The Magnificence of Man by RUSSELL M. NELSON

“Through the ages, some without scriptural understanding have tried to explain our existence by pretentious words such as ex nihilo (out of nothing). Others have deduced that, because of certain similarities between different forms of life, there has been a natural selection of the species, or organic evolution from one form to another. Still others have concluded that man came as a consequence of a “big bang” that resulted in the creation of our planet and life upon it. To me, such theories are unbelievable!”

“We are children of God, created by him and formed in his image. Recently I studied the scriptures simply to find how many times they testify of the divine creation of man. Looking up references that referred either to create or form (or their derivatives) with either man, men, male, or female in the same verse, I found that there are at least fifty-five verses of scripture that attest to our divine creation. So, we can either believe in evolution or the scriptures, not both.” The Magnificence of Man RUSSELL M. NELSON of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles March 29, 1987


“Bridging those Gaps between Faith and Intellect”

Elder Holland said, “You should know,” the writer said, “that some people in the extended community are feeling abandoned and betrayed by BYU. It seems that some professors (at least the vocal ones in the media) are supporting ideas that many of us feel are contradictory to gospel principles, making it appear to be about like any other university our sons and daughters could have attended. Several parents have said they no longer want to send their children here or donate to the school.

“Please don’t think I’m opposed to people thinking differently about policies and ideas,” the writer continued. “I’m not. But I would hope that BYU professors would be bridging those gaps between faith and intellect and would be sending out students who are ready to do the same in loving, intelligent, and articulate ways. Yet I fear that some faculty are not supportive of the Church’s doctrines and policies and choose to criticize them publicly.” The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University JEFFREY R. HOLLAND of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles August 23, 2021.

Revealed Principles

August 20, 2020  ·


In 1910 Horace Cummings, superintendent of Church schools, became concerned because they were “applying the evolutionary theory and other philosophical hypotheses to principles of the gospel and to the teachings of the Church in such a way as to disturb, if not destroy the faith of the pupils,” and he wrote, “Many stake presidents, some of our leading principals and teachers, and leading men who are friends of our schools have expressed deep anxiety to me about this matter.”

Superintendent Cummings reported to the board that:

  1. The teachers were following the “higher criticism”. . . , treating the Bible as “a collection of myths, folk-lore, dramas, literary productions, history and some inspiration.”
  2. They rejected the flood, the confusion of tongues, the miracle of the Red Sea, and the temptation of Christ as real phenomena.
  3. They said John the Revelator was not translated but died in the year A.D. 96.
  4. “The theory of evolution is treated as a demonstrated law and their applications of it to gospel truths give rise to many curious and conflicting explanations of scripture.”
  5. The teachers carried philosophical ideas too far: (1) “They believed sinners should be pitied and enlightened rather than blamed or punished,” (2) and they believed that “we should never agree. God never made two things alike. Only by taking different views of a thing can its real truth be seen.”
  6. The professors taught that “all truths change as we change. Nothing is fixed or reliable.”
  7. They also taught that “Visions and revelations are mental suggestions. The objective reality of the presence of the Father and the Son, in Joseph Smith’s first vision, is questioned.” Full Story: https://speeches.byu.edu/…/boyd-k-packer/snow-white-birds/

Snow White Birds

Jump forward to 2020 with Tristan Mourier bringing forth a petition exposing the ideologies happening still at the Lord’s University! Enough is Enough!

Is Evolution Real? Christians Should Embrace Darwin’s Theories, Mormon College Professor Says


“An evolutionary biologist who teaches at a college owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said that Mormons should feel comfortable accepting the theory of evolution, the Salt Lake City Tribune reported.

Brigham Young University biologist Steven Peck gave the Eugene England Memorial Lecture at Utah Valley University, a publicly-funded school, on Thursday. At the address, he delved into the rift between science and religion.

Peck does not see science as undermining religion. “The Church has long been interested in education and truth and knowledge,” Peck told Newsweek. “[BYU] itself is a reflection of that interest in gaining knowledge. And from my perspective, evolution is an important part of biology. It’s the foundation of all of biology.” Kate Sheridan, Newsweek

Great and Spacious Building!

Why are many  BYU Professors teaching Evolution as a Law and not as a Theory? I believe it has to do their pride in their little liberal bubble. I believe the intellectuals and the Deep State of the world are the Great and Spacious Building!

David Hocking a great friend said, “The term evolution should be abandoned and replaced with adaptation. Thousands of species have been shown to implement adaptation for survival. They are still the same species and their DNA code was designed to provide that mechanism for environmental challenges.

I studied hemoglobins and of the over 1000 structural variants and the varied forms of impaired globin chain assemblies, not one is beneficial. And hemoglobin is one of several thousand proteins that are in the human body.” David Hocking Managing Editor Annotated Book of Mormon 

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