A Hoax is a Sign We’re on Target

In the 1920s thirty-one Roman-style lead artifacts some with Dinosaurs carved on them were excavated near Tucson, AZ

Further below we speak about a very interesting article from the Latter-day Millennial Star, Editor James E. Talmage. It speaks about the Tucson Lead Artifacts. As with many artifacts found in North America that have a link to Jews or the Old World, many say they are a hoax and many say the are genuine. We report and you can decide. I believe that the Native American Indians of the Eastern United States are related to the Hebrews and there will be many signs found about that connection as well as the truth about these artifacts.

Ancient Dinosaur Depictions

“In the 1920s thirty-one Roman-style lead artifacts were excavated near Tucson, AZ (see right). These are described on p. 331 of David Hatcher’s book The Lost Cities of North & Central America and were featured on the History Channel’s 2013 show America Unearthed. These lead objects appear to be religious in nature with Hebrew and Latin inscribed upon the swords, spears and crosses. They were buried about five feet below the desert surface in a layer of caliche (a cement-like mixture of desert soil and minerals). Skeptics have questioned the authenticity of these artifacts because the discovery site contains no other artifacts (like pottery, broken glass, bones, ashes or houses) that might validate the existence of Medieval colony. But perhaps this location was merely a ceremonial storage location. Supporters point out the value of the significant amount of burial work and expensive lead involved and wonder what the motivation could be for such an elaborate hoax? After all, just one cross weighs 62 pounds! Tucson Artifact DinosaurMicroscopic analysis of the mineralization build up on the implements seems to argue for them being genuine. A 1972 attempt to dig on location to search for additional objects was curtailed due to legal challenges. But one of the biggest objections to the authenticity of the Tucson Silverbell artifacts is the precise carvings of an apparent Diplodocus dinosaur on the sword (click right to see it highlighted). The artifacts have been stored at the Arizona Historical Society.


DW Ica Stone1 CleanTo the left are pictured Ica Ceremonial Burial Stones from the Nasca culture (100 BC to 800AD) that are carved in a bas relief technique. In 1500s the Spanish Conquistadors brought back stories that there were stones with strange creatures carved on them found in Peru. Some of the stones were even brought back to Spain. The Incan Chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachucuti Lumqui wrote in 1571 about the strange engraved stones in Ica. (See Swift, Dennis, Secrets of the Ica Stones, 2006.) Dom Geronomo Cabrera was a Spanish conquistador who settled the area of Ica in 1570. One of his descendants, Dr. Javier Cabrera, saw these stones as a child and began collecting them in the 1960s. He eventually accumulated thousands of stones. Retired from the University of Lima, Dr. Cabrera focused upon validating these finds within the scientific community. His credibility was strengthened by the discovery of ancient ceramics that display long-necked, reptilian creatures. This pottery is currently displayed in the museum of Lima (lower right).”

Why a Hoax?

Why is it so often those so-called intellectuals or Scientists or Historians usually think new information that goes against their belief system is a hoax? Because they lack the desire and courage to admit change and growth and that there are more superior minds in the past than in their own group. Yes, the Nephites and Jaredites and Abrahamitic etc. were all smarter than most of today’s archaeologists, because today’s intellectuals lack the spirt of discernment and the courage of swallowing their pride. Of course there are some exceptions, but they seem rare.

Ignorant Savages?

“…When…first commanded to testify of these things they [The Three Witness] demurred and told the Lord the people would not believe them for the book concerning which they were to bear record told of a people who were educated and refined, dwelling in large cities; whereas all that was then known of the early inhabitants of this country was the filthy, lazy, degraded and ignorant savages that were roaming over the land. The Lord told us, in reply that he would make it known to the people that the early inhabitants of this land had been just such a people as they were described in the book, and he would lead them to discover the ruins of great cities, and they should have abundant evidence of the truth of that which is written in the book…” – David Whitmer, Interview with James H. Hart (Richmond, Mo., 21 August 1883), as printed in Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah

Drifting Far Afield

“What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.'” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Jr., and John J. Stewart, The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1972], 210 – 211.)

Lamanites ARE DESCENDANTS of the JEWS.

We need to look no further than the scriptures to know the Lamanites ARE DESCENDANTS of the JEWS. It is probably hard for most people reading this blog to understand that many of the intellectuals don’t believe this. The biggest reason for this, is that the Natives of Central/South America are of Asian lineage and they believe the Book of Mormon happened in Mesoamerica.

