Category: Revelation

  • Joseph Smith’s Last Three Dreams

    Joseph Smith’s Last Three Dreams

    “In early Church records, there are references to several dreams attributed to Joseph Smith Jr. They were recorded by Joseph himself, his clerks, or others who interacted with him. For the most part, Joseph’s dreams include no explanation, by either him or the recorder, concerning their purpose or interpretation. Yet, we know that Joseph viewed dreams as a legitimate channel of revelation, as evidenced in the fact that he recorded his dreams and used them in his public sermons.” LDS Living

    “To impel us to do that which is required. As a young Apostle, Spencer W. Kimball was privileged to learn from George F. Richards (1861–1950),[23] who was an alert man and attentive to God-given dreams. He did not think they were the least unusual for the faithful. While addressing the topic of dreams in a general conference, President Kimball referred to the following experience told by George F. Richards in council with the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles nearly thirty years earlier.

    I believe in dreams, brethren. The Lord has given me dreams which to me are just as real and as much from God as . . . any . . . that we might read in the scriptures… It is not out of place for us to have important dreams. . . . More than 40 years ago I had a dream which I am sure was from the Lord. In this dream I was in the presence of my Savior as he stood mid-air. He spoke no word to me, but my love for him was such that I have not words to explain. I know that no mortal man can love the Lord as I experienced that love for the Savior unless God reveals it to him. I would have remained in his presence, but there was a power drawing me away from him.

    As a result of that dream, I had this feeling that no matter what might be required of my hands, what the gospel might entail unto me, I would do what I should be asked to do even to the laying down of my life. . . . If only I can be with my Savior and have that same sense of love that I had in that dream, it will be the goal of my existence, the desire of my life.”

    The Blessing of Dreams

    Many Prophets like Lehi, Daniel and Joseph sold into Egypt had the gift of a seer and a revelator. They could see past, present, and future events. Many prophets had dreams and could interpret them with the Spirit of the Lord accompanying them. The Prophet Joseph Smith was also a blessed seer and prophet. Joseph Smith had 3 dreams which I will discuss below. What did these dreams mean and how can we learn from them?

    The first of Joseph Smiths dreams happened about four months prior to his death and spoke about a sinking steamboat. Then again about two days before his death he had another dream about a sinking boat. This third dream happened the night before his death, while in Carthage jail, one about a barn he built on his land in Kirtland. It had become old and worn out and various people were fighting over it. Joseph got out of the worn out barn in his dream and also out of the two sinking boats. Joseph Smith’s life was preserved in all three dreams. What do they possibly mean?

    It is not my purpose to decipher these dreams, but to make the reader aware of them. After just reading these dreams a short while ago, I believe they are most appropriate for us to read and study to assist us in our mortal journey today. What can we learn from personal revelation? President Nelson said, “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that!” Russell M. Nelson Hope of Israel

    Joseph’s Two Dreams about Sinking Boats

    Dream 1
    In early February 1844, four months prior to his death, Joseph Smith had a dream, which he related to Wilford Woodruff, Willard Richards, and W. W. Phelps. He stated, “I was standing on a peninsula, in the midst of a vast body of water where there appeared to be a large harbor or pier built out for boats to come to. I was surrounded by my friends, and while looking at this harbor I saw a steamboat approaching the harbor. There were bridges on the pier for persons to cross, and there came up a wind and drove the steamboat under one of the bridges and upset it. I ran up to the boat, expecting the persons would all drown; and wishing to do something to assist them, I put my hand against the side of the boat, and with one surge I shoved it under the bridge and righted it up, and then told them to take care of themselves. But it was not long before I saw them starting out into the channel or main body of the water again. The storms were raging and the waters rough. I said to my friends that if they did not understand the signs of the times and the spirit of prophecy, they would be apt to be lost. It was but a few moments after when we saw the waves break over the boat, and she soon foundered and went down with all on board. The storm and waters were still very rough; yet I told my friends around me that I believed I could stem those waves and that storm, and swim in the waters better than the steamboat did; at any rate I was determined to try it. But my friends laughed at me, and told me I could not stand at all, but would be drowned. The waters looked clear and beautiful, though exceedingly rough; and I said I believed I could swim, and I would try it anyhow. They said I would drown. I said I would have a frolic in the water first, if I did; and I drove off in the raging waves. I had swam but a short distance when a towering wave overwhelmed me for a time; but I soon found myself on the top of it, and soon I met the second wave in the same way; and for a while I struggled hard to live in the midst of the storm and waves, and soon found I gained upon every wave, and skimmed the torrent better; and I soon had power to swim with my head out of water: so the waves did not break over me at all, and I found that I had swam a great distance; and in looking about, I saw my brother Samuel by my side. I asked him how he liked it. He said, “First rate,” and I thought so too. I was soon enabled to swim with my head and shoulders out of water, and I could swim as fast as any steamboat. In a little time it became calm, and I could rush through the water, and only go in to my loins, and soon I only went in to my knees, and finally could tread on the top of the water, and went almost with the speed of an arrow. I said to Samuel, See how swift I can go! I thought it was great sport and pleasure to travel with such speed, and I awoke” (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 6:194–95, bold & italics added).

    Dream 2
    Joseph Smith Jr. (Related by W. W. Phelps)

    In June 1844, when Joseph Smith went to Carthage and delivered himself up to Governor Ford, I accompanied him, and while on the way thither, he related to me and his Brother Hyrum the following dream.

    He said: “While I was at Jordan’s in Iowa the other night, I dreamed that myself and my brother Hyrum went on board a large steamboat lying in a small bay, near the great ocean. Shortly after we went on board there was an alarm of fire, and I discovered that the boat had been anchored some distance from the shore out in the bay, and that an escape from the fire, in the confusion, appeared hazardous: but, as delay was folly, Hyrum and I jumped overboard, and tried our faith at walking upon the water.

    “At first we sank in the water nearly to our knees, but as we proceeded we increased in faith, and were soon able to walk upon the water. On looking towards the burning boat in the east, we saw that it was drifting towards the wharf and the town with a great flame and clouds of smoke; and, as if by whirlwind, the town was taking fire, too, so that the scene of destruction and horror of the frightened inhabitants were terrible.

    “We proceeded on the bosom of the mighty deep and were soon out of sight of land. The ocean was still; the rays of the sun were bright and we forgot all the troubles of our mother earth. Just at that moment I heard the sound of a human voice, and turning around, saw my brother Samuel H. approaching towards us from the east. We stopped and he came up. After a moment’s conversation he informed me that he had been lonesome back there, and had made up his mind to go with me across the mighty deep.

    “We all started again, and in a short time were blest with the first sight of a city, whose gold and silver steeples and towers were more beautiful than any that I had ever seen or heard of on earth. It stood, as it were upon the western shore of the mighty deep we walking on, and its order and glory seemed far beyond the wisdom of man. While we were gazing upon the perfection of the city a small boat launched off from the port, and, almost as quick as thought, came to us. In an instant they took us on board and saluted with welcome, and with music such as is not of earth. The next scene, on landing, was more than I can describe; the greeting of old friends, the music from a thousand towers, and the light of God Himself at the return of three of His sons, soothed my soul into quiet and a joy that I felt as if I were truly in heaven. I gazed upon the splendor; I greeted my friends. I awoke, and lo, it was a dream!

    “While I meditated upon such a marvelous scene, I fell asleep again, and behold I stood near the shore of the burning boat, and there was great consternation among the officers, crew and passengers of the flaming craft, as there seemed to be much ammunition or powder on board. The alarm was given that the fire was near the magazine, and in a moment, suddenly, it blew up with a great noise, and sank in the deep water with all on board. I then turned to the country east, among the bushy openings, and saw William and Wilson Law, endeavoring to escape from the wild beasts of the forest, but two lions rushed out of a thicket and devoured them. I awoke again.” I will say that Joseph never told this dream again, as he was martyred about two days after. I relate from recollection as nearly as I can. Source: W. W. Phelps, Joseph Smith’s Last Dream, 1–9.

    Dream 3 Joseph’s Neglected Home

    Joseph Smith Jr. <June 27, 1844> [Carthage Jail] . . .

    Joseph related the following dream which he had last night:

    “I was back in Kirtland, Ohio, and thought I would take a walk out by myself, and view my old farm, which I found grown up with weeds and brambles, and altogether bearing evidence of neglect and want of culture. I went into the barn which I found without floor or doors, with the weather boarding off, and was altogether in keeping with the farm. While I viewed the desolation around me, and was contemplating how it might be recovered from the curse upon it, there came rushing into the barn a company of furious men, who commenced to pick a quarrel with me. The leader of the party ordered me to leave the barn and <the> farm, stating it was none of mine, and that I must give up all hope of ever possessing it. I told him the farm was given me by the Church, and although I had not had any use of it for some time back, still I had not sold it, and according to righteous principles it belonged to me or the Church. He then grew furious, and began to rail upon me and threaten me, and said it never did belong to me nor the Church. I then told him that I did not think it worth contending about; that I had no desire to live upon it in its present state, and if he thought he had a better right I would not quarrel with him about it, but leave; but my assurance that I would not trouble him at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined to quarrel with me, and threatened me with the destruction of my body. While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises; and for a moment forgot me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud. When I was a little distance from the barn I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged the dream or vision ended.” Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume F-1,” 177–78.

    Possible Dream Interpretation

    Dreams can be interpreted in many ways. Gifted ones like Daniel and Joseph of the Old Testament, did so using the Spirit. Some see Joseph’s last three dreams as a way for him to escape his enemies emotionally, overcoming them in the end. Others see a more ominous meaning in them in connection with our day – the current state of things. All of us interpret things from our own perspective and experience, like Peter’s attempt to go to the Savior, where he get out of the boat and went to Him. Some see Peter’s failure. Others see his faith in leaving the comfort of the boat to go to the Lord. Knowing the truth of dreams, from God’s perspective, gives us a great advantage. Walking on Water in the New Testament, Peter leapt out of the boat and tried to walk on water to get to Jesus, only to sink – but eventually be saved by the Master. He was gently chastised for his lack of faith. Many only see the negative in Peter’s attempt to get to the Master and his supposed lack of faith. What is more important is that he desired to be with Him, and left the safety of the boat to do so. Joseph and Hyrum also did this, jumping from a boat and into the water in both dreams to save their lives. They sank in the water for at time, but their faith increased and they soon able walked on the water. There reward was that they made it to the Master. They did not sink in the burning, sinking ship they left behind. For some, staying in the boat is not always the best decision. While some see Joseph overcoming traitors in his final three dreams, others see in them trouble for our day – trouble by staying in the boat or “the box” with an “all is wellcomplacency, when trouble is all around. Joseph built the barn. It had no floor or doors in the dream. Some tie the floor of the barn to its foundation. In the New Testament, the foundation of the barn or church was Prophets and Apostles. D&C 64:39 states: “And liars and hypocrites shall be proved by them, and they who are not apostles and prophets shall be known.” D&C 50:4, 6 adds: “Behold, I, the Lord, have looked upon you, and have seen abominations in the church that profess my name. But wo unto them that are deceivers and hypocrites, for, thus saith the Lord, I will bring them to judgment.” With no doors on the barn, weeds and destruction can come in. Jesus said in Matthew 13:22. “He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; And the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.” Moroni said it more pointedly. Speaking of the last-days and what he saw, he stated, “O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world? (Mormon 8:38). Jumping into the water from the sinking boats, provided salvation for Joseph Smith in his dreams. He also escaped the old barn and its dangerous men. Lehi and his family left Jerusalem for very similar reasons – to raise up righteous seed on this land, away from the influences of Egypt and Babylon that were destroying Jerusalem. Bold and italics added.

    What do these things mean?

    Are we in 2025 understanding His signs as a type of trouble or a precurser to learning? Are we part of a group who are hypocrites and deceivers? Do we have faith to be saved?

    “Truly He was the Son of God” by Clark Kelley Price

    (Remember being saved through the Resurrection and Atonement does not necessarily mean living with God again. All who are born into this life will all be saved, or Resurrected without any works on our own). Are we ones who proceed with faith into dark and troubled waters believing we will be saved by the Lord or do we resist the trouble ahead in order to save ourselves? Do we believe our faith in Christ is able to save us, or that avoiding the diffiult earthly challenges we can be saved in the end? Do we put too much stock in the things of this world while complaining to the Lord in our station of life? When we see trouble do we run away or do we run in; towards the trouble and save those we can? Just like a firefighter or policeman, are we the first to run into danger, or are we the one who tries to avoid it. What makes someone run into danger?

    Are we more concerned for our own safety or the saving of others? In these last days, 2025, are we waiting fo others to save us or do we have faith to move forward and warn and resue others, not thinking of ourselves? Why is this test of faith so difficult? Have we forgotten our Savior and all He has done for us, especially during times of trouble?

    These are many things to think about as we seek to understand Joseph Smith’s dreams. Were these symbolic of things to come, or have we not even heard or thought about these dreams. Like myself, I barely became aware of these marvelous dreams and they have given me more hope to stay on the Celestial Path that President Nelson speaks of today.

    The Gift of Dreams

    Ryan C. Jenkins, “Quiet Slumber: Revelation through Dreams,” Religious Educator 12, no. 1 (2011): 73–89 said, “Prior to Joseph Smith’s First Vision, the Lord prepared the mind and heart of his father, Joseph Smith Sr., to believe his son’s vision. From 1811 to 1819, Joseph Smith Sr. received at least seven dreams, and his wife, Lucy Smith, detailed five of them…

    “The forthcoming events of the Restoration through his son Joseph Smith Jr. would bring ordinances and covenants assuring the venerable patriarch of future salvation. These dreams prepared Joseph Smith Sr. for what was about to unfold in the latter days and more intimately, among his own family. When Joseph Smith Jr. approached his father and told him what had transpired during Moroni’s initial visits, his father counseled, “My son, these things are of God; take heed that you proceed in all holiness to do His will.” A messenger coming to his son must have resonated with the messenger in his own inspired dreams. Though the dreams of Joseph Smith Sr. were not recorded in Book of Commandments, their validity and timing confirm the Lord’s practice of reaching the children of men through this avenue of revelation.

    These dreams confirm what the Lord taught his disciples: “And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do” (Luke 12:4; see also Matthew 10:28). Through Joseph Smith Sr. and his son Joseph Smith Jr. we see that the Lord comforted and prepared these men for events that were to come to them. Both men prospered despite their circumstances, were delivered from their enemies’ malicious behaviors, and were taught the word of God which was accompanied with great power—their dreams assured them it was so.

    “It is to teach us a principle.” President Wilford Woodruff proposed that “we may have dreams about things of great importance, and dreams of no importance at all. . . . There are a great many things taught us in dreams that are true, and if a man has the spirit of God he can tell the difference between what is from the Lord and what is not. . . . Whenever you have a dream that you feel is from the Lord, pay attention to it.” He illustrated this truth by recounting an occurrence during a mission in England:

    When I was in the City of London on one occasion, with Brother George A. Smith, I dreamt that my wife came to me and told me that our first child had died. I believed my dream, and in the morning while at breakfast, I felt somewhat sad. Brother George A. noticed this and I told him my dream. Next morning’s post brought me a letter from my wife, conveying the intelligence of the death of my child. It may be asked what use there was in such a thing. I don’t know that there was much use in it except to prepare my mind for the news of the death of my child. But what I wanted to say in regard to these matters is, that the Lord does communicate some things of importance to the children of men by means of visions and dreams as well as by the records of divine truth. And what is it all for? It is to teach us a principle. We may never see anything take place exactly as we see it in a dream or a vision, yet it is intended to teach us a principle.

    The blow of Wilford Woodruff’s heartbreaking letter was softened by the Lord preparing him through his dream. He was certain the communication was from God, and George A. Smith would stand as a second witness to the truthfulness of the account. However, Wilford Woodruff had to determine the principle the Lord was teaching him with this dream for himself. Likewise, we must wisely discern what we are supposed to learn from our own inspired dreams.”

    Fulfillment of Signs Today

    Ezra Taft Benson said, “Are we not witnessing the fulfillment of these signs today? The gospel is being extended to all nations which permit our missionaries to penetrate their countries. The Church is prospering and growing. Yet in undiminished fury, and with an anxiety that his time is short—and it is—Satan, that great adversary of all of us, is attempting to destroy all we hold dear. We constantly hear or read of wars and rumors of wars. Atheism, agnosticism, immorality, and dishonesty are flaunted in our society. Desertions, cruelty, divorce, and infidelity have become commonplace, leading to a disintegration of the family. Truly we live in the times of which the Savior spoke, when “the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound….

    This preparation must consist of more than just casual membership in the Church. You must learn to be guided by personal revelation and the counsel of the living prophet so you will not be deceived. Our Lord has indicated who, among Church members, will stand when he appears: D&C 45:”

    Read more here: 

    and here: History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]

  • Debunking Critics’ Attack on the Transfiguration of Brigham Young

    Debunking Critics’ Attack on the Transfiguration of Brigham Young

    Debunking Critics

    There seems to be quite a few critics of the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lately focused against Brigham Young. There is the Denver Snuffers, Doctrine of Christ Church and many others.

    Why all of this commotion? I believe it may be a new fad to go after Brigham Young as there are very few new criticisms about our dear Prophet Joseph Smith. Critics have failed for nearly 200 years with any credible evidence against the fruit of Joseph Smith, which is of course the truth of the Book of Mormon and the other amazing truths he has provided for us. Critics seem to be saying, if we can’t take down Joseph, then we better work against the number two guy, Brigham Young. This subject seems critical to many of those who love Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but they aren’t a part of today’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love these people, but I also pray for them, as they would likely say the same thing about me, as we all have our own biases.

    Many of these critics claim that Joseph Smith never practiced polygamy, but it all started with Brigham Young which is not correct in my opinion. This is how the name of Brigham continues to get smeared. There is a huge difference between what the world calls “polygamy” and what it actually is. A great friend and defender of the Church and its doctrine, Kimberley Smith said, “Joseph Smith taught and practiced Celestial Plural Marriage which can be only entered into by Revelation and by the one who holds the sealing keys. Both Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith both spoke out against “unauthorized polygamy” even Brigham Young was excommunicating men in Nauvoo who married women not given to them through the one who held the keys.” Kimberly Watson Smith

    Brigham Young Deniers

    “Millions of faithful Mormons are entirely oblivious to the dramatic gulf between the scriptures, revelations and teachings of the founder Joseph Smith, and the replacement religion created through Brigham Young.” Denver Snuffer, Christian Apostacy

    In another example of denial for Brigham Young, is in the documentary, titled “Who Killed Joseph Smith” which premiered in 2022. It was made by the Doctrine of Christ group, with Justin Griffin and Steve Sorensen, and speaks about framing Brigham Young, John Taylor, and Willard Richards for the murder of Joseph Smith.
    It is also a common practice for some to say that Brigham was not the true successor to Joseph Smith. They dismiss the many eyewitness accounts of saints who actually saw the transfiguration of Brigham Young, who was to be the Lord’s next Prophet. This article is to assist Latter-day Saints in continual faith in the current Prophet, even Russell M. Nelson, and all the prophets that came before. This Church has the true Priesthood of God, and we know that is why the adversary continues to attack.

    Transfiguration Witnesses

    “I knew then and also know now that Joseph was a true prophet of God, and that the mantle of Joseph fell on Brigham Young who was his legal successor. We all thought Joseph had come back to us! I was present at the meeting when this took place and heard with my own ears and saw with my own eyes. We all thought Joseph had come back to us although we knew he was in his grave. I was standing by the temple talking to Brother Woodruff and he pointed out a spot to me on the opposit[e] side of the river about a mile and a half above Montrose, and said there would be a city and a temple built there and the place would be called Zarahemla. I was at Nauvoo when the temple was finished and dedicated. I went up into the tower and wrote my name there. As I understand, the wicked have burned that temple to the ground and it is all destroyed like the Jerusalem temple. But I expect to see that temple re-erected and the one built on the opposite side of the river to match.” Pioneer Saint Edward Phillips Journal

    “The day is Thursday, August 8, 1844. Six weeks to the day have passed since the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith on June 27, 1844. The majority of the Twelve Apostles have recently returned from missions and some are still stunned and disheartened by the loss of their Prophet. Upon their arrival they find “Sidney Rigdon busy among the Saints, trying to establish his claim to the presidency of the Church.” According to a report issued by the Times and Seasons:

    [A] special meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, convened at the stand in the city of Nauvoo, President Brigham Young, called the audience to order, and arranged the several quorums according to their standing, and the rules of the church. The meeting had been previously called, as stated, to choose a guardian, or trustee for said church.

    Opinions differ, either Sidney Rigdon, former First Counselor in the First Presidency, or the Quorum of the Twelve with Brigham Young at their head. The audience is divided as the polished and eloquent Sidney Rigdon commences his message. The old gentleman is charismatic and the arguments are compelling to some of the flock.

    Brigham Young, a man fiercely loyal to the Prophet Joseph Smith, current President of the Twelve and later to become known as the “Lion of the Lord”, takes the stand. Suddenly, the people arise “en-masse to their feet astonished.” One eyewitness later remembered, “it appeared that Joseph had returned and was speaking to the people.” As Brigham Young commences speaking, hundreds in the audience believe “in every possible degree it [is] Joseph’s voice, and his person, in look, attitude, dress and appearance [it is] Joseph himself, personified”. William Hyde later remembers:

    [Brigham Young] then called upon the saints to know if they would receive the Twelve and let them stand in their place as the First Presidency of the Church in the absense of Joseph. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative. On this day it was plainly manifest that the mantle of Joseph had rested upon President Young.” James F. Stoddard IV and Aaron R. Halsell. More Witnesses Here from the Joseph Smith Foundation 

    Not one dissenting hand was raised at the conference to sustain Brigham Young, yet thousands today are leaving the Church believing that Brigham Young was not the Prophet or Joseph’s legal successor. The transfiguration of Brigham Young is a key assertion in a continuing debate. If the Lord miraculously transfigured Brigham Young’s appearance, then Brigham Young was divinely sanctioned as Joseph Smith’s successor. If this transfiguration never took place, the very foundations of our LDS faith and history are weakened. I believe the many eyewitnesses and their testimonies that Brigham was Joseph’s successor and was a Prophet of God.

    You will love this article below from my good friend, Kimberly Watson Smith of the Joseph Smith Foundation. Her insights are full of truth.


    By Kimberly Watson Smith, Joseph Smith Foundation

    “Critics of the Church always attack the Transfiguration of Brigham Young so they can destroy faith and testimony in the authority and the Priesthood of the Church.

    These attacks and arguments against the historical documentation of the Transfiguration are neither original nor honest.

    Today I want to address the oft-repeated and yet failed argument: “there are no contemporary records of the Transfiguration so it must be folklore or false memory”  or worst some even go as far as accusing the Saints of lying.

    I invite you to come and reason with me using plain common sense and sound  logic.

    Let’s begin.

    1. The Transfiguration of Brigham Young is the most documented event in Church History. We currently have access to 141 accounts of the event. The number of individuals who recorded the event totals to 125. Sixty-one of these are first-hand documents, including personal journals, autobiographies and direct testimonies chronicled in Church publications. The remaining 63 are biographical works by family members or historical compilations.
    2. The Charts pictured below display how many eyewitnesses wrote of their mantle experience each year following 1844.

    If these eyewitness reports were the result of an invented story, we could expect the Saints to begin jotting down their accounts when the idea was allegedly first noised abroad. The testimonies would have been recorded in a condensed period of time.

    Two things to consider about that

    —there is no specific timeframe for a spike in the accounts.

    —there is no central location for the supposed “myth” to develop

    Witnesses recorded their testimonies from various locations: some still living in Nauvoo, some throughout Utah ranging from the northern to the southernmost tip, some into Idaho and the Arizona territories, and some locales as remote as the island of Tubuai.

    Any expert in analyzing witness testimony would tell you that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to have a consistent story with that many people and  spread over continents for that length of time if it were just a “myth” or “folk lore”

    That is why trained historians all accept the Transfiguration of Brigham Young despite limited contemporaneous accounts.

    It is also important to point out that non-contemporary record ≠ false record.

    1. Detractors dismiss the role the Holy Ghost plays. This is something that the spiritually blind cannot understand. The Spirit of the Lord leaves an impression on a person far more indelible than any other agent. One of the gifts of the Spirit is the gift of memory and the consistency with which these early Saints and pioneers recorded their memories suggest they were far more influenced by the gift than we can possibly ever realize. Joseph Smith himself knew how powerful the Spirit was that caused people to remember what he said. He received the revelation contained in 1831 and without ever having written it down could recall it word for word in 1843.
    2. Condemning the Saints for not writing spiritual experiences as they were happening or even years later is wrong and is an unrealistic expectation. The same arguments used against the transfiguration accounts can be used against the First Vision accounts and in fact they are!

    How we judge others is how we will be judged by the Lord. If you judge a group of Saints for waiting to record their histories and spiritual experiences instead of as they transpired, you will judged just as harshly by the Lord for your own delayed or lack of record keeping of your life.

    There are many many reasons why records were recorded much later.

    The Saints were suffering immense persecution while constantly being drive  out of their homes and having to rebuild over and over again to

    Many were too traumatized at the time to think of writing anything down. Thousands of people were in attendance at that incredible meeting, and many (not all) experienced the transfiguration of Brigham young into Joseph Smith. Not all wrote down their experiences, because of many variables. But many DID write their experiences when they had time to write. The remarkable thing is that ALL the varied experiences were almost exactly the same. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall the truth of a thing be established. There are hundreds of testimonies that this transfiguration actually took place. These are eyewitness accounts, and shouldn’t be dismissed or discredited.

    Many records did not survive the trek west and so people had to re-record their experiences later. I am sure that getting to a barren desert wasteland and having to build homes and plant food for survival made record keeping a lot more difficult!” Kimberly Watson Smith.

    *** Graph courtesy of the Joseph Smith Foundation

    More information below about the succession crisis of 1844 which is a great article that explains the circumstances of this dark time in the History of the Church, and how Brigham Young valiantly followed the Lord.

    When did Brigham Young hear about the Death of Joseph and Hyrum?

    Six Days in August: Brigham Young and the Succession Crisis of 1844 Ronald W. Walker

    “Brigham Young had no idea events would turn so badly when he left Nauvoo on May 21 [1844]. From Nauvoo, he took a side trip to Kirtland, Ohio, where Mormonism had first really begun to mold him. Kirtland was also the place where he began his friendship with Joseph Smith, which became the lodestone for the rest of Young’s life. Young visited the old sites in Kirtland and preached in the temple, trying to breathe new life into the old disciples who had let the Church go on without them. He found them “dead and cold to the things of God…

    “In the next day or two, Young heard other rumors about the deaths of the Smiths, which he again dismissed. [42] Traveling with Orson Pratt, Young went on Church business to out-of-the-way Peterborough, New Hampshire, a few miles north of the Massachusetts border. His sermon there suggested that he might be coming to grips that some of these awful rumors. “The death of one or a dozen could not destroy the priesthood,” he told the local Saints, “nor hinder the work of the Lord from spreading throughout all nations.” [43]

    Brigham Hears of the Prophets Death, 19 Days Later

    The ambiguity ended on July 16. Young and Pratt were leaning back in their chairs at Brother Bement’s house in Peterborough when a letter arrived from Nauvoo telling of the killings. Later in the day, Elder Woodruff’s letter with the same news arrived. “I felt then as I never felt bef[ore],” Young later said. There were no tears but an awful, paralyzing headache. “My head felt as tho my head [would] crack.” His thoughts went everywhere. Had Joseph and Hyrum taken the keys or the authority of the Church with them?

    At last, his despair lifted “like a clap,” he said. The answer came to him like revelation: “The keys of the kingdom [are] here.” He brought his hand to his knee to make the point. [44] He later confessed that the idea of assuming Joseph’s office had never occurred to him. [45] It had been an interesting psychological study, resisting reality until he could resist it no longer—followed by an emotional and religious outburst of feeling.

    There was another meaning to Young’s revelation. It showed that the Church’s procedures for succession were by no means clear, even to the leading Apostle. Young, of course, had been present during those almost daily private council meetings with Smith earlier in the year. During these councils, Smith had laid out the endowment or temple rituals step-by-step, the capstone of his revelation. He concluded with what should have been a portentous warning: “Brethren, the Lord bids me hasten the work in which we are engaged. . . . Some important scene is near to take place. It may be that my enemies will kill me, and in case they should, and the keys and power which rest on me not be imparted to you, they will be lost from the Earth.” Joseph and Hyrum Smith then anointed the Apostles and other men who were present in the room, after which Joseph paced before them and dramatically pushed back upon his shoulders the collar of the coat he was wearing. “I roll the burden and responsibility of leading this church off from my shoulders on to yours,” he said. “Now, round up your shoulders and stand under it like men; for the Lord is going to let me rest a while.” [46]

    The “Last Charge”

    This event, now known in Church history as the “last charge,” was memorialized by several of the men who were present, but perhaps most significantly by an unpublished and unsigned statement that currently resides in the Church History Library. “Joseph Smith did declare that he had conferred upon the Twelve every key and every power that he ever held himself before God,” the statement said. “This our testimony we expect to meet in a coming day when all parties will know that we have told the truth and have not lied, so help us God.” [47] For Young, the last charge was a final act in a series of events. “Joseph more than one score of times told . . . [the apostles] both in private and in public, that he rolled the Kingdom on to their shoulders,” Young would later say. [48] Joseph’s conferral of authority included priesthood keys of authority but also a fullness of the endowment ritual, “everything necessary for the salvation of man.” [49]

    Young and a majority of the other Apostles had been present during these occasions and heard Joseph’s words. But their hopes and wishes, like those of Jesus’ disciples before Calvary, did not permit them to accept the last charge at face value. Only the actual killings, months later, made Joseph Smith’s warning clear. [50]

    But Young’s religious experience at Peterborough was more certain, especially as the days wore on and he continued to feel religiously prompted. He was convinced that he, as President of the Twelve, had authority to lead the Church, or to at least name Joseph’s successor. He also believed that at some point a new First Presidency of three men would be required, though he was willing to let that issue rest for the moment. [51] And he hoped that a general assembly of the Saints would give its approval to the succession. One of Joseph’s revelations declared such a gathering to be the highest authority in the Church—the collective inspiration of leaders and members (D&C 107:32). [52]

    The day after hearing of the Smith brothers’ deaths, Young hurried from Peterborough to Boston. That night he shared a room with Elder Woodruff at Sister Voice’s home. Young slept in the bed while Woodruff, who was grieving the Prophet’s death, slept in a large chair and did his best to shield his convulsive tears. [53] Young’s grief, in contrast, was clear-eyed and determined. On July 18, he held a council with the Apostles who could be quickly gathered together in the East. The result was a letter that the Church’s eastern newspaper, the Prophet, soon published. The Apostles told Church leaders to head quickly to Nauvoo for the general council. [54] That evening Young briefly preached. He tried to cheer the local Saints: “When God sends a man to do a work all the devils in hell cannot kill him untill he gets through his work. So with Joseph[.] He prepared all things[,] gave the keys to men on the earth[,] and said[,] I may be soon taken from you.” [55] He was already using the last charge as a text.

    Deciding the Succession

    On Wednesday, August 7—the fifth day of the succession crisis—the Apostles spent much of the day huddled in conference at John Taylor’s house. They held two meetings early in the day. It was the first time that a legal quorum of seven or more Apostles gathered since Carthage—and they actually had not met since months before that because of their missions. Richards had been the Saints’ “principal counselor” during the previous five anxious weeks, answering “calls and inquiries” by the hundreds. [56] Before the others returned, he had been the only healthy Apostle in Nauvoo. He knew the Church’s business as well as anyone in the city and had a reputation for good judgment and good works.

    People may have deferred to Richards for another reason. Less than two weeks after the killings, Richards, in the course of his usual correspondence, signed one preacher’s license as “Clerk and acting President.” Other preaching licenses reportedly had a still more interesting signature. An entry in the historical record of these licenses explained, “From the murder of President Joseph Smith to this Date [September 2, 1844] licenses were signed ‘Twelve Apostles, President.’” This last piece of evidence was confirmed by the Church’s official chronological history. [57] Since these materials were written weeks and even years after the succession controversy and may represent a later view of events, they require some skepticism. On the other hand, they may also suggest that Richards, early on, was asserting the leadership claims of a united Quorum of the Twelve and some people were accepting them.

    It is unfortunate that someone who attended the meetings held on Wednesday did not leave a record of the issues discussed. These two meetings had to be among the most important during the succession crisis. For one thing, the newly arrived Apostles had to be brought up to date. There had been difficulties in Nauvoo from the first week of the murders. “The greatest danger that now threatens us is dissensions and strifes amongst the Church,” William Clayton had written on July 6. Clayton reported that the Saints were discussing four or five possible successors to Smith in his twin offices as Church President and trustee-in-trust. [58] Clayton regrettably did not identify these men, though they may have included Rigdon and Young, as well as William Marks and Samuel Smith, another of the Smith brothers.

    The office of trustee-in-trust, which managed the Church’s property, posed a serious problem. Someone had to receive property and pay the bills for the temple, which meant an immediate appointment. More explosive was the conduct of Emma Smith, the Prophet’s widow, who was determined that the family’s property should not be swallowed by the Church’s claims—Joseph had mixed personal and official accounts and many of his debts were unresolved. Emma opposed the stopgap idea of having Clayton serve until the Apostles returned, and during July repeatedly inserted herself into the trustee-in-trust issue. [59] Her feelings were deep. She accused such opponents as Richards of not treating her “right” and warned if they should “trample upon her,” she would “look to herself”—lawyers were obviously on her mind. By the middle of July, she threatened that she “would do the church all the injury” she could if a new trustee-in-trust were appointed without her approval. Her choice, apparently, was Marks, whose views on Church policy and doctrine more closely agreed with her own. Clayton, in the middle of controversy, despaired. Bills were coming due, and Lucy Mack Smith, the Prophet’s mother, was also restive. [60] Clayton felt that a public disturbance over Smith’s estate and the trustee would bring clamoring creditors and a costly settlement. With proper management, however, there was enough “to pay the debts and plenty left for other uses.” [61]

    There were other topics that the Twelve must have discussed in their Wednesday meetings. Some were crucial to the future of Mormonism. Did the Smith family have a special claim to the Church’s leadership? For several months Joseph and Hyrum Smith had been acting closely together, and Hyrum, as the Church’s Assistant President and Patriarch, had the authority to carry on had he survived Carthage. [62] The Old Testament and the Book of Mormon were full of examples of prophetic primogeniture—passing a prophet’s mantle of leadership to a son or perhaps to a family member. For the moment, this question of family succession was not pressing. Joseph Smith’s brother, Samuel Smith, had died on July 30, and Joseph Smith’s sons were young. Another brother, William Smith, was erratic, and no one saw him as a serious candidate.

