha bids farewell to Nokomis, the warriors, and the young men, giving them this charge: “But my guests I leave behind me/ Listen to their words of wisdom,/ Listen to the truth they tell you.” Having endorsed the Christian missionaries, he launches his canoe for the last time westward toward the sunset and departs forever.

    The story of Hiawatha was dramatized by Tale Spinners for Children (UAC 11054) with Jordan Malek.

    Book of Mormon as compared with Longfellow’s “Song of Hiawatha”

    Thanks to my good friend Jayne Corbett for sharing this article with me.

    This particular article is a reprint from an early Foundation for Research on Ancient America newsletter no. 36 dated January 14, 1981 pg. 4 written by Gordon W. Harrison, of Sharon, Pennsylvania: There is an incident told in Alma 14, of the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi taking their swords and all their weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood and burying them deep in the earth. They made a covenant with God that they would never again shed the blood of man. It is an unlikely story, isn’t it? So unlikely, in fact, that I would be willing almost to wager that there is only one other place in all this world that such a story as that can be found. That is in Longfellow’s “Song of Hiawatha.” I had a little of “Hiawatha” in high school. About all I could remember of it was their God Gitche Manito, Nokomis and the shores of Gitche Gumee, Hiawatha’s birch bark canoe and Minnehaha. I had never read all of the poem but I liked what I read so well that I could not forget it. Many years later, after I had become a member of the Reorgnized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and had become familiar with the Book of Mormon, thoughts of Hiawatha came back to me and I inquired about it at the library. I took home a book of Longfellow’s poems with “The Song of Hiawatha” in it. I began reading, without the slightest idea of what I was going to find. I had not read very far before I discovered that I was receiving one of the greatest surprises of my life, for I was actually reading a short version of much of the Book of Mormon. With poetic license, Longfellow tells what the Indians believed in the way of legends and traditions as they were handed down through the ages, and of the things that had happened in the lives of their forefathers in the long ago. They believed in God who was their Creator and Master of Life. It was he who gave them everything. Hiawatha was their prophet and teacher and deliverer. He had a wondrous birth and being, much different from anyone else’s. In the first chapter God calls all the Indian tribes together and reprimands them for their fighting. He commands them to be at peace with one another and to live toghther as brothers, and counsels them in these words: “I will send a Prophet to you, a Deliverer of the nations, who shall guide you and shall teach you, who shall toil and suffer with you. If you listen to his counsels, you will multiply and prosper; if his warnings pass unheeded, you will fade away and perish!” He commanded them to bathe in the stream before them and wash themselves clean, which they did. This referred, no doubt, to their baptism, as it was remembered. God commanded them at the same time to bury their war-clubs and weapons (so like the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehis): “Then upon the ground the warriors threw their cloaks and shirts of deer-skin, threw their weapons and their war-gear, leaped into the rushing river, washed the war-paint from their faces. Clear above them flowed the water, clear and limpid from the footprints of the Master of Life descending; dark below them flowed the water, soiled and stained with streaks of crimson, as if blood were mingled with it!” If we could see the water after our baptism, as God sees it, maybe it would look that way, too. “From the river came the warriors, clean and washed from all their war-paint; on the banks their clubs they buried, buried all their warlike weapons. Gitche Manito, the mighty, the Great Spirit, the creator, smiled upon his helpless children!” Where else can you read a story like that except in the Book of Mormon? And about the same people! I suggest that you read “The Song of Hiawatha” studiously. You will find many things in it similar to the Book of Mormon. Longfellow said he got these legends and traditions from the Indians and he published his poem in 1855. Joseph Smith got his record from God and published it in 1830. Longfellow’s poem, Chapter 5, tells about Hiawatha’s prayer and fasting. Chapter 6 tells about the singer, singing of death, and life undying, in the land of the Hereafter. So the Indians knew about that. Chapter 13 says, “Buried was the bloody hatchet,” and “the dreadful war-club,” and all the “war-like weapons.” The warcry was forgotten and there was peace among the nations. They went about their hunting and their possessions were unmolested. Was this the “Golden Age” of the Nephites? There are to many similarities in these two stories, about the same people, to be just a coincidence. Don’t you think so, too?

  • Demographic Winter- Family Proclamation- Hidden America

    Demographic Winter- Family Proclamation- Hidden America

    Our world population is greatly being reduced with wars, abortion, evil ambition, and illogical teaching at schools. Families are being torn apart in the Last Days. The Woke Culture is over taking many of the fundamental principles of truth.

    The hidden agenda of evil governments, Gadianton’s and deep state characters are working overtime to share Satan’s influence with the world. It is a battle of God vs Evil. We know God will win, but what can we do to help? Can we make our influence help guide others to correct principles? Yes, and we must do all we can now, as our children and grandchildren are being affected.

    See the fantastic video and audio below, as our dear friend Steve Smoot shares the importance of the Family Proclamation to a world audience. Steve’s influence among nations of the earth at World conferences, the UN, and the EU, have given nations the reason to support the family as the most important organization on earth and how God loves His children.

    We are excited to have over 75 fantastic and inspirational speakers, share live with our audience, over 135 presentations that will motivate, and inspire you to love the Lord Jesus Christ, and follow His commandments.

    As you see below, Steven Smoot, has cleaned out his inventory of books and CD’s and wants to essentially give them away to you his friends at the Expo. Prices are reduced 70 to 80% purchased only at the Expo April 6-8th at the Mountain America Center in Sandy at 9575 S State St.

    Tipping Pointe – Demographic Winter Podcast. One of the most ominous dramas of modern times is quietly unfolding s the World’s headed to a Demographic Tipping Point. This Demographic winter podcast gives revealing insights into what is happening to countries worldwide. And the effect that it will have on the future of nations.

    This Audio Podcast, tells the story of the Ancient Civilizations of North America; the ancestors of the American Indians. A history that gives new insights into the silence and science surrounding these ancient Mound-Building cultures. A history that must be heard and understood; given that this history has profound implications for our day.

    Jaren O’Driscoll of Mormon Traditionalists Podcast and interviews Steven Smoot. who is author of the Lost American Antiquities and documentary called, Lost Civilizations of North America.

    Not a lost history but a hidden history. Hidden by evil people in order to promote their false belief that the Native Americans were nothing but an uncivilized and unimportant people. With this evil thought process, our beloved Native Americans brothers and sisters have been abused and spit upon. It is past time to bring these great Lamanites the Book of Mormon and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • World-Wide Jonathan Neville (WWJN) Building Many Dialogues

    World-Wide Jonathan Neville (WWJN) Building Many Dialogues

    Jonathan Neville is famous for his acronyms:

    M2C (Mesoamerican 2 Hill Cumorah Theory)
    STITH (Stone in the Hat Theory)
    BOMC (Book of Mormon CentralAmerica)
    CC (The Citation Cartel) Mesoamericanists who just don’t get it!

    I have a new one for him to use
    WWJN (World-Wide Jonathan Neville) He is literally everywhere and I love it.

    Jonathan is WWJN
    or as I call it,
    IYCFJYAL Read at the end.

    Heck, Jonathan has even brought out from his undercover criticism the previously unknown Neville-Neville Land poster. It is Mike Parker of Book of Mormon Central (America)

    If you haven’t read Jonathan’s first amazing article titled “The Smoking Gun of Book of Mormon Geography, you have missed an incredible read. This is what started it ALL! Read Here:

    Yes, our great friend and Heartland supporter, Jonathan Neville, has been creating some incredible inroads with the media, and other BYU Scholars who in the past have not participated in the heartland dialogue and only been critical. Jonathan has really helped facilitate a wonderful association between both the Mesoamericanist and other theorists of geography. Has a turnaround begun? I hope so.

    Jonathan is on with Cwic Media’s Greg Matsen, Gospel Tangent’s Rick Bennett, The Backyard Professor Kerry Shirts, Mormon Book Review’s Steven Pynakker, Mormon Traditionalist Podcaster, Jaren O’Driscoll and many more. His book even has comments from by Richard Lyman Bushman. SAT WHAT? Read more.

    Oh, did I mention he has written at least 14 books that I can even remember, with two brand new ones at this Conference on April 6th to be introduced. I am dizzy keeping up with him. What an amazing lover of the Book of Mormon and sharing truth of the gospel with the world. He is on Fire!

    Jonathan and his friend, Jim Lucas have written a new book called, “By Means of the Urim and Thummim: Restoring Translation to the Restoration” Visit the Expo to hear their new information about the proper translation of the Book of Mormon.

    Tickets Here

    In the Salt Lake Tribune we read:
    “Letter: Challenging the seer stone consensus on Book of Mormon translation”

    (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Actor portraying the Prophet Joseph Smith in the church's 2005 movie, "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration" examines gold plates containing the Book of Mormon.

    (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Actor portraying the Prophet Joseph Smith in the church’s 2005 movie, “Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration” examines gold plates containing the Book of Mormon.

    Our sincere thanks to The Tribune and Peggy Fletcher Stack for the article on our new book, “By Means of the Urim & Thummim: Restoring Translation to the Restoration.” We are especially pleased that you reached out for comments to such distinguished scholars as Kathleen Flake, Grant Hardy and Ben Park, all of whose work we admire.

    We would note a few points on their remarks.

    For example, our book reports use of the term “Urim & Thummim” earlier than 1833. And we are somewhat chagrined that the professors opined on our book without acknowledging that they had not yet read it. Of course, we realize the constraints of responding to an inquiry on a deadline, and that they were reflecting the current pro-seer stone scholarly consensus.

    However, if they read our book, they will see that our challenge to that consensus is based on a deep review of the historical record which shows that (1) the case for the seer stone narrative is actually quite weak and (2) that the seer stone narrative ignores or downplays the near contemporaneous firsthand eyewitness testimony of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery that the entire translation used the Nephite interpreters.

    Beyond the factual record, professors Flake and Hardy’s remarks illustrate the abstract and amorphous realms where the seer stone narrative has taken LDS Book of Mormon scholarship. We believe the translation model in our book can return study of the Book of Mormon translation, how Joseph used the plates and interpreters, and what Joseph was studying out in his mind, to a basis as real and concrete as the plates and interpreters themselves.

    Finally, we would note that, although the article refers to some comments from Richard Bushman in 2015, this year (2023) Professor Bushman has written that all “readers who take the translation debate seriously must reckon with this book.”

    James W. Lucas, Salt Lake City and Jonathan E. Neville, Waldport, Oregon
    Access to the article at Moroni’s America here:


    Submit a letter to the edit

    “By Means of the Urim and Thummim: Restoring Translation to the Restoration

    Purchase at the Expo April 6th

    Joseph Smith claimed the Book of Mormon was his translation of writings on ancient plates made using an even more ancient translation device called the Urim and Thummim. By Means of the Urim and Thummim explores the many controversies surrounding this claim. Did Joseph actually use a magic rock he put in a hat rather than the ancient interpreter device? Did he write the Book himself rather than translating an ancient record? Was Joseph really a near illiterate country bumpkin, or was he plausible as an actively engaged translator? And if he was a real translator as he claimed, how would such a translation process have worked to produce the Book of Mormon as we have it, with its strange mélange of 1820s American English and the Bible underlain by ancient concepts and linguistic forms in an incredibly complex narrative? By Means of the Urim and Thummim will be a must read for anyone interested in the unique and unusual work that is the Book of Mormon.

    Lucas and Neville’s By Means of the Urim and Thummim is a substantial contribution to the translation debates that have roiled Book of Mormon scholarship for the past twenty years. It is conservative in that it restores the preeminent role of the Urim and Thummim in the translation process and virtually erases the seerstone from the story. It also proposes a translation theory of its own that preserves the importance of the Urim and Thummim and yet accounts for the presence of language from Joseph Smith’s world. All readers who take the translation debates seriously must reckon with this book.

    Richard Lyman Bushman, author of Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, Gouverneur Morris Professor Emeritus of History, Columbia University

    By Means of the Urim and Thummim: Restoring Translation to the Restoration by lawyers James W. Lucas and Jonathan E. Neville is in part an advancement of arguments in Neville’s previous work where he found over 1,700 separate correlations between the non-biblical Book of Mormon and language sources readily available to Joseph. In addition, Lucas and Neville find considerable evidence that Joseph Smith did not use a seer stone in a hat to translate the Book of Mormon—or, as some argue, simply to read what was on the stone. They convincingly offer new approaches to the evidence, explore previously overlooked evidence, and propose a new model for the translation process which corroborates and supports what Joseph affirmed that he, “by the gift and power of God, … translated the Book of Mormon from hieroglyphics.

    Richard Dilworth Rust, Professor Emeritus of English, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    The celebrated authors attempt to solve the question of the Book of Mormon translation process– Urim and Thummim and seer stone. Enjoy reading their scholarly work and academic approach to the question.

    Susan Easton Black, Emeritus Professor Church History and Doctrine, Brigham Young University

    Jonathan Neville is Everywhere: His promotion of Important Truths of the gospel are Significant.

    Where Is Cumorah? Where Did The Book of Mormon Take Place? (feat. Jonathan Neville)

    My new acronym:

    IYCFJYAL (Pronunciation, eye ya cuff j-yal) PS. you don’t have to remember this one, just celebrate it!

    If you can’t find Jonathan, you ain’t lookin’.



    Cherokee/ Phoenician/ Jewish/ Lamanite DNA

    In the past 5 or 6 years most of you have heard about the DNA studies that show the finding of Native American DNA around the Great Lakes matching the DNA of Sephardic Jews near Israel and other areas. The connection between the Native Americans and the Jew has also been discussed at length here and in the Annotated Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon itself talks about this connection in D&C 19:26-27 which says, “And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and works of God. Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.”

    There are two Large Tribes that were always at war with each other, the Algonquian and the Iroquois. The names on the list below each are various sub-tribes under that group of people. Sometimes in history the writer will use various names for the same group of people.

    Alleghewi = Tallegwi = Tsalagi = Cherokee = Allegheny = IROQUOIS!

    “There can be no reasonable doubt that the Alleghewi or Tallegwi, who have given their name to the Alleghany River and Mountains, were the mound-builders. The destiny which ultimately befell the Mound-builders can be inferred from what was known of the fate of the Huron themselves in their final was with the Iroquois. The greater portion of the Huron people were exterminated, and their towns reduced to ashes. Of the survivors many were received and adopted among the conquerors. A few fled to the east and sought protection from the France.” Archaeological History of Ohio: The Mound builders and Later Indians pg 438

    “It is very difficult for us to communicate to the churches all that God has revealed to us, in consequence of tradition; for we are differently situated from any other people that ever existed upon this earth; consequently those former revelations cannot be suited to our conditions; they were given to other people, who were before us; but in the last days, God was to call a remnant, in which was to be deliverance, as well as in Jerusalem and Zion. Now if God should give no more revelations, where will we find Zion and this remnant? The time is near when desolation is to cover the earth, and then God will have a place of deliverance in His remnant, and in Zion.” —Joseph Smith, Jr.

    Join the Unveiling of Michael Bedard’s newest art at our Expo, Thursday April 6, 2023
    Mountain America Expo Center Hall 4 9575 S. State St. Sandy, UT 84070 6 pm Sharp!


    Zion is The New Jerusalem

    “Because of his faithfulness and integrity, Joseph received greater blessings than the progenitors of Jacob, and was rewarded with the land of Zion. His brothers, with malicious intent, separated him and cast him out from among them. The Lord, in rewarding him, separated him from his brothers — the other tribes of Israel — and gave him an inheritance in a land that is choice above all other lands, which, we have learned from the Book of Mormon and modern revelation, is America… We are informed in the revelations given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, that the city of Zion and the New Jerusalem is one and the same. In a number of revelations the Lord speaks of the New Jerusalem which is to be built…” Zion and Jerusalem by Joseph Fielding Smith, Improvement Era Vol. 22 JULY 1919


    The Cherokees have lived in the Southeastern United States for over 10,000 years. Cherokees developed and cultivated corn, beans and squash – “the three sisters” – along with sunflowers and other crops. Archaeological evidence, early written accounts, and the oral history of the Cherokees themselves show the Cherokees as a mighty nation controlling more than 140,000 square miles with a population of thirty-six thousand or more. Often the townhouse stood on an earthen mound, which grew with successive ceremonial re-buildings.”

    The History of the America Indians” written by explorer and trader John Adair expressed in the 18th Century  how Cherokees who were living in the North Carolina Mountains were known to speak an ancient Jewish language. More so, this language was unintelligible to the Jews in England and Holland. Observing this, Adair extrapolated his belief that  these native Americans were in fact descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

    Married to a Chickasaw woman himself, Adair had a fond admiration for the Native Americans. Sadly, his observation was twisted during the American Revolution to something very different.

    – In the new version, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel had built the thousands of mounds that dotted the landscape of eastern North America, but the Indians had killed all the “civilized Jews.” Frontier preachers gave sermons which demanded that their parishioners go out and slaughter the evil savages, who had killed the “civilized Jews.”

    By the late 20th Century, North Carolina was at a new extreme. 1976 saw the North Carolina government direct a team of professors to come to the finding that Cherokees had been in their state for at least the last 1000 years – better known as the “North Carolina History Project.” This saw masses of archaeologists and historians re-labeling all Native American archaeological sites in the western third of the state “Cherokee” or “Proto-Cherokee” to validate their bonus paychecks. The widespread Creek Indian place names were also re-labeled  “ancient Cherokee words whose meanings have been lost.”

    Academic fraud on this scale regarding the early Colonial archives saw other ethnic groups living in the region prior to 1715, but the Cherokees were forgotten. The word “Charaqui” first appeared on European maps after 1718.

    Subsequently, two generations of archaeologists and historians thoroughly quoted each other in academic papers, not realizing that North Carolina possessed a different history before 1976. This absurdity lead to Coweeta, one mile north of Georgia’s state line to be labeled “Cherokee-Pisgah Phase town,” and it’s sister town south of the state line aptly labeled “Etowah and Lamar proto-Creek” towns by Georgia archaeologists.  The proto-Creek pottery and architecture familiar with us all which is found in these towns has been named Coweta – being a Creek word having no meaning in the Cherokee language.

    Taking the situation to a new extreme, some Cherokee and Cherokee wannabe’s agreed to send warriors to battle the French in New York in the 1700’s in return for the British Crown offering them a vast territory in the Southeast. This included all the territory belonging to the tribes who were allied with the French. Almost immediately thereafter, the Creek Confederacy won the 40 year long Cherokee-Creek war, taking back and forth the Cherokee core territory that was captured 40 years prior from the Creeks.

    1757 saw the Cherokees attack their former British allies. Great Britain won the war, taking back most of the land formerly given to the Cherokees in 1754 PLUS almost all the Cherokee land in North and South Carolina. All other tribes inhabiting these areas were forced to leave. 1763 saw what is now known as the Cherokee Reservation.

    The US Department created the map of traditional Native American territories in 1990 as part of the native America Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). Mapmakers labeled the vast “seven state” area handed to the Cherokee people in 1954 as traditional Cherokee territory. They added northwest Georgia along with northeast Alabama which is the land they inhabited from 1785 to 1838, along with huge sections of North carolina, South Carolina and Georgia – places they never lived. Frozen in stone, the NAGPRA laws incited that the Cherokees were descendants of the Indians who lived inhabited this territory since mankind first came to North America.

    DNA tests do not currently exist which can accurately particularly label any particular tribe in eastern North America. Genetically, the people claiming themselves to be full-blooded Native Americans are not the same people who greeted early European explorers. Attempting to create reliable DNA markers for individual tribes, reputable laboratories are mounted with monumental obstacles.

    Late into the 20th Century, Cherokee leaders repetitively said they never built mounds. Suddenly, a new generation of North Carolina Cherokees assumed the map meant that they had in fact built the mounds in the Southeast. This same line of thought was extended to the belief that they were also the first to domesticate corn, beans and squash. The film “the Mayans and Aztecs were the descendants of the Cherokees” claimed so.

    Perceived as a vast market for millions of Americans claiming they descend from a great grandmother who was a Cherokee princess, DNA Consultants Inc. have begun a comprehensive DNA mapping of the Cherokees inhabiting the Qualla Reservation in western North Carolina.  North Carolina Cherokees were selected as after 180 years inhabiting the west, they are thoroughly mixed with other ethnics, rendering any DNA test marker so far obtained useless.  Doing so, they have stumbled on a hornet’s nest.

    The Cherokee princess was most likely Jewish  or North African. This has left the Cherokees more aptly labeled as Middle Eastern or North African. Their test markers strongly associate with the Berbers, native Egyptians, Turks, Lebanese, Hebrews and Mesopotamiams. This makes them genetically more likely to be Jewish than the typical American Jew of European ancestry. These so called “full-blooded” Cherokees possess high levels of European DNA with small traces of Asiatic (Native American) DNA. Even their skin color and facial features differ from Native American aesthetics, primarily looking more Semitic in origin.

    Both DNA consultants and journalists now state that these research results apply to all Cherokees from the Qualla Reservation. In several countries, the Cherokees observed had profiles more likely representing Georgia Creeks, often carrying Maya DNA like the Georgia Creeks. In one country, the Cherokees were in fact predominantly Quechua from South America or at the least, mixed Quechua, Maya and Creek. Known as “Moon Faces” by the Cherokee, the residents of the Snowbird Reservation in Graham County possess features more like the Zoque of Mexico who created the Olmec Civilization.

    Researchers at DNA Consultants seem currently unaware that throughout the 1600’s, Iberian Sephardic Jews along with Moorish Conversos colonized parts of the North Carolina and Georgia Mountains mining gold and silver.

    It is a mystery as to how the North Carolina Mountains became such a mixed Semitic, North African, European and Native American population now known as the Cherokees. Slave raids may have contributed as the 18th Century Cherokees were known as the biggest players when it came to the slave trade. It is thought that young Sephardic females may have been captured by slave raiders to become concubines and wives.

    It is known that the British around 1693 forged an alliance with 8 small Native towns holding Creek names along Northwest Carolina and the powerful Rickohockens of southwest Virginia, thwarting the French colonies expansion.

    Modern times sees the Cherokee language to be a mixture of Rickohocken, Creek and Shawnee. There is much that anthropologists and historians lack about the early history of the Southern Highlands. Who knows what will still be uncovered?

    Additional Cherokee Blogs Below


    Iroquois meet Europeans with sacred signs

  • Are We Gullible Because We Trust? Trust But Verify

    Are We Gullible Because We Trust? Trust But Verify

    Netflix has made the old Mark Hoffman forgeries a part of it’s dialogue lately. I wanted to share some information with you that may help you navigate the critical importance of Church Leaders and how they help us learn how to receive personal revelation.

    Honesty and trust in others is a big part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We as members feel it is critical to be honest in our dealings with everyone and in return we sometimes falsely believe others. In other words we are gullible and sometimes naïve. From our own personal experiences we feel most people are trustworthy. The sad thing today is it’s getting harder to believe that. When I was in my teens I believed the Government was 90% honest. Today, it may be 5%. Evil has darkened our door in a huge way. That doesn’t mean government was 90% honest, that was just my perception.

    An Act of Faith

    “Sustaining is a sacred action that connects membership of the Church to Church leaders, says Elder Gary E. Stevenson. With more than 16 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, relatively few Church members will ever speak face to face with an Apostle or shake an Apostle’s hand. But every member has the opportunity to make a personal connection with these and other Church leaders through his or her formal sustaining vote and daily sustaining actions, says President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve…

    “I love the imagery of arms to the square and the meaning behind that,” says Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. For the Apostles, being sustained by the members of the Church is spiritually akin to receiving life-giving food, he adds. “Every voice counts and every helping hand looked to. No one has to serve alone in the Church, whatever our calling.”

    A Long-Standing Practice

    Sustaining the Apostles is a latter-day practice that dates back to Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. From the first day, early Saints were invited to consent to the calling of Church leaders and to sustain them in that calling.

