What is happening in America today?

Adams and Jefferson

What is happening in America today? Are you concerned that you won’t be able to afford your car? Are you nervous that inflation is eating up your money? Are your children being taught wisely at school? Are you fearful that you will not have the right to control your own body, or that we are be flooded with people entering the country illegally?This is Pamela Romney Openshaw, professional speaker and author of Promises of the Constitution: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and its accompanying constitution curriculum. I am deeply concerned about these things as well.

These problems originally began with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, two of our greatest founding fathers. Both were intimately involved in writing the Declaration of Independence but neither attended the constitutional convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Both were emissaries for the colonies in Europe with John Adams in Great Britain and Thomas Jefferson in France. Adams served as our second president after George Washington with Thomas Jefferson as his vice president and the conflict between them developed at that time. Adams favoured a powerful federal government to control states that might rebel against federal law and Jefferson favoured strong states to protect themselves from federal overreach. History has proven that today Thomas Jefferson’s perspective was accurate. Political parties developed around each of these philosophies with Federalists favouring the central government and Anti-Federalists favouring strong states. I discuss this topic in greater detail in my first book, Promises of the Constitution. Through their conflict, Adams and Jefferson became political and personal enemies.

Adams served only one presidential term because many disagreed with the Federalist philosophy and Jefferson replaced him for two terms as president. They remained enemies for years after both left political office. They were reunited when Benjamin Rush, the surgeon general to the continental army during the Revolutionary war, and their mutual friend, encouraged them to begin writing letters to each other. Through more than a decade of their mutual exchange of letters, the two rebuilt their friendship. They discussed their activities in Europe, the writing of the Declaration of Independence, where John Adams was the Mouth and Thomas Jefferson the Pen of Independence, and their wives and children. They wisely avoided mention of topics that might disrupt their friendship again. More details are provided in podcasts on my website at promisesoftheconstitution.com.

A sweetness developed through their letters because of their love for their wives. Jefferson’s wife, Martha, known to him as Peggy, died in 1782; John Adams’ wife, Abigail, died in 1818. They shared in their letters their beliefs that they would see their wives and be with them after their deaths, and this information comforted and sustained both of them. Each deeply loved his spouse; each missed her terribly, and neither remarried.

It is a tender point of history that each of these presidents died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence—that profound document that began our origination as a nation. Many, viewing this history, acknowledge their deaths as a testament to God’s acceptance and validation of our American independence.

Knowing these touching elements in the lives of two essential founding fathers helps us understand the power from which we came as a nation. Just as we learn to love our family ancestors through family history, we do the same with our founding fathers. We value the sacrifices they made and the love they had for those who would follow them in this great nation.

It is a tragedy today to see the rights and the protections of the Constitution being violated. It is also a tragedy that we and our children are not learning the sacrifices made by those who established our nation. The protections of our national law are sound, but the Constitution is being alternately re-written and ignored.

We will find safety through a return to our original document and its protections. It is essential that we each study and understand our United States Constitution and the God-given rights and protections it secures. We gain wisdom and protect ourselves through this understanding. It is also essential that we teach our families the Constitution and the principles of freedom upon which we are founded.

We are hearing multiple reports of teaching materials used in school that damage our children and that destroy their patriotism for the nation, and for God. This explains the movement towards homeschooling that is sweeping the nation. Parents everywhere are realizing that they can best teach their own children, whether through homeschooling or through independent family study in the home.

We urge you to review our website, promisesoftheconstitution.com to see our constitution materials. This includes our complete constitution curriculum for families and homeschools which is also popular with parents and senior citizens. This complete curriculum consists of Promises of the Constitution as a textbook, with an accompanying workbook and a resource volume which answers questions from the workbook and provides additional study. Thousands of families across the country are using this curriculum and applaud its success. There are also three DVD’s to accompany and expand our materials.

Christmas specials on our website make your Christmas shopping easy. Buy Promises of the Constitution by the case at wholesale prices for convenient gift-giving. Call us at 801-373-0240 for these bulk orders.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and pray for a patriotic New Year for all of us. May our rights, our liberty, and our security be preserved. God bless us all, and God bless America!

Pamela Romney Openshaw
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About Pamela:

I found my passion for the Constitution and developed a yearning for the politics of good, moral government serving as an elected delegate from Nebraska to President Carter’s 1980 White House Conference on Families.

I saw then, with fascination, how political forces can distort procedures and policies so they appear to represent the will of the American people. It became obvious to me that powerful forces for both good and evil operate in the hearts of those who lead.

My love of country, family, and life itself led me to do public speaking for the Right to Life movement and into a private study of the morality of public policy. It has been a fascinating journey-one that has left me concerned, yet hopeful, for the future of my country. I remain optimistic about the strength, integrity, and willingness to act of my fellow Americans in the conservative Christian cause.

My great desire is to plant a love of liberty, and the document that enshrined it, in the hearts of all Americans-to help them understand The Promises of the Constitution: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

To book Pamela Romney Openshaw as a speaker for your group, call 801-373-0240 or email [email protected].