Organic, Social, Political, Evolution – The Internet

The Tree of Good and Evil

Our great friend David Allan has nailed it as usual. I wish more intellectual people like David would understand. For David to have such beliefs he is a humble servant of the Lord and we love him. Humility and a strong faith in God are necessary to filter thorough all the “smart-talk” out there.

The Ezra Taft Benson talk from 25 Oct 1966 at a BYU Devotional is a sobering reminder of evil people in the church with an agenda (revising church history by quoting the intellectuals and apostates and ignoring the prophets). Ezra Taft Benson said to avoid being deceived, look to the Prophet. Listen to his entire talk at

At the 32:07-33:02 mark, just before the above quote, President Ezra Taft Benson states the following.

“We all have stewardships for which we must account to the Lord. Unfortunately, some men who do not honor their stewardships may have an adverse effect on many people. Often the greater the man’s responsibility, the more good or evil he can accomplish. The Lord usually gives a man a long enough rope and sufficient time to determine whether that man wants to pull himself into the presence of God or drop off somewhere below. There are some regrettable things being said and done by some people in the church today. As President Clark so well warned, the ravening wolves are amongst us. From our own membership and they more than any others are clothed in sheep’s clothing because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood. We should be careful of them.”

Faith Crisis?

Do you have a loved one who is struggling with faith crisis? Do you want to know why? Discover empowering history and faith crisis through a safe book for understanding controversial issues without compromise! This book explores issues including Leonard Arrington and the founding of New Mormon History, Mark Hofmann’s forgeries, the progressive Latter-day Saint group “The Swearing Elders,” the New Mormon History attack on President Brigham Young and more. This book is amazing. The evolutioinist and progressive are trying to revisit and change our Church History.

Organic Evolution – Social Evolution – Political Evolution – The Internet by David W. Allan

We are all grateful for the Internet and the amazing communication connection it provides.  I believe that the best thing I can do is to share the message of gladness that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides, and I am grateful that the Internet is helping me do that in a major way.  However, like any tool, it can be used for good or evil.

More than a century before the Internet was invented into the amazing tool that it is, Darwin brought forth the theory of “organic evolution”, and the world applauded his genius. Based on Darwin’s work, John Wesley Powell, et. al. introduced “social evolution”, which brought about the doctrine of “manifest destiny,” and which caused the native American Indians to be treated as savages and their way of life destroyed.

Then, as history marched on, based on Powell’s and Lewis Henry Morgan’s ideas, Marx and Engels gave the world “political evolution”  the forerunner of communism and socialism.

Now, with the Internet, the prevalence of these three evolutionary theories continues to grow across the world.  We are seeing the world’s masses acceptance of the same.  Have we been globally deceived?  If so, the implications are enormous.

Our education systems and textbooks are full of these three theories, and we have seen an ever-increasing number of atheists who believe these theories, as they are increasingly propagated across the Internet.

The Truth Regarding These 3 Theories

As have I shared in a recent blog article, Americas Future At The Crossroads.  Scientists know that you cannot prove a theory true!  But, you can prove a theory false, if you have reliable falsification data!  Knowing something is false helps us avoid the deceit therein.  Only God knows everything, and the only way we can know something is true is if He tells us, because He cannot lie.  Since we don’t know everything, a theory believed true by the masses, may, in fact, be false when more information is made available. Being humble and open to new truth is one of the great blessings of the faithful, as we learn from our Creator.

Knowing something is false and avoiding the deceit therein helps us on our path of internalizing the truths of God. He has promised, “…whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived…” (JS-Matthew 37).  And, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” (John 7:17)  These are extremely valuable and sure promises in our path of TRUTH.  Furthermore, the Lord provides both a necessary and sufficient condition to know if the fruit is good or not, for “every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.  A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Matt. 7:17-18)

Using reliable data and the works of some of the brightest minds on the planet regarding organic evolution, I prove in Chapter 6 of my book,  It’s About Time, that the theory of organic evolution put forth by Darwin is false.   As mentioned, this has enormous implications. The following two above theories are also false because they are based on the false premise in organic evolution.  Atheism is the fruit of these three corrupt theories: Organic, Social, and Political evolution, and the Internet increasingly propagates them with devastating effects.  Because of these false theories, the Internet and our education systems are causing the philosophy of atheism to continue to grow.