    On April 6, 1830, Joseph Smith and his newly baptized followers gathered in a small log farm home belonging to Peter Whitmer Sr. in Fayette, Seneca County, New York.

    Joseph stood and asked those participating if they desired the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Early Bird Tickets

    Exercising the principle of common consent, the new members raised their hands and consented by unanimous vote. Next they consented to accept Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as their teachers and spiritual advisers.

    “Membership in the Church is a very personal matter,” notes Elder Holland. “Every individual counts. That is why we function on the principle of common consent. We want everyone to have an opinion, to express him or herself, and to be united in going forward.” How Can We Sustain Our Leaders? By Sarah Jane Weaver and Jason Swensen Church News

    Ezra Taft Benson

    Suppose a leader of the Church were to tell you that you were supporting the wrong side of a particular issue. Some might immediately resist this leader and his counsel or ignore it, but I would suggest that you first apply the fourth great civic standard for the faithful Saints. That standard is to live for, to get, and then to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

    Said Brigham Young: “I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by Him. … Let every man and woman know, by the whisperings of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.” (JD, vol. 9, p. 150.)”

    The leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have not received revelation on every item of knowledge and truth, else what would our purpose be in life, than to just do what the Leaders say and that’s it?

    Remember free agency is vital. We have to be able to choose good or evil as it is our choice. The Brethren make a few mistakes but not many. We can’t expect them to know everything, nor do they desire for us to learn only from them. 

    The Brethren have no say in whether they allow false doctrine in the church, some wrong ideas have to be part of the Church because of free agency. I believe in these last days the Brethren want us to listen to them of course and maybe even more personally to the scriptures and prayer than to just them. We will receive hundreds of answers for our personal edification this way. Don’t depend on the source of man but of God. Follow our leaders, sustain our leaders and accept their council after personal prayer and study on your own. Truth will match what the Brethren say in the great majority of issues.

    “I think the Brethren are weaning us and guiding us to the source of all truth. Like a child, there comes a time when the parents have to allow their kids to make mistakes and seek guidance from God. 

    “I like the saying that the Catholic church teaches that the Pope is infallible, and few Catholics believe it.  In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the general authorities teach us that the prophet is fallible and few of the LDS members believe it.” Kevin Price PhD


    I think there is importance in the Brethren being neutral on Geography, Evolution and other difficult issues. They want us to gain our own witness to secondary information. They have given us sound doctrine and that is what we should focus on. I know through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true. However, I love to seek for other truth and as Moroni has said “I may know the truth of all things”.

    I believe the Land of Promise spoken of in the Book of Mormon is the United States of America. The Constitution was created by the Lord, that Adam and Eve were placed on this same land and the New Jerusalem will be on this same land. No need for me to check out Mesoamerica anymore as I did for 40 years.

    Just like Evolution. I don’t believe we came from an ape and I know that matter cannot come from nothing. I don’t have to look into science to figure this out, but by the witness of what the scriptures tell us.

    Expo Information; Schedule of All speakers

    I don’t expect Pres Nelson to come right out and tell me where the Book of Mormon events happened or if we came from an ape, I know through sound reasoning the answer that makes most sense to me. Now if the Brethren say otherwise I would always listen to them first, but in my opinion the Church is neutral on difficult issues that exist to help each of us individually come to a knowledge of the “truth of all things” as promised in the Book of Mormon. I don’t need to be commanded in all things!

    All the teachings from current Brethren and those before them and from the Prophet Joseph Smith are to be taken as given. They are guides to the answers I seek. I leave one example on believing that the United Sates is the Choice and Promised land, I quote Pres Nelson when he was President of the Quorum of the Twelve who said, “The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jesse, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

    I leave you with true words of a prophet, “Whenever I hear anyone, including myself, say, “I know the Book of Mormon is true,” I want to exclaim, “That’s nice, but it is not enough!” We need to feel, deep in “the inmost part” of our hearts, that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the word of God. We must feel it so deeply that we would never want to live even one day without it. I might paraphrase President Brigham Young in saying, “I wish I had the voice of seven thunders to wake up the people” to the truth and power of the Book of Mormon.” President Russell M. Nelson The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It? By Rian Nelson

    Hoffman, Church history, Saints, and President Oaks by Jonathan Neville

    “The Mark Hoffman saga is in the news because of the Netflix documentary. Let’s look at some parallels between the Hoffman problem with fake documents and the ongoing suppression of Church history designed to promote M2C and SITH. In response to the Hoffman events, President Oaks delivered a detailed, masterful address, which you can read here: Recent Events Involving Church History and Forged Documents ( Here are excerpts from that talk (in blue), along with my commentary (in red).
    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hand-14.jpg
    What interested me most was the fact that these forgeries and their associated lies grew out of their author’s deliberate attempt to rewrite the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that so many persons and organizations seized on this episode to attempt to discredit the Church and its leaders. [emphasis added]

    Deliberate attempts to rewrite the early history continue, but now it’s the Church History Department doing the re-writing. For many years, certain LDS historians have sought to rewrite the early history of the Church.

    Richard Bushman explained:
    “The downside of that is that there is developing in the scholarly world a view of church history. It’s out of kilter with the church version, what’s told in Sunday school class. All sorts of things that don’t fit together such as the seer stones in the hat, or many, many other things.”

    Now the problem has reversed. Correlated Church history, such as the Saints books, is “out of kilter” with authentic historical documents and events. Why? So far as I can tell, the only reason is to promote modern narratives, including M2C and SITH. 

    Yesterday I showed specific examples regarding Cumorah. The 
    Saints book, volume 1, quotes Lucy Mack Smith’s histories 127 times, but it deliberately omits every one of her references to Cumorah because the M2C citation cartel rejects the New York Cumorah. We see the same careful re-writing of Church history in the Gospel Topics Essays.
    There is a revolving door between the Church History Department and the M2C citation cartel (including BYU Studies and Book of Mormon Central), so naturally they work together and reinforce these narratives. That’s what makes it a cartel.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is cumorahdiamond_hill_cumorah-1024x680.jpg
    Consequently, well-meaning but uninformed Latter-day Saints don’t know that when Moroni first visited Joseph Smith, he identified the hill where the plates were concealed as Cumorah, even though this was widely known during Joseph’s lifetime and informed everyone’s writing and understanding at the time. By omitting Cumorah from the historical record, our LDS historians have distorted Church history and created a new version that (i) accommodates M2C but (ii) contradicts the historical record. This leads to preventable confusion among new, former, and prospective members.  

    The same thing has happened with the discrepancies between the Urim and Thummim and seer (or “peep”) stone accounts. (SITH=stone-in-the-hat.) Like the Gospel Topics Essays, the Saints book deliberately omitted Lucy Mack Smith’s accounts of Joseph using the Urim and Thummim. Instead, it cites much later accounts from David Whitmer and Emma Smith, both of whom had ulterior motives for promoting SITH (i.e, refuting the Solomon Spalding theory). 

    For example, Saints merely says “Another letter informed David that it was God’s will for him to bring his team and wagon to Harmony to help Joseph, Emma and Oliver move to the Whitmer home in Fayette, where they would finish the translation. “However, Lucy explains that they made the request because Joseph received a commandment through the Urim and Thummim to do it. “an intimation that was given through the urim and thumim for as he one morning applied them to his eyes to look upon the record instead of the words of the book being given him he was commanded to write a letter to one David Whitmore [Whitmer] this man Joseph had never seen but he was instructed to say [to] him that he must come with his team immediately in order to convey Joseph and Oliver [Cowdery] back to his house which was 135 miles that they might remain with him there until the translation should be completed for that an evil designing people were seeking to take away Joseph’s life in order to prevent the work of God from going forth among the world”

    “Not far from this time, as Joseph was translating by means of the Urim and Thummim, he received instead of the words of the Book, a commandment to write a letter to a man by the name of David Whitmer, who lived in Waterloo; requesting him to come immediately with his team, and convey them [3 words illegible] (Joseph & Oliver) to Waterloo; as an evil designing people were seeking to take away his (Joseph’s life), in order to prevent the work of God from going forth to the world.” This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is seer-0000.jpg

    Saints omits these and related passages because they contradict the currently fashionable narrative that (i) Joseph merely dictated words that appeared on the seer stone in the hat (SITH); (ii) Joseph didn’t even use the plates, which remained concealed under a cloth the entire time; and (iii) Joseph didn’t really translate anything anyway. And, of course, Saints completely omits the account of David, Joseph and Oliver meeting the messenger on the road to Fayette. In his knapsack, the messenger had the abridged plates that Joseph had given him in Harmony. He declined a ride to Fayette, explaining he was taking the plates to Cumorah. Joseph identified him as one of the Nephites. But instead of relating these detailed historical accounts, Saints elaborated on the sketchy account of the same messenger showing the plates to David’s mother Mary. To make it worse, Saints concocted a fake quotation! “My name is Moroni,” he said. Except that is a fictional quotation and contradicts what Mary Whitmer herself said, that the messenger identified himself as “Brother Nephi.” It also contradicts Joseph Smith’s identification of the messenger as “one of the Nephites,” an identification he made more than once. David Whitmer, who actually conversed with both this messenger and Moroni on separate occasions, clearly differentiated between the two individuals, but Saints changes Church history to portray the resurrected Moroni as capable of changing his appearance, age, and physical size for unknown reasons. Obviously, that raises important questions about the doctrine of the resurrection. In a sardonic sense, it’s funny to see how the historians manipulated the history to reach this result. For example, in note 16 (page 595), they cite David Whitmer Interviews, 26-27. That book is long out of print and difficult to obtain, but I have a copy. On page 182 of the same book, which Saints does not reference, David says “Joseph looked pale almost transparent & said that was one of the Nephites and he had the plates of the Book of Mormon in his knapsac.” Why deprive Church members of this interesting and relevant information? Recall, this was the messenger who said he was going to Cumorah before going to Fayette.

    Because the M2C citation cartel insists Cumorah cannot be in New York, our historians decided we should not be informed about this event. They must accommodate M2C at all costs. I’ve shown before how the book Opening the Heavens went so far as to deliberately falsify this same history. Which brings us back to President Oaks’ talk.

    The Church operates under a divine mandate to acquire and preserve the documents and artifacts that show its history…

    We are deeply indebted to the Joseph Smith Papers project to preserve our history. Despite the notes and annotations that, in some cases as I’ve discussed, seek to promote M2C and SITH, at least we have the actual documents that the historians cannot change.
    The historians can and do omit relevant documents from correlated materials such as the Gospel Topics Essays, Saints, and lesson manuals, but anyone can go to the original documents and see for themselves what Joseph Smith and his contemporaries said, did and thought, as much as the historical record can reveal.

    It seems to me that the mandate is not only to acquire and preserve the documents, but also to accurately convey them to Church members and the world as a whole. When it comes to M2C and SITH, though, that does not seem to be the case.
    “In order to perform their personal ministries, Church leaders cannot be suspicious and questioning of each of the hundreds of people they meet each year. Ministers of the gospel function best in an atmosphere of trust and love. In that kind of atmosphere, they fail to detect a few deceivers, but that is the price they pay to increase their effectiveness in counseling, comforting, and blessing the hundreds of honest and sincere people they see. It is better for a Church leader to be occasionally disappointed than to be constantly suspicious.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hand-15.jpg

    Here, President Oaks gives us an exceptionally important insight. I agree that Church leaders should be able to trust the Church historians and scholars to be open and honest in their portrayal of Church history. 
    But when we see the type of omissions we see in Saints, and no effort to correct those omissions when pointed out, it is difficult to continue to trust those historians who are promoting an agenda instead of accurately reporting history. 

    It’s even worse with the Gospel Topics Essays, as we’ve discussed many times. Fortunately, some of those have been edited (albeit without notification) from time to time to correct mistakes, but they still reflect specific agendas of the scholars who wrote them. There is a long way to go to making those essays reliable and credible.
    I observed that “historical and biographical facts can only contribute to understanding when they are communicated in context.” This is the work of the scholar. We would all be better informed about history if historical impressions came from the articles and books of mature and objective scholars rather than through the often sensational and always incomplete “stories” of journalists. Sound historical work takes time, but patience is rewarded.

    This is another important point. My basic life philosophy is that eventually, the right thing happens. A lot of Latter-day Saints are impatient with the revisionist Church history we are expected to believe, even though it contradicts the historical record and the teachings of the prophets. 

    Nevertheless, we remain hopeful that these things will be corrected and revised over time. In the meantime, we can read the original sources ourselves and see how the writings of both critics and correlated materials vary. Fortunately, the actual history is the most faith-affirming of all. 

    When it comes to naivete in the face of malevolence, there is blame enough to go around. We all need to be more cautious. In terms of our long-run interests in Church history, we now have the basis, and I hope we have the will, to clear away the Hofmann residue of lies and innuendo. With that done, we should all pursue our search for truth with the tools of honest and objective scholarship and sincere and respectful religious faith, in the mixture dictated by the personal choice each of us is privileged to make in this blessed and free land.

    I bolded that last sentence because it epitomizes my approach to all of this. I strongly favor and encourage people making informed decisions. That’s why I don’t accept the revisionist history designed to accommodate M2C and SITH. That’s also why I disagree with the censorship-based editorial policies of the M2C citation cartel. I don’t expect LDS scholars to vary from their dogmatic enforcement of M2C and SITH. Book of Mormon Central, for example, has M2C embedded in its logo. After decades of promoting M2C, it is probably impossible, psychologically, for the scholars to become open to alternatives to M2C, let alone change their minds.

    But their intellectual rigidity doesn’t matter to those who, as President Oaks says, “pursue our search for truth.”
    Source: About Central America Jonathan Neville | March 5, 2021 URL:

    No Blind Faith

    “We don’t know everything, so we have to have faith in many areas of life.  But to rely solely on emotion or blind faith isn’t a good approach, in my view.  Instead, to we should gather all available data to make the most-informed decision possible.

    Image result for blind faith

    I’ve noticed that many LDS critics fall into this category — partisan, uniformed zealots — on many topics.  They rush to judgment when an LDS official is accused of wrongdoing, for example (this has occurred recently online).  Indeed, in my experience zealous LDS critics often assume the worst when the topic involves Joseph Smith or current leaders.  More data or context isn’t needed.  No way!  They “know” the truth, and their mind’s made up.

    This tendency — to assume the worst without evidence — is indicative of a problem.  A lack of balance and sense of proportion.  A willingness to be ignorant.  Perhaps lacking understanding that they’re, in fact, ignorant.  But being ignorant, nevertheless.

    Image result for continuum

    This tendency — to assume the worst without evidence— is indicative of a problem.  A lack of balance and sense of proportion.  A willingness to be ignorant.  Perhaps lacking understanding that they’re, in fact, ignorant.  But being ignorant, nevertheless.

    If you’re too quick at either activity — to defend or to accuse —  rather than gather the evidence fully, you might fall into the zealot camp.  An overzealous and uninformed fan with lacks proportion, balance, and all the context…

    And when questions arise relative to items in LDS history, please take the time to do the research.  You shouldn’t immediately trust LDS critics, nor should you exclusively trust what your Uncle Bob might say about our own history (even if he’s an active member).  Study things on your own.  Weigh the evidence.  And strive for balance and prudent understanding.

    The best route is to follow the advise given in this podcast:  always consider the best in other faiths and groups.  Don’t knock down their weakest point.  Appreciate their strongest point!” Partisan, Uninformed Zeal vs. Balance, Reason, and Prudent Use of Data, Why the LDS Church is True

    Below is one of by blogs that will help you receive your own answers and learn to not just rely on the Prophet, other than for doctrine which we have revelation for.


    There are many complicated issues and the Church tells you about these things on their Gospel Topic Essays Here: Since the Church is neutral on some of these issues, you will have to study and pray about answers yourself.

    Remember we humans including Bishops, Leaders and members make mistakes. Most of your answers should come from the scriptures and from the spirit of the Lord. You may not always feel you get answers that way, so at times we rely on the church websites or Ensign talks or quotes from the Prophets and Apostles, but then always take it to the Lord for confirmation. The quote I love is “you may know the truth of all things.”

  • Hitler learns where the Book of Mormon really happened- I think he may have known about Zelph also? You Decide!

    Hitler learns where the Book of Mormon really happened- I think he may have known about Zelph also? You Decide!

    This Video is Fun

    Many Mormon scholars believe the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica, but there is overwhelming evidence suggesting it happened in America’s Heartland. This video may or may not convince you.

    Disclaimer: The Hitler video is not real. It is on you tube by a avatar named John the Apostle whom I don’t know. I understand he has done other Hitler spoofs on different subjects. Please enjoy it as fun, as it does not reflect the opinions of any member of Firm Foundation or its guest speakers. Enjoy!

    By the way if you would like to inquire about one of Rod Meldrum’s tours for real, visit here and here and here:

    This Video about Zelph is about Real Events

    On the lighter side, enjoy this real video about Zelph who according to the Joseph Smith Papers and the History of the church, was a righteous white Lamanite who fought for the Nephites on one of the last battles of the book of Mormon. His skeleton was found near Valley City, Illinois. Read the details here:

    Our friend Kels Goodman does an outstanding video for us all.

    Join over 75 Inspirational Speakers. April 6 to 8,
    9 am to 8 pm, Mountain America Center in Sandy, UT
    Keynote Speakers Below

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    Speaker List

    Additional Speakers below. Speakers may change at any time.


  • Big Event; Alex Boye, Tim Ballard, Hinge Point, Doug Andrew, & Don Bradley

    Big Event; Alex Boye, Tim Ballard, Hinge Point, Doug Andrew, & Don Bradley

    Early-Bird Tickets, are now available for the 31st International Book of Mormon Conference. As I say quite a bit, this will be our best event ever. You be the judge of that, and see below who some of the speakers and singers are that we have received commitments from: Tim Ballard, Alex Boye, Hing Point Music, Don Bradley, Doug Andrew, Greg Matsen and many more.

    There will be over 75 amazing speakers over 3-full days, April 6-8, 2023 from 9 am to 7 pm at the Mountain America Center at 9575 S. State St. Sandy, UT 84070

    Tim Ballard is a former undercover operative with the CIA and spent over a decade working as a Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security. He was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and deployed as an undercover operative for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team.

    Tim has worked every type of case imaginable in the fight to dismantle child trafficking rings. Ballard has worked undercover in the United States and in multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. He has trained hundreds of law enforcement officers and has testified before the United States Congress on best practices to liberate children from sex slavery.

    Tim Ballard is currently the CEO of Operation Underground Railroad, an organization that fights to dismantle child trafficking rings and rescue kids all over the world. Tim’s efforts are now being depicted in a feature film called Sound of Freedom.

    This was not an easy conversation, and some of you might find this information disturbing, but it’s so important. To those of you who think this issue may not hit close to home … it does, in more ways than you know. We need to educate ourselves on this issue so that we can protect our loved ones and help others around us.

    Please join me on Episode 986 to learn about what you can do to fight child sex slavery with Tim Ballard! You can follow me at:

    Alex Boyé is currently embarking on a motivational concert tour all across America, called the “Bend Not Break” tour.

    The mission of this tour is to educate students on issues surrounding mental heath and suicide prevention. Teen suicide is currently the second leading cause of death for children and young people 10 to 24 years old. Nearly 1 in 5 high school students said they considered suicide in the previous year.

    Through dynamic original music, unique personal stories, and thought provoking visual images, these presentations are designed to engage and inspire through authenticity relevant to the younger generation.

    Every 40 seconds, someone in the world dies by suicide. If you are in crisis, please call the NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741. Help us Stop Suicide by sharing your connection to suicide prevention. #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth SHARE YOUR STORY IN COMMENTS. IT COULD SAVE A LIFE Be a lifesaver. Learn more about mental health and how to stop suicide at:

    “2020 was called the Year of Perspective even before any of the challenging events of 2020 unfolded. An increase of natural disasters, civil unrest, and a global pandemic forced us to look inward and really dig deep to find ways to survive, and that led us all to make changes so that we could turn from surviving to thriving. Now that we have figured out ways to innovate and do things better, faster, and more simplified we can turn our focus in 2021 outward, toward others.

    In October of 2020, our mom wrote the lyrics to See Deeply while she was listening to a talk by Michelle D. Craig, entitled “Eyes to See”, and we came up with the tune, as well as help create the whole song. We had a lot of fun doing this together as a family! This song was inspired, and we hope that you feel the power in the message that there is great joy when we turn outward and see others. Not just notice them, but see them deeply, as our Savior Jesus Christ does and then serve them as He would if He were here.

    Our hope is that you feel the power of the message of seeing people deeply and then acting and showing forth love toward them. There is great joy when we honor and obey the 2nd great commandment: to love our neighbor as ourselves.

    Credits: Vocals by Hinge Point Written by Hinge Point Video by Josh Sales Films Fiddle by Ryan Shupe Engineered and produced by Noisebox Studios and Blomberg Music Productions.”

    *The date and time of Alex Boye’s and Hinge Point’s singing, will be either Fri April 7th, or Sat April 8th, 2023, as one of the last events each night. We will let you know when we secure the specific time for both singing groups. Or, email me here:

    Introducing Doug Andrew

    Doug Andrew changes lives.
    He’s helped thousands of families save millions.

    Optimize Assets • Amplify KASH • Empower Your Legacy
    Wealth Comes By Balancing 3 Dimensions, Not Just One

    What are the 3 Dimensions of Wealth?
    For more than 40 years, Douglas R. Andrew has helped thousands of clients achieve a more abundant life through sound principles, innovative strategies, and impassioned dedication to what he calls the Three Dimensions of Authentic Wealth.

    What If You Could Make Your Money Work as Hard as You…
    Without Any Additional Risk?
    Get Your FREE Copy of The LASER Fund Today…
    Learn how to minimize taxes and increase your net spendable dollars Inside

    Empower Your Legacy
    The legacy you leave is not just the one line in the trust that says how much money you’ve left behind.
    Empower Your Legacy with the right tools, habits, and methods to perpetuate your wealth of both CASH and K.A.S.H.

    Watch many of Mr. Andrew’s Podcasts here:

    The Lost 116 Pages: Reconstructing the Book of Mormon’s Missing Stories

    On a summer day in 1828, Book of Mormon scribe and witness Martin Harris was emptying drawers, upending furniture, and ripping apart mattresses as he desperately looked for a stack of papers he had sworn to God to protect. Those pages containing the only copy of the first three months of Joseph Smith’s translation of the golden plates were forever lost, and the detailed stories they held forgotten over the ensuing years—until now.

    In this highly anticipated work, author Don Bradley presents over a decade of historical and scriptural research to not only tell the story of the lost pages but to reconstruct many of the detailed stories written on them.

    Despite the likely demise of those pages to the sands of time, the answers to these questions and many more are now available for the first time in nearly two centuries in The Lost 116 Pages: Reconstructing the Book of Mormon’s Missing Stories.
    Authorcast #112: Don Bradley, live author event at Writ & Vision

    Four of our Regular Inspirational Speakers

    Our complete speaker schedule will be available about the end of February, 2023. For current information about the next expo, visit here:
    Early-Bird Tickets Here

    More speakers will be added as we receive commitments from them. Of course, all speakers may change at any time.

    For information and Bios on each of our speakers, please visit here:

  • “Thou Shalt Receive Revelation”

    “Thou Shalt Receive Revelation”

    Are we creating situations in our own homes that allow our family to feel the spirit? “Do I feel and recognize the spirit often? Can I utilize any of what I just learned at the FIRM Conference to assist myself and my family?

    Just over a few years ago President Nelson prophetically shifted the focus of the church to home based worship and study. We were all encouraged to study and teach in our own homes, allowing our testimony to grow because of spiritual experiences had at home. Little did any of us know that just 1 year after these changes were made, church would be cancelled all together and today, we have adjusted some of the ways of our worship, with the new two hour block and the Ministering program.