    New Doctrines and Practices Argued

    There were underground issues, too. Historian Ronald K. Esplin has argued that Nauvoo in early 1844 had been a city of secrets. During the several years before his death, Joseph Smith had introduced a breathtaking array of new doctrines and practices: “The plurality of gods, new temple ordinances, new theocratic practices, and even plural marriage.” This “Nauvoo ‘package’” was known unevenly among the Saints, according to Esplin. The result were insider Saints who possessed a “private gnosis,” while the majority of Church members were either unaware or not fully informed. [63]

    In addition to new doctrines, Smith had also created three new organizations. The first was the Female Relief Society. This organization was publicly known and open to the women living in Nauvoo, though most of its members were drawn from the city’s leading women. The two other organizations were semisecret. The Council of Fifty sought to redress past wrongs, increase the Church’s political influence, and expand Mormonism’s borders into the American West. The Council of Fifty also was a contingency plan for the last days when earthly governments would fall at Christ’s Second Coming and a new religious and political order would be necessary. While some historians have suggested that this new council was not much more than a symbol, the weight of inconclusive evidence suggests that Joseph Smith was serious about his political outreach. His 1844 political campaign and the later Mormon settlement in the Great Basin were not speculative patterns or decorations. [64]

    The second semisecret group was Joseph Smith’s prayer circle. Known in furtive references in diaries and minutes as the “Holy Order,” the “Quorum of the Anointed,” the “First Quorum,” or still more often as the “Quorum” or “Council,” this group was making Church decisions in July along with Richards. [65] He was a member of the group and influenced many of its decisions, but not without some tension and hurt feelings along the way. [66]

    Like the Council of Fifty, the Quorum of the Anointed began in 1842 and two years later was meeting weekly and sometimes daily. [67] Members were the first initiates of the empowering “ancient order of things,” or the endowment, that later was introduced in the Nauvoo Temple. By the summer of 1844, membership was limited to about sixty-five specially devoted men and women. These anointed members met in special priesthood robes, discussed the matters of the kingdom, and offered special prayers. Their July devotions were fervent. According to Brigham Young, a few of the select group met twice “every day . . . to offer up the signs and pray to our heavenly father to deliver his people.” It had been the “cord which bound the people together.” [68] Some of their soulful petitions were pleas to return the Apostles back to the city. [69]

    Many of Smith’s new teachings went against the grain of commonplace or sectarian Christian tradition—and the views of conservative Saints. But within this circle, the Prophet felt at ease. [70] “Brother Joseph feels as well as I Ever see him,” wrote Heber C. Kimball to Parley P. Pratt in 1842. “One reason is he has got a Small company, that he feels safe in thare ha[n]ds. And that is not all, he can open his bosom to[o] and feel him Self safe.” [71] The groups who knew of Smith’s advanced teaching were the Twelve Apostles, the Council of Fifty, and the Anointed Quorum, as well some of the officers of the Relief Society. Sometimes their meetings merged into a single assembly—an informal fusion of the three or four groups—and as a result there were disorderly lines of authority. The March 1844 meeting in which Smith gave his last charge almost certainly was such an example. On that occasion, there had been an assembly of about sixty men—probably a meeting of the Council of Fifty and the Twelve Apostles with others. [72] Altogether, there were probably no more than one hundred such select disciples in Nauvoo, and perhaps only one member in twenty knew about them. [73] But these few members held in their bosom knowledge of the explosive ideas of plural marriage and the temporal kingdom. [74]

    Understandably, Smith’s last agenda had little space on the public stage. But privately it gave context to the events surrounding the succession. The succession of 1844 was not simply about appointing a man or group of men to lead the Church. Rather, it was about what kind of Church would survive. When Marks was being pushed for the position of trustee-in-trust, Bishop Whitney objected. He remembered Marks’s past association with William Law and Emma Smith, both of whom had a recent history of opposing Joseph Smith and the Twelve. “If Marks is appointed Trustee our spiritual blessings will be destroyed inasmuch as he is not favorable to the most important matters,” Whitney told Clayton, referring to the temple ordinances. Moreover, Whitney believed the office of trustee was inseparably tied to the Presidency. One office entailed the other, and that combination put Joseph Smith’s last teachings in jeopardy. Whitney favored the appointment of Samuel Smith before Samuel died. [75]

    As the events leading to Joseph Smith’s death closed in on Joseph in June, he seemed to retreat from some of his advanced teachings. According to D. Michael Quinn, immediately before he went to Carthage, Smith turned his back on polygamy, the endowment, and the Council of Fifty. [76] Whether the retreat was meant to be temporary or permanent, or whether the steps were expedient or heartfelt, the most likely conclusion was that Smith was stabilizing Nauvoo while privately holding firmly to his teachings. His closest disciples accepted this view. But the possibility of a turnabout gave comfort to Emma Smith and Marks during the succession crisis. A rumor circulated through Nauvoo on August 7 claiming that Rigdon had cemented his alliance with Marks by offering him the office of Patriarch, while Rigdon would become the Church’s President. [77] Emma Smith could be expected to lend her quiet support. Still more likely, these people never worked out an agenda of offices or goals. They were united vaguely by their lack of belief in Joseph Smith’s last teachings and probably never organized themselves into a formal group or opposition.

    The Apostles concluded their meetings on August 7 with a decision: a general assembly would be convened within the week on Tuesday, August 13, at 10:00 a.m. They intended to put forward their claims and follow it with a formal, ratifying vote. [78] For the Apostles, there was no turning back. Most had accepted plural marriage at great emotional and psychological cost. Their days of fervent councils with the founding Prophet were at odds with a pre-Nauvoo program and a pre-Nauvoo Church. The idea of Joseph Smith conducting a fallen ministry was out of the question.

    The Apostles made two other decisions. They wanted a semipublic airing of Rigdon’s claims and scheduled a meeting at Navuoo’s still uncompleted Seventies Hall later in the day. Rigdon would have the opportunity of speaking before the Church’s local and general leaders. The Apostles also agreed to meet the following morning, August 8, for another private meeting.

    Minutes and reports of the 4:00 p.m. meeting at the Seventies Hall are incomplete, but it is possible to reconstruct what took place. Rigdon once more put forward his claims and gave more detail about the vision he revealed earlier about putting the Church in order. It was not an “open vision,” he explained, but a stirring that had come to his mind—a continuation of what Joseph Smith and he had experienced in their vision revealing the three degrees of heaven. [79] His future calling, Rigdon said, was to build up the Church for Joseph, because all future blessings must come through Joseph. He was again asserting his position as Joseph Smith’s councilor and spokesman. Elder Wilford Woodruff probably spoke for his fellow Apostles with a curt dismissal. “A long story,” Woodruff said, and a “second class vision.” [80]

    William Clayton, who attended the meeting, said that Brigham Young concluded with a few blunt sentences that had his characteristic sting. He did not care who led the Church, he told the Church leaders; even old Ann Lee would do if that was the mind of God. (Ann Lee had helped found the Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, or Shakers, a century before.) But on the question of who would manage the succession, there was no compromise. Young alone held “the keys and the means of knowing the mind of God,” he said. [81] On these grounds, Young did not accept Rigdon’s claims.

    Brigham Young Teaching Native Americans

    Young’s claim was extraordinary. During the last years of Joseph Smith’s life, Smith had increasingly turned to Young. He was the first to receive his full endowment, and Smith later allowed him to perform the endowment ceremonies in his absence. Young was given many other prominent duties as he became one of Smith’s closest colaborers. [82] But the last charge had not singled Young out—Smith had spoken expansively about most members of the Twelve and some members of the Council of Fifty having the full blessings of the endowment or patriarchal power. Still more important, Smith recognized the Apostles’ special priesthood authority, and one of his revelations described the Twelve (along with other quorums) as forming a group “equal in authority and power” to the First Presidency (D&C 187:24). But this revelation described the Apostles’ collective power and said nothing about their president being a special revelator. Nor did Young use this revelation as a source for his authority. The one thing that seemed to give Young assurance in the early days of August was his Peterborough experience, though he did not say a word about it.”

    The complete article is here:

  • Gnolaum-Eternal & Kokaubeam-Sons of God

    Gnolaum-Eternal & Kokaubeam-Sons of God

    Intelligence, or the light of truth, is eternal and has always existed. What a wonderful pure truth this is. It has helped me all my life to understand my Divine Nature, to to seek to repent daily, and work to fulfill my full measure while on this earth.

    Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.”
    D&C 93:29


    1. Intelligence is the light of truth.

    2. Intelligence cannot be created.

    3. Intelligence has always existed and will always exist.

      “All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother, and are literally the sons and daughters of Deity. God created man in His own image.’ This is just as true of the spirit as it is of the body, which is only the clothing of the spirit, its complement; the two together constituting the soul. The spirit of man is in the form of man, and the spirits of all creatures are in the likeness of their bodies. This was plainly taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith (Doctrine and Covenants, 77:2)” (The First Presidency [Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund], in James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4:203).”

      In the same link as above it says, “The Lord made it known to Moses (See Book of Moses Chap. 3.) and also to Abraham (Abraham Ch. 3) and it is expressed in several revelations, that man was in the beginning with God. In that day, however, man was a spirit unembodied. The beginning was when the councils met and the decision was made to create this earth that the spirits who were intended for this earth, should come here and partake of the mortal conditions and receive bodies of flesh and bones. The doctrine has prevailed that matter was created out of nothing, but the Lord declares that the elements are eternal. Matter always did and, therefore, always will exist, and the spirits of men as well as their bodies were created out of matter. We discover in this revelation that the intelligent part of man was not created, but always existed. There has been some speculation and articles have been written attempting to explain just what these ‘intelligences’ are, or this ‘intelligence’ is, but it is futile for us to speculate upon it. We do know that intelligence was not created or made and cannot be because the Lord has said it. There are some truths it is well to leave until the Lord sees fit to reveal the fulness” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:401).

    I have been taught most recently, as I have studied and prayed what some very unusual words in the Scriptures more fully mean. I have known OF them, but I feel I now more fully UNDERSTAND THEM. That knowledge continues as I strive for more truth daily.

    These new words below with one simple term that each means to me.

    Gnolaum– My Father in Heaven
    Kokaubeam– My Savior Jesus Christ
    Kolob- My Heart and Soul with the Witness of the Holy Ghost
    Olea, or Olaha- Moon A reflection of Light from the Eternal Sun
    Shinehah- Sun An eternal ever giving source of Light and Truth

    Now I can comprehend a scripture that I have always loved.

    “Is there not room enough on the mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and on the plains of Olaha Shinehah, or the land where Adam dwelt, that you should covet that which is but the drop, and neglect the more weighty matters? Therefore, come up hither unto the land of my people, even Zion.” D&C 117:8-9

    I now understand the significance of the Plains of Olaha Shinehah. I believe these Plains of North America are the most Sacred of any place on earth. It is where Adam was first placed and the location where the New Jerusalem will be built.

    This same area of Adam stretching all the way to Kirtland and Cumorah are the most sacred plains as I call them, and are the very same sacred locations and or plains, as the names below indicate.

    1- PLAINS OF THE NEPHITES Joseph Letter to Emma Plains where the Nephites dwelt
    2- PLAINS OF NEPHIHAH Alma 62:18 Teancum vs. Ammoron
    3- PLAINS OF BOUNTIFUL/MULEK Alma 52:20 Moroni vs Jacob (Zoramite)
    4- PLAINS OF OLAHA SHINEHAH D&C 117:8 Plains of the Garden of Eden
    5- PLAINS OF HESHLON ETHER 13:28 Coriantumr vs Shared
    6- PLAINS OF AGOSH ETHER 14:15-17 Coriantumr vs Lib and Shiz.

    To learn more about these Sacred Plains of the Heartland visit my blog here:

    These words I have recently understood, may mean even more to you as you will see in the article below. As I have simplified my definition of these complex words, it has assisted me in having a greater understanding of what each means to me. What eternal significance I have learned from studying these previously unknown terms.

    Gnolaum- Eternal, Ancient One, Everlasting God

    “15 And the Lord said unto me: Abraham, I show these things unto thee before ye go into Egypt, that ye may declare all these words.

    16 If two things exist, and there be one above the other, there shall be greater things above them; therefore Kolob is the greatest of all the Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, because it is nearest unto me.

    17 Now, if there be two things, one above the other, and the moon be above the earth, then it may be that a planet or a star may exist above it; and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it.

    18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

    19 And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.” Abraham 3:15-19

    Hebrew עולם ˁÔlām; Aramaic ˁâl(a)mâ (*ˁawlăm, the augmentative original?)[1]; Hebrew עולם ˁOlam “The-Eternal” = Phoenician ˁUlom = Oulomos of Mochus) “the name of a Phoenician old god, ‘the ancient one’ literally.”[2]

    Kokaubeam- Sons of God, Stars, Constellations, Elohim

    “Truly He was the Son of God” by Clark Kelley Price

    “11 Thus I, Abraham, talked with the Lord, face to face, as one man talketh with another; and he told me of the works which his hands had made;

    12 And he said unto me: My son, my son (and his hand was stretched out), behold I will show you all these. And he put his hand upon mine eyes, and I saw those things which his hands had made, which were many; and they multiplied before mine eyes, and I could not see the end thereof.

    13 And he said unto me: This is Shinehah, which is the sun. And he said unto me: Kokob, which is star. And he said unto me: Olea, which is the moon. And he said unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all the great lights, which were in the firmament of heaven.

    14 And it was in the night time when the Lord spake these words unto me: I will multiply thee, and thy seed after thee, like unto these; and if thou canst count the number of sands, so shall be the number of thy seeds.” Abraham 3:11-14

    Hebrew כוכבים kōkābîm “stars” Abraham 3:13, Akkadian kukkabū “star, planet, constellation”; in Job 38:7 the “sons of God “ are in synonymous parallel with כוכבי בקר kokebe boqer “morning stars” = בני אלהים bene ̕Elohim, “Sons of God.”


    Kolob- Heart, Interior, Near-One, Primeval-One, Center; Soul, Spirit

    Hebrew קרב qerebqarob “near, interior, heart,” as in theophoric Hebrew קרוב Qarob “The-Near-One” (Psalm 119:151 ∥152 קדם Qedem “The-Primeval-One”; cf. Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalms 69:19, 74:12, 145:18;

    Olea- Moon, Sun and Moon, Month, Surround, Enclose, Reflected Solar Light

    OLEA “the Moon” (BofAbraham 3:13), pronounced same as OLAHA (D&C 117:8). Variants: OLAHA (D&C 117:8 “Olaha Shinehah” July 8, 1838; var. “Olea Shinehah”)

    This Afro-Asiatic word for “moon, month” seems to reflect Mehri and Jibbali (Shahri) warxͻrx, Berber ōyær (Ghadamsi), Wargla yur (Ayt Seghrouchen), and Shilḥa ay:ur, and Geˁez wrxwärəḥ (cf. Akkadian warḫu, Ugaritic yrgyrḫ, *wrḫ), more than Amorite Iariḫ, Hebrew yārēaḥ (Genesis 37:9; Greek selēnē); cf. the Greek transliteration Ιαρε (Ιεραχ), Egyptian iˁḥ(w) “moon” (∥inḥ “surround, enclose”), and Coptic ouwhioh.[1]

    Egyptologist Val Sederholm says that “Olea suggests a common root for names of both sun and moon. Hebrew Ya-reah, O-lea speaks to reflected solar light, as it were,” and “The name of the sun god, Re, was originally (and variously) pronounced as liaw or lia.”[2]

    Olaha or Olihah

    Variants: OLAHA (D&C 117:8 “Olaha Shinehah” July 8, 1838; var. “Olea Shinehah”), OLIHAH (O. Cowdery, 1835 D&C 82:11, 104:28-29).

    Shinehah- Sun, Eternity, Forever, One Eternal Round, Celestial Waterway.

    As Egyptian, SHINEHAH could certainly be the “sun,” since it apparently incorporates Egyptian šn(w), the name for the solar “circuit,” and for the old “cartouche” – “emblem of sun’s orbit, which symbolizes eternity”[1]; + Egyptian nḥḥ “eternity, forever” (with solar determinative ⊙) > Coptic eneḥ “eternity,” šaeneḥ “forever”; or Egyptian ḥḥ > Coptic ḥaḥ “million, large number,” which may be related. Egyptian nḥḥ is “dynamic eternity,” to be differentiated from dt “static eternity.”[2] Cf. also 1 Nephi 10:19, “the course of the Lord is one eternal round”; Alma 7:20, D&C 35:1, “course is one eternal round.”

    Used also as a convenient code-word for Kirtland, Ohio, in 1835 D&C 82:12, 117:8, etc.[3]

    John Gee has suggested another etymology for SHINEHAH, from ancient Egyptian š-n-ḫЗ , the prouniciation of which he reconstructs as *šī-ne-ḫaʼ,[4] which describes the sun’s ecliptic as a “celestial waterway” going across the sky from East to West.[5] Egyptologist Raymond Faulkner translated the alternative (earlier) reading, Mr nḫЗ, as the “Winding Waterway”[6] in the sky, ascending with Reˁ and the Imperishable Stars (see especially Pyramid Text 624).

    I repeat:
    Gnolaum– My Father in Heaven
    Kokaubeam– My Savior Jesus Christ
    Kolob- My Heart and Soul with the Witness of the Holy Ghost
    Olea, or Olaha- Moon A reflection of Light from the Eternal Sun
    Shinehah- Sun An eternal ever giving source of Light and Truth

    “Have you learned any new truth by reading this blog? I pray that you will or have. May the Lord bless each of you.” Rian Nelson

  • “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed”

    “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed”

    We don’t have to be afraid to dissent about many secondary evidences of the Book of Mormon, as long as we are informed. In other words, when we explore and research and prayerfully decide about where the geography of the Book of Mormon began, or if there was one or two Hill Cumorah’s, as we are informed and feel a spirit of personal revelation, we should dissent against those who may disagree. Not argue or disparage others, but simply dissent based on our personal revelation. In fact, a testimony comes with the confirmation of the spirit after reading and praying about the truth of the Book of Mormon, which is all you need at the beginning, and then you must continue to read and pray all the days of your life to keep that strong testimony.

    Be Unafraid to Dissent

    We should as Harold B. Lee said, “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed.” I love learning and being informed, and with my quest for truth, I explore truth with fervor and confirm it with the Spirit of Christ.” I am not speaking about doctrine or about revelation of prophets, but only about secondary evidence or personal revelation.

    As Elder Holland said, “Truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart… Truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling… but not to seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief when it is available is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a unique, persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation and sectarian debate.” The Greatness of the Evidence By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland August 16, 2017

    Personal Revelation

    Our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson said, “You don’t have to wonder about what is true. You do not have to wonder whom you can safely trust. Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and that this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.

    President Russell M. Nelson

    I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson

    I agree with the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr., along with our current Prophet, Russell M. Nelson. I love them both and I know this Church is true and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I realize that when the Prophet gives a revelation, it becomes doctrine, and I will always follow it as led by the Spirit. When the Leaders of the Church urge us or recommend something, they are doing their duty of warning, preaching, and trying to help us in this difficult world. Individual answers are all around each of us, and the Lord will guide us based on our faith, research, and study to know what is right. Personal revelation is most important as it comes from God. However, we must be hesitant to share personal revelation as if we are speaking for the Church or any other individual or Church leader. We are all accountable to Christ individually, not collectively.

    Many quotes below feel true to me by personal revelation. Some of you may feel these are good quotes, but they are just opinions of good men. Some may feel there is no way these quotes could be true and especially not revelation. We are each free to choose what we believe of course. Please read, ponder, and pray about these quotes, whether they be true to you or not. As Moroni said, “we may know the truth of all things.”

    Secondary Evidences

    Knowing truth about secondary evidences of the Book of Mormon, such as it’s geography, the method of translation, the location of the final battles, or any other truth about this book, you can know the truth by personal revelation. Our Prophet and Apostles and other leaders may share with us personal information about secondary evidences, that we must validate by our own personal revelation. The Church is officially neutral on the location of Book of Mormon as I quote,  “the Church’s only position is that the events the Book of Mormon describes took place in the ancient Americas.

    I love this quote by Hugh B. Brown: “I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression.

    “And while all members should respect, support, and heed the teachings of the authorities of the church, no one should accept a statement and base his or her testimony upon it, no matter who makes it, until he or she has, under mature examination, found it to be true and worthwhile; then one’s logical deductions may be confirmed by the spirit of revelation to his or her spirit, because real conversion must come from within.” Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999

    I will summarize in brevity the two main theories of the Book of Mormon. There are many other theories as well. You can know truth about non-doctrinal issues and difficult questions through diligence and confirmation of the Spirit. My faith is in the Lord and I know Pres Nelson is a prophet of God as was Joseph Smith, and I have found many secondary truths about the Book of Mormon through hard work and diligence and prayer. About 45 years ago I felt the Mesoamerican theory was correct, but in the past 14 years, I firmly believe in the Heartland Model for Book of Mormon Geography. It came from personal witnesses and experiences.

    Does it matter where the Book of Mormon events happened? Yes in my opinion, as it has strengthened my testimony and added great impact to it. I don’t mind what others believe about geography, as this is my personal witness.

    Two Theories Researched

    1) Five Mesoamerican Theory Keys

    1.The Hill in Ontario, New York by Palmyra, is the Hill the gold plates were found by Joseph Smith, but not necessarily “The hill Cumorah” . Similarly in the Church publication, “Saints” the name Cumorah is never used, but just referred to as, “hill”.
    2. Buried with the Gold Plates in New York was the Urim and Thummim, Breastplate, Liahona, and Sword of Laban. Five Items. There was not a separate cave at the hill in New York, but probably was a dream Joseph had, of a repository of many plates somewhere in Mexico.

    Video from the Church History Museum in Salt Lake. Did Moroni hide the Liahona and Sword with the Gold Plates? NO!

    3. The final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites was fought on some hill in Mexico yet to be named.
    4. Zarahemla is located in several possible Mesoamerican locations as shown on the map below.
    5. The Narrow Neck of Land is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Central America, where the land divides the sea. It is about 140 miles wide.

    I want to refer you to many ideas from the Mesoamerican Theory that you can read at this link: A Summary of Several Theories of Book of Mormon Lands in Mesoamerica

    2) Five Heartland Theory Keys

    1.The Hill in Ontario, New York by Palmyra, is the only Hill Cumorah.
    2.Buried with the Gold Plates in New York was the Urim and Thummim, and Breastplate Three Items. The Liahona and Sword were found in a separate repository in the Hill Cumorah called the Cave at Cumorah. Orson Pratt said, “The hill Cumorah, with the surrounding vicinity, is distinguished as the great battlefield on which, and near which, two powerful nations were concentrated with all their forces. Men, women and children fought till hundreds of thousands on both sides were hewn down, and left to molder upon the ground. . . .These new plates were given to Moroni to finish the history. And all the ancient plates, Mormon deposited in Cumorah, about three hundred and eighty-four years after Christ. When Moroni, about thirty-six years after, made the deposit of the book entrusted to him, he was, without doubt, inspired to select a department of the hill separate from the great depository of the numerous volumes hid up by his father. The particular place in the hill where Moroni secreted the book, was revealed, by the angel, to the prophet Joseph Smith, to whom the volume was delivered in September, A.D. 1827. But the grand repository of all the numerous records of the ancient nations of the western continent, was located in another department of the hill, and it’s contents under the charge of holy angels, until the day should come for them to be transferred to the sacred temple of Zion.” 1866 Orson Pratt Millennial Star (28 (27): 417)
    3. The final battles between the Nephites and Lamanites was fought on the same hill Cumorah in New York where Joseph found the Gold Plates, Urim and Thummim, and Breastplate.
    4. City of Zarahemla is located at Montrose, Iowa as a revelation from Joseph Smith said, “Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.” D&C 125:3
    5. The Narrow Neck of Land is the Niagara Peninsula between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, where the Seas divide the Land. It is between 3-24 miles wide from the north shore of Erie to the south shore of Ontario.

    Basic Narrow Neck of Land 3 Miles wide from the Onondaga Formation to the south shore of ancient Lake Wainfleet. 24 miles wide from the north shore of Erie to the south shore of Lake Ontario.

    Both the Mesoamerican Map and the Heartland Map are compared side by side below.

    Compare side by side the United States map with what we call the Fantasy map of the Mesoamerican Theory. They both contain the same beginning points (South) to the ending points (North). However the Fantasy map of Mesoamerica has to be turned 90 degrees in order to have the North to South directions fit the text.

    John Sorensen/Mesoamericanist

    John Leon Sorenson (April 8, 1924 – December 8, 2021) was an American anthropologist, scholar and author. He was a professor of anthropology at Brigham Young University, and the author of An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon, as well as many other books and articles on the Book of Mormon and archaeology.

    John Sorenson, seasoned Mormon scholar and early proponent of the Tehuantepec limited geography theory, has publicly bemoaned the overwhelming unlikeliness of locating Book of Mormon animals in the ancient New World without substantial reinterpretations of the text:

    “What kind of animals did the Nephites have? The terms cattle, horses, sheep and so on are mentioned at several points in the Book of Mormon, in the Nephite record. And it is dismaying to some, some who wish to be dismayed, I believe, (and a few others who wish an answer could be provided) why there are not cows like we mean cows, horses like we mean horses, sheep like we mean sheep. The fact is, however, is that all the ancient studies say those animals simply were not present in the New World. Period. They were not here…

    Well, 99.9% period. There is some little possibility of some horses as we know horses. The likelihood, however, is that we must go back to the text again, we see the internal having to articulate constantly with the external. We get some ideas from the internal, look outside, try to get enlightening, illuminating information, and then we may have to back into the text, and re-read it, and understand: “Let’s see now, when Mormon said this, what did really mean? Did he mean what I think he means? Or shall we read it the way he wrote it an meant it in his mind? We do not know that when he said ‘horse,’ he meant our kind of horse.” Sorenson, John L. “The Book of Mormon in Ancient America.” Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies Lecture Series. Provo. 1992. 

    Another Mesoamerican Theorist

    I would say in evaluating the Book of Mormon, it had no place in the New World whatsoever. And we’d have to look for the place of the Book of Mormon events to have taken place in the Old World. It just doesn’t seem to fit anything that he [John Carlson] has been taught in his discipline, nor I in my discipline in anthropology, history; there seems to be no place for it. It seems misplaced. It seems like these are anachronisms. It seems like the items are out of time and place, and trying to put them into the New World. And I think there’s a great difficulty here for we Mormons in understanding what this book is all about.” Matheny, Raymond T. “Book of Mormon Archaeology: What Does the Evidence Really show?” Sunstone Symposium. 25 Aug. 1984.Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 1993

    Leaders Quotes about the Heartland Model

    Letter VII

    “At about one mile west rises another ridge of less height, running parallel with the former, leaving a beautiful vale between. The soil is of the first quality for the country, and under a state of cultivation, which gives a prospect at once imposing, when one reflects on the fact, that here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed…

    …Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah.  In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII Joseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159

    “…Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah. In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII Joseph Smith Papers “Letter VII,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, July 1835, 1:155–159 .

    I believe this quote above, written by Oliver Cowdrey who at the time was the Assistant President of the Church with Joseph Smith. It is clear as Oliver states, “when one reflects on the fact”, that this is a declaration of truth from Oliver. If you think this was just Oliver’s opinion, read below what Joseph Fielding Smith says about these 8 Letters that Oliver Cowdery wrote to W.W. Phelps.

    I also believe that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim and Breastplate to translate and he never used a single stone in a hat to translate. As in “Letter I” there is a canonized quote from the scriptures saying, “Oliver Cowdery describes these events thus: “These were days never to be forgotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon.’” JSH 1:75*


    “PROPHET APPROVES OLIVER COWDERY’S VIEWS. The quibbler might say that this statement from Oliver Cowdery is merely the opinion of Oliver Cowdery and not the expression of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It should be remembered that these letters in which these statements are made were written at the Prophet’s request and under his personal supervision. Surely, under these circumstances, he would not have permitted an error of this kind to creep into the record without correction.

    At the commencement of these historical letters is found the following: “That our narrative may be correct, and particularly the introduction, it is proper to inform our patrons, that our Brother J. Smith Jr., has offered to assist us. Indeed, there are many items connected with the fore part of this subject that render his labor indispensable. With his labor and with authentic documents now in our possession, we hope to render this a pleasing and agreeable narrative, well worth the examination and perusal of the saints. “236. 24

    Later, during the Nauvoo period of the Church, and again under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these same letters by Oliver Cowdery, were published in the Times and Seasons, without any thought of correction had this description of the Hill Cumorah been an error.” 236. 25 Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation Volume 3 Chapter 12 A VOICE FROM CUMORAH

    Below are quotes about some theories [Mainly Mesoamerican and Heartland] of where the Book of Mormon events began. In my opinion I agree with Elder Perry and Pres Monson as stated below and in other quotes as well, who I think leaned towards a Heartland theory.

    L. Tom Perry

    “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012

    Thomas S. Monson

    “The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).

    “Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson 2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008)

    Editors Opinion

    It is my strong opinion that President Monson believes the United States is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. Why do Mesoamericanists believe the entire continent of the Americas is the Promised land? To fit their narrative I guess. You mean Greenland, Guatemala, and the Northwest Territories are the Promised Land spoken of in the book of Mormon? I love all of God’s children in the entire world and God loves us all the same, but seriously? If a person from Greenland comes to the United States legally as a citizen that person can also live in the Promised Land, correct? I’m sure Greenland has much beauty on its own, but it is not the Promised Land, is it? I am not belittling other lands. I’m just making a legitimate statement. Why is the United States and Israel the two Promised Lands? Because Christ said so. See 3 Nephi 20:22,29 

    Gordon B. Hinckley

    “I should like to say a few words about America…No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America…surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty.” Gordon B. Hinckley Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”, BYU Speeches of the Year, October 29, 1974, pp. 267-68 

    Joseph Smith Jr./ Emma’s Letter and Wentworth Letter

    “The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity… During our travels we visited several of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of this country-Nephites, Lamanites, etc.” Joseph Smith Papers Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834 Page 56

    The witness of Joseph Smith in his letter to Emma [above] on June 4, 1834 along with the following quote from the Wentworth Letter are two of the most convincing witnesses of the Book of Mormon events beginning in North America.

    “In this important and interesting book the history of ancient America is unfolded, from its first settlement by a colony that came from the Tower of Babel at the confusion of languages to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era. We are informed by these records that America in ancient times has been inhabited by two distinct races of people. The first were called Jaredites and came directly from the Tower of Babel. The second race came directly from the city of Jerusalem about six hundred years before Christ. They were principally Israelites of the descendants of Joseph. The Jaredites were destroyed about the time that the Israelites came from Jerusalem, who succeeded them in the inheritance of the country. The principal nation of the second race fell in battle towards the close of the fourth century. The remnant are the Indians that now inhabit this country...” Wentworth Letter reprinted in Ensign July 2002

    Mark E. Petersen

    “I do not believe that the classrooms or the pulpits of our Church are for laboratory purposes in which to experiment with new doctrines and speculative notions. They are exclusively for the use of those who are willing to convert men and women and boys and girls to the truth. . . . I do not believe we should give credence to the highly speculative theories about Book of Mormon geography. I do not believe that there were two Hill Cumorahs, one in Central America and the other one up in New York, for the convenience of the Prophet Joseph Smith, so that the poor boy would not have to walk clear to Central America to get the gold plates. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the integrity of Joseph Smith. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the testimony of the eleven witnesses of the Book of Mormon. I do not believe you have a testimony of the truth if you question the accuracy of the translation of the Book of Mormon.” Mark E. Petersen LDS Conference Reports, Sunday afternoon, April 5, 1953

    Joseph Fielding Smith

    “This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case… It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all…

    It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery. Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history.” Doctrines of Salvation Joseph Fielding Smith Chapter 12

    James E. Talmage

    “The final struggles between Nephites and Lamanites were waged in the vicinity of the Hill Cumorah, in what is now the State of New York, resulting in the destruction of the Nephites as a nation, about 400 A.D. The last Nephite representative was Moroni, who, wandering for safety from place to place, daily expecting death from the victorious Lamanites, wrote the concluding parts of the Book of Mormon, and hid the record in Cumorah. It was this same Moroni who, as a resurrected being, gave the records into the hands of Joseph Smith in the present dispensation.” James Talmage Articles of Faith

    Ezra Taft Benson

    “When this nation was established, the Church was restored and from here the message of the restored gospel has gone forth-all according to divine plan. This then becomes the Lord’s base of operations in these latter days. And this base-the land of America—will not be shifted out of its place. This nation will, in a measure at least, fulfill its mission even though it may face serious and troublesome days. The degree to which it achieves its full mission depends upon the righteousness of its people. God, through His power, has established a free people in this land as a means of helping to carry forward His purposes. It was His latter-day purpose to bring forth His gospel in America, not in any other place. It was in America where the Book of Mormon plates were deposited. That was no accident. It was His design. It was in this same America where they were brought to light by angelic ministry. [1]. It was here where He organized His modern Church, where He, Himself, made a modern personal appearance [2]; [3]. It was here under a free government and a strong nation that protection was provided for His restored Church. Now God will not permit America, His base of operations, to be destroyed. He has promised protection to this land if we will but serve the God of the land [4]. He has also promised protection to the righteous even, if necessary, to send fire from heaven to destroy their enemies [5]. No, God’s base of operations will not be destroyed.”

    Heartland Theorists

    “After reading a paper by a Latter-day Saint author who had “come to the conclusion that there was nothing to be found in the Central American setting that convinced him that the Book of Mormon belonged there,” Duane Aston asked himself, “what if the Book of Mormon did not belong in Central America? [and] if Book of Mormon lands were not located in Central America, then where might they belong?” Aston then describes what followed: “The only reasonable possible solution that came to my mind was New York. What if the setting for the Book of Mormon was anciently located in the lands that we know as New York? . . . Might this location serve as a starting point to begin a search for the geography of the Book of Mormon? The more I studied and researched upon the matter, the more I became convinced that indeed the Book of Mormon itself contained sufficient clues that could resolve the issue of the geography of the Book of Mormon. The Lord showed Nephi that “many multitudes of Gentiles” would come “upon the land of promise.” (1 Nephi 13:14-16). What other people could this refer to, other than those Gentiles, pilgrims, who had come to occupy eastern United States and Canada in colonial times?” 1998 Duane R. Aston Return to Cumorah: Piecing Together the Puzzle Where the Nephites Lived, Sacramento: American River Publications [pp. 2-3]

    “The Book of Mormon records that due to the wickedness of the Nephite civilization they were destroyed by their brothers the Lamanites. The final battles of this unholy war took place near a hill that was called Cumorah. At Cumorah, hundreds of thousands of Nephites were slain, and the prophet/historian Moroni buried the history of his people in that hill (Mormon 6:2-15; 8:1-5). Hundreds of years later, that same history was unearthed in upstate New York, by the boy prophet Joseph Smith and translated to become the Book of Mormon (Joseph Smith–History 1:51-52).

    Non-Mormon Theorists

    “When Joseph Smith made his “fantastic” claims and published the Book of Mormon as an ancient history of the American Indians, some scoffed at the idea that a major battle had anciently taken place in the local vicinity. However, evidence was soon produced that documented that this region of the country did indeed once possess a heavy Indian population, and that a terrible battle had taken place in that locality.

    Writing in 1851, E. G. Squier says that in the region: “Human bones of men, women, and children of both sexes were thrown together promiscuously by the thousands.” He notes large quantities of pottery, pipes, flint arrow-heads, stone hatchets and other implements were also found there. He further states that the ancient relics unearthed in the vicinity (which he estimates to be several hundred years old) showed considerable evidence of Hebrew origin.” (See E. G. Squier, Antiquities of New York, 1851, pp. 137-138.)

    In New York State Bulletin #2 it is documented that several miles south of “Mormon Hill,” as it was then called, a site was found where flint arrowheads and spear points and many unfinished weapons were found in great abundance. All of the above sources are cited in Brenton G. Yorgason, Little Known Evidences of the Book of Mormon, 1989, p. 10.

    Heber J. Grant

    “While listening to the remarks of Brother Ivins, referring to a book that was written by one of our enemies, in which the statement is made that there is not a particle of evidence to show that there is any trace of the Hebrew among the people who anciently inhabited this country, and that there is no evidence that would go to prove that the Book of Mormon is true. I was reminded of a little item of evidence that came under my observation while I was in the City of London. A gentleman there, to whom a very dear friend of mine, Col. Alex. G. Hawes, had given me a letter, kindly invited a number of newspaper men to his home to meet me. I am very sorry that the newspaper men declined the honor; but I had the privilege of meeting with this man and his family, and a few friends, and conversing with them. One of his friends had been a member of the British legation at Constantinople, and had spent a considerable portion of his life there. He had traveled all over the holy land, and was familiar with the people and their customs. Among other things, he said: “Mr. Grant, I was astonished beyond measure, when I visited Canada, to find there oriental patterns woven in beads, by the American Indians. They were the same patterns that were woven in rugs, in the oriental countries. I have traveled extensively, and I had never seen those oriental patterns in any part of the world except in the holy land, until I found them among the North American Indians. Those patterns have been handed down for hundreds of years, from generation to generation ; they are kept in families, and can be found nowhere else; and how under the heavens those Indians, who have no connection with the people of the holy land, should have the same patterns is a mystery to me.” “Well, mv friend,” I said, “if I were to inform you that the forefathers of these American Indians came from the city of Jerusalem, that would explain it, wouldn’t it?” He replied, “Well, of course, it would.” I asked him if he had ever read the Book of Mormon. He said, “No.” “Well, it will be my pleasure to send you a copy, and from it you will learn that the forefathers of the American Indians came from Jerusalem.” “Well,” he said, “that explains the mystery; I am much obliged for the book.” Now, the one thing for us to do, as Latter-day Saints, is to be loyal, to be true, to be patriotic, to be honest with God; then we need have no fear of what the world may say about us. We have the truth, and we know it, thank God; we know it, though the world may not know it. Let us follow the admonition of the Savior, and let our light so shine that other men seeing our good deeds shall glorify God.”

