Category: Science

  • The Great Seal of the State of Ohio- A Vision

    The Great Seal of the State of Ohio- A Vision

    The Deseret Book embroidery kit (Main Picture) shows the sun behind Sugarloaf Mountain and the word Christ situated directly above Mount Logan! It is a symbolic second-leg chiasmus of this site and it invites the youth to be introduced to the imagery in preparation of even greater things!” Anthony George Researcher and Long-Time Resident of Ohio
    Chillicothe, OH
    The State of Ohio contains a larger number of prehistoric remnants than any other equivalent area in the Mississippi valley. Some have estimated the number of mounds at 10,000 and the enclosures, villages, and caches at around 1,500, making the total number of earthworks in Ohio more than 11,000. Ohio is likely the place the Savior visited the Nephites, spoken of in the Book of Mormon.
    “The Great Seal of the State of Ohio, a vision impressed on the founding fathers of Ohio as they were gathered at an all night celebration regarding the newly acquired statehood. The story tells of the excitement at the event as being feverish. The women were gathered on the frontier for the social event of the decade at Adena (Hebraic for Eden or paradise. Also the namesake of the large mound just below the hill which was the namesake of the Adena people) estate, the manor house of of our first senator, Thomas Worthington. The men were giddy and engaged in planning the tasks ahead of them regarding the new government.
    Mound City Group, Ohio

    Ohio was the first state carved out of the Northwest Territory. Worthington’s estate was significant. The home (designed by Latrobe, the same architect who planned the central portion of the US capitol building) overlooked the Scioto Valley with a backdrop of 7 noteworthy hills to the east and Chillicothe immediately to the south. The land in that valley was part of Worthington’s holdings and included Dunlap Earthworks, Mound City, Shriver Circle, several other circles and mounds. The opposite side of the river included the Ginther mound and ancient village site, the Gartner site, Cedar Bank which is of the exact dimensions of Solomon’s temple, Hopeton Earthworks, and dozens of other mounds. Anyway, back to the celebration…. as the night continued, the attendees were invited to step-out for fresh air. As they did, they walked to the edge of the hill where the house was at and beheld the valley with all I described before them.

    The timing was perfect. The sun was just rising in the east over those seven hills. The gathering sensed the moment and realized the spiritual symbolism. The dawning of a new era was being heralded. The Shawnee (who were still allowed at that time in the area for passage, hunting and salt gathering) were asked to leave the area in 1795 and move to Indian(a) Territory. The new stewards of the land were represented by that gathering who witnessed the sunrise. The scene was so impressive that the visage ultimately became the seal for all official state documents for Ohio.
    The sun rising in the east, proclaiming a new era, and providing a clue to what was about to happen in Ohio some thirty years later is noteworthy.
    The hills depicted on the Great Seal (interesting that we call it a ‘great’ seal) include Sugarloaf to the north and Mount Logan to the south. To these hills many of the ancient earthworks align, even from very far distances. Mound 7 in Mound City is an exact replication of Sugarloaf. Mound 3 is an exact replication of Mount Logan.
    The many other details are left out here for the interest of time. Suffice it to say something extremely significant happened here 2000 years ago with these hills and valley being the centerpiece of great attention.
    so much more on this….”

    Anthony George Researcher and Long-Time Resident of Ohio

    Ohio Earthworks
  • “Enoch’s Zion… to Perform a Mission to These Various Planets”

    “Enoch’s Zion… to Perform a Mission to These Various Planets”

    In 1830, the prophet Joseph Smith received a revelation that showed us how great and expansive Heavenly Father’s creations are throughout this world and the universe. The revelation became Moses 1 in the PofGP it describes a vision the prophet Moses received. During this revelation, Joseph Smith witnessed what God had revealed to Moses in the vision.

    World’s Without Number

    “And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten” (Moses 1:33).
    “For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them” (Moses 1:35). “And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words” (Moses 1:38).

    “No end” to the works of God is very difficult for our finite mind to comprehend. Most of us cannot even comprehend yesterday’s Sunday School lesson, let alone the marvelous things the Lord has and continues to do. We must exercise a great amount of faith to understand the workings of our Father in Heaven.

    In His Image

    “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27

    Beings of this world and earth came from the premortal world as spirits clothed in flesh. We are created physically as we were created spiritually by our Heavenly Parents.. Why should we ever think that creatures such as large headed and big eyed Aliens are from God? Can spirts of evil deceive us? Yes. Can Satan appear as an angel of light? Yes. Will God send messengers to His people on this earth, that are not from this Earth? No.

    President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008): “Our bodies are sacred. They were created in the image of God. They are marvelous, the crowning creation of Deity. No camera has ever matched the wonder of the human eye. No pump was ever built that could run so long and carry such heavy duty as the human heart. The ear and the brain constitute a miracle. … These, with others of our parts and organs, represent the divine, omnipotent genius of God” (“Be Ye Clean,” Ensign, May 1996, 48).

    President Thomas S. Monson: “God our Father has ears with which to hear our prayers. He has eyes with which to see our actions. He has a mouth with which to speak to us. He has a heart with which to feel compassion and love. He is real. He is living. We are his children made in his image. We look like him and he looks like us” (“I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” Tambuli, Apr. 1988, 6; Ensign, Apr. 1990, 6).


    I don’t believe the Lord expects us to fully understand all the many things right now, but I believe it is possible to as the scriptures say, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 2:1-4

    We can become “perfect” in one thing, or in one action, or in prayers, or in scripture reading, etc. I feel we can become as perfect as we have knowledge, to become perfect in many things. We shouldn’t feel overwhelmed as it is a day to day process. Just because we don’t understand the workings of God in relationship to other worlds, or in the idea of perfection, we should not just ignore them.

    Travel to Worlds Beyond our Solar System

    “In our temporal existence, we may not be able to travel to travel to worlds beyond our solar system system, but other beings in other phases of existence are not so limited,” Professor Kent Nielsen said, “The gospel has been taught in every dispensation by space travel. True, the visitors do not use rocket ships—they have more efficient means. When Moroni returned to heaven after one of his visits to Joseph Smith, Joseph ‘saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared.’” BYU Professor Kent Nielsen 1971 “People on Other Worlds

    Extraterrestrial Conversation

    Many of us believe that earthly visitations and other forms of communications today are not the extraterrestrial encounters some might think about., President Spencer W. Kimball affirmed they do happen in his book Faith Proceeds the Miracle. “Is there extraterrestrial conversation? Certainly. Man may speak to God, and receive answers from him. Is there association of nonhuman beings? There is no question. Are planets out in space inhabited by intelligent creatures? Without doubt.”

    Inspired Quotes

    Quotes from Leaders pertaining to things not understood in the world that we can see and experience each day. Full quotes below the list.

    1- “Angels who minister to this earth … belong or have belonged to it”
    2- “The principle of time relates to God’s foreknowledge of all things”
    3- [God] “He actually sees, rather than foresees, the future”
    4- “Angels who visit this earth are not strangers to it”
    5- “This earth was not designed merely as a home for mortals. … It has a greater destiny” 6- “The Savior will reside here when earth is celestialized”
    7- “Translation is a power that belongs to the Melchizedek Priesthood”
    8- “The translated residents of Enoch’s city are under the direction of Jesus”
    9- “There has never been a moment from the beginning that there were not men on the earth holding the Holy Priesthood”
    10- “God created man in His own image”

    “The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that exalted, resurrected angels “do not reside on a planet like this earth; but they reside in the presence of God, on a globe [planet] like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord” (D&C 130:6–7). Speaking about how the principle of time relates to God’s foreknowledge of all things.

    God, “Sees, rather than Foresees”

    Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained:

    “God does not live in the dimension of time as do we. Moreover, since ‘all things are present with’ God [Moses 1:6], his is not simply a predicting based solely upon the past. In ways which are not clear to us, he actually sees, rather than foresees, the future—because all things are, at once, present, before him! …

    “… He is the living God who is, at once, in the dimensions of the past and present and future, while we labor constrained by the limitations of time itself” (“A More Determined Discipleship,” Ensign, Feb. 1979, 72–73).” Source

    “Angels who Minister to this Earth … Belong or have Belonged to it”

    The Prophet Joseph Smith explained that “angels who minister to this earth” are those who have lived or who will live on it (D&C 130:5). President Joseph F. Smith (1838–1918) further taught that angels who visit this earth are not strangers to it or to those to whom they minister: “When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants. The ancient prophets who died were those who came to visit their fellow creatures upon the earth. … In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 435–36).

    Earth not just a Home for Mortals

    Elder Mark E. Peterson (1900–1984) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified:

    “This earth was not designed merely as a home for mortals. … It has a greater destiny than that. This earth will not remain in its present condition. It is to become immortal. It will pass through a refining process by which it will become a celestial globe and be like a Urim and Thummim in the skies. (See D&C 130:9.) That will require further acts of divine creation. …

    The Savior will reside here when earth is celestialized, and His Father will visit it from time to time. It then will be the eternal home of those who achieve celestial glory in the kingdom of God.

    Such is the final destiny of the earth. Such was the purpose God had in mind in creating it, for He planned it so in the beginning” (“Creator and Savior,” Ensign, May 1983, 63–64).

    For more information regarding the celestialized earth, see the commentary for Doctrine and Covenants 77:1 and Doctrine and Covenants 88:17–20, 25–26″

    “Enoch’s Zion… to Perform a Mission to These Various Planets”

    The Prophet Joseph Smith explained that translation is a power that belongs to the Melchizedek Priesthood, a dimension of the holy order of God.[16] President John Taylor added that “the translated residents of Enoch’s city are under the direction of Jesus, who is the Creator of worlds; and that he, holding the keys of the government of other worlds, could, in his administrations to them, select the translated people of Enoch’s Zion, if he thought proper, to perform a mission to these various planets, and as death had not passed upon them, they could be prepared by him and made use of through the medium of the holy priesthood to act as ambassadors, teachers, or messengers to those worlds over which Jesus holds the authority.” John Taylor, The Gospel Kingdom, comp. G. Homer Durham (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964), 103; see also Smith, Teachings, 170–71.

    Authorized Servants are Always on the Earth

    “The Lord, of necessity, has kept authorized servants on the earth bearing the priesthood from the days of Adam to the present time; in fact, there has never been a moment from the beginning that there were not men on the earth holding the Holy Priesthood. Even in the days of apostasy, . . . our Father in heaven held control and had duly authorized servants on the earth to direct his work and to check, to some extent at least, the ravages and corruption of the evil powers. These servants were not permitted to organize the Church nor to officiate in the ordinances of the gospel, but they did check the advances of evil as far as the Lord deemed it necessary.”

    Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 5 vols. (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1957–66), 2:45.

    Men in their Ambition have ever Sought for Power, to Rule and to Exercise a Controlling Influence over their Fellow Men;

    Almost All as the Lord said, has a very high likelihood that as many as 99% of us, once we gain a little power over our fellow men, we become proud and overbearing. Priesthood is not the “power of men” but the “power of God”, to exercise righteously the blessings the Lord has bestowed on us.

    We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen. D&C 121:39-40

    No Priestcrafts

    “He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. 2 Nephi 26:29

    For he put down all the priests that had been consecrated by his father, and consecrated new ones in their stead, such as were lifted up in the pride of their hearts. Mosiah 11:5

    And he was learned, that he had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore, he could use much flattery, and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil. Jacob 7:4

    “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders” 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9



  • ChatGPT Testifies That The Book of Mormon is True & That Joseph Smith is a Prophet

    ChatGPT Testifies That The Book of Mormon is True & That Joseph Smith is a Prophet

    Like most of you reading this, I have a firm and strong witness from Christ that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Today after watching one simple video, my witness has been strengthened.

    How? The things of this world have no power over the things of God.

    We have read, “And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. For I, the Lord God, had not caused it to rain upon the face of the earth. And I, the Lord God, had created all the children of men; and not yet a man to till the ground; for in heaven created I them; and there was not yet flesh upon the earth, neither in the water, neither in the air” Moses 3:5

    This means that Lord’s work in our world is far greater than man’s work in this life. Now this seems obvious, but by watching this video, it is again confirmed by understanding that even AI and ChatGPT are not even close to Gods ability.

    I do fear AI and the place it is going. Yes, AI can be a great thing just like TV, Computers, and smart phones, but they can also be misused in the hands of everyday people who trust and rely on AI too much. It can be a breeding ground for deception. Use it cautiously.

    Counterfeits & Comfortable gods

    In the LDS scripture guide it says under “antichrist”, says, “Anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel plan of salvation and that openly or secretly opposes Christ. John the Revelator described the antichrist as a deceiver (1 Jn. 2:18–224:3–62 Jn. 1:7). The great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants, both spirit beings and mortals. The son of perdition opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, 2 Thes. 2:1–12.”

    Elder Holland said, “Sadly enough, my young friends, it is a characteristic of our age that if people want any gods at all, they want them to be gods who do not demand much, comfortable gods, smooth gods who not only don’t rock the boat but don’t even row it, gods who pat us on the head, make us giggle, then tell us to run along and pick marigolds.

    Talk about man creating God in his own image! Sometimes—and this seems the greatest irony of all—these folks invoke the name of Jesus as one who was this kind of “comfortable” God. Really? He who said not only should we not break commandments, but we should not even think about breaking them. And if we do think about breaking them, we have already broken them in our heart. Does that sound like “comfortable” doctrine, easy on the ear and popular down at the village love-in?” The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 2014

    Don’t make God a comfortable god, by relying on the easy path and being fooled by AI and the creations of man.

    What is ChatGBT?

    ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with the chatbot. The language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks, such as composing emails, essays, and code.

    It’s currently open to use by the public for free. A paid subscription version called ChatGPT Plus launched at the beginning of February.

    Who made ChatGPT?

    ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI and research company. The company launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022.

    OpenAI is also responsible for creating DALL-E 2, a popular AI art generator, and Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system. Source

    Our great Heartland friend and educator, Jeff Downs has a very impressive son named Mike. Both Jeff and Mike have  written blogs for me on several occasions. They alerted me to the following video which will strengthen your love of the Gospel.

    AI (artificial intelligence) ChatGPT was told to write the Book of Mormon and was given the same stipulations that Joseph Smith would have had to follow- the result is a rather fascinating testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. See the amazing result in this video.

    Here are the additional articles that Jeff and Mike Downs have written for our blog. They are such great friends and spiritual giants.

    ARTIFICIAL Intelligence and the Very REAL Book of Mormon

    The Case for the Urim and Thummim

    Jeff Downs can be reached here:

  • X2a mtDNA – Ojibwe Origins in North America

    X2a mtDNA – Ojibwe Origins in North America


    HAPLOGROUP X is found in approximately 7% of native Europeans, and 3% of all Native Americans from North America. Overall, haplogroup X is found in around 2% of the population of Europe, the Near East and North Africa. It is especially common among Egyptians inhabiting El-Hayez Oasis. (14.3%) References at Wikipedia

    RADIOCARBON DATING over the three seasons of excavation indicated ages ranging from 6,990 years to 8,120 years, plus or minus 70 years.

    What is the Controversy Surrounding DNA and the Book of Mormon? By Rod Meldrum

    “If The Book of Mormon is true (and I believe it is) then it is a literal historical record of real people in addition to its primary purpose of testifying of Jesus Christ.  Lehi and his family, who came from the Holy Land area, where descendants of Joseph that was sold into Egypt. (1 Nephi 5:14).  The three primary races of the earth, Asian (Oriental), African (Black) and European (Caucasian) are quite easily distinguished from each other through specific DNA markers or ‘signatures’ that delineate their ancestry. The Book of Mormon tells us that the descendants of Lehi, (including his wife Sariah, Ishmael and his wife, and Zoram) lived and multiplied to a great extent somewhere in the America’s. Since it is highly probable that Sariah, Ishmael, and Zoram were also of the same genetic stock (not Asian or African), their genetic signatures today would most certainly be classified by present day geneticists as ‘European’ rather than Asian or African. We do not know the exact makeup of Lehi’s DNA, but that does not preclude us from being able to make a direct connection to his ‘European/Caucasian’ heritage.

    Preliminary DNA studies, performed on thousands of individual Native Americans from the Aleuts in Alaska, through North, Central, and South America, were completed.  They were tested, studied and classified into one of 4 primary genetic groups called haplogroups.

    These four founding groups, designated Haplogroups A, B, C and D are all Asian-based groups found in modern populations of Siberia and Asia today, which supports the dominant theory of the peopling of the New World (the America’s) by an overland migration across the Bering Strait during an ice age epoch. Initial studies indicated that there were no European type genetic DNA markers, which would lead to the conclusion that no migration or population expansion of an ‘Israelite’ group occurred anywhere in the America’s as is indicated by the Book of Mormon. This led to some LDS scientists viewing this as the ‘final straw’ for their belief and some were subsequently excommunicated from the church after writing books contrary to the teachings and doctrine of the gospel, but based on these initial scientific findings.

    DNA vs The Book of Mormon is created

    A small ‘Christian ministry’ capitalized on this small group of LDS scholars and scientists who left or were excommunicated from the church and documented their feelings and findings, producing a very powerful anti-Mormon video documentary (Picture left). This DVD has sold tens of thousands of copies since its introduction in early 2003. The revenue produced by this documentary has funded other ‘anti-Mormon’ videos.  While the producers of these videos have offered them on their websites for free, they continue to sell thousands of the ‘hard’ copies. Who are buying these, as they are available for free, and why? The answer is that other Christian denominations are buying these up by the pallet load for free distribution in the neighborhood after neighborhood. Entire cities have been ‘blanketed’ by different Christian groups in an effort to thwart the evangelical efforts of the LDS Church. Cities from Springville, Utah to Gilbert, Arizona, and hundreds of cities in the ‘Bible belt’ have come under this siege.

    Why is this being done?

    Because for the first time other Christian denominations have something for which we, the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have provided no conclusive answers, although the subject has been addressed by numerous articles from LDS apologetic organizations. The simple fact is that no DNA findings support the dominant theory of the geography of the Book of Mormon in Mesoamerica.  Since there is no DNA evidence supporting the claims of the Book of Mormon in Central America, those who believe in this geography must explain why there is no evidence of European lineages there.  While some have addressed the issue (including FAIRMormon, Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, and Book of Mormon Central) with well-reasoned research that is certainly plausible, their explanations fall short of providing a solid answer that both addresses the DNA issues and validates the claims of The Book of Mormon.

    The explanations fall into one of three primary categories.

    1. We don’t have DNA samples from any of Lehi’s party, so we don’t even know what types of DNA we are looking to find.
    2. Lehi’s group was small and as they intermingled with the existing Asian populations, their DNA was diluted to the point that it is no longer traceable.
    3. It is possible that a ‘genetic bottleneck’ occurred that extinguished the DNA markers found in the original Book of Mormon peoples.

      These explanations are used to excuse the lack of DNA evidence in Central or Mesoamerica, in order to defend these geographical theories. This has lead LDS apologetic groups to claim that DNA research and findings cannot be used either to falsify the claims of the Book of Mormon, nor to provide evidence in it’s support.  As a classic example of this argument read the Deseret News/Mormon Times article by Roger L. Hardy, and Daniel Petersen, a very vocal LDS apologist who is also a strong advocate of the Mesoamerican hypothesis.  He mentions all three while promoting a new book on DNA which is actually mostly a collection of previously published articles, some of which are quite old in terms of the current DNA research field they are addressing.  While each of these explanations have merit and are justifiably employed in defense of the Book of Mormon’s claims, there is another aspect that must be addressed. No less than seven times in the scriptures there are specific claims that in the latter days, there would remain on the Promised Land a “remnant” of the “House of Israel” or Lehi’s posterity which came through the lineage of Joseph of Egypt and his son Manasseh. Some LDS apologists have claimed that they ‘don’t expect to find” any DNA evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.  Why would any member of the church not expect to find evidence of the Book of Mormon’s claim that there will be a ‘remnant seed’ still in existence in the latter days?  How can there be a ‘remnant’ if there is no actual genetic (DNA) connection to this lineage?  This is the reason that I did not feel comfortable with the answers being provided by the LDS apologetic community, which created the desire for me to begin this research in 2003 and continue it today in 2021.  Since the Book of Mormon is true (as previously admitted to as my bias) it stands to reason that it’s claims that Lehi’s seed would not be utterly destroyed must indicate that their genetics would still be found in order to fulfill the promises made by the Lord.  If there is no genetic remnant, how can there be a differentiation between those who are actual descendants, and those who are Gentiles who are ‘grafted into’ the House of Israel?  Why then would the Lord make that distinction?

    What is the Problem with those who say there is no DNA Evidence?

    The problem is twofold. The anti-Mormon documentary producers were premature in their conclusions regarding DNA studies in the America’s as the research was not yet complete at the time of the release of their video. The second problem is that in order for DNA to be found relating to Book of Mormon people, we must be sure that we are looking for it in the correct location.  What chance is there of finding supportive DNA or any other physical evidence for the truth of The Book of Mormon if we are looking for it in the wrong place?

    Here is something also very prophetic:

    When the Winter Olympic games were held in Salt Lake City in 2002, President Gordon B. Hinckley was asked by a reporter if he had a comment about the lack of DNA evidence for the Book of Mormon. He simply responded that all the information wasn’t in yet. Eleven years later, in 2013, National Geographic Magazine published an article titled: “Great Surprise”—Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins.” The article presents data on a genome found that is related to present-day western Eurasian populations and modern Native Americans, not from East Asia—historically a puzzling finding. ( In the article, ancient DNA researcher Eske Willerslev, of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. stated: “This [DNA] study changes this idea because it shows that a significant minority of Native American ancestry actually derives not from East Asia but from a people related to present-day western Eurasians.” Willerslev also said: “It’s approximately one-third of the genome, and that is a lot,” he added. “So in that regard I think it’s changing quite a bit of the history” – Published November 22, 2013.

    READ “Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA

    This short version article is here and the long version may be downloaded here, titled “Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA” by Rod Meldrum effectively and powerfully addresses, and provides supporting evidence that answers both of these fundamental questions above.  In addition, it goes back to the very foundations of the geographical theories to bring to light the knowledge that Joseph Smith had on the subject as well as an in-depth study of the internal geographic indications from The Book of Mormon itself.  All of this information has now, for the first time, been combined to produce a clear geographical picture that is exciting because of its solid foundation of evidence that supports the validity and truthfulness of this literal ancient record. You are invited to explore the information from this article for yourself and ask the source of all truth of its validity.” Rodney Meldrum Pres. FIRM Foundation

    Pierce Mounds Apalachicola, Florida near where we believe Lehi landed.

    Mounds at Turtle Harbor from Turtle Harbor Mounds on Vimeo.

    Face of a Nephite Here is another excellent article by our friend Dr. David Read: Also Purchase Dr. Read’s book titled “Face of a Nephite” below:

    X2a mtDNA – Ojibwe Origins in North America

    Researching the ancient origins of Haplogroup X2a, maternal DNA

    X2 mtDNA Distribution : Canada and the Galilee

    Maps showing the Distribution and concentrated areas of X2a mtDNA (Maternal DNA Haplogroup) in the Ojibwe of North American and the Galilean Druze in present day Israel : Centered in and around Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario in Canada, and the area between Mt Carmel and the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

    Ojibwe (X2a mtDNA) : are among the largest groups of Native Americans–First Nations north of Mexico. They are divided between Canada and the United States. In Canada, they are the second-largest population among First Nations, surpassed only by Cree. In the United States, they had the fourth-largest population among Native American tribes, surpassed only by Navajo, Cherokee and the Lakota. Because many Ojibwe were historically formerly located mainly around the outlet of Lake Superior, which the French colonists called Sault Ste. Marie, they referred to the Ojibwe as Saulteurs. Ojibwe who subsequently moved to the prairie provinces of Canada have retained the name Saulteaux. Ojibwe who were originally located about the Mississagi River and made their way to southern Ontario are known as the Mississaugas.

    The Ojibwe peoples are a major component group of the Anishinaabe-speaking peoples, a branch of the Algonquian language family which includes the Algonquin, Nipissing, Oji-Cree, Odawa and the Potawatomi. The Ojibwe peoples number over 56,440 in the U.S., living in an area stretching across the northern tier from Michigan west to Montana. Another 77,940 of main-line Ojibwe; 76,760 Saulteaux and 8,770 Mississaugas, in 125 bands, live in Canada, stretching from western Quebec to eastern British Columbia.[citation needed] They are historically known for their crafting of birch bark canoes, sacred birch bark scrolls, use of cowrie shells for trading, cultivation of wild rice, and use of copper arrow points. In 1745 they adopted guns from the British to use to defeat and push the Dakota nation of the Sioux to the south.

    Galilean Druze (X2a mtDNA): are centered in the following areas of Northern Israel. (Population figures and percentage of overall population):

    The Galilee Daliyat al-Karmel (15,000 – 96.9%) Yirka (14,750 – 98.9%) Maghar (11,600 – 57.8%) Beit Jann (10,600 – 99.8%) Isfiya (8,500 – 80%) Kisra-Sumei (7,000 – 94.5%) Julis (5,700 – 100%) Yanuh-Jat (5,300 – 100%) Hurfeish (5,250 – 95.8%) Shefa-‘Amr (5,150 – 14.1%) Peki’in (4,150 – 76.5%) Sajur (3,700 – 100%) Abu Sinan (3,450 – 27.6%) Rameh (2,200 – 30.4%)

    In the Golan Heights: Majdal Shams (9,700 – 99.9%) Buq’ata (5,900 – 99.8%) Mas’ade (3,100 – 99.9%) Ein Qiniyye (1,735 – 98.9%)

    The Druze revere the father-in-law of Moses, Jethro. According to the biblical narrative, Jethro joined and assisted the Israelites in the desert during the Exodus, accepted monotheism, but ultimately rejoined his own people. The tomb of Jethro near Tiberias is the most important religious site for the Druze community. The Druze conception of the deity is declared by them to be one of strict and uncompromising Unity. The main Druze doctrine states that God is both transcendent and immanent, in which he is above all attributes but at the same time he is present in all things. In God, there are no attributes distinct from his essence. He is wise, mighty, and just, not by wisdom, might and justice, but by his own essence. God is “the whole of existence”, rather than “above existence” or on his throne, which would make him “limited.” There is neither “how”, “when”, nor “where” about him; he is incomprehensible.

    Druze citizens are prominent in the Israel Defense Forces and in politics. The bond between Jewish and Druze soldiers is commonly known by the term “a covenant of blood”

    Galilean Druze X2 mtDNA

    Lineage analysis within the mtDNA X-haplogroup of the Galilee Region is particularly enlightening. It should be noted that the estimated coalescence times for the major mtDNA X subhaplogroups X1 and X2 are 42,900±18,100 and 17,900±2,900 respectively. It is striking that those different lineages (from the same parental haplogroup) whose genetic divergence date back more than ten thousand years would remain so concentrated within such a small geographic region. Mutation rates for the mtDNA coding region, are not consistent with the possibility that this number of different coding region defined lineages within haplogroup X could have resulted from the recent expansion of a monophyletic clade within the past 1000 years.

    Rather this combination among the Druze, of a large number of lineages, together with a high frequency of the haplogroup in which these lineages are found, suggests descent from an ancestral population, in which the X haplogroup was more abundant than it is in the contemporary Near East, and which reflects the prevailing Near East genetic landscape at that time, antedating the establishment of the Druze religion in 1017 A.C.E. This supports the notion that the Druze represent a refugium of the population genetic structure from the time period prior to the “Dawa”, and also confirms the hypothesis of high endogamy among the Druze. The refugium hypothesis based on mtDNA haplogroup X analysis was corroborated by the finding of high diversity for the Druze mtDNA haplogroups H and K, with the added finding of novel lineages not shared with nearby populations.

    Furthermore, the formal rejection of the alternate hypothesis relating to immigration to the region of individuals sharing the same mtDNA haplogroup but with lineages that diverged in antiquity, further strengthens the Druze refugium model. Although, we cannot exclude the possibility that some ratio between non-random migration and colonization did occur during and following the “Dawa” period and generated the differences in haplogroup frequencies among the current Druze subregions, and between the Druze and other populations, this explanation is highly unlikely in face of the demographic modeling results.

    The overall low migration rate between the Druze and all other nearby populations cannot explain the high diversity and high frequency of X haplogroup lineages in the Galilee region. Low migration rates were also evident between the Galilee Druze and Druze from other subregions. The finding of the enrichment of the NRY haplogroup K among the Galilee Druze with no detection in samples from other subregions, further supports the relative isolation of this region, even among the Druze. Taken together these findings support the hypothesis that the Galilee Druze are a further more isolated subpopulation of the Druze, who in turn represents a refugium of the population genetic architecture of the Near East in antiquity.

    Demographic modeling can also provide estimates of divergence times for populations with shared ancestries. The demographic modeling in the current study indicates most recent divergence of the Druze from an ancestral population shared with Egyptians, Ashkenazi Jews, Adygeis and Greeks. The Egyptian shared ancestry is also consistent with Druze oral tradition. The migration rates of the Druze with these populations are exceedingly low, and this can be attributed to endogamy and geographic isolation following divergence.

    It should be kept in mind however, that the computational algorithms used for the demographic modeling are designed for models involving an ancestral population which split and maintained constant migration rate among the two daughter populations. Such a simplified model does not take into account the effect of shared party migration, and therefore would tend to overestimate the migration rate, and underestimate the divergence time. Therefore the Druze would seem to have an even greater degree of genetic isolation, than indicated by these results of the demographic modeling.

    The historical events and time frame for the loss or dilution of haplogroup X individuals is consistent with the population upheavals and patterns of migration that have characterized the Near East during the past two millennia at least. The preservation of this refugium of mtDNA lineage diversity among the Druze, mainly due to genetic isolation may be the result of their location in relatively more defensible mountainous regions, and the practice of conciliation with governing authorities and dissimulation called the “Taqiyya”, or due to other factors which facilitated preservation of societal integrity during periods of demographic and political change in the region.

    Conclusions : The findings suggest that the Near East maternal genetic landscape differed substantially in the past from its current structure, and was enriched in diverse lineages of the mtDNA X haplogroup. These findings have been uncovered due to the unique demographic features of the Druze population, and the adjusted sampling method employed in the current study. The combination of a high frequency and diversity of the Druze mtDNA haplogroup X lineages, in a confined geographic region, and the low migration rate with nearby populations make it unlikely that this diversity was imported.

    It is thus likely that the global diversity of this haplogroup evolved in the Near East and adjacent regions of western Eurasia, during a long incubation period coinciding with and following the most recent out of Africa expansion as dated by mtDNA coalescence simulations[44]. The Druze population of the Galilee represents a contemporary refugium of this past genetic landscape.

    Cherokee, Ojibwe and the Phoenicians ? X2A mtDNA

    The absence of Haplogroup X in Mongolia and Siberia and a recently proven center of diffusion in Israel (Brown et al. 1998, Malhi and Smith 2002; Smith et al. 1999; Reidla 2003; Shlush et al. 2009) pose problems for the standard account of the peopling of the Americas. DNA Consultants Cherokee-descended customers include seven instances of haplogroup X. David E. Lewis (whose Cherokee name is Wayauwetsi) traces his unmatched X haplotype back to Seyinus, a Cherokee woman of the Wolf Clan born on or near the Qualla Boundary in North Carolina in 1862. Two cases represent descendants (unknown to each other, incidentally) of the Cherokee woman called Polly who was the namesake for the Qualla reservation (the sound p lacking in the Cherokee language and being rendered with qu).

    Phoenicians: On the Y chromosome side of Shlush et al.’s study, male haplogroup K was found to have a relatively high frequency of 11% in the Galilee region (2008:2). K (renamed T in the revised YCC nomenclature) has long been suspected to be the genetic signature of the Phoenicians. A TV show by National Geographic appeared about a year ago titled Who Were the Phoenicians?, in which Spencer Wells of the National Genographic Project, unveiled this theory. Without a doubt it was the Phoenicians, whose name among themselves was Cana’ni or KHNAI ‘Canaanites’, not Phoenikoi ‘red paint people’ (Aubet 2001:9-12; cf. Oxford Classical Dictionary s.v. “Phoenicians” ), who are referenced by James Adair when he observes that “several old American towns are called Kan?ai,” and suggests that the Conoy Indians of Pennsylvania and Maryland were Canaanites and their tribal name a corruption of the word Canaan. The Conoy Indians are the same Indians William Penn around 1700 described as resembling Italians, Jews and Greeks. By about 1735 they had dwindled to a “remnant of a nation, or subdivided tribe, of Indians,” according to Adair (1930:56, 67, 68). One of the oldest Cherokee clans is called Red Paint Clan (Ani-wodi).

    So do the two subclades of X and other haplogroups represent Old World and New World branches diverging from each other as long ago as 30,000 years, or do the Native American “anomalous” haplotypes come more recently from the same source in the East Mediterranean? DNA Consultants 

    Ojibwe and the X2a mtDNA Enigma

    The North American sub-clade X2a usually has C-T transitions np 16278 and np 16223,with the presence of DdeI sites np 1715 and np 10394.X2b varies from all its sister lineages [X2b-h] in Eurasia and Africa. The Vantage specimen” is the oldest human in North America to test for X2a. It predates the Norse settlement in Newfoundland, Canada.

    However it does not predate the “possible speculative” arrival of a Phoenician or Carthagian woman with Hg X on board a vessel that could have been accidently blown across the Atlantic Ocean in a storm.

    Kemp [2010] identified 7 Jemes individuals from New Mexico,who shared X2a1a1 genes and who probably had an affinity with the Sioux/Cheyenne. With the exception of one Ojibwa sample all of the Hg X specimens analysed by U Perago [2009] have the coding motif 8913-12397-14302.The anomalous Ojibwa did not cluster with any known X2a branches in North America or sister sub-clades in Eurasia. It “could” be another very rare founder. It has been designated assubgroup X2g.Private control region mutations distinguish two internal X2a branches ,which are X2a1 [143-16093] and X2a2 [225-16254C].X2a1 tends to be concentrated in the Great Lakes and Great Plains region X2a2 is less common [X2a1,19; X2a2,3; X2/,1].Some western fringe X2a specimens [eg: Nuu-Chah-Nuth,Yakima] lack characteristic X2a1 and X2a2 mutations [Ibid].