    I invite all of us to seek spiritual moments in our homes. I hope we can all recognize and treasure some sacred moments of spiritual growth. I pray that our just completed Firm Foundation Conference (Oct 2022) has given you more opportunities to share inspired information with your family.

    I promise that as we seek the spirit in our home, we will find peace of mind and a deep sense of appreciation for everything we have. I testify that President Nelson is a prophet, seer, and revelator who holds and properly exercises all the priesthood keys. And because he does this, we can all benefit from the blessings and guidance of the Holy Ghost in our personal lives at home. Personal revelation is very possible.

    President Nelson at the October 2018 General Conference also said, “The new home-centered,  Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith. I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight. Your children will be excited to learn and to live the Savior’s teachings, and the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease. Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining.”

    Many thanks to all the Vendors and Speakers for a fantastic conference. All Oct. presentations were recorded, and will be available by subscription early December. Subscribe or watch all 800 Current Videos NOW!


    Understanding Apologetics

    Apologetics cannot prove that the Church is true, but it can show you answers that may help you in knowing the Church is true, especially through personal revelation. Our group called FIRM, along with FAIR, Book of Mormon Central, The Interpreter, More Good Foundation etc., are similar organizations made up of great spiritual people who love the Lord and the Book of Mormon. All claim to have answers to many challenging or even difficult gospel questions that may encourage or assist people to better understand the truthfulness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. No Apologetic organization speaks in behalf of, or for the Church however. Doctrine in the Church only comes from the Prophet and Apostles who all organizations support.

    The purpose of LDS Apologetics is to provide solid or well-reasoned information that makes sense in answering supposed church related difficult questions, so that a conclusive decision of the truth of the Gospel and Church can be determined by study and prayer through the Spirit.

    Austin Farrer, an English Anglican philosopher, theologian, and biblical scholar wrote, in the mid-19th century, “Though argument does not create conviction, lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.”

    Truth and Spiritual things must be spiritually discerned. A personal witness from the Holy Ghost must be the primary evidence for the reality of God, the divinity of Christ and the authority of the scriptures. “No man can say that the Jesus is the Lord,” wrote Paul, (I Corinthians 12:3) “but by the Holy Ghost.” Faithful, reasoned and rational argument, however, can open hearts and minds to the witness of the Spirit. As I mentioned earlier, apologetics cannot prove that the Church is true, but it can show you answers that may help you in knowing the Church is true, especially through personal revelation.

    Personal Revelation

    By Ken Corbett

    As our dear Prophet said, “Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.

    You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.

    I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson

    “No one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.”

    The Truth of All Things

    Moroni 10:5″And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”

    Head and Heart

    “But it should be noted that truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart…

    Truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling…

    I believe God intends us to find and use the evidence He has given—reasons, if you will—which affirm the truthfulness of His work…

    Our testimonies aren’t dependent on evidence—we still need that spiritual confirmation in the heart of which we have spoken—but not to seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief when it is available is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a unique, persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation and sectarian debate…” Jeffrey R. Holland Greatness of the Evidences Brigham Young University August 16, 2017

    Ye Cannot Deny Them

    “And now, . . . ye know these things and cannot deny them [because of the] many evidences which ye have received; yea, even ye have received all things, both things in heaven, and all things which are in the earth, as a witness that they are true.Heleman 8:24

    “Individual members are encouraged to independently strive to receive their own spiritual confirmation of the truthfulness of Church doctrine. Moreover, the Church exhorts all people to approach the gospel not only intellectually but with the intellect and the spirit, a process in which reason and faith work together.” LDS Newsroom 4 MAY 2007

    What I learned at The Book of Mormon Evidence Conference

    -Our Nation is hanging by a thread and I must do more to help. I love the Constitution.
    -God Lives and through Christ, I can know even more than I know now.
    -Science in the world is flawed and I must study harder to learn truth.
    -The Book of Mormon truly was translated using the breastplate and spectacles that came in the stone box with the gold plates, not some stone in a hat.
    -My physical health is so critical to my ability to feel spiritual things.
    -Government is working against us, and the only hope is Christ. I can however do more at the local, school, and community level to help.
    -A solid base of knowledge in the scriptures includes my belief that the United States is the Promised Land spoken of in the Book of Mormon and it began in the Heartland.
    -Investing in gold and silver are very important in today’s world.
    -The Phoenicia Voyages really did open up the possibility, that Lehi’s and Mulek’s route to North America can and did happen.
    -The Lord has provided Bee Balm, and other amazing herbs and healing plants for our benefit.
    -Anything that seems odd, or hard to explain about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, happens because we as individuals have not taken the time to truly read, study, and pray, about the gospel’s truths. Russell M Nelson and Joseph Smith were and are Prophets of God.
    -I learned even more about the false teachings about Evolution, Darwinism, and especially about the evils of Satanism.
    -I felt so happy to hear from the dozens of attendees that shared how this conference has changed their life, helped their life, or helped them to focus more on the important things of life. 
    -I felt a sincere and deep love from so many guests, about their love of this FIRM event, and how thankful they were to Rod, Tonya, myself, and many others for organizing and sharing this event with them, and I thank you so much for your support.

    Second Harvest

    I learned at the FIRM Foundation Event that without a doubt the Gadianton’s are alive and well, and they will stop at nothing to hurt and defeat the Children of Israel. We MUST work harder and strengthen our spiritual self and share all we can with others. We can’t do this alone. I pray for a soon to come “Second Harvest“, as I call it, where we as a world are given the freedom to share the Book of Mormon with others who have never had that opportunity in places like Israel, Iraq, China, North Korea, Ukraine, and many other nations. I believe we are in the heights of a spiritual storm today, and the Lord will show his love for those of us who love Him and repent. Some special patriots have been prepared to win this battle. In my opinion, our evil government leaders of today, will be replaced with a more perfect union of these patriots.

    I hope and pray that each one of you who participated in, or attended the conference, will be blessed. I love sharing the gospel with others and Rod and I truly appreciate your dedication to our mission of bringing all unto the Savior.

  • You’ll Know It! What? All Things by Personal Revelation

    You’ll Know It! What? All Things by Personal Revelation

    “Those who govern their thoughts and actions solely by the principles of liberalism or conservatism or intellectualism cannot be expected to agree with all of the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As for me, I find some wisdom in liberalism, some wisdom in conservatism, and much truth in intellectualism—but I find no salvation in any of them.” Elder Dallin H Oaks

    I believe the Lords message by revelation and scripture is by far the proper way to know truth, after personal and dedicated prayer. You can know the Truth of ALL things. Below are scriptures, messages, and prophetic teachings, that as you read and pray you will KNOW IT! What’s it? All things you put to the previous test.

    Wow! Thanks to all, for another Fantastic Conference! Visit for all recordings posted around the first part of December 2022.


    Quotes about the United States, Hill Cumorah, The Book of Mormon, Lamanites, & Joseph Smith.


    William Armitage (1857–1940), Joseph Smith Preaching to the Indians, c. 1870.

    “Let the Government of the United States also continue to gather together, and to colonize the tribes and remnants of Israel (the Indians), and also to feed, clothe, succor, and protect them, and endeavor to civilize and unite; and also to bring them to the knowledge of their Israelitish origin, and of the fulness of the gospel which was revealed to, and written by, their forefathers on this land;… He has revealed the origin and the Records of the aboriginal tribes of America, and their future destiny. —And we know it. He has revealed the fulness of the gospel, with its gifts, blessings, and ordinances. —And we know it. He has commanded us to bear witness of it, first to the Gentiles and then to the remnants of Israel and the Jews. —And we know it. He has commanded us to gather together his Saints on this Continent, and build up holy cities and sanctuaries. —And we know it.” PROCLAMATION of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. New York April 6, 1845. James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-75), 1:, p.252-266

    “Circumstances are daily transpiring which give additional testimony to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. . . . it was [once considered] improbable, nay, almost impossible—notwithstanding the testimony of history to the contrary, that anything like plates could have been used anciently; particularly among this people. The following letter and certificate, will, perhaps have a tendency to convince the skeptical, that such things have been used, and that even the obnoxious Book of Mormon, may be true; and as the people in Columbus’ day were obliged to believe that there was such a place as America; so will the people in this day be obliged to believe, however reluctantly, that there may have been such plates as those from which the Book of Mormon was translated.” John Taylor [Times and Seasons 4 (May 1, 1843), pp. 185-6]

    “The Angel also informed him that America had once been people by a remnant of the seed of Israel of the tribe of Joseph who became two great Nations upon this Land one of those Nations were the present Natives of America or the Indians the other Nation was distroid [sic] about four hundred years after Christ.” Pratt, Parley Parker 1807-1857. An epistle written by an elder of the Church,

    Hopewell/Nephite Village by Kendra Burton

    “I am asked to occupy the few minutes yet remaining: If the Spirit gives me liberty I will pursue the train of thought that has passed through my mind while Brother Richards has been speaking upon the spirit that has gone abroad upon the remnants of the house of Israel who occupy this land, the American Indians whom we understand to be the descendants of the Nephites, the Lamanites, the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites who formerly possessed this land, whose fathers we have an account of in the Book of Mormon.” The Indians—The Influence of the Elders Among Them in the Interest of Peace, Etc. Discourse by Elder Erastus Snow, delivered at Logan, Sunday Afternoon, February 5th, 1882

    Mormon lived in that age of the world, and was a Nephite, and a Prophet of the Lord. He, by the commandment of the Lord, made an abridgment of the sacred records, which contained the history of his forefathers, and the Prophecies and Gospel which had been revealed among them; to which he added a sketch of the history of his own time, and the destruction of his nation. Previous to his death, the abridged records fell into the hands of his son Moroni, who continued them down to A. D. 420; at which time he deposited them carefully in the earth, on a hill which was then called Cumorah, but is situated in Ontario County, township of Manchester, and State of New York, North America. This he did in order to preserve them from the Lamanites, who overran the country, and sought to destroy them and all the records pertaining to the Nephites. This record lay concealed, or sealed up, from A. D. 420 to September 22, 1827, at which time it was found by Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., he being directed thither by an angel of the Lord.” A Voice of Warning, page 96 Parley P. Pratt

    “Moroni told Joseph that he had hidden up the records four centuries after the birth of Jesus, while he was living on the earth. He said that the Nephites, the people to which he belonged, called the hill where they stood Cumorah, and that a still earlier people, the Jaredites, called it Ramah. This was a very important hill in the history of both these peoples.” The Latter-day Prophet. History of Joseph Smith Written for Young People by George Q. Cannon 1900

    Joseph Fielding Smith said the following in the April 1966 General Conference, “America was discovered because the Lord willed it. The gospel was restored in America, rather than in some other land because the Lord willed it. This is the land “shadowing with wings” spoken of by Isaiah that today is sending ambassadors by the sea to a nation scattered and peeled, which at one time was terrible in the beginning (Isaiah 18:1-2). Now that nation is being gathered, and once again they shall be in favor with the Lord.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, April 1966, pp. 12-15).

    “Moroni’s father was commander of the armies of this ancient people, known as Nephites. His name was Mormon. The war of which we speak took place here in America some four hundred years after Christ. As the fighting neared its end, Mormon gathered the remnant of his forces about a hill which they called Cumorah, located in what is now the western part of the state of New York… When finished with his record, Moroni was to hide it up in that same Hill Cumorah which was their battlefield. It would come forth in modern times as the Book of Mormon, named after Moroni’s father, the historian who compiled it.” (“The Last Words of Moroni,” Conference Reports, October 1978) Mark E. Petersen

    “It’s narrative is a chronicle of nations long since gone. But in its descriptions of the problems of today’s society, it is as current as the morning newspaper and much more definitive, inspired, and inspiring concerning the solutions to those problems… If the Book of Mormon is true, then America is a choice land, but if it is to remain such the inhabitants of the land must worship the God of the land, the Lord Jesus Christ. The histories of two great nations, told with warning in this sacred volume, indicate that while we must have science, while we must have education, while we must have arms, we also must have righteousness if we are to merit the protection of God.” Gordon B. Hinckley The Power of the Book of Mormon Ensign June 1988

    “I am proud to declare to you today, brothers and sisters, that I am a descendant of Lehi, Nephi, and all the great Book of Mormon prophets. I am proud to be a child of the Book of Mormon people. I have found my true heritage; I have found my true identity. I am a son of God, a child of God, a child of the Book of Mormon, a child of Lehi, a rich heritage that extends all the way back to my Heavenly Father, through Moses, and Abraham, and other great prophets.

    I am also proud to be a descendant of great Indian chiefs of our country. I am proud to be a descendant of Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, Chee Dodge, Chief Crazy Horse and all these great Indian chiefs that did so well as leaders of their people. I want you to know that these men were great. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are all in paradise; and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are converted, and maybe some of them are on the fourth missionary discussion. I am proud of my rich heritage.

    To you my people, the Lamanite people, on Indian reservations and in the cities of our country and through the islands of the sea, I want you to know that Jesus Christ is our Elder Brother. He is our Savior. He is our Redeemer.” George P. Lee October 1975 My Heritage Is Choice (Editor’s note: I thought long and hard about using this quote, but who am I to judge?)

    This has always been a mighty land in God’s plan. It was in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman prior to his death, called the great high priests together and there bestowed upon them his last blessing. The Lord appearing there proclaimed Adam to be Michael, the Prince, the Archangel. (D&C 107:53-54) It is to that same spot that Adam, as the Ancient of Days, shall come to visit his people (D&C 116), where judgement shall be set and the books opened. (Daniel 7:9 ff; Revelation 20:4) It is here on this land that the New Jerusalem shall be built “unto the remnant of the seed of Joseph” — ourselves and those others the literal descendants of Lehi. (Ether 13:5 ff; 1 Nephi 14:1-2, 2 Nephi 10:18) And finally, it is here on this hemisphere that Zion shall be built. (Tenth Article of Faith.) It is this fact and this purpose, the building of Zion on this hemisphere, which is Zion, which seems to be the dominant elements in all of God’s dealings with them who possess this land, for Isaiah, speaking more than twenty-five hundred years ago, declared that “out of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3.) President J. Reuben Clark, Jr The Glorious Purpose page 103

    “Because of his faithfulness and integrity, Joseph received greater blessings than the progenitors of Jacob, and was rewarded with the land of Zion. His brothers, with malicious intent, separated him and cast him out from among them. The Lord, in rewarding him, separated him from his brothers — the other tribes of Israel — and gave him an inheritance in a land that is choice above all other lands, which, we have learned from the Book of Mormon and modern revelation, is America… We are informed in the revelations given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, that the city of Zion and the New Jerusalem is one and the same. In a number of revelations the Lord speaks of the New Jerusalem which is to be built…” Zion and Jerusalem by Joseph Fielding Smith, Improvement Era Vol. 22 JULY 1919


    Tools of Faith by Ken Corbett

    3 Nephi 20:22: “And behold, this people will I establish in this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven shall be in the midst of this people; yea, even I will be in the midst of you.
    23 Behold, I am he of whom Moses spake, saying: A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul who will not hear that prophet shall be cut off from among the people.
    24 Verily I say unto you, yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have testified of me.
    25 And behold, ye are the children of the prophets; and ye are of the house of Israel; and ye are of the covenant which the Father made with your fathers, saying unto Abraham: And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.
    26 The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities; and this because ye are the children of the covenant—
    27 And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel.”
    28 And they shall be a scourge unto the people of this land. Nevertheless, when they shall have received the fulness of my gospel, then if they shall harden their hearts against me I will return their iniquities upon their own heads, saith the Father.
    29 And I will remember the covenant which I have made with my people; and I have covenanted with them that I would gather them together in mine own due time, that I would give unto them again the land of their fathers for their inheritance, which is the land of Jerusalem, which is the promised land unto them forever, saith the Father.” 3 Nephi 20:22-29

    “Remarkable discoveries of evidences of America’s prehistoric civilizations in various parts of the country are frequently being reported in public prints…

    On Sept. 10, what are believed to be bodies of a royal family of the ancient mound builders were unearthed in a group of mounds near Bainbridge, Ohio. With these remains were found strands of pearls, some of extraordinary size and perfection; also ornaments of silver and copper and some sculptured objects of exquisite workmanship.

    This is a highly interesting find. It shows that these mound builders in the Mississippi valley were wealthy and civilized, and that they must have had commercial connections with distant places where pearl oysters were procured.

    Scientists know nothing certain about the time when the mound builders lived, whence they came and what became of them.

    However, when Zion’s Camp, in the year 1834, was temporarily located on the western bank of the Illinois river, the Prophet Joseph and others ascended a high mound, on the top of which three altars had once stood. On removing some soil, they uncovered a skeleton, between the ribs of which there was an arrowhead. To the Prophet it was later made known that this was the remains of a Lamanite warrior, by the name of Zelph, who served the great Onandagus, a prophet known from the Hill Cumorah to the Rocky Mountains. Zelph was slain during the last struggle between the Lamanites and Nephites. May not this furnish a key to the mystery of the mound builders in the Mississippi valley? Besides this, at various points, from Maine to California, we find evidences of a race, or perhaps more than one race, that, like the Jaredites, who from their point of departure, carried with them “the fish of the waters,” depended largely upon sea food for their sustenance. The evidence of this they have left in numerous shell mounds, which consist almost entirely of oyster shells, some of gigantic size.

    Some tell us American archaeology does not corroborate the Book of Mormon. As I see it, American Archaeologists will never unravel the mysteries of this country without the Book of Mormon.” THE JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR, Vol. 60, No. 10 October 1925 Janne M. Sjodahl

    “We have a great message to tell the world. We have to live it, and then we have to tell it, too. If you’re interest in history and in geography, just think what you can get out of the Book of Mormon! The Book of Mormon is the most tangible evidence that we have the truth, for no man could have written it at the time that it was written—except the story of the Prophet Joseph be a true story. Just imagine what that book has to tell us about America. Go back to the promises of Jacob and Moses and Joseph, who was sold into Egypt and who was promised a new land in the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills. Nobody in this world, outside of this Church, can tell you where that new land is, and yet Moses, in describing that land, used the word precious five times in just four short verses in the bible (see Deuteronomy 33:13–16). He called it a precious land, and we read the history of how Lehi and his people came here and how they were told that it was a land choice above all other lands. This fact is repeated over and over again in the scriptures.

    From a historical standpoint, it ought to be worth something to people to know about this land of America or when Columbus discovered it. The knowledge that we get through the Book of Mormon is a knowledge that we can’t get any other way in all this world. It not only tells us of the great destiny of this land of America, but it also gives the promises of the Lord through his prophets that it would be a land choice above all other lands and that it would be the land upon which God would build his New Jerusalem in the latter days. It was hidden away from the eyes of the world that it might not be overrun, and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon a man across the great waters to come here. We understand and know that man was Columbus. You see what a marvelous thing it is to have understanding.” LeGrande Richards, “You’re Fringe Benefits” 1975 Devotional

  • Ancient “Father of Waters”  – Mississippi

    Ancient “Father of Waters” – Mississippi

    I believe the Mississippi river is the greatest river in the world. It has been called the “Father of Waters” by Native Americans, Sidon by Nephites and possibly Pishon or Gihon in the Old Testament. (I explain below)

    The River Sidon is the most important river in the Book of Mormon. It is important for its food, water, defense, travel, and importance to develop cities close by. In comparison, that is the value today of the Mississippi River. We believe they are one in the same river.

    The River Sidon isn’t mentioned until 87 BC in Alma Chapter 2. That makes sense. We believe Lehi landed near Tallahassee Florida in c.589 BC, Nephi probably escaped into the mountains using the Chattahoochee River and settled near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mosiah then joined the Mulekites near Nauvoo, Illinois on the Mississippi River. c. 130 BC. See complete Book of Mormon Timeline here:

    From the Topical Guide- Sidon, Rivermost prominent river in Nephite territory

    Name Sidon came from Mulekites

    “In The Lost City of Zarahemla, I discussed the origin of the name and its relevance to Book of Mormon geography. I concluded that the Nephites inherited the name from the Mulekites, who in turn were influenced by the Phoenicians who presumably brought them to America. The name Sidon recognizes the river for its properties as a source of food, and also for its utility as a border, the same way the ancient city of Sidon was used to mark a border in the Old Testament. I proposed that references to the river Sidon in the Book of Mormon amount to references to the river border, particularly in connection with the narrow strip of wilderness.

    I also pointed out that the phrase “head of Sidon” cannot mean the source, but instead means the confluence of rivers. [Map below] illustrates where the Mississippi joins the Missouri and Ohio Rivers. The Illinois River joins just north of the Missouri River. Somewhere in that area, or perhaps the entire section from the Missouri to the Ohio River, is the head of Sidon.” Moroni’s America Chapter 24. For a discussion on the direction the River Sidon flowed, and why we feel the Mississippi is indeed the River Sidon, see my blog here:

    Click Logo for the complete speaker schedule and here for tickets.

    Etymology (Sidon)

    Since the Book of Mormon river SIDON passed through ZARAHEMLA, a city that was first settled by Mulekites, it is likely that this GN is of Mulekite origin. If it does derive from the biblical name for the Phoenician city SIDON (Hebrew ṣidon[1] Phoenician ṣdnEGYPTIAN ddwn3ASSYRIAN ṣiduna), as most commentaries suggest, this may denote the presence of Phoenician influence among the MulekitesHALOT notes that the “etymology [of the Phoenician GN Sidon] is not absolutely certain.”[2] DNWSI gives “unknown meaning” for ṣdn, and “uncert[ain] meaning” for ṣd, and has no entry for ṣwd. It is possible that it may come from HEBREW ṣwd, to catch, hunt, and if it does, –ôn may be the fairly common nominalizing ending. Source.

    Excerpted from: Abarim Publications’ Biblical Dictionary צוד

    The verb צוד (sud) means to hunt or fish, or more general: to get meat rather than veggies, and by working for it in the wild rather than purchasing it at a store. This verb obviously has a very strong cognitive connotation in the Bible, which would concern an active pursuit of problems and their solutions, rather than learning from whatever happens (veggies) or absorbing other people’s theories at some school (food store)

    Noun ציד (sayid) means a hunting or game. Noun ציד (sayyad) means hunter. Noun מצד (mesad) means fastness or stronghold (a typically defensive structure). Noun מצוד (masod) may mean siege works or hunting implement (like a net). Likewise, the nouns מצודה (mesoda) and מצודה (mesuda) mean net, fastness or stronghold.

    Both nouns ציד (sayid) and צידה (seda) mean provisions or food. The denominative verb ציד (sid) means to supply oneself with food.