    ELDER HEBER J. GRANT 79th Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints April 4th, 5th, and 6th, 1909, page 111-113

    W.W. Phelps To Oliver Cowdery

    LETTER NO. 12
    “…Cumorah, the artificial hill of north America, is well calculated to stand in this generation, as a monument of marvelous works and wonders. Around that mount died millions of the Jaredites; yea, there ended one of the greatest nations of this earth. In that day, her inhabitants spread from sea to sea, and enjoyed national greatness and glory, nearly fifteen hundred years. — That people forsook the Lord and died in wickedness. There, too, fell the Nephites, after they had forgotten the Lord that bought them. There slept the records of age after age, for hundreds of years, even until the time of the Lord: —

    “An angel came down from the regions of glory
    “And told that a record was hid in Cumorah,
    “Containing the fulness of Jesus’s gospel,
    “And also the cov’nant to gather his people.”

    “There began the church of Christ in 1830; yea, there the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, as foretold by Daniel, commenced rolling to fill the earth, and may it continue, in a moral sense, in dreadful splendor, till  it fills the whole, and wickedness is ended. So much for the Hill Cumorah…”
    As ever,
    W.W. PHELPS.
    To Oliver Cowdery.

    N. Eldon Tanner

    “Nephi saw in vision also the coming of the Pilgrims, who came to escape religious persecution. He foresaw the coming to America of peoples from many nations, their wars and contentions. As Nephi said, they did humble themselves before the Lord. Thus the American colonies attained their independence and set up the government of the United States, all under the divine intervention of God in preparing this land for its divine destiny. We believe that both freedom and the continuing reformation that flourished here occurred in preparation for the restoration from heaven of the full gospel of Jesus Christ. That restoration began in the United States of America in the 1820s, through the [assistance] of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who was chosen by the Lord and who, through [visits] from heavenly messengers, received … records that contained the authentic record of early American peoples and God’s dealings with them. He received the priesthood and authority to reestablish the church of Jesus Christ in these latter days. At the time of this restoration, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ actually appeared to Joseph Smith, as they had appeared to leaders of previous dispensations. They announced to him that Christ’s church would be reestablished upon the earth. … This restoration was the greatest event in the history of mankind since the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” A Choice Land President N. Eldon Tanner, First Counselor in the First Presidency

    Evening and Morning Star

    In the forepart of the last month, about three hundred and sixty Indian, of the Kickapoos and Pattowattamies, pitched their tents on the east before this town, and tarried one night.  They were on their way to the place assigned them for the land of their inheritance, being gathered by the government of the United States… They have a prophet, in whom they place great confidence, and he instructs them that the day is nigh, when the Great Father will send his Son on the earth; then (as he says) white man and red man be one. Their idea of what is to come to pass in the last days, the resurrection of the righteous, and their living on earth with the Lord while wickedness ceases to trouble the saints, seem to be correct as far as we could ascertain.  They are very devout apparently and pray night and morning; even children and all.   They have two flat sticks about one foot long, tied together, on which are several characters, which, they say, the Great Father gave to their prophet, and mean as much as a large book. They say one of these sticks, is for the old book that white man has, (the Bible) the other for the new book, (Book of Mormon) white man has it written on paper, Great Father writes it in red man’s heart.   They seem to Pray from these sticks– and worship on the Sabbath with great solemnity, commencing with a salutation from the greatest or oldest to the least that can walk, and ending with the same token of friendship. Should we have time to make them a visit, we may be more particular hereafter. *From Arkansas to the Missouri, the remnants are gathering together in rapid succession, and all, as far as we have been able to ascertain, have an idea that the Great Spirit is about to do something great and good for the red man. Evening and Morning Star (Kirtland 1835-1836 page 201 ISRAEL WILL BE GATHERED.

    “The Book of Mormon reveals the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, who was not forgotten when land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. This was promised in the Abrahamic covenant…  Josephs inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. Choice because it was chosen to be the repository of sacred writings on golden plates from which the Book of Mormon would one day come. Choice because it would eventually host the world headquarters of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. And it was choice because it was a land of liberty for those who worship the Lord and keep His commandments.Russell M Nelson President, Quorum of 12 June, 2016 Provo Missionary Training Center

    So as Harold B. Lee said, “Be Unafraid to Dissent – If we are Informed.” I love learning and being informed, and with my quest for truth, I explore truth with fervor and confirm it with the Spirit of Christ.” I am not speaking about doctrine or about revelation of prophets, but only about secondary evidence or personal revelation.

    How you feel about geography or other non doctrinal issues is totally up to you, after much prayer and research. May the Lord bless us all.

  • Why Book of Mormon Location Matters, Tremendously! It Happened Somewhere, Right?

    Why Book of Mormon Location Matters, Tremendously! It Happened Somewhere, Right?

    Why Book of Mormon Location Matters, Tremendously!
    It Happened Somewhere, Right?

    In my strong opinion, it matters tremendously where events of the Book of Mormon began. The land which was given to the Jaredites and Nephites is critical, as it is a Covenant Land. That Covenant had to be with a certain “People” on a “Certain land.”

    Is it the Promised Land of Mexico, or Russia, or the Heartland of the US, etc? Wherever that land is, when the Book of Mormon was first published, it was speaking to those people first (Tribe of Joseph, and/or Lamanites). Then it became obvious that certain people (USA) were to be the instruments of sharing the Book of Mormon with the entire world. That is a covenant we in the USA made with the Lord, as He chose the Land to set aside.

    The Lord did not chose Mesoamerica, or Canada, or Europe so they did not make the covenant to spread the word. Choosing America does not mean the Lord discriminates. It was American’s stewardship to covenant and be held accountable to spread the initial word, and we continue to be under that same covenant. If we Americans don’t share the gospel, we will be sorely punished by the Lord. We have a greater responsibility to initiate and continue our covenant.  The Lord said, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” John 4:17

    Those immigrants who come into this land of America legally, in my opinion, are under the same covenant as others, as they are under covenant to obey the law established by the United States Constitution, which was written by God. (D&C 101:80)

    Why America was chosen? Quotes by leaders. “No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand” (Whitney)

    “It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen” (Nelson)

    “by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.”  (Monson) Full quotes below.

    Today, there are governments in China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel and many more, where the “climate” is not right for teaching, and there are countries who won’t allow us to share the Book of Mormon. These countries leaders will be held responsible for not allowing us in to teach them, but we will be held responsible if we don’t continue to try and pray for a path to share it with them. We in America (The Land of Joseph) are held to a higher standard (Not a more blessed standard), and as such we will receive a greater punishment if we don’t keep our covenant. This makes sense as those in Mesoamerica and other countries are just as great of a people as those who live in any other part of the world, they just were not asked initially by the Lord (Covenanted) to spread the word of the Book of Mormon, as they did not first receive it.  America received it from Joseph Smith and he was told to first share the message with the actual Lamanites, for which the Book of Mormon was written. Where did those Lamanites live? (NY, OH, MO). Does it matter? Of course it does. All who are baptized into our church, like us make a “New Covenant” to participate in all sacred oaths and covenants the Lord has to offer them as well.

    Written to the Lamanites

    A very adept LDS historian, Alexander Baugh said, “I think it’s important to realize that the title page of the Book of Mormon says, “written to the Lamanites.” That’s one of the very first things it says. I think Latter-day Saints today think well, the Book of Mormon is written for us. Well it was, written for the entire world, but of course Mormon, Moroni in their understanding of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, they fully realized that this book, this record, would eventually come forth to their descendants to the descendants of Lehi, and his family. And, this is clear to Joseph Smith. There’s no question in my mind that Joseph Smith knows from the very beginning this record needs to be received and given to and accepted by Lamanite descendants. And in 1830, to Joseph Smith and the Church members, a Lamanite meant to them, a North American Indian. There’s just no question.” Alexander L. Baugh BYU Church History Department; transcribed from the documentary “History of the Saints” Mission to the Lamanites Part 1.

    Judah and Joseph (Manasseh and Ephraim)

    “There were also doctrinal reasons for the pioneers to view Indians in a favorable light. Indeed, Indians held a distinctive place in Latter-day Saint theology. The Church was barely six months old when the first missionaries to labor with Indians were called to serve. According to the Book of Mormon, Indians were a branch of the House of Israel, and the Lord had made significant promises to them through ancient prophets. These prophecies encouraged a mutually respectful relationship between Saints and Indians. According to Latter-day Saint teachings, neither group would be able to completely fulfill their destiny without the other.” Elder Marlin K. Jensen delivering his remarks“ The Rest of the Story: Latter-day Saint Relations with Utah’s Native Americans” at the Son’s of Utah Pioneers Sunrise Service in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, July 24, 2010.

    First Mission to the Lamanites

    In D&C 28, 30, and 32 You will find that the Lord was personally involved in the first mission to the Lamanites, which was in New York, Ohio, and Missouri. The Lord knows where the original Lamanites lived, in the United States of America.

    “Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer had been called to go on a mission to the Lamanites (Sec. 28:8; 30:5). There was great interest among the Saints in this mission, for it was hoped that the time had come for the redemption of the scattered Remnant, according to the promises in the Book of Mormon ([1 Nephi] 15:13–18, and many other places). The Prophet laid the matter before the Lord in prayer and received this Revelation, in which Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson were called to join Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, Jr., on that important mission.” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, p. 169.)

    Some idea of the commitment of these early brethren can be found in the formal covenants they made at the time of their call. For example, Oliver Cowdery wrote: “I, Oliver, being commanded by the Lord God, to go forth unto the Lamanites, to proclaim glad tidings of great joy unto them, by presenting unto them the fullness of the Gospel, of the only begotten Son of God; and also, to rear up a pillar as a witness where the temple of God shall be built, in the glorious New Jerusalem; and having certain brothers with me, who are called of God to assist me, whose names are Parley, and Peter and Ziba, do therefore most solemnly covenant with God that I will walk humbly before him, and do this business, and this glorious work according as he shall direct me by the Holy Ghost; ever praying for mine and their prosperity, and deliverance from bonds, from imprisonment, and whatsoever may befall us, with all patience and faith. Amen. [Signed] Oliver Cowdery.” (Journal History, 17 Oct. 1830).

    Almost as soon as the Church was organized and the Book of Mormon was printed at the Grandin Press, the Lord, through the Prophet Joseph, instructed Oliver Cowdery (D&C 28:8), Peter Whitmer Jr. (D&C 30:5-6), Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson (D&C 32:1-3), to go and preach the gospel unto the “Lamanites.” The multiple references in these sections makes it clear that the Lord knows who the “Lamanite” remnant of the Book of Mormon are and tells these missionaries that He himself will “go with them and be in their midst” as they go to the “borders of the Lamanites”, where the New Jerusalem will be built.

    “Thus ended our first Indian Mission, in which we had preached the gospel in its fulness, and distributed the record of their forefathers among three tribes, viz. : the Catteraugus Indians, near Buffalo, N. Y., the Wyandots of Ohio, and the Delawares west of Missouri.” Quote by Parley P. Pratt

    Reunion of the Tribe of Judah and Tribe of Joseph in America

    This is why the Pilgrims were led by God to the land of America as it was a Covenant Land. Lamanites and Nephites had lived in the American Heartland previously. In essence a reunion was made between the Puritans and Pilgrims (Former Nephites and some lost tribes on Israel, and seed of Joseph through Ephraim), who joined the Native Americans such as Samoset and Massasoit, who were Lamanites (Wampanoag Indians, Algonquians from the seed of Joseph through Manasseh) and the House of Judah (Tribe of Judah and Hebrews  from the Mulekites. All restored upon this American Promised Land. What a reunion! See the picture below.

    “Great Grandmother saw them Come” By Nathan Olney Original 7/50 1973

    President Grant said, “It was not by chance that the Puritans left their native land and sailed away to the shores of New England, and others later followed. They were the advance guard of the army of the Lord, predestined to establish the God-given system of government under which we live and to make America, which is the land of Joseph, the gathering place of Ephraim, an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel of Christ and the establishment of his church upon the earth” – Heber J. Grant, Conference Report, April 1930.

    Two Sticks Reunited. 

    The Lord made covenants with Adam on the covenant land of the original Garden of Eden, (North America), Noah, Brother of Jared, Abraham in the Old World, Moses, David, Isaiah, Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Limhi (Mosiah 21:32), Mormon, Moroni, Washington, Joseph Smith, and many others. Only on two Covenant Lands, the Old World and America. (America was really the original first Covenant land with Adam near Missouri, The land of Cainan in America and Canaan in Jerusalem area was really the second Covenant land and New Jerusalem near Missouri will again become the Covenant Land as it was originally with Adam. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

    Two Promised Lands

    In other words the two covenant lands are: (1 Judah (Judea or Palestine-Canaan) and 2) covenant land of Joseph (America-Cainan Moses 17:7).

    “Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.” Ezekiel 37:16-17

    Why did the Lord choose America? Here is what spiritual leaders have said, which I won’t, and cannot disagree with.

    “The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.) The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A TREASURED TESTAMENT By Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles JULY 1993 Adapted from an address given 25 June 1992 at a seminar for new mission presidents, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah.

    “…in culmination of the grand scheme of schemes, this great nation, the Republic of the United States, might be established upon this land as an asylum for the oppressed; a resting place, it might be said, for the Ark of the covenant, where the temple of our God might be built; where the plan of salvation might be introduced and practiced in freedom, and not a dog would wag his tongue in opposition to the purposes of the Almighty. We believe that this was His object in creating the Republic of the United States; the only land where his work could be commenced or the feet of his people find rest. No other land had such liberal institutions, had adopted so broad a platform upon which all men might stand. We give glory to those patriots for the noble work they did; but we give the first glory to God, our Father and their Father, who inspired them. We take them by the hand as brothers. We believe they did nobly their work, even as we would fain do ours, faithfully and well, that we might not be recreant in the eyes of God, for failing to perform the mission to which He has appointed us.” Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, April 19, 1885. Reported by John Irvine. Journal Discourses Volume 26  Page 201

    The United States without question to me, is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. It is a solid part of my witness to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I agree with this quote, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012

    4-hours of amazing information from Rod Meldrum. Just $4.95 here

    It is difficult for me to understand how many professors and scholars think the Promised Land is from Greenland to Canada, to Mesoamerica, to South America. Sure, those are beautiful lands with beautiful and righteous people, but the specific land the Lord Himself chose to be the land that had the “climate”, [See Monson quote below], necessary to have Joseph Smith achieve his calling was the United States of America.

    “Our Heavenly Father inspired Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America. Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of the renaissance period. Our Heavenly Father inspired men and caused that they would dream dreams and see visions and discover marvelous instruments and inventions which would enable them to set forth upon the oceans and to be led to the place where our Father in Heaven would have them led. Our Heavenly Father inspired the man who invented movable type, that His holy word, as found in the Bible, could be printed and disseminated widely to the people. Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of . . . the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and . . . Bill of Rights, that . . . by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr. His life’s mission would alter the course of all future events. Thus, came Joseph into the world.” Teachings of Thomas S Monson 2011 (Twenty-First Annual Joseph Smith Memorial Sermon, December 11, 1963)

    Being called a Promised Land does not mean the USA is any better than anywhere else, it just means this is the specific land the Lord chose to do His Latter-day work. Pres. Hinckley said, “I should like to say a few words about America…. No land is without its beauty, no people without their virtues, and I hope that you who come from elsewhere will pardon my saying a few words concerning my own native land, America. I know that she has problems. We have heard so much of them for so long. But surely this is a good land, a choice land, a chosen land. To me it is a miracle, a creation of the Almighty….” Gordon B. Hinckley

    Two Covenant Lands

    In his epic article, “The Scriptural Basis for Book of Mormon Geography” Rod Meldrum said, “The Book of Mormon is Consistent With Recorded Old Testament History. Nephi knew of the Promised Land Covenant made and claimed by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Old World (1 Nephi 17:40).  According to Christ’s recorded words to the Nephites in the Book of Mormon, there are only two mentioned covenant lands of promise for the house of Israel; Jerusalem (3 Nephi 20:29) and New Jerusalem (3 Nephi 20:22).  Through modern revelation the location where the New Jerusalem will be built is today known as the state of Missouri, USA (D&C 84:1-4).  This is also the revealed location of the Garden of Eden. Therefore, following the expulsion of Adam and Eve, this is where they began their family, built an altar later located by Joseph Smith, and blessed his righteous posterity (D&C 107:53) in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, making the region the most likely location of the ancient land of Cainan, the original “land of promise.” (Moses 6:17).  The scriptures have been consistent throughout time because these covenant lands of promise were established before the foundations of the world.

    Covenant- Four Gifts From God

    The Promised Land Covenant in Israel included: (see overviews in Leviticus 26:1-9Deut. 7:11-23Deut. 28:1-13 )

    1. A Promised Land (a specific location), (see Genesis 13:14-1548:3-4Abraham 2:18-19)
    2. Posterity (seed), (see Genesis 13:1648:3-41 Kings 2:31 Chron. 22:13,  D&amp;C 132:30 2:10-11)
    3. Prosperity (wealth), (see 1 Kings 2:31 Chron. 22:13Leviticus 26:4)
    4. Security (protection/peace) Leviticus 26:5-8Ezekiel 28:2634:25Isaiah 5:5hedge” of protection for Israel )

    Here is Lehi’s American Promised Land Covenant read 2 Nephi 1

    1. An “American” Promised Land (a specified land or location), (see 2 Nephi 1:5, 7, 93:2)
    2. Blessings of Posterity (seed), (see 1 Nephi 15:14,  2 Nephi 1:531-329:35330:4)
    3. Blessings of Prosperity (wealth), (see 1 Nephi 2:202 Nephi 1:204:4Jarom 1:9Mosiah 1:72:2231,27:7Alma 9:1336:137:1338:148:15, 2550:18-203 Nephi 5:22)
    4. Blessings of Security (protection/peace), (see 2 Nephi 1:7, 931-323:2Jarom 1:9,  Mosiah 2:31)

    Breaching of the Covenant,
    Judgments of God and Subsequent Re-Invoking of the Covenant

    Each time that the singular requirement – obeying the commandments – is ignored by the people under the covenant, the Lord allows judgments to come upon them (see listing of judgments, Deut. 28:15-68).   These covenant blessings are generally revoked sequentially in reverse order of how they were given in a merciful effort by the Lord to turn His children’s hearts and minds back to Him; to cause the covenant people to repent and ask for His protection and guidance. Their blessings are revoked in reverse order.

    1. Security is breached; helping them realize their lack of security without God’s protection.
    2. Prosperity removed; humbling them into the realization that prosperity is a blessing from God, not man.
    3. Posterity is taken away, usually through internal conflict and war; helping them realize God’s blessing of having children.
    4. Swept from the sacred land; God’s final consequence for disobedience – for God will not suffer unrighteous people to occupy His Promised Lands.” Rod Meldrum

    Judgement for Breaking the Covenant

    “Each time the covenant is ignored and the judgments of God fall upon the people, in order for the covenant to be reinstated, the people and their leaders must humble themselves, repent, vow to obey the commandments of God, and re-invoke the covenant.  Such has been the case with prophets throughout Old Testament history as well as those who were directed to the American promised land.  The Book of Mormon provides multiple examples of such re-invocations such as Limhi (Mosiah 21:32) Lachoneus (3 Nephi 3:12-25) and Captain Moroni (Alma 46:10-13).” Rod Meldrum

    They Live Somewhere!

    There are at least 36 promises in the Book of Mormon written to a people who live somewhere. I believe that somewhere is the United States of America and Elder Perry said,  “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012

    Purchase Here

    You can read about the 36 Prophesies in the Book, “Prophecies & Promises: The Book of Mormon & The United States of America” by Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum. It’s a book about the setting of The Book of Mormon. The geographic theory explained in Porter and Meldrum’s book has been called, “The Heartland Model.”

    I am totally convinced that the ancient setting for the Book of Mormon was not Central America, as many LDS scholars claim, but was in fact North America. This goes against the grain of what a lot of Latter-day Saints think, but you will have to read it yourself and decide.

    Purchase Today!

    Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, Mormon, Moroni and other prophets of the Book of Mormon talk about the prophecies of “this land,” “this Promised Land”, etc. The demonstrative “this” makes it seem likely that the ancient prophets are referring to the land underneath their feet, not a land far distant. Nephi sees in prophetic vision the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the colonization of the Puritans and other pilgrims, the Revolutionary War, the founding of the United States, the establishment of the government, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the LDS Church… all on “this land.” Sooo… “this land” = North America, where the USA is. (1 Nephi 13)

    Want more reasons? Here is an exhaustive list:

  • Joseph & Oliver “Looked Exceedingly White”

    Joseph & Oliver “Looked Exceedingly White”

    I have come to realize that the words uttered by Prophets and many others, “by the gift and power of God“, is such an overwhelming, and powerful definition of how the Book of Mormon came forth into the world. It’s meaning is extraordinary!

    By the Gift and Power of God

    “I translated the record by the gift and power of GodJoseph Smith Wentworth Letter

    “As he [Joseph Smith] translated it by the gift and power of God, by the means of the Urim and Thummim.” Oliver Cowdery JSH 1:75

    I call the Interpreters or Urim and Thummim, or “these stones fastened to a breastplate” JSH 1:35 the same incredible resource. I call them “The Lord’s Instruments.” These instruments have to be “THEM” [Plural], in my opinion.

    Interpreters has a plural “s”, the Urim and Thummim constitute several items, and the these stones with an “s” means plural. A single seer stone is not the Lord’s Instrument of translation according to the scriptures. Now I will agree with you that “a stone” may be an instrument of the Lord, i.e., Brother of Jared, 18 individual stones, but a single stone by itself is not an instrument that was used to translate records. (See Scriptures, JSH 1:35,52,62,75*; Mosiah 28:13, 20; Ether 3:22-23; 4:5; Alma 37:21, 24-25) 

    In Alma 37:23 “a stone” in my opinion means, “a seer.” This is the only place in the scriptures speaking about a single stone in anything close to acting in a type of translation, and I think I have proven the editors added a comma where they shouldn’t have. See my blog here: 

    The Lord’s Instrument

    “We are awed by the perspicacity and discernment of the scientists, whose accumulated knowledge is great, but there is still greater knowledge; there are more perfect instruments; there is much more to learn. Most of us can but imagine how the great truths have been transmitted through the ages.  Exactly how this precious instrument, the Urim and Thummim, operates we can only surmise, but it seems to be infinitely superior to any mechanism ever dreamed of yet by researchers. It would seem to be a receiving set, or instrument. For a set to receive pictures and programs, there must be a broadcasting set. The scripture above quoted indicates that the abode of God is a master Urim and Thummim, and the synchronization of transmitting and receiving apparatus of this kind can have no limitation.”   (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Pg.52 – Pg.53)

    “These Stones Fastened to a Breastplate” JSH 1:35

    “In a short period man has so improved his communication techniques as to hear voices around the world. A few years ago, even with earphones, we could decode only part of the static over the newborn radio. Our first television pictures were very local and very amateurish. Today, we see in our homes a fight in Madison Square Garden, a football game in the Cotton Bowl, the Tabernacle Choir in Chicago, an astronaut on his way to the moon.   Is it hard to believe that with such accomplishments by puny man Omnipotent God has precision instruments with which to enlarge the knowledge of those who have the skill to use them? Is it difficult to believe that the Urim and Thummim could be such a precision instrument to transmit messages from God to his supreme creation — man?   Can God have limitations? Can atmosphere or distance or space hold back his pictures? Would it be so difficult for Moses or Enoch or Abraham or Joseph to see a colorful, accurate, moving picture of all things past and present, and even future? The Creator said to Moses, “ . . . look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end.”  (Moses 1:4.)   (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Pg.53) 

    With an instrument or the power of the Lord as described above, I think these are a few great descriptions of what Joseph’s or Moses’ or Lehi, or the Brother of Jared’s countenance must have looked like.

    1- “And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone: and Moses put the veil upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him. Exodus 34:35

    Moses Face Shone

    2- “They [Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery] looked so exceedingly white and strange…The power of God was so great in the room that they could hardly endure it; at times angels were in the room in their glory, which nearly consumed them.” Oliver B. Huntington, History of the Life of Oliver B. Huntington, p. 49-50

    3- “And after the brother of Jared had beheld the finger of the Lord, because of the promise which the brother of Jared had obtained by faith, the Lord could not withhold anything from his sight; wherefore he showed him all things, for he could no longer be kept without the veil.” Ether 12:21

    Brother of Jared

    4- “And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the fruit thereof was white, to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen.” 1 Nephi 8:11

    “Generally, when we think of witnesses of the Book of Mormon, we think of the Three Witnesses or the Eight Witnesses. However, there were many other indirect witnesses of the Book of Mormon. These incidental witnesses may have seen part of the plates, like Josiah Stowell did. Others may have handled the plates, like Emma Smith did. One witness was converted to the church simply by witnessing the effect that the translation process had on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Her name was Sally Heller Conrad.(Note 3 Below)

    In June of 1829, Mary Whitmer was hard at work taking care of her own family, but she also faced the added burden of taking care of Joseph and Oliver, who were translating the Book of Mormon in her home. Exhausted and overworked, Mary hired Sally to help her around the house. Eighteen-year-old Sally likely thought this would be a job like any other, but she soon noticed something unusual. She later told a friend that she saw Joseph and Oliver “come down from the translating room several times when they looked so exceedingly white and strange” that she asked Mary Whitmer what was going on.

    Because of the sacred nature of the work and fear of persecution, the Whitmer’s did not tell Sally what was happening. But finally, after seeing this happen multiple times, Sally said she would leave if Mary did not tell her what was going on. Mary finally explained that Joseph and Oliver were translating a sacred record from golden plates, “and that the power of God was so great in the room that they could hardly endure it: at times angels were in the room in their glory, which nearly consumed them.”

    Mary’s explanation satisfied Sally, who not only stayed to help the Whitmer’s, but eventually joined the church because of her experiences. She would eventually marry in the church, come west with the Saints, and die in Provo, Utah at the age of 92.

    (Note 3) Her actual name was Sarah, but she went by Sally (sometimes spelled Sallie). See John W. Welch, “The Miraculous Timing of the Translation of the Book of Mormon,” in Opening the Heavens: Accounts of Divine Manifestations, 1820–1844, ed. John W. Welch, 2nd edition (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: Deseret Book and BYU Press, 2017), 109, primary document no. 114 (available on p. 185). See also Glenn Rawson, “Sallie Heller Conrad” in Signs, Wonders, and Miracles: Extraordinary Stories from Early Latter-day Saints, ed. Glenn Rawson and Dennis Lyman (American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2015), 199.” Book of Mormon Central Know Why #385

    Here is the story about Sally Conrad in Oliver Huntington’s journal.

    Exceedingly White

    Sarah Heller Conrad By Oliver B. Huntington

    “Sunday, June 13, 1897- I conversed with one old lady eighty-eight years old who lived with David Whitmer when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon in the upper room of the house, and she, only a girl, saw them come down from [the] translating room several times when they looked so exceedingly white and strange that she inquired of Mrs. Whitmer the cause of their unusual appearance, but Mrs. Whitmer was unwilling to tell the hired girl the true cause, as it was a sacred, holy event connected with a holy, sacred work which was opposed and persecuted by nearly everyone who heard of it.

    The girl felt so strangely at seeing so strange and unusual appearance, she finally told Mrs. Whitmer that she would not stay with her until she knew the cause of the strange looks of these men.

    Sister Whitmer then told her what the men were doing in the room above and that the power of God was so great in the room that they could hardly endure it; at times angels were in the room in their glory, which nearly consumed them. This satisfied the girl.” (Oliver B. Huntington, History of the Life of Oliver B. Huntington, p. 49-50)

    Transfigured, Exceedingly White, Strange

    After listening to the various examples of descriptions pertaining to the “gift and power of God”, or being in the presence of God, or seeing the countenance of a person who has been in the presence of God, do these descriptions make sense? What a glorious sight that must be. Now we know what it means in the Book of Moses, “But now mine own eyes have beheld God; but not my natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my natural eyes could not have beheld; for I should have withered and died in his presence; but his glory was upon me; and I beheld his face, for I was transfigured before him.” Moses 1:11

    In my opinion this description of Sally Conrad, that “they [Joseph & Oliver], were  “exceedingly white and strange” makes complete sense. I can imagine after Joseph and Oliver sat together in a room with the Interpreters as you see in the painting below, the glory and radiance of God would shine all over their persons. I feel if Joseph had simply translated by putting his head in a hat to see a stone, would not only be blinding but would block all that radiance from the room and the face of Oliver as well.

    This may seem like a simple statement, but I think the brilliance of light from the Lord as Sally described it, is “another witness” to me that Joseph used “these stones fastened to a breastplate(JSH 1:35), not a silly stone in a hat.

    “Oliver Sat Beside Him”

    “When Brother Samuel W. Richards was eighty-two, (1906) he dictated a statement reporting Oliver Cowdery’s recollections of Book of Mormon translation:

    Art by Anne Marie Oborn. This painting is an excellent representation of the quote by Samuel Richards below.

    “He represented Joseph as sitting at a table with the plates before him, translating them by means of the Urim and Thummim, while he (Oliver) sat beside him writing every word as Joseph spoke them to him. This was done by holding the ‘translators’ over the hieroglyphics, the translation appearing distinctly on the instrument, which had been touched by the finger of God and dedicated and consecrated for the express purpose of translating languages. Every word was distinctly visible even to every letter; and if Oliver omitted a word or failed to spell a word correctly, the translation remained on the ‘interpreter’ until it was copied correctly.” Richard Lloyd Anderson

    Oliver was a Special Witness

    It seems that Oliver Cowdery was the second special witness as described in the Bible that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” 2 Corinthians 13:1

    Just think of how many important things during the Restoration were done by Joseph when Oliver was the second witness.

    First and Second Baptism
    Receiving both Priesthoods JSH 1:68-72
    Translation of the Book of Mormon
    Given Keys of the Dispensation

    Joseph’s journal entry for April 3, 1836, says that they [Jooseph & Olicer] “saw the Lord standing upon the . . . pulpit before them.” He was followed in succession by Moses, Elias, and Elijah, each authorizing some aspect of the gospel, the gathering of Israel, or the preparation of the world for the impending millennium. “The keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands,” the messenger told Joseph and Oliver (D&C 110:16).

    Oliver saw the Gold Plates, the Interpreters and the Breastplate.

    Only Joseph and Oliver could say they saw all three of the Lord’s Instruments, probably in the same room often and without a blanket between them.  However Lucy Mack Smith did see the spectacles and breastplate under a thin handkerchief and she also beheld the plates according to her journal.

    “When Cowdery returned to Church membership in 1848 he spoke to an Iowa conference. His words there were recorded by Reuben Miller: “I wrote with my own pen the entire Book of Mormon (save a few pages) as it fell from the lips of the Prophet as he translated it by the gift and power of God by means of the Urim and Thummim, or as it is called by that book, holy interpreters. I beheld with my eyes and handled with my hands the gold plates from which it was translated. I also beheld the Interpreters. That book is true. … I wrote it myself as it fell from the lips of the Prophet.”

    The Miller journal can be tested by comparing it with official records of the Cowdery speeches, and it is clearly accurate. Thus the above words are likely to be Cowdery verbatim. This judgment is essential because in the report Oliver Cowdery says, “I … handled with my hands the gold plates.” Yet another Witness, David Whitmer, insisted that he had never handled the plates; he only watched as the angel in the vision displayed the plates and other sacred objects. Since Whitmer and Cowdery were together at this impressive vision, one must infer that Cowdery did not handle the plates at that time. Thus a distinction emerges between the key secretary and his witness brother-in-law: at some time during the translation process Oliver Cowdery evidently handled the plates.By the Gift and Power of God By Richard Lloyd Anderson

    The Lord’s Instruments were seen by the same two eyewitnesses that also received the priesthood, were baptized, and saw the Son of Man and other messengers. These two, Oliver and Joseph, witnessed all key and important moments of the restoration. Joseph did not use a rock in a hat to translate. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say this. But you can read all these scriptures below, that say the spectacles and the breastplate were used. I believe the scripture.( JSH 1:35,52,62,75*; Mosiah 28:13, 20; Ether 3:22-23; 4:5; Alma 37:21, 24-25)

    More information about Scriptural Evidence of the use of the Urim and Thummim and not a stone in a hat is here:

  • John the Revelator and the Nephite Interpreters

    John the Revelator and the Nephite Interpreters

    John the Revelator and the Interpreters being used to translate will be discussed in the information 25% into the article below. 

    Nephite interpreters

    We have so much evidence in scripture that the two stones found in the stone box with the breastplate and the gold plates, were indeed the Urim and Thummim or as the Nephites called them, “Interpreters“, with which Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. These original two stones came directly touched from the Lord, as given to the Brother of Jared and commanded to seal them up until later. See Ether 4:5

    Joseph also translated other works, including the Bible. (Joseph Smith said, “I inquired of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim and received from him the following.” (Note: See the preface to the Doctrine and Covenants 3,6,7,11,14,15,16,17 and History of the Church V.1 p.45).

    These Interpreters were also used to warn Joseph, or to see things in vision, or to protect the plates. For example, Lucy Mack Smith in her personal history quotes Joseph saying, “How marvelous are these spectacles as I can see ‘everything.’” There is not even one scripture that says a single seer stone was ever used to translate the Book of Mormon.

    Joseph’s vision with the Urim and Thummim

    Lucy Mack Smith said, “Joseph kept the Urim and Thummim constantly about his person, by the use of which he could in a moment tell whether the plates were in any danger. Just before Emma rode up to Mrs. Wells, Joseph, from an impression that he had had, came up out of the well in which he was laboring, and met her not far from the house. Emma immediately informed him of what had transpired, whereupon he looked in the Urim and Thummim, and saw that the Record was as yet safe.” Lucy Mack Smith Journal History Chapter 23

    A Single Stone?

    There is however the single word “a stone” found in Alma 37:23, saying, “And the Lord said: I will prepare unto my servant Gazelem, a stone, which shall shine forth in darkness unto light, that I may discover unto my people who serve me, that I may discover unto them the works of their brethren, yea, their secret works, their works of darkness, and their wickedness and abominations.” By removing just a comma from the words in blue above, it should read, Joseph Smith a Seer. I explain the meaning of this scripture in my blog here:

    [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Book of Mormon Hard Evidence Proper Translation”]

    Above is a PDF with many Scriptures that say Joseph Smith used the Interpreters.

    Download a copy here:

    The Urim and Thummim consists of two seer stones or interpreters used by selected prophets throughout the ages. In ancient Israel the stones were part of the breastplate worn by the high priest of the Aaronic Priesthood. According to the Urim and Thummim is “an instrument prepared of God to assist man in obtaining revelation from the Lord and in translating languages.” The website also states that the name Urim and Thummim is Hebrew for “lights and perfections” and that “there is more than one Urim and Thummim, but we are informed that Joseph Smith had the one used by the brother of Jared” (See D&C 17:1).





    John the Revelator and the Interpreters

    Historical Background
    The future of the Apostle John, sometimes called “the Beloved” or “the Revelator,” is a mystery to the world. Confusion comes because of the statement in John 21:20–23. Referring to John and speaking to Peter, the Savior said: “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple [John] should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?”