    The current North American distribution of X2a tends to be concentrated in the vicinity of the Great Lakes/Great Plains with frequencies as high as 25% among some Algonquian people [eg: Ojibwa] with diminishing clines to the west and south. Frequency estimates range from Sioux ca 15%, Nuu-Chah-Nuth ca 13.5%,Navajo ca 6.5%,and Yakuma ca 4.8% [M Brown,1998]. There are a few single or very frequency occurrences of X2a lineages distal to the “Ojibwa core”. One X2a individual was identified among the Shuswap in the Caribou country of British Columbia and 5 0f 63 [7.9%] Nuu-Chah-Nuth samples off the west coast of British Columbia are probably X2a [there is not sufficient definitive data to substantiate this premise]. The above tend to support the theory that X2a was introduced to North America from NE Siberia and that a number of intermediate Hg X lineages have been lost. A Nonosabasat sample from Newfoundland, eastern Canada, had X2a[10693C,16189C, 16213A,16223T,!6278T].A number of single occurrences have been reported from the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec Province, but the data has not been sighted. G Horvati [2011] stated that X2a was identified in 3 of 6 MicMac sequences.

    The dearth of indigenous mtDNA samples from the Maritime Provines of Canada, Quebec and British Columbia severely detract from endeavours to reconstruct the migration paths of the initial X2a colonists to North America. Consequently there has been a significant degree of speculation about the entry point to North America and the coalescence dates of X2a.Its apparent, current concentration in the Great Lakes/Great Plains region is an anomaly, which can not be confidently reconciled with an Alaskan entry point. This genetic founding lineage was probably introduced to North America from NE Siberia after the glacial era, but the current dispersal pattern of X2a is not in total accord with this supposition. “If” the Ojibwa did move from Nova Scotia to the Great Lakes region ca 1400 ADE, the enigma gains in complexity.

    M Kujanova [2009] identified three subgroup X2j specimens in North Africa. V Fernandes [2012] noted that X2j shared a mutation at position 12397 with the North American subgroup X2a.She cautioned that the mutation could be a recurrence and that X2j appears to have evolved recently. The rare North American X2g lineage is compatible with the spread of of Hg X from the Near East towards the New World as early as the emergence of the X2+225 clade [ibid].

    X2 mtDNA from Near East. 20,000 years ago

    The relative absence of haplogroup X2 in Asia is one of the major factors causing the current rethinking of the peopling of the Americas. However, the New World haplogroup X2a is as different from any of the Old World X2b, X2c, X2d, X2e, and X2f lineages as they are from each other, indicating an early origin “likely at the very beginning of their expansion and spread from the Near East”

    The Solutrean Hypothesis postulates that haplogroup X reached North America with a wave of European migration about 20,000 BP by the Solutreans, a stone-age culture in south-western France and in Spain, by boat around the southern edge of the Arctic ice pack.

    In 2008 a team of genetic scientists published the following: “Here we show, by using 86 complete mitochondrial genomes, that all Native American haplogroups, including haplogroup X, were part of a single founding population, thereby refuting multiple-migration models.” – Fagundes NJ, Kanitz R, Eckert R, et al. (March 2008). “Mitochondrial Population Genomics Supports a Single Pre-Clovis Origin with a Coastal Route for the Peopling of the Americas” Am. J. Hum. Genet. 82 (3): 583–92. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2007.11.013. PMC 2427228. PMID 18313026.

    The Middle Eastern or Canadian origins of X2a mtDNA

    Did the maternal Haplogroup X2a originate in the Middle East 20,000 years ago or much much earlier in Canada ?

    Soon we will know that the Ojibwe are truly Ani-Shin-Abe. Original and 1st peoples who have existed since the very beginning, in Canada and migrated much much later to Asia and the Middle East.

    Distribution maps are worth 1000 words. Looking at the above concentrations it is clear that the areas of Central and North East Canada and the Middle East are connected via the maternal X DNA distribution. In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup X is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. It has a widespread global distribution but no major regions of distinct localization.

    Origin : mtDNA-based chart of possible large human migrations. The genetic sequences of haplogroup X diverged originally from haplogroup N, and subsequently further diverged about 30,000 years ago to give two sub-groups, X1 and X2.

    Distribution : Overall haplogroup X accounts for about 2% of the population of Europe, the Near East, and North Africa. Sub-group X1 is much less numerous, and is largely restricted to North and East Africa, and also the Near East. Sub-group X2 appears to have undergone extensive population expansion and dispersal around or soon after the last glacial maximum, about 21,000 years ago. It is more strongly present in the Near East, the Caucasus, and Mediterranean Europe; and somewhat less strongly present in the rest of Europe. Particular concentrations appear in Georgia (8%), the Orkney Islands (in Scotland), (7%) and amongst the Israeli Druze community (27%). Subclades X2a and X2g are found in North America, but are not present in native South Americans

    Druze: The greatest frequency of haplogroup X is observed in the Druze, a minority population in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, as much in X1 (16%) as in X2 (11%). The Druze also have much diversity of X lineages. This pattern of heterogeneous parental origins is consistent with Druze oral tradition. The Galilee Druze represent a population isolate, so their combination of a high frequency and diversity of X signifies a phylogenetic refugium, providing a sample snapshot of the genetic landscape of the Near East prior to the modern age.

    North America : Haplogroup X is also one of the five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Although it occurs only at a frequency of about 3% for the total current indigenous population of the Americas, it is a bigger haplogroup in northern North America, where among the Algonquin peoples (Ojibwe) it comprises up to 25% of mtDNA types. It is also present in lesser percentages to the west and south of this area—among the Sioux (15%), the Nuu-Chah-Nulth (11%–13%), the Navajo (7%), and the Yakama (5%) – Wikipedia

    X2 mtDNA of the Canadian Ojibwe(a) and Israeli Druze(b)

    Haplogroup X descends from the N Haplogroup, which dates to approximately 65,000 years ago. The origin of haplogroup X dates to approximately 30,000 years.

    “Originally found in Europe and thought to be only distributed regionally, the finding of haplogroup X in the Americas startled the human population genetics community.” -FTDNA

    Recently, it has been discovered that there are two major sub-lineages within haplogroup X, being X1 and X2.

    This blog will discuss the origins of the X2 Haplogroup which appears predominantly in both North American Ojibwe and Israeli Druze.

    Since these 2 distinct areas, the Great Lakes Region of Canada and the Sea of Galilee in Northern Israel are linked via maternal DNA,….

    So then, did X mtDNA originate in the Near East (ie: Israel) or did it originate much earlier in the area of Lake Superior in Canada ?

    It is likely that the Ojibwe people, the Anishinabe are actually the ancient ancestors to those living in Israel 21,000 years ago.

    Galilean Druze and Miss Israel contestant Angelina Duah Fares (Pic Right)


  • Why is BYU allowed to teach False Doctrine?

    Why is BYU allowed to teach False Doctrine?

    Why is False Doctrine Allowed in our Church and Universities?

    “I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU

    Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, “President [Marion G.] Romney then described one of Satan’s methods: “Satan is a skillful imitator, and as genuine gospel truth is given the world in ever-increasing abundance, so he spreads the counterfeit coin of false doctrine.Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall; Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

    BYU’s, Understanding the Principles of Evolution

    The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum opened a new exhibit March 11, 2019 exploring the theories and observations of evolution and how it changes life. See picture of New Exhibit above. Exhibit designer Travis Schenck said there is confusion around the definition of evolution, so the exhibit’s purpose is to help the public understand how science defines evolution. Schenck collaborated with BYU professors to simplify the terms used in the exhibit to make it more approachable and understandable for all audiences. “Understanding the Principles of Evolution” will run for many years.

    We Should be Unafraid to Dissent

    I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I have always been an active member. That is critical to my life. Just because I speak of differences of opinion, does not ever mean I disagree with any doctrines of the Church.

    Apostle Hugh B. Brown said, “I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression.”

    “And while all members should respect, support, and heed the teachings of the authorities of the church, no one should accept a statement and base his or her testimony upon it, no matter who makes it, until he or she has, under mature examination, found it to be true and worthwhile; then one’s logical deductions may be confirmed by the spirit of revelation to his or her spirit, because real conversion must come from within.” Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999

    Sad Investment

    To me it is very sad that BYU will spend thousands of dollars on this type of exhibit, just to show that ape to man is a theory. Too many professors take it to the next level and begin thinking and teaching evolution is a true fact. I understand BYU is a University and teaches many theories that are not part of Church Doctrine, but wouldn’t it be nice if the Universal Model, or book of “New Millennial Science by Dean Sessions received an opportunity to be studied? No they say, as it isn’t peer-reviewed. Well Dean has peers and friends and geologists and professors that believe his science, and yet many intellectuals of today who live in their own bubble, think he is full of it. I guess the Lord will continue sharing truth with we mere mortals and the Intellectuals in the “great and spacious building” will have to learn later on. I don’t mock them, I pray for them.

    For over 7 years Rod Meldrum was the head scientific researcher for Dean Sessions, author of The Universal Model. Rod and Dean share and have given many presentations about how science and the scriptures go hand in hand. Russ Barlow is the many year editor of this wonderful set of works. Dean has over 30 years of research and study invested into this 3 volume set of over 2400 pages. (Volume 3 may be out in a year or so)

    I believe the text in D&C section 121 below could very well be talking about great men and women like Rod Meldrum, Dean Sessions, Russ Barlow and Hannah Stoddard. They have spent their entire lives in research, study, prayer, fasting, reading, and more praying about the many things they have found. I highly recommend you to read their words, study it out and pray about it. For me the little things I have researched all my life such as the age of dinosaurs, the creation, geography of the Book of Mormon, method of translation, evolution,  and climate change, have all been answered for me personally as I have strong beliefs in many of Rods, Deans, Russ, and Hannah’s words as verified by the spirit on many an occasion. They are amazing friends and inspired men and women. They don’t teach doctrine, but they teach hidden truth that is there if you are willing to search and pray.

    Prophets are Aware of False Teachings and Break Down of Government

    As Elder McConkie was quoted above, “such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” The Prophets will never force us to believe anything. They will never take away our freedom of speech, unlike our current infiltrated government.

    Speaking of our government, I believe our US Government is hanging by a thread and we are probably under what is called, Continuity of Government (COG).

    The Bush administration put COG plans into operation for the first time in U.S. history in the hours directly following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. They have never been rescinded. Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

    Joseph Fielding Smith said, “I attended sessions of meetings for the institute teachers, held in the assembly room on the fourth floor of the Church Office Building. I cannot say that I was very greatly edified. Too much philosophy of a worldly nature does not seem to mix well with the fundamentals of the gospel. In my opinion many of our teachers employed in the church school system have absorbed too much of the paganism of the world and have accepted too readily the views of uninspired educators without regard for the revealed word of the Lord. What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift [We have greatly drifted] as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.” Joseph Fielding Smith The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith 212. Deseret Book Co., 1972.

    I also believe the words in D&C 121 verse 33 says, “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.” This could easily to the four friends above that I have mentioned, and other inspired men and women of today.

    What Is The Universal Model?

    “The purpose of science is to describe and explain Nature so that we can understand and comprehend it, but where do we learn these things simply, in a way that makes sense? For many decades, a number of incorrect theories and misleading philosophies have formed the foundation of ‘modern’ science. Now, newly discovered scientific truths in the Universal Model have revealed long-hidden natural laws that explain Nature’s workings in an easily comprehensible format. We invite all to explore and experience the adventure of learning by investigating new discoveries about the Earth and our Universe found in the UM. These scientific truths establish a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to heights of knowledge and discovery never before imagined.” The Universal Model Home Page

    “We must keep in mind that He [Christ] is allowing the wheat and tares to grow up together for a season, and by and by the tares will be gathered together and be burned up. Before the burning though, there will be a judgement, and the Lord is allowing us each right now to work out our salvation or damnation. Those that have the facts before them and reject them (see below) will pay the ultimate price, but there also must be a Great Divide that is taking place right now (talked about in the BoM and in the last chapter of Vol II of UM [Universal Model] – the Human Model) to clearly mark each of us to which side we are on.

    Intellectually Dishonest or the Novice?

    Joseph Fielding Smith also wrote:
    “One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    This is the purpose of the UM, to take this maze (the modern science puzzle that makes no sense – everything from nothing) and replace it with Nature’s Puzzle – they way things really are.

    Melvin A. Cook in the Intro of:  Man, His Origin and Destiny also said:
    “Unfortunately, owing to the strong desire of scientists to display their brilliance and ingenuity, there is a tendency for theory to become the objective instead of a means to the end. Theory then not only loses its real value, but actually becomes a stumbling block to progress. Its inventor and disciples become so engrossed in the theory that they lose sight of its fundamental purpose, the quest for truth. This condition was shockingly illustrated in my presence at a meeting of scientists when one of great renown met a factual objection with the statement, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    “Therefore, the Lord will judge these so-called intellectuals to whether they want to follow and learn of the Truth (which is literally Christ) or not. The sad thing is that most do not realize following Christ means following and seeking out for the Truth.
    The UM has already produced experiments for the first time that are “more than words” (for example it has created sandstone and petrified wood which are identical to how Nature produced it in only a few days). The UM does not just have “alternative explanations” to how things are done in Nature, it has the ONLY explanation in hundreds of instances where modern science admits their theories cannot explain such and such natural phenomena. So ‘producing’ more ‘things’ is not the solution. Science is about demonstrating the true nature of Nature, it is not technology, which is only a tool that helps us understand it better.

    Therefore, we cannot expect the leaders of science today to ever change their religion of atheism and accept the truth. It’s just not going to happen. For the UM to gain a much wider acceptance, it will have to be promoted full time to a much greater degree and I will personally have to be involved with this with others. This means I will be involved in debates and interviews and making many more recordings for the Web with influencers.

    Although each Volume of the UM stands alone and has more new natural law than produced by modern science over the last century, Vol III does have double the amount of natural law as the other two volumes and many more experiments seen for the first time. Being able to demonstrate the true models of both matter and energy is more than any physicist or chemist or cosmologist has ever dreamed of, as this alone changes all their fields of study – and the UM does this. It also shows the errors in the physics of the Big Bang and proves the Universe is not expanding, but rotating in a Revolutionary Universe. It really is beyond what any scientist could dream about – yet it is all real and empirically demonstrated.” Dean Sessions-Founder and Author of the “Universal Model, A New Millennial Science

    Daily Universe article by BYU Professors

    The UM Is For All Lovers Of Truth by Chauncey Riddle

    I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my favorite topics and concerns.

    “Wow!! What a book. It is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read. I only have 100 pages remaining and when I finish, I’m going to read it again. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of the book. Sessions started with the pseudo magma foundation and proved the fallacy of the theory so everything else fell into place from there. Everything I learned in college about geology is blatantly false. I have made note of a few questions that one day perhaps, I will be able to ask Sessions about. Perhaps after my second reading, answers to these questions will be forthcoming. Thank you once again, Sessions is beyond brilliant.” Robert L. Mehl, B.A., M.S., Geology, USA (Bob is my Father-in-Law. Since Oct 2021, Bob has read volume one 6 times and volume 2 twice. His geology at Kansas University taught hem very little he says).

    BYU and UVU scientists question research offered at a conference on the Book of Mormon (Ad above left)

    ‘Universal Model’ • Assertions offered by featured speaker at coming conference are untested, would not pass peer review, they say.

    By Benjamin Wood The Salt Lake Tribune · April 25, 2017

    This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

    An upcoming conference on Book of Mormon research and other LDS-related topics is generating backlash from university scientists, most of whom are themselves Mormon.

    In a letter published Tuesday in The Daily Universe — Brigham Young University’s student newspaper — faculty and students from BYU’s Geological Sciences Department cautioned against the untested assertions of Dean Sessions, founder of the Millennial Science Foundation. BYU is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Sessions is one of the featured speakers at this weekend’s Firm Foundation Expo at Utah Valley University and is known for writing the “Universal Model,” a faith-based explanation of Earth’s development similar to the creationism theory of flood geology.

    Tribune file photo
The Book of Mormon first edition, 1830, on display at the LDS Church History Library in 2014. LDS and non-LDS scientists are saying that the "Universal Model" explanation for Earth's creation, put forward by Dean Sessions, are untested and wouldn't pass peer review.
    Follow Scripture not Intellect

    Sessions’ work states that Earth is filled with water and not molten rock, including a core of solid ice, and that fossilization, petrification and the planet’s land forms are the result of a recent worldwide flood and not millennia of geological development.

    “Students and the BYU community are reminded that organic evolution, anthropogenic climate change, radiometric dating and a 4.56 billion-year-old age of the Earth are all seriously taught on campus by professors, who are in good standing with the church, in fields directly relating to these subjects,” the letter states, signed by BYU Associate Dean Bart Kowallis, eight faculty members and 24 students.

    The letter was submitted in response to a Firm Foundation Expo advertisement that ran in The Daily Universe. Kowallis did not respond to a request for comment, but the letter states that Sessions’ assertions are contradicted by empirical evidence and would not pass peer review by subject experts.

    “We are concerned that the presence of the aforementioned advertisement in The Universe may legitimize Dean Sessions’ ‘Universal Model’ in the eyes of some within the community,” the geologists wrote.

    A similar ad ran in the student newspaper of Utah Valley University, where the conference will be held between Thursday and Saturday. UVU physics and astronomy professor Joseph Jensen said he too was concerned about Sessions’ assertions being legitimized through an event on a university campus.

    “This is pseudoscience,” Jensen said. “It’s people trying to make money on something that sounds scientific but has no basis in observation or reality, for that matter.”

    Rian Nelson, an organizer of the Firm Foundation Expo, said Sessions is one of 88 speakers participating in the event, which covers topics ranging from holistic health practices to evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon, the LDS Church’s foundational scripture, which tells of pre-Columbian Christians in the Western Hemisphere.

    Firm Foundation is an acronym for Foundation for Indigenous Research and Mormonism.

    “We include science and Book of Mormon study and gardening and emergency preparedness,” Nelson said. “We’re all, solidly, members of the LDS Church and believe in it with all of our heart.”

    Nelson said he wasn’t concerned with the criticism of the “Universal Model,” even from scientists who are members of his own faith. The creation and timeline of the Earth, Nelson said, are areas of study in which faithful Mormons can disagree.

    “There are many BYU faculty members that disagree with our theory about the heartland of North America being where the Book of Mormon was,” he said. “We both have strong testimonies of the gospel. We’re just looking at different theories in different directions.”

    But Jensen, who is also LDS, said his concerns with the “Universal Model” go beyond a disagreement over theories.

    Sessions calculates the mass of his water-filled Earth to be about a third of the scientific consensus, Jensen said. And the “Universal Model” is designed to justify a personal viewpoint, he said, rather than respond to empirical evidence.

    “We have a really good idea of how much mass the Earth has,” Jensen said. “There’s nothing about the model that Mr. Sessions is proposing that is consistent with any of the observations.”

    In a prepared statement, “Universal Model” spokesman Jarom Sessions said that he expects lively feedback from students and professors in response to the incredible discoveries and extraordinary assertions included in the model. But, he added, inquirers should set aside their emotions and examine the evidence.

    “Just because a theory is taught for ‘generations’ as fact,” Jarom Sessions wrote, “that alone does not make it credible or true when the observable evidence shows otherwise.”

    Other presentations at the Firm Foundation Expo include “Noah’s Flood and Lake Bonneville,” “Relieve Pain with Brain Techniques,” “Prophets and the Women Who Loved Them” and “Reconciling Science and Mormonism.” Twitter: @bjaminwood

    This is a sad commentary, as those signing this ad have probably never read and studied the Universal Model. They have maybe read one or two articles and immediately dismissed it without any other thought. After all, they probably say, Dean is crazy, or that is stupid, or that goes against everything I have been taught, so how can a non professor like Dean claim any authority? Let them laugh and mock and we will see what truths they are choosing to pass up. I love the quotes below.

    What Do Intellectuals Teach?

    “There are those who say that revealed religion and organic evolution can be harmonized. This is both false and devilish.” Bruce R. McConkie, June 1, 1980, BYU fireside address

    I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

  • Cherokee/ Phoenician/ Hebrew/ Lamanite DNA

    Cherokee/ Phoenician/ Hebrew/ Lamanite DNA

    The Book of Mormon is an Historical Record.

    “Having a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and knowing it is true, leaves little doubt that the Book of Mormon is an historical record. Its words are a foundational pillar upon which much of the gospel rests. Its truths are fundamental to our belief in the prophet Joseph Smith and the commencement of the restoration of the gospel. It is not possible that the Book of Mormon could be spiritually true and historically false.” Rod Meldrum 2023


    I believe it is very likely that the Cherokee are some of the lineage of the Nephites. They seem to be connected to many people all over the world. It makes sense that the Jaredites remnant and the Nephite remnant may have spread all over the world throughout the ages. The Jaredites may have populated America from the west coast of America and the Nephites from the south eastern part of America as you have read on my various blogs.

    The Cherokee are an important connection between the Old World and the New World. There are many names that the Cherokee are related to:


    North African


    Apalachee are a Native American people who historically lived in the Florida Panhandle. “They derived their name from Palaza, a name of ancient Magadha, a powerful Yadava kingdom in what is now today’s state of Bihar. When the Palazis came to America, they came with the intention of staying. Therefore, they became the Apalizis (Ex-Palazis). Without a doubt, these “Apalazis” were the founders of the mound-building cultures, for in other parts of the world they built the Egyptian pyramids, became the founding fathers of Greek civilization, and the like.” 
    Additional Information>

    Magadha was an ancient Indian kingdom in southern Bihar, and was counted as one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas, ‘Great Countries’ of ancient India. Magadha played an important role in the development of Jainism and Buddhism, and two of India’s greatest empires, the Maurya Empire and Gupta Empire, originated in Magadha.

    Looking into the Cherokee heritage is exciting. They are a very important part of the history in our world. It is amazing how many cultures they have influenced and are part of.


    April 16, 2017

    “The laboratory immediately stumbled into a scientific hornet’s nest. That Cherokee princess in someone’s genealogy was most likely a Jewish or North African princess. Its scientists have labeled the Cherokees not as Native Americans, but as a Middle Eastern-North African population. Cherokees have high levels of test markers associated with the Berbers, native Egyptians, Turks, Lebanese, Hebrews and Mesopotamians. Genetically, they are more Jewish than the typical American Jew of European ancestry. So-called “full-blooded” Cherokees have high levels of European DNA and a trace of Asiatic (Native American) DNA. Their skin color and facial features are primarily Semitic in origin, not Native American.”

    “DNA haplogroup X2a is a major mtDNA subclade in North America; among the Algonquian peoples, it comprises up to 25% of mtDNA types which is also found in a similar percentage among the Druze in the Hills of Galilee.”(“The peopling of the Americas: Genetic ancestry influences health,” Scientific American, 14 August 2009.

    Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page 91

    Harvard University professor Barry Fell in his book Saga America first published in 1980 presented historical, epigraphic, archeological and linguistic evidence suggesting links between Greeks and Egyptians and the Algonquian Indians of Nova Scotia, Acadia and surrounding regions around the mouth of the St. Lawrence Seaway, particularly the Abnaki (“White”) and Micmac Indians. See here: “Map of Algonquian Language Distribution” in Appendix, “Native America DNA Studies” pp. 556-57.)

    LDS scholar and surgeon, Dr. David Stewart in his online article found on the Church’s website titled “DNA and the Book of Mormon,” quotes fellow LDS scholar Martin Tanner, contributor to the Neil A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (formerly FARMS), who explains his position:The idea haplogroup X has been in the Americas for 10 to 35 thousand years is based solely upon the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which include: (1) completely neutral variants, (2) no mutation, (3) no migration, (4) constant near infinite population size, and, (5) completely random mate choice. In the Book of Mormon account, most of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumptions are inapplicable. The wilderness journey, the ocean voyage, and the colonization of the new world, result in patterns of genetic selection and DNA migration different from that found in Lehi’s home environment. Closely related individuals married and we are dealing with an [initially] very small group, not a nearly infinite population which would dramatically alter DNA marker distribution and inheritance over time. If we take these assumptions about haplogroup X instead of the Hardy-Weinberg assumptions, haplogroup X could have been introduced into the Americas as recently as one to two thousand years ago, far less than the ten to thirty-five thousand years under the Hardy-Weinberg assumptions. Ref 96

    Haplogroup X plausibility in relation to the Book of Mormon
    Is there any possible correlation of Haplogroup X with the Book of Mormon and Lehi’s group? Can we narrow down the potential connections? Is it possible, or even probable, that there will ever be any evidence in favor or support of the Book of Mormon’s claim of being a historical account of real people? The understanding, of course, is that DNA cannot “prove” the historicity of the Book of Mormon, but rather a case is being built that may support its authenticity. After reading the information presented here it should be clear that each of these questions may now be answered with a resounding “Yes!” Rod Meldrum Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA 2009

    Connecting the Cherokee and the Phoenician’s DNA

    Monday, May 28, 2018

    The Cherokee Nation Lands in 1830 Georgia, before the Trail of Tears

    Dorene Soiret always knew there was something different about her ancestry. She had been on a fruitless quest to prove her family’s Cherokee heritage for many years until she joined Phase III of DNA Consultants’ Cherokee DNA Studies Project. She will have to wait a little longer for all the answers. But in the meantime, she is enrolled as Participant 52 and matches one other woman in the unique study, their rare lineage labeled American Indian H1z1.

    Historically, H1 is centered in Libya and Tunisia among the Tuareg people, concentrated around the site of ancient Carthage. In the first millennium BCE, this was the homeland of the sea-roving Phoenicians, who sent teeming colonies westward composed of natives from the Maghreb interior. The Cherokee Paint Clan, it has been suggested by Donald Yates and others, preserves their name, Paint or *Punic People, given to them because of their monopoly in making purple dye and trading luxury goods.

    Article about the *Punic People at the end of this blog.

    The Phoenicians’ name in their own Semitic language translates as “Canaanite,” a reflection of their origins in the East Mediterranean. James Adair, who wrote the first book about American Indians in 1775, suggested this ethnonym (national identity) appears in the name of the Kanawha River and as the name of a now-extinct Indian tribe in Kentucky and West Virginia. Phoenicians are probably also the source of haplogroup X in the New World, and they are implicated in the mystery of the Melungeon people, with court cases mentioning them by name.

    Soiret’s direct female line, like all the others in the program, goes back to a historical Cherokee woman, in this case the wife of Lycan Adkins who lived between 1829 and 1908 and whose maiden name was Murray. The test subject has several other multiply intermarried Adkinses in her ancestry.

    Phase III of Cherokee DNA Studies is now closed, with 57 participants enrolled over the past three years. It began in 2007 and went through two phases before the publication of the book CHEROKEE DNA STUDIES: REAL PEOPLE WHO PROVED THE GENETICISTS WRONGThe results of Phase III will be published in a sequel, Cherokee DNA Studies, Volume 2: More Real People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong (forthcoming 2018). See CHEROKEE STUDY CLOSED.

    Although ignored by most tribal bibliographies and Native American journals,  was favorably reviewed by Stephen C. Jett, a noted geographer, who endorsed it with the screed, “Revolutionary DNA findings.” He went on to say in his academic book, ANCIENT OCEAN CROSSINGS (University of Alabama Press 2017):  “Donald N. Yates and collaborators… characterized the mtDNA of fifty-two individuals of partial Cherokee ancestry who did not display any of the usual Native American mtDNA haplogroups A through D… identifying (in order of the frequency) haplogroups T, U, X, J, H, L and K. T, X, and J are essentially Levantine (eastern Mediterranean) in origin….”

    Further, Jett noted that the East Mediterranean haplogroup showings were interesting for several reasons:

    Hg T seems to have emerged in Mesopotamia and later spread into Europe. This Hg occurred in nearly 27 percent of Yates’ sample. None of the Cherokee Ts exactly matched any other known T haplotype, and the Cherokee percentage of T was three times as high as that of the general US population. Cherokee/*Melungeon-associated J haplotypes are not precisely duplicated elsewhere, either, suggesting the passage of much time to allow differentiation…. Hg U is largely European….and is generally absent among Native Americans. However, it reached a level of approximately 25 percent among those Cherokee descendants, whose Hts (haplotypes) turned out to be very diverse and to include some mutations unique to American Indians, again implying  considerable elapsed time since introduction… the Cherokee descendants shared some haplotypes with Jews. Too, the Jewish ‘Cohen gene’ has been traced back within the Cherokee to no later than about AD 1640.”

    Information at the end about *Melungeon People

    Jett concluded that the distribution of haplogroups was evidently ancient and not the result of recent European or Middle Eastern admixture in America:

    Yates’ genetically remarkably diverse Cherokee sample, the unique haplotypes represented therein, and the frequencies of the haplogroups found—quite different from those of the larger US populations—are striking: ‘Similar proportions of these haplogroups are noted in the populations of Egypt, Israel and other parts of the East Mediterranean … No such mix could result from post-1492 European gene flow into the Cherokee Nation.’” (pp. 353f.)

    Preliminary results from Phase III (closed in May 2018) confirm the “non-American Indian,” or anomalous Native American component of Cherokee descendants. The updated haplogroup findings across Phases I-III are as follow:

    Haplogroup N= Percent New in Phase III
    U 40 22.7 17
    T 31 17.6 4
    H 30 17 16
    J 17 9.7 10
    A-D 13 7.4 3
    K 11 6.3 5
    X 9 5.1 0
    Total Participants 151 85.8 55
    All Others 25 14.2 2
    Grand Total 176 100.0 57

    As can be seen, U emerges as the most common anomalous type of Cherokee, modally U5 (n=23, one of the oldest forms of U and MOST COMMON IN MIDDLE EASTERNERS AND EUROPEANS), followed by T and H. The expected haplogroups A-D account for only 7.4 percent of Cherokee lineages according to the DNA Consultants study, suggesting a very divergent type from other American Indians. Mesopotamian and Old European types (including Greek, Egyptian, Israeli, Levantine and others) represent 81.8 percent of lineages. (Here, X is grouped with Levantine, as no firm separation can be established between Old and New World types.)

    Genetic analyses of Cherokee mtDNA or female lineages thus continue to point to Egypt, Israel/Phoenicia and Greece, as first proposed on historical grounds by Yates book from 2012 here: 

    The Adkinses appear to be part of a little-studied phenomenon of Welsh or British Jews. Their surname means “kin of Arthur (or Adam).” In 2012, Donald Yates wrote about the pioneer family in his book above, (pp. 144-45):

    Adkins . . . is a family heavily intermarried with the pioneer Coopers, Blevinses and Burkes from Wayne County, Kentucky.  They came from Pittsylvania County, Virginia, an important staging area for the movement of Melungeon families along the northern and eastern boundaries of the Overhill Cherokee. The family is traced to a James Atkinson, a Quaker who came to Philadelphia in the 1600s, probably from a seaport in Wales. His great-grandson William Adkins left a will dated Jan. 22, 1784 and probated March 15, 1784, detailing an accumulation of wealth, and was buried near Cooper’s Old Store, Pittsylvania County. William’s son Owen was born about 1750 in Lunenberg County, Virginia (parent county of Pittsylvania) and died in Watauga, Hawkins County, Tennessee about 1790. He married Agnes Good/Goad, from the same family that provided a spouse to Valentine Sevier (1701/02-1803). Good is the English equivalent of Shem Tov, Buen, Boone, Le Bon and other names for those bearing the “good name” of King David. Valentine and Agnes were the parents of John Sevier, the first governor of Tennessee. One of his sons, Valentine, married Sarah Cooper. The Seviers can be traced to Don Juan de Xavier of a Sephardic family who took refuge in Navarre during the Spanish Inquisition.

    In 1836, Benjamin Adkins built a log mill on the Little South Fork of the Cumberland near Parmleysville, Kentucky, made of huge squared logs. This mill, with rifle slits on two levels, is still standing. He left a will in 1839 showing $10,000 in debts owed him and an estate of great value. Numerous family members moved first to Sequatchee (Marion County, Tennessee) and subsequently to Sand Mountain and to a hidden cove at the foot of Fox Mountain (named after Black Fox) called Anawaika, or Deerhead, on the Georgia state line. Some proceeded west to Arkansas. William E. Adkins (about 1828-1862) married Susan E. (Sukie) Cooper (about 1831-1901), the daughter of Isaac and Mahala Jane (Blevins) Cooper, April 20, 1847, in Henry County, Tennessee, and descendants filed unsuccessful applications to be enrolled as Cherokee in Indian Territory. Memories of their Cherokee ancestors ran thin, but Steve Adkins of Arkansas  recalled in 2001, “When I was little my Great Grandma Adkins (Virgie Stanley) use to tell me stories about my Great Grandfather’s (Arthur ‘Aud’ Adkins) Grandmother. She said her name was Sukie and she was a Cherokee Indian. I later found out that ‘Sukie’ was a nickname for Susan. She also mentioned the name Mahala Blevins.”

    The Adkins family in America exhibits a familiar pattern of trading and land development on the Southern frontier, intermarriage with the Cherokee Indians and Crypto-Jewish or Melungeon connections. In these respects, their history echoes that of the Coopers, Blevinses, Walkers, Gists, Troxells, Adairs and others in genealogical literature. The genetics of their Indian marriage partners forms the main interest of Cherokee DNA Studies.

    Although Dorene Soiret’s story is unusual compared to most Americans it is completely typical when placed beside the Cherokee descendants profiled in DNA Consultants’ Cherokee DNA Studies.

    Be open-minded and continue your journey! Dohiyi!

    Disclaimer: Our genetic findings about Cherokee people have not been submitted for peer-reviewed scientific or historical publication.

    It is not widely known that haplogroup X is one of the 12 primary Jewish lineages, and is found in the Cherokee.

    Cherokee/Phoenician Connection

    The connection of the Cherokee and the Phoenician is amazing information. The Cherokee seem to be well connected to the Phoenicians and the Jewish people. You may know our friend Boyd Tuttle has spent some time on the replica Phoenicia ship guided by British Sailor Philip Beale as they sail from ancient Carthage toward Florida. We believe the voyage of Mulek followed this route and the Phoenicians brought the People of Zarahemla or the Mulekites to this land. They traveled up the Mississippi River to eventually be stopped by the Des Moines river rapids near Nauvoo, Illinois.

