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The Great Circle Earthworks

Zarahemla near Nauvoo?

Dr. Robert Fuller, Ancient Civilizations

Did Joseph’s views evolve?

The Forgotten Man – Jon McNaughton

One Nation Under God video

Elder Hartman Rector on sharing the gospel

David Lindsley, Children of Light

Rod Meldrum at LDSBA

Kay Godfrey, Joseph Smith Historian

Los Lunas Stone, New Mexico2

George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist, indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100 tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)

At present the inscription is badly scrubbed and chalked up. However, Professor Frank Hibben of Albuquerque reportedly saw the inscription in 1933, when it was covered with lichens and patination. By one report, it was seen as early as 1871 (Fell 1985, p. 34). Moorehouse compares the surviving weathering on the inscription to that on a modern graffito on the top of the mountain dating itself to 1930. He concludes that the Decalogue inscription is clearly many times older than this graffito, and that 500 to 2000 years would not be an unreasonable estimate of its age.

The inscription uses Greek tau, zeta, delta, and kappa (reversed) in place of their Hebrew counterparts taw, zayin, daleth, and caph, indicating a post-Alexandrian date, despite the archaic form of aleph used. The letters yodh, qoph, and the flat-bottomed shin have a distinctively Samaritan form, suggesting that the inscription may be Samaritan in origin. See Lidzbarski (1902).

Cyrus Gordon (1995) proposes that the Los Lunas Decalogue is in fact a Samaritan mezuzah. The Jewish mezuzah is a tiny scroll placed in a small container mounted by the entrance to a house. The ancient Samaritan mezuzah, on the other hand, was commonly a large stone slab placed by the gateway to a property or synagogue, and bearing an abridged version of the Decalogue. Gordon proposes that the most likely age of the Los Lunas inscription is the Byzantine period. Prosperous Samaritan shipowners were known to live in Greek communities at the time of Theodosius I circa 390 A.D.

Skupin (1989) analyzes the orthographic errors of the Los Lunas text itself, and concludes that it appears to have been written by a person whose primary language was Greek, who had a secondary, but verbal, comprehension of Hebrew. He writes of the inscriber, “He used the consonant [aleph] as if it were a vowel, like the Greek alpha, even though this clashes with the Hebrew orthographic system …. He confounded [qoph] and [caph] as a Philhellene who only knew kappa might do, and was sufficiently removed from Hebrew to be unaware that he had made an irreverent slip thereby. Most amazingly, he ‘heard’ macrons, the drawling long vowels that are structurally and semantically important in Greek … and felt compelled to indicate them even if he was not exactly sure of how it’s done (and rightly so, since in Hebrew they’re insignificant)…. His word order suggests a scriptural tradition related to a Greek version produced in Alexandria, Egypt, as does his spelling; and finally, he gives inordinate prominence to the words ‘brought you out of Egypt.’

“None of this proves anything. Until confirmation comes from another quarter, all we can really do is provide a clearer idea of the stone’s contents for those who are intrigued by it, and give those who reject the inscription’s authenticity … a deeper appreciation of what they have rejected.”

Los Lunas Stone, New Mexico1

Cherokee DNA from History Channel documentary

Lost Civilizations on North America documentary5, X DNA by Yates, Meldrum

Lost Civilizations of North America documentary4, Deborah Bolnick on haplogroup X

Lost Civilizations of North America documentary3, Hopewell geometry shows advanced civilization

Lost Civilizations of North America documentary 1 trailer

This is the most profound level of evidence for the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon by non-LDS sources ever assembled and you will be astounded by its robustness as this lineup of world-class experts share their combined knowledge with you.


You will witness video footage of interviews with each of the following experts in this film (in order of appearance).


Roger G. Kennedy, Director Emeritus
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Author, Hidden Cities: The Discovery and Loss of Ancient North American Civilization

Alice Beck Kehoe, PhD
Anthropology, Harvard University
Author, The Land of Prehistory, A Critical History of American Archaeology

Sonya Atalay, PhD
Anthropology, University of California – Berkley
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University

Donald N. Yates, PhD

Founder, Principal Investigator

DNA Testing Systems

Terry A. Barnhart, PhD

Professor, Department of History, Eastern Illinois University
Author, Ephraim George Squier and the Development of American Anthropology

Shane Mountjoy, PhD
Dean of Students, Associate Professor of History at York College
Author, Manifest Destiny

Bruce Porter, PhD
History of Religion and Ancient Cultures, Brigham Young University,

Ancient Languages and Religions

Robert Fox, PhD
Texas Tech University
Anthropology and Population Biology of Ancient Populations

Bradley T. Lepper, PhD
Ohio State University
Curator of Archaeology, Ohio Historical Society

Deborah A. Bolnick, PhD
University of California – Davis
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas – Austin

Rod Meldrum
DNA Author and Meta-Researcher

President, The FIRM Foundation

Kenneth L. Feder, PhD
Professor of Archaeology, Central Connecticut State University
Author, Frauds, Myths and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology

Wayne N. May
Ancient American Magazine

Susan Fryer
Executive Director
Great Licking County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

Patti Malenke
Director, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum
Coshocton, Ohio

Glenn Beck, Lost Civilizations film referenced

Phoenicia Ship Expedition 7

Phoenicia Ship Expedition 6