    From this statement questions naturally arise: Did John die? If not, what is his status? If he did, why did Jesus make the statement? The issue has been debated for centuries among the various Christian denominations, with some scholars saying that he indeed died and was buried at Ephesus, while others believe he still walks the earth. A third school of thought states that even though he was buried at Ephesus, he is not really dead but simply sleeps in the grave until the Second Coming of the Savior. (See Sperry Compendium, pp. 66–67.)

    Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery finally solved the issue through an appeal to the Lord. The Prophet Joseph Smith recorded: “During the month of April [1829, at Harmony, Pennsylvania,] I continued to translate, and he [Oliver Cowdery] to write, with little cessation, during which time we received several revelations. A difference of opinion arising between us about the account of John the Apostle, mentioned in the New Testament, as to whether he died or continued to live, we mutually agreed to settle it by the Urim and Thummim.” (History of the Church, 1:35–36.)

    Editors note: In the Scripture Index link above, it is says this about the Urim and Thummim. “There is more than one Urim and Thummim, but we are informed that Joseph Smith had the one used by the brother of Jared (Ether 3:22–28D&C 10:117:1). (See Seer.) A partial description is given in JS—H 1:35. Joseph Smith used it in translating the Book of Mormon and in obtaining other revelations.”

    In the heading of D&C Section 7 it says, “Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried in the flesh or had died. The revelation is a translated version of the record made on parchment by John and hidden up by himself.”

    Nephite Interpreters

    No where in the Book of Mormon are the words “Urim and Thummim”. Instead it only says Interpreters, or Nephite Interpreters. When ever Interpreters are mentioned it has a plural meaning. For example it does not say an interpreter, as if it was a single stone. In the D&C it does mention Urim and Thummim but that always has a dual meaning as in “two” stones not one. It doesn’t say Joseph used the “Urim” without the “Thummim”

    Old Testament Urim and Thummim

    Joseph Smith received the same Urim and Thummim had by the Brother of Jared for it was the one expressly provided for the translation of the Jaredite and Nephite records. (D. & C. 10: 1; 17:1; Ether 3:22- 28.) It was separate and distinct from the one had by Abraham and the one had by the priests in Israel. The Prophet also had a seer stone which was separate and distinct from the Urim and Thummim, and which (speaking loosely) has been called by some a Urim and Thummim.” Mormon Doctrine page 576 under title Urim and Thummim and (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 222-226.)

    “Why do we not have more disclosure concerning the process of translation of the Book of Mormon? Perhaps the full process was not disclosed because we would not be ready to understand it, even if given. Perhaps, too, the Lord wanted to leave the Book of Mormon in the realm of faith, though it is drenched with intrinsic evidence. After all, Christ instructed Mormon, who was reviewing the Savior’s own teachings among the Nephites, not to record all of them on the plates because “I will try the faith of my people” (3 Ne. 26:11). Perhaps the details of translation are withheld also because we are intended to immerse ourselves in the substance of the book rather than becoming unduly concerned with the process by which we received it.” Elder Neal A. Maxwell

    “The result of Joseph and Oliver’s inquiry is given in the heading of section 7, which says,

    “Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried in the flesh or had died. The revelation is a translated version of the record made on parchment by John and hidden up by himself.”

    Student Manual continues, It is not known whether Joseph saw the parchment referred to and was given power to translate it, or if its contents were revealed to Joseph without his seeing the original source. It makes no difference, since the material was given by revelation to the Prophet.

    Notes and Commentary
    D&C 7:1–3

    See 3 Nephi 28:1–7 for a similar account of the Nephite disciples’ receiving the same gift because they had the same desires as John.

    D&C 7:2. What Does It Mean to Have “Power over Death”?

    This passage does not refer to the fact that a person would never die, for all must die (see 1 Corinthians 15:22). Even Christ died, though he had power over death (see John 10:17–18). To one who has power over death, death is held in abeyance according to the will of God (see Matthew 16:28Mark 9:1Luke 9:273 Nephi 28:7–8). Such persons are called translated beings (see 3 Nephi 28:1–40; McConkie, Mormon Doctrine,pp. 804–8).

    The Prophet Joseph Smith said that “translated bodies cannot enter into rest until they have undergone a change equivalent to death. Translated bodies are designed for future missions.” (History of the Church, 4:425; for further discussion of translated beings see Smith, Teachings, pp. 170–71; Taylor, Mediation and Atonement, pp. 74–78.)

    D&C 7:3–6. How Has John Prophesied before Nations and Ministered to Heirs of Salvation?

    Five of the books of the Bible were written by John: the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation. The world’s most widely distributed book is the Bible, portions of which have been translated into 2,233 languages as of 2000. It has been estimated that between 1815 and 1999 some 3.88 billion Bibles were printed (see Guinness World Records 2000, p. 138). Certainly John’s written prophecy has gone forth among the nations.

    The Apostle John ministered to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in 1829 when he assisted Peter and James in the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood (see D&C 27:12).

    In a conference of the Church on 3 June 1831, the Prophet Joseph Smith taught concerning John’s ministry: “John the Revelator was then among the Ten Tribes of Israel who had been led away by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, to prepare them for their return from their long dispersion” (History of the Church, 1:176).

    Elder Heber C. Kimball recorded an appearance of John in the Kirtland Temple:

    “When the Prophet Joseph had finished the endowments of the First Presidency, the Twelve and the Presiding Bishops, the First Presidency proceeded to lay hands upon each one of them to seal and confirm the anointing; and at the close of each blessing the whole of the quorums responded to it with a loud shout of Hosanna! Hosanna! etc.

    While these things were being attended to the beloved disciple John was seen in our midst by the Prophet Joseph, Oliver Cowdery and others.” (In Whitney, Life of Heber C. Kimball, pp. 91–92.)

    D&C 7:7. What Are the Keys Held by Peter, James, and John?

    The keys of the ministry which John says (Sec. 7:7) were given to Peter, James and himself, constituted the authority of Presidency of the Church in their dispensation. (See D.H.C., Vol. 3:387; Matt. 17:1–9D. & C. 81:1–2.) These keys were given at the transfiguration to these three Apostles, and they in turn gave them to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in this dispensation. (D. & C. 27:12–13128:20.)” (Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:49.)

    Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual (2002), 17–18

    Many Times the Urim and Thummim was Used to Translate

    “In this respect the testimony of Lorenzo Brown about the preparation the Prophet made for his translation of the Bible may be instructive. He records the Prophet as saying: “After I got through translating the Book of Mormon, I took up the Bible to read with the Urim and Thummim. I read the first chapter of Genesis and I saw the things as they were done. I turned over the next and the next, and the whole passed before me like a grand panorama; and so on chapter after chapter until I read the whole of it. I saw it all!” (as cited in Matthews, Plainer Translation, 25).” The Process of Translating the Book of Mormon Joseph Fielding McConkie (Professor of Ancient Scripture, BYU) Craig J. Ostler (Assistant Professor of Church History and Doctrine, BYU)

    10 things we know about the Urim and Thummim

    1. The earliest mention of the Urim and Thummim is in connection with the brother of Jared. The Lord told him to keep a record of certain sacred things and to seal the record up. (We have that record in the book of Ether.) “And behold, these two stones will I give unto thee, and ye shall seal them up also with the things which ye shall write” (Ether 3:23). That same Urim and Thummim was used by Joseph Smith in translating the Book of Mormon.

    In the passage that follows, we read that the Lord “showed unto the brother of Jared all the inhabitants of the earth which had been, and also all that would be; and he withheld them not from his sight, even unto the ends of the earth” (Ether 3:25). The record is not clear, but very possibly the Urim and Thummim was used in giving that great vision to the brother of Jared.

    1. Abraham used the Urim and Thummim in receiving a vision of the order of heaven. “And I, Abraham, had the Urim and Thummim, which the Lord my God had given unto me, in Ur of the Chaldees; And I saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God” (Abraham 3:1–2).
    2. Aaron followed the commandment of God in putting “in the breastplate the Urim and Thummim” (Leviticus 8:8).
    3. When Joshua succeeded Moses, he was commanded to “stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of Urim before the Lord” (Numbers 28:21).
    4. On one occasion when David was warring with Saul, he apparently used the Urim and Thummim to determine what would happen. (See 1 Samuel 23:9–12; the breastplate bearing the Urim and Thummim was attached to the ephod.)
    5. Saul sought revelation from the Lord when the Philistines were preparing to attack. “And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets” (1 Samuel 28:6).
    6. In the time of Ezra, certain Levites could not prove their right to the priesthood. They were therefore barred from priestly privileges “till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim” to discern the truthfulness of their claim” (Ezra 2:63). It is likely that no one with the Urim and Thummim ever appeared to settle the dispute.
    7. In the Book of Mosiah, King Limhi took the Jaredite plates to King Mosiah, who “translated them by the means of those two stones which were fastened into the two rims of a bow” (Mosiah 28:13). Mosiah later passed the Urim and Thummim on to Alma the younger, who eventually gave them to his son Helaman.
    8. Not only did Joseph Smith use the Urim and Thummim to translate the Book of Mormon, but he also used it to receive revelation from God. Specifically, Doctrine and Covenants sections 3, 6, 11, and 14 were all given through the Urim and Thummim.
    9. We learn from the Doctrine and Covenants that “the place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.” In addition, “this earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon.” And each person who receives the white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17 will be able to use the Urim and Thummim (D&C 130:8–10).

  • Why is BYU allowed to teach False Doctrine?

    Why is BYU allowed to teach False Doctrine?

    Why is False Doctrine Allowed in our Church and Universities?

    “I do not know all of the providences of the Lord, but I do know that he permits false doctrine to be taught in and out of the Church and that such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” Bruce R. McConkie, McConkie’s 1981 letter to BYU

    Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, “President [Marion G.] Romney then described one of Satan’s methods: “Satan is a skillful imitator, and as genuine gospel truth is given the world in ever-increasing abundance, so he spreads the counterfeit coin of false doctrine.Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall; Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

    BYU’s, Understanding the Principles of Evolution

    The Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum opened a new exhibit March 11, 2019 exploring the theories and observations of evolution and how it changes life. See picture of New Exhibit above. Exhibit designer Travis Schenck said there is confusion around the definition of evolution, so the exhibit’s purpose is to help the public understand how science defines evolution. Schenck collaborated with BYU professors to simplify the terms used in the exhibit to make it more approachable and understandable for all audiences. “Understanding the Principles of Evolution” will run for many years.

    We Should be Unafraid to Dissent

    I love The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I have always been an active member. That is critical to my life. Just because I speak of differences of opinion, does not ever mean I disagree with any doctrines of the Church.

    Apostle Hugh B. Brown said, “I admire men and women who have developed the questing spirit, who are unafraid of new ideas as stepping stones to progress. We should, of course, respect the opinions of others, but we should also be unafraid to dissent – if we are informed. Thoughts and expressions compete in the marketplace of thought, and in that competition truth emerges triumphant. Only error fears freedom of expression.”

    “And while all members should respect, support, and heed the teachings of the authorities of the church, no one should accept a statement and base his or her testimony upon it, no matter who makes it, until he or she has, under mature examination, found it to be true and worthwhile; then one’s logical deductions may be confirmed by the spirit of revelation to his or her spirit, because real conversion must come from within.” Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999

    Sad Investment

    To me it is very sad that BYU will spend thousands of dollars on this type of exhibit, just to show that ape to man is a theory. Too many professors take it to the next level and begin thinking and teaching evolution is a true fact. I understand BYU is a University and teaches many theories that are not part of Church Doctrine, but wouldn’t it be nice if the Universal Model, or book of “New Millennial Science by Dean Sessions received an opportunity to be studied? No they say, as it isn’t peer-reviewed. Well Dean has peers and friends and geologists and professors that believe his science, and yet many intellectuals of today who live in their own bubble, think he is full of it. I guess the Lord will continue sharing truth with we mere mortals and the Intellectuals in the “great and spacious building” will have to learn later on. I don’t mock them, I pray for them.

    For over 7 years Rod Meldrum was the head scientific researcher for Dean Sessions, author of The Universal Model. Rod and Dean share and have given many presentations about how science and the scriptures go hand in hand. Russ Barlow is the many year editor of this wonderful set of works. Dean has over 30 years of research and study invested into this 3 volume set of over 2400 pages. (Volume 3 may be out in a year or so)

    I believe the text in D&C section 121 below could very well be talking about great men and women like Rod Meldrum, Dean Sessions, Russ Barlow and Hannah Stoddard. They have spent their entire lives in research, study, prayer, fasting, reading, and more praying about the many things they have found. I highly recommend you to read their words, study it out and pray about it. For me the little things I have researched all my life such as the age of dinosaurs, the creation, geography of the Book of Mormon, method of translation, evolution,  and climate change, have all been answered for me personally as I have strong beliefs in many of Rods, Deans, Russ, and Hannah’s words as verified by the spirit on many an occasion. They are amazing friends and inspired men and women. They don’t teach doctrine, but they teach hidden truth that is there if you are willing to search and pray.

    Prophets are Aware of False Teachings and Break Down of Government

    As Elder McConkie was quoted above, “such teaching is part of the sifting process of mortality.” The Prophets will never force us to believe anything. They will never take away our freedom of speech, unlike our current infiltrated government.

    Speaking of our government, I believe our US Government is hanging by a thread and we are probably under what is called, Continuity of Government (COG).

    The Bush administration put COG plans into operation for the first time in U.S. history in the hours directly following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. They have never been rescinded. Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

    Joseph Fielding Smith said, “I attended sessions of meetings for the institute teachers, held in the assembly room on the fourth floor of the Church Office Building. I cannot say that I was very greatly edified. Too much philosophy of a worldly nature does not seem to mix well with the fundamentals of the gospel. In my opinion many of our teachers employed in the church school system have absorbed too much of the paganism of the world and have accepted too readily the views of uninspired educators without regard for the revealed word of the Lord. What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift [We have greatly drifted] as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ. Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.” Joseph Fielding Smith The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith 212. Deseret Book Co., 1972.

    I also believe the words in D&C 121 verse 33 says, “pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.” This could easily to the four friends above that I have mentioned, and other inspired men and women of today.

    What Is The Universal Model?

    “The purpose of science is to describe and explain Nature so that we can understand and comprehend it, but where do we learn these things simply, in a way that makes sense? For many decades, a number of incorrect theories and misleading philosophies have formed the foundation of ‘modern’ science. Now, newly discovered scientific truths in the Universal Model have revealed long-hidden natural laws that explain Nature’s workings in an easily comprehensible format. We invite all to explore and experience the adventure of learning by investigating new discoveries about the Earth and our Universe found in the UM. These scientific truths establish a New Millennial Science destined to take us through the current millennium to heights of knowledge and discovery never before imagined.” The Universal Model Home Page

    “We must keep in mind that He [Christ] is allowing the wheat and tares to grow up together for a season, and by and by the tares will be gathered together and be burned up. Before the burning though, there will be a judgement, and the Lord is allowing us each right now to work out our salvation or damnation. Those that have the facts before them and reject them (see below) will pay the ultimate price, but there also must be a Great Divide that is taking place right now (talked about in the BoM and in the last chapter of Vol II of UM [Universal Model] – the Human Model) to clearly mark each of us to which side we are on.

    Intellectually Dishonest or the Novice?

    Joseph Fielding Smith also wrote:
    “One need not look far into science to discover it consists too generally of a maze of facts and theory so closely interwoven that even the most learned and honorable scientist (to say nothing of the intellectually dishonest one or the novice) may have difficulty in distinguishing readily between truth and theory.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    This is the purpose of the UM, to take this maze (the modern science puzzle that makes no sense – everything from nothing) and replace it with Nature’s Puzzle – they way things really are.

    Melvin A. Cook in the Intro of:  Man, His Origin and Destiny also said:
    “Unfortunately, owing to the strong desire of scientists to display their brilliance and ingenuity, there is a tendency for theory to become the objective instead of a means to the end. Theory then not only loses its real value, but actually becomes a stumbling block to progress. Its inventor and disciples become so engrossed in the theory that they lose sight of its fundamental purpose, the quest for truth. This condition was shockingly illustrated in my presence at a meeting of scientists when one of great renown met a factual objection with the statement, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.” — Man, His Origin and Destiny

    “Therefore, the Lord will judge these so-called intellectuals to whether they want to follow and learn of the Truth (which is literally Christ) or not. The sad thing is that most do not realize following Christ means following and seeking out for the Truth.
    The UM has already produced experiments for the first time that are “more than words” (for example it has created sandstone and petrified wood which are identical to how Nature produced it in only a few days). The UM does not just have “alternative explanations” to how things are done in Nature, it has the ONLY explanation in hundreds of instances where modern science admits their theories cannot explain such and such natural phenomena. So ‘producing’ more ‘things’ is not the solution. Science is about demonstrating the true nature of Nature, it is not technology, which is only a tool that helps us understand it better.

    Therefore, we cannot expect the leaders of science today to ever change their religion of atheism and accept the truth. It’s just not going to happen. For the UM to gain a much wider acceptance, it will have to be promoted full time to a much greater degree and I will personally have to be involved with this with others. This means I will be involved in debates and interviews and making many more recordings for the Web with influencers.

    Although each Volume of the UM stands alone and has more new natural law than produced by modern science over the last century, Vol III does have double the amount of natural law as the other two volumes and many more experiments seen for the first time. Being able to demonstrate the true models of both matter and energy is more than any physicist or chemist or cosmologist has ever dreamed of, as this alone changes all their fields of study – and the UM does this. It also shows the errors in the physics of the Big Bang and proves the Universe is not expanding, but rotating in a Revolutionary Universe. It really is beyond what any scientist could dream about – yet it is all real and empirically demonstrated.” Dean Sessions-Founder and Author of the “Universal Model, A New Millennial Science

    Daily Universe article by BYU Professors

    The UM Is For All Lovers Of Truth by Chauncey Riddle

    I have just completed reading the first two of the three systems of the new UM project of Dean Sessions. I am greatly impressed and delighted by what I found. It was like seeing an exciting, powerful new movie that deals with some of my favorite topics and concerns.

    “Wow!! What a book. It is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read. I only have 100 pages remaining and when I finish, I’m going to read it again. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of the book. Sessions started with the pseudo magma foundation and proved the fallacy of the theory so everything else fell into place from there. Everything I learned in college about geology is blatantly false. I have made note of a few questions that one day perhaps, I will be able to ask Sessions about. Perhaps after my second reading, answers to these questions will be forthcoming. Thank you once again, Sessions is beyond brilliant.” Robert L. Mehl, B.A., M.S., Geology, USA (Bob is my Father-in-Law. Since Oct 2021, Bob has read volume one 6 times and volume 2 twice. His geology at Kansas University taught hem very little he says).

    BYU and UVU scientists question research offered at a conference on the Book of Mormon (Ad above left)

    ‘Universal Model’ • Assertions offered by featured speaker at coming conference are untested, would not pass peer review, they say.

    By Benjamin Wood The Salt Lake Tribune · April 25, 2017

    This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

    An upcoming conference on Book of Mormon research and other LDS-related topics is generating backlash from university scientists, most of whom are themselves Mormon.

    In a letter published Tuesday in The Daily Universe — Brigham Young University’s student newspaper — faculty and students from BYU’s Geological Sciences Department cautioned against the untested assertions of Dean Sessions, founder of the Millennial Science Foundation. BYU is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Sessions is one of the featured speakers at this weekend’s Firm Foundation Expo at Utah Valley University and is known for writing the “Universal Model,” a faith-based explanation of Earth’s development similar to the creationism theory of flood geology.

    Tribune file photo
The Book of Mormon first edition, 1830, on display at the LDS Church History Library in 2014. LDS and non-LDS scientists are saying that the "Universal Model" explanation for Earth's creation, put forward by Dean Sessions, are untested and wouldn't pass peer review.
    Follow Scripture not Intellect

    Sessions’ work states that Earth is filled with water and not molten rock, including a core of solid ice, and that fossilization, petrification and the planet’s land forms are the result of a recent worldwide flood and not millennia of geological development.

    “Students and the BYU community are reminded that organic evolution, anthropogenic climate change, radiometric dating and a 4.56 billion-year-old age of the Earth are all seriously taught on campus by professors, who are in good standing with the church, in fields directly relating to these subjects,” the letter states, signed by BYU Associate Dean Bart Kowallis, eight faculty members and 24 students.

    The letter was submitted in response to a Firm Foundation Expo advertisement that ran in The Daily Universe. Kowallis did not respond to a request for comment, but the letter states that Sessions’ assertions are contradicted by empirical evidence and would not pass peer review by subject experts.

    “We are concerned that the presence of the aforementioned advertisement in The Universe may legitimize Dean Sessions’ ‘Universal Model’ in the eyes of some within the community,” the geologists wrote.

    A similar ad ran in the student newspaper of Utah Valley University, where the conference will be held between Thursday and Saturday. UVU physics and astronomy professor Joseph Jensen said he too was concerned about Sessions’ assertions being legitimized through an event on a university campus.

    “This is pseudoscience,” Jensen said. “It’s people trying to make money on something that sounds scientific but has no basis in observation or reality, for that matter.”

    Rian Nelson, an organizer of the Firm Foundation Expo, said Sessions is one of 88 speakers participating in the event, which covers topics ranging from holistic health practices to evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon, the LDS Church’s foundational scripture, which tells of pre-Columbian Christians in the Western Hemisphere.

    Firm Foundation is an acronym for Foundation for Indigenous Research and Mormonism.

    “We include science and Book of Mormon study and gardening and emergency preparedness,” Nelson said. “We’re all, solidly, members of the LDS Church and believe in it with all of our heart.”

    Nelson said he wasn’t concerned with the criticism of the “Universal Model,” even from scientists who are members of his own faith. The creation and timeline of the Earth, Nelson said, are areas of study in which faithful Mormons can disagree.

    “There are many BYU faculty members that disagree with our theory about the heartland of North America being where the Book of Mormon was,” he said. “We both have strong testimonies of the gospel. We’re just looking at different theories in different directions.”

    But Jensen, who is also LDS, said his concerns with the “Universal Model” go beyond a disagreement over theories.

    Sessions calculates the mass of his water-filled Earth to be about a third of the scientific consensus, Jensen said. And the “Universal Model” is designed to justify a personal viewpoint, he said, rather than respond to empirical evidence.

    “We have a really good idea of how much mass the Earth has,” Jensen said. “There’s nothing about the model that Mr. Sessions is proposing that is consistent with any of the observations.”

    In a prepared statement, “Universal Model” spokesman Jarom Sessions said that he expects lively feedback from students and professors in response to the incredible discoveries and extraordinary assertions included in the model. But, he added, inquirers should set aside their emotions and examine the evidence.

    “Just because a theory is taught for ‘generations’ as fact,” Jarom Sessions wrote, “that alone does not make it credible or true when the observable evidence shows otherwise.”

    Other presentations at the Firm Foundation Expo include “Noah’s Flood and Lake Bonneville,” “Relieve Pain with Brain Techniques,” “Prophets and the Women Who Loved Them” and “Reconciling Science and Mormonism.” Twitter: @bjaminwood

    This is a sad commentary, as those signing this ad have probably never read and studied the Universal Model. They have maybe read one or two articles and immediately dismissed it without any other thought. After all, they probably say, Dean is crazy, or that is stupid, or that goes against everything I have been taught, so how can a non professor like Dean claim any authority? Let them laugh and mock and we will see what truths they are choosing to pass up. I love the quotes below.

    What Do Intellectuals Teach?

    “There are those who say that revealed religion and organic evolution can be harmonized. This is both false and devilish.” Bruce R. McConkie, June 1, 1980, BYU fireside address

    I have come to believe that it is the tendency for many members of the Church who spend a great deal of time in academic research to begin to judge the Church, its doctrine, organization, and leadership, present and past, by the principles of their own profession. Ofttimes this is done unwittingly, and some of it, perhaps, is not harmful. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    This problem has affected some of those who have taught and have written about the history of the Church. These professors say of themselves that religious faith has little influence on Mormon scholars. They say this because, obviously, they are not simply Latter-day Saints but are also intellectuals trained, for the most part, in secular institutions. They would that some historians who are Latter-day Saints write history as they were taught in graduate school, rather than as Mormons. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

    President Brigham Young admonished Karl G. Maeser not to teach even the times table without the Spirit of the Lord. How much more essential is that Spirit in the research, the writing, and the teaching of Church history. The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect Elder Boyd K. Packer

  • ChatGPT AI, CGI-Only Good with Moral Man

    ChatGPT AI, CGI-Only Good with Moral Man

    Obviously new inventions can be great, however, I trust very little of what man does with AI and ChatGPT. This is Satan’s World and he is in control today on this earth. I only trust the Lord. I will explain.

    “CGI stands for computer generated imagery, which is the use of computer graphics in art and media. These can be 2D or 3D animations, objects, or renderings; the type of art or media can be a film, television program, video game, or simulation. CGI can be used in films ranging from science fiction epics to quiet intimate dramas. How the CGI is used varies, from animating entire locations to subtle work on characters and environments. In recent years, CGI has been the go-to visual effect for most major movies, whether its use is subtle or obvious.” Source

    ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI. It was trained on a massive dataset of text to generate human-like responses to prompts. ChatGPT was released in November 2022. ChatGPT is all the rage these days. AI tools like DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and other AI art generators have been receiving a lot of attention but ChatGPT is different.

    ChatGPT, AI, and CGI are amazing inventions in which the Lord has shared with man amazing abilities to create, and very likely Satan is right in the middle of good things and destroying faith by utilizing these inventions for wrong reasons. The comment and article below titled, ChatGPT Writes a Blog Post for Latter-day Commentary is from Tim Malone a former member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    I believe you can learn much about the incredible dangers of ChatGBT, AI, CGI and other man made inventions in which Satan has highjacked and created evil from it, as Satan usually has done with computers, TV, cell phones etc. There is always a God vs Satan element in all we have available today.
    From the Lord’s point of view below and from Prophets and leaders we learn how deeply troublesome the arm of flesh can be. We live in dangerous times if we succumb, but we also live in times of great joy and awakening if we have “Person Revelation” in our lives. My summary statement today is “AI vs Personal Revelation.” God vs. Satan. It is our choice. I believe AI and CGI are only good in the hands of a MORAL people just like our Constitution. But, as we know our Constitution has bee usurped by evil men and women today, and it is hanging by a thread. As long as AI and CGI promote the truth of Christ, it is fine. The problem I feel is that is not totally possible. I believe the scripture that says, “We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen.” D&C 121:39-40. ALMOST ALL is nearly every human on this earth today. I don’t trust what man does with AI at all. I only trust the Lord.

    Even the inventor of AI, Elon Musk said, “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential — however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial — it has the potential of civilization destruction,” Musk said in his interview with Tucker Carlson…” Source

    Introducing an additional inspirational speaker to our 32nd Book of Mormon Conference!
    To a trafficked child all that matters is rescue and healing. The SPEAR Fund collaborates with and funds anti-trafficking organizations to provide quick and effective action when it matters most.

    Ken Krogue

    You have heard Ken before, but never like this. Ken has been asked to be the President of Tim Ballard’s new venture called The SPEAR Fund to unify the efforts of anti-trafficking organizations and concerned patriots and citizens who want to end this scourge of trafficking.

    Tickets here

    BEWARE! Like child trafficking has been exposed by Tim Ballard and friends like Ken Krogue, you can also witness for yourself how AI evil has already created a video of our Prophet as if he is speaking lies to we the people. It is the image of our Prophet and it is his words, but an AI Robot has put in his mouth the words they have programmed him to say. This particular fake video is obvious, but it is getting more real every day. The Cabal has been using this invention of evil for over 20 years and it has raised its ugly head now. Beware! This is evil above my comprehension. See my other blog titled, Artificial Intelligence- Man vs God?

    The Latter-day Saint is drifting further afield from fundamental things, so what will be left of the foundation of the Gospel laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith?

    “I attended sessions of meetings for the institute teachers, held in the assembly room on the fourth floor of the Church Office Building. I cannot say that I was very greatly edified. Too much philosophy of a worldly nature does not seem to mix well with the fundamentals of the gospel. In my opinion many of our teachers employed in the church school system have absorbed too much of the paganism of the world and have accepted too readily the views of uninspired educators without regard for the revealed word of the Lord. What to do about it I do not know. It is a problem for the Presidency to consider. It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years [since his father’s death]. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ.Are we not traveling the same road? The more I see of educated men—I mean those who are trained in the doctrines and philosophies now taught in the world, the less regard I have for them. Modern theories which are so popular today just do not harmonize with the gospel as revealed to the prophets, and it would be amusing if it were not a tragedy to see how some of our educated brethren attempt to harmonize the theories of men with the revealed word of the Lord. Thank the Lord, there is still some faith left and some members who still cherish the word of the Lord and accept the prophets. Surely the world is ripening rapidly for the destruction, and Satan has power and dominion over his own. If any are saved surely the Lord must soon come and have power over his Saints and reign in their midst, and execute ‘judgment upon Idumea, or the world.” Joseph Fielding Smith The Life of Joseph Fielding Smith 212. Deseret Book Co., 1972It makes no difference what is written or what anyone has said, if what has been said is in conflict with what the Lord has revealed, we can set it aside. My words, and the teaching of any other member of the Church, high or low, if they do not square with the revelations, we need not accept them. Let us have this matter clear. We have accepted the four standard works as the measuring yardsticks, or balances, by which we measure every man’s doctrine. You cannot accept the books written by the authorities of the Church as standards in doctrine, only in so far as they accord with the revealed word in the standard works. If Joseph Fielding Smith writes something which is out of harmony with the revelations, then every member of the Church is duty bound to reject it. If he writes that which is in perfect harmony with the revealed word of the Lord, then it should be accepted.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols., edited by Bruce R. McConkie [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954-1956], 3: 203.)

    ChatGPT Writes a Blog Post for Latter-day Commentary

    “Elon Musk has been in the news lately (when has he not been in the news lately?) roundly warning of the dangers of ChatGPT from OpenAI, a company he co-founded, but from which he distanced himself in 2018 (resigned from the Board of Directors).

    Microsoft is the driving financial force behind OpenAI now. I have mixed feelings about this since I have made a comfortable living managing Microsoft products in the small business market for most of my career. I am intrigued by OpenAI.

    My last two posts have been conversations with ChatGPT on various subjects, mostly related to how Denver Snuffer is perceived by OpenAI. Today, just for diversion from my daily work load, I logged in to ChatGPT and asked it to write a blog post in my style.

    The response: “As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to imitate a person’s writing style perfectly, but I will attempt to write a blog post in the style of by Tim Malone. And it did so as follows:”

    “Dear readers,

    I hope this post finds you well, and that the Lord is blessing you and your families abundantly. Today, I want to discuss a topic that has been on my mind for some time: the importance of personal revelation in our lives as Latter-day Saints.

    As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost. This gift allows us to receive personal revelation from God, which can guide us in all aspects of our lives. However, it is not enough to simply have the gift of the Holy Ghost; we must learn to recognize and act upon the promptings we receive.

    Personal revelation is not reserved for prophets and apostles. It is available to all of us, and it is essential for our spiritual growth and progression. President Russell M. Nelson has taught that “the privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children.” We must seek after this gift and strive to cultivate a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

    One of the most important ways we can receive personal revelation is through daily scripture study and prayer. As we read the scriptures and ponder their meaning, we can receive insights and guidance from the Holy Ghost. Similarly, as we pray with faith and sincerity, we can receive answers to our questions and direction for our lives.

    In addition to scripture study and prayer, we can also receive personal revelation through the counsel of Church leaders, the experiences of others, and even through our own experiences and observations. However, it is important to remember that personal revelation will always be in harmony with the teachings of the Church and will never contradict the commandments of God.

    As we seek to receive personal revelation and act upon the promptings we receive, we will be blessed with increased spiritual strength and understanding. We will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and trials of life, and we will be able to more fully realize our divine potential.

    In conclusion, let us remember the importance of personal revelation in our lives as Latter-day Saints. Let us strive to cultivate a relationship with our Heavenly Father and seek after the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we do so, we will be blessed with increased spiritual insight and understanding, and we will be able to more fully fulfill our divine mission on earth.

    May God bless each of us in our efforts to seek after personal revelation, and may we always strive to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.”


    Editors Note: The above person named Tim Malone is a  former member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In his own words he is following the Denver Snuffer group. I am sure there are many good people in this group, but most of them are excommunicated from our church. Don’t judge them unrighteously, but let their works be their judge.

    Tim Malone continues here: A Few Thoughts About the Result

    “I thought it did pretty well until it got to the fifth paragraph. I didn’t mind that it quoted President Nelson, but the statement that “revelations will always be in harmony with the teachings of the Church” is not something I currently believe or advocate.

    That may have been true when I started my blog in 2007 and for the first five years after that, but not since 2014, when I resigned. That statement is really the crux of the matter for me when it comes to the subject of my favorite topic of personal revelation.

    So, yes, it nailed my focus. It knows what I read about, study and write about more than anything else, but it wasn’t perceptive enough to pick up the fact that I am not a member of the LDS Church anymore and thus would not endorse the orthodox narrative.

    Artificial Intelligence tools such as ChatGPT seem like a novelty today, which is why they have been so popular (over 100 million accounts opened in the last two months) but they are limited by the incompleteness of content and the rules of inference.

    One last point: The gift of the Holy Ghost is not limited to members of the LDS Church. The Lord blesses all who come unto Christ and covenant to follow Him. Those who are baptized and seek to bless the lives of others will have the help of the Holy Ghost.

    Of this I am certain.” Tim Malone

    ChatGPT Writes a Blog Post for Latter-day Commentary

    Tim Malone seems like a good sincere man, especially as he interacts with his own wife who is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am however confident that his belief system is wrong and the Denver Snuffer group has been on the deep fringes of our Church for quite a while. They have their own scriptures and don’t claim to be members of a church, but are just people who believe as they do.

    Apostasy within the Church

    Joseph Fielding Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 28 Dec. 1938:
    “It is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in the past 20 years. What the future will bring I do not know. But if we drift as far afield from fundamental things in the next 20 years, what will be left of the foundation laid by the Prophet Joseph Smith? It is easy for one who observes to see how the apostasy came about in the primitive church of Christ. Are we not traveling the same road?” (Joseph Fielding Smith Journal, entry for 28 Dec. 1938.)

    Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 7 Oct. 1944:
    “I tell you we are beginning to follow along the course of the early Christian church. So long as that church was persecuted from without, it prospered, but when it began to be polluted from within, the church began to wither. There is creeping into our midst, and I warn you brethren about it, and I urge you to meet it, a great host of sectarian doctrines that have no place amongst us. The gospel in its simplicity, is to be found in the revelations, the teachings of the Prophet and the early leaders of the Church.” (In One Hundred Fifteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[Conference Report, October 1944] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], pp. 117–18; paragraphing omitted.)

    Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 7 Oct. 1945:
    “Even during the time of the apostles there began to be a falling away, as is clear from the Epistles of Paul, of Peter, John, James, and Jude. People began to wander off, and that wandering was increased in the succeeding centuries, accumulating speed, it seems, as it went on. They began to gather into church teachings things to make Christianity a little more palatable to the philosophers of the time. . . . They were trying to satisfy the thought and the philosophy and the reasoning of men, in order that they might have their support and probably their praise. . . . There is a deep lesson in all of that for us today. Already there are coming in amongst us doctrines that have no part or place in the pure doctrines of the restored gospel. These heresies are creeping in insidiously. They come to us from the philosophies of the Christian scholars of the day. They make our doctrines, as they made the early Christian beliefs, more palatable to our philosophers, but so surely as they destroyed the Christian church in the early days, just so surely will they destroy us if we do not stop them where they are.” (In One Hundred Sixteenth Semi-annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, October 1945] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], pp. 165, 166; paragraphing omitted.)

    Reuben Clark Jr., First Counselor in the First Presidency, 29 Sept. 1950:
    “In the early church the Saints were extremely anxious for two things: First, to be well thought of by the pagans. Their ears itched for praise. Do any of you brethren know anything about such a tendency as that?” (In “Remarks at Bishop’s Meeting,” J. Reuben Clark Papers, box 151, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.)