    See LDS Living article about Mr Philip Beale’s Phoenicia voyage. Latter-day Saint Joins Epic Sailing Expedition to Recreate Possible Book of Mormon Voyage

    Punic People

    Punic praying statuette, c. 3rd century BC

    “The Cherokee Paint Clan, it has been suggested by Donald Yates and others, preserves their name, Paint or *Punic People, given to them because of their monopoly in making purple dye and trading luxury goods.” DNA Consultants’ Cherokee DNA Studies. “The Punic language, also called Canaanite or Phoenicio-Punic, is an extinct variety of the Phoenician language, a Canaanite language of the Semitic family. It was spoken in Northwest Africa and several Mediterranean islands by the Punic people throughout Classical antiquity, from the 8th century BC to the 6th century AD? Wikipedia

    The Punics (from Latin punicus, pl. punici), also known as Carthaginians, were a people from Ancient Carthage (modern Tunisia and Northeastern part of Algeria) who traced their origins to the Phoenicians. Punic is the English adjective, derived from the Latin adjective punicus to describe anything Carthaginian. Their language, Punic, was a dialect of Phoenician.

    Empire of Carthage
    History 814–146 BCE
    The Punic religion was based on that of their Phoenician forefathers, who worshiped Baal Hammon and Melqart, but merged Phoenician ideas with Numidian and some Greek and Egyptian deities, such as Apollo, Tanit, and Dionysus, with Baal Hammon being clearly the most important Punic god.[3] Punic culture became a melting pot, since Carthage was a big trading port, but the Carthaginians retained some of their old cultural identities and practices.

    The Carthaginians carried out significant sea explorations around Africa and elsewhere from their base in Carthage. In the 5th century BCE, Hanno the Navigator played a significant role in exploring coastal areas of present-day Morocco and other parts of the African coast, specifically noting details of indigenous peoples such as at Essaouira.[4][5] Carthaginians pushed westerly into the Atlantic and established important settlements in Lixus, Volubilis, Chellah and Mogador, among other locations.

    Greek–Punic and Roman–Punic Wars
    Being trade rivals with Magna Graecia, the Carthaginians had several clashes with the Greeks over the island of Sicily in the Sicilian Wars from 600 to 265 BCE.

    They eventually also fought Rome in the Sicilian Wars of 265–146 BCE but lost because they were outnumbered, had a lack of full governmental involvement, and relied too much on their navy. That enabled Roman settlement of Africa and eventual domination of the Mediterranean Sea. Cato the Elder famously ended all his speeches, regardless of their subject, with the imperative that Carthage be utterly crushed, a view summarised in Latin by the phrase Praeterea censeo Carthaginem esse delendam meaning, “Moreover, I declare, Carthage must be destroyed!”. Although the Carthaginians were eventually conquered in 146 BCE, with their city destroyed, Cato never got to see his victory, having died 3 years earlier.

    146 BCE–700 CE
    The destruction of Carthage was not the end of the Carthaginians. After the wars, the city of Carthage was completely razed and the land around it was turned into farmland for Roman citizens. There were, however, other Punic cities in Northwest Africa, and Carthage itself was rebuilt and regained some importance, if a shadow of its ancient influence. Although the area was partially Romanized and some of the population adopted the Roman religion (while fusing it with aspects of their beliefs and customs), the language and the ethnicity persisted for some time.

    People of Punic origin prospered again as traders, merchants and even politicians of the Roman Empire. Septimius Severus, emperor of Rome and a proud Punic, was said to speak Latin with a Punic accent. Under his reign Carthaginians rose to the elites and their deities entered their imperial cult. Carthage was rebuilt about 46 BCE by Julius Caesar and settlements in the surrounding area were granted to soldiers who had retired from the Roman army. Carthage once again prospered and even became the number-two trading city in the Roman Empire, until Constantinople took over that position.

    Visit the Phoenicia Ship Museum in Montrose Iowa. Donate Here:

    As Christianity spread in the Roman Empire, it was especially successful in Northwest Africa, and Carthage became a Christian city even before Christianity was legal. Saint Augustine, born in Thagaste (modern-day Algeria), considered himself Punic, and left some important reflections on Punic cultural history in his writing.[6] One of his more well known passages reads: “It is an excellent thing that the Punic Christians call baptism itself nothing else but ‘salvation’, and the sacrament of Christ’s body nothing else but ‘life’”.[7]

    The last remains of a distinct Punic culture probably disappeared somewhere in the chaos during the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The demographic and cultural characteristics of the region were thoroughly transformed by turbulent events such as the Vandals’ wars with Byzantines, the forced population movements that followed and the early Muslim conquests in the 7th century CE.

    Melungeon Heritage

    “Phoenicians are probably also the source of haplogroup X in the New World, and they are implicated in the mystery of the Melungeon people.” DNA Consultants’ Cherokee DNA Studies.

    1. Who Are the Melungeons?

    Melungeon is a term that first appeared in print in the 19th century, used in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina  to describe people of mixed ancestry. Melungeons were considered by outsiders to have a mixture of European, Native American, and African ancestry. Researchers have referred to Melungeons and similar groups as “tri-racial isolates,” and Melungeons have faced discrimination, both legal and social, because they did not fit into America’s accepted racial categories.

    2. Are there other groups of people similar to the Melungeons?

    As many as 200 different mixed ethnic groups have been identified in the eastern and southern United States, ranging from New York to East Texas. These include the Chestnut Ridge People of West Virginia, the Piscataway of Maryland, the Nanticokes and Moors of Delaware, the Ramapough Lenape Nation of New York and New Jersey, the Cubans and Portuguese of North Carolina, the Sumter Tribe of Cheraw Indians, and the Wassamasaw Tribe of Varnertown Indians of South Carolina, and the Creoles and Redbones of South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana. These groups share a “mysterious” origin and have historically been stigmatized by neighbors. While each of the various groups possesses its own unique history and culture, historical and cultural evidence suggests a broad kinship between the groups and a possible common origin (especially for some families), though centuries of population dispersion and admixture have influenced the ethnic and social character of each of the separate populations.

    Video about DNA and Book of Mormon Evidence.

    3. Do these groups still exist?

    Through intermarriage and migration away from their home regions, many of these groups have lost their collective identity in the last half-century and have blended into the majority population. Some groups with a predominantly Indian heritage have organized as tribes, and a few have gained limited government recognition. Others, like the Melungeons, are recognizing and celebrating their unique multi-ethnic heritage.

    4. What does the word “Melungeon” mean?

    The traditional explanation for the word “Melungeon” is the French mélange, meaning “mixture.” Another proposed theory for the origin of “Melungeon” is the Afro-Portuguese term melungo, supposedly meaning “shipmate.” Yet another is the Greek termmelan, meaning “black.” Other researchers have speculated that “Melungeon” derives from the Turkish melun can, (meaning “cursed soul”); the Italian melongena (“eggplant,” referring to one with dark skin), or the old English term “malengin” (“guile; deceit”). Nearly everyone who has written about the Melungeons agrees that they fiercely resented the name. However, in recent years, many Melungeons proudly bear the name and acknowledge their heritage.

    5. What do Melungeons look like?

    The earliest descriptions of the Melungeons varied widely, so it is unlikely there was ever a “typical” Melungeon appearance. They were described variously as having European, Native American, or African features, a reflection of the mixed ethnic nature of the Melungeons. Over the years, Melungeons intermarried primarily with whites, so most of today’s Melungeons appear “white.” However, some Melungeons consider themselves African-American, while others have a distinctly Native American or Mediterranean appearance.

    6. How do people know who is a Melungeon?

    Melungeons, like most of the other tri-racial groups, are known by family names. The surnames of the first recorded Melungeons included Collins, Gibson, Mullins, Goins, Bunch, Bowlin, and Denham. Over the generations, many other surnames have become associated with the Melungeons. Of course, these surnames are common names in America, and are only considered “Melungeon” names in the areas where Melungeons live.

    7. Where do Melungeons live?

    During the 19th century the name Melungeon was applied to people of mixed ancestry in Virginia and the Carolinas, but in the 20th century it was used mostly in northeastern Tennessee.  Land and tax records show that some of the earliest Melungeon families in this region migrated from the tidewater and Piedmont regions of Virginia and North Carolina. The best-known Melungeon area is Hancock County, Tennessee, and particularly Newman’s Ridge and Blackwater (or Vardy) Valley. Other Melungeon communities or family groups were found in neighboring Hawkins County and Lee, Scott, and Wise Counties in Virginia. From these areas, Melungeons migrated and established communities in southeastern Kentucky, southeastern and middle Tennessee, southwestern Virginia, southern West Virginia, and as far north as eastern Ohio. Of course, not all Melungeon families stayed within their communities; many moved away where they would not face discrimination because of their ethnic heritage. During the 20th century, many Melungeons joined the outmigration from Appalachia to urban manufacturing centers.

    8. What sort of discrimination did Melungeons face?

    In a society where people were classified according to European concepts of race, the Melungeons, like other, similar groups, were in an awkward position. Neither white, black, nor Indian, their social status was below that of whites, but usually somewhat above that of African-Americans. Different groups faced different social and legal restrictions, depending on local customs and attitudes. In the 1840’s, several Melungeons were tried for illegal voting on the grounds that they were not white, and therefore ineligible to cast a ballot. However, they were acquitted. In Virginia, Melungeons were classified as “colored” by the Racial Integrity Act, which was in effect from 1924 to 1971. Most of the discrimination faced by Melungeons was social rather than legal; they were considered low-class, untrustworthy, and “tainted” by their African ancestry.

    9. Where did the Melungeons originate?

    That is the million-dollar question, the one that has fueled the imagination of journalists since the mid-19th century. Until recently, most scientists studying the Melungeons believed them to be – like most of the other tri-racial groups – the product of intermarriage between Anglo/Celtic Americans, Indians, and free African-Americans along the American frontier. Hancock County Melungeons, when first interviewed by outsiders about their heritage around 1890, defined themselves as Indian and Portuguese, but also acknowledged English and African ancestry. While most whites discounted the claim of Portuguese ancestry, believing it to be a means of denying African ancestry, generations of feature writers tapped into folklore and their own imaginations to develop theories to explain the origins of the Melungeons. Various writers suggested they were descendants of the “Lost Colony” of Roanoke Island, descendants of deserters from Hernando de Soto’s expedition, one of the Lost Tribes of Israel, descendants of shipwrecked pirates, or descendants of Carthaginian sailors. In each of these suggested scenarios, these overseas visitors intermarried with Indians and moved inland. Genetic studies have shown that Melungeons share genetic traits with populations in the Mediterranean, South Asia, and Middle East, as well as with northern Europeans, Native Americans, and African-Americans. Not all Melungeons share all these genetic traits; every family has its own unique ethnic history. These studies do not answer all of the questions about the origins of the Melungeons, of course. We cannot tell when these various ethnic components entered a particular family line. However, these findings do open the door to further speculation and study; the Melungeons’ origins are almost certainly more complex than originally thought.

    10. Was there a unique Melungeon culture?

    The Melungeons, like nearly all the other tri-racial groups, were culturally almost identical to their neighbors. Some Melungeons were fairly well off economically, but most worked on small farms – just like the whites in that region.

    11. Why are people now discovering their possible Melungeon ancestry?

    Even those who lived in Melungeon communities, or had close ties to those communities, often never heard the word “Melungeon” applied to themselves or their families; the term was considered an insult and was rarely said directly to the person it was describing. As Melungeon families and individuals migrated away from their home areas, they frequently wanted to leave the stigma of their ethnic heritage behind them. Their children and grandchildren were not told of their family’s heritage, since many considered it shameful, something to be hidden. Over the years, family legends about “an Indian great-grandmother” or “a Portuguese grandfather” seemed to explain the swarthy appearance of ancestors and descendents, but many genealogists found inexplicable gaps in their families’ histories, census designations for ancestors indicating “mulatto” or “free person of color,” and other mysteries.

    The rise of the Internet in the mid-1990s coincided with the publication of The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People by Brent Kennedy. This book suggested Turkish, Moorish, Jewish, Spanish, Portuguese, African, northern European, and Native American ancestry for the Melungeons, and theorized that the population of Melungeon descendents was much larger than previously assumed. Web pages and e-mail groups were devoted to the study of Melungeons, and the first Melungeon Union celebration was held in 1997. The Melungeon Heritage Association was formed in 1998 to facilitate research and disseminate information. In 2002 a joint resolution signed by presidents of MHA and the Vardy Community Historical Society agreed to cooperation between the two organizations, and made a statement of principles affirming kinship among all mixed ancestry groups.

    12. How can I find out if I have Melungeon ancestry?

    If you have a connection to a documented Melungeon family, you obviously have Melungeon ancestry. However, it can be very difficult to find a “documented” Melungeon family. Prior to 1900, the entire written record of Melungeons consisted of less than a dozen newspaper and magazine articles, nearly all focusing on the Hancock County group, and only a few individual Melungeons were identified in these articles.

    Researchers have identified several surnames as “Melungeon” names (see the surname lists elsewhere on this website). Again, these names are common in America, and only in areas where Melungeons lived were they associated with that population. If you find records of ancestors in these areas who have “Melungeon surnames,” there is a strong possibility you have Melungeon ancestry – particularly if some family members are listed as non-white in census reports.

    Remember, Melungeons did not begin to identify themselves as such until the mid-1960s. Their neighbors imposed the name on them, and their neighbors defined who was and who was not a Melungeon – and those definitions were not always consistent. There were no tribal rolls, no records identifying a certain group of people as Melungeons. As a result, most people will find it difficult to establish a Melungeon ancestry with any certainty.

    13. Can DNA testing establish a Melungeon ancestry?

    There is no “Melungeon gene.” Melungeons are an ethnic and racial mixture and genetic tests reflect that mixture. Furthermore, this mixture is different in each Melungeon family. DNA testing, combined with genealogical research, can provide clues that might suggest Melungeon ancestry.

    As you can imagine, there were many groups of people with mixed origin, but none more fabled and romanticized than the dark skinned, blue eyed Melungeons of the Appalachian region.  Legends were that they were survivors from the lost colony of Roanoke, or one of the lost Tribes of Israel. They were also speculated to be of Cherokee, gypsy, Turkish, Spanish, Phoenician, etc. decent. The legend also is that Elvis Presley descended from the melungeons.

    The following is taken from “The Melungeons: The Resurrection of A Proud People; An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America,”by Dr. N. Brent Kennedy (p. 140)

    The Spanish, of course left behind a multitude of place names and a populace descended from them. Even today, there can be found in New Mexico descendants of conversos who once came to New Mexico secretly practicing a truncated and furtive form of Judaism under a Christian veneer. Some are thank G-d returning to their Jewish roots.

    It would be an injustice not to mention the Native Americans, an assortment of many nationalities and languages who are the poorest of America’s ethnic groups. It would be a service to America if their traditions could be preserved and their economic foundation built up.

    Along with the many imigrants to America, are there other groups whose presence passes unnoted in the official histories of our country?

    It seems so. How many people give thought to the Melungeons ? Who are they? One of their web sites, offers articles and links to the scholarship revolving around this fascinating group, whose origins are shrouded in mystery…

    “With his team of researchers, Dr Kennedy has found hundreds of words in local Indian dialects that have almost the same meaning in Turkish or Arabic. The Cherokee word for mother for example, is Ana Ta. In Turkish, the word for mother is also Ana-Ta.”

    The early records of non English immigration to North America help explain this phenomenon. The BBC article elaborates as follows.

    “When he began to research his ancestry, Dr Kennedy found evidence that first people to arrive in Appalachia, were not northern Europeans, but may have been Ottoman Turks. Portuguese settlers brought Turkish servants with them in the 16th Century. Sir Francis Drake unloaded hundreds of other Turks after he liberated them from the Spanish in 1587. Blood typing has confirmed close similarities between present day Melungeons and people of the Mediterranean region. What has now become known as the Kennedy theory is that these people pushed inland and settled down with American Indian women, to begin life as farmers.”

    Could Abraham Lincoln – not Barack Obama – be America’s first black president?

    It is claimed that Abraham Lincoln, who became America’s  16th President on this day in 1860, was a Melungeon; a person of European, African-American and Native American ancestry.

    Melungeons are typically believed to come from East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, and eastern Kentucky.  Some come from the Appalachian region of the U.S. which spans over Canada and numerous states in the U.S.

    Like African-Americans, Melungeons also have a painful past in America – “have been maligned and denied their basic rights. They have been pushed off of fertile land. They have been barred from schools. They have been prohibited from voting,” according to The Washington Post.

    A Melungeon family circa 1900; teacher and nurse…Johnson City Press

    Lincoln’s Melungeon ancestry is said to come from his mother as explained in Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe in America by Elizabeth Hirschman. The author stated, “That Abraham Lincoln was of Melungeon descent was first suggested, to my knowledge, by Brent Kennedy.” “Kennedy comments that Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks, was in all likelihood of Melungeon heritage, given several facts of her background.”

    According to Appalachian Histories & Mysteries, “Melungeons are considered to be bi- or tri-racial individuals, of varying and debatable ethnicities ranging from African to Jewish to European, living in the Appalachian region. These people have been particularly famous for living in small enclaves in Hawkins and Hancock Counties of Eastern Tennessee, Lee, Scott, and Wise Counties of Southwest Virginia, and Western North Carolina. Smaller communities of family groups were once known to live in Western South Carolina, Southern West Virginia, and Eastern Kentucky. According to the Melungeon Heritage Association, at least 200 other mixed-ethnic groups have been identified in the Eastern United States, such as the Guineas of West Virginia, the We-Sorts of Maryland, the Nanticokes and Moors of Delaware, the Jackson Whites of New York and New Jersey, the Cubans and Portuguese of North Carolina, the Turks and Brass Ankles of South Carolina, and the Creoles and Redbones of Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana.”


    DNA: PROOF CHEROKEE ARE MOORS (Berber is a name given to Native Moors (Mauri) of north Africa by Greco/Romans.) AND THAT MOORS TRAVERSED THIS LAND LONG BEFORE THE EUROPEAN!
    Posted on January 14, 2016 by mmwnews

    “The term “Moors” refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the indigenous Maghrebine Berbers. The name was later also applied to Arabs.” Wikipedia

    Moros y Cristianos festival in Oliva.


    “A Berber Connection to Cherokee Ancestry? By user September 04, 2009

    Thought I’d pass this along since Cherokee ancestry is fairly common in some lines of the Cross lineage.

    I was just reading an article by Brian Wilkes, a Cherokee language instructor, concerning the Cherokee/Berber connection. Here’s an excerpt and perhaps something to think about if you’re Cherokee mixed blood, considering DNA testing, or have gone through the DNA testing process.

    “Old Cherokee migration legends suggest an ancient connection with the Berbers of North Africa, Morocco.

    The Berbers are a tribal people whose lands once stretched from Mauritania on the Atlantic Ocean to Libya on the Mediterranean Sea and are related to the Phoeicians and Carthaginians.

    According to Mr. Wilkes, the DNA markers in most Cherokee mixed-bloods supports the legend of the Cherokee surviving a volcano and flood by sailing west on reed boats, following a seven-pointed star. The mountains were called Attala and since that time, the Cherokee have believed it’s best to live in or near mountains near cedar trees in case the world floods again..”

    Anomalous Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in the Cherokee
    Tues, October 13, 2009

    Additional DNA Studies below!

    READ “Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA

    This short version article is here and the long version may be downloaded here, titled “Rediscovering the Book of Mormon Remnant through DNA” by Rod Meldrum effectively and powerfully addresses, and provides supporting evidence about the DNA questions you may have.

  • Artificial Intelligence- Man vs God?

    Artificial Intelligence- Man vs God?

    “But behold, Satan did stir up the hearts of the more part of the Nephites, insomuch that they did unite with those bands of robbers, and did enter into their covenants and their oaths, that they would protect and preserve one another in whatsoever difficult circumstances they should be placed, that they should not suffer for their murders, and their plunderings, and their stealings.” Helaman 6:21
    Are many of today’s Church members and others in this world joining the Secret Combinations? (Many) Have these Gadianton Robbers infiltrated most of society? (Definitely) Should we be cautious of Communism, Nazism, the Deep State, World Governments, and even those in our own Government who lie and cheat our souls for power, influence and money? (Absolutely) Aren’t we today becoming like the destroyed Nephites and Jaredites? (Yes)
    Honesty has been Driven from the Government

    “On the 11th of October Elder Woodruff assisted in setting apart seventy-five missionaries. At that time eleven Lamanites were ordained to the priesthood. Closing his journal for that year, he said : “The future is before us and great events await us in this generation. The redemption and establishment of Zion, the fall of Babylon, the gathering of Judea and all the tribes of Israel, and the second coming of Christ, are all near at hand.

    “This is the commencement of the Centennial year of the American Independence. One hundred years ago the nation was composed of an honest, industrious, Christian people, and the chief men of the nation were poor, honest statesmen, who lived to promote the welfare of the whole people. They established a constitution and laws, which were a glorious legacy to their descendants. By January 1st, 1876, a great change has come over the American government. To a great extent, virtue has departed from the land, and honesty has been driven from the various departments of government. Men seek office to aggrandize themselves rather than to serve the interests of the people. Death and destruction are sown in the land which is ripening for the harvest.” Wilford Woodruff: History of His Life and Labors by Matthias F. Cowley page 489-505

    I believe the vast majority of our American Government and the rich elite Globalists who run our Government do not have our best interest in mind anymore. If it was bad in 1876 as Pres Wilford said, doesn’t it make sense that it is worse today? Sure the Lord will win the final battle, but are we enduring to the end?

    Great Email

    I have a good friend named Jerome Brad Halgren. He made me aware of some very disturbing inventions using the new technology called Artificial Intelligence (AI). The video at the end of this blog is obviously fake, as you don’t see Pres. Nelsons mouth moving and it is a creation from someone called “Vox AI Russell Nelson.”
    However, just think of this new technology and how it can make good appear as evil, and evil appear as good. We truly live in the best of times and the worst of times, that is why our prophet has declared, “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Russell M. Nelson (bold, underline and color has been added)
    My friend Jerome sent me an email that said,
    “Deep Fakes and AI Russell Nelson videos made by Artificial Intelligence.
    A new video trend is coming among us and growing exponentially and this new tool of Satan portends to be actual videos of President Nelson expounding on church doctrines, history and temple ordinances in such a way as to draw the investigator, the new member, the weak members, etc. away from truth and light.
    These videos, so far as I’ve come across, are YouTube’s and so far fall under the production of someone called Vox AI and for the unsuspecting seem very real and legitimate.
    This is an extreme problem and evil that is coming among us to destroy testimonies, future investigators, etc. and the Church in general.
    Anyway I was quite bothered and scared, to say the least, when I came across them and thought I’d be quite remiss if I didn’t inform you of this new development against the Lord’s Church and Gospel knowing that we are no longer just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah but have entered into a likeness of the Days of Noah.” Jerome Brad Halgren(Very appropriate words. Color added)
    AI-generated fake videos are becoming more common (and convincing). Here’s why we should be worried

    by Ian Sample Mon 13 Jan 2020

    What is a deepfake?

    Have you seen Barack Obama call Donald Trump a “complete dip…”, or Mark Zuckerberg brag about having “total control of billions of people’s stolen data”, or witnessed Jon Snow’s moving apology for the dismal ending to Game of Thrones? Answer yes and you’ve seen a deepfake. The 21st century’s answer to Photoshopping, deepfakes use a form of artificial intelligence called deep learning to make images of fake events, hence the name deepfake. Want to put new words in a politician’s mouth, star in your favorite movie, or dance like a pro? Then it’s time to make a deepfake.

    What are they for?

    Many are pornographic. The AI firm Deeptrace found 15,000 deepfake videos online in September 2019, a near doubling over nine months. A staggering 96% were pornographic and 99% of those mapped faces from female celebrities on to porn stars. As new techniques allow unskilled people to make deepfakes with a handful of photos, fake videos are likely to spread beyond the celebrity world to fuel revenge porn. As Danielle Citron, a professor of law at Boston University, puts it: “Deepfake technology is being weaponized against women.” Beyond the porn there’s plenty of spoof, satire and mischief.

    Jerome also sent me several links to this type of technology:
    Below is a FAKE VIDEO of our dear Prophet. Just think of the damage this type of thing can do to people all over the world. Soon they will make these AI videos even more real. I feel it is critical to make each of you aware as Jerome has made me aware.

    Elon Musk warns AI could cause ‘civilization destruction’ even as he invests in it.

    By Clare Duffy and Ramishah Maruf, CNN Mon April 17, 2023

    New York CNN
    “Elon Musk warned in a new interview that artificial intelligence could lead to “civilization destruction,” even as he remains deeply involved in the growth of AI through his many companies, including a rumored new venture.

    “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential — however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial — it has the potential of civilization destruction,” Musk said in his interview with Tucker Carlson…” Source

    Trust God not AI!

    Please don’t take AI lightly. It is at times a valuable invention but also a dangerous weapon of Satan just as in the past was Radio, Television, the Internet, and Smart Phones today. Satan takes truth and good things, and deceives us with it.

    And it came to pass that when two hundred and ten years had passed away there were many churches in the land; yea, there were many churches which professed to know the Christ, and yet they did deny the more parts of his gospel, insomuch that they did receive all manner of wickedness, and did administer that which was sacred unto him to whom it had been forbidden because of unworthiness.

    And this church did multiply exceedingly because of iniquity, and because of the power of Satan who did get hold upon their hearts.

    And again, there was another church which denied the Christ; and they did persecute the true church of Christ, because of their humility and their belief in Christ; and they did despise them because of the many miracles which were wrought among them.” 4 Nephi 1:27-29

    I believe too many in our own Church are falling for incredible lies. Be prayerful and stay close to our Savior Jesus Christ.

  • House of Lehi Found Near Jerusalem

    House of Lehi Found Near Jerusalem

    Beit Lehi or House of Lehi near Jerusalem

    “Beit Lehi is a buried city just a few miles southwest of Jerusalem, and is currently under excavation. It received its name from the Bedouin Arabs who reside in the area. There are some very interesting possible correlations with this site and the home of Lehi in the Book of Mormon.” Read more about the place called Biet Lehi is where Samson killed 1,000 Philistines with the  jawbone of a donkey, and likely it was the same location where Lehi and his family lived. This area is sacred to the Jews, Arabs, and Christians.” By Book of Mormon Evidence 

    Origins of the Name “Beit Lehi”

    “Almost every town or city is named for something—a person, an event, or a nearby geographical wonder. Beit Lehi is no different. “Beit” in Hebrew means “house or dwelling of,” while “lehi” means “jawbone.” The name “Lehi” seems to have originated in biblical times, apparently referring to the traditional resting place of Samson after he slew one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. “But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof En Hakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day” (Judges 15:19). Thus, Beit Lehi means “dwelling place of Lehi.”

    We suggest identifying the site of Beit Lehi with “Beit Tzedek”, or the “House of Righteousness” mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius in the 1st century A.D. Josephus recounts how, during the time of the Great Revolt against Rome (66–70 AD), a group of Jewish rebels escaped to a village by this name.”


    “The caravans of Egypt and Israel pass each other, guided through the sands by those men of the desert (Arabs) who were the immemorial go-between of the two civilizations. 

    Arab: Arab designates a way of life, and was applied by the Jews to their own relatives who remained behind in the wilderness. , Manessah lived furthest out of Jerusalem and had contact with Arabs the most

    Israeli: Of Manasseh through Joseph and the 12 tribes of Israel

    Egyptian: Language of Lehi consists of learning of Jews and language of Egyptians: Heritage, culture. Ammon was Manassah’s nearest neighbor and is an Egyptian name.

    Hebrew: Lehi means Jaw Bone in Hebrew. From Eber, Jewish because they live near and around Jerusalem. Learning of the Jews.” Hugh Nibley.

    The Man Lehi has ties with all 4 names below:

    Christian: Through Christ, and lived the law of Moses

    Arabic Names: Laman, Lemuel

    Egyptian Names: Nephi, Sam

    Israeli Names: Jacob, Joseph

    Biet Lehi Foundation Mission Statement:

    “The Beit Lehi Foundation was organized to support the excavation of the Beit Lehi archaeological site, located 22 miles south of Jerusalem,  for the benefit of the general public and to advance the understanding and awareness of the general public of ancient religious history associated with this site through scientific research and education.  Additional objectives include protection and preservation of the archaeological site, education for visitors and to facilitate the opportunity for families and young people to work at the excavation site under the guidance of a qualified archaeologist and his staff.

    In 1961 Israeli soldiers unearthed a cave that had inscriptions and drawings including the oldest known Hebrew writing of the word “Jerusalem” dated to approximately 600 B.C. by Dr. Frank Cross Moore, Jr. of Harvard University.

    “I am Jehovah thy Lord. I will accept the cities of Judah and I will redeem Jerusalem”

    “Absolve us oh merciful God. Absolve us oh Jehovah”

    The drawings depicted men who appeared to be fleeing and two ships.

    While investigating the cave, Dr. Joseph Ginat of The University of Haifa met a Bedouin who told him about the remains of an ancient oak tree about 1/4 of a mile away where, according to Bedouin legends and tradition, a prophet named Lehi blessed and judged the people of both Ishmael and Judah. The Bedouin told Dr. Ginat that Lehi had lived many years before Muhammad and that Arab people had built a wall of large rocks around the remains of the tree to protect it as a sacred spot, long known by arab inhabitants as “Beit Lehi”, meaning “Home of Lehi.”

    Dr. Ginat shared this information with W. Cleon Skousen whom he had met while studying anthropology at University of Utah and teaching at Brigham Young University from 1970 through 1975.

    In 1983 Dr. Skousen and Dr. Glenn Kimber worked with Dr. Ginat and Dr. Yoram Tsafrir of Hebrew University to secure permission and funding to excavate the site. The first excavations began in December 1983. By noon of the first day, archaeologists found an ancient village and well-preserved mosaic floor of a Byzantine era chapel. Since that time, “hewn subterranean installations, including columbaria, olive presses, water cisterns, quarries, a stable, and hideaways,” have been discovered along with pottery and other items suggesting that the area had been populated from  600 B.C. until the Mameluke period of 1500 A.D. The discovery has been featured in the book Ancient Churches Revealed, published in 1993 by the Israel Exploration Society.

    After 1986 the site was covered to protect it until additional funds could be raised and conditions were right to continue future excavations.

    In 1994 Dr. Kimber and about 40 others, including a number of students, joined Dr. Ginat and Dr. Tsafrir to re-open the site. Since 1994, many groups have visited the site and participated in the excavation.

    Dr. Tsafrir, has since retired and according to Israeli law, passed responsibility for archaeological exploration to Dr. Oren Gutfeld of Hebrew University who continues to manage the excavation.

    Name History

    What’s in a name?  Almost every town or city is named for something, a person, an event or a nearby geographical wonder.  Beit Lehi is no different.  Beit comes from the Arabic word meaning house or dwelling.  Lehi means jawbone.  Beit Lehi means the “house” or “dwelling” of the jawbone.  An odd name without the rest of the story.

    The story begins around 1160 B.C.  As recorded in the Bible Judges chapters 13-15, Manoah and his wife have no children, but a man of Manoah’s means and stature in the community must have an heir.  He and his wife traveled often to a holy place near their home to make sacrifice and pray for a child.  That prayer is heard and answered when an angel appears to his wife and tells her that she will bare a son by God’s providence; that he should be a goodly child, of great strength; by whom the Israelites will be delivered from the hands of the Philistines.  He was to be a Nazirite, one who takes a vow of dedication to God.  At the time of Samson’s birth, the Israelites had been in bondage to the Philistines for more than 40 years.

    Perhaps the strongest man in biblical history, Samson’s impetuous nature  causes havoc among the Philistines.  He ties torches to the tails of 300 foxes and releases them into the fields of the Philistines destroying all their crops.  He kills 30 Philistines when they didn’t play fair in solving a riddle.  The Philistines seek to remedy the situation by sending an army of one thousand men to capture Samson who is hiding in the cave of a rock at Etam.  The army demands that 3,000 men of Judah capture Samson and deliver him into their hands.  With Samson’s consent, the men of Judah bind him with rope and are about to hand him over to the Philistines when he breaks free.  Using the jawbone of an donkey that lays at his feet, Samson slays 1,000 Philistines.

    Exhausted and near death from thirst, Samson prays for water.  Miraculously, a spring  bursts forth from the ground to revive the champion.  “And when he drunk, his spirit came again and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore (meaning fountain of the crier), which is in Lehi unto this day.” (Judges 15:19).  In writing “The Antiquities of the Jews”, the great Jewish historian Josephus (1st century A.D.) confirms the biblical account and notes that the spring remained vibrant in his day.  Samson remained at Lehi for 20 years as a judge of the people of Israel.

    More than 3100 years later, Jewish tradition suggests that the spring that gave life to Samson continues to this day near Beit Lehi.”

    In October 2005, at the beginning of the excavations in the site of Beit Lehi, one of the students from the Kimber Academy made a survey in the area and found a Hellenistic water cistern (Jesus is Here Cave) dating to the 3rd century BCE. When we entered this water system we couldn’t believe what we saw: a large ancient Greek inscription starting with a cross mentioning the name of Jesus “Yasoos Hodus” in ancient Greek, which means “Jesus is Here.” Below the inscription we found a graffiti of cross with the abbreviation of the two ancient Greek letters chi and rho for Cristos—Christ—and the above the inscription a graffiti of a boat with a person standing on the front of the boat holding the sail, probably Jesus, preaching in the Sea of Galilee. This was probably used as a hermit cell for one of the monks who lived in the site of Beit Lehi in the 5th century CE.

    Biet Lehi, Israel

    LDS Scene

    Book of Mormon Linked to Site in Yemen A group of Latter-day Saint researchers recently found evidence linking a site in Yemen, on the southwest corner of the Arabian peninsula, to a name associated with Lehi’s journey as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Warren Aston, Lynn Hilton, and Gregory Witt located a stone altar that professional archaeologists dated to at least 700 B.C. This altar contains an inscription confirming “Nahom” as an actual place that existed in the peninsula before the time of Lehi. The Book of Mormon mentions that “Ishmael died, and was buried in the place which was called Nahom” (1 Ne. 16:34).This is the first archaeological find that supports a Book of Mormon place-name other than Jerusalem or the Red Sea, says Brother Witt.

    See the Biet Lehi Foundation Website Here!