    Sidon Definition

    by Joshua J. Mark
    published on 02 September 2009

    Sidon is the Greek name (meaning ‘fishery’) for the ancient Phoenician port city of Sidonia (also known as Saida) in what is, today, Lebannon (located about 25 miles south of Beirut). Along with the city of Tyre, Sidon was the most powerful city-state of ancient Phoenicia and first manufactured the purple dye which made Tyre famous and was so rare and expensive that the color purple became synonymous with royalty. The area of Sidon was inhabited as early as 4,000 BCE and Homer, in the 8th century, notes the skill of the Sidonians in producing glass. Glass production made Sidon both rich and famous and the city was known for being very cosmopolitan and ‘progressive’. The Princess Jezebel, who later would become Queen of Israel (as related in the biblical Books of I and II Kings) was the daughter of the King of Sidon, Ethbaal in the 9th century BCE, and married King Ahab of Israel to cement ties between the two kingdoms. The city is mentioned a number of times throughout the Bible and both Jesus and St. Paul are reported to have made visits there. Sidon is considered the ‘seat’ of the Phoenician Civilization in that most of the ships which would ply the seas and spread Phoenician culture were launched from this city’s port. Sidon was overthrown during the conquest of Phoenicia by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE and, like the rest of the fractured Phoenician civilization, was eventually absorbed by Rome and, finally, taken by the Arab Muslims. Source

    Mississippi 3- River Divisions

    The importance of the Mississippi river in the history of the Native Americans goes without saying. It could be called three different rivers as explained below and it could be the four rivers described in Genesis flowing out of Eden. (More below)

    The Mississippi River can be divided into three sections: the Upper Mississippi, the river from its headwaters to the confluence with the Missouri River; the Middle Mississippi, which is downriver from the Missouri to the Ohio River; and the Lower Mississippi, which flows from the Ohio to the Gulf of Mexico. Source

    Named by Algonkian-speaking Indians, Mississippi can be translated as “Father of Waters.” The river, the largest in North America, drains 31 states and 2 Canadian provinces, and runs 2,350 miles from its source to the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River is truly one of the great forces that has shaped the United States into the country it is today. Although its role has changed over the past few centuries, the Mississippi has always been important to those who lived along its banks. Indigenous peoples fished its waters and depended on the waterway for transportation. Explorers and traders traveled the river in hopes of conquering more land and obtaining wealth for their countries. Settlers moved close to take advantage of the rich farmland the river provided. All of these pursuits resulted in a trade industry that brought about a social and economic transformation, when news and goods made their way downriver and livelihoods were provided. In fact, the Mississippi River’s economic and strategic value was so important that when Ulysses S. Grant won the siege of Vicksburg and control of the river during the Civil War, the Confederacy was dealt a serious blow. Today, although still used to transport goods, the river has taken on yet another identity: that of entertainer. Literature, pleasure boats, and floating casinos all showcase a new dimension of this magnificent river.


    Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 6, No. 4 December, 1928 Page 529-530

    While it is generally accepted that “Mississippi” is an Indian word meaning “the Father of Waters,” yet one seldom hears a discussion with reference to its real meaning nor to which Indian language it belongs, there being more than two hundred and fifty tribes or bands of Indians living in the United States, each having its own language or dialect.

    There is a story among the Choctaws, who lived in the Lower Mississippi country before the tribe came to Oklahoma, that they and their kinsmen, the Chickasaws, migrated from a far western country long, long ago. When their leaders, the wise prophets of the two tribes, reached the great river, in the van of the people, they contemplated its broad waters and exclaimed, “Misha sipokni!” Misha in Choctaw means “beyond,” with the idea of far beyond; and sipokni means “age,” conveying the idea of something ancient. Therefore the words of the Choctaw and the Chickasaw prophets meant in substance, “Here is a river that is beyond all age,” or “We have come to the most ancient of rivers.”1

    Editors Note: In the Bible what are the most ancient rivers called? In the Topical guide we read under RIVER:

    river running out of Eden waters garden, parts into four heads—Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, Euphrates, Moses 3:10–14 (Abr. 5:10).”

    When I type in a google search for, Where is the Garden of Eden? This is the first option:


    The Garden of Eden is considered to be mythological by many scholars. [Wow this is how some of the same scholars feel about the Book of Mormon]. Among those who consider it to have been real, there have been various suggestions for its location: at the head of the Persian Gulf, in southern Mesopotamia (now Iraq) where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers run into the sea; and in Armenia.

    Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, situated somewhere near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today. This is based on the description given in Genesis 2:8–14: The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden. . . . Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon . . . . The name of the second river is Gihon. . . . The name of the third river is Hiddekel [Tigris].  ;. . . The fourth river is the Euphrates.

    Give these four rivers some thought as the great rivers spoken of in Genesis where the Garden of Eden happened in North America. It would make sense that the 4 Ancient Rivers would be located in North America. Could the Great Mississippi River of today be the same river called Pishon of the Old Testament and the River Sidon in the Book of Mormon? That is some food for thought don’t you think? The Map below seems logical as these ancient rivers going out of Eden.. See blog here

    Chronicles of Oklahoma continued. “In the earliest French records, the name was written “Malabouchi,”’ as given by the Gulf Coast Indians. Du Pratz, one of the early French writers in this country, attempted to explain the Indian name, Mechasipi, as a contraction of the words, Meact Chassipi, meaning the ancient father of waters.”2

    The great river was called “Mississippi,” by the Indians of the Northwest when that region was first visited by La Salle and Marquette in the seventeenth century, the source of the river being found in the country of the Algonquian stock, of which the Chippewa is the most important tribe. Mississippi, in the language of the Chippewa, is derived from the two words missi meaning “large,” and sippi meaning ‘flowing water,” which taken together literally mean “large river.”3

    It is interesting to note that missi is the same as micco of the Creeks, meaning “great” as an adjective and “chief” as a noun. Michi of Michigan is the same word, and, also, the massa of Massachusetts is of like derivation.

    The name would be more accurately spelled “Missisippi” in French, or “Misisipi” in Spanish, both being pronounced Meeseeseepee which is near the sound of the Indian words. The Spaniards of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries knew of the river as the “Rio del Espiritu Santo,” or the River of the Holy Ghost. They also called it the “Rio Grande del Florida,” or more simply the “Rio Grande.”

    By the early French, it was given the name of “La Palisade,” on account of the large cottonwood trees that grew in abundance on the lower passes of the river. These trees were used by both the Indians and the French trappers for pirogues or dug-out canoes in this region, since the Lower Mississippi and its branches were dangerous for lighter craft on account of huge logs and snags that were washed down-stream during high water and lodged in the channels of the rivers. Then, too, birch trees did not grow in southern latitudes, so that birch bark canoes were left for use in the lakes and clear waters of the country in the North.

    After the exploring expedition of La Salle, down the Mississippi, the French sometimes called the river, “the Colbert,” in honor of the minister and the favorite of Louis XIV. Jean Baptiste Colbert’s name was uppermost in the minds of the French people, for it was his genius that organized the finances of their country at that time, though his most lasting achievement was the establishment of the French marine. In connection with this latter work, James Thomson Shotwell, Professor of History in Columbia University, New York City, said in a biographical sketch of Colbert:

    “Letters exist written by Colbert to the judges requiring them to sentence to the oar as many criminals as possible, including all those who had been condemned to death; and the convict once chained to the bench, the expiration of his sentence was seldom allowed to bring him release. Mendicants also, against whom no crime had been proved, contraband dealers, those who had been engaged in insurrections, and others immeasurably superior to the criminal class, nay innocent men—Turkish, Russian and negro slaves, and poor Iroquois Indians, whom the Canadians were ordered to entrap—were pressed into that terrible service. By these means the benches of the galleys were filled, and Colbert took no thought of the long unrelieved agony borne by those who filled them.”

    After 1699, when D’Iberville was locating the first French colonies in the Lower Mississippi region, the river was called “Saint Louis,” in honor of the French King. Nevertheless, all its European names were forgotten at last, and the Indian name, “Mississippi,” given the great river in the dim ages of the past, remained for us today.

    1 “A History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians,” by H. B. Cushman, pp. 62-4.

    2 Much of the material in this article was kindly submitted by Dr. Dunbar Rowland, Director, Department of Archives and History of the State of Mississippi, Jackson, Miss.

    3 Information obtained through J. N. B. Hewitt, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, D. C.

    US State Names meaning in Native American. The People: Native American Legacy

    Alabama: From the Alibamu, tribe of Indians, members of the Creek Confederacy. The name may have come from words in the Choctaw language, “Alba ayamute” meaning “I clear the thicket.”

    Alaska: From the Aleut word “Alakshak”, meaning “peninsula”; used by the aleuts in referring to the part of the mainland that is now known as the Alaskan peninsula.

    Arizona: Not yet really proved, but possibly from Papago Indian words for “small springs,” which the Spanish fitted to their own pronunciation.

    Arkansas: From local Indians, The Quapaws, meaning “downstream people”. Called arkansa by the French.

    Connecticut: From the Indian expression “quinnitukg-ut”, meaning “at the long tidal river.”

    Hawaii: Possibly from “Havaiki” or “Hawaiki,” which according to legend was the name of the original homeland of the Polynesians.

    Idaho: The New Book of Knowledge 1983 states: “According to the Idaho Blue Book, a settler corned the name and proposed it for the U.S. Territory created in 1861; it was rejected in favor of “Colorado” for that territory, but it became popular and was given to the territory (Idaho) created in 1863.”

    In the book, “How we Name our States” Pauline Arnold, 1965, says that the word might be derived from the following:

    Comanche “Idahi”
    Shoshone “ee-dah-how” which means something like
    “Good Morning”
    Salmon River Tribe of Indians “Ida” means salmon and “ho” means tribe so we might be saying “Salmon eaters”.
    Illinois: From the Indian word “ilhiniwek” or “illiniwek”. “Illini” meant “man” and the ending made the word plural. The French changed the word to illinois.

    Indiana: From the word “Indian” plus the “a” ending used in many geographical names.

    Iowa: From a Dakota Indian word: the name had many different spellings until it became “Ioway” and the “Iowa”.

    Kansas: From “Kansa”, the name of a tribe of Indians who once lived in the area; first applied to the river, then to the state.

    Kentucky: Probably related to the Iroquois Indian word “Kenta” — “level” or “Meadow-land” referring to the level land in the south central part of the state.

    Massachusetts: From Massachuset Indians, who lived around the Blue hills near Boston, meaning “about the big hill”.

    Michigan: Chippewa – “Michigama” meaning “Large lake” or “big water”.

    Minnesota: Dakota – “Minisota” meaning “White water”.

    Mississippi: Indian word meaning “big river”. (Choctaw meaning “Great water” or “Father of Waters”.)

    Missouri: Indian mis meaning “big”. “Owners of big canoes”.

    Nebraska: Oto Indians “Nebrathka” meaning flat water.

    New Mexico: Named after an Aztec god named “Mertili”.

    Ohio: Iroquois – “Oheo” meaning “beautiful”.

    Oklahoma: Chocraw – “Oklahummaa” or “Oklahomma” meaning “red people”.

    South & North Dakota: “Dahkota” meaning allies or friends — tribes who joined together in friendship.

    Tennessee: Cherokee village “Tanasi” meaning “unknown”.

    Texas: Caddo Indians – “Techas” meaning allies or friends.

    Utah: Ute Indians called themselves “Yuta” meaning people who live high in the mountains”

    Wisconsin: “Wishkonsing” — place of the beaver.

    Wyoming: From Indian words meaning “On the Great Plain.”

    Source: Department of Cultural Affairs- Nevada State Library and Archives

  • America is a Covenant Land–and that Still Matters!

    America is a Covenant Land–and that Still Matters!

    Tim Ballard Live in Salt Lake Oct 22!

    Our special guest at the 30th International Book of Mormon Evidence Conference, is our good friend, Tim Ballard. There is no one more patriotic, more in tune with the founding fathers, the abolitionist movement, the Pilgrims and Native Americans, and the founding of America than Tim. He has teamed up with Glenn Beck and with David Barton supporting many fantastic foundations including Nazarene Fund, Operation Underground Railroad, Wall Builders, and Children Need Families.

    The Title of Tim’s Live Presentation on Sat Oct 22, 2022 at the Salt Palace is:
    The Hidden War: The secret agenda to enslave our children in the name of liberating them.”

    What a Timely Topic for Today!

    Individual 1-day Ticket for Saturday Oct 22,  just $40

    Hear Tim Ballard and the Following: Dean Sessions, Hannah Stoddard, Rod Meldrum, David Doane, Bob Wright, Jonathan Neville, Jen and Sophie Two Red Pills, and Kate Dalley from 9 am to 7 pm Sat Oct 22.

    Individual 3-day Ticket for Th, Fr, and Sat, see over 75 speakers, just $60
    See Schedule of all Speakers here:

    Current Streaming Subscribers can listen to Tim’s previous Firm Foundation Presentations below:

    1- The American Covenant: One Nation Under God
    2- Patriotic Prophesy: History vs. BofMs Predictions of America’s Foundings
    3- Lesson #6 Part 1 Come Follow Me (2 Nephi 1-5) Book of Mormon Evidence 

    If you haven’t subscribed to our Streaming service, you can view over 800 presentations by our previous speakers, like Rod Meldrum, Wayne May, Hannah Stoddard and hundreds more. Streaming Membership Here


    “The Declaration of Independence states that one of our unalienable rights is the pursuit of happiness. It is clear from the records of both Virginia and Massachusetts at the time that this phrase meant the right to privately own property. However, what is also clear is that the unalienable right we have is to pursue happiness and not obtain happiness.

    Today Americans often mistake the meaning of this phrase and think that their government owes them happiness in all flavors, to be claimed by them at any time.

    What Leo Martin has done is to clearly articulate the meaning of this phrase by going to the root of our country, the Pilgrims. No other people at the time of our nation’s initial development portray, as families and a migrating Church, the meaning of pursuing happiness under the Hand of a Sovereign God better than this tiny band!

    Though never in a majority and never wealthy; these Pilgrims considered themselves to be rich in spiritual treasure. Though they never sought a shrine to honor themselves, centuries of Americans have honored them as the spark, the root and founders of our God-given liberties… sadly, today the contribution made by these humble and truly great founders has mostly been forgotten.

    It is time we returned to what truly made America great. It is time we remembered the true source of the liberty they sparked when they first invoked the Biblical covenant that brought God’s protection and blessings upon the land. They humbly pledged to serve God and manifest that by simple faith, heart-felt devotion and iron-clad character.
    While the seeds they planted eventually grew into a tree much larger, more glorious and diverse than they may have ever anticipated, their love of family, their commitment to liberty and justice, and their faith in God stand as a beacon pointing us today in the direction to which our nation must turn to recover from her profound amnesia.

    Let this little book, written by the great historian-patriot, Leo Martin, be read and re-read to your children and grandchildren, that the stories of our past may come alive again.”
    By Leo Martin of Plymouth, MA


    “Call down the blessings of heaven on this nation by helping us finish Lincoln’s work to liberate all His children from the darkness of human slavery and educate on liberty.”

    Once on Tim’s website, Scroll down the main page to Videos to watch

    By Tim Ballard

    “I do declare that I thought all London was afloat.”[i] So exclaimed one witness who, in August 1776, stood on the shores of New York harbor awaiting sure destruction. What the witness beheld was the largest naval fleet ever sent from one nation to another nation at that point in history. The British were coming in grand style to quash the American rebellion once and for all. When the British first arrived in with 400 sleek British ships and 32,000 men under the command of General William Howe, he offered a pardon to the rebels, to which Washington answered, “Those who have committed no fault want no pardon.”1 

    The Battle of Long Island by Alonzo Chappel

    What was America to do? Her cause was all but lost. Certainly General Washington, waiting in relative safety in New York City, would not walk into this British trap. Certainly he would not lead his men—his citizen-soldiers—eastward across the mile-wide East River, to meet the foe in direct combat. Certainly he would not allow his army to become trapped on Long Island with such a lethal and fearsome enemy. The British not only outnumbered the Americans 2 to 1, and not only did the British overwhelm them in terms of skill and resources, but the Red Coats were en route to surround Long Island. Land troops rushed westward toward Washington, while state-of-the-art British war ships made their way up the East River.

    Map showing Howe’s attack upon Washington’s forces on Long Island – Library of Congress

    And yet, inexplicably, Washington did just that. Virtually all of the Continental soldiers found themselves—at the behest of their leader—caught in the ultimate British trap. The Red Coats proceeded to brutalize the Americans at Long Island in the first major battle of the war. All the Americans could do was flee with all their might westward back toward the river in hopes of escaping back into the city. Caught! The British ships were already positioning themselves in the East River to cut off the evacuation.  

    At this point, it might have been said that George Washington was one of the most foolhardy military commanders in history. Or perhaps there was something else. Perhaps George Washington was in possession of a secret—a secret that would be responsible not only for liberating the Americans at Long Island, but for securing American independence and creating the greatest nation ever known to mankind.

    Washington directed a few of his soldiers to stoke the campfires and make the British believe the Americans were bedding down for the night. Confidently, the British went to sleep knowing they would fully conquer the rebels—whom they called the “ramble in arms”—in the morning. In the meantime, however, Washington ordered his thousands of troops to evacuate across the river, under the cover of darkness.

    At this very moment, while the British fleet was racing up the East River intending to crush any such rebel evacuation attempt, a ferocious wind began pushing the British vessels backwards. A total of five ships carrying over seventy-two guns attempted—but failed—to advance up the river to cut off the Americans.[ii] Washington thus gained a small window of opportunity to evacuate his troops from this would-be British slaughterhouse. Though at first the same wind that disrupted the British was also obstructing the American effort to cross the river, a little after nine, the wind miraculously shifted to a westerly direction, facilitating the exodus with most favorable conditions.[iii]

    Washington overseeing the retreat from Long Island

    But even with the favorable wind, the night was fading fast. The rising sun would soon expose Washington’s scheme to the full view of the British. Another miracle was needed. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, David McCullough, explains:

    Troops in substantial number had still to be evacuated and at the rate things were going, it appeared day would dawn before everyone was safely removed. But again the “elements” interceded, this time in the form of pea-soup fog. It was called “a peculiar providential occurrence,” “manifestly providential,” “very favorable to the design,” “an unusual fog,” “a friendly fog,” “an American fog.” “So very dense was the atmosphere,” remembers Benjamin Tallmadge, “that I could scarcely discern a man at six yards’ distance.” And as daylight came, the fog held, covering the entire operation no less than had the night…while over on the New York side of the river there was no fog at all.[iv]                     

    The Americans had escaped! The Revolution would live on! It was a miracle!

     “That the rebel army had silently vanished in the night right under their very noses,” according to McCullough, “was almost inconceivable.” British Major Stephen Kemble wrote in his diary that “[i]n the morning, to our great astonishment, [we] found they had evacuated…and the whole escaped to…New York.” British General James Grant wrote, “We cannot yet account for their precipitate retreat.”[v]            


    Indeed, Washington knew a secret. It was the secret responsible for the miracle. That secret was his knowledge of God’s covenant upon the land America.

    On May 15, 1776, shortly after the Continental Army’s initial arrival at New York, months before the British invasion, Washington prepared his men. Not only did he prepare them physically, but spiritually also. He called them to the covenant. In a General Order, he declared:

    Instant to be observed [on Friday the 17th] as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, humbly to supplicate the mercy of Almighty God, that it would please him to pardon all our manifold sins and transgressions, and to prosper the Arms of the United Colonies, and finally establish the peace and freedom of America, upon a solid and lasting foundation.[vi]

    Then again on July 2, Washington in another General Order would remind his men that “the fate of unborn Millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army…Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is.”[vii] Two days later, in Philadelphia, these same sentiments would be immortalized by the Continental Congress in the Declaration of Independence, which concludes, “And for support of this Declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

    Washington was so convinced of his utter dependence upon this covenant relationship with God that he would continue to extend reminders and calls to repentance. On July 9, Washington issued another General Order in which he called for chaplains in each regiment to ensure that the soldiers “attend carefully upon religious exercises.” The order concluded with the following: “The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in times of public distress and danger—the General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man, will endeavor so to live, and act, as becomes a good Christian soldier defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country.”[viii] Just days before battle would commence, Washington issued yet another General Order in which he recommended the keeping of the Sabbath and pleaded with his men to shun the immoral temptations that abounded in the city, exhorting them to “endeavor to check [such behavior] and…reflect, that we can have little hopes of the blessing of Heaven on our Arms, if we insult it by our impiety and folly.”[ix]

    Washington Praying Credit: Library of Congress

    That Washington was assured the Lord would provide in the upcoming battle is evidenced by the army’s positive response to their commander-in-chief’s spiritual encouragements. One observant New Yorker, unaccustomed to seeing a pious group of soldiers, wrote of his surprise to see how Washington’s men attended prayers “evening and morning regularly.”  “On the Lord’s day,” commented the observer, “they attend public worship twice, and their deportment in the house of God is such as becomes the place.” Washington’s trusted officer, Henry Knox, wrote to his wife that he would daily “rise with or a little before the sun and immediately, with part of the regiment attend prayers, sing a psalm or read a chapter [from the Bible].”[x] They were trying diligently to keep their end of the covenant.

    The faith and influence of Washington was extended through other revolutionary leaders who caught his vision and acted upon it. One such leader, Connecticut Governor Jonathon Trumbull, upon learning of Washington’s impending battle, called for nine fresh regiments to march in support of Washington (and this was in addition to the five regiments he had already sent). Trumbull’s call to arms sounded much like something Joshua might have said in the camp of Israel: “Be roused and alarmed to stand forth in our just and glorious cause. Join…march on; this shall be your warrant: play the man for God, and for the cities of our God! May the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, be your leader.”[xi]   


    Captain Moroni raised up his constitution [declaration?], even the Title of Liberty. As the banner unfurled, he had something profound to say to his nation: “Come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they [we] will maintain their [our] rights, and their [our] religion, that the Lord God may bless them [us].”[xii] As he raised the banner, Moroni provided proof to the Nephites as to why they were a covenant people living on a covenant land.  “[We must] preserve our liberty as a remnant of Joseph; yea let us remember the words of Jacob, before his death.”[xiii]


    These words of Jacob included a promise to his son Joseph, that his seed would be “a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches run over the wall.” It was a promise of a new land across the sea from the Old World—a land of peace and prosperity. It was a Promised Land protected by “the hands of the mighty God of Jacob” and blessed with blessings “that prevailed…unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.” In our seminary manuals and Church curriculum, we learn of modern revelation that teaches us that this land promised to the seed of Joseph was in the New World—in the Americas. The marvelous blessing from Jacob to Joseph is found in Genesis 49.[xiv]

    So important is this blessing of Joseph’s promised land, that it was first suggested by the Lord to Joseph’s great-grandfather Abraham, at the conception of his great covenant that was to bless the world. Part of that Abrahamic covenant promises that the great patriarch would be the “father of many nations” and many lands, and that “in [his] seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.”[xv]

     Father Lehi understood as well. Before he crossed “over the wall” of water to the Promised Land, he sent his boys back to Jerusalem to acquire the Brass Plates. Why? Was he afraid he would not have material for Sunday School lessons in the New World? No, he was afraid his people would forget who they were, and thus forget the covenant they would need to live by. In explaining to his sons why they needed to return for the plates, he stated:

    I am a descendant of Joseph who was carried captive into Egypt. And great were the covenants of the Lord which he made unto Joseph. Wherefore, Joseph truly saw our day. And he obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would raise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel.[xvi]   

    Like Captain Moroni, Lehi knew who he was. He would fulfill the prophecies and promises given to Joseph in Genesis 49. He was to possess a Promised Land. “And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments” declares the Book of Mormon, “…it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity.”[xvii] The Book of Mormon nations were continually told: “Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land.”[xviii]  


    Why does the Book of Mormon include all this talk of a covenant land? There are at least two reasons. First, the Lord desires to show that it is this covenant upon the land that will protect and preserve the people, thus allowing them to live in liberty. When they are righteous, the blessings flow. When they are not, captivity becomes their reality. This is the constant theme and trend laced throughout the Book of Mormon. And second, the Lord wants to teach us today that America is still a covenant land, and that the rules still apply.

    The Nephites knew that without a covenant land and a covenant people in the world, the adversary would have free reign to buy up armies and navies and rule with blood and horror upon this earth. He will crush the agency of man, as was his goal from the beginning. For without full agency, man can hardly access the gospel of salvation. Satan has been successful. But God has not been idle in this fight. He would provide another promised land, as He had for the Nephites, for His latter-day children. He would not let His gospel fall victim to the adversary’s attack on liberty. That promised land was always to be the United States of America!

    Consider how even a cursory review of American history reveals a consistent pattern: where goes the adversary, with its political and military tools of oppression and thus spiritual obstruction, there goes America to confront and defeat it; and where goes America to confront and defeat it, there goes the heavenly influence of the constitutional principles of liberty and free agency; and where go these divine principles, there goes man’s opportunity for personal growth and the introduction and advancement of God’s restored gospel. Wherever America has engaged evil in the world (whether through example, diplomacy, or even war), temples have eventually followed.