    Reuben Clark Jr., Second Counselor in the First Presidency, 5 April 1952:
    “Read your books. There is a startling parallel between the course that is coming in to us today and the course that was in the early Church, so startling that one becomes fearful.” (In One Hundred Twenty-second Annual Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Conference Report, April 1952] [Salt Lake City, Utah: Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], p. 81.)

    Verlan Andersen, Future Member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, 1972, said, “Religious history testifies that, with the single exception of the inhabitants of the City of Enoch, no people to whom the gospel has been given have remained faithful to their covenants for more than a few generations. Time after time the Lord has established his Church among a group who have lived his commandments for a few years and then fallen away thus bringing upon themselves his judgments. This cycle of human folly which so many prophets have noted, has repeated itself with such consistent regularity, that any group which finds itself to be the favored recipients of the gospel would do well to assume that their own apostasy is certain and the only question about it is how long it will take. . . . The fact that the Lord has found it necessary to restore his gospel so many times is in itself evidence of the regularity with which apostasy has occurred because the only thing which will cause the destruction of his Church is the wickedness of its members. . . . The prophet, Mormon, whose labors as a historian gave him an opportunity to observe the frequency of the righteousness-wickedness-punishment cycle, spoke of it as though it were a law of life which operates as a certain consequence of universal human weakness. . . . The Church is in deep trouble because seldom, if ever, has any group been as prosperous as it is today. . . . After 140 years of growth, membership numbers in the millions, persecution has largely vanished, and instead of ostracism, members are, for the most part accepted and respected. . . . To fail to consider the possibility that the members of the church are again ‘falling away’ would be to ignore one of the most thoroughly documented lessons of history.” (The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil [Published by H. Verlan Andersen, ©1972], pp. 178, 179, 180; paragraphing omitted.)

    Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 30 Mar. 1990: “In recent years I have felt, and I think I am not alone, that we were losing the ability to correct the course of the Church. You can not appreciate how deeply I feel about the importance of this present opportunity unless you know the regard, the reverence, I have for the Book of Mormon and how seriously I have taken the warnings of the prophets, particularly Alma and Helaman. Both Alma and Helaman told of the church in their day. They warned about fast growth, the desire to be accepted by the world, to be popular, and particularly they warned about prosperity. Each time those conditions existed in combination, the Church drifted off course. All of those conditions are present in the Church today. Helaman repeatedly warned, I think four times he used these words, that the fatal drift of the church could occur ‘in the space of not many years.’ In one instance it took only six years. (See Helaman 6:32, 7:6, 11:26.)” (Transcript of an address given at a Regional Representatives Seminar, 30 March 1990, entitled “Let Them Govern Themselves.”)

    I want to now share with you a very frightening tendency in the world of 2023. Progress and innovation are fantastic, but not at the expense of thwarting God’s plan by making humans worthless or substitution of humans with robots for nefarious purposes. The main evil in this World of Satan’s plan is successfully imitating the very source of God’s plan for us. “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moses 1:39. The Lords goal is not to have His children of His creation meddle with, destroy, or challenge His position as Divine Creator. We are truly living in the “Days of Noah”, not the last days. I mean by that, we are ripe for complete destruction if we don’t stay on the covenant path. As our dear Prophet said, “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson

    “Learn for yourself—right now at your age—how to receive personal revelation. And nothing will make a bigger difference in your life than that! Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that” Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel

    “ In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” Russell M. Nelson 2022

    What strength I get from the above quotes. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God’s Church on earth. We are not perfect but the doctrines are sound and true. It reminds me of a scripture that says, “And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.

    And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.” 1 Nephi 14:12-13

    In other words, the Lord said the Saints of God are all over the world but their numbers are FEW. That by no means only members of the LDS Church are righteous, but all who love and follow Christ are the Saints of God. We are just very outnumbered. We will prevail as our faith strengthens. I feel today’s government of the USA has been infiltratred by much evil, as has the majority of the world, but it is all in preparation for the Second Coming of the Savior which I am excited for. God will win!

    Harrison Ford sends terrifying warning about Hollywood’s creepy tactics

    Hollywood is full of secrets, and they are slowly coming to light. And now, Harrison Ford has decided to come out and talk about a tactic that is quite creepy. If you were asked, do you think everyone you see on screen is real? Well, according to Harrison Ford, Hollywood is using a new tactic to portray actors. With the development of AI, Hollywood has started using AI to generate various actors. And what’s even scarier is that it is so perfect that you can’t even tell unless you are told.
    But what did Harrison Ford warn about these tactics? What did he have to say about it? Let’s find out, shall we?  The legendary Harrison Ford has revealed Hollywood’s tactics that have shocked many people. He has exposed some tactics that have been lurking in the movie industry.
    In addition to the controversies about the movie Sound of Freedom, more controversies are coming to light. And what’s even worse is that all these secrets come from Hollywood’s members.” Source

    ‘Sound of Freedom’ film: ‘God’s children not for sale’
    I hope you made your 4th of July an amazing “Sound of Freedom” for the world to hear. See the amazing movie “Sound of Freedom” with Jim Caviezel. It is a true story about our good LDS friend Tim Ballard who speaks at Firm Foundation at many of our conferences, who worked undercover for years with NSA to rescue children from slavery. He’s been doing it on his own for many years now. He is amazing. World human trafficking is $150 billion a year industry surpassing the drug trade as they can sell the drug once and sell the child 4 times per day, the movie states.
    Tim has mentioned that what you see at the movie is very true and it is more evil than can be shown on the screen. This movie has taken 5 years to come to the movie screen as government, and corrupt corporations have tried to stop it. There are 3-4 million children per year world wide that are stolen for sex, money and power. When I was young this news was on the side of milk cartons and today it is ignored by most of the world.
    In the Sound of Freedom, it shows people using container ships as a means to traffic children all over the world. The film follows Ballard as he leaves his government job to start Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing children from sex trafficking. OUR works with law enforcement agencies around the world to identify and rescue children who have been forced into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.
    This movie is now in theaters world wide. I just sawI have seen it three times and would recommend each of you to see it. It is a tear jerker and really shares the importance of the words, “God’s Children are not for Sale.”
    This is one of the reasons the Harrison Ford comments above, are more important today than ever. What’s up with Hollywood. Who is leading them? What evils are likely to be happening today? How are they using or misusing AI, (Artificial Intelligence), CGI  (computer-generated imagery), and other new inventions? I don’t think it is “Seeing is Believing” anymore. I believe personal revelation as our prophet says above, is the only way to know good from evil today. Heed the Lord and our Prophets warnings, is my prayer for us all.
  • Three Native American Chiefs Who Changed the World

    Three Native American Chiefs Who Changed the World

    Wonderful Lamanites have possessed this promised land and continue to do so, as it says in the Book of Mormon. We know the righteousness of the ancient Lamanite has allowed their people to remain on this Land of Promise even the Land of Joseph, or as it is called the United States of America. What have we learned from these Native Americans? How can we emulate them?

    We have heard, “But before the great day of the Lord shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the wilderness, and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose.D&C 49:24.

    As you read about these wonderful brothers and sisters, the Native Americans below, there has been a time in the not so distant past that they HAVE blossomed as a rose. Do you realize with the faith and dedication of these Native Americans who joined the early Church, they have passed on with their righteousness and shared the Gospel with many in the next life. As Peter said, “By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison” 1 Peter 3:19 What is not to say, there are millions of choice Lamanites just waiting for the day they can come down and join others in this world, to build the House of the Lord in the New Jerusalem?

    I mention 85 of these honorable and brave Chiefs, that had been waiting for their temple work to be done for over 150 years, but thanks to many people, including, Robert Goodwin, Rod Meldrum, Delores Kahkonen, Wes and Ellen Clarke, Mike and Betty LaFontaine, and Michael Bedard, that work has been completed for these 85 special Chiefs.

    Robert Goodwin’s Miracle

    I will share the very beginning of a story that happened beginning in 2010 by the inspiration of a man named Robert Goodwin. The journey to find these 85 Chief’s records was because of the dedication Mr. Goodwin has in doing work for his ancestors.

    Mr. Goodwin said, “Several years ago sometime in the first decade after the year 2000 I embarked on an unassuming endeavor that I didn’t recognize at the time would have an impact on promises made in Holy writ. The Book of Mormon front page states that it was written ‘to the Lamanites’ and further down the page are these words, ‘Which is to show unto the remnant of the House of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever’.

    Mr. Goodwin calls it an unassuming endeavor, but I would say it was much more than that. I will share his complete story in his own words, in a few days under the title, “MY LAMANITE STORY by Robert A. Goodwin.”

    Jacob, Brother of Nephi, Loved the Lamanites

    “O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever.

    But, wo, wo, unto you that are not pure in heart, that are filthy this day before God; for except ye repent the land is cursed for your sakes; and the Lamanites, which are not filthy like unto you, nevertheless they are cursed with a sore cursing, shall scourge you even unto destruction.

    And the time speedily cometh, that except ye repent they shall possess the land of your inheritance, and the Lord God will lead away the righteous out from among you.” Jacob 3:2-4

    Michael Bedard

    Most Latter-day Saints remeber this amazing event described below. Many of us also know the professional artist, Michael Bedard is the man who created the masterpiece called, “A Miraculous Request to President Wilford Woodruff.”

    In 1877, the Founding Fathers of the United States and other eminent men and women appeared in a vision to Wilford Woodruff, president of the St. George Temple, for the purpose of completing their temple work. President Woodruff, assisted by others, immediately went forth and had the ordinances performed for these men and women. A listing of those who appeared can be found at this link.

    A Miraculous Request to President Wilford Woodruff – Saint George Temple 1877 by Michael Bedard

    Unfinished “Sneak Peek” at Michael’s Masterpiece

    “A Remnant of the House of Israel –
    85 Native American Chiefs.”
    New! Michael Bedard Painting, to be Unveiled 

    Michael Bedard has just completed his new, 25-foot wide, work of art called, “A Remnant of the House of Israel – 85 Native American Chiefs.” It has been a 5 year project and he is ready to share the painting with the world.

    Information Tickets

    You can be one of the first to see the unveiling of Michael Bedard’s newest art, at our Book of Mormon Conference on April 6th, at 6 pm, at the Mountain America Expo Center 9575 S. State St, Sandy, Utah Hall 4. Don’t Miss It!

    85 Indian Chiefs Baptized Aug 29, 1877 at the St. George Temple

    85 Indian Chiefs baptized Aug 29, 1877 at the St. George Temple, one week after the Founding Fathers. Read the Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page 554. Detailed story at my blog here:

    Photo copy of page 196 St George Temple Baptisms Aug 29, 1877. Picture taken by Rod Meldrum. The original story of how this record was actually found by Robert Goodwin, will be told on another blog in a few days, titled, MY LAMANITE STORY By Robert A. Goodwin

    St George Temple Baptisms Aug 29, 1877. Photo from the Annotated Book of Mormon page 554

    Three Native American Chiefs Who Changed the World

    Their stories and their decisions to make a difference in the lives of others.
    On August 29, 1877, President Wilford Woodruff completed temple work for 85 Native American Chiefs whose lives changed the world. The following three chiefs are just a few among that group, but their stories will send chills through your soul.

    Captain Joseph Brant – Merciful War Chief

    As a member of the Mohawk nation, Joseph Brant’s early life is connected to Sir William Johnson who was one of the most powerful men alive during the American Revolution. Sir William had not only married Captain Brant’s sister but also received hundreds of thousands of acres of land in exchange for his kindness towards the Mohawk Indians. Captain Brant’s trust in Sir William’s recommendation to support the English in the war led to his being known as a powerful enemy of the revolution, but despite Captain Brant’s reputation of terror, he was one of the most merciful enemies the revolutionaries could have ever hoped for. He spared and even saved the lives of many American captains, families, and individuals. During one particular raid, Captain Brant saw a victim give a Masonic signal and exclaimed, “Brother! you shall not die. I am a Mason and will protect you.” After the war, Captain Brant went on to translate the Gospel of John into the Mohawk language and build the first church in Upper Canada. He was a Native American Chief who loved not only his own life but also the lives of his neighbors.
    “No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthy action, but the consciousness of having served his nation.” –      Joseph Brant

    King Philip – Protector of the Wampanoags

    Seventeen years after the first Thanksgiving celebration with the Puritans, Chief Massasoit brought his two little boys to the governor of Plymouth and requested that they be given English names. The older was named Alexander and the younger, Philip after the ancient king who conquered Illyria, Thrace, and Greece. Ironically, Massasoit’s young Philip would one day attempt to conquer the very people who gave him his fierce name. As a loyalist, King Philip wanted more than anything to sustain the peace that his father had made with the early pilgrims, but the time soon came when the Puritans were more of a threat than an ally to his people. The English were seizing Indian weapons without just cause, taking land for practically nothing, and selling liquor that caused many a hardship on unsuspecting partakers. Any attempt to bring a dishonest white man to justice ended in a court that favored its own Puritan people. King Philip saw that his nation would perish if he did not make a stand against the settlers. His war lead to the destruction of 13 towns and the death of 600 men on the side of the English, but the entirety of the resisting Wampanoag nation was either killed, sold into slavery, or driven to the far West. King Philip himself was beheaded and cut into pieces while his wife and son were sold into slavery. He was a man who loved his nation more than life itself and died trying to protect his Wampanoag family.
    “We want trumpets that sound like thunder, and men to act as though they were going to war with those corrupt and degrading principles that rob one of all rights, merely because he is ignorant, and of a little different color. Let us have principles that will give every one his due; and then shall wars cease, and the weary find rest.” –        William Apess, Eulogy on King Philip

    Chief Tecumseh – The Noblest of Men

    One day in Tecumseh’s mid-twenties, a few fellow Shawnee Indians challenged him to a hunting competition. Each competitor would have three days to kill as many deer as he could. Tecumseh responded, “I will return here within the period with twice as many deer as any of you.” The hunters returned at the end of the third day having killed 12 and 13 deer, but Tecumseh soon walked into the light of the evening campfire carrying 30 deerskins. The noble Shawnee was an ambitious young man and a friend to anyone he encountered including white settlers. Tecumseh’s life soon took a new path when his brother was directed by the Great Spirit to form a confederation and lead the remaining Native American tribes against the invading American settlers. Four years later, Tecumseh had united at least six tribes and recruited 1,600 warriors to aid the cause.  He initially tried to keep peace by negotiating the return of 60 acres of Native American land along the Wabash river, but after General Harrison denied the request, the negotiation ended with Tecumseh’s promise that his forces would neither capture women or children nor torture any men taken as prisoners of war. The new confederation saw some success, but most of its warriors were killed in an attack by General Harrison while Tecumseh was visiting another tribe. The two war leaders soon met again in the war of 1812. Tecumseh was now a Brigadier General for Great Britain and had a reputation for saving prisoners from harsh treatment and scorning even English generals for unjust conduct.  Tecumseh was courageous and noble to the very end when he was shot just after asking that his sword be given to his son who he loved so dearly.

    “Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.” –        Tecumseh

    Fulfilling of the Lord’s Promise to His Covenant People

    The Lord has promised that someday the Native Americans shall “know that they are of the house of Israel, and that they are the covenant people of the Lord; and then shall they know and come to the knowledge of their forefathers, and also to the knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer… And then at that day will they not rejoice and give praise unto their everlasting God, their rock and their salvation?” (1 Nephi 15:14-15) To create a visual aid that will help teach today’s Native Americans of the great chiefs who they are as members of the house of Israel, Michael Bedard is painting A Remnant of the House of Israel – 85 Native American Chiefs. The beautiful piece will depict 85 Six Nations Chiefs observing their baptismal temple work being done in the Saint George Temple.” Michael Bedard’s Website Here:

    “Eulogy on King Philip Quotes by William Apess.” Goodreads, Accessed 24 Aug. 2017.

    Johnston, Charles H. L. Famous Indian chiefs; their battles, treaties, sieges, and struggles with the whites for the possession of America. Boston, Page Co. Publishers, 1914.

    “Quotes by Joseph Brant.” A-Z Quotes,

    Accessed 24 Aug. 2017.

    “Tecumseh Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore, Accessed 24 Aug. 2017.
  • Joseph Smith a Great Man

    Joseph Smith a Great Man

    “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.” D&C 135:3

    Joseph Smith IS and Was a Prophet of God!

    “When Joseph Smith organized the Church in April 1830, a revelation designated him “a seer, and Translator, and Prophet, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, an Elder of the Church.” Accordingly, Church members sustained Joseph as first elder and Oliver Cowdery as second elder, the earliest titles for leaders of the Church. In November 1831, another revelation to Joseph Smith established the office of the “president of the high priesthood.” This president would “be like unto Moses” and would “be a Seer, a revelator, a translator, and a prophet, having all the gifts of God which he bestoweth upon the head of the church.” At a conference on January 25, 1832, Joseph Smith was appointed president of the high priesthood.” Source

    The Fountain from which he Spoke

    Joseph Smith during Zion’s Camp., he Brigham declared of this experience: I have travelled with Joseph a thousand miles. . . . I have watched him and observed every thing he said or did. . . . For the town of Kirtland I would not give the knowledge I got from Joseph on this Journey; and then you may take the State of Ohio and the United States. . . . It has done me good . . . and this was the starting point of my knowing how to lead Israel. President Brigham Young called himself “an Apostle of Joseph Smith, and also of Jesus Christ” [footnote] and attributed his wisdom and success to his diligent obedience to the counsel and instruction of the Prophet Joseph Smith:  

    I wish to say that, when I see [men] in Israel who are careless and unconcerned, who trifle away their time . . . where there are opportunities to learn, my experience for the best part of forty years teaches me that they never progress . . . . In my experience I never did let an opportunity pass of getting with the Prophet Joseph and of hearing him speak in public or in private, so that I might draw understanding from the fountain from which he spoke, that I might have it and bring it forth when it was needed.

    More Precious… than all the Wealth of the World

    My own experience tells me that the great success with which the Lord has crowned my labors is owing to the fact of applying my heart to wisdom. . . . In the days of the Prophet Joseph, such moments were more precious to me than all the wealth of the world. No matter how great my poverty—if I had to borrow meal to feed my wife and children, I never let an opportunity pass of learning what the Prophet had to impart. This is the secret of the success of your humble servant.[footnote] (Journal of Discourses, 12:270)   FAITH CRISIS: Did the LDS Church Lie? (Part 1) We Were NOT Betrayed! By James and Hannah Stoddard

    I would highly recommend listening to the testimonies of hundreds of Native Americans and Lamanites about their love for the gospel and of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Our friend Andrea Hales a beautiful wife, mother, Navajo and podcaster interviews some amazing people.

    Tribe of Testimonies– Andrea Hales

    View Podcasts Here

    “The Book of Mormon, a scripture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes two peoples: Lamanites and Nephites. After a last great battle, the Nephites were destroyed from the face of the earth. 

    The remnants of the Lamanites are among the ancestors of today’s North American Native Americans. Andrea Hales (Navajo), the host of Tribe of Testimonies, interviews faithful Native American Latter-day Saints of tribes across the U.S. and Canada to learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has influenced their lives. Everyone’s story is different—conversions, families, missions, educations, careers, talents, achievements, failures, trials. As we share our stories, maybe we can strengthen each other. May we all walk in beauty.” 

    Andrea Hales See her video at

    Wilford Woodruff: “It has been my faith and belief from the time that I was made acquainted with the Gospel that no greater prophet than Joseph Smith ever lived on the face of the earth save Jesus Christ. He was raised up to stand at the head of this great dispensation—the greatest of all dispensations God has ever given to man. He remarked on several occasions when conversing with his brethren: ‘brethren you do not know me, you do not know who I am.’ As I remarked at our priesthood meeting on Friday evening, I have heard him in my early days while conversing with the brethren, say, (at the same time smiting himself upon the breast) ‘I would to God that I could unbosom my feelings in the house of my friends.’ Joseph Smith was ordained before he came here, the same as Jeremiah was. Said the Lord unto him, ‘Before you were begotten I knew you’ etc.” Wilford Woodruff, “Organization of the First Presidency—Responsibility of the Saints, Etc.,” in Journal of Discourses, vol. 21 (Liverpool, 1881), 317. Discourse given on October 10, 1880.

    Greatest Prophet that ever Breathed

    Joseph’s Personality by Clark Kelley Price

    “I look upon Joseph Smith as the greatest prophet that ever breathed the breath of life, excepting Jesus Christ. Father Adam, as I have said, stands at the head; but Joseph Smith was reserved to lay the foundation of this great kingdom and dispensation of salvation to the whole human family in these last days, to build up Zion, to establish God’s Kingdom, and to prepare it for the coming of the Son of Man.” Wilford Woodruff, The Deseret Weekly, vol. 38, (Deseret News Company, 1889), 389.

    Brigham Young about Joseph Smith

    “Who can say aught against Joseph Smith? I do not think that a man lives on the earth that knew him any better than I did, and I am bold to say that, Jesus Christ excepted, no better man ever lived or does live upon this earth. I feel like shouting Hallelujah all the time, when I think that I ever knew Joseph Smith, the Prophet.” Millennial Star, XXI (July 11, 1863)

    Wilford Woodruff about Joseph Smith

    “The Prophet called the Quorum of the Twelve together several months before his death, and informed them that the Lord had commanded him to hasten their endowments; that he did not expect to remain himself to see the Temple completed; that he wished to confer the keys of the Kingdom of God upon other men, that they might build up the Church and Kingdom according to the pattern given. The Prophet stood before the Twelve from day to day, clothed with the spirit and power of God, and instructed them in the oracles of God, in the pattern of heavenly things, in the keys of the Kingdom, in the power of the priesthood, and in the knowledge of the last dispensation of the fulness of times.

    In his last charge to the Quorum of the Twelve, he rose up in all the majesty, strength, and dignity of his calling, as a prophet, seer, and revelator, out of the loins of ancient Joseph, and exhorted and commanded the brethren of the Twelve to rise up, and go forth in the name of Israel’s God, and bear off the keys of the Kingdom of God in righteousness and in honor in all the world. They were instructed to walk in all holiness, godliness, faith, virtue, temperance, patience, and charity; to do honor to the cause of God in this last dispensation and fulness of times; and when their work was finished, to follow his example by boldly sealing their testimony with their blood, for the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, if necessity required it, that they might be prepared for the reward, which is beyond the veil.

    Those who were present on those occasions cannot forget the teachings that fell from the lips of that noble, but now martyred Prophet of God. Though his body sleeps in the tomb, his testimony lives, not only in the hearts of men, but is on record and will remain in force, while his persecutors will reap a just reward for all their works. And I hereby bear my testimony unto all men into whose hands these lines may fall, that I have been acquainted with Joseph, and Hyrum Smith, the Prophet and the Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; have attended their private and public counsels from time to time, during the last ten years of my life; and notwithstanding their enemies have caused the earth to be deluged, as it were, with lies, slanders, and fabrications, with the intent to injure their character and destroy their influence among men; that I have never heard either of those men teach, counsel, or advocate, or practice any principle that was contrary to the word of God, virtue, or temperance, or unbecoming men standing in their high and holy calling. On the contrary, I have been astonished at the patience, forbearance, long-suffering, philanthropy, and charity manifested in the lives of those men. I have been filled with joy by the beauty, order, knowledge, principles, intelligence, and glory manifest in the teachings, counsels, and revelations of Jesus Christ given through those servants of God, for the benefit of the children of men in this last dispensation.” WILFORD WOODRUFF FOURTH PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS History of His Life and Labors AS RECORDED IN HIS DAILY JOURNALS “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”—Rev. 3:21. PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY MATTHIAS F. COWLEY Salt Lake City, Utah 1909

  • Zelph of Zarahemla

    Zelph of Zarahemla

    Zelph’s Mound or Russell Naples Mound #8- Illinois

    “The Naples Mound 8 (also Naples-Russel Mound 8 or Illinois Archaeological Survey #PK 335) is a Havana Hopewell culture mound site located in Pike County, Illinois three miles east of the city of Griggsville. The mound was given the name Naples Mound #8 in 1882. The mound was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.

    First Recorded Visits by Local Settlers

    Illinois was made a state in 1818 and white settlers came in and opened some of the burial mounds in the former Native American lands. Judge John G. Henderson of Winchester, Illinois, was impressed by beautifully carved stone smoking pipes a friend showed him which were obtained from burial mounds in Naples, Illinois. Accordingly, he and a Mr. Merrill, in 1876, did some excavations and documentation of some of the Naples mounds in which were found a raccoon and a turtle pipe, copper axes, and human skeletal remains. Henderson also mapped the location of fifteen mounds near Naples, including Naples Mound #8. A map he made shows Naples Mound #8 as being a mile south of Valley City, Illinois and across the Illinois River from Naples, Illinois

    Being impressed with mound #8, Henderson illustrated an Eagle pipe unearthed from the mound about 40 years earlier by a Daniel Burn, John W. Windsor and others. In describing Naples Mound #8 Henderson states, “On the right bank of the Illinois river about 300 yards below [south of] Griggsville Landing, rises a lofty bluff fully 300 feet above the level of the river. On the summit is a beautiful, oval mound, 150 long, 92 feet wide in the middle, and 25 or 30 feet high. … within a radius of 5 miles from Naples there are a least fifty mounds, very few of which have ever been opened”. After Henderson wrote an article describing the Naples mounds and the relics found in them, the Smithsonian Institution, in December 1879 began a thorough exploration of them, furnishing six laborers to help with the excavations.[9] Afterwards, Henderson authored the article describing the results in the Smithsonian Annual Report.[10]

    Rediscovery of the Mound

    Naples Mound ca 1880

    The mound was forgotten after 1882 and no records of visits have been found until 1974. Due to the Central Illinois Expressway bridge being planned across the Illinois River, the river bluffs were again visited by archaeologists. A team of graduate students from Northwestern University led by Archaeology Professor Jane E. Buikstra combed the bluffs of the Illinois River a mile South of Valley City, Illinois mapping burial mounds. They located an extraordinarily large mound and were excited to inform local historian, Warren Winston, about it. James Bradley, a Mormon Historian from Utah, who had been searching for Zelph Mound for 25 years, visited Warren Winston the day after Professor Buikstra’s visit and the connection was made.

    The Zelph Mound, was re-identified using historic journals, historic landmarks and mound surveys. The archaeological name Naples Mound #8, which archaeologist Henderson had given it over ninety years earlier, was changed by Professor Buikstra in 1974 to Naples-Russell Mound #8 (RN8). The name “Russell” was added due to the mound being on private land owned by a Mr. Roy Russell. Shortly after that event, in 1975, Buikstra applied to have the mound placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Seven years later, in 1988, The State of Illinois purchased 280 acres of Illinois River frontage land, including the mound.” Source

    Zelph Mound or Russell Naples #8 near Valley City, Illinois

    “A Hopewell culture mound site is located in Pike County, Illinois three miles east of the city of Griggsville. The mound today is known as Naples-Russell Mound #8, or Zelph Mound. Dated 62 AD to 128 AD.” Thomas E. Emerson, PhD. Principal Investigator, Survey Director, and State of Illinois Archaeologist. GPS 39.693399, -90.648772 It is part of the Havana Culture of the Hopewell.

    Zelph Lamanite Burial Mound Excavated by Joseph Smith | Burial mound,  Ancient history wallpaper, History drawings

    Leaders Witness of Zelph and where he was buried

         “The visions of the past being opened to my understanding by the Spirit of the Almighty I discovered that the person whose Skeleton, we had seen was a white Lamanite, a large thick set man, and a man of God. His name was Zelph. He was a warrior and Chieftain under the great prophet Onandagus, who was known from the eastern sea, to the Rocky Mountains. The curse was taken from, Zelph or, at least, in part. One of his thigh bones was broken by a stone flung from a sling, while in battle, years before his death. He was killed in battle, by the arrow found among his ribs, during a great struggle with the Lamanites.” (Joseph Smith Papers Letterbook 2)

    “Zelph a Man of God” by Ken Corbett. See the three level altar and the Prophet Onandagus? The Illinois River is in the distant with Lamanites on their boats.

         A scientific excavation of this mound was carried out in 1990 by The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in cooperation with the Center for American Archaeology at Kampsville, Illinois. The dig was funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation and supervised by archaeologist, Ken Farnsworth. The artifacts found during the excavation confirmed the mound to be a Hopewell burial mound, dating from 100 B.C. to 300 A.D. The artifacts are now located in the Illinois State Museum.


         From the volume titled History of the Church Volume 2: pp.79-80, we read about an ancient altar of the Nephites found on top of Zelph Mound.  In LDS Church History we also hear about a similar ancient altar found near Adam-Ondi-Ahman in Missouri. In Orson F. Whiney, Life of Heber C. Kimball, page 209, we read; “The Prophet Joseph called upon Brother Brigham, myself and others, saying, “Brethren, come, go along with me, and I will show you something,” He led us a short distance to a place where were the ruins of three altars built of stone, one above the other, and one standing a little back of the other, like unto the pulpits in the Kirtland Temple, representing the order of three grades of Priesthood; “There,” said Joseph, “is the place where Adam offered up sacrifice after he was cast out of the garden.” The altar stood at the highest point of the bluff. I went and examined the place several times while I remained there.”

         In another account of the History of Church 3:35 it says, “we arrived at Colonel Lyman Wight’s home. He lives at the foot of Tower Hill (a name I gave the place in consequence of the remains of an old Nephite altar or tower that stood there), where we camped for the Sabbath.”

         Today’s Adam-Ondi-Ahman is just a little over 200 miles from the location of Zelph Mound in Illinois, both of which fit within the geography of the Heartland Model of The Land of Zarahemla.

    Land Zarahemla and Land Bountiful were likely divided by the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers

         Remarkably, items discovered in the Zelph Mound area fit precisely within the parameters of the Book of Mormon historical chronology. (100 B.C. to 300 A.D.) This general collection of evidence points to a strong possible North American Book of Mormon geographic location.

         According to Wilford Woodruff, “I brought the thigh bone to Missouri. I desired to bury it in the Temple Block in Jackson County; but not having this privilege, I buried it in Clay County, Missouri, near the house owned by Col. Arthur and occupied by Lyman Wight. The arrowhead referred to is now in the possession of President Joseph F. Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah.” Wilford Woodruff Journal Page 41.

    Background: Wilford Woodruff shows oversized thigh bone of Zelph he carried in his wagon during Zion’s Camp March. Art by Ken Corbett See Joseph’s Letter to Emma June 4, 1834

         “While on our way we felt anxious to know who the person was who had been killed by that arrow. It was made known to Joseph that he had been an officer who fell in battle, in the last destruction among the Lamanites, and his name was Zelph. This caused us to rejoice much, to think that God was so mindful of us as to show these things to His servant. Brother Joseph had enquired of the Lord and it was made known to him in a vision.Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Orson F. Whitney

    Zelph in Vision by Ken Corbett. Joseph hold’s large arrowhead the Church still has in its possession today. Scene at the same Zelph’s Mound 1400 years later.

         Zelph was a warrior, a chieftain, an officer, a man of God, a thick set man, and a white Lamanite who had the curse removed from him. He fought for the Nephites in one of the last battles between the Nephites and Lamanites, and served under the Prophet Onandagus, who was known from Hill Cumorah to the Rocky Mountains. (See History of the Church 2:79-80) Joseph Smith Papers Link Here:

         We will consider a possible scenario of where Zelph may fit into the history of the Book of Mormon, by using information from journals, scriptures and other quotes. (This is only speculation with our belief of Heartland Geography)

      1. Zelph fought for the Nephites and died in one of the last battles with the Lamanites. This battle would have had to be in the Land of Zarahemla, near present day Valley City, Illinois as this is where Zelph was buried.

      2. The beginning battle of the last battles between the Nephites and Lamanites began in Zarahemla near the Sidon River in 322 AD (Mormon 1:10). The last battle in the Land of Zarahemla was probably in 328 AD near the borders of the west sea. (Possibly Lake Michigan or Lake Erie. Mormon 2:6)

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      3. According to Joseph Fielding Smith, “In the Book of Mormon story the Lamanites were constantly crowding the Nephites back towards the north and east. If the battles in which Zelph took part were fought in the country traversed by the Zion’s Camp, then we have every reason to believe from what is written in the Book of Mormon, that the Nephites were forced farther and farther to the north and east until they found themselves in the land of Ripliancum, which both Ether and Mormon declare to us was the land of Ramah or Cumorah, a land of “many waters,” which “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all.” This being true, what would be more natural then that Moroni, like his father Mormon, would deposit the plates in the land where the battles came to an end and the Nephites were destroyed? [The Mesoamerican Theory claims the final battles of the Nephites was somewhere in Mexico]. Joseph Fielding Smith “continues, This Moroni says he did, and from all the evidence in the Book of Mormon, augmented by the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these final battles took place in the territory known as the United States and in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes and hills of Western New York. And here Moroni found the resting place for the sacred instruments which had been committed to his care.” Joseph Fielding Smith. Doctrines of Salvation. There is not a greater confirmation from an Apostle than this.

      4.  In 327 AD, Mormon was now 16 years old and chosen to be the Nephite leader. (Mormon 2:1) In Mormon’s first battle, his army was afraid and headed toward the north countries to the city of Angola, which was probably still in the land of Zarahemla. Zelph may have been a contemporary of Mormon while together in the Land of Zarahemla.

         The possible conclusion of where Zelph may fit into the historicity of the Book of Mormon is either, Zelph may have died in 322 AD before Mormon became the Nephite leader or, Zelph may have died in 327 AD in Mormon’s first battle against the Lamanites in the City of Angola before the Nephites went even farther north and east toward Cumorah. Of course, Zelph doesn’t necessarily have to have died where he was buried. His body may have been moved to a higher hill in the area out of respect.

    Wilford Woodruff’s Warning to Historians

         Joseph Smith’s account of the history of Zelph was recorded by Wilford Woodruff in the Documentary History of the Church. The following is President Woodruff’s testimony regarding the truthfulness of that history, particularly the events that transpired during Zion’s Camp: “I am now called to preside over the only Temple there is on the earth, built for the salvation of the living and the dead. There are but a few of us living who were in Zion’s Camp. I will here say that God has inspired me to keep a journal and write the history of this Church, and I warn the future historians to give credence to my history; for my testimony is true, and the truth of its record will be manifest in the world to come. All the words of the Lord will be fulfilled upon the nations, which are written in this book.  Wilford Woodruff, His Life and Labors, Matthias F. Cowley

         Notice how careful Woodruff was to preserve every detail about Zion’s Camp. As late as 1879 (while hiding from federal authorities and speaking at Kanab, Utah Territory) he was still relating the story: “Joseph had a vision which showed him this man’s name was Zelph who lived in the days of Onandagus (he was a Lamanite and was white), he was a great Warrior.” The Journal of L. John Nuttall, entry for March 9, 1879; Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source © 2014 Rick Grunder

         The name of Onandagus mentioned by Joseph, sounds very similar to Onondaga, one of the five Indian nations that comprised the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois Confederacy, located in New York. Haudenosaunee means “the people of the long house”. This confederacy assisted the United States in forming a similar government as the Iroquois. The tribe of Onondaga are native peoples of New York and are known to have built houses of timber. (Alma 19:17-18; 26:28-29). The Onondaga are also the leading tribe, or “fire keepers” of this current confederacy.  Another people of the Haudenosaunee are the Oneida, which is strikingly similar to the Book of Mormon place name “Onidah”. (Alma 32:4; 47:5) It is also likely no coincidence that the Lamanite title of deity, “Great Spirit” is a native North American appellation. (Alma 18:4-5)

    ONEIDA in the Book of Mormon

    HILL ONIDAH ALMA 32:4; 47:5
    ONIHAH 3 Nep 9:7
    BURIED WEAPONS Alma 24:19

         Author L. Taylor Hansen wrote intriguingly of a site in New York State: “On the authority of some older inhabitants of Onondaga, it is stated that on a ledge of rocks, about a mile south of Jamesville, (Near Syracuse and Oneida Castle) is a place which used to be pointed out by the Indians as a spot where the Great Spirit once came down and sat and gave good advice to the chiefs of Onondagas. That there are the prints of his hands and his feet, left in the rocks, still to be seen. In the former years the Onondagas used annually to offer, at this place, tobacco and pipes, and to burn tobacco and herbs as a sacrifice to the Great Spirit, to conciliate his favor and which was a means of preventing diseases.”