  • Blessed April- Hebrew Moon- Mayan Sun

    Blessed April- Hebrew Moon- Mayan Sun

    This time of year we celebrate so much. April is the month of Restoration, Atonement, Birth, Resurrection, and the Savior Jesus Christ. Enjoy this information about the symbolism of the stars, moon and sun, along with the astrological significance of the heavens that Abraham was blessed to know and share with us. These understandings may help you in your service and worship of our Savior. His gospel of truth in on the earth as we enjoy General Conference today and tomorrow.

    “But the records of the fathers, even the patriarchs, concerning the right of Priesthood, the Lord my God preserved in mine own hands; therefore a knowledge of the beginning of the creation, and also of the planets, and of the stars, as they were made known unto the fathers, have I kept even unto this day, and I shall endeavor to write some of these things upon this record, for the benefit of my posterity that shall come after me.” Abr. 1:31

    Dr. John Lefgren “April 6th” published by Deseret Book 1980

    Tickets Information

    In our haste to sometimes ignore symbolism and other historical teachings, I share the article below as information you may not have heard before, that may assist you in understanding more or new information about our moon, stars, and sun according to some Hebrew teachings.

    My Three Suns (and Moons)

    by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
    In Biblical Hebrew there are three words for the sun and three words for the moon. The sun is variously called shemeshchamah, and cheres, while the moon is called yare’achlevanah, and sahar. Rabbi Aharon Marcus (sometimes known as the “Chasid from Hamburg”) explains that not only does each word of these threesomes focus on a different aspect of the sun and the moon, but these words may also represent different stages of development in the history of man’s relationship with the sun and moon. In the Bible’s account of the creation of the world (Gen. 1), the words shemesh (sun) and yare’ach (moon) do not appear. The Bible only refers to the sun as “the great luminary”, and the moon as “the small luminary”, as if to say that their entire purpose is simply to serve as luminaries, but they do not possess any inherent importance. Thus, the sun and moon did not originally have names.

    However, as the generations progressed, people began to worship the sun and moon, calling them Baal(literally, “master”) and Asherah, respectively. In order to counter this unfortunate development, early monotheists who fought against idolatry coined specific words to identify the sun and moon, yet still downplay their importance. That is, they called the sun shemesh which literally means “the servant”, highlighting its subservience to G-d; and, they called the moon yare’ach,which is related to the Hebrew word ore’ach (pathway), and refers to the moon’s orbital path in the heavens.

    However, the names shemesh and yare’ach themselves came to be used as names of the idolatrous gods of the sun and the moon. In fact, archeologists have identified the worship of Shammash and Yarikh in ancient Canaan and Mesopotamia. Interestingly, place-names reflecting those old idolatrous practices are still in use today: Bet Shemesh (literally, “The House of the Sun”) and Yericho (related to yare’ach) were apparently ancient centers of the sun and moon cults before the Jewish People entered the Holy Land.

    Anyways, using these names for idolatry necessitated coining new words to refer to the sun and the moon. For this reason the sun is later referred to as chamah (literally, “the hot one”) and cheres (literally “pottery”) to illustrate the sun’s scorching temperature and its ability to bake pottery — a mainstay of ancient civilization. Others explain that the sun is likened to pottery because of its reddish pottery-like hue at sunrise and at sunset. Similarly, the moon is later referred to as levanah (literally “the white one”) and sahar (“crescent”), to refer to its perceived color and shape. In short, Shemesh focuses on the sun’s utilitarian role in the celestial system meant to carry out Gd’s wishes, chamah refers to the sun’s heat, and cheres refers to the connection between the sun and pottery. Similarly, yare’ach focuses on the orbital path which the moon takes in travelling the solar system, levanah focuses on the moon’s color, and sahar, on its shape. Others note that sahar is not really Hebrew, it is actually an Aramaic loanword sometimes used to refer to the moon.

    With time, even these words unsurprisingly also came to be associated with celestial idolatry, as those who worshipped the sun and the moon used ritual objects to “enhance” their cultic practices. The Torah (Lev. 26:30) refers to a ritual object known as a chaman, which was a type of idol that people erected on their roof to worship the sun, and Isaiah (Isa. 3:18) criticizes the Jews for wearing saharonim, which were talisman necklaces shaped like the moon.

    Some might reject the historical aspect of this explanation because it would seem to contradict the notion of the Hebrew language’s Divine origins, but the basic argument still holds true. That is, the three words used to refer to the sun and the three words used for the moon somewhat parallel each other in their focus on different aspects of the sun and the moon. 1995-2023 Ohr Somayach International

    Ancient Mayan Astronomy Among the Planets, Venus Held Particular Importance

    “The ancient Maya were avid astronomers, recording and interpreting every aspect of the sky. They believed that the will and actions of the gods could be read in the stars, moon, and planets, so they dedicated time to doing so, and many of their most important buildings were built with astronomy in mind. The sun, moon, and planets—Venus, in particular—were studied by the Maya.

    The heyday of Maya astronomy was in the 8th century CE, and Maya day keepers published astronomical tables tracking the movements of celestial bodies on the walls of a special structure at Xultun, Guatemala in the early 9th century. The tables are also found in the Dresden Codex, a bark-paper book written about the 15th century CE. Although the Maya calendar was largely based on the ancient Mesoamerican calendar created at least as early as 1500 BCE, Maya calendars were corrected and maintained by specialist astronomical observers. Archaeologist Prudence Rice has argued that the Maya even structured their governments based in part on the requirements of tracking astronomy.” Source

    Hopewell Archeoastronomy, Lunar Alignments

    “The highly advanced ancient civilization, called the Hopewell Mound Builders, that flourished in the heartland of North America from about 300 B.C. to 400 AD built massive earth structures unparalleled in human history. What is even more incredible is that they built them in alignment with astronomical objects…such as the moon. Encoded in these earthworks are eight separate lunar alignments that envelope its entire 18.6 year cycle! They demonstrated their knowledge of the solar system, geometry and mathematics through the building of these massive earthen structures. This is astounding new information that may support the claims of the Book of Mormon (see Omni:21).

    Ancient Mesoamerican worship revolved around the Sun and not the Moon like it is with the Jews and the Native Americans. “Maya astronomers had the ability to predict and mark the passage of the seasons by observing the movements of the Sun along the horizon, or the Sun’s movements with respect to the pyramids and other temples. The Sun and its cycles are the foundation for Maya calendar keeping.” Rod Meldrum

    The Newark Earthworks below, built between 100 A.D. to 100 A.D.,* originally encompassed more than four square miles. Taken as a whole, the earthworks appear to symbolize elements of the Plan of Salvation and Redemption

    1. Pre-Mortal Life as spirits being born with a…
    2. Veil of Forgetfulness to begin mortal…
    3. Earth life: “the four corners of the earth”
    4. Direct path after death to a higher kingdom
    5. Spirit Prison (holding area for the wicked)
    6. Paradise (Gospel preached to the dead)
    7. Vicarious Path with multiple check points
    8. Lake of Filthy Water (worldly temptations)
    9. Terrestrial Kingdom (cf. 1 Cor. 15:40) The Seal of Melchizedek consists of two interlocked (or overlapping) squares, making what appears to be an eight-pointed star within the octagon.
    10. Celestial Kingdom (narrow path entered only through the realm of the Melchizedek Priesthood)

      More detailed information about The Newark Earthworks, by John C. Lefgren at the end of this article.

    The “Sun” is the Mayan Calendar Tradition

    The cycles of celestial bodies, particularly the Sun, form the basis of the Maya calendar. It is no coincidence then that the word for Sun, day, and time are the same, or are very similar to each other in all Mayan languages. To keep track of time, the Maya observed and recorded the yearly cycles of the Sun; including the times of equinoxes, solstices, and the zenith and nadir passages. Sunlight and shadows, as well as the position of the Sun during sunrise and sunset, are recorded in the architecture of the magnificent pyramids, palaces, and other structures of ancient Maya cities to this day. These special times of the year were celebrated with pomp and ceremony in ancient times; and, today, thousands of people, both Maya and non-Maya, visit archaeological sites and witness the relationship between the Sun and the structures of these monumental cities. Source

    The “Moon” is the American Indian & Jewish Calendar Tradition

    “The religious belief and ceremonies of the Indians that I propose showing some of the evidences of their being, as it is believed, the descendants of the dispersed tribes.” This opinion is founded —

    1st. In their belief in one God.
    2d. In the computation of time by their ceremonies of the new moon
    3d. In their divisions of the year in four seasons, answering to the Jewish festivals of the feast of flowers, the day of atonement, the feast of the tabernacle, and other religious holydays.
    4th. In the erection of a temple after the manner of our temple, and having an ark of the covenant, and also the erection of altars.
    5th. By the division of the nation into tribes with a chief or grand sachem at their head.
    6th. By their laws of sacrifices, ablutions, marriages; ceremonies in war and peace, the prohibitions of eating certain things, fully carrying out the Mosaic institutions; — by their traditions, history, character, appearance, affinity of their language to the Hebrew, and finally, by that everlasting covenant of heirship exhibited in a perpetual transmission of its seal in their flesh.

    If I shall be able to satisfy your doubts and curiosity on these points, you will certainly rejoice with me in discovering that the dispersed of the chosen people are not the lost ones — that the promises held out to them have been thus far realized, and that all the prophecies relative to their future destination will in due time be strictly fulfilled.

    It has been the general impression, as before mentioned, that great resemblance existed between some of the religious rites of the Jews, and the peculiar ceremonies of the Indians ; and the belief in one great spirit has tended to strengthen the impression ; yet this mere resemblance only extended so far as to admit of the belief, that they possibly may have descended from the dispersed tribes, or may have been of Tartar or Malay origin.” Discourse of the Evidences of the American Indians Being the Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel. By Mordecai M. Noah page 2-3

    As you see by reading this scripture in Omni, the Nephites used the counting of moons as the Jews did. “And they gave an account of one Coriantumr, and the slain of his people. And Coriantumr was discovered by the people of Zarahemla; and he dwelt with them for the space of nine moons.” Omni 1:21


    Nephi recounted when commanded to obtain the Plates of Brass: “Yea, and I also thought that they could not keep the commandments of the Lord according to the Law of Moses, save they should have the Law. And I also knew that the Law was engraven upon the Plates of Brass” – 1 Nephi 4:15-16. The Law of Moses was instituted to bring the children of Israel to Christ, “And for this intent we keep the Law of Moses, it pointing our souls to Him” – Jacob 4:5. The Law provided for seasonal holy ceremonial assemblies whereby specific items were symbolically used to focus the people’s actions and thoughts on the role the Holy One of Israel (Jesus Christ) had on their salvation (see pp. 15, 142, 144, 169 and 300).

    The Prophet and Historian Mormon, when reviewing the history on the Large Plates of Nephi, noted that “…the Lamanites did observe strictly to keep the commandments of God according to the Law of Moses.” (Helaman. 13:1; p. 369). Joseph Smith wrote in his Church History to Mr. John Wentworth, “The principal nation of the second race fell in battle towards the close of the fourth century. The remnant [the conquering Lamanites] are the Indians that now inhabit this country.” (See p. 551.) Mordecai M. Noah (1785-1851), a prominent Jewish lay leader published his, “Discourse of the Evidences of the American Indians Being the Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel,” New York, James Van Norden, 1837-39

    Lehi and Sariah offer Sacrifice

    Mordecai M. Noah

    Mordecai M. Noah

    He [Mordecai Noah] based his discourse on their religious beliefs and seasonal ceremonies, “In their divisions of the year in four seasons, answering to the Jewish festivals of the feast of flowers [Feast of Weeks; see p. 300], the day of atonement, the feast of the tabernacle, and other religious holydays,” and, “by their laws of sacrifices, ablutions, marriages; ceremonies in war and peace, the prohibitions of eating certain things, fully carrying out the Mosaic institutions.” (p. 8.) He writes, “The most sacred fast day uniformly kept by the Jews is the day of Atonement, usually falling in the month of September or in early October…

    Precisely such a fast, with similar motives, and nearly at the same period of the year, is kept by the Indian natives generally…[James] Adair (see p. 544) stat[ed] the strict manner in which the [American heartland] Indians observe the revolutions of the moon, and describing the feast of the harvest, and the first offerings of the fruits, gives a long account of the preparations of putting their temple in proper order for the great day of atonement, which he fixes at the time when the corn is fully eared and ripe, generally in the latter end of September.” (p. 14.)


    Hively and Horn’s discoveries about the Octagon’s alignments were first published in the 1980s. Brad Lepper and Jeff Gill were soon calculating when the 18.6-year cycle would bring the moonrise back to its perfect axial position. Historian Gill explains:

    We were looking at getting to be the first people in 1500 years to go and watch something happen in a place and in a way that it was originally intended to do…. And so there we stood, on the central alignment, and looking along where those walls said to us, whispered across the centuries: “There it will happen.” And when it did, it was just one of the most memorable moments of my life…. And, you know, that’s the kind of stuff that you get involved in archaeology to do, which is to just reach across the centuries and have that human contact.

    Now that the moonrise alignments have been re-discovered here, there have been increasing numbers of celebrations. A group of Native Americans came for the 2005 maximum moonrise, and went out into the Octagon. Dick Shiels recalls:

    We got to the site and there was this mist: you couldn’t see the walls of the earthworks, let alone the moon. But we had brought a Lakota spiritual leader from South Dakota, who led us in. We had brought Native singers from around the state who led us in. We walked into the center of the octagon. The Native leader sang and prayed, we stood there in the mist unable to see anything at all for about a half an hour, and as we walked back I saw 50-year-old college professors with tears running down their faces. It was a tremendously moving experience. Those of us who have been planning these things have learned a great deal, we’ve learned to appreciate how fully these sites are Native sites, and so we have included more Native speakers, and more of a Native perspective… Source

    Hopewell Earthworks explanations by Dr. Bradley Leper

    Dr. Bradley Leper and the curator of the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus talk of the different kinds of mounds and ceremonial earthen structures associated with the ancient Hopewell Mound Builder civilization that was incredibly highly advanced…as advanced as any society of their time period! They built roads, massive earth structures aligned with astronomical objects such as the moon, they used metals and were an agrarian culture. Their archaeological time frame matches incredibly closely with the Nephite civilization of the Book of Mormon. If you come with Rod Meldrum on a tour of these areas, you will visit the actual locations that they are pointing out in the video! Join us on an unforgettable tour of the proposed lands of the Book of Mormon nestled in the heartland of North America!

    “The world’s largest earthen temple complex is located in Newark, Ohio (see p. 250 of the Annotated book of Mormon). The central axis of the portion known as the Great Octagon (Fig. 9 on p. 250) is fixed at 58.1 degrees east of true north which is the azimuth for the maximum northern moonrise. This event occurs only once every 18.6 years. The moonrise for Saturday, October 3rd, A.D. 33 was in alignment with the central line of the earthwork. At this time the Calendar of Moses required the Children of Israel to gather at the temple. On the rising of the sun of the next morning, the Nephites gathered at the temple in Bountiful (3 Nephi 11:1, p. 399) to observe the 7th day of the Feasts of Tabernacles. This alignment points to Christ coming to the Nephites in His resurrected glory on this day” – John C. Lefgren, Ph.D. “Joseph Smith” by Danquart Anthon Weggeland (March 31, 1827 – June 2, 1918)

    Great Octagon digital image courtesy of CERHAS/University of Cincinnati(
    The sign before the Birth of Christ- As Witnessed at the Newark Earthworks in Ohio by Dr. John C. Lefgren –44 page PDF document $9.95

    -Christ in America As Witnessed at the Newark Earthworks in Ohio
    -The 5-Year Prophecy of Samuel, the Lamanite
    -The Sign For The Birth Of Christ
    -The Day when Christ Appeared At the Temple in the Land of Bountiful

    John C. Lefgren, Ph.D. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania February 17, 2018 ©All Rights Reserved
    Artistic Rendition of Newark Earthworks

    Executive Summary

    The Newark Earthworks are the largest set of geometric earthen enclosures in the world. Because of their sheer size the descendants of Europeans over two centuries have not been able to destroy these ancient artifacts. Certainly over the years farms, railroads, militia encampments, golf courses and houses have had their impact. Nevertheless, main features of the monuments remain as a witness to a people who lived there more than 2,000 years ago.

    Astronomers and archaeologists are in agreement that the design and the orientation of the 200-acre Octagon / Great Circle in Newark, Ohio precisely differentiate the effects that a slight tilt of the moon’s axis has on its movements around the earth. The effects of this tilt cause the positions of the rising moon to vary over a cycle of 18.6 years. Two thousand years ago the maximum northern position of the moon at its rising was an important event for the people who built and maintained these monumental structures. With the use of modern computers and with Newton’s laws of motion it is possible to define within a tolerance of a few minutes the movements of the moon in the sky over Newark, Ohio.
    The Book of Mormon is an ancient record of a people who lived in America. These people kept the Law of Moses with its required feasts. The biblical feasts are directly tied to a calendar which counts the days of full lunar months. As needed the calendar adds an extra month to the year to keep the reckoning of time within the cycles of the four seasons.
    The Book of Mormon declares that after His ascension Jesus Christ appeared in America. This study confirms that in the evening of 3 October 33 AD there was for the ancient people at the Newark Earthworks an important lunar event – the maximum northern moonrise alignment along the centeral line between the Great Circle and the Octagon. At that same time the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles began and on the following morning the Children of Israel according to the Law of Moses presented themselves before the Lord at the Temple. On that day there was a great multitude at the Temple in the Land of Bountiful. The Book of Mormon testifies that the Lord Jesus Christ descended and appeared to the believers at the Temple in the Land of Bountiful.

  • Why Intellects Hate the Universal Model

    Why Intellects Hate the Universal Model

    Gabriel Mayberry/BYU Photo The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum opens a new exhibit today exploring the theories and observations of evolution, and how evolution changes life on Earth.
    “There is a plaque posted on the exhibit stating that it is not Church doctrine and the Church has no stance on the issue.” Daily Universe Paper By Rachel Keeler -July 30, 2019

    The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum opened a new exhibit March 11, 2019 exploring the theories and observations of evolution and how it changes life. See picture of New Exhibit right. Exhibit designer Travis Schenck said there is confusion around the definition of evolution, so the exhibit’s purpose is to help the public understand how science defines evolution. Schenck collaborated with BYU professors to simplify the terms used in the exhibit to make it more approachable and understandable for all audiences. “Understanding the Principles of Evolution” will run for many years.

    In my opinion, intellectuals hate this new science because it disagrees with their long held theories and shows real science that shows they are wrong. 

    To me it is very sad that BYU will spend thousands of dollars on this type of exhibit, just to show that ape to man is a theory. Too many take it to the next level and begin thinking it is a true theory. I understand BYU is a University and teaches many theories that are not part of Church Doctrine, but wouldn’t it be nice if the book of “New Millennial Science by Dean Sessions received an opportunity to be studied? No they say, as it isn’t peer-reviewed. Well Dean has peers that believe his science and most intellectuals of today think he is full of it. I guess the Lord will continue sharing truth with we mere mortals and the Intellectuals will have to learn later on.

    For over 7 years Rod Meldrum was the head scientific researcher for Dean Sessions, author of The Universal Model. Rod and Dean gives many presentations about how science and the scriptures go hand in hand. Russ Barlow is the many year editor of this wonderful set of works. Dean has over 30 years of research and study invested into this 3 volume set of over 2400 pages. (Volume 3 may be out in a year or so)

    I believe the text in orange below could very well be talking about great men like Rod Meldrum, Dean Sessions, Hannah Stoddard, and Russ Barlow. They have spent their entire lives in research, study, prayer, fasting, reading, and more praying about the many things they have found. I highly recommend you to read their words, study it out and pray about it. For me the little things I have researched all my life like, the age of dinosaurs, the creation, geography of the Book of Mormon, method of translation, evolution, and climate change have all been answered for me personally as I have strong beliefs in many of Rods, Deans and Russ’s words as verified by the spirit on many an occasion. They are amazing friends and inspired men. They don’t teach doctrine, but they teach hidden truth that is there if you are willing to search and pray.

    Information Early-Bird Tickets

    Dean Sessions and Russ Barlow will both be speaking at the 31st Book of Mormon Conference. Look for the schedule of speakers here:

    Joseph Fielding Smith

    “I attended sessions of meetings for the institute teachers, held in the assembly room on the fourth floor of the Church Office Building. I cannot say that I was very greatly edified. Too much philosophy of a worldly nature does not seem to mix well with the fundamentals of the gospel. In my opinion many of our teachers employed in the church school system have absorbed too much of the paganism of the world and have accepted too readily the views of uninspired educators without regard for the revealed word of the Lord. What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.” Joseph Fielding Smith The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith 212. Deseret Book Co., 1972. I also believe the words in D&C 121 verse 33 says, “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.” This could easily apply to the friends above that I have mentioned, and other inspired men and women of today.

    What Is The Universal Model?
    “The purpose of science is to describe and explain Nature so that we can understand and comprehend it, but where do we learn these things simply, in a way that makes sense? For many decades, a number of incorrect theories and misleading philosophies have formed the foundation of ‘modern’ science. Now, newly discovered scientific truths in the Universal Model have revealed long-hidden natural laws that explain Nature’s workings in an easily comprehensible format. We invite all to explore and experience the adventure of learning by investigating new discoveries about the Earth and our Universe found in the UM. These scientific truths establish a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to heights of knowledge and discovery never before imagined.” The Universal Model Home Page

    “We must keep in mind that He [Christ] is allowing the wheat and tares to grow up together for a season, and by and by the tares will be gathered together and be burned up. Before the burning though, there will be a judgement, and the Lord is allowing us each right now to work out our salvation or damnation. Those that have the facts before them and reject them (see below) will pay the ultimate price, but there also must be a Great Divide that is taking place right now (talked about in the BoM and in the last chapter of Vol II of UM [Universal Model] – the Human Model) to clearly mark each of us to which side we are on.

    Joseph Fielding Smith wrote:

    “One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    This is the purpose of the UM, to take this maze (the modern science puzzle that makes no sense – everything from nothing) and replace it with Nature’s Puzzle – they way things really are.

    Melvin A. Cook in the Intro of:  Man, His Origin and Destiny also said:
    “Unfortunately, owing to the strong desire of scientists to display their brilliance and ingenuity, there is a tendency for theory to become the objective instead of a means to the end. Theory then not only loses its real value, but actually becomes a stumbling block to progress. Its inventor and disciples become so engrossed in the theory that they lose sight of its fundamental purpose, the quest for truth. This condition was shockingly illustrated in my presence at a meeting of scientists when one of great renown met a factual objection with the statement, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    “Therefore, the Lord will judge these so-called intellectuals to whether they want to follow and learn of the Truth (which is literally Christ) or not. The sad thing is that most do not realize following Christ means following and seeking out for the Truth.
    The UM has already produced experiments for the first time that are “more than words” (for example it has created sandstone and petrified wood which are identical to how Nature produced it in only a few days). The UM does not just have “alternative explanations” to how things are done in Nature, it has the ONLY explanation in hundreds of instances where modern science admits their theories cannot explain such and such natural phenomena. So ‘producing’ more ‘things’ is not the solution. Science is about demonstrating the true nature of Nature, it is not technology, which is only a tool that helps us understand it better.

    Therefore, we cannot expect the leaders of science today to ever change their religion of atheism and accept the truth. It’s just not going to happen. For the UM to gain a much wider acceptance, it will have to be promoted full time to a much greater degree and I will personally have to be involved with this with others. This means I will be involved in debates and interviews and making many more recordings for the Web with influencers.

    Although each Volume of the UM stands alone and has more new natural law than produced by modern science over the last century, Vol III does have double the amount of natural law as the other two volumes and many more experiments seen for the first time. Being able to demonstrate the true models of both matter and energy is more than any physicist or chemist or cosmologist has ever dreamed of, as this alone changes all their fields of study – and the UM does this. It also shows the errors in the physics of the Big Bang and proves the Universe is not expanding, but rotating in a Revolutionary Universe. It really is beyond what any scientist could dream about – yet it is all real and empirically demonstrated.” Dean Sessions-Founder and Author of the “Universal Model, A New Millennial Science

    Daily Universe article by BYU Professors

    The UM Is For All Lovers Of Truth by Chauncey Riddle

    I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my favorite topics and concerns.

    “Wow!! What a book. It is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read. I only have 100 pages remaining and when I finish, I’m going to read it again. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of the book. Sessions started with the pseudo magma foundation and proved the fallacy of the theory so everything else fell into place from there. Everything I learned in college about geology is blatantly false. I have made note of a few questions that one day perhaps, I will be able to ask Sessions about. Perhaps after my second reading, answers to these questions will be forthcoming. Thank you once again, Sessions is beyond brilliant.” Robert L. Mehl, B.A., M.S., Geology, USA (Bob is my Father-in-Law. Since Oct 2021, Bob has read volume one 6 times and volume 2 twice. His geology at Kansas University taught hem very little he says).

    BYU and UVU scientists question research offered at a conference on the Book of Mormon (Ad Left)

    ‘Universal Model’ • Assertions offered by featured speaker at coming conference are untested, would not pass peer review, they say.

    By Benjamin Wood The Salt Lake Tribune · April 25, 2017

    This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

    An upcoming conference on Book of Mormon research and other LDS-related topics is generating backlash from university scientists, most of whom are themselves Mormon.

    In a letter published Tuesday in The Daily Universe — Brigham Young University’s student newspaper — faculty and students from BYU’s Geological Sciences Department cautioned against the untested assertions of Dean Sessions, founder of the Millennial Science Foundation. BYU is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Sessions is one of the featured speakers at this weekend’s Firm Foundation Expo at Utah Valley University and is known for writing the “Universal Model,” a faith-based explanation of Earth’s development similar to the creationism theory of flood geology.

    Tribune file photo
The Book of Mormon first edition, 1830, on display at the LDS Church History Library in 2014. LDS and non-LDS scientists are saying that the "Universal Model" explanation for Earth's creation, put forward by Dean Sessions, are untested and wouldn't pass peer review.

    Sessions’ work states that Earth is filled with water and not molten rock, including a core of solid ice, and that fossilization, petrification and the planet’s land forms are the result of a recent worldwide flood and not millennia of geological development.

    “Students and the BYU community are reminded that organic evolution, anthropogenic climate change, radiometric dating and a 4.56 billion-year-old age of the Earth are all seriously taught on campus by professors, who are in good standing with the church, in fields directly relating to these subjects,” the letter states, signed by BYU Associate Dean Bart Kowallis, eight faculty members and 24 students.

    The letter was submitted in response to a Firm Foundation Expo advertisement that ran in The Daily Universe. Kowallis did not respond to a request for comment, but the letter states that Sessions’ assertions are contradicted by empirical evidence and would not pass peer review by subject experts.

    “We are concerned that the presence of the aforementioned advertisement in The Universe may legitimize Dean Sessions’ ‘Universal Model’ in the eyes of some within the community,” the geologists wrote.

    A similar ad ran in the student newspaper of Utah Valley University, where the conference will be held between Thursday and Saturday. UVU physics and astronomy professor Joseph Jensen said he too was concerned about Sessions’ assertions being legitimized through an event on a university campus.

    “This is pseudoscience,” Jensen said. “It’s people trying to make money on something that sounds scientific but has no basis in observation or reality, for that matter.”

    Rian Nelson, an organizer of the Firm Foundation Expo, said Sessions is one of 88 speakers participating in the event, which covers topics ranging from holistic health practices to evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon, the LDS Church’s foundational scripture, which tells of pre-Columbian Christians in the Western Hemisphere.

    Firm Foundation is an acronym for Foundation for Indigenous Research and Mormonism.

    “We include science and Book of Mormon study and gardening and emergency preparedness,” Nelson said. “We’re all, solidly, members of the LDS Church and believe in it with all of our heart.”

    Nelson said he wasn’t concerned with the criticism of the “Universal Model,” even from scientists who are members of his own faith. The creation and timeline of the Earth, Nelson said, are areas of study in which faithful Mormons can disagree.

    “There are many BYU faculty members that disagree with our theory about the heartland of North America being where the Book of Mormon was,” he said. “We both have strong testimonies of the gospel. We’re just looking at different theories in different directions.”

    But Jensen, who is also LDS, said his concerns with the “Universal Model” go beyond a disagreement over theories.

    Sessions calculates the mass of his water-filled Earth to be about a third of the scientific consensus, Jensen said. And the “Universal Model” is designed to justify a personal viewpoint, he said, rather than respond to empirical evidence.

    “We have a really good idea of how much mass the Earth has,” Jensen said. “There’s nothing about the model that Mr. Sessions is proposing that is consistent with any of the observations.”

    In a prepared statement, “Universal Model” spokesman Jarom Sessions said that he expects lively feedback from students and professors in response to the incredible discoveries and extraordinary assertions included in the model. But, he added, inquirers should set aside their emotions and examine the evidence.

    “Just because a theory is taught for ‘generations’ as fact,” Jarom Sessions wrote, “that alone does not make it credible or true when the observable evidence shows otherwise.”

    Other presentations at the Firm Foundation Expo include “Noah’s Flood and Lake Bonneville,” “Relieve Pain with Brain Techniques,” “Prophets and the Women Who Loved Them” and “Reconciling Science and Mormonism.” Twitter: @bjaminwood

    This is a sad commentary, as those signing this ad have probably never read and studied the Universal Model. They have maybe read one or two articles and immediately dismissed it without any other thought. After all, they probably say, Dean is crazy, or that is stupid, or that goes against everything I have been taught, so how can a non professor like Dean claim any authority? Let them laugh and mock and we will see what truths they are choosing to pass up. I love the quotes below.

    What Do Intellectuals Teach?

    “There are those who say that revealed religion and organic evolution can be harmonized. This is both false and devilish.” Bruce R. McConkie, June 1, 1980, BYU fireside address

    I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    The Great and Spacious Building of Academia is alive and well all over the world today. Guard your children and family against these progressives ideas. As my friend Rod Meldrum always said,“When you find any conflict between Science and Scriptures, believe Scriptures and you will always be correct.”

  • Some BYU Professors say Noah’s Flood is a Myth?

    Some BYU Professors say Noah’s Flood is a Myth?

    To me, it seems science has missed the mark for many years now. Einstein’s theory is still just a theory and not true, man has not evolved from an ape, the creation time of this earth did not take billions of years, and the dinosaurs are the age of Adam not millions of years old.  There have been many of these scientists and intellectuals who have completely disagreed with the new book, Universal Model. In my opinion that means Dean Sessions author of Universal Model, is on the correct path, because for years I have believed the opposite of what most of today’s scientists believe.  I am learning that the more the professors of the large and spacious buildings say something is true, I think the opposite is usually the right answer. Read a portion of Universal Model at the very end of this blog about New Scientific Evidence for a Universal Flood. There is an article in LDS Living by Stephen O. Smoot here, that I have a hard time believing. I believe the flood was a true account and was a world wide global event and no part of the story was a myth. I share below a small portion of Mr. Smoot’s article.
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    (This Stephen O. Smoot mentioned above is not our heartland friend named Steven Edgar Smoot, author of Lost American Antiquities. Stephen O. is a liberal professor who supports the Mesoamerican theory. 

    Was the Flood a Global or Local Flood? by Stephen O. Smoot

    “Modern believers are confronted with geological and other scientific evidence (in addition to the ancient literary context of Genesis) that casts serious doubt on the feasibility of a worldwide catastrophic flood sometime (presumably) around 3,000 BC that wiped out all animal and human life save that which was spared on Noah’s ark. In response to these challenges, some have wondered if perhaps the flood described in Genesis drew from memory of a localized event, perhaps a particularly bad flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Given the somewhat ambiguous meaning of the Hebrew word eretz (“earth,” “land”), rather than the “earth” (meaning the spherical globe) being entirely flooded, instead perhaps Genesis meant to convey that the “earth” (meaning the land or local region where Noah dwelt) was inundated (Moses 1:29). Or perhaps a local flood was mythologized into a global one to symbolically signify the renewal or recreation of the earth from out of a primordial universal ocean (Genesis 1:2). Latter-day Saints have likewise wrestled with this question and have come to varying conclusions (some more traditionalist, others more moderate). Apostle John A. Widtsoe acknowledged in 1943 that from a revelatory point of view we simply do not know enough to conclusively settle this matter. “The fact remains that the exact nature of the flood is not known. We set up assumptions, based upon our best knowledge, but can go no further.” He continued: We should remember that when inspired writers deal with historical incidents they relate that which they have seen or that which may have been told them, unless indeed the past is opened to them by revelation.

    The details in the story of the flood are undoubtedly drawn from the experiences of the writer. Under a downpour of rain, likened to the opening of the heavens, a destructive torrent twenty-six feet deep or deeper would easily be formed. The writer of Genesis made a faithful report of the facts known to him concerning the flood. In other localities the depth of the water might have been more or less. In fact, the details of the flood are not known to us.” 5 Answers to Difficult Questions About Noah and the Flood by Stephen O. Smoot Complete Article here In my opinion the flood was real and a worldwide event. The scientists today are intellectualizing the creation, flood, age of man, evolution, global warming, and many other things that just don’t make sense.
    Expo Tickets Here

    Book of Mormon Central

    Book of Mormon Central  Science Concerns Author(s): Michael R. Ash Self-Published, 2015 Pages: 79-8075) (75) The Bible and LDS scriptures teach that there was no death before the fall.

