Book of Mormon Answers2

Understanding Geography in the Book of Mormon

1.Why do Prophets tell us it’s critical to read the Book of Mormon?

2.What is the best source to find Scriptural Evidence that the BofM happened in North America?

3.Explain the BofM Geography and Church History

4.What did Joseph Fielding Smith say about the Heartland?

5.Did you know a “hole” or a seemingly “man-made cave was found at the Hill Cumorah?

6.Did you know there is only “One Narrow Neck of Land”, but a total of 3 Unique Necks in the Book of Mormon?

7.Does the Geography of the Book of Mormon matter?

8.Did Joseph Smith have a vision of Zelph, and why is the location significant?

9.Does Moroni hold the Keys of the Stick of Ephraim?

10.What does the statement that says “Choice” Land, mean?

11.How does the Chronology of Events at Adam-ondi-Ahman verify the Heartland Model?

12.Meso vs Heartland Models: Which one is right?

13.Take this simple QUIZ. Meso vs Heartland!

14.What are the Pros & Cons of Book of Mormon Geography Theories?

15.Where did Lehi Land?

16.Where did the Mulekites Land?

17.Where Does The Book Of Mormon Really Take Place and Does It Matter?

18.What cities in the United States did the Nephites live?

19.Do non-Mormon Archaeologists think there are signs of Hebrews in Ohio?

20.Did Joseph Smith “Know” the geography of the Book of Mormon?

21.What is the Hemispheric Model of the Book of Mormon?

22.Did Lehi have honey in both of the “Lands of Bountiful”?

23.Did you know the “New World” is really the “Old World” where Adam was placed?

24.What is the Smoking Gun of Book of Mormon Geography?

25.What Prophets and Apostles speak about only “One” Hill Cumorah?

26.Where did Hagoth sail?

27.How can Lamanites live in both North and Central America?

28.How do I understand necks, lines, passages, strips, and the narrow neck of land?

29.Why is Florida a possible location for Lehi’s landing?

30.Did you know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did a video of Christ appearing in N. America?

31.Where in the USA would the Land Bountiful be located?

32.Where could the first Temple of Nephi have been built?

33.Are there any Ancient Cities hidden in North America?

34.What location is possible in which the Savior appeared to the Nephites?

35.Where is the best overview of Moroni’s America or the Heartland?

36.What is the Historicity of the Book of Mormon?

37.Is the Mississippi River the River Sidon?

38.What were the building materials on the Nephites?

39.BYU/Geography Packet is available here!

40.Where is Biet Lehi and why is it sacred?

41.Where is the City of Zarahemla located?

42.What is the Hinterlands and are Lamanites found in Central America?

43.What possible area did the Savior appear to the Nephites?

44.How does Zelph, Zions Camp, and the Letter to Emma support a North American Setting?

45.As a teacher what is a good way to validate the Heartland theory?

46.What proof is there that the Nephites fought their last battles near Cumorah?

47.Before the Great Flood, what part of the world did Adam and Noah live?

48.What was the Continent of Genesis before Adam was placed on earth?

49.What is significant about Ohio in the Book of Mormon?

50.What was the character of North American forts and defenses?

51.Is the Land of Joseph promised for the Gathering of Israel?

52.Is there a difference between Liberty and Freedom in the United States?

53.Does Mesoamerica have the necessary animals needed to practice the Law of Moses?

54.What are the ancient Jewish and Roman artifacts found in Tucson, Arizona?

55.Please show me many Prophets and Apostles speaking about the BofM in North America.

56.I would like to hear a debate between a Heartlander and  Mesoamericanist.

57.Why is it ok to be passionate about the Book of Mormon Geography?

58.In what ways do we confuse the Old World with the New World? Which is which?

59.How was land divided in the Old World among the 12 tribes of Israel?

60.Where is there proof of ancient Nephite hunting grounds?

61.Did Heber C. Kimball say where the Hill Cumorah is located?

62.How can Adam-Ondi-Ahman be both Desolate and Beautiful?

63.Where is Zarahemla, IOWA and Manti, MISSOURI?

64.What is the Historicity of the Book of Mormon?

There is only “ONE” Hill Cumorah

1 Why are no bones found near the Hill Cumorah?
2 What is the History around Cumorah and is other evidence found?
3 Are there artifacts found near the Hill Cumorah?
4 Is there one or two Hill Cumorah’s?
5 Why is understanding the word Cumorah and when it was first understood as the hill in upstate New York important?
6 Do we find Prophetic Witnesses of the Final Battles at the NY Hill Cumorah?
7 Is it true there was a large cave in the Hill Cumorah that held wagon loads of plates?
8 Read 31 Quotes from Prophets and Apostles about only One Cumorah!
9 Did you know that Mark E. Petersen Testified of “One Hill Cumorah”
10 Did you know a “hole” or a seemingly “man-made cave was found at the Hill Cumorah?
11 What are the two depositories located on the Hill Cumorah?
12 Is the Hill Cumorah and Hill Ramah the same hill?
13 Where did Young Mormon travel with his father beginning at  Hill Cumorah in Mormon 1:6-7?