         “Blood sacrifice was forbidden and replaced by the use of tobacco, today an important element in all traditional Native American ceremonies. Among many eastern tribes, East Star Man is regarded as the son of the Great Spirit, the Creator.” Wayne May, Christ in North America.

         In 1927, Janne M. Sjödahl a Swedish immigrant and convert to the LDS church, wrote a book on one of the founding works in the area of Book of Mormon studies. In his book he said; “The Onondagas: These have special interest… It appears from this, that this warrior, Zelph, was an Onondaga, as well as a “white” Lamanite, and that the Onondagas (of New York), consequently must be of Lamanite lineage. It also appears that at least some of the mounds in the Ohio Valley were erected by the descendants of Lehi” J.M. Sjodahl, An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon.

         Perhaps the name Zelph is a masculine version of the Hebrew “zalaphah”, meaning “Raging Heat” – a fitting name for a zealous warrior. (Brown – Driver – Briggs – Gesenius Hebrew – Aramaic Lexicon, 2152, pg 273)

    Zelph of Zarahemla

         Joseph Smith Wrote, “On the banks of the Mississippi, June 4th. 1834. My Dear Companion, I now embrace a few moments to dictate a few words that you may know how it is with us up to this date. We arrived this morning on the banks of the Mississippi, and were detained  from crossing the river, as there was no boat that we could cross in, but expect  a new one to be put into the river this evening, so that we are in hopes, to be able to  cross tomorrow, and proceed on our journey. A tolerable degree of union has prevailed among the brethren or camp up to the present moment, and we are all in better circumstances of health apparently than when we started from Kirtland… The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest men and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionaly the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once  beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its  divine authenticity Signed, Joseph Smith Jr.” Joseph to Emma, 6.4.1834. Retained copy in handwriting of James Mulholland, Joseph Smith Letterbook 2, pp. 56–58, LDS Church Archives

         In this personal love letter to Emma, Joseph says Zion’s Camp traveled on the same plains as those Nephites of the Book of Mormon. Joseph also explains these “once beloved people of the Lord” built these mounds. These are the same lands as the Hopewell Mound Builder Civilization that thrived in the heartland of the United States from 100 BC to 300 AD according to archeologists and scientists.

         What better description from Joseph Smith than “the plains of the Nephites when speaking about the heartland of North America. Imagine rolling hills, vast prairies, rivers, lakes, streams, majestic meadows, areas of wilderness, pastures, flatlands and timberland, just as spoken of in places of scripture. “…And it came to pass that when they had come to the city of Nephihah, they did pitch their tents in the plains of Nephihah, which is near the city of Nephihah.” Alma 62:18 (see D&C 117:8, Ether 14:15). It seems very unlikely that you would confuse these plains with the jungles of South and Central America. 

         “Better equipped than most of the Zion’s camp recruits, Wilford (Woodruff) owned his team, wagon, and personal armaments. Appointed a teamster, he had charge of sixteen horses. Like the others, he furnished his own arms, but unlike some with antiquated weapons, he carried a rifle, sword, dirk, and pistol. Joseph asked for the sword, and Wilford made him a gift of it.” Thomas G Alexander; Woodruff Autobiography page 41.  Joseph Smith carried the sword shown in the “letter” painting above, during Zion’s Camp and later as Lieutenant General of the Nauvoo Legion. On his way to Carthage to become a martyr, the Prophet gave this sword to his friend, bishop, and bodyguard, Joseph Bates Noble.

         Zion’s Camp brethren said they picked up the bones of ancient Nephites on the plains. From the mound they visited just a day or so earlier, they brought with them some bones of Zelph in their wagon. “Some of his bones were brought into the Camp and the thigh bone which was broken was put into my wagon and I carried it to Missouri.” Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, ed. Scott G. Kenney, 1:10.

    We took the leg and thigh bones and carried them along with us to Clay County. All four appeared sound.” Heber C. Kimball, Times and Seasons, 6:788.

    “…We came to the bones of an extraordinary large person or human being, the thigh bones being 2 inches longer from one Socket to the other than of the Prophet who is upwards of 6 feete high which would have constuted some 8 or 9 feete high.” Moses Martin Diary, LDS Church Archives, spelling not corrected).

         Eldred G. Smith said, “As we look into the record, we find that after the first visit to the Hill Cumorah, Joseph told the story of the history of the early American inhabitants to his family. His mother wrote: “From this time forth, Joseph continued to receive instructions from the Lord, and we continued to get the children together every evening for the purpose of listening while he gave us a relation of the same. I presume our family presented an aspect as singular as any that ever lived upon the face of the earth—all seated in a circle, father, mother, sons and daughters, and giving the most profound attention to a boy, eighteen years of age.” This sounds like the first family home evening of this dispensation.

         Then she continued to say: “We were now confirmed in the opinion that God was about to bring to light something upon which we could stay our minds, or that would give us a more perfect knowledge of the plan of salvation and the redemption of the human family. This caused us greatly to rejoice, the sweetest union and happiness pervaded our house, and tranquility reigned in our midst. During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life among them.” Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, pp. 82-83. This was before he received the plates. He must have received this by revelation, for he knew the whole story of the content of the record that is now the Book of Mormon. He had had five long visits with Moroni, and his mother says he received many revelations.” Eldred G. Smith, Conference Report, October 1967, pp. 82-84

         Orson F. Whitney said, “From the time Father Bosley located near Avon, he found and plowed up axes and irons, and had sufficient to make his mill irons, and had always abundance of iron on hand without purchasing. In the towns of Bloomfield, Victor, Manchester, and in the regions round about, there were hills upon the tops of which were entrenchments and fortifications, and in them were human bones, axes, tomahawks, points of arrows, beads and pipes, which were frequently found; and it was a common occurrence in the country to plow up axes, which I have done many times myself.

         I have visited the fortifications on the tops of those hills frequently, and the one near Bloomfield I have crossed hundreds of times, which is on the bluff of Honeyoye River, at the outlet of Honeyoye Lake.

         In that region there are many small deep lakes, and in some of them the bottom has never been found. Fish abound in them. The hill Cumorah is a high hill for that country, and had the appearance of a fortification or entrenchment around it. In the State of New York, probably there are hundreds of these fortifications which are now visible, and I have seen them in many other parts of the United States. Readers of the Book of Mormon will remember that in this very region, according to that sacred record, the final battles were fought between the Nephites and Lamanites. At the hill Cumorah, the Nephites made their last stand prior to their utter extermination, A. D., 385. Thus was Heber preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles, above the graves of the ancients of Israel, whose records with the fullness of that Gospel, and the relics of their prowess and civilization, were now whispering from the dust.” Life of Heber C. Kimball by Orson F. Whitney Mounds at Cumorah

    Walking over the Plains of the Nephites by Ken Corbett
    Authentic photo copy JS, Letter, [Pike Co., IL], to Emma SmithKirtland Township, Geauga Co., OH, 4 June 1834. Retained copy, [between ca. June and ca. Oct. 1839], in JS Letterbook 2, pp. 56–59; handwriting of James Mulholland ; JS Collection, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note
     for JS Letterbook 2. Page 56-58






    Art by Val Chadwick Bagley


  • Fiction not Fact- Stone in a Hat

    Fiction not Fact- Stone in a Hat

    Questions about the Facts of Translation

    -Did Joseph Smith have a stone or two he had found? Yes,
    -Did Joseph Smith have a hat? Yes! More like a farmers hat rather than a stove pope hat I would think, but maybe he had both types.
    -Did anyone see those items at various times? Yes! David, Martin, and Emma and many others.
    -Did any of those 3 mentioned above, see words appear on a stone while the stone was in Joseph’s hat? No! If you say yes, ask yourself this question. Why would Joseph let other non scribes see the sacred words at any time?
    -If you say there were words on a stone, who wrote those words on the stone? God? Nephi? An angel?
    -Why would Nephi and Mormon write words in reformed Egyptian on the plates, if they thought Joseph would just get those words in English later?

    How could Emma, Martin and David say they were witnesses to the exact method of translation? They Can’t! Below is what I believe they would have seen!
    As you see above, the scribe like Emma, may have known Joseph had a stone, and they could see in this picture that he has a hat, but they most likely didn’t know what was in the hat, correct? No where does it say by any scribe, “I literally saw Joseph put a stone in his hat”, or “I saw the words on the stone in his hat.” Here Emma can’t even see the gold plates as they were partially covered with a linen. Joseph had the breastplate on under his shirt* and the spectacles were attached to the breastplate, with the hat blocking out the view of the spectacles.

    *“That of which I spoke, which Joseph termed a key, was indeed nothing more nor less than a Urim and Thummim by which the angel manifested those things to him that were shown him in, vision; by which also he could at any time ascertain the approach of danger, either to himself or the record, and for this cause he kept these things constantly about his person.” Lucy Mack Smith Journal

    I believe the “Key”(Spectacles only) was needed to “activate” or “plug in”, giving the ability of the breastplate and spectacles to become operable for the Lord to communicate with Jospeh.

    The Lord’s Instrument

    President Kimball said, ““We are awed by the perspicacity and discernment of the scientists, whose accumulated knowledge is great, but there is still greater knowledge; there are more perfect instruments; there is much more to learn. Most of us can but imagine how the great truths have been transmitted through the ages.  Exactly how this precious instrument, the Urim and Thummim, operates we can only surmise, but it seems to be infinitely superior to any mechanism ever dreamed of yet by researchers. It would seem to be a receiving set, or instrument. For a set to receive pictures and programs, there must be a broadcasting set. The scripture above quoted indicates that the abode of God is a master Urim and Thummim, and the synchronization of transmitting and receiving apparatus of this kind can have no limitation…  Is it difficult to believe that the Urim and Thummim could be such a precision instrument to transmit messages from God to his supreme creation — man? (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Pg.52 – Pg.53)

    Another question. Why doesn’t Emma, David, Martin or any other witness ever mention what Joseph did with the breastplate? No one even mentions that Joseph used a breastplate, yet we know it was found with the gold plates. I don’t believe the breastplate was just an ornament for design or jus looking at. I feel it was essential to the translation.

    Head (Spectacles) and Heart (Breastplate)

    Truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart… “Two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling.” Jeffery R. Holland 2017

    Just as Elder Holland said, there needs to be both heart and head in the correct translation method. Joseph’s mind (Spectacles) and his heart (Breastplate) would connect just as the instruments did. I believe the powerful words of Lucy Mack Smith who said, “these things, (meaning the spectacles and the breastplate) “remained constantly on his person.“ Indeed they did! It appears to me the instruments must be attached or connected to draw in the powers of Heaven and Earth.

    Sometimes it may have looked like Joseph had his head slightly in his hat, but in reality he was probably looking closer at the spectacles that were attached to the breastplate. The purpose of the hat was not to block out light so Joseph could see better, but to hide the spectacles from the view of whomever was the scribe. Below is another view of the correct translation process. Joseph did not use a curtain as you can see the quotes below:

    This is how the Heartland Model describes the Translation. Art by Anne Marie Oborn

    A Curtain? No! Elder Neal A. Maxwell said,

    “He [Joseph] said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants; Also, that there were two stones in silver bows—and these stones, fastened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thummim—deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these stones were what constituted “seers” in ancient or former times; and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book.” JSH 1:34-35 

    “In fact, Elizabeth Anne Whitmer Cowdery, Oliver’s wife, said, “Joseph never had a curtain drawn between him and his scribe” (quoted in John W. Welch and Tim Rathbone, “The Translation of the Book of Mormon: Basic Historical Information,” F.A.R.M.S.). Emma likewise said of her days as scribe, early on, that Joseph dictated “hour after hour with nothing between us” (“Last Testimony of Sister Emma,”). “Of course, the real revelatory process involved Joseph’s mind and faith, which could not be seen by others in any case…” By Elder Neal A. Maxwell “By the Gift and Power of God”

    Answers is are Always in the Scriptures

    There is not even one scriptural account that says anything about a stone in a hat as the method of translation. That tells me I can’t completely believe the words of Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Emma Smith in 1879, William McLellin or anyone else.

    They may have misstated, embellished, or heard from someone else, as they cannot give any firsthand evidence they ever saw words on the seer stone in a hat, during the translation process. PERIOD.

    I trust Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith who are the only firsthand witnesses that saw the actual translation instruments. What are the instruments found with the plates in the stone box at Cumorah? (Picture Left) No single stone, or a hat was buried with the plates. Why would the Lord have the Brother of Jared and Moroni bury the proper instruments for translation, only to have Joseph use a silly stone he had found in a well? (Ether 3:22-24)

    Which is correct?

    Most of those who believe Joseph used a stone in a hat, also believe Joseph did not look at the actual plates as they were not needed, since the words were written on the stone. I ask you then. Why would Nephi, Mormon and other prophets write on the plates and work so hard at protecting the plates from the Lamanites, if they would not be needed by Joseph to translate at a latter time? Joseph not looking at the plates is silly!

    Oliver’s vision wouldn’t need the be blocked with the hat like Emma, as he is quoted that he saw the plates, the spectacles, and the breastplate.

    “Cowdery was requested to state how the plates were found, which he did. He stated that Smith looked onto or through the transparent stones to translate what was on the plates. [So, apparently Cowdery saw the plates and spectacles but did now see what was written in the spectacles]. Continued, “I then asked him if he had ever looked through the stones to see what he could see in them; his reply was that he was not permitted to look into them. I asked him who debarred him from looking into them; he remained sometime in silence, then said that he had so much confidence in his friend Smith, who told him that he must not look into them, that he did not presume to do so lest he should tempt God and be struck dead” (Allen, “Historian’s Corner,” 308). As told in: The Process of Translating the Book of Mormon Joseph Fielding McConkie (Professor of Ancient Scripture, BYU) Craig J. Ostler (Assistant Professor of Church History and Doctrine, BYU)

    “When Brother Samuel W. Richards was eighty-two, (1906) he dictated a statement reporting Oliver Cowdery’s recollections of Book of Mormon translation: “He represented Joseph as sitting at a table with the plates before him, translating them by means of the Urim and Thummim, while he (Oliver) sat beside him writing every word as Joseph spoke them to him. This was done by holding the ‘translators’ over the hieroglyphics, the translation appearing distinctly on the instrument, which had been touched by the finger of God and dedicated and consecrated for the express purpose of translating languages. Every word was distinctly visible even to every letter; and if Oliver omitted a word or failed to spell a word correctly, the translation remained on the ‘interpreter’ until it was copied correctly.” Richard Lloyd Anderson Ensign/1977

    “These Stones, Fastened to a Breastplate” JSH 1:35 by Anne Marie Oborn


    -1- “In the Wentworth Letter, the Prophet wrote: “With the records was found a curious instrument, which the ancients called “Urim and Thummim,” which consisted of two transparent stones set in the rim of a bow fastened to a breast plate. Through the medium of the Urim and Thummim I translated the record by the gift and power of God(History of the Church, 4:537).

    -2- In the October 1834 Messenger and Advocate [the Church newspaper in Kirtland, Ohio], Oliver Cowdery wrote: “These were days never to be forgotten to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated, with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon’” (Messenger and Advocate, 1:14; Also known as Letter I Oliver Cowdery to William W. Phelps, 7 September 1834).

    Here is more Scriptural Evidence that Joseph used the Interpreters or Urim and Thummim or Spectacles. Not a Stone in a Hat! See JSH 1:35,52,62,75*; Mosiah 28:13, 20; Ether 3:22-23; 4:5; Alma 37:21, 24-25

    When Cowdery returned to Church membership in 1848 he spoke to an Iowa conference. His words there were recorded by Reuben Miller: “I wrote with my own pen the entire Book of Mormon (save a few pages) as it fell from the lips of the Prophet as he translated it by the gift and power of God by means of the Urim and Thummim, or as it is called by that book, holy interpreters. I beheld with my eyes and handled with my hands the gold plates from which it was translated. I also beheld the Interpreters. That book is true. … I wrote it myself as it fell from the lips of the Prophet.”

    Purchase New Book $14.95

    The Miller journal can be tested by comparing it with official records of the Cowdery speeches, and it is clearly accurate. Thus the above words are likely to be Cowdery verbatim. This judgment is essential because in the report Oliver Cowdery says, “I … handled with my hands the gold plates.” Yet another Witness, David Whitmer, insisted that he had never handled the plates; he only watched as the angel in the vision displayed the plates and other sacred objects. Since Whitmer and Cowdery were together at this impressive vision, one must infer that Cowdery did not handle the plates at that time. Thus a distinction emerges between the key secretary and his witness brother-in-law: at some time during the translation process Oliver Cowdery evidently handled the plates.By the Gift and Power of God” By Richard Lloyd Anderson

    “I wish Messrs. Whitmer and Harris, and those who have worked out theories based upon their statements, had left the whole matter where the Prophet Joseph left it; but this they failed to do.” (Defense of The Faith and The Saints, Volume 1; p. 286)

    “They say the Nephite characters, to be translated, appeared in Urim and Thummim. We say that may be true, or the Prophet may have looked through the interpreters—since they were transparent stones—and thus have seen the characters. They say the interpretation appeared in English, under the Nephite characters in Urim and Thummim; we say, if so, then that interpretation, after being wrought out in the Prophet’s mind (See D&C 9:7-9), was reflected into Urim and Thummim and held visible there until written.

    The English interpretation was a reflex from the Prophet’s mind. (And may it not be that the peculiar quality of the Urim and Thummim was to reflect thought, especially God-given or inspired thought, as other substances reflect objects?) All this is possible, and is not in conflict with what either the Prophet or Oliver Cowdery said upon the subject; nor in conflict with the Lord’s description of translation. But to insist that the translation of the Book of Mormon was an arbitrary piece of mechanical work, wrought out by transparent stones rather than in the inspired mind of the Prophet, is in conflict with the Lord’s description of translation, and all the reasonable conclusions that may be drawn from the known facts in the case.” (BH Roberts Defense of The Faith and The Saints, Volume 1; p. 285


  • Heartland Geography Many Divine Answers?

    Heartland Geography Many Divine Answers?

    Purchase for Gospel Doctrine 2023

    I was asked by a friend of mine, Lowell Snow (FDH), the question below in red. I replied to him with some of this in the comments section of my blog from a little while ago titled, “Heartland- Divine Documents”. I decided to add to this answer with more information below which I think will make a good article for you to have, about answers to Heartland Geography Questions which anyone may have.

    My previous blog is here titled “Heartland- Divine Documents” If you would like to read it first and the five documents I speak about are listed below:

    Rian, thank you for sharing what you refer to as “Heartland – Divine Documents” and as “documents, revelations, epistles and letters.” I have read these historical documents before, but had never thought of them as having “divine” origins or being “revelations.” Perhaps I’m not understanding you correctly – are you suggesting these documents came as revelations from the Lord? (FDH)

    An Attempt to Catch Me?

    Of course I believe my friend was trying to have me say and imply that all the documents above that I call “Divine Documents”, mean I think they are all revelations from God, and thus they are doctrine of the church. That is not what I said. These documents are as I said above, documents, revelations, epistles and letters. For example in D&C 125, in its header is says, Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, March 1841, concerning the Saints in the territory of Iowa.” I didn’t write that, but it is the header of D&C 125 that is included in our canonized scriptures. I don’t believe these headers are necessarily scripture, but someone of great spiritually wrote these headers , so the word Revelation for Section 125 makes sense to me.

    Here is My Longer Answer.

    Dear FDH: I already explained to you. The documents were not all revelations from God. Are you saying because Joseph didn’t say or write things as a prophet they are possibly false? Did someone lie when they wrote Joseph’s words down? They are divine because they are correct in my opinion. Divine can mean inspired, truthful, something holy etc. Why don’t you pray about the documents and let me know how you feel about them. Where do you feel the BofM events happened or do you not really care? Do you believe Joseph when he said it is ” proof of the divine authenticity” in his letter to Emma?

    Do you believe Wilford Woodruff’s words?

    Brother Joseph had a vision respecting the person. He said he was a white Lamanite. The curse was taken from him or at least in part. He was killed in battle with an arrow. The arrow was found among his ribs. One of his thigh bones was broken. This was done by a stone flung from a sling in battle years before his death. His name was Zelph.

    Some of his bones were brought into the Camp and the thigh bone which was broken was put into my wagon and I carried it to Missouri. Zelph was a large thick set man and a man of God. He was a warrior under the great prophet Onandagus that was known from the hill Cumorah or east sea to the Rocky mountains. The above knowledge Joseph received in a vision.” Wilford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, ed. Scott G. Kenney, 1:10)

    Note: Joseph Smith’s account of the history of Zelph was recorded by Wilford Woodruff in the Documentary History of the Church and in the JSP here: The following is President Woodruff’s testimony regarding the truthfulness of that history, particularly the events that transpired during Zion’s Camp:

    “I am now called to preside over the only Temple there is on the earth, built for the salvation of the living and the dead. There are but a few of us living who were in Zion’s Camp. I will here say that God has inspired me to keep a journal and write the history of this Church, and I warn the future historians to give credence to my history; for my testimony is true, and the truth of its record will be manifest in the world to come. All the words of the Lord will be fulfilled upon the nations, which are written in this book.” Wilford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff, His Life and Labors, comp. Matthias F. Cowley, 500

    See the Amazing Warning to Historians Above?

    Does anyone dispute Elder Woodruff’s testimony?

    Heber C. Kimball said, “It was made known to Joseph that he [Zelph] had been an officer who fell in battle, in the last destruction among the Lamanites, and his name was Zelph. This caused us to rejoice much, to think that God was so mindful of us as to show these things to his servant. Brother Joseph had enquired of the Lord and it was made known in a vision.” Heber C. Kimball, Times and Seasons, 6:788

    As is quoted above as “a vision”, was Wilford or Heber or Brother McBride making this up? “Tuesday 3 visited the mounds. A skeleton was dug up. Joseph said his name was Zelph a great warrior under the Prophet Omandagus. [sp] An arrow was found in his Ribs which he said he supposed occasioned his death said he was killed in battle. Said he was a man of God and the curse was taken off or in part he was a white Lamanite was known from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains.” Reuben McBride, Reuben McBride’s Journal, LDS Church Archives

    Moroni said “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” Moroni 10:5. I believe these quotes and epistles and letters and revelations and journal entries and documents. Do you? If not, pray about it and you may know whether they are true or not. If you believe these documents are true, you must believe that some of the events of the Book of Mormon happened in North America.

    Amazing Quote

    I believe the Joseph Smith Papers quote below, do you?

    “On the top of the mound were stones which presented the appearance of three altars having been erected one above the other, according to the ancient order; and the remains of bones were strewn over the surface of the ground. The brethren procured a shovel and a hoe, and removing the earth to the depth of about one foot, discovered the skeleton of a man, almost entire, and between his ribs the stone point of a Lamanitish arrow, which evidently produced his death. Elder Burr Riggs retained the arrow. The contemplation of the scenery around us produced peculiar sensations in our bosoms; and subsequently the visions of the past being opened to my understanding by the Spirit of the Almighty, I discovered that the person whose skeleton was before us was a white Lamanite, a large, thick-set man, and a man of God. His name was Zelph. He was a warrior and chieftain under the great prophet Onandagus, who was known from the Hill Cumorah, or eastern sea to the Rocky mountains. The curse was taken from Zelph, or, at least, in part-one of his thigh bones was broken by a stone flung from a sling, while in battle, years before his death. He was killed in battle by the arrow found among his ribs, during the last great struggle of the Lamanites and Nephites.” Joseph Smith Papers History, 1838–1856, volume A-1 [23 December 1805–30 August 1834], Page 483

    I believe Joseph Fielding Smith, do you?

    “In the face of this evidence coming from the Prophet Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer, we cannot say that the Nephites and Lamanites did not possess the territory of the United States and that the Hill Cumorah is in Central America. Neither can we say that the great struggle which resulted in the destruction of the Nephites took place in Central America. If Zelph, a righteous man, was fighting under a great prophet-general in the last battles between the Nephites and Lamanites; if that great prophet-general was known from the Rocky Mountains to “the Hill Cumorah or eastern sea,” then some of those battles, and evidently the final battles did take place within the borders of what is now the United States.

    There were no righteous prophets, save the Three Nephites, after the death of Moroni, and we learn that Zelph was slain during one of these battles during the great last struggle between the Nephites and Lamanites and was buried near the Illinois River. In the Book of Mormon story the Lamanites were constantly crowding the Nephites back towards the north and east. If the battles in which Zelph took part were fought in the country traversed by the Zion’s Camp, then we have every reason to believe from what is written in the Book of Mormon, that the Nephites were forced farther and farther to the north and east until they found themselves in the land of Ripliancum, which both Ether and Mormon declare to us was the land of Ramah or Cumorah, a land of “many waters,” which “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all.” This being true, what would be more natural then that Moroni, like his father Mormon, would deposit the plates in the land where the battles came to an end and the Nephites were destroyed? This Moroni says he did, and from all the evidence in the Book of Mormon, augmented by the testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these final battles took place in the territory known as the United States and in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes and hills of Western New York. And here Moroni found the resting place for the sacred instruments which had been committed to his care.” Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation Vol. 3 Ch. 12

    In response to this quote our Mesoamerican Specialist John Sorensen said, “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist [I Insist] that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd.[No it isn’t] Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundreds of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.” John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex (Deseret Book, 2013), p. 688. My quotes in brackets []

    I believe Mark E. Petersen Do you?

    “I do not believe that the classrooms or the pulpits of our Church are for laboratory purposes in which to experiment with new doctrines and speculative notions. They are exclusively for the use of those who are willing to convert men and women and boys and girls to the truth. . . . I do not believe we should give credence to the highly speculative theories about Book of Mormon geography. I do not believe that there were two Hill Cumorahs, one in Central America and the other one up in New York, for the convenience of the Prophet Joseph Smith, so that the poor boy would not have to walk clear to Central America to get the gold plates. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the integrity of Joseph Smith. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the testimony of the eleven witnesses of the Book of Mormon. I do not believe you have a testimony of the truth if you question the accuracy of the translation of the Book of Mormon.” Mark E. Petersen LDS Conference Reports, Sunday afternoon, April 5, 1953

    And I believe Joseph Fielding Smith when he said,

    Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon.”

    Has your faith been disturbed or do you believe Elder Smith? All who pray about these things will know that the events of the Book of Mormon more than likely happened in North America.

    “…This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case… It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all…

    It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery. Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history.” Doctrines of Salvation Joseph Fielding Smith Chapter 12

    I also believe an Apostle who said,

    “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012

    And I believe President Nelson as an Apostle and as Pres of the Quorum of the 12,

    when he has spoken 5 or 6 times with a quote similar to this. That North America is a choice land. “The Book of Mormon reveals the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, who was not forgotten when land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. This was promised in the Abrahamic covenant. Because… Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but because it was chosen to be the repository of sacred writings on golden plates from which the Book of Mormon would one day come. Choice because it would eventually host the world headquarters of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. And it was choice because it was a land of liberty for those who worship the Lord and keep His commandments.” – President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, Yes, Mormons are Christians, Legends Library [2017], 60; emphasis added.

    I have other many additional quotes here or here similar to these that share information about the Book of Mormon in North America.

    You are welcome to answer my questions if you would like.

    End of comments on website. Below I will lightly touch on a few additional questions that you as a reader may have. Details of each may be found by searching in the magnification glass logo at the top of this website.

    A Mesoamerican Response about the Heartland

    John Sorensen denies the Heartland model by saying, “There remain Latter-day Saints who insist that the final destruction of the Nephites took place in New York, but any such idea is manifestly absurd. Hundreds of thousands of Nephites traipsing across the Mississippi Valley to New York, pursued (why?) by hundreds of thousands of Lamanites, is a scenario worthy only of a witless sci-fi movie, not of history.” John L. Sorenson, Mormon’s Codex (Deseret Book, 2013), p. 688.


    There are good people who lived as Lamanites with the blood of Lehi in South and Central America which we call the hinterlands. “Hinterlands is defined here as meaning the unknown area of North and South America that are not within the scope of the writings of the Book of Mormon. In other words, since we believe main events of the Book of Mormon happened in a limited area of North America around the Great Lakes in the east, and Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri to the west, and south in Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, all other areas will be discussed as “The Hinterlands”. We propose that Mesoamerica is the Hinterlands along with many other areas of the continent. As Mormon has said, “…I shall take from the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people (Words of Mormon 1:5). There are many people in South and Central America that are Lamanites and part of the Hinterlands.” Jonathan Neville

    Abstract From Mesoamerican Perspective:

    by Mark A Wright a believer in the Mesoamerican Theory.

    “The best available evidence for the Book of Mormon continues to support a limited Mesoamerican model. However, Alma 63 indicates that there was a massive northward migration in the mid-first century bc. I argue that these north-bound immigrants spread out over the centuries and established settlements that were geographically distant from the core Nephite area, far beyond the scope of the text of the Book of Mormon. I introduce the Hinterland Hypothesis and argue that it can harmonize the Mesoamerican evidence for the Book of Mormon with Joseph Smith’s statements concerning Nephite and Lamanite material culture in North America. Archaeological and anthropological evidence is used to demonstrate that migrations and cultural influence did in fact spread northward from Mesoamerica into North America in pre-Columbian times.” Mark A. Wright Read Mark Wright’s complete Mesoamerican theory of the Hinterlands here.”

    Mark’s opinion is exactly opposite of ours. Where it says Hinterlands in Central America it should say Book of Mormon Events.

    Defining Hinterlands from a Heartland Perspective

    by Jonathan Neville a believer in the Heartland Model of the Book of Mormon
    “Hinterlands is defined here as meaning the unknown area of North and South America that are not within the scope of the writings of the Book of Mormon. In other words, since we believe main events of the Book of Mormon happened in a limited area of North America around the Great Lakes  in the east,  and Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri to the west, and south in Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, all other areas will be discussed as “The Hinterlands”. We propose that Mesoamerica is the Hinterlands along with many other areas of the continent. As Mormon has said, “…I shall take from the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people (Words of Mormon 1:5).  There are many people in South and Central America that are Lamanites and part of the Hinterlands.” 

    In other other words, if the Book of Mormon events took place in Mesoamerica, then every other area would be the “Hinterlands” where other Lamanites may have migrated and lived. If however the events of the Book of Mormon took place in the Heartland of the United States (As we believe they did), then every other area outside of this limited Heartland area would contain migrating Lamanites, including the western United States, Canada, Mexico, and South and Central America. Heartland Core – Where the main Nephite and Lamanite events occurred! Mesoamerican Periphery – Where Nephites and Lamanites migrated to outside of this core! (See map above). Jonathan Neville

    Please read my entire blog here on the Heartland Theory.

    New York Cumorah

    “I think the statements by the prophets and apostles about the Hill Cumorah being in New York, starting with 1835 Letter VII and continuing through General Conference in the 1970s, are conclusive and should be accepted by all LDS. The objections to that position–that the New York hill doesn’t match the text and/or is too far from some other preferred setting–are unpersuasive because they are not supported by facts and they use circular reasoning to confirm the predetermined conclusions about the other preferred settings.

    I also think the statements by the prophets and apostles about the identity and location of the Lamanites fall into two camps. Joseph Smith was specific when he identified the Lamanites as the American Indians living in the United States. He never identified any other group as Lamanites. However, some of his contemporaries, and several later prophets and apostles, have identified groups throughout the Western Hemisphere and even in the Pacific islands as Lamanites (or descendants of Lehi). See D&C 28, 30, and 32

    Read my blog about One Hill Cumorah: Here and Here and Here


    I don’t think these two camps conflict. Joseph (and the Lord, in the D&C 28, 30, and 32) were specific because they were identifying people who had the highest concentration of Lehi’s blood. Others were more generalized because they were identifying people who have, or may have, more attenuated heredity linked to Lehi, even though it doesn’t show up in their DNA.

    The generalized Lamanite statements have no bearing on the New York Cumorah issue one way or the other, because a New York Cumorah can coexist with a wide dispersal of Lehi’s posterity.

    However, I think Joseph Smith’s specific statements about the Lamanites fully corroborate his statements on the North American setting generally and the New York Cumorah specifically.

    The first response to criticism based on DNA is that we don’t know what DNA Lehi’s group brought with them. To write the famous Wentworth letter, Joseph Smith edited an earlier pamphlet by Orson Pratt. Orson had written, “The second race came directly from the city of Jerusalem, about six-hundred years before Christ, being Israelites, principally the descendants of Joseph.” Joseph Smith changed that to read “The second race came directly from the city of Jerusalem, about six hundred years before Christ. They were principally Israelites, of the descendants of Joseph.” This is a significant change. Joseph Smith is telling us that Lehi’s group were not all Israelites. And we don’t even know what DNA markers the Israelite portion had.

    The second response is that DNA only preserves limited markers; it’s not a complete genealogy.

    There is controversy about the X2 haplotype that is beyond the scope of this post, but if anyone’s interested, we can discuss it in another post. The controversy involves the split between different groups with distinctive X2 haplotype attributes. The prevailing view, based on mutation rates derived from evolutionary theory and the millions of years it has taken to evolve, holds that the X2 in the Americas split off 10,000 years or more before the present time. This would mean Lehi’s group was too recent so the ancient American people must have descended from another unknown group that had the X2 haplotype. The alternative view, based on mutation rates derived from observation, concludes that the X2 haplotype split off from the Middle-Eastern group around 600 B.C.” Jonathan Neville

    More detail about DNA on my blog here or here or here
    Read more here from my blog titled, UNDERSTANDING THE MESOAMERICAN THEORY

    Source of some DNA information:

    Hemispheric Model of Book of Mormon Geography

    “Evidence indicates that early members of the Church did not pay a great deal of attention to Book of Mormon details about distances.[p] The “Hemispheric” or “Two-Continent” model proposes that Book of Mormon lands stretch many thousands of miles over much of South and North America. There is no first hand, verifiable statement by Joseph Smith endorsing this view. One of the earliest advocates of a hemispheric setting was the young missionary Orson Pratt, who as early as 1832 publicly promoted the idea that Lehi “crossed the water into South America”.[88] For some who read the Book of Mormon, with maps of the Western Hemisphere in view, the Isthmus of Panama seems an easy fit for the Book of Mormon’s “narrow neck of land”. Pratt claimed that the “running battle”, culminating in the destruction of the Nephite nation, started at “the Isthmus of Darien” (Panama) and “ended at Manchester” (western New York).[89] Pratt never attributed his geography (or one like it) to Joseph Smith. Pratt in fact, indicated that the South American landing idea was supposition, not revelation.[90] Pratt’s geographic views were published in the 1879 edition of the Book of Mormon, but retracted from later editions.” Hemispheric Models Wikipedia

    Today not one of the maps representing all the various geography of the Book of Mormon believe in the Hemispheric Model. Not even the Mesoamericans or the Heartlanders believe the Hemispheric Model any more because the vast distance in miles make it impossible to say all of North America is where the Nephites lived and and the Lamanites lived in South America. More Here:

    Narrow Neck of Land

    “One of the most common questions asked about the North American setting is, “what about the narrow neck of land?” People have been taught to think the Book of Mormon describes two large land masses connected by the “narrow neck of land.” The hourglass shape has been depicted in many LDS publications. When we look on a globe, we immediately think of Panama as a narrow neck of land connecting North and South America. However, scholars have pointed out that a hemispheric interpretation of Book of Mormon geography contradicts the text; the distances are simply too great.” Moroni’s America page 20

    “It is one thing to recognize the text does not support a 9,000-mile-long hemispheric geography—typified by Orson Pratt’s concept that South America was Lamanite territory, North America was Nephite territory, and Panama was the narrow neck of land between them[i]—and something altogether different to presume that the text supports only a territory 600 miles by 300 miles. Recognizing that such a limitation is set by Sorenson’s assumptions, not the text, the filter is still useful for providing a feasible range of distances in the real world. The limited geography Mesoamerican models such as Sorenson’s easily pass through this filter.

