My Spiritual Covid Journey


“I have a new friend who reached out to me and told me his story about Covid and I asked him if I could share it. He agreed and sent the following article titled “My Spiritual Covid Journey.” He has been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in good standing all his life, and I was very impressed with his personal story. He has been a Bishop, Stake President and served the Lord all his life. I won’t name him, but simply share this story to give a different perspective than some in the Church may have. I am trying to help all members in their decisions. Whether you took the experimental shot or not, whether you wear a mask or not, we all have our freedom to chose. Satan is trying to separate us and we must resist that urge and not force our own beliefs on others.If I asked any of the 15 Brethren in our wonderful Church if they thought Fauci was an honorable guy, what would they probably answer? I don’t know. If I asked them if each of their personal physicians were honorable and know the truth about the experimental therapy, what would they say? I can guess but I don’t know. If I asked any of the Brethren if they knew of anyone dying from the experimental jab what would they say? I don’t know. What if I asked them if they knew the experimental jab has aborted fetal tissue and Nano particles in it, would they say yes or no? Who knows? What if I ask them if they trust the government of Australia in their huge forced lock downs? What would they say? I don’t  know? Very few people know what they would say and that is not the point. What if I ask them about the article I read about nurses dying that took the jab? They wouldn’t have a clue and they shouldn’t, as they don’t have time to study that kind of thing, but I do. I have also seen dozens of soccer players drop dead on the pitch and many videos of people that took the shot and died after or had tremendous complications. That is scary.

Ask me those questions I hypothetically asked the Brethren, and I would have a definite answer based on what? My study, research and prayer. I would trust my personal revelation more than any answer the Brethren would give me, because I have really studied those things in depth and prayed about them and they possibly haven’t. Our Brethren love everyone, and they should. But I don’t believe they would trust everyone if they knew who they really are and what their answers really would be, even if they personally had the time to study any of this.

I will always follow the Prophet’s council, doctrine and revelations and church talks etc. But If I want personal answers why should I depend on them or even on my Bishop? The Lord needs leaders not followers. I will make up my own mind on things that I receive personal revelation on, and things that the Brethren really may not have time to study. I will do my best research and then add prayer. I will always take their counsel and listen to their concerns. They don’t know everything, and they shouldn’t, why should we hold them to a standard that is impossible for a human? We shouldn’t.

I will not take this experimental shot and those who do, it is their choice. As long as I have my own choice as well, I am happy.” Editor

My Spiritual Covid Journey 

Many years ago, while serving my mission, I was introduced to a very prominent and successful medical doctor who was converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ after reading D&C Section 89. Although he had already read the Book of Mormon and other inspired Church writings, at the request of the missionaries, he hadn’t yet opened his heart or mind to accepting Joseph Smith as a latter-day prophet. Upon reading, for the first time, the Lord’s Law of Health, the Spirit bore witness to his heart and mind that Joseph must have been a prophet to have received such inspired counsel. In the words of this knowledgeable doctor; “There is no way in the world, that anyone, at that time, and especially the uneducated Joseph could possibly have known the significance and details of this inspired Word of Wisdom. Joseph therefore, must have received this from God.” It was at that point that he went back and re-read the Book of Mormon, with that seed of faith and hope planted in his heart and received a personal witness that it was truly the word of God and that Joseph was indeed, the Lord’s prophet.

Since that time, I have had a keen interest in striving to better understand the Word of Wisdom. I am certainly not perfect in my adherence to these inspired teachings, but I have always had them in mind when making lifestyle decisions.

Now, fast forward 45+ years later, when we are being faced with a worldwide health crisis, (whether real or perceived, I’ll leave that up to you.) Very early on, I began petitioning the Lord as to what He would have me and my family do to remain safe through whatever it was that lie ahead. Certainly, I could not have imagined what would transpire over the following two years.

As it was becoming evident that we were about to experience unprecedented challenges, these powerful words, which I had often pondered upon, came clearly to my mind; “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” (Pres. Nelson, April 2018 General Conference). I had previously received a powerful witness that this was a prophetic declaration and warning, which would impact our lives “in coming days”. Little did I realize how swiftly those days would come!

