Rod with Glenn Beck & David Osmond

Alan and Suzanne Osmond’s Clan

Rod Meldrum’s friend David Osmond called him to join David at Glenn Beck’s Ranch. David was singing at an event to be produced by Glenn Beck. David’s mom and dad is Alan and Suzanne Osmond, Rod’s great friends who support the Heartland Model big time. Of course most of you know David Osmond, as the Osmond who took over Donnie’s role as Joseph and the Technicolor Dream-coat in Chicago. He has recorded albums all over the country and David will be singing some special music at a big July 2nd Glenn Beck special called “Restoring Hope”.

David, Glenn and Dance Team
Watch a rehearsal video here.

Tim Ballard

Our great friend, Tim Ballard will also be in attendance on Glenn’s July 2nd show with some of his patriotic stories about America. Don’t forget to check out Tim’s new book called, The Pilgrim Hypothesis” available here:

You can all watch it on July 2nd at 8 pm on Glenn’s Blaze TV here:

Here is David’s facebook and listen to some of his beautiful music below:.

With Glenn

Rod spent some great time with Glenn and David and the crew of entertainers and performers as he watched some wonderful singing and dancing. Rod had the opportunity to meet Glenn’s wonderful wife and his son and daughters. Glenn had asked Rod to bring all his gear with him including Universal Model Rocks, Moroni armor, swords and artifacts, Hebrew Rocks, and all of his books and DVD’s. Glenn had been reading the Annotated Book of Mormon and was very impressed with it. Of course Glenn has to stay neutral as an active Latter-day Saint, as he can’t turn off his huge Christian audience by promoting the Church. It’s sad, but that is the way it has to be.

Rod began sharing some of the items he brought that Glenn could share on the air. Things about the Mound builders and Hopewell and Adena. Rod gave Glenn a Title of Liberty Flag and told Glenn he could promote the Title of Liberty and Glenn said, “I wish I could”. Rod turned to page 297 in the Annotated Book of Mormon and read to Glenn George Washington’s similar Title of Liberty” that says,

“The unnatural Contest between the English Colonies and Great-Britain, has now risen to such a Heighth, that Arms alone must decide it. The Colonies, confiding in the Justice of their Cause, and the Purity of their Intentions, have reluctantly appealed to that Being, in whose Hands are all human Events….

Come then, my Brethren, unite with us in an indissoluble Union, let us run together to the same Goal.—We have taken up Arms in Defence of our Liberty, our Property, our Wives, and our Children, we are determined to preserve them, or die. We look forward with Pleasure to that Day not far remote (we hope) when the Inhabitants of America shall have one Sentiment, and the full Enjoyment of the Blessings of a free Government” George Washington’s Address to the Inhabitants of Canada (14 September 1775)

That was some information Glenn said would be amazing to share about George Washington. Glenn had never seen that quote before.

Glenn’s family was so impressed with the Enhydro rocks (rocks with water inside), and Rod’s story about the age of dinosaurs. Glenn was fascinated with Rod’s replica’s of the Holy Stones and Bat Creek Stone and he asked all kinds of questions about those.

Glenn was excited to share this information on future episodes on radio or TV. Stay tuned for other updates as Rod continues to share his message about the wonderful Book of Mormon with all.

On a fun side-note, before Rod visited with Glenn, David and Glenn were in the middle of a rehearsal and David mentioned Rod Meldrum’s name to Glenn about America’s Covenant and how inspirational Rod’s materials were. Glenn said to David, “Meldrum? isn’t he dead?” David laughed and said no I can get him on the phone right now. David called Rod and that’s how Rod got connected with Glenn again. We are so happy that Rod isn’t dead yet aren’t we?

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