    By comparison, the American model contemplates a distance of about 750 miles between Zarahemla and Cumorah. The land of Nephi, including the city Lehi-Nephi, would be about 500 miles southeast from Zarahemla and 700 miles south of Cumorah. These distances are reasonably close to Sorenson’s estimates (although in entirely different configurations), and well short of the continental distances that the filter rejects.” Moroni’s America page 321

    [i] Orson Pratt, A[n] Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions, 1840,

    See my blog here about the narrow neck of land.
    Blog here about all necks lines and passes

    If you have any additional specific information email me. You can also do a search at the magnification glass logo at the top of the website by searching for any term you would like to know about. ie: Cumorah, Hinterland, DNA, Hebrew, Horses, Cureloms, Slavery, Polygamy, Constitution, Covid, Trump, Jew, Native American, Jaredites, Florida, Tennessee, and also look at the categories section at the bottom of the page.

  • D&C 3 with the Urim & Thummim Identifies Lamanites

    D&C 3 with the Urim & Thummim Identifies Lamanites

    Who are the Nephites, Jacobites, & Zoramites and the Lamanites, Lemuelites, and Ishmaelites?

    16 Nevertheless, my work shall go forth, for inasmuch as the knowledge of a Savior has come unto the world, through the testimony of the Jews, even so shall the knowledge of a Savior come unto my people—
    17 And to the Nephites, and the Jacobites, and the Josephites, and the Zoramites, through the testimony of their fathers—
    18 And this testimony shall come to the knowledge of the Lamanites, and the Lemuelites, and the Ishmaelites, who dwindled in unbelief because of the iniquity of their fathers, whom the Lord has suffered to destroy their brethren the Nephites, because of their iniquities and their abominations.
    19 And for this very purpose are these plates preserved, which contain these records—that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to his people;
    20 And that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, D&C 3:16-20

    They “among the American Indians and the Polynesians who are mostly the descendants of the Lamanites, is also a sprinkling of the descendants of the Nephites who may have escaped” D&C 3:19 D&C Commentary Page 22


    The First Presidency in 1923 of Heber J Grant, Charles W. Penrose and Anthony W. Ivins and again in 1950 The Publication Committee of  Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee and Marion G. Romney, assigned by Pres George Albert Smith, approved some historical information from Church History that has much to do with Book of Mormon Geography. The last edition of the commentary was also published in 1978 by Deseret Book and approved by Pres Spencer W. Kimball, N. Eldon Tanner and Marion G. Romney. Other BofM geography items about the Cave at Cumorah and the visit of Nephi to Joseph in the wagon headed to Fayette, are found in my other blog here.

    Between 1913 and 1916 Hyrum Smith of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles along with Elder Janne M. Sjodahl articulated a commentary of the Doctrine of Covenants which was approved by these two Presidencies as accurate and approved history as contained in the D&C Commentary of 1923 and 1950.

    [The Doctrine and the Covenants Commentary] “A doctrinal and exegetical commentary on the book of scripture, known as the “Doctrine and Covenants” (the “D&C”), sacred to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” The Doctrine and the Covenants Commentary by Hyrum M. Smith (Picture left)

    Exegetical Definition:

    The message finds its sole source in Scripture. The message is extracted from Scripture through careful exegesis. The message preparation correctly interprets Scripture in its normal sense and its context. The message clearly explains the original God-intended meaning of Scripture. The message applies the Scriptural meaning for today.

    The Doctrine and Covenants Containing Revelations Given To Joseph Smith, Jr., The Prophet, with an Introduction and Historical and Exegetical Notes By Hyrum M Smith, of the Council of the Twelve Apostles. And Janne M. Sjodahl.

    “Commentaries on the Doctrine and Covenants follow the pattern of many biblical commentaries, supplying the historical context, that is, the time, circumstances, and situation of the revelations. In the most recent (1981) edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, headnotes for each section have been added or enlarged, with a brief synopsis of the historical setting. Additional notes and explanations are provided by the various separately published commentaries discussed here. Commentaries written by members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are given special consideration. Others are recommended as helps to the membership of the Church to provide historical insight to their study of the scriptures.

    An early (1916) and still useful one-volume commentary was written by Hyrum M. Smith, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Janne M. Sjodahl. Doctrine and Covenants Commentary contains the text of the Doctrine and Covenants and gives historical background and commentary for each section. It is extensively footnoted with exegetical notes. The volume was later supplemented and expanded under the direction of Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee, and Marion G. Romney of the Quorum of the Twelve in 1950.” Doctrine and Covenants Commentaries Author: Garrett, H. Dean

    Preface To the Revised Edition of the Doctrine and Covenants Commentary

    In the preface to the 1950 Revised Edition of the Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, we find the following:

    “While laboring in the European Missions, Elder Hyrum M. Smith, of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, and Elder Janne M. Sjodahl, were impressed very fervently with the desire to prepare a commentary dealing with the revelations given by the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith. In their odd moments, when not otherwise engaged, during the years 1913-1916, these brethren carried on a careful research and study and prepared this volume which has met with popular favor.

    For a number of years, the commentary has been out of circulation, and because of the increasing demand for it, the First Presidency instructed the Publication Committee to take the matter in hand and revise the volume ready for a re-printing. This the committee has done and after many months of labor has fulfilled the assignment given.

    Since the time of the first publication many world-wide events of the greatest importance have occurred many of which have a bearing on the fulfillment of the prophecies found in the Doctrine and Covenants; these have been noted. The Doctrine and Covenants is a sacred volume of Scripture, and in the revision and preparation of the book, the members of the committee have felt their weakness in commenting on these sacred commandments and revelations coming from the Lord.”

    The Urim and Thummim WAS Returned to Joseph

    Most of the Mesoamerican theorists and revisionist historians say that when Joseph had the Urim and Thummim taken from him because of losing the 116 pages, it was never returned and Joseph then used the peep stone. Wrong!

    I quote: “During this period Joseph made a short visit to his parents in Manchester, New York, and then returned again to Pennsylvania. “Immediately after my return home,” he recounted, “I was walking out a little distance, when, behold, the former heavenly messenger appeared and handed to me the Urim and Thummim again for it had been taken from me in consequence of my having wearied the Lord in asking for the privilege of letting Martin Harris take the writings, which he lost by transgression and I inquired of the Lord through it, and obtained the following [section 3]” (Smith, History of the Church, 1:21-22).

    So in July 1828 Joseph received Section 3 of the D&C as a Revelation with the use of the very Urim and Thummim which had been lost. Why then would Joseph use a peep stone.? He wouldn’t. He received the Urim and Thummim again to continue to translate.

    The Lord tells Joseph to continue the translation here. “Nevertheless, it is now restored unto you again; therefore see that you are faithful and continue on unto the finishing of the remainder of the work of translation as you have begun.” D&C 10:3

    [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”6 page Proper Translation of the Book of Mormon”]

    Read the 6-page article above of the proper translation, using the correct instruments found in Hill Cumorah.

    Annotated Book of Mormon Information about a page 117?

    After Joseph finished translating the original Book of Mormon Plates that were found in the stone box, Joseph asked if he should re translate the 116 lost pages and he was told, “Now, behold, I say unto you, that because you delivered up those writings which you had power given unto you to translate by the means of the Urim and Thummim, into the hands of a wicked man, you have lost them. And you also lost your gift at the same time, and your mind became darkened. Nevertheless, it is now restored unto you again; therefore see that you are faithful and continue on unto the finishing of the remainder of the work of translation as you have begun. D&C 10:1-3

    “And now, because the account which is engraven upon the plates of Nephi is more particular concerning the things which, in my wisdom, I would bring to the knowledge of the people in this account— Therefore, you shall translate the engravings which are on the plates of Nephi, down even till you come to the reign of king Benjamin, or until you come to that which you have translated, which you have retained.* And behold, you shall publish it as the record of Nephi; and thus I will confound those who have altered my words. D&C 10:40-42

    *Retained: Joseph apparently retained some of what he translated with Martin Harris; i.e., page 117. This may be Words of Mormon 1:12-18, which flow into Mosiah 1. The current Mosiah 1 was originally Mosiah 3; i.e., the first chapter and a half of Mosiah was included on the 116 pages that were stolen.” Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum page xxxi (Also, see Appendix, “Two Sets of Plates,” p. 557.) Blog here

    Quotes from D&C Commentary 1950

    D&C Sec 3:19 Page 22 Commentary

    The First Presidency in 1923 of Heber J Grant, Charles W. Penrose and Anthony W. Ivins and again in 1950 The Publication Committee of Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee and Marion G. Romney, assigned by Pres George Albert Smith, approved some historical information from Church History that has much to do with Book of Mormon Geography. The last edition of the commentary was also published in 1978 by Deseret Book and approved by Pres Spencer W. Kimball, N. Eldon Tanner and Marion G. Romney.

    Notice what D&C 3:19 says“And for this very purpose are these plates preserved, which contain these records—that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to his people;”

    Notice what the Commentary from these inspired Prophets says:

    (See Left) 19. For this very purpose) The Book of Mormon plates were preserved and translated in order that all these should be brought to a knowledge of the Savior. It may be concluded, then, that among the American Indians and the Polynesians who are mostly the descendants of the Lamanites, is also a sprinkling of the descendants of the Nephites who may have escaped the general destruction. D&C Sec 3 page 22 Doctrine and Covenants Commentary by Sjodahl and Smith

    So the plates were preserved and translated in order that the Lamanites should be brought to a knowledge of the Savior and we understand that among the American Indians, not the South American or the Central American Indians, but the “American Indians” which lived right in the area of the Heartland during the restoration, were Lamanites.

    Who were some of the Lamanites?. Those in the Pacific among the Maori’s.

    Mormon missionaries in Māori village

    “Polynesians are descendants of Lehi and blood relatives of the American Indians.” Peterson, Mark E., General Conference, April 1962.

    “I would like to say to you brethren and sisters from New Zealand, you are some of Hagoth’s people, and there is no perhaps about it!” Joseph F. Smith As written in Robert E. Parsons, “Hagoth and the Polynesians,

    “The best known and most important prophecy, as far as most New Zealand members of the Church are concerned, is that from Paora Potangaroa. In March 1881, Elder Matthew Cowley reported, a large convention was held among the Ngatikahungunu tribe. Many Maori chiefs assembled at Te Ore Ore, near Masterton, to discuss political, social, and religious problems. The established churches were well represented, but the chiefs shared a feeling of discontent about the lack of unity among them. Why, the natives asked, were there so many different churches within the bounds of Christianity?

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is maori2.png
    Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa

    Which one should the Maoris join so that unity could again be restored among them? After considerable debate and discussion, the chiefs decided to place the questions—specifically “Which of the churches is the church for the Maori race? Which of them should we join?”—before the most respected and wisest chief among them. This was Potangaroa, who, when asked the questions, answered with one word, “Taihoa,” which means “wait.” He retired to his own home and meditated, fasted, and prayed about the problem for three days. When he returned to the convention, he addressed his people, saying: “My friends, the church for the Maori people has not yet come among us. You will recognize it when it comes. Its missionaries will travel in pairs. They will come from the rising sun. They will visit with us in our homes. They will learn our language and teach us the gospel in our own tongue. When they pray they will raise their right hands.”Potangaroa then asked Ranginui Kingi to write his words as he continued to answer the questions which had been put to him. He called the transcription of his words “A covenant for remembering the hidden words which were revealed by the Spirit of Jehovah to Paora Potangaroa.” We again quote from Elder Cowley, who translated the document:

    “First, this is the day of the fulness (1881).” Brother Cowley points out that later that year the fulness of the gospel was taken to the Maoris. Actually, President Bromley and his colleagues first visited a Maori village, Orakei, on March 6, 1881, ten days before the “covenant was given to the Maoris at Te Ore Ore. “Second, the year 1882 would be the year of the ‘sealing’ (or the year they would learn the sealing ordinances). Third, the year 1883 will be the year of ‘the honoring’—of ‘great faith’—as it is written: ‘render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.’ (Rom. 13:7)” In that year the Maoris began to honor the true God by rendering their dues to him and entering The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the Ngatikahungunu tribe, especially, began to enter the Church in large numbers. The Te Ore Ore Branch was organized on December 16, 1883.The document concludes in these words: “This covenant is to be remembered by the generations which follow after us. And the fruits of that which is set forth above [in the covenants] are—we are the lost sheep of the House of Israel. [We will learn of] the scepter of Judah; of Shilo; of the king of peace; of the day of judgment; of the kingdom of heaven; of the sacred church with a large wall surrounding; of the increase of the race; of faith, love, peace, patience, judgment, unity. All this plan will be fulfilled by the people of Ngatikahungunu Tribe during the next forty years. “March 16, 1881Ranginui Kingi ”New Era 1981 by by R. Lanier BritschSee my blog here:…/

    Proof of the Existence of the Plates and the Urim and Thummim

    D&C Sec 5 Page 30 

    (See bottom of picture right) “31. Except Thou do this] Unless the Prophet followed the instructions here given, the plates and the sacred instrument would be taken from him.

    This is a remarkable Revelation. It furnishes an irrefutable proof that the Prophet Joseph actually had the plates. He promised that Martin Harris, on certain conditions, which he could easily comply with, should obtain a view of them. Such a promise, if the records had not been in existence, would have been impossible to redeem. It would have been mere buffoonery. The fraud would have been detected at once. The promise was repeated a few months later (Sec 17) to two more witnesses. Joseph had the plates and the Urim and Thummim, and this Revelation proves the truth of that assertion.D&C Sec 5 Page 30 

    A Clear Message- NO SEER STONE

    “Cowdery Wrote the Entire Book (Save a few pages)by the means of the Urim and Thummim, or, as it is called by that Book, ’Holy Interpreters‘…”

    D&C 6 Page 32-33

    “According to his own statement at Council Bluffs on October 21st, 1848, Oliver Cowdery wrote the entire Book (save a few pages) as the words fell from the lips of the Prophet, “as he translated it by the gift and power of God, by the means of the Urim and Thummim, or, as it is called by that Book, ’holy interpreters.’” So that the testimony of Oliver Cowdery was as firm in 1848, two years before his death as it was in 1829, when he first accepted the gospel, although he had been outside the Church for eleven years. When Joseph and Oliver had been engaged on the Book of Mormon a few days, this Revelation was received.” So section 6 of the D&C was also received through the Urim and Thummim along with many other sections.

    This is proof itself that Joseph could not only translate using the gift and power of God using the Urim and Thummim, but he did receive revelation as well. If you also look at section 7 in the preface it says, “Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried in the flesh or had died. The revelation is a translated version of the record made on parchment by John and hidden up by himself.D&C 7: Preface. It says “they inquired“, did Oliver and Joseph both see this revelation using the Urim and Thummin? Who knows!

    In the preface to the Original Edition, we find the following:

    Before laying aside the pen, I may be permitted to express my grateful acknowledgment of the services rendered by Elder Orson F. Whitney and Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, of the Council of the Twelve, who, together with Elder Hyrum M. Smith, carefully read the manuscript of this Commentary before it was given to the printer; also to Elder George F. Richards, of the Council of the Twelve and President of the European mission, and to Elders John E. Cottam, George F. Richards, Jr., and Junius F. Wells, fellow-laborers int he British mission, for most valuable assistance.

    Liverpool, May 1, 1919. J. M. Sjodahl.

    Janne M. Sjodahl Deseret News Press, 1923, 1932. Reprinted in 1950, 1951, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1971, 1978.

    Remember several other BofM geography items about the Cave at Cumorah and the visit of Nephi to Joseph in the wagon headed to Fayette, are found in my other blog here. A North American Setting fot the Book of Mormon is everywhere.

    “Certain lands were given to Israel for an inheritance in time and in eternity. America is the land of Joseph; it was the home of Nephite Israel, who were of Joseph, for a thousand years, and it is the headquarters of the Church in this final dispensation in which the church and kingdom of God are in the lands of Ephraim.” 1985 – Elder Bruce R. McConkie

    President Monson believes the United States is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon. Why do Mesoamericanists believe the entire continent of the Americas is the Promised Land. You mean Greenland, Guatemala, and the Northwest Territories are the Promised Lands? I love all of God’s children in the entire world and God loves us all the same, but seriously??? If a person from Greenland comes to the United States legally as a citizen that person can also live in the Promised Land? I’m sure Greenland has muc beauty on its own, but it is not the Promised Land, is it? Please respondents be respectful. I am not belittling other lands. I’m just making a factual statement. Why is the United States and Israel the two Promised Lands? Because Christ said so. See 3 Nephi 20:22,29 By Rian Nelson

    “The Lord gave a divine promise to the ancient inhabitants of this favored country (the United States): ‘Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ” (Ether 2:12).
    “Our Heavenly Father inspired the leaders of…the United States of America, that they might together, under His direction, having been raised up by God for the purpose, establish the Constitution of this country and…Bill of Rights, that by the year of our Lord 1805 [there would be] a climate where our Heavenly Father could send into this period of mortality a choice spirit who would be known as Joseph Smith, Jr.” Teachings of Thomas S. Monson by Thomas S. Monson 2011 (Ordained an Apostle, 1963; ordained President of the Church, 2008) See my blog here about “Carefully Selected” Land

  • Book of Mormon Geography can become Personal Revelation!

    Book of Mormon Geography can become Personal Revelation!

    Stretch Beyond Your Current Spiritual Ability

    I have strong opinions that have been formed as personal revelation to me on important subjects. Not doctrine for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, not absolute truth, as I am only a man of the flesh, but as very strong opinion of the spirit that is hard for me to deny. I only expect you to agree as you feel so personally inspired to do so. I am sharing some things here that are very personal, but I feel many of you may be struggling with some issues or questions yourself that this information may be comforting to you, or allow the spirit to work with you directly about sensitive issues of importance. Some may feel these glimmers of personal revelation are silly and not important, but that is only your opinion. I feel this blog is of vital importance to one or many who may read it. I appreciate you listening.

    President Nelson said, “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that “if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.” Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives by President Russell M. Nelson. I trust our Prophet and love him and our Savior.

    Book of Mormon Geography Matters

    “God intends us to find and use the evidence He has given—reasons, if you will—which affirm the truthfulness of His work….” The Greatness of the Evidence By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland August 16, 2017

    Art by Ken Corbett. Visit

    “The Book of Mormon reveals the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, who was not forgotten when land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. This was promised in the Abrahamic covenant…  Josephs inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. Choice because it was chosen to be the repository of sacred writings on golden plates from which the Book of Mormon would one day come. Choice because it would eventually host the world headquarters of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days. And it was choice because it was a land of liberty for those who worship the Lord and keep His commandments.”Russell M Nelson President, Quorum of 12 June, 2016 Provo Missionary Training Center

    “It was not by chance that the Puritans left their native land and sailed away to the shores of New England, and others later followed. They were the advance guard of the army of the Lord, predestined to establish the God-given system of government under which we live and to make America, which is the land of Joseph, the gathering place of Ephraim, an asylum for the oppressed of all nations, and prepare the way for the restoration of the gospel of Christ and the establishment of his church upon the earth” – Heber J. Grant, Conference Report, April 1930.

    Letter I to Letter VIII 1835 Written by Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith CLICK HERE

    Below we share with you many examples of Scriptures, Prophets, Apostles, Leaders, and Saints who have firm beliefs in the Geography of the Book of Mormon in North America. In Joseph Smith’s own words (letter to Emma June 4, 1834) he expresses his feelings that many of the Book of Mormon events were located in North America and more specifically the Heartland of the United States.

    “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign January 2012

    Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “…Truly rock-ribbed faith and uncompromised conviction comes with its most complete power when it engages our head as well as our heart… Truth borne by the Holy Spirit comes with, in effect, two manifestations, two witnesses if you will—the force of fact as well as the force of feeling… I believe God intends us to find and use the evidence He has given—reasons, if you will—which affirm the truthfulness of His work… Evidence is still evidence even if it is not immediately observable… “My testimony to you tonight is that the gospel is infallibly true and that a variety of infallible proofs supporting that assertion will continue to come until Jesus descends as the ultimate infallible truth of all. Our testimonies aren’t dependent on evidence—we still need that spiritual confirmation in the heart of which we have spoken—but not to seek for and not to acknowledge intellectual, documentable support for our belief when it is available is to needlessly limit an otherwise incomparably strong theological position and deny us a unique, persuasive vocabulary in the latter-day arena of religious investigation and sectarian debate. Thus armed with so much evidence of the kind we have celebrated here tonight, we ought to be more assertive than we sometimes are in defending our testimony of truth… Farrer [English cleric Austin Farrer] said: “Though argument does not create conviction, lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.”… May our Father in Heaven bless us and an ever-larger cadre of young scholars around the Church to do more and more to discover and delineate and declare the reasons for the hope that is in us, that like those converted Lamanites, we may with bold conviction hold up to a world that desperately needs it “the greatness of the evidences which [we have] received,” especially of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, the keystone of our religion. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” The Greatness of the Evidence By Elder Jeffrey R. Holland August 16, 2017 (Color added) Full article HERE Video HERE

    More information about Book of Mormon Geography here.

    Elder Dallin H. Oaks – while a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles – wrote, “The historicity—historical authenticity—of the Book of Mormon is an issue so fundamental that it rests first upon faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the first principle in this, as in all other matters. However, on the subject of the historicity of the Book of Mormon, there are many subsidiary issues that could each be the subject of a book. Those lesser issues are worthy of attention. Elder Neal A. Maxwell quoted Austin Farrer’s explanation: ‘Though argument does not create conviction, the lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish.”

    Elder B. H. Roberts wrote in 1909: “[The Holy Ghost] must ever be the chief source of evidence for the truth of the Book of Mormon. All other evidence is secondary to this, the primary and infallible. No arrangement of evidence, however skillfully ordered; no argument, however adroitly made, can ever take [the] place [of the Holy Ghost].

    Secondary evidences in support of truth, like secondary causes in natural phenomena, may be of first rate importance, and mighty factors in the achievement of God’s purposes” (New Witnesses for God, Salt Lake City, Deseret News, 1909, pp. vi–vii).

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    Does the geography of the Book of Mormon matter? By Rod Meldrum
    The book is true no matter where it happened. Right? This is a response I have heard many others say and one I have said myself many times. But reading in 3 Nephi this morning made me change my mind. I think the Book of Mormon geography does matter.

    When Christ appeared to the Nephites as the resurrected Savior, He blessed them, He taught them He prayed with them and for them. He also quoted to them the words of Isaiah. He reminded them that they had been given THIS LAND for their inheritance and were warned that they would not be allowed to remain on THIS LAND if they did not remain faithful. This emphasis shows the significance of the LAND to the Book of Mormon people, and the people who would be brought by the hand of God to THIS LAND and now occupy THIS LAND.

    Christ himself said, “great are the words of Isaiah” and He commanded the Nephites and all who read the Book of Mormon to search his words. If the words of Isaiah are great and we are commanded to read them and study them and ultimately understand them, then I believe we most certainly should understand where THIS LAND is and we should understand who the Lord is taking to when he talks about the inhabitants of THIS LAND. Because he is in fact talking directly to those who are on THIS LAND and if you don’t know where that is you can’t fully understand the message.

    Does the geography of the Book of Mormon matter? With over 1400 references to “this land” in the Book of Mormon I’m not sure how the Book of Mormon prophets could have made it clearer. THIS LAND matters. Geography matters. Those of us on THIS LAND the “promised land,” the Land of Liberty, the Land of the New Jerusalem need to know who we are. America is THIS LAND. America is a covenant land. I live on THIS LAND. Even the chapter heading of 3 Nephi also confirms this truth.

    Israel will be gathered when the Book of Mormon comes forth–The Gentiles will be established as a free people in America–They will be saved if they believe and obey; otherwise, they will be cut off and destroyed–Israel will build the New Jerusalem, and the lost tribes will return.

    I am learning more each day about what the prophecies say about me, my fellow Gentiles and my House of Israel sisters and brothers on THIS LAND. I desire to understand my covenant that I have made with the Lord and the Book of Mormon is the “voice crying from the dust” helping me understand it. The geography of the Book of Mormon matters to me.” Rod Meldrum FIRM Foundation President

    Moroni’s America-Great explanation of Book of Mormon Lands. Click to purchase- Just $9.95

    I believe the following secondary evidences of the truth and veracity of Book of Mormon geography. My belief of these quotes shows solid support of a North American setting of the Book of Mormon with only “One Cumorah” clearly in Manchester, NY. This opinion is my own and not endorsed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am a lifelong devoted member of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I love the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Lord Jesus Christ, and fully support President Russell M Nelson as the only holder of all Keys of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It is a comfort to know that additional knowledge of many of the events of the Book of Mormon Geography happened right here in the Untied States. This makes us love the Book of Mormon even more. Rian Nelson

    Secondary Evidences of The Book of Mormon in North America

    1.“Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it.” D&C 125:3

    2.“…Here, between these hills, the entire power and national strength of both the Jaredites and Nephites were destroyed. By turning to the 529th and 530th pages of the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s account of the last great struggle of his people, as they were encamped round this hill Cumorah.  In this valley fell the remaining strength and pride of a once powerful people, the Nephites—once so highly favored of the Lord, but at that time in darkness, doomed to suffer extermination by the hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. From the top of this hill, Mormon, with a few others, after the battle, gazed with horror upon the mangled remains of those who, the day before, were filled with anxiety, hope, or doubt.” Oliver Cowdery’s Letter VII

    3. “And again, what do we hear? Glad tidings from Cumorah!  Moroni, an angel from heaven, declaring the fulfilment of the prophets—the book to be revealed. A voice of the Lord in the wilderness of Fayette, Seneca county, declaring the three witnesses to bear record of the book! The voice of Michael on the banks of the Susquehanna, detecting the devil when he appeared as an angel of light! The voice of Peter, James, and John in the wilderness between Harmony, Susquehanna county, and Colesville, Broome county, on the Susquehanna river, declaring themselves as possessing the keys of the kingdom, and of the dispensation of the fulness of times!” D&C 128:20

    Plains of the Nephites LR4. “The whole of our journey, in the midst of so large a company of social honest and sincere men, wandering over the plains of the Nephites, recounting occasionally the history of the Book of Mormon, roving over the mounds of that once beloved people of the Lord, picking up their skulls & their bones, as a proof of its divine authenticity… During our travels we visited several of the mounds which had been thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of this country-Nephites, Lamanites, etc.” JS Papers Letter from Joseph to Emma. June 4, 1834

    5. “The camp passed through Huntsville, in Randolph County, which has been appointed as one of the stakes of Zion, and is the ancient site of the City of Manti…” Millennial Star, vol. 16, p. 296 “September 25, 1838. We passed through Huntsville, Co, seat of Randolph Co, Pop. 450, and three miles further we bought 32 bu. of corn off one of the brethren who resides in this place. There are several of the brethren round about here and this is the ancient site of the City of Manti, which is spoken of in the Book of Mormon and this is appointed one of the Stakes of Zion, and it is in Randolph County, Missouri, three miles west of the county seat.” Journal of Samuel D. Tyler, filed in Church Historian’s Office. Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation 3: 239

    “We came through Huntsville, the county seat of Randolph county . . . A mile and a half west of Huntsville we crossed the east branch of Chariton (River), and one and a half miles west of the river we found Ira Ames and some other brethren near the place where the city of Manti is to be built, and encamped for the night on Dark creek, six miles from Huntsville. Traveled this day seventeen miles. Distance from Kirtland, seven hundred and fifty-five miles.” 1838 Joseph Smith Documentary History of the Church, 3:10:144:1

    Joseph Smith accompanied several Church members in exploring the area around Lyman Wight’s northern Missouri home. In his journal, A. Jenson wrote: “The [Kirtland] camp passed through Huntsville, in Randolph County, which has been appointed as one of the stakes of Zion, and is the ancient site of the City of Manti. . . .” 1838 A. Jenson, Historical Record, Book 1, p. 601Millennial Star 16:296

    armitage-preaching-indians_MD16. “I was also informed concerning the aboriginal inhabitants of this country, and shown who they were, and from whence they came…I was also told where there was deposited some plates on which were engraven an abridgment of the records of the ancient prophets that had existed on this continent…. The principal nation of the second race fell in battle towards the close of the fourth century. The remnant are the Indians that now inhabit this country.” History of the Church 1: 301

    7.  Joseph said that “the Book of Mormon is a record of the forefathers of our western tribes of Indians . . . By it we learn that our western tribes of Indians are descendants from that Joseph that was sold into Egypt, and that the land of America is a promised land unto them.” Joseph Smith’s Letter to The American Revivalist Feb 2, 1833 (Quoted in Dean C. Jessee, The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984), p. 273)

    8. “He told me of a sacred record which was written on plates of gold, I saw in the vision the place where they were deposited, he said the Indians were the literal descendants of Abraham…” Joseph Smith Journal, November 9, 1835; The Joseph Smith Papers: Journals Volume 1:1832-1839(Salt Lake City: Church Historian’s Press, 2008), 88-89.

    9. “From this time forth, Joseph continued to receive instructions from the Lord, and we continued to get the children together every evening, for the purpose of listening while he gave us a relation of the same. I presume our family presented an aspect as singular as any that ever lived upon the face of the earth–all seated in a circle, father, mother, sons, and daughters, and giving the most profound attention to a boy, eighteen years of age, who had never read the Bible through in his life: he seemed much less inclined to the perusal of books than any of the rest of our children, but far more given to meditation and deep study… During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode, their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life with them.” History of Joseph Smith by his mother, 1954, pp. 82-83

    10. “Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites—Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel;” BofM Title Page

    11.” You shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them;… and no man knoweth where the city Zion shall be built, but it shall be given hereafter. Behold, I say unto you that it shall be on the borders by the Lamanites. D&C 28:8-9cowdery indian mission

    12. “Thus ended our first Indian mission, in which we had preached the Gospel in its fullness and distributed the record of their forefathers among three tribes… west of Missouri.” Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt, p 56-61

    13. “I accordingly went down, and met Keokuk, Kis-Ku-Kosh, Appenoose, and about one hundred chiefs and braves of those tribes (Sac, Fox), with their families.” … and instructed them in many things which the Lord had revealed unto me concerning their fathers, and the promises that were made concerning them in the Book of Mormon.” Joseph Smith Papers; History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda page 10-11

    14. “I do not believe that the classrooms or the pulpits of our Church are for laboratory purposes in which to experiment with new doctrines and speculative notions. They are exclusively for the use of those who are willing to convert men and women and boys and girls to the truth. . . . I do not believe we should give credence to the highly speculative theories about Book of Mormon geography. I do not believe that there were two Hill Cumorahs, one in Central America and the other one up in New York, for the convenience of the Prophet Joseph Smith, so that the poor boy would not have to walk clear to Central America to get the gold plates. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the integrity of Joseph Smith. I do not believe we can be good Latter-day Saints and question the testimony of the eleven witnesses of the Book of Mormon. I do not believe you have a testimony of the truth if you question the accuracy of the translation of the Book of Mormon.” Mark E. Petersen LDS Conference Reports, Sunday afternoon, April 5, 1953

    Purchase 150 Maps of The Book of Mormon in North America

    15. “On the top of the mound were stones which presented the appearance of three altars having been erected one above the other, according to the ancient order; and the remains of bones were strewn over the surface of the ground. The brethren procured a shovel and a hoe, and removing the earth to the depth of about one foot, discovered the skeleton of a man, almost entire, and between his ribs the stone point of a Lamanitish arrow, which evidently produced his death. Elder Burr Riggs retained the arrow. The contemplation of the scenery around us produced peculiar sensations in our bosoms; and subsequently the visions of the past being opened to my understanding by the Spirit of the Almighty, I discovered that the person whose skeleton was before us was a white Lamanite, a large, thick-set man, and a man of God. His name was Zelph. He was a warrior and chieftain under the great prophet Onandagus, who was known from the Hill Cumorah, or eastern sea to the Rocky mountains. The curse was taken from Zelph, or, at least, in part-one of his thigh bones was broken by a stone flung from a sling, while in battle, years before his death. He was killed in battle by the arrow found among his ribs, during the last great struggle of the Lamanites and Nephites.” History of the Church, ed. B. H. Roberts, 7 vols. 2:79-80 

    16. “…This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case… It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Ramah. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, “by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all… It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery. Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history.” Doctrines of Salvation Joseph Fielding Smith Chapter 12

    17. Other scriptures that reference the Book of Mormon in America or North America.

    A. Mormon 6:6; B. D&C 128:20; C. D&C 10:48-52; D. Triple combination Index: (look under America, American) -prophets blessed land in prayers: D&C 10:49–50 -America to be free: D&C 10:51 -Zion to be built upon American continent: A of F 1:10
    E. Ether 13; Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America by the seed of Joseph.

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    Combine the original text of the “most correct book on earth”, with the secondary evidences of archaeology, artifacts, geology and geography in the Heartland of the United States. Shipping is not included in the price.

    Edited by David R. Hocking & Rodney L. Meldrum. Nearly 600 pages of Prophetic Testimony, Evidences, Pictures, & Maps. Hardbound, Gold Embossed, 8½” X 11” and in Full Color!

  • The Great and Abominable Church- The Devil is the Founder

    The Great and Abominable Church- The Devil is the Founder

    Once again I thank our friend David W. Allan for posting this brief and vital information from Chauncy Riddle. Two brilliant and special men who know about truth. I pray we listen to them. And it came to pass that I beheld this great and abominable church; and I saw the devil that he was the founder of it.” 1 Nephi 13:6
    Today this Great and Abominable Church is alive in Politics, Sports, Religion, Hollywood Music, Big Pharma, Big Corporations, Big Tech, and Deep State Governments all over the World. We are inundated with Satan in 90% of those things in this world that focus and promote money and power, including evil Churches. Let’s heed the Prophets council who said, “It is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures — perhaps measures we have never taken before — to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.” Oct 3, 2021 President Nelson

    The Great and Abominable Church

    Chauncey C. Riddle
    Chauncey C Riddle

    Guest Post:  Chauncy C. Riddle and I have been very good friends for a long time.  His understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ and his political awareness is unmatched.   Chauncey C Riddle is a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He is a religious leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has written many articles for the Ensign, Sunstone Magazine, and BYU Studies. He has also written countless articles and has published the milestone  book entitled, “Think Independently,” that everyone should read.

    Some Things to Know About “The Great and Abominable Church”

    1. It is found among every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and covers the whole earth.
    2. It is operated under the direct control of Satan.
    3. It has its own temples, ordinances, and priestly vestments.
    4. It has its own gospel, which is taught everywhere and is believed by most of the educated and by many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
    5. It tries to either capture or drive out every other church and is very close to doing so.
    6. It fosters abortion, artificial birth control, and euthanasia.
    7. It tries to destroy the Ten Commandments and Christian standards.
    8. It pretends to be like a democracy but it is actually totalitarian.
    9. It is the most influential force in the world.
    10. It is in your face every day of the world.

    But almost no one talks about it. Most people do not realize it exists. But it is doing the task God has assigned it to do and makes the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant possible to be received and enjoyed for everyone who deliberately rejects it in favor of Faith in Jesus Christ.

    C.C.Riddle The Great and Abominable Church

    Join us at the 30th Book of Mormon Evidence Conference.
    Over 75 inspirational speakers.

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  • Organic Evolution-Prayer Helps us to Know

    Organic Evolution-Prayer Helps us to Know

    How I Understand Evolution and Geography

    “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is neutral about Evolution, Geography of the Book of Mormon, and other subjects. I discus below how this position of neutrality by the Church, allows me to receive personal revelation on various subjects. My belief is personal and does not represent the Church. I don’t feel our leaders need to always have an answer for us, but that we must search it out on our own. The leaders guide us about doctrine and revelation, which I appreciate.

    I think there is importance in the Brethren being neutral on Geography, evolution and other difficult issues. They want us to gain our own witness to secondary information. They have given us sound doctrine and that is what we should focus on. I know through the Spirit that the Book of Mormon is true. However, I love to seek for other truth and as Moroni has said “I may know the truth of all things”

    I believe the Land of Promise spoken of in the Book of Mormon is the United States of America. The Constitution was created by the Lord, Adam and Eve were placed on this same land and the New Jerusalem will be on this same land. No need for me to check out Mesoamerica anymore as I did for 40 years.