“And again, I command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God—Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 29:26-27

Which is my word to the Gentile, that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the Lamanites are a remnant, that they may believe the gospel, and look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.” D&C 19:27

“And then shall the remnant of our seed know concerning us, how that we came out from Jerusalem, and that they are descendants of the Jews.” 2 Nephi 30:4

“Hearken, O ye elders of my church, saith the Lord your God, who have assembled yourselves together, according to my commandments, in this land, which is the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints. Wherefore, this is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion. And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called Independence is the center place; and a spot for the temple is lying westward, upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse. Wherefore, it is wisdom that the land should be purchased by the saints, and also every tract lying westward, even unto the line running directly between Jew and Gentile;D&C 57:1-4


The origin of the American Indian is a subject of perennial interest and concern to ethnologists. What was once a theory has now come to be widely accepted as a fact — that the Indian tribes are descendants of Asiatic ancestors, who in all probability were Israelites, or, in the broadest sense of the term, Jews. Believers in the Book of Mormon have no doubts in the matter, for that record sets forth with circumstantial detail the migration of colonies directly from Jerusalem to the Western Continent. As a result of recent investigations conducted under the auspices of American institutions of recognized standing, many interesting statements have been given to the Press. The following has been accorded space in several American journals, and is here reproduced with editorial caution against accepting inferences as demonstrated facts. It is to be hoped that through the official reports to appear later, more definite information will be available.

Tucson, Arizona, December 14. — The American Indian is of Semitic origin.

Roman letter R on Signal Hill. Its letter-form and ductus (design and direction of letter strokes) are the same as those engraved in lead on the Tucson Artifacts.

Roman legionnaires, centuries ago, roamed and fought on Arizona deserts!

And these Romans, in turn, were destroyed long before the coining of the “Spanish conquistadors.”

These are some of the startling theories being advanced here to-day, following the remarkable discoveries of archaeologists from Princeton, the University of Arizona, and other colleges, who have been making secret excavations for a year on the ranch of Thomas Bent, nine miles from here.

Lying six feet beneath an almost solid layer of desert limestone, the excavators have unearthed weapons bearing Roman and Jewish inscriptions. With them have been found religious symbols, crosses and batons, also inscribed in Jewish and Latin phrases, some of them singing “the praises of Israel and Rome.

Scholars here today were inclined to believe the recent finds have established the origin of the American Indian. The relics, they say, furnish indisputable evidence that the Indian is of Semitic origin.

It is claimed, moreover, that the discovery of the relics has definitely established that a race of early Mediterranean people crossed the Atlantic to America, and either subjugated or allied themselves with the natives to such an extent that a powerful province of the Roman Empire was formed and ruled over by them for several centuries.


This Church of Jesus Christ ok Latter-day Saints, claiming to be all that its name expresses or logically implies, holds that its special mission in the world is to officiate in the authority of the Holy Priesthood by proclaiming the Gospel and administering in the ordinances thereof amongst all nations, and this in preparation for the approaching advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Besides its missionary labor among the living, the Church, true to the commission laid upon it by divine investiture, is continuously engaged in vicarious service for the dead, administering the ordinances of salvation to the living in behalf of their departed progenitors. Largely for this purpose the Church constructs Temples and maintains therein the requisite ministry in behalf of the dead.

In the carrying out of the work committed to it, the Church is tolerant of all sects and parties, claiming for itself no fight or privilege that it would deny to individuals or other organizations. It affirms itself to be the Church of old, established anew. Its message to the world is that of peace and good will — the invitation to come and partake of the blessings incident to the new and everlasting covenant between God and His children. Its warning voice is heard in all lands and climes: “Repent ye! Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” — J. E. T.  Latter-day Millennial Star Editor James E. Talmage March 4, 1926 page 136-137


Genuine Ooparts Crucial to History or a Colossal Hoax? A Thorough Examination of The Tucson Artifacts

A Curious Find Amidst the Gravel

Charles Manier found the first Tucson Artifact sticking out of the gravel near an abandoned lime kiln beside Silverbell Road in September 1924. It was a cross and required some effort to free it from the ground. He realized it was made of two pieces stuck together, so he pried them apart and found lettering engraved on their faces. That prompted him to contact Dr. Frank H. Fowler, Latin professor at the University of Arizona, who had no trouble translating them. Several of them were discovered by Thomas Bent Sr. (friend/business partner of Manier) and some of the university faculty even participated in the excavations. The process was well documented, including photographs, and followed by the Tucson and Phoenix newspapers, and even a New York Times article. Source:

Tucson Lead Artifacts

The Tucson artifacts, sometimes called the Tucson Lead Crosses, Tucson Crosses, Silverbell Road artifacts, or Silverbell artifacts, were thirty-one lead objects that Charles E. Manier and his family found in 1924 near Picture Rocks, Arizona which were initially thought by some to be created by early Mediterranean civilizations that had crossed the Atlantic in the first century, but were later determined to be a hoax.