    Answer: There is no official doctrine regarding the antiquity or creation of the Earth or life on Earth.
    We know that much of what we read in the scriptures is allegorical or symbolic. Many LDS believe in both Adam and Eve and that science is correct regarding the progression of life on Earth. Ancient societies (as well as modern societies) understood God’s revelations as well as His creations from within a context of their worldviews (here we go again… their “language”). Some Biblical scholars (such as non-LDS John Walton) argue that the creation account of Genesis is based on—what he calls—a functional creation. When we “create” a committee we are not creating a physical structure but rather organizing things (in the case of a committee those “things” would be people) to populate and steward the organization. Those who wrote the Old Testament believed that the creation was an on-going process an enterprise in which we are intimately involved—just like a committee continues to function long after it’s “created.” Instead of seeing the creation accounts like modern people read them today (as creating a product with an Erector Set), ancient peoples “believed that something existed not by virtue of its material properties, but by virtue of its having a function in an ordered system.”35 “Creation,” notes Dr. Walton, “thus constitutes bringing order to the cosmos from an originally nonfunctional condition…. Consequently, to create something (cause to exist) in the ancient world means to give it function, not material properties.”36 The function of creation was to give order, roles, organization, and jurisdiction to the cosmos—which includes Earth and all life. The story in Genesis described the organizational powers between us and God while setting a pattern to guide us in our relationship with the divine. Dr. Walton explains that the creation of Adam and Eve has archetypal significance and they stand as representations for all of God’s children. Humankind is connected to the ground from which we are drawn. Womankind is connected to mankind from whom she is drawn. In both male and female forms, humankind is connected to God in whose image all are made. As such they have the privilege of procreation, the role of subduing and ruling, and a status in the garden serving sacred space (Gen 2: 15)…. Neither the materials nor the roles are descriptive only of the first individuals. This creation account gives people their identity and specifies their connectivity to everything around them.37 By understanding that the scriptures are not meant to reveal the scientific and mechanical workings of the universe we are free to accept or reject pre-Adamites, evolution, and death before the fall, based on intellectual arguments instead of from a position that assumes we have infallible 80 scriptures and infallible ancient prophets.

    76) Science has proven that there was no worldwide flood.

    Answer: There is no official doctrine regarding the scope or depth of Noah’s flood. Many LDS believe that the flood was localized—to Noah, the “earth” (and this is supported by how the word is used in Hebrew) would have referred to the land in his vicinity. Noah would not have known about the earth in a global sense (as we do today). If everything he saw was underwater, to his world the “earth” would have been flooded.

    77) Science discredits the Bible.

    Answer: The Bible is not a history book or a science book and doesn’t claim to be. Ancient cultures had a much different view of literature than we have today. God did not (and does not) reveal every detail of every scientific or historical fact to every prophet (there is no need for such revelations). Biblical authors had pre-scientific worldviews and wrote according to how they understood things in their day. As Galileo said, paraphrasing Cardinal Baronius (the Vatican’s librarian), the intent of scripture is “to teach us how one goes to heaven, not how heaven goes.”38 Book of Mormon Central Science Concerns Author(s): Michael R. Ash
    Emzara watching Noah

    Joseph Smith Foundation Commentary

    Firm Foundation and Rian Nelson support the information from the Joseph Smith foundation and believe strongly that the great flood was universal and it actually happened. Truth not a myth.

    “We must decide if we believe in the miraculous accounts of the scriptures dealing with the Creation, the Fall, the universal flood, the dividing of the continents, the confounding of languages and the miracles of Jesus. The scriptural account differs greatly from modern academia. One modern biologist, who rejects the miracles of the scriptures, spoke in contempt of the universal flood:
    “. . . the story is ignored as childish nonsense in most of the academic world, given no more attention nor validity than Grimm’s fairy tales.” [1]
    This same intellectual has spent much of his life promoting the theories of Darwinism while belittling the words of latter-day Prophets of God. He has given this rationale for his rejection of the miracle of the flood:
    “Can one really fit ten million species onto a single ocean-going vessel, feed and care for them all with their often very restrictive diets or living conditions (many of which we are helpless to duplicate even with modern systems), and keep it all going with just eight people for an entire year? The answer, plainly, is no.” [2]
    A belief in the scriptural account of the Creation and Fall and the miraculous narrative of the universal flood requires faith, including a belief in the power of God to perform miracles. The Prophets of God in this dispensation have possessed this faith. Note their uncompromising faith in the miracles of the scriptures contrasted with the quibbling knees of some moderns. President Howard W. Hunter has testified:
    “The Old Testament unfolds the story of the creation of the earth and mankind by God. Should we now disregard this account and modernize the creation according to the theories of the modernists? Can we say there was no Garden of Eden or an Adam and Eve? Because modernists now declare the story of the flood is unreasonable and impossible, should we disbelieve the account of Noah and the flood as related in the Old Testament?” [3]
    Primary children are taught the realities of God and His work on this earth. In growing older, is this faith retained? President Hunter continued by quoting the Savior’s words in Matthew relative to the universal Flood as a type of the Second Coming. As the earth was completely baptized and washed of all wickedness by the waters of the flood, so at the Savior’s Second Coming will the earth be baptized by fire and completely cleansed yet again [4]. Commenting on this passage, President Hunter continued.
    “In this statement the Master confirmed the story of the flood without modernizing it. Can we accept some of the statements of the Lord as being true and at the same time reject others as being false?” [5]
    “. . . as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. . . . Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” [6]
    The Lord has asked each of us to strive for child-like faith. President Hunter continued by explaining that Jesus Christ believed in a literal universal flood; that same Jesus Christ who taught that He was the resurrection and the life. Faith in the miracles of the scriptures is essential to faith in the Atonement and Resurrection. President Hunter continued:
    “How can we modernize the story of the flood, or refer to it as a myth, and yet cling to the truth of the [Atonement and Resurrection]? How can we modernize the Bible and still have it be a guiding light to us and a vital influence in our beliefs?” [7]
    Finally, President Hunter added his testimony of the literal miraculous events as found in the Bible record:
    “There are those who declare it is old-fashioned to believe in the Bible. Is it old-fashioned to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God? Is it old-fashioned to believe in His atoning sacrifice and the resurrection? If it is, I declare myself to be old-fashioned and the Church to be old-fashioned. In great simplicity, the Master taught the principles of life eternal and lessons that bring happiness to those with the faith to believe.” [8]
    Faith Crisis Here
    So what of the literal flood? Why are those who hold to the evolutionary teachings so adamant that there was never a literal universal flood? Simply stated, the universal flood approximately 4300 years ago conflicts with the dating of civilizations, the accepted growth of civilizations, the evolutionary development of man, the current accepted geological beliefs and several other fundamental themes of popular biology, anthropology, geology and so forth. The fact is, it can’t be both ways. Either the planet was shorn of human life and most forms of animal life a little more than 4 millenia ago, or life has been developing as the Darwinian adherents affirm. This is why most individuals trained in the learning of the day take a position that: 1. The scriptural account is a myth, 2. The flood was a local event, not worldwide catastrophe, 3. A mixture of the two former propositions. The scriptures, however, are very clear that these attempts to reconcile Darwinism and the prophetic record are impossible. The literal universal flood is supported by the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants and the writings of the presidents of the Church. In addition to all of these witnesses, a bit of common sense adds an additional witness. Why would the Lord command Noah to gather two of every animal and 7 of the clean animals working for many years and load them into an ark if the Flood was a local event? Would He not rather ask Noah to move himself and the animals to another valley away from the limited flood? Noah would have had great cause to be upset with the waste of work and effort in building an ark that was completely unneeded. There is additionally the witness of the tradition of nearly every culture on the earth. Nearly all cultures contain the Flood story in their history from the American Indians to the Chinese. The Chinese record is very interesting. Fu Xi and Nuwa are the principal ancestors of the Chinese. They reportedly came out from a flood when the earth was completely washed and were responsible for reseeding or repopulating Asia. The Chinese tapestries and images depicting Fu Xi and Nuwa also contain distinctive LDS symbols. This is particularly interesting as the Pearl of Great Price contains the record of the descendants of Shem and Ham, but not Japhath. This history and numerous other non-sacred accounts must be rejected if one is to have faith in the modern scientific suppositions.Rayneh painting a vase In accepting Darwinism do we reject the scriptures, the prophets and historical records? What of the objections that the animals could not fit on the ark? Please see the lecture by Terry Mortenson entitled Noah’s Flood: Washing Away Millions of Years. What of scientific evidence? There is a mountain of evidence for the literal universal Flood. Nearly all geologists coming from a Biblical perspective find evidence for the Flood. One example is Steven Austin. Please see Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe. Additionally, see the RATE team’s research in  Thousands . . . Not Billions. To accept Darwinism must one reject the scriptures, the prophets, history and true science?

    Prophetic Statements

    Joseph Smith

    In the days of Noah, God destroyed the world by a flood, and He has promised to destroy it by fire in the last days: but before it should take place, Elijah should first come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, etc. [9] Adam was made to open the way of the world, and for dressing the garden. Noah was born to save seed of everything, when the earth was washed of its wickedness by the flood; and the Son of God came into the world to redeem it from the fall. [10] [11] Noah praying with family

    Brigham Young

    If we read the requirements made by Jesus, by the Father, or by any messenger sent from the Heavens to the children of men we shall find nothing that will injure any human being or that will destroy the soul of one of the sons or daughters of Adam and Eve. . . . The world may in vain ask the question, “Who are we?” But the Gospel tells us that we are the sons and daughters of that God whom we serve. Some say, “We are the children of Adam and Eve.” So we are, and they are the children of our Heavenly Father. We are all the children of Adam and Eve, and they and we are the offspring of Him who dwells in the heavens, the highest Intelligence that dwells anywhere that we have any knowledge of. . . . What are His commandments to us? Has He commanded us to build an ark? No. He told Noah to do that for the salvation of those who would go into it; and after he had built it, and had preached righteousness for a long space of time, warning the people of the coming judgments of the Almighty, how many believed his testimony? Only eight souls, and they were members of his own family. All the rest were swept from the face of the earth. This is according to the account given to us in the Old Testament which we believe. I know that there are a great many in the world who are so wise in their own eyes that they are not disposed to believe the account contained in the Bible of the Creation, of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the antediluvian world and other things, but we profess to believe, and we do or should believe these things. [12] [God] told Noah to [build an ark] for the salvation of those who would go into it; and after he had built it, and had preached righteousness for a long space of time, warning the people of the coming judgments of the Almighty, how many believed his testimony? Only eight souls, and they were members of his own family. All the rest were swept from the face of the earth. This is according to the account given to us in the Old Testament which we believe. I know that there are a great many in the world who are so wise in their own eyes that they are not disposed to believe the account contained in the Bible of the Creation, of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the antediluvian world and other things, but we profess to believe, and we do or should believe these things. [13] There is a passage of Scripture that reads thus:—”For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren,” &c. Whom did he not foreknow? I do not think there is anybody now on the earth, or that has lived before us, or that will come after us, but what he knew. He knew who would be his anointed; he has had his eye upon them all the time, as he had upon Moses, Pharaoh, Abraham, Melchizedek, and Noah, who was a chosen vessel to build the ark and save a remnant from the flood. Did you ever hear the story of an old man that came to Noah when he was building the ark? “What, Mr. Noah, are you still at the ark? You are a veritable old fool, building an ark far away from any water! How are you going to float it?” “Wait a little while, and I will show you: by-and-by the Lord will break up the might deep and send forth the waters and drown the wicked.” “Oh, you are a fool, Noah! You had better build a good house, and plant and till the earth. I am going home,” &c. “Go on,” said Noah; “by-and-by you will learn that I am right.” They waited year after year, and by-and-by the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the rain began to descend. The old man came along, and Noah said to him, “What do you think now, neighbour?” “Oh, this is only a shower; it looks like clearing up; it will soon be over.” In a short time the old man came again, wading in water to his knees, when Noah said, “Well, what do you think now?” “Oh, it will soon clear away.” He came again, and that time he was paddling along in water up to his neck, and said, “Won’t you take me in, Noah?” “I have got my load; all who have received tickets are aboard, and those who have not tickets cannot come aboard. What do you think of it now, old man, is it only a little shower?” Then it was not, “Damn old Noah!” but they were crying, “Oh, Mr. Noah, take us in.” [14] Marvel not that the kingdom of God is not in its fulness. Marvel not that you see every man and woman subject to the passions that belong to fallen nature. There never was a Prophet on the earth but what was subject to passions, as we are. Every son and daughter of Adam that has come into this world has been subject to sin, and prone to wander. . . . When we have streets paved with gold, we will have placed it there ourselves. When we enjoy a Zion in its beauty and glory, it will be when we have built it. If we enjoy the Zion that we now anticipate, it will be after we redeem and prepare it. If we live in the city of the New Jerusalem, it will be because we lay the foundation and build it. If we do not as individuals complete that work, we shall lay the foundation for our children and our children’s children, as Adam has. If we are to be saved in an ark, as Noah and his family were, it will be because we build it. [15] The earth, the Lord says, abides its creation; it has been baptized with water, and will, in the future, be baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost, to be prepared to go back into the celestial presence of God, with all things that dwell upon it which have, like the earth, abided the law of their creation. [16] This earth in its present condition and situation, is not a fit habitation for the sanctified; but it abides the law of its creation, has been baptized with water, will be baptized by fire and the Holy Ghost, and by-and-by will be prepared for the faithful to dwell upon.” [17]   By Joseph Smith Foundation
    1.  Duane E. Jeffery, Noah’s Flood: Modern Scholarship and Mormon Traditions
    2.  Duane E. Jeffery, Noah’s Flood: Modern Scholarship and Mormon Traditions
    3.  Howard W. Hunter, That We Might Have Joy [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1994], p. 22
    4.  Matthew 24:36-39
    5.  Id., at p. 23
    6.  Matthew 24:36, 41
    7.  Howard W. Hunter, That We Might Have Joy [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1994], p. 23.
    8.  Ibid.
    9.  Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1976], 337.
    10.  Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1976], 12.
    11.  History of the Church 1:283
    12.  Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1854-1886], 13: 312
    13.  Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 13: 314
    14.  Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1854-1886], 8: 229 – 230
    15.  President Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints’ Book Depot, 1854-1886], 8: 352 – 353
    16.  Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, selected and arranged by John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954], 393.
    17.  Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, selected and arranged by John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954], 102.Kezia holding basket of green beans
    The Flood and the Tower of Babel

    “Because of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Latter-day Saints have additional knowledge that confirms the reality of these world-changing historical events.

    The Flood

    Many of us have fond memories learning about Noah and his ark during our days at home and in Primary. Perhaps our parents and teachers held up a picture of Noah preaching to laughing and mocking people as he stood in front of the partially built ark, or perhaps they showed us a picture portraying the ark filled with animals standing on the deck as the great vessel rested in the water. Later, our Sunday School or seminary teachers added to our knowledge of this great man, his righteousness, his missionary work, and the revelations surrounding the building of the ark. As Latter-day Saints, we treasure this sacred, true account of one of God’s great prophets who lived so long ago.

    Not everyone throughout the modern world, however, accepts the story of Noah and the Flood. Many totally disbelieve the story, seeing it as a simple myth or fiction. Typical of some modern scholars, one author recently discounted the events of the Flood by using such terms as “implausible,” “unacceptable,” and “impossible”; he stated that believers who would hope to provide geologic or other evidence regarding the historicity of the Flood “can be given no assurance that their effort, however sustained, will be successful.” Another author titled his book The Noah’s Ark Nonsense, revealing his disbelief that the Flood actually took place.

    Still other people accept parts of the Flood story, acknowledging that there may have been a local, charismatic preacher, such as Noah, and a localized flood that covered only a specific area of the world, such as the region of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers or perhaps even the whole of Mesopotamia. Yet these people do not believe in a worldwide or global flood. Both of these groups—those who totally deny the historicity of Noah and the Flood and those who accept parts of the story—are persuaded in their disbelief by the way they interpret modern science. They rely upon geological considerations and theories that postulate it would be impossible for a flood to cover earth’s highest mountains, that the geologic evidence (primarily in the fields of stratigraphy and sedimentation) does not indicate a worldwide flood occurred any time during the earth’s existence.

    There is a third group of people—those who accept the literal message of the Bible regarding Noah, the ark, and the Deluge. Latter-day Saints belong to this group. In spite of the world’s arguments against the historicity of the Flood, and despite the supposed lack of geologic evidence, we Latter-day Saints believe that Noah was an actual man, a prophet of God, who preached repentance and raised a voice of warning, built an ark, gathered his family and a host of animals onto the ark, and floated safely away as waters covered the entire earth. We are assured that these events actually occurred by the multiple testimonies of God’s prophets.

    Scriptural Evidence for a Worldwide Flood

    Many prophets from two different continents and different eras have identified Noah as a historical, not a mythical, character. These include Enoch (see Moses 7:42–43), Abraham (see Abr. 1:19), Amulek (see Alma 10:22), Moroni (see Ether 6:7), Matthew (see JS—M 1:41–42), Peter (see 2 Pet. 2:5), Joseph Smith (see D&C 84:14–15D&C 133:54), and Joseph F. Smith (see D&C 138:9, 41). The Lord Jesus Christ himself spoke to the Nephites of the “waters of Noah” (3 Ne. 22:9). Recent latter-day prophets and apostles have similarly spoken of Noah. For example, Elder Howard W. Hunter, then of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, asked, “Because modernists now declare the story of the flood is unreasonable and impossible, should we disbelieve the account of Noah and the flood as related in the Old Testament?”

    The most voluminous scriptural witness to Noah and the Flood is recorded in the writings of Moses, who dedicated a total of 57 verses in the King James Version to the account (Gen. 6:9–8:19). It is instructive to note that some of Noah’s actual words are preserved in the book of Moses, which introduces them with “And it came to pass that Noah continued his preaching unto the people, saying”—followed by his words: “Hearken, and give heed unto my words; Believe and repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, even as our fathers, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost, that ye may have all things made manifest; and if ye do not this, the floods will come in upon you” (Moses 8:23–24). This text is significant in that it confirms that Noah, like his predecessors, understood the gospel covenant, including the baptismal ordinance and Jesus Christ’s role as Savior.

    Moses may have received his information about Noah through direct revelation, or perhaps he used ancient records that were written by one of the eyewitnesses to the Flood, such as Noah himself or one of his sons. Such records, presuming they once existed, are now lost to the world. In the book of Genesis, Moses clearly states that a flood occurred, and the terminology definitely refers to a worldwide flood, as opposed to a localized flood. The Joseph Smith Translation backs up the Genesis account, modifying the wording only slightly.

    Said the Lord, “I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die” (Gen. 6:17; emphasis added in this and other scriptures in this article). The phrases “all flesh … from under heaven” and “every thing that is in the earth” indicate a worldwide destruction of all creatures that lived on land. Note that the Inspired Version, translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith, changes “in the earth” to “on the earth” (JST, Gen. 8:22).

    Genesis 7:19–20 [Gen. 7:19–20] states, “All the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered … ; and the mountains were covered.” These verses explicitly state that all of earth’s high mountains (“hills” should read “mountains” here; Hebrew harim) were covered by the waters. Lest one believe that the statement “under the whole heaven” is figurative and can be read or interpreted in different ways, a scriptural search through the entire Old Testament reveals that the phrase is used elsewhere only in a universal sense, as it is here; the phrase does not refer to a geographically restricted area (see Deut. 2:25Deut. 4:19Job 28:24Job 37:3Dan. 9:12). For instance, Job 28:24 also uses the phrase when referring to God’s omniscience, which is certainly not restricted to a specific geographical region on the earth.

    Genesis 7:21 [Gen. 7:21] states, “All flesh died that moved upon the earth, … every creeping thing … every man.” The phrase “all flesh” refers to all land animals, creeping things, and fowls and all of humanity, with the exception of those in the ark (see Gen. 7:23). The entry every in the Oxford American Dictionary reads: “each single one, without exception.” Moses is clearly trying to let us understand that the Flood was universal.

    Verse 22 [Gen. 7:22] states, “All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of allthat was in the dry land, died.” Again the term “all” expresses a sum total. The term “dry land” should be read literally here, having reference to the land masses of our planet.

    Verse 23 [Gen. 7:23] states, “Every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl.” Moses’ list of those destroyed by the Flood is inclusive; only Noah “remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.”

    Genesis 8:5 [Gen. 8:5] states, “In the tenth month … were the tops of the mountains seen.” After the flood, the “waters decreased” until Noah and his group were able to once again see mountaintops.

    Verse 9 states, “The waters were on the face of the whole earth.” The phrase “on the face of the whole earth” refers to a worldwide flood (see Gen. 1:29Gen. 11:4, 8, 9).

    Taken altogether, these statements should convince every believer in the Bible that the great Deluge was a worldwide event, not a localized flood that filled only the Mesopotamian or some other region.


    Some cite geological data to argue against the Flood. The issue for them, perhaps, revolves around the concept of uniformitarianism, which has been described simply in this way: “The present is the key to the past.” Uniformitarianism, first postulated by James Hutton in 1795, proposes three primary concepts: (a) there were no processes (such as geologic processes) operating in the past which are not operating now; (b) there are no processes operating now which were not operating in the past; and (c) process rates have not changed. Because modern scientists observe geologic change to be relatively slow now, many have naturally concluded that geologic processes have always been slow. Yet uniformitarianism, a premise on which much of geologic science is based, is an idea, not a fact. With our limited knowledge, it presently is a powerful paradigm for examining the earth, and given our ignorance of how the Lord has done things, it does help explain many things. The science that uses the idea has found for us such things as gas, oil, and certain types of minerals.

    Yet although uniformitarianism is a powerful perspective, it is still a premise, not a fact. Uniformitarianism cannot explain all of the oddities and anomalies about the earth. Further, it neglects a God who can speak and have the dust of the earth obey, who can move mountains at will, and who can divide the Red Sea. As Latter-day Saints, we have scriptural evidence that God has intervened in the affairs of the earth and modified the landscape on numerous occasions. Among other things, he changed the earth’s environment after the Fall, he gave Enoch power to move mountains and rivers before the Deluge, he caused the Flood, and he was the cause of the catastrophic events in America at the Savior’s death.

    For Latter-day Saints, the Flood is a matter of faith and belief. We believe in many events that today we cannot scientifically explain. For example, in a world where change and death are the norm, the scriptures promise immortality and eternal life. Indeed the scriptures teach that this earth will be burned (see 2 Pet. 3:10), receive a resurrection (D&C 88:26), and become a celestial kingdom (D&C 88:17–18). Such future events will make the incident of the Flood look like child’s play in comparison.

    Further, with all of the advancements of science in recent decades, we still cannot explain how angels are able to defy gravity and descend or ascend through a building’s ceiling (see JS—H 1:43); how rapid interplanetary travel is possible for heavenly beings (see D&C 130:6–7); how a righteous man can raise the dead using God’s power (see 1 Kgs. 17:17–23); how heavenly messengers can appear to mortals (see D&C 110:2, 11–13); or how Jesus Christ’s divine sacrifice is able to atone for our sins.

    Though we cannot yet explain the physics or dynamics behind those events, we look forward to the time when the Lord will come and explain them. In the Millennium—a time of great physical change in the earth—he will “reveal all things—

    “Things which have passed, and hidden things which no man knew, things of the earth, by which it was made, and the purpose and the end thereof—

    “Things most precious, things that are above, and things that are beneath, things that are in the earth, and upon the earth, and in heaven” (D&C 101:32–34).Aryel in the kitchen

    The Tower of Babel

    The account of the tower of Babel, presented in Genesis 11:1–9 [Gen. 11:1–9], is another account about which many persons in the world today disbelieve. It is an account of some of Noah’s descendants who set aside true temple worship and built a “pagan temple,” or “counterfeit temple,” in the form of a great tower. Two statements hint at an attempt to build a temple: “Let us build … a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven” (4) recalls one of the purposes of temples: to serve as places where God and man can meet. “Let us make us a name” (Gen. 11:4) recalls another purpose of temples: to serve as holy places where individuals take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ. But the rebellious people under the leadership of King Nimrod lacked real priesthood keys and the authority to build temples; they lacked the divine power to make sacred covenants in the Lord’s name. Other parallels have been made between the tower of Babel and the Lord’s temple, both in antiquity and in our times, helping Latter-day Saints, more than any other people on earth, to understand what those in Babel were vainly attempting to duplicate.

    The tower of Babel had a momentous impact on the events of world history, occurring not too long after the Flood and immediately before the confusion of tongues. The confusion of tongues came as a curse from the Lord because of the wicked people’s attempt to build the counterfeit temple, or tower, as Moses explained (Gen. 11:5–7). Before the tower, “the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech” (Gen. 11:1), but the building of the tower brought the Lord’s decision to confuse the tongues so the people could “not understand one another’s speech” (Gen. 11:7), preventing further defilement of the Lord’s sacred ordinances. The curse, in addition, resulted in the scattering of the people “upon the face of the whole earth,” a phrase given three different times for emphasis (see Gen. 11:4, 8, 9).

    The Akkadian or Babylonian word babel means “gate of God.” The word translates from Hebrew into English as “confusion” or “confound”—hence Moses’ text, “Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth” (Gen. 11:9).

    For some in the modern world, the historicity of the tower of Babel story, as with the Flood, is often discounted. One modern school of thought considers the account to be nothing more than an “artful parable” and an “old tale.”But Latter-day Saints accept the story as it is presented in Genesis. Further, we have the second witness of the Book of Mormon. The title page of the Book of Mormon explains that the book of Ether “is a record of the people of Jared, who were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, when they were building a tower to get to heaven.” The book of Ether itself then tells of when “Jared came forth with his brother and their families, with some others and their families, from the great tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, and swore in his wrath that they should be scattered upon all the face of the earth” (Ether 1:33).

    Principles and Lessons for Our Time

    The stories of the tower of Babel and the Flood present a number of doctrinal principles and applications for Latter-day Saints today. With reference to the tower of Babel, we find the following interesting observations and parallels for our day:

    1. Every time we hear foreign tongues (including English), we can be reminded that at one time “the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech” (Gen. 11:1). The hundreds of languages on the earth today stand as a witness that there existed long ago a tower of Babel in the land of Shinar.

      Yet in spite of the confusion of tongues so long ago, the gospel of Jesus Christ is reversing the effects of Babel. In the context of a temple dedication, Elder Spencer W. Kimball taught: “someone said yesterday, there never should have been a Babel. There having been a Babel, it is in reverse now. The confusion of Babel is being overcome. The Finns and the Dutch and the British, the Germans and the French and the Hollanders, the Scandinavians, Italians, Austrians all meeting under one roof! All of them heard the voice of the prophet of the Lord. Everyone of them heard his message in his own tongue. Everyone of them heard the ordinances of the gospel, the ordinances of the temple, in his own tongue. The confusion of Babel is in reverse.”

    2. Because of her great iniquity, ancient Babel, or Babylon, has become a long-standing scriptural symbol for “wickedness” (see D&C 133:14). Specifically, Babylon represents any people who “have strayed from mine [the Lord’s] ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant;

      “They seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol, which waxeth old and shall perish in Babylon, even Babylon the great, which shall fall” (D&C 1:15–16).

      In antiquity, Babylon attempted to imitate Zion, attempting to replace the temple with its great tower, and Babylon’s false gods were substitutes for the Lord God. Unfortunately, Babylon has not changed in time.

    3. The word “scatter[ed]” is found three times in the story of the tower (Gen. 11:4, 8–9). Nations are scattered as the result of wickedness. The opposite of scattering is gathering, and this dispensation is the era for gathering. The rebellious people who followed Nimrod were scatteredfrom Babel, and in our dispensation the Lord’s people are to gather from Babel, or Babylon: “Gather … upon the land of Zion. … Go ye out from Babylon. … Go ye out of Babylon; gather ye out from among the nations, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. … Go ye outfrom among the nations, even from Babylon, from the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon” (D&C 133:4–7, 14).

    In addition to carefully studying scriptural teachings related to the tower of Babel, a study of the Flood and the last days provides valuable instruction for us:

    1. Those who hearkened unto the prophet Noah’s voice and repented were baptized and received the Holy Ghost and obtained a spiritual and a “temporal salvation” (Moses 7:42). Likewise, those who follow the prophets in this dispensation, from the Prophet Joseph Smith to President Gordon B. Hinckley, and who accept the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of their sins, will be saved.

    2. Noah’s contemporaries “sought his life” (Moses 8:26); “every man was lifted up in the imagination of the thoughts of his heart, being only evil continually” (Moses 8:22); they failed to hearken unto the words of their prophet (Moses 8:24); and they were guilty of riotous living, described as “eating and drinking, and marrying and giving in marriage” (Moses 8:21). The evil deeds and same type of lifestyle that belonged to people in Noah’s time are being repeated in our own day and will be present at the time of the Second Coming, as the Savior himself prophesied (see Matt. 24:37–39).

    3. The disobedient of Noah’s day reveled “until the day that [Noah] entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away” (Matt. 24:38–39). Similarly, the wicked at the last days will not know of the destruction at Christ’s coming until it comes and destroys them all as did the Flood. The Savior taught: “But as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be also at the coming of the Son of Man” (JS—M 1:41).

    4. Latter-day prophets teach that the Flood or the total immersion of the earth in water represents the earth’s required baptism. Elder John A. Widtsoe of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained: “Latter-day Saints look upon the earth as a living organism, one which is gloriously filling ‘the measure of its creation.’ They look upon the flood as a baptism of the earth, symbolizing a cleansing of the impurities of the past, and the beginning of a new life. This has been repeatedly taught by the leaders of the Church. The deluge was an immersion of the earth in water.” He writes that the removal of earth’s wicked inhabitants in the Flood represents that which occurs in our own baptism for the remission of sins.

    5. The destruction of the disobedient at Noah’s time anticipates the devastation of the wicked at the time of Christ’s coming in glory, when the earth will receive its baptism by fire. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “In the days of Noah, God destroyed the world by a flood, and He has promised to destroy it by fire in the last days.” The prophet Enoch saw in vision Noah’s ark, seeing “that the Lord smiled upon it, and held it in his own hand; but upon the residue of the wicked the floods came and swallowed them up” (Moses 7:43). Likewise, the Lord has said that he will smile upon or uphold the obedient in the last days, while at the same time smiting the wicked with his judgments.

    Thus, although there are many in our day who consider the accounts of the Flood and tower of Babel to be fiction, Latter-day Saints affirm their reality. We rejoice in the many truths and lessons to be learned from these two accounts, as well as from all the stories of the Old Testament.” The Flood and the Tower of Babel By Donald W. Parry

    I think you will love this article from our friends at the Universal Model. Visit

  • LDS Lawyer- Nephites in North America: New DNA

    LDS Lawyer- Nephites in North America: New DNA

    Lenet Hadley Read

    Get ready to be blown away. More evidence has come forth about Hebrew DNA in North America. You know our wonderful FIRM Foundation presenter named Lenet Hadley Read? Now meet her amazing son. Read about Lent’s article, How the Bible Came to Be.

    Lenet Hadley Read is well known for her articles in the Ensign, especially her eight-part series on the Bible that ran from January to September 1982. Her first published article won the Silver Award for Religious Literature competition offered by Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. In high school and college, the author was an active debater, winning the state high school debate championship and competing and placing in regional and national tournaments. In 1959 she received a B.A. in English from Brigham Young University.

    This Is My Sign: Seven Heavenly Signs Manifest It Is “The Last Days”

    David Read JD law, Patent Attorney,  Judge

    Presentation Just completed Oct. 22, 2022
    “Why Lehi’s Y-Chromosome DNA was Likely Y-DNA Haplogroup Q or R, and What that Means for the Book of Mormon”

    Look for it to be on our streaming site in a few weeks here:
    Also see his talk called, Nephites in North America: New DNA Evidence”

    Despite popular belief, the currently available DNA evidence supports the Book of Mormon. Critics who attempt to rely on DNA evidence to attack the truth of the Book of Mormon misinterpret or misconstrue what the DNA evidence actually shows.

    In his presentation, Mr. Read will present more DNA evidence that has recently come to light supporting Book of Mormon claims. As one example, Mr. Read will discuss further scientific studies which again confirm that mitochondrial DNA haplogroup X (previously publicized by Rod Meldrum) is found among Native Americans and originated in the Middle East. Indeed, one recent study found a variety of haplogroup X in Egypt that is just one mutation away from the type found in Native Americans, which undermines the critics’ previous claims that Native American haplotype X2a has “too many mutations” from the haplogroup X haplotypes found in the Middle East to fit a Book of Mormon time frame for a migration from the Middle East to the Americas.

    Mr. Read will also present new DNA evidence regarding Y DNA haplogroup R, which is a second non-Asian DNA type found in large numbers among some Native American groups. Mr. Read will present evidence showing that this non-Asian DNA type also predates Columbus and has a distribution pattern in common with haplogroup X. This means that there is now a second and separate line of DNA evidence that corroborates the haplogroup X information and is again consistent with the Book of Mormon. Finally, Mr. Read will explain the significance of recent findings about an ancient Native American skeleton known as Kennewick Man, whose DNA is haplogroup X, but whose carbon dating has been commonly reported as being over 8,000 years old. Because of the reported carbon dating, Kennewick Man is now often used by critics to argue that haplogroup X in the Americas predates Book of Mormon timeframes. However, this again misconstrues the evidence. Mr. Read will demonstrate that a more complete analysis of the carbon dating for Kennewick Man shows that his correct age is within Book of Mormon time frames and once again supports the DNA evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.

    David possesses many intellectual interests. Before finishing his Juris Doctorate in law and becoming a patent attorney and later a judge, he earned undergraduate degrees in chemistry and philosophy. Over the past 10 years, he has completed a considerable amount of research into the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon with a particular emphasis on DNA evidence related to the Book of Mormon. Through this research, he has recently uncovered additional DNA evidence that corroborates and supports the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

    David is an accomplished researcher. Over his career as a patent attorney, he has collaborated with inventors in numerous scientific fields. These include pharmaceuticals, medical devices, firearms, computer software, hybrid vehicles, battery technologies, pollution control technologies, textile manufacturing equipment, diesel and gasoline engines, chemical testing equipment, agricultural chemicals, turbocharging systems, fuels, coal gasification, and power plant technologies. In each of these areas, he researched and came up to speed on the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field to thoroughly understand the new invention and the scientific consensus, interacted with experts in that field, and assessed and argued whether an invention was new or would be obvious to other experts in that scientific field. His work required him to reliably evaluate the state of established scientific knowledge in various scientific fields. He has taken that experience and applied it here to the DNA evidence related to Native Americans.

    David lives in Michigan. He and his wife Barbara have five children: Amy, Charlotte, Sarah, Seth, and Matthew. David currently serves as the Sunday School President in his ward.

    David Read  Face of a Nephite Kennewick Man Has Haplogroup X DNA

    Purchase Here

    “Nephites in North America: New DNA Evidence”
    Despite popular belief, the currently available DNA evidence supports the Book of Mormon. Critics who attempt to rely on DNA evidence to attack the truth of the Book of Mormon misinterpret or misconstrue what the DNA evidence actually shows. In this presentation, Mr. Read will present more DNA evidence that has recently come to light supporting Book of Mormon claims.