There is only “ONE” Hill Cumorah


1 Did Joseph Smith translate the plates with a seer stone or the Urim and Thummim?
2 What was the method of Translation?
3 Did Joseph Smith translate one or two sets of plates?
4 Is the Book of Mormon as current as the daily news?
5 Whatever happened to the Golden Plates?
6 Why Joseph sends the Caractors with Martin Harris to find a translator
7 Were there any females witnesses to the gold plates?


1 Where was the Garden of Eden located?
2 What is the significance of the Mormons and the Mounds?
3 Did Abraham Lincoln read the Book of Mormon?
4 Did Angel Moroni appear to George Washington?
5 How do the Newark Earthworks explain the Plan of Salvation?
6 Who was Zelph the righteous “White Lamanite”?
7 Where did Joseph Smith say “The Plains of the Nephites” are located?
8 Is Moroni the Guardian Angel of the United States of America?


1 Where is the oldest mound site found in North America?
2 Is the Adena Culture the same as the Jaredite Culture?
3 What is the Lenape Stone with an Indian killing a Mammoth?
4 Who are the Hopewell Indians of North America?
5 Can we Compare the Hopewell Armies with the Nephite Armies?
6 Are there signs of the Savior in Hopewell Earthworks?
7 How do the Hopewell Indians compare with the Nephites?
8 What is the 400 year prophecy from Samuel the Lamanite?
9 What are Hopewell pipes and why are they important?
10 Did the Hopewell and Adena use Breastplates?
11 How should ancient temples be built in North America?


1 Have we found DNA of Israel in the United States?
2 Do we find the Hebrew language in North American Indians?
3 Are Hebrews found in North America?
4 Did you know Lehi in Hebrew means Jawbone?
5 Why is the TETRAGRAMMATON important in Hebrew?
6 Compare the Five-Fingered Hand Hamsa Amulet and the All Searching Eye.
7 What similarities are found between the DNA of Native Americans and Jews?
8 Where is the best source to find DNA evidence in North America? (Short Version)
9 Where is the best source to find DNA evidence in North America? (Long Version Free Download)
10 Are Joseph’s Remnant the Native Americans of the United States?
11 Are there signs of Hebrews in North America?
12 Are the Native American Lamanites really descendants of the Jews?
13 What is Chiasmus or  the ancient Hebrew writing system?
14 Are there Hebrew sites, mounds, and artifacts in the Unites States?


1 Was the Law of Moses practiced in Israel as it was in the Heartland of America?
2 Who were the Shepherds in the Christmas Story?
3 What is the difference between Altars of Stone and Stone Altars?
4 How important was the Law of Moses during the Nativity?
5 Why is Barley so important to the Law of Moses?
6 What animals should we find in North America in order for the Nephites to practice the Law of Moses?
7 Did you know a cave of Dove Dwellings (Dovecots) was found south of Jerusalem with the name of House of Lehi at the cave?
8 What Offerings and Sacrifices support the Law of Moses?

(A thing belonging to a period other than that in which it exists)

1 Do we find horses in ancient North America?
2 Are Cureloms and Cumoms found in North America?
3 Have any Nephite Coins been found?
4 Are Tapir’s a good substitute for Horses?
5 Is snow mentioned in the book of Mormon?
6 Have we found mummies in North America?
7 Are Dinosaurs millions of years old?
8 Have we found steel and swords in North America?


1 Was ancient copper found in Michigan in 2450 BC?
2 Is there archaeological evidence for the BofM battles at Hill Cumorah?
3 What are the Newark Holy Stones?
4 Is there proof of Michigan Copper being used in Europe before Columbus?
5 What is the Bat Creek Stone that was found in Tennessee?
6 Did you know about the finding of a Jewish Phylactery in Massachusetts?
7 Did you know there is a bigger Stonehenge in North America than in Europe?
8 What is the connection between Mounds and the Smith Family?
9 What is the Waubonsee Stone?
10 Have we found head plates and breastplates in North America?
11 What are the Hebrew Works or the East Fork, or the Menorah Works?
12 What time period were the Newark Earthworks built?