The find consisted of thirty-one lead objects, including crosses, swords, and religious/ceremonial paraphernalia, most of which bore Hebrew or Latin engraved inscriptions, pictures of temples, leaders’ portraits, angels, and a dinosaur (inscribed on the lead blade of a sword). One contained the phrase “Calalus, the unknown land”, which was used by believers as the name of the settlement. The objects also have Roman numerals ranging from 790 to 900 inscribed on them, which were sometimes interpreted to represent the date of their creation. The site contains no other artifacts, no pottery sherds, no broken glass, no human or animal remains, and no sign of hearths or housing. Wikipedia

Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe

Michael Balter Science  25 Oct 2013: Vol. 342, Issue 6157, pp. 409-410

Boy’s bones. DNA from this ancient Siberian skeleton offers clues to the first Americans. CREDIT: THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM, ST. PETERSBURG
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SANTA FE—Where did the first Americans come from? Most researchers agree that Paleoamericans moved across the Bering Land Bridge from Asia sometime before 15,000 years ago, suggesting roots in East Asia. But just where the source populations arose has long been a mystery.

[Editor: This is such a long held and false belief about the Land Bridge, it seems funny to me every time I hear it. It’s just like saying the earth is flat anymore. Both are just simply wrong. Also as you will read below, the world is really messed up, as they continue to think man and cave men existed millions of years ago. What about the continued belief that Dinosaurs are millions of years old? It just makes no sense to me any more. I still feel the lack of humility among the elite is their biggest challenge].

Now comes a surprising twist, from the complete nuclear genome of a Siberian boy who died 24,000 years ago—the oldest complete genome of a modern human sequenced to date. His DNA shows close ties to those of today’s Native Americans. Yet he apparently descended not from East Asians, but from people who had lived in Europe or western Asia. The finding suggests that about a third of the ancestry of today’s Native Americans can be traced to “western Eurasia,” with the other two-thirds coming from eastern Asia, according to a talk at a meeting* here by ancient DNA expert Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen. It also implies that traces of European ancestry previously detected in modern Native Americans do not come solely from mixing with European colonists, as most scientists had assumed, but have much deeper roots.

The Mal’ta boy was related to people who later migrated across Beringia to the Americas. “I’m still processing that Native Americans are one-third European,” says geneticist Connie Mulligan of the University of Florida in Gainesville. “It’s jaw-dropping.” At the very least, says geneticist Dennis O’Rourke of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, “this is going to stimulate a lot of discussion.”

Editor: As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don’t believe there was a migration from the Bering Land Bridge. I believe the migration was by the ocean voyages of the Jaredites, Mulekites and Lehites.

See Annotated Book of Mormon Page 544 about information below

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“Among the class of writers aforesaid is Mr. James Adair, who resided forty years among the American tribes, and who wrote a book on the subject, which was published about the year 1775, in which he, without hesitation, declares that the American aborigines are descendants from the Israelites, and so complete is his conviction on this head, that he declares he finds a perfect and undisputable similitude in each. He says: ‘From the most accurate observations I could make, in the long time I traded among the Indians of America, I was forced to believe them lineally descended from the tribes of Israel,’” – “History of the American Indians,” London: Edward and Charles Dilly [1775] p. 13.

“A table of words and phrases is furnished by Dr. Boudinot, Adair and others, to show the similarity, in some of the Indian languages, to the Hebrew, and that the former must have been derived from the latter” – Haines, Elijah M., “The American Indian (UH-XISH-IK-XA-BA), The Whole Subject Complete in One Volume,” Chicago: The MAS-SIX-XA’-GAX Company [1888], 98; 100.

Editor: You will find a most interesting and familiar phrase to many Latter-day Saints, if you combine the word “to pray” with the word for “God” below.

More information about the Tucson Lead Artifacts

Jewish and Indian Language and comparisons

THE AMERICAN INDIAN (UH-NISH-IK-NA-BA). The Whole Subject Complete in One Volume Illustrated with Numerous Appropriate Engravings. By ELIJAH M. HAINES. CHICAGO: THE MAS-SIN-NA’-GAX COMPANY, 1888.

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.


Volume 5 No. 36
Volume 10 No. 66

Order Ancient America now. More about Tucson Artifacts Here