    As one example, Mr. Read will discuss further scientific studies which again confirm that mitochondrial DNA haplogroup X (previously publicized by Rod Meldrum) is found among Native Americans and originated in the Middle East. Indeed, one recent study found a variety of haplogroup X in Egypt that is just one mutation away from the type found in Native Americans, which undermines the critics’ previous claims that Native American haplotype X2a has “too many mutations” from the haplogroup X haplotypes found in the Middle East to fit a Book of Mormon timeframe for a migration from the Middle East to the Americas.

    Mr. Read will also present new DNA evidence regarding Y DNA haplogroup R, which is a second non-Asian DNA type found in large numbers among some Native American groups. Mr. Read will present evidence showing that this non-Asian DNA type also predates Columbus and has a distribution pattern in common with haplogroup X. This means that there is now a second and separate line of DNA evidence that corroborates the haplogroup X information and is again consistent with the Book of Mormon.

    Finally, Mr. Read will explain the significance of recent findings about an ancient Native American skeleton known as Kennewick Man, whose DNA is haplogroup X, but whose carbon dating has been commonly reported as being over 8,000 years old. Because of the reported carbon dating, Kennewick Man is now often used by critics to argue that haplogroup X in the Americas predates Book of Mormon timeframes. However, this again misconstrues the evidence. Mr. Read will demonstrate that a more complete analysis of the carbon dating for Kennewick Man shows that his correct age is within Book of Mormon timeframes and once again supports the DNA evidence in favor of the Book of Mormon.
    David possesses many intellectual interests. Before finishing his juris doctorate in law and becoming a patent attorney and later a judge, he earned undergraduate degrees in chemistry and philosophy. Over the past 10 years, he has completed a considerable amount of research into the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon with a particular emphasis on DNA evidence related to the Book of Mormon. Through this research, he has recently uncovered additional DNA evidence that corroborates and supports the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
    David is an accomplished researcher. Over his career as a patent attorney, he has collaborated with inventors in numerous scientific fields. These include pharmaceuticals, medical devices, firearms, computer software, hybrid vehicles, battery technologies, pollution control technologies, textile manufacturing equipment, diesel and gasoline engines, chemical testing equipment, agricultural chemicals, turbocharging systems, fuels, coal gasification, and power plant technologies. In each of these areas, he researched and came up to speed on the state-of-the-art knowledge in the field to thoroughly understand the new invention and the scientific consensus, interacted with experts in that field, and assessed and argued whether an invention was new or would be obvious to other experts in that scientific field. His work required him to reliably evaluate the state of established scientific knowledge in various scientific fields. He has taken that experience and applied it here to the DNA evidence related to Native Americans.

    David lives in Michigan. He and his wife Barbara have five children: Amy, Charlotte, Sarah, Seth, and Matthew. David currently serves as the Sunday School President in his ward.

  • Nephite Defenses-Pickets-Armor-Bones-Mounds- FACT Cumorah is One Hill

    Nephite Defenses-Pickets-Armor-Bones-Mounds- FACT Cumorah is One Hill

    Why do many insist that the final battle of the Nephites and Lamanites didn’t happen at the one and only Hill Cumorah in New York? Many yell the words, “It’s a clean hill”, meaning there are no arrowheads found there, or they say, “where are all the bones?” Bones from 1,400 years ago that weren’t even buried? No breastplates or head-plates? I Even hear where are all the spoils of the war? Too small of a hill? It’s a tiny hill and on and on it goes.

    If you really would like a lot of information and possible answers, I have overloaded this blog with amazing information. I hope you will take time to read it extensively, so you never have to wonder about Cumorah questions again. I am confident with the research, study and prayer the correct answers can come for each of us.

    I Believe Oliver. A Fact!

    What did Oliver Cowdery say under the editorship of Joseph Smith in Letter VII written in 1835? I quote: “Here, between these hills [Not on top of this hill], the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. [See the two hills in map below:]

    Yellow area is “Between these two hills.”
    Cowdery continues, At about one mile west rises another ridge of less height, running parallel with the former, leaving a beautiful vale between. The soil is of the first quality for the country, and under a state of cultivation, which gives a prospect at once imposing, when one reflects on the fact [Who would dispute a fact from the second Elder of the church?], that here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed.

    “By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah.  In this valley [Not ON this Hill] fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror [NO battle on top, just “gazing”] upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII Joseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159 . (Brackets and color and bold added)

    Wow, did Oliver with Joseph’s editing just say “between these hills‘ and “round this hill” and simply “gazed” from the top? Yes he did.

    Would you like proof from the Joseph Smith papers, that Joseph was a key editor of Oliver’s letters and it was Joseph who asked Oliver to write this history, and it was Joseph who liked the information so much, he had it added into his personal journal?

    Below is the quote. I have highlighted the pertinent information in red.

    Letter VII Editorial Note From Joseph Smith Papers

    “The following section includes transcripts of eight letters Oliver Cowdery wrote in 1834 and 1835 regarding JS’s visions of an angel and his discovery of the gold plates of the Book of Mormon. Cowdery addressed the letters to William W. Phelps and published them as a series in the Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate between October 1834 and October 1835. The titles and formatting employed in this history are similar to those in the published series of articles, indicating that the Cowdery letters were copied into the history from the Messenger and Advocate, not from a manuscript version of the letters. Frederick G. Williams could have begun the transcription in JS’s history as early as 6 December 1834, the date of Cowdery’s last historical entry in the preceding section of the history. However, Cowdery probably gave the history to Williams around 2 October 1835, when he gave Williams JS’s journal. On 29 October 1835, JS retrieved the history from Williams and delivered it to Warren Parrish, who continued copying the Cowdery letters. It is likely that Parrish finished copying the letters by early April 1836, when he gave JS’s journal (and presumably the 1834–1836 history along with it) to Warren Cowdery.25

    In the first letter, Oliver Cowdery recounted his experiences with JS beginning when the two first met in April 1829. The letter includes an account of the vision he and JS had of John the Baptist, who gave them the authority to baptize. After composing this letter, but before its publication, Cowdery developed a new history-writing plan: he decided that in subsequent letters he would relate the “full history of the rise of the church,” beginning with JS’s early life and visions. As editor of the Messenger and Advocate, Cowdery prefaced the published version of the first letter with an explanation (also transcribed into the history) of the new plan. Although he had no firsthand knowledge of church history prior to April 1829, Cowdery assured his readers that “our brother J. Smith Jr. has offered to assist us. Indeed, there are many items connected with the fore part of this subject that render his labor indispensible.” Some passages in the ensuing narrative seem to have been related to Cowdery by JS, since Cowdery recounts events in which only JS participated.

    Cowdery composed the letters to inform the Latter-day Saints of the history of their church, but he also wrote for the non-Mormon public. Employing florid romantic language, frequent scriptural allusions, and much dramatic detail, he clearly intended to present a rhetorically impressive account of early Mormon history. He placed the rise of the church in a dispensational framework, characterizing the time between the end of the New Testament and JS’s early visions as a period of universal apostasy. He included the revivalism of various denominations during the Second Great Awakening, which JS experienced in his youth, as an example of the doctrinal confusion and social disharmony present in Christendom. Throughout the series of letters, he defended JS’s character and that of the Smith family, and his explicitly apologetic statements include apparent allusions to both Alexander Campbell’s Delusions (1832) and Eber Howe’s Mormonism Unvailed (1834).

    Beginning in the third letter, Cowdery provided the most extensive account of the origins of the Book of Mormon published up to that time. He related JS’s initial visions of the angel Moroni and, using biblical prophecies, elaborated on the angel’s message concerning the gathering of Israel in the last days in preparation for the Millennium. Cowdery continued his narrative up to, but did not include, JS’s receiving the gold plates in September 1827.

    The transcription of the Oliver Cowdery letters into JS’s history was evidently conceived in terms of the entire series, not as a piecemeal copying of the individual letters. As noted above, Cowdery probably gave the “large journal” containing the history begun in 1834 to Williams in October 1835, the month of the Messenger and Advocate issue in which his final installment was published.26 By the time Williams received the history, Cowdery may have already written the final letter; he had at least conceived of it as the final installment in his series. With the serialized Cowdery letters complete or nearing completion, the new history kept in the “large journal” could serve as a repository—more permanent than unbound newspapers—for a copied compilation of the entire series.” Editorial Note from JS Papers More information is here if you would like to read it.

    At Cumorah in NY the Last Battles Occured

    I say to those who don’t think the final battles happened in the Land of Cumorah. Not True in my opinion! The final battles didn’t happen on just on a little hill, but in the Land of Cumorah. See Mormon 6:2. Oliver Cowdery said in Letter VII it was the hill of the final battles. Good enough for me. It makes sense. I believe the final battles happened in the Land of Cumorah, near the hill.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is maps-12-and-5-1.jpg

    Many thanks to Wayne May’s and some of his collection of information about bones found near Hill Cumorah. I ask people who believe in the Mesoamerican theory if they have found bones in their many possible locations in Mesoamerica including, Huimanguillo Tabasco, Yaxchilan, Palenque, Chiapa de Corzo, Quirigua, Santa Rosa, El Cayo, plus many other possible locations for Cumorah as they claim? See map above to see the suggested locations for Cumorah from the Mesoamerican perspective.

    Where are all the Bones and Artifacts in Mesoamerica?

    I ask you of the Mesoamerican camp, where are all the artifacts? Where are the head plates and breastplates, where are the heaps of bodies buried near Palenque, or near El Cayo, or near any of these proposed Central America hills? Where are the defensive fortifications and the trenches and battlegrounds, please show me your artifacts. Why do you always ask me for Heartland artifacts and then we show them and you then are quiet?

    I will list 5 or 6 blogs I have done at the very bottom of this blog, with links to many blogs all about Heartland artifacts near and around the Hill Cumorah in New York. If you don’t’ believe me, it is only because you don’t want to, or your issue is more about something besides artifacts. Figure that out through prayer and you can also “know the truth of all things.” I have a firm personal revelation that the final battles of the Nephites took place near the very Hill Cumorah our Church has owned since 1923.

    Page 303 Annotated Book of Mormon


    Moroni Fortifies Lands of the Nephites by Clark Kelley Price

    THE fortifications of the savage or hunter tribes of North America are uniformly represented to have been constructed of rows of pickets, surrounding their villages, or enclosing positions naturally strong and easy of defence. The celebrated stronghold of the Narragansetts in Rhode Island, destroyed in 1676 by the New England colonists under Winthrop and Church, was an elevation of five or six acres in extent, situated in the centre of a swamp, and strongly defended by palisades. It was of extraordinary size, and enclosed not far from six hundred lodges.

    Of like character was the fort of the Pequots, on the Mystic River, in Connecticut, destroyed by Captain Mason. According to Hackluyt, the towns of the Indians on the St. Lawrence were defended in a similar manner. The first voyagers describe the aboriginal town of Hochelaga, now Montreal, as circular in form, and surrounded by three lines of palisades. Through these there was but a single entrance, well secured by stakes and bars; and upon the inside of the defence, were stages or platforms, upon which were placed stones and other missiles, ready for use, in case of attack. The town contained about fifty lodges.—(Hackluyt, Vol. III., p. 220.)

    Charlevoix observes, that “the Indians of Canada are more expert in erecting their fortifications than in building their houses.” He represents that their villages were surrounded by double and frequently by triple rows of palisades, interwoven with branches of trees, and flanked by redoubts.—(Canada, Vol. II., p. 128.) Champlain also describes a number of fortified works on the St. Lawrence, above Trois Riviéres, which “were composed of a number of posts set very close together.” He also speaks of “forts which were great enclosures, with tiers joined together like pales,” within which were the dwellings of the Indians.—(Purchas, Vol. IV., pp. 1612, 1644.) Says La Hontan, “their villages were fortified with double palisades of very hard wood, which were as thick as one’s thigh, fifteen feet high, with little squares about the middle of the courtines (curtains).—(Vol. II., p. 6.) The Indians on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina are described as possessing corresponding defences. “When they would be very safe,” says Beverly, “they treble the pales.”—(Hist. Vir., p. 149. See also Amidas and Barlow, in Pink., Vol. XII., p. 567; Heriot, ib. p. 603; Lafitau, Vol. III., p. 228, etc. etc.)

    Among the Floridian tribes, the custom of fortifying their villages seems to have been more general than among the Indians of a higher latitude. This may readily be accounted for from the fact that they were more fixed in their habits, considerably devoted to agriculture, and less averse to labor than those of the north. The chronicler of Soto’s Expedition speaks of their towns as defended by “strong works of the height of a lance,” composed of “great stakes driven deep in the ground, with poles the bigness of one’s arm placed crosswise, both inside and out, and fastened with pins to knit the whole together.” Herrara, in his compiled account of the same expedition, has the following confirmation. “The town of Mabila or Mavila (Mobile) consisted of eighty houses seated in a plain, enclosed by piles driven down, with timbers athwart, rammed with long straw and earth between the hollow spaces, so that it looked like a wall smoothed with a trowel; and at every eighty paces was a tower, where eight men could fight, with many loop-holes and two gates. In the midst of the town was a large square.”—(Hist. America, Vol. V., p. 324.) Du Pratz also gives a corresponding account of the defences of the Natchez and neighboring tribes. “Their forts are built circularly, of two rows of large logs of wood, the logs of the inner row being opposite to the joinings of those of the outer row. These logs are about fifteen feet long, five feet of which are sunk in the earth. The outer logs are about two feet thick, the inner ones half as much. At every forty paces along this wall, a circular tower juts out, and at the entrance of the fort, which is always next the river, the two ends of the wall pass beyond each other, leaving a side opening. In the middle of the fort stands a tree, with the branches lopped off within a short distance of the trunk, and this serves as a watch-tower.—(Hist. Louisiana, p. 375.) The sub- joined description and illustrative engraving, copied from De Bry, no doubt convey a correct idea of the character of the Floridian defenses.

    Figure 29

    “The Indians build their towns in this wise. Having made choice of a spot near a running stream, they level it off as even as they can. They next draw a furrow of the size of the intended town in the form of a circle, in which they plant large round stakes, twice the height of a man, and set closely together. At the place where the entrance is to be, the circle is somewhat drawn. in, after the fashion of a snail-shell, making the opening so narrow as not to admit more than two at a time. The bed of the stream is also turned into this entrance. At the head of the entrance, a small round building is usually erected; within the passage is placed another. Each of them is pierced with slits and holes for observation, and is handsomely finished off after the manner of the country. In these guardhouses are placed those sentinels who can scent the trail of enemies at a great distance. As soon as their sense of smelling tells them that some are near, they hasten out, and, having found them, raise an alarm. The inhabitants on hearing the shouting immediately fly to the defence of the town, armed with bows, arrows, and clubs.

    “In the middle of the town stands the king’s palace, sunk somewhat below the level of the ground, on account of the heat of the sun. Around it are ranged the houses of the nobles, all slightly covered with palm branches; for they make use of them only during nine months of the year, passing, as we have said, the other three months in the woods. When they return, they take to their houses again; unless, indeed, they have been burnt down in the meantime by their enemies, in which case they build themselves new ones of similar materials. Such is the magnificence of Indian palaces.”

    Among the Indians to the westward of the Mississippi, particularly among the Mandans and kindred tribes, a somewhat different system of defence prevailed. The serpentine courses of the rivers, all of which have here high steep banks, leave many projecting points of land on elevated peninsulas, protected on nearly all sides by the streams, and capable, with little artificial aid, of being made effective for defensive purposes. Mr. Catlin describes the principal village of the Mandans, while that remarkable tribe existed, as protected upon three sides by the river, and upon the fourth “by a strong picket, with an interior ditch, three or four feet in depth.” The picket was composed of timbers a foot or more in diameter and eighteen feet high, set firmly in the ground, at a sufficient distance from each other to admit guns to be fired between them. The warriors stationed themselves in the ditch during an attack, and were thus almost completely protected from their assailants. These practices seem, however, to be of comparatively late introduction.—(N. A. Indians, Vol. I., p. 81.)

    Brackenridge (Views of Louisiana, p. 242) mentions the ruins of an Indian town upon the Missouri River, fifty miles above the mouth of the Shienne. The spot was marked by “great piles of Buffalo bones and quantities of earthen-ware. The village appeared to have been scattered around a kind of citadel or fortification, enclosing from four to five acres, in an oval form.” The earth was thrown up about four feet, and a few of the palisades were remaining. The Shienne River is 1300 miles above the mouth of the Missouri. Lewis and Clark also mention a number of remains of Indian fortifications of like character, but it is to be observed that they distinguish between them and the larger and more imposing ancient works which fell under their notice in the same region. They describe an abandoned village of the Riccarees, called Lahoocat, which was situated in the centre of Goodhope Island. It contained seventeen lodges, surrounded by a circular wall, and is known to have been occupied in 1797.—(Exp., p. 72.) They also mention the remains of a deserted village, erected by Petit Arc or Little Bow, an Omahaw chief, on the banks of a small creek of the same name, emptying into the Missouri. It was surrounded by a wall of earth about four feet high.—(Exp., p. 41.) A circular work of earth, formerly enclosing a village of the Shiennes, was noticed by these explorers, a short distance above the mouth of the Shienne River.—(Exp., p. 80.) The ancient villages of the Mandans, nine of which were observed in the same vicinity, within a space of twenty miles, were indicated by the walls which surrounded them, the fallen heaps of earth which covered the huts, and by the scattered teeth and bones of men and animals.—(Exp., p. 84.) Another defensive work, probably designed for temporary protection, was observed by these gentlemen in the vicinity of the mouth of the Yellowstone. “It was built upon the level bottom, in the form of a circle, fifty feet in diameter, and was composed of logs lapping over each other, about five feet high, and covered on the outside with bark set upright. The entrance was guarded by a work on each side of it, facing the river.” These entrenchments, they were informed, are frequently made by the Minaterees and other Indians at war with the Shoshonees, when pursued by their enemies on horseback.—(Exp., p. 622.) Lieut. Fremont found similar constructions in the vicinity of the Arkansas. A much more feasible method of protection, under such circumstances, is mentioned by Pike. He states that the Sioux, when in danger from their enemies in the plains, soon cover themselves by digging holes with their knives, and throwing up small breastworks.—(Exp., p. 19.) They are represented as being able to bury themselves from sight, in an incredibly short space of time.

    The numerous traces upon the Missouri of old villages occupying similar positions, and having evidently been defended in a like manner with those above described, place it beyond doubt that this method of fortification was not of recent origin among those Indians. Mr. Catlin mentions that there are several ruined villages of the Mandans, Minaterees and Riccarees, on the banks of the river, below the towns then occupied, which have been abandoned since intercourse became established with the whites.

    Prince Maximilian notices a feature in the defences of the Mandan village of Mih-tutta-hang-kush, which does not seem to have been remarked by any other traveler. This village is represented to have consisted of about sixty huts, surrounded by palisades, forming a defence, at the angles of which were “conical mounds, covered with a facing of wicker-work, and having embrasures, completely commanding the river and plain.” In another place, however, our author adds, that these bastions were erected for the Indians by the whites.—(Travels in the Interior of North America, by Maximilian, Prince of Weid, pp., 173, 243.)

    Page 287 Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum Purchase Here


    WITHOUT the boundaries of the State of New York, there are works composed of earth, closely resembling those described in the preceding pages. Among these may be named the small earth-works of Northern Ohio, which the author himself was at one time led to believe constituted part of the grand system of the mound builders.19 The more extensive and accurate information which he has now in his possession concerning them, as also concerning those of Western New York, has led to an entire modification of his views, and to the conviction that they are all of comparatively late date, and probably of common origin.

    Some similar works are said to occur in Canada; but we have no account at all satisfactory concerning them. One is mentioned by Laing (Polynesian Nations, p. 109) upon the authority of a third person, as situated upon the summit of a precipitous ridge, near Lake Simcoe, and consisting of an embankment of earth, enclosing a considerable extent of ground. Mr. Schoolcraft also states that there are some ancient enigmatical walls of earth in the vicinity of Dundas, which extend several miles across the country, following the leading ridges of land. These are represented to be from five to eight miles in length, and not far from six feet high, with passages at intervals, as if for gates (Oneota, p. 326). Our knowledge concerning these is too limited to permit any conjecture as to their design.

    In the State of Pennsylvania, there are some remains, which may be regarded as the “outliers” of those of New York. They are confined to the upper counties. Those in the Valley of Wyoming are best known. They have, however, been lately so much obliterated, that it is probable they can be no longer traced. One of the number was examined and measured in 1817 by a gentleman of Wyoming, whose account is published by Mr. Miner, in his “History of Wyoming.”

    “It is situated in the town of Kingston, Luzerne county, upon a level plain, on the north side of Toby’s Creek, about one hundred and fifty feet from its bank, and about half’ a mile from its confluence with the Susquehanna. It is of an oval or elliptical form, having its longest diameter from northeast to southwest, at right angles to the creek. Its diameters are respectively 337 and 272 feet. On the southwest side appears to have been a gateway, twelve feet wide, opening towards the great eddy of the river into which the creek falls. It consisted of a single embankment of earth, which in height and thickness appears to have been the same on all sides. Exterior to the wall is a ditch. The bank of the creek upon the side towards the work is high and steep. The water in the creek is ordinarily sufficiently deep to admit canoes to ascend to the fortification from the river. When the first settlers came to Wyoming, this plain was covered with its native forests, consisting principally of oak and yellow pine; and the trees which grew upon the work are said to have been as large as those in any part of the valley. One large oak, upon being cut down, was found to be 700 years old. The Indians have no traditions concerning these fortifications; nor do they appear to have any knowledge of the purposes for which they were erected.”—(Miner’s History if Wyoming, p. 25.) Traces of a similar work existed on “Jacob’s Plains,” on the upper flats of Wilkesbarre. “It occupied the highest point on the flats, which in the time of freshets appears like an island in the sea of waters. In size and shape it coincides with that already described. High trees were growing upon the embankment at the period of the first settlement of the country. It is about eighty rods from the river, towards which opened a gateway; and the old settlers concur in stating that a well [cache ?] existed in the interior near the southern line. On the banks of the river is an ancient burial-place, in which the bodies were laid horizontally in regular rows. In excavating the canal through the bank bordering the flats, perhaps thirty rods south of the fort, another burial-place was disclosed, evidently more ancient, for the bones crumbled to pieces almost immediately upon exposure to the air, and the deposits were far more numerous than in that near the river. The number of skeletons are represented to have been countless, and the dead had been buried in a sitting posture. In this place of deposit no beads were found, while they were common in the other.”—(Miner’s History, p. 28.)

    Near this locality, which seems to have been a favorite one with the Indians, medals bearing the head of the First George, and other relics of European origin, are often discovered.

    Still further to the northwest, near the borders of New York, and forming an unbroken chain with the works of that State, are found other remains. One of these, on the Tioga River, near Athens, was ascribed by the Duke de Rochefoucauld to the French, in the time of De Nonville! He describes it as follows: “Near the confines of Pennsylvania, a mountain rises from the banks of the River Tioga, in the shape of a sugar loaf, upon which are to be seen the remains of some entrenchments. These are called by the inhabitants the ‘Spanish Ramparts,’ but I judge that they were thrown up against the Indians, in the time of De Nonville. A breast-work is still remaining.”—(Travels in America.) A similar work, circular or elliptical in outline, is said to exist in Lycoming county. Near it are extensive cemeteries.—(Day’s Hist. Coll., p. 455.)

    In the New England States few traces of works of this kind are to be found. There are, however, some remains in the State of New Hampshire, which, whatever their origin, are entitled to notice. The subjoined plan of one of these is from a sketch made in 1822 by Jacob ll. Moore, Esq., late Librarian of the Historical Society of New York, who has also furnished the accompanying description.

    Figure 28

    “According to your request, I send the enclosed sketch and memoranda of an ancient fortification, supposed to have been the work of the Penacook Indians, a once powerful tribe, whose chief seat was in the neighborhood of Concord, New Hampshire. The original name of the town was derived from that of the tribe. The last of the Penacooks long since disappeared, and with them have perished most of the memorials of their race. Enough has come down to us, however, in tradition, added to the brief notes of our historians, to show that the Penacooks were once a numerous, powerful, and warlike tribe. Gookin places them under the general division of the Pawtucketts, which he calls ‘the fifth great sachemship of Indians.’20 Under the name of Penacooks, were probably included all the Indians inhabiting the valley of the Merrimack, from the great falls at the Amoskeag to the Winnepiseogee Lake, and the great carrying place on the Pemigewasset. That they were one and the same tribe, is rendered probable from the exact similarity of relics, which have been found at different places, and from the general resemblance of the remains of ancient fortifications, which have been traced near the lower falls of the Winnepiseogee, in Franklin and Sanbornton, and on the table-land known as the Sugar-Ball Plain, in Concord. Tradition ascribes to each the purpose of defence against a common enemy, the Maquaas or Mohawks of the west.

    “The accompanying sketch was taken in pencil, on a visit to the spot, in company with the Hon. James Clark and several friends in the month of September, 1822. The remains are on the west side of the Winnepiseogee, near the head of Little Bay, in Sanbornton, New Hampshire. The traces of the walls were at that time easily discerned, although most of the stones had been removed to the mill-dam near at hand, on the river. On approaching the site, we called upon a gentleman (James Gibson) who had lived for many years near the spot, and of whom we learnt the following particulars: He had lived in Sanbornton fifty-two years, and had known the fort some time previous to settling in the place. When he came to the town to reside, the walls were two or three feet high, though in some places they had fallen down, and the whole had evidently much diminished in height, since the first erection. They were about three feet in thickness, constructed of stones outwardly, and filled in with clay, shells, gravel, &c., from the bed of the river and shores of the bay. The stones of which the walls were constructed were of no great size, and such as men in a savage state would be supposed to use for such a purpose. They were placed together with much order and regularity, and when of their primitive height, the walls must have been very strong-at least, sufficiently strong for all the purposes of defence against an enemy to whom the use of fire-arms was unknown.

    “The site of the fortification is nearly level, descending a little from the walls to the bank of the river. West, for the distance of nearly half a mile, the surface is quite even. In front or east, on the opposite side of the river, are high banks, upon which at that time stood a thick growth of wood. When the first settlers discovered the fort, there were oak trees of large size standing within the walls. Within the enclosure, and in the mound and vicinity, were found innumerable Indian ornaments, such as crystals cut into the rude shapes of diamonds, squares, pyramids, &c., with ornamental pipes of stone and clay,—coarse pottery ornamented with various figures,—arrow-heads, hatchets of stone, and other common implements of peace and war.

    “The small island in the bay appears to have been a burial-place, from the great quantity of bones and other remains disclosed by the plough, when settlements were commenced by the whites. Before the island was cultivated, there were several large excavations, resembling cellars or walls discovered, for what purpose constructed or used, can of course only be conjectured. There is a tradition that the Penacooks, at the time of their destruction by the Maquaas, had three hundred birch canoes in Little Bay.

    “After writing thus far, I addressed a note to the Hon. James Clark, of Franklin, New Hampshire, with inquiries as to the present state of these ruins. Mr. Clark was kind enough at once to make a special visit to the site of the ruins, in company with Mr. Bamford, son of one of the first settlers. The following is an extract from his reply:

    “‘The remains of the walls are in part plainly to be traced; but the ground since our former examination has been several years ploughed and cultivated, so as to now give a very indistinct view of what they were at our previous visit, when the foundation of the whole could be distinctly traced. No mounds or passage-ways can now be traced. A canal to convey water to a saw and grist mill occupies the place of the mound marked m. The stones used in these walls were obtained on the ground, and were of such size as one man could lift; they were laid as well as our good walls for fences in the north, and very regular; they were about three feet in thickness and breast high when first discovered. The stones have been used, to fill in the dam now adjoining. There were no embankments in the interior. The distance between the outer and inner wall was about sixty feet; the distance from the north to the south wall was about 250 feet, and from the west wall to the river about 220 feet. There were two other walls extending south to Little Bay. The general elevation of the ground was about ten feet above, and gently sloping to the river bank, which is about five feet above the water of the river. The distance between Great Bay and Little Bay is about 160 rods, with a gradual fall of fifteen feet. Here was a great fishing-place for the Indians.’ Mr. Bamford states that he has heard his father and Mr. Gibson say, that on their first acquaintance with this place, they have seen three hundred bark canoes here at a time. This may have been in consequence of the number of bays and lakes near this place. Sanbornton was laid out and surveyed in 1750; but Canterbury, adjoining the bay, was settled as early as 1727.

    “The remains of a fortification, apparently of similar construction to that above described, were some years since to be seen on the bluffs east of the Merrimack River, in Concord, on what was formerly known as Sugar-ball Plain. The walls could readily be traced for some distance, though crumbled nearly to the ground, and overgrown with large trees.”21

    19. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley.

    20. Gookin, in l. Mass, Hist, Coll., I., 149,

    21. “A mound 45 or 50 feet in diameter is situated on the northern shore of Ossipee Lake, New Hampshire. It is ten feet high, and was originally covered with timber. The earth is not like that of the meadow in which it stands, but of the adjacent plain. A slight excavation was made in it a number of years ago, in the course of which three entire skeletons were found, accompanied by two tomahawks and some coarse pottery. On the surrounding meadow were to be seen, when the ground was first cleared, the hills where the corn had anciently grown.”—Hist. and Mis. Coll. of N. H., Vol. II., p. 47: New Hampshire Gazetteer, p. 207. 
    Aborignal Monuments 

    Lost American Antiquities: A Hidden History – Silencing the Ancient Mound Builders by Stephen E. Smoot

    Chapter 10: Fortifications, Armor and Bone-heaps


    E. G. Squier authored three books which would each give a different perspective into the daily lives of these ancient Mound Building cultures. In his 1848 book, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, that he co-authored with the help of Dr. Davis, he would become famous, as it was the first publication of the Smithsonian. His second Book, Aboriginal Monuments of New York was a book that Squier had been hired by the Smithsonian to do separate from Davis. Then in 1851, Squier would publish, Antiquities of the State of New York, in which he included, A Supplement on the Antiquities of the West, printed in Buffalo, New York, by Geo H. Derby and Company, without the oversight and the aggressive editing of the Smithsonian. As a result, there is a good number of grammatical errors, as he gives more open, candid and revealing insights into the lives and decline of these ancient cultures.

    Drawing on the wealth of knowledge he gained in his research over many years, Squier in his 1851 book gives expanded inferences into the lives of these ancient mound-building cultures. In writing on the strategic locations of these mounds and earthwork structures he states: “In respect of position, a very great uniformity is to be observed throughout. Most occupy high and commanding sites near the bluff edges of the broad terraces by which the country rises from the level of the lakes.”… “In nearly all cases they are placed in close proximity to some unfailing supply of water, near copious springs of running streams. Gateways, opening toward these, are always to be observed, and in some cases guarded passages are also visible.”67

    Fortified Embankments

    “Those works, which are incontestably defensive, usually occupy strong natural positions. …The natural strength of such positions, and their susceptibility of defenc[s]e would certainly suggest them as the citadels of a rude people, having hostile neighbors or pressed by foreign invaders. Accordingly, we are not surprised at often finding these heights occupied by strong and complicated works, the design of which is indicated no less by their position than by their heights occupied by strong and complicated works, the design of which is indicated no less by their position than by their peculiarities of construction.”68 Many of the fortifications as described by Mr. J. V. H. Clark “had been[e] inclosed with palisades of cedar.”69

    “Occasional works are found on the hill-tops, overlooking the valleys, or at a little distance from them; but these are manifestly, in most instances, works of defen[s]e or last resort, or in some way connected with warlike purposes. And it is worthy of remarks, that the sites selected for settlements, towns, and cities, by the invading Europeans, are often those which were the especial favorites of the mound-builders, and the seats of their heaviest populations. Marietta, Newark, Portsmouth, Chillicothe, Circleville, Cincinnati, in Ohio; Frankfort in Kentucky; and St. Louis in Missouri, may be mentioned in confirmation of the remark. The cent[er] of population are now where they were at the period when the mysterious race of the mounds flourished.”70

    A.J. Conant gave an account of a Captain Carver in the Preface of his 1879 book, Foot Prints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley, which he entered according to an act of Congress into the office of the Librarian of Congress in Washington. Speaking of Captain Carver he stated:

    His testimony is selected from that of a multitude of early writers, because he could not have been prejudiced by the preconceived opinions or notions of others, and also because he was a man of military training, being a captain in the British army, whose conclusions would not be mere guess-work. The judgment of Brackenridge, Atwater, William Wirt and many distinguished men, is in perfect agreement upon this point, namely: that they [the mounds/cities] could not have been built by the Indians as we know them, nor any people (living) in a like condition.71

    Captain Carver, in the account of his travels in the year 1766-78, describes what he was convinced was a military work, which he accidently discovered upon the bank of Lake Pepin. This was long before it was known that America had any antiquities. Concerning it he says that its form was somewhat circular, and its flanks reached the river. Though much defaced by time, every angle was distinguishable, and appeared as regular and fashioned with as much military skill as if planned by Vauban himself.’ Again: ‘I was able to draw certain conclusions of its great antiquity.’ “How a work of this kind could exist in a country that has hitherto (according to generally-received opinion) been the seat of war to untutored Indians alone, whose whole stock of military knowledge has only till within two centuries, amounted to drawing the bow and whose only breastwork, even at present, is the thicket I know not.72

    O. Turner in his 1850 book, Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New York—Embracing Some Account of Ancient Remains, provides an analysis of the lack of knowledge of Native American communities and ancient civilizations. He believed that they were not responsible for the existence of the mound structures, forts, and other artifacts found in western New York. He would go on to say, of the Indians:

    If their own history is obscure; if their relations of themselves after they have gone back but little more than a century beyond the period of the first European emigration, degenerates to fable and obscure tradition; they are but poor revelators of a still greater mystery. We are surrounded by evidences that a race preceded them, farther advanced in civilization and the arts, and far more numerous. Here and there upon the brows of our hills, at the head of our ravines, are their fortifications; their locations selected with skill, adapted to refuge, subsistence and defence [sic]. The uprooted trees of our forest, that are the growth of centuries, expose their mouldering [sic] remains; the uncovered mounds masses of their skeletons promiscuously heaped one upon the other, as if they were the gathered and hurriedly entombed of well contested fields. In our vallies [sic] upon our hill sides, the plough and the spade discover their rude implements, adapted to war, the chase, and domestic use. All these are dumb yet eloquent chronicles of by-gone ages.