    It should be of little wonder that God Himself declared that He had “established” the American nation for the very purposes outlined above: for the “rights and protection of all flesh…that every man may act…according to the moral agency which I have given  unto him.”[xix]

    So important is the United States to God’s plan, that its covenant status is clearly described in the Book of Mormon. The resurrected Christ, while administering to the Nephite nation, pronounced that latter-day America would “be set up as a free people by the power of the Father…that the covenant of the Father may be fulfilled.”[xx] Nephi knew that these national covenant blessings would provide the foundation for the Restoration of the gospel in the latter days. He describes that latter-day Restoration in his concluding prophecies recorded in 1 Nephi 13. But shall we forget how Nephi began 1 Nephi 13? He understood that a foundation would first be laid before the Restoration could be launched. That foundation would be the American Covenant.


    Nephi had a vision of latter-day America. That vision culminated in the Restoration of the gospel. But first his eyes were opened to the latter-day national covenant-makers who would make it all possible.  

    In his vision, Nephi “beheld a man among the Gentiles.” Nephi declared, “I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land.”[xxi] Some two thousand years later, Christopher Columbus boarded a ship for that promised land and recorded words that might cause us to wonder if somehow he had accessed Nephi’s prophecy even before it had been made available to mankind. For he declared, “Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my enterprise called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me?”[xxii]

    Christopher Columbus

     Astonishingly, Columbus declared that his discovery of the New World “came to pass as Jesus Christ our Savior had predicted and as He had previously announced through the mouths of His holy prophets.”[xxiii] With the discovery completed, Columbus believed, and thus stated, that “the gospel must now be proclaimed to so many lands in such a short time.”[xxiv] More specifically, Columbus taught that his work would lead to what he called “the recovery of God’s Holy City and Mount Zion, and…the evangelization of the isles of the Indies and of all other peoples and nations.”[xxv] No wonder he had been seen in vision by an ancient prophet of God.       

    Nephi also beheld the latter-day settlers of the land. He saw that they “had gone forth out of captivity [and] did humble themselves before the Lord.”[xxvi] He saw that they brought the Bible with them to the New World. Nephi declared that the book they had was “a record of the Jews, which contains the covenants of the Lord, which he hath made unto the house of Israel.”[xxvii] In fulfillment of Nephi’s prophecy, over two thousand years later, the Pilgrims and Puritans did come to the land and they did invoke the covenant. They even referred to themselves as the “New Israel.”[xxviii]

    Pilgrims praying on shores of Promised Land

    They followed the words of their inspired leader, John Winthrop, who echoed the words of Father Lehi, declaring: “Thus stands the cause between God and us, we are entered into Covenant with him for this work….if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.” Winthrop called upon his people to live the commandments that God might make them a “City upon a Hill.”[xxix] 

    Nephi’s vision extended into the American Revolution. Declared Nephi, “And I beheld that their mother Gentiles were gathered together upon the waters, and upon the land also, to battle against them. And I beheld that the power of God was with them…[they] were delivered by the power of God.”[xxx] The evidence of this prophetic fulfillment is overwhelming.

    We discussed one such miracle at Long Island. But this was not the exception to the Revolution—this was the rule. Similar miracles (even more amazing, in some instances, than Long Island) were witnessed on the battlefields at Boston, Trenton, Princeton, Yorktown, and others. These stories have been intentionally hidden from us by secular historians—but these stories were very real to those who lived them. In the middle of the war, George Washington stood and said, as he did so often, that “Providence has heretofore saved us in remarkable manner and on this we must principally rely.”[xxxi] Covenant words.


    “The smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”[xxxii] With independence secured, George Washington stood in Federal Hall, New York City, and declared these covenant words while being inaugurated as the first president of the United States. The date was April 30, 1789—the day the Constitution, even that document which, according to revelation, was based in “holy principles” established to protect “moral agency” for “all flesh,”[xxxiii] came into being. But it was clearly much more than an inauguration. It was the day the covenant was officially invoked over all the land.

    Washington taking oath—Allyn Cox

    Just before Washington invoked the national covenant through his “Smiles of Heaven” speech, he was sworn in as the first president of the United States. The details of this ceremony were profound. He called for a Bible. He raised his right arm to the square (making the sign of a covenant/oath) while placing his left hand upon the sacred book. After repeating the constitutional oath, he declared, “So help me God,” then bowed down reverently and kissed the Bible.

    Few have cared to notice what biblical passage Washington chose to place his hand upon. In fact, historians and commentators, if they choose to note anything about the particular scripture, simply muse at why a deliberate man like Washington, who knew posterity would be watching, did not choose a more important scripture. For the scripture he chose seems irrelevant to most—just some Old Testament babble. In a move almost too astonishing to believe, Washington had placed his hand directly upon Genesis 49—his fingers literally laying upon the words “Joseph is a fruitful bough, whose branches run over the wall…”[xxxiv]

    It was the same covenant and prophecy Father Lehi recognized as the purpose of his migration to the Promised Land. It was the same covenant and prophecy Captain Moroni directly referenced as he raised the Title of Liberty, while invoking the national covenant. George Washington did the same thing. Like Moroni, he invoked the covenant using language that was undeniably covenant language, then he hoisted up America’s Title of Liberty (indeed, it marked the day the Constitution came into effect), and then he referenced the exact same ancient prophecy that speaks of America and her covenant.

    After the ceremony, Washington descended to the street to be greeted by throngs of Americans. He then led a procession through the streets of New York City. The newly elected congressmen and senators followed close behind. They entered St. Paul’s Chapel. The first joint session of congress commenced. It consisted of a prayer in a church.       

    Many secularists believe today that such government-sponsored invocations to God are unconstitutional—that they violate the separation of church and state. But they are wrong. The Founders understood the great difference between “separation of church and state” and “separation of God and state.” The former is a righteous principle that keeps the government out of religious denominations and religious denominations out of the government. The latter, however, leaves us vulnerable and unprotected. It exposes us to the designs of the Evil One.

    As Ronald Reagan declared, “Freedom prospers only where the blessings of God are avidly sought and humbly expected.” Quoting William Penn, Reagan continued, “If we will not be governed by God, we must be governed by tyrants.”[xxxv] As evidenced through their words and deeds, the Founding Fathers understood this point clearly.

    If secularists are correct, then they would have to admit that the Constitution was violated on April 30, 1789. They would have to make the outrageous claim that on the very day the Constitution was activated, it was simultaneously violated by the very people who brought it to light. Are they willing to say that?

    Perhaps we should turn our hearts to the Founders of the nation who understood truth. Or we can ignore them to our own national demise.


    Today we face serious trouble in this nation. Our economic collapse calls for a new domestic policy. Real threats from hateful terrorist nations and groups call for a new foreign policy. We can debate and discuss policy options all day long (and we should), but it means absolutely nothing if we ignore what the founders left for us—even the key to national salvation. That key is God and covenant. They understood it. They used it to defeat the most powerful military force on the planet, which had landed on their shores (talk about serious trouble!). They used it to create the most powerful and prosperous nation the world has ever known. Against all odds, it worked for them! And, even against all odds, it will work for us today to accomplish our righteous national goals.

    So here we are over 200 years later. Next week, we have choices to make that will affect the direction of this nation. It is bigger than one man or one party. This is not about politics—it is about the salvation of this nation and the covenant that built it. The main questions Americans should ask themselves as they enter the polling place are, Which option brings this nation closer to God and covenant? Which potential leaders will more likely turn the nation to righteousness, thus allowing us to merit the covenant blessings from the God of this land? If we can’t get this part right, no policy plans or initiatives will matter anyway.

    President Gordon B. Hinckley once issued the following warning to the nation. In light of what American history teaches us, there can be no better national counsel than this:

    For a good while there has been going on in this nation a process that I have termed the secularization of America….we as a nation are forsaking the Almighty, and I fear that He will begin to forsake us. We are shutting the door against the God whose sons and daughters we are….Future blessings will come only as we deserve them. Can we expect peace and prosperity, harmony and goodwill, when we turn our backs on the Source of strength? If we are to continue to have the freedoms that evolved within the structure that was the inspiration of the Almighty to our Founding Fathers, we must return to the God who is their true Author….God bless America, for it is His creation. [xxxvi]

    [i] David McCullough, 1776, 134, 148.

    [ii] McCullough, 1776, 184.

    [iii] David McCullough, “What the Fog Wrought,” What If? The World’s Foremost Military Authorities Imagine What Might Have Been, James Cowley, ed., 197.

    [iv] McCullough, “What the Fog Wrought,” 198; McCullough, 1776, 191.    

    [v] McCullough, 1776, 191-192.

    [vi] Bennett, The Spirit of America, 393.

    [vii] Novak, Washington’s God, 71.

    [viii] Bennett, The Spirit of America, 390.

    [ix] Novak, Washington’s God, 89.

    [x] McCullough, 1776, 123, 147.

    [xi] Jonathon Trumbull, as quoted in Marshall and Manuel, 394.

    [xii] Alma 46:20.

    [xiii] Alma 46:24.

    [xiv] For more information on how this prophecy connects to the New World, see LDS Church Old Testament Student Manuel, Second Edition, Revised (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981), 98-99; LDS Church Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2002), 40-41.

    [xv] See Genesis 17:1-10; 26:1-5, 24; 28:1-4, 10-14; 35:9-13; 48:3-4; Leviticus 26:42; Acts 3:25; Bible Dictionary, “Abraham, Covenant of.” 

    [xvi] 2 Ne. 3:4-5; Nephi also stated his knowledge that he was a descendant of Joseph in 2 Ne. 4:1-2.

    [xvii] 2 Nephi 1:7.

    [xviii] 2 Nephi 1:20; See also 1 Nephi 13:16; 2 Nephi 10:10-12; and Ether 2: 8-12.

    [xix] D&C 101:77-80   

    [xx] 3 Nephi 21:4.

    [xxi] 1 Nephi 13:12

    [xxii] Columbus, as quoted in Jacob Wasserman, Columbus, Don Quixote of the Seas, translated by Delno C. West and August Kling (Gainseville, FL: 1991). 

    [xxiii] Columbus, as quoted in Christopher Columbus, Libro de las profecias , translated by Delno C. West and August Kling (Gainseville, FL: 1991).  

    [xxiv] Christopher Columbus, as quoted in Steven Waldman, Founding Faith: Providence, Politics and the Birth of Religious Freedom in America (New York: Random House, 2008), 4. 

    [xxv] Carol Delaney (2006), “Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem.” Comparative Studies in Society and History,48, p. 268.

    [xxvi] 1 Nephi 13:16.

    [xxvii] 1 Nephi 13:23.

    [xxviii] See William J. Bennett, The Spirit of America (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997), 366.

    [xxix] John Winthrop, “A Model of Christian Charity,” Winthrop Papers, 1498-1649, Vol. 2 (Boston: The Massachusetts Historical Society), 282-95; See also H. Sheldon Smith et al, American Christianity, An Historical Interpretation with Representative Documents, Vol.1: 1607-1820 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1960), 102.

    [xxx] See 1 Nephi 13:17-19.

    [xxxi] George Washington (January 22, 1777), as quoted in Waldman, Founding Faith, 70.

    [xxxii] George Washington’s First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789, as quoted in Bennett, The Spirit of America, 381-382.

    [xxxiii] See Doctrine and Covenants 101:77-80.

    [xxxiv] See Bruce Feiler, America’s Prophet (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), 78.

    [xxxv] As quoted in Paul Kengor, God and Ronald Reagan, 227.

    [xxxvi] Gordon B Hinckley, Standing for Something (New York: Times Books, Random House, Inc., 2000), xviii, xxiii, xxv.

  • Lamanite Forefathers came from Jerusalem

    Lamanite Forefathers came from Jerusalem

    Lamanite, A North American Indian

    “I think it’s important to realize that the title page of the Book of Mormon says, “written to the Lamanites. That’s one of the very first things it says. I think Latter-day Saints today think well, the Book of Mormon is written for us. Well it was, written for the entire world, but of course Mormon, Moroni in their understanding of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, they fully realized that this book, this record, would eventually come forth to their descendants to the descendants of Lehi, and his family. And, this is clear to Joseph Smith. There’s no question in my mind that Joseph Smith knows from the very beginning this record needs to be received and given to and accepted by Lamanite descendants. And in 1830, to Joseph Smith and the Church members, a Lamanite meant to them, a North American Indian. There’s just no question.” Alexander L. Baugh BYU Church History Department; transcribed from the documentary “History of the Saints” Mission to the Lamanites Part 1.

    “I would say to the Lamanites, if I could speak to them understandingly, that you are also a branch of the house of Israel, and chiefly of the house of Joseph, and your forefathers have fallen through the same examples of unbelief and sins, as have the Jews, and you, as their posterity, have wandered in sin and darkness for many generations; and you, like the Jews, have been driven and trampled under the foot of the Gentiles.” Wilford Woodruff History of His Life and Labors AS RECORDED IN HIS DAILY JOURNALS  PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY MATTHIAS F. COWLEY Salt Lake City, Utah 1909

    “The Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians; having been found through the ministration of an holy angel, and translated into our own language by the gift and power of God, after having been hid up in the earth for the last fourteen hundred years, containing the word of God which was delivered unto them. By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph who was sold into Egypt, and that the land of America is a promised land unto them, and unto it all the tribes of Israel will come, with as many of the Gentiles as shall comply with the requisitions of the new covenant.” TEACHINGS OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH Page 17:

    “The Forefathers of these American Indians came from the
    City of Jerusalem” Heber J Grant

    “I rejoice in the work that is being accomplished both at home and abroad. I rejoice in the manifestations of the Spirit of God, that come to each and every one of our elders who faithfully perform the duties devolving upon them. I rejoice in the fact that God opens the way and prepares the hearts of the honest in every land and clime, wherever this Gospel of Jesus Christ has gone. It is also a source of joy and satisfaction to me that, in all my journeys at home and abroad, wherever I go, wherever I mingle with people, I am constantly receiving additional evidence and testimony regarding the divinity of this work in which we are engaged, As I journeyed away from home, and as I mingled with people, I would feel sorrowful if I had constantly been finding objections to the plan of life and salvation, that required exertion on my part to explain away. It would be a source of regret if I were constantly finding obstacles in the path, regarding the divinity of the work of God, which we have espoused. But, I have never found any such obstacles: I have never found anything that needed to be explained away: everything points to the divinity of the work.

    “While listening to the remarks of Brother Ivins, referring to a book that was written by one of our enemies, in which the statement is made that there is not a particle of evidence to show that there is any trace of the Hebrew among the people who anciently inhabited this country, and that there is no evidence that would go to prove that the Book of Mormon is true. I was reminded of a little item of evidence that came under my observation while I was in the City of London. A gentleman there, to whom a very dear friend of mine, Col. Alex. G. Hawes, had given me a letter, kindly invited a number of newspaper men to his home to meet me. I am very sorry that the newspaper men declined the honor; but I had the privilege of meeting with this man and his family, and a few friends, and conversing with them. One of his friends had been a member of the British legation at Constantinople and had spent a considerable portion of his life there. He had traveled all over the holy land and was familiar with the people and their customs. Among other things, he said: “Mr. Grant, I was astonished beyond measure, when I visited Canada, to find there oriental patterns woven in beads, by the American Indians. They were the same patterns that were woven in rugs, in the oriental countries. I have traveled extensively, and I had never seen those oriental patterns in any part of the world except in the holy land, until I found them among the North American Indians. Those patterns have been handed down for hundreds of years, from generation to generation ; they are kept in families, and can be found nowhere else; and how under the heavens those Indians, who have no connection with the people of the holy land, should have the same patterns is a mystery to me.” “Well, mv friend,” I said, “if I were to inform you that the forefathers of these American Indians came from the city of Jerusalem, that would explain it, wouldn’t it?” He replied, “Well, of course, it would.” I asked him if he had ever read the Book of Mormon. He said, “No.” “Well, it will be my pleasure to send you a copy, and from it you will learn that the forefathers of the American Indians came from Jerusalem.” “Well,” he said, “that explains the mystery; I am much obliged for the book.” Now, the one thing for us to do, as Latter-day Saints, is to be loyal, to be true, to be patriotic, to be honest with God; then we need have no fear of what the world may say about us. We have the truth, and we know it, thank God; we know it, though the world may not know it. Let us follow the admonition of the Savior, and let our light so shine that other men seeing our good deeds shall glorify God.” ELDER HEBER J. GRANT 79th Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints April 4th, 5th, and 6th, 1909, page 111-113

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    From this book, THE AMERICAN INDIAN (UH-NISH-IK-NA-BA) by ELIJAH M. HAINES we will show the similarity in some of the Indian languages, to the Hebrew, and that the former must have been derived from the latter. I have edited just one chapter of over 833 pages which focuses on Chapter IV, Affinity with the Jews. This may be a lengthy blog, but it is amazing how much information you will receive about the similarities of our Book of Mormon Lamanites with the Tribe of Judah from Israel. You will also enjoy some of the old pictures which come from this amazing book.

    You will also enjoy the online links to other wonderful books written long ago about the Native Americans of the United States. I know they are the honored brothers of Manasseh and it is our duty as Ephraim to bring us together again with the Book of Mormon. To Purchase the Annotated Book of Mormon Click Here!

    The Whole Subject Complete in One Volume Illustrated with Numerous Appropriate Engravings. By ELIJAH M. HAINES. CHICAGO: THE MAS-SIN-NA’-GAX COMPANY, 1888. Page 99-114

    The subject of the American Indian has ever been one of peculiar interest to the ethnologist and student of history; but at no time since the discovery of America has it attracted so much attention as is being given to it at the present day. Volumes upon volumes have been written concerning it in its varied relations, but still it is not exhausted; and indeed the changing circumstances of the American race present at this day a phase of this subject, calling for its renewed presentation in more complete and comprehensive form.

    Amidst the vast number of books published concerning this mysterious people since the discovery of America, there seems to be none now in print presenting their history in a succinct classified form, at the same time reaching out and taking in every phase of the Indian subject, to the satisfaction of the general reader.

    This book has therefore been prepared with reference to this long felt want, and is such a work as the public mind and student of history now seem to demand. As the title indicates, it comprises ‘the whole Indian subject in complete and comprehensive form. In other words, it is a sort of cyclopaedia on the subject of the’ American Indian in all its phases and bearings as shown by the table of contents following; grouping together in condensed form, and within such limited space as the subject will admit of, the varied information comprised in that vast field of research in American history, not to be found in any single work of this kind heretofore published, containing many special features, which are highly interesting and valuable to the general reader.

    Elijah M. Haines

    Photograph (Left) of Elijah M. Haines, Illinois politician from Lake County and former Speaker of the Illinois House.


    Opinion of James Adair-The Indians Descended from the People of Israel-He Assigns Twenty-three Arguments for this Opinion— Similarity Between the Languages — Comparison of Words and Sentences— Opinion of Be v. Jedidiah Morse— Similarity of Religious Customs— Dr. Boudinot Favors this Theory— Rev. Ethan Smith— Evidence in Favor of this Theory— The Indians Acknowledge but One Great Spirit like the Jews— Father Charlevoix Presents Evidence in Support of this Theory— Indians Were Never Known to Worship Images— Evidence of William Penn — Features of the Face like the Hebrews — And so with Dress t Trinkets and Ornaments— Their Fasts and Feasts, like the Jews— They Reckon by Moons and Count Time like the Hebrews— Have their Prophets— Abstain from Unclean Things — Salute the Dawn of Morning by Devotional Ceremony — In their Lodge Tales and Traditions Twelve Brothers are Spoken of— Custom in Mourning for the Dead, like the Jews— Have a Custom of Burnt Offerings— Had a Custom like the Jews of Anointing the Head— The Indian Medicine Lodge Corresponded to the Jewish Synagogue — Had a Secret Order Resembling that of the Jews— Their Medicine Man Corresponded to the “Wise Men,” Matthew II, 1 — The Bow and Arrow was Common to the Jews— The Indian Tent was like that of the Jews — Lived in Tribes like the Jews.

    Many writers have given special attention to an inquiry into the subject of the American aborigines, with reference to discovering an affinity of this people with the Jews, or people of Israel.

    Among the class of writers aforesaid is Mr.James Adair, who resided forty years among the American tribes, and who wrote a book (here) on the subject, which was published about the year 1775, in which he, without hesitation, declares that the American aborigines are descendants from the Israelites, and so complete is his conviction on this head, that he declares he finds a perfect and undisputable similitude in each. He says: “From the most accurate observations I could make, in the long time I traded among the Indians of America, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the tribes of Israel.”


    Among the early authorities cited, to show that the American Indians are descendants from the Israelites, Mr. Adair seems to be the principal one, and since his time, all writers who have favored his views, refer with unreserved confidence to the evidence furnished by him to this end.

    One of the earnest writers in support of this theory in later times, is Rev. Ethan Smith, of Poultney, Vt , as shown in his book entitled “ View of the Hebrew, or the Tribes of Israel in America,” published in 1825, wherein he undertakes to prove, citing Mr. Adair and others, that the American Indians are descendants from the Lost Tribes of Israel.

    Mr. Smith sums up the arguments of Mr. Adair that the natives of this continent are of the ten tribes of Israel, to the following effect: 1. Their division into tribes. 2. Their worship of Jehovah. 3. Their notions of a theocracy. 4. Their belief in the administration of angels. 5. Their language and dialects. 6. Their manner of counting time. 7. Their prophets and high priests. 8. Their festivals, fasts and religious rites. 9. Their daily sacrifice. 10. Their ablutions and anointings. 11. Their laws of uncleanliness. 12. Their abstinence from unclean things. 13. Their marriage, divorces and punishments of adultery. 14. Their several punishments. 15. Their cities of refuge. 16. Their purifications and preparatory ceremonies. 17. Their ornaments. 18. Their manner of curing the sick. 19. Their burial of the dead. 20. Their mourning for the dead. 21. Their raising seed to a deceased brother. 22. Their change of names adapted to their circumstances and times. 23. Their own traditions; the account of English writers ; and the testimonies given by Spaniards and other writers of the primitive inhabitants of Mexico and Peru.

    Many of those who contend for Jewish origin of the American Indian insist that evidence of this fact is found in the languages of the Indians, which appear clearly to have been derived from the Hebrew. This is the opinion expressed by Mr. Adair, in which Dr. Edwards having a good knowledge of some of the Indian languages, concurs and gives his reasons for believing this people to have been originally Hebrew.

    The languages of the Indians and of the Hebrews, he remarks, are both found without prepositions, and are formed with prefixes and suffixes, a thing not common to other languages; and he says that not only the words, but the construction of phrases in both are essentially the same. The Indian pronoun, as well as other nouns, he remarks, are manifestly from the Hebrews. The Indian laconic, bold, and commanding figures of speech, Mr. Adair notes as exactly agreeing with the genius of the Hebrew language.


    Relative to the Hebraism of their figure, Mr. Adair gives the following instance from an address of a captain to his warriors, on going to battle: “I know that your guns are burning in your hands; your tomahawks are thirsting to drink the blood of your enemies ; your trusty arrows are impatient to be upon the wing ; and lest delay should burn your hearts any longer, I give you the cool refreshing words: Join the holy ark; and away to cut off the devoted enemy”

    A table of words and phrases is furnished by Dr. Boudinot, Adair and others, to show the similarity, in some of the Indian languages, to the Hebrew, and that the former must have been derived from the latter. The following is an example afforded from the sources quoted:


    Rev. Jedidiah Morse, in big tour among the Western Indians, says of the Indians language: “It is highly metaphorical; and in this and other respects they resemble the Hebrew.” ” This resemblance in their language” he adds, “and the similarity of many of their religious customs to those of the Hebrews, certainly give plausibility to the ingenious theory of Dr. Boudinot, exhibited in his interesting work, the Star in the West”

    Dr. Boudinot speaks of some Indians at a place called Cohocks, who called the high mountain at the west Ararat He says that the Penobscot Indians called a high mountain by the same name ; that he himself attended an Indian religious dance, concerning which he remarks:

    “They dance one round; and then a second, singing hal-hal-hal, till they finished the round. They then gave us a third round, striking up the words le-le-le. On the next round it was the words, lu-lu-lu, dancing with all their might During the fifth round was yah-yah-yah. Then all joined in a lively and joyful chorus, and sung halleluyah ; dwelling on each syllable with a very long breath, in a most pleasing manner.” And he says, “there could be no deception in all this. Their pronunciation was very gutteral and sonorous, but distinct and clear.”