I then began to diligently search and ponder the scriptures, seeking for guidance. As I did so, I was led on a wonderful and spiritually exhilarating journey, that is difficult, if not impossible, to put adequately into words, but I shall attempt to shed light, at very least, on the path that I traveled.

My thoughts soon turned to the Children of Israel and how they were delivered from the flying fiery serpents, by exercising faith in Christ and merely gazing upon the staff that Moses had been commanded to create. There is a wealth of symbology and beauty, along with powerful lessons in this account, which I shall not attempt to unfold here. This first step, however, planted my feet firmly upon the foundation of Faith in Christ, knowing that He can deliver us from any plague or destruction we may be faced with.

My mind began to be flooded with other verses of scripture that continued to lead me along this journey. One of the more prominent guideposts was found in Nephi’s declaration as he cried unto the Lord saying; “O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh.” And, as if these words were not clear enough, Nephi REPEATS this warning with; “Yea cursed is he that putteth his trust in man and maketh flesh his arm.” (2 Ne 4:34)

Upon reading this, the Spirit confirmed, once again, that I should turn to God and trust in Him throughout the entirety of this ordeal, as well as all other challenges that I would be faced with in the future.

Without covering every step of my journey, I ended up returning to D&C 89 and seeking guidance from the Lord’s Law of Health. Although I had read this many times in the past, and as I have mentioned, considered this to be counsel from the Lord, these are the verses that literally jumped out at me and grabbed hold of my heart in a profound way. (Emphasis added in an attempt to convey my personal experience.)


As I read these words, I realized that this revelation was given for US in THE LAST DAYS, and I felt that, in this instance, it was being personalized to me as a direct answer to my prayers.

What is it then, that the Lord was warning and forewarning us against? These were the thoughts which came to my mind, in this moment; that we, in the last days, would be attacked by evil and conspiring men (seeking money and power) and that they would attack us in regards to our health!

The Lord, in His mercy, then proceeded to give us Heavenly guidance regarding things we should avoid AS WELL AS things we should seek out and incorporate into our health and nutrition to assist us in remaining free from the consequences of these evil and conspiring men.

By this point, I cannot express, in words, what I was feeling in my heart. But then, as if the Lord were adding a Heavenly exclamation point to my experience, these words flew off the page and penetrated every fiber of my being.

“18 And ALL SAINTS who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, SHALL receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; 19 And SHALL find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; 20 And SHALL run and not be weary, and SHALL walk and not faint. 21 AND I THE LORD, GIVE UNTO THEM A PROMISE, THAT THE DESTROYING ANGEL SHALL PASS BY THEM, as the children of Israel, AND SHALL NOT SLAY THEM. AMEN”!

There was my answer! Coming back to the counsel of Nephi to trust in God and in His power, and to not put my trust in the arm of flesh. Put my faith in Christ and HIS promises and HE will see us through this storm.

Now, many things have transpired since that wonderful day nearly two years ago. Long before any talk of masks and other mandates. But I cannot deny the “guiding, directing, comforting, and [undeniable] influence of the Holy Ghost” throughout this experience.

I will end with these thoughts, in hopes that others will seek their own guidance from the Spirit. I am not suggesting that the answers I received, which were specific to me and to my family, are the direction that the Lord would have anyone else follow. That is a personal decision and an experience that each should seek. I also wish to state unequivocally, that I sustain Pres. Russell M Nelson as THE Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Lord and that whatsoever he shall speak “…when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.” (D&C 68:4)

No other assumptions should be derived from the sharing of my experience. I implore others to seek divine inspiration regarding these and the many other challenges that we will face in these last days.

I conclude with this; through the grace and mercy of Our All-Knowing, All-Powerful, and All-Merciful Father in Heaven, each and every concern that has arisen over the course of this experience and challenge, has been resolved in my mind and in my heart and I am at peace with following the counsel I have received.

May God’s choicest blessings distill upon each of us as we diligently seek His counsel and may we, in all things, be true examples of the believers!” I won’t disclose this friends name.