    We ask the red man to tell us from whence they came and whither they went? And he either amuses us with wild and extravagant traditionary legends, or acknowledges himself as ignorant as his interrogators. He and his progenitors have gazed upon these ancient relics for centuries, as we do now,—wondered and consulted their wise men, and yet he is unable to aid our inquires. We invoke the aid of revelation, turn over the pages of history, trace the origin and dispersion of the races of mankind from the earliest period of the world’s existence, and yet we gather only enough to form the basis of vague surmise and conjecture.

    Turner then draws in the 1850’s these observations from their findings:

    “I believe we may confidently pronounce that all the hypotheses which attribute those works to Europeans are incorrect and fanciful—first, on account of the present number of the works; secondly, on account of their antiquity; having from every appearance, been erected a long time before the discovery of America; and finally, their form and manner are totally variant from European fortifications, either in ancient or modern times.

    It is equally clear that they were not the work of the Indians… It is apparent that Turner did not believe the American Indians were responsible, or connected with the ancient civilization that was responsible for the mounds. Would this culture of thinking deny the American Indians their rightful heritage?

    What knowledge is left that might enable society to unlock the enigma of the Mound-Builders’ existence? Many of the giant earthworks, temple mounds, and effigy constructions show signs of a central government and of a spiritual and religious turning, built in times of peace and prosperity where ceremonies and religious rituals were shared. In their later constructions are found evidences of a time when the populations were motivated by fear, building hill-top fortifications and defenses. They incorporate ingenious military design and constructions and give signs of a time of ongoing conflicts, where the motivation behind these types of constructions was that of survival.

    See these locations.

    Angel Mounds, Indiana Palisade Fortification Covered with Clay Plaster

    Places of Entrance Advancing and Receiving Armies

    Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, 1848, Squier and Davis, Plate VI
    Fortified Hill, Butler County, Ohio three miles below the town of Hamilton

    Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, 1848, Squier and Davis, Plate VII Fort Ancient is located on the east bank of the Little Miami River

    Fort Ancient, an account of this work was first published in a magazine entitled “Port Folio” in Philadelphia in 1809. In 1820 Mr. Atwater included it in his report to the American Antiquarian Society. It was also mapped and described by a Cincinnati Professor, John Locke in 1843.

    E. J. Squier went on to write: “The vast amount of labor necessary to the erection of most of these works precludes the notion that they were hastily constructed to check a single or unexpected invasion. On the contrary, there seems to have existed a system of defenc[s]es, extending from the mouth of the Alleghany diagonally across the country, through Ohio to the Wabash. Within this range, those works which are regarded as defensive are large and most numerous.” 74

    “It is clear that the contest was a protracted one, and that the race of the mounds were for a long period constantly exposed to attack. This conclusion finds its support in the fact that, in the vicinity of those localities, where, from the amount of remains, it appears the ancient population, was most dense, we almost invariably find one or more works of a defensive character, furnishing ready places of resort in times of danger.”75

    Ancient Hopewell, Copper Celt

    Among the implements recovered from the mounds, are several copper axes as shown in Fig. 81 and 82 of chapter XI, Implements of Metal, Squier and Davis, Ancient Monuments.


    Artistic renditions. Top Left Ft. Carlise Germantown, Ohio , Top Right Pollock Earthworks Cedarville, OH Bottom left Ft Merom Indiana, Middle Right Interior Ft Hill Hillsboro, OH , Bottom Right, South Gate Ft. Ancient Lebanon, OH. Art by Wayne May.


    “There is almost positive evidence that the mound-builders were an agricultural people, considerably advanced in the arts, and possessing great uniformity, throughout the whole territory which they occupied in manners, habits and religion—a uniformity sufficiently marked to identify them as a single people having a common origin, common modes of life and as a consequence, common sympathies, if not a common and consolidated government.”76 Squier’s gave this assessment in his third report, Antiquities of the State of New York, which, unlike the earlier reports, gives a greater insight into the human psychic, giving insight into their motivations and solemn ceremonies, and into their proficiencies in the shaping and hardening of metals. Of there proficiencies in metalworking, Squier said:

    “They possessed the secret of hardening the metal […] so as to make it sub serve most of the uses to which iron is applied. Of it they made axes, chisels and knives. The mound-builders also worked it into similar implements, although it is not yet certain that they contrived to give any extraordinary hardness.”… “A specimen found in a mound near Chillicothe, Ohio consists of a solid, well-hammered piece of copper, and weighs two pounds and five ounces.” … “Silver has also been found, but in small quantities, reduced to great thinness and closely wrapped around copper ornaments. The ore of lead, galena, has been found in considerable abundance, and some of the metal itself under circumstances implying a knowledge of its use on the part of the ancient people. The discovery of gold has been vaguely announced, but is not well attested. It is not impossible that articles of that metal have been found.” 77

    Metal Headplate “The Mound Builders” Henry Clyde Shetrone, 1930,
    Fig. 61, p. 115 Copper plate with copper ear flaps and pearls attached.

    “With the skeleton of a venerable male, accompanied by many implements
    and ornaments, there was found the separate skull of a young male wearing a copper headplate. The latter probably was a trophy skull, either that of an enemy captured in battle or that of a relative retained as a family relic,” p. 199.

    “It has already been remarked that the mounds are the principal depositories of ancient art, and that in them we must seek for the only authentic remains of the builders. In the observance of a practice almost universal among barbarous or semi-civilized actions, the mound-builders deposited various articles of use and ornaments with their dead. They also, under the prescriptions of their religion, or in accordance with customs unknown to us, and to which perhaps no direct analogy is afforded by those of any other people, placed upon their alters numerous ornaments and implements– which remain there to this day, attesting at once the religious zeal of the depositors and their skill in the minor arts.” 78

    “In one case which fell under my observation, and in another which I have an account from the person who discovered it, the altar was of stone. … It was a simple elevation of earth packed hard, and was faced, on every side and on top, with slabs of stone of regular form, and nearly uniform thickness. They were laid evenly, and as a mason would say, ‘with close joints.’…This altar bore the marks of fire, and fragments of the mound-builders’ ornaments were found on and around it.”

    “The Mounds of this class are most fruitful in relics of builders. On the altars have been found, though much injured and broken up by action of fire, instruments and ornaments of silver, copper, stone and bone; beads of silver, copper, pearls, and shells, galena, sculptures of the human head, and of numerous animals; pottery of various kinds, and a large number of interesting articles, some of which evi[de]nce great skill in art.” 79

    Bone Heaps

    In the History of the Holland Purchase (1849), in a location a mile north of Aurora Village, New York, there are several small lakes and ponds, around and between which are knobs of elevations, thickly covered with a tall growth of pine; upon them are several mounds where many human bones have been excavated. There are in the village and vicinity, gardens and fields where relics are found at each successive plowing. Few cellars are excavated without discovering them. In digging a cellar upon the farm of P. Pierson, a skeleton was exhumed, the thighbones of which would indicate great height; exceeding by several inches, that of the tallest of our own race. 80

    “The mounds which formerly existed in Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Livingston, St. Lawrence, Oswego, Chenango, and Delaware counties, all appear to have contained human bones, in greater or less quantities, deposited promiscuously, and embracing the Skeletons of individuals of all ages and both sexes. They, probably, all owe their origin to a practice common to many of the North American tribes, of collecting together, at fixed intervals, the bones of their dead, and finally depositing them with many and solemn ceremonies. They were some times heaped together so to constitute mounds.”81

    The “bone pits” which occur in some parts of Western New York, Canada and Michigan, etc., have unquestionably a corresponding origin…. They are of various sizes, but usually contain a large number of skeletons. In a few instances the bones appear to have been arranged with some degree of regularity. One of these pits discovered some years ago, in the town of Cambia, Niagara County, was estimated to contain the bones of several thousand individuals. …This locality was visited and examined by Mr. O. Turner, of Buffalo, in 1823. The account of this gentleman is published in his history of the “Holland purchase,” page 27 as follows: “The location commands a view of Lake Ontario and the surrounding country. An area of six acres of level land seems to have been occupied; fronting which, upon the circular verge of the mountain, were the distinct remains of a wall. Nearly in the centre of the area was a depository of the dead. It was a pit excavated to a depth of four or five feet, filled with human bones, over which were piles of sandstone. Hundreds seem to have been thrown in promiscuously, of both sexes and all ages. Numerous barbs or arrow-points were found among the bones and in the vicinity. It has been conjectured that this had been the scene of some sanguinary battle, and that these are the bones of the slain.”82

    Dickson Mounds is a Native American settlement site near Lewistown, Illinois where more than 3,000 burials are estimated to have taken place. “Showing the interior of the house erected over the burials in a portion of the mound. More than 200 skeletons have been carefully uncovered, care being taken to leave them in the original position. It is thought that some epidemic caused these burials as there are groups of 8 or 9 skeletons in one place, apparently an entire family. Around the walls are many other artifacts found in the vicinity.”

    PUBLISHER Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

    Another which I [Squier] visited in the town of Clarence, Erie County, contained not less than four hundred skeletons. A deposit of bones comprising a large number of skeletons was found, not long since, in making some excavations in the town of Black Rock, situated on Niagara River, in Erie county…In Canada similar deposits are frequent. Accounts of their discovery and character appeared in various English publications, among which may be named the “British Colonial Newspaper” of September 1847, and the “Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,” for July 1848. From a communication in the latter by Edward W. Bawtree, M.D., the subjoined interesting facts are derived. “A quantity of human bones was found in one spot in 1846 near Barrie, and also a pit containing human bones near St. Vincent’s. Great numbers were found in the latter, with several copper and brass kettles, and various trinkets and ornaments in common use among the Indians.”83

    “The large cemeteries which have been discovered in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio, seem to have resulted from a similar practice.”84 The practice of mounding dirt over their dead or in burying their dead in mounds above the natural terrain of the land, has all served to give evidence of their existence. We now understand that there were large populations found in North America anciently, as evidenced by their ruins, giant earth works structures, artifacts and fortifications. Their bone pits and the abundance of their abandoned ancient ruins also give signs of their rapid demise. As history has shown, most massive and rapid declines in populations are usually associated with the introduction of disease to a culture or the result of devastating wars.

    Dickson Mound Excavation


    67 E. G. Squier: Antiquities of the State of New York: Buffalo, Geo. H. Derby and Co. 1851, 12

    68 Ibid. 300, 301

    69 Ibid. 38

    70 Ibid. 208

    71 A. J. Conant, A.M., Foot Prints of the Vanished Races of the Mississippi Valley, (St. Louis: Chancy R. Barns, 1879; reprinted Colfax, WI: Hayriver Press, 2007) Preface, iv, v.

    72 Ibid.

    73 O. Turner, Pioneer History of the Holland Purchas of Western New York, Jewett, Thomas & Co., Buffalo, N.Y., 1850, 18-22.

    74 E. G. Squier: Antiquities of the State of New York: (1851), 303

    75 Ibid. 304

    76 Ibid. 304

    77 Ibid. 328

    78 Ibid. 326

    79 Ibid. 317, 318

    80 See; Fritz Zimmerman; The Nephilim Chronicles, Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley: 80,81

    81 E. G. Squier: Antiquities of the State of New York: (1851), 98

    82 Ibid. 99, 100 and included references

    83 Ibid. 100

    84 Ibid. 99

    Blogs about Artifacts in the Land of Cumorah and
    near the Hill Cumorah.

    Archaeological Proof- Cumorah Battles in NY

    I am sorry if some of the blogs have missing pictures. I am working on updating many of them. Thanks.

  • Satan’s Tool- Evolution

    Satan’s Tool- Evolution

    “Although through the majority of the 1900s controversy existed in the Church and at BYU dealing with the subject of evolution, the Church has officially stated its neutral stance on evolution, and the BYU administration today has been supportive of the teaching of evolution.” Daily Universe by Rachel Keeler July 2019 Source

    In 2016, the Church’s youth magazine published articles on the pursuit of scientific truth. These articles reiterated that “the Church has no official position on the theory of evolution” and characterized it as a “matter for scientific study.” Echoing countless statements of Church leaders, the articles once again affirmed God’s role in creation and our relationship to our Heavenly Father as His children.” Gospel Topic Essay’s

    Click Picture for Tickets

    Neutrality in my Opinion

    I think there is importance in the Brethren being neutral on geography, evolution and other difficult issues. They want us to gain our own witness to secondary information. They have given us sound doctrine and that is what we should focus on. I know through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true. However, I love to seek for other truth and as Moroni has said “I may know the truth of all things.”

    False Doctrine

    “I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU

    To me this is a very important part of understanding our purpose in life. In order to reach our fullest potential, we must hear other sides of issues. It is a way the Lord prepares us for Godhood. I am just saddened if some of our sweet naïve 18 year old’s become indoctrinated before they have the confidence to push back and pray about whether they are being taught truth or lies.

    Darwinian Deceptions – Defending Truth for Today’s Latter-day Saints

    Ever since Charles Darwin published his theory on the Origin of Species in 1859, evolution’s influence has steadily grown. Many people no longer even question it’s validity; however, most Christians (including Latter-day Saints) who hold to a biblical view of the Creation and man’s origins have struggled with the Darwinian assertion that all life evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years, and that humans evolved from simpler life forms.

    I Don’t Believe in the Darwinian Opinion of Evolution

    I have personally followed our Prophets words below. I don believe man came from an ape and I don’t believe something can be created out of nothing. I have personal revelation on a few of these these things.

    Art by Ken Corbett

    “Does God really want to speak to you? Yes! “As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course … as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.”

    You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.

    I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson

    Creation and Evolution; A Witness of Prophets

    The following are quotes from Joseph Fielding Smith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints involving the concepts of organic evolution. I love Joseph Fielding Smith and that is more than likely the reason many liberals and progressives don’t love him. I am a conservative Latter-day Saint and follow neither political party but I follow the Lord and the inspired Constitution.

    It is hoped that this information will help give insight and perspective on the teaching of evolution being done at nearly every university, college, and public high school across our nation to our most precious treasure, our children. For more detailed information presented in a historical context that provides tremendous understanding of the origins and growth of the theory of evolution and what it’s being taught means to us today and the terrible results it has already produced in this nation and around the world, read Joseph Fielding Smith.

    Joseph Fielding Smith
    Prophet January 23, 1970 – July 2, 1972

    Organic evolution is Satan’s chief weapon in this dispensation in his attempt to destroy the divine mission of Jesus Christ. It is a contemptible plot against faith in God and to destroy the effective belief in the divine atonement of our Redeemer through which men may be saved from their sins and find place in the Kingdom of God. There is not and cannot be any compromise between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the theories of evolution. Were evolution true, there could be no remission of sin. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Man, His Origin and Destiny, 184-185)

    • Note: President Joseph Fielding Smith was opposed to organic evolution and vocalized such opposition more than any other prophet of this dispensation. In fact, President Smith wrote an entire book that teaches against the theory, and he was asked to do so by members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Obviously, the entire book is too long to include here. This book, entitled Man, His Origin and Destiny, was highly recommended by President Ezra Taft Benson.

      President Joseph Fielding Smith has been condemned and criticized for the publishing of his book and for his other writings and sermons in which he denounces the false theory of organic evolution. Some critics insinuate that President Smith went against the First Presidency in publishing his views and that he became silent when he became the president of the Church. This is demonstrably false given that he himself became the Lord‘s mouthpiece. The Lord does not call men who have a habit of disregarding counsel to preside over His Church. This also runs counter to the testimony of President David O.
      McKay, who was the President of the Church at this time. His [Joseph Fielding Smith‘s] loyalty to the leadership of the Church has been uncompromising. He has supported his brethren in every endeavor. No man has ever been more loyal to the President of the Church. (Improvement Era, July 1966, p.613)

    • Note that Man, His Origin and Destiny was published in 1954. President Heber J. Grant also added his feelings about Joseph Fielding Smith‘s qualifications to speak on doctrinal matters. In a letter to Elder Smith he noted.

    I don’t want to flatter you, Joseph, but I want you to know that I consider you the best posted man on the scriptures of the General Authorities of the Church that we have. I want you to prolong your life, I want you to make a business of trying to take care of yourself. Your affectionate relative,
    HEBER J. GRANT (Advice from a Prophet: Take Time Out, BYU Studies copyright 1976, Richard O. Cowan)

    These insinuations made by President Smith‘s detractors are also proven to be false by the inspired testimony of President Smith himself in the October 1970 general conference of the Church. At that time, when he spoke as the Lord‘s mouthpiece and as president of the Church, he said:

    ―For more than sixty years I have preached the gospel in the stakes and missions of the Church—pleading with the Saints to keep the commandments, inviting our Father’s other children to accept the truth of salvation which has come to us by revelation in this present dispensation. All my days I have studied the scriptures and have sought the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord in coming to an understanding of their true meaning. The Lord has been good to me, and I rejoice in the knowledge he has given me and in the privilege that has been and is mine to teach his saving principles. As I ponder the principles of the gospel, I am struck forcibly by the uniform manner in which I…have taught them over the years. The truths of the gospel are everlastingly the same. Like God himself, they are the same yesterday, today, and forever. What I have taught and written in the past I would teach and write again under the same circumstances.(President Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, October 1970, 5.)

    The following are only a few of President Smith‘s many teachings that denounce the false theory of organic evolution.

    Let me comment first upon the expression that God is the “first of the human family.” This same doctrine was taught by Joseph Smith. It is a fundamental doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to the teachings of Joseph Smith, he beheld the Father and the Son in his glorious vision, and he taught that each had a body of flesh and bones. He also taught that, literally, God is our Father; that men are of the same race—the race called humans; and that God, the Progenitor, or Creator, is the Father of the human race. “In the image of his own body, male and female, created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created and became living souls in the land upon the footstool of God. It is a doctrine common to the Latter-day Saints, that God, the Great Elohim, is the First, or Creator, of the human family.‖ (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, volume 1, p. 102.)


    The Lord pronounced the earth good when it was finished. Everything upon its face was called good. There was no death in the earth before the fall of Adam. I do not care what the scientists say in regard to dinosaurs and other creatures upon the earth millions of years ago, that lived and died and fought and struggled for existence. When the earth was created and was declared good, peace was upon its face among all its creatures. Strife and wickedness were not found here, neither was there any corruption.
    (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Volume 1, p. 108.)

    ―If death was always here, then Adam did not bring it, and he could not be punished for it. If Adam did not fall, there was no Christ, because the atonement of Jesus Christ is based on the fall of Adam. And so we face these problems. If there is anybody here that believes that death has always been going on, and that sin was always here, he will have a difficult time to explain Adam and the fall, or the atonement. You see from these writings what a dreadful state these men get in when they do not believe in the fall and the introduction of sin into the world. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:119-120.)

    Then Adam, and by that I mean the first man, was not capable of sin. He could not transgress, and by doing so bring death into the world; for, according to this theory, death had always been in the world. If, therefore, there was no fall, there was no need of an atonement, hence the coming into the world of the Son of God as the Savior of the world is a contradiction, a thing impossible. Are you prepared to believe such a thing as that? Do you believe that the first man was a savage? That he lacked
    in the power of intelligence? That he has been on the constant road of progression? These are the teachings of such theorists. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:142.)

    I say most emphatically, you cannot believe in this theory of the origin of man, and at the same time accept the plan of salvation as set forth by the Lord our God. You must choose the one and reject the other, for they are in direct conflict and there is a gulf separating them which is so great that it cannot be bridged, no matter how much one may try to do so. If you believe in the doctrine of the evolutionist, then you must accept the view that man has evolved through countless ages from the very lowest forms of life up through various stages of animal life, finally into the human form. The first man, according to this hypothesis known as the “cave man,” was a creature absolutely ignorant and devoid of any marked intelligence over the beasts of the field. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:141.)

    ―These theories [of organic evolution] taught in our schools should be taught only as theories for they can be nothing more. Unfortunately as previously said, they are presented by many instructors [Including many at Church schools] as though they were well established facts, with a positive assurance that belongs only to established truth. Between belief in God and the fact that he has directed and does direct his servants by revelation, vision, and personal visitation, and the theories based on organic evolution, there is a gulf that can never be bridged.

    These theories are man-made deductions but the testimony of the prophets are actual facts, attested by sufficient witnesses, according to the decree of the Almighty, and thus it becomes incumbent upon every soul unto whom these testimonies come to carefully weigh them in the spirit of humility and prayer by which the knowledge of the truth may be received, and then accepted. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Man, His Origin and Destiny, 5.)

    If life began on the earth, as advocated by Darwin, Huxley, Haeckel (who has been caught openhanded perpetrating a fraud), and others of this school, whether by chance or by some designing hand, then the doctrines of the Church are false. Then there was no Garden of Eden, no Adam and Eve, and no fall. If there was no fall; if death did not come into the world as the scriptures declared that it did—and to be consistent, if you are an evolutionist, this view you must assume—then there was no need for a redemption, and Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, and he did not die for the transgression of Adam, nor for the sins of the world. Then there has been no resurrection from the dead! Consistently, logically, there is no other view, no alternative that can be taken. Now, my brethren and sisters, are you prepared to take this view? (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:143.)
    The modern world is fulfilling the scriptures which say that in the last days men would be “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Today the world has discarded the great truth concerning the Fatherhood of God and has turned to fables. It has adopted and is promulgating in textbooks and schools the debasing doctrine that man is not the offspring of God, but a natural development through countless ages from the lowest forms of physical life to his present form and intelligence. Such a doctrine is an insult to our Father in whose Image we were created, and yet in this teaching vast multitudes seem to glory. Paul saw our day and by prophetic vision declared that such conditions would prevail in this dispensation and the Lord should ‘send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness‘. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:143.)

    ―These modernists, who are instructing and leading astray the people of this and other lands, reject the doctrine of the atonement of Christ; they reject the resurrection of the Son of God and consequently the resurrection of all mankind. They have discarded entirely the miracles of the scriptures and make light of the saving ordinances of the gospel which the Lord declared to be so essential to our salvation; and in the stead thereof they have accepted the theories and notions advanced by modern scientists which are evidently false, and have taken to their hearts and hugged to their bosoms the falsehoods set forth in the theories of evolution and of higher criticism of the scriptures. And why have they done this thing? Because the simple truth, which is understood by the Spirit of God and not understood and comprehended by the spirit of man, does not appeal to their reason. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3:289-290.)

    Darwin…lost his religion when he lost confidence in [William] Paley’s evidences. He says: “The old argument from design in Nature, as given by Paley, which formerly seemed to me so conclusive, fails now that the law of natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that, for instance, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell must have been made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man.” “At the present day,” he continues, “the most usual argument for the existence of an intelligent God is drawn from the deep inward conviction and feeling which are experienced by most persons.” Formerly he was led by feelings such as those just referred to, to the firm conviction of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul.

    The grandeur of the Brazilian forest, he says, used to inspire him with religious awe. “But now the grandest scenes would not cause any such convictions and feelings to arise in my mind. It may be truly said that I am like a man who has become color-blind.” In another passage he mentions the fact that his love for poetry has gradually disappeared—a proof of the withering effect which continual scientific investigation may exert upon the soul! His state was, however, evidently preconditioned by the original intellectualistic bent of his religious convictions, formed by his early instruction. He has a feeling of having been cheated by false theories and proofs, and therefore looks with distrust upon the entire church. This is an every-day occurrence. Consequently it is a vital question for the church to assume a proper attitude towards science. The mutual distrust existing between science and the church is fatal to her. (Introduction to Philosophy, by Dr. Friedrich Paulsen, pp. 159-160.)

    The quotations in relation to the loss of faith of Charles Darwin is taken from the book, Charles Darwin’s Life, by his son, Francis Darwin, page 63. One who follows the theories of Darwin, will eventually, like Darwin, lose all faith in God the Eternal Creator. A person cannot believe that bivalve shells come by chance and hinges of a door have to come by the act of an intelligent being, and be sound in his thinking. Verily, those who insistently follow the evolutionary theories, cannot at the same time accept and worship an intelligent anthropomorphic God!

    Portrait of President Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 192

    “Question asked of Joseph Fielding Smith: “Since reading your book, Man: His Origin, and Destiny, I have been troubled by your difference in view of organic evolution and the age of man and the teachings of some of our most outstanding scientists who maintain that scientific evidence prove the earth and man to be much older than you claim. Your statements are contrary to what I have been taught and believe.”

    President Smith’s Answer: If what I have written is in criticism of the present theories in relation to organic evolution and the age of man upon the earth, in which you believe, then I can readily see why you disagree with what I have taught. I will state frankly and positively that I am opposed to the present biological theories and the doctrine that man has been on the earth for millions of years. I am opposed to the present teachings in relation to the age of the earth which declare that the earth is millions of years old. Some modern scientists even claim that it is a billion years old. Naturally, since I believe in modern revelation, I cannot
    accept these so-called scientific teachings, for I believe them to be in conflict with the simple and direct word of the Lord that has come to us by divine revelation. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, 5: 112.)

    This idea that everything commenced from a small beginning, from the scum upon the surface of the sea, and has gradually developed until all
    forms of life, the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the fishes of the sea, and the plants upon the face of the earth, have all sprung from that one source, is a falsehood absolutely. There is no truth in it, for God has given us his word by which we may know, and all who are led by the Spirit of God can understand through that Holy Spirit, the truth of these things.

    Organic evolution is Satan’s chief weapon in this dispensation in his attempt to destroy the divine mission of Jesus Christ. It is a contemptible plot against faith in God and to destroy the effective belief in the divine atonement of our Redeemer through which men may be saved from their sins and find place in the Kingdom of God. There is not an cannot be any compromise between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the theories of evolution. Were evolution true, there could be no remission of sin.

    Again, as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Joseph Fielding Smith said:
    ―What I have taught and written in the past I would teach and write again under the same circumstances. (President Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, October 1970, 5.)

    Evolution Believers

    Book of Mormon Central who are adamant believers in the Mesoamerican Geography of the Book of Mormon also share many of the theories of Organic Evolution. See the Abstract below from B.H. Roberts:

    Abstract: Less than ten years before his death in 1933, B. H. Roberts, one of the most influential Mormon writers of the twentieth century, began work on “the most important book that I have yet contributed to the [LDS] Church.” A prolific and respected Mormon apologist, Roberts wanted to consolidate his theological thought into a unified whole and to reconcile science with scripture. His final manuscript, “The Truth, the Way, the Life,” synthesized doctrine into three sections: the truth about the world and revelation, the way of salvation, and Jesus’ life in shaping Christian character. He submitted his completed work to the LDS First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, which, after a series of heated meetings, rejected it. Roberts’s views on evolution, the age of the earth, the pre-earth existence, and the eternal progression of God were deemed too controversial, so his “masterwork” went unpublished. With the support of the Roberts family, editor Stan Larson has corrected this sixty-year omission from the corpus of Mormon theology. According to Leonard J. Arrington, former LDS Church Historian, “B. H. Roberts considered ‘The Truth, The Way, The Life’ to be the most important work he had written. While people may differ with him on that judgement, this ambitious treatise . . . shows a great mind grappling with great issues.”

    Editor’s note

    As I search the Book of Mormon Central Website for “evolution” Here is what I come up with. I want you to see both sides and then judge on your own. I believe an ape cannot become a man and a cat cannot become a dog. To me evolution means changes within a species.

    Joseph Smith Foundation– James and Hannah Stoddard

    I support the Joseph Smith Foundation and feel their research on Evolution to be very accurate.

    “Many LDS scientists and other LDS church members who are proponents of evolutionary theory have mistakenly believed that Joseph Fielding Smith is one of the few Church leaders who was out spoken against evolution.  Because of this there has been an effort by some of these proponents of evolution to disregard President Joseph Fielding Smith’s words and pass them off as having been stated when he was “speaking as a man” and not “as a prophet.” In particular, President Smith’s work, “Man: His Origin and Destiny,” has come under “fire”.  The presiding church leaders, however, are unified on doctrinal issues and Joseph Fielding Smith did not stand alone in his quest against evolutionary theories.  After becoming Prophet and President of the Church, he said the following in General Conference, October 1970 (italics and underlining are added):”

    As I ponder the principles of the gospel, I am struck forcibly by the uniform manner in which I and all the Brethren have taught them over the years.  The truths of the gospel are everlastingly the same. Like God himself, they are the same yesterday, today and forever.  What I have taught and written in the past I would teach and write again under the same circumstances. And what I say of myself should be true for all the Brethren and for all the elders of the Church.  We are all called to preach the gospel, to be ministers of Christ, to raise the warning voice, and to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.”

    Tickets  Speakers

    Statements by President Gordon B. Hinckley such as the following have not been uncommon in conference proceedings:

    I am pleased to report, my brethren, that there is harmony, there is total unity, among the General Authorities and among Church officers and leaders throughout the world wherever the work is organized.  1

    A notable and powerful defense of Joseph Fielding Smith was offered by President Ezra Taft Benson in a BYU Twelve‑Stake Fireside speech where he said:

    More recently one of our Church educators published what he purports to be a history of the Church’s stand on the question of organic evolution.  His thesis challenges the integrity of a prophet of God.  He suggests that Joseph Fielding Smith published his work “Man: His Origin and Destiny,” against the counsel of the First Presidency and his own Brethren.  This writer’s interpretation is not only inaccurate, but it runs counter to the testimony of Elder Mark E. Peterson, who wrote this foreword to Elder Smith’s book, a book I would encourage all of you to read: “…Some of us [members of the Council of the Twelve] urged [Elder Joseph Fielding Smith] to write a book on the creation of the world and the origin of man… The present volume is the result. It is a most remarkable presentation of material from both sources [science and religion] under discussion.  It will fill a great need in the Church and will be particularly invaluable to students who have become confused by the misapplication of information derived from scientific experimentation.” 2 

    When one understands that the author to which I alluded is an exponent for the theory of organic evolution, his motive in disparaging President Joseph Fielding Smith becomes apparent.  To hold to a private opinion on such matters is one thing, but when one undertakes to publish his views to discredit the work of a prophet, it is a very serious matter. It is also apparent to all who have the Spirit of God in them that Joseph Fielding Smith’s writings will stand the test of time. 3” Joseph Smith Foundation. Continued here:

  • A Hoax is a Sign We’re on Target

    A Hoax is a Sign We’re on Target

    Further below we speak about a very interesting article from the Latter-day Millennial Star, Editor James E. Talmage. It speaks about the Tucson Lead Artifacts. As with many artifacts found in North America that have a link to Jews or the Old World, many say they are a hoax and many say the are genuine. We report and you can decide. I believe that the Native American Indians of the Eastern United States are related to the Hebrews and there will be many signs found about that connection as well as the truth about these artifacts.

    Ancient Dinosaur Depictions

    “In the 1920s thirty-one Roman-style lead artifacts were excavated near Tucson, AZ (see right). These are described on p. 331 of David Hatcher’s book The Lost Cities of North & Central America and were featured on the History Channel’s 2013 show America Unearthed. These lead objects appear to be religious in nature with Hebrew and Latin inscribed upon the swords, spears and crosses. They were buried about five feet below the desert surface in a layer of caliche (a cement-like mixture of desert soil and minerals). Skeptics have questioned the authenticity of these artifacts because the discovery site contains no other artifacts (like pottery, broken glass, bones, ashes or houses) that might validate the existence of Medieval colony. But perhaps this location was merely a ceremonial storage location. Supporters point out the value of the significant amount of burial work and expensive lead involved and wonder what the motivation could be for such an elaborate hoax? After all, just one cross weighs 62 pounds! Tucson Artifact DinosaurMicroscopic analysis of the mineralization build up on the implements seems to argue for them being genuine. A 1972 attempt to dig on location to search for additional objects was curtailed due to legal challenges. But one of the biggest objections to the authenticity of the Tucson Silverbell artifacts is the precise carvings of an apparent Diplodocus dinosaur on the sword (click right to see it highlighted). The artifacts have been stored at the Arizona Historical Society.


    DW Ica Stone1 CleanTo the left are pictured Ica Ceremonial Burial Stones from the Nasca culture (100 BC to 800AD) that are carved in a bas relief technique. In 1500s the Spanish Conquistadors brought back stories that there were stones with strange creatures carved on them found in Peru. Some of the stones were even brought back to Spain. The Incan Chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachucuti Lumqui wrote in 1571 about the strange engraved stones in Ica. (See Swift, Dennis, Secrets of the Ica Stones, 2006.) Dom Geronomo Cabrera was a Spanish conquistador who settled the area of Ica in 1570. One of his descendants, Dr. Javier Cabrera, saw these stones as a child and began collecting them in the 1960s. He eventually accumulated thousands of stones. Retired from the University of Lima, Dr. Cabrera focused upon validating these finds within the scientific community. His credibility was strengthened by the discovery of ancient ceramics that display long-necked, reptilian creatures. This pottery is currently displayed in the museum of Lima (lower right).”

    Why a Hoax?

    Why is it so often those so-called intellectuals or Scientists or Historians usually think new information that goes against their belief system is a hoax? Because they lack the desire and courage to admit change and growth and that there are more superior minds in the past than in their own group. Yes, the Nephites and Jaredites and Abrahamitic etc. were all smarter than most of today’s archaeologists, because today’s intellectuals lack the spirt of discernment and the courage of swallowing their pride. Of course there are some exceptions, but they seem rare.

    Ignorant Savages?

    “…When…first commanded to testify of these things they [The Three Witness] demurred and told the Lord the people would not believe them for the book concerning which they were to bear record told of a people who were educated and refined, dwelling in large cities; whereas all that was then known of the early inhabitants of this country was the filthy, lazy, degraded and ignorant savages that were roaming over the land. The Lord told us, in reply that he would make it known to the people that the early inhabitants of this land had been just such a people as they were described in the book, and he would lead them to discover the ruins of great cities, and they should have abundant evidence of the truth of that which is written in the book…” – David Whitmer, Interview with James H. Hart (Richmond, Mo., 21 August 1883), as printed in Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah

    Drifting Far Afield

    “What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.’” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., and John J. Stewart, The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1972], 210 – 211.)

    Lamanites ARE DESCENDANTS of the JEWS.

    We need to look no further than the scriptures to know the Lamanites ARE DESCENDANTS of the JEWS. It is probably hard for most people reading this blog to understand that many of the intellectuals don’t believe this. The biggest reason for this, is that the Natives of Central/South America are of Asian lineage and they believe the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica.

