Google Translate or Interpreters?


Google Phone & Interpreters

Jeff Downs a wonderful friend, wrote an very instructive email to several of us saying:

“I am a big believer in taking Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery at their word when it comes to the translation of the Book of Mormon. That is, they used the Urim and Thummim that had been provided with the plates in order to make a TRANSLATION. Reading words off of a stone is not translating; it is reading words off of a stone.

However, I always wondered what Joseph actually saw when looking through the Urim and
Thummim at the golden plates . . . until I upgraded my phone. I share this simply as something to consider.

I have a feature on my Google phone some of you might know about (forgive me if I am slow to the game). I find it fascinating. I can look through the camera and my phone will instantly translate whatever writing it sees. It’s pretty remarkable. So I performed a little test.  I wrote out 1 Nephi 1, in simple everyday language:

Nephi’s original words (without biblical language):

I am Nephi. My parents were good people and my father took the time to share
some of his vast knowledge with me. I have suffered many hardships in my life.
The Lord, however, has blessed me throughout my entire life and I have been
blessed with understanding regarding God and his mysteries. Because of this, I
am writing down what has taken place in my life and sharing what I have learned.

I took those simple thoughts and ideas and ran it through Google Translate:

Below you will see what I wrote above translated into Hebrew (I picked it to stand in for my
Reformed Egyptian). I then looked through my phone’s camera to see how it would translate.

To the right is a screenshot of what I saw:

What if this is how the Urim and Thummim worked? Joseph would see a basic translation of the text and would then clean it up so the idea and thought of the text could be understood in our day and time and using a style (King James English) that Christians could relate to and instantly connect with Biblical scripture. If this is what took place, it involves more than simply reading individual words off of a stone for someone to write down. But having a basic translation of text isn’t enough. As one person in a podcast I listened to has pointed out, Joseph would still need to render:

● Metaphors, symbolism, poetry
● Colloquialisms, slang, neologisms (the coining or use of new words)
● Consider the social context of the target language audience–how will the text be
understood by contemporary readers?
● How much to elaborate or expand the text to convey correct meaning in the target
language to contemporary readers?
● Variations inspired by the Holy Spirit

In other words, it took genuine effort and work on Joseph’s part to produce the final product we have today:

Jeff Downs interpretation of the translation process

I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in
all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my
days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea,
having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God,
therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days.

This is simply one idea of how the Urim and Thummim COULD have worked using a mortal tool as an example. I could be way off base, but it is something to think about. But, please, let us never belittle the task Joseph had to accomplish. He was much more than a reader, he truly was a TRANSLATOR” Jeff Downs [Color and bold added]

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I was so impressed, I immediately responded to Jeff. I think he has come up with something important which helps us in today’s world more able to understand and value the Interpreters, and Joseph as the Translator, not the Transcriber.

Wow Jeff:

“That is amazing and has a lot of merit. For people to try and take away from Joseph’s translation and make it similar to reading a book, is wrong and I feel possibly dishonest. Think about it. During Joseph’s so-called translation, who would have been writing those words on the stone? Christ, Nephi, an Angel? If they were writing words on a stone, why would we need the plates and why would Nephi and all the prophets even need to write down and preserve their words on plates?
Many BYU intellectuals and other Historians, not only say Joseph used a stone in a hat, but most of them also say that the plates remained covered and Joseph never looked at the plates while translating. That would feed into their version of just reading words on a stone. It is silly to me.

How can a group of peer reviewed intellects come up with something like this? I realize they are looking at the historical documents where David Whitmer, Martin Harris and Emma Smith [late in life], all said Joseph used a stone in a hat. The only reasons they would have said that, in my opinion is the anti-Mormon book “Mormonism Unvailed” said in 1834 that Joseph used a rock in a hat. Or, they were guessing, or they were making something up.

The scribes like Emma and Martin, surely knew Joseph had a stone he had found, and they could have seen like in this picture above, that he had a hat, but they most likely didn’t know what was in the hat, correct?

No where does it say by any scribe, I literally saw Joseph put a stone in his hat and I saw the words on the stone in his hat. In the picture above, Emma can’t even see the gold plates as they were partially covered with a linen. Joseph had the breastplate on under his shirt* and the spectacles were attached to the breastplate, with the hat blocking out the view of the spectacles.

