Hitler learns where the Book of Mormon really happened- I think he may have known about Zelph also? You Decide!


This Video is Fun

Many Mormon scholars believe the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica, but there is overwhelming evidence suggesting it happened in America’s Heartland. This video may or may not convince you.

Disclaimer: The Hitler video is not real. It is on you tube by a avatar named John the Apostle whom I don’t know. I understand he has done other Hitler spoofs on different subjects. Please enjoy it as fun, as it does not reflect the opinions of any member of Firm Foundation or its guest speakers. Enjoy!

By the way if you would like to inquire about one of Rod Meldrum’s tours for real, visit here and here and here:

This Video about Zelph is about Real Events

On the lighter side, enjoy this real video about Zelph who according to the Joseph Smith Papers and the History of the church, was a righteous white Lamanite who fought for the Nephites on one of the last battles of the book of Mormon. His skeleton was found near Valley City, Illinois. Read the details here:

Our friend Kels Goodman does an outstanding video for us all.

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