“The Greatest Book in the World”


Ultimately, what did Joseph accomplish? By the gift and power of God, he translated the Book of Mormon which revealed who the Native Americans are, their heritage of prophets and priests, of repentance and righteousness, and of pride and destruction. It discloses promises to this remnant of Israel, so diligently sought by their ancestors and vouchsafed by the covenants of the Lord. It proclaims their glorious future in the face of their state of poverty. In a personal way, Joseph seemed to feel a kinship to this people whose culture was so very distant from his own. He knew he and they were both descendants of Joseph of old, the son of Israel. He knew that Joseph of old, their prophet ancestor, had foretold that a mighty seer would be raised up from his posterity to bring to pass much restoration to the remnant of his seed (2 Nephi 3:6–12). From his early tutoring by Moroni to his personal visits with numerous Native American chiefs, Joseph Smith sought to bring to this chosen people the glad tidings of the restoration.

But what did he [Joseph Smith] see in the way of fulfillment for his efforts? In mortality he saw very little, but in vision he must have seen the Lamanites “blossom as a rose” (D&C 49:24). Byron R. Merrill, “Joseph Smith and the Lamanites,” in Joseph Smith: The Prophet, The Man, ed. Susan Easton Black and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1993), 187–202

“It appears that even Brigham Young, the second president of the Mormon church, was influenced by the superstitions of his day. In a sermon delivered June 17, 1877, he stated:

These treasures that are in the earth are carefully watched, they can be removed from place to place according to the good pleasure of Him who made them and owns them…. Orin P. Rockwell is an eye-witness to some powers of removing the treasures of the earth. He was with certain parties that lived nearby where the plates were found that contain the records of the Book of Mormon. There were a great many treasures hid up by the Nephites. Porter was with them one night where there were treasures, and they could find them easy enough, but they could not obtain them…. He said that on this night, … they dug around the end of a chest…. One man who was determined to have the contents of that chest, took his pick and struck into the lid of it, and split through into the chest. The blow took off a piece of the lid, which a certain lady kept in her possession until she died. That chest of money went into the bank. Porter describes it so [making a rumbling sound]; he says this is just as true as the heavens are … to those who understand these things, it is not marvelous…. I will take the liberty to tell you of another circumstance … Oliver Cowdery went with the Prophet Joseph when he deposited these plates…. the angel instructed him to carry them back to the hill Cumorah, which he did. Oliver says … the hill opened, and they walked into a cave, in which there was a large and spacious room. … They laid the plates on a table; it was a large table that stood in the room. Under this table there was a pile of plates as much as two feet high, and there were altogether in this room more plates than probably many wagon loads; … there is a seal upon the treasures of earth; men are allowed to go so far and no farther. I have known places where there were treasures in abundance; but could men get them? No (Journal of Discourses, vol. 19, pp. 36-39).

“The Greatest Book in the World”
by President Ezra Taft Benson

“I think we have a real challenge today to have our families read the Book of Mormon. We find the answer to practically every problem in the world in the Book of Mormon; there is no question about it.

In the little more than two years since he became president of the Church, President Benson has spoken of the Book of Mormon in every general conference, and has admonished members in addresses at 14 regional conferences to read and heed its words.

President Ezra Taft Benson

In his opening address to the April 1986 general conference– his first general conference as prophet– he said, “Because we have treated lightly the Book of Mormon, the Lord has stated in the 84th section of the Doctrine and Covenants that the whole Church is under condemnation. (See D & C 84:56-57.)

“Now we not only need to say more about the Book of Mormon, but we need to do more with it,”

The Book of Mormon has not been, nor is it yet, the center of our personal study, family teaching, preaching, and missionary work. Of this we must repent.

In his October 1986 general conference address, President Benson said, “The Book of Mormon must be re-enthroned in the minds of our people. We must honor it by reading it, by studying it, by taking its precepts into our lives and transforming them into lives required of the true followers of Christ.”

“The major mission of the Book of Mormon, as recorded on its title page, is ‘to the convincing of the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the eternal God, manifesting Himself unto all nations.’

“The honest seeker after truth can gain the testimony that Jesus is the Christ as he prayerfully ponders the inspired words of the Book of Mormon.” Church News Jan 2, 1988 President Ezra Taft Benson

Below are a few testimonials about the Annotated Book of Mormon by David Hocking and Rod Meldrum. If you would like to say something about that wonderful book, please send your response to riannelson@aol.com Thanks for your support.

Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon Testimonials

Dear Rod,

Today is Thanksgiving Day. I want you to know how grateful I am for you and the work that you and your friends are doing to bring the Book of Mormon to life in new and interesting ways. I started reading The Annotated Version last month and I’m almost finished. I have enjoyed the experience beyond description. I’ve gained a new appreciation for the Law of Moses, the Jews and their traditions, the American Indians and of course the geography and evidences of this promised land where it all happened.

Because of your recent work, I’ve also gained a new appreciation for the prophet Mormon. I’ve read the Book of Mormon many times, and I know the stories well, but this time it was different, and as I read Moroni’s account of his father’s death I could not control my emotions – and you know I’m not an emotional person! 

I felt such sadness for this man who had been sharing the amazing story of the Nephites and inserting his helpful comments along the way. This man who wrote with apparent admiration of all the prophets who preceded him, even naming his own son after one of his hero’s, Captain Moroni. This man who explained again and again and again that “thus we see” how the Lord blesses those who remember him and destroys those who do not. This man WHO KNEW EVERYTHING, died a disappointing death in a failed effort to save his own people by bringing them to Christ – and it made me cry.

When I joined you on that Book of Mormon tour of the heartland back in 2012, I told you that you that you had changed my life. I’ve felt that way ever since and even more so now, after reading the Annotated Book of Mormon. On this Thanksgiving Day, I just wanted to reaffirm my appreciation for you. I don’t personally know most of your associates in this great work (though I have read many of their books), but please tell them thank you for me. I know that you, and they, are changing lives and bringing people to Christ every day. God bless you all.

Clark T.

Rod was blessed to have a world-class dinner with William and Barbara Garner when he visited Raleigh, NC last year.  Barbara is a super-charged “missionary” for the Heartland Model and the Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon. She sent me this encounter she had with Church friends whose parents are not members:

I wanted to tell you that I went to our friend’s house yesterday, Karen and Woody Woodall!  She bought one of your spiral narratives BABOM (before the Annotated Book of Mormon:))   Her 90 year old father and almost that old mother are visiting from Ohio where Karen grew up!  Her parents are Protestants, not Mormon, but Woody and Karen have been trying to convert them since they joined 40 years ago!

Anyway, Karen had wanted me to come over and show them the ABOM and talk to them about the Mound Builders and the Heartland Model. They have been here for a few weeks but we have been unable to get together because her Dad has had an UTI and has just gotten better.  Karen told me at Church Sunday about how disappointed her Mom was that I had not been able to come.  So yesterday I texted Karen and asked her if I could come over and talk to her Mom for just an hour.  Her Mom was so excited!  I went over about 2:00 and only stayed a little over an hour!  But her Dad did join us! 

It was magical!  I took my trip-fold display chart so I could explain Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh coming over to Joseph’s promised land, the New Jerusalem!  And then I opened your Book!!  They were SOOOO intrigued!  Her mother said at least three times how interesting all of this is!!  Just like my brother-in-law, Craig!  We went through as much as I could cover in an hour!  But both of them were able to follow what I was saying without getting lost!!  And both asked questions and just responded so beautifully!  I pulled up a chair and sat right in front of them, turning the pages of the Book which was in my lap!  Once in a while, they would get even closer so they could see something that peeked their interest even better!   It was magical!

To make a long story longer, Karen texted me after I left.  Her Mom told her, “I can see myself being a Mormon.”  Karen said in 40 years she had NEVER said anything remotely close to that!!  She told me that both her Mom and Dad want the ABOM, so Karen will be calling you to get a copy soon.  And, they are going to go home and drive to southern Ohio to see some of the mound museums…when Karen and Woody take them home!!!  They left this am!! The Annotated Book of Mormon is magical!!  Simply magical!!

William and Barbara Garner

Hi Rod and Tonya:  I showed the new Book of Mormon to the manager of our Deseret Bookstore. He was very excited to see the Heartland evidence incorporated.  He will be carrying the book and placed an order from the warehouse while I was there today.  Thanks again for all your dedication to bring for the real location of the Book of Mormon activities. By going on the tour last September, it makes the new Book of Mormon come alive. God bless you! 

Adrian A.

I love, love, love it! I hope you make an app for it, I will buy it too. I recommed it to everyone! Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon (Leather Bound) An IMAX-LIKE Book About Jesus Christ and the Americas
Customer rating 5.0/5.0

By D. Hansen

I have a large library of religious books, but The Annotated Edition of The Book of Mormon is the most Techni-colored, high-fidelity, high-definition, highly-researched, testimony-building, multi-dimensional roller-coaster ride through the religious history of ancient America (and the World for that matter). There are many, but it’s MAIN PURPOSE is to convince every reader that JESUS IS THE CHRIST, manifesting Himself to all nations. And for me it does that in a magnificent way.

