Scanning for Zarahemla


SENSYS Scanning in Zarahemla for November – December 2020

SENSYS in Ohio
 It has taken two years to raise the money. We now have a new donation that allows us to lease the SENSYS MX V3 to begin the magnetic scanning for Zarahemla. This week we made an agreement with the German company, SENSYS, to fly in late November their equipment from Germany to Iowa. Yesterday we contacted ten landowners who farm more than 1,000 acres in Lee County. We are working out the details to gain access to their fields after this year’s harvest. The plan is clear. We are looking for the magnetic evidence of ancient habitations that are 2,000 years old when the people of Zarahemla made fires for heating, cooking, and lighting their roundhouses. It would be wonderful if we are able to find evidence of ancient fires for the working of metal.

Our 2018 scanning in Ohio demonstrated the effectiveness of the German technologies for the Heartland Research Group. Within a few days, we were able to identify the locations of six roundhouses that were 2,000 years old. In March 2019 in Saarow, Germany, and we had the opportunity to become acquainted with Wolfgang Süß, Managing Director, SENSYS Sales & Strategy. During that visit, there was a chance to become better acquainted with German engineers and scientists who are at Nobel Prize-winning levels when it comes to the measurement of magnetic forces.The expertise of German science permits the passive measurement of differential magnetic forces in the ground. Their scanning produces non-evasive, detailed surveys of ancient sites. The German system gives massive amounts of data in a short time. The equipment makes 13 million data readings per acre with a GPS accuracy of +/- 0.25″. The equipment can survey as many as 50 acres a day. No other technology produces so much information from the ground in such a short time and at such a low cost. From the SENSYS website, you will see underwater applications of this technology.

SENSYS employs 40 highly trained people. The company has a sufficient number of experts in one place that they are able within a very short time to test and evaluate the effectiveness of new processes and techniques. Some of these engineers and scientists have been working for SENSYS for more than 30 years. There is a very close working relationship between SENSYS and the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin. No other archaeological research organization in the world is as highly respected as Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. This institute operates as a “scientific corporation”, under the auspices of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany and fully endorses the effectiveness of the SENSYS technology.SENSYS MV V3 System Coming to ZarahemlaSensys Sideview 
©2020 Zarahemla | 2681 Milan Street Easton, PA 18045 US
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Understanding Hopewell & Adena Earthworks in Ohio

You can purchase the results of our Heartland Research group in Ohio from July 2018 here. We found at Fort Glenford Ohio some Adena roundhouses that date to 270 BC. Richard Moats and Wayne May have documented this information in this two book series.

3- Full Reports

Yost Works 18-Page Report
The Reconstruction & Archeoastronomy of a Hopewell Geometric Earthwork in Ohio -A Window into Hopewell Religion
Fort Glenford 17-Page Report
Fort Glenford Hill Top Enclosure -An Adena Mortuary Complex
6-page Addendum Sept 2018
With updated and current information about these amazing discoveries.
Author:Rev. Richard D. Moats Over 40 Pages of Archaeology in words and color photographs.

Glenford Fort SE Entrance