    Rev. Ethan Smith, in his book before mentioned, remarking on this circumstance, says: “How could it be possible that the wild native Americans, in different parts of the continent, should be found singing this phrase of praise to the Great First Cause, or to Jah —exclusively Hebrew, without having brought it down by tradition from ancient Israel ? The positive testimonies of such men as Boudinot and Adair are not to be dispensed with nor doubted. They testify what they have seen and heard. And I can conceive of no rational way to account for this Indian song, but that they brought it down from ancient Israel, their ancestors.”

    Dr. Boudinot further says of the Indians: ” Their languages in their roots, idioms and particular construction, appear to have the whole genius of the Hebrew; and what is very remarkable have most of the peculiarities of that language, especially those in which it differs from most other languages.”

    It is also insisted by many, as further evidence showing the Jewish origin of the American Indian, that they have had their imitation of the ark of the covenant in ancient Israel. Rev. Ethan Smith says, that different travelers, and from different regions, unite in this, and refers to the fact that Mr. Adair is full in his account of it. He describes it as a small square box, made convenient to carry on the back; that the Indians never set it on the ground, but on rocks in low ground where stones were not to be had, and on stones where they are to be found. Mr. Adair, in reference to this matter, says:

    It is worthy of notice that they never place the ark on the ground, nor set it on the bare earth when they are carrying it against an enemy. On hilly ground, where stones are plenty, they place it on them. But in level land, upon short logs, always resting themselves (i. e. the carriers of the ark) on the same materials. They have also as strong a faith of the power and holiness of their ark as ever the Israelites retained of theirs. The Indian ark is deemed so sacred and dangerous to touch, either by their own sanctified warriors, or the spoiling enemy, that neither of them dare meddle with it on any account. It is not to be handled by any except the chieftain and his waiter, under penalty of incurring great evil; nor would the most inveterate enemy dare to touch it. The leader virtually acts the part of a priest of war, pro tempore, in imitation of the Israelites fighting under the divine military banner.”

    It is said that among all the aboriginal tribes and nations of both North and South America, whatever may have been said by the Spaniards to the contrary, they acknowledged one, and only one God, and this again is taken by the advocates of the Jewish origin of the American Indians as further proof that this people are descendants of the Jews. Dr. Boudinot says of the Indians, that they were never known, whatever mercenary Spaniards may have written to the contrary, to pay the least adoration to images or dead persons, to celestial luminaries, to evil spirits, or to any created beings whatever ; in which Mr. Adair concurs, adding that none of the numerous tribes and nations, from Hudson Bay to them Mississippi, have ever been known to attempt the formation of any image of God. On this subject Rev. Ethan Smith says:

    “Du Pratz was very intimate with the chief of those Indians called ‘ The Guardians of the Temple,’ near the Mississippi (Book Here). (He inquired of them the nature of their worship. The chief informed him that they worshipped the great and most perfect Spirit, and said: * He is so great and powerful, that in comparison with him all others are as nothing. He made all things that we see, and all things that we cannot see.’ The chief went on to speak of God as having made little spirits, called free servants, who always stand before the Great Spirit, ready to do his will. That ‘ the air is filled with spirits, some good, some bad, and that the bad have a chief who is more wicked than the rest.’ Here, it seems, is their traditional notion of good and bad angels, and of Beelzebub, the chief of the latter. This chief, being asked how God made man, replied that ‘ God kneaded some clay, made it into a little man, and, finding it was well formed, he blew on his work, and the man had life and grew up.’ Being asked of the creation of the woman, he said that ‘ their ancient speech made no mention of any difference, only that the man was made first Moses 9 account of the formation of the woman, it seems, had been lost 1 “

    Charlevoix, speaking of the Indian traits and religious customs, and in reference to their resembling the Jews, says: ” The greatest Part of their Feasts, their Songs and their Dances, appear to me to have had their Rise from Religion, and still to preserve some Traces of it; but one must have good eyes, or rather a very lively imagination, to perceive in them all that some travelers have pretended to discover. I have met with some who could not help thinking that our savages were descended from the Jews, and found in everything some affinity between these barbarians and the people of God. There is, indeed, a resemblance in some things, as not to use knives in certain meals, and not to break the bones of the beast they ate at those times, and the separation of the women during the time of their usual infirmities. Some persons, they say, have heard them, or thought they heard them, pronounce the word Hallelujah in their songs. But who can believe that when they pierce their ears and noses they do it in pursuance of the law of circumcision ? On the other hand, don’t we know that the custom of circumcision is more ancient than the law that was given to Abraham and his posterity. The feast they made at the return of the hunters, and of which they must leave nothing, has also been taken for a kind of burnt offering, or for a remain of the passover of the Israelites ; and rather, they say, because when any one cannot compass his portion, he may get the assistance of his neighbors, as was practiced by the people of God, when a family was not sufficient to eat the whole Paschal Lamb.”

    Rev. Ethan Smith, in his book before mentioned, refers to a letter from Mr. Calvin Cushman, missionary among the Choctaws, to a friend in Plainfield, Mass., in 1824, in which he says:

    ” By information received from Father Hoyt respecting the former traditions, rites and ceremonies of the Indians of this region, I think there is much reason to believe they are descendants of Abraham. They have had cities of refuge, feasts of first fruits, sacrifices of the firstlings of the flock, which had to be perfect, without blemish or deformity, a bone of which must not be broken. They were never known to worship images, nor to offer sacrifices to any God made with hands. They all have some idea and belief of the Great Spirit Their feasts, holy days, etc., were regulated by sevens, as to time, i. e., seven sleeps, seven moons, seven years, etc They had a kind of box containing some kind of substance which was considered sacred, and kept an entire secret from the common people. Said box was borne by a number of men who were considered pure or holy (if I mistake not, such a box was kept by the Cherokees). And whenever they went to war with another tribe they carried this box; and such was its purity in their view that nothing would justify its being rested on the ground. A clean rock or scaffold of timber only was considered sufficiently pure for a resting place for this sacred coffer. And such was the veneration of all of the tribes for it, that whenever the party retaining it was defeated and obliged to leave it on the field of battle, the conquerors would by no means touch it. “ The celebrated William Penn, who saw the Indians of the eastern shore of the continent before they had been affected by the ill-treatment of the white people, in a letter to a friend in England concerning this people, says:

    I found them with like countenances with the Hebrew race; and their children of so lively a resemblance to them that a man would think himself in Duke’s place, or Barry street, in London, when he  sees them.” Here, without the least previous idea of those natives being Israelites, that shrewd man was struck with their perfect resemblance of them, and with other things which will be noted. He speaks of their dress and trinkets as notable like those of ancient Israel ; their earrings, nose jewels, bracelets on their arms and legs (such as they were), on their fingers, necklaces made of polished shells found in their rivers and on their coasts, bands, shells and feathers ornamenting the heads of females, and various strings of beads adorning several parts of the body.

    Mr. Penn further adds that the worship of this people consists in two parts, sacrifices and cantos (songs). The first is with their first fruits, and the first buck they kill goes to the fire; and that all who go to this feast must take a piece of money, which is made of the bone of a fish. (” None shall appear before me empty.”) He speaks of the agreement of their rites with those of the Jews, and adds:

    They reckon by moons; they offer their first ripe fruits; they have a kind of feast of tabernacles; they are said to lay their altars with twelve stones; they mourn a year; they have their separation of women; with many other things that do not now occur.” Here is a most artless testimony given by that notable man, drawn from his own observations and accounts given by him, while the thought of this people’s being actually Hebrew was probably most distant from his mind. William Penn visits the Indians

    Mr. Adair says that the southern Indians have a tradition that their ancestors once had a sanctified rod, which budded in one night’s time, which is held by some to be a tradition of Aaron’s rod. Some tribes of Indians, it is said, had, among their numerous feasts, one which they called the hunter’s feast,answering, it is claimed by some, to the Pentecost in ancient Israel, and which is described as follows:

    “They choose twelve men, who provide twelve deer. Each of the twelve men cuts a sapling ; with these they form a tent, covered with blankets. They then choose twelve stones for an altar of sacrifice. Some tribes, he observes, choose but ten men, ten poles, and ten stones. Here seems an evident allusion to the twelve tribes, and also to some idea of the ten separate tribes of Israel. Upon the stones of their altar they suffered no tool to pass. No tool might pass upon a certain altar in Israel.”

    In their feasts of first ripe fruits, or green corn, the custom of the Indians is to eat none of their corn or first fruit till a part is given to God. In the Indian feasts they had their sacred songs and dances, singing Hallelujah, Tohewa, in syllables which compose the words, and it is asked what other nation besides the Hebrews and Indians ever attempted the worship of Jehovah.

    Mr. Adair, in further support of his theory, says: “As the nation had its particular symbol, so each tribe has the badge from which it is denominated The sachem of each tribe is a necessary party in con- veyances and treaties, to which he affixes the mark of his tribe. If we go from nation to nation among them we shall not find one who doth not lineally distinguish himself by his respective family. The genealogical names which they assume are derived either from the names of those animals whereof the cherubim are said in revelation to be compounded, or from such creatures as are most familiar to them. They call some of their tribes by the names of cherubimical figures that were carried on four principal standards of Israel.”

    The Indians count time after the manner of the Hebrews. They divide the year into spring, summer, autumn and winter. They number their years from any of those four periods, for they have no name for a year, and they subdivide these and count the year by lunar months, like the Israelites who counted by moons. They begin a year at the first appearance of the first new moon of the vernal equinox, according to the ecclesiastical year of Moses. Till the so-called captivity the Israelites had only numeral names for the solar and lunar months except Abib and Ethamin ; the former signifying a green ear of corn, and the latter robust or valiant, and by the first of these the Indians (as an explicative) term their Passover, which the trading people call the green corn dance.

    In conformity to, or after the manner of the Jews, the Indians of America have their prophets, high priests and others of a religious order. As the Jews had a sanctum sanctorum (holy of holies), so in general have all the Indian nations. There they deposit their consecrated vessels, none of the laity daring to approach that sacred place. Indian tradition says that their fathers were possessed of an extraordinary divine spirit, by which they foretold future things and controlled the common course of nature ; and this power they transmitted to their offspring, provided they obeyed the sacred laws annexed pertaining thereto.

    Mr. Adair, it must be remembered, in referring to words in the Indian languages, has reference to those tribes which at that day were living in the southern colonies, classed by ethnologists as the Appalachians, and who were the Choctaws, Chickasaws, Cherokees, Seminoles and Muscogees. In speaking with reference to these Indians he says, Ishtoallo is the name of their priestly order, and their pontifical office descends by inheritance to the eldest. There are some traces of agreement, though chiefly lost, in their pontifical dress. Before the Indian Archimagus officiates in making the supposed holy fire for the yearly atonement for sin, the Sagan (waiter of the high priest) clothed him with a white ephod, which is a waistcoat without sleeves. In resemblance of the Urim and Thummim, the American Archimagus wears a breast plate made of a white conch shell with two holes bored in the middle of it, through which he puts the ends of an otter skin strap and fastens a buck-horn white button to the outside of each, as if in imitation of fche precious stones of the Urim.

    [More about Ishtoallo here:  SIMILARITY OF CUSTOMS OF THE ISRAELITES AND NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. To the Editors of the Jewish Expositor. The Jewish Expositor, and Friend of Israel]

    7. In conformity to or after the manner of the Jews, the Indian Americans have their prophets, high priests, and others of a religious order. As the Jews had a sanctum sanctorum, [Holy of Holies) so have all the Indian nations. There they deposit their consecrated vessels; none of the laity daring to approach that sacred place. The Indian tradition says, that their forefathers were possessed of an extraordinary divine spirit, by which they foretold things future, and controlled the common course of nature: and this they transmitted to their offspring, provided they obeyed the sacred laws annexed to it. Ishtoallo is the name of all their priestly order; and their pontifical office descends by inheritance to the eldest. T here are some traces of agreement, though chiefly lost, in their pontifical dress. Before the Indian Archimagus officiates in making the supposed holy fire for the yearly atonement of sin, the Sagan clothes him with a white ephod, which is a waistcoat without sleeves. In resemblance of the Urim and Thummim, the American Archimagus wears a breast-plate made of a white conch-shell, with two holes bored in the middle of it, through which he puts the ends of an otter-skin strap, and fastens a buck horn white button to the outside of each, as if in imitation of the precious stones of the Urim.”— Upon this statement (says Mr. Faber,) I may observe, that Ishtoallo may perhaps be a corruption of Ish-di-Eloah, a man of God, (see 2nd Kings iv. 21, 22, 25. 27. 40. et alibi,; and that Sagan is the very name by which the Hebrews called the deputy of the high priest, who supplied his office, and who performed the functions of it in the absence of the high priest, or when any accident had disabled him from officiating in person. (See Calmet’s Diet. vox Sagan.)

    “It is generally thought that Elohim is derived from eloah, the latter being an expanded form of the Northwest Semitic noun ’il.[5] The related nouns eloah (אלוה) and el (אֵל) are used as proper names or as generics, in which case they are interchangeable with elohim.)” Wikipedia Quote Here K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Horst (eds), Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible (revised 2nd edition, Brill, 1999)

    In this statement, Rev. Ethan Smith thinks Mr. Adair exhibits evidence of which he himself seems unconscious, saying that the general name of all their priestly order is Ishtoallo, and the name of the high priest waiter is Sagan. It is thought by some that the former word is a corruption of Ish-da-elvah, a man of God ; see 2 Kings, iv, 21, 22, 25, 27, 40, and other places. That the latter word Sagan is the very name by which the Hebrews called the deputy of the high priest, who supplied his office, and performed the functions of it in the absence of the high priest.

    The ceremonies of the Indians, in their religious worship, says Mr. Adair, were more after the Mosaic institutions than of Pagan imitation; which could not be if a majority of the old nations were of heathenish descent They were utter strangers to all the gestures practiced by the Pagans in their religious rites.

    Mr. Adair further speaks of the sacred adjuration of the Indians by the great and awful name of God; the question being asked, and the answer given, Yah, with a profound reverence in a bowing posture of body immediately before the invocation of To-he-wah; this he considers to be Hebrew, adjuring their witnesses to give true evidence.

    Jle says it seems exactly to coincide with the conduct of the Hebrew witnesses even now on like occasions.

    Mr. Adair, in likening the Indians to the Jews on account of their abstinence from unclean things, says that eagles of every kind are esteemed an unclean food, likewise ravens, crows, bats, buzzards, swallows and every species of owl. This he considers as precisely Hebrew, as also their purifications of their priests, and purification for having touched a dead body or any other unclean thing. He further says that before going to war, the Indians have many preparatory ceremonies of purification and fasting, like what is recorded of the Israelites.

    Bev. Mr. Chapman, missionary of the United States Foreign Missionary Society, at the Union Mission, in a letter of March 24th, 1823, gives an account of some of the manners and customs of the Osage Indians, which would seem to have some bearing on the question under consideration. He went with a large company of these Indians, whose object was to form a treaty of peace with the Cherokees, to Fort Smith. The evening before they arrived on a hill, the chiefs announced that in the morning they must make their customary peace medicine (a religious ceremony previous to a treaty) for the purpose of cleansing their hearts and securing their sincerity of thinking and acting. Ten of the principal warriors, including the priest of the Atmosphere, (a name of one of their clans) were selected and sent beneath a ledge, to dream or learn whether any error had been committed thus far, or (as they express it) to “watch the back track.” In proceeding to describe their ceremonies, prayers, sacred painting, anointings, etc, Mr. Chapman says: “About two feet in advance, and in a line with our path, were three bunches of grass, which had been cut and piled about three feet apart, as an emblem of him whom they worshipped.

    “Here the priest stood with his attendants, and prayed at great length. Having finished his prayer, he again ordered the march on foot. The Indians from the right and left entered the path with great regularity, and, on wheeling forward, every individual was compelled to step upon each bunch of the grass. The company proceeded about forty rods, then halted and formed as before. The priest now ordered his senior attendant to form a circle of grass about four feet in diameter, -and to fix a handsome pile in the centre. By this he made another long prayer. Then stepping on the circle, and followed in this by his attendants, they passed on.”

    Mr. Chapman further says: “It is a universal practice of these Indians to salute the dawn every morning with their devotion.” This custom, it may be remarked, seems to be universal among all the American tribes. In regard to the ceremonies which Mr. Chapman describes, he adds: “Perhaps the curious may imagine that some faint allusion to the lost ten tribes of Israel may be discovered in the select number of dreamers (they being ten), to the Trinity in Unity in the bunches (and the circle) of grass, to the Jewish anointings and purifications in their repeated paintings, to the sacred rite of the sanctuary in their secret consultations, and to the prophetic office in the office of their dreamers.”

    A religious custom is related by Maj. Long, which some think goes to prove that the Omaha Indians are of Israel. He relates that from the age of between five or ten years their little sons are obliged to ascend a hill fasting once or twice a week, during the months of March and April, to pray aloud to Wahconda. When this season of the year arrives, the mother informs the little son that the u ice is breaking up in the river, the ducks and geese are migrating, and it is time for you to prepare to go in clay.” The little worshipper then rubs himself over with whitish clay, and at sunrise sets off for the top of a hill, instructed by the mother what to say to the Master of Life.

    From his elevated position he cried aloud to Wahconda, humming a melancholy tune, and calling on him to have pity on him and make him a great hunter, warrior, etc.

    This, it is urged by some, has more the appearance of descending from Hebrew tradition than from any other nation in the earthy teaching their children to fast in clay as “in dust and ashes,” and to cry to Jah for pity and protection.

    In part second of Mr. Schoolcraft’s general work on the Indian tribes of the United States, p. 135, is an article written by Mr. Wm. W. Warren, on the oral traditions respecting the history of the Ojibway nation. Mr. Warren, as Mr. Schoolcraft remarks, was a descendant, on his mother’s side, of one of the most respectable Indian families- at the ancient capital of this nation.

    In this communication, Mr. Warren is inclined to the opinion, from the information derived from the manners and customs of the Ojibways, that the red race of America are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, and he asserts that this is the belief of some eminent men and writers, and mentions this belief to say that he has noted much in the course of his inquiries that would induce him to fall into the same belief, besides the general reasons that are adduced to prove the fact Referring to the Ojibways, he says:

    “I have noticed that in all their principal and oldest traditions and lodge tales, twelve brothers are spoken of that are the sons of Getube, a name nearly similar to Jacob. The oldest of these brothers

    is called Mudjekeewis, and the youngest Wa-jeeg-e-wa-kon-ay, the name for his coat of fishers 9 skins, with which he resisted the machinations of evil spirits. He was the beloved of his father and the Great Spirit; the wisest and most powerful of his twelve brothers.”

    The tradition in which also originated Ke-na-big-wusk, or snake-root, which forms one of the four main branches of the Me-da-win, is similar in character to the brazen serpent of Moses that saved the lives of the afflicted Israelites. In the Indian tradition, the serpent is made to show to man a root which saved the lives of the people of a great town, which was being depopulated by pestilence. Not only in these instances is the similitude of the Ojibway oral traditions and the written history of the Hebrews evident and most striking, but in part first of Mr. Schoolcraft’s work aforesaid, page 259, is some information by Mr. Thomas Fitzpatrick, a government agent of the higher Platte and Arkansas. In this, reference is made to the fact of a resemblance in the manners, customs and habits of the Indians with that of the Jews or Israelites, in which he says: “In regard to the manners, customs, habits, etc., of the wild tribes of the western territory, a true and more correct type than any I have ever seen may be found in the ancient history of the Jews or Israelites after their liberation from Egyptian bondage. The medicine lodge of the Indian may be compared to the place of worship or tabernacle of the Jews, and the sacrifices, offerings, purifications and anointings may be all found amongst and practiced by those people.”

    It is to be noted, however, that Mr. Fitzpatrick is not inclined to adopt these evidences as proof that the Indians are descended from the Jews, but considers them as mere coincidences, liable to occur among the natives of any portion of the globe.

    In an interview which the writer had several years ago with Rev. John Johnston, a native educated Ottawa Indian, and a minister of the gospel of the Episcopal Church among the Ojibways at White Earth Agency, Minn., he expressed his belief quite firmly that the aborigines were descendants from the Jews, and cited instances of their manners, customs and habits in support of this opinion.

    There is a marked similarity between the customs of the Indians and the Jews in their mourning for the dead. Like the Jews, the Indians had a time or season for mourning for the dead. A custom among the Jews of loud lamentation over the dead was also a peculiar custom of the American tribes. In Gen. xxxii, 34, it is said that *’ Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.” This is suggestive of a like custom among the American Indians. Among the Indians the friends of the deceased visited the graves of their departed relatives and there resumed their custom of weeping and shrieking. This was also a prominent custom among the Jews, as noticed in John xi, 31 : ” She goeth out to the grave to weep there.” The custom of engaging women to mourn over the bodies of the dead, which prevailed among the American tribes, was also a custom among the Jews, as mentioned in Jer. ix, 17 : ** Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, consider ye, and call for the mourning women that they may come.”

    Among the Indians it was a custom for the bridegroom to make presents to the father or parents of the bride as a consideration in the transaction. This custom also prevailed among the . Jews; Jacob gave a term of service as a consideration for Eachel. Gen. xxix, 20.

    Among the Jews, parents negotiated marriage between sons and daughters. Hagar chose a wife for Ishmael. Gen. xxi, 21. Judah selected a wife for Er. Gen. xxxviii, 6. The like custom prevailed among the American Indians.

    The marriage ceremony among the American tribes was much the same as with the Jews. In Gen. xxiv, 67, it is said ” Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Eebekah, and she became his wife.” Rev. James Freeman, in his book entitled ” Manners and Customs,” says there is no evidence of any special religious forms in these primitive marriages. The marriage ceremony consisted of the removal of the bride from the father’s house to that of the bridegroom, or that of his father. The marriage ceremony among the American tribes was of like simplicity, and very much the same.

    The Indians, like the Jews, had a custom of burnt offerings, as that of the burning of tobacco, as an offering to the Great Spirit They had also a custom like that of the meat offering of the Jews. See Lev. vi, 14. They also, like the Jews, had a sacrifice of animals. Num. xix, 2. Instead of the red heifer without a spot, as with the Jews, it was a white dog without a spot or blemish.

    Like the Jews, they had their feasts for various occasions. Amongst others was a feast of first fruits, such as the strawberry feast of the Iroquois. The harvest feast was universal with all tribes who raised the Indian corn or zea maize. This corresponded to the like custom among the Jews. Ex. xxiii, 16.

    Dancing on various occasions was a custom practiced among the American Indians as with the Jews, although not precisely in the same form. Dancing was performed at first among the Jews on sacred occasions only. Among the Hebrews it was joined with sacred songs and was usually participated in by the women only. When the men danced it was in company separate from the women. When Jeptha returned from his conquest over the Ammonites, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances. When the men of Benjamin surprised the daughters of Shiloh, the latter were dancing at a feast of the Lord. Judges, xxi, 19-21. A corresponding custom of dances among the Hebrews, as given in scripture, is found among all the American tribes, the occasion for many of which is precisely the same.

    The Israelites used the mortar for beating their manna. Num. xi, 8. It was by this means that the Indians of America from time immemorial beat their corn and thus prepared it for use.

    The custom prevailing among the Jews of anointing the head, and in using oils on other parts of the body, also prevailed among the American tribes.