Type and Shadow

In a type and shadow fashion, I was recently impressed as I read Chapter 7 of the Book of Jacob from the Book of Mormon. How well the story of Sherem prophetically reminds me of how organic evolution, social evolution, political evolution, and the internet are being used by Satan to take us from Christ.  As Jacob profoundly said to Sherem, the anti-Christ, “If there should be no atonement made all mankind must be lost.” The Prophet Jacob lived more than 500 years before Christ and knew our Savior.

Sherem’s anti-Christ story in Chapter 7 of Jacob is reflective of exactly what is going on in the world today.  As Satan knows, it is his last hour to promote his atheistic agenda using these three false theories and any other deceitful way he can devise with the Internet as the propagation tool.  Without God, the world is trying to solve the world’s problems using science and technology, and most scientists believe the Bible to be a myth.

Good and Evil!

As we see the prideful elite trying to destroy our liberty, the battle seems to be their desire to make the state sovereign (political evolution) versus God’s plan for individual sovereignty and leading to eternal life.  The writers of our inspired Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution had this individual sovereignty in their hearts and minds. Also, because the book that influenced them more than any other for their inspiration for these documents was the Bible.

Pivotal Point

As we approach this most pivotal election in US history, let us do our best to help elect wise and righteous men and women of God, who appreciate God’s plan for individual sovereignty.  So that following the fifty-five thousand who died at Gettysburg, as President Lincoln prophetically reached out to us saying, “that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  The battle at Gettysburg was the “high-water mark” of the Civil War – which finally helped bring about the end of slavery and a nation where all its people could be free and giving liberty to all, as defined in America’s inspired foundation documents.

In Contrast

In contrast to Sherem and the atheists, who believe that we cannot know the future, which belief brings emptiness and fear into many hearts, we gratefully know much of the past, present, and future, because of God’s word – upon which this nation was founded.  Our faith in God gives us great hope and purpose to our lives.  As we are now seeing conspiring forces trying to destroy our liberty and encroach worldly values on all Christians.  As the prophecies tell us, we know that the pit they dig to destroy us will be the pit in which they will eventually fall.  And on the last day, they will confess with Sherem, that they were deceived by Satan, and will bow the knee in deep gratitude for the infinite atonement.

Let us continue in mighty prayer on behalf of as many as will come to know our loving Lord.  In the midst of all our imperfections, we have His Perfect Plan of Happiness.  And, now we are privileged to live in that day when we have, as He has promised, “nothing shall be withheld,…”  “He shall reveal all things…” (D&C 121:28; 101:32-34)

Both the Prophet Nephi and Joseph in Egypt prophesied that the Book of Mormon would come forth, and in that day when the Bible would be disbelieved, and the Book of Mormon and “other books” would come forth validating the Bible. (1 Ne. 13:39-412 Ne. 3:11)  There is now information known so that those who desire can come to know God, which is eternal life (John 17:3) and the greatest gift from God (D&C 14:7).

I thank Steve Smoot for the above important historical perspectives regarding these three evolutionary theories.  His book and DVD “Lost Civilizations of North America” can now be purchased which describes how Powell followed Darwin, and his book by the same title has many more details.  His historic research gives a profound historic perspective. 

In addition to Chapter 6 of my book proving the theory of organic evolution to be false, I have articles on my website: Evolution and FaithNot All Scientists Agree With DarwinAm I A Monkey’s Uncle?The Greatest Love Story EverThe Resurrection Disproves the Theory of Organic Evolution; and How to Increase Your Faith in God.

David W Allan