1 Does the Resurrection disprove Organic Evolution?
2 Are the Scriptures and Science compatible?
3 What is the Illusion of scholarship – Mantle vs. Intellect?
4 What two books published in 1830, changed the world?
5 Why does all Inspiration Not Necessarily Come From God!
6 What do Prophets say about Creation and Evolution?
7 Why do only 49% of LDS believe the Book of Mormon is a literal, historical account?
8 How can I watch out for Moral Relativism and Political Correctness?


1 What was the relationship between Joseph Smith and the Native Americans?
2 Are the forefathers of the Native Americans the Nephites?
3 Was the Liahona known by Native Americans?
4 Why should we share the Book of Mormon particularly with Native Americans?
5 Did Joseph Smith have much contact with Native Americans when he was young?
6 How was the Trail of Tears a test for the Gentiles?
7 What Native American Indian Tribe id closely tied to Joseph Smith?
8 How has the song “Red Man” influenced Betty Red Ant LaFontaine?
9 How did we find out about the baptism for th dead of the 85 Indian Chiefs?
10 What is the story of Sagwitch the Shoshone Chief who joined the Church?


1 Did Columbus discover America?
2 Did George Washington make a Covenant with God and the United States?
3 How many Promised Lands are there?
4 What are the 36 Prophecies and Promises in the BofM related to the USA?
5 Were the Mayans & Aztecs Scattered by the Gentiles as it says in the Book of Mormon?
6 Did L. Tom Perry really say that the United States is the Promised Land in the Book of Mormon?
7 Is the US Constitution a Divine Instrument from God?
8 Was George Washington a Christian?
9 How do you feel about a Constitutional Convention?
10 What is the destiny of America?
11 Who were the Guardian Angels of the United States?
12 Was Columbus inspired to find this New World?
13 What land did Joseph of Egypt receive as a ‘Land of Inheritance”?
14 What does Hartman Rector Jr. think about the USA?
15 Who were the eminent men that Wilford Woodruff baptized in the St George Temple?
16 Is our Constitution really hanging by a thread?
17 What did Thomas Jefferson think of the Indian mounds?
18 How important is Missionary work in the Promised Land?


1 What did Oliver Cowdery Preach to the Delaware Indian Tribe?
2 What Historical Indian did many things just like Samuel the Lamanite?
3 Has the “Blossoming of the Rose” happened?
4 What was Parley P. Pratt’s Mission to the Lamanites?
5 Who is Chief Washakie, and the man who baptized him?
6 Have you met the wonderful Chickasaw Lamanite, Franklin Keel?
7 Who were the 85 Native American Chiefs baptized in the St George Temple?
8 Will the Redemption of Zion have to include the Remnant of Joseph of Egypt?
9 Do we have a record of the Lamanites of North America who were members of the Church?
10 Who was Chief Blue who spoke at General Conference?
11 What does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say about the Lamanites?



1 Why does is seem that many intellectuals are living in the Great and Spacious Building?
2 Was the New Madrid Earthquake prophesied by Native Americans?

Do we follow the Prophets or Scientists?

What is the Universal Science and is it compatible with the Book of Mormon?

4 Why do Scholars and Intellectuals edit Joseph Smiths words?
5 How are Even the Very Elect to be Deceived?
6 What was edited from the Brigham Young Manual that favored Mesoamerican theorists?
7 Why do Scholars edit “Saints”, Manuals, and the Wentworth Letter?
8 Why do Historian censor the book titled “Saints”?
9 Rod Meldrum replies to a Dr. about Mormonism
10 What does the Chicago Divinity School say about the Heartland?
11 What part of the Wentworth Letter was omitted by Historians and why?


1 What is the Book of Jasher?
2 Who were some of the African American heroes that crossed the plains?
3 What was the vision of Rebecca Bean about?
4 Why are Unicorns mentioned in the Bible?
5 Is Joseph Smith a “Pure Ephraimite”?
6 What are the similarities and differences between the Mormons and the Masons?
7 Do you know about the unusual occurrence near the Sacred Grove?
8 Who is a Literal Descendant of Abraham?
9 Listen on the radio to Rod, Jonathan, and Hannah
10 Did you know that NEW York had a Temperance Day near the time Joseph received the Word of wisdom?
11 Can we all become “Seers”
12 Do we know the exact date that Joseph Smith had the First Vision?
13 How are the names Noph, Memphis, and Nephi related?
14 Is Melchizedek and Shem the same person?
15 Have you ever read Joseph Smith’s Patriarchal blessing?
16 Heber J. Grant; Dedication of the Land of Japan
17 Why is the 1845 Apostles Proclamation to the World so important?
18 Who Were The Signers Of The Book Of The Lord’s Commandments?
19 How often is the Name Christ or other versions, mentioned in the Book of Mormon?
20 In 12 years, what has been the largest FIRM Foundation Conference ever?
21 In what way is the Book of Mormon like Salt?


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