    Just like evolution. I don’t believe we came from an ape and I know that matter cannot come from nothing. Things of course evolve or change within their own species. I don’t have to look into science to figure this out, but by the witness of what the scriptures tell us.

    I don’t expect President Nelson to come right out and tell me where the Book of Mormon events happened, or if we came from an ape, I know through sound reasoning the answer that makes most sense to me. Now if the Brethren say otherwise, I would always listen to them first, and then pray about it, but in my opinion the Church is neutral on difficult issues that exist to help each of us individually come to a knowledge of the “truth of all things” as promised in the Book of Mormon. I don’t need to be commanded in all things!

    “The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6-21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.)

    The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.” A Treasured Testament Elder Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Ensign: July 1993 here:

    I mention what Pres. Nelson mentioned above and ask, where was the repository of sacred writings, and where is the headquarters of the Church?, In other words, what was the Land Chosen by God? The USA. Not Greenland, not Brazil, not, Guatemala, not Quebec, but the land chosen was the heartland and the territory of the United States.

    This is very simple to understand, and those who believe in a different location of the events of the Book of Mormon just don’t understand the quote by Elder Perry who said, “The United States is the promised land foretold in the Book of Mormon—a place where divine guidance directed inspired men to create the conditions necessary for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Dec. 2012

    Now you can hear below what our leaders say to us about evolution. They may be neutral, but we can know things through personal revelation. Read their words and pray about it, which is the only way to know truth.” Rian Nelson

    Bruce R. McConkie

    “All things are to be revealed in the millennial day. The sealed part of the Book of Mormon will come forth; the brass plates will be translated; the writings of Adam and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and prophets without number will be revealed. We shall learn a thousand times more about the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus than we now know. We shall learn great mysteries of the kingdom that were not even known to those of old who walked and talked with the Eternal One. We shall learn the details of the creation and the origin of man and what fools mortals are to follow the fads of the evolving evolutionary nonsense that litters the textbooks of academia. Nothing in or on or over the earth will be withheld from human ken, for eventually man, if he is to be as his Maker, must know all things.” (The Millennial Messiah, pp.675-677)

    “There is no harmony between the truths of revealed religion and the theories of organic evolution.” Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 256

    “Evolutionary theories assume that hundreds of millions of years were involved, first in the creation of the earth as a habitable globe, and again in the evolution of spontaneously generated, single celled forms of life into the complex and multitudinous forms of life now found on its face. We have rather specific scriptural indications that the creative period was of relatively short duration.” Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 255

    Gospel Topic Essay- Organic Evolution

    “As scientists debated Darwin’s and Mendel’s theories over the following decades, people of faith grappled with the implications of organic evolution for human origins, the Creation of the earth, and the meaning of scripture. In the early 20th century, public controversy about evolution centered on “Darwinism,” or Darwin’s explanation of natural selection through random mutation. Theologians were divided over whether the findings of scientists attested to God’s creative power or denied His role in the Creation.

    “Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the time did not take an official stance on the theory of evolution, but they did take steps to clarify the Church’s teachings related to human origins. In 1909, President Joseph F. Smith and his counselors in the First Presidency published an official declaration entitled “The Origin of Man.” Drafted by Elder Orson F. Whitney, the declaration affirmed our divine nature as children of God. The next year, President Smith urged Church leaders not to undertake “to say how much of evolution is true, or how much is false.”…

    The First Presidency issued a condensed version of “The Origin of Man” in 1925 that reiterated, “All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother and are literally sons and daughters of Deity.”…

    President Heber J. Grant and his counselors in the First Presidency urged leaders not to take sides on the issue, requesting in 1931 that they “leave Geology, Biology, Archaeology and Anthropology, no one of which has to do with the salvation of the souls of mankind, to scientific research, while we magnify our calling in the realm of the Church.”…

    As time went on, faithful Latter-day Saints continued to hold diverse views on the topic of evolution. Joseph Fielding Smith in his influential writings maintained the reliability of scripture as a guide to the Creation timeline. Henry Eyring, a prominent scientist and Sunday School general board member, welcomed evidence of evolutionary change and reiterated the teachings of Brigham Young, who taught that the gospel encompassed all truth, scientific or otherwise. In 1965, Church President David O. McKay worked with Bertrand F. Harrison, a botany professor at Brigham Young University, to foster greater understanding between Saints with differing viewpoints on evolution.

    In the late 20th century, Church-sponsored schools expanded their educational offerings in the sciences. In 1992, the First Presidency and board of trustees at Brigham Young University approved a packet of reading material for use in science classes that presented the official 1909 and 1925 statements and other statements from members of the First Presidency on the faithful application of scientific truth. The packet also included an entry from the 1992 publication The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, produced with Church leader approval, which explained that “the scriptures tell why man was created, but they do not tell how.” In 2016, the Church’s youth magazine published articles on the pursuit of scientific truth. These articles reiterated that “the Church has no official position on the theory of evolution” and characterized it as a “matter for scientific study.” Echoing countless statements of Church leaders, the articles once again affirmed God’s role in creation and our relationship to our Heavenly Father as His children.” Gospel Topic Essay’s

  • Who were the Original Witnesses of the Doctrine and Covenants?

    Who were the Original Witnesses of the Doctrine and Covenants?

    Did you realize there were “Witnesses” to the authenticity of the revelations found in the  Doctrine and Covenants? After reading the following quote, see if you can guess who some of the undersigners were and what revelations they were bearing witness to?

    Who are the Undersigners?

    “We, the undersigners, feel willing to bear testimony to all the world of mankind, to every creature upon the face of all the Earth and upon the islands of the sea, that God hath borne record to our souls, through the Holy Ghost shed forth upon us, that these commandments are given by inspiration of God and are profitable for all men and are verily true.”

    Physical and Spiritual Witnesses

    We have all probably read the “Testimony of Three Witnesses” and the “Testimony of Eight Witnesses to the Gold Plates, and we understand the significance of these 11 witnesses. The Three witnesses of course saw the angel Moroni as he showed them the plates by turning the leaves of the pages in front of them. They received a “spiritual” witness of the angel and the plates.

    We know the Eight Witnesses were each allowed to “heft” and examine the plates from the hands of Joseph Smith as a “Physical Witness” of their presence. The quote above comes from some brethren who did not see an angel and did not see ancient plates, but they were asked a more difficult task, (In my opinion) to witness in a way that would show they had to exercise perhaps an ever stronger faith to be a witnesses of these commandments. They would have to show faith that a Prophet of God, even Joseph Smith was indeed a Prophet based upon the words revealed and based on the spirit of confirmation.

    What revelations or commandments are we speaking of? THE BOOK OF THE LORD’S COMMANDMENTS, or in other words, the precursor to our original Doctrine and Covenants that we have today.


    In 1833, a number of the revelations received by the Prophet Joseph Smith were prepared for publication under the title A Book of Commandments for the Government of the Church of Christ. The Lord continued to communicate with His servants, and an enlarged compilation of revelations was published two years later as the Doctrine and Covenants.

    D&C 1 is the Lord’s preface to the book of his commandments, D&C 1:6.

    Stewards were appointed to publish the revelations, D&C 70:1–5.” LDS Guide to the Scriptures/Book of Commandments

    McLellin Failed Miserably

    The Lord challenged the wisest person to duplicate the least of his revelations in the Book of Commandments, D&C 67:4–9.

    “According to one account, McLellin volunteered to try to write his own revelation but failed miserably. Thereafter, McLellin, along with other conference attendees, affixed his name to a testimony, prepared by Joseph, stating that “God hath born record to our souls through the Holy Ghost shed forth upon us that these commandments are given by inspiration of God & are profitable for all men & are verily true.” William McLellin’s Five Question Matthew C. Godfrey

    Click the link right or on the picture for this copy at the Joseph Smith Papers website.

    By Michael De Groote Deseret News

    “Joseph Smith needed someone to step up and testify of his revelations. Eleven men had testified earlier of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. All 11 had seen the plates. Three had seen an angel and heard the voice of God.

    But in November of 1831 there was a new need for boldness. Who would put their names and reputations on the line? Who would stand up and let the world know that they knew that a collection of Joseph’s revelations, the Book of Commandments, was true?

    For 178 years the names of these testifiers were unknown. Their names were erased from memory. Now, with the publication of the latest volume of the Joseph Smith Papers: “Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books,” their names are made known to the world.

    It began on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1831 in Hiram, Ohio when Joseph called a special conference of elders. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was small then, about the size of a large ward. Ten elders, including Joseph, attended the conference to discuss the publication of Joseph Smith’s revelations. They voted to print 10,000 copies and adjourned for the afternoon.

    During the break, Joseph received a revelation, God’s own preface to the Book of Commandments: “For verily the voice of the Lord is unto all men, and there is none to escape; and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:2).

    When the conference reconvened, Joseph said that since the Lord had given the great blessing of so many revelations, the elders should decide what testimony they were willing to attach to the book. After several present arose and said they were willing to testify to the world, Joseph prepared a statement for the witnesses to sign. The contemporaneous minutes described it as a revelation.

    The conference adjourned for the day. And then the trouble began.

    “I think they hope for an experience similar to one that the three witnesses experienced: ‘We’ll bear testimony if we can see an angel or see the presence of God,’” said Steven C. Harper, one of the three volume editors for this Joseph Smith Papers volume. “‘Maybe we can have a marvelous experience where God would confirm to us the truthfulness of the Book of Commandments.’”

    Joseph remembered later that “some conversation was had concerning revelation and language.” The potential witnesses to the Book were hoping for a special blessing from God to match the testimony statement. They expressed doubts or perhaps even embarrassment about some of the language in the revelations. The conference was deadlocked.

    Then, another revelation came to Joseph: “And now I, the Lord, give unto you a testimony of the truth of these commandments which are lying before you. Your eyes have been upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and his language you have known, and his imperfections you have known” (Doctrine and Covenants 67:4-5).

    The Lord gave a challenge for the elders to choose the “least” of Joseph’s revelations and then choose the “most wise among you” to see if he can write a similar one. If he could, then their reticence over the language was justified. If not, “ye are under condemnation if ye do not bear record that they are true” (67:6-8).

    Harper said the Lord’s test was “absolutely awesome.”

    William E. McLellin

    Joseph’s later recollection was that “William E. McLellin … endeavored to write a commandment like unto one of the least of the Lord’s, but failed.” “And then (Joseph) gives a very revealing comment,” Harper said. “It was an awful responsibility to write in the name of the Lord,” Joseph said in his 1839 history. “The elders, and all present, that witnessed this vain attempt of a man to imitate the language of Jesus Christ, renewed their faith in the fulness of the gospel and in the truth of the commandments and revelations which the Lord had given to the church through my instrumentality.”

    The conference minutes record that all those present arose in turn and bore “witness to the truth of the Book of Commandments.” Joseph expressed gratitude.

    Five of the ten elders stepped up and put their names to the document. Joseph’s testimony was already implicit in the revelations. The other four, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, John Whitmer and Peter Whitmer Jr., apparently did not sign because they already had given their names as witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

    The testimony and the five signatures were copied into the manuscript book for the Book of Commandments and brought to Missouri for printing. Thirteen other men signed their names to the testimony. A few probably signed it in Ohio, others in Missouri. Like the first edition of the Book of Mormon, the testimony was to be included at the end of the Book of Commandments, but a mob destroyed the press before it was completed.

    One of those men who signed in Missouri was a relative of John Hancock. “You’ve got John Hancock so conspicuously stamping his mark on the Declaration of Independence. And this is really a similar move,” said Harper. “You put your name on this book as a testimony to the Book of the Lord’s Commandments. You are also saying to the world, ‘This is my witness. This is what I believe. This is my testimony.’ And it’s audacious, just like the Declaration of Independence was. It’s bold.”

    Levi Hancock used a pencil when he wrote his name as a witness. Then, no doubt, realizing that the others had written their names in ink, he added a statement: “Never to be erased.(See picture below)

    “It is just so lovely to look at. I am deeply moved by it,” Harper said. For 178 years, only part of the text of the testimony was available. Now, at last, all 18 of those that signed the statement can give that bold testimony to the world, never to be erased:

    The testimony of the witnesses to the Book of the Lord’s Commandments

    “The testimony of the witnesses to the Book of the Lord’s Commandments, which he gave to his church through Joseph Smith, Jr., who was appointed by the voice of the church for this purpose.

    We, the undersigners, feel willing to bear testimony to all the world of mankind, to every creature upon the face of all the Earth and upon the islands of the sea, that God hath borne record to our souls, through the Holy Ghost shed forth upon us, that these commandments are given by inspiration of God and are profitable for all men and are verily true.

    We give this testimony unto the world, the Lord being our helper;

    And it is through the grace of God, the Father, and his son, Jesus Christ, that we are permitted to have this privilege of bearing this testimony unto the world, in the which we rejoice exceedingly, praying the Lord always, that the children of men may be profited thereby. Amen.”

    Click for website connection

    Signers and Witnesses of the Book of Commandments below:

    Joshua Fairchild
    Peter Dustin
    Newel Knight
    Levi Hancock; never to be erased
    Thomas B. Marsh
    Sidney Rigdon
    Orson Hyde
    Wm. E. McLellin
    Luke Johnson
    Lyman Johnson
    Reynolds Cahoon
    John Corrill
    Parley Pratt
    Harvey Whitlock
    Lyman Wight
    John Murdock
    Calvin Beebe
    Zebedee Coltrin

    Deseret News Article Here
    Read the Full Transcript in the Joseph Smith Papers here!

    The Ten Most Expensive Mormon Books
    By Reid N. Moon · January 28, 2016

    Actual picture of an original Book of Commandments signed by Wilford Woodruff owned by Reid Moon.

    1) Book of Commandments [1833]. $1,250,000

    Many of you know the story of Mary Elizabeth Rollins. She was the young woman who, with the aid of her younger sister Caroline, rescued some of the sheets of the Book of Commandments that had been scattered in the streets after a mob destroyed the press in Independence, Missouri on July 20, 1833. Very few copies have survived. In fact, there are only about 30 known copies–and only eight are in private hands.

    At an acquisition price of over a million dollars, the Book of Commandments is the most expensive book on this list. In fact, it could be on almost any list of the “most expensive books“. (Editor’s note: The one signed by Wilford Woodruff would command top dollar)

    2) The Evening and Morning Star [1832-33] $500,000

    This was the first Mormon newspaper. A prospectus, written by W. W. Phelps, indicated that this paper would be devoted to “the revelations of God as made known to his servants by the Holy Ghost, at sundry times since the creation of man, but more especially in these last days.” The Evening and Morning Star contained some the first printed revelations of Joseph Smith. The circulation was very small, perhaps no more than a few hundred copies were printed, and when publication ceased (due to the destruction of the press at Independence) very few complete runs existed. The entire twenty-four issues were reprinted in Kirtland between January 1835 and October 1836. (Peter Crawley, A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, 1997, 1:32-33). The Kirtland reprint of The Evening and Morning Star is also quite rare and sells for around $150,000.

    9) Book of Mormon [1830]. First Edition. $100,000 (This is not a misprint. An original 1830 BofM is listed as only 9th on the most expensive list)

    To see the rest of the article visit here:

    LDS book fetches $391,000 at sale Published: October 30, 2001 12:00 am

    An original “Book of Commandments,” a precursor to The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sold for $391,000 at auction Monday.

    The book, which was expected to bring $400,000, met its reserve price and met price expectations, says Chris Coover, a senior specialist at the auction house Christie’s.

    “The price is a record for a 19th-century book,” Coover said. “It beats Poe, Melville, Longfellow. There were a lot of interested parties at the auction, but I wouldn’t say there was a lot of bidding. But that’s typical.”

    Caroline and Mary Elizabeth Rollins
    By Kellene Ricks

    By Clark Kelley Price. Click for his website

    “Even though it was a hot July day, Mary Elizabeth Rollins and her sister Caroline lay shivering on top of several large pieces of paper. The thick rows of 150- to 180-centimeters-high corn hid the two girls from the angry men who were hunting for them. The girls held their breath, praying for the men to stop their search and leave the cornfield.

    It was 1833, and there was a lot of unrest in Independence, Missouri. More and more converts had settled in the area, and nonmember neighbors wanted the Saints to leave Jackson County, Missouri. Instead, the little community was growing. There was even a printing press in Brother William Phelps’s house, and the whole town knew that he was printing revelations received by the Prophet Joseph Smith and preparing them for publication.

    It was some of those same revelations that the girls were lying on. A mob of angry men had become outraged at an editorial written by Brother Phelps that was printed in the Church newspaper. Fifteen-year-old Mary Elizabeth and thirteen-year-old Caroline had watched as the men broke into the Phelps’s home and threw the printing press and the printed revelations from the second-story window to the ground below. When Mary Elizabeth saw the papers hit the street, she knew what had to be done. She knew that those revelations and commandments came from the Lord and that it was important that the Saints have copies of them.

    Even though they were frightened, both girls ran and gathered up as many of the large papers as they could carry. When members of the mob spotted them from the window and yelled at them to stop, the girls ran to the nearby cornfield, lay down on the sheets of paper, and prayed for protection.

    It seemed like hours before the men grew tired of looking for the girls, but finally they left. Mary Elizabeth and Caroline waited longer before gathering up the sacred papers and creeping out of their hiding place.

    The revelations were returned to Brother Phelps. Shortly afterward, those salvaged pages were combined with other pages that had been saved, and a tiny book called the Book of Commandments was printed. Two years later those same commandments and revelations were combined with additional revelations from the Lord and printed in a new book. Whenever they read the Doctrine and Covenants, Mary Elizabeth and Caroline remembered the part that they played in the coming forth of this sacred book of scripture.” By Kellene Ricks

    Click to Enlarge

    I Count my Blessings

    I am related to one of the 18 signers of the Book of Commandments, named Peter Dustin It is through by mother’s mother (Cecelia Dustin) and Celia’s father (Levi Dustin).  It adds to the excitement of Family History as I’m related to Peter Dustin as he bore his witness of Joseph’s divine revelations.

    In my opinion the desire and faith necessary to testify about Joseph’s Revelations was possibly more difficult than seeing an angel and the plates. The signers of the Book of Commandments had to have a solid faith in the Lord to feel the Spirit and absolutely know these Revelations were not of Joseph, but of the Lord himself. They based their witness of things they could not see. That is similar for us today. We haven’t seen the plates, but we have felt the Spirit and that Spirit has borne witness to us of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Even some of the Apostles thought they could write Revelations on their own in similar words that the Savior used. They failed miserably. See D&C 67:4-9

  • The Case for the Urim and Thummim

    The Case for the Urim and Thummim

    Editor’s Note: The following article from this remarkable man, Mike Downs from Idaho, is a spirit filled witness of the calling of Joseph Smith and how the plates were translated. Mike’s use of scripture and his own intelligent reasoning are so rare in our youth of today. He is definitely part of the “Woke Up” club, and his testimony is solid. We appreciate Mike’s father Jeff, who has been a supporter of Firm Foundation for many years and has been a great friend and role model for many.

    The Case for the Urim and Thummim by Mike Downs


    “The Book of Mormon is a wonderful book of scripture that truly testifies that Jesus is the Christ.  Its teachings are rich with doctrines and principles that come from a loving Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.  Some believe this book is fictitious and simply a parable of something that might have happened.  I bear witness that this book is 100% real.  The people, the stories, and the doctrine are not constructed to trick people into believing in something fake.  However, the purpose of this document is not to prove the historicity of the Book of Mormon (though plenty of internal evidence can certainly prove things found in the Book of Mormon make it very authentic).  The purpose is to prove that Joseph did not use a seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon.

    Why is it Important:

    I had a friend ask me why it is important with how the Book of Mormon was translated.  The Holy Ghost can still bear witness to the truthfulness of the book.  This is true, but the adversary will take any bit of doubt and amplify it to the point that one may lose sight of the truth.  In a sense, it is as if the devil is laying a land mine that is waiting to detonate your faith at a moment of weakness.  To think that this idea is farfetched is wrong because some people have heard about the Seer Stone and lost their faith or have it damaged.  At BYU-I, I had a religion professor promote the idea of a seer stone so hard, I felt that something was off.  I could not explain then why I felt against it, but after sincere study, I can say what I was feeling was a warning that it was false, at least in the sense that the stone was used in the translation process.

    My goal here is not to incite any contention or start an argument.  Doing so would be of the devil and not of Christ.[1] I leave it to the reader to decide what is true and what is not.  I firmly believe that the scriptures can speak for themselves, especially the Book of Mormon.  If the reader truly has an open mind to what is about to be shared, I know it can help him or she have a deeper testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Prophet Joseph Smith.  I have thought about adding long explanations on why David Whitmer’s, Emma Smith’s, and Martin Harris’s accounts are false, but have felt that appealing to the scriptures would destroy their false or questionable statements and show believing their words about the seer stone is ridiculous.

    One important thing to remember is that the Holy Ghost can teach us all things and that the things of the Spirit can only be learned by the Spirit.[2]  So when scholars slander any scripture from the standard works, they should be looked at like fools because they put their wisdom over revelation given through the Lord’s prophets.[3]  With that being said, is the Book of Mormon translation something to be learned of with the Spirit?  I think it can be, mainly on the fact that revelation was a strong part of the process[4].  The Lord will probably not reveal unto us exactly how the translation process worked at this time (so those who say they know either guess or in some cases lie), but he can confirm unto us if what Joseph and others said were true. A good question to ask ourselves on this topic is this: Why would the scriptures refer to the Urim and Thummim so much if it was not an important detail to know?

    If Mormon saw our day and had limited space to use in the gold plates, why include details about the Urim and Thummim?  I suggest that it was because of dishonest and misguided men who would try to discredit Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.

    Now to answer the question of my friend, “Why is it (The Book of Mormon Translation) important?”  I submit that understanding what instruments were used by Joseph are important for several reasons: 

    1) The adversary will use this confusion to jeopardize people’s faith in the Savior by making them doubt what is real.

    2) This misinformation would make Joseph look like a liar and a dishonest person.

    3) We would lose sight of what it truly means when scriptures say that this work is a “marvelous work and a wonder”[5].

    Global Variables:

    “There Indeed” by Clark Kelley Price

    When I was putting this paper together, I was reminded of a principle I learned from one of my computer programming courses.  The principle was on global variables.  In programming, global variables are used to set certain values that can be used throughout the program.  If needed, these variables can change, but in certain cases the variable can be made private and unchangeable.  When it comes to the Book of Mormon translation, certain facts cannot change because they are God’s word. So, if we were to set some “global variables” for the Book of Mormon translation process that are unchangeable, what would we choose?  May I suggest these three points:

    • Joseph was commanded not to show the plates or the Urim and Thummim (Interpreters) to anyone unless commanded[6]
    • Joseph translated it “by the gift and power of God”[7] 
    • “It was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the book of Mormon.”[8]

    Two Camps:

     With our global variables in place, let us now make clear the two camps we see when individuals try to explain how the Book of Mormon was translated.  The 1st Camp is that the Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith using the Urim and Thummim (the Nephite interpreters) that were found with the plates.  Joseph used the plates through the translating process.  The 2nd camp is that the Urim and Thummim may have been used for a little bit, but a seer stone and a hat were used for much of the translation because of convenience.  The plates were hardly used or looked at.

    As stated above, I will not bother at this time explaining in detail why Martin Harris, David Whitmer, and Emma Smith’s statements were false.  They believed that a seer stone was used in the translation process.  Other notable men and women have explained it better than I could so I will not spend a lot of time debunking their statements.  I would just simply say look at the evidence and draw your own conclusions! 

    The evidence is easy to find and is not in some obscure statement or book.  Down below are two tables.  Table 1 examines evidence that Joseph did use the Urim and Thummim (Nephite Interpreters) during the translation process.  Table 2 examines the evidence of where the Urim and Thummim came from that Joseph used.  Table 3 describes the Urim and Thummim.  Note some references may be repeated for emphasis.

    The Evidence:

    Table 1:

    Table 2:

    Table 3:

    Tables Explanation

    Table 1 gives a brief overview of four scriptures that has the Lord, Joseph Smith, and Oliver Cowdrey implying that the Book of Mormon was translated through the means of the Urim and Thummim.  If I was a lawyer in a court case, these three witnesses would be damming evidence against the opposing side.  Three of these statements come from the Lord and the Prophet Joseph and easily bear considerable weight and authority.  Oliver Cowdrey simply solidifies what is being said by Joseph and the Lord. 

    Mosiah Interprets the Jaredite Stone by Minerva

    Table 2 outlines where the Urim and Thummim came from and their purpose.  If these interpreters were prepared for the purpose of translating the book as ancient prophets have written, then why would Joseph go against God’s wisdom and rely on a stone he found at a well?  It does not make sense for the Lord’s Prophet to go against the Lord’s plan and do his own will because some other way might be easier.  Now Joseph made mistakes, but Joseph and the Lord made no mention of a seer stone being used during the translation process.  We can also see that the Urim and Thummim have been passed down through many prophets from the time of the Brother of Jared to King Mosiah to Joseph Smith.

    Table 3 debunks the claim that that the Urim and Thummim is an interchangeable term and could easily be the seer stone or the Nephite interpreters.[9]  If we examine the statements found in Table 3, we will see that Joseph and ancient prophets described the Urim and Thummim as two transparent stones set in a silver bow and that he received them with the gold plates in the Hill Cumorah.  This same Urim and Thummim was the one used by Book of Mormon prophets from the time of the Brother of Jared to Moroni which was then buried until the time of Joseph Smith.  To say the Urim and Thummim was an interchangeable term is illogical because it contradicts how the item is described in scripture.

    Who to Believe?

    Now some may be inclined to say that both the seer stone and Urim and Thummim were used.  Part of the reason is that Emma Smith, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer couldn’t possibly be wrong.  Emma was the prophet’s wife, and David Whitmer and Martin Harris were a part of the three witnesses.  I do think these three are honorable to a degree, but we should be careful to trust their statements, especially when the statements they gave were given long after they left the Church.  Some of these statements, in their full context (something few take the time to research) were blatantly against the Church.

    Let us look at a generally accepted idea of Joseph’s scribes recorded during the translation process:

    Martin Harris and Emma Smith helped translate what is known as the lost 116 pages or the Book of Lehi.  Oliver Cowdrey translated most, if not all, of the Book of Mormon that we have today.[10]  Now Martin Harris, Emma Smith, and David Whitmer claim Joseph used a seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon.  How do their claims add up to the claims from the Lord, Joseph, and Oliver?  They don’t add up at all.  If Martin Harris claims a seer stone was used during his period as a scribe, would that make the Lord’s comments about Joseph using the Urim and Thummim in D&C 10 a lie?  No, it would make Martin the liar because the Lord cannot lie.[11] So if that’s the case, the Urim and Thummim must have been used for the 116 pages.  It then must be assumed that when the Lord told Joseph to continue translating as he did before, that he would keep using the Urim and Thummim, not a seer stone because that was not what Joseph was using to begin with.[12]

    So, what about David Whitmer and Emma Smith’s accounts of the use of a seer stone?  Their accounts falter because according to Oliver, he testifies that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim for the remainder of the translation of the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi through Moroni).  One may claim that Oliver’s account holds the same weight as David and Emma (though David Whitmer’s accounts flip flop between Joseph using a seer stone or the interpreters).  If this is the case, let us refer to our global variables.  Joseph was commanded not to show the plates or the Urim and Thummim to anyone.[13] So that means only Joseph and the Lord can truly say what happened in the translation process.  So, what did the Lord’s servant say? We do know that the world is not supposed to know the particulars of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.  BYU scholars and others seem to make this point very clear and then proceed to say what Joseph said or did through sources that on the surface seem official, but down below are dishonest and false. 

    The Sword of Laban and the Liahona were in the Cave at Cumorah, not in the Stone Box.

    To all those who believe Joseph was a true prophet of God, I submit you listen to the man himself that was called to do a work that was prophesied by prophets thousands of years before. Here is how he described the gold plates and how he translated the Book of Mormon.  Joseph Smith said this:

    “These records were engraven on plates which had the appearance of gold, each plate was six inches wide and eight inches long and not quite so thick as common tin. They were filled with engravings, in Egyptian characters and bound together in a volume, as the leaves of a book with three rings running through the whole. The volume was something near six inches in thickness, a part of which was sealed. The characters on the unsealed part were small, and beautifully engraved. The whole book exhibited many marks of antiquity in its construction and much skill in the art of engraving. With the records was found a curious instrument which the ancients called ‘Urim and Thummim,’ which consisted of two transparent stones set in the rim of a bow fastened to a breastplate. Through the medium of the Urim and Thummim I translated the record by the gift, and power of God.  .”[14] 

    If the global variable is true, then we must take Joseph’s word for it because he is the only confirmed person on earth that saw the translation process.  If we cherry-pick and say Joseph lied here or did not tell the truth there, what kind of prophet would he be?  He would be a false prophet and one that cannot be trusted.  Though historians or people in the church may claim this idea, I testify that Joseph is a prophet of the Lord and that those who fight against this truth will find great shame on Judgment Day.

    Final Conclusions and Thoughts

    In conclusion, I submit to you that a seer stone could not have been possibly used due to evidence presented by the Lord, Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdrey, and ancient scripture.  Unlike some of the historians and scholars that just appeal to facts, I appeal to the Holy Ghost to give people guidance on this matter.  I firmly believe that the Lord is a perfect being that cannot lie.  I strongly testify Joseph Smith was a true prophet of the Lord and that those who say otherwise will experience bitter sorrow for fighting against the Lord’s anointed.  Furthermore, I will always stand by Joseph and what he said instead of the possible half-truths or lies spread by those who seek to remove Joseph from his prophetic pedestal.

    To those who have doubts about Joseph because of the seer stone, treasure digging, or any other slander against the prophet, I urge you to follow the Lord’s counsel in seeking to study out of the best books (in full context) with wisdom and faith.[15] Joseph has truly done more than any man for the salvation of the human family save Jesus only.[16]  If historians are confusing you on who Joseph was, may I invite you to read Joseph Smith history, ancient prophecies about him, and the Book of Mormon.  If one truly wants to know Joseph, the scriptures, or even the Savior Jesus Christ, they must be willing to put forth the work in study and prayer to truly know them.

    The Sacred Grove

    When I first heard about the seer stone idea, I read about it briefly from the Gospel topics section on the Gospel Library app from the church.  I thought nothing of it.  It wasn’t until a professor’s class that something did not feel right to me.  If I learned anything from my time as a missionary for the church, it is how to recognize certain promptings of the Holy Ghost.  It may be bold to some to say that through the Holy Ghost I received confirmation that the Urim and Thummim was used, and that the seer stone was not in the Book of Mormon translation.  After seeing the damage and confusion this idea was causing, I wondered why such an idea would cause members to fall away.  I found answers in the scriptures above but knew that some would still not accept them because of a lack of faith and confidence in ancient prophets.  When I found the statements on Joseph commenting directly on what the Urim and Thummim was and how he used it to translate the Book of Mormon, I instantly threw out the claims of the seer stone because I knew Joseph is a prophet of God and that all claims for the seer stone being used in the actual translation were false.  It was not until later I discovered that the seer stone theory originated from anti-Mormon literature produced in Joseph Smith’s time called Mormonism Unveiled[17].

    I would urge every reader to prove to themselves what is true and what is not.  I trust the prophet and the scriptures over pathetic slander and stories.  The seer stone accounts came from members after they left the church and fought against Joseph.  I came to this conclusion through study, prayer, and faith.  After reading this paper, I hope you can draw your own conclusions.  I hope that in some way your testimony or faith in the Lord and his prophet Joseph were strengthened.  Finally, I hope that you have the knowledge and understanding from the Holy Ghost on this matter to destroy the attacks from Satan on this matter for yourself and possible loved ones who may have questions on this issue.  May Heavenly Father strengthen those who have questions or who are seeking answers.” Mike Downs

    Editor’s Note: Scriptures and statements that validate the translation with the spectacles and breastplate, also known as the Urim and Thummim and Interpreters. PDF Here There is no seer stone or single stone mentioned in the scriptures, used to translate the plates.

    Author Notes:

    “A Note About the Times and Seasons: (To Show Joseph said and edited the words found in table 1 and 3 above, the paragraphs below describe the newspaper.  The Paragraphs are from the Encyclopedia of Latter-Day Saint History which was printed in the year 2000)

    Times and Seasons, a major source of information on early Latter-Day Saint thought, was published at Nauvoo 1840-1846. During the spring of 1839, Elias Smith and Hiram Clark retrieved from a muddy grave in far West, Missouri, the press and type that had been used in the publication of the elders Journal. (The equipment had been buried there for safety when the Saints were driven out. ) Various editors then use the machinery to publish times and seasons, which became the churches journalistic voice during the Nauvoo, Illinois, era. The periodical was first issued as a “monthly religious paper in pamphlet form” (Smith, 4:23) in November 1839 by Don Carlos Smith and Ebenezer Robinson. Following its first year, times and seasons became a semi-monthly publication.

    In December 1840, the firm Robinson and Smith, publishers, was dissolved, and Don Carlos Smith became the editor, taking on Robert B Thompson as a partner during the spring of 1841. Following the death of Smith on 7 August and of Thompson on 27 August 1841, Ebenezer Robinson once again became the editor and this time the sole manager as well. When the core of the 12 apostles determined either to take over the periodical or start a competing paper at the end of 1841, Robinson reluctantly sold the periodical to the church (Smith, 4:463)

    Thereafter it was edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith (volume 3, from the 8th number on) and then by John Taylor (volumes 4 – 6).  Altogether, 131 issues of the times and seasons were produced. “Each number of the paper consisted of 16 large octavo pages, the printing matter on each page measuring four and 1/4 by 8 inches “ (Jenson, 875). The final edition came off the press on 15 February 1846, a few days after the exodus from Nauvoo had begun.

    [1] 3 Nephi 11:29-30

    [2] See Moroni 10:5 and 1 Corinthians 2:2-5, 9-16

    [3] 2 Nephi 9: 8-9

    [4] D&C 8 is a great example of how to receive and seek revelation.  The Lord teaches Oliver Cowdrey personally and helps him learn from his failed attempt to translate.

    [5] 2 Nephi 25:17, 27:26, Isaiah 29:14

    [6] Joseph Smith History 1:42

    [7] Title Page of the Book of Mormon

    [8] Minutes, Church conference, Orange, OH, Oct. 25–26, 1831, in Minute Book 2, Church History Library, Salt Lake City, available at; Welch, “Miraculous Translation,” 121–9.

    [9] For example, when Joseph Smith showed a seer stone to Wilford Woodruff in late 1841, Woodruff recorded in his journal: “I had the privilege of seeing for the first time in my day the URIM & THUMMIM” . Wilford Woodruff journal, Dec. 27, 1841, Church History Library, Salt Lake City.   Even though the seer stone might be a Urim and Thummim it is hearsay to guess that it was used during the B.O.M translation process when Joseph and the Lord clearly stated otherwise to the fact.

    [10] Note that this is a very simplified version and that two of David Whitmer’s brothers, Emma Smith, and Joseph Smith himself may have been a scribe for tiny portions during Oliver’s time as a scribe. 

    [11] Lord cannot lie. See Ether 3:12, Numbers 23:19, and Hebrews 6:18

    [12] D&C 10:1-4

    [13] Joseph Smith History 1:42

    [14] Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842,” p. 707, The Joseph Smith Papers, accessed February 13, 2021,

    [15] D&C 88:118

    [16] D&C 135:3-5

    [17] Mormonism Unveiled was written by a man named Doctor Philastus Hurlburt, but published y E.D Howe.  Hulburt was an apostate from the church along with several other Christian churches.  He threatened Joseph Smith on many occasions, gathered false stories about the prophet, and possibly murdered an individual.  Some BYU scholars or historians sometimes reference the book secretly to push false narratives like the seer stone or treasure digging to fit their beliefs.” Mike Downs

    Mike Downs Bio:

    My name is Mike Downs.  Currently I am attending BYU-I and am majoring in Software Engineering.  I currently work for a company that helps individuals with disabilities find employment.  I served a 2 year mission for the Church in Tacoma Washington from 2017-2019.