S. Elkins

I’ve always felt the promised land is this blessed & free land of America. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done

Jared B

The leather cover and the gold edges are very nice and of good quality. I wish I could say the same for the annotated text and pictures. I like the format having quotes from God in red ink, quotation marks of direct quotes and listing some of the chiasms where they occur. I also like the side quotes of apostles and prophets on relevant topics. What I really don’t like is the blatant deceitful tactics used by the authors to try to force their opinion of the BofM taking place in the “heartland” of the US. I’m not opposed to the possibility of it taking place there but Mesoamerica has much stronger evidences. Hocking et al have gone too far in trying to force their case. The first page I opened was page 287 where it’s suggested that Giant City State Park in Illinois is where Captain Moroni fortified the cities with ditches and walls. The problem is that this was built at least 700 years after Moroni and the ditches are on the inside of the walls, not the outside. This fortification was not used for defense. Another example is on page 459 where Hocking tries to convince the readers that the Jaredites lived in Indiana by drawing attention to large skeletons. The picture shown is of an extra large skeleton of an Irishman named Charles Byrne who died in 1783. Why would they put this undocumented picture in the Book of Mormon other than to try to make you think it’s of a Jaredite? These 2 examples is just the tip of the iceberg of errors and deceitful practices. You should question every “annotation” that is given. I’m disappointed in the authors and the FIRM Foundation for their bad practices and I’m disappointed in Deseret Book for not doing their due diligence before selling such a sloppy and misleading book.

Raelynn Feb 26, 2020

I love the Annotated Book of Mormon and have given away over 9 copies to close friends and loved ones. I am proud to leave a review for this book. I love how the text is laid out in an easy to read format (paragraph form) that is color-coded. I am grateful that it is a red-letter edition so that I can show visually to friends not familiar with the Book of Mormon can see that it is a Christ-centered book I appreciate that it shows when Old Testament passages are quoted. Most of all I am grateful that I can use this book to answer questions that my children have about the text. I use this book to help fortify my son and daughter so that they are prepared to answer questions that their friends might have about the Book of Mormon. If you live in the area and have questions about the Annotated I would be glad to let you borrow mine to take a look at before you buy it. Wonderfully done

Mark In Palmyra Jan 9, 2020

What a great blessing this book has been. Some things I had already known, some additional insights and knowledge that i can pass on for my children and grandchildren. Absolutely Love this gift from my wife.

Paul Dec 30, 2019

It is a religious, spiritual, historical, archaeological, antiquities study all blended into one pictorially informative, easy-to-read and understand book. I have never seen or read an LDS scripture text this interestingly presented, thoroughly researched, and comprehensive. As a church leader once said: you can learn more from This Book about living an abundant and happy life, about the true nature of God and Man, the purpose of the universe and the future of this earth and all nations. And this book lights up one’s knowledge and understanding like the Texas sun in the middle of July.

All LDS families, seminary teachers and students, Sunday school teachers and fellow Christians, Priests, Pastors, evangelicals, and Rabbi’s can be spiritually uplifted and strengthened in their testimony of our Savior by reading this Annotated Edition.

  • TMS
  • Dec 28, 2019

I enjoyed taking a walk through the book of Mormon in a way I had never done before. This book included maps, pictures of places, artifacts, quotes from modern day prophets and wonderful insights, etc. It created a spiritual experience in which I felt the Book of Mormon come to life. Better than I could’ve hoped for!

  • SpencerM
  • Dec 23, 2019

I’ve struggled in the past putting all the pieces together when reading the Book of Mormon. Timelines, who’s speaking in particular verses (first person, an angel, the Lord, etc). Never again with this book! The text is color coded depending on who’s speaking! Also, while it is still organized in the normal chapters and verses, it is also structured in more of a story format that really helps with the overall narrative. There are also tons of useful images, maps, and other info. The BEST Book of Mormon study guide / companion, I could ever recommend!! Fascinating Information

  • LNM
  • Dec 20, 2019

This book is beautifully bound and full of fascinating information that complements your Book of Mormon study. The articles, diagrams, pictures, and maps are woven right in between the pages of the Book of Mormon which enhances your reading by gaining a clearer understanding of things taught. I love using this book to study the Book of Mormon. I highly recommend it. Wonderful book with great information

  • Great book for families!
  • Dec 14, 2019

This is a wonderful book, especially for families. Not only do you get the scriptures in a different light but the pictures and and maps are so helpful to connect everything! Would highly recommend!