Joseph the Seer Dec 23, 1805

Sharon, Vermont This is a place of commemoration. Here, on December 23, 1805, Joseph Smith Jr. was born. Today a monument memorializes this man who is honored by millions of people around the world as a prophet of God. A fifty-foot monument rises up in the Vermont countryside today, just a few steps from the original site of the roughly 800-square-foot farmhouse where Joseph Smith Jr. was born.1 On December 23, 1805, Lucy Mack Smith delivered a son named after his father, Joseph Smith. The baby born to the Smiths that day would become a prophet who devoted his life to building the kingdom of God on the earth. Raised for the 100th anniversary of the Prophet’s birth, the monument is a witness to the world of the life and mission of Joseph Smith.

“Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.” D&C 135:3

“If the Book of Mormon is true, then America is a choice land, but if it is to remain such the inhabitants of the land must worship the God of the land, the Lord Jesus Christ. The histories of two great nations, told with warning in this sacred volume, indicate that while we must have science, while we must have education, while we must have arms, we also must have righteousness if we are to merit the protection of God.” Gordon B. Hinckley The Power of the Book of Mormon Ensign June 1988

[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon Journal] (at a stake conference at Brigham City) President Snow reported that on one occasion Joseph Smith was once asked who he was: “The Prophet smiled kindly upon his interlocutor and replied, “Noah came before the flood; I have come before the fire.” 3 – Abraham H. Cannon Journal Excerpts,

For those concerned how this occultic “Joseph Smith” could make its way into Church publications, President Ezra Taft Benson offered this advice, “Sometimes from behind the pulpit, in our classrooms, in our Council meetings and in our church publications we hear, read or witness things that do not square with the truth. . . . Now do not let this serve as an excuse for your own wrong-doing. The Lord is letting the wheat and the tares mature before he fully purges the Church. He is also testing you to see if you will be misled. The devil is trying to deceive the very elect.” Ezra Taft Benson, “Our Immediate Responsibility” (BYU Devotional, Provo, October 25, 1996), 

Known by the Ancients

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The dispensation of the fulness of times was destined to bring to consummation the work of the Lord. Because this era would be a time when God would “gather together … all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth” (Eph. 1:10), it was a day anticipated and longed for by the early Saints. It was known and spoken of by them, as was the man who would lead the final dispensation. President Brigham Young thus observed concerning Joseph Smith: “It was decreed in the counsels of eternity, long before the foundations of the earth were laid, that he, Joseph Smith, should be the man, in the last dispensation of this world, to bring forth the word of God to the people, and receive the fulness of the keys and power of the Priesthood of the Son of God. The Lord had his eye upon him, and upon his father, and upon his father’s father, and upon their progenitors clear back to Abraham, and from Abraham to the flood, from the flood to Enoch, and from Enoch to Adam. He has watched that family and that blood as it has circulated from its fountain to the birth of that man. He was foreordained in eternity to preside over this last dispensation” (in Discourses of Brigham Young, selected by John A. Widtsoe, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1954, page 108; emphasis added).

A Great Man Was Born

Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, to Lucy Mack Smith and Joseph Smith Sr. At the time, the Smiths lived in a small home on a farm owned by Lucy’s father, Solomon Mack. On the 100th anniversary of Joseph Smith Jr.’s birth, a 50-foot granite obelisk was raised on the site. Today, the grounds at the birthplace serve as a contemplative space open to the public. A visitors’ center provides information about Joseph Smith’s life and his mission as the prophet through whom Jesus Christ began to restore His gospel to the earth.

The Monument and Memorial Grounds Today

Since its dedication, the birthplace site has welcomed visitors, inviting them to connect with their religious heritage and gain a greater appreciation for the Prophet Joseph Smith. Visitors to the site can explore the landscape, see the monument, and go through a visitors’ center, which offers exhibits and information about the Prophet’s life, his family, and their New England heritage.

Doorstep stone of the home at the Joseph Smith birthplace.

Several features on the grounds also help visitors connect to the site’s past. The original stone doorstep and stone garden mark the approximate location of the birthplace home. In the visitors’ center, the home’s original hearthstone is also on display. Visitors can also see the nearby foundations of the homes once owned by Solomon Mack and Lucy’s brother Daniel G. Mack.