    Sign language, so common among the American tribes, is also marked as a mode of communication among the Jews. In Proverbs, vi, 13, it is said “He speaketh with his feet; he teacheth with his fingers.”

    The Indians, at the close of their speeches in council, used a word of like signification as the word Amen, common among the Jews as stated in 1 Chronicles, xvi, 36. U A11 the people said Amen, and praised the Lord.” Amen literally means firm, from Aman, to prop, to support Its figurative meaning is faithful ; its use is designated as affirmatory response, and the custom is very ancient among the Jews. See Num. v, 22, Deui xxvii, 15-16. The Iroquois, in closing their speeches, used the word Hiro, of the like import of the Jewish word Amen. The Pottawattamies, a tribe of the Algonquin group, used the word Hoa.

    The Indian medicine lodge or council-house corresponds much to the ancient Jewish synagogues, which were originally places of instruction rather than of worship, and wherein, it is said, the Jews read and expounded the law. We find Christ publicly speaking in the synagogues, and so also the Apostles in their missionary travels addressing the people in the synagogues.

    The secret order of medicine men and prophets of the Indians had a corresponding institution among the Jews called “sons of the prophets,” forming a peculiar order, whose mission seems to have been to assist the prophets in their duties, and in time to succeed them. 2 Kings, ii, 3-12; vi, 1.

    A personage corresponding to the Indian medicine man is found in the ”wise men” or Magi of the Jews, spoken of in Mathew, ji, 1. We find in the Old Testament several references to the Magi. In Jer. xxxix, 3, 13, Nergal-sharezer is said to have been the Rab-mag, that is, the chief of the Magi. In Daniel’s time the Magi were very prominent in Babylon. In Dan. ii, 2, “magicians,” “astrologers,” “sorcerers,” and “Chaldeans” are mentioned, while in the twenty-seventh verse of the chapter “soothsayers” are named.

    Some tribes of Indians had a custom of making images or a kind of idols, not as an object of worship, but to imitate or personate some particular spirit or god, to whom they paid some kind of adoration. A like custom seems to have prevailed among the Jews, mentioned in 1 Samuel, vi, 5.

    A custom prevailed among western Indian tribes, who lived in villages of dirt houses, of assembling on the tops of their dwellings on festive or public occasions; this was likewise a custom among the Jews. See Judges, xvi, 27, wherein it is said, “there were upon the roof about three thousand men and women, that beheld while Samson made sport”

    The Indians felt that menial service was degrading. Service of this kind among them was performed by the women. The same idea prevailed among the Jews, who considered it a degradation to be hewers of wood and drawers of water. Josh, ix, 21.

    The bow and arrow, the common and efficient weapon with the primitive American Indian, was also in common use among the ancient Jews. See 2 Kings, xiii, 15.

    The ancient Israelites lived in tents in the style of the most of the American tribes.

    In notions of dress there was a striking similarity between the American Indians and the Jews, especially in regard to the outer garment thrown over the shoulders or wrapped around the body. The Indian medicine man or prominent chief possessed a peculiar vanity in regard to their dress, which was frequently gaudy and fantastic, and so with the high priests among the Jews where display in dress was a peculiar feature in Jewish custom among those high in authority. It was a custom among the Jews to sleep in their garments, Deut. xxiv, 12-13, and so with the American Indians.

    The name Dorcas, Acts, ix, 36, it is said, means antelope or gazelle. According to some writers the Jews had a custom of giving to their daughters poetic names, or names significant of beauty or beautiful objects. This was a marked custom with the American Indians.

    According to Mr. Freeman, it was an ancient custom among the Jews to give names to families from animals. This found a corresponding custom among the Indians, in adopting their totems to mark their families, as the bear, the deer, the elk, and the like. The custom is continued among the Israelites down to the present time, as found in the name of Wolf, Bear, Lion and other names from animals.

    It was a custom among the Jews to give names to persons that have some special signification, as Reuben, ” See a Son.” This custom likewise prevailed among other eastern nations. This was a universal custom among the American Indians, as Sheeshebanee (Ojibway), “little duck.”

    The change of names of persons in after life on particular occasions was a custom of the Jews. 2 Chron. xxxvi, 4; Gen. xxxii, 28 ; xxxv, 10. It was also a custom among the American Indians.

    By an ancient mode of declaring war, practiced amongst the Jews, a herald came to the confines of the enemy’s territory, and, after observing certain solemnities, cried with a loud voice, ” I wage war against you,” at the same time giving reasons therefor. He then shot an arrow or threw a spear into the enemy’s country, which was significant of warlike intentions. The custom among the Indians, in declaring war, was to send a bundle of arrows to some representative chief of the enemy.

    The Indian practice of lying in ambush to surprise an enemy, it seems, was also a practice to some extent among the Jews. In Judges, v, 11, is the following: “They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord.” This, it is said, refers to the practice of lying in ambush near wells and springs for the purpose of seizing flocks and herds when brought thither for water.

    When a war party of Indians returned to their villages after the victory, it was customary for the women and children, with the old men remaining behind, to assemble and express their great joy by singing, shouting and other demonstrations. This was likewise a custom among the Jews, as appears 1st Sam. xviii, 6: “It came to pass as they came, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul with tabrets, with joy, and with instruments of music.” See also Ex. xv, 20. Judges, xi, 34.

    The war club and other weapons of the Indians were like those of the Jews. Jer. li, 20. With the Jews, the same as with the Indians, these weapons were buried with the dead. Ezek. xxxii, 27.

    The custom of wearing buffalo horns by distinguished warriors, attached to their head dress, seems to have existed also among the Jews. In 1st Kings, xxii, 11, it is said ” the false prophet Zedekiah made him horns of iron,” and in Ps. lxxv, 5: ” Lift not your horns on high; speak not with a stiff neck.”

    Rev. Peter Jones, an educated Ojibway Indian, in the appendix to his book, entitled “History of the Ojibway Indians,” quotes approvingly the following from a recent publication which he considers good authority, and wherein is summed up in general terms the most striking analogies between the American tribes and the ancient Israelites:

    “They (the Indians) are living in tribes, with heads of tribes; they all have a family likeness, though covering thousands of leagues of land, and have a tradition prevailing universally that they connect that country at the northwest corner. They are a very religious people, and yet have entirely escaped the idolatry of the Old World. They acknowledge one God, the Great Spirit, who created all things seen and unseen. The name by which this being is known to them is Ale, the old Hebrew name of God; he is also called Tehowah, sometimes Yah, and also Abba; for this great being they possess a high reverence, calling him the head of their community, and themselves his favorite people. They believe that he was more favorable to them in old times than he is now; that their fathers were in covenant with him, that he talked with them, and favored them. They are distinctly heard to sing, with their. religious dances, Hallelujah and praise to Yah; other remarkable sounds go out of their mouth as shilu yo, shilu he ale yo he-wah, yohewah, but they profess not to know the meaning of these words, only that they learned to use them on sacred occasions. They acknowledge the government of a Providence overruling all things, and express a willing submission to whatever takes place. They keep annual feasts, which resemble those of the Mosaic ritual ; a feast of first fruits, which they do not permit themselves to taste until they have made an offering of them to God; also an evening festival, in which no bone of the animal that is eaten may be broken ; and if one family be not large enough to consume the whole of it, a neighboring family is called in to assist; the whole of it is consumed, and the relics of it are burned before the rising of the next day’s sun. There is one part of the animal which they never eat, the hollow of the thigh. They eat bitter vegetables, and observe severe feasts, for the purpose of cleansing themselves from sin ; they also have a feast of harvest, when their fruits are gathering in ; a daily sacrifice and a feast of love. Their forefathers practiced the rites of circumcision, but not knowing why so strange a practice wag continued, and not approving of it, they gave it up. There is a sort of jubilee kept by some of them. They have cities of refuge, to which a guilty man, and even a murderer, may fly and be safe.”

    Rev. Jabez B. Hyde, a minister of the gospel, of prominence in Western New York, and of considerable experience among the Seneca Indians, writing in 1825 concerning his information derived from the aforesaid people on the subject of their manners and customs, says that of the meaning of words they used in their dances and divine songs, they were wholly ignorant They used the words T-O-He- Wah and Hal-le-lu-yak as represented of other Indians. Speaking further in regard to their apparent affinity with the Jews, he says: “In all their rites which I have learned from them, there is certainly a most striking similitude to the Mosaic rituals; their feast of first fruits; feasts of ingathering; day of atonement; peace offerings; sacrifices. They build an altar of stones before a tent covered with blankets ; within the tent they burn tobacco for incense, with fire taken from the altar of burnt offering.” Mr. Hyde further remarks that these Indians had formerly places like cities of refuge existing among them, and that an old chief had shown him the boundaries of one of them.

    Art by George Catlin 1796 – 1872


    On this subject the testimony of Mr. George Catlin may be considered as important, he having spent eight years amongst the wildest and most remarkable tribes then existing in North America, commencing in the year 1832, as an artist and student of Indian history and manners and customs. He describes at length and in detail the manners and customs of these tribes, in concluding which, he says:

    “Amongst the list of their customs, however, we meet a number which had their origin, it would seem, in the Jewish ceremonial code, and which are so very peculiar in their forms, that it would seem quite improbable, and almost impossible, that two different people should ever have hit upon them alike, without some knowledge of each other. These I consider go farther than anything else as evidence and carry in mind conclusive proof that these people are tinctured with Jewish blood.”

    To read the entire volume click here:

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    Native Americans are Remnants of the Jews

     “And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God—Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 29:26-27

    “A great nation (the United States of America) shall be set up… by the power of God, so that the gospel may be restored, the Book of Mormon come forth, its message go to the American remnant of Jews, that the eternal covenants of the Lord with his people might be fulfilled.” “The remnant of Jacob, including the Lamanites in the Americas”, will assist in the gathering of Israel to the promised land  New Jerusalem.” McConkie, Bruce R., Mortal Messiah, Book 4, 1981, pp. 348-349, 358

    “I hope that when you read the Book of Mormon you will read carefully the last chapter of first Nephi, which refers to the day in which we are living. In this chapter Nephi talked about this land and the gentiles who in latter days would be brought here. Then he said:

    And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded [the scattering of the ten tribes and the Jews to all parts of the world], that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the Gentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land [the United States]; and by them shall our seed be scattered. [Through the Indian wars the Indians were scattered by the early Americans.]” The Great Prologue by Mark E. Petersen.

  • Don’t ask “Why” – Say Thank-You

    Don’t ask “Why” – Say Thank-You

    Remember our Purpose in Life

    In this world of right and left, good and evil, hero and villain, and victim and survivor, it is a good idea to remember our purpose in life. All the Lord wants from us is to be humble and loving. If we focus more on the Lord and less on ourselves, the happier we will be.

    When someone is wronged there are two things we can do. Lash out and blame others, or look deep within and see what lesson may be learned. When a tragedy happens we can blame the Lord or love the Lord. When a friend offends us we can become defensive, or humble yourself and try and understand what just happened.

    When we are politically correct in this life that is the easy thing to be. To act as the Savior would have us be, is the hard thing and takes a tremendous amount of patience. To be tolerant is a wonderful quality, but not at the expense of tolerating sin or evil.

    Victim Mentality

    If we think of the victim as being the subject of trauma or violent crime, the opposite is the perpetrator; although, from what we know in today’s world the victim can turn into the perpetrator.

    Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize themselves as a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances. Victim mentality depends on clear thought processes and attribution. It is so much easier to turn to the Lord than staying as a victim.

    Thank-You, not Why

    The influence of Satan is becoming more acceptable. When tragedy happens we always ask, “Why did he do it”, or “What made her act that way”. Remember what the Lord said, “For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil.” Alma 5:40

    I feel we shouldn’t say “why” did this happen. That is not the important question. I feel we should always ask “The Lord”, What am I to learn from this experience? Very few of us can explain or define the “why” in most situations. Stuff happens! Life happens! Our test on earth is to remain humble and seek the Lord in all we do. Asking why, becomes not necessary and unimportant. Seek love and understanding and don’t say poor me, look outward and bless the lives of others. There is no one to blame, especially God. He is our creator and loves us.

    We just received commitments from the posted speakers

    Early-Bird Tickets Here

    Beware of Political Correctness

    “Sadly enough, my young friends, it is a characteristic of our age that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much, comfortable gods, smooth gods who not only don’t rock the boat but don’t even row it, gods who pat us on the head, make us giggle, then tell us to run along and pick marigolds.11

    Talk about man creating God in his own image! Sometimes—and this seems the greatest irony of all—these folks invoke the name of Jesus as one who was this kind of “comfortable” God. Really? He who said not only should we not break commandments, but we should not even think about breaking them. And if we do think about breaking them, we have already broken them in our heart. Does that sound like “comfortable” doctrine, easy on the ear and popular down at the village love-in?

    And what of those who just want to look at sin or touch it from a distance? Jesus said with a flash, if your eye offends you, pluck it out. If your hand offends you, cut it off.12 “I came not to [bring] peace, but a sword,”13 He warned those who thought He spoke only soothing platitudes. No wonder that, sermon after sermon, the local communities “pray[ed] him to depart out of their coasts.”14 No wonder, miracle after miracle, His power was attributed not to God but to the devil.15 It is obvious that the bumper sticker question “What would Jesus do?” will not always bring a popular response.” Holland, Jeffery R. “The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship.” Conference, April 2014.

    The fact is that in our world, we are encouraged to worship the God of Political Correctness who has become so large that he entirely eclipses the place of righteous indignation and/or a bold stand for truth. If our world wants a soft god, wouldn’t it make sense that we would also tend to criticize those from the scriptures who are examples of God’s pro-active righteousness and justice?” “Wherefore, take heed … that ye do not judge … that which is good and of God to be of the devil” (Moroni 7:12–14).

    Beware of Moral Relativism

    “It is well to worry about our moral foundation. We live in a world where more and more persons of influence are teaching and acting out a belief that there is no absolute right and wrong, that all authority and all rules of behavior are man-made choices that can prevail over the commandments of God. Many even question whether there is a God.

    The philosophy of moral relativism, which holds that each person is free to choose for himself what is right and wrong, is becoming the unofficial creed for many in America and other Western nations. At the extreme level, evil acts that used to be localized and covered up like a boil are now legalized and paraded like a banner. Persuaded by this philosophy, many of the rising generation—youth and young adults—are caught up in self-serving pleasures, pagan painting and piercing of body parts, foul language, revealing attire, pornography, dishonesty, and degrading sexual indulgenceTruth and Tolerance Elder Dallin H. Oaks September 11, 2011

    What does it mean that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church?

    “Our first responsibility and purpose is to testify of Jesus Christ to a world that suffers to know of His divine mission. As my response to that great responsibility, I will speak about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the only true and living Church. In doing so I know I speak against the powerful tide of what is called “political correctness.”

    The fashionable opinion of this age is that all churches are true. In truth, the idea that all churches are the same is the doctrine of the anti-Christ, illustrated by the Book of Mormon account of Korihor (see Alma 30). That account was given to teach us a vital lesson in our day.

    A revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1831, soon after the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke of those who had been given “power to lay the foundation of this church.” The Lord then referred to the Church as “the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased” (D&C 1:30).

    Because of this declaration of the Lord, we refer to this, His Church—our Church—as the “only true Church.” Sometimes we do this in a way that gives great offense to people who belong to other churches or who subscribe to other philosophies. But God has not taught us anything that should cause us to feel superior to other people. Certainly all churches and philosophies have elements of truth in them, some more than others. Certainly God loves all of His children. And certainly His gospel plan is for all of His children, all according to His own timetable.

    So what does it mean that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church?

    Three features—(1) fulness of doctrine, (2) power of the priesthood, and (3) testimony of Jesus Christ—explain why God has declared and why we as His servants maintain that this is the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth.” The Only True and Living Church elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles June 25, 2010  Complete Article Here

    Political Correctness Isn’t Correct, LDS Official Says

    By Jeff Vice, Staff Writer Deseret News Published: November 16, 1994

    In all the furor over social and political correctness, people may be losing sight of values and what is truly good, Elder James E. Faust said at a devotional at Brigham Young University on Tuesday.

    “Your generation lives in a day when many things are measured against the standard of social and political correctness,” warned Elder Faust, a member of the Council of the Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “I challenge that false doctrine of human behavior. The influence of Satan is becoming more acceptable.” Speaking on “Trying to Serve the Lord Without Offending the Devil,” Elder Faust said that he and other LDS leaders hope young people, “unfamiliar with the sophistries of the world, can keep themselves free of Satan’s enticements and evil ways.”

    New York Yankees great Yogi Berra reportedly once said, “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” However, “It doesn’t work that way,” said Elder Faust during the morning devotional, which was simulcast on both KBYU-FM and KBYU-TV.

    By embracing political correctness, unknowing people have been led to accept several actions that could be interpreted as being offenses against God – such as abortion, homosexuality and the so-called “zero population” movement, Elder Faust said.

    “Any alternatives to the legal and loving marriage between a man and woman are helping to unravel the fabric of human society,” Elder Faust said. “These so-called alternative lifestyles must not be accepted as right because they frustrate God’s commandments for a life-giving union of male and female within a legal marriage as stated in (The Old Testament). If practiced by all adults, these lifestyles would mean the end of the human family.”

    In other cases, the devil “takes some delight every time a home is broken up, even when there is no parent to blame,” Elder Faust said. “This is especially so where there are children involved. The physical and spiritual neglect of children is one of the spawning grounds for so many of the social ills of the world.”

    Also, Elder Faust said that many “broad-minded” people are ignoring God’s commandments by taking the guise of “not imposing religious belief” – such as those who are challenging the “sin laws” on gambling, alcohol and drug consumption.

    They are ignoring “the health and social costs to society of the vices,” Elder Faust said.

    Teach Us Tolerance and Love

    Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles April 1994

    “I have been impressed to speak on the subject of tolerance—a virtue much needed in our turbulent world. But in discussing this topic, we must recognize at the outset that there is a difference between tolerance and tolerate. Your gracious tolerance for an individual does not grant him or her license to do wrong, nor does your tolerance obligate you to tolerate his or her misdeed. That distinction is fundamental to an understanding of this vital virtue.

    I attended a “laboratory of tolerance” some months ago when I had the privilege of participating in the Parliament of the World’s Religions. There I conversed with good men and women representing many religious groups. Again I sensed the advantages of ethnic and cultural diversity and reflected once more on the importance of religious freedom and tolerance.

    I marvel at the inspiration of the Prophet Joseph Smith when he penned the eleventh article of faith: “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” [A of F 1:11]

    That noble expression of religious tolerance is particularly poignant in light of the Prophet’s personal persecution. On one occasion he wrote, “I am at this time persecuted the worst of any man on the earth, as well as this people, … all our sacred rights are trampled under the feet of the mob.”

    Joseph Smith endured incessant persecution and finally heartless martyrdom—at the hands of the intolerant. His brutal fate stands as a stark reminder that we must never be guilty of any sin sown by the seed of intolerance.” Continued Here.


    To Order The Annotated Book of Mormon Click Here!

  • More Bigoted Leftist Hate Smears out of the Salt Fake Tribune. Their Target… The Book of Mormon…

    More Bigoted Leftist Hate Smears out of the Salt Fake Tribune. Their Target… The Book of Mormon…

    More bigoted leftist hate smears out of the Salt Fake Tribune. Their target… The Book of Mormon…

    Salt Fake Tribune Religion Reporter Tamarra Kemsley authored the smear piece titled “Who are the Heartlanders and why do they insist the Book of Mormon took place in the U.S.?” In it Kemsley skews the narrative of the Heartland Model, then goes on to cite how academics are appalled, Native Americans are offended, and of course the the leftist hate rag can’t report on anything without “orange man bad” and “white supremacy”

    Why target this group? Because they are religious and don’t subscribe to the monopoly of academic rigidity. Simply put they aren’t actively engaged in the neo Marxist agenda put forth by the leftist literati attempting to shape the narrative in the Jello belt

    Rather than honestly articulate who they are and what they believe. Kemsley goes to great lengths to smear them as ignorant, conspiratorial, anti-vaxxer racists. The Salt Fake Tribune considers anyone that doesn’t force vaccinations at gunpoint to be anti-vaxxers so…yeah. Kemsley cherry picks the most obnoxious narratives on Book of Mormon critics then blends it with LDS critics of the model. This shapes a rancid narrative to fit the worldview of the average low information Salt Fake Tribune reader.  

    This shouldn’t be surprising to anyone given Kemsley’s background. A degree from BYU in journalism. BYU is populated with academics who are very aggressive in trying to shoehorn the events of the Book of Mormon into the Yucatan.

    I recently met with a friend who had participated in some activities with Book of Mormon Central, a group dedicated to explaining the Book of Mormon in the Yucatan. He explained how frustrated the group was with the Heartlanders. They are a problem for Book of Mormon Central. Heartlanders actively challenge their apologetic model. An activity they usually try to associate with anti Mormons. It gets worse for Book of Mormon Central as the Heartlanders are able to draw parallels between the Hopewell and the Nephites without the abstractions and apologetic gymnastics that academics have spent decades building. Anyone coming out of BYU is likely going to be marinating in these academic constructs that fail so miserably.

    Kemsley attributes the founding of the Heartland model to Wayne May. In part this is true, but the real originator of this model as Wayne May points out is Joseph Smith. Since publication of the Book of Mormon the Lamanites have been identified as Native Americans in North America. It’s more than tradition, it’s straight from Joseph Smith and straight from the scriptures. This is important because it highlights the bigotry on display at the Salt Fake Tribune. If this offends you, it’s not the Heartlanders, it’s Restoration Christianity and the 83+ religions that credit Joseph Smith as being their founder and have the Book of Mormon in their sacred texts.

    However she makes the claim “although he (Joseph Smith) later expanded that definition to include the inhabitants of Mesoamerica” this is disputed. She doesn’t source this assertion (like the majority of assertions coming out of the Salt Fake Tribune). It’s generally attributed to articles in the Times and Seasons when Joseph Smith was listed as the editor, but there’s nothing to indicate it came from Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith even took action against those in the paper when that was published. These types of assertions are common in the Salt Fake Tribune are indicative of the garbage and slanderous hate machine that it is.

    “plates on which were engraven an abridgment of the records of the ancient Prophets that had existed on this continent.”

    Joseph Smith – The Wentworth letter

    It’s in scripture of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. When Christ reveals to Joseph Smith to go and preach among the Nephites Oliver Cowdery doesn’t go to Central America. He goes to North American Indian tribes.

    2 And that which I have appointed unto him is that he shall go with my servants, Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, Jun., into the wilderness among the Lamanites.

    3 And Ziba Peterson also shall go with them; and I myself will go with them and be in their midst; and I am their advocate with the Father, and nothing shall prevail against them

    Doctrine and Covenants Section 32

    Kemsley’s cherry picking from academia that finds the religious conclusions of various Heartlanders as being offensive. By the standards outlined in the hit piece not only is the Heartlander model offensive but all apologetic models of the Book of Mormon, with the noted exception of the few people who see it as inspired fiction, scripture but not literal.

    Why is the religious nature of America so upsetting to academics? Like all things Christian they hate it. Kemsley goes at length framing the view of the covenant nature of America and the critical theory framing of American history to construe the Heartlanders as racists. Not failing leftist sacrament of “orange man bad”. Kemsley links reverence for the United States to Donald Trump. Trump’s ferocious and unequivocal advocacy for the United States syncs well with people that subscribe to the Heartland model, because of this. Donald Trump appeals to tens of millions of Americans with patriotic tendencies. It is a common smear from the Salt Fake Tribune to try and make Trump conservatives to be extremists, all 81 million of us.