*“That of which I spoke, which Joseph termed a key, was indeed nothing more nor less than a Urim and Thummim by which the angel manifested those things to him that were shown him in, vision; by which also he could at any time ascertain the approach of danger, either to himself or the record, and for this cause he kept these things constantly about his person.Lucy Mack Smith Journal More in my blog here:” Rian Nelson

Temporal and Spiritual

Remember all things were created spiritually before temporally. That means even the google phone and computers were simply organized by men, through the inspiration of the Lord. In other words the ability to do things spiritually such as what computers do today, was already created and previously existed. The Lord did not magically create the world out of nothing, but He organized it out of taking many existing bits of matter and brought it together to act as He instructed the computer to act.
A rock in a hat is inconceivable with all the scriptures speaking about utilizing the Interpreters that came with the gold plates. JSH 1:35. I attached a longer list of scriptures as well here: Book of Mormon Hard Evidence Proper Translation


Did you know that no where in the Book of Mormon does it ever say, “Urim and Thummim”? Only Interpreters. That means the two clear stones in a silver bow were attached to a breastplate, which when organized together, made the separate pieces of matter what was called, “Interpreters.” JSH 1:75*
The Lord could have put anything in that stone box with the plates and it would accomplish His work. But the Lord had the Brother of Jared put two actual clear stones the Lord had touched previously [Ether 3:22-28], after he had touched the other 16 stones for the Jaredite boats. [Ether 3:1]. This was the Lord’s work not just a happenstance of Joseph finding a stone in a well. The Lord only provides us the things we need, after we have done every human thing possible to complete His work without His help.

Listen to what President Kimball said, as it makes perfect sense, just as Jeff was speaking about his google phone.

The Lord’s Instrument

“We are awed by the perspicacity and discernment of the scientists, whose accumulated knowledge is great, but there is still greater knowledge; there are more perfect instruments; there is much more to learn. Most of us can but imagine how the great truths have been transmitted through the ages.  Exactly how this precious instrument, the Urim and Thummim, operates we can only surmise, but it seems to be infinitely superior to any mechanism ever dreamed of yet by researchers. It would seem to be a receiving set, or instrument. For a set to receive pictures and programs, there must be a broadcasting set. The scripture above quoted indicates that the abode of God is a master Urim and Thummim, and the synchronization of transmitting and receiving apparatus of this kind can have no limitation.”   (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Pg.52 – Pg.53)

“In a short period man has so improved his communication techniques as to hear voices around the world. A few years ago, even with earphones, we could decode only part of the static over the newborn radio. Our first television pictures were very local and very amateurish. Today, we see in our homes a fight in Madison Square Garden, a football game in the Cotton Bowl, the Tabernacle Choir in Chicago, an astronaut on his way to the moon.   Is it hard to believe that with such accomplishments by puny man Omnipotent God has precision instruments with which to enlarge the knowledge of those who have the skill to use them? Is it difficult to believe that the Urim and Thummim could be such a precision instrument to transmit messages from God to his supreme creation — man?   Can God have limitations? Can atmosphere or distance or space hold back his pictures? Would it be so difficult for Moses or Enoch or Abraham or Joseph to see a colorful, accurate, moving picture of all things past and present, and even future? The Creator said to Moses, “ . . . look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end.”  (Moses 1:4.)   (Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Pg.53)

“These Stones, Fastened to a Breastplate…” JSH 1:75 by Anne Marie Oborn Purchase book here
Above all other quotes or ramblings, or theories, I believe the two men with first hand knowledge of the method of translation are Joseph and Oliver who knew the facts.


-1- “In the Wentworth Letter, the Prophet wrote: “With the records was found a curious instrument, which the ancients called “Urim and Thummim,” which consisted of two transparent stones set in the rim of a bow fastened to a breast plate. Through the medium of the Urim and Thummim I translated the record by the gift and power of God” (History of the Church, 4:537).
-2- In the October 1834 Messenger and Advocate [the Church newspaper in Kirtland, Ohio], Oliver Cowdery wrote: “These were days never to be forgotten to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated, with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon‘” (Messenger and Advocate, 1:14; Also known as Letter I Oliver Cowdery to William W. Phelps, 7 September 1834).
Thanks Jeff for your amazing vision. I would love to share this on a blog if you are ok with that? May the Lord bless you.