Nestled within a rotunda of dense forest, the Joseph Smith Birthplace Monument and Memorial grounds offer visitors a quiet spot to contemplate the life and prophetic mission of Joseph Smith.

John Pratt Calendar’s about Joseph Smith

Dr. John Pratt

This editor has read John Pratt’s material for many years. John is a very brilliant man, but reader beware. Some of his ideas are so hard to understand. John Pratt is a dear friend of Dr. John Lefgren who works with us at the Heartland Research Group. With my condolences, John Pratt passed away a few months ago.

I love the prophet Joseph and I use these Pratt quotes about Joseph Smith’s birthday, as an example of how special a man Joseph Smith is. Using the signs in the heavens, it is interesting to me how the Lord can speak to us truth through various signs and wonders in heaven. Be prayerful.


The Prophet Joseph Smith was born on Mon 23 Dec 1805. That is close to the winter solstice, which usually occurs on 21 December, which has led to the suggestion that his birth symbolized the time when darkness would begin to recede and that the light would return to the earth. But that date is about two days off, according to our calendar. When we looked at the Savior’s birth and death dates, we saw that his birth was timed down to the quarter-day period before the midnight which commenced Thu 6 Apr 1 BC. Similarly, his resurrection must have been after midnight and before dawn on the morning of Sun 3 Apr AD 33. If the Savior’s birth and death were timed so precisely, we might expect that of Joseph Smith to have been also. At this point it might be well to remember that the Lord tends to use the calendars which he has revealed, rather than the one originating with Julius Caesar, which we currently employ. On the Hebrew Calendar, (Below left) the four seasonal markers are the first days of the months Nisan (spring), Tammuz (summer), Tishri (autumn) and Tebeth (winter).

What was the day 23 Dec 1805 on the Hebrew Calendar? While the true Hebrew Calendar is not yet perfectly understood, all indications are that the evening of 23 Dec 1805 began the Hebrew day 1 Tebeth, the precise day of the winter solstice on that calendar. The identification of Joseph Smith as one of the four angels associated with the four seasons suggests that his birth date was carefully planned to coincide with one of the four seasonal markers on a calendar which God has endorsed. On the Hebrew calendar, the first day of every month is considered a holy day, so Joseph Smith was not only born on a holy day, but apparently was the standard bearer for the day of the winter solstice throughout all time. Source

The Modern Hebrew Calendar. The lunar months all begin near a new moon, and an extra month is inserted seven times every nineteen years before Nisan to keep that month in the spring. Note that Nisan is numbered as the first month (Ex. 12:2) even though the civil year begins with the planting season in the fall (Lev. 25:3-22) on 1 Tishri. The original seven holy days of the law of Moses are indicated with black dots. This modern calendar is based entirely on calculations; the Judean calendar used at the time of Christ was based on actual observations of the thin crescent of the new moon to determine the beginning of the month. For some purposes years are reckoned from Nisan, but the official civil year begins on 1 Tishri.

The modern Hebrew Calendar is a lunisolar (“luni”= moon, “solar”=sun) calendar, meaning that it starts its months at the new moon and uses years which are tied to the seasons of the sun. Each month has either 29 or 30 days, which are alternated as needed to keep in sync with the moon’s 29.53-day period of phases. Similarly, either 12 or 13 months are included in the year to track the 365.24-day seasonal year. There is a more detailed description of lunisolar calendars in general in the Introduction to Calendars section, which describes the mathematics of how this is accomplished. The Hebrew Calendar has Several Holy Days, shown in the illustration above.

Oh How Lovely was the Morning (DVD)

This is the true story about two men who had never met, who were on the same search for important dates associated with the History of the Church. Little did they know that their paths would come together many years later in such an important way. The event of the First Vision and the appearance of the Father and the Son to the Prophet Joseph Smith, stands alone as the pivotal event from the Lord in these last days! John Lefgren and John Pratt conclude the date of The First Vision was March 26, 1820. The date on the Star Calendar for the birth of the Prophet Joseph is 10 Sgr. That corresponds to a star in the bow of the Archer (Sagittarius). With so many constellations available representing him, the birth date seemed surprising at first.