    Kemsley’s message is clear “Heartlanders are ignorant, racists, who love Trump”

    You don’t need a bigoted leftist hate rag like the Salt Fake Tribune run by extremely disturbed critical theory hacks to answer the question “Who are the Heartlanders and why do they insist the Book of Mormon took place in the U.S.?” April 7, 8, and 9 the largest Book of Mormon evidence conference in the world is happening in Layton, Utah. If you want to know who the Heartlanders are and why they have a model for the Book of Mormon I would encourage you to attend.” David Crandall-These opinions are my own and don’t necessarily reflect the opinions of Firm Foundation, or Book of Mormon Evidence

    You can go directly to the source… Here are some links.

    Rod Meldrum

    Annotated Book of Mormon

    Exploring Book of Mormon in America’s Heartland Photobook by Rod Meldrum
    Learn more:

    Moroni’s America By Jonathan Neville Learn more:

    Moroni’s America Map Book By Rian Nelson Learn more:

    Prophecies and Promises: The Book of Mormon and the United States of America by Rod Meldrum Learn more:

    Firm Foundation had an outstanding conference. Find out more about a possible event in October 2022.

    To view all speakers online, Subscribe to 700 Videos NOW!

    Next Events

    A Heartlanders Response to the Salt Lake Tribune by Rian Nelson

  • Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    Dear family and friends,

    We enjoyed the wonderful people at the Book of Mormon Evidence Conference yesterday. I didn’t have time to finish my talk, but the recorders of it came to my rescue and made copies of all my slides, which are self-explanatory. So those who take advantage of the services can both hear my talk and see all the slides in a few weeks.

    For the conference my publisher, Boyd Tuttle (Digital Legends) is offering a pre-sale price for my new book here: TIME AND ETERNITY, THE END-TIMES & BEYOND REVEALED, this link will let you take advantage your purchase even though you may not or could not have gone to the conference.

    In our search for truth, the Lord has given us religious and scientific tools to know or not know if something is true. In the following blog article I use those tools to disprove many pervasive theories that Satan is using to deceive the world masses.

    Here and in my blog articles, I share the proofs that the theories of: organic evolution, the big bang theory, the theory that the solution to the pandemic is vaccination, the theory that Book of Mormon geography took place in Mesoamerica, are false.

    By removing Satan’s confusing and faith destroying theories we can move to conflict resolution and into the Lord’s love as we partake in that which we know to be true: God’s word.

    My new book is designed to bring faith and hope to a world that is spiraling down in immorality. I have attached a document that gives you a picture of the book cover and some exciting details of its contents. We are using a larger font so that all ages can read it easily.

    Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    But, Have We Been Deceived?

    These three points are fundamental in our search for truth.

    1.   You cannot prove a theory true; we don’t know enough. Only God knows enough. Correlation does not provide validation. This is a common mistake many make. If data agree with an idea, thesis, or theory, they assume it must be true, when in fact it proves nothing. Maybe it gives a person a warm feeling.

     2. You can prove an idea, thesis, or theory false if you have reliable falsification data. This is very powerful, and we will see that it is very important–to know what is not true so that we can move on to the truth.

    3. You can only know something is true if God tells you, because, “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5)

    Free Download

    If these two theories, evolution and the big bang are false, it has enormous implications for the world community. Using these tools, let us explore the facts together to learn the truth.

    You can download a detailed article by clicking the link below.


  • So Many Friends at the 29th FIRM Foundation Conference!

    So Many Friends at the 29th FIRM Foundation Conference!


    Rod Meldrum and the team of Firm Foundation want to thank each and everyone one of those who attended and participated at our huge conference.

    We heard from Tim Ballard who spoke on the USA Covenant on the land including the entire world, we heard from radio show host Greg Hughes who spoke about the power the members of the Church have from the “pew”, as we add to the words we hear from the pulpit. I missed so many who made our event a special one. Forgive me ahead of time as I hope each and every one of the speakers, vendors and guests know how important to us they are.

    We were inspired by Jason Mow and his motivational talk about becoming a Warrior for the Lord with our Warrior Ethos. Eric Moutsos is always a huge inspiration of commitment to truth and to the gospel in this troubled world. Dare to stand out and not be just ordinary.

    Mike and Betty LaFontaine shared their experience of purchasing along with John Lefgren, the amazing “Phoenicia Ship” that proved a possible Lehi route from Oman to Florida on the replica Phoenician ship. The same vessel sailed from Tunisia to Florida which could have proceeded up the Mississippi River, proving another possible route of King Zedikiah’s son, Mulek from Israel to Iowa. This Heartland Research and Phoenicia group will be now assembling the ship near Nauvoo at Ft. Madison Iowa, near where the Mulekites lived in nearby Montrose, Iowa. You all may assist John, Mike, and Betty in rebuilding this magnificent 600 BC replica very soon. Just see details at

    Boyd Tuttle also as a former crew member on the Phoenicia, shared about his new book about the people of Zarahemla.

    We heard from David Hocking with his brand new Annotated Book of Scripture, this time all about the New Testament with co-author Shawn Hugh. What an awesome new book to add to your Annotated series of books.

    Through a great friend named David Crandall, who is very connected in politics, he arranged access for us to have the privledge of getting to know two fantastic candidates for the United States Congress, Jason Preston for the Utah 3rd District and Andrew Badger running for the 1st Utah Congressional seat. They were both very inspiring and I personally would vote for either if I lived in their district. They are not only bright and well spoken, but their love of people and dedication to conservative principles is just what we need in Utah. Too many extremists have made their way into Utah politics and we need them voted out.

    Of course Wayne May and his three talks about the Nephites and archaeology were all home runs. He is such a fantastic man and he knows his Heartland Geography. I feel in the next life, Wayne will be our Head President of the Geography of the World as each of us learn under his tutelage. (That would be awesome).

    We had our dear, brilliant Hannah Stoddard speak five times. I can’t get enough of her so I share her with each of you. She is a young lady full of truth and the Spirit of love. She is such a great example for dearly departed James and the entire family. This wonderful family just released a new book about, A Christ Centered Home and titled, “Family Miracles, Overcoming Opposition, Abuse and Death.” What an amazing true story about the Stoddard family as they share the trials, tragedies, and joy in their young lives. We also love the contributions of Kimberly Smith of the Joseph Smith Foundation. Her knowledge of the true gospel is immense.

    We had several professional artists at our event. David Lindsley revealed a new painting representing the translation of the plates by Joseph and Oliver called, “By the Gift and Power of God.” As usual in his own talented way he shares his art on canvas as well as with ancient renditions of amazing Hebrew and Nephite artifacts. We were also blessed with the talents of Ann Marie Oborn who unveiled her new and beautiful painting called, “These Stones, Fastened to a Breastplate” JSH 1:75. This beautiful painting now joins her other marvelous work she presented to us in our last expo called, “Mother I have got the Key.”

    New to our Expo was Brent Peterson with his amazing hand made replicas of important gospel events. His hand made Liahona was my favorite. You saw his replica 16 stones of the Brother of Jared, Moses’ staff with the serpent that was raised before the Israelites, a beautiful Sword of Laban recreation, along with the Gold Plates, beautiful sheep skins, and his beautiful two stones touched by the finger of God for the Brother of Jared that were sealed up as the Interpreters in the Stone Box where Joseph Smith retrieved them in 1827. I was almost 4,000 years ago the Jaredite plates, breastplate and Interpreters were buried as Joseph later used these special 3 items to bring us the world’s greatest book, even the Book of Mormon.

    We met a fantastic man Jeremy Michel who hands down, had the coolest collection of dinosaur bones, replicas, and other historic items. We sure appreciated his participation in speaking and sharing his articles.

    Once again we heard the beautiful voice of Tatia Nelson who we plan on highlighting in future events. With her love of the Savior and talent for inspiring music, each of us were truly inspired by her. She also shared her passion with us about health, healing, oils and eating properly, as she is an example of health to each of us. (Especially me)

    CJ Peterson, a man of many gifts and talents was there to share his natural products for health and vitality of NaturesFusion and SilverCeuticles. He displayed an amazing collection of old original wonderful and special books that were owned and read by prophets and apostles. His love for rare books was an inspiration to us as he spoke about the spirit behind these many antique books.

    Our favorite Herbal Vet, and healthy living doctor, Dr. Patrick Jones was once again present to share his products, knowledge and love of the gospel with us all.

    We also received wonderful foot and back massages from Tim Peak as he shared is many healthy machines and CBD oils and other products to make our lives more livable.

    Peggy and Ernie Lehenbauer as usual share their amazing jewelry and health products with us. One thing I can always say about them is, they love all people and strive for each of us to have joy in our life, no matter the challenges we have.

    Our great friend, David Doane did double duty as usual by sharing with us more about Mulek and his knowledge base about Book of Mormon Remnants. He also believes strongly in natural products called LifeWave X39 & X49. They Stimulate Stem Cells, & Cardiovascular & Bone Health With Your Light. Thanks for sharing David.

    For the first time on our big stage we enjoyed an amazing young man, Daniel Burdett, who shared his incredible love of Prophets and what they say, especially Ezra Taft Benson who he said could easily be a “heartlander” as his values and strong condemnation of evil is what we are all about. I purposely put him on the main stage and at the same time I put our super-star Hannah in that same time slot. I was absolutely pleased to see Hannah had 220 people in a small room while Daniel Burdett had over 180 in the large room. Way to go Daniel, you are becoming an inspiring teacher of the Gospel as you also share intelligent insights into the UM Model as well.
    We had our unsung hero, Wayne May give up his spot on the main stage so Daniel could speak. Thanks to Dean Sessions and Wayne for forcing their hand, for me to share the talents of Daniel with the rest of you.

    Another first timer to our stage was Shannon Tracy. He is a very well researched and informed man about the truth and accurate way to depict people and events in the History of the Church. From discovering the true Nauvoo Bell, to researching the most authoritative and accurate description of the Prophet’s Martyrdom, to understanding a very precise discussion on the true facial features of the prophet Joseph Smith, he is a true believer in the Heartland model and one who is full of energy to assist us in our mission of sharing the truth of the gospel and his love of the Savior with all.

    Speaking of Dean and the Universal Model. Do you know anyone who has more knowledge of true science than Dean? I don’t. Do you realize he has created many new scientific laws and proven these laws in his lab, as the intellectuals of the day scoff and scorn him. I love it. Many intellectuals are the “Great and Spacious” building, aren’t they?

    Did you see the Barlow family pulling triple duty? Russ and family are our new video specialist and they do a great job. I’m sure many of you noticed the great new huge screen we watched in the main room and how wonderful the visuals and acoustics were. The Barlow’s are to thank. Heidi shared amazing messages about teaching proper principles in the home. Russ fed us with the topic of “Can we believe Christ about science and history?” The overwhelming conclusion is, of course we can believe Christ in all things. If you haven’t checked out their family friendly version of instruction material called TruthSeekers, you are missing something wonderful.

    Jonathan Neville was at his best as usual. He shared two instructive presentations about, Plain and Precious: Why Cumorah Matters, and The Rational Restoration: Reframing Church History. Check out one of his over 30 books he has written as he is an encyclopedia of truth and knowledge about the gospel.

    We have been blessed the past few years with the knowledge from David Read as he has shared with us about Heartland DNA from the Hebrews by discussing former Mormon, John Dehlin’s DNA Dodge, and new information about, Joseph Smith’s DNA and Joseph of Egypt. He discussed outstanding evidence of Lamanite linkage to the Hebrews.

    Kevin Price is a most welcomed PhD into the fold. He however has two things that most normal PhD’s don’t have. Great knowledge of science, and a sound understanding of  that science and how the scriptures’ and truths found in the glorious Church support that science. He has almost single handedly discovered a new miracle plant from Montrose Iowa he calls Nephite Bee-Balm. With the professional help of his brother in-law Dana Young, they have created an amazing oil in their factory called, ZeraThyme. I have used it and it did help me overcome a terrible cough in just a few days. Many people have found amazing cures. The exciting thing about Kevin is, he trusts in God and the plants, as the Lord has provided these herbs for the benefit of man.

    Our favorite water guys were there as usual with Water Pure. Craig Fairclough and Tom Smokeoff gave us the latest innovation for us to use the purest and best form of water in business and in our home. We thank them again.

    Hands down, for me personally, my favorite presentation was done by great friend of the heartland, Darin Southam. He is the Creator, Writer, Editor, Lead Actor and guru behind the new sensational movie called, “The Oath- A Redeeming Love. A Transcending Mission” Coming Sept 2022 to big theaters.

    This film is entirely independent of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is independently funded by over 43 amazing investors. 90% of the cast and crew on Darin’s pilot short film were not members of The Church of Jesus Christ, and an even higher number than that is true of our first full feature. We’re proud of the fact that so many of all faiths (and of no faiths) have joined our production team and lent their inspiring talents to this meaningful endeavor. Nearly all the Hollywood professionals we’ve consulted have been very supportive of (and genuinely intrigued with) what we are doing. Yes, the Writer/Director, Darin Southam(Scott), is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who has made a lifelong study of the Book of Mormon, and is an enthusiastic fan of Captain Moroni.

    Lastly I personally thank  Rod and Tonya Meldrum. They are fantastic people to work with. I would do anything for them. Their example of true living Saints is always an inspiration to me. If not for Rod this delightful movement of people who love the Lord may not have been possible. Rod and Tonya desire all to come unto Christ, through the good things of life and especially through the Book of Mormon. Jake Blaney, Rod’s son in-law and daughter Cassie Grover also helped tremendously and so did Wes and Ellen Clark, two dependable great friends who would do anything for us. I love them all.

    If you have comments or pictures to share about this past conference, I would be happy to put them on one of my blogs. May the Lord bless you all.

    Below is a fantastic article done by John Lefgren that I know you will also enjoy.

    Firm Conference 6

    Presentation of the Phoenicia to 1,000s

    There is nothing like a live audience in a large conference center. During the last weekend, thousands of people had a chance to react to the idea of reassembling the Phoenicia Ship on the west bank of the Mississippi River in Montrose, Iowa. At the end of the presentation, the audience broke into a spontaneous round of applause. The live energy of the audience was on display for everyone to see.

    There were many words of encouragement. Several people offered to come to the Phoenicia Building this summer to help reconstruct one of the world’s oldest ship replicas. So many wanted to be part of our effort to put together a 30-ton artifact in the Western Hemisphere. Hundreds expressed their desire to connect with Mulek, the Prince of Judah, who in the 6th Century Before Christ sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from the Middle East to the Heartland of America.

    We expected that at the conference there would have been a few nay-sayers, but this time we only met well-wishers. We take this reaction as a positive indication. We are now getting ready for the serious work of putting the ship’s parts back together. Our goals are clear for the summer. We welcome all who wish to become part of this historic project.

    2022 BofM Conference 3
    Firm Conference 2
    Firm Conference 1
    Firm Conference 8
    Firm Conference 7
    Firm Conference 9
    2022 BofM Conference 2
    2022 BofM Conference 4
    Flute 1

    Betty Red Ant is the Subject of the Artist, but Who is the Mystery Artist?

    Yesterday morning Betty Red Ant LaFontaine played her Native American Flute to nearly a thousand people at the FIRM Foundation Conference in Layton, Utah.

    When Betty played her handmade wood flute, her original musical piece Phoenicia Sunrise, a mystery artist sketched for a few minutes during the unveiling of the ancient ship’s carved horse head from the bow of the ancient ship.

    The mystery artist came and gave to Betty the original copy of the sketch. She presented to Betty right after her performance and then disappeared into a crowd of hundreds. Betty reports that the artist is in her mid-20s and has blonde hair.

    This piece of art is directly from the heart and hand of a young artist. We want to find out who she is so we can adequately acknowledge her talent as we bring to the world’s attention the significance of how the Phoenicia connects the people of the Old World to the people of the New World.

    Please get in touch with us if you know the name of the artist who made the drawing.

    The first live audience gave their full attention to how the Heartland Research Group will begin to put together the pieces of the 2,600-year-old replica of the ancient ship in the Heartland of America from Phoenicia.

    The Phoenicia Building in Montrose, Iowa, has a sign inviting the Heartland Research Group friends to see the step-by-step reassembling of the oldest ship replica in the Western Hemisphere.

    Phoenicia Sign 10
    Phoenicia Sign 5
    Phoenicia Sign 12
    Phoenicia Sign 4
    Phoenicia Sign 13
    Jules Verne 5
    IMG 0136
    Phoenicia Sign 8

    ©2022 Heart Land Research Group | 2681 Milan Street Easton, PA 18045

  • Wayne May Fireside Tues April 5th- East SLC Area

    Wayne May Fireside Tues April 5th- East SLC Area

    We Welcome Wayne May to Utah- 3 Fantastic Presentations and a Special Fireside Tomorrow!

    Wayne May Fireside tomorrow Tuesday in Cottonwood Heights! The Forest Bend Ward bishopric is inviting our friends and neighbors to join us on Tuesday, April 5th from 7:00-8:45 pm. In person or via livestream video.

    Wisconsin native, Book of Mormon Researcher, and adult convert to the Church, Wayne May, will give a special fireside presentation about recent developments and breakthroughs in Book of Mormon research and historicity.

    Wayne is a trained archeologist and has deep knowledge of pre-Columbian America and beyond.  He recently gave a similar presentation in the Benson Stake (near Logan) and more than 700 people attended! We have not publicized this event as widely, and all are invited all to attend. The number one response Wayne gets after these firesides is, “why did we not know about this before?

    Come and enjoy the evening, your faith with be strengthened and you will have an amazing learning experience.

    • WHEN: Tuesday, April 5 from 7-8:45 pm (arrive early)
    • WHERE: Forest Bend Ward Chapel 7784 South Highland Dr. Cottonwood Hts, Utah. 84121

    Open to youth and adults.

    Please help us plan by texting your name and the number in your party to:

    Can’t attend in person? You can join via video Livestream, or click  THIS SITE now to be notified when the recording is posted.

    Sincerely, Forest Bend Ward Bishopric

    More Wayne

    Wayne will also be presenting at the FIRM Foundation Expo April 7th, 8th and 9th in Layton Utah. His speaking times and subjects are as follows:

    April 7th Thurs 2-2:50 pm “Jaredites in the Copper Country: Found?”
    April 8th Fri 2-2:50 pm “5 Major Reasons: Book of Mormon Is North America”
    April 9th Sat.3-3:50 pm “Lehi In America and Cumorahland”

    Tickets Here: Speakers Full Schedule Here:

  • Truth Pouring Down From Latter-day Saints

    Truth Pouring Down From Latter-day Saints


    Book of Mormon Evidence Conference


    As you attend our conference and listen to these wonderful speakers, remember our dear Prophet, Russell M Nelson has said, Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.”

    You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.

    I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson

    New Information

    When Europeans first glimpsed Native Americans more than 400 years ago, many were convinced they had discovered the Lost Tribes of Israel. At closer look, the connections are astounding. This hidden association has taken on greater importance recently as the two nations face similar threats, and perhaps even a common Messianic vision quest. Unmistakable traces of Jewish prayer echo in the voice of Joseph Riverwind, the Amahura (war chief) of the Northern Arawak Nation, the indigenous peoples of South America and Caribbean, as he sings, “Shema, shema, nayena, popaska hoya yah”. He translated this ancient Native American song for Breaking Israel News: “Listen, listen, people, as you gather together, we will dance before the creator.” This is strongly reminiscent of the Jewish prayer, Shema, which literally means ‘hear’. These two worlds are embodied in Chief Riverwind, a descendant of both Native Americans and Bnei Anousim (Jews who hid their identity as a result of the Spanish Inquisition). For him, the connection between Native Americans and Judaism is clear.
    Kacike AmaHura, or Joseph RiverWind (Northern Arawaktaino)

    Kacike AmaHura, or Joseph RiverWind (Northern Arawaktaino)

    “Among my people, our ancient name for God is Yah Yah ‘The Supreme Spirit of Spirits’, very similar to Yahweh,” Chief Riverwind explained.  “Among my wife’s ancestors, the AniKituwahYah (Cherokee), they called God YoHeWaH. And the similarities don’t stop there. They carried an ark into battle, celebrate seven feasts, kept a seventh day of rest, had cities of refuge, and don’t eat pork.” Though the eerie etymological similarities may be coincidental, archetypal themes also connect the spirituality of Native Americans to the Bible. Chief Riverwind told a Choctaw story about how the Creator came to a man called Nuah and told him the world would be covered with water. The man was told to make a great raft to save mankind. The stories come from oral traditions which date to pre-Columbian times.
    “Another Native American story tells of a time when the world was all one land mass, and we were all one tribe,” explained Chief Riverwind. “We tried to build a sky tower to the creator. These are pre-missionary oral traditions. They are passed down through specially trained storytellers who are forbidden from changing a single word.” This transoceanic cultural connection goes against most scientific theories about the origins of the Native Americans. Most anthropologists theorize that the Native Americans are descended from Siberian Mongolians who migrated to North America via the Bering Strait, a 50-mile-wide gap that separates Alaska from Russia. Chief Riverwind told Breaking Israel News that the Native Americans tell a very different story. “Some Anishnabi (Chippewa) believe they are from the Tribe of Ephraim,” Chief Riverwind explained. “Anishnabi” is amazing similar to the Hebrew words, “Anshe Navi” (people of the Prophet). “They lived on the coast, but their legends say that before that, they came from across the great waters. We have cave-drawings of these ships that are very similar to drawings of Phoenician ships in history books.” This theory is astounding, but archaeological artifacts connecting North America to ancient Israel are not uncommon. The Decalogue Stone found in New Mexico is an 80-ton boulder on which an abridged version of the Ten Commandments is inscribed in ancient paleo-Hebrew.  A letter group resembling the tetragrammaton YHWH, or “Yahweh,” makes three appearances. The stone is controversial and has never been tested in a laboratory or dated by scientific means. If authentic, it would prove a pre-Columbian connection between North America and Israel. The Newark Holy Stones are artifacts discovered in 1860 within a cluster of ancient Indian burial mounds near Newark, Ohio. The mounds are one of the largest collections from an ancient American Indian culture known as the Hopewell that existed from approximately 100 BCE to 500 CE. Similar to the Decalogue stone, the Newark Stones are inscribed with Bible verses in Hebrew. Many of these artifacts are discounted as hoaxes based on circumstantial evidence, the improbability of their existence and what it implies, despite strong corroborating empirical proof of their validity. Chief Riverwind attributes this simply to ethnocentric tendencies.
    Los Lunas Decalogue Stone with ten commandments written in Paleo-Hebrew, located in New Mexico. (Wikimedia Commons)

    Decalogue Stone with ten commandments written in Paleo-Hebrew, located in New Mexico. (Wikimedia Commons)

    “European historians have always underestimated so much of what was going on here before Columbus,” he stated. “They simply can’t imagine men sailing from Israel to North America, even when they are holding the proof in their hands.” Roni Segal, the academic adviser for eTeacher, an online language academy, was fascinated by the possible connection. “Paleo-Hebrew dates back to the tenth century BCE. The language itself is a key to many ancient mysteries,” she told Breaking Israel News. “Though these discoveries are surprising, when studying the language that was used by God to communicate with Man, these types of connections are not entirely unexpected.” Chief Riverwind feels this connection is especially important today. “These are things we didn’t share in public before. Now, I really feel there is something stirring in the air. It isn’t by chance that the Native Americans are facing a huge propaganda campaign at the same time as the Jews in Israel are being told they aren’t indigenous,” he stated. “The Native Americans suffered ethnic cleansing and that is what they want to do to the Jews. We have that in common, and it is happening now.” Many would be surprised to learn that the Native Americans also have a messianic vision. Despite being expressed in different terms, it is similar indeed to what Jews believe. “First Nations have many prophecies that have been passed down for generations. We know that in the long ago time, the Creator destroyed the earth with water, and today, we are living in the generations when the fires will come to purify the Earth,” Chief Riverwind related. “Your people’s ancient stories can be found among my peoples ancient stories and we share the same destiny. Many of us have called upon the same Elohim since ancient times, and in the End, all the tribes that have been scattered will be gathered together once again.” Read more of my posts about the Hebrew Artifacts found all over North America Here;