    “And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God—Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 29:26-27

    Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 19:27

    “And then shall the remnant of our seed know concerning us, how that we came out from Jerusalem, and that they are descendants of the Jews.” 2 Nephi 30:4

    “Hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves together, according to my commandments, in this land, which is the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints. Wherefore, this is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion. And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called Independence is the center place; and a spot for the temple is lying westward, upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse. Wherefore, it is wisdom that the land should be purchased by the saints, and also every tract lying westward, even unto the line running directly between Jew and Gentile;D&C 57:1-4


    The origin of the American Indian is a subject of perennial interest and concern to ethnologists. What was once a theory has now come to be widely accepted as a fact — that the Indian tribes are descendants of Asiatic ancestors, who in all probability were Israelites, or, in the broadest sense of the term, Jews. Believers in the Book of Mormon have no doubts in the matter, for that record sets forth with circumstantial detail the migration of colonies directly from Jerusalem to the Western Continent. As a result of recent investigations conducted under the auspices of American institutions of recognized standing, many interesting statements have been given to the Press. The following has been accorded space in several American journals, and is here reproduced with editorial caution against accepting inferences as demonstrated facts. It is to be hoped that through the official reports to appear later, more definite information will be available.

    Tucson, Arizona, December 14. — The American Indian is of Semitic origin.

    Roman letter R on Signal Hill. Its letter-form and ductus (design and direction of letter strokes) are the same as those engraved in lead on the Tucson Artifacts.

    Roman legionnaires, centuries ago, roamed and fought on Arizona deserts!

    And these Romans, in turn, were destroyed long before the coining of the “Spanish conquistadors.”

    These are some of the startling theories being advanced here to-day, following the remarkable discoveries of archaeologists from Princeton, the University of Arizona, and other colleges, who have been making secret excavations for a year on the ranch of Thomas Bent, nine miles from here.

    Lying six feet beneath an almost solid layer of desert limestone, the excavators have unearthed weapons bearing Roman and Jewish inscriptions. With them have been found religious symbols, crosses and batons, also inscribed in Jewish and Latin phrases, some of them singing “the praises of Israel and Rome.

    Scholars here today were inclined to believe the recent finds have established the origin of the American Indian. The relics, they say, furnish indisputable evidence that the Indian is of Semitic origin.

    It is claimed, moreover, that the discovery of the relics has definitely established that a race of early Mediterranean people crossed the Atlantic to America, and either subjugated or allied themselves with the natives to such an extent that a powerful province of the Roman Empire was formed and ruled over by them for several centuries.


    This Church of Jesus Christ ok Latter-day Saints, claiming to be all that its name expresses or logically implies, holds that its special mission in the world is to officiate in the authority of the Holy Priesthood by proclaiming the Gospel and administering in the ordinances thereof amongst all nations, and this in preparation for the approaching advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Besides its missionary labor among the living, the Church, true to the commission laid upon it by divine investiture, is continuously engaged in vicarious service for the dead, administering the ordinances of salvation to the living in behalf of their departed progenitors. Largely for this purpose the Church constructs Temples and maintains therein the requisite ministry in behalf of the dead.

    In the carrying out of the work committed to it, the Church is tolerant of all sects and parties, claiming for itself no fight or privilege that it would deny to individuals or other organizations. It affirms itself to be the Church of old, established anew. Its message to the world is that of peace and good will — the invitation to come and partake of the blessings incident to the new and everlasting covenant between God and His children. Its warning voice is heard in all lands and climes: “Repent ye! Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” — J. E. T.  Latter-day Millennial Star Editor James E. Talmage March 4, 1926 page 136-137

    Genuine Ooparts Crucial to History or a Colossal Hoax? A Thorough Examination of The Tucson Artifacts

    A Curious Find Amidst the Gravel

    Charles Manier found the first Tucson Artifact sticking out of the gravel near an abandoned lime kiln beside Silverbell Road in September 1924. It was a cross and required some effort to free it from the ground. He realized it was made of two pieces stuck together, so he pried them apart and found lettering engraved on their faces. That prompted him to contact Dr. Frank H. Fowler, Latin professor at the University of Arizona, who had no trouble translating them. Several of them were discovered by Thomas Bent Sr. (friend/business partner of Manier) and some of the university faculty even participated in the excavations. The process was well documented, including photographs, and followed by the Tucson and Phoenix newspapers, and even a New York Times article. Source:

    Tucson Lead Artifacts

    The Tucson artifacts, sometimes called the Tucson Lead Crosses, Tucson Crosses, Silverbell Road artifacts, or Silverbell artifacts, were thirty-one lead objects that Charles E. Manier and his family found in 1924 near Picture Rocks, Arizona which were initially thought by some to be created by early Mediterranean civilizations that had crossed the Atlantic in the first century, but were later determined to be a hoax.

    The find consisted of thirty-one lead objects, including crosses, swords, and religious/ceremonial paraphernalia, most of which bore Hebrew or Latin engraved inscriptions, pictures of temples, leaders’ portraits, angels, and a dinosaur (inscribed on the lead blade of a sword). One contained the phrase “Calalus, the unknown land”, which was used by believers as the name of the settlement. The objects also have Roman numerals ranging from 790 to 900 inscribed on them, which were sometimes interpreted to represent the date of their creation. The site contains no other artifacts, no pottery sherds, no broken glass, no human or animal remains, and no sign of hearths or housing. Wikipedia

    Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe

    Michael Balter Science  25 Oct 2013: Vol. 342, Issue 6157, pp. 409-410

    Boy’s bones. DNA from this ancient Siberian skeleton offers clues to the first Americans. CREDIT: THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM, ST. PETERSBURG
    Purchase Now

    SANTA FE—Where did the first Americans come from? Most researchers agree that Paleoamericans moved across the Bering Land Bridge from Asia sometime before 15,000 years ago, suggesting roots in East Asia. But just where the source populations arose has long been a mystery.

    [Editor: This is such a long held and false belief about the Land Bridge, it seems funny to me every time I hear it. It’s just like saying the earth is flat anymore. Both are just simply wrong. Also as you will read below, the world is really messed up, as they continue to think man and cave men existed millions of years ago. What about the continued belief that Dinosaurs are millions of years old? It just makes no sense to me any more. I still feel the lack of humility among the elite is their biggest challenge].

    Now comes a surprising twist, from the complete nuclear genome of a Siberian boy who died 24,000 years ago—the oldest complete genome of a modern human sequenced to date. His DNA shows close ties to those of today’s Native Americans. Yet he apparently descended not from East Asians, but from people who had lived in Europe or western Asia. The finding suggests that about a third of the ancestry of today’s Native Americans can be traced to “western Eurasia,” with the other two-thirds coming from eastern Asia, according to a talk at a meeting* here by ancient DNA expert Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen. It also implies that traces of European ancestry previously detected in modern Native Americans do not come solely from mixing with European colonists, as most scientists had assumed, but have much deeper roots.

    The Mal’ta boy was related to people who later migrated across Beringia to the Americas. “I’m still processing that Native Americans are one-third European,” says geneticist Connie Mulligan of the University of Florida in Gainesville. “It’s jaw-dropping.” At the very least, says geneticist Dennis O’Rourke of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, “this is going to stimulate a lot of discussion.”

    Editor: As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don’t believe there was a migration from the Bering Land Bridge. I believe the migration was by the ocean voyages of the Jaredites, Mulekites and Lehites.

    See Annotated Book of Mormon Page 544 about information below

    Purchase Now!

    “Among the class of writers aforesaid is Mr. James Adair, who resided forty years among the American tribes, and who wrote a book on the subject, which was published about the year 1775, in which he, without hesitation, declares that the American aborigines are descendants from the Israelites, and so complete is his conviction on this head, that he declares he finds a perfect and undisputable similitude in each. He says: ‘From the most accurate observations I could make, in the long time I traded among the Indians of America, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the tribes of Israel,’” – “History of the American Indians,” London: Edward and Charles Dilly [1775] p. 13.

    “A table of words and phrases is furnished by Dr. Boudinot, Adair and others, to show the similarity, in some of the Indian languages, to the Hebrew, and that the former must have been derived from the latter” – Haines, Elijah M., “The American Indian (UH-XISH-IK-XA-BA), The Whole Subject Complete in One Volume,” Chicago: The MAS-SIX-XA’-GAX Company [1888], 98; 100.

    Editor: You will find a most interesting and familiar phrase to many Latter-day Saints, if you combine the word “to pray” with the word for “God” below.

    More information about the Tucson Lead Artifacts

    Jewish and Indian Language and comparisons

    THE AMERICAN INDIAN (UH-NISH-IK-NA-BA). The Whole Subject Complete in One Volume Illustrated with Numerous Appropriate Engravings. By ELIJAH M. HAINES. CHICAGO: THE MAS-SIN-NA’-GAX COMPANY, 1888.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.

    Volume 5 No. 36
    Volume 10 No. 66

    Order Ancient America now. More about Tucson Artifacts Here

  • Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    Dear family and friends,

    We enjoyed the wonderful people at the Book of Mormon Evidence Conference yesterday. I didn’t have time to finish my talk, but the recorders of it came to my rescue and made copies of all my slides, which are self-explanatory. So those who take advantage of the services can both hear my talk and see all the slides in a few weeks.

    For the conference my publisher, Boyd Tuttle (Digital Legends) is offering a pre-sale price for my new book here: TIME AND ETERNITY, THE END-TIMES & BEYOND REVEALED, this link will let you take advantage your purchase even though you may not or could not have gone to the conference.

    In our search for truth, the Lord has given us religious and scientific tools to know or not know if something is true. In the following blog article I use those tools to disprove many pervasive theories that Satan is using to deceive the world masses.

    Here and in my blog articles, I share the proofs that the theories of: organic evolution, the big bang theory, the theory that the solution to the pandemic is vaccination, the theory that Book of Mormon geography took place in Mesoamerica, are false.

    By removing Satan’s confusing and faith destroying theories we can move to conflict resolution and into the Lord’s love as we partake in that which we know to be true: God’s word.

    My new book is designed to bring faith and hope to a world that is spiraling down in immorality. I have attached a document that gives you a picture of the book cover and some exciting details of its contents. We are using a larger font so that all ages can read it easily.

    Evolution and Big Bang Theories Are Pervasive

    But, Have We Been Deceived?

    These three points are fundamental in our search for truth.

    1.   You cannot prove a theory true; we don’t know enough. Only God knows enough. Correlation does not provide validation. This is a common mistake many make. If data agree with an idea, thesis, or theory, they assume it must be true, when in fact it proves nothing. Maybe it gives a person a warm feeling.

     2. You can prove an idea, thesis, or theory false if you have reliable falsification data. This is very powerful, and we will see that it is very important–to know what is not true so that we can move on to the truth.

    3. You can only know something is true if God tells you, because, “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5)

    Free Download

    If these two theories, evolution and the big bang are false, it has enormous implications for the world community. Using these tools, let us explore the facts together to learn the truth.

    You can download a detailed article by clicking the link below.


  • God’s Plan-Satan’s Counterfeit

    God’s Plan-Satan’s Counterfeit

    President Russell M. Nelson suggests 3 resolutions in his first message of 2022

    In his first official communication of 2022, President Russell M. Nelson, leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, shared important advice: “Be more resolute in being kind to others and strengthening your own spiritual foundation.”

    Posting messages on TwitterFacebook and Instagram on Jan. 1, 2022, President Nelson made a few suggestions for those setting aside time to write resolutions for the coming year.

    “First,” he wrote on Facebook and Instagram, “resolve to strengthen your spiritual foundation. This may involve setting a specific time and place to study the scriptures, praying more often, making temple worship a bigger priority, and letting God prevail in all aspects of your life.

    “Second, resolve to be kind to others. When the Savior Jesus Christ visited the Americas, as recorded in the Book of Mormon, one of the first things He taught was the need to eliminate contention in our lives. So, please be compassionate, be understanding, be slow to judge, and be quick to forgive.

    “Third, resolve to be resolute. The Lord loves effort. The Lord loves consistency. The Lord loves steadfastness. While we surely will come up short from time to time, our persistent efforts to hear Him and follow the inspiration He gives us will help us to ‘wax strong in the Spirit’ (Mosiah 18:26).”

    A post shared by Russell M. Nelson (@russellmnelson)

    President Nelson’s messages follow a similar plea during his October 2021 general conference address. “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations,” he said. “Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.”

    When a person’s spiritual foundation “is built solidly upon Jesus Christ, you have no need to fear,” he said. Source

    Spiritual 1820

    In the Prophet’s suggestion to, “resolve to strengthen your spiritual foundation”, I would like to revisit one of the most important events that ever happened in our lives. The appearance of the Father and Son to Joseph Smith in 1820. Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, as we hear quoted. Let’s us briefly go back in history just before that special spring morning in 1820 and reflect what had just occurred.

    Take a few minutes and reflect about who America was and who the world was in 1820. We had just formed a new union in 1776 and it seemed our nation was off and running behind the inspired United States Constitution. Washington and the brave Patriots along with our blessed Forefathers, we had become a new nation of liberty and freedom.

    April 30, 1789 President George Washington’s inauguration ceremony in New York City was a grand historical event, attended by hundreds. We were on our way to live in the choicest Land of Liberty as a blessed nation. Why the United States, why here ant not in any other land? This quote by Bishop Whitney will explain better than I could.

    “…in culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest. No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26  Page 201

    I can do nothing for you

    Just 50 years after this miraculous inauguration of our first US President, just our 8th President rejected Joseph Smith and the Saints. “The Prophet Joseph Smith went to Washington to meet with Congress and the president of the United States regarding the Saints’ plea for redress and restoration of their rights. After Joseph addressed President Martin Van Buren (pictured here), the president said, “What can I do? I can do nothing for you, -if I do anything, I shall come in contact with the whole State of Missouri.” (Library of Congress.)…

    Boggs Extermination Order

    Expulsion from Missouri and Regrouping in Illinois

    The story begins in 1838. In the fall of 1838 both the Democratically-controlled Senate and House of Representatives were lost to the surging Whig Party, evidence of President Martin Van Buren’s increasing vulnerability. The unanticipated baggage Van Buren had inherited from his predecessor, Andrew Jackson, had led to the economic reversal known as the Panic of 1837, which still held its grip on Americans. Earlier in the year the Underground Railroad had clandestinely begun operation, spiriting black slaves to liberation in the free states of the North. Sectional issues intensified as the first abolitionist was elected to the House of Representatives. And at the same time as the Saints’ expulsion from Missouri, the winter of 1838–39, a somewhat comparable number of Cherokee Indians were banished by the federal government from Georgia to designated lands in what is now Oklahoma. The weighty matters occupying America’s citizenry in 1838 subordinated the catastrophe consuming the Latter-day Saints in America’s westernmost state, Missouri.

    With the Prophet’s followers in a panic after the state of Missouri pressed them into submission and flight, Joseph Smith was subjected to sequential incarcerations beginning the first week of November 1838—first in Independence, then in Richmond, then in Liberty, Clay County, Missouri, where he arrived on December 1, 1838. Four and a half months later, after surviving a bitter winter in the jail’s stone dungeon, Joseph “escaped” with four fellow inmates in collaboration with their sympathetic guards. A week later he was reunited with his wife and children in the Mississippi River city of Quincy, Illinois, on April 22, 1839.

    President Martin Van Buren

    The Prophet and several thousand of his fellow impoverished Latter-day Saint refugees soon made plans to relocate forty-some miles upriver to the villages of Commerce, Illinois, and Montrose, Iowa. On May 10, 1839, Joseph and Emma Smith moved with their four children into a log home near the bank of the huge river, in what would later be called Nauvoo. The emerging city had antecedents that stretched back to the beginning of the century; as early as 1805, government explorer Zebulon Pike marched across the site, and a farmstead was established in what later became Nauvoo. The first permanent white settler moved to this bend in the Mississippi River in 1823. Others followed. Six years later, the same year Hancock County was organized, the few who inhabited the future Mormon site established a post office with the exotic name of Venus. Five years later the small frontier village became Commerce, and a sister settlement, Commerce City, was organized three years later. The beauty of the peninsula, located within the westernmost county in Illinois, drew the Saints enthusiastically into the region. Here Joseph Smith’s vision for a flourishing metropolis quickly materialized.” Joseph Smith Goes to Washington, 1839-40 Ronald O. Barney

    “Tensions escalated when an affidavit was sworn out against Joseph Smith falsely stating that he and another Mormon had organized an army of 500 men and had threatened death to old settlers and citizens in Daviess County. Other false claims of threats, rumors, and exaggerated stories circulated throughout Missouri. False reports of a Mormon uprising reached Missouri governor Lilburn W. Boggs. In the mobbings that followed, many Latter-day Saints were murdered and their lands and possessions were taken. Unsuccessfully, they appealed for relief to Governor Boggs several times. Mormons defended themselves, fueling stories that Mormons intended to sack and burn Richmond, Missouri.

    Relying on the false reports of an insurrection by Mormons, Governor Boggs issued an extermination order. Violence against the Mormons erupted and they were brutally driven from the state. Joseph Smith and other Church leaders were taken prisoner and held in dungeon-like conditions for several months. They were charged with “murder, treason, burglary, arson, larceny, theft, and stealing.”2 Some state officials concluded that Joseph Smith and others would not be successfully prosecuted, so a sheriff and other guards allowed the prisoners to escape while taking them to a different county for trial. They joined other Latter-day Saints in Illinois.” Joseph Smith: Prosecuted and Persecuted
    by Paulah | Nov 5, 2013

    Good to Evil

    While all the joy of heaven began in 1820 and 1830 with the restoration of The Church of Christ, the USA became increasingly difficult to mange. In just 50 years from the First Vision, we now have a President of the United States not supporting The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We see our Saints being raped and killed and property stolen. What pains our Saints had to suffer from a previously honorable Government of the United States. Amazingly quick turnaround.

    Evil 1776

    The Original 1776 Bavarian Illuminatenordes: The Order of the Illuminati

    Adam Weishaupt

    The original order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on the First of May in the year 1776. The founder of the order was Adam Weishaupt (1748 – 1830), who was raised by his godfather, the Baron von Ickstatt. Ickstatt was a member of the Privy Council, a professor at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria and the tutor of Maximillian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria. Attending the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt with his godfather’s patronage, Weishaupt became the first non-Jesuit chair of canon law at the University for nearly a century.

    The liberal layman’s appointment to the chair of ecclesiastical law made him a prominent object of Jesuit wrath. The Jesuits were dissolved by Pope Clement XIV just three years before the Order of the Illuminati was officially founded. Weishaupt intended for his Illuminati to replace the obedient order of Ignatius of Loyola as the paramount force of education and enlightenment in Germany.

    The Order of the Illuminati structure was mainly modeled on the Jesuit order. However, Weishaupt also borrowed much from the Craft after he was made a Strict Observance Freemason in the Bavarian capital of Munich in 1777. The original name of Weishaupt’s order was the Perfectibilists or ‘Perfectionists,’ for their aim of the “perfection of man.”

    After Weishaupt was raised a Master Mason, being dissatisfied with the awkward name, his order became ‘Illuminatenordens,’ and represented itself with the symbol of the point within the circle. The Unknown Superiors or Secret Chiefs of Strict Observance Freemasonry inspired the structure of the Illuminati hierarchy. By 1779 the Order of the Illuminati had assumed leadership of the Masonic lodge in Munich.

    The original five Illuminati were: Adam Weishaupt, known by his secret order name “Spartacus,” and Weishaupt’s law students Franz Anton von Massenhausen “Ajax,” Max Edler von Merz “Tiberius,” Andreas Sutor “Erasmus Rotterdam’s” and Bauhoff “Agathon.” The order rapidly grew into at least 2,500 members within a decade. Members came from the ranks of academia, the nobility and government bureaucracy, the diplomatic community, the legal establishment, the military, various police forces, the medical profession, the Church, and other essential institutions.

    Mutually fearing an educated and organized atheism, the Catholic Jesuits joined forces with their Protestant rivals, the German Rosicrucian’s, to destroy this threat to their way of life and socio-political dominance. In the 1780s the Elector of Bavaria, Duke Karl Theodor, issued several edicts banning the order and ultimately threatening the membership with death. The Bavarian Elector and his agents interrogated and persecuted members until the Order of the Illuminati was dissolved. Many of the adepts fled Bavaria to various parts ruled by friendly sovereigns like the Duke of Saxe- Gotha.


    Allegory of the Jesuits’ Missionary Work, Andrea Pozzo, 1694

    So, just months before our July 4, 1776 celebration began extreme evil with the beginning of this Bavarian Illuminatti. It seems that whenever the Lord begins a new phase of joy and goodness, Satan creates a false priesthood or a counter balance of evil to deceive us.  ..k

    1830 A True Church, and a Correct Book

    For another example, what great missions were accomplished in 1830? The beginning of the official Church began in the Whitmer home in Fayette NY and the most correct book, The Book of Mormon was first published. Blog Here

    What was Satan’s counter? Two of the most evil books ever written came to our world.

    Which book published in 1830 is most correct?

    1- Principles of Geology: Published July 1830 An attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth’s surface, by reference to causes now in operation is a book by the Scottish geologist Charles Lyell that was first published in three volumes from 1830–1833. As important to modern world views as any work of Darwin, Marx, or Freud, Principles of Geology is a landmark in the history of science. In this first of three volumes, Charles Lyell (1797-1875) sets forth his powerful uniformitarian argument: processes now visibly acting in the natural world are essentially the same as those that have acted throughout the history of the earth, and are sufficient to account for all geological phenomena. Also known as the Doctrine of Uniformity.

    Sir Charles Lyell, 1st Baronet, FRS (14 November 1797 – 22 February 1875) was a Scottish geologist who popularized the revolutionary work of James Hutton. He is best known as the author of Principles of Geology, which presented uniformitarianism–the idea that the Earth was shaped by the same scientific processes still in operation today–to the broad general public. Principles of Geology also challenged theories popularized by Georges Cuvier, which were the most accepted and circulated ideas about geology in Europe at the time.

    His scientific contributions included an explanation of earthquakes, the theory of gradual “backed up-building” of volcanoes, and in stratigraphy the division of the Tertiary period into the Pliocene, Miocene, and Eocene. He also coined the currently-used names for geological eras, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. He incorrectly conjectured that icebergs may be the emphasis behind the transport of glacial erratic’s, and that silty loess deposits might have settled out of flood waters.

    Lyell, following deistic traditions, favored an indefinitely long age for the earth, despite geological evidence suggesting an old but finite age.[2] He was a close friend of Charles Darwin, and contributed significantly to Darwin’s thinking on the processes involved in evolution. He helped to arrange the simultaneous publication in 1858 of papers by Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace on natural selection, despite his personal religious qualms about the theory. He later published evidence from geology of the time man had existed on Earth.

    How correct is the 1859 publication, Origin of Species?

    3- The Origin of Species published on 24 November 1859, (or more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life), is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin’s book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection.

    Darwin’s book was as popular as it was controversial. The book convinced many people that species change over time—a lot of time—suggesting that the planet was much older than what was commonly believed at the time: six thousand years.

    Read this article written by a BYU Evolutionary Biologist that loves Darwin. 

    In my opinion Steven Peck began teaching evolution as a science but I feel he has now become a full supporter that evolution is true and not just a theory. In my opinion a cat can never become a dog. Things evolve but they don’t become a different species. What do I know I’m an uneducated scientist but a very educated Christian.

    3- The Book of Mormon Published June 1830 is a sacred text which we believe contains the writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. It was translated by the Gift and Power of God and it was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith.

    So as you ask yourself, “Which book published in 1830 is most correct?” Was it the Book on Evolution and pseudoscience, or the most correct book on the earth, even The Book of Mormon? It makes sense that as the Lord reveals such a powerful book, Satan tries to imitate it. Thus are the workings of evil trying to replace good.

    Now let’s reflect on what was going on in the world in 1822 when evil materialized in Europe.

    Evil 1822

    In the secret 1822 Treaty of Verona (between Austria, France, Prussia and Russia) the Jesuits agreed to smash the US Constitution and suppress the freedom of the US. Their methods included destroying free speech, destroying and suppressing the press, universal censorship, sustaining the cooperation of the Pope and clergy to use religion to help keep nations in passive obedience and financing wars against countries with representative governments.

    The monarchs who signed this treaty were ultimately deposed. Most of these families are very wealthy and may be more powerful today than when they sat upon thrones. They are known collectively as the Black Nobility. Privately these families refuse to recognize any right to rule except their own.

    The fact that this treaty was made long ago does not mean it is void. The treaty was placed in the Congressional Record on April 25, 1916 by Senator Owen.

    Below is a 4 hour audio of the History

    Secret Treaty of Verona 1822

    Secret Treaty of Verona 1822-2022, Age of Metternich & Geopolitical Counter-Reformation

    “We arrive at this important intersection in the realm of geopolitical and international dynamics, our present era cannot be rightly understood nor the fate of America as we approach 2022 unless the chronicles of the Age of Metternich are fully disclosed and apprehended. The Congress of Vienna 1815 represent the reactionary forces of Monarchy and Imperialism as they seek to remain relevant in the face of the enormous prosperity and proliferation of representative democracy throughout the world. The nobility and royal aristocracy of Europe sought to repress popular government and republican values in Spain and Portugal vowing to raise armies to destroy representative democratic governments by any means necessary.We establish the history of the Napoleonic Wars and the Illuminati conspiracy and plot out of Bavaria which orchestrated the sophisticated intrigue and duplicity against the French King leading to the Great Terror and the collapse of the throne of France. The rise of Napoleon coincides with the papal order to extinguish the Jesuit Order, just as the Congress of Vienna aligns with the restoration of the Jesuits in 1813. Napoleon had been the effective weapon of the Jesuits during their suppression and with their return in 1813, Napoleon is removed and the work of restoring absolute monarchy and the imprimatur and prerogative of the “divine right” of kings begins in Vienna under the scrutiny of the Grand Duke Metternich who lead to ideological war of annihilation against all democratic elections and popular government.

    In 1822 the high contracting powers of the Congress of Vienna in the effort to restore absolute monarchy as the basis of governments throughout the world and reasserting their territorial claims and holdings and unlimited authority as those entitled as princes and royalty. The Congress of Vienna is a repudiation of the American congress and focuses the direct vengeance and vendetta of their black conspiracy against the United States of America. As we approach in 2022 the looming political catastrophe of Biden, the crashing anarchy overtaking our borders and the imminent implosion of the Federal Reserve Dollar we must remember the determination of this hateful adversary which has vowed a perpetual and unending oath to destroy America in joined in a secret Treaty of Verona, pledging their resources and wealth toward this endeavor for as long as time shall endure.

    We must look closely at the remarkable book by Samuel B. Morse called, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States. This grave and detailed account of an intellectual who literally travelled Italy and Europe in pursuit of his account published in 1835. Samuel Morse, the inventor of the Telegraph details for us the sincere hatred of the United states and all democratic governments by the Imperial powers of Europe upheld in their tyranny by the doctrine of the divine right of kings and princes, that doctrine long espoused by the Vatican for many centuries. The notion of political liberty and individual freedoms was so entirely anathema to the dictatorial rule of absolute monarchy that the crowned heads of Europe gathered to make clandestine war against democracy.

    The Congress of Vienna and the secret Treaty of Verona were again reestablished in 1835 at the Congress of Chieri in Italy, their at a non descript Jesuit college the royal personas and high contracting sovereigns gathered to redouble their efforts and make long term future plans to subvert all heretic governments who would not submit to the Roman papacy. The geopolitical strategy of the international elite was permanently framed at the foundation of their efforts which at their core would be the execution of the Counter-Reformation and the affirmation of the Council of Trent.

    In the background of the royal courts of Europe and the Jesuit intrigues against Protestants we find the orders of the papal knights, the Knights of Malta who also find themselves assaulted and looted by the armies of Napoleon must also secure the island of Malta during the negotiations during the Congress of Vienna. We find consistently at the fulcrum of history men like Cecil Rhodes, Albert Pike, Franz von Papen, and Klemens Metternich who are all knights of Malta, in the service of the Vatican.” Source

  • Spotted Bee Balm, is this the Medicinal Plant Spoken of in Alma 46:40?” -ZOOM MEETING

    Spotted Bee Balm, is this the Medicinal Plant Spoken of in Alma 46:40?” -ZOOM MEETING

    A public forum-
    Book of Mormon Perspectives Forum

    By Dr. Kevin P. Price

               Special Zoom Meeting
    Monday, December 13, 2021, 8:00 PM Central Time
    Zoom link to join the presentation (limited to 100 logins)

    A Special Thanks To:
    Tina Koivu, Melissa Tillack, Dana Young and Paul DeBarthé (Forum Organizer)

    This Monday night, December 13th at 8:00 pm Central Time, Dr. Kevin Price, Senior Geospatial and Plant Scientist will be presenting his findings on Monarda punctata var. villicaulis (Spotted Beebalm) that was found growing on the Zarahemla Temple Site across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo, Illinois (See D&C 125:3 if you want to know what the Lord named this area).  The picture below shows the plant flourishing on the Zarahemla Temple Site across from the Nauvoo Temple.

    The audience Dr. Price will be addressing is the Book of Mormon Perspectives Forum organized by Paul DeBarthé of Nauvoo. This group has a Mesoamerican Model following, but the group is diverse in its views concerning Book of Mormon geography.  We want the Heartlanders to know about this presentation and hope as many as possible will join the meeting. They normally have about 40 people who log into the Zoom Conference. The forum can have up to 100 logins onto the conference at one time.  The presentation will be recorded so if you cannot login, a recording will be available.

    The talk by Kevin is for a general audience and will discuss the unique geographic and medicinal properties of the Spotted Beebalm.  The plant’s natural geographic distribution is the Heartland of the US. It mostly follows the Mississippi River and its tributaries just as did the Hopewell.  Preliminary findings show a linkage between the plant distribution and Hopewell communities throughout the Heartland.  Many of those in the Heartland group believe the Hopewell people were those the Book of Mormon authors referred to as Nephites who were of Israelite decent. The talk will show a possible linkage of the Spotted Beebalm plant to an essential plant used by Israelites in their observance of the Law of Moses.

    The medicinal values of the plant have long been recognized by Native Americans as outlined in a White Paper found at a link below. Results from gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry analyses show the plant has 56 compounds with several being used in today’s advanced medicines.

    Published scientific articles in medical journals on some of the components and the whole essential oil of this plant show it to possess valuable antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiphrastic properties. It is believed that this plant was used as a treatment for Malaria to cure this devastating Heartland seasonal disease that caused high fevers just as described in Alma 46:40. It has also been used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killer).

    Have you ever wondered how the Nephites and Lamanites might have treated their battle wounds?  This plant would have been invaluable as a tea, tincture, essential oil or poultice. The picture below shows Spotted beebalm essential oil (rust colored oil in picture right). The essential oil is floating on the watery hydrosol created during the distillation process.

    A scientific publication by a group of Chinese scientists shows the whole essential oil of Spotted beebalm was an effective treatment against Streptococcus pyogenes which is an antibiotic resistant flesh-eating bacterium (an example of this terrible infection is shown in the horrific picture below).  It is interesting that the Chinese are studying this plant, that is found only growing naturally in the Heartland of the US and they are studying it as a cure to this deadly flesh-eating disease.  Is the next plague being prepared? Zachariah 14:12 – And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem [Israel]: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

    Heartland supporters have been planting this plant in their herbal gardens all over the US and Canada. Many believe that access to important medicines will be denied or not possible in the coming years. In the past year over 550,000 seeds have been sent out to Heartlanders who heard about this plant at conference talks and videos. The seeds are very small as seen in the picture further down in this blog.

    There are 9 varieties of this species growing in the US.  The variety (Monarda punctata var. villicaulis) found growing on the Zarahemla Temple site has been found to be the most medicinally potent, but all varieties have medicinal values.  It grows in full sun, hot, dry places. Some ask Dr. Price if it will grow in their rock garden.  In response, they are shown the following picture of it growing between bricks in Dr. Price’s south-facing patio in Kansas. During the hot part of the summer in the middle of the day it is likely that these bricks heat to over 120Fahrenheit. It is likely that an ant carried the seed from a few feet away and planted it in this location.

    We have been sending packets of seeds to those requesting them. We have been asking for donations to cover our costs of hand-collecting and distributing the seeds.  We have suggested a donation of $11 per packet of seeds which contains at least 25 seeds. The seeds are small as shown in the picture below left, of 100 seeds next to a ruler incremented in inches.

    If you wish to receive a packet of seeds from the Spotted Beebalm grown on the Zarahemla Temple site, please call Wayne May’s office number and leave a return call number and he will call you back and get your information and Dr. Price will send you the seeds. Wayne’s office number is 715-962-1422 where you can leave a recorded message.

    Since the medicinal values of the plant were brought to our attention, Dana Young, President of Be Young Total Health spent a year and 82 test trials to develop an essential oil blend he calls Zara thym. This blend magnifies the medicinal strength of the Spotted Beebalm essential oil by a factor of 3.

    The goal is to make this essential oil blend available to as many as possible. Unfortunately, plants from the Zarahemla Temple site are limited and all the Zara thym essential oils made this year (over 700 bottles) were sold in a matter of hours, but there is a waiting list you can ask to be placed on so that you can get some as soon as it is available. The number to call to get on the waiting list is 1-435-580-4069. If you tell the office assistant that you wish to have a donation from your purchase given to the Heartland Research Group, a significant percentage of your purchase will be donated back to the Heartland Research Group.  Please know that those involved in the Heartland Research Group volunteer all their time and considerable resources to this work, so your donations are not being used to enrich anyone in the group. They are used to cover costs.

    Also know that Dana Young is a strong supporter of the Heartland Research Group and has said that he will donate between 15% and 28% (depending on the product) from the sale of any of his health products, (not just the Zara thym) to the Heartland Research Group. If you order online you can use the link below and the donations will be made to the Heartland Research Group.

    Be Young Total Health (

    At the link below, you can access a free white paper written by Dana Young, Wayne May and Kevin Price on Spotted Beebalm concerning its biology, Native American uses, and its dominant chemical properties. There is a download arrow at the top of the screen if you wish to download this for reading later.

    Thank you for your support and we hope to hear from you.  Dr. Price’s email address is  Please feel free to contact him with any questions you might have.

    Streaming Subscribers Kevin Price Video Here  
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