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Joseph’s Birth Date

The date on the Star Calendar for the birth of the Prophet Joseph is 10 Sgr. That corresponds to a star in the bow of the Archer (Sagittarius). With so many constellations available representing him, the birth date seemed surprising at first.

The blessings given to his twelve sons by Jacob have many references to constellations in them. Reuben is called unstable as water (Waterbearer), Dan is a serpent which bites heels (Scorpion) and Judah is a Lion. In the later blessing by Moses, Joseph is referred to as a wild ox (the Bull, mistranslated “unicorn” in KJV), with his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh being the two horns (Deut. 33:17).

What was Jacob’s blessing to Joseph? Here is part of it:

But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob (Gen. 49:24)

We know a lot of detail about the life of Joseph of Egypt. Having his bow be strong does not sound like a highlight of his life. It might refer to his descendants being mighty warriors. But it is well known that many of these blessings have obscure and/or multiple meanings. Consider the possibility that another intended meaning of this blessing could be a reference to the Prophet Joseph Smith being the “bow”. If so, then the word “his” in “arms of his hands” could refer to the strength of Joseph Smith. He was known for his great strength, which allowed him to become a champion wrestler.

In any case, it seems possible that Joseph Smith could indeed be symbolized by the Bow of the Archer. If so, then Joseph was born on a day representing him. That star is called the “Bow” in my work now. The day proposed in my work for the date of the death of Isaac was also on the day of the Bow, so Joseph is in good company.

Joseph’s Death Date

Joseph Smith died on the day of the brightest star in the sky in the Big Dog, which represents him. (Photo by Alan Dyer)

The death date of Joseph Smith is more clearly symbolized in the constellations than that of his birth and provides a strong witness as to his identity. The Prophet was murdered on the afternoon of Thu 27 Jun 1844 about 5 p.m. On the Star Calendar that martyrdom day was the day of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, in the Big Dog, which represents Joseph Smith! There is such a small probability that Sirius would fall exactly on the Prophet’s death date by chance, that this is taken as strong evidence that his death date had been known from the beginning.

Fig. 4. The Raven (Corvus) attacking the Fleeing Serpent is Joseph Smith

There is also a second witness. In my work the name of the day of the Hebrew Calendar (10 Tammuz) on which the Prophet Joseph Smith was murdered has been called “Raven Day” because it was the same day as Noah released the raven from the ark. Moreover, it was suggested that it should be considered a holy day because it completes the set of four fast days of mourning which all occur on the tenth day of the months that begin each of the four seasons. That day ties Joseph Smith to his mother because she was born on Raven Day (10 Tammuz) on Sat 8 Jul 1775. It was mentioned in an earlier article that those dates being the same provides both a mother-son link but also emphasizes the importance of that day.[9]

Now two more witnesses appear, making it much harder to ignore all of these witnesses as due to random chance. There is a constellation of a Raven in the heavens. There are three figures attacking the female Fleeing Serpent in the last days as shown in the constellations (see Figure 4). First, there is the Lion (Leo) who is running after her and pouncing on her head to crush it. That Lion has been identified with Adam (as well as Christ). Second, there is a Raven clinging to its back and pecking at it (depicted by the same star being in the serpent’s back and the raven’s beak). And third, there is a Cup attached to it which may represent the Cup of the Wrath of God which is to be poured out on the great and abominable church to cause its demise. Thus it appears that Adam again has two helpers in his quest to destroy his enemy. It is here proposed that the Raven represents Joseph Smith. The cup may represent Abel, but that is not yet clear.

Fig. 5. Using Priesthood Pattern to identify Joseph Smith’s star.

Why a raven for Joseph Smith? In folk tale symbolism, the raven often represents someone who has died and is bringing a message as a spirit. That matches what the Perseus myth says was required from Perseus to be able to slay the Medusa (invisibility). Thus, it is consistent with the symbolism that the Prophet would be martyred on Raven Day on the Hebrew Calendar.

Now consider the Star Calendar. The constellation of the Raven (Corvus) is just below the Maiden (Virgo). The brightest star in the Raven, which represents the entire constellation, has its star slot on the day 13 Vir. It turns out that the prophet’s martyrdom occurred on the very day of the Raven on the Uniform Star Calendar! Thus there are two witnesses that Joseph Smith is the Raven because that was also the day on the Hebrew Calendar.

Seven Angels

Angel Man
1. Uriel Peter
2. Raguel Moses
3. Sariel Abel
4. Raphael Enoch
5. Phanuel Joseph Smith
6. Gabriel Noah
7. Michael Adam
Table 2. Proposed Seven Chief Angels

In a previous paper by this author, the seven holy angels who serve the Lord were tentatively identified with seven men who have lived on earth.[2] Those proposed identifications are summarized in Table 2. The numbers correspond to how the scriptures number them, which turns out also to be the millennium over which they preside (D&C 88:108-110). A later paper also identified each with seven constellations,[3] some of which are shown as illustrations in this article in the section for each angel.

Order of the Angels.

Until now, there has been no obvious way to verify that those proposed identifications were correct. Now a new pattern emerges. If all seven of those men had birth or death dates during the brief spans when the Venus and Uniform Venus Calendars align, it would be beyond chance and hence set a requirement for any proposed candidate to be a chief angel. The chance of any one already proposed or known date occurring in one of the 20-year alignment intervals every 434 years is only 20/434 or 1 in 22. To have either the birth or death date of all seven occur in those intervals from chance would be (2/22)7 which is 1 in 19,000,000. In other words, it would be totally beyond chance (unless one believes chance created the universe, in which case anything is considered possible). With that in mind, let us look at suggested vital dates of each of the seven proposed chief angels.

Twins Reversed

God’s house is a house of order, and it is fair to ask in what order are the columns of the seven angels found. According to the numbers assigned to them for the order in which they sound the trump, noted in the “Seven Angels” section above, the order they appear here is 2, 4, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7. This is nearly identical to the order of the seven rewards of Revelation (but with Adam at the last).[21] That order is seen in Figure 5, by tracing a the line between the points. The exception is that Joseph and Abel are reversed. That reversal of the Twins seems justified in order to put Abel’s column adjacent to Adam’s, because those two are part of each other’s stories. But as I wrote this article, it hit me that there could me something much more important symbolized here. It is also curiously reminiscent of the reversal of the order of blessings to the sons of Joseph of Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim, who were also most likely twins, both being born when Joseph was age 34.[22] The same thing also happened with the twin sons of Judah (Zerah and Pharez), who are also represented by the same colors (the red rose and white rose), and who have reigned alternately on the throne of Israel.[23] The figures are actually also reversed also in the heavens. Castor (Abel) is not nearest the Lion (Adam), and Pollux (Joseph Smith) is not nearest the Bull (Joseph Smith) as might be expected.[24] There is probably some very deep symbolism here having to do with birth order and birth rights before this life.

The Twins

One note on the colors of their clothing shown in my illustrations, white for Pollux and red for Castor. Those colors seemed right for them long before the connection to Joseph Smith and Abel was discovered. They are shown in those colors in my article on the twelve stones.[25] Why? The colors for the Twins are those of Benjamin, being red and white, but which is which? Because it seemed clear that the twins represent Christ at his first coming (lower earthly twin) and also at his second (higher, heavenly, resurrected twin), and the Savior will wear red at his second coming (Rev. 19:13), the higher twin was clothed in red. But now that turns out also to be perfect coloring for Pollux and Castor. Pollux is in white, being Joseph Smith, whose color is white, and Castor is Abel, dressed in red, the color of his father Adam. The attention to detail in all of the symbolism represent.

Joseph Smith The Hero

Joseph Smith, The Hero.

In all of my work so far, the Prophet Joseph Smith has had a lack-luster birth date. It was an important holy day on the Hebrew (PHC) calendar, being 1 Tebeth, the winter solstice, but not a holy day on any other calendar. He was born on 9 Quake, which seems like just an average day on the Sacred Round.

Now for the first time something really unusual shows up about his birth date of Mon 23 Dec 1805. It was 9 Quake (SR), 9 Prime (V), 9 Prime (M), and 9 Prime (UV). The importance of 9 is just being discovered in my work, such as the 9 holy points of the Venus Calendars. For the purposes of this research, that is the same day on both the Venus and the Uniform Venus Calendars, so that meets the criterion being investigated for the chief angels. Adding 2 cycles of 868 years to AD 67 brings one to AD 1803. So with full alignments every 868 years, the birth date of Joseph Smith falls two alignment